taichi-x-koushiro · 1 year
"...and Koushiro, {in 'that' kind of 'world'}, would 'just' be a 'quiet' person who loves computers. Yes, Koushiro might remain *partly* 'expressionless', to a point... but Koushiro would still laugh at jokes that don't land - including Koushiro's own - and might blush just a bit in embarrassment. And then as time goes by... Koushiro would just gradually open up Koushiro's heart."
"...That's the kind of person Koushiro might become..." - Taichi Yagami {"Incorrect Quote"} (Source: "Suzumiya Haruhi no Shōshitsu")
“Why won’t you allow Tentomon to evolve?! Tell me why!” Koushiro understood after Taichi explained himself, but he turned pale upon realizing that he had spoken to his senior {senpai} Taichi with such an insolent tone. Even {Koushiro} seemed surprised at what {Koushiro} had done. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean—” But Taichi said, “Don’t worry about it. In fact, it made me happy to hear you speak so casually to me. I felt like you’d finally opened up your heart to me.” - Digimon Adventure Novel #3 Pt 2; during vs. Mugendramon; Written by director Hiroyuki Kakudou & {+Koushiro's} script-writer Hiro Masaki; Translated by Digital Scratch (Link in Comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
While Koushiro swam his way through the zero gravity air-space, Vadermon chased after {Koushiro} with the zigzag motions of a UFO, shooting at {Koushiro} at every chance.
The rings of light were more powerful than they looked. The stars that took on a direct hit from them burst into smithereens. "Just how do we beat Vadermon?" {Koushiro}'s inquisitive heart back where it belonged, it did not take long getting down to work within Koushiro. Calming himself, {Koushiro} analyzed the situation. {Koushiro}'s Digimon partner Tentomon was currently in the form of Babumon, who didn't have much fighting power. {Tentomon} would have to evolve. But how? What was evolution anyway? What are Digimon? What are the Chosen Children? "I want to know! I want to know! I want to know!" Koushiro shouted. A single star above {Koushiro}'s head glittered. The star changed into a shape Koushiro had once seen before, flying like a comet into Koushiro's hand. It was a Crest.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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miloucomehome · 6 years
Thoughts, feelings, theories and assessments (esp. the 02 kids and adventure kids’ relationships) before the premiere of the final chapter
This sort of morphed from a short thread on Twitter with some friends a while back and it was as if a lightbulb went off in my head. There might be some holes and here and there, but hear me out (It’s long. I’m so sorry. Go make tea, a snack and come back and read)
First: If you haven’t already, rewatch the first 5 movies. It’s well worth it.
This post contains spoilers for Parts 1 through 5. No spoilers from the advance screenings of Part 6 are in this post. (I’m a spoilerphobe with tri of perhaps the highest order)
So here’s a few things:
All 12 of them seeing each other at once was not a regular thing. It wasn’t in 02 for the Adventure kids, that’s for sure and each episode showed this early on.
Them not being in daily communication for days or weeks was probably normal too given how things may have become for them as Chosen. They had no reason to worry--there was peace. Everyone was busy and had their lives
Whatever the 02 kids encountered prior to Part 1, it may have occurred swiftly. In other theories I’ve tried to come up with, this is one thing I think is a strong possibility. There’s been theories floated that maybe Maki deliberately sent them there because they were the active team, but what if in an emergency with no way to directly communicate, in desperation the 02 kids were sucked into the situation out of a sense of  duty and urgency?
Say in an emergency, Gennai (good) urgently tries to get a hold of the Chosen--anyone they can get--and they discover that communications have been hampered. They try and try and get a hold of the 02 kids first. Not all at once, but maybe somehow Ken, Daisuke, Iori and Miyako were able to link up. Maybe even Iori and Miyako suggested they try and get Takeru and Hikari, but they can't--time is of the essence and their help is needed post haste so they leave...and end up in an unwinnable situation.
While faced with this, the kids try to message for help as one by one--Imperialdramon, Hawkmon and Armadimon’s evolutions--are taken out, but they realize their message can't get through much like how Takeru's D-Terminal couldn't send messages in Part 4. (Maybe related: Koushiro notes he can’t get a hold of Gennai in Part 4) They're stuck with no way out nor way to call home and before they can run and seek shelter, they're all taken out (image of the final panning shot)
Due to the state of their relationship and not being in constant communication with one another, their “non-responsiveness” hasn't raised flags yet given the timeline of the films and ever-evolving and rapidly changing priorities. It could be in Part 6, albeit a bit late, they will realize they need them and *thats* when things click. I’ll concede that there is a bit of explaining to do on this point whether it’s a friendship question, or that “External Forces” (Homeostasis, the Agency, Mysterious Man, the World/Digital World) are at play.
(More after the jump!)
The 02 kids are missing because of an event out of their control that we can see from the opening act of Part 1: Reunion.
What happened before that dramatic moment is where my theory comes in.
We know from Takeru in Reunion that the Digital Gate has been closed for a while and even though the Adv kids are in the Digital World right now, they got there through unconventional means which bypassed that block. Let’s assume that when the Digital Gate closed, for whatever reason, it was after a period of extended peace in the Digital World--Gennai (the real one) decided that they should let him and the Agents take care of fixing it and let them relax. After all, they had defeated BelialVandemon and Oikawa became an extra barrier for the safety of the Digital World, there wasn’t any need to be worried.
Over time, maybe during this peace, the 02 kids and Adv kids find themselves in a kind of “retirement” or hiatus from their duties as Chosen. They’re not rushing to intercept trouble or prevent anyone from taking over the Digital World or being summoned by the Sovereign Digimon to reinforce the barrier between the Worlds so they all aren’t really needed at the time.
It’s very in-character for Gennai to tell the kids to take it easy. I could see him not having any reason to be concerned. “We don’t get together as much as we used to anymore”
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I strongly believe Koushiro’s line in Part 1 wasn’t just a cute reference to Our War Game--where they were hampered by the fact that they could not communicate to assemble everyone, handicapping them at the start versus Diablomon--but actually a comment on the current state of their relationship between the 12 of them.
Perhaps in a similar way to Our War Game, the 2nd original film, the kids slowly settle into “normal” routines and “normal” lifestyles as Jr and Sr High School students. Perhaps as a result of this state, the Adventure kids and 02 kids aren’t really communicating or seeing each other as much--not because they’re no longer friends, but simply because there is no reason to. They’re not having hush-hush meetings in the computer lab nor strategizing at Koushiro’s apartment over the latest Digital World developments. They drift apart somewhat, but, they’re still in touch. Life is good for all involved from 2003 onward.
Joe and Miyako being in their respective final years of High School and Jr High are likely becoming consumed by their studies (but Joe isn’t quite at the stage we see him at in Part 2) everyone is leading their own lives waiting until the day they’re called again (though not expecting). Rewatching Part 1, you can see that Taichi wasn’t terribly aware of Yamato’s band activities. It’s played as a normal conversation for laughs, but I’d say it’s another way the story demonstrates how little they hang out compared to before.
I think we can safely assume their relationship is in the state it’s in is close but not I-know-every-detail-of-your-day level. After the events of Part 2: Decision/Determination, Hikari and Takeru go and try to find out what’s going on--no one answers at the Ichijouji residence (Empty? They could be out for the day (or town) and Ken is busy himself given they may not be aware of his daily activities), Takeru fires off a text to Daisuke and presumably the others. Had things not escalated as much in Part 3, they probably would’ve had more time to sleuth around and investigate and take notice of the flags, but then the infection and Meicrackmon took priority. Had this had their undivided attention, I’m sure the story would have had them speak to the older Chosen to note they couldn’t get a hold of the other four. 
(What I also find curiously interesting is that Daigo is also aware in Part 3 that the 02 kids are missing. Whatever his implication is in the events that led to their status, it’ll be interesting to learn the extent of what he knew. Given how crushed he was by the fact Maki was lying point blank to Yamato and to himself, I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if all he knew was they had lost communication with them, not that they had been ambushed)
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Closed Gate = Closed Communications
We know from a few things in Part 3: Confession that, granted we are seeing a post-reboot DW, communication between the Digital World and Real World seems to be hampered as seen when Takeru tries to use his D-Terminal to message Maki but the message doesn’t go through. We could chalk this up to it being a reboot bug, but what if this “lack of reception” had been around the time when the Gates remained closed? Now wouldn’t that cause problems if any of them made it into the Digital in an emergency through unconventional means but had no ability to communicate back for help? If this had been the case, neither of them would know this was a problem. Keep this point in mind.
Something occurs suddenly in the Digital World. Maybe only the 02 kids, or only Daisuke, Iori, Miyako and Ken, are able to get to a Gate. They get there, try to get a handle on the situation they’re facing only to be up against something they couldn’t fathom even keeping at bay. Maybe the Gate was closed,(maybe those screens we see in the canyon in Part 4 were Gates that were out of service) so somehow they go in through an unconventional method, but when they get there and things escalate too quickly. Even though they may have sent messages for help...maybe they were never able to send at all.
What also occurred to me is that Meicoomon’s nature distorts with digital communications. Would its existence in the Digital World have begun a slow corrosion of digital infrastructure there? (That is: The Gate, the D3s’ Gate opening abilities, D-Terminal/Digital communication between the Real and Digital World) We can also see from Part 3 onwards that access to the Digital World is currently only being done through the distortions.
The Role of  the 02 Kids in the Final Film
Difficult to pin, but I have confidence (blind?) that we are not in for a repeat of the role of the Adventure kids during the events of Movie 3 (Hurricane Touchdown), granted there are similarities to tri.: Missing kids, a tamer with the burden of caring for a Digimon partner gone berserk who harms/kidnaps one team. In fact, I truly believe that Miyako, Daisuke, Iori and Ken are key to unlocking Omegamon Merciful Mode, like how Imperialdramon Paladin Mode was unlocked by a sacrifice, of sorts, by a heavily damaged Omegamon in Movie 4, Diablomon Strikes Back. Maybe Imperialdramon FM will reappear and sacrifice part of itself to unlock Merciful Mode, then all the kids will unlock or power the new blade it wields.
I am also Team They Will Speak (or Some Will Speak) and not Team Brief Cameo. ;;;;;
Final comment -- Regarding one scene from Part 1:
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This might be random but, hear me out--Much of the thinking surrounding this opening shot with Taichi is that he was maybe feeling guilty for something, but what if it was nostalgia? Koushiro did mention that they all don’t get together or talk much anymore.
What if not only that, but what of Taichi’s scene --when coupled with his vague comment to Daigo (as teacher) about going to see some friends often but not anymore--wasn’t just about the Digimon, but just...everyone? The other Adventure kids and the 02 kids included. Peacetime and an unexpectedly long one without their Digimon and without being wound up in something with his friends….what does one do but reflect on “happier” times when in times of trouble, they were with their friends almost every day?
Everyone’s going on growing up and here he is struck with a strong sense of wanting to return to the “Good ol days” with everyone, maybe. It’s probably possible he believes that going back to that would assuage his worries a little about changes..
We’ll see what happens in the final chapter of this wonderful series on Saturday!
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
By the eighteenth day, Koushiro dropped {Koushiro}'s “e”s. Tentomon no longer had a name.
Although {Tentomon} welcomed whatever made Koushiro happy, Tentomon felt somewhat uneasy about the entire thing. There was no mistake that Koushiro's face grew more serene with each passing day. But {Koushiro's} eyes… {Koushiro's} eyes looked so blank. Nowhere in them could {Tentomon} find that bright sparkle they once had, like at Andromon's factory, when Koushiro was typing into his laptop with engrossed excitement, or within the empty well in the desert. Before it had met Koushiro, Tentomon had always thought that "thinking" was a pain. But meeting Koushiro made {Tentomon} come to feel that thinking wasn't so bad after all.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
D02's "The Beginning" if Toei let 02 Chosen think this through even more Rationally
02 Chosen: (*seeing a YOUNG TAICHI & HIKARI*, VERY Confuse) Someone like Daisuke or Hikari: But HOW do we get back HOME?? ? Ken: If Taichi-san and the younger Hikari-san are here, then *the rest could be*, too. Ken: Which could *also mean*, *KOUSHIRO*-SAN... We *could* 'LOOK' *for Koushiro*. Hikari: I remember where Koushiro-san's {place} is!! Miyako, worried: But wouldn't Koushiro-san be *very young* here?? Ken: *Maybe*... but it's *worth a try*. DAISUKE: HOW would it be *worth a try* if Koushiro-san is like a 5-going-on-6 year old?!?? KEN: Koushiro-san probably had at least a *starting* computer setup *even back then*. EVERYONE: !!!!! Iori: Koushiro-san's computer might be able to open up the Digital Gate to take us back home!! Takeru: That's right!! Even *at a young age*, Koushiro-san had an interest in gathering knowledge, and *may* even have had a computer - or the laptop - even back then!! KEN: If *I* try to go back home and use *ours*... KEN, HESITATING: (OSAMU would likely find me.) KEN: (If Osamu found us, it could turn out BAD.) Ken: (Because Osamu would likely *instinctively* Know it's Me, somehow...) Ken: ... It wouldn't be good if someone from "our time" sees and recognizes us, but Koushiro-san *doesn't know us Yet*. Hikari: Koushiro-san is very dedicated to our cause, if it came to it, Koushiro-san would keep our secret! Miyako, getting kind of excited now: So it's settled! Let's *look for Koushiro-san* then!! DAISUKE: I can't believe we're seeking the help of a *five-going-on-six year old* Koushiro-san... Rui: If it means we can *find and HELP* Ukkomon, I'm willing to try, even if I don't know Izumi. (They reach the Izumi household...) Young Koushiro, upon outside the Izumi household already, looking at them as if they're SUSPICIOUS (because They Are): Who are YOU??? DAISUKE: (*ERK*...) (To Be Continued, Maybe...!!)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure (Series) ~ REPEAT?_verse vs. Digimon Adventure: [2020 Reboot/Spinoff Anime] (Later Arcs) {Comparing} (Purely for Fun) Lines from my Story vs. Lines BY Toei Animation on Koushiro & Taichi {+Koushiro & Tentomon's Friendship} + The 'DIGITAL' World
"THAT'S {More like...?} [You], Izumi Koushiro." - Datamon
REPEAT?_verse began in 2k18: (In actuality I had begun outlining it by early Apr. 2k18, before Tri had even ENDED.) {"Bokura no Mirai" had not (Yet!) released.} - Adventure: {2k20} Ep. #59 hadn't aired until August 1st 2k21.
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general!}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s}/02/Kizuna ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - "BRO-FIST" {R.P.G Maker Track} Featuring: Taichi Yagami & Koushiro Izumi + Adventure{s} Chosen (Eventually) & Digimon
Digimon Adventure {Franchise} © Toei Animation / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. This is fanmade. No $$$ is being made off this fanwork.
This A.M.V. is currently UNFINISHED. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! {The intent is to complete the full track throughout the entirety of 02, possibly with other series sprinkled in Depending.}
{Spoilers for Eps 01~13 of Adventure} / Devimon Arc
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
D I G I M O N Adventure{s} (+02; tri.; Kizuna) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - Only Exception (sung by: Par@more) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi) -- (KouxMimi appears briefly in the 2nd verse. However, the focus is KouTai.)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the 2nd chorus and a bit more through the interlude, is (partially!) completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! The 1st part had taken about 45~ min already. The 2nd verse + chorus took about another 35~ min. This 3rd section took about 30 min at start, another 1 hr to wrap up scenes through the interlude, and already had a total of 1 crashing of my editor. These may not be final scenes as I make adjustments. (However, it came together well despite the crash!)
There is a tiny bit of scenery shots from beginning of Kizuna, then, by the interlude, some more Kizuna spoilers involving Taichi & Koushiro mainly, but you will see a scene of the Chosen. Tri spoilers, mainly Taichi & Koushiro supporting each other moments, are also added in this new section; there are moments from Saikai, Kokuhaku and Kyousei, mainly. The ends of Kokuhaku and Kyousei are not spoiled, but there is lead-up.
DigiAdv 2020 scene (for A.U. spinoff) becomes included by the interlude (it’s mainly Koushiro moments from beginning of Ep 36, so far) However, it can also be seen as inclusive of wider Adventure{s} canon; and basically paralleling the following canon moments.
{Lyrics Preview}:
“I’ve got a ‘TIGHT’ {Grip} on {REALITY} BUT I {CAN’T} LET {GO} of "WHAT’S” {in FRONT of ME} HERE---”
“LEAVE ME WITH some KIND of {Proof} it’s {NOT}-A-{Dream}...”
{To Be Continued?!...}
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
{D I G I M O N} Adventure (Series)+02 + “The B e g i n n i n g” x “A p o l o g i z e” (Mini-Preview) Clip {1st Verse.} {David A r c h u l e t a} L i v e C o n c e r t Ver. + R U I & U k k o m o n; + KOUSHIRO & Izumis
"I'm hearing what you say..."
{Note: Contains very minimal seconds-long spoiler shots of The Beginning!Koushiro, opening scene; More spoilery shots of Rui, also from opening scenes (Tower scene) + middle part BIG spoiler (Rui's eye & Ukkomon) {Notes: Eye T r a u m a; B l o o d}
Original S o n g © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c A r c h u l e t a cover from Aug 1st ‘09’s S u n r i s e, F. L. C o n c e r t {“Hey O.P., can you explain that gap in your blog history of this f ANDOM—???”} [Do you hear them coming in???]
*Edited in about 30~45 min overall (Preparing for this however took at least a couple hours) More possibly to come in the future!! {2nd Verse can be seen here!}
{*Slightly L O U D at points!!} (*Contains cheering, as its L I V E Ver.)
by Me/@koushirouizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Vid-Edit’s Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
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{DigiAdvs x "With the L i g h t"} ~ Izumi Family {Koushiro & Mrs Izumi}
{Edit by Me} {DO NOT RE POST}
#izumi koushirou#izumi family#koushiro and yoshie#koushiro and kae#izumi kae#yoshie izumi#c: koushiro#c: yoshie#repeat yoshie#repeat koushiro#repeat adv koushiro#(Im glad I went back through to find caps because)#('Wow what if I just edit as many lines as I can remember that just automatically scream KOUSHIRO + IZUMIs at me')#yoshie aka kae did nothing wrong#(I Still Use Yoshie for Repeat Mrs Izumi & Im Never Sorry)#(No but I dont know how to explain to ppl why even just scenes from this one make me extremely emotional in ways I cant describe)#(Like I genuinely dont know how to describe it to people except)#(' I did Nothing wrong by being born {this way} ')#(Because its the truth)#(This can also relate to Koushiro being Adoptee but at the same time I dont want to erase the original canon Aut!implications)#({in this series the character being referred to is canonically A u t i s t i c YEAH})#(Anyway if I can find more lines to point to Koushiro I might do more things from it and throw it into another compilation)#(Im deliberately using reverse name order tags to keep it from showing up to people who will be rude about the HC)#(But at the same time I noticed people stopped using Yoshies tag as much so Im reclaiming it for my Mrs Izumi)#({If you rb and ppl rb from you pls just ... make sure ppl are respectful because even just a simple cap edit like this is})#(Important to me about this OK??? ? ? O K)#(I actually have a LOT {STILL} to Say on Koushiro and {Yoshie}s developments in general but More on That Later)#(Maybe for Apr if Im feeling more up to it by then)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
When they left the mountain hut, they found themselves at the summit. "What’s going on?" {Mochimon} asked Koushiro, confused. Because {it} had used up all of {its} energy, {it} had degenerated once more.
"I think the peak covered in clouds was an illusion made by Vadermon," Koushiro answered with a sunny smile. “As expected of Koushiro-han. You know everything.” “Not really. It’s still a mystery why my Crest was there of all places. It’s much too convenient to have been a coincidence! Perhaps it is something that surpasses even human intellect–” {Koushiro} was interrupted by a voice. "Hey!" It was Yamato and Takeru. They had climbed up the mountain by following the signal on the Digivice. "Let’s go, {Mochimon}. Everyone is waiting for us." And so, Koushiro climbed down the mountain and rejoined {Koushiro}'s {comrades}.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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{Cap by IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi} {DO NOT re-post without my Permission!}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Vadermon looked at Koushiro and said, "What do you want?"
Since Koushiro COULDN'T TAK, {Koushiro} showed by action. Determinedly {Koushiro} walked into the room and grabbed the bottle in front of the Digimon customer that contained {Koushiro}'s inquisitive heart. Holding it gently to {Koushiro}'s chest, {Koushiro} apologized to it inside of {Koushiro}'s mind, “I’m sorry for throwing you away, my inquisitive heart…” and opened the lid. The inquisitive heart returned to where it belonged, inside Koushiro. At the same time, the power of speech returned to {Koushiro}. “It was wrong of me to throw away my inquisitive heart. Not wanting to know isn’t who I am. I want to know everything. That’s me.” “Babuu!” From its perch on Koushiro’s shoulders, Babumon blew bubbles of agreement. “Hey, what’s going on?” the Digimon customer asked Vadermon. “Can’t you tell? {They're} stealing.” Vadermon took out what looked like a toy gun with a parabolic antenna attached in the front. It aimed the muzzle at Koushiro. “Give it back.” “No,” Koushiro said flatly. “Then I’ll kill you and take it from your dead remains.”
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
{My Commentary}: >The power to express yourself {/your Interests} was already inside of you. > The words are already inside of you.
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{"Formal speech" is okay [this way]/[like this].} - Tentomon
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Koushiro and Babumon left the Room of the Mysterious Training on the 71st day.
Without {Koushiro's} inquisitive heart, Koushiro was unconcerned about who Vadermon was talking to but {Koushiro} knew that the heart that they were talking about belonged to {Koushiro}. I have to take it back, Koushiro thought, and opened the door.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
ME, LOUDLY, INTO MY VOID: aNYWAY, if someone ever time travelled to the past to mess with Koushiro's timeline and somehow make Koushiro NOT wind up with Koushiro's Adoptive parents, Koushiro would probably willingly destroy or otherwise modify the timeline on Koushiro's own with Koushiro's BARE HANDS.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs Koushiro & 02 Chosen [...and some O.C.s]
Koushiro: You two said you wanted to speak with me? KEN, Firmly: Yes. (*also speaking for Shane*) Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane, Lingering A Bit Behind Ken (Only A Bit): ... Koushiro, regarding Shane: Jou-san told me Jou-san looked you over. It's very encouraging to see you seem to have "recovered" to this level... SHANE, Bit Taken Aback: Shane: ... T-Thank. You. (Only Slightly Formal, Still Not As Formal As How Koushiro Used to Say "Arigatou Gozaimas" to Everyone, but Shane will say it in the way Shane's ComfortableTM with, Only Because Its KoushiroTM) ...You're the one who helped set up "The {Improved} Network" for the Inter-national Chosen Children, aren't you? I'm on it... KOUSHIRO: ... (Yes...) Yes, I'm aware of that... SHANE: (... Oh) Koushiro: ... But it wasn't until Hikaru-san recalled your old email address in full and surname that we were finally able to "find" you in our older database logs. (Because Shane was smart enough to *not* include first name and surname or initials as part of Shane's old messaging address. And didn't even "register" {Instead; Connected via Making Message Contact with Koushiro not long post-Adventure} under "Shane", but...) SHANE: ... Yeah. My birth name is "Shinji". "Shane" is my ""Americanized"" name but... SHANE: (Likes It For A Hidden Meaning, Too) Shane: ... I go by "Shane" to anyone not Hikaru and my family. Koushiro, NODDING: ... I understand. (*Genuine!*) SHANE: ... SHANE: (I thought Koushiro would be at least a bit of hot-shot person. But Koushiro's actually really modest.) Ken: (Koushiro does take Pride in Koushiro's Skills, though...) KEN: ... Koushiro-san, we were going to ask the two BlackTailmon staying with Hikaru-san too, but we also thought to ask someone else we... *must* speak to. KOUSHIRO: Koushiro: ... I see. (to Shane also) As well, Hikaru-san's new messaging address is also in my database, and I have Hikaru-san's old one as well... it's still active, and Hikaru-san still checks it. SHANE: ... (I was a bit Concerned if Hikaru DID...) SHANE: (... I don't want what pulled ME in to "The Void" to eventually pull HIKARU IN because they KNEW Hikaru's old one was one I was actively CONTACTING...) SHANE, Not relating that Now: ... I-I see. I figured that would be the case... (but Koushiro wasn't "seeing me" enough so I couldn't get Koushiro to pull me out of The Void completely. But in a way Koushiro still Helped...) I plan to Contact Hikaru, I just... wanted to make sure I had all the facts first. DAISUKE, also lingering behind both Shane & Ken but finally speaking up: I have Hikaru's messaging address! We talk to each other almost every day!! Oh, but sometimes Hikaru is busy with classes because Hikaru still has some at night, and I'm trying to get the shop open so-- SHANE: ... Later. KEN, NODDING: First, let's talk to... Koushiro, giving a small smile: ... Yes. It doesn't always like to show itself either. But... KOUSHIRO, Calling Out Gently: ... You can show yourself now. These people are on our side. BLACKTENTOMON: . . . . . BLACKTENTOMON, Slowly Appearing From Shadows: ... EVERYONE Except Koushiro: !!!!! SHANE: (It was there the whole time?!? Could it see me EVEN way back then?!?? But why didn't it Tell Koushiro---) Koushiro, gently, to BlackTentomon: I know you're wary of speaking at *all* to others, especially about... "what happened" in "that Time". But we all deeply require your help. Including ME... BLACKTENTOMON: ..... Tentomon: (It's been many years since it's spoken to any human not Koushiro-han {and Hikaru-han and those staying with Hikaru-han, like the BlackTailmon}.) {Watching from next to Koushiro-han} (I've spoken to it a couple times... but I can understand why it's daunting...) SHANE: ... Please. (As Formally As Shane Can Manage) BLACKTENTOMON, NODDING Just Once: Koushiro: (I'm not sure what to Expect, but if it's anything like back Then...) Koushiro: (...We have a lot of Information to Cover.)
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