#adrien agrese
maybemayura · 3 years
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ADRIENVLOGZ S2E2: Internship
marinette has a r r i v e d 
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miraculousfanworks · 3 years
Fanfiction Prompt
Post-Relationship, Post-Reveal Adrien and Marinette move in together and quickly realize they have a problem. Neither of them knows how to cook. Adrien, “Father always had the family chef do all the cooking.” Marinette, “I only know how to bake…how do you feel about croissants?” Realizing there’s a problem, the couple proceed to take a cooking class together.
via @leo112358
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silentmagi · 3 years
Marinette x Adrien x Kagami in Adrien Has a Type
Nino is watching his bro, sipping a cup of caffienated glory as he tried to figure it all out. Finally, Alya's voice registered to his brain. A type, there was certainly a type between those two, and the two that his bro hung around with as Chat.
. . . He couldn't think about the details of what that might mean.
These are fun, more please. If you want to take one of these, please just link me!
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misskitkatmadness · 6 years
If Nino continues to sit next Alya when Lila leaves (I mean she probably will c'mon guys) to spend more time with his gurl, there will eb a perfectly good open seat for Marinette to sit in ~
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smolmiddu · 6 years
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Second before Ladybug breaks Adrien
just a silly doodle before I go to bed o/
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aerequets · 7 years
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gucci gang sketch
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miraculous-rewrite · 3 years
Miraculous Rewrite- The Lion
Full Sun Min episode baybeeeee
Remember how last episode ended? Well we’re picking up right there, repeating the scene but from a slightly different angle. Where the focus was on Gabriel before, now it's on Sun Min. 
“...Who do you intend to investigate?”
“Well first-” Sun Min grabs his shoulder “Maybe you- Judgement.” a golden light flashes between them. But we hang on with Sun Min as the golden light zips down his hand and across Gabriel’s shoulder. Here we see what Judgement does. 
In an instant we see several golden disks pop up behind Gabriel, sprouting from where Sun Min is touching him, and in every little disk a little scene begins to play out. Some scenes we recognize, such as Gabriel making Nathalie his Secret Keeper, then his attempted retirement during the Queen’s Battle, nearly akumatizing Adrien during Christmas, then fighting with Fenrir as Argus. And a few scenes we haven’t seen, his wedding day with Emilie, a graduation scene with himself and Micheal when they were young, finding a small purple gem hidden among ruins that springs to life and reveals Nooroo, Emilie coughing into a handkerchief and massaging a headache. 
And the last scene being the one we saw all the way back in Collector, Adrien shouting at his father “it’s not my fault that you can’t move on from Mom dying!” just as the golden light fades.  Gabriel stumbles back as he’s released, it seems like no time at all has passed in real time, but just as Gabriel turns to leave Sun Min catches him and swipes a quick blow to the back of his neck. One quick KO.
As Gabriel crumples to the ground Sun Min takes out his weapon, a pair of brass knuckles, and upon hitting a hidden button on the base of the left knuckle two prongs pop out from the pointer and ring finger loops, a screen lighting up between them.
“Send a message to Yun Eun-Ji: “Sooooooooooooooooooo Shit’s going crazy, and I mean CRA-ZY. Not bad enough to call for reinforcements, but like… I’m gonna enact plan ‘going off the chain’. It’s been long enough right? I SHOULD be going off the chain a bit. I’ll keep you updated on Octopus. Wish me luck.” he hits a few more buttons. 
“Heyyyy Manabe Sensei, Can you tell the others M. Agreste got his butt kicked by one of the heroes again? Yeeeeaahhh I was coming in to keep an eye on things and I found him passed out near the highschool the fight was at…. Thanks! I’ll bring him right back!”
“Oh also, I think it’s about time I introduced myself to the thieves guild, see what they have to say for themselves.” 
Cue intro. 
We open back up on Agrese Manor, Specifically Sun Min tossing a still unconscious Gabriel onto his bed, removing Duusuu just long enough for him to detransform and placing the pin on his nightstand.
“Sun Min!” Duusuu chirps as she comes back out “Don’t you think that was a little cruel?”
“You gotta be cruel to be kind sometimes Duusuu.” He shrugs. “Your charge is confused, a maelstrom of contrary emotions and thoughts, and if he can’t figure them out then he shouldn’t be on the battlefield.”
 “Sun Min-”
“Look, I literally never met you before I arrived in Paris, and even I can see that you’ve been playing up that ‘scatterbrain’ act so you can keep your cards close to your chest. Nooroo hates being used like how he is, but how do YOU feel about it, oh Kwami of the Inner Mind?”
Duusuu shifts uncomfortably rubbing her lil kwami paws together before huffing and fanning out her tail. “I worry he may not listen to me.” She speaks quietly. In a flash Sun Min also detransforms and Valoor zips over to hug Duusuu. “I fear that should I attempt to tell him the truth about what would truly make him better, he’ll assume that I simply wish for him to stop and think I'm trying to manipulate him.” 
“You’re Kwamis, you can’t manipulate your wielders-”
“Yes I know, but at times I wonder if he’s fully internalized that.”
“He’s already starting to question if he and Miss Sancour are on the right side, as the Kwami of the inner self, maybe if you tell him-”
A knock on the door cuts him off, and Sun Min reflexively unzips his hoodie for Valoor to dart inside, zipping his hoodie back up he turns and opens it. 
“Oh, hello Shifu Wu!” Wu Lian folds her arms and meets Sun Min’s eye easily.
“I was told there were injuries?”
“Yeah but not alot, our favorite placeholder just got knocked out, he’s probably fine.” Sun Min shrugs. He breezes past Wu Lian. “How’s Miss Sancour doing? She decided which branch she likes best yet?”
“Not when I saw her last. Manabe is determined to teach her a thing or two about being a Warrior, but Tuyến seems to have taken that as a challenge and is trying to recruit her into the Scholars.”
“Has she had any interest in being a Healer?”
“None that she’s expressed to me but that’s no matter, very few pick the path of Healer anyway. Far less flashy than a Warrior or a Scholar.”
“Yun Eun-Ji picked a healer’s path.”
“Yun Eun-Ji was one of my best students.” Wu Lian agrees. “As for you Sun Min, you would do well not to grow too attached. Manabe was never quite able to get that soft heart to harden, and I would not like our most promising young Warrior to get hurt just out of reclaiming what was stolen from us.”
“...Understood Master Wu.”
Wu Lian enters the room and shuts the door behind her. 
Sun Min gives a full body shudder. “Fucking creepy…” he opens his coat back up and Valoor zips up to rest on his shoulder. “How did I never notice how fucking creepy half my teachers are?”
“Couldn’t tell ya MinMin.” Valoor chirps. “You know I wasn’t assigned to you until your training was complete” 
“Please Valoor not this story again-”
“-And my first thought was ‘wow this kid is starry eyed! He’s never set FOOT in the real world has he?’”
“Valoor please-”
“‘No WONDER they assigned him the Kwami of Justice! Clearly he NEEDS me-!’ My role in your life has been to allow you to see things from your own perspective! To make your own choices without getting caught up in the flashy lights and pretty words!”
“Yes Valoor, I get it-”
“So I should HOPE you’ve started to understand that just because the Order wants what they believe is the best that doesn’t mean they’re an unassailable good!” 
“Sounds like the kinda stuff Master Wan says that Wang Fu used to talk of-”
“....no one ever said Wang Fu was wrong MinMin.” Valoor’s voice went quieter. “Things went too far, yes, but that doesn’t mean a voice of dissent doesn’t help in the long run.”
“And that has to be me now?”
“Only if you choose for it to be.”
Sun Min huffs, before adjusting his Miraculous; a fabric clasp currently being used as a belt buckle (said belt being a colorful sash that may or may not have originally been somebody’s scarf) and looks back down the hall. 
“I should… get more information first though, right? If anything I still don’t know much about the others, and my family is expecting me to introduce myself anyway.”
“That would be wise, yes.” 
“Okay, so uh.. Transform me.” A flash of gold, and the Lion fluffs out his collar. “Okay… okay…”
We cut to some time later, and we find Sun Min doing his normal ‘keeping an eye on things’ type rounds. Keeping to the shadows, darting in and out of hiding spaces and looking for one of Team Miraculous, any of them.
And eventually he does. He sees a flash of sandy brown, and follows it to find Roi Singe doing his own patrols. Sun Min follows behind the monkey for a few city blocks, but after he arrives a few rooftops away, he watches Roi Singe stiffen, turn in his direction, and take out his staff. 
Sun Min keeps to the shadows and as Roi Singe approaches begins to take out his brass knuckles. 
“Roi!” a voice pipes up and Roi Singe spins around, still ready to spring, as he’s joined by Ladybug. 
“Oh...hey Ladybug.”
“Hey, you okay?”
“Uh yeah, just…. Thought I heard something.” He huffs, looking back in Sun Min’s general direction before shrugging and putting his staff away. “Probably nothing, Monkeys aren’t exactly well known for their superb hearing.”
 “Roi if you need us to investigate-”
“It’s fiiiinnneee” Roi Singe waves her off. “Don’t make a deal out of it.”  He reaches over and ruffles Ladybug’s hair affectionately. “I’m cool here Bugaboo.”
“Hey! You can’t call me that!” Ladybug grabs his hand and twists it until Roi pulls away. “That’s a Chat-only nickname.”
“Awww no fair! I’ve known you for longer!”
“But he’s Fought with me for longer!” Ladybug takes a half step away from Roi Singe and Sun Min raises a brow from his hiding place, before Roi Singe twitches in place again, this time reeling around to face the opposite direction, drawing his staff out in a flourish and colliding with Ryuuko’s sword. 
“Haha! Look who’s not prepared now!” Roi chirps as he pushes Ryuuko off of him. 
“Lucky guess.” Ryuuko huffs before sheathing her sword. 
“Did you really just come along to test me ryuuko?” Roi Singe begins twirling his staff in his grip, this time more casually. 
“In part.” Ryuuko responds easily. “In part because none of us should be patrolling alone anymore anyway.”
“That’s fair.”
“Especially you granted that-”
“Granted that in the Bad Timeline I died first blah blah blah I GET it.” Roi Singe finally deadpanned, and Ryuuko at least came out of it embarrassed. 
“Be that as it may, You’ll forgive my being a bit on the cautious side.”
“Overprotective more like. Ryuuko if you want to adopt me all you have to do is ask.” He dramatically flops until he’s clinging to Kagami’s shoulders. “You’ll have to fight Tam, Xuan, and Vihn to get their approval first but i’d LOVE to have a new sist-”
Ryuuko’s sword is drawn and the hilt jabbed in his side until he dramatically ‘falls’ to the ground, clutching his injury. 
 “Ohhhh I am slain! Et Tu, Ryuuko?” 
Ladybug rolls her eyes at the hijinks before looking back in the direction of Sun Min. Clearly still thinking about what Roi supposedly heard. 
We cut back to Sun Min, taking in the shenanigans, and thinking for a moment, before shrugging. 
“What a lovely little group I’ve got here!” he chirps before stepping into the light. The three heroes reacting in shock. “A monkey, a dragon and a ladybug, that sounds like a ‘walks into a bar’ joke waiting to happen!” 
The three fall into defensive stances, but Sun Min continues uninterrupted “The Bartender says ‘we don’t serve animals here’! But the Monkey speaks up and says ‘wait we’re all good luck! Dragons, ladybugs and Monkeys are all signs of good fortune!’ so the bartender lets them in, The ladybug brings a big crowd of customers, the dragon keeps the drinks cold, and the Monkey breaks all the glasses. The Bartender says ‘I thought you said Monkeys were good luck!’ to which the monkey responds ‘Yeah, good luck for your competition’!” 
Sun Min laughs at his own joke. “And that was right off the top of my head too!” 
“Who are you?” Ladybug demands. 
“Wow, all business huh? Not an ounce of playfulness from earlier?” Sun Min huffs “I’m hurt, Bugaboo.” 
“If I can't call her that you sure as HELL can’t.” Roi Singe huffs, getting ready to charge. 
“Ohhh protective, you really HAVE known her for years, haven’t you?”
“State your business.” Ryuuko responds, painting her sword in his direction. 
“Wow you guys are no fun at all.” Sun Min huffs “Fine. I’m… ehhh you guys call us by our animals, so call me The Lion.” He stretches his arms. “I figured it was about time I introduced myself to some of ‘Paris’ angels’ see what's going on with your kind. You know… test your mettle, peer into some hearts, kick some ass.” Sun Min draws out his brass knuckles and cracks his neck. 
“Unless you lot are chicken.” Sun Min pauses for a second “Wait, you can’t be! We took the rooster back!”
Seems like that was what he needed to say because all three looked down to throw down. And Sun Min grins to himself. 
The fight starts fast and loose, Ryuuko charging forth first and Sun Min expertly dodging the strike of the blade before getting in as close as he can to deliver a punch. Ryuuko dodges as well and for a while it seems like the two are practically playing tag, strike and dodge and strike and dodge. 
But this competition is interceded by Roi coming in from the back with his staff, Sun Min seeming to struggle a bit more as two against one. Things are still locked in a stalemate but it seems like that could change quickly.
Which means of course Ladybug decides to join in. Yoyo grappling Sun Min’s wrist and pulling him backward until his back is pressed against Ladybug’s chest. 
“Whatever.” Sun Min huffs. “This isn’t worth THIS much effort. Judgement.” his hand darts back and grabs the side of Ladybug’s head far quicker than any of them could pull him away. 
Golden light passes between them, and once again we see the Judgement world through Sun Min’s eyes, this time a speedrun of the series proper. First becoming Ladybug all the way to her rallying cry at the end of season three.  All of those notable stories and scenes that proved Ladybug’s mettle both in and out of the suit. 
When Sun Min stands up properly again he quickly divests himself from the grapple and takes a step away from the still slightly dazed Ladybug. 
“Interesting.” he hums. Ryuuko closes in on him again but this time he easily blocks her sword, stopping the path of the swing with one of his knuckle dusters. 
“You’re an idealist, Miss Bug. I’ll give you that.” He turns and walks away with a wave. 
“Hey!” Roi Singe shouts “What the hell was that?!” Roi Singe then, say it with me now folks, springs into the brawl again headfirst. Sun Min grabs the staff as it comes toward him, turning Roi around in his grip and throwing the brick of a boy in Ryuuko’s direction. The both go stumbling back and Ladybug going to grab her friends before they fall off the edge of the building.
By the time all three are on even ground again the Lion is gone.
 “....well that was embarrassing.” Roi singe huffs, Ryuuko pauses for a moment and smacks him upside the head. 
“I told you about rushing into things headfirst!” 
But we follow back to Sun Min, as he’s going back about his travels across the city, every so often detransforming to do touristy things, because he hasn’t been doing too many touristy things here. Every so often however, we see him sitting on rooftop ledges and under overhangs, communicator open, and during those times we hear him talking to Yun Eun-Ji.
“-And it looks like at the very least their LEADER has her head on straight! The whole thing makes us look a helluva lot more like the bad guys-”
“Did you know that Master Wan was on the ‘killing kids’ rampage long before we got here?’
“In one of her memories the Snake mentioned that the Tiger merely died in a reset, specifically due to Master Wu. I thought it was against a healer’s creed to take a life-?”
“And when compared to M. Agreste’s memories it seems to line up- but I don’t wanna be too hasty on that-”
At this last one we hold on Sun Min as his fake lion ears twitch. “....I’m gonna have to call you back.”  and he puts away the communicator, properly drawing his knuckle dusters. 
“....I don’t appreciate being followed.” He announces loudly. “I’m in the middle of something here!”
“Chatting with your friends is hardly what one may consider busy.” A familiar voice responds, and stepping out of the shadows is our favorite sonofabitch, Tsering Wan.
“Master Wan, I’m not a little kid anymore, I don't need a chaperone.”
“What were you speaking with your friend about?”
“I was just telling Yun Eun-Ji that being a traitor sounds really cool actually- what do you THINK I was telling her? I’ve been introducing myself. I wanted to keep her updated so she doesn’t think I’m dead in the Seine or something.”
“Watch your tone boy, talk like that even in jest is dangerous.”
“What? It’s funny!”
“For you perhaps. However I myself have grown weary of traitorous behaviors as of late.” Sun Min stiffens as Tsering Wan approaches him. “Not to mention how flagrantly disrespectful such talk is.”
“Apologies Master Wan, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“‘Upset’ is a strong word. You didn’t mean to invoke my suspicions.”
“Then I apologize for that.” 
“Hm.” The two stand in silence for a moment longer before the Scorpion turns to the Lion. 
“And your introductions? Have you learned much from our new foes?”
“Nothing the others haven’t already found out. The Monkey rushes headfirst into things, the Dragon is skilled in swordplay, the Ladybug is clever. There weren’t a lot of them around when I showed up.”
“I see.”
“I figure if I stay out I can draw some more of them out at least.”
“You know better than to use Judgement on them, I hope. The last thing we need in this war is one of our warriors to be fooled by perspective and come to see our enemies as anything else.”
“I’m no fool Master Wan. I was given Valoor to understand not to sway. Isn't part of a skill in knowing when to not use it?”
“Indeed.” Tsering Wan reached forward and pats his shoulder. “Simply be aware. Their little ‘team’ is well known for being able to twist others into a false sense of control.”
“Of course Master.” Sun Min grins and his mouth of sharp Lion-Like teeth gleam. Tsering Wan tilts his head to the side briefly but turns and walks off, seemingly vanishing after blending into the shadows. 
Sun Min takes a deep breath and turns away, back to the city outside. Now he spends some time really drawing attention to himself, sitting down with civilians and chatting and posing for pictures with teenagers who seem to think he’s a cosplayer. Letting small children pet the fur on his costume and wiggling his lion ears to make them giggle.
He’s talking to a random civilian (Pigeon man for that sweet sweet cameo?) when his ears twitch and his eyes shift to the side. 
“Excuse me M. Ramier. I have to go deal with something.”
“Oh! Well thank you for your company stranger!” 
Sun Min huffs and sure enough as he stands a black gloved hand appears on his shoulder. 
“Hey man.”
“Chat Noir, was it?”
“Got it in one. Listen. We need to talk, you and me.”
“Fair enough.” Sun Min shrugs and with Chat Noir’s hand still firmly on his arm the two arrive at a rooftop.
“Really? Bloodhound and Nimh? You decided to corner me with the two newbies?” Sun Min huffs, “I’m offended, Adrien.”
“Hey!” Bloodhound responds “That- I’m not THAT untrained! I kicked my father’s ass-” 
Sun Min smacks a hand onto his forehead. “Felix, not now. I’m talking with Adrien. Go kiss your girlfriend.” 
All three heroes pale at his words. 
“How did you-” Nimh stars but Sun Min waves her off 
“Bridget, Poor untrained Bridget, only here because of the Bad Timeline, get her in your fold so she won’t be tempted into ours.” Sun Min humms playfully and when the others stiffen he grins. “Calm down you guys I’m not here to fight.”
“I’m pretty sure Roi Singe, Ladybug, and Ryuuko would say otherwise-!” Chat steps forward, staff raised in challenge.
“Nah, see, I was there to fight them. I was curious about what they were chatting about. You guys? I’m not about to fight the newbies,” He takes a step forward, hand tight on his staff and pushing it to the side, “you’re the only one here I want to chat with. See, I wanna give you a… Judgement.” 
The golden light races from Sun Min’s palm, down the staff, and into Chat Noir’s hands. And much like Ladybug we see for a moment the series on speedrun, but this time we see Adrien’s arc in it. Gaining Plagg, then losing him and earning him back, forming the New Order, and finally becoming a leader. 
“Hm…” Sun Min humms. “You’ve been through quite a lot Adrien. The Judgement had some mixed reviews.” Adrien darts away from him. 
“What?! What was that?”
“My power, Judgement. It reveals to me the path that has led a man where he is now. After all, one can only make a judgement when one has all the facts.” Sun Min shrugs. “Not very combative, but the Lion is the Kwami of Justice so what can ya do.”
“Then why did you-”
“Master Zhao is looking into your magical imprints, he has all three of the remaining elementals plus yourself and ladybug. And he will be able to use them to find out your identities if that's how he applies said knowledge, or he could find a way to turn it into a localized attack that would only hurt you and yours.” 
“Your father is rather set on his cooperation with our Order being determined by your safety. But he thinks you’re still the dog.” He nods to Felix. “He wants Fenrir- or Bloodhound now, alive, but he’s fine with Chat Noir dying. You see the issue that may arise there?”
“Wait, that means you know all of our-”
“All of your identities, yeah, but here’s the thing, I don't care. A lot of what’s been going on hasn’t been adding up with what I was told upon coming to Paris, and I care more about finding out what’s really going on with my order than i do about blindly following it.” 
“So tell Ladybug, it was a lot of fun fighting her, but don’t expect me to show up to battles much!” 
“Wait, Lion, was it?”
“...Are you going to tell your order our identities?”
Sun Min pauses before laughing. “What do I look like, a snitch?”
We fade to black on that scene, and when an image returns, we see Sun Min in his current abode at the Mansion, one of the guest rooms, laying on the bed like a teen about to gossip with his laptop sitting in front of him, the camera’s light on to indicate he’s visible. The sun shines in the window, but it’s clearly lower than we last saw it, and it’s rising.
And on the screen, we get to see Yun Eun-Ji for the first time. She’s a South Korean woman with a wide grin and short hair cropped close to her head. She looks tired, despite the late afternoon glow in her background. 
“So what, another sleepless night?” Sun Min guesses. 
Yun Eun-Ji takes a long drink of a coffee. “What was your first clue?”
“Simple, that’s the mug you use when you’ve already had one but don’t want to rinse out the first mug because it’d take too long.”
She glares at him and takes another long drink of her coffee. 
“So why are you harassing me on this fine day Sun Min? Isn’t it like early morning over there?”
“Barely, it’s like ten.”
“You’re still jet lagged, You’ve been sending me messages when it was definitely the middle of the night.”
“.....okay fair.”
“So why?”
Sun Min humms. “....I think you might be right.”
We cut to black, but Yun Eun-Ji has one more line for us
“I’m always right, What am I right about this time?”
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love-musicheart · 4 years
Chapters: 1/9 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug, WandaVision (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Blanc/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Adrien Agrese | Chat Blanc, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Sabine Cheng, Tom Cheng, Emilie Agreste, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Kagami Tsurugi, Luka Couffaine, Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug) Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions Summary:
Everything is perfect. Everything is also black and white. And Marinette is acting weird. ...maybe everything isn't quite so perfect after all?
The first chapter of my new fic is out! Chapters after this will likely be longer, but I hope you guys enjoy this one anyway.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
Lila was shocked. So far Marinette had been pretty docile, if passive agresive towards her and her stories. But it appeard that Chat Noir was a bit of a soar spot for her because when Lila began to talk about how ladybug said that Chat Noir was nothing but a useless side kick who toyed with peoples feelings, Marinette just about flipped her desk in anger.
Lila was shocked. So far Marinette had been pretty docile if passive aggressive towards her and her stories. But it appeared that Chat Noir was a bit of a sore spot for her because when Lila began to talk about how ladybug said that Chat Noir was nothing but a useless sidekick who toyed with peoples feelings, Marinette just about flipped her desk in anger. All her books crashed into the bench in front of her, causing Adrien to shrink into Nino in fear. When did Marinette get so strong?! “I will NOT SIT BACK WHILE YOU TALK SMACK ABOUT MY BOI!” She roared. It was in this moment that Adrien knew the true meaning of fear. “Oh, do you have a crush on him or something?” Lila asked in a condescending tone. “Not just that, Lie-la. He’s my boyfriend.” Marinette shot back smugly, causing Lila to tense up. “Pff, as if!” She scoffed, quickly regaining her composure. “Would I lie? We’ve been dating for three months now, he comes to my balcony every night for croissant dates, and then he spends the night and has breakfast with me and my parents the next morning. Sometimes if we’re lucky, he shows up before sunset. He and I have saved each other countless times. And don’t you dare call him a useless sidekick, because he has saved my life more times than I can count. Ladybug would never call him useless because without him she wouldn’t be able to save Paris every day. Yes, he can be a bit goofy, but he’s sweet, and selfless, and...charming.....with floofy hair and nice eyes. So like I said before, DON’T YOU BE TALKING SMACK!” Marinette ranted. She continued, but Adrien was hardly paying attention. He was glad nobody was paying attention to him cause if they were, they’d see he was blushing. It was then that he decided his Princess was getting TONS of kitty kisses and cuddles tonight.
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blueuchan · 6 years
Yes but now Lila is going to try destroying Marinette. Adrien will now the true but he isnt going to be super helpfull, because Adrient. And Alya and Nino are tired of the Marinnete - Lyla drama.
I trust in Marinnete but she isnt going to fight the mean girl, our little hero is not the best on passive agresive war. My point is, this is the escenario when the original mean girl could shine, if Lyla really get advances on Adrient, we could finally had a Marinnete and Cloe on the same corner, and face it Marinnete-Cloe team would be more dangerous than Hawkmoth.
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I've been saying it for YEARS that boy needs therapy so bad
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silentmagi · 6 years
A new story idea I have been working on in the background. Hope you all enjoy it.
Adrien might have been oblivious, but even he was able to notice when others are having bad days, and suddenly turning around to being all peaceful smiles and relaxed postures. When Juleka came back from being near tears, and was smiling happily as Rose pulled her just inside earshot, he couldn’t help but let his curiosity take over and eavesdrop.
“I told you Cuddlebug would help,” Rose cheered as she hugged Juleka around the shoulders. “There’s very little her hugs can’t cure.”
“I know,” the taller girl agreed with a warm smile as she looked down at the smaller girl. I should have listened to you when I started feeling bad… sorry.”
Adrien’s ears perked up as he watched the pair talking, feeling like he was hearing something secret, but unable to look away and let it alone. Who was this Cuddlebug? She could make people feel better with just her hugs? Why hadn’t he heard of her before? He wouldn’t mind being hugged, if they were as good as… as his mother had to have been good at hugging, right? Had it really been that long since he last had a hug?
Forcing himself to look natural was a trait he rarely used outside of modeling, but it was handy at times. He could listen to Rose and Juleka as they talked, and still appear to be going over some homework on his tablet. “I’m telling you Juleka, you don’t have to apologize. I just wish I could be the one to comfort you, but I know that Cuddlebug… she’s special.”
It was boring a hole in his head, the name Cuddlebug and the thought of getting a hug. “She’s also busy, I had to schedule my time for a month… but I know you needed it more.”
“She told me that she’s going to be busy the next couple weeks,” Juleka answered as she led Rose towards their seats. “I told her that was fine, and if she needed help, we’d love to help. Is that okay?”
“Of course Juleka! That’s a great idea! If we do that then-” Rose cut off as the bell chimed to signal that class was to start. Adrien wanted to snap his stylus in half in aggravation as he felt that Rose was going to spill more information. Instead he watched the rest of the class rush to their seats, with Marinette skidding in just as the bell finished. She was gasping for breath, but didn’t look like she’d ran from her home, so he figured she had actually been at the school before then.
Smiling to her, he gave her a friendly wave before surging forward to catch her as she stumbled and nearly fell on the stairs. “Are you okay Marinette?” he asked while helping her back to her feet.
“You’re fine! I mean, I’m fine Adrien, thank you.”
Giving her what he hoped was an understanding smile, he picked up a book that had fallen from her bag and handed it to her. “Careful, don’t want to hurt one of my best friends, do we?”
“M-me?” she asked, causing a slight tic of worry to bury itself in the back of his mind. She didn’t think of him as a friend? Did he over assume? “I mean, I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I’m tough!”
Oh, she was thinking he was meaning it like that. “I know you don’t intend to hurt anyone Marinette, but just be safe. Okay?”
“Sure thing Adrien!” her laugh was… okay that probably wasn’t her normal laugh, but it was getting better around him. Progress! Now if only he could have her laugh like she did with the others… that would be awesome. He really did want to get to know her better.
Hey, maybe she could help him find out who Cuddlebug was. She always helped people out, and he wouldn’t mind getting a hug. He’d even help her out somehow as payment. Maybe he could see if his father would review her designs, or he could offer to let her sit at one of the shoots. Wait, no, that one would add to her already busy schedule.
Ugh, he didn’t even feel right asking her her help now.
Thankfully, for his mental state, he was interrupted from his thoughts on Cuddlebug and getting Marinette’s help by the arrival of M. Bustier. Class was a good distraction.
At least that was the theory he wanted to work with, but the practice was failing harder than his attempts to get his father to let him throw a birthday party at the mansion.
He wanted to get to know Marinette better, and so his thoughts went to he. Maybe he could help her out with some of her schedule or something like that, but his own schedule wouldn’t allow him any chance to help her. And every time he tries to think of ways to work it out he feels a bubble of frustration grow in the back of his mind, taunting him with the lack of freedom that he has.
That leads him to thinking about his need for a hug, and wanting to find out more about this Cuddlebug. But he didn’t even know how to start asking about it. Was there a secret code he was supposed to use? Was there some type of ritual to join in the circle of the Cuddlebug’s confidence? Would he be rejected for going after her?
Not to mention she had a pretty busy schedule as is, so… wait, if most of her schedule was helping others. Could he maybe help them in her stead? If he helped free up her schedule, he’d show her that he wasn’t just out for a cheap hug for a pick-me-up, but wanted to be a better person. Right?
Maybe he could act in secret, be a super helpful hero in the shadows so he wasn’t out for recognition. If she was going by Cuddlebug, he could be something else. Something just as approachable and cute.
Something cute… like a kitten… Fluffy Kitten? Maybe that would work, right? Could he be the Fluffy Kitten to help the Cuddlebug? He would have to work on that…
Letting his focus shift back to the classroom, he saw Nino out of the corner of his eye. He might be a good start, after all, they were bros, right? Bros helped get the hugs they needed, right?
He’d help Nino get the hugs if he wanted, and he somewhat knew who that would be. Nino wasn’t very secretive about his interest in Marinette after all, but he didn’t seem to notice that he wasn’t just about Marinette now. There was a budding journalist that had gotten his attention more than once.
Perhaps this kitty could help his bro out.
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lotus-duckies · 7 years
Funny Reveal Idea
Nino suggests to Adrien that he should “propose” to Marinette with a ring and everything as a cute way to ask her to be his lady.
So he goes out and buys a ring, but get this: the box is the same shape and color as his miraculous box.
For the time being, he takes off the Chat Noir ring so he and Mari could wear matching rings if she says yes.
But when he actually proposes, Plagg comes out instead and he’s like,” OH SHOOT WRONG BOX”
Marinette faints and Tikki’s like,” Well it had to happen eventually.”
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bunbunbab · 9 years
but guys
what if...
wait for it...
adrien and sweater paws
ehh ehhhh ??? :DDD
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silentmagi · 6 years
Miraculous (Gummi Bears rewrite)
Based on the them for Disney’s Gummi Bears - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJmWyZlW2sE
Marinette wasn’t sure what Alya wanted to show her, but knew it had something to do with her new project on the Ladyblog. To say she was curious would have been an understatement. Nino and Alya had been secretive about the entire project, often inviting her and Adrien for lunch and other things, only to duck off after the food was gone to work on the project. At least she had started to become a better friend to Adrien, with less stuttering, and more caring listening.
So to find him sitting there with Nino grinning like the devil from the front of the room probably didn’t raise the red flags that it normally should. For one, he didn’t normally do that, that was more Alya’s territory. For another, Adrien was blushing a bright crimson for some reason. “H-hey Marinette, you’re getting the preview too?”
“I-I so guess, I mean I guess so,” she responded, wincing as she reacted to Adrien like it was several weeks ago. Turning to look at Alya, she found herself being pushed into the seat next to Adrien.
“Now that the both of you are here, Nino and I want to show you a project we’ve been working on, it’s the reason we’ve had to bail on you so often, so I hope you realize it was for a good reason,” Alya announced proudly while pulling out a laptop from behind the desk in the front of the room, and connecting it to the overhead projector.
Marinette bit back a remark about it being a scheme of Alya’s and just decided to watch whatever this project was, at least with Adrien here Alya wouldn’t go too far. After all, Nino was Adrien’s bro, right? He’d save Adrien, and keep Marinette from dying of embarrassment out of their childhood friendship. Right?
Maybe she should look for an exit.
That’s when a trumpet blast began to ring out, drawing her attention away from the doorway, where she swore she saw the tops of people’s hair, and focused instead on the screen at the front of the room, which was showing clips of her and Chat racing towards one Akuma or another. The drumline was pretty solid too, and then Alya’s voice cut in. “Dashing and daring,” the recording sang out softly, showing a picture of them posing in front of an akuma six times their size.
She still remember the bruising she had after that fight. It was not fun, but outwardly she just kept watching as the movie played out. “Courageous and caring.” There was Chat carrying one of the child akumas to their parents, split screened with Ladybug extending a hand to help a crying Chloe to her feet. She had gotten better, and she could almost see why Adrien liked her when they were younger.
The two heroes of Paris sharing a smirk as they slowly extended their hands for a fist bump. “Faithful and friendly,” rang out as the pair stood back to back, protecting each other, and shooting out quips. She could almost remember the pun that Chat had said that caused her to roll her eyes fondly.
Sadly that was cut to a shot of the pair of them on the Eiffel Tower looking out over the city that they loved so much. “With secrets to keep.”
Wait, did Alya just acknowledge that the two of them were keeping secrets? That was surprisingly mature of the journalist that had vowed to find out their identities many times. Then why did it fill her with dread?
“All across Paris, their laughter rings out,” Nino joined in backing up Alya, the clips of them zipping down the streets of Paris returning, this time of them on Patrol. They were playing a game of tag it seemed as they were laughing and Chat kept trying to catch Ladybug. “Swinging along as their calls fill the air!”
“MIRACULOUS!” a literal choir blasted out over the speakers causing Marinette to jump and nearly fall from her seat. The clips continued playing out, showing them fighting against akumas, and saving people, “Working hard to save all of Paris!”
“High heroism that’s beyond compare!” the chorus continued to explode out of the speakers, showing Ladybug cradling Chloe to her chest as she tried to get away from the latest Akuma, who was after her for her father for once, and not for herself. “They are MIRACULOUS!”
Back to Alya’s solo, showing Chat with his cataclysm readied, while in another half of the screen, Ladybug was summoning a lucky charm, the two of them timed and curiously swirled around. She didn’t remember a drone being in one of their battles, let alone two. Maybe she should pay more attention to the surrou- yeah no. As long as that drone wasn’t bothering them in combat, it was fine.
She almost missed the line song in the background about “Magic and mystery,” before it cut to a picture of the Egyptian tablets showing off the Ladybug at the time spinning her weapon, it was then superimposed by a painting of a cat noir from some orient country, if she had to guess China, but she wasn’t familiar with the script on the bottom. “Are part of their history.”
Huh, she didn’t get to see Chat Noir’s past often, that was awesome. Maybe she could get a copy of it and make it into a wall scroll for Chat, she’d even offer it as a piece on her shop site so he could deflect where he got it from. She’d have to ask Alya where she got the picture of… wait, that’s Ladybug glowing pink and Chat Noir glowing black and pulling back to reveal civilian shoes. “Along with the secret, of their identities.”
Thankfully it cut away, but she had seen more than she wanted of Chat’s secret identity. And someone knew who they were, and given Alya proof. Okay, she could manage this, Alya was a superhero buff, she’d understand the reasoning, right? RIGHT?!
As the music continued to swell, she forced herself to remain still, but her mind continued to race. She could almost swear that she knew his sneakers. The signature orange color, and the black butterfly on his heel. They were Agreste brand sneakers from his casual teen line.
Adrien wore them all the time, and so did many other boys in Paris.
She really didn’t want to think about how tell-tale her own shoes were. She was going to have a LONG and PANIC RIDDLED conversation with Tikki about that tonight.
Oh, that was a nice shot of them in front of Hawkmoth’s giant ego, err head. The time that he used a massive head to talk to them directly… nope, not his ego. Just a big head. And then she began purifying the entire swarm of moths. “Their legends are growing,” Alya cut in with the lyrics, as it showed Chat blocking a slash from one of the sword based Akuma with his staff, saving someone from being sliced to ribbons. “They take pride in knowing…”
The two of them against were at the top, as several of their toughest akumas scrolled through the bottom portion of the screen, converting to their civilian self halfway through. “They’ll fight for what’s right in whatever they do!”
And then the chorus hit again, not as startling as the first time, but just as loud. If Alya took her criticism on this piece, she would advise turning down the chorus just a bit. It kinda blasts away the rest of the video. There were new videos of them swinging through Paris, this time it was when they were racing to the Louvre with huge grins on their faces. It was showing that they were still teens, despite everything else.
Then it cut back to the softer melody, with Nino joining in the original verse. There were more scenes of them fighting akumas, all while Nino and Alya sang about their qualities that helped them be heroes, things they had thought anyone would have. That was before they found out about Hawkmoth and the ills of the world, but Marinette kept hope. And perhaps that was all that was needed to be a hero. Hope, and a reason to keep fighting for what’s right.
Taking her eyes off the screen, she found Adrien with tears in his eyes, and realized that he wasn’t the only one. Her eyes had started misting over somewhere along the way, but she hadn’t realized it. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she forced herself to focus on the movie, while her hand reached over to Adrien’s and gave him a friendly squeeze.
He looked like he needed someone there.
She felt him squeeze back, just as the chorus picked up again, this time, instead of them serving Paris it was more of the quiet moments they shared. The two leaning against each other on the Arch de Triumph, heads leaned against each other. That had been a hell week of finals and two akumas a day, and that was the Saturday that Hawkmoth decided to cut back. They had sat down to talk and catch their breath, and just sort of drifted to sleep there, sharing a view few others would be able to.
The music took a softer tone as the camera zoomed in on the napping pair, fading out to show Adrien and Marinette in the same positions as the super heroes, a live feed as they were still watching the movie and holding hands. “When you’re in danger, they’ll be there.”
“Lives and secrets that we all protect,” Alya sang softly, joined by several other voices as the camera slow panned away from the two ‘stars’ of the show, revealing the entire class in the background, giving them hopeful smiles. “They are Miraculous.”
The camera zoomed in on Marinette and Adrien with dawning horror on their faces as the pieces began falling into place for them. “You are Miraculous,” the chorus of classmates sang out with a softer, more supportive tone.
Finally the lights came on, and everyone seemed to focus on the two exposed teens; Alya walking forward with a sway to her hips as she lived for the drama and being extra. She was joined by Nino at the last moment as she hugged her friends close, whispering into their ears before the rest joined in. “You are Miraculous.”
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