#adv 2020 us dub
izzyizumi · 1 year
U.S. 2020!Tentomon, Ep 36, clearly thrILLED: "OoooHHH, *TELL THEM*, Izzy! *THAT'S* the mOST *IMPORTANT PART*, *ISN'T IT*?!??!" M E: (*LAUGHS IN Autistic with Special InterestTM*)
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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I’m Ni/Nina AKA digitalgate02 (She/They) and I’m 20+ I ask you: if you’re a minor please leave because I won’t interact with you & if you don’t i will softblock and perhaps block you if you insist. [full bio at the end of the post]
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The portrayal I mostly use for this blog is from both BR dub and JP version. I have zero idea about the US dub (or any other) so please be gentle with me. • I like 02 epilogue, Kizuna, 02TB and Adventure 2020 (Reboot/Psi) & I also have my own “epilogue AU” project, with a verse on this blog. If roleplaying with either of those is a big NO-NO for you, let me know and any foreshadowing or reference for them will be totally avoided. Also you can blog tags which has “kizuna” / "02tb" / “Adv2020″ / “digitimelines” / “epilogue” in it. Check the masterlist tag for details. • I’m canon divergent regarding some material: ▽ and Wonderswan games, as example. • For non Adv-verse muses, all of them are post-series unless stated in the tags. • I go with JP terminology & names, but I’m totes fine with dub names. If you start a thread with them, I’ll tag along with it. But if I’m the one starting it I’ll go with what I’m used to.
 I’m OK with duplicates/multimuses, all I ask you is please PLEASE do not compare or expect me to write my canon muses the same way as the others or you. If I get anyone doing that to me, I’m considering blocking. Same for anon questions trying to control how things are portrayed, aka “canon police” . As said previously, I go with BR dub and JP version for portrayal. • I do a lot of research and also analysis about some characters back and forth. However if you need to correct me about some incorrect information, please be polite and nice. I swear if you be aggressive/angry or passive-aggressive around me there’s chances of your message being misunderstood and causing me anxiety.
I know shipping is cool, but to ship stuff with me, you need to at least have been my acquaintance or a friend. Also must get totes permission from you to make some advance, like dating and marriage. • I do not s/m/u/t, sorry I’m actually not okay-ish with this kind of thread stuff and I blacklist those to avoid seeing it. • Ship-teasing is OK, and I do it most of the time!! But if you’re not okay or feel uncomfortable, tell me and muse won’t do those. Some of those kids are totally snarky and won’t lose the opportunity, however only if you’re fine with it. • I multi-ship a lot, but there’s some stuff I might be NOT OK-ish with like shipping minors with adults, digi/human or incest. I usually ship my muses as teen or young adults, or adults. I won't hesitate to block if you try to ship my adult muses with children, or a digimon with a human muse, or incest.
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 I love plotting & discussing stuff, so if you have that crazy idea or some angsty plot or just a funny prompt to be written with me, I’m always open for new things. For new friends & discussion. However, I tend to get quite fired up when discussing about the things I like/dislike. If it happens I’m apologizing right now for it.
Crossovers are my jam, but I kinda of put some limits on it. Like, I have to actually have small knowledge about the series to be able to put my muses in those other worlds if it is an AU setting. There’s a list of which series I’ve watched, I follow or simple enjoy.
I’m totes OC-friendly, but please let me know about your muse first. Because I love creating OCs too and I know it is hard to find canon RPers who’re okay-ish with OCs. • If your OC is related to any canon character I write, please let me know first. I get totally uncomfortable when people starts interacting with my muses like if they already know each other, so please let’s discuss and plot relationships together first!!
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Icons credits: Tumblr: @7digitalheroes | @goggles-and-noodles | @digimon-icons | @iconwarehouse | @ofcanalave | @qtpiecaps | @guiltfreeicons | @blujaerps | @facexclaimxcafe-blog | @fractalflare (AU Mimi icons made by @notsobubbly btw) Live Journal: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
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About Mun:
Hi I’m Ni (She/They; 20↑) , I love Digimon in general but the series I work more is with Adventure series. I’m Ace/Panromantic, use she/her or they/them pronouns please. I’m a scaredy-cat kind of person who get nervous and anxious at first, but once we start bonding I will drop those and be more of myself.
I love to learn new things, so please correct me if needed but without yelling at me because I kinda of hate being yelled at, bad bad personal life experiences. My muses, despite some being quite closer to my personality are NOT me so please be aware of the differences between muse and writer.
I get super duper fired up when talking about the things I love the most. However I can be quite harsh and critic about said stuff as well. I tend to get a lot of brainstorms so if I’m messaging you that much please tell me and I will slow down my pace. 
I also get excited when writing a thread, so I tend to reply hella quick while I still have in mind what to say. Don’t rush me, but give me small reminders if I forget to reply since there’s a chance I actually forgot to or thought it was your turn when in fact I hadn’t reply in the first place.
I also draw. Like, a lot. Quite compulsive. Some of my non-canon-material icons are my own art. And I feel a bit uncomfortable by using other people’s art WITHOUT their permission. So yeah, I do my own fanart icons… When I get energy for those.
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shihalyfie · 2 years
Hmmm... We've talked a lot about the differences and changes between the original version (Japanese) and dubs for 02 and Adv'99. In the light of the announcement of the reboot/Adv 2020's US dub, can you talk a little more about the American dubs in general?
My only exposure to them were material dubbed from the US dub (Digimon the Movie, and Digimon Fusion), so i'm curious about more details 👀
I haven't seen the American English dub as recently as I've seen the Japanese versions, but I did originally get into Digimon with it and therefore I do know it pretty well. As I've said before, the fandom myth that "the dub was a very loyal one for its time" is a complete lie or at least willful ignorance (only the "for its time" part might be true, and even then not as much as people think). Also, as I've said before, I don't think enough people realize that there's actually a difference between different series' dubs. There are some things in common between each, like changed names and added jokes, but the degree of how much they did it and how much it impacted the story varies a lot, both because the approach to dubbing changed per series and because each series' own writing style interacts differently with seemingly minor changes.
The short answer is: Adventure got fairly significant changes but the plot mostly held up, 02 got the highest number of significant changes to the point it actually took serious damage in terms of story and characterization, Tamers changes mostly are tonal, Frontier and Savers (Data Squad) are where they chilled a bit, Xros Wars (Fusion) was overkill, and tri./Kizuna were about what you'd expect from modern adults' anime dubs. The long answer (with a brief history of said dubs) is below the cut. (Also, hopefully this is interesting info for those who’ve never had contact with the American English dub at all!)
One thing that’s important to keep in mind is that Digimon dubbing and rights have actually changed hands a few times. The first few Digimon American English dubs were by a company named Saban Entertainment, headed by a guy named Haim Saban who unfortunately has openly said a lot of very questionable things about the Japanese media he’s handled to the point of bordering on racism, but that was also unfortunately very common at the time. Saban was also responsible for Power Rangers, among other things. Digimon was one of their last dubbed productions before they started falling under and got bought out by Disney. We’ll talk about that a bit later once we get to Tamers.
Adventure was dubbed while the Japanese series was still ongoing, in what seems to have been an episode-by-episode workflow. Now, the good thing is that Adventure's plot wasn't really impacted that much by the changes, and this is probably the origin of the "the Digimon dubs were very loyal" myth, because people are probably thinking of things like the infamous 4Kids outright changing plot points or cutting whole episodes. At the time, it was also unusual for an anime to outright admit they took place in Japan -- Adventure’s tried to hide it for half a series (that’s why “Highton View Terrace” is a thing), but they decided to give up once the Tokyo arc really was too obviously in Japan to do anything about.
The thing is, who on earth is watching Digimon Adventure for the plot? We’re all watching it for the characters, and this is the part people tend to ignore when discussing how much the dub did or didn’t change. All of these characters are defined by their temperaments and personalities, and these are the lines that got changed the most frequently. On top of that, the approach to dubbing seems to have been, for lack of a better way to put it, “a bit too reckless” -- they were very casual about making changes to the script without any foresight that things would become important later. This manifests most clearly in things like Mimi making a throwaway joke about a little brother only for us to learn she’s an only child later, but this does start causing more severe long-term issues in 02 (more on this later).
The most drastic change is Mimi’s personality and temperament, and there’s a reason my meta for her actually has an explicitly set aside disclaimer warning that readers coming only from the American English dub might find parts of the description to be jarring. I’m guessing that the dub production staff didn’t anticipate (or didn’t care about) the fact that the Adventure characters are meant to subvert their usual character archetypes, so a lot of the characters are rewritten to be pigeonholed back into the stereotypical tropes. Mimi definitely gets the biggest brunt of it because the dub writers basically piled on every single “empty-headed materialistic girly girl” trope they could think of on her -- obsessed with materialistic spending and shopping, lacking in common sense, haughty and condescending, et cetera. (Note that there are definitely positive examples of this kind of character in fiction -- Miyako’s character arc in 02 involves some degree of the shallowness issue -- but the problem in this particular case is that there is definitely a bit of maliciously misogynistic “girly girls must always be shallow and stupid” intent behind this here.) Unfortunately, this starts posing problems around the last quarter of the series when Mimi’s mental breakdown and character arc starts depending heavily on her Japanese version characterization, and it starts feeling jarring that someone who was so condescending towards others for three-quarters of a series is now getting a character arc about how inherently kind and non-judgmental she is towards others.
In the end, I don’t think Adventure took as much damage from the changes because it’s ultimately a very straightforward plot, and a lot of their character arcs are tied so heavily to the events depicted visually on screen that bar making severe footage changes, you can’t really change it that much. Any character arc that spiraled out of control eventually had to snap back into alignment with the Japanese version to some degree (hence why a good number of people were able to see past Mimi’s initial dub-induced rudeness), and some parts that were changed probably still needed to be changed in some way for cultural reasons (Sora, Koushirou, and Jou all have characterization elements that depend very heavily on understanding Japanese social propriety). Also, Adventure is probably somewhere around the middle when it comes to how tonally lighthearted or heavy it is compared to others Digimon series, so the added jokes do have some impact on its overall silliness, but not as much. Probably the worst part of it is that unfortunately they keep cracking jokes even when characters are having mental breakdowns or during formidable enemy climactic portions, but these are mostly offset by the character arcs being so clear that it’s still hard to dispute their contents in the end.
The real problems start once we get to 02.
For better or for worse, 02′s Japanese version has this incredibly subtle writing style where the character nuances rely a lot on individual lines of dialogue, and the plot often runs separately from how they do their character development. It’s a double-edged sword; on one hand its high level of depth and complexity means I can dedicate a whole blog to picking apart its nuances twenty years later, and it’s infamous for having a lot of people saying they saw it differently years later as adults, but on the flip side it means a lot of its best substance goes over the heads of kids or first-time casual watchers, and I’m not even sure I can blame the audience for missing it. It’s honestly too subtle for its own good at times.
Unfortunately, combined with being dubbed as it still aired in Japan, this created a very nasty combination with some of the most recklessly aggressive dub changes in the entire Digimon franchise. (This isn’t just personal bias; if you actually do a count of number of changes per episode, 02 changes average at about 1.5 times an average Adventure episode and 2-3 times an average Tamers or Frontier episode.) A lot of the substance of what makes 02 work in the first place either completely dies in the dub or at least becomes significantly harder to see the value in, and there's a reason it seems to have the highest rate of people saying they liked it much better when watching it in Japanese for the first time. Those from non-English speaking countries who got Digimon the Movie (the only product consistently translated from the English script instead of the Japanese internationally) have sometimes complained that the tone and characterization seemed off compared to the Digimon they knew, with jokes being cracked every half minute and everyone being really rude to each other. So basically, imagine that for fifty episodes.
The changes are basically more aggressive and more exaggerated versions of the Adventure changes, but they end up getting much more damaging to 02′s integrity as a series overall for the following reasons:
Daisuke. Very little of his original characterization survived the dubbing process, and there’s a reason I consistently dedicate entire posts to what happened to his characterization and how this created a chain effect with 02′s entire writing. After all, Daisuke’s the lead protagonist! 02 is when the series started getting very theme-heavy (Adventure’s was broadly about individualism and self-awareness, but not as pinpoint about overarching story themes), and unfortunately the first half-writing basically added almost every toxic masculinity trope you can imagine to him, almost as if they wanted to make him unlikable. They started toning it down in the second half as Daisuke’s forward-thinking nature and friendliness actually became plot important, but this still didn’t fix the issue because now the character arc just became flat-out unbelievable (someone who was so arrogant and self-centered in the first half is supposedly one of the most open-minded and friendly guys around?).
“Adding jokes” is consistently done in every series dub, but the 02 dub stands out because it seemed to be utterly incapable of ever cutting the jokes out even during plot-important moments when it really needed to, causing a lot of the series to become basically devoid of emotional depth. Of course, this only ended up causing problems for characterization too, because the Japanese version could have a scene where they’re exposing their vulnerabilities and emotional weaknesses, but we have to make this into a joke, again, which implies nobody in the series is actually taking this seriously. (Kiuchi Reiko’s Daisuke has multiple moments where you can tell in delivery Daisuke’s about to cry, even if he doesn’t actually break into tears, but I can’t remember a moment I ever felt that way with Davis.) 02 starts off tonally lighter than Adventure at the beginning but ends with a much heavier emotional toll on all the kids by the end of it, but you’d probably never believe this with the American English dub alone. This is also why 02 fans who favor the Japanese version tend to get very upset when people justify why the American English dub is better because “it’s funnier”, because a lot of what made it “funny” also ended up doing serious damage to some core parts of the series.
A lot of the 02 kids’ characterization is built up through one-off lines or the nuances of how they approach things, and the dialogue changes being done so uniformly and recklessly across the series means that basically all of this goes out the window. Instead, it’s replaced with everyone constantly mocking and dunking on each other, which probably sounds fun and “savage” at first, but it leads to two major problems: firstly, it does damage to a series where a lot of the appeal is about the group’s dynamic and way of playing off each other (you’re supposed to get the impression these kids really, really love each other, because this is a series heavily themed around relationships and all that), and secondly, every single character now has an identical sort-of-snarky temperament with no clear distinction between them, so it’s no wonder the 02 kids have such a strong reputation in English-speaking countries for being “flat with no character development”. A good number of the emotional payoffs in the second half become nonfunctional because everything meant to build up to it is no longer recognizable.
Even in the original version, 02 definitely has a very crowded plot where lots of things happen and subplots get juggled around at the drop of a hat, but the very reckless dubbing approach to these points leads to unaddressed/unanswered/contradictory plot points and portrayals basically permeating the entire series. Hey, did you know the ending to episode 13 wasn’t a cliffhanger in Japanese?
I’m not saying it’s impossible to see some of the substance behind 02 when you’re dub-only; I liked the series well enough when I was younger (although I very much disliked Davis due to being upset with the creepy -- and dub-exclusive -- way he invaded Kari’s boundaries), and I think perceptive fans have been able to see bits of the original Japanese series’ substance poking through the cracks (although it generally manifests in things like “I see what it was going for even if it didn’t succeed in execution” far more often than it would in Japanese). But I definitely think 02′s Western reputation has definitely taken a severe tangible negative hit thanks to this dub, and there’s a reason this blog devotes about 10% of its posts just trying to weather out and inform people of the differences at all because the confusion has gotten so bad.
Incidentally, Ken’s character arc and backstory is closest to that of an Adventure character in that it’s heavily tied to the actual plot events depicted on screen (i.e. it’s the least subtle and hardest to miss), and that’s probably why he’s the character who’s closest to unscathed out of all the 02 kids. I think the strength of that character arc contributed heavily to salvaging 02′s Anglosphere reputation and allowing 02 to still get good reviews by a decent number of people out there; it’s hard to argue with what happened in it, and it’s also hard to argue with the appeal of the rough-around-the-edges Davis mellowing out through his relationship with him (even if it has way more hurdles to get around than it was originally intended to).
That said, I do have a major credit to give this dub and it’s that it had a lot of pretty good dub-exclusive insert songs (mainly made for The Movie, but I digress). Adventure’s dub only had one, “Hey Digimon”, and it was this lighthearted song that they somehow felt they had to use even for some really climactic battle scenes, resulting in some of the worst anticlimax ever. 02′s are much better and much more well-timed.
Hurricane Touchdown gets its own post because while people generally know it was the most edited-down part of The Movie, the fact a lot of people don’t actually know much about the original movie (it didn’t even have very good fansubs until around two years ago) means what got lost is often not very well-known -- mainly that the original was heavily about moving on from denial and nostalgia for the past, and that Wallace was characterized as a relentless flirt and general disaster child. (Willis in The Movie comes off as significantly more responsible while Davis antagonizes him, but in the original Japanese version Wallace was the unhelpful gremlin while Daisuke was more understandably upset at his antics.)
One extra thing I have to point out before I move onto Tamers is that Diablomon Strikes Back (Revenge of Diaboromon) was the first Adventure-branded thing to be dubbed by anyone besides Saban. (Diablomon Strikes Back, both Tamers movies, and the Frontier movie were dubbed by Disney in 2005, between Frontier and Savers/Data Squad.) As a result, for a while, it was probably the most accurate-to-the-source dub of any Adventure product. There are still some changes, but they’re within line of necessary cultural nuance considerations and the overall tone of the movie. I’ve seen some dub-only people say that Davis came out feeling unusually nice and friendly compared to the TV series. Yeah, funny thing about that...that’s actually because that’s Daisuke’s original characterization. My biggest fear right now is that the upcoming 02-based movie may have fights breaking out over how the characters are portrayed there, because it’s entirely possible they’ll be accurate to Japanese characterization but get accused by dub-only fans for being out of character.
I’m not actually sure at what point the deal between Saban and Disney was finalized in practice, but on paper the handover happened around the point of the D-Reaper arc. This is where things kind of get interesting, and I think whether you prefer the original version of Tamers or the American English dub will really be a matter of taste.
Firstly, not only did they start really toning down how aggressive they were with the changes, they also started getting more tasteful about how they wrote in added humor (instead of just intrusively adding in jokes in periods of silence, the way people would deliver lines would be more smoothly integrated into the series). It feels much like a transition period into what would eventually become the style used for Frontier and Data Squad, and it’s why I wonder if the shift to Disney wasn’t already happening earlier than when they say it did.
Tamers is a much more straightforward series than either Adventure or 02 when it comes to characterization -- it’s not very subtle, and characters will often state their motivation or epiphanies directly in dialogue -- so although there are of course enough changes that you could unpack them in more detailed Tamers meta or run into discrepancies in deeper fandom discussions, for the most part the characters come off as almost the same among most casual watchers. This means that the biggest difference is tonal, and that’s where the preference issue really comes in.
Japanese Tamers is a very unrelenting series, and its reputation for being “dark” probably has a lot to do with the fact it has very minimal situational comedy compared to Adventure, 02, or Frontier. (Note that Ghost Game is heavily relying on situational comedy for tonal regulation; Kiyoshirou is a huge factor in balancing out all the knives and stuff.) I don’t believe the core contents are necessarily unusual for Digimon standards, but I do agree that tonally speaking, by the time you get to the third quarter, it becomes a barrage of heavy thing after heavy thing happening to the characters without as much in the way of balancing it out (or at least not much compared to other series). It’s a lot for even an adult to handle, and based on testimony from Japanese fans watching it at the time as kids, it was often just too emotionally draining for them. It’s considered one of the leading theories over there as to why Tamers was the first series to experience a major financial hit (ratings started dropping enough to make the TV networks panic early in the series, and it ultimately made only barely over half 02′s toy revenue that year), in that people may have dropped it because it was just too much. (In actuality, there were several other things that probably contributed to the downfall, but the point I’m making is that this is notable enough for people to take it seriously as a theory.)
In contrast, American English dub Tamers was...I’m not going to say “making jokes” per se (it thankfully does not have people crack inappropriate jokes at people’s suffering or anything like that), but the tone of everyone’s dialogue carries an ever so slightly lighter and more casual tone from the beginning even all the way to the end. If the above theory of the original series turning people off for being too overwhelming is true, it’s very possible that -- ironically, given Tamers’ reputation -- the dub contributed to actually retaining a proportionally larger audience in English-speaking territories as a result of being less unrelenting. (Of course, again, things went south in the West too due to changed universes going over less well with Western audiences and other things related to franchise mismanagement, but, again, that’s a digression.)
My impression is that the Tamers dub never got quite to the level of utterly assassinating emotional resonance the way 02′s was often guilty of, but of course there are things you can still dispute for good reason (based on characterization nuances -- Kazu is a bit more openly misogynistic than Hirokazu is, Ryou and Ruki’s dynamic is a bit changed in ways that probably turned a lot more people off, and I’m personally uncomfortable with how the Chinese elements are the most aggressively stripped out in a series that partially involved discussing racism against Chinese families in Japan), and tonal preference is always going to be a thing. Also, Tamers is a bit unusual in Japanese in that it's one of the more willing to be indulgent in gender-neutral Digimon personalities (Renamon, Culumon, etc.) and this unfortunately doesn’t come into play in English -- although I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume this was more due to the fact the writers simply didn’t get the memo in time and weren’t given references on how Japanese pronouns work. That kind of thing is more commonly provided to localizers today, but the actual translation process was very shaky back then.
I will say one really major thing the Tamers dub bungled (possibly due to lack of foresight) is that they changed Leomon’s last words to Juri to ones of reassurance -- they even named an episode after the new version! -- only for things to pose problems when it turned out his last words having a trigger word for her (”destiny”) was plot important. They awkwardly tried to retcon it by having flashbacks to the scene use more accurately translated dialogue, but it’s really conspicuous.
In any case, like I said, the last quarter was when things transferred fully to Disney, and that’s when the changes started toning down.
Legally, Frontier’s dub is by “Sensation Animation”, but in practice by Disney commissioning former Saban staff to finish dubbing Digimon material. Nevertheless, the company shift shows in multiple ways -- for one, they stopped having the rights to the original Digimon dub theme song anymore, and that’s why you’ve never heard it used in anything since Tamers (and why the Frontier theme song is used in Revenge of Diaboromon, because that’s the only theme song they had the rights to at the time).
Again, I think there are definitely nitpicks you can make here if you happen to be a Frontier meta writer, and I definitely think there are reasons to be annoyed at the fact everyone is a bit more cruel to each other than they were in the original. (It’s not as bad as 02 because in Frontier everyone is very rough around the edges and not always in sync, especially at the beginning of the series, but it is supposed to be one of the tighter groups in the end, and them softening around each other is a way the series often employs to show the potential these kids have to be much nicer people.) However, on top of this being where dubbing started to really chill due to the company change, Frontier is also a very straightforward, easy-to-understand plot, and therefore I don’t think I’ve ever heard any major disputes in understanding between Anglosphere fans of Frontier and others in terms of getting the characters and how they work.
Probably the one biggest difference I can think of is Kouichi, and this is mostly due to his very limited screen time in terms of speaking for himself -- in Japanese it’s much clearer through his speech pattern he’s actually normally a very casual, sociable kid (he uses ore!) and just happened to be shy with the others due to circumstances. His major focus episodes in the American English dub (with Crispin Freeman’s delivery) sound a little more sad and a bit angstier, so you might get the impression he’s a lot softer and more introverted of a kid.
Savers/Data Squad
For all I’m not normally the biggest fan of Disney, I have to say it is kind of impressive they were pretty dedicated to Digimon during the time they had it. They went ahead and dubbed all of the remaining movies (at the time) to promote Data Squad, and when they brought on Studiopolis for it, Jeff Nimoy made it a thing to get high-demand voice actors among Digimon fans for it (if I remember correctly, Colleen O'Shaughnessey is Yoshi specifically because of this). But anyway...
Data Squad is about the level of Frontier in terms of dialogue and tone changes, with the one major sticking-out point being that Disney got really antsy when it came to depictions of bombs and led to one of the franchise’s most infamous censors (hi Citramon). Personally, though, I think Citramon is hardly much of an issue compared to the fact that Tohma’s fake betrayal centered heavily around the fact he was being blackmailed with a bomb around his sister’s neck...but other than that one unfortunate part, Savers was always a series that was big on situational and slapstick humor even to the very end, so it takes well to dub humor, and on the flip side the dub was careful to still preserve the themes about xenophobia and the cycle of hate.
Xros Wars/Fusion
I haven’t seen all of this one’s dub yet (I stopped after five episodes), so I’m going off what I remember of it and what others watching it reported. This was the first dub done after the franchise was transferred back to Saban Brands, Haim Saban’s successor company to Saban Entertainment. They seemed to be on a roll of procuring Toei franchises, since they took Power Rangers back and also tried to start a dub of PreCu-- um, Glitter Force. Unfortunately, they were also convinced that the best way to go about things would be to pretend it was the nineties again.
The end result is Adventure/02-style dubbing applied to a 2010 series in an era where nostalgia wouldn’t even save it. (I do think it’s a bit hypocritical the Digimon fandom treats this like the most radical dub in the franchise when in actuality Adventure and 02 were even worse at times, but it is true that in this case Saban didn’t even have “this is normal for the time” as an excuse.) The problem is exacerbated even further by the fact that someone (not sure if it was Saban or Nickelodeon, which aired the series) decided that most of everything that could be remotely taken as objectionable had to be censored to ludicrous degrees -- even if they were things that were fine back in Adventure -- and while I’m personally whatever when it comes to issues of design, I feel like even the idea of a kid in Taiki’s backstory getting gravely ill from pneumonia for months being considered objectionable is a bit much.
Overall Xros Wars is a bombastic series that never lets up on situational humor, and even during its most tense moments it’s over-the-top, so Fusion probably didn’t suffer too much to that extent, but I also unfortunately heard stories of them still overdoing it to the point that even if it didn’t cut into the series themes and characterization, it was just plain cringeworthy writing. That said, I don’t know very many people who survived watching it to the end in the first place...
I don’t personally know very many people who watched this beginning to end, and I didn’t watch it myself (and the reason is actually just because Vic Mignogna as Matt is just a bit too much for me to personally bear at this time). I do know that the dub was allegedly commissioned by Toei themselves now that they’ve been getting more actively involved in their series localization. Otherwise, I didn’t hear much about it, and the few people I know who did watch it didn’t have much to analyze very deeply about it. I assume there was definitely some added humor, but from the sound of it it was somewhere around Tamers level.
The biggest complaint I heard was mainly that they tried to have Meiko have a sort of “fake Southern” accent to approximate her Tottori dialect, but in actuality it was just too intrusively distracting.
I assume this was also commissioned by Toei. This one I did actually watch myself. Not many added jokes (and the few they added were well-timed), Daisuke and the others are in-character, and honestly this is probably because the movie just goes so fast and is so packed that there isn’t much room to add in the first place. In fact, my biggest issue with the dub is something that wasn’t the dub staff’s fault at all; the original Japanese script’s official translation is awful, and the dub staff was very obviously given that to work with. The other issue is that the voice acting is a bit stale compared to previous dubs -- one thing I had never faulted Digimon American English dubs for prior to then was voice acting quality, and it was one of the best among dubs of the time -- but this is probably because it was during early COVID pandemic conditions, so I don’t think much could have been done about it.
Adventure: reboot
So funnily enough I’m writing this despite not knowing much about it at all -- I don’t even know who commissioned this or who has the rights. (My best guess is Hasbro since they’re the ones who took in Power Rangers after Saban Brands also imploded, but I really have no idea.) I also don’t know where it’ll be airing; it doesn’t sound like Nickelodeon, and it could very well be a streaming service like Netflix.
I will say, though, as someone who watched the reboot from beginning to end, even if they do decide to go nuts with joke adding in the dub for it, I don’t think the series risks getting heavily damaged by it. As I pointed out earlier, impact of heavy dub changes also varies depending on how straightforward the series itself is, and not only is Adventure: extremely straightforward, it also is a series centered more around action and zany hijinks than it is character psychology, so a bit of extra humor doesn’t seem out of place there. But we’ll have to see!
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
As for "Ultimate" rather than "Perfect", CR uses the English dub terms for digimon levels (In-Training > Rookie > Champion > Ultimate > Mega), which while it may be confusing for sub fans (as Japanese "Ultimate" = English "Mega"), these are the official English terms that have been used for 20+ years. As I'm sure they're trying to attract English speaking fans of 99 Adv, this makes it less confusing/more consistent for them. Either way, a good chunk of people watching would have been confused.
Yep yep, the original Adventure English dub vs Japanese have different names for the evolution levels, and for a lot of the terminology.  It was always confusing, because in the English, “Ultimate” means Metalgreymon.  In Japanese, “Ultimate” means Wargreymon!  So maybe there’s no avoiding confusion, regardless, as you say.
BTW, while I barely have any Japanese, I did make an “English terms” vs “Japanese translated terms” chart as part of my digimon fanfic reference document post.  My memory is, ah, not so great, so I have all of these printed out in a binder for when I write.
What confuses me about the Crunchyroll subs for Adventure 2020 is that they seem to be using all the original Japanese terms (evolve/Chosen Children/Digital World/Piyomon vs the English digivolve/Digidestined/Digiworld/Biyomon)...  But then, for this one thing (digimon stage names), they are using the original English terms.  Why that one thing?  Why is this the thing that they thought fans of the English dub couldn’t handle?  Is it because it was already confusing, with the same word being used for different stages in the original Adventure Japanese vs English dub?
*throws hands up*  I dunno man, my brain is craving the order of going all in on either the Japanese terms or the English terms.  Please don’t give me another thing to remember, reboot!  You know my memory has limited capacity!  (ETA: it’s Crunchyroll’s subtitles that are giving me more things to remember, not the reboot itself, which I believe has used original Japanese terms and names thus far.  So really, I’m being a big ‘ol baby, since I can ignore the subtitles and go by the audio.  But please let me know if there are any terminology inconsistencies in the audio that I didn’t pick up!)
Thanks so much for your input!  I’m glad I’m not crazy!  Oh, ps, I originally mentioned this issue in my latest Digimon Adventure: episode reaction.
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rjzimmerman · 5 years
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The researchers built a “synthetic mangrove,” shown on the right, to successfully copy how real mangroves suck up fresh water from the ocean. Y. Wang, J. Lee, J. R. Werber, M. Elimelech, Capillary-driven desalination in a synthetic mangrove. Sci. Adv. 6, eaax5253 (2020).
Excerpt from this story from Grist:
Humans have lots of reasons to thank mangroves. These swampy, stilt-rooted trees store massive amounts of carbon on tropical shorelines, support nurseries for a wide variety of commercially important fish species, and protect coastal areas from storm damage. Besides these benefits for people, mangroves are unique among trees because they thrive in shallow seawater that’s too salty for most living beings to grow in. To better understand exactly how mangroves can grow in the ocean yet pump freshwater up to their leaves, engineers constructed what they’re dubbing “synthetic mangroves”, pressure-driven devices that can draw freshwater out of the saltiest seas — and have the potential to help manage stormwater in cities.
The synthetic mangrove they built resembles a large French press more than a tree, but it has some version of the most important parts of a mangrove: salt-excluding “roots,” a strong “stem”, and thirsty “leaves.” In a real mangrove, the pressure difference between the leaves and the rest of the tree acts like suction on a straw, pulling water up from the roots and through the stem. Natural membranes in the roots filter out the salt. For the synthetic mangrove, the big challenge was getting the fresh water pulled up the “stem” to the leaves without creating bubbles. The team landed on a silica-based layer for the stem and hydrogel for the leaves, and they found that their synthetic mangrove performed just like a real one, even with super-salty water.
The synthetic mangrove’s elegant pressure-driven desalination process works at small scales, but a large mangrove-inspired desalination plant would foot a hefty energy bill. Instead, the engineers who created the imitation mangrove have another idea for using their wannabe trees: incorporating them into the design of cities to make buildings more resilient in the face of storm surges.
In such a city, “the buildings themselves would soak up excess groundwater and evaporate the water from their walls and roofs,” they write in a recent Science Advances article explaining their invention.
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izzyizumi · 3 years
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ Mona Marshall ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
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{gif by me} {DO NOT repost please!}
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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DIGIMON ADVENTURE + 02 + tri. featuring CHARACTER: Koushiro[u] Izumi [Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi in US dub] + COMMON VISUALS / AESTHETICS: {TYPING} / {INTERESTS (IN TECH)/KNOWLEDGE} + {HANDS} + {LAPTOP} / {SETUPS}
“INDEED, Koushiro-han.”
“There’s hope. There’s A CHANCE! ALWAYS reaching for hope and chances Frantically learning”
“That’s the Koushiro-han I KNOW!”
{Vamdemon Arc}:
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Gifs by @izzyizumi, {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Reproduce under Any Circumstances}
BONUS + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
{Izumi Family further supporting their son by showing attentiveness and acknowledgement when he tries to educate them about Digimon; Mrs Izumi no longer pulling him away from the computer}:
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{early Dark Masters arc, Koushiro setting up a complicated plan, within Whamon}:
{Tailmon, in deadpan voice: “Koushiro. What are you doing?”}
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(And...) {Digimon 2020, Ep01}:
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“Stop putting on a show!”
gifs by @izzyizumi, {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION}
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Rules for using edits under the ‘read more’!
- they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom! {INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} - they must NOT be used to promote shipwarring within the fandom - they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on - IF I SEE YOU DOING THIS I WILL LIKELY BLOCK WITHOUT MERCY {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly [Adventure+02 Chosen / various Advs charas]; I headcanon most as M spec/Multi gender attracted*} {this post/my edits ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M spec people / M spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
#digimon adventure#digimon adventure tri#koushiro izumi#koushirou izumi#izumi family#tri koushiro#tri gifs#autistic koushiro#crest of knowledge#izzyizumi posts#izzyizumi gifs#family: you don't have to change yourself for us#friendship: thats what i like about you#adv taishiro#2020 taishiro#digimon adventure 2020#(Even his own Parents can recognize these things abt him and his Interests LIKE Anyway hi I'm not done compiling Techie Koushiro tAKE THESE)#(OK but Seriously like YES we can recognize he's his own chara WE CAN ALSO Understand he has a GENUINE Interest that Izumis VALIDATE OFTEN)#(Mr Izumi Voice 'ITS OK for you to be OBSESSED WITH Computers!' Koushiro doesnt hate them!! The point ISNT only HE is Intelligent TM)#(The point IS NOT THAT the POINT is Koushiros Interests are Valid and the Izumis CONSTANTLY Validate him too BC HES ADOPTED THEY LOVE HIM)#(Everyone validates him on this! Izumis do! TENTOMON DOES MULTIPLE TIMES! TAICHI does! Tri Taichi does! MIYAKO EVEN DOES IN 02! 2020s too)#(Yes its important he's seen as his own chara! No we do NOT need to constantly try and separate him from everything that MAKES him HIMSELF)#(I shouldn't have to point out how that's constantly weaponized against Autistic ppl and fans w people trying to separate us from Interests)#(Instead! Concept! We recognize Yes Koushiro Is A Good Chara who Just Happens To Have A Continuing Interest in Tech that his Family Supports#(This isn't about people who like to discuss him out of his Techy side IVE DONE THAT TOO but point is Separating Him From This Not The Goal)#(Edit this post was queued aha but yes Pls read FAQ before interacting ThankYou)#let koushiro be nerdy and techie 2k21#(I'm just Thinking A Lot About Koushiro Izumi with this post and tags rambling but i do hope the actual point I'm making comes across)
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure [2020] featuring CHARACTER Koushiro[u] Izumi [Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi in US dub] (+relationship with) [+IZUMI FAMILY]; + Important Dialogues + Significant Moments + (Potential) Foreshadowing (for any later medias?)
“Seems like our area isn’t affected.” “And the internet’s still working.” “Oh yeah, I still have a connection...” - Taichi (Note: 2020 Koushiro’s initial profile states he lives in the same apartment building as 2020 Taichi this series.)
“But wouldn’t your family be surprised?” (Likely Implication: “by us?”) “They {SHOULD BE}, but...” - Koushiro, trailing off...
Edits by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use/Share!)
(Original/further commentary + {Spoiler} scenes under the ‘
(After Koushiro initially seems to spend most of the morning/day in the park, before Sora arrives, talking about her Mom/getting home) “Koushiro-kun, were you ok?” (Likely Implication: “at home?”) - Sora “My house, is, um...” - Koushiro - he notably trails off before he can finish the sentence (they’re next distracted by the ongoing crisis)
- in the 4th ending theme, we see shots of the kids at their homes; Koushiro can notably be seen in a Japanese apartment-styled bathroom.
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“Some sort of pain that can only be understood by the ones LEFT BEHIND. In people and Digimon too.” “...Koushiro-han?...” - Kabuterimon, clearly concerned tone “Oh... No, it’s nothing.” - Koushiro immediately deflecting
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Original Poster’s [Mine] Commentary:
(He also did this IN Adventure...): {Japanese version}:
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“Do you have interest in WHO you are, Koushiro-han?” - Tentomon, in Adv Ep #5, curiously just before Koushiro next slips into flashback-mode, revealing to the viewers his ADOPTION backstory. (A similar sequence happens at the beginning of Adventure Episode #31, when he talks to Tentomon, then completely having ZONED OUT) [not having revealed ANYTHING about his flashbacks/family situation to Tentomon yet.]:
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- Koushiro in Adv Episode 31, realizing he worried his parents while keeping secrets:
“I wish that Koushiro would act more spoiled and unreasonable
instead of always keeping it INSIDE
like a GOOD BOY.”
- Mrs. Izumi, to Mr. Izumi, worriedly, in her concern
“Don’t you THINK SO?”
“...I’m sorry for worrying you.” - Koushiro, thinking to himself, looking ashamed
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koushirouizumi · 4 years
K s H r O ‘ S THEORY O F H A P P I N E S S
Digimon Adventures ~ x Kagerou Project {Ayano}’s “Theory of Happiness” (also aka: “Happiness Theory”) AMV [music (C) Jin, singer: IA / Vocaloid ] (Kagepros [subbed] video for Comparing: watch here!) featuring DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya in US Dub] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [Koushiro(u) “Izzy” Izumi in US Dub ~ {KOUTAI}/{TaiKou}/{Taishiro(u)}
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy] / DEAD and SEEK (short edit) / Headphone Actor (Full version Preview) / Otsukimi Recital [Moon Viewing Recital] [Advs Taishiro & 2020 Taishiro] My Funny Weekend [Mimi & Hikari & Advs+02+2020 Chosen/Taishiro] (Note: Check the link for ‘My Funny Weekend‘ for all links to both past AMVs as well as story info / the story introduction link!)
REPEATVERSE/EXTENDED STORY INTRODUCTION: HERE (*note: extended summary contains some spoilers for the fic) [however, it also explains the worldbuilding involved and plot setup!] (*It’s ok to start on/only watch this current AMV!) [*You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from my “Kagerou Daze” AMV, though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point/upbeat song!]
Basic Summary of This Video:
“RED is the color of A HERO, so there’s NO NEED to be afraid!”...
Lyrics Preview:
What I thought back on was, again, My family; [“This is YOUR home, so make yourself comfortable, Koushiro!”]
But I WONDER  if   I  have     Become
///  “THEIR CHILD” ///
... NOW.
Please try to  remember  That Word  I  loved;  "HAPPINESS"  is  a   “Curious”  THING...
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part of my Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] REPEAT?_ ficverse (please note any and all notes/trigger warnings for said ficverse!!) [seriously, please note the warnings, the plot is kinda heavy] (please note any and all warnings for K@gepro’s plot too if you look into that!!) - no, it’s NOT a direct parody (but v[ERY] inspired) (if you can’t tell) - watching it in HIGH(ER) QUALITY at the original Youtube link is encouraged! - to do so, go to the original youtube link, click “HD” button, then “ 1080p ” !
{ Additional note: this post/fanworks series is mainly intended TAICHI x KOUSHIRO [Taishiro], please remember + respect this when interacting please tag ONLY as “Taishiro” for ship and not just “brotp” or the like, thank you! } [ * it is ok to tag as “friendship” along WITH the ship name ! ] { * I don’t mind if others have differing LGBTQIAPN+ headcanons for them, please simply respect mine ! }
- short version of implied story/plot of this series: T I M E L O O P S - Tri ( and as of lately, um, KIZUNA [AUs?] ??? ) is here because … ah… - let’s just say it’s probably AT LEAST ONE part of the “start” of it all ah - KOUSHIRO IZUMI VOICE : ( ‘ W H Y ’ ) - DO THEY MAKE IT TO THE END - @ TAICHI & KOUSHIRO, ARE YOU SURE YOU /WANT/ TO ——-
- TBH HOW MUCH do KOUSHIRO or TAICHI even REALLY REMEMBER - MUCH LESS THE REST OF THEM - who even knows after a certain point anymore - timeloops are fun !! ! ! (this particular AMV also explains SOME of it …) Spoiler warnings for Tri / Kizuna / DigiAdv 2020 - Tri minimal spoilers up through Bokura no Mirai!Koushiro. {Mainly aesthetic-like scenes only, including for Koushiro.} - DigiAdv 2020 spoilers for Eps 1~2 only. (This A.M.V. was made before the later eps aired.) - Tri minimal spoilers up through Bokura no Mirai!Koushiro. - DigiAdv 2020 spoilers for Eps 1~2 only. (This A.M.V. was originally made before the later eps aired.) - There is NO Kizuna in this AMV {As it primarily deals with a during-BNM, pre-Tri end implied timeline.}
NOTE on Lyrics: The lyrics have been lightly modified by myself from the original as the original singer was a girl character, and some minor lyrical contexts were specific to the originating series; so the lyrics have been modified to fit Koushiro slightly better (including Koushiro’s specific canonical ADOPTION backstory.) - Mrs. Izumi’s P.O.V. is also featured by the ends of the 1st verse. (As in Mrs Izumi is “speaking” to Koushiro through these lyrics, up until the P.O.V. switches back to Koushiro’s again; Taichi’s may also feature by some later sections {see video details!} but in reality either one could be singing portions of this song to each other!)
What I THOUGHT BACK ON was , AGAIN , MY FAMILY ; [ “ This is YOUR HOME, so make yourself comfortable, Koushiro ! ” ] In [ a LITTLE PLACE ] with [red?] [brick?] WALLS , He mutters to himself, as if making SECRET PLANS In the [ PURE BLACK EYES ]      BROUGHT HERE Lies a past he has   HIDDEN FROM       A D U L T S With [ embarrassment ? ] F E A R in   HIS EYES   , he [ mutters ] SAYS CRIES " I’M SCARED “
[” I’m JUST A MONSTER ! “] So I TELL HIM, ” DON’T BE ! ”  [” THAT’S NOT TRUE AT ALL !!! “] ” RED is THE COLOR OF A    H E R O , so there’s NO NEED to be afraid ! “ [ " YELLOW is THE COLOR OF THE SUN’S RAYS, so YOU’LL DEFINITELY BE OKAY !….. ” ] ... Wondering what he would find fun, I am ACTING the “ M O T H E R ” a g a i n “ Hey, LOOK ! ” [ HE ? ] [ I ?? ? ] wrapped [himself?] [ m y s e l f ] in [RED?] [antics]; [RED?] [YELLOW??] [scarf?] [C A P E?] “ We’re like SECRET AGENTS ! ” DYED in [ MADDER RED? ] , we’ll B E G I N , even if we’re merely P L A Y I N G  H E R O E S “ As long as we can manage just a little smile… ” We will  BE    FAMILY    STILL      TODAY I PRAY for HAPPINESS in THE FUTURE AHEAD , so HOWEVER SAD it may be… “ Now keep this A SECRET ! ” The sun sets with us     LAUGHING . … The SPRING breeze blows, and the now-ADULT world Is i r r a t i o n a l l y bent, as if CONSPIRED to be . The thick and faded tears of [loved ones?]   [ H I M ] Go UNNOTICED BY ALL, turning B L A C K Things had GONE CRAZY, but by the time I NOTICED, I could NOT TELL A N Y O N E “ NO , N O , I DON’T WANT TO BE     DESTROYED ! ” … There CAME A WORLD where HAPPINESS E N D S . “ [ RED c o l o r ], PLEASE. N O M O R E; DON’T BRING RUIN TO ANYONE ELSE’S F U T U R E . ” I thought as I CRIED again, keeping it HIDDEN WITH A SMILE “ … IF    I    HAD [   T H A T  … RED ?   ]    M Y S E L F , could I S A V E     S O M E O N E ’ S     F U T U R E ? ” AWKWARD and SHAMEFUL , this is my          L O N E L Y  P L A N … . … … … … … … … … … … … Now that    I ’ M    G O N E  ,    I WONDER IF                                        [    M Y  F A M I L Y    ] Are S T I L L G E T T I N G A L O N G , and SMILING TOGETHER ? I ‘ M S U R E they must be    U P S E T    WITH ME — But I W O N D E R  I F   I  H A V E     B E C O M E                                      ///      “   THEIR CHILD   "      /// … N O W . Please try to    REMEMBER       THAT WORD      I   L O V E D;   "   H A P P I N E S S   "   is    a       C U R I O U S          T H I N G , SO I HOPE
Y O U    CAN                              L O V E T    O    M    O    R    R    O    W       … … … … … …
… … … … … … 
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izzyizumi · 5 years
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Digimon Adventure ~ “Our War Game” / “Bokura no WarGame” {“Children’s War Game”} (Japanese version) + Credits (Originally left out from U.S. Dub/Localization)
~ Koushiro Izumi (in ending credits), on Taichi Yagami’s (or) Susumu Yagami’s Computer Screen, in a slideshow of photographs, near very end (just before Sora, the final one, appears)
ID: A post featuring the series “Digimon Adventure”, the main image at top is of Koushirou Izumi. The image is of a stylized Windows ‘95 (1995) Japanese version computer interface, which can be seen during the Japanese version credits, during which singer AiM’s song “Sakuhin No. 2 "Haru" I Chōchō ~ Bokura no War Game!” plays. The lyric in stylized subtitled text reads, “Let’s find the light that surrounds us!” {“Sagasou tsutsumu hikaritachi wo!”} The computer’s background is a plain teal-green, while five standard icons with Japanese text underneath, including the Recycle Bin and for various Settings, line the left side. On the bottom right hand corner are (about 8) icons for computer functions. On the top right hand of the image is a “window” open, labeled “ENDING”. In the same “window” is an image of Koushiro, smiling brightly if almost awkwardly, eyes closed, holding closed computer in yellow and white under one arm, holding the Yagami’s door open with another. Koushirou is “surrounded by light” drifting in from the open door. Japanese credits text lines the left side of the image next to the computer icons and between the image of Koushirou. The caption reads  “Digimon Adventure, ~ “Our War Game” / “Bokura no WarGame”, {“Children’s War Game”} (Japanese version), + Credits, (Originally left out from U.S. Dub/Localization),  ~ Koushiro Izumi (in ending credits), on Taichi Yagami’s (or) Susumu Yagami’s Computer Screen, in a slideshow of photographs, near very end, (just before Sora, the final one, appears)”. Caps by @izzyizumi​, {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use!) End ID
Caps by @izzyizumi​, {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use!)
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ID: A banner-like image featuring Tri depiction of Koushirou Izumi’s profile art on the left hand side. The background is light purple. White text reads, in capslock, “This is a Koushiro Izumi Positivity Post. Please do not derail the Positivity. Do not comment with negativity. Do not use my posts for spreading canon/ship/Toei negativity in general. This blog user supports all Koushiros (Adv/02/tri/Kizuna/Adv 2020). End ID
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izzyizumi · 7 years
Digimon Adventure A.M.V. (Anime Music Video) ~ “Yuuki wo Tsubasa ni Shite” Sung by: Toshiko Fujita (Taichi’s seiyuu) as Taichi Yagami (Taichi “Tai” Kamiya {Original U.S. Dub} or Taichi “Tai” Yagami {2020 U.S. Dub} in U.S.) This video ONLY contains mainly Adventure series!! {Made pre-Tri debut, post-02 ending!} After some edits I had to make, I finally get to share this old as heck Digimon Adventure amv I made way back in the day of old Digimon fandom!! (You can full view it in slightly better quality here!!)
{Lyrics here!}
It serves as my overall Taichi Yagami “character tribute” A.M.V. If you’d ever like to know my views concerning Taichi as a character, you should consider watching this A.M.V. before asking me.
A.M.V. by Hikari M. Productions @hikari-m​ / @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ / @aph-japan {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
Original commentary under the ‘read more’!
(some of you may remember it?? [younger me had linked it around back then, h-hahaa.... younger me, yeah....])
This is a Taichi-centric introspective / reflective amv to his image song / character theme, “Yuuki wo Tsubasa ni Shite” / “I’ll Turn My Courage Into Wings”, using some of my favorite Taichi (+Agumon line) centric scenes throughout the first Adventure series. (Towards the end I had included a small montage of cute super-quick interactions he had with all the other Chosen since I couldn’t feature them much in it overall due to the length of the other scenes used...) (I did manage to once again sneak in what was probably one of my favorite Taishiro scenes though, hhhhheh.) it’s not the most amazing amv tbh, but negl it still personally gives me feelings to this day.... I hope you all enjoy it too!! ;A;/ (and for another blast from the past, the lyrics / translation I had referred to in making this are still actually accessible here!!)
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly [Adventure+02 Chosen / various Advs charas]; I headcanon most as/on the M-spec/Multi gender attracted {spectrum}*} {this post/my edits ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!} (i.e. M-spec may consist of Queer, Bi[-sexual], Pan[-sexual], etc.)
Originally, I included Koushiro during Adventure ep 21 to reflect my personal preference for their dynamic too, but I wasn’t actively OTP’ng them at the time of making this one!! {Thus, it CAN be tagged with ‘KouTai’ or ‘Taishiro[u]’, just please do not leave such comments as, ‘I don’t ship them’ ‘I only like them as friends’ etc comments!!} (Essentially, this AMV probably led me down the rabbit hole of further “Dynamics” considering...)
(Note: Tagging/commenting/discussing Positively/respectfully is OK!!)
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{DO NOT TAG WITH Tri or DigiAdv 2020 Negativity Or I WILL BLOCK}
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