#koushiros story is about found family
general-cyno · 10 months
Semi related about that post you had about luffys non existent daddy issues lol. I've not been into one piece long but do we know if zoro actually knew his parents or not? Does he ever mention them? The anime has him kinda roaming around as a orphan before the dojo but I think in the manga he's just in the dojo and that's it.
// just in case, spoilers about zoro's family.
we don't! manga zoro hasn't really mentioned his parents on page as far as I can remember, and all his childhood flashbacks are either about kuina, koushiro or kozaburo. I think it's only the SBS about the shimotsuki family tree that goes into detail about his lineage in general. in it, it's said his dad died in a battle against pirates and his mom of an illness. he was pretty young when he joined the dojo (I believe the wiki says he was 8?) so they likely died before that. by oda's own words in the SBS zoro's completely unaware of how he's related to the shimotsuki too rip.
I find it pretty weird overall bc hey, the village itself has the family name and they supposedly traveled together from wano to the island they founded the village in, with 10 people of the group staying in it. it's not like they were hundreds so unless shimotsuki furiko (zoro's grandmother) fucked off quickly after the village's foundation to marry pinzoro and had a kid (zoro's dad) without anyone knowing, I can't see why no one would be aware about zoro's existence/connection to the shimotsuki but shrugs. my guess is oda just couldn't fit family drama into zoro's character this far along, especially not since most of them are dead anyway and he's never been shown to care about his biological family for it to ever become an issue wrt his relationship with the straw hats. he also said this stuff is unlikely to come up in the main story ever again so.
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writingpaperghost · 1 year
From the Future With a Miracle (Chapter 6)
Chapter 6: The Miracle We Longed For Will One Day Change Form
The time has come to fight Diablo.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45877396/chapters/119756356
The Riders were split between five foes, that was determined quickly. Jeanne had sent word (a letter appeared, somehow), that she and Aguilera would be facing the Himiko Crisper. It was decided that two of Mr. Kamiyama’s friends, Ms. Shindai and Ms. Sophia, would join them. Revi was facing the Edison Crisper, and he would be joined by Mr. Kadota and Mr. Kamiyama’s friend, Mr. Fukamiya. The Khufu Crisper would be fought by four of Mr. Kamiyama’s allies, Mr. Yuri, Mr. Ogami, Mr. Daishinji, and Mr. Akamichi. Up against the Leonidas Crisper was Tamaki, aided by Mr. Kamiyama’s friends Mr. Shindo and Mr. Shindai, the brother of the one who was fighting the Himiko Crisper.
That left Mr. Kamiyama and Makoto himself to fight Diablo.
While Makoto didn’t particularly like the odds of just the two of them against such a powerful demon, there wasn’t much getting around it. All the others would be needed elsewhere, and as it were, Koushiro wasn’t ready to fight.
Before they leave, Karizaki calls Tamaki over, “I’ve got something for you,”
Tamaki blinked, confused, “You… do?”
“I do,” He holds out the Driver he’s been working on to Tamaki, “Just be careful, it still needs some adjustments, but it’s good enough for something as bad as this.”
Taking the Driver, Tamaki nods, “Got it.”
Makoto would be honest that he feels a little better that Tamaki has the Driver, since there’s no getting around fighting like this. Anything to protect Tamaki even just a little more. It makes Makoto even more glad that Hana was safe and likely far away from any fights. Especially given how Hana was when it came to fights.
Yet as everyone began to file out, Makoto couldn’t help how tense he was, the nerves building in him. Fighting the Deadmans felt… easier, than a demon like Diablo. The Deadmans never seem too dangerous, to him, even though he knows they are. But if they wanted him dead or otherwise out of the way, they had plenty of opportunities. Diablo, he suspects, is a different story. Diablo, from all he’s heard, likely wouldn’t hesitate to kill them.
“We don’t have long,” Daiji declared, surveying the Riders. “Whatever Diablo’s up to, it’s going to be completed soon, that much we can tell. So, it’s now or never.”
Mr. Kamiyama frowned, “Are you sure you don’t want to wait for Mr. Koushiro?”
“I think he’ll find us if he’s ready,” Makoto said, pleased that he sounded confident in that statement. He really wasn’t sure whether or not Koushiro would make his way to them. In a way, it depended on Koushiro. On if he could work out whatever was holding him back – Makoto didn’t know what it was, despite his suspicions.
“Like you said, we have the aid of Mr. Kamiyama and his friends,” Daiji reminded, “I’m sure we’ll be fine without him.”
Everyone was preparing, it seemed. Ms. Sudo and Mr. Shindo were speaking, it’s obviously something important. Makoto gets the impression the two are close, and they’re both clearly aware of the danger that Mr. Shindo was about to go into. It could easily be the last time they see each other. He notes that Daiji has found his way to where Hiromi was, just the slightest worry leaking into his expression. They were friends, that was for certain, and Daiji was concerned. Makoto couldn’t blame him.
If something does happen to anyone, though, Makoto hopes it will be him. Or even, in a more selfish way, anyone other than Tamaki. He doesn’t think their parents fully understand what they’re about to go do, and Makoto doesn’t want to be the one to tell them Tamaki was hurt, or worse. And, of course, Makoto would prefer no harm comes to his brother. It was selfish, certainly, but Makoto didn’t really care. He saw no harm in being selfish when it came to his family.
Still, the possible fate of humanity, that was a lot. Makoto is no fighter, he never really has been, so this was… a lot. More than he’d ever really wanted to take. But at the end of the day… he’d put himself in this position, and while he’ll never really be a hero, this is good enough. If his parents have at least one of their sons come home, that’s all he can hope for.
“You look tense,” Mr. Kamiyama notes.
He was a kind man, at least that was the impression Makoto got. He knew more about all of this, about being a Rider, than Makoto. Which was a strange thought, mostly because Makoto didn’t really know many other Riders. Just Mr. Kadota, and more loosely, Aguilera. In a way, it all made Makoto feel a bit bad knowing he might lie to him. Knowing that he might fudge the truth, like he did with everyone. But Mr. Kamiyama was far less connected to him than any of those other people.
And so Makoto answers, it’s not a lie, but it doesn’t feel like the whole truth. “Diablo is a bit different than what I’m used to fighting.”
“Unlike Captain Kadota there, or even your brother, you haven’t trained for this.” Mr. Kamiyama nodded, “so having the weight of protecting people isn’t an easy one to bear. Isn’t something you’re prepared for.”
It’s almost a surprise that Mr. Kamiyama had described it so easily. “Yeah,” he said, “it’s a little out of my league.”
“Maybe not that. You seem to be doing pretty well, and I can see you’ve made an effort to improve yourself. To make up for the lack of preparation.”
“You’re giving me too much credit,” Makoto insisted. The last thing he wanted was for Mr. Kamiyama to get the wrong idea. “I just want my family to be safe. I really don’t care about much else.”
“And that’s reason enough to fight,”
“There are plenty of people who would disagree, Mr. Kamiyama.”
If one was going to fight, it would probably be better to have some big goal, or at least some desire to help people. Like Tamaki, who wanted to protect people. Makoto had no desires like that, no big goal to save anyone other than his family. It didn’t bother him, really, but he didn’t want anyone to think he was better than he was.
It didn’t matter much, anyway. Soon they’d be too busy fighting to really focus on that. Really, Makoto preferred it that way.
Hana could only wait on the Riders who were aiding Fenix, out of sight of the Himiko Crisper with Sakura. She really hoped that whoever was coming were people who didn’t know her – keeping quiet around her brothers especially wasn’t easy. But there were other Riders involved, now, and they didn’t know her, so she wouldn’t have to worry so much about not saying anything if it were them.
Then the two appear, one red and one purple, out some strange portal that Hana rather quickly decides not to question. Sakura smiled at the sight of them – not happy, exactly, more a smile of relief that they’d arrive and a smile to help her slip into her persona as Jeanne. The two’s arrival just made Hana happy to have to stop hiding.
Standing, Sakura hurries over to the two, as they’d caught the Himiko Crisper’s attention anyway, with Hana hurrying behind. “I hope you’re ready for a fight,” Sakura says to the two, only slightly hesitating to place herself behind Hana. “Aguilera will be your main aid, but I’ll do what I can.”
The other two nod and all four dodge out of the way of the attack, Sakura keeping her position behind Hana. While Sakura was perfectly capable of fighting, Hana had seen that for herself, she was obviously being careful here, when it came to the Himiko Crisper. Then again, the only thing remotely like a demon Hana knew Sakura had fought before was Tamaki.
Pushing the red Rider away, the Himiko Crisper attacked, the red Rider already just barely out of the way, the purple Rider was off to the other side and safe. Hana and Sakura were a different story, Hana grabbing Sakura and letting her wings bring them up and out of the way. When they land, regrouped with the red and the purple Rider, Hana lets go of Sakura.
“I really don’t like her,” Hana said, resting the back on her hand on her hip.
Sakura sighed, “I think it will be best that I leave this to you three,” she didn’t seem too pleased. But the look she gave Hana filled Hana with a certain confidence. “Still, I’m sure you three can handle it. You have the aid of my queen, after all.”
Hana nodded, “I won’t lose!” Quickly, she decided it was time to test out the Vistamp that Sakura had gotten earlier, pulling it out and activating it.
Sounding curious, the red Rider asked, “What will that do?”
“We’re about to find out,” Hana declared, pressing the Turtle Vistamp against her Driver. Then her kunai morphed into a bazooka. “ooh,” She couldn’t help but laugh a little.
Barely, she can hear the purple Rider say, “Oh dear…”
And then Sakura laughed.
Ikki only recognizes one of the Riders that arrives to help fight against the Edison Crisper, that being Demons. The other one was yellow, and he must be one of those other Riders that was aiding in the fight against Diablo. Well, with something like Diablo, Ikki was pretty happy to have the help, anything to make sure this gets dealt with.
Not that he thought he was going to avoid the consequences of this, there was no way something this big avoided notice, and since Diablo’s awakening was Vice’s fault… yeah, Ikki wasn’t looking forward to that. But they had to deal with Diablo and the Crispers, first.
“Revi,” Kadota greets.
“Demons,” Ikki doesn’t see the point in wasting much time on pleasantries, pulling out the T-Rex Vistamp. “The Edison Crisper is very… well electric, as I’m sure you can imagine.”
The yellow Rider that stood beside Kadota responded, “Well so am I.”
An electricity-based Rider, then. Well yellow was a fitting color, in that case. Not that Ikki thinks learning much about these Riders will do much good, since it would probably be unlikely that they’d ever encounter them again. Certainly, at least, they wouldn’t be fighting against them, the only place where it would likely be all that important to take note about them now.
“You know, you could let me out and I could help,” Vice suggested, hovering nearby and sounding a little too eager.
“No, it’s your fault we’re in this mess.” Ikki was quick to answer, then stamped himself with the T-Rex Vistamp, transforming into the T-Rex Deadman.
Though he can no longer see Vice, and Vice’s mouth was hidden anyway, Ikki just knows he’s pouting. “Aw…”
Though Tamaki had used a Driver and the Wolf Vistamp to transform before, this would be the first time he actually did anything while transformed, let alone fight. Still, he tells himself it won’t matter, because he’s trained plenty, and he’s fought enough with the Vistamp that even with the difference of the Driver being involved he thinks he’ll be okay. Besides, he has Mr. Shindo and Mr. Shindai fighting with him, so it would be fine.
That didn’t change that he may or may not be a tad tense. Being stressed was not an uncommon state for him, but it still didn’t make it any more pleasant. To some degree, though, he found that being transformed like this did comfort him, not entirely, but enough.
And then they go through the weird portal thing and find themselves in view of the Leonidas Crisper. He noticed the three quickly, leaving Tamaki little time to think too much about his feelings, and next thing they knew they were fighting. Quick enough, Tamaki finds himself focusing on the fight more than his own worries.
There was, after all, a lot to focus on that mattered far more than his skill at messing up.
Makoto and Mr. Kamiyama were the only ones who didn’t have to travel somewhere far to confront Diablo. Diablo and the center of his star were at Mt. Fuji, so while not just down the street, was at least in the same country. Not that Makoto really cared how far it was, the only real important part was that they knew where Diablo was and were ready to fight.
And sure enough, upon their arrival, there was Diablo.
“Are you ready for this, Makoto?” Mr. Kamiyama asked, sending a concerned glance towards Makoto.
Already reaching for his Driver and the Squid Vistamp, Makoto answered, “Ready enough. Worst case scenario, I die.” That was a lie. As it were, him dying – and only him – was the best-case scenario. Worst case was… well a lot worse.
“Don’t say that,”
Shrugging, Makoto placed the Driver on his waist, “I’m afraid I don’t have a very good sense of humor.” He activated his Vistamp, “Now, it’s probably best we get on with this.”
He didn’t have high hopes for their fight against Diablo. They hadn’t fared particularly well before, and nothing really had changed to give them an advantage. Still, they had to do all they could to defeat Diablo, unlike the demons Makoto had faced before, he would certainly cause a lot more damage. If Koushiro was right, he’d pretty much end humanity.
The two transformed, Makoto let the armor settle over him with the knowingly vain hope that it would make much of a difference, let his weapon appear in his hand. Mr. Kamiyama holds his sword, ready to fight. And now they’ve gotten Diablo’s attention.
“I see you’ve come to fight me again.” Diablo said. There was this energy gather around all of them, the energy Diablo was obviously trying to get from whatever he was planning. Who knew what would happen once it was done.
“This will be the last time,” Mr. Kamiyama responded, and Makoto really couldn’t argue with that. Either they defeat Diablo or they die.
Diablo didn’t seem all that concerned, “Because this will be your last fight.”
And then the fight begins. It’s all Makoto can do is manage to keep up, despite limbs that were already sore from the previous fight and the exhaustion that was setting in from getting into multiple fights in one day. He wasn’t really a fighter, he couldn’t take this much exertion. Mr. Kamiyama, at least, seemed to be faring better, though he certainly had more experience.
It was unfortunate, really, that it was only the two of them fighting Diablo. Makoto could already tell that they weren’t going to be able to defeat him, let alone keep fighting for much longer. From Diablo’s attacks, Makoto knew he’d be covered in bruises and cuts, a familiar problem to be dealt with later – provided he even survived. Not that Makoto had high hopes for that, even with Mr. Kamiyama’s aid.
What good was defeating the Crispers when they couldn’t even defeat Diablo?
They’re knocked down by one of Diablo’s attacks, sending both of them out of their transformations. Not a good sign. Especially not as Diablo loomed over them. Well, it wasn’t like he’d expected to live.
Then a dark purple blur shoves Diablo away, and standing in front of Makoto and Mr. Kamiyama was Koushiro’s demon, wings spread as though to further protect the two. Running up beside him came Koushiro, looking at Diablo with a new fervor in his eyes. “Good job!” He cheered, raising a hand in the air. It held a Vistamp, though it had a different appearance to Koushiro’s Dragonfly Vistamp.
“We’re here to defeat Diablo, after all, and it would be unfortunate for any other Riders to fall at Diablo’s hands,” His demon said.
Koushiro nodded, “Right!” He turned to look at Makoto and Mr. Kamiyama, “We’re here to help.”
Pulling themselves up off the ground, Makoto commented, “You seemed to have figured it out.”
“Thank your mom for that – she’s really amazing you know.”
“I know,” Makoto laughed a little, though his lungs were frankly still heaving a little from the fight. “though I think we have more important concerns.”
“Oh, right,” Koushiro turned his attention back to Diablo. “I think we can take him for a bit, but if we’re going to defeat him, we’ll probably need your guy’s help.”
Mr. Kamiyama nodded, “Of course, we’ll do what we can.”
Then Koushiro cheered, pulling out his Driver and placing it on his waist, “Great!” then he activated the Vistamp – the Emperor Dragonfly Vistamp, Makoto was right that it had changed. As the two transformed, both gained armor – the demon had already had some, effectively, but now his matched with Koushiro’s, similar to before but different. Particularly, Koushiro’s own wings were present, and seemed to function in someways as something of a cape. “Now… it’s time for the Riders created by your own actions, Diablo! Kamen Rider Hawker!”
“Kamen Rider Tombo!” Koushiro’s demon, apparently named Tombo, declared alongside him. The two hurry to fight Diablo.
Makoto reached for his Vistamp again, “Well, I think that’s our cue.”
Mr. Kamiyama nodded, “I think so too.”
Like Tombo and Koushiro’s own appearance, though far brighter and harder to miss, there’s a flash and a different sword comes flying to Mr. Kamiyama’s hand. Unlike the sword he usually had, red and at times burning, this one was blue and seemed to sparkle. It had come from the sky, it seemed, and were it not for the fact he’d seen so many transforming sword wielders today, Makoto would probably have questioned where it came from more. But he wasn’t so crazy as to try to question magic swords.
Around them, that building energy dissipated – Makoto’s best guess was that the others had managed to defeat the Crispers. He wondered if that had something to do with the appearance of this new sword, perhaps whatever the Crispers were doing was blocking it.
Well, anything to stand a better chance against Diablo, though Makoto’s hopes were a bit higher now that they had Koushiro and Tombo’s help. Transforming, he and Mr. Kamiyama begin to aid Koushiro and Tombo in their fight. Makoto was certainly the weakest of the four, between his exhaustion and that both Koushiro and Mr. Kamiyama had gotten a form stronger than what they were using before. Though he’d likely never say it out loud, he didn’t mind letting them take the lead.
Soon enough, Diablo seems suitably weakened and Makoto can recognize the movements that the other three make as preparing to finish him. Thus, he figures he should probably help them, just to be safe. Besides, he thinks he has enough energy to do that much, at least.
So the four of them launch into the air, Koushiro and Tombo first, followed by Mr. Kamiyama and Makoto. Then they kick, an action just familiar enough Makoto doesn’t question it, but foreign enough he wonders if Koushiro’s instinct for it comes from stories.
Even Diablo couldn’t survive that, it seems, as he explodes and then there’s nothing left.
Knowing he’s gone, their armor disappears, Tombo along with it. Koushiro stares at where Diablo once was, Emperor Dragonfly Vistamp still in his hand. “It’s… over. Diablo’s… Diablo’s gone.”
“He is,” Mr. Kamiyama agreed, “You did it.”
“You did what you set out to do, Mr. Koushiro.” Makoto nodded. “Though I suppose the question for you from here is: now what?”
Koushiro laughed, joyful and sad and bitter all at once. “It really isn’t a question, Makoto. It never was.”
That didn’t sound right. “I don’t follow.”
“The reason why I was always so single mindedly focused on Diablo, on defeating him no matter what happened to me… was because no matter what, I wouldn’t live past today. Not really.” Koushiro looked down, staring at the Vistamp in his hand. “If I died, that was that, but if I lived… well, sooner or later I’ll disappear.”
“Oh,” Makoto’s eyes widened, realizing what Koushiro was saying. “your timeline doesn’t exist anymore.”
He nodded, “Exactly. Even if I’m still born… removed from Diablo and the hellscape created, from his life raised by my Kari-papa… that Koushiro wouldn’t be me. And he’d never travel back in time like this, for this specific event.” Koushiro sounded resigned. Then again, it sounded like he’d known for a while that this would happen. That he’d accepted it regardless of how he felt.
Makoto could understand that feeling.
“No matter what, you’d effectively die.” He can’t help but sigh, “so now it’s only a matter of time.”
“Only a matter of time.” Koushiro repeated with a nod. He glanced at his own hand, which began to shimmer and fade. “Though it seems that time is already upon us.”
Taking a step towards Koushiro, Mr. Kamiyama said, “You did good.”
Koushiro responded with a smile, “Thank you.” Then he turned his attention to Makoto, “Makoto, if I could… I have a couple favors to ask of you.”
Since this was the end for Koushiro, Makoto felt an obligation to at least hear him out. “I’ll do my best.”
Digging through his jacket pocket, Koushiro began, “Firstly, I’d like you to give this to Karizaki. It’s from my Kari-papa.” He pulled out a crinkled and slightly torn envelope. Makoto took it, curious but not willing to pry. It had no label of any kind, but maybe it didn’t need it.
“I take it there’s something else, too?”
“Secondly,” Koushiro held out the Emperor Dragonfly Vistamp, “I’d like you to hold on to this, since it’ll be of no use to me. If possible, I’d like it to go to the me of this timeline, maybe it could help him one day.”
Taking that too, Makoto regarded it for a moment, “That one might be a little harder. I’ll have to find you, and I don’t even know how old you are.”
“About forty… uh, forty-eight, I think. If I’m born around the same time, it should be in the next year or so.” Koushiro answered, “And as for finding me, well… You won’t have to look far. Thanks to you… I got to meet my parents, and my big brothers too! I got to meet family that I hadn’t dreamed of meeting in a long time.”
Brow furrowed, Makoto began, “You mean…?”
The fading and the shimmers have grown, Koushiro was nearly gone at this point. He smiled, bigger and more genuine than Makoto had seen him smile. It looked like it might hurt his cheeks to hold it for too long. He might even had begun to cry. “Now, Koushiro Igarashi can disappear, and he can be happy. Thank you, Makoto.”
Koushiro Igarashi fades away, shimmering out of existence. Any further words that Makoto might have had were stuck in his throat.
Mr. Kamiyama stands beside him, “So he was your brother.”
“So it seems,” Makoto choked out, “I… wasn’t expecting that.”
“That’s understandable. We should probably head back, though.”
Makoto regarded the Vistamp he held in one hand and the envelope he held in the other. “Yeah, I guess we should. Ah, thanks for the help, Mr. Kamiyama.”
“Of course,” Mr. Kamiyama smiled.
“Aguilera and Jeanne told us to return this to you,” Sophia (Kamen Rider Calibur) said, as Reika Shindai (Kamen Rider Sabela) held out the Turtle Vistamp to George. Obviously that they were talking to them and the crisis now appeared to be averted was alone enough to make George nearly vibrate with excitement. He needed to get as many autographs as possible.
Of course, there was also the Vistamp they had gotten back from Jeanne and Aguilera, something that George was a little surprised by. “Oh, they actually gave it back. Well, that’s good.” He examined it for a moment before asking, “What did it do when Aguilera used it?”
Sophia paled and Ms. Shindai answered with a slight hesitance, “It… gave her a rocket launcher.”
“Oh,” George blinked, “well, it worked as it should have, then. Still, we should probably try our best to keep this one from her.”
The only Riders that hadn’t come back were Makoto and Touma Kamiyama (Kamen Rider Saber, the Kamen Rider Saber!), but since it appeared Diablo was defeated, they should be back soon. George would be excited to hear how the fight went.
Tamaki had already returned the Driver to George, it seemed even he was able to notice that the Driver wasn’t quite finished – then again he’d helped George with testing the Driver Makoto had. George would put the finishing touches on after all this had settled down and then Fenix would have three Riders.
Finally, Makoto and Mr. Kamiyama return, looking a bit worse for wear and tired – or downright exhausted in Makoto’s case – but otherwise more or less fine. Daiji greets them first, “Congratulations on defeating Diablo,”
Mr. Kamiyama gave a smile, “We couldn’t of done it without Koushiro.”
“Speaking of,” George noted the absence of said person with them, which was strange if he had been fighting Diablo with them. “if he helped you, where is he now?” George was curious as to if he would try to keep up his time travel story.
“Gone,” Makoto answered, an unusual tone in his voice. He sounded… perhaps a little sad. “with Diablo defeated, his timeline doesn’t exist anymore, so he disappeared.”
A silence falls, a degree of uncertainty in the air. Tamaki glanced around before asking, “You mean that… he was telling the truth about being from the future?” he looks between Makoto and George, as though to try to verify the thought.
Thus, George groused, “I guess if he was from the future, then yes, he wouldn’t exactly exist as he was anymore,” he still didn’t fully believe the story, though.
“We saw him disappear,” Mr. Kamiyama said, “I think that’s answer enough.”
From there, everyone begins to settle down and leave, particularly Mr. Kamiyama’s friends. George is in a hurry to get as many autographs as possible – a quest that was being interrupted by Daiji insisting that his behavior was going to give everyone second hand embarrassment, not that George cared. Though as the last of them leave, Mr. Kamiyama himself alongside Mr. Shindo and Mr. Fukamiya, Makoto approached George.
Maybe it’s to gloat about being right to believe Koushiro. Even though Makoto played the role of quiet and mostly obedient, George didn’t believe that’s how he truly was. He was certain that Makoto was a lot more like him than he let on.
“Mr. Karizaki,” Makoto said, and that sadness hadn’t quite been shaken from his voice. How foreign. He produced an envelope and held it out to him, “Koushiro asked that I give this to you. I believe it’s from the version of you from his future.”
George may be skeptical still, but he can’t deny that he’s curious, so he takes it. Though instead of asking about it further, he asked, “Something’s changed, what’s got you so sad about that Koushiro?”
Makoto’s expression shifted and he looked uncertain, for a moment, before he answered. “Well Koushrio was- is- will be our brother.”
Overhearing that, Tamaki pulls a face, “Wait, our brother? You mean – like adopted, right?”
“He didn’t say, but I don’t really think so…”
“You mean mama and papa- ugh nope! I don’t want to think about that!” More than a little redness creeped across his cheeks. Makoto laughed, clearly amused by this reaction.
Interrupting, but giving Makoto and Tamaki a small smile, Hiromi told them, “You two should head home, now, we’ll finish up here. Get some rest, especially you, Makoto. You look almost as bad as Daiji can get.”
Daiji made an indignant sound, “I don’t get bad,”
It didn’t even look like Makoto believed that statement, but he and Tamaki leave anyway. Soon enough Hiromi and Daiji leave too, to finish all the paperwork left over. That left George alone in the lab, as usual, though this time he wasn’t too focused on his work. Instead, his focus was on the unlabeled envelope that seemed to have come from Koushiro. From the future.
His curiosity gets the better of him and he opens the envelope, pulling out a worn and crinkled paper with smudges of dirt. It looked old, perhaps written a while ago.
“To my younger self,”
The handwriting certainly looked like George’s own, that much was certain.
“Hopefully you’ve gotten this letter from Koushiro, or he somehow found a way to get it to you. He’s a good kid, even if he sometimes gets a little single minded. I think he learned that from me. Us. Anyway, I know you probably won’t believe that he’s from the future, I know I wouldn’t have, back before all of this, but it’s true. He was entrusted to me by Yukimi and Genta Igarashi, so I did all I could to ensure that he stayed alive. I knew, after a certain point, that it wouldn’t be me who could stop Diablo, no matter how much I wanted to, that it had to be Koushiro. He’s an Igarashi, after all, and I think if anyone could do it, it would be him.
“Thus, I hope that now, when you’re reading this, you’ll never see the future I’ve seen. But that’s not exactly why I’m writing this. What I have to say is simply that you should cherish what you have, the people who do in fact care about you. When everything went to hell, I realized I’d lost more than I thought. And while I wouldn’t trade Koushiro for the world, I do hope that you don’t have to raise a child on your own during an apocalypse. I hope that you still get to be a part of the life of the Koushiro of your new timeline.”
As if the Igarashi family would want him anywhere near their child, if they weren’t left with any other option. That was, of course, assuming they even had another child in this timeline.
“I think, even in the new timeline, he’d adore you. Us. Or however you feel like calling it.
“Now, moving on, while there’s a lot I could try to say… I think this is enough. So much has happened, but none of it will ever really happen to you. I hope. Which means I think it should be about time for my closing statements… wait there is one thing. Keep an eye on Makoto Igarashi, I saw what happened when he snapped.
“Other than that, I think my letter has come to a close.
“Your future self, George Karizaki.”
Clipped to the letter was a picture, somewhat faded but clearly well cared for. He recognized when it was taken, a week or so ago when he’d stopped by Happy Spa to pester Makoto and Tamaki. It was him, with the Igarashi family, Tamaki barely hiding his annoyance and physically holding Hana back from launching herself at George, though to anyone who didn’t already know it would look more like a hug.
His future self kept it for so long, clearly did his best to keep it in the best condition he could. George wasn’t really sure what that said.
Pulling a drawer at his desk open, he returned the letter and the picture back into the envelope and shoved it in the drawer.
“I can’t believe you got to meet our little brother!” Hana lamented loudly, something of a pout on her face.
Makoto did wish she’d have saved it for a later time, preferably when they didn’t have a group of Riders at Happy Spa that day. They’d invited Mr. Kamiyama and his friends over. Still, he could understand why Hana was at least a bit upset, since she was the youngest.
“You could have stuck around,” Tamaki answered, “though really I think I preferred you being with Sakura and far from any trouble.”
Hana rolled her eyes, but moved on, slipping through the room before stopping to stare at Mr. Yuri, who sat in one of the chairs in the lobby. “…Why do you have a cactus?”
“Because he does,” Tamaki responded again, “Don’t you have something better to be doing?”
“Don’t you have that comic to get around to reading?” Hana shot back.
A slight blush comes to Tamaki’s face, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
With a sigh, Makoto comes out from the counter, broom and rag in hand, “If you two would prefer, you can both clean.”
In response, Tamaki sighed and took the broom. Hana recoiled a little and crossed her arms, huffing something about how she’d been asked to run to the store for Mama anyway and left. Well, that got the two to calm down pretty easily, Makoto found that it usually did.
Since Tamaki was out front, Makoto didn’t feel too bad about slipping into the house for a minute. He stops at the shrine for the missing Igarashi children, now with a new addition. There, nestled next to the picture of the three children, was the Emperor Dragonfly Vistamp. Though they’d barely known Koushiro, and all Koushiro had asked was that Makoto give the Vistamp to the version of himself in this new future, Makoto had thought it would be a good place to keep the Vistamp, in the meantime. Besides, Koushiro deserved to be remembered, even if the future he was from may be better left forgotten.
In a future not too far away, a little boy runs up to the shrine, now absent of any items save for the Emperor Dragonfly Vistamp. The boy has dark and messy hair, a pair of slightly too big glasses on his face. He stares up with curiosity.
“Big bro! Big bro George!” He called as footsteps approached. “Why is there a Vistamp there?”
Beside him, George arrived, answering, “It belonged to someone very brave, but he never knew his family,” He reached down, picking up the boy, who couldn’t help but giggle. “So we remember him here. After all, this is the family that will take anyone in, Koushiro.”
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dpganime · 2 years
Michi (Mimi Tachikawa x Taichi Yagami) short fic for Michi Week/Michi Karaoke
Today we have the pleasure to sit with actress, writer, producer Mimi Tachikawa who became a star from her film, Princess Karaoke. The musical film was a critical darling and box office success. But what was it really like for Mimi, who went from an unknown to a big star?
Mimi Tachikawa: First, I’m not a star, really. I’m an actress, an artist, and a business woman. And...I’m engaged (shows her ring).
Mimi Tachikawa’s love life was interested by many. Her Princess Karaoke co-star singer Yamato Ishida was linked to her for several years, even to this day. Fans often paired them together and rumors had it they were a couple until Yamato was photographed with tennis star Sora Takenouchi. Press and tabloids never gave up on this story. 
Mimi Tachikawa: Yamato is a talented singer but we never really got to know each other (shrugged). It was amazing how everything turned out well for the film. We got good chemistry on screen but that was it. There was never a relationship to begin with. 
So Yamato and Mimi, or rather Mimato, was just a teenage dream or a fantasy made up by the tabloids. While many still linked her to Yamato, some linked her to Nobel prize winner Koushiro Izumi.
Mimi Tachikawa: Poor man...he is a genius and a family friend but nothing more. I would not want him to be linked to me. His poor life would’ve been destroyed by the tabloids. 
The tabloid’s fantasy of Mimi x Yamato really took a toll on Mimi. She could’ve had a music career but decided not to pursue it.
Mimi Tachikawa: My voice closed up. Every time when it comes to singing, my voice closed up. I was scared...if I were to sing one note, then everyone will link me to Yamato, saying that I’m depressed or I desperately wants Yamato’s attention. None of it is true. I have to get treatment because once, I lost my voice altogether.
Dr. Jyou Kido was Mimi’s main support during her recovery.
Mimi Tachikawa: Jyou is a wonderful person. He’s very patient and caring. Not only he helped me found my voice, he also helped me to discover my real talents.
Instead of pursuing a music career, Mimi turned to television. She produced and starred her own television series. She now has her own Youtube channel where she promotes healthy eating and skincare.
Mimi Tachikawa: Having my Youtube channel enables me to interact with my fans. I learn something from them and they learn something from me.
But what about her love life? 
Mimi Tachikawa: Once I was so afraid to get into a relationship because I was scared that the press and tabloids would drive him away. Whoever it is, tabloids would compare him to Yamato, saying things like I’m looking for Yamato 2. But when I met Taichi at a charity concert, it was like...wow. 
Footballer Taichi Yagami and Mimi were seen together since his last football match. The two are now ready to tie the knot.
Mimi Tachikawa: Taichi is the one for me, and I just know it. This is my life and my choice. 
And Mimi Tachikawa just leave it as that. She refused to give more details on her relationship with Taichi. However, the happiness on her face says it all. 
Mimi Tachikawa: My life and happiness should be defined by none other than me, myself, and I - never by anyone else, whether I’m single or with someone. It’s my life. 
Looks like Princess Karaoke is now a Queen who sings her own song!
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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.:Wallace’s Memories
A long time ago, a child in the village of Summer Memory, Colorado got a DigiEgg while his mother was browsing on the internet. The child took the giant egg and took care of it like he had taken care of any other normal egg. His family had a little farm, so Wallace was used to animals. But this giant egg… It brought to life not one but two mysterious creatures. Round and soft, such creatures weren’t treated differently by the boy. So the small babies grew pretty quickly into higher forms – Gummymon and Chocomon. Those surprised the boy, as they started to talk normally and naturally! They became inseparable friends, until the day Chocomon got infected by a random virus and disappeared… In the flower field. 
Wallace and his family had to move out, so they went to live in New York due to his parent’s current job. Without finding Chocomon, Wallace and Gummymon left him behind and against their wishes.
Wallace grew up, so did Gummymon (turning into Terriermon now) and he suddenly developed a few coping mechanisms, such as flirting with girls. Yes, his “girlfriend” was an anime character and he learned Japanese mostly with Gummymon, and this real Asian friend he had and he told her about the digimon. He was quite immature, so they never dated at all and only kept on a friendship basis. Besides that, he was thankful for their bonds. One day, Wallace found a strange device lying on his desk. It was when he became an official Chosen Child.
Chocomon then started to stalk Wallace in New York. Gummymon felt it was his duty to protect Wallace, BUT he couldn’t lay a finger on Chocomon first. Chocomon’s new form wasn’t like Gummymon’s and he felt more like a scary monster. It was when Wallace started to seek for Chocomon, and promise him to go back to the flower field again. Gummymon was against that idea at first, but he wanted to save Chocomon as well… So they had to go back there! Maybe… Maybe Chocomon can change back and they all live together again, right!?
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This is when Wallace and Daisuke’s paths crossed. Those Japanese kids were looking for other people. Wallace knew about some strange disappearances happening in New York, but he only connected the dots when he learned of it happening to Daisuke’s friends. Gummymon had suspected it already, but Wallace wanted to not believe it at all. Chocomon is a good digimon! He wouldn’t do that! Right!?
Wallace then gave up and decided to open his heart to Daisuke, who was too smart-for-the-usual-Daisuke and wondered if Chocomon, the digimon kidnapping Chosen Children, was his partner. After Daisuke shed tears for his tragic story, the boys settled to go together to the flower field, in order to say everyone – even Chocomon.
But… That wasn’t what happened. Sadly, a battle started and they almost lost everything, but the power of Destiny blessed them with a Miracle. Chocomon was saved from the virus… But had reverted into DigiEgg state. Wallace and Gummymon found the egg lying on a lake, and took it back to New York. Years and Years trying to hatch such digiegg… But nothing. A year after his first meeting with Daisuke, he met Mimi, who introduced him to Koushiro. They kept in contact, and Koushiro said he would investigate his case. In Summer 2003, he met Daisuke again and he, Mimi and their friend were involved in a strange winter and abandoned New York caused by a digimon who they named by Natchan. Once the mystery was solved and everything came back to normal, the trio, Chibimon and Gummymon went to look for Natchan’s partner.
A few years later, the egg finally hatched. Chocomon was back!! And with no evil virus involved this time!! As Chocomon grew healthy, he evolved into Lopmon. They got their happy back.
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But… Wallace is still oblivious about digimon in general. He doesn’t know what a Digital Gate is, what a Digital World is, that digimon change names when they evolve… Yep, nothing at all. Daisuke and Mimi will have to teach him… Or at least try to.
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure [2020] featuring CHARACTER Koushiro[u] Izumi [Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi in US dub] (+relationship with) [+IZUMI FAMILY]; + Important Dialogues + Significant Moments + (Potential) Foreshadowing (for any later medias?)
“Seems like our area isn’t affected.” “And the internet’s still working.” “Oh yeah, I still have a connection...” - Taichi (Note: 2020 Koushiro’s initial profile states he lives in the same apartment building as 2020 Taichi this series.)
“But wouldn’t your family be surprised?” (Likely Implication: “by us?”) “They {SHOULD BE}, but...” - Koushiro, trailing off...
Edits by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use/Share!)
(Original/further commentary + {Spoiler} scenes under the ‘
(After Koushiro initially seems to spend most of the morning/day in the park, before Sora arrives, talking about her Mom/getting home) “Koushiro-kun, were you ok?” (Likely Implication: “at home?”) - Sora “My house, is, um...” - Koushiro - he notably trails off before he can finish the sentence (they’re next distracted by the ongoing crisis)
- in the 4th ending theme, we see shots of the kids at their homes; Koushiro can notably be seen in a Japanese apartment-styled bathroom.
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“Some sort of pain that can only be understood by the ones LEFT BEHIND. In people and Digimon too.” “...Koushiro-han?...” - Kabuterimon, clearly concerned tone “Oh... No, it’s nothing.” - Koushiro immediately deflecting
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Original Poster’s [Mine] Commentary:
(He also did this IN Adventure...): {Japanese version}:
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“Do you have interest in WHO you are, Koushiro-han?” - Tentomon, in Adv Ep #5, curiously just before Koushiro next slips into flashback-mode, revealing to the viewers his ADOPTION backstory. (A similar sequence happens at the beginning of Adventure Episode #31, when he talks to Tentomon, then completely having ZONED OUT) [not having revealed ANYTHING about his flashbacks/family situation to Tentomon yet.]:
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- Koushiro in Adv Episode 31, realizing he worried his parents while keeping secrets:
“I wish that Koushiro would act more spoiled and unreasonable
instead of always keeping it INSIDE
like a GOOD BOY.”
- Mrs. Izumi, to Mr. Izumi, worriedly, in her concern
“Don’t you THINK SO?”
“...I’m sorry for worrying you.” - Koushiro, thinking to himself, looking ashamed
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reliablejoukido · 2 years
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[ digiweek 2022 day 2: sports day/relationship “Tell us a relationship in Digimon” ]
Well now I’ve got six.
Friendship: Taichi and Koushiro. Probably my favorite Taichi relationship AND my favorite Koushiro relationship. There’s nothing more iconic than these two in that film, but honestly the way Taichi values Koushiro’s opinion and Koushiro values Taichi’s leadership throughout Adventure us just... *chef’s kiss* beautiful.
Family: More Koushiro. I always found the story of Koushiro learning about his birth parents to be extremely meaningful-- I think we all feel that way. But the relationship he has with his adoptive parents is just so heartfelt and important to his development as a character.
Romance: Daiken my #1 Digimon OTP. Daisuke never gave up on Ken and Ken let Daisuke into his heart 💖 And of course they can hear each other’s hearts. Falling in love with the first person who meant something to you as a kid....oh gosh. I’ll be a fan of this ship forever. Catch me adding them to every Digimon fic I write.
Romance: Jyoumi is an extremely close second. I adore both of them tremendously and honestly how can you ignore the cute and often hilarious chemistry between them? They compliment each other so well and their moments together in both Adventure and tri. always make me cry.
Rivalry: What’s better than a regular rivalry? A rivalry where one of them takes it seriously and the other thinks the mere concept of their rivalry is hilarious. Giving Takeru a “rival” in the first place is so funny because he really just could not give a damn. He loves messing with Daisuke though, just to keep up appearances.
Partners: What always struck me as powerful is how different Jou and Gomamon are. Their conversation in the finale of Adventure is my absolute favorite thing: “You and I might not have been a good team, Gomamon... but I had a lot of fun being with you.” “So did I.” These two had to work hard at their partnership and it always paid off in the end.
for @digiweek 2022
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noctisfishing · 3 years
Bed of Flowers
Written for Sora Takenouchi Week Day 02 (Flowers)
Characters: The eight Chosen
Timeline: Post tri.
Words: 1,274
Notes: I kinda/sorta want to combine this with the Friends & Family, but as you read more, I think it fits best with the Flower prompt.
This draws heavy references to @sakurarebin’s post on Sora’s ikebana in the short “To Sora”. I loved this post so much. I hope you're doing well, Sakura! <3
There are no intended ships in this, just the Chosen Children finding tranquility in the moment. (aka let the kids rest for a bit :P)
The themes of the tri. stage play have never left my mind since I watched it with my Discord friends a few weeks ago, so that *may* have had an influence in this piece as well. And I may have unintentionally attempted to fill a story gap between tri. and Kizuna.
“Bed of roses”: an easy and comfortable situation in which a person likes to live
On a lightly breezy spring day in late March, Sora strolled along the sidewalk by herself. She walked past the trees of sakura and plum that were in full bloom, and the sun lit up the bright, blue sky.
But Sora found her attention downward at the front yard of a house she walked past, its garden bursting with a colorful array of flowers that her mother would love to stop and look at.
Sora's eyes fell on the poppies that sprouted right in the middle of the flower bed. Even after graduating high school with Taichi and Yamato, she felt uncertain about her choice in attending a university. Was the specialty she chose for herself captivating enough, or did she find more interest in the art of ikebana?
Another thing she didn't want to think about, but it always lingered in the back of her mind: what about Piyomon and the Digital World? She and the other Chosen Children had lived through yet another Digimon battle with their partners in the real world. Would there ever come a point where she could no longer choose to fight?
She nearly walked into Yamato with her head lowered as she was deep in thought.
“I think we all still feel uncertain about the future,” he told her once she explained that she had been worried. She gave him no further details, but with him, she felt comfortable with telling him that much. It seemed as though there was a sense of understanding when she looked into his eyes that reminded her of the flowers of Baby Blue.
The two of them walked together in silence, and Sora took in the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves and sakura blooming above them. When they walked into the local park, they spotted the odd sight of Koushiro sitting atop the grass in the middle of the lawn. His laptop was nowhere in sight, but with or without it, the expression filled with curiosity on his face made his presence as prominent as a lupine, its bright violet color contrasting against the vivid green blades.
“What are you doing here, Koushiro?” Sora asked.
“Well, I’ll begin my last year of high school soon,” explained Koushiro, “so I figured I needed to clear my mind before I have to put my focus into everything.”
“Are you thinking about the future?” Yamato asked him.
“I’m not certain that I want to right now.”
Then, Koushiro leaned back and slowly outstretched his elbows on either side to lay back against the grass. Sora shared a look with Yamato before deciding to join Koushiro and following his suit.
“Would you look at that, like youths in a bed of roses,” came a voice, and Sora turned her head to see who had shown up to stand above them.
“Hey, Jou,” Yamato said. “Why not join us? The ‘roses’ are fine down here.”
“What do you mean by that?” Koushiro asked.
“‘A bed of roses’ is a metaphor that refers to someone’s comfort zone,” Sora explained and watched Jou set his backpack down and sit down, then lay down with them.
“Oh. Well I’m glad it’s not literal. I’d rather not lay down and ruin anyone’s flowers.”
Sora laughed, then, she noticed that both Yamato and Jou had closed their eyes. She looked to Koushiro who looked back at her, curiously.
“It’s nice to unwind like this before getting back into the daily study grind,” said Jou with a sigh.
As silence fell among the four of them, Sora felt the soft breeze brush against her skin, and when she closed her eyes, too, she heard the birds’ sporadic chirping, and then felt her own self basking in the warm light of the sun. She could feel what Jou meant. Why not just lay here in peace and enjoy their surroundings, like white magnolia buds before they were ready to bloom?
Sora didn’t know if she was ready to ‘bloom’.
“What are we doing?” asked Mimi’s voice, and Sora kept her eyes closed. “Why is everyone laying down and sleeping like this?”
“We’re avoiding our responsibilities,” replied Jou.
“We’re on our ‘bed of roses’,” added Koushiro.
“Ohh,” said Mimi. “It kind of fits with all of us here like this, doesn’t it? It’s almost like we want to stay where we were like before, together, in the Digital World.”
“It certainly does not fit the metaphor, but I see where you’re coming from.”
So did Sora, who felt a tug at her heartstrings from what Mimi said. Those times were not easy, but to go back to when she was ten years old with Piyomon at her side…
“I’d also like to mention that we’re here to enjoy our peace and quiet,” Yamato muttered.
Mimi let out a squeak, and Sora did not need to open her eyes to picture Mimi holding her hand to her lips. “Sorry!”
When Sora opened her eyes to peek at what was going on, she caught Mimi stare apologetically at Yamato, although the unspoken words between the two of them caused Mimi to lay next to him. Even as Mimi fell silent, Sora knew that Mimi stood out from their group, whether she meant to or not. To her, Mimi was a hydrangea, bright, bold, and beautiful among the rest.
Takeru and Hikari had joined soon after, his smile as sunny as a yellow gerbera, Hikari a flower of light. He was about to start his first year of high school along with Hikari, so Sora did not expect them to feel as much pressure toward adulthood as the rest of them. Still, their presence was fitting as they all lay together, facing the sky, their emotions connected.
Sora closed her eyes again, knowing that there was one more missing in this flower bed.
“Ah, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Sora’s eyes opened and this time, it was Taichi standing over her with his hands on his hips. She sat up and he sat down next to her.
“I didn’t know you were all going to meet up,” Taichi added, confused.
“We didn’t mean to do this, Taichi,” said Sora. “We all kind of found our way here.”
“It’s about time you showed up, too!” Mimi added.
“The new school year is starting for us,” Sora continued. “It seems like everyone else doesn’t want it to start. And…”
Sora hesitated to reveal her own feelings to him, even when the others admitted similar feelings. But Taichi watched her, waiting for her to answer, his expression concerned.
So, she just said it.
“I’m not sure I want it to, either. There’s just… a lot to figure out.”
Sora’s eyes looked away from Taichi’s as she explained, and when they drifted back, she noticed he looked pensive for a moment. But then, his lips curled into a smile as cheerful as an orange daisy.
“Maybe we’ll be able to figure it all out someday,” he said, his eyes as uncertain as the rest of them, but his smile was good enough to reassure her. Soon, he joined everyone in laying against the grass with his hands behind his head. His eyes were still open, and he was looking to the sky.
Sora returned to lay in her spot. She absorbed the absence of anyone talking, but she knew that they were all thinking about their own futures, each with their own doubts, but also their excitement on what might be in store. Regardless of what the future might hold for her, Sora found comfort in being surrounded by her friends who understood her best.
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izumiyagami14 · 3 years
Dusk to Dawn
enlightenmonth // [day 1-4] morning or and evening Summary: after a long night of hanging with friends, Hikari asks Koushiro to walk her home. As they walk together in the late night, they ask each other deep questions take enlighten their perspectives on one another. Happy Enlightenmonth, everyone! I’m so excited to see everyone’s work! Bear with me with my writing (haven’t written anything Koukari in a couple years…) I hope as the month goes along my stories will be better!
Two silhouettes walked side by side down the house’s walkway, away from the loud tempo beats and laughing crowds. The chirping of crickets and the cooing of doves drowned out the upbeat music with each step the two took away from their friend’s house. Koushiro’s hands were shoved in his pockets and his eyes were locked on the ground beneath him. Hikari, on the other hand, was light on her feet and humming a soft tune.
“Aww, you two are leaving so soon? But the party just started!” A voice shouted from the balcony of the house, causing the two to stop in their tracks and turn around.
“Yeah, Mimi! I have something to do in the morning and asked Koushiro to walk me home!” Hikari shouted back. “Thank you for inviting us! Tell Taichi that I will meet him at home!”
“Will dooo~! Thanks for coming!” And with that, Mimi skipped back into the party.
As soon as the balcony door slid shut behind her, Koushiro let out a long, unknowingly held breath and the two continued walking. “For only being back from America for this short of time-,”
“She sure does know a lot of people,” Hikari finished his sentence. She glanced over at the boy next to her. His hands still in his pockets and eyes still on the ground. He looked so tense from where he was.
Koushiro mumbled under his breath, “What did she mean ‘the party just started?’ It’s almost three in the morning.” A tiny giggle escaped Hikari’s lips from his statement, causing him to look up at her and slow his pace. She skipped along the path in front of him, still humming to herself.
After a couple minutes quietly observing the optimistic girl, he managed to ask, “So, what do you have in the morning?”
Hikari stopped humming and slowed down a bit. “I’m, uh, meeting a friend for pancakes in the morning. Haven’t seen them in a while.”
Koushiro squinted his eyes at the sound of her wavering voice, but decided best to ignore it. He let out another uneasy breath and trudged along.
As the two walked side by side, Hikari could sense the tenseness slowly radiating from the boy. She could hear the overthinking gears in his head. Every thought. Every calculation. Every probability. It needs to stop.
“Hey, Koushiro?” Hikari asked, looking up at him.
“What’s your favorite childhood memory?”
His head quickly turned to meet her gaze. Flustered, he responded, “What? Why would you want to know that?”
“Just trying to make some conversation, silly. We still have a while until we’re back at the good old Yagami residence.”
“Huh? Favorite childhood memory...” he repeated the question, bringing his hands finally out out of his pockets to run through his hair. “Let’s see...”
Even with his mind digging through his memories and thoughts overtaking his steps, she could see his shoulders loosened a bit and his hands were not ready go back home to his pockets just yet. She chuckled, “Take your time.”
When her eyes rested upon the boy’s face, they widened. A soft smile she had rarely seen before landed on his face. “I think my favorite childhood memory would have to be baking with my mom.”
His contagious smile found its way to her face. After admiring the unique sight for a moment, she said, “Now your turn, Koushiro. Ask me anything.”
“Okay...” He put a pondering hand under his chin. “What is something you’ve wanted to do for a while, but haven’t done it yet?”
Hikari copied his gesture and puffed out her cheeks in thought. “Hmm... Well, they’re many things. Write a poem. Bake a cake. Oh, I know! I’ve always wanted to see the sun rise above the ocean. All the pinks and purples and oranges mixing in the water below would be an amazing sight to see.”
Koushiro was a little shocked by her answer. “You mean to tell me you haven’t-,”
“Nope! Not yet. It’s on the tippy top of my list of things to do though.” She said, making a stacking gesture with her hand as she spoke.
“I would have thought that you have seen it at least once....” He was still stunned by her remark.
Hikari shook her head and exhaled a laugh. “Just haven’t had the time to, I guess.”
Their conversation was stopped abruptly as they reached a fork in the path. One lead straight back to the Yagami residence, the other had a couple detours but did just the same. Koushiro started taking the first path, but Hikari stopped in her place, looking at her hands in front of her. When he realized she wasn’t following, he turned around.
“Hey, Hikari, is everything okay?” Koushiro said with a concerned look on his face. “I know I’m going the right way, so it couldn’t be that…” he mumbled, thinking of any possibility as to why she’s not following him.
“Everything’s fine. It’s just…” she inhaled deeply.
Koushiro gave a puzzled look, “Don’t you have something tomorrow? Let’s get you home safely.”
“About that…”
“What?” He asked, walking back toward her.
She responded, looking at her feet. “I might have…kind of made that up.”
Koushiro stopped walking and took a second to process what she said. “Then why did you ask me to walk you home?”
“To be completely honest with you,” she slowly replied, still avoiding his gaze,but walking toward him. “You looked a little uncomfortable being there. Sooo, I thought I could help with that.”
Koushiro’s eyes instantly grew wide and blood rushed to his cheeks. “You didn’t have to do that, Hikari. Now you’re missing the party.” Because of me. “Let’s go back-,” He started to turn back around.
“No, no!” She shouted, grabbing his arm and looking straight into his dark eyes. He looked upset with himself, something she did not want to see at all. “It is perfectly alright, Koushiro! I know that you love your friends and are willing to do anything for them, even when it puts you out of your comfort zone, but everyone’s ‘social battery’ runs out eventually.”
The two stood there in silence, her delicate hand still resting on his stiff arm. Koushiro let out an embarrassed sigh and looked into her eyes. “Are you positive?”
She smiled back at him. “I promise. It is completely okay with me. You don’t have to fight battles by yourself.” He tried to smile back at the girl in front of him, but his eyes darted downward to the hand still resting on his forearm. Hikari’s eyes followed his gaze and she moved her arm back to her side. “Besides, I don’t mind talking to you. I like your company.”
Koushiro brought a hand to the back of his head and scratched. Letting out another uneasy breath, he gathered enough courage, stuttering, “Hey, um... Do you want to take the longer way home? Since you apparently don’t have anything in the morning...”
Hikari smiled. “The more scenic route? I would love to.”
Silence fell between the two of them, but neither of them wanted it to stay. Hikari knew she had to think of something quick before he retaliated back to his old overthinking habits.
“New question,” she started.
“Ready when you are.”
“What’s your biggest regret?” She asked, keeping her eyes locked on his face to see any kind of expression. Sure enough, he was surprised by her choice of question.
He scrunched his eyebrows and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “You are really bringing up deep questions.”
Hikari waved her hands in front of her. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
“No, no! It is quite alright,” he replied as he placed his hands back in his pockets.
A moment of silence allowed the cicadas to echo in the night sky and dance with the sound of the pair’s footsteps on the concrete. Hikari hopped onto the wooden outline of the path and started walking the line like a balance beam. Koushiro was still lost in thought until realization hit him.
“I think my biggest regret as of right now would have to be not hanging out with the other digidestined as much as I should.” He looked at his feet and started counting his steps to himself. It’s a trick he did to help his mind from wandering off. He wanted to leave it at that, but something urged him to keep talking. “I want to get to know each of you more and make that effort, it’s just been… difficult for me.”
Hikari slowly nodded her head and jumped back down to his side. She lightly nudged him with her elbow. “Well, you’re doing great right now.”
“Because it’s you.” He said before his thoughts got the best of him. He felt his face get hot from his words and brought his hands to his cheeks. “I mean… you’re easy to talk to. You don’t judge me. You understand, if that makes sense.” He paused for a second to think his way out of this. “Did I really look that uncomfortable at the party?”
She giggled before saying, “Just a tad.”
He grumbled in defeat. “Why am I like this?”
“Is that your next question for me?”
She laughed again. “It’s your turn to ask me a question. Was that it?”
Koushiro looked at the girl next to him and slowly shook his head. He saw what she was doing and smirked. Thanks to her, it was time to change the subject.
“Okay, Hikari…. What is your biggest joy in life?”
“Oh, look at you with your deep questions now.” She giggled, causing a blush to form on Koushiro’s cheeks.
“I’m just making my observations.” He defended himself.
She looked up to the night sky and subconsciously started counting the stars. It didn’t take her long to count all of them since there was too much light pollution from the city. “I guess my biggest joy in life is… I don’t know, I can’t pick just one.”
Koushiro cocked his head to the side. “Well, what did you have in mind?”
“Well, there’s my family-my biggest support system. There’s being with my friends, like Takeru, you, Sora… but I also find joy in helping others,” she sighed and glanced over at him, who was already staring at her.
When they made eye contact, his eyes darted away and looked back at the ground. “You can have many joys in life. I don’t want to make you choose just one.”
When he said that, Hikari stopped walking and looked up again. “What time is it?”
He pulled out his hand out of his pocket and looked at his watch. “It is 4:17am to be exact.”
“Golly, time is flying by,” she responded.
Koushiro hummed in agreement and turned his head to the left. He saw a path winding around the corner and the light bulb went off in his head. “Let’s go this way,” he pointed the different direction. “There’s something I want to show you.”
A little startled by his change of mood and curious by what he meant by that, Hikari gave a slight nod. “Okay.” The birds in the trees started singing their early morning tune as the two walked. “My turn then…” she started. “Where is the one place where you feel most like yourself?”
“Uh…” For the first time in a long time, Koushiro’s mind went blank. He continued to look anywhere but at her. “I honestly don’t know.”
“Really?” She smiled softly at him, trying to figure out an answer for him.
He gathered enough courage to glance back at her and his face flushed. “Hey, quit smiling at me! I can’t focus when you look at me like that.”
“Like what?” She teased, smiling even wider.
“Like that!” He says, throwing his hands in the air and gesturing to her face like she was supposed to know what he meant. “I don’t know, Hikari… I guess when I’m not worried about what others think.” Like when I’m with you.
“Hmm,” she hummed in response.
Distant waves from the approaching shoreline echoed in the dimly lit sky. Koushiro’s hand slightly brushed Hikari’s, causing him to pull hiss hand immediately back. He fumbled and fidgeted
“Do you believe in true love?” He mustered before he realized, shoving his hands back in his pockets and keeping his eyes to the ground.
“What? Why would you want to know that?” She teased again, crossing her hands behind her back and leaning forward to look at his face. His flustered face always made her smile.
“It’s my turn to ask a question,” he objected. “To be completely honest with you, I’m not entirely sure. Just… curious.”
After some thought, she said, “Well, true love could mean many things and could be between any two people. Mom, dad, sisters, brothers, friends, digimon partners, couples. It’s about unconditionally caring about someone. Putting their well-being before your own. Taking time to make them smile or doing things for them without asking. Surprising them. Talking to them about anything. Helping them achieve their goals. Respecting and accepting each other. Being a team.”
As she went on and on about this topic, Koushiro couldn’t help but admire her enthusiasm. The way her face lit up when she thought of something else to tie in. The way she made huge gestures with her arms. The way her voice picked up speed. He just smiled as they continued to walk side by side, taking in the sight of the passionate girl beside him.
When Hikari realized what she was doing, she laughed. “I’m sorry, Koushiro. What was the question?”
Koushiro stopped walking and sat down on a bench next to the shoreline. “I asked if you believed in true love.”
Hikari breathed out and sat next to him. She closed her eyes and listened to the waves crashing against the rocky shore. “Well, what do you think?”
He chuckled and looked out at the shore. “Well, from your passionate monologue, I would assume yes,” he responded quietly.
“Yeah,” she exhaled. “Yeah, then I guess so,” she replied softly, looking out for a brief second and then turning her head to meet his gaze.
The two sat there for a while, not breaking away eye contact. Koushiro unknowingly held his breath until Hikari broke the silence.
“So, what did you want to show me?”
“Well, in about two minutes and 39 seconds, you’re going to find out.”
Hikari raised an eyebrow and looked out toward the sea. Her heart fluttered when she realized what he meant by that. Right on cue, the pinks and purples and oranges mixed together in the sky. The rays of lights sent a beautiful radiant glitter on the water below. The glow glistened in her eyes as she sat there in complete awe.
Instead of witnessing the glorious sun rise from the horizon, Koushiro had his sights set on the girl next to him. He was completely mesmerized by the way the sunlight kissed her face.
“Wow… it’s so beautiful,” she whispered.
Still looking at her, he smiled softly and replied, “Yeah… pretty prodigious.”
Hikari took a deep breath and placed her hand on top of Koushiro’s hand. He did not tense up from her touch. “Thank you,” she said, meeting his eye contact.
“It was my pleasure,” he replied, his heart beating a little too fast. He hoped the sound of the crashing waves covered that.
The two sat there next to each other in the morning sun. Words left unspoken about the night we’re about to make way to this moment, when all of a sudden, a buzzing sound came from Hikari’s phone and her eyes widened from the caller ID.
“Taichi, hi! No, yeah! I’m so sorry for not telling you where I am! Where am I? I’m still out with Koushiro. Yeah, we are taking the more scenic route back.” She stood up from the bench, indicating for Koushiro to stand up as well. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I’ll be home in a bit. Okay, bye.”
Koushiro cleared his throat. “Let’s get you home then.”
Hikari smiled at him, hoping to have more times like this. “Okay.”
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
hi lynn! so i tried using random generator and i got this:
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this means pisces sun, leo moon, and leo rising. oof! you got sora! have fun with the prompts~ :D
Oof this took me way longer than expected... a month (+ 1 day) to be exact seeing the timestamp. Blame it on digiweek. It's also not really a 'mythological AU', but it's the best I could do for now. Anyway, here it is. Sky, this is a little present for all your hard work from the past couple of weeks. I hope you like it :3 'Build your own story' through Astrology: find the post by @earlgreymon here! Still taking requests [see this post] to keep the writing game strong (: Sora (Pisces sun) - Historical/mythological AU (Leo moon) - Reincarnation (Leo rising) 'Inspired by' under read more. [source]
From a distance Sora looked at her friends as a concerned smile shaped her lips. She was always concerned when it came to her friends, in a good way that was. They were like her own found family and she did anything in her power to protect that family. She simply had to.
Not only did she protected the group, she felt responsible for all of them individually too. True, that was a burden, a burden she took upon herself. At first she couldn’t quite pinpoint why that feeling to take all of them by hand was so strong all the time, but ever after she had heard that one man telling her that piece of information, Sora had felt oddly at peace. As if she was finally able to understand herself and why she acted the way she did.
She remembered how she was always there for Yamato, cheering him on during his concerts where Sora made sure she was the biggest fan, singing along with all the songs. How she gladly followed Mimi to go shopping, even if shopping wasn’t her thing. Sora loved to coddle the girl, painting her nails and combing her honey colored locks. The way she helped Jyou with studying for his exams, serving as a quizmaster so he could test his knowledge. Bringing Takeru to his basketball matches and always staying behind to see him win or lose, celebrating his victories or comforting him after his losses. For Taichi she did the same, spectator at all his football matches. She was by far his biggest cheerleader standing at the sidelines, coaching him through the tough times and cheering with him during the good moments. After his matches always bickering who would bring home who. She thought about his sister Hikari, who she always picked up and brought home from her dance classes whenever Taichi wasn’t able to. To Sora, Hikari was like the younger sister she didn’t have or the daughter she was wishing for in the far away future. During evenings she made sure Koushiro stayed hydrated behind his laptop when he was about to pull another all-nighter. Sora smiled upon looking at the trail of his name in her call history, always telling him to go to bed on time.
“Do you ever think about yourself?” People often asked her. Her answer was always yes, because to Sora, they were her family. The family she had chosen to take care of. The family she had sworn to herself to defend and protect with her life. So she took the heat every single time, taking all their blows plus her own.
And she could handle it. After all, that was what she was born for. Or better said, reincarnated for. Because she was Her(a).
"HERA - Goddess of Marriage, Mothers and Family"
"Hera now: She hangs out where family life is strongest: the car pool line at school, weekend soccer games, and birthday parties. That strange woman you saw at Laser Quest, serving pizza and singing Happy Birthday? Yes, that was probably her. As the goddess of family, Hera will be happy to pack your lunch or comb your hair or give you a ride to school, but don’t talk back to her. When Hera is mad, she doesn’t just ground you. She’s likely to smash you into the ground."
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
Your Highness
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Your Highness
Word Count: 503
Prompt: “Alternate Universe (AU),” Day 4 of Koumi Week 2021
Featured Characters: Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi
A/N: This drabble is a bit inspired by a friend of mine, so this is dedicated to her. Koumi has a very similar dynamic to two characters of ours, and I couldn’t help myself but write a little something in honor of them.
For context, Mimi is a princess (as always <3) and Izzy is a scholar. Enjoy!
He'd always been a little drawn to her, even though protocol told him not to be.
Based on court gossip, Izzy had fully expected the princess to be a spoiled brat. But from the moment he saw her, he'd found her breathtaking. She radiated grace and elegance, and there was a certain level of kindness to her interactions with everyone, even the palace staff. Whatever stories he'd overheard, they didn't match the girl in front of him.
But, like every other scholar, he spent most of his time in the library, poring over records and keeping them nice and tidy. It was a perfect place for him, a place where he could be alone with his constantly racing thoughts and calculations, a place where he wouldn't have to worry so much about other people.
At least, that's what he thought.
One day, he walked in to see Princess Mimi perched on the worktable he normally used. As she waited, she kicked her feet back and forth, and Izzy noticed that she was barefoot, her slippers neatly on the ground below her.
When she saw him, she smiled, hopping down off the table and landing perfectly in the slippers. "Hello! Can you help me find something?"
"I-I think I may be able to, yes," Izzy stammered, still in shock over her presence. "What can I help you with, Your Highness?"
Her giggle was soft, as if she herself had forgotten that she was royalty and thus held much power over him. "I'm just looking for a certain volume of my family's history. My uncle mentioned something, and I wanted to read more about it."
"Sure, let me show you where the royal house's records are." Izzy almost seemed to change instantaneously, thanks to the scholarly part of him that cared more about books than most anything else. Even the princess seemed a little taken aback with his change in attitude, but she followed behind him as he led her through the stacks. A part of him registered that they were alone in the library, just a princess and a scholar, and he tried to ignore.
"Here we are," he finally said when they'd reached the desired shelf. "The volumes of family history are labelled by year, so hopefully that should make your search easier."
"Thank you," Princess Mimi said, her smile widening. "This means a lot." 
She started to give him a curtsy, and with a furious blush and waving hands, he stopped. "Please, Princess, it's nothing."
"Nonsense," she said, that smile still affixed to her face. "You helped me, and I'll remember that."
Izzy wasn't sure how to respond to that, so he bowed and started back towards his worktable.
"I won't forget your kindness!" she called after him, and he could tell by the tone how beautiful her smile was and how happy she truly was to have found what she was looking for. It almost made his heart beat a little faster.
And that was only the start of her visits.
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Pairing: Post-Kizuna Taishiro (aromantic Taichi)
Summary: Taichi calls Koushiro to his apartment. He has something important to say.
This is not a typical taishiro story, but I hope you like it.
Koushiro got to Taichi's apartment by 9 o'clock, like Taichi had asked. Agumon was the one who opened the door. He had been living with Taichi full-time ever since his rematerialization, just like Pyiomon was living with Sora and Gabumon with Yamato. Koushiro suspected that was due to the trauma of their separation, but never commented on it. He didn't want to remind his friends of their anguish, especially because he didn't think he could really understand what they had gone through. After all, Koushiro had never lost Tentomon.
“Taichi is waiting for you in his bedroom,” Agumon said, smiling largely. “I'm going to watch some TV while you two talk.”
“Do you know what he wants to talk to me about?” Koushiro asked. “Taichi-san was really mysterious on the phone... did something bad happen?”
“No, no! Nothing bad happened! He wants to tell you something good! Something very important!” Agumon told him. “But I'm not telling you anything more than that!”
“Alright, then...” Koushiro said, entering the apartment. After taking his shoes off, he headed to Taichi's bedroom, which was a lot tidier than usual. The sheets covering the bed were clean, his books were organized over the desk and the only things on the floor were two pillows and a short-legged table, on which there was a large plate of rice balls. Taichi was standing up close to the open window, looking at the starry sky as the cool night breeze messed with his hair.
“Hello, Taichi-san,” Koushiro greeted. Taichi turned to him and smiled, which made Koushiro's heart skip a bit.
Taichi was wearing black pants and a white long sleeved orange shirt with buttons; his hair was still a bit wet, indicating that he had taken a shower not long before. Koushiro also noticed that Taichi had put on cologne, which made him self-conscious for going to his friend's apartment straight from the office, still wearing the same dark blue pants, white shirt and tie he had put on that morning. I should've taken a shower and changed clothes... Koushiro thought. But Taichi had such a serious voice when he asked him to come to his place, how could Koushiro not head straight to his apartment? There could be an emergency!
Taichi silently sat on a pillow and waited for Koushiro to sit on the other one, across from him. After Koushiro sat, the other looked into his eyes for almost an entire minute without saying anything, bearing a nervous expression.
“Did something happen, Taichi-san?” Koushiro asked, worried.
Taichi took a deep breath before replying:
“Do you know how in the movies people who are in love act in an odd way?” Taichi questioned. “They get nervous around the person they like, they think about them all the time, they blush and get butterflies in the stomach among other things, you know?”
“Yes,” Koushiro said. That was how people who were romantically attracted to others usually were. Koushiro didn't need to take examples from movies to know what Taichi was talking about, though. For years, he had felt that way towards him. However, Taichi had no way of knowing about Koushiro's feelings, because the redhead had decided a long time ago not to burden his friend with his unrequited love. Taichi had already so many things going on in his life, he shouldn't have to worry about turning down unsolicited affection.
“I never felt that,” Taichi confessed in a pained voice. “I've never fallen in love... I've tried to go out with people since I entered college but never got past the first date with anyone... I don't think I've ever felt the thing everybody else feels... that euphoria... and I'm starting to think I'll never feel that... there's something wrong with me and I can't fix it...”
To see Taichi in such sorrow was breaking Koushiro's heart. There was no need for him to feel bad, ever!
“There's nothing wrong with not feeling romantic attraction, Taichi-san!” Koushiro stated. “There are many people like that in the world, they call themselves aromantic!”
“Aromantic?” Taichi asked, as if he found that word strange.
“A few years ago, when I was trying to figure out if I was bisexual or asexual, I visited several blogs about sexual and romantic attraction and made some aromantic friends,” Koushiro told him. “They're wonderful and loving people. There's nothing to be ashamed about being aromantic, Taichi-san! Even if you don't feel romantic love, I know you're full of love for your family and your friends! You've always cared so much about everybody, you've always tried so hard to do what was best for everybody... I don't know anyone with a bigger heart than yours! You don't need to be fixed! You're not wrong in any conceivable way!”
Koushiro stopped talking when he noticed that Taichi had begun to cry. What had he done wrong? Was he insensitive by accident? What could he do to make the other feel better?
“Thank you,” Taichi told him, wiping his tears with the back of his hands. “You've always been so kind and supportive... I don't know how you still put up with me...”
“I don't 'put up' with you, Taichi-san. I like you and I care a lot about you!” Koushiro affirmed. Right after saying that, he worried that he had let his true feelings for Taichi come to the surface, but Taichi's warm smile put Koushiro at ease.
“This is kind of embarrassing... I had called you over and prepared everything because I wanted to tell you something else... but then I felt so much guilt and ended up saying all that...” Taichi muttered.
“Guilt? Why would you feel guilty?” Koushiro asked.
He gazed at him, studying every aspect of Koushiro's face. Taichi seemed more relaxed than before, but still a little nervous.
“Koushiro, I...” he hesitated, “I never got nervous around you. It's actually the opposite... your presence calms me down... you center me... I don't have the faintest idea what butterflies in the stomach are supposed to feel like, but I'm pretty sure I never felt that... I don't think about you all the time, but when I think about you... when I talk to you... it makes me happy...” Taichi smiled. “Not euphoric, just... it's a calm happiness... I'm at peace when I'm with you... I don't get flustered when I'm with you nor do I fantasize about kissing you or holding your hand... I think you're good-looking, but I don't think you're the most handsome person in the world because... objectively speaking that would be Pedro Pascal...”
Koushiro couldn't avoid but giggle at that last part. But then, he thought about the reason why Taichi was telling him those things. There was only one logical explanation.
“Listen, Taichi-san...” Koushiro said. “I think I know what you're trying to tell me... you must've figured out my feelings for you, right? You don't have to worry about explaining yourself to me. I would never hold against you the fact that you don't like me that way. It's alright, really! We can still be friends!”
Taichi stared at him, perplexed.
“What are you talking about, Koushiro?” Taichi asked. “What do you mean I figured out your feelings... OH MY GOODNESS, DO YOU LIKE ME?” he shouted once he finally understood. “DO YOU LIKE ME ROMANTICALLY? ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH ME?”
Koushiro felt his heart sink.
“You didn't know...?” he asked in a weak voice. “But, Taichi-san, you... you were turning me down gently, weren't you? You had to... why would you say that if you didn't know?”
“Turning you down? Do you think I called you over, dressed nicely and got those rice balls because I wanted to turn you down?” Taichi asked.
“B-But then... what were you... what are you trying to say to me?” Koushiro inquired, confused.
“I'm trying to say that I love you!” Taichi stated. “I love you in a way I don't love anyone else! It's more special than what I feel for my other friends, but it's not like what's portrayed in movies! I love everything about you! Your kindness, your caring personality, how hard-working you are, how I can always be honest with you and how you understand me so easily! I love how excited you get whenever you learn new things and how patient you are when other people don't immediately understand what you're talking about! You are wonderful! Koushiro, you make me so happy! I'm so glad I got to meet you and be your friend! I love you with all my heart... I love you as much as I'm capable! During the time Agumon was gone, you were by my side all the time and I understood that I wanted you to be with me forever... but that's very selfish of me, isn't it?” Taichi frowned. “You deserve more than the love I can give you... you deserve someone who will be nervous around you and blush and be euphoric... someone whose heart beats faster when you're around...”
“Taichi-san, stop saying that!” Koushiro told him, startling Taichi. “Do you realize how nonsensical you're sounding right now? You keep talking about how I deserve better than what you can give me, but have you ever asked yourself what I wanted?”
Taichi kept his eyes on Koushiro, not daring to say anything. The other continued:
“I love you and you love me! Who cares if we don't feel the exact same kind of love for each other? I certainly don't mind that! I don't care if you don't want to kiss me or hold my hand, nor do I care if you don't get nervous around me or if you don't desire me in the same way other people might! I honestly don't care about those hypothetical people! I care about you! And I want to be with you!”
Taichi's eyes widened after hearing that. Nevertheless, there was still a glimpse of fear in them.
“What if my love isn't enough for you?”
Koushiro smiled and told him in an assured voice:
“Your love is everything for me!”
Taichi smiled back at him, which made Koushiro deeply happy.
Suddenly, Agumon showed up at the bedroom's door.
“Taichi, if you're not going to eat the rice balls, can I have them?” the digimon asked.
“Agumon, were you spying on us?” Taichi asked, sheepishly.
“Of course I was!” Agumon admitted. “You were really worried about confessing your feelings to Koushiro and I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.”
“You say that, but it's not as if you tried to stop me from blurting all my insecurities to Koushiro earlier,” Taichi accused.
“I didn't stop you because it was a good thing that you opened your heart to him,” Agumon explained. “That way, you won't have to worry about Koushiro not fully accepting you.”
Taichi and Koushiro exchanged looks and smiled at each other. Agumon was right. Thanks to Taichi's honesty, the two young men could be sure of how profoundly they loved and were loved by each other and of how happy their relationship would be.
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imaginedigimon · 4 years
ok so im writing a story where Sora and Koushiro are actually related and i was a bit curious about what do you think would happen if they found out ?
Are you now? OuO M-may I read it when you’re done?
That’s such an interesting concept! I’m intrigued! So let’s find out.
Sora and Izzy... ARE RELATED?
Tai is the first to point out this is almost like the Applejack and Pinkie Pie thing from My Little Pony
I’m not allowed to say more about why he knew that
Here were the two kids’ first reactions
Izzy: Why am I not more athletic then
Sora: Excuse me, why is math so hard then
Moving along, they both tilted their heads and gave each other the once over and realized this kinda fit
Reddish-ish-ish hair...
Darker colored eyes...
Tai rarely understands either of them...
I think these two would make more of an effort to hang out like they sorta got to in the second (second?) episode of 02
IF, say, there was some sort of family gathering/reunion, they would both probably step outside to get away from all the cheek-pinching and general tomfoolery that comes from related adults getting together
They probably got to have some of the fun that I’m sure the Kamiya [Yagami] and Takaishida siblings get to have by virtue of being related
This is unconfirmed, but I’m pretty sure they wore sunglasses one day and wore shirts that said “I’M RELATED TO THE COOLEST PERSON EVER”
Nobody was able to confirm whether Izzy had anything to do with the printing of those shirts (he totally did)
Was that alright, Anon? I wish you luck on your story--it sounds like a lot of fun! :D
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
Combating Writing Paralysis with Successive Drafts
Hey all!  It’s been a long time since I’ve written about writing, but a switch flipped in my brain while I was drafting this morning.  Suddenly, I had to share my thoughts on utilizing successive drafts to split the copious concepts writers juggle into manageable loads.  
This is a long, but practical post.  I hope you’ll read on below the cut!
It’s common for writers to feel overwhelmed, and no wonder.  There are so many narrative elements to consider, and there’s usually far more content to write before you have a complete work of fiction.
My advice is to never attempt to nail every aspect of your story in the first draft.  Instead, try approaching each draft with specific goals, lightening your expectations and mental load for each iteration.  The idea is to make writing less intimidating, and to polish every element by giving each one individual attention.
I’m not a professional writer, so I can only tell you how I approach the drafting process.  I encourage you to experiment with these ideas and find what works best for you; there’s no need to limit yourself to my template.
Annnnd here we go!
Draft 1:  Plot and Movement
The purpose of my first draft is to simply move the characters through the plot points/action of the chapter or scene.  
I’m not suggesting that you exclude dialogue and characterization, or that you write a plot outline.  Simply write a rough draft in its entirety, but don’t worry about the quality.  Your goal here is to iron out what happens.
Draft 2:  Herding the Plot Bunnies, Staging
In this draft, I focus on:
-Refining the plot:  At this stage, I consider concerns such as: do the plot points obey the work’s internal logic?  How does this scene contribute to the overall plot?  How does it lead to the next scene?  Am I properly setting up/providing info for future scenes?  
-Tracking plot details:  If timeline/dates/the current time are important to your story, double check them.  Make sure no important objects materialized from the ether.  Confirm that no plot points were dropped or forgotten; if a character lost her shoe last scene, then it should still be gone.
-Scene staging:  Did a character appear in the scene without explanation (ie, where did he come from)?  Where is everyone standing?  Where are any important objects?  If there’s an animal in the scene, where is it (it’s so easy to forget to mention a pet, who should be included in scenes set in the character’s living area)?  Are there important environmental features?
Draft 3:  Setting/Description, Characterization, and Pacing
Now that the basic details are handled, it’s time to dig deeper!  In this iteration, I focus on:
-Adding information about the setting.  In the previous drafts, you established where the characters are (for example, at a library).  Now, you can focus on the details and engage the senses.  What does the library look like?  Are patrons being quiet, or is someone obnoxiously talking?  Does it smell like old books?  Is the protagonist handling a mass produced book with thin pages that stain fingers with printing ink, or a hefty tome meant to last for generations?
-Enhancing dialogue and characterization and marrying them to the plot.  For example, in the library, perhaps the most bookish or research-oriented character should lead the scene.  Alternatively, maybe a less scholastic character is out of their element, and needs help or feels uncomfortable.  Choose the character best suited to move the plot along and generate the mood you desire.  
Ideally, you want the characters to lead the plot (ie, have agency), instead of the plot seizing the characters (ie, the characters have no choice but to flounder along with what is happening).  Plot-driven stories are absolutely a thing, so if that’s what you’re writing, then go for it.  Generally, though, audiences respond best to characters making their own decisions.
This is the perfect time to examine your previous drafts and play around with the characters, shuffling them among scenes or reassigning lines of dialogue as needed.  Which character has the skills or personality to handle this challenge?  Which character needs to be here to learn a pivotal piece of information, or to witness the scene and be changed by it?
-After you address the above points, take time to consider the chapter’s pacing.  Does anything feel bogged down and repetitive?  Rushed or unclear?
Draft 4:  Character Growth, Theme and Mood
Ah, now we’re getting to the juicy bits!  
You might have noticed that these drafts focus on increasingly difficult concepts.  Now, we’re striking at the heart of narratives: what the story aims to say, and how it aims to make readers feel.
Here’s what I consider at this stage:
-Character growth.  What did Character learn from this?  What new idea is churning in her head?  What pressures are building that might explode later?  How did I show Character displaying her growth or regression?
-How did I reinforce the thematic goals I have for this scene, and for the entire piece?  
It’s pivotal to identify your themes before you begin work on a story.  At this stage, I briefly identify how the chapter or scene supports the work’s themes.
Everyone has specific themes that matter to them.  I tend to write about: dealing with trauma, surviving and healing from abuse, the importance of seeking and giving support, found families, self-actualization, setting up and balancing your life according to your specific needs, feminist issues, establishing boundaries, acceptance, and independence vs dependence.  Even my works with lots of shenanigans and comedy, like Four Years, circle around these ideas.
I also “level” my themes in this draft.  I want to avoid being too heavy-handed or too oblique.  People tend to go too hard, rather than too soft, so I usually dial back.  You want to guide your reader to your point, not write it on your knuckles and deck them. 
-How does this scene make me feel?  
Influencing the emotions of your readers is... possibly a writer’s loftiest goal?  If readers experience an emotion as a result of your writing, then they’re invested, they’re absorbing it.  And, to some degree, they’re resonating with your words and message- and with you.
Consider what mood best suits your intentions, and play close attention to your execution.
Editing and Proofreading
I edit and proofread during every draft stage, except for draft 1 (here’s a resource on the difference between the two, if you’re interested).  
Stephen King’s On Writing is a must for folks who want to learn more about editing.  I’ve read many writing books, but his taught me to edit with a single sample, so it’s the one I recommend.  Basically, you must learn to excise words that aren’t adding anything (adverbs are frequent offenders), replace words with more direct/relevant/evocative ones, and replace hefty phrases with shorter ones.  Here’s a sample of that last concept from my Seeking Resonance draft:
“Koushiro moved out of the doorway” became “Koushiro moved aside.”  In the prose, I already established that Koushiro was in the doorway.  There was no need to specify where he was both coming and going, so I was able to express the idea with three words instead of six and avoid repeating the word “doorway/door.”
Once you see this logic in action, everything will click.  Give On Writing a read!  I guarantee that your library has copies, probably physical and digital.
Whew, I am out of steam, so I’ll wrap this up!  Remember, trying to hold the many aspects of narratives in your hands and carry them simultaneously is an enormous mental load.  It’s so much to carry that you might walk away instead of writing.  I hope this encourages you to pick up a few pieces at a time, in whatever order and combination makes sense to you.  
Additional Writing Posts
-Dishing with an artist
-Tips for Fanfic Authors
-More Tips for Fanfic Authors
-Tips for Winning Nanowrimo
-Resources/Advice for Digimon Adventure Fanfic Writers
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im-a-lonelyheart · 5 years
Second Generation Headcanons
These are my headcanons of how the children from the epilogue would be. I know most folks don´t like the epilogue (For the most part I still don’t know how to feel about it) but I do, however in my head Takari and Koumi are canon (there are people who like the epilogue but don’t like including non explicit canon ships) (I won’t be mentioning them just in case), I really love the design for the kids!!!
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Let’s start:
The following fanart is done by the amazing Mishy (who let me use her art for this post) (go check her out x)
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Sora and Yamato’s kids: (sorry I suck at naming characters so don’t expect names)
The only ones who were fully planned they waited a while to have kids because:
1. Were busy building successful and time demanding careers.
2. Given their own childhood issues, they both agreed to wait until both were 100% on board and could provide a healthy household for their kids to grow up.
Were scared shitless anyways
Yamato is the cool uncle who is an astronaut, all the kids LOVE him, and he loves all the kids. Always brings every single one of them presents from his travels or science/related ones.
The son:
Tiny baby (the takeru of the group), everyone is so protective of him not only his sister and cousins. His Digimon follows the gabumon line and is really powerful so he doesn’t really need the extra protection (but everyone ignores this)
Inherited the crest of light. He is a ray of sunshine
Ok hear me out. I think the chosen lost/gave up their crest sometime between kizuna and the epilogue and while their kids got the same baby Digimon as their parents, the crest were redistributed according to their own personality traits.
That scared his parents, because they saw how it burdened Hikari. Even if the darkness was placated years ago (whatever was after Hikari is gone), it couldn’t be truly destroyed. Still, this crest carries a lot of power and responsibility.
 Hikari came over and took him to the park and over ice cream explained the crest to him and reassured them all that they have nothing to be worried about and they could contact her anytime in case something happens.
The daughter:
Bearer of the crests of Love and Friendship.
Scarily similar to both of her parents.
Loves to play and participate in group activities, but also enjoys being alone sometimes.
Really into art, she is never seen without her sketch book and a pen. All the paintings in her house are painted by her. And her mother also incorporates some of them into her designs or uses them as inspiration.
100% Daddy’s girl. She looks up to Yamato so much, even dresses a little like him and keeps her hair short for a while (she loves it when they tell her she looks like him).
Loves to hang out with Taichi’s son. They are in the same school.
Had an emo phase.
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Miyako and Ken’s children:
The babies having babies. I am emo.
They both work a lot, but miyako does it from home (she works with Koushiro, fight me). They still take them to the park a lot and go on family trips all the time.
Little shit.
Actual genius. Always doing experiments, don’t be surprised if you see the dog with a phone taped to his collar, she is probably trying something. Loves computers but science is her thing. After all these years they let her be as long as 1. She is home, 2. Doesn’t involve the digimons, 3. Doesn’t involve fire.
One time Yamato gave her a chemistry set. They had to move out to another building. After that, Ken asked him to bring her moon rocks from now on. She also loved the rocks
Loves to roast everyone in the family (mostly Miyako). Ken has to remind her not to be so rude to her mom. She adores her parents, but this brings her joy.
Crest of purity. Mimi is proud of her
Don’t be fooled, she is the goggle kid of this gen.
The son
Actual cinnamon roll, too pure for this world.
Calm personality. It contrasts a little from his sister’s. But if she is up to something, he is the only one 100% aware of it and would follow her to the end of the world.
Miyako thought she was coercing him, but no, he loves his older sister’s ideas and plans.
Crest of Love.  He is really in tune with other people’s feelings, it concerns his parents because he can be overly empathetic sometimes and it affects him. He is really open and wears his heart on his sleeve.
He tells everything to his mom, and if something goes wrong, he’s the first one to contact the adults.
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Iori’s daughter
Iori was the youngest to have a kid, he knew it, but he really wanted his grandfather to meet his kid and see him happy and married before he died.
He isn’t sappy or overly romantic, but he believes in love at first sight, meet his wife on his first day in college and didn’t look back.
Lives in the same building as takeru. They drink tea together in the afternoons like old british ladies
The kid
Looks like a cinnamon roll but is Little shit 2. Best friends with little shit 1 and Takeru’s son.
Again, Ken has to make sure they aren’t overly mean to Miyako and Iori.
Crests of knowledge. Wants to know everything about the digimons and the digital world.
Has Iori wrapped around her finger since day one, but he is the first one to call her out her BS.
Isn’t into kendo but likes to try different extracurricular activities (still hasn’t found what she likes yet), but Iori is her #1 fan everytime.
Jyou’s son
Jyou moved around the country for a while, so his kid didn’t grow up as close to the others. He still made sure they all hung out together whenever he was in town.
“I have to make sure you don’t miss me” 
“oh, it isn’t like you were around much when we were young” 
The kid
Gomamon’s biggest fan. He and his own Bukamon were his only friends for a while, he can’t wait for bukamon to digivolve so he can be with TWO gomamons.
When they moved back, He got close to Takeru’s kid. Doesn’t get what the fuss about his father is about.
He knows a lot about digimons but is more into engineering. Doesn’t like blood.
Inherited his father’s lack of chill. Has a little crush on iori’s daughter (hasn’t figured out how to act around her, yet).
Crest of purity/reliability.
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Takeru’s son
He is with Hikari and their kids are siblings. Please let me have this.
Takeru really loves his nephew and niece. He totally would spoil them rotten.
Designated Babysitter. Since he is a freelancer, you can say he has a lot of free time (not to his face tho), he likes to take the kids to amusement parks, go for ice cream, etc.…
After his lonely childhood he is loving having such a big family now. I CrY.
The kid.
Grew up listening to his father’s stories every night.
One thing he learned about them was the importance of being prepared all the time and think before he acts. He is thoughtful, so he really related to Jyou.
Not only that, Jyou is his hero. Takeru was really amused at first when his son would ask him questions about him after his bedtime stories. He is fond of his son admiration for his friend, who also saved him when he was younger, and knows that Jyou being away contributed to this.
Carries a backpack with him all the time. You want water? He got it. You need tissues? He has some. Some kid at school is being mean to you? He would show up to walk you home. (doesn’t like violence)
Crests of reliability. The kid was ecstatic.
At first, he got close to Jyou’s son so he could talk about his dad but ended up really liking the kid. (he likes to be friends with everyone)
Best friends with Iori’s daughter. And hella overprotective of his cousins.
Hikari’s son:
Designated babysitter 2. She is really good with kids, tho she also helps organize plans for only the adults.
Tailmon disappeared one day when she was heavily pregnant, she looked for her the whole day and finally found her in her mother’s house. Tailmon told her she was worried that when she had the baby, she wouldn’t like having her around anymore.
Hikari reassured her that she would love them all equally and she will need her now more than ever. They cried and made up, then her water broke.
Taichi totally cried nonstop the day she gave birth. She still teases him about it.
The kid:
Healthy as a horse, athletic and tall. Total opposite from his mother except for his looks. It amuses Taichi to no end.
Behind the scenes leader. He loves to bring out the best in everyone and always makes sure they are all fine. He specially loves to hang out with Miyako’s kids, Daisuke’s son and Takeru’s son his sibling (they have to deal with the shenanigans of LS1 and LS2, god bless them).
Crest of Fate. Hikari always suspected that like her, he wouldn’t get a normal crest, still cautious as to what exactly this one means.
Hates being alone, isn’t used to it. Tailmon slept in his crib with him when he was a baby. He is always with his plotmon and has got in trouble several times for bringing her to school. He hasn’t told anyone but his Nyaromon digivolved because he ran to the street without looking and was almost hit by a car. Plotmon saved him.
Loves having sleepovers at his uncle’s house, despite their age difference he really loves to play with his cousin.
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Taichi’s son
Always said he’d rather be a cool uncle than being a father. But the more he thought about it the more he wanted it. He realized he was the only one without a kid, but his travels still made him hesitate.
Still goes over to Yamato and Sora’s house all the time. One time when Sora was pregnant Yamato arrived from work and found Sora sitting in the sofa and Taichi cutting fruit in the kitchen.
Yamato and Taichi sat down, Taichi handed Sora a bowl of fruit and whipped cream and started eating it with her.
“You didn’t bring me a fork?”
“oh, I am sorry, was the baby growing inside you pushing your organs too?” Taichi and Sora laugh.
“no. but then why are you eating?”
“I cut the fruit”
“well, I bought the fruit!”
“Sorry… but seriously what’s the matter with you lately?”
“I don’t know what are you talking about… hey Sora how did I do it?”
“the fruit? Fine I guess… why?” both Sora and Yamato stared at Taichi waiting for him to spill.
One time he got emotional after seeing his little sister’s son taking care of his son.
CREST OF FRIENDSHIP *not pictured: everyone laughing about it for years.
Baby but doesn’t like being treated as one. Super independent, dresses himself since he is two. Loves to challenge himself.
Instant best friends with everyone he meets. Loves to hangout with the Ishidas. They are his best friends, also his cousin, also is everyone else. Doesn’t mind being around adults as well, often called matured for his age. This amuses Hikari.
Apart from his parents, Hikari is his favorite person in the world. Right now, he wants to be a teacher like her. (Last week he wanted to be a Chef like Mimi)
He and the third Ichijouji kid will probably lead the next gen.
Daisuke’s son
Daisuke travelled a lot, meet a lot of people and ironically, he married one of his neighbors. He went one time to visit his parents and ran into the girl who lived upstairs, whom he knew since he was a kid, but holy shit. He visited his parents everyday for a month until she asked him out.
When she got pregnant, he asked Taichi for his goggles.
The kid:
Prankster. Did you expect anything else? (his chibimon has a really deep voice and he loves to use him to prank people)
Don’t leave him alone with the Ichijouji girl if you value your home or your life.
Crest of Courage. Loves a good adventure, well for him everything is an adventure: from running errands with his aunt to going with his father to one of his restaurants around the world.
He is a handful; however, he has a big heart and is such a happy kid.
Admires the older chosen a lot and it’s always asking them questions about their adventures. Dreams of being an explorer or changing the world. Yamato patiently answers all his questions about space since his own kids don’t seem to be interested.
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Mimi’s son:
She totally married koushiro, bear with me on this.
She has a multifaceted career, although not in what you would expect (she wasn’t interested in acting or singing professionally). She ran a lot of business, selling them when she lost interest. Is not afraid of taking risks. This meant she travelled a lot.
Eventually got tired (yes, I know. Mimi, tired? Yes) and came back to Japan. At first, she was promoting her new cooking book in a tv show but she got offered her own show and has been living her best life ever since.
The kid:
He is quiet, introvert but observant.
Ironically, he speaks 4 languages (Japanese, English, French, and Spanish), he is learning german now. He loves reading so that’s why he likes languages a lot.
He bonds with the other kids over the digimons and card games, ends up going to school with most of them and they eventually bring him out of his shell. He and Jyou’s son are kindred spirits.
Calm kid, but if you mess with him or one of his friends… you will see him angry. He is honest and loyal to his friends.
(you know how each baby Digimon has multiple evolution lines? I read in the Digimon wiki that one of Palmon’s ultimate forms is a cherrymon. Imagine Taichi saying something like: “Well kid, one advice: never tell someone to kill their friends” and the kid being like: “…ok?”, whereas Mimi and Yamato glare at him “I’ll fucking end you Taichi”)
Crest of knowledge/courage, of course.
Last but no least: 
Koushiro’s Daughter.
By this point You know what’s up
Koushiro first thought when she was handed to him for the first time was: “wow, she looks like me.” What really got to him (even though it shouldn’t) was how he had someone related to him by blood.
He adores her and is really proud of every little thing she does. Remember the “do it for her” scene from the Simpsons? He totally has one like that in his office.
Tentomon didn’t tell anyone that he spent a whole day watching Youtube hair styling tutorials. No, none. He didn’t tell Palmon and Gomamon who told everyone else, no.
The kid:
Actual ray of sunshine. (i know i seem to say this about every kid, but listen they are my kids too)
She is the nicest kid you’ll ever meet. Koushiro says he’s never had to deal with a temper tantrum.
Crest of Kindness. Loves animals, got her dad to donate money to the oceans and animal shelters.
Sora gave her stickers with cute animals and smiley faces for her birthday and now if she sees someone sad, she gives them a sticker. “Dad, you look sad today. Here!” she puts a smiley face on his forehead, he smiles and hugs her. He didn’t take it off and “accidentally” went on a meeting like that. Miyako took pictures and sent them to the group chat.
Closest to Ken’s son and Mimi’s son her brother. Also loves to hangout with Taichi’s son, and Yamato’s kids.
Loves music, actual prodigy. Plays the piano and the violin (she plays violin most of the time). Wants to compose a song for each Digimon. Invites everyone to her concerts.
Ok, this was long. I didn’t talk about the baby, but i think he would be Hope (since he is the last one) (wrote this in an hour and english is not my first language, so yeah. Sorry)
I think these people love each other so much, they might’ve drifted apart in their youth, but with the years they all got close again. Since most of the kids don’t have siblings, they set up playdates, so they don’t feel lonely. They don’t regret the events that brought them together, they knew they had to let their kids experience it when the time came.
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure x tri. x 2020 ~ Japanese version featuring CHARACTER Koushiro[u] Izumi [Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi in US dub] + Koushiro & Tentomon {as Friendship}; & Izumis {Familial} + IMPORTANT DIALOGUES + Character DEVELOPMENT (*Across various series media) + Canon Parallels
Adventure Episode #24 x Kokuhaku [Confession] (Tri Movie #3); among other significant Koushiro moments
“It’s my Inquisitive Heart!” {Note: US dub calls it “Curiosity”, but it is Inquisitive Heart in the original} “Staying ignorant isn’t what makes me, me!”
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“Wanting to KNOW everything is a part of WHO I AM!”
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“Please KEEP learning more new things AND enjoying it.”
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Original Poster’s [Mine] Commentary:
Koushiro Izumi’s story in ALL medias of this series (regardless of series/writers involved) is about his ADOPTION, FOUND FAMILY, (Yes, his friends {like Tentomon!!} can also count as his Found Family) AND SELF-acceptance. (Including of those Intense Interests of his!)
“Please keep learning new things and enjoying them.” - Tentomon, who has been championing Koushiro since the very start of Adventure (which ALSO gets reflected in 2020 AND tri moments):
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“Can you TEACH ME?”
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pulaasul · 4 years
Digimon Adventure Tri: Past 01
Takaishi Takeru mentioned in a letter to Mochizuki that Daisuke and the others were healing. What Takeru neglected to mention to the bereaved Chosen Child were the circumstances on "why" they were healing in the first place.
I wanted to continue the supposed things that were left out of Tri. Tri was just half a season of Digimon when it should've have had more than 50 episodes, whereas Tri only had 26 episodes over the course of the Movie series.
I will use the Japanese terms used rather than the English ones, apart from a few exceptions.
Taichi, Sora and Yamato decided to visit the chosen children that Nishijima-sensei saved alongside Taichi.
They knew Takeru and Hikari had already visited a few times, Koushiro and Mimi had visited before the latter's flight to America.
The only chosen child the four got to see on a daily basis was Jyou, but even that was limited to visiting and checking on them.
"Really senpai there's nothing to apologize." Daisuke dismissed Taichi's apology as if nothing happened. "We lied to you about everything, it's no wonder why you didn't notice that we were missing." He sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
"S-still Daisuke-kun…" Sora trailed off, looking away.
"Don't worry Sora-san." Miyako chimed in. "No hard feelings."
"If you're sure…" Yamato trailed off.
"Takeru-san and Hikari-san already came together a few times." Iori spoke up. "Like we told them, there's nothing to forgive." He shook his head.
"We walked into that fight on our own." Miyako supplied.
"Not necessarily." Ken shook his head. "Himekawa-san was the one who gave us that tip."
"She's not here, is she?" Daisuke's looked around the room.
The Motomiya's words got the other resting children in the hospital to look around for the woman named Himekawa.
The older chosen children looked at each other before staring at their bedridden friends in both worry and pity. They remembered how antsy they got after their first adventure in the Digital World. It was almost sad to see them this antsy when their first adventure, or at least Daisuke's Miyako's and Iori's first adventures were safe, being able to return home at the end of the day.
Another thing the elder chosen children couldn't help but notice that among the four children, Daisuke was the one who was the most vigilant. They wondered what Daisuke and the others experienced when they were trapped in the Digital World.
"No, she's not here." Yamato shook his head. "She's missing for months now."
"She's most likely dead according to Nishijima-sensei." Taichi supplied.
"You know Nishijima-a-ow." Miyako yelled but was cut off from the pain on her abdomen.
"Easy Miyako." Sora was immediately on the younger girl's side. "You're still recovering from whatever injured all of you."
"Question still stands Taichi-senpai." Daisuke voiced out. "Don't trust Nishijima-san." He warned. "He's working for Himekawa-san."
The older chosen children narrowed their eyes at the warning. They knew Nishijima reported to Himekawa.
They also knew of his sacrifice to save Taichi and the kids in front of them.
"Nishijima-sensei is dead Daisuke." Taichi told the younger children somberly.
"Taichi…" Yamato trailed off.
"H-he's dead?" Iori narrowed his eyes at the revelation.
"Both Himekawa-san and Nishijima-san are dead?" Ken questioned the three chosen children in the room.
"Jury is still out for Himekawa-san." Taichi answered the question. "She went to the digital world after it was rebooted."
"H-how?" Miyako voiced out. "She…"
"They were also fellow Chosen Children." Taichi sighed. "Himekawa-san and Nishijima-sensei were the chosen children before our group was sent to the Digital World."
"A fellow chosen child…" Daisuke trailed off.
"They lost their partners didn't they?" Ken questioned.
"Only Himekawa-san lost her'." Taichi responded. "At least that's what Nishijima-sensei told me."
"How did Nishijima-san die?" Miyako asked.
"He died saving you guys." Yamato looked at Taichi.
Taichi was clenching his fists remembering Nishijima-sensei's sacrifice to save him and the children bedridden before him.
He was willing to find ways to save the both of them while saving Daisuke and the others.
In the end, Nishijima-sensei chose to sacrifice his life for the sake of the children, Taichi included.
"In any case how did you meet Nishijima-sensei in the first place?" Sora asked. "We weren't able to meet them until the infected Digimon started appearing here."
Ken and Daisuke looked at each other. They really weren't sure how they met Himekawa-san in the first place.
"We don't know." Daisuke admitted. "All I know was that Himekawa-san approached Ken and I."
"She immediately told us that the Digital World was in danger and we needed to save it." Ken supplied.
"That was when Iori and I were told of the dangers." Miyako added.
"We thought it was suspicious that she insisted on not contacting you guys, they even stressed out not telling Takeru-san and Hikari-san."
"Our task was merely to gather information." Ken continued. "We reported everything back either to Himekawa-san or Nishijima-san."
"Himekawa-san was also the one who suggested that we lie to you guys." Daisuke supplied. "We were transferred to different schools across Japan." He added. "Those papers are legit, we were exchange students into four different public schools."
"We attended for a while, before Himekawa-san got us that tip."
"If you were transfer students, how come no one was at Ichijouji-kun's residence?" Sora asked. "Someone used Ichijouji-kun's Digimon Emperor persona to fight against us."
"That Dark Gennai is really twisted." Daisuke hissed.
"Okay Taichi, Sora, Yamato visiting hours are over." Jyou announced his arrival as he went inside the room.
"It's that late already?" Sora questioned as she looked at her phone.
"But…" Taichi trailed off.
"Don't worry about us senpai." Daisuke grinned. "We'll be fine." He assured his senior. "Jyou-san's here to take care of us."
"They're in good hands Taichi." Jyou nodded.
"Tell us if something comes up alright." Yamato ordered.
"Will do." Miyako nodded.
Days has passed before the four chosen children were given clearance to be released. During those days, their respective families arrived back to Odaiba aborting their search for their children.
The tearful reunion between families really warms the heart of the people who witnessed the event.
Apparently Daisuke's parents were told that he was missing in the prefecture of the school he was transferred to. The Motomiyas decided to search for him once they haven't heard of police who were investigating his disappearance.
The same thing happened with the Hidas, Inoues and Ichijoujis. In fact the Ichijoujis were the first group to search for their missing child.
The Younger Chosen Children were having their meeting inside the middle school Daisuke, Miyako, Takeru and Hikari were attending. It was the only venue were the most of the younger chosen children frequent, with Ken still living in Tamachi and Iori still attending Elementary school.
The only reason Ken was able to attend any and all Chosen Children meetings was through the assurances of Hikari and Daisuke.
"That's everything they told us." Daisuke sighed.
"I thought it was weird how Ichijouji-kun's parents weren't at their residence especially when their son was missing again." Hikari nodded.
"I've never seen my siblings cry for me before." Miyako admitted. "It was nice, but I wished it didn't have to be in that context."
"Same here." Daisuke nodded. "I didn't think they would worry so much about me."
"Of course they would!" Takeru exclaimed. "They're your family."
Daisuke simply shrugged the exclamation while Miyako nodded.
Daisuke, Ken and Miyako were re-enrolled back into their respective middle schools. They were given placement exams to see if they were to repeat their year for the number of days they were absent or will be eligible for promotion once the current academic year concluded.
Iori was also given the same treatment at his school for the same reasons.
Daisuke and Ken were in their 2nd year of Middle School, alongside Takeru and Hikari while Miyako was in her last year of Middle School. Iori on the other hand was in his last year of Elementary School.
Part of the reason for this treatment was the cover story the government cooked up for their absences: Being kidnapped and held for several weeks before being able to escape from their kidnappers clutches.
"Sora-san and Piyomon can reach Ultimate level." Takeru broke the news. "Every one of us actually"
"We get to see Seraphimon and Magnadramon again!" Miyako grinned. "Always wondered why they didn't appear in that wish realm when we were fighting BelialVamdemon."
"That's great!" Daisuke's face lit up. "When Alphamon attacks again, we may actually have a fighting chance."
"You think he'll attack again?" Iori questioned.
"Remember Yggdrasil's plans?" Daisuke responded. "He and Dark Gennai will stop at nothing to find a way to put Yggdrasil's plans in motion." He looked at the window. "Alphamon is one of Yggdrasil's most loyal subjects."
"Alphamon's attack in the real world caused a lot of damage." Hikari offered sadly. "Is there no way to appeal to him?"
"Yggdrasil wants to destroy the human world." Ken offered. "To destroy all humans."
"Their plan to use Meicoomon failed." Takeru objected.
"Demon." Ken held unto Daisuke tightly. "Dagomon."
Hikari held unto Takeru's arms as tight as she could upon hearing the latter's name.
"Dark Gennai and Yggdrasil had many plans in place in case other plans failed." Daisuke offered somberly.
"Using Meicoomon was merely one of them." Miyako interjected.
On the same day, after the meeting between the younger chosen children concluded, Hikari found herself in her brother's bedroom.
Taichi laid on the floor as he read one of his manga books.
"Daisuke won't join us tomorrow." Hikari reported as she sat on her brother's bed.
"Why?" Taichi asked, curious, he closed the book and went on a sitting position.
Daisuke never missed a meeting between the twelve of them. The one time he voluntarily missed a meeting was when he went to Tamachi and assist Ken years ago.
"He didn't say." Hikari answered honestly.
Over the course of a few days, Hikari noticed a lot of things different from her friends. They were all very different. She could understand to some extent given their experience, she was still skittish around beaches.
She just can't place if this was a good different or a bad one.
"Do you think something's wrong nii-chan?" She questioned her older brother.
"Give them time Hikari." Taichi sat beside her sister. "They went through a lot." He held his sister. "An experience where we weren't there to support them."
"Why didn't we notice that they were missing nii-chan?" Hikari returned her brother's gesture.
"We've all been asking the same questions." Taichi admitted. "I can't imagine what Daisuke's and Miyakos older siblings were feeling when the two of them were missing." He sighed. "I don't what I'd do if you end up missing."
"Probably start fight with Yamato-san." Hikari giggled.
"Are we really that bad Hikari?"
"No." Hikari giggled once more.
"To be honest, I don't think Yamato does either." Taichi hummed.
Taichi really didn't know what he'd do if something were to happen to his younger sister. Had he known that Hikari was once again possessed by Homeostasis for the first time since their first adventure, he would've panicked until either Sora or Yamato would snap him out of it.
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