#adventure time x britpop
its-real · 4 years
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Justine Frischmann is Huntress Wizard!
Been a while since the last one...
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
you're my golden hour (the color of my sky)
i miss going to concerts and when the fall festival in my city got officially canceled last week, i wrote lashton going to a festival to make me feel better. and then i started listening to Lorde and got emo. enjoy <3
ps special thanks to @calumcest bc i am having an absolute shit 24 hours but helen ur britpop playlist and that comment i found on the doc for this made me feel a bit better this morn x
LAST THING! i went ahead and made an ao3 (finally???) so if you prefer reading things there, you can head that way here
Ashton smiles, feeling the stretch in his cheeks from laughter and the sun that’s been shining on his face all day, and wonders if there was any way at all to top the feeling he’s experiencing right now.
It had been a long but good day. He watches the sun set over the desert horizon, his view waving from the heat from his spot on a quilt in the middle of the festival. Behind him he hears the beginning of some EDM set starting on the opposite side of the festival grounds, the earth just barely shaking from the bass. People pass him from behind as a large crowd begins to form some 100 feet in front of him. It had been a tiring and warm afternoon and evening, and while he was excited to hear this set, it wasn’t anyone he was a huge fan of, so he had made the executive decision to find a good spot back in the area that allowed chairs and sitting.
He watches flags and totems teeter around in the wind, the light breeze cooling the back of his neck. It was nearing the end of the second night of the festival and as he felt the dull ache in his ankles from walking and jumping around all day, he wonders to himself how the hell he is meant to manage another day of this. Maybe he would ask around once everyone got back to the house later in the night if anyone else was feeling their age and maybe wanted to head to the grounds a little ways into the afternoon for the last day? He sighs as he lifts his eyes toward the desert sky knowing that the answer would be a clap to his shoulder and the shaking of heads, his merry band and accompanying crew always somehow maintaining the energy level of 8 year olds when they came down for the festival.
Though he definitely did understand where they were coming from. He wasn’t sure how, but every time he found himself at a music festival (as a fan rather than a performer) the child-like, effortless joy of going to a show would surge through him. The big, sprawling crowds that if he saw in any other context would give him mountains of anxiety, felt like a breath of fresh air even as he snuck his large body between those around him to get closer to the action. The euphoria of a late night set, the only lights being those coming from the stage, with thousands of people all singing along to a song that meant something unique and new to each and every one of them. There was a special kind of magic brought into the world only by running around festival grounds in the desert with tens of thousands of people for a few days every spring. It was the kind of magic Ashton wished he could bottle up to save for cold, late autumn days when he was cooped up in his house, trying to remember what the memories really felt like.
He leans back then, clasping his hands behind his head to rest on, and recalls on the previous day. It had been awhile since the band had had the opportunity to go to a festival obligation-free and they were fully taking advantage of that chance. A house had been rented closer to the city where the festival was held, friends were invited, a grocery list divided up. They spend the Thursday night before the three day festival all trading stories of recent travels and adventures around a fire pit. It was fun to hear what mischief everyone had been up to while they were out on the road.
(Though if Ashton were being honest, he didn’t recall much of what was said following his trip to the kitchen with Luke about halfway through the night when the blonde had snuck in a kiss after shots with Calum. Ashton wasn’t sure if he was more shocked by the action or the lime juice that got left on his lips.)
The morning was spent divvying up snacks and sunscreen, emptying water bottles and tucking flasks into backpack pockets less likely to be checked by security. Or at least that’s what Calum and Ashton got up to while Luke and Michael pressed glitter stickers to their own faces before invading the kitchen to do the same to their boys. All in the spirit of the festival, the former two decided as they giggled while shooting stars and hearts were pressed to their cheeks.
They spend the day mostly just the four of them, the rest of their party having other people to catch up with or promotional obligations for their work to attend to. The merry band of Aussies would never admit it in front of anyone else but they really always preferred to attend shows just the four of them. There was a silent energy that wrapped around them when attending a concert, the same kind of whisper that had brought them together to make music together in the first place. They thrived on it, rode the feeling like a high of sorts.
That first night Michael and Calum decide they want to grab a drink just before the last set of the night is meant to start so they make the choice to just stick to the VIP section until the end of the show. Luke kept on glancing between Ashton, the direction Michael and Calum have just wandered toward, the crowd forming for the show, and back to Ashton so it doesn’t take long for the hazel-eyed boy to place a hand to Luke’s back and guide him in the direction of the sprawling crowd.
Luke had been sipping from a flask throughout the evening and was sufficiently loose and giggly as they find a spot in the middle of the crowd as darkness settled over the grounds. They’re talking through ideas for which sets they should hit the following day when the roar of the crowd picks up as a cue that something is about to happen. Ashton’s lifted his left hand to cup around his mouth to project his yells along with the rest of the crowd and when he moves to raise his right, he finds the limb stuck in place. He looks down to see Luke’s fingers tucked between his own and lifts his eyes to the dazed, happy look settled into the pale eyes of the slightly taller boy. He let a smile pull across his own face and his fingers squeeze around Luke’s hand as Lorde’s dreamy voice floats over the crowd, bright green lights illuminating their faces to tell them what she’d chosen to begin the set with.
Ashton had always felt a special kind of connection to the younger singer’s bright and exaggerated lyrics. The romanticization of youth and glittery nights that flow through her lyrics spoke to him in ways he always wished he could express in his somewhat younger years, the brilliance of being young and in love with everything something that their style of pop back in the day just couldn’t capture in quite the same light. Hearing the songs he was listening to in years prior, when he was pining after the boy just to his right, unable to express just how big his feelings were at the time, it all has his mind spinning.
She starts ‘Ribs’ up on the stage some ways in front of them, the gentle crooning of it drives you crazy, getting old feeling more poignant than normal in that particular moment. The lyrics feel heavy, though light at the same time, like his youth is drifting away in the desert wind while his age - though still quite young, Ashton does recognize - settles onto his shoulders like a heavy coat. It feels so scary, getting old floats through his mind when he feels a pair of arms wrap around his waist.
“Stop thinking so hard, old man,” Luke says in his ear above the crowd’s singing. He lets his lips pout against the little hoop through Ashton’s ear lobe before he continues. “It scares me too, but just...live in this for a bit.”
Ashton’s eyes close, the bright colored lights from the stage bleeding through his lids, and he sighs when he feels Luke’s stubble against his cheek when he moves to press a kiss to his temple before returning to bobbing along to the beat of the song. He’ll never understand the way the blonde is able to hear the racing of his thoughts though it's something he’s always been gifted with. Ashton is thankful for it, that Luke somehow knows exactly when to step in to ease his mind for a moment. He’s not sure what he would do without it.
They dance and yell and sing songs about being 19 despite being very solidly in their mid-20s for another hour before the set is over and the desert is lit up with the tall bright white lights above the grounds. They stumble into each other as they laugh and sing, eventually finding Michael and Calum along the way and pressure them into the same actions. Next thing they know, the four boys have piled into a car, repeatedly falling asleep against one another and the plushy seats of the car until they make it home.
The only sober one in the bunch, Ashton plants his boys at the kitchen island, making them all drink a few glasses of water and pass a bottle of aloe gel around to rub at the back of their necks to minimize the griping about sunburns the next day.
(It takes approximately three seconds of whining before Ashton gives in and pats the cool gel into Luke’s neck, chuckling at his whines at how cold it is. A babbling Calum leans his head against Ashton’s bicep while he performs the action, the brown-eyed boy telling him a story about some actor that him and Michael met backstage who bought them shots and knew one of their songs other than “She Looks So Perfect” and “Youngblood”.)
The remaining residents of the house have either ended up at after parties (how people can attend after parties on each night of the festival and still make it all the way to the end is wild, Ashton thinks) or at other houses in the area so Ashton makes sure to lock up after they all vacate the kitchen before heading up to his room on the next floor up.
He’s just slipped into the bed and clicked off the lamp when he hears his phone buzz on the bedside table. He squints against the light from the screen before his features soften as he opens up the picture Luke must have snapped of him toward the end of the Lorde set. He’s in the middle of laughing through the joy of hearing a song he loves, pink lights from the stage illuminating his face. The picture is accompanied by a caption that makes his heart drum some kind of hurried rhythm despite how simply its worded:
you looked so bright
Ashton sits up from the blanket as he hears a drum beat pick up from the stage up ahead, the crowd rising both in volume and height as those who were waiting get to their feet. The lovely breeze he had been enjoying while reminiscing on the day before dies off a bit as it gets blocked by those moving to stand. As a familiar guitar rhythm starts up, he closes his eyes and smiles, still caught up in this gorgeous, delicate moment that he feels so lucky to be somehow living in.
However, Ashton realizes then, as a water bottle gets placed in his lap and a second body drops to his right, that there was in fact a way to top how he was feeling just a few minutes before. The sun has just made its final descent below the horizon when he turns to see the smile spread across Luke’s sun-kissed cheeks.
“You were looking a little spaced out there, Ash,” Luke laughs as he pokes at Ashton’s cheek before shuffling a bit closer and wrapping his arms around the older boy’s neck and leaning in to press a kiss to the sun-warmed skin beside the condor just below his tangled black hair. The high of another music filled day and the tequila in Luke’s belly have him throwing caution to the California wind in terms of displaying his affection. Ashton figures the darkness provided by the hour and the low number of people that had come up to ask for photos throughout the weekend so far were enough justification to allow the tipsy, happy blonde to continue pecking at his neck. “Thinking about me?”
He giggles at Luke’s teasing words, feeling his cheeks warm some more than they already were. Ashton shifts some to get Luke to sit up and look at him. He can’t help the calloused hand that falls to his cheek, his thumb running along his cheekbone, beneath his tired, happy blue eyes. “Always.”
When Luke leans in to press his forehead against Ashton’s own, the crinkles beside his eyes just visible in the flashing lights from the stage far up ahead of them, he finds himself wishing he could bottle up this kind of magic too.
(What kind of magic this exactly is, he has yet to figure out. Though Ashton thinks he maybe might have a word for it. Maybe.)
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onestowatch · 5 years
13 Music Podcasts You Should Be Listening to Right Now
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In case you haven’t quite got the memo, Spotify is for a lot more than streaming Billie Eilish and a playlist made up of lo-fi chill beats on repeat. The past few years have witnessed a veritable boom of podcasts, from both self-made creators and massive media outlets, covering a whole spectrum of topics and niche interests. As someone who has listened to over 70 hours of “The Adventure Zone,” a Dungeons & Dragons podcast hosted by three brothers and their dad, in spite of never having once thought of actually playing a game of D&D, it is safe to say this is no passing fad.
Podcasts exist as an inside look into a host of worlds you never once considered exploring, and this goes equally true for music podcasts. From in-depth examinations of your favorite artists and their works to dramatized true crime–style narratives of legendary artists, these are the music podcasts you need to be listening to right now. 
Also, if you needed even more music podcasts in your life, did you know Ones To Watch has its own battle-style podcast where four tracks enter the ring and only one leaves victorious? 
Switched on Pop
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There is no escaping pop music, so you may as well enjoy, examine, and eventually begin to understand why exactly it is so popular. At least, that’s the ethos behind musicologist Nate Sloan and songwriter Charlie Harding’s phenomenal podcast. Each episode sees the duo breaking down pop songs to posit the question of what makes a song like “bad guy” or “Old Town Road” a hit, and what is their cultural significance in the music landscape at large? Balancing lighthearted humor with critical analysis, Switched On Pop is a podcast that will have you loving music you never knew you liked in the first place. 
Where to Start: “Billie Eilish is a Different Kind of Pop Star (ft. FINNEAS)”
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Dissect is a music nerd’s dream podcast. Hosted by Cole Cuchna, the hit podcast series is rare in that rather than jumping from topic to topic with each episode, each season of “Dissect” holds a magnifying glass to one prolific work of one seminal artist. From the mythos of Frank Ocean, Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp a Butterfly, Kanye West’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Ms. Lauryn Hill’s The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, to Tyler, The Creator grappling with his sexuality on Flower Boy, there is no shortage of reasons of why you need to be listening to Dissect.  
Where to Start: “S4E14 - Epilogue: IGOR”
Song Exploder
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Song Exploder may just be the best interview series in existence, largely due to the podcast functioning as less of a traditional interview series and more as a vivid recollection of artist’s most heartfelt work. The podcast series features musicians from all walks of life, from Fleetwood Mac’s Lindsey Buckingham to Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon, taking apart a single one of their songs piece by piece. It is akin to your grandparents recounting one of their fondest memories to you, if your grandparents just so happened to be world-renowned artists.  
Where to Start: “Maggie Rogers - Alaska”
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In the wake of the massive popularity of True Crime podcasts like “Serial,” Disgraceland marries all there is to love about rock star worship and a culture’s obsession with the seedier aspects of the human condition. Blending music history, true crime, and transgressive fiction, Disgraceland is a dramatized retelling of some of music’s most enthralling criminal stories. Imagine the already engrossing stories of Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G. or Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, albeit told through an exhilarating and entertaining modern-noir lens.
Where to Start: “Amy Winehouse: Rehab, the Muse and a Rare Talent”
And The Writer Is…with Ross Golan
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Have you ever wondered who is the person behind some of your favorite songs? Then And The Writer Is… is the podcast for you. Each episode takes you behind the closed doors of the music and into the songwriting room with some of the greatest songwriters and creatives of our generation. If you love anything by any of today’s biggest artists, then chances are they have probably appeared on an episode of And The Writer Is… to provide an inside glimpse into their creative process. 
Where to Start: “EP 54: Ben Gibbard (Death Cab For Cutie)”
Questlove Supreme
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You shouldn’t be listening to Questlove Supreme just because its host is none other than the infamous Questlove (although that would honestly be more than enough reason for us). For starters, Questlove Supreme arguably features some of the best guests out of any other podcast out there. Ever wanted to hear John Oliver talk about his transition from The Daily Show to shaping people’s political opinions regularly? Or ever wondered about Michelle Obama’s first musical memories? Then, good news, because Questlove Supreme has all you could ever need and so much more.
Where to Start: “Ep. 113 feat. Michelle Obama”
Twenty Thousand Hertz
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Twenty Thousand Hertz is likely the most prominent outlier on this list. That is not to say this is not a podcast of note, equally as deserving of your precious listening hours; Twenty Thousand Hertz simply does not address music or artists in the traditional sense. Rather, this is an examination of the sounds, the sonic textures, and the crucial building blocks that have allowed artists to create works that truly move people. Twenty Thousand Hertz is not just for music lovers, but for those who appreciate the perfectly intangible idea of sound as a simultaneously human-constructed and natural concept.
Where to Start: “#72 | 808”
Punch Up The Jam
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Punch Up The Jam is a comedy and music podcast. How does that work exactly? Well, comedians and best friends Miel Bredouw and Demi Adejuyigbe invite one of their equally hilarious friends to attempt to fix a popular song, despite having absolutely no qualifications so to speak of. Laughs are had, chaos ensues, and more laughs are had as Punch Up The Jam begs the question: do you need to know anything about music to improve a hit song?
Where to Start: 77 - “Kiss From a Rose (w/ Travis McElroy)”
All Songs Considered
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It would be impossible to create a definitive list of music podcasts without mentioning NPR's All Songs Considered. The nearly 20-year-old series has grown with the times, evolving from a lauded radio show to an award-receiving podcast. The generation-spanning medium for music discovery is hosted by Bob Boilen and Robin Hilton, and often features a range of guests that makes this already much-celebrated podcast into essential listening material.
Where to Start: “All Songs Rewind: The Worst Songs Of All Time?”
Hit Parade
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For Hit Parade, the phrase “it’s a smash” is more than just A&R short-hand for any passing song they hear in mid-production; it is the genesis of music history. Produced by Slate, pop chart analyst Chris Molanphy seeks to uncover what exactly it was that made a song a number one smash. More than just a terribly informative music podcast, Hit Parade changes up its formula through bouts of trivia, music snippets, and enthralling storytelling.
Where to Start: “The Oh. My. God. Becky Edition”
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The best way to understand the very notion and ever-changing minutia of popular music is Popcast. Hosted by New York Times pop critic Jon Caramanica, Popcast homes in on not just what is trending on the Billboard charts but what is trending, period. From Taylor Swift and Scooter Braun’s ongoing civil war, the perplexing economics of the streaming era, to how memes can create bonafide artists, Popcast is what you need to be listening to in order to sound erudite at your next dinner party, even if you find yourself in spirited discourse over Lil Nas X.
Where to Start: “How Many Streams Is a T-Shirt Worth? Breaking Down Chart Dilemmas.”
Ongoing History of New Music
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This next podcast is dedicated to all our lovely Canadian readers, or really anyone who is looking for an enlightening deep dive into music’s most notable artists and movements. Hosted by legendary Canadian radio broadcaster and music journalist Alan Cross, Ongoing History of New Music is Canada’s most well-known music documentary series. Featuring artists profile from the likes of Radiohead to Twenty One Pilots, narrative journeys of everything from Christian Rock to Britpop, and even the etymology behind some of music’s most elusive terminology, Ongoing History of New Music is a musical history wellspring.
Where to Start: “Stories Behind Songs”
The Great Albums
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The Great Albums is a podcast series wholly true to its name. In unexpected yet utterly delightful fashion, co-hosts Bill Lambusta and Brian Erickson delve into some of pop, rock, and beyond’s greatest moments and musical accomplishments. More than just a track by track review of a seminal work from the likes of Jay-Z, Joni Mitchell, and Sufjan Stevens, The Great Albums is an examination of the notion of fandom and how that love affair is expressed through the lens of the prolific album.  
Where to Start: “Radiohead - OK Computer”
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endofgreenofficial · 5 years
A Captive State
In December 2016, four months leading to the development of To The Extinction, Square Enix and WB Games began to develop the video game adapation of Tom Hoffman's Beneath a Captive State. In February 2017, Annapurna Interactive won their development rights for A Captive State and To The Extinction. By that month, Annapuna Interactive had reportedly stealing over $500,000 during the development of A Captive State.
In June 2017, Square Enix and Annapurna Interactive unveils the 60 second teaser trailer of A Captive State, following the gameplay reveal of To The Extinction at E3 2017.
By May 2018, Square Enix released their first official trailer of A Captive State and ensured its first gameplay footage at E3 2018. The trailer features Killing Joke's "Pandemonium". The first gameplay footage shows the raid in Chicago's Metropolitan Correctional Center, while one of the many playable characters, Brian "Jurgis" McPhee, attempts to escape the Chicago Metropolitan Correctional Center alongside his friends Rafe and Frank. The gameplay footage received widespread attention, but the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, said A Captive State depicts the city of Chicago in a war between the alien race and the US military, FBI and the Chicago Police Department. The game is yet to be banned in Chicago, due to the depiction of its city torn apart in the brink of an alien invasion, but the US military, FBI and the Chicago Police Department are also depicted as the major antagonists. Kody Theo, Vic Kamanga, EJ Wilkes, and Jared McKenna, who played Rula, Rafe, Gabe, and Jurgis in A Captive State, said the game was look similarly with Grand Theft Auto 5, Fallout 4, Red Dead Redemption 2, and InFamous: Second Son. "Because the story took place in the landlocked North American city of Chicago, A Captive State will feature the US Marine Corps and not feature the US Navy, but only the US Coast Guard remained appear in Lake Michigan. ", producer Megan Ellison explained. On 5 November 2018, three storyline DLCs for A Captive State had yet to be released; The Brothers Conway, The Tale of Jurgis, and I Am Rula. On 10 November 2018, ahead of the Veteran's Day, the fourth and final DLC would proved to be The Beginning of an End, the first part (takes place between 1989-1991) tells about Colonel Charles Levitt's betrayal of his fellow soldier named Sergeant Alan Rittenhouse, but the second and final part (takes place between 1986-1988) tells about FBI Agent Stuart Kermode's investigation after the alien invasion assisted by the Chicago PD officers. "Aside from the White Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos, lots of many several pedestrians and NPCs around Chicago, mainly foreigners from South Asia, East Asia, Scandinavia (excluding Finland), and Eastern Europe.", developer Square Enix explains. A Captive State is yet to be permanently banned in Chicago metropolitan area, with many retailers such as GameStop, Best-Buy and Walmart are decided to not release A Captive State in every cities and towns in Chicago metropolitan area. The game is yet to be rated M by ESRB and 18 by PEGI, due to the depictions of violence and obscenity.
The trailer shown in each four main characters:
- Jurgis (Prong - Beg To Differ)
- Rula (Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World)
- Rafe (Parliament - Flash Light)
- Gabe (Naughty by Nature - OPP)
Music and soundtrack
In May 2017, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross began to making the original score of A Captive State, but it contains many elements of the late 1980s to early 1990s electronic music. Most of the radio stations in A Captive State had many lore friendly and licensed songs from the 1970s through the 1990s, supported more than 500 songs available. The soundtrack also features many bands and musicians from the 1980s and the 1990s, such as Killing Joke, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Korn, Ministry, Godflesh, Pitchshifter, Prong, Machine Head, Anthrax, Biohazard, Fear Factory, Annihilator, Voivod, Black Flag, Husker Dü, Dinosaur Jr, Neurosis, Rollins Band, Fugazi, Social Distortion, Madball, Quicksand, Helmet, Faith No More, Rage Against The Machine, The Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Sonic Youth, and many more. Besides that, it also features many hip-hop artists of the late 1980s to the 1990s, most notably NWA, Run DMC, Grandmaster Flash, Dr Dre, Wu-Tang Clan, and Beastie Boys. Nonetheless, it also features many electronic music artists from the 1990s, most notably Autechre, Aphex Twin, Cabaret Voltaire, Orbital, Underworld, Massive Attack, The Prodigy, Meat Beat Manifesto, Drexciya, Cybotron, and 808 State. "There is no black metal and death metal bands on Chicago Hardcore", developer Square Enix explains.
Radio stations in A Captive State:
- The Mix 99.9 (pop, adult contemporary, teen pop, R&B, dance pop)
- Adrenaline 90.4: based on WCSF (post-80s synthpop, grebo, industrial rock, alternative dance, big beat, acid house, techno, garage)
- Chicago Hardcore: based on WPJX (thrash metal, groove metal, crossover thrash, hardcore punk)
- Chicago Rock Radio: based on WKQX (alternative rock, punk rock, pop rock, hard rock)
- Juvenile 101.5: based on WLUW (alternative metal, post-hardcore, grunge, noise rock, emo, math rock, indie rock)
- New Era 102.8: based on WDRV (classic rock, adult contemporary, power pop, blues rock)
- Radio Outlaw (country, rockabilly, southern rock)
- Shangri-La FM (world music, worldbeat, tribal fusion)
- Radio El Dorado (latin jazz, latin funk, salsa, mambo)
- Melody FM: based of WFMT (classical, opera, gospel, new age)
- The Beatz 95.1 (west coast hip-hop, gangsta rap)
- East Coast FM (east coast hip hop, alternative hip hop)
- Willows 103.4 (synthpop, new romantic, post punk, new wave)
- Chicago Underground Radio (IDM, trance, techno, ambient, house, glitch, drum and bass, electronica)
- The Rhythm 92.5 (new jack swing, ska, R&B, funk, disco, nu jazz, soul)
- Wax Trax! FM (post-industrial, EBM, electro-industrial, industrial metal)
- WIND (news, talk show)
- WKTA (ethnic talk show)
- WMVP (sports talk show)
- Croydon FM (IDM, electronica, ambient, UK garage, trip hop, trance, downtempo, techno, drum and bass)*
- Thames Rock Radio (britpop, madchester, alternative rock, post punk, new wave)*
- Radio Covenant (industrial, post-industrial, EBM)*
- The Slate 87.6 (alternative metal, grunge, post-hardcore, indie rock)*
- Radio X (thrash metal, hardcore punk, crossover thrash, groove metal, punk rock)*
- Calcutta Sounds (ragga, bhangra, world music, worldbeat, Indian, Pakistani)*
- Jamaica FM (reggae, dancehall, rocksteady)*
- BBC Radio One (news, talk show)*
- BBC Radio Four (comedy talk show)*
(* added in The Tale of Jurgis DLC)
Release and marketing
On June 25, 2018, Square Enix and WB Games dates A Captive State for February 1, 2019 release. However, by November 27, 2018, the game was shifted for many weeks to January 18, 2019, to avoid competing with Capcom's Resident Evil 2 remake and Microsoft Studios's Crackdown 3. In December 2018, Vive Studios teaming up with Square Enix and WB Games for the upcoming VR version of A Captive State. On 15 December 2018, Funko announced the Funko Pop and Mystery Minis based on the characters of A Captive State, these including; Gabe Conway, Rafe Conway, Rula McPhee, Jurgis McPhee, Carrie Conway, Danny Howells, Ellison, The Disciple, Legion Horde, US Marine, Chicago PD officer, FBI agent, Alan Rittenhouse, Agent Stuart Kermode, Colonel Charles Levitt, The Illusive Woman, and The Illusive Man. On 23 December 2018, Square Enix announced the prequel to A Captive State, called Beyond Omission: The Tale of Jurgis McPhee and Rafe Conway, an adventure game that let's you play as Jurgis and Rafe in Chicago during the years 1989 and 1990, and it will exclusively availaible through Playstation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, iOS and Android devices on 1 February 2019. Beyond Omission is also being work into the graphic novel by Jamie McKelvie and Kieron Gillen (who had previously adapted A Captive State graphic novel in 2018)
Did You Know?
In the 2018 video game To The Extinction, when the flashback took place in 1975, a group of British soldiers discovers the remains of the Legion Horde in Orkney islands. Almost 15 years later, they re-emerged from the remains of the nuclear radioactivity. The gameplay shows Miles Keller and Alice Brennan fights off against the Legion Horde, while discovering the alien artifacts around Grain Earth House in Orkney. These later mentioned in A Captive State, in Rula's journal.
PS4/Xbox One/Steam achievements of A Captive State revealed:
- A New Beginning: Complete all main storylines.
- Wasted of Time: Complete all side missions
- 100% Made: Reach 100% completion
- Money Maker: Collect a cash with reaching $1,000,000.
- I'm a Billionaire: Collect a cash with reaching $1,000,000,000.
- Casualty: Kill everyone! (1000 times)
- Gang Banger: Kill 500 gang members, anarchists, drug addicts, and cultists.
- Death Before Dishonor: Kill 500 soldiers of the US Army or the US Marines.
- Not a Kind of Astrology: Kill 500 Scavengers.
- Pork Chopped: Kill 500 police officers, sheriff, state troopers, and SWAT teams.
- What Kind of Detective?: Kill 500 FBI or CIA agents
- Bookworm: Read and Collect any books
- No Superheroes Allowed: Read and collect any comic books or graphic novels
- Missing Link: Read and Collect any journals and diaries.
- Remix!: Collect any mixtapes
- Rewind: Collect any video journals
- Repeated: Collect any audio logs.
- Photographed: Take 50 photos and videos
- Hiking or Jogging?: Walk more than 1 kilometres on foot
- Bullets Flying: Dodge 20 gunfires
- Street Fighter: Kill everyone 100 times while brawling with bare hand
- Fly Swatter: Kill everyone 100 times with non-bladed melee weapons
- Meat Chopper: Kill everyone 100 times with bladed melee weapons
- Gunslinger: Kill everyone 100 times with handguns
- Marksman: Kill everyone 100 times with sniper rifles, crossbows and compound bows
- Full Metal Jacket: Kill everyone 100 times with machine guns or submachine guns
- Rifleman: Kill everyone 100 times with rifles
- Kaboom!: Kill everyone 100 times with explosives
- Smells Like Barbecue: Kill everyone 100 times with flammable weapons
- Lasers Everywhere!: Kill everyone 100 times with laser and energy weapons.
- Drive Angry: Kill everyone 100 times while riding/on a car
- Road Rash: Kill everyone 100 times whole riding/on a motorbike
- Death from Above: Kill everyone 100 times while riding/on a helicopter or plane
- Cannonball Run: Kill everyone 100 times while driving/on a tank or APCs.
- I'm Not A Pirate: Kill everyone 100 time while riding/on a boat
- I'm Hungry: Have 30 foods eaten
- So Thirsty: Have 30 drinks consumed
- Dead Meat: Cannibalize anything 30 times.
- No Hiding: Perform 30 stealth attacks
- Adrenaline!: Perform 30 executions
- Dead Beat: Do 30 critical hits.
- Blood Sport: Complete 5 fight club challenges
- Rampage!: Complete 5 rampage challenges
- Taxi Driver: Complete 5 taxi challenges
- Not a Bounty Hunter: Complete 5 hitman or assassination challenges
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rarerecordsuk · 6 years
New In: 13/5/18
message: https://www.facebook.com/NicholasJohnBennett email: [email protected] phone / text: 07988039920
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—- LPs —- Brandon Flowers: The Desired Effect £15 Madness: Can’t Touch Us Now £15 Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Mothers Milk £15 Evanescence: S/T £18 Evanescence: The Open Door £20 Oasis Bootlegs £20 each — 7"s — Wolfman: Ice Cream Guerilla £2 Ocean Colour Scene: Better Day (jukebox) £9 Starsailor: Keep Us Together (parts 1 & 2, 2 x clear and black 7") £5 The Cooper Temple Clause: Waiting Game (2/3) £2
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more ‘New In’ posts further down the page. You can also see lots more of my lists via these links:
HARD TO FIND LPS (Oasis / Weller and Indie / Britpop originals) COMMON LPS (Bowie / Beatles / The Jam / The Who etc etc) BOX SETS (new, old and deleted box set albums from Stereophonics / Lee ‘Scratch Perry’ / Ryan Adams etc) NEW & REISSUES (deleted / Record Store Day LPs from Ian Brown / Kula Shaker / Bill Wyman + general record shop stock [which you can ask for me to do for cheaper than the going rates]) RARE 12″s (Iron Maiden / Oasis / Jet and Japanese imports / Indie / Britpop originals) COMMON 12″s (The Jam / Gang Of Four / Hank Wangford / UB40 etc) 10″ SINGLES (rare originals from Kings Of Leon / Paul Weller / Noel Gallagher etc) 7″ SINGLES (rare originals from Oasis / Weller / Nirvana / The Offspring / The Smiths + lots of Indie / Britpop and ‘60s / ‘70s that i’ll probably never get around to listing, so just ask if there’s something you don’t see that you think I may have) COMPILATIONS (a lot of ‘50s / ‘60s / ‘70s) SOUNDTRACKS / COMEDY ( very rare Adventure Time / Disney / Spinal Tap /  Vietnam War / Sweeny Todd / Shows / The Two Ronnies / Monty Python etc. and lots from other Shows / Football / Children’s / Disney)
[email protected] / 07988039920
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its-real · 4 years
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Tha gangs all here + bonus
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31 notes · View notes
its-real · 4 years
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They dont need a light show to show how much they rock!
Splur, considered to be the greatest (and only) band in Ooo, consists of the members Flame Prince (first name Graham), Damon the Human, Alex Abadeer and Banana Dave (not pictured).
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its-real · 4 years
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Oh my George! It’s John Paul George Ringo, a deity from Mars!
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its-real · 5 years
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Everything’s fine hahh.........
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its-real · 4 years
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Liam Space Princess....
it’s been a while since the last one, sorry.
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its-real · 5 years
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It’s Cheryl hour uwu.....
Sorry this took ages
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its-real · 5 years
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Princess Bbbbbbbbbbb
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its-real · 5 years
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18 notes · View notes
its-real · 5 years
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Okay but
17 notes · View notes