#adrian greenwood
taminoarticles · 2 years
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— Tamino for ODDA Magazine, No. 23 / Fall/Winter 2022-23 / Spring 2023 (x)
"When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object," says Milan Kundera in his masterpiece, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," Tamino's favorite novel. And it is that the music of this young Belgian-Egyptian singer cannot come from anywhere other than a heart that harbors feelings as pure as longing or melancholy. At 25 years old, Tamino has turned into a musical reference due to his complex themes and his deep and emotional voice that became known for the acclaimed song "Habibi," instant success in 2018. His first album, "Amir," was not long in coming to confirm his undoubted talent, capable of conquering even musicians like Colin Greenwood, a member of Radiohead and Tamino's frequent collaborator. Now, after taking a break from all this whirlwind of emotions, he returns to the spotlight determined to move us with "Sahar," his sophomore album, released at the end of September 2022, that shows us a more vitalistic and tender side of the singer, who takes us by the hand to guide us through the boulevard of broken hearts. Could there be a better company?
JUAN MARTI SERRANO. Hello Tamino, it is a pleasure to meet you! I'd like to talk a little about your past. You started in the music industry at a very young age, when you were only 14 years old, creating your own music band. Now, at 25, when you look back, how do you remember those years?
TAMINO. When I was 14, I started out playing in bands very locally in Belgium so I wouldn't call it "the music industry yet," we were performing but not making any money. That period of my life taught me a lot about band dynamics and sound checks, some stuff you have to learn. At 17, I went to study in Amsterdam and I started performing just by myself. Suddenly, when I created my first song in 2017, stuff started happening, I was 19-20 years old. Those years were quite crazy, a rollercoaster, a lot happened in a short amount of time. I was never home, touring all the time...
J.M.S. What was more fun, those old days or just now?
T. I couldn't say. There are aspects of it now that are more fun and there are aspects of before that are also more fun. The weird thing is that I've always taken this very seriously, in that sense nothing has really changed. If I would play in a small cafe show when I was 17 in Amsterdam I would take it as seriously as I am taking the show now. I don’t allow myself to go crazy like drinking the night before or whatever. I'm quite boring in that sense, I'm very dedicated to the shows and what I’m doing, I always want quality. I guess the scale is the only thing that has changed.
"I'm an introvert so that's where I get my energy, when I'm alone, I recharge my batteries." - Tamino
J.M.S. What lessons have you learned during all these years?
T. That I don’t really like traveling! [laughs.] I mean, I love being in other places, I love meeting new people and cultures but I don't like traveling itself. I know some people like flying, but I really hate it, I hate all the waiting around it. At the same time, when you are on tour with the same people all the time, sometimes in close spaces, I concluded, "Yes, I’m an introvert." I need time for myself, I need to read, to have space. That's the main thing that I have learned.
J.M.S. Have you ever thought about a life not linked to music? Have you ever contemplated a future detached from your role as a singer?
T. First, I really loved acting and directing. I was always making these little theater plays and forcing my little brother to participate in them. That was actually my first passion, I really, really loved it. I took it very seriously as well even though I was fucking eight years old or whatever. I acted until I was 15 or 16 along with the music but music eventually took over. The funny thing is that now my brother is an actor and a director. That was basically the only other aspiration I ever had.
J.M.S. Have you ever thought of revisiting your acting passion?
T. If I do anything with it I would really need to take it as seriously as music. It couldn't be a part-time thing, it would require a lot of my time and effort. I should just be able to give it my everything.
J.M.S. You consider yourself a composer before a musician. I would like to know what inspires you the most when creating your sound and your lyrics.
T. I really don’t know! [laughs] I think that’s the beauty of songwriting, you simply don’t know where it comes from. If I think about books or other music, yes. I can tell you about several people that inspire me the most. I really love reading a lot because it’s sort of this in-depth perspective of someone else’s life or whatever which is super inspiring for me. Something about reading a book makes me want to write a song as well. But the biggest thing of course is just living. The main thing behind my songwriting has always been finding a sort of inner world, also to work through things. I don't want to call it therapy because it is an art form and not every song must be autobiographical, it is just a place where I can let my emotions be and refine them in a way.
J.M.S. Now I am very curious to know what your favorite book is...
T. I really love "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera.
J.M.S. And tell me, when it comes to composing the narrative of your music, I would like to know if they are based on your own experiences or on the experiences of others. Do you find more inspiration in your life or in the lives of others?
T. I guess it's always a combination. You go through life experiencing whatever comes across your path but you are also an observer. It is always a little bit of both. I have to say that when something impactful happens to me there is of course an inner tension that wants to get out of me. That's the most natural state of being when wanting to create something. If that isn't there, life can be sometimes very still or dynamic, then it’s more a craftsmanship thing. I couldn't say if one stage is better than the other. I don't necessarily think that the best song comes from this struggle and tense state of being or maybe of the observer state of being. Both influence each other, it's like a dance.
J.M.S. Don't you think that many times writing music forces you to constantly immerse yourself in your memories and experiences as if it were an eternal and exhausting spiral of introspection?
T. It's the other way around [laughs.] It's not being a musician that makes me think about all those things all the time; it is just the fact that I always think about those things that probably made me into a musician. That it's just how I am and how I've always been. There is this beautiful song called "I Watched The Film The Song Remains The Same" by Sun Kil Moon. In this song, the singer thinks about his childhood and compares his friends to himself and how he always was drawn to the melancholic aspects of things and how things never leave him. He once had a fight at school and how that event is going to haunt him forever. I really relate to that emotion, to that song. That's probably the main reason why I make stuff.
J.M.S. Being a melancholic and nostalgic person but at the same time young and sensitive, have you ever stopped to think about what the hell you really know about life?
T. Of course! [laughs.] When you are a bit younger you think you know everything, you think you are invincible but of course, that grows out of you quickly normally when you grow into adulthood. I don't think being a songwriter is about knowing things, it’s more about exploring them and accepting the fact that you don’t know anything and you are just figuring it all out. I think that figures out all-out aspects of it that people relate to in a way because at the end if you look at songs from whatever era, you find similar things. Human experiences are not very different from each other.
J.M.S. Are you hoping to figure things out?
T. Yeah! You are always trying to figure things out I guess.
J.M.S. Your single "Habibi" made you reach fame back in 2018, a song that was highly applauded by the public and critics. How do you feel when you listen to that song? Do you still recognize yourself in those lyrics?
T. I recognize the boy who wrote it at the time. I was 18 so I have a lot of love for that younger self. It was a very courageous song to release especially at that age. I'm super happy that I did that at the end. It is still a song that I love performing. The beautiful thing about songs is that they evolve with you. When I'm singing it now,the feeling I get from the  song is different. There are so many memories attached to the song that come back and give me a similar feeling as it did back then, but the song changes a bit with you. It keeps on surprising me.
J.M.S. The same year [2018] you released your first album, "Amir." How do you remember the moment of releasing that first great work?
T. I was definitely nervous but at the same time, I was feeling like I had made something you really believe in and you are fully behind it. You feel that whatever happens to this, whatever opinions it can receive, this is what you wanted to make so it doesn't really matter. Well, it matters but at the same time it doesn't [laughs.] Let’s say hypothetically if I would have made an album that I wasn't proud of and I would release it feeling that it wasn't what I wanted to do, the bad opinions would have made me feel broken because I would be thinking "I knew it wasn’t good!" If I really like the work and someone doesn't like it it’s fine, I'm still going to like it. The curse of writing albums is that the moment you finish it a couple of months later you totally like hearing all the flaws and it’s very motivational because it drives you to start writing again and to try to make a follow-up with fewer flaws [laughs.]
"Right now I'm super focused on music, I really want to make a third album. I want to write a lot of songs in the next few months even though I know that's going to be super busy." - Tamino
J.M.S. But the reception of your album was really great!
T. I know [laughs.] But I can hear all the things I could have done better or just differently. One work drives the other.
J.M.S. In one of her songs, Spanish singer, Rosalia, mentions that fame is a bad lover. Nowadays, being famous entails enduring an intrusion into private life and overexposure to social media. How has your experience with fame been after gaining attention through your songs?
T. Fame is a very subjective term. In some sorts of bubbles, you can be famous, but in others, people don’t know you at all. Before social media, if you were famous, you were really famous. But now it’s like a big group of people know you but then a bigger group of people have never heard anything about you, so I wouldn't be able to call myself “famous.” I have experienced aspects of fame when I’m performing, because a lot of people who know my music have come together and maybe want to meet me in person after the show. And it can be overwhelming because suddenly there are a lot of people who have heard your music and want to express their love. But if I’m just walking on the street there are not enough people who really know me, rather it would be annoying. I feel really happy with my level of fame or whatever you want to call it, because it is really spread or very concentrated when I’m performing. Otherwise, I have a very normal life.
J.M.S. Look, I think if you have your own Wikipedia page, you're famous!
T. Oh, man! Then a lot of people can be considered famous! [laughs]
J.M.S. Singer, Lykke Li, declared that “sadness is a blessing.” Do you think that for artists it is totally true when it comes to finding inspiration?
T. Definitely. I've found many emotions inspirational. I guess sadness and joy are quite connected, they can’t be without each other. You can only be joyful because you know what sadness is like. The same thing goes for sadness. I like the yin-yang of that. That's basically everything. Everything comes down to that.
J.M.S. You say that you don’t like to explain your own songs, you prefer that everyone interprets them. So if we go by that idea there is not just one Tamino, but many versions of you for every person who listens to your songs, right?
T. Yes! I think people do that anyway. Life happens inside our consciousness so everyone has their own perspective. There are many versions of you because in everybody's mind you are somehow a bit different. There would never be one singular vision of a person.
J.M.S. This makes me think a bit about the mystery and how overexposed artists are today because of social media. You have managed to stay out of all that madness and remain very enigmatic. Do you think it’s important for an artist to be somehow untouchable and unreachable?
T. I do like some mystery [laughs.] In the first place as a fan of other artists I like it when they are not too revealing because I don’t want to know everything about them, I just want to experience their work. At the same time, I read for example a biography about Leonard Cohen because I was interested in his life. I do like some mystery and I think it is important for people to be able to experience the work as pure as possible.
J.M.S. After having listened to “Sahar,” I am left with the feeling that one of the main themes is loneliness. I would like to ask you, do you usually feel lonely or do you consider yourself a solitary person? Or otherwise, have you learned how to embrace loneliness and be comfortable with it?
T. Rather a solitary person than lonely. I don’t really feel lonely because I have really good friends. Loneliness is more about a state of being that you can feel from time to time and when you feel it you can dwell in it or call a friend and hang out. I do that when I feel lonely but I'm also very ok with being alone because it’s the only way I'm able to create. I’m an introvert so that’s where I get my energy, when I'm alone, I recharge my batteries.
J.M.S. One of my favorite songs on the album, “The Longing,” talks about letting go. Do you think you are someone who holds on to people or even memories or is it easy for you to let go?
T. I'm still figuring that out. I don’t know yet if I’m a super sentimental person who is very nostalgic and dwells in the past or someone who is quite always moving forward. Maybe I’m someone in between.
J.M.S. In “Sahar” through songs like “The First Disciple,” you talk about love and desire. At 25 years old, do you think our generation correctly understands what love is about?
T. I wouldn't be able to say what love is about, I don’t even know. That's a difficult question to answer. There is something about the whole dating app era that is a bit weird but at the same time, I have a lot of friends who found love, even myself. I would never say that we are a lost generation, we are very capable of love, finding it, and maintaining it. It just takes some work.
J.M.S. In both records, “Sahar” and “Amir,” you can perceive that the great influence of bands like Radiohead is prominent. Actually, a component of the band participated in a single of your first album, “Indigo Night.” I would like to know your personal and musical connection with the band led by Thom Yorke.
T. Colin Greenwood, the bassist of Radiohead, was the one who played with us in that song, then we started touring together a bit, and then I asked him to play again in the new album so he plays in seven songs! We spent a lot of time in the studio and we already did a big concert in Istanbul in June. He is super.
“I guess sadness and joy are quite connected, they can’t be without each other. You can only be joyful because you know what sadness is like. The same thing goes for sadness.” - Tamino
J.M.S. Ok, we spoke about music, your “personality” as an artist… Tell us more about who Tamino is.
T. Well I can tell you that my favorite movie is “Phantom Thread.”
J.M.S. That movie in which the fashion designer lets himself be poisoned by his girlfriend in a kind of psycho-emotional game?
T. Yes! Love that movie! When I was a kid my favorite movies were “The Lord of the Rings” and they still sort of are.
J.M.S. Love “Lord of the Rings”, so homoerotic!
T. Which character makes you think those movies are homoerotic?
J.M.S. Most of them. All those sweaty and dirty men sleeping together in those dark and mysterious forests with voyeuristic trees with eyes spying on them...
T. Maybe I should rewatch them!
J.M.S. And Frodo and Sam, of course! Something between them was going on!
T. Oh yes! I can understand that!
J.M.S. And favorite musician?
T. So many! Anouar Brahem’s “Blue Maqams” has really inspired me for this album. The typical ones I have mentioned so many times like Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, Fairuz... I think when I really like something I always go back to it, that’s probably something that is very present in my personality. I have loyalty to those kinds of things. I rarely have anything like this new thing that I’m super into. I like a lot of things but I don’t love a lot of things. If I love something, it is with me forever in a way. There are a couple of books and movies that I would always go back to and I probably always talk about.
J.M.S. Any TV shows?
T. “Better Call Saul!” Just brilliant!
J.M.S. Let's talk about fashion, an industry that has been seduced by you since we all got to discover your music. Some houses such as Missoni included you in their advertising campaign and many others requested your presence in their shows. What is the meaning of fashion for Tamino and how do you go through your style?
T. I like just wearing clothes that make me feel I would say “I like myself,” but it depends on the day. Sometimes I like to wear a suit, sometimes I like to wear a t-shirt. What I'm wearing needs to make me feel aligned with the mood I'm in because then I feel that my interactions with people are better. I think that wearing what makes you feel comfortable that day makes you more connected to yourself.
J.M.S. Do you pay attention to the clothes you wear?
T. I definitely pay attention to what I wear. I love well-made clothes and good fabrics and designs. I really appreciate the quality. There are some brands that I'm really into like Yohji Yamamoto.
J.M.S. Would you like to participate actively and frequently in the world of fashion?
T. It’s funny because it was never an ambition when I was younger. It was something that just happened. It’s super cool but I’m very sober in fashion. It’s not like I’ve ever had a deep desire to make it in fashion, if something comes along and feels right like I really want to do it, then for sure!
J.M.S. Now that you have a well-grounded career in music and the support of specialized critics and your fans, what is the next step for Tamino?
T. First, we have the tour coming so I hope I will be able to enjoy it more this time, to be more at the moment. Right now I’m super focused on music, I really want to make a third album. I want to write a lot of songs in the next few months even though I know that’s going to be super busy. I want to spend some time in New York or anywhere else that can feel inspired. It’s time for something new.
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osmiumpenguin · 6 months
It's the solstice tonight, and a good time to reflect on my favourite books from the past year.
I'm making very little attempt to rank these titles. They're simply the books that I enjoyed most, and they're presented in the order I read them. • "The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet," by Becky Chambers (2014) • "The Galaxy, and the Ground Within," by Becky Chambers (2021) • "Locklands," by Robert Jackson Bennett (2022) • "Beloved," by Toni Morrison (1987) • "Exhalation," by Ted Chiang (2019) • "Fugitive Telemetry," by Martha Wells (2021) • "Becoming Kin: An Indigenous Call to Unforgetting the Past and Reimagining Our Future," by Patty Krawec (2022) • "The Vanished Birds," by Simon Jimenez (2020) • "The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family," by Joshua Cohen (2021) • "Utopia Avenue," by by David Mitchell (2020) • "The Calcutta Chromosome: A Novel of Fevers, Delirium & Discovery," by Amitav Ghosh (1995) • "Moon of the Crusted Snow," by Waubgeshig Rice (2018) • "Bea Wolf," by Zach Weinersmith; illustrated by Boulet (2023) • "Fighting the Moon," by Julie McGalliard (2021) • "The Empress of Salt and Fortune," by Nghi Vo (2020) • "The Glass Hotel," by Emily St. John Mandel (2020) • "New York 2140," by Kim Stanley Robinson (2017) • "When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain," by Nghi Vo (2020) • "The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Omnibus," by Ryan North et al; illustrated by Erica Henderson & Derek Charm & Jacob Chabot & Naomi Franquiz & Tom Fowler & Rico Renzi et al (2022) • "Buffalo Is the New Buffalo: Stories," by Chelsea Vowel (2022) • "Greenwood: A Novel," by Michael Christie (2019) • "The House of Rust," by Khadija Abdalla Bajaber (2021) • "Children of Memory," by Adrian Tchaikovsky (2022) • "Jade Legacy," by Fonda Lee (2021) • "A Deadly Education: A Novel: Lesson One of the Scholomance," by Naomi Novik (2020) • "The Last Graduate: A Novel: Lesson Two of the Scholomance," by Naomi Novik (2021) • "The Golden Enclaves: Lesson Three of the Scholomance," by Naomi Novik (2022) • "To Be Taught if Fortunate," by Becky Chambers (2019) • "Helgoland: Making Sense of the Quantum Revolution," by Carlo Rovelli (2020), translated by Erica Segre & Simon Carnell (2021) • "A Psalm for the Wild-Built," by Becky Chambers (2021) Ah, but I said I'd make "very little attempt" to rank them, not "no attempt." So here is that attempt: my favourite five books from the last solar orbit — the five I enjoyed even more than those other thirty — also presented in the order I read them.
• "Nona the Ninth," by Tamsyn Muir (2022) • "Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands," by Kate Beaton (2022) • "Record of a Spaceborn Few," by Becky Chambers (2018) • "Briar Rose," by Jane Yolen (1992) • "Babel, or, The Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution," by R.F. Kuang (2022)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 3.4
Beer Birthdays
George Klotter (1805)
Leonard Eppig (1839)
Jacob Ruppert, Sr. (1842)
Greg Noonan (1951)
Tonya Cornett (1969)
Lucy Corne-Duthie
Adair Paterno
Emily Sauter (1983)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Ron Carter; jazz bassist (1937)
Casmir Pulaski; U.S.-Polish revolutionary war general (1747)
Chris Squire; rock bassist (1948)
Antonio Vivaldi; composer (1675)
Johann Wyss; Swiss writer (1782)
Famous Birthdays
Jim Clark; British auto racer (1936)
Evan Dando; rock musician (1968)
Charles Dibdin; English writer (1745)
James Ellroy; writer (1948)
Lolo Ferrari; French porn actor (1962)
Jon Fratelli; rock musician (1979)
John Garfield; actor (1913)
Charles Goren; bridge card expert (1901)
Joan Greenwood; actor (1921)
Milt Gross; comic book artist (1895)
Bernard Haitink; orchestra conductor (1929)
Kevin Johnson; Phoenix Suns PG, politician (1966)
Patsy Kensit; actor (1968)
Ward Kimball; cartoonist (1914)
Adrian Lyne; film director (1941)
Barbara McNair; actor (1934)
Henry the Navigator; prince (1394)
Catherine O'Hara; actor (1954)
Paula Prentiss; actor (1938)
Henry Raeburn; Scottish artist (1756)
Chris Rea; rock musician (1951)
Knute Rockne; football coach (1888)
Bobby Shew; jazz musician (1941)
Alan Sillitoe; English writer (1928)
Bobby Womack; R&B singer (1944)
Adrian Zmed; actor (1954)
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
The Maniax pt. 1 (part 11)
*days later*
It's been quiet around Scarlet and Jerome lately. Nothing exciting happened after Adrian's kill. Just the police was searching for her but, of course, Theo helped that she was nowhere to be found. He let several evidences disappear like fingerprints, weapons that Scarlet and Jerome used to kill Adrian, the corpses of Amanda and Josh coincidentally disapeared as well, and he alibied them. No one should become aware of her moral turpitudes, so they faked a video where she and Jerome been partying at a bar in town during that incident. It showed them dancing, making out, giggling and whispering stuff in each other's ears.
To make it even more realistic, Theo threatened barkeepers from a bar, telling them this video belonged to them. He told them to believe they saw Scarlet and Jerome, he even talked to them about their relationship shortly, he told them to see them dancing in the crowd, how they glanced at each other with these certain gazes that expressed their love, as he told them the number and sorts of drinks they bought and drank.
And they all agreed with Theo.
They all feared him. Why? One big reason was his sister Tabitha who stood next to him with her whip. When one barkeeper refused to lie for Theo she strangled him - not to death but enough to earn all their respect and to show them how powerful and actually insane Theo actually was. He was a man where you'd never expect he'd have a hidden weapon to get whatever he wanted. You'd never expect he'd be a cruel man, he rather seemed to be a charming loving, maybe also entertaining guy - a guy who was gregarious and always found people to talk to at any party.
But he was the complete opposite. He was a monster, a dictator, someone who screw out people's consent in all his power. He was a villain who just used people for his own good. He was so manipulative with his methods he used on people, that he seemed to be quite erratic.
And exactly this, was the second reason why they all feared Theo - he seemed to have a split personality.
"Get a fucking room, you two!" Barbara huffed, throwing her arms in the air "This view is disgusting! We understood you're a couple!" She was annoyed by Scarlet and Jerome who kinda made out on the couch for no real reason. They first just talked about killing more people which turned Jerome on, the fact that Scarlet teased him with things like digging her nails in his thigh just increased his lechery, so he infested Scarlet literally - she loved it, for sure. Who would not? Jerome was so hot when he was turned on. His voice always became so throaty, dark and raspy. There was no other way than loving it!
"Oh, but is it as disgusting as the noises we hear every night when you fuck with Tabitha?" Jerome smirked darkly at her as he interrupted a kiss with Scarlet, seeing her embarrassed face, turning red "I'm sure not, because we at least can keep out mouthes shut."
"Oh God!" Barbara twisted her face in disgust and pudency and left the room, immediately, heading to Tabitha's room, telling her about this scandal. She couldn't bare it - neither the view of the two of them nor the fact that Jerome just blamed her in front of Dobkins, Greenwood and Helzinger.
"That's your most favorite claim in the night, isn't it?" Scarlet shouted after her, bursting out in a weight laughter, she totally enjoyed this weird situation "Tabitha might approve!"
"I'm sorry to interrupt your little fun guys," At the same time where Barbara left, Theo entered the room facing all of the inmates "I have a task for you to do" And everyone was all ears.
"It's time for all of you to show up as Gotham's new evil force." Theo folded his hands while he kept walking "It's time for you to set a sign"
"And how?" Greenwood frowned at Theo with a questioning look. He had many ideas how to set a sign in Gotham, but he also knew Theo - he had his own visions and plan. He was unstoppable. He would never change anything on his plans just because a simple inmate desperately hoped his wish became true.
"Let me think," Scarlet pushed Jerome from her body, standing up walking to Theo "We should frighten some people in town with any stupid speech or doing a presented kill? Or kidnap a deputy?" No matter what it was, she was ready to do it - she'd even beg for a task. Since Theo helped them all to escape, they haven't done anything, yet. They just talked about eventual come ups but it was never something serious.
"Close," Theo smirked at her, he loved her enthusiasm in tasks like these "But let's not forget: to set a sign, you need a name. A name that expresses power, fear, and danger. This name should be kept in mind. Gotham's people should fear when the name will be mentioned in the news"
"What is it? The Gruesome 4?" Greenwood frowned kind of uninterested. He didn't care about a silly name. He just wanted to finally kill some girls to eat them. He wanted to terrorize Gotham like in his good old times. He wanted to feel free again, in the way of doing what he wanted and not waiting for anyone's commands.
"Not like we're six people, silly..."Jerome muttered, making a face palm. He was growing desperate for Greenwood's stupidity. How could someone be so stupid? Was his brain seeded with fat? Did he lose some brain cells during the escape? Or did he accidentally fall on his head a little hard? "This name is pure kindergarten. What does it express? A few guys trying to be scary? Trying to be cool? Trying to be...funny to scare the neighbors?" He snickered "No. We need a better name. As T man said, it should express power and evil."
"We need a name that describes us best, a name that describes our abilities and fortes. That name should be able to describe us, how Gotham's citizens see us" Scarlet said thoughtfully "For that, we need to ask ourselves: what are we? Who are we?"
"We are maniacs" Dobkins giggled for himself. He had no clue what he was saying, he had no clue what inspiration he was giving all of them.
"Maniax" Jerome repeated smirking, he loved this name idea, it summed up all the things Scarlet listed up perfectly "That's perfect! I wouldn't have expected something great comes from Dobkins' mouth"
"Congratulations!" Theo applauded, he loved the name, as well "Gotham, hold on tight! I present you the Maniax!"
"Perfect!" Jerome grinned when Helzinger threw the next man from the roof of the building, seeing the body thudded on the ground. The man screamed in fear while falling- he knew he'd die now. He hoped for a painless ending of his life - but he was scared. What will happen in his afterlife? Is there even an afterlife? Will he come to heaven? Or hell? But especially he wondered in his last moments: why me?
One question is left open: where does all these men they throw down come from?
The answer is simple: Theo faked an event that seven people were invited - just kidnapping them would be too risky for all of the inmates. No one should become aware of that hidden kidnapping. It all should seem so normal, no one should become suspicious - and obviously it worked very well. All the man he invited thought, there'd be an event. Something like a concert or even a circus. They thought they'd see something exciting. They thought they'd have fun tonight - and especially they never expected it was their last moments of life.
"Next" Jerome demanded, turning around to the others "Mister X" He had a huge grin on his face when he saw, from the other building people were watching them. He saw their faces: they were scared, shocked and frightened. They were speechless. It was so cruel seeing them throwing people from the roof. How could someone be so horrible? Who would do that?
The man, who used to be 'mister X' whimpered in fear as Helzinger grabbed his body and carried him to the end of the roof, smashing him on the edge of it. He was about to get ready throwing that man down next to all the other dead man that already fell.
"A little more to the right" Jerome commanded politely, he calculated every throw correctly that their victims perfectly laid next to each other - and so Helzinger did what he said "Okay, that's the spot" - and Helzinger nudged him down. People were screaming when his body hit the ground next to the others. The boy was dead immediately. His brain was squished by the hard hit of the ground that his blood went astray. He looked like a mess - as if he was making a room tour through a butchery.
"Perfect" Jerome grinned, seeing all the chaos he and the others have arranged. People screaming, all the blood, the corpses, the horns that were honking through the streets - it was truely perfect. There was no other word to describe it.
"It's such a beautiful view down there" Scarlet commented, smiling to herself when she read each letter, that was sprayed on each victim: M-A-N-I-A-X. This was the first time she fell in love with Theo's idea. Why didn't she think of that before? It was marvellous!, she thought. "I can't stop staring, this is art!"
"Oh, it truely is, my precious." Jerome agreed smiling, glancing down as well "It truely is. It's a masterpiece."
"What shall we do with the spare?" Dobkins asked Jerome, giving him a questioning look as he pointed at their last victim. He was full of euphoria - finally killing people after being locked up in Arkham. Finally he felt this feeling of being satisfied again. He felt happiness and excitement.
"Hm" Jerome glanced at the victim, thinking - he had no idea what to do with that guy. He was practically useless. But just killing him? Nah. It had to happen something special like with the others "What do you think, doll?"
"What about..." It took Scarlet a moment until she had an idea "What about Helzinger rips his extremities off and throws them down the roof? Much blood, many screams, and much fun" She knew Jerome would love this idea. The gorier it was, the better. The more chaotic it was, the better.
"Nah, nice try, but we don't have enough time for that, sadly. I know, for you it'd be the icing on the cake, but: Time is valuable, things have to get quick." Jerome prodded Scarlet's nose and kept thinking, he wanted something similar to the others. Something that fit in this masterpiece "Oh! I know"
He exhaled with a dark smirk when an idea came up to his mind, facing his victim and slowly walked to him. He grabbed the red spray can, spraying an exclamation mark on his victim, while the victim shuddered and whimpered in fear, he was scared to death. As all the others, he questioned himself the same questions: why me? Why now? What have I done? Why do I deserve this?
"Really?" Scarlet frowned unconvinced and bored, crossing her arms "That's it? That's your glorious idea? An exclamation mark? You wanna jerk me around, don't you?" Scoffing, Scarlet shook her head. She couldn't believe Jerome thought his lame idea was much better. There was nothing on it! Even an infant would have better ideas! Or even a little baby! What would be so special about adding an exclamation mark?! - oh, that upset her a lot, she was even mad. But she also knew it's not worth it, arguing with Jerome. He's too stubborn to admit something, too convinced from himself to admit someone's got a better idea.
"Believe me, doll. It will have such a nice side effect. It will be the icing on the cake! People see we warn them of us! Watch out Gotham! A new enemy arrives!" Jerome cackled loudly  - he totally was in the zone, then glanced at Aaron with a smile "Aaron, would you kindly?"
Aaron nodded, grabbing their last victim and carried him to the edge of the roof. Throwing him down, you heard him screaming in fear, you saw how he tried to tear his straitjacket apart, which he was wearing - but it didn't work. His body thudded on the ground, blood splashed from his head when it hit the ground.
People started screaming again when they saw the next munched corpse laying on the ground. They were scared - never have they ever seen such a cruelty before. Who would do that? How could that happen to our city? they asked themselves so they looked up to the roof, seeing a bunch of people who looked down to them with a huge grin in their face. They didn't know these were the inmates that escaped Arkham - they just knew they called themselves MANIAX and they were an extreme danger for all of them.
"Maniax" you heard Helzinger grumble for himself as if he was reading a book full of boredom.
"You see, doll?" Jerome chuckled hysterically "Now that's a headline!"
*the next day*
"Fine job yesterday, gentlemen!" Theo read the newspaper amused "We did big. The whole city knows our name now" He was so proud of them. This was an approval to himself that he didn't delude himself in them "So, bravo! Let's give ourselves a round of applause"  but Dobkins was the only one who kinda applauded in his delusion, the others just stared at each other, saying nothing while they sat on the table.
"Now that we have Gotham's attention, it's time for the Maniax to make a grand entrance." Theo sternly said walked around all them, his arms were crossed behind his back.
"Wasn't that it?" Jerome frowned at him, giving him a questioning look. What they've done, was a grand marvellous entrance already. Nothing could top it in his mind. What should be better than killing people while presenting their group name? Nothing was better than killing! Kidnapping, hostage-taking, and threatening was too boring and stereo-type like.
"Gotham's citizens do know everything they need to know" Scarlet claimed, playing with her fingernails. She was kind of irritated about Theo. What else did he want from them? What else should they do for him now? "What else should there be that we need to prove? How dangerous we are? That our killing methods are gruesome? They know that already"
"That was the overture" Theo paused "Now the audience is hushed, expectant. The curtain rises..." he spoke in enigmas to make them all more curious about his next favor - and it worked.
"Then what happens?" Jerome asked again, facing him with a serious look. He had no time for thousands of enigmas, he needed facts to make plans or to get inspired by something.
"Oh, then we confront Gothamites with their most primal fears." Theo placed his hands on Theo's shoulders, facing everyone "Take from them all they hold dear and sacred"
"And then what happens?" Jerome started to grin, he loved what he has heard from Theo. It gave him inspiration - as he wanted. It gave him ideas what to do next. He could already hear people screaming, he heard them crying. He had visions how people panicked and ran away from him. He saw them shaking in fear, their bodies shuddering out of control - Jerome was almost delusional.
"Well, then we offer them salvation. And then they are ours." Theo grinned.
"Let's get busy, man" Greenwood smirked. He loved what he heard from Theo. He wanted to start with his tasks already. He couldn't wait for it anymore.
"Patience. First you gentlemen, need to learn a little stagecraft."
"Stagecraft?" Greenwood frowned, asking.
"You're going to be on TV. You have to present yourself with style and vigor." Then Theo faced Dobkins "Dobkins, say: 'Good evening, ladies and gentlemen'." He wanted to give them all an example how things would work on TV.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen?" Dobkins frowned irritated - he didn't really pay attention to Theo's little speech.
"Again, with a smile" Theo demanded, giving him a stern look. He wanted everything to be perfect - and Dobkins' attempt wasn't perfect at all. It was abysmally poor. No one would pay attention to it. People would rather skip it and watch something else.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." Dobkins tried it it again, he sounded like he was on drugs, though - this didn't satisfy Theo at all. He had exact visions how this sentence should sound like.
"You" Theo pointed at Greenwood, sighing. He hoped Greenwood would do better than Dobkins.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" Greenwood almost yelled with his dark throaty, and raspy voice. He was more convincing than Dobkins - that for sure. But something was missing still.
"Not bad. Sinister and authoritative" Theo nodded for himself- he really saw Greenwood as option, while Jerome just pretended yawning. He wasn't impressed of Greenwood's imitation at all. The icing of the cake was missing totally.
"Never mind" Theo said, when he glanced at Helzinger for a while. He didn't need to ask Helzinger for his imitation. It'd be foolish. He hadn't have the ambitions to represent a group. He was the dumb one. He was just good for being controlled and nothing else.
"Scarlet" Theo's look wandered to her in expectation. He knew Scarlet was an authority and she could easily manage this coming up.
But more: he wanted to see if she could beat Jerome.
"Ehem," Scarlet coughed slightly, then she jumped up on her chair "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" She claimed with euphoria, throwing her arms in the air as if she was on stage. She even bowed her thanks as if people would applause to her - she totally was in her zone, it almost seemed delusional.
"Tempting and nubile. Use that bow" Theo was impressed by her. He knew she'd do it perfect, as he wanted. He was even deliberating whether Jerome should present his imitation or not. Actually he didn't need to - but he also knew how Jerome would react if he'd be skipped, Theo would like to avoid this.
"Jerome" Theo's look then wandered to Jerome, who already cleared his throat and jumped on the table - he copied Scarlet a little, since her little show even impressed him - but of course, he could do better.
"Ladies and gentlemen!" He said out loud, throwing his arms in the air "Good evening!" Jerome looked down to Scarlet, signaling her, he could convince Theo from him, as well - she though just frowned in response. He didn't want to annoy her, he rather saw that all as a little game. Games like that he loved to play with her. He loved to see her energy she put in something when she wanted a thing so bad. It inspired him, it fascinated him, it drove him crazy - it made him horny.
"Very good. Boyishly charming." Theo was convinced by Jerome, and in response Jerome let out one of his famous laughs "The laugh is fabulous. Use that." Then Theo faced both - Scarlet and Jerome "You both have a strong charisma, you both are fabulous entertainer. You two are special. It's hard to decide between the two of you"
"You want perfection, right?" Scarlet said thinking, "Then why don't you let Jerome and me present our group. Him and me manage the whole thing. You see it's gonna be a great show. You won't regret it." She wanted to convince Theo. She and Jerome were a perfect team. They managed everything perfectly. One was cleverer than the other. One had the brains, the other the beauty - and they both had authority.
"That's what I thought, doll" Jerome grinned "Trust us, T. We can arrange the best show ever. It will be a day to remember." Jerome faced Theo "You won't regret it." - and this made Theo smile because he knew Jerome spoke the truth.
*later that day*
"Oh, shiny!" Jerome pulled a samurai sword out of a box filled with several weapons. There were axes, guns, a chainsaw and some swords. But Jerome couldn't really admire his sword for long. Why? Because Greenwood stole it from him with an hysterical laughter. He was interested in that shirt, as well. This sword was a wonderful piece, he thought, it would look better on him than on Jerome.
"Give that back" Jerome demanded, reaching his hand out to Greenwood. How did he dare to steal that sword from him? It doesn't even fit with him! That sword was glorious, powerful, it was beautiful - so thing that Greenwood was. He was just a dirty old cannibal with nothing but the urge to eat every minute.
"I saw it first" Greenwood didn't care about Jerome, he just kept playing with the sword. Who would not want to own a beautiful sowers like this? People respect you, you seem strong, you seem authoritative - all that he wanted, and even more: he seemed to be a boss.
"No, you didn't," Jerome still glanced at him annoyed, even kind of pissed he didn't behave "I said give it back" He gave him a smile to show somewhat empathy and friendliness. He knew he couldn't get Greenwood with being bossy or freaking out immediately. He'd laugh at Jerome then, calling him a baby and such - so no one needed to freak out, yet, right? Unless that stupido kept being stubborn.
"Make me, you little brat." Greenwood swung the sword and stopped right next to Jerome's throat - he tried to scare him away, showing him he was the one who deserved the sword - but it didn't work obviously. Jerome wasn't impressed of him at all. He didn't even flinched.
"Ooooh!" Dobkins giggled for himself. For him it was fun to see what happened between the two of them - especially with what the voices in his head were telling him. They made jokes about Jerome and Greenwood how idiotic they seemed, which made him giggle even more.
"Your samurai skills are excellent, Greenwood-San" Jerome then grabbed the chainsaw that laid next to him "but they're nothing compared to me" he tugged on the fuze "Prepare to die!"
And from one moment to another, they charged at one another. The teeth of the chainsaw rubbed against the metal of the sword - it sounded scratchy, like permanently clinking of glasses and loud shredding, sparks were emitting. It hurt in your ears when you're too close to the happening. It felt like someone poke into your ear, damaging your eardrums drastically.
"That's enough!" Theo suddenly shouted from behind "I said..." before he could repeat himself, Jerome and Greenwood stopped already. They grinned at each other darkly, knowing nothing was over yet.
"I tried to stop them!" Dobkins claimed - he was totally lying, of course, he just wanted to make a good impression to Theo, but he didn't really pay attention to Dobkins. He ignored him because he know Dobkins was talking bullshit.
"Shut up, you didn't!" Scarlet shushed him annoyed. She was tired of Dobkins' stupid attempt to be a hero, or to be cool. No matter what he did, he was annoying either way. Plus, Scarlet wanted to know how it goes on with Jerome and Greenwood. It was exciting for to see her man fighting against a chubby old prick. Jerome would win anyway, she knew that. He always won.
"Boys, we're a team" Theo walked towards them and placed his hands on each of their shoulders "We don't fight amongst ourselves."
"Yeah, we're a team boys" Dobkins repeated again, this time Scarlet kicked his face. He finally should shut up, she thought, now it's getting exciting! She could see Theo had something in mind and something was about to happen now.
"And I'm the captain" Greenwood grinned devilishly at Jerome, he knew it was provoking him according to his sinister look.
"Captain of my foot." Jerome let the chainsaw fall - this was definitely too much for him. How did Greenwood dare to call himself 'captain'? He was no captain and he could never be! Jerome was the captain and no one else.
"I've murdered dozen of women and terrorized the city. What have you done? Chop up your mommy?" Greenwood provoked him even more - and it worked.
"Everybody has to start somewhere" Jerome tried to stay calm, but it was hard for him. He was too upset about Greenwood - why did his provocation work? He was a stupid old guy, Jerome thought, There shouldn't be anything that made him upset about him "See, I have vision, and ambition, and brains. You're just a nutty old cannibal. How many people can you eat until that shtick gets old?"
"I could eat one more" Greenwood responded with a dark grin. He loved to see how his provocation worked on Jerome. He loved to see this was a weak spot on him - and he could top it "What do you think? Scarlet would look so pretty on the dinner table, wouldn't she?"
"I can see we're gonna resolve this one, once and for all." Theo quickly said before Jerome had any chance to respond or to react. Greenwood definitely crossed the line. He thought threatening Jerome's doll was funny, didn't he?, Jerome thought, he'll regret that - nobody threatened her, especially not in front of Jerome. This was his death desire, there was nothing to add.
"You all know this game, right?" Theo pulled a revolver, taking all its cartridges but one - it was the game Russian Roulette. He didn't want anyone to be killed, but this game was dangerous and just for the bravest. He wanted to see how brave they both were at all. Who was even braver than the other? Who would win this game? He had no concerns about Jerome, but about Greenwood. Was he measured up to that all?
"Ohh, I love it" Jerome said with a grin while Theo whirled the bullet chamber until it clicked. Jerome and Greenwood glared at each other. They looks were marvellous. You could read their minds - both hoped the other would chicken out.
"Who wants to be the boss?" Theo challenged them, holding the gun up.
"Ladies first" Jerome smirked, challenging Greenwood with it. He wasn't afraid of that all. That game, I will win, Greenwood thought with a chuckle. He took the revolver, loaded the gun and pulled the trigger when he held the weapon against his head - he flinched a little, but then realized nothing happened, he was still alive - and so he thought he won now. Jerome saw he was tough and now it was even harder for him to win - but he underestimated Jerome at all.
"Hey Greenwood," Jerome said after Greenwood handed him the gun to load it "What's the secret of good comedy?" He pulled the trigger as he held the revolver against his head and it clicked but nothing happened "Timing"
"And what's courage?" Jerome loaded the gun again when he held it in his face, pulling the trigger - it clicked again "Grace under pressure" You saw Greenwood's smile now disappeared - he knew he fucked up, Jerome won already. He was way tougher and maybe even crazier than Greenwood thought. He now was even a little scared of him. How could someone be so self-assured that he didn't get shot? It was insane!
"And," Jerome loaded the gun for the third time "Who's the boss?" Jerome deeply looked in Greenwood's eyes before he pulled the trigger for another time - he got him "I'm the boss" then he handed Greenwood the gun back with a dark chuckle - he knew he has won now.
"I believe you are, Jerome. I believe you are"
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lifetimemoviereview · 2 months
Locked in my House (2024 Lifetime)
Locked in my House (2024 Lifetime) 📺.  Stream/Watch the Movie (Ad): Subscribe to the Lifetime Movie Club Cast: Damon Runyan, Natalie Brown, Lora Burke, Beth Hornby Director: Adrian Langley Writer: Lauren Greenwood ➡️    Check out our Youtube Channel: Lifetime Uncorked: Lifetime Movie Reviews 🎧   Listen to the Lifetime Uncorked Podcast: Listen Now 🍷  Support the show with a $5 tip:…
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greensparty · 1 year
Album Review: Philip Selway “Strange Dance”
Radiohead are bigger than the sum of their parts: When I saw them live in 2018, I was blown away by the fact that they were actually even better than when I saw them in 2001. Much like Foo Fighters and the E Street Band, the band members have explored multiple solo and side projects during the band’s down time: Jonny Greenwood has become one of the best film composers of his generation (read my reviews of his soundtracks to You Were Never Really Here, There Will Be Blood and Spencer here); Thom Yorke has done some solid solo albums and he has scored films like Suspiria (read my review here), Ed O’Brien (under the name EOB) has released the stellar solo album Earth (read my review here), Colin Greenwood has been performing with Nick Cave’s touring band, and last year Yorke and Jonny Greenwood’s side project The Smile released A Light for Attracting Attention, which I just named my #1 Album of 2022. This week will see the release of Radiohead drummer Philip Selway’s solo album Strange Dance on Bella Union.
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album cover
This is actually the third solo album from Selway (4th if you count his soundtrack to 2017′s Let Me Go). His 2014 album Weatherhouse was highly impressive. As the drummer in a band with Yorke, EOB, and the brothers Greenwood (Jonny and Colin), it’s easy to just stay in his lane and only drum, but as a solo artist he has gotten to sing, play guitar and other instruments. On this particular album he doesn’t even play the drums, he left that to Italian drummer Valentina Magaletti. Other musicians on this album include Adrian Utley (of Portishead, who also played on EOB’s Earth coincidentally), Quinta, Laura Moody, and Hannah Peel.
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Selway sans drum kit
“One of the things I’ve liked about this record is it’s me as a 55-year-old not trying to hide that fact,” said Selway. “It feels kind of unguarded rather than seeing that ageing process as something that needs to be hidden.” Well put! You need to go into this album with the understanding that it is not a Radiohead or even a Radiohead-esque album. A case could be made that EOB, The Smile, and some of Yorke’s solo work fall into that comparison of “if you like Radiohead, you’ll like this...”, but here Selway is exploring other sounds and flexing his folk and art rock muscles. While there are Radiohead-like tendencies that appear from time to time, it is a little different. There’s definitely some Massive Attack influence appearing throughout, but I also heard some diverse influences like Pearl Jam and even “Silent Lucidity”-era Queensryche. While Radiohead are one of the best bands on the planet (A Moon Shaped Pool was my #1 Album of 2016), the solo albums are quite intriguing as they show the band members’ strengths as well as aspiring to sounds outside of Radiohead. 
For info on Philip Selway: https://www.philipselway.com/
3.5 out of 5 stars
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quoteoftheweekblog · 1 year
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http://ift.tt/2CrcCf3 GIF
‘ “Good resolution? ... I ain’t got none.” ‘ (Crompton, 2017, p.241).
Crompton, R. (2017 [1922] ) ‘William’s New Year’s Day’ in ‘Just William’. London: Macmillan’s Children’s Books, pp.239-64. *****
‘ “How long has it to go on, though?”
“Not long … Only the first day gen’rally. Folks gen’rally give ‘em up after that.” ‘ (Crompton, 2017, p.242).
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 12.3
Advocate's Day (India)
Be a Blessing Day
Alka Seltzer Day
Doctor’s Day (Cuba)
E-Discovery Day
Elf Day (UK)
Flag Day (Saba)
Heart Transplant Day
Inflatable Pig Day
International Baboon Day
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (UN)
International Day of the Basque Language
Jazz Day
King Tupou I Day (Tonga)
Let's Hug Day
Make a Gift Day
National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day
Reinvigorate Your Brain by Reading Something Day
Saba Day (Saba)
San Francisco Javier (Navarra, Spain)
Takata no Inoko (Peace & Good Harvest Festival; Japan)
Telescope Day
Tinsel Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Holiday Ale Festival begins (Portland, Oregon) [Begins in late Nov/early Dec] (Postponed for 2022)
International Trappist Beer Day
National Apple Pie Day [also 5.13]
National Green Bean Casserole Day
National Ice Cream Box Day
National Peppermint Latte Day
1st Saturday in December
Bike Shop Day [1st Saturday]
Chester Greenwood Day (Inventor of Earmuffs; Farmington, Maine) [1st Saturday]
Coats and Toys for Kids Day [1st Saturday]
Earmuff Day [1st Saturday]
Global Fat Bike Day [1st Saturday]
International Spirit of the Game [1st Saturday]
National Pinochle Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Rhubarb Vodka Day [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
SKYWARN Recognition Day [1st Saturday]
World Pear Day [1st Saturday]
Independence Days
Illinois Statehood Day (#21; 1818)
Feast Days
Abbo of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Abraham of Alexandria, Pope (Coptic)
Adrian (a.k.a. Ethernan; Christian; Saint)
Birinus (Christian; Saint)
Bogatir Svatogor Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Bona Dea Festival (Roman Goddess of Good)
Cassian of Tangier (Christian; Saint)
Copernicus (Positivist; Saint)
Emma (of Lesum or of Bremen; Christian; Saint)
Festival for Serket/Selket (Scorpion Goddess; Ancient Egypt)
Francis Xavier (Christian; Saint)
Godzilla Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
International Say No to Selfies Day (Pastafarian)
Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu Gleifheim (Christian; Blessed)
Lucius (Christian; Saint)
Motorettes (Muppetism)
Pompaia (Procession to Zeus; Ancient Greece)
Sola (Christian; Saint)
Vibrator Day (Pastafarian)
Zephaniah (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 337 [68 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
The BBC Television Shakespeare (UK TV Series; 1978)
Black Swan (Film; 2010)
Brown Sugar, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1969)
Camelot (Broadway Musical; 1960)
Concerto in F, by George Gershwin (Piano Concerto; 1925)
Confess, by Patti Page (Song; 1947) [1st Recording with Overdubbed Vocals]
Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground, recorded by Blind Willie Johnson (Song; 1927)
Do They Know It’s Christmas? (Charity Song; 1984)
Elvis (TV Special; 1968)
Justify My Love, by Madonna (Music Video; 1990)
Machine Head, recorded by Deep Purple (Album; 1971)
My Generation, by The Who (Album; 1965)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Christmas TV Special; 1964)
Rubber Soul, by The Beatles (Album; 1965)
A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams (Play; 1947)
Symphony #1 in A, by Edward Elgar (Symphony; 1908)
You’re Sixteen, by Ringo Starr (Song; 1973)
Today’s Name Days
Emma, Franz Xaver, Jason (Austria)
Franjo, Lucije, Sofonija (Croatia)
Svatoslav (Czech Republic)
Svend (Denmark)
Leiger, Leino (Estonia)
Meri, Vellamo (Finland)
François-Xavier, Xavier (France)
Franz Xaver, Jason (Germany)
Glykerios (Greece)
Ferenc, Olívia (Hungary)
Francesco, Saverio (Italy)
Daile, Evija, Jogita, Raita (Latvia)
Atalija, Audinga, Gailintas, Ksaveras (Lithuania)
Svein, Sveinung (Norway)
Franciszek, Kasjan, Ksawery, Lucjusz, Unimir (Poland)
Oldrich (Slovakia)
Francisco, Javier (Spain)
Lydia (Sweden)
Javier, Malcolm, Malcom, Malik, Xavier, Xaviera (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 337 of 2022; 28 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 48 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 10 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 9 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 9 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 7 Zima; Sixday [7 of 30]
Julian: 20 November 2022
Moon: 81%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 1 Bichat (12th Month) [Copernicus]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 9 of 15
Season: Autumn (Day 72 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 11 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Bichat (Modern Science) [Month 13 of 13; Positivist]
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llpodcast · 2 years
(Literary License Podcast)
The Women (1939)
The Women is a 1939 American comedy-drama film directed by George Cukor. The film is based on Clare Boothe Luce's 1936 play of the same name, and was adapted for the screen by Anita Loos and Jane Murfin, who had to make the film acceptable for the Production Code for it to be released.  The film stars Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell, Paulette Goddard, Joan Fontaine, Lucile Watson, Mary Boland, Florence Nash, and Virginia Grey. Marjorie Main and Phyllis Povah also appear, reprising their stage roles from the play. Ruth Hussey, Virginia Weidler, Butterfly McQueen, and Hedda Hopper also appear in smaller roles. Fontaine was the last surviving actress with a credited role in the film; she died in 2013. It is also important to note that even the animals and pets are all female.  The film continued the play's all-female tradition—the entire cast of more than 130 speaking roles was female. Set in the glamorous Manhattan apartments of high society evoked by Cedric Gibbons, and in Reno, Nevada, where they obtain their divorces, it presents an acidic commentary on the pampered lives and power struggles of various rich, bored wives and other women they come into contact with.  Filmed in black and white, it includes a six-minute fashion parade filmed in Technicolor, featuring Adrian's most outré designs; often cut in modern screenings, it has been restored by Turner Classic Movies. On DVD, the original black-and-white fashion show, which is a different take, is available for the first time.
The Opposite Sex (1956)
 The Opposite Sex is a 1956 American musical romantic comedy film shot in Metrocolor and CinemaScope.[3][4] The film was directed by David Miller and stars June Allyson, Joan Collins, Dolores Gray, Ann Sheridan, and Ann Miller, with Leslie Nielsen, Jeff Richards, Agnes Moorehead, Charlotte Greenwood, Joan Blondell, and Sam Levene.
The Opposite Sex is a remake of the 1939 comedy film The Women. Both films are based on Clare Boothe Luce's original 1936 play.
Unlike the 1936 play and the 1939 film adaptation, The Opposite Sex includes musical numbers and features male actors who portray the husbands and boyfriends, whose characters were only referred to in the previous film and stage versions.[6] This alters the structure and tone of the base storyline significantly.
 Opening Credits; Introduction (.37); Background History (42.13);The Women (1939) Film Trailer (44.51); The Original (48.16); Let's Rate (1:43.07); Amazing Design (1:59.54); Introducing a Remake (2:01.07); The Opposite Sex (1956) Film Trailer (2:01.41); The Remake (2:05.22); How Many Stars (2:44.07); End Credits (2:58.26); Closing Credits (3:00.39)
 Opening Credits– Epidemic Sound – copyright 2021. All rights reserved
 Closing Credits:  There’s Always A Woman – by Kaye Ballard and Sally Mayes  Taken from the album Unsung Sondheim. Copyright 1993 Varese Sarabande
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
 All rights reserved.  Used with Kind Permission
 All songs available through Amazon Music.
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decipan247 · 2 years
Decipan: Nine Inch Nails - Vessel/ Written and Recorded by Trent Reznor, Johnny & Colin Greenwood; Ed O’Brien and Phillip Selway. Additional Instrumentation Written and Recorded by Adrian Dunn Remixed, Produced and Mastered by Decipan (cc) Creative Commons - 2007 Nothing - 2022 
Additon This one is one of the few tracks on Year Zero I dint like the oppressing vibe; It oftmined  me what made m,e
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latestinbollywood · 2 years
Kyle Shanahan Wife, Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Parents, Career, Net Worth, Ethnicity & More
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In this article, we are talking about Kyle Shanahan's Wiki, Biography, Age, Wife, Ethnicity, Parents, Career, Height, Weight, Net Worth, social media accounts, About Kyle Shanahan's early life, FAQ & More. Kyle Michael Shanahan is the full name of Kyle Shanahan. He is serving as a head coach of the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL).
Kyle Shanahan's Wife, Children
He is married to Mandy Shanahan. Her full name is Amanda O' Donnell Shanahan. She is an entrepreneur by profession. They got married in 2005. They welcomed their first child Stella in 2007. Then in 2008, they welcomed Carter and In 2012 they welcomed Lexi Louise.
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                                         Kyle Shanahan With His Wife
Kyle Shanahan Wiki, Biography, Age
Shanahan was born on December 14, 1979. He is 42 years old as of 2022. He belongs to Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. His zodiac sign is Saggitarius. By profession, he is an American football coach who is the head coach of the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL).
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                                                    Kyle Shanahan Full Name Kyle Shanahan Nick Name Kyle  Date Of Birth  December 14, 1979 Age  42 Years Birth Place  Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States Zodiac Sign  Saggitarius Marital Status Married Wife Mandy Shanahan Net Worth $20Million
Kyle Shanahan  Height, Weight
Kyle is 6 Feet 2 Inches tall and his weight is 81 kg. His eye color is Hazel and his Hair color is Black. Height   6 Feet 2 Inches Weight 81 kg Eye Color Hazel Hair Color Black Kyle Shanahan's Parents , Siblings Kyle's father's name is Michael "Mike" Edward Shanahan and his mother's name is Peggy Shanahan. He also has one Sister named Krystal Shanahan. Michael "Mike" Edward Shanahan is also an American coach.
Kyle Shanahan's Early Life & Career
He completed his graduation from Saratoga High School in Saratoga, California. Further, he attended Cherry Creek High School in Greenwood Village, Colorado. In 2003, he became a graduate assistant to Karl Dorrell at UCLA. Later, he was hired by Gary Kubiak to serve as wide receivers coach for the Houston Texans. In 2021, he was fined $50,000 by the NFL for violating practice rules during organized team activities. Kyle Shanahan's Net Worth His net worth is $4 Million approx. He earns through his profession which is serving as a coach of football. He is very famous among all the football coaches. Kyle Shanahan Ethnicity, Nationality Kyle's nationality is American and his ethnicity is White. He follows Roman Catholicism. Nationality American Ethnicity White Religion Roman Catholicism Kyle Shanahan 's Social Media Account  Instagram   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Kyle Shanahan (@kyleshanahan49) FAQ About Kyle Shanahan   Q.1 Who is Kyle Shanahan ?  Ans. Kyle Shanahan is an  American football coach. Q.2 Where did Kyle Shanahan play football? Ans. Kyle Shanahan Plays football at San Francisco. Q.3 Where did Kyle Shanahan come from? Ans. Kyle Shanahan is born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Q.4 How old is Kyle Shanahan? Ans. Kyle Shanahan is 42 years old as of 2022. Q.5  Is Kyle Shanahan married? Ans. Kyle Shanahan is married to Mandy Shanahan. Read Also:- Adrian Martinez's Girlfriend Read the full article
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sesiondemadrugada · 3 years
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Ordinary Love (Lisa Barros D'Sa & Glenn Leyburn, 2019).
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Birthdays 3.4
Beer Birthdays
George Klotter (1805)
Leonard Eppig (1839)
Jacob Ruppert, Sr. (1842)
Greg Noonan (1951)
Tonya Cornett (1969)
Lucy Corne-Duthie (1979)
Adair Paterno
Emily Sauter (1983)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Ron Carter; jazz bassist (1937)
Casmir Pulaski; U.S.-Polish revolutionary war general (1747)
Chris Squire; rock bassist (1948)
Antonio Vivaldi; composer (1675)
Johann Wyss; Swiss writer (1782)
Famous Birthdays
Jim Clark; British auto racer (1936)
Evan Dando; rock musician (1968)
Charles Dibdin; English writer (1745)
James Ellroy; writer (1948)
Lolo Ferrari; French porn actor (1962)
Jon Fratelli; rock musician (1979)
John Garfield; actor (1913)
Charles Goren; bridge card expert (1901)
Joan Greenwood; actor (1921)
Milt Gross; comic book artist (1895)
Bernard Haitink; orchestra conductor (1929)
Kevin Johnson; Phoenix Suns PG, politician (1966)
Patsy Kensit; actor (1968)
Ward Kimball; cartoonist (1914)
Adrian Lyne; film director (1941)
Barbara McNair; actor (1934)
Henry the Navigator; prince (1394)
Catherine O'Hara; actor (1954)
Paula Prentiss; actor (1938)
Henry Raeburn; Scottish artist (1756)
Chris Rea; rock musician (1951)
Knute Rockne; football coach (1888)
Bobby Shew; jazz musician (1941)
Alan Sillitoe; English writer (1928)
Bobby Womack; R&B singer (1944)
Adrian Zmed; actor (1954)
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
In the darkness, there are no rules (part 5)
*later that day*
After that incident, the whole rec room was muted. No one said a word, no one spoke, no looked at one another. No one dared to do this. Not Sionis, not Greenwood - no one.
Even the cops were a little worried about all the inmates. It never has been that quiet in Arkham. There was no intruder who danced around and mumbled any shit. There was no one who tried to mess with the cops or anyone else.
Jerome had scared them away. He earned all their respect. He became a king in Arkham, or let's better say an emperor. He just needed to snip with his fingers and several inmates were provided to do him a favor. He didn't need to make a move anymore - inmates brought him his food, the water he wanted to drink, the newspapers if he had the urge to read. The happening resembled a monarchy. A king sat on his throne while all his servants worked for him 24 hours a day.
For Scarlet it was the best time to read the newspaper, without anyone who got on her nerves. There was nothing new in the world that would interest her: robberies in banks, reports about upcoming festivals, and an older guy named Theo Gallavan standing for Gotham's new major. It was quite a boring time in Gotham, Scarlet thought, there was no new criminal who put the fear of God into Gotham's citizens. Too bad Scarlet sat here in Arkham. She had so many ideas to hit headlines: Placing bombs at the train station, shooting at cops... things like that. And now with Jerome on her side, Gotham would end in ruins.
Yawning of boredom, Scarlet turned a page and suddenly found an article about her family:
Patel residence on sale after murder!
After the incident, the attempting murder on Adrian Patel and his deceased girlfriend Kyle Trivenfold, the young man decided to sell the 600 square meters big villa for his own good.
This house belonged to the Patel family for 6 generations.
The interior decoration includes furnishings built in Renaissance times, paintings of famous artists like Van Gogh, Picasso and da Vinci. The villa's value adds up to 14.5 million dollars.
"This house brings up memories, good ones but primarily the bad. Each day, I enter my home I'm traumatized. I see my dead girlfriend sitting next to me while my my own flesh and blood, my sister Scarlett Patel, stabs her and slits her throat. Day and night I hear her screams and sobs. It has to end." The 23 year old law student stated "It was a big loss for me, seeing my beloved girlfriend die. She was my soulmate, my one and only. I will love her and miss her deeply. But I have to move on now." 
3 weeks ago, Patel's youngest family member, Scarlett Patel, attempted to murder her brother and his girlfriend in the middle of the night. By Adrian's own account, the 17 year old teenager tied them up on chairs after knocking them out with a hammer. In the following, she tortured her victims with cuts and stabs on several body parts. As Adrian said, killing Kyle was an attempt to torture him and she was just annoying, a quote Scarlett has said before she slit her throat.
"I still can't believe it was my little sister." Adrian said "She was an angel. I never thought she would be capable of a murder. She was so shy and so quiet. She was innocent in person."
Currently, Scarlett Patel is busted in Arkham for confessed murder.
The GCPD told the murder on Kyle Trivenfold was not the only murder the young teenager has confessed. She confessed her committed parricide 2 years ago, as the following murders on several employees of her deceased father.
Interesting, my brother is moving away, Scarlet thought. She just wondered where to? Was he leaving the city or even the state? It was clear, she needed to find it out. She didn't like unfinished work at all. She remembered that little game she played with him and his now dead girlfriend. It was so fun, but sadly this fun was interrupted - good for her, she now had enough time to plan a masterly kill and a glorious break-out. Good to know, she had Jerome on her side so she could ask him for several ideas how to perfectly torture a human being - and of course how to break out. He knew Arkham inside out, he knew every shift change, every shift breaks, every time the cops came and disappeared. He was the expert she needed.
While reading, Scarlet observed Jerome a little. He sat on another table with Aaron Helzinger, Greenwood and Sionis.
Not long ago, she and Jerome decided to form a plan to escape - but not alone. Alone, it would be way too dangerous. The chances to get caught were too high - so they needed a good distraction: Aaron should be the aggressive bodyguard if any special safety was needed, Greenwood the spy - he's a suspicious one, that's why. He was like a ghost. Nobody noticed him whenever he sat or stood next to a person, so he overheard everything people said; and Sionis ordered several resources you needed due to his old job as a businessman. He could get arms, money, and a roof over your heads near Gotham. He probably was the most useful mate in the group. 
"Whatcha reading, sweet cheeks?" Jerome suddenly strolled over to her with a big grin on his face, taking a seat next to her. He admired her again, sitting there like a queen on her throne.
"An article," She said "My brother wants to sell our home because of this tragic accident he sadly had with me and his dead girlfriend" she spat "He's an idiot. Cannot even handle a triviality without running away from all the shit"
"Sounds like your brother is a party pooper. I hate these people. Just can't take a joke, can they?" He sighed "My mother was the same. Couldn't take the joke when I set things on fire in her van"
"Yeah" Scarlet commented somewhat disinterestedly, putting the newspaper aside "he's always been like that. Another reason why I wanna kill that pussy. He fucking annoys me."
She remembered every single day where her brother argued with his dad or was in any other critical situation. He always ran away from it. It was like he was even scared of disputes, as if his brain signaled he was in a dangerous situation and he needed to escape. He was a pussy, you can tell.
"Lucky you, you have me now, doll" Jerome wrapped his arm around her tightly with a smile "I know methods how to erase a problem best"
"That's what I thought" Scarlet smirked "but we should first focus on our plan to escape. The thing with my brother can wait"
"C'mon doll," Jerome nudged her playfully "Why being so boring when having some fun at making torture plans? Don't be as boring as all the others here." He didn't really understand what her problem was. Why couldn't she plan two different things at the same time? It wasn't that hard.
"I prefer organized fun, Jerome, which means step by step. We don't even have discussed the details of how to escape. I don't work with rugged shit." She knew what she was talking about. Why else would she now sit in Arkham? Right, because she forgot about the details like checking on the neighbors' sleeping time or making her victims shut up with towels.
"Fine then, be a boring planner" Jerome rolled his eyes with an annoyed sigh, "Anyways, Greenwood's keeps complaining about Dobkins. Said he's making him feel awkward," Jerome snorted.
"Too bad," Scarlet snorted, "Dobkins is useful with his little issue. He's a good distraction, already included in our plan." Now she faced Jerome "You can tell Greenwood: Any complainants, deadly consequences. I'm not joking." Oh, Scarlet was harsh with this stuff - she was a perfectionist. If anything did not work as she had planned, she flipped out.
"Didn't know you're that feisty, doll" Jerome grinned wider, then he turned her to him leaning his arms on her upper thighs; their faces were inches away from each other. "I like that."
"And I'm a lot more," She smirked, closing the newspaper and throwing it on the table, "Now about the plan. I figured to escape in the early morning, around 4 since shift change is at 3:30. Most cops are gone, others just start to get ready, make coffee...vice versa - that's what Greenwood told me. Sionis makes sure a friend of his turns all cameras off, this friend opens Dobkins and Sionis' cell. Dobkins runs through the asylum distracting the cops while Sionis opens our cells informing us about the current situation. His friend brings us arms then we kill and escape."
"Had a similar plan...mine included some more BOOM! and POW! and BANG! I'd prefer mine." Jerome hummed pursing his lips. He gave her a look signaling her his plan was actually a lot better than hers. Hers was pretty boring. There was no real action, nothing that seemed exciting. Everyone else would make a plan like that, he thought, he didn't want to work with that.
"I'm listening." I crossed my arms, she knew he did that provocation on purpose "Tell me your plan."
"So," he started folding his hands "We firstly distract the cops with some bombs, most of them get killed by them when they start running to that certain place. Then Sionis' little friend opens my door, handing me a pump gun to shoot your door open, while his friend opens the other doors - eventually. You know, liberating them is like pissing in the wind."
"Interesting," She nodded .'I'm just not a fan of attention when trying to escape. Too many risks. Cops get aware of it faster, call for Back-up...Media gets aware of it... Very compelling, just not my type."
"Ugh..." Jerome rolled his eyes in annoyance "Where's the fun doll? An organized unobtrusive escape...that's boring, it's not special, not ordinary because everybody does this. Don't be so stubborn with your concepts, enjoy fun."
"Fun comes after work." She rolled her eyes "I don't like being distracted nor do I like making accidental mistakes that are caused by bombs or anything."
"Fine then," Jerome rolled his eyes with a loud sigh "Sounds pretty boring, but fine, doll. We do whatever makes you happy"
"You won't regret it, Jerome"
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mychameleondays · 3 years
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Radiohead: Amnesiac
Gatefold. 2 x 10″.
Parlophone LPFHEIT 45101
Released: June 4, 2001
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iamdangerace · 4 years
The Skeletal Family, Full Circle (Alias This Time), Live in Glasgow at Queen Margaret Union (1986).
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