#advance Sarah
elijahgameplay · 6 months
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Different versions of Sarah but mainly advance Sarah
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medievalthymes · 5 months
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Beloved, Realm of the Elderlings / Cassandra of Troy
'An Oresteia,' Translated by Anne Carson / Fool's Quest - Robin Hobb / Lilo Baur as Cassandra in THE ORESTEIA' by Aeschylus at the Cottesloe Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London in 1999  / Anne Carson, excerpt of Cassandra Float Can, from Float / Zoë Sophia Garcia as Cassandra in “The Oresteia.” / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool's Quest - Robin Hobb / The Green Knight (2021) / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Uknown / Golden Fool - Robin Hobb / I'm Your Man - Mitski / Florence + the Machine / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool's Fate - Robin Hobb / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool' Errand - Robin Hobb / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / The Green Knight (2021) / Cassandra - ABBA / Assassin’s Fate - Robin Hobb
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saintofdaggers · 5 months
okay I'm curious. if you feel like it, reblog this post with your top five all-time blorbos. not your latest blorbos, but the ones you've had the most persistent and irreversible brainrot about over the years
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elizabethrobertajones · 3 months
ooh I see, in Pyramids of Mars pt2 the Doctor takes Sarah Jane to look at 1980 if they don't stop what happens in 1911, and it's an apocalyptic wasteland, so when you're watching the Beatles episode in 2024 you're supposed to go like "hey just like in Pyramids of Mars!" and then you're thinking about the exact right episode.
You know, if you already had watched all of Doctor Who before this year instead of say, hitting the current plot twist related episode today. :P
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dixonsbrat · 1 year
looking for new moots bc the dash is so dead lately... like dead dead... so if you like any of the below ( the more, the better ) , like this and idk i'll check out ur blog?? see if i vibe with u??
stranger things , the summer i turned pretty , outer banks, yellowjackets , harry potter , marvel , bg3 , cyberpunk 2077 , avatar , the hunger games , resident evil , star wars , the last of us !
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urdoodlebro · 4 months
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#MBAVchallenge (old prompt) Week 1 Favorite Character: Sarah Vivian Fox
Lyrics from Megan Thee Stalons' Cobra
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In the Heaven Ending, Vox eventually has a very uncomfortable conversation with Sarah where he's forced to admit that he thought about her far, far more when he was completely out of his mind than when he was sane.
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
There, lounging on a black throne, was Amarantha. Though lovely, she wasn’t as devastatingly beautiful as I had imagined, wasn’t some goddess of darkness and spite. It made her all the more petrifying. Her red-gold hair was neatly braided and woven through her golden crown. (ACOTAR Chapter 34)
So Amarantha is a redhead-- Oh wait.
“Two trials lie behind you,” Amarantha said, picking at a fleck of dust on her blood-red gown. Her black hair shone, a gleaming darkness that threatened to swallow up her golden crown. (ACOTAR Chapter 43)
Come on, Sarah. Stay consistent.
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xxxnightcorequeenxxx · 2 months
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By the way, I use nicknames of the rest of the girls not tagged. So it goes Frankie, Olivia, Brittany, Sarah, Mandy, Sasha, Heather, Selina, Kimiko, Lola, Denise, Rebecca, Tiffanie, Kelsey, Hannah, Kathrine, Dawn, Michelle and Lilly.
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swallowedabug · 1 year
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MAYKO NGUYEN Hudson & Rex 5.18 (2023)
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Two members of the Little Rock Nine — the group of Black students who in 1957 integrated the previously all-white Little Rock Central High School while being threatened by an angry mob — are blasting the Arkansas Department of Education over restrictions placed on an Advanced Placement African American Studies course set to be offered this year.
After Arkansas earlier this week said that the course, which remains in its pilot stage, would not be counted toward high school graduation credits, six schools said that they would still continue teaching the course. In the North Little Rock and Jacksonville North Pulaski school districts, officials announced that the course would count as a "local elective" instead.
The Arkansas Department of Education has argued that there is uncertainty as to whether or not coursework goes against an executive order signed earlier this year by Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders that bars "critical race theory" from being taught in the state's classrooms.
In interviews with NBC News, Little Rock Nine members Elizabeth Eckford and Terrence Roberts spoke out against the state's actions.
"I think the attempts to erase history is working for the Republican Party," Eckford told the news outlet. "They have some boogeymen that are really popular with their supporters."
Roberts, who told the outlet that the group "suffered physically and emotionally" in the effort to integrate Central High, said that at a "bare minimum" laws prohibiting what students can and cannot learn shouldn't be on the books.
Roberts recounted that at some commemorations of the group integrating Central High, some have sought to shield the images of the angry mob incensed that Black students dared to believe that they could belong at the high school as well. He also slammed the prohibition of critical race theory — which is almost exclusively taught at a collegiate level — as "ridiculous."
The Arkansas Department of Education in a statement stood by its decision.
"Until it's determined whether it violates state law and teaches or trains teachers in CRT and indoctrination, the state will not move forward," the Department said. "The Department encourages the teaching of all American history and supports rigorous courses not based on opinions or indoctrination."
During a Thursday interview on Fox News, the Governor reaffirmed the decision of the Education Department and stated that she wanted schools to focus on "the basics of teaching math, of teaching reading, writing and American history."
"We cannot perpetuate a lie to our students and push this propaganda leftist agenda teaching our kids to hate America and hate one another," she said.
The AP African American Studies course was offered by Central High during the previous school year, and it will also be an option for students during the new school year.
One of the defining images of the civil-rights movement is a photograph of a then-15-year-old Eckford as she walked to Central High wearing sunglasses and holding her schoolbooks as she faced an angry mob.
Huckabee Sanders, who was elected to the Governorship last November after serving as White House press secretary under then-President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2019, is also a graduate of Central High.
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acotars · 2 months
does anyone have any graphic novel recs?? i’m working on a summer reading challenge!
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intoxi-tooned · 2 years
(kinda spoiler) The IM readers after getting hit face first with Sarah’s revival in chapter 278
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readingwriter92 · 5 months
Welp we can add a third fic to the list of ones that have made me cry in the decade~ of me reading fic
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bloncos · 2 years
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elytrafemme · 8 months
feeling very grateful for my mother and therapist who find it in their hearts to tell me every single time i mention therapy that i should "consider doing every other week" while denying that it's strictly a time/money incentive for them because i will always explain very clearly that i cannot do anything other than weekly and they'll go okay i get it and then next week ask me again. Like hearing this from my mom, whatever, she doesn't know my issues. hearing it from my fucking therapist, though?
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