#aemond calls lucerys my lord strong
darling-winnie · 1 year
Aemond calls Jacerys "lord strong" (derogatory) all the time because he knows Jacerys will throw a punch and get mad. Aemond knows the quickest way to piss off Jacerys is to say the word strong in any context whatsoever.
Aemond calls Lucerys "my lord strong" (lovingly) all the time because Lucerys will huff and roll his eyes before calling Aemond "my lord hightower" and kiss his cheek.
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With A Modern!Reader
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──── ✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧ ────
summary | How the House of the Dragon characters would react to a reader from our world
warnings | None
this is a work of fiction. i do not own these characters
divider by @princessbellecerise
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Jacaerys Velaryon
Jace is surprisingly cautious. It’s not as if he’s afraid of you, you’re just so…different that it takes a while for him to even approach you
When he does, you may think he’s being hostile but really he’s just curious
He keeps his distance at first, but out of everyone he’s the first to warm up to you
He likes hearing about your world, taking walks with you and listening intensely
He thinks it’s fascinating, but more than anything Jace would be the one not afraid to truly introduce you to his world, taking you on tours, showing you around and even letting you pet his dragon while he watches you with a smile
It’s clear that the main difference between your worlds is the magic aspect, so while he’s fascinated with all your technology, you’re fascinated by his dragons and the fact that actual witches exist
Both concepts are very hard for the other to grasp, so you and Jace spend your time discussing and having fulfilling conversations, telling the other facts and details about where you’re from and enjoying every minute of it
Daemon Targaryen
Daemon is amused
He is the first to believe you when you say you’re not from his universe because my gods, it’s obvious from your clothes to your speech you obviously weren’t raised in this world
And man, he gets a kick out of watching you struggle with the social norms, often laughing and whisking you away when your mouth gets you in trouble more than once
He scoldes you and tells you that things are different where he lives, that the social customs require you to remain proper and not curse out every Lord that has something problematic to say
He’d teach you how to ‘behave’ while simultaneously encouraging you to be yourself for his own sake, because Daemon loves watching you start arguments and debates, trying to catch his people up with the modern terms you’re used to
Of course, it never works but he looks forward to it nevertheless because it makes the otherwise insufferable events that much more bearable
Lucerys Velaryon
Luke is very cautious at first. Even more so than his brother, because while you talk like you’re from more advanced times, Luke is still convinced that you’ll view and treat him the same as everyone else in his world does
It’s only when you happen to bring up the fact that you and your siblings have different dads is he really interested in what you have to say
And when you tell him that the rumors you’ve heard about him don’t matter, that nobody really cares about blood that much where you come from, will he really start to warm up to you
You’ll see a whole other side to Lucerys that no one has really seen before; he’ll open up to you and tell you all about his worries of possibly being a bastard
Likewise, you’d tell him that you relate to feeling out of place seeing as you’re not even from the world. You’re used to people gossiping about you as well and when it all becomes too much, you and Lucerys have a way of seeking comfort in one another. This caused you both to form a strong bond over your shared feelings
Aemond Targaryen
Aemond is confused
He’s perplexed, and at first he doesn’t like you because he’s never met someone that’s challenged him so much
From your clothes to your speech to your strange gadgets, everything about you is just so…weird. He doesn’t understand where you came from and why, but out of everyone he’d be the most willing to get you home
During this time, you both would more than likely bond in a sort of frenemie way
Aemond with his constant teasing of your lack of knowledge on how things worked in his world, and you because of his so called out-dated attitude
He’d be shocked when you completely disregard his status and talk to him like he’s just a regular person. You don’t see him as Prince Aemond, just the Aemond that’s slightly stuck-up; which you also never fail to remind him.
You’re just so casual with how you interact and joke with him. And over time, Aemond finds himself more and more attached to you. Because by gods, all he’s ever wanted was for someone to appreciate him for him, and not because of his title or standings in the world
And you being you, you don’t really care about any of that and he can’t begin to explain how grateful he is that the universe decided to send you to him, even growing to be sad and a little more hesitant when it’s time to send you home
Aegon Targaryen
Aegon is fascinated
Less so by you and more so of the world that you left behind. And even more so of the trinkets that somehow came over with you
In all his life, Aegon had never met someone that had things that he didn’t. After all—he was a prince and that meant he usually had the best of the best
But you? You have things he’d never even dreamed of having. Like glasses that block out the light (perfect for his hangovers) and medicine to also help with the aftermaths of his drinking
He’s so fascinated when the guards empty your bag, never once hesitating to pick up your strange stuff and demand to know what it does
Of course, you have to tell him to chill out a little bit and that his title doesn’t really matter to you because you’re not from his world
And Aegon is perplexed, and honestly slightly jealous that he can’t control you, nor can he compete with all the technology that you have
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Out of everyone, she is the most understanding of your situation
When you first arrive, Rhaenyra takes you under her wing and never once makes you feel like an outsider. She’s a little bit hesitant, sure, but it’s really not all that hard to believe you
She’ll listen to you and when you need help, she’s always there to offer her aid
With her around, it’s super easy to understand the world that you’ve landed into. After all, Rhaenyra is happy to show you the ropes herself and fill you in on all the ways you have to act in order to survive in her world
You quickly become grateful for her presence because it helps to soothe all of the rumors and questions people may ask about you. After all, she’s no stranger to them herself
And with one look from the princess/future Queen, people are bowing their heads and running off, leaving their intrusive words abandoned
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yesimwriting · 18 days
Noble Only in Blood
A/n house of the dragon rewatch era <3
Summary: There are very few things you wouldn't do in order to save your brother.
Warnings: me writing for a character for the first time, targaryen incest (reader is rhaenyra's daughter), reader is described as not looking like her brothers and having valyrian features, forced marriage, slight miscommunication trope (i know,, bare with me😭)
In times of crisis, it is instinctual to hold onto what is dear. If one has reason to believe that a thief has crossed their path, it is logical for them to reach into their purses and pockets, to make sure that what they care for most is still safe. That same impulse is what guides your hand forward, your fingers curling around Lucerys's shoulder.
After a breath, you realize that Luke has allowed himself to shuffle back, a subtle acceptance of your attempt to comfort him. That startles you more than the sudden appearance of a familiar face. Luke's distaste for what he considers 'sisterly coddling' has grown steadily over these last few years, the threat of war only amplifying his desire to shed the last few layers of protection you're able to offer him.
"It's alright." The response borders on hollow, your voice ringing flat in your own ears. You press your lips together. So Aemond beat your family to Lord Borros. That's...That means very little in the grand scheme of things. You and your brother came here to present an offer, not to begin a war. "You are here as a messenger, not a warrior."
He nods once, eyes still trained on your uncle. Even though Luke's in front of you, his stiffness is reminiscent of a time in which a conflict with Aemond meant running to you, meant attempting to hide behind you until you could either tell him off or call for your mother.
Aemond takes a measured step forward. "Really? Is that what you're calling your attempts to steal my brother's throne?"
There's a muted sharpness in Aemond's voice that feels distinct to anything you've seen from him before. This is not a burst of fury fueled by petulant indignation, this is a flash of a rage sustained by an all engulfing flame.
Your fingers press into Luke's shoulder. The sooner he's returned to the sky, the better. "I was only offering an explanation."
"The ever honest princess." Another step. "I have had enough of your brand of honesty."
Your lips briefly part before pressing together again. There is no worthy response, not with the way Aemond's watching you, expression too unforgiving to be about today. Something small and familiar attempts to dislodge itself from your throat, an echo of the apology that failed to salvage any friendship between the two of you years ago.
There's a beat of nothingness that serves as a form of recognition. Aemond straightens. "While I am accustomed to your self righteousness and defense of Lord Strong, even you cannot think you'll get to walk away after what you both attempted."
At that, Luke straightens, shoulders lifting in a way that encourages you to release him. "Leave my sister out of this." He steps forward, planting himself firmly between you and Aemond.
He doesn't look back at you, but your tone does seem to remind him of the importance of deescalation. "I am not going to fight you."
"No. That would be no challenge." Your fingers curl into your palm with such tension you can already feel your nails imprinting your skin. Aemond raises an arm, hand moving to pull off the patch that covers his lost eye. "I want you to pluck out your eye as payment for mine."
Luke shuffles back, head snapping in your direction. His eyes only find yours for a brief moment before he's straightening to face Aemond again, but it's enough for you to see the dread tinging his put together demeanor. His lips parted, his brows furrowed. That same little boy that always trusted you to know how to stop a game from going too far.
You squeeze Luke's arm, a silent promise, a guarantee that you'll--that you'll what? That you'll return him to Arrax unscathed? That you'll find a way to save him? This isn't the same as the faults that were dismissed as an unfortunate yet dismissible consequence of childhood roughhousing.
Blood has been divided, the rightful succession questioned. The children of rightful heirs have faced worse than what Aemond is attempting. Political divide changes things. Standing on the brink of war, you have no defense. There is no predetermined safe territory for you to rush Luke to, and yet...
"You are not taking my brother's eye." The authority bleeding into your voice provides a lifeline. You have nothing to stand on, not here, and yet the firmness of your statement manages to pulse through you.
Aemond presses his lips together, a sharp smile that's too cruel to be reduced to something as simple as sarcastic briefly taking over his expression. "Sister. Brother." He lets out a breath, radiating an assurance that turns your stomach. Aemond turns his head, his full attention falling onto you. "Surely you've seen your own reflection."
The jab should fall flat. As the only one of your mother's children to be born with features that reflect a more traditionally valyrian appearance, snide comments implying that your brothers aren't truly your brothers are far from new. Even if they're right, it wouldn't matter. Your brothers came from your mother, same as you, and even that isn't the only reason you care for them. They're your family. However, Aemond's smugness makes the comment hard to bear. He's indulging in the power he has over the two of you.
"Call him what you'd like," you say, "You're not going to touch him."
Aemond tilts his chin downwards to make it easier to watch Luke. "Do you always need your sister to defend you?"
Luke lifts his chin slightly, shifting his body forward. "There is nothing to defend. We're leaving."
The excuse to end this interaction offers you a wary sense of relief. You're not convinced that Aemond will be willing to let the two of you pass so easily, but Luke's presented an excuse to allow everyone to walk away before tensions can rise further.
Luke steps away from you, making a point to walks towards the left. Once he's a few paces away from you, you start to walk away as well. You keep your eyes trained on the back of Luke's head, as if that will keep the window from closing.
"I am owed a debt."
You turn on your heels. Luke's farther away from Aemond now, a fact you're grateful for, but now you're practically directly in front of him. The proximity throws you more than it should. The last time you were next to Aemond, the two of you were still friends. He's--you're not sure you've ever noted how tall he's gotten.
You press your lips together, dismissing the feeling. If anything, his height is just another reminder that no part of the boy that used to read with you in the library remains in him. "It will not be paid with my brother's blood."
The silence between the three of you is heavy. A part of you thinks the safest course of action might be grabbing Luke and making a run for it. An escape attempt that hasty comes with its own risks. Aemond is more determined than you've ever seen him. And you can't even truly blame him for his anger, for his hatred.
Aemond has to bear the consequences of a moment's mistake for the rest of his life. Luke took his eye, and when you defended him, you stole his trust. But allowing him to hurt Luke is the kind of cruel justice that resolves nothing.
"Aemond, I'm sorry," the genuineness of the statement knots your stomach, "About what happened." You pause, not completely sure where you're going with this. "You didn't deserve it, but that doesn't change the fact that you're taking advantage of a situation. This isn't justice it is...abuse."
He's quiet, and for a long moment you start to think that you've tugged at the wrong thread and now everything's going to unravel.
Aemond steps forward. You force yourself to stay in place. Luke's a few steps away from Aemond, and if things change that might--that might mean something. "How virtuous." His focus weighs on you enough to force the air out of your lungs. "Then tell me, my princess, how do you suggest the debt be paid?" Aemond takes another step towards you. He's so close now that you have to tilt your chin upwards to hold his gaze. "I wonder how noble you'd be if you yourself were on the line."
The meaning of his words take their time to sink in. Something hard lodges itself in your throat. You swallow in an attempt to dislodge the feeling. "My-My eye?"
"No, little good would come from it." He studies your features with such an openness you have to resist the urge to shrink in on yourself. All you have is your ability to stand firm. "You're worth more unscared." Aemond lets out a breath. "Maybe a wedding is what this family needs."
If Aemond thinks anything of your shock, he gives no indication of it. "Marrying Rhaenyra's daughter will only strengthen my family's claim to the throne." The accuracy of the statement turns your stomach.
Noble women are regularly married off as solutions for these kinds of conflicts. It's a way of unifying dividing lines. You do not desire war, nor do you think a hypothetical marriage between you and Aemond would truly fix anything. However, the thought of being used as a political pawn to aid your mother's usurper, makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
Aemond also detests you. Marriage is more often than not about duty. Your mother has never kept that from you. The only thing she's ever assured you of is that when the time came for you to be wed, your match would be compatible. A happy marriage does not begin with love, it begins with respect and an understanding of your duty.
Anything Aemond's trying to force you into wouldn't be that. This is about vengeance, about hurting you and your family even if he has to bind himself to you to do so.
The two of you are trapped. You have no allies, no significant weapons unless you count the two dragons that stand no chance against Vhagar, and you are standing in front of someone demanding to hurt your brother. If this is the only way to guarantee your brother's safe passage back to your mother...
"If I--if I agree...you'll forgive my brother of any debt owed?" The question makes something in your chest ache. "You'll let him go?"
There's a beat in which Aemond's eyebrows seem to draw together, but he returns to neutrality so quickly you're not sure if you've imagined it or not. "You have my word."
"No," Luke's voice is right in your ear. It's his turn to grab your arm. "You can't have her."
"Luke..." His fingers wrap around your forearm, his hold on you growing more desperate. "Luke--listen to me."
He shakes his head. "No." Luke straightens his shoulders, something determined flashing behind his eyes. "No, I can't let you do this."
You turn, placing your free hand over his arm. "I will not risk your safety." He begins to protest again, but you stop him, "Go home and explain the situation to Mother." Luke places a hand over yours, a final attempt at convincing you to try anything else.
"Yes," Aemond echoes, "Go and tell your mother that the girl you consider a sister has to pay for your debts."
Luke turns his head. Despite no longer being able to see his expression, you can feel his anger. "Luke." His stillness is not enough to distract from the fight behind his eyes. "Do you trust me?" It takes him a moment to look away from Aemond, but once he does he nods. "Then I need you to go."
He doesn't exactly relax, but he does let out a breath. You pull your hands away from his before enveloping him in a hug. "It's going to be alright." It takes him a moment to think to place his arms against your back. Luke squeezes you in a way he hasn't in years, holding onto you like you're his entire world. "I will see you again."
You carefully shift back. Luke follows your lead, letting his arms fall to his side. "Yes," he says, eyes briefly shifting back to Aemond, "I will."
"Okay." The word feels fragile. "Go back, be safe."
Luke's eyes are glossy as he nods. If things were normal, he'd playfully scoff at your warnings. "I will see you again."
You nod, and Luke finally turns. He walks away, towards Arrax, towards safety. Whatever was keeping you steady seems to leave with him.
You're allowed a brief moment of silence, of grief, before Aemond speaks. "We'll ride back before the storm begins." In your panic, you had not noticed the clouds overtaking the sky. You think of Luke, riding back alone in the rain. Aemond sighs. "Your sacrifice has not been in vain, it will be some time before the skies make a turn for the worse."
Aemond's ability to read you digs at the back of your mind. It'd bother you more if his reassurance was less needed. You're not sure you can trust your voice, so you nod blankly.
He begins to walk forward. You cannot will yourself to move until Aemond's already ahead of you.
The sight of your dragon quells the loneliness hollowing your chest. Your family is far from you, but Starfyre is still by your side.
Not only are you glad for Starfyre's comfort, you're also thankful for the control of being able to ride on your own. A small part of you is also relieved for the excuse to avoid Vhagar.
You've loved dragons for as long as you can remember, and you've been wary of the larger ones for just as long. It's not exactly a fear, you've just always felt the need to admire them from afar. Even as a child, before Aemond had been able to claim Vhagar, you only wanted to observe her from a safe distance.
No one's comments have ever been able to make you wish that Starfyre was different. Her smaller frame makes you feel more in control when you fly, the two of you melding into one as you approach the skies. She's swift, too, her size allowing her soar through the sky like an arrow that never misses its target.
"I'm sure you'll find a way to keep up on that...runt of yours."
How dare he? He knows what Starfyre is capable of more than most. As a child, her speed fascinated him. A knee-jerk reaction is forced past your lips, "The last thing about this arrangement that should concern you is wether or not Starfyre can keep up."
Aemond pauses, turning to face you. Instead of attempting to insult Starfyre again, he asks, "And what should concern me?"
His words are tinged with a cruel sharpness, a silent warning to watch yourself, to not make threats you cannot follow through on. "You should be concerned that you are full of such spite, that you are willingly entering a union with someone that you have detested since--"
Aemond takes a step forward. You shift towards Starfyre, placing a hand against her side. "Since the day I lost my eye?" Another step. "Since the moment you lied to my father to protect Lucerys after what he did?"
The reality of what happened that day hits you in the chest with enough force to knock the air out of your lungs. Your vision begins to blur. "He's my brother, Aemond."
"And I was your friend." The words come out hard and fast, his voice nearly breaking on the final syllable.
The honesty cracks something in your chest. Helaena, who you loved, often left you in favor of a world that you couldn't always follow her to. The other boys, who had once let you run around with them, outgrew you. But Aemond--Aemond was always yours.
Aemond scoffs. "You cannot pretend that what you did was enough to make me loathe you. I wrote to you." The letter, one detailing his new reality and desire to speak with you, has been a secret of yours for years. You've kept it tucked between the pages of your favorite book, only taking it out to reread in the middle of the night, with the rest of your family fast asleep. "And you never wrote back."
You blink in an attempt to clear your vision. "I did." The confession burns as it crawls up your throat. "But I couldn't bring myself to send you a raven."
"Because this--" Aemond moves forward in long strides. He's directly in front of you before you can think to move. He turns his head, making it impossible for you to not see his scar in its entirety. "I repulse you."
Is that what he thinks? You remain unflinching, allowing yourself to take in his scar and the appearance of his sapphire eye openly. "No." There has to be some way to put it into words. "I-I couldn't bring myself to speak to you. After the way we left things--After what I had done--I was repulsed by myself." You cut yourself off with a shaky breath. "Accepting your friendship after what I had done felt--cruel."
Aemond straightens. For a brief moment, there is only you, him, and the wound that lies between you. Then his expression's fiery edge morphs into something made of stone. "Ever the martyr."
The insult lacks any significant bite. You let your thumb brush against Starfyre's side, relishing in the comfort of her presence. "Better a martyr than someone so desperate for gratification, they are willing to hurt themselves in the process of earning it."
Ranting at him feels hollow, a motion you're going through for the sake of doing something. Aemond seems to sense some lack of fight in your phrasing, or maybe he's growing tired of this. "We should go," Aemond turns away from you, "The weather's changing."
Even though he's no longer watching you, you nod before returning your attention to Starfyre.
a/n this was really fun to write, but it was getting long so i decided to break it up, if you're interested in a part 2/would like to be tagged pls lmk :)
also!! if u have any hotd thoughts in general pls feel free to send me them <3
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misguidedasgardian · 11 months
Storm's End 2
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HOTD Masterlist
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Strong!Reader
Summary: your mother sends you to Storm’s End to rally Lord Borros Baratheon for your side, but your uncle arrived there before you
Warnings: Cursing, use of the word bastard, angst, heavy, canon level incest, thoughts about dying, mentions of bedding, and more, dark fic, Aemond is unhinged, rape, non-con, minors engaging in sexual activities, mentions of a minor in a pleasure house, maiming, blood, violence, victim blaming, self blame, and other very dark things. 
Wordcount: 4,7 k
Notes: Ufff It seems I can’t do one shots anymore, I think this required another third part because I didn’t want to make it so long.
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They say that when you are dying, all your life passes right through your eyes, making you relive all those moments, and the way you felt
Now you are able to say, that it wasn’t that accurate
Because all you could see was HIM
His head on your lap while you read to him in High Valyrian under the heart tree 
You turning to him with a smile on your face the first time Karnax obeyed your command, the way he smiled back
The time you grabbed his hand and patted Karnax’s snout making him purr 
But suddenly you were that frightened little girl in that tunnel in Driftmark
“no! stop it!”, you screeched, as Aemond had your older brother grabbed by his vest and he held a rock in his hand
“stop it!”, you begged him again, he threw his hand back to gain momentum and he hit you in the face with the rock
You wailed and cried, your face burning, a warm liquid filling your mouth with a metallic taste, blood pouring from your nose 
Because of you your brother grabbed the knife, to avenge you, because of you baby Lucerys jumped at Aemond and slashed his eye off of his face
Soon you were not the only one crying bitterly
Soon some gloved, adult hands grabbed you and lifted you from the ground and took you to a maester 
Soon you were seated across from Aemond, as the maester sewed his missing eye shut, his remaining eye didn’t leave your face, his mouth twisted in a dark mock
He didn't even blinked, he barely reacted when the needle pierced his skin over and over
While you only got a bloody nose.
Deeper into the night, after the maester sneaked you a bit of milk of the poppy, you woke up when you could no longer breathe, feeling a weight over your chest, when you opened your eyes the first thing you saw was Aemond’s scowl, the slash on his face still bright red. 
“Aemond?”, you called, then he took a knife off his belt, you screeched but he placed his hand in your throat, “what’s happening?”, you cried, “I want my mom”
“Why was I the only one who lost something?”, he asked bitterly, “the only one scarred”
“You have Vhagar”, you whined
“I didn't stole her”, he clarified
“I know”, you said
“perhaps I should scar you too”
“You mom scarred mine”, you whined, a tear falling down your cheek, “please don’t”, you cried 
Aemond looked down at you, you didn’t know what he was thinking, you only stood still, afraid. Your uncle seemed to ponder about something, thinking, analyzing, and then , with the hand that hold the dagger, he grabbed the covers and retired them, you were sleeping only in your loose nightshirt, 
You were eight and he was ten, he grabbed the dagger, you were so scared you didn’t even move, you only cried and whined when he carved an “A” into your thigh
“Now you are scarred like me”, he said with an even voice, and an uneven stare, looking down at you like he was bored.
Even though you thought the Red Keep was your home, you were so relieved when your mom told all of you that you were going to live in Dragonstone from now on. You were now scared of your own uncle, of your friend, and therefore you managed to conceal your mark, never showing it to your parents 
The next part of your memories were only a few weeks back, when you return for the first time to the Red Keep, to defend your own right to inherit Driftmark
You were lucky you were the only one that looked like a Targaryen
But Lord Vaemond Velaryon’s words still hurt 
As he screamed bastard and whore to the entire court, you couldn’t help but look up at your uncle, feeling his gaze on you.
And before that in the training yard
That is when the uneasiness began, his gaze on you, that same smirk, like he was mocking you, and Jace, you were barely a year younger than your brother, he was only a year younger and yet, it seemed like Aemond was ages your senior, in abilities, in knowledge, in maturity, in everything
Perhaps that is why he was so amused
He seemed to mock you, to pity you, to be amused of how much of your childhood you still carried with you
You hugged yourself as Vaemond cursed you and your mother, and you felt his gaze on you the entire time
But then Daemon slayed Vaemond in front of all of you, Jacey, before you could see anything, he grabbed you and hid your face on his chest, to prevent you from looking at your now dead great uncle 
Soon the impression on Aemond passed, as he watched in anger that bastard touching you, protecting you
He couldn’t stand the thought of you with someone else other than him.
That’s why he asked his mother, to ask Rhaenyra for your hand that very afternoon, right before the dinner 
You couldn’t even eat, not with his gaze on you, you kept looking up at him, as he drank you in your black leather dress at the same time he drank from his cup. He didn’t not even for a second, let his gaze off of you.
You mother saw this, and grabbed your arm gently, and whispered to you what he wanted, that he asked for your hand 
When your face twisted in fear and anguish, your mother’s changed to that of concern, then you both looked at Aemond across the table, and he could see in your faces, what the answer was going to be.
So fueled by anger and resentment, he stood from his chair and toasted to the health of his Strong nephews, and he looked directly at you when he said this.
“To the health of my nephews and sweet niece, my the gods keep them handsome, wise and Strong, she will need her strength, to bear my children after we are married”, he said with a smirk, and the entire table shared concerned looks
“WHAT?”, growled Daemon, looking at Rhaenyra
Whole hell broke loose
You tried to stop Jace, but he wouldn’t hear of it, he went for Aemond to defend your honor and he pushed him away like he was a doll 
“Stop it!”, You begged him, after helping Jace on his feet you put yourself in between them Aemond walked towards you and grabbed you by the neck, he didn’t squeeze, he didn’t choke you, but you could see the anger in his eye
“You think you have a choice?”, he whispered to you, “I think you should see the scar in your leg to remind yourself of who you belong to”, But a leather hand grabbed Aemond’s arm roughly, you looked to the side and there was Daemon
“Get your hands off my daughter”, he whispered dangerously, and in the background, you could hear everyone screaming in desperation, specially Alicent 
You were already crying, but he released you, smiling wickedly.
He had a face to face with Daemon, who put you behind him to protect you
“Over my dead body you will marry her”, he promised, Aemond only looked at you, and then he exited the room 
Your mother send you home with your siblings that very night, scared of her own brother 
And then as you took to the skies in the night you were suddenly transported to the last time you saw him
Aemond standing in front of you, 
You were still in Storm’s End Hall, but there was no one else besides the both of you, you were alone. You wanted to speak, but couldn’t 
“My beautiful, bastard, niece”, his words made you wince
You didn't know why you were here, is this what it was like to die? it felt like you were dreaming
“Why?”, you whispered, he tilted his head, amused, “Why do you hate me so much?”, you manage to ask, “I never did anything to you”
“I don’t hate you”, he said simply, “I’m just treating you like you deserve to be treated”, you frowned, “you are just a bastard, mine to toy with, mine to torment”
“Nobody deserves to be treated like that”, you fought, “is not my fault”, you whined, he only smirked, with a smooth movement he retrieved from inside his leather vest the dagge 
“You are nothing, only the bastard daughter of a pretender who will never be Queen, strutting around the keep, with your bastard siblings”, a tear fell down your eye
“Is not my fault”, you cried, you believed him, a sadness taking a grip on you, you gasped for air as an inexplicable sorrow took a hold on you, “is not my fault!”, you cried, soon you couldn’t breath, you felt someone had a tight grip on your throat, you couldn’t breathe
You gasped for air, but something was preventing you from taking the oxygen you needed, you dried heaved, until you managed to throw up
Your body convulsed trying to expel the water from within your lungs, you tossed and turned until you finally manage to turn in the sand and threw up the salt water from within you 
That is how you came to your senses again, disoriented, feeling sick, and clouded, and cold
So so cold
“So cold”, your voice sounded like a broken bagpipe, you tried to grab onto something, but your hand grabbed rocks and sand, you could barely see around you, it was all dark, it was late, and it was cold
You were soon aware that you were back in the land of the living, if you were dead, you wouldn't be in pain, you wouldn’t be so aware of your numb extremities, from the cold, the adrenaline, and the fact that you felt like you had been ran over by a herd of horses 
You took your time to gather your bearings, to take deep breaths and expel the salty taste from your mouth, so sharp it clouded your mind even more 
For some reason, even the stranger had forgotten you
once you managed to regain the mobility of your arms and legs, you turned around 
“Karnax?”, you called, as you whimpered, feeling your loss in your chest, making it tight and hurt, as memories of the last moments coming back to you
“KARNAX?”, you called desperately, but you knew it was of no use, your dragon had been ripped apart by Vhagar, and it was a miracle that you were still alive 
Then you stopped, maybe shouting and drawing attention back to you, wasn’t the brightest of ideas. But as you looked into the stormy sea, bitter tears fell down your eyes
Your baby dragon was gone, the one who had been with you since you were born. 
You couldn’t stand on your own legs, you tried to, but failed.
You shivered, and tried to hug yourself
it was some miracle that the waves and current had dragged you to a small piece of beach with dark sands, rather than the rockery all around you 
But you soon realize it wasn’t a miracle 
You saw something, someone moved in your peripheral view, and you got a feeling…
Aemond walked towards you slowly
It had stopped raining but he was still wet as you were, his wet silvery locks stuck to the edges of his face and his clothes, all leather, protected him from the rain, he had taken off his eyepatch, and the sapphire gleamed even in the dark
You haven't yet recovered the feeling to your legs, but scared out of your mind you tried to crawl back, away from him. he smiled, wickedly, as he walked towards you 
“Get away from me!”, you whined, but he stopped on your leg meanly, preventing you from advancing away from him. He only hummed, entertained
He looked like a creature that had come from the bottom of the ocean, front he pits of hell, he had resurfaced just to drag you back with him. He had come from your deepest nightmares
He leaned down towards you, you tried to fight him off, but he wouldn’t budge, he grabbed you tightly, roughly, tears fell down your eyes when he dragged you to him in a wicked embrace 
“NO!”, you screamed squirming, trying to get away from him, “Why would you do that?”, you cried, bitter tears that burned your cheeks fell down your eyes, “My Karmax, my dragon, he was gentle, fair tempered, he never hurt anyone! He was good! Why did you do this? HE LOVED YOU AS HE DID ME! YOU KILLED HIM!”, you screamed, desperately fighting against him, to release yourself from his grasp
“He was weak and small, so are you”, he mocked in your ear
“WHO CARES ABOUT THAT?”, you felt physical pain in your chest, “he was my soulmate”, he manhandled you until he was face to face with you, he grabbed your jaw forcefully
“You have other things to worry about”, he growled, and you whimpered in his hold, trying to get away from him, but still you couldn’t, he was stronger than you, and you were completely destroyed 
“please”, you whimpered, “you killed my dragon…”, his eye darkened even more, his expression was now the one of a man enraged 
“Don’t you dare to even think we are even”, he growled, he then smirked darkly, “but after this we might”
The night was awfully calm, strangely so, and it was ridiculous you would think about something like that in a moment like this, but here you were 
Because you knew what was about to happen
You only cried when Aemond threw you on the sandy floor, the hit numbing you partially, more than you were already. Aemond looked down at you for the very first time, in all this years, you saw him smile, he didn't smirk, he smiled widely, openly, you could see his teeth
“Please”, you begged him, to just leave you alone
“I love it when you beg”, he ceremoniously removed his long leather jacket, and left it gently on the floor 
“I never did anything to you”, you whined, tears kept falling from your eyes and he finally jumped you, like a lion to his prey.
You tried to fight him off but you were so tired, so drained of all your energy, you couldn’t
You whined against him, but he didn't care, he never did, why would he do now?
He took the dagger off his belt, and for a fraction of a second you felt relieved, he was going to slice your neck and be done with it, but no, he sliced your riding pants instead, you tried to kick him, but barely moved him.
He got tired of your antics and grabbed you by the neck roughly
You whined and trashed, but he wouldn’t let go, soon the inability to breathe make you dizzy, losing the little strength you had left 
“Please Uncle”, you managed to let out, cheeks wetted with your tears, the salty air making your skin burn
But he wouldn’t let go, he looked down a you with a sick satisfaction that make you whimper once more, as you were bare from the waist down
You never had high expectations regarding your first time with a man, you had heard from the Septas that it was your duty as a wife to please your husband in that matter, they had also said that it won’t be pleasant, that pleasure is not something you must seek
That the act of bedding was only to produce heirs
But with your sibling, Jace in particular, you had seen and read things, fueled by your curiosity, and you found out that it was quite pleasurable, for people that worked in the skin trade anyways…
You knew you had no expectations, but still
You never expected this
He undid his pants, releasing his manhood, it was big, thick, long, the tip red and angry, and even looking at it make you cry even more
“No please”, you managed to say, Aemond could see you were running out of air, so he released you just a little
He needed you conscious
“Please don’t do this, please”, you begged and begged, and he rebelled in it, he placed himself between your thighs, making you hurt
But the worst part was yet to come
“Why wouldn’t I?”, he mocked
While he still had you by the neck, the other went between your legs, yout thighs shook when you felt him, trying to introduce one of his fingers, it was uncomfortable, and it burned 
You were dry
And he seemed to enjoy it
“Noooo”, you babbled, as you started hiccuping because of your distress, he only hummed. Pleased, with the situation, with you, or whatever
He fisted his cock only a couple of times, and gave you no reprieve.
He give you no space to move, no space to escape, 
You shrieked in pain, the burn felt like nothing you had experienced before, you cried out as he ripped you open for him 
“No! it burns, please”, you begged, “it hurts!”, you cried, you scream bloody murder
“Fuck”, he cursed, a sick smile on his lips
“Why?”, you cried, tears falling, whimpers being drawn, “Why?”, he paid no mind to you, only retrieved yourself and you almost thought that he was going to free you from this torment
Only for him to thrust into you even more roughly than before 
You shrieked, as Aemond looked down for when your bodies were united and smiled when he saw the blood pouring from you. But he almost caught a glimpse of the mark he had drawn in your skin all those years ago. 
“Now you are just a whore”, he said, satisfied with himself, again thrusting into you, “do you think Cregan Stark will want you now?”, he mocked
He kept fucking you, raping you, and the only thing in your mind to distract you from the pain was… why? Why did he hate you so much? if your dreams were to give you any clarity… which you doubted 
“I’m sorry uncle”, you whispered, as he retrieved himself from you and then pushed again inside you, making you cry out
“I don’t care”
“I’m sorry”, you repeated again, and then again, like a mantra while he defiled you, while he took you against your will in that beach 
“Come on, come for me, like the little wanting whore I know you are”, but you were far from it, you were still in pain, and your body reacted accordingly, trying to soothe you, lubricating itself to help you cope. He found your clit, pinching it and rubbing it roughly, too rough to be pleasurable, but it still helped. 
Your head fell to the side, looking at the waves, so far yet so close, you wanted to get lost in them, as the rough sway of Aemond against you, you saw the waves coming and going with almost the same speed.
Until he grabbed your jaw and make you look back at him
The unhinged look in his eye, his growls and gasps 
You grabbed the wrist of the hand that had you by the neck and you looked into his eyes, almost defiantly, and what you found in them scared you even more
You felt him deep in your belly, your insides were on fire you wanted to throw up, but the salty taste of all the sea water you drank was still present, giving you no reprieved
“Please stop”, you begged one more time, “please uncle, it hurts”
“Shh”, he only shushed you, he leaned in and kissed you, for the very first time, ever
His wet lips were a welcoming distraction, but not even in the kiss you felt relief, feeling only dread, desperation and anger 
He bit on your lower lip, apparently the blood of your maidenhead wasn’t enough, he needed to taste it in his mouth too
You thought it was never going to end
Until finally his movements became sloppy, his eye rolled and he grabbed your neck even tighter 
You felt him, deep inside you, ropes of his seed filling your womb
You cried even harder, moving more than before
He stood planted deep inside you for endless minutes, looking down at you, analyzing your face, and every expression on it, you only cried softly, your body tight with pain and trauma.
“i have to make sure it takes”, he mocked, and your shrieked shortly, “I told you I was going to give you my bastard”
You looked away from him, barely imagining how it was going to be like to bring shame to the family in that way.
You had let him do this to you
If only you were stronger
He finally released you, you whispered one more time when he took himself off of you
You felt a thick substance leaking off of you, and you could only imagine what it was
Aemond stood up, as he fixed his pants, you barely could roll to the side, hugging yourself, to look at the waves
You felt dizzy, nauseous, in pain and cold
And if you had something in your stomach you would have throw it out
But you didn’t 
You felt his gaze on you again, you tried to ignore him, thinking faintly on how you are going to survive this, how you were going to go back home
To your family
They were going to love you no matter what, you knew this, and if Aemond tried to say the opposite, you were not going to believe him
Aemond didn't move, he only looked at you, the soft, musty wind hit your face, making you whimper in cold, but still, you laid there, unmovable, you could feel him moving, placing his jacket back on him, taking his time, and yet, you didn't move. Then he leaned in, and you tried to squirm away, but he grabbed you easily
“You either come with me, or I leave you here”, he whispered in your ear, you didn't move, you just stayed there, laying in the sand, he came into your frame, as you stared down at the beach. You were not an idiot, if he left you here, it is probable you were not going to make it, you were far away from everything, you had no dragon, another storm was coming
But going with him is unthinkable
Yet you didn't move 
You saw his boots walking away from you, and then, they stopped
He looked back at you
You were stubborn
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“Your Grace”, greeted the woman shakily, bowing to the Queen. Rhaenyra had unshed tears in her eyes 
Daemon barely managed to get her out of her chambers. They had no news of you, and that is what scared them, they assumed the worse
“You are Lady Alyne Felwood, are you not?”, she asked, she did not mind to present herself like this, she hasn't brushed her hair, she hadn't even bathed, she wasn’t wearing her crown, still crying in front of that woman, a woman whose family was of the Stormlands, sworn to House Baratheon
“I am, indeed”
“Are you not sworn to House Baratheon?”, spitted Daemon by her side, looking as imposing now that his sweet wife couldn’t 
“I was”, you whispered, “I was a part of the court of House Baratheon, and I was there that day when…”, Rhanyra’s gaze that had been on the table looked up at her, alarmed
“You were there?”, she asked, tears falling freely, the lady barely nodded
“I was”, she whispered, she looked within herself, to tell the tale as softest as she could, she did not want to bring her more pain, “I was there when the princess entered the Hall, unfortunately, Prince Aemond…”, she stopped to see their reaction, Daemon grabbed the pommel of his sword tightly, and Rhanyra whimpered, “had been there for hours when she arrived”
“It was him?”, she asked, Alyne barely nodded 
“She made her case to Lord Borros, but one-eye had already made his own, offering his own, or his brother’s Daeron’s hand in marriage”, she said, “Lord Borros mocked the princess when she had nothing of the sort to offer him, and that is when…”, she paused, she might lose her head for this, in a “kill the messenger” situation, but she came her for a reason, “Aemond interrupted”
“What was said?”, asked Daemon impatiently, tired of the pauses
“He said that her brother had a debt to pay, that he wanted her to pay instead” 
“What debt?”, she asked
“He said that he wanted a payment of blood”
“He slayed her…?”, cried Rhaenyra, but the lady shook her head
“He said he was going to take her maidenhead, and send you their sheets with her blood in it”, Rhaenyra whimpered, grabbing onto the painted table, “he tried to go to her but lord Borros intervened, he commanded her to be taken back to her dragon, she exited hastily, but so did he…”
“He demanded her maidenhead? And they let him go after her?”, she cried
“The guards on the battlements told Lord Borros that they have heard shouting, laughs and screams, and… a shriek of a Dragon”, Rhaenyra covered her mouth in an attempt to swallow her cries
“my little girl”, she cried, and Daemon hugged her tightly, hiding her face on his chest 
“Why?”, asked Daemon, angry at this woman, who brought Rhaenyra sordid details about that day
“I’m a mother to a girl too”, she whispered 
Then she was dismissed 
“My girl!”, Rhaenyra cried, when they were alone, “my little girl”
“Shhh, my love, we will get her back, whatever it takes” 
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@lightdragonrayne @immyowndefender @aemondswifeisme @twobluejeans @toodlesxcuddles @sassysaxsolo @thearchitectoflove @maidmerrymint @floralsightings @daughterofthemoons-stuff @glendarollitkatharinesanders @ruhjkie @starkjedi @baconturtle
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kckt88 · 7 days
For whom the bell tolls.
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After the death of her younger brother, Vaelarra plots to sneak into Kings Landing and take the life of the one responsible - her husband Aemond.
Warnings - Angst, Drama, Referenced Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Plots/Scheming, Language, Kissing, Uncle/Niece Incest, Smut - Oral Sex, Fingering, P in V, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Blood, Character Death, Includes Epilogue.
Word Count: 6778
A.N - Alternate version of Where Water Meets The Sea!!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @immyowndefender @0eessirk8
Aemond sat alone in his chambers, the flickering flames of the fireplace casting dancing shadows across the room. His fingers digging into the wooden arms of his chair.
The fire’s warmth did little to chase away the coldness that had settled deep within his bones. His thoughts turning to his wife, Vaelarra, and their son, Aenys.
He could still see Vaelarra’s face, twisted in anger and hurt, the day he had her and Aenys locked away in their chambers. He had believed he was doing the right thing, helping to secure the throne for his brother Aegon, instead of the named heir Rhaenyra.
Aemond’s jaw tightened as he thought of Ser Erryk, the knight who had, freed his wife from her confinement and allowed her and Aenys to escape King’s Landing on the back of her dragon, Cannibal, with the two of them now safely ensconced on Dragonstone.
Much had changed since he had last seen his wife.
The blood of her brother Lucerys now stained his hands, a dark reminder of the confrontation at Storm’s End. He could still hear the scream of terror as Vhagar, had torn Lucerys and Arrax to shreds.
He knew Vaelarra would never forgive him for what he had done.
No longer would she gaze upon him with love and call him her gēlenka zaldrīzes. (Silver dragon).
He would never get to enjoy the feeling of her combing and braiding his hair and he certainly wouldn’t get to hear her whisper Issa vēzos se qēlossās as they made love.(My sun and stars)
The bond they had shared, once so strong, was now irrevocably broken. She would hate him, and he could not blame her. He was a kinslayer, a cursed title that would haunt him forever.
The fire crackled, a log collapsing into embers. Aemond’s grip on the chair loosened, his shoulders slumping. The weight of his actions pressed down on him, a heavy, suffocating mantle.
Crowning Aegon had cost a heavy price, and in the solitude of his chambers, he faced the true cost of his actions.
The love of his wife and son, all sacrificed on the altar of his own making. The flames flickered and danced, their light casting a harsh glow on the reality he could no longer escape.
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Meanwhile, on Dragonstone, Vaelarra stood around the painted table, her gaze fixed on the intricate carvings that detailed the lands of Westeros.
Beside her stood her father, Daemon, his presence a formidable pillar of strength. Her sisters, Baela and Rhaena, stood nearby, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. Her grandmother, Rhaenys, stood silent but strong, her gaze as unyielding as the sea. A small number of lords loyal to her mother were also gathered, their faces etched with worry and resolve.
The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy silence hanging in the air. Vaelarra’s heart ached, her thoughts a tumultuous storm of grief and anger.
“Queen Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm-”
The door creaked open, and she gasped as her mother, Rhaenyra, walked into the room. Dishevelled and unkempt, Rhaenyra looked like a shadow of her former self.
She had spent the last ten days searching for the remains of her son Lucerys, her desperation and sorrow evident in every step she took.
In Rhaenyra’s grasp was a piece of Luke’s shredded cloak. The sight of it caused Vaelarra’s breath to hitch, a quiet sob escaping her lips.
The room seemed to close in around her as she stared at the tattered fabric, a physical reminder of her younger brother’s tragic end. Her heart twisted and broke, the pain of loss almost too much to bear.
Her grief slowly began to morph into something darker, something colder. As the reality of Luke’s death settled over her, Vaelarra’s sorrow turned into a burning hatred. Her husband, Aemond, the father of her child, was responsible for this.
The man she had once loved with all her heart had brought this unimaginable pain upon her family. The love she had once felt for him was now tainted, twisted by the betrayal and the blood on his hands.
Her eyes hardened, the tears drying as a steely resolve took hold. She would avenge her brother. The man responsible for Luke’s death would pay dearly for his actions.
Vaelarra clenched her fists, the knuckles turning white.
The image of Aemond, once a source of joy and love, now filled her with a burning desire for vengeance.
Vaelarra swore silently to herself that she would spill the blood of the one responsible, that she would make Aemond pay for the agony he had caused.
“Your council stands at the ready Your Grace” said Daemon placing his hands on the table “I will fly to Harrenhal at your command and set our toe hold in the Riverlands”.
“Your Grace, my lord husbands blockade of the gullet moves into place, all seaborn travel and trade to Kings Landing will soon be cut off” said Rhaenys her voice firm.
“I-I want Aemond Targaryen” exclaimed Rhaenyra, her fists clenched.
As Rhaenyra walked away from the table, her face streaked with tears, Vaelarra looked at her father, their silent glance was worth more than a thousand words.
Later that night Vaelarra sat with her mother, in silence as they awaited the arrival of Jacaerys, the grief over losing Luke etched upon her face, her eyes that had once sparkled were now dull orbs, staring at the wall, the only movement she made was breathing.
The sound of the door opening distracted Vaelarra, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted Jace.
Tired, and pale. But he was alive and he was home.
Vaelarra rushed to her brother and held him tight, her face buried in his neck.
“Thank the gods, your safe-” whispered Vaelarra softly as she felt Jace’s arms encircle her waist and hold her tight.
“Sister-“ muttered Jace, his voice small.
Vaelarra placed a kiss upon his brow and released him from her hug, only for Jace to take her hand and refuse to let go.
“Your Grace-Lady Jeyne Arryn has pledged her support in exchange for a dragon to guard the Vale” said Jace.
Vaelarra looked at her mother who nodded silently.
“-And Lord Cregan Stark, h-has promised-“ said Jace his voice wobbling as he struggled to contain his grief “-Two thousand men-”
Rhaenyra slowly rose from her seat and made her way towards her children, she paused for a moment before she pulled them both into her embrace.
Jace couldn’t contain his grief a moment longer and he cried, swept up in the in the arms of his mother and sister.
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Vaelarra and Daemon stood on one of the balconies of Dragonstone, the salty breeze tugging at their cloaks as they gazed out over the turbulent sea. The sky was painted with hues of deep orange and red as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the ancient fortress.
Vaelarra's jaw was set, her eyes burning with determination as she turned to face her father.
"I have a plan-to see an end to this fucking war before it gets worse" she began, her voice steady but filled with an undercurrent of fierce resolve. "I will sneak into King's Landing and slit Aemond's throat. He deserves to pay for what he's done, for what he's taken from us."
Daemon's invisible brows furrowed, a mixture of concern and scepticism flashing in his eyes. "And what if you fail?" he asked, his tone gruff. "What if you’re caught before you even reach him? You’re talking about sneaking into the heart of the enemy’s stronghold. The risks are too great-we have already lost two children, one of them by the hand of that one eyed cunt, and I will not lose another"
She shook her head, her gaze unwavering. "I will not fail. I am not some weakling woman. I am blood of the dragon, and I will see justice served for Lucerys. I know the Red Keep; I know the secret passageways. No one else can get close enough to Aemond."
Daemon sighed, his worry for his daughter evident. "You are my oldest child, Vaelarra. I cannot bear the thought of losing you, too. If something were to happen—"
"Nothing will happen," she interrupted, her voice firm. "I am the only one who can do this. Aemond will never suspect me. He won't see me coming."
They stood in silence for a few moments, the weight of her words hanging in the air. Finally, Daemon nodded slowly, though his eyes were still filled with reluctance. "If we are to do this," he said quietly, "then we will do it together. I will not let you face this danger alone."
Vaelarra's expression softened slightly, gratitude mixing with her determination. "Together, then," she agreed.
Daemon placed a hand on her shoulder, his grip firm and reassuring. "We will plan this carefully. Every detail must be perfect. We cannot afford any mistakes and we cannot under any circumstances tell your mother”.
Vaelarra nodded, her resolve unshaken. "I understand"
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Under the cover of darkness, a small rowboat glided silently toward the docks of King’s Landing.
Cloaked figures huddled within it; their faces hidden from view. Vaelarra and Daemon, having paid for their clandestine passage, stepped onto the worn wooden planks of the dock. The muffled sounds of the city night surrounded them: distant laughter, the clatter of horse hooves, and the faint murmur of conversations.
Vaelarra pulled her cloak tighter around her, the hood casting deep shadows over her face. Daemon, equally concealed, motioned for her to follow.
Together, they slipped into the labyrinthine streets of King’s Landing, keeping to the narrow, less-travelled alleys. Heads down, they moved swiftly and quietly, their boots barely making a sound against the cobblestones.
The city, even at night, was alive with activity. Beggars huddled in doorways, their eyes tracking the cloaked figures warily. Vaelarra and Daemon pressed on, their hearts pounding with the tension of their mission.
The familiar stench of the city, a mix of refuse and sea air, was almost comforting in its predictability.
They arrived at an unassuming wall, overgrown with ivy and seemingly forgotten. Daemon reached out, fingers brushing against the stone until he found a hidden latch. With a quiet click, a portion of the wall swung inward, revealing a dark passageway leading into the depths of the Red Keep.
Daemon turned to Vaelarra; his expression hidden but his concern evident in his posture. He handed her a finely crafted dagger, its blade gleaming even in the dim light.
 “Be careful, Vaelarra,” murmured Daemon, his voice low and urgent. “I’ll be waiting for you.”
Vaelarra took the dagger, the weight of it both reassuring and heavy with the responsibility it carried. She met her father’s eyes, the shared determination between them a silent promise. “I will be back,” she whispered, her voice unwavering. She stepped forward, embracing Daemon tightly.
As she pulled away, Vaelarra took a deep breath and disappeared into the darkened passageway. The air inside was cool and musty, the narrow walls pressing in on her as she moved forward. Daemon watched her go, his heart heavy with a mix of pride and dread. The shadows swallowed her form, leaving him alone in the silent night.
He closed the hidden door behind her, his thoughts racing as he positioned himself nearby, ready to act if needed. The city’s noises faded into the background as he focused on the task ahead. Vaelarra was strong, capable, and determined. She was blood of the dragon. And though the path she walked was fraught with danger, Daemon knew she would face it head-on, driven by the need for justice and vengeance.
Inside the passageway, Vaelarra moved with purpose, the layout of the Red Keep etched into her memory.
Each step brought her closer to her goal, the dagger a cold reminder of the deadly mission she had undertaken. She was not just a sister seeking vengeance; she was a dragon, and she would see her brother avenged, no matter the cost.
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Vaelarra moved silently through the hidden passageways of the Red Keep, her footsteps barely a whisper against the cold stone floor.
The walls, lined with cobwebs and the dust of years, seemed to close in around her as she navigated the narrow, twisting corridors.
Several times, she was forced to stop, pressing herself against the rough stone as maids and guards passed by, their conversations muffled but clear enough to keep her alert. Each time, she remained undiscovered, her breathing steady and controlled.
She made her way toward Aemond's chambers, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.
As she approached the secret entrance, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. The small door creaked slightly as she pushed it open, slipping inside and quickly closing it behind her.
The room was dimly lit, the flickering light of a few candles casting long shadows across the walls. Scraps of discarded parchment littered the desk and floor, a testament to Aemond's restless thoughts.
Vaelarra picked up one of the pieces, her eyes scanning the hastily scrawled words. She saw her name, written and crossed out multiple times.
Aemond must have attempted to write to her, to find the right words to explain his actions. But how does a kinslayer express his remorse?
The sound of movement outside the main door made her freeze. She quickly moved behind a heavy curtain, her breath shallow and silent.
The door swung open, and she listened intently as the unmistakable sound of Aemond's footsteps filled the room. He entered slowly, the familiar rhythm of his gait sending a shiver down her spine.
She heard the soft thud of his leather jerkin being removed, followed by the clinking of his weapons as he set them aside.
From her hiding place, Vaelarra watched silently, her eyes never leaving him. He moved with a weary grace, his back to her as he approached the desk.
She could see the tension in his shoulders, the weight of his guilt and actions pressing down on him. He paused, his hand hovering over one of the discarded parchments, before letting out a sigh and turning away.
Vaelarra's grip tightened around the dagger, her mind racing with the memories of what he had done. The image of Lucerys, her younger brother, flashed before her eyes, fuelling the fire of her anger and sorrow. She remained unmoving, a predator observing its prey, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Aemond moved toward the bed, oblivious to her presence. Vaelarra's heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing the resolve that had brought her here. She knew what she had to do. For Lucerys, for her family, and for herself, she would see this through.
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Vaelarra hid the dagger beneath her cloak, her fingers gripping its hilt tightly as she stepped out from behind the curtain. The soft rustle of her cloak was enough to alert Aemond to her presence.
He spun around, his eye narrowing as he scanned the room for the intruder. Before Vaelarra could react, he moved with the speed and precision of a seasoned warrior, seizing her by the throat and slamming her against the wall.
The impact forced the breath from her lungs, her vision blurring for a moment. Aemond's grip was ironclad, his fingers digging into her skin as he held her in place.
He reached out with his other hand and yanked down the hood of her cloak, his eye widening in shock as he came face to face with Vaelarra.
"Vaelarra?" gasped Aemond, the surprise evident in his voice. For a moment, the fierce determination in her eyes gave him pause.
Aemond's grip loosened slightly, confusion and a flicker of something else—remorse, perhaps—crossing his features. "What are you doing here?" he demanded, his voice a mix of anger and desperation.
Vaelarra’s heart raced, the weight of the dagger beneath her cloak a constant reminder of her mission. She stared at him, the man she had once loved, now her enemy. "I'm here for justice, Aemond," she replied, her voice steady despite the pressure on her throat. "For Lucerys."
Aemond's face contorted with pain and regret, but he did not release her. "You don't understand," he began, but Vaelarra cut him off.
"I understand enough," she spat, her eyes burning with a mix of hatred and sorrow. "You killed my brother. You betrayed everything we once had."
Aemond's grip tightened again, his internal struggle clear. "I never wanted this," he said through gritted teeth. "But this war—it has taken everything from us."
"It didn't take Lucerys from us," Vaelarra hissed, her fingers inching closer to the dagger beneath her cloak. "You did that."
Aemond's eye locked onto hers, the room filled with the tension of their shared history and the weight of their choices.
For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on the walls as they faced each other.
Vaelarra pulled off her cloak with a swift motion, laying it carefully on Aemond's bed while ensuring the dagger remained concealed beneath its folds. She turned to face him, her eyes blazing with fury.
Without warning, she slapped him hard across the face, the sound echoing through the room.
Aemond's head snapped to the side, his cheek reddening from the force of the blow. He turned back to her, a mixture of shock and anger in his eye, but Vaelarra didn't give him a chance to speak.
"You usurped the throne, helped to steal my birthright, and the birthright of our son. Aenys would have been king, but you took that from him. You murdered Lucerys. You killed my brother!" hissed Vaelarra, her voice low and filled with venom.
Aemond's expression twisted with pain and regret, but Vaelarra continued, her words a torrent of anger and betrayal. "You were my husband, the father of my child, and you betrayed us all. You sided with Aegon, you chose power over family, and now, look at the ruin you've brought upon us. You took everything from me, from Aenys, and for what? A throne built on blood and lies?"
"Vaelarra," Aemond began, his voice breaking, but she cut him off, her eyes filled with tears of rage.
"No, you don't get to speak," she snapped. "You don't get to explain or justify your actions. Lucerys is dead because of you. My brother is gone, and the blood is on your hands. How could you? How could you do this to us?"
“Larra-“ muttered Aemond.
"He was an envoy! He was a child-“
Aemond's face twisted with pain and frustration. "-So was I when Luke carved my eye out of my skull!" he shot back, the rawness of his voice revealing the deep scars the event had left on him.
Vaelarra's eyes blazed with a mix of rage and sorrow. "So that's what it was—revenge? What happened on Driftmark was an accident!"
Aemond stepped closer, his expression hardening. "An accident Luke was never held accountable for—he never even apologized," he said, his voice low but intense.
Vaelarra's breath hitched, her anger giving way to a profound grief. "He was a child, Aemond. A scared, impulsive child. And you-you slaughtered him for a mistake made in fear."
Aemond clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms. "I didn't mean to kill him," he admitted, his voice strained. "But the anger, the humiliation I carried all these years-it consumed me. And when I saw him at Storm's End, it all came rushing back."
Vaelarra's shoulders sagged, the weight of their shared history pressing down on her. "I loved you, Aemond. I thought-I thought that we could be different. That we could rise above the hatred”.
"I never wanted this," Aemond said, his voice cracking. "But the world we live in, the choices we've made-they've brought us to this point. I am sorry, Vaelarra. Truly, I am."
Vaelarra shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Sorry won't bring Luke back. It won't ease the pain."
Aemond's eye burned with a mixture of anger and anguish as he stepped closer to Vaelarra, his voice rising with the intensity of his emotions. "How do you think I feel, Vaelarra? My eye is gone, my face permanently scarred, and my own father, didn't even bother to defend me. He publicly chose his favourite child, Rhaenyra, over and over again."
Vaelarra's expression softened slightly, a flicker of empathy breaking through her anger, but Aemond pressed on, his voice trembling with the weight of his pain.
"All through my life, Viserys never bothered with me, Aegon, or Helaena. Do you know what it's like to grow up knowing that your father would probably have preferred it if you and your siblings had never been born? To feel like an afterthought, a mistake he regretted?"
"You had your mother; your brothers, and you’ve had three fathers in your life. You had a family that loved you. But for me, every day was a reminder that I was unwanted, unloved. And then, when Luke took my eye, it was as if the last bit of hope I had for my father's approval was ripped away."
“-And you think that excuses your actions, that it some how absolves you of your sins” snarled Vaelarra.
"Why did you come here, Vaelarra?" asked Aemond, his voice a mix of desperation and sorrow. "Why risk so much to stand before me?"
Vaelarra's gaze was unwavering, her voice steady but laced with raw emotion. "I had to stand in front of you," she said. "I had to look you in the eye and see for myself if the man I loved still existed, or if he had truly become the monster who killed my brother."
Aemond's breath caught in his throat, and he took a hesitant step toward her. "And what do you see?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Vaelarra's eyes filled with tears, her expression a mixture of heartbreak and resolve. "I see a stranger," she replied, her voice trembling slightly. "The man I loved would never have hurt me in such a manner. He promised me, on the day we wed, that things would be different. That we would forge our own path, away from the bitterness and bloodshed of our families. And all you've done is start a war, a war that has torn us apart and taken everything from us."
Aemond’s face crumpled, the weight of her words pressing down on him. "Vaelarra, I—" he began, but she shook her head, silencing him.
"No," she said firmly. "You made your choices, Aemond, and now we all have to live with the consequences. Lucerys is dead. Our son’s birthright has been stolen. And you have become a monster."
Aemond's eye glistened with unshed tears as he reached out a hand toward her, but Vaelarra stepped back, her resolve unyielding. "I came here to see if there was any trace of the man I married left within you," she said quietly. "But I see now that he is gone, replaced by someone I can no longer recognize. Someone who values power over family, ambition over love."
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Aemond's eye filled with desperation as he stepped forward, taking Vaelarra's face gently in his hands. His touch was tender, almost reverent, as he looked into her tear-stained eyes.
"Vaelarra," he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. "I love you. I have always loved you. Please, don't abandon me. I need you. I am so sorry for all of it."
He kissed her tear-streaked cheeks, the salt of her tears mingling with his lips. "Forgive me," he pleaded between kisses. "Please, forgive me ābrazȳrys. I can't bear to lose you” (Wife).
Vaelarra's resolve wavered, her heart torn between the love she still felt for him and the pain of his betrayal.
Aemond pressed his lips to hers, the kiss filled with a desperate need for forgiveness and redemption.
For a moment, she resisted, her body stiff with the weight of her grief and anger. But as his kiss deepened, she felt the familiar pull of their bond, the shared memories of love and passion.
Slowly, her resistance melted away. She kissed him back, her arms wrapping around his neck and holding him close.
In that tender embrace, Vaelarra allowed herself to succumb to the bittersweet illusion Aemond's touch offered—the illusion of a fleeting moment frozen in time, where the weight of betrayal and the horrors of war could momentarily be set aside.
She closed her eyes, letting herself drown in the warmth of his embrace, in the familiar scent of his skin that once brought her comfort.
For a brief, fragile moment, she pretended. Pretended there was no war tearing the realm apart, no blood staining his hands. Pretended that Aemond hadn't betrayed her, hadn't shattered the trust that once bound them together.
In that moment, they were simply husband and wife again, sharing a stolen fragment of peace amidst the chaos.
She brushed her lips against his, tasting both sorrow and love in the tender kiss they shared. Their bodies pressed together, seeking solace and familiarity in each other's arms.
For a heartbeat, the world outside ceased to exist—the Red Keep around them faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of them.
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Aemond backed Vaelarra towards the bed, their hands pulling at each other’s clothes, removing them as quickly as they could until they were a heaped mess on the floor.
“-Aemond” moaned Vaelarra he shoved her onto the mattress.
He covered her body with his as he sucked and licked at the delicate skin of her neck, leaving red marks in his wake.
Vaelarra moved her head to the side and moaned loudly as she felt Aemond’s teeth nipping at her skin.
Ooo A-Aemond” exclaimed Vaelarra as he moved down her body, nibbling her at her skin as he went.
“Such a pretty cunny " breathed Aemond spitting on her pussy before he ran the flat of his tongue up Vaelarra’s soaked slit, from bottom to the top, tasting her.
“Oh, my god” moaned Vaelarra her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
“That’s it my sweet. Let me hear you”. 
“YES! It feels so good. Don’t stop. Aemond. Please” begged Vaelarra.
"Delicious" purred Aemond as he began lapping at Vaelarra, running his tongue along every fold.
"More" panted Vaelarra. "Please. I need more”.
Aemond inserted two fingers, sliding them in and out of her slick wet folds.
“Oh, fuck" whimpered Vaelarra; her chest heaving.
 Aemond’s fingers were soaking wet as they continued to pump in and out of her tight heat.
“I can’t wait to get my cock inside you. I don’t want to wait any longer, come for me” moaned Aemond.
Gods his cock was so hard, it was almost painful.
Finally, he felt Vaelarra’s inner walls start to flutter around his fingers, squeezing them. Her back arched taut as a bow, and she screamed her release.
Aemond pumped slowly and lapped at his wife whilst she came.
Soon her tense body went slack and pliant, her chest heaving with every breath.
Aemond slowly moved up Vaelarra’s body, pressing kisses to her soft body as he went, until he reached his desired destination.
“Kostilus-” whispered Vaelarra as she writhed against him (Please).
Aemond couldn't wait any longer. He surged forward and ploughed his hard cock into Vaelarra’s soaked cunt causing her to shriek in surprise.
“FUCKING TAKE IT!” spits Aemond, wrapping a hand around her throat while the other digs into her hip, pulling her aggressively against him to meet each one of his hard thrusts.
Vaelarra can’t think of anything but the intense pounding thrusts that greet her, causing her to wail and moan, causing tears form in her eyes, before running down her cheeks.
Aemond sets a brutal pace, his hips crashing into hers.
“YES! YES! AEMOND!” screams Vaelarra.
“FUCK!” shouts Aemond as he feels her cunny clenching around his cock.
Aemond lifted Vaelarra’s legs onto his shoulders and wrapped his arms around her thighs, squeezing them together as he thrust his cock into her soaking wet cunny.
“I’m going to come. Oh, fuck!” screamed Vaelarra.
“That’s it-come for me” exclaimed Aemond as he felt her clenching on his cock.
His wife always looked amazing when she came. Her head thrown back in pleasure, her eyes alive with lust, and her pale skin shining with sweat.
Aemond could feel the tension in his abdomen, but he didn’t want to come. Not yet.
“I love you-I fucking love you” groaned Aemond as he moved Vaelarra’s legs off his shoulders and manoeuvred her onto all fours, she whimpered as his cock slipped out, but he bent forward to press a series of kisses to her glorious arse, his hands kneading the soft flesh.
“P-Please Aemond” begged Vaelarra, her voice slightly muffled as she pressed her face into the mattress.
Aemond took his cock in hand and sheathed himself inside her once again, his eye rolling into the back of his head.
Vaelarra arched her back and screamed as Aemond pounded into her, the sound of his hips slapping against hers echoed through the chambers.
“Fuck. Larra-that’s it” moaned Aemond.
He took hold of her hair, twisting his fingers in the messy braid before he pulled her backwards, her back colliding with his chest.
Aemond held Vaelarra tight too him as he fucked her, his cock reaching deep inside her.
“Give it to me” pleaded Vaelarra her head lolling back onto Aemond’s shoulder.
Aemond could feel the tension building in his abdomen again, as he thrust his cock inside her.
“I want you to come on my cock again, but not like this-” muttered Aemond as he once again withdrew from his wife’s wet heat and laid on the bed.
“-Aemond” exclaimed Vaelarra breathlessly.
“Ride me baby” replied Aemond as he manoeuvred Vaelarra on top of him.
His hand moving to his cock, rubbing it along her folds before she sunk down and completely engulfed him.
“Oh” gasped Vaelarra as she rolled her hips against Aemonds.
“That’s it Larra, take it. Take all of me”.
Aemond placed his hands on her hips and marvelled at his wife as she rode him.
Vaelarra dug her nails into Aemond’s chest as she moved her hips against his, his cock hitting the sweet spot inside her perfectly.
“A-Aemond” moaned Vaelarra as he moved his hands to her breasts, rolling her rosy nipples between his long fingers.
“Let go baby, I can feel you clenching around me” exclaimed Aemond.
Vaelarra’s thighs began to burn, as she felt her third climax approach.
“AEMOND” screamed Vaelarra.
“-FUCK” groaned Aemond as he exploded. His cock throbbing and twitching as he finally spilled his seed.
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The chamber was filled with the aftermath of their lovemaking, the air thick with a mix of passion and lingering tension.
Vaelarra sat atop Aemond, his chest rising and falling beneath her, his singular eye closed in the aftermath of their shared intimacy, his softened cock still nestled inside her.
She watched as he basked in his pleasure, his cheeks tinged pink. Their recent intimacy had not made her waver in her decision to do what must be done.
Discreetly, Vaelarra reached for the dagger still hidden within her cloak. Her fingers curled around the hilt.
"I hope your seed will take root within me once more," Vaelarra whispered, her voice a soft murmur in the stillness.
Her hand caressed his cheek, fingers tracing the lines of his face and perfectly shaped lips as if trying to etch his face into her memory forever.
Aemond's eye opened, meeting hers with a mix of regret and longing. "I hope so too," he replied, his voice husky with emotion as he placed a hand on her stomach.
"A part of me will always love you, Aemond," Vaelarra confessed, her voice trembling with the weight of her words.
She met Aemond's eye one last time, searching for any remnants of the man she had loved, but finding only the shadow of a broken oath and shattered promises.
And then, with a swift and decisive motion, she plunged the dagger downward.
Aemond's eye widened in shock as the dagger was driven deep into his neck.
For a fleeting moment, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of agony and farewell, he didn’t move, he didn’t try to push her off, he seemed resigned to his fate as his arms had remained by his side.
Vaelarra then pulled the dagger free, the metallic scent of blood filling the air as it seemingly spilled without an end over them both, the red of Aemond’s blood a stark contrast to the white cotton bed sheets.
And then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over.
Aemond's body went limp beneath her, the weight of his lifeless form a stark reminder of the irreversible choice she had made.
As she stared at Aemond’s lifeless body the tears she had held back for so long finally broke free, streaming down her cheeks in silent rivers of grief.
Her whole body shook with the force of her sobs, each breath a painful reminder of the life she had taken and the love she had lost.
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After Vaelarra had composed herself as much as possible, she began to dress and pull on her cloak, her movements slow and deliberate, after she had finished she pulled a sheet over Aemond's lower half, a final gesture to preserve his modesty in death.
As she leaned over him, she ran a trembling finger down his sculpted face, her touch gentle despite the weight of what had happened.
Aemond's singular eye had remained open and unblinking, the sapphire that replaced his missing eye was glinting in the low light of the chamber's fire.
With a steady hand, Vaelarra carefully removed the sapphire from the empty eye socket, her touch lingering for a moment on the cool surface. She placed the gemstone inside the pocket of her cloak, a keepsake of the man who had once been her husband, now forever lost to her.
Before leaving, Vaelarra pressed a kiss to Aemond's forehead, her lips lingering for a moment in a silent farewell. She pulled up her hood, concealing her tear-streaked face, and turned towards the secret entrance that led out of Aemond's chambers.
Just before departing, a resolve settled within her. She picked up Aemond's sword and dagger, feeling their weight in her hands.
With practiced efficiency, she fastened the belt around her waist, securing the weapons close to her body.
As she slipped through the secret passage, leaving behind the lifeless body of Aemond, Vaelarra knew that her actions would reverberate through the realm but whatever happened she was ready to face whatever lay ahead.
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Vaelarra moved swiftly through the labyrinthine passageways of the Red Keep, her heart pounding with a mixture of sorrow and grim determination. Each step echoed in the dimly lit corridors, the weight of her actions settling heavily upon her shoulders.
Finally, she emerged into a secluded chamber where Daemon, stood waiting anxiously. His face softened with relief as he caught sight of her, and without hesitation, he pulled her into a tight embrace.
Vaelarra allowed herself a moment to lean into his embrace, seeking solace in the presence of her father amid the turmoil of her emotions.
"I was worried-" Daemon murmured against her hair; his voice thick with concern. "I feared they had caught you."
Vaelarra pulled back slightly, meeting her father's gaze with eyes that held a mix of weariness and resolve. "-A son for a son" she replied softly, her voice steady despite the lingering tremor in her hands. "-Aemond is dead."
Daemon's expression shifted, a complex blend of emotions crossing his features. He noticed the blood staining Vaelarra's clothes, evidence of the deed she had carried out. His hand gently cupped her cheek, his pride and sorrow mingling in the depths of his eyes.
"You have done what needed to be done, Vaelarra. You are true blood of the dragon." murmured Daemon, his voice filled with quiet reverence.
Vaelarra felt a swell of conflicting emotions at her father's words—pride, relief, and the weight of the path she had chosen. She nodded solemnly, grateful for his understanding and support.
"You took his weapons," Daemon observed quietly, his voice tinged with both curiosity and understanding.
Vaelarra met his gaze steadily, her own eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and sorrow. "I took them for Aenys," she explained, her voice steady despite the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. "One day, when he is old enough, he might want to have them. They belonged to his father."
Daemon nodded slowly, a solemn acknowledgment passing between them. "A fitting keepsake," he murmured, his voice filled with a sense of finality.
Turning his attention away from the grim reminders of the past, Daemon looked around the secret entrance. "Let us leave King's Landing," he said firmly. "Now that Aemond is dead, it won't take them long to discover his body. We must not be here when they do."
Vaelarra nodded in agreement, a sense of urgency settling over her as they made their way swiftly through the darkened streets of King's Landing, their steps hurried yet purposeful.
The weight of their actions hung heavy in the air as they navigated towards the shores where their small rowboat awaited them. They moved with silent determination as the sound of bells ringing echoed throughout the city, signalling the discovery of Aemond's body.
As they reached the dock where their boat and it’s row man waited, moving along with the gentle waves, Daemon's arm instinctively wrapped around Vaelarra's shoulders, drawing her close as they climbed aboard and took a seat.
Neither Daemon nor Vaelarra spoke as they drifted further and further away from King's Landing.
Their silence was heavy with unspoken thoughts, each lost in their own reflections on the events that had transpired.
Daemon's grip on his daughter tightened subtly, a silent reassurance of their bond amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead.
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In the years following the events that reshaped the realm, peace gradually settled over Westeros under Queen Rhaenyra's reign.
With Aemond dead and Vhagar no longer a threat, under Daemon's leadership, the Black army swiftly secured King's Landing, paving the way for Rhaenyra to ascend the Iron Throne unopposed.
Aegon conceded the conquerors crown and was granted a pardon, he and Helaena chose to travel across the narrow sea to Essos and found a new home in Pentos where they could live out their days in peace with their three children.
Meanwhile, justice was meted out to those who had conspired against Rhaenyra. Otto Hightower, Jasper Wylde, Tyland Lannister, Maester Orwyle, Ser Criston Cole and Larys Strong were all found guilty of treason and faced the ultimate consequence.
Alicent Hightower, while pardoned, remained confined within the Red Keep, a reminder of the cost of ambition and betrayal.
Under Rhaenyra's rule, those who had bent the knee to Aegon were given the opportunity to pledge their loyalty to her rightful reign, solidifying her hold over the Seven Kingdoms.
Stability returned to the realm as Rhaenyra worked to heal the wounds left by the war.
Nine moons after Aemond's death, Vaelarra gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Aemma.
Two years later, she married Jacaerys, finding love and companionship once more.
Together, they were blessed with a son named Lucerys and a daughter named Viserra, their family growing amidst the newfound peace.
As years passed, Aenys, now eleven name days old, successfully claimed Vhagar as his own.
The ancient she dragon, once bonded to his father Aemond, readily accepted him as her new rider, forging a new bond that echoed through history.
Aenys spent much of his youth honing his skills in the training yard, his prowess with the sword remarkable.
His long sword that once belonged to his father, with a sapphire now embedded in its hilt, became a symbol of his lineage and inherited talent.
In the wake of war and turmoil, life in Westeros moved forward, shaped by the choices, and sacrifices of those who dared to fight for their beliefs.
Through it all, the legacy of House Targaryen endured, bound by blood, dragons, and the ever-changing tides of history.
A.N - Jace was never betrothed to Baela in this story and please let me know which version you prefer, this or Where Water Meets The Sea.
I like to create different versions of similiar stories that I have written as I like the what if possibilities..
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yourdearestenemyluke · 2 months
Aemond likes calling lucerys specifically MY Lord Strong because he can sell possessiveness as mockery, as he proceeds to bed, wed n get him with child during stay at storms end. he proceeds to address him as "my lord husband", nyras & luke's insistent he's not obligated be damned
In ths scenario, he heeded his sisters vision, warnings & insists to borros let the bastard & his hatchling stay, lest they persih and he be blamed for it. Instead of just protecting HIS lord strong he proceeds to break in to his room and semi noncons him
why murder your enemy when you can impregnate him 🤷🏽‍♀️
Additionally aemond insulting his sister/mother in law and well as his new husband(?) by saying "you want him to go through the shame of bearing bastards like you?" & to luke " I'm fixing you, I'm giving u pure blooded children" luke will finally have the vengance of his nose
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
My Hearts Soldier (Cregan x Reader)
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This is the first time I write for Cregan and it was thrilling, I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think
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(Y/n) and Jacaerys Velaryon, when Rhaenyra gave birth to the twins she felt like her life finally had meaning, as she held them for the first time she could not help but she’d tears of joy, her beautiful babies that cuddled in their mothers arms were the most perfect thing Rhaenyra had ever seen.
“(Y/n) and Jacaerys Velaryon, welcome to winterfell”
“Why thank you, we are here to pass a message to Lord Cregan Stark”
“Of course, follow me please”
(Y/n) and Jacaerys walked side by side as their dragons stayed back, the ill tempered Vermax and the pink shedragon Stardust had quickly gained some attention from bystanders that came so close to a dragon for the first time.
“Lord Cregan, (y/n) and Jacaerys Velaryon wish to see you”
“Gladly, the Targaryens are always welcome here in the north. It is a pleasure to meet the future heirs of the realm”
(Y/n) felt her heart stop when the man approached, it was like gazing upon her future, the man held a different type of beauty than the men in kings landing, the man was quite tall, strong features with a thick dark beard, even with the fur he was wearing you could still identify his strong muscular body, it was the first time (y/n) flustered for a man.
“We are here to give you a message, from our queen Rhaenyra”
“We heard of the passing of King Viserys the peaceful, I am so sorry for your loss”
“Our mother is calling banners for support my lord, against her half brother Aegon who claims to be the true heir of the throne”
“I wasn’t aware that king Viserys had changed his mind”
“He had not, it is a matter of gender that has caused this… unfortunate situation”
The room roared from Cregans laughter, instinctively (y/n) reached to hold her twins hand as tight as possible, fearing that the Stark son had gone rogue, yet she remained tall, waiting until the lord expressed himself while silently wishing the lord had not gone completely off the rails.
“My father gave his oath in front of the iron throne to ward the north for queen Rhaenyra, I do not wish to side with bastards that think they have a better shot at the throne because they were born with peckers, you are more than welcome to stay here, our banners and men are yours”
Cregan had worked hard to get close to the princess, he admired her courage as she leaned over the table to lead the armies to war, the most astonishing thing was that she was not ashamed to show emotion, her vulnerability was her secret weapon, she was a compassionate woman that led either her heart. Cregan was the one that caught her before she crashed to the floor when news from dragon stone came, declaring her younger brother dead.
“No you are lying, our Luke is not dead”
Jacaerys and Cregan could still hear her deafening scream of grief, she was inconsolable as she cried in Cregans arms from the pain she was experiencing, (y/n) had a soft spot for the gentle Lucerys, she could not comprehend that her little Luce was no longer with them
“My baby, he can’t die he didn’t do anything wrong”
She whispered in Cregans arms while he rubbed her back, Cregan was infuriated by the death that caused such despair to the twins, especially his defiant princess, he held her close as well as restrained her from going on her dragon to look for her uncle Aemond, fury blinded her to the point that she wanted to go toe to toe with the queen of all dragons Vhagar, Jacaerys and Cregan had to drag the princess in her room, Jacaerys even stayed with her until she slept to ensure she would not escape from the window, her sobs echoed through the walls until exhaustion overtook and her swollen eyes closed to lead her off for a land where there was no war and she could ran barefoot with her siblings.
“She finally fell asleep”
“You are a good brother Jacaerys, you protected your sister even if you are grieving yourself”
“I already lost one sibling, I did not intend to lose another”
“You won’t, we will make sure of that”
“That much I know, since you want her to become the lady of the north”
Cregan was usually quick witted, now at the hour of the bat with Jacaerys sitting directly at the head of his own chair he was left stunned, how could he respond to that? It was not a lie, however this was a delicate matter specifically at a time like this.
“We should not speak of such things at this trying times”
“I am watching you Cregan, you are honourable but if you are planning to marry my sister you must prove yourself worthy”
The war had been brutal, brothers fought brothers, dragons killed dragons, the colour red that spilled from bodies stained all of Westeros, innocents were slaughtered, babies ripped from their mothers arms, men begging for a quick death.
(Y/n) saw the stranger in the eye as she lost her twin brother, her step father, even one of her baby brothers Joffrey was taken from them, there had been countless nights that (y/n) could not drift off to slumber, flashes of people dying racing through her head, haunting her and tormenting her while she remained in the north.
Cregan had stepped up to be her companion, the north buzzed over the news of Cregan bending the knee in the presence of all to offer his sword in protection of the princess (y/n), to guard her against all harm, he fought with the power of thousands of men, a few moments before Jacaerys had succumbed to his wounds he vowed to protect his princess or die trying, every time that they saw each other after a battle they would ran to each others arms, thanking the gods that the other was alive and well.
When Cregan got injured (y/n) was furious, she slept by his bed for a fortnight, refusing to allow any maester to touch him, she tended to his wounds and fed him back to health, he battled the fever that occurred due to a minor infection and came out victorious, the servants would gush over finding the princess in her rocking chair and the Stark king in his bed still they held hands to find comfort in one another, a subtle sign of “I am here, you are safe” through intimacy.
“You know you needn’t sleep on a wooden chair, I will be fine if you step off just for a few hours to rest”
“No, what if the fever gets worst?”
“I can call the servants, I have yet to lose my voice nor my mind”
Cregan could detect the stubborn emotions (y/n) was experiencing, the battle had intimidated her tremendously, she would not risk stepping off to lose him. Cregan chuckled at her stiff lip while she rocked back and forth slightly, he should have already known there was no one that could get through (y/n)s thick head.
“Sleep with me then”
“The bed is big enough for the both of us”
“I can see that I just-“
“Are you going to deny a wounded soldier their request”
(Y/n) hesitated for a few moments, thoughts of what could happen if she were to sleep in the same bed with him in combination of fearing she might hurt him while moving in her sleep. She puffed out a breath and sat up from her chair to give in and very carefully lie down next to him, in a blink of an eye Cregan collided his chest with her back to get as close as humanly possible, the smell of citrus and chamomile engulfed his senses.
“You smell like a dream”
“You stink of sweat”
“It’s the stench of a champion”
“Oh my precious daughter, my dearest love”
(Y/n) engulfed her mother in her arms, to see another family member alive and well after such tragic deaths was a blessing for the both of them. Rhaenyra tenderly placed her hands on (y/n)s cheeks as tears streamed down to both of the women’s cheeks, happy tears of the war ending and going against all odds to win, the black queen finally had her throne and her daughter back.
“Mother, I would like to introduce you to Cregan Stark”
“It is an honour to be in your presence your grace”
Cregan bowed to Rhaenyra who raised a brow at her daughter, Cregan had arrived on dragon back with her daughter, naturally (y/n) would have grown close to the warden of the north, despite that this type of familiarity was not expected.
“I must thank you Lord Cregan for protecting my daughter”
“I am afraid it is the other way around, if (y/n) had not come to my aid during a battle I would have already met my ancestors, howbeit your daughter raves that the scar suits me more”
(Y/n) giggled at the slight jab, Cregan had earned himself a scar that went from his brow all the way down to his cheek, thankfully he did not suffer the same fate as the now dead one eyed prince, it was only the scar that (y/n) had once commented how “it adds character”.
Rhaenyra remained silent as her eyes went from the Stark man to her daughter, she knew her daughter like the back of her hand this was no friendship, (y/n) was not even dressed in her own typical clothing, she was a thick cape that was probably made for her while she was at the north, the union reminded her of her late lover Harwin, how the man hid in the shadows to protect her and created a safe haven for (y/n) to feel protected.
“I have heard tales of you Lord Cregan, the young wolf that bend the knee and swore loyalty to my daughter after we lost our Jacaerys”
“Your daughter is a fierce woman, after the tragic loss I felt the need to declare that the north will keep fighting on her side”
“(Y/n)s side? Not mine?”
“Of course your grace I meant-“
“I know what you meant I am only jesting, I am thankful for all that you have done and for bringing my daughter back to me”
“About that mother, there was something we would like to discuss with you”
Rhaenyra took a deep inhale through the nose and change of demeanour she identified from her daughter. (Y/n) took her mothers arms in hers while Rhaenyra eyeballed her daughter, in her mind her daughter was still a babe, any time she peeped at her the image of (y/n) coddling in her arms wailing for her mother popped up, Rhaenyra gave a half uneasy smile expecting her daughter to speak up.
“The north has been a major help for your win for the throne your grace, allow me to request something in return as a thank you”
“You speak the truth, north was the strongest force and for that I will always be grateful, what is it that you ask?”
“Nothing would make me happier than for her grace the queen to allow me to be betrothed to your daughter, the princess”
Rhaenyra was not a fool, she predicted the words that would utter from the man’s mouth before they were even formed. As a queen, if the future heir was to be betrothed to the warden of the north it would be a perfect match, as a mother she had just gotten her daughter back, how could she give her away to winterfell?
“(Y/n) is to be the heir of the iron throne, how would she rule from winterfell?”
“When the time comes we will figure something out mother”
“It is certainly uneasy to answer such a request after you just arrived”
“I will not leave immediately, I plan to visit you as much as I can I will not abandon you, especially after half of our family is gone”
“Is this what you truly want?”
“When we lost Jacaerys, Cregan would wait every night by my bedside until I fell asleep, every morrow he would wake me up to make sure I ate, he is my hearts soldier”
Rhaenyras heart skipped a beat at the last sentence. (Y/n) had inherited her fathers spirit, it was like he spoke through her, this union would bring justice to Harwins name since Rhaenyra always wondered what life would have been like if she had married Ser Harwin, for a mere moment Rhaenyra wondered what would Harwin say about this, if he was smiling down on his precious daughter that found her true mate.
Cregan was (y/n)s Harwin, the man silently and passionately yearned for her affection and love while supporting her and wanting the best for her, a devoted young man that sacrificed his life and army to declare his feelings to her the way he knew how, he was confident and strong enough to be a wonderful king consort on her daughters side.
“Do you love her?”
“She a menace to deal with and sometimes I find myself wondering if she will ever admit defeat instead of butting heads with me, there is no one else like her and I pray when we are old and wrinkly she won’t knock off my cane”
“Very well then, we will send ravens to every house in Westeros, thanking the ones that remained by our side, the Targaryen heir is to be wed to the lord of the north. Your wedding will be one for the history”
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spectorcomplex · 2 years
love and war ↝ aemond targaryen x reader
you treat marriage as if it is war. who’s to say it’s not?
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pairing: aemond targaryen x fem!velaryon!reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, targcest, reader is rhaenyra and laenor’s daughter but there are no physical descriptions. my first hotd fic pls be kind
word count: 5k words
my masterlist
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You should be mourning. Truth be told, you were— an aching sadness that left you hollow as the adults paced around the room, grief heavy in the air with the loss of your Grandfather, the King. But the fear swirling in your gut overpowered sadness.
You were not oblivious to the opinions of the court, even if you yourself were not involved in it as much. Your mother’s rule has been challenged enough even when the King was alive and now the long awaited storm brewing from before might finally arrive to blow your family over.
Your mother is a strong woman, a true protector of the realm, but as you glance over at where she is stood by a window next to Alicent Hightower as they engage in a hushed conversation, you know that everyone, even her, is nervous for how the kingdoms may react to a woman ascending the Iron Throne.
She sent you and your brothers to your chambers after the funeral, heavy lidded and shoulders drooped, unfit for a royal, but she was not the Queen in that moment, but rather a grieving daughter. You hugged her good night and kissed her cheek as you often did as a child in her arms.
Sleep did not come to you yet and a history book written in High Valyrian kept you company. Until a knock echoed.
“Princess? I’m sorry to wake you but the Prince Daemon requests your presence,” The voice came from the guard stationed outside your door.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It was too late in the night and what would your step-father want from you at this hour?
Thankfully you had not changed into your night dress yet, still clad in your funeral attire, a high-neck black dress that had faint embroideries of dragons on the hem of the floor length skirt. Your heart grew heavy as you remembered the tales from your childhood when Viserys had time to indulge your requests in knowing more about Balerion.
The guard escorted you to the council chamber and you finally had a sense that this was an emergency meeting regarding the Crown.
“Sister,” Jace greeted you by the door. You glanced behind him to see your mother seated at the head of the table with a glum expression.
The sight of Queen Alicent in the room was no surprise to you, she was constantly in the presence of your family after she and your mother had rekindled their friendship. What did catch you off guard was the presence of her son, your uncle, Aemond. He was the only one of Viserys’ other children present in the room.
You wondered if Aemond too was feeling grief for his father but there he was seated, proper posture and a stoic face, the candlelight casting a sharp shadow over his features. The complete opposite of your plump cheeked younger brother Lucerys, who was slouched and yawning in his seat.
Jacaerys helped you into your seat and looked equally unnerved as you, though you were not sure if the reasons are the same. 
Daemon entered after a few minutes of silence. You noted that only family was present in this room. 
“Daemon, what is this about?” Your mother asked with a sigh. 
“The coronation is tomorrow,” Daemon began to explain but your older brother interrupted with a scowl on his face. 
“Exactly, which is why the Queen needs to be well rested for the ceremony,” Jace had been standing up to your step-father a lot more recently and you admired his ferocity. 
Daemon glared back, “There’s already whispers. Unsatisfied, doubtful, craven Lords who may not fully cooperate in this reign.” 
You could only frown. This exact scenario was what plagued your thoughts ever since you learned of the King’s passing. No one expects the passing of succession to go smoothly, but to be interrupted so soon?
There was a purpose as to why Daemon called this meeting; why only family was present. You racked your brain as to think of a way to help but none came to mind. You were a second child whose influence came in the form of what your dresses looked like instead of what you have to say.
“We need allies.”
All eyes turned to look at Aemond. His voice made it clear that he was speaking a matter of fact. 
Your step-father looked hesitant to address the younger prince but this was no time for revisiting petty prejudices of the past. 
“Precisely,” Daemon nodded. “And if I recall correctly, you’re already in the talks of a marriage pact to Storm’s End. We would have sent dear Y/N but there are no sons there to vie for her hand.”
The first part of his sentence went over your head as your nose flared in offense. “Is this why I was summoned here? To be shipped off to spend the rest of my life being miserable with some stupid Lord?” 
“Watch your mouth,” Your mother finally spoke, though her words were not what you hoped for. You looked at her in despair and you were met with pity. 
“I get to have a say how my life goes,” You stand up, furious. “I am a princess of this realm!”
“This realm you speak of will descend into chaos if you refuse to help your mother.” 
His words were carefully curated, constructed together to hit the tender spot in your heart reserved for your mother. You were already defeated in the matter of your liberty despite your stubbornness to pursue an argument. 
“I can help in other ways,” You said. 
“How? By the way of the sword?” Daemon’s nature was to always pick a fight and even his children were of no exception. 
“No need for violence all the time,” You match his scoff. “Diplomacy is an option and—“
“And diplomacy is to secure good relations with others, like marriage,” His tone was nearing a growl and you did not want the already exhaustive night to take a turn for the worse. 
“Alright,” You clenched your jaw. “For my mother—for my Queen.”
You looked at her, a glint of what you hoped was admiration shining in her eyes. She mouthed a thank you. 
Curious eyes followed you as you approached a guard stationed by the door. He nodded at your request and quickly returned to you with the item at hand. 
You unfurled the map of Westeros on the table. 
“Only if I get to choose which Lord I will be betrothed to,” You said. “It must be a very strategic alliance that will greatly benefit the Crown if it will cost me whatever joy I have left in this life.” 
As everyone peered at the inky outlines of the seven Kingdoms, a rogue stare strayed from the map and settled on you. 
“You look ready for battle, my Princess.” 
Your uncle’s whispered quip startled you so much that a breathy laughter escaped your lips. His sour relationship with your brothers had strained your own relationship with him. As children you would even play games of chasing each other when your respective lessons were done for the day. A few hearty laughs were shared if you saw Aegon stumble down a set of stairs, both too young and naive to know about the sensation of drunkenness. 
But now, years after the incident that forever changed the dynamics within the family, he seemed like a stranger. The boy you knew was gone and in his place stood a man with the mind of a scholar and the skills of a knight. You swallowed as your gaze met his. 
“Is marriage not war, my Prince?” 
His lips raised imperceptibly but you caught it. Though, you wish you hadn’t as your heart defied logic and started to race. 
“Well?” Daemon’s voice sliced through the tension and even if he was irritating you, you were relieved for the interruption. 
Your nimble finger pointed south. “There is a Martell son. Though they would see right through us if I was offered up to him. But if they did choose to look past that, we may even have the chance of strengthening the bond with Sunspear.” 
“Wait-wait,” Alicent spoke, her motherly gaze meeting yours. “No need to treat this as if it were the Stepstones, sweet girl. We can arrange a tour and maybe a love match may—“
“With all due respect, Your Grace, but a tour requires weeks of planning for travel on all parties,” You gave her a grateful smile. “We do not have the privilege of time on our side regarding this matter.”
You were not the closest to Queen Alicent after all these years of animosity, but you could tell she was trying and these were her true colors that your mother cared for when they were young. 
“And a love match is—“ You frowned. Even if marriage had always been a distant thought in your mind, you had always hoped that you would marry the one you love. But having that in this world is much rarer than dragons who breathe blue fire. 
“A love match is not possible,” You breathed out. You cast a glance at Daemon, who was nodding in approval. You were on the path of making right decisions until your eyes landed on Aemond across from you and the mistake was letting his already-there stare have feelings rise within you. 
You only shook your head before pointing back at the map. 
“This one also seems feasible,” You say as you circled the shape of an archipelago with your finger. 
“The Iron Islands, sister?” Lucerys, who had been awfully quiet for quite some time, finally spoke. 
“I’m a Velaryon,” You spoke with pride, though a distant sadness ached at the memory of your late father. “And you, dear brother, are heir to Driftmark. Our family can have control over the great fleets in both seas surrounding Westeros.” 
Mumbles of approval filled the air and you thought that, this is it, you’ll officially be surrendering to the water in which you came from. 
“A Greyjoy?” 
Prince Aemond is awfully opinionated tonight, it seems, and your fatigue was morphing into irritation. 
“Is there a problem with them, my son?” Alicent asked. 
Aemond scoffed, “The only eligible one for the Princess Y/N to marry is skilled at sea but useless on land.” 
“What seems to be the problem with that?” You asked, always having had admiration for the skills it requires to be great in ships. Traces of the fond memories of your father and grandfather’s lessons. 
But even if you were the one that spoke, Aemond refused to look at you. His gaze even seemed directed at your parents. 
“The Greyjoy son is even more bunglesome than the lowliest tourney knight,” Aemond explained, voice cool and turned your temper to flare. “How will he protect his wife? With a knotted rope perhaps.” 
And the most unexpected happened, both your brothers laughed at the remark. It was a sight from your childhood years that you never thought you’d get to see again. You elbow Jacaery’s side. 
“As much as I would hate to agree with him,” Jace whispers in your ear. “He does not lie, sister. I’ve sparred with the Greyjoy boy before.”
“Well,” Your mother spoke, voice commanding the attention of the room. “We keep our options open.”
You sigh quietly, eyes starting to droop and eager to get this meeting over with. But you were determined to secure a stable turnover from King Viserys to Queen Rhaenyra. 
“Alright,” You cleared your throat, feeling warmth slowly flood your cheeks as your finger pointed upwards of the map. “The North.” 
“Not just the North, I think,” Lucerys piped in, a familiar mirth in his eyes. “You want to be Lady of Winterfell.” 
“I do not!” You really wish you had composed yourself instead of succumbing to your sibling’s teasing because now all attention is on you. Except one, as you see in your periphery. 
“Cregan Stark,” Daemon hummed in contemplation. “Not an awful choice.”
That’s basically a seal of approval coming from him. 
“There’s no sense to a marriage pact with them. Northerners are honorable people, they won’t break faith to Rhaenyra even in doubtful times,” Alicent offered. 
The conversation was slipping from your control and you need to grasp it back for this was your freedom as a woman at stake. 
“Still wouldn’t hurt to have the largest region in Westeros, your Grace,” You said. “Plus, he is Jacaerys’ friend and I’ve met Cregan on quite a few occasions. He is… a gentleman.” 
“You think he’s handsome.”
Oh, you were definitely going to smother your brothers in their sleeps tonight. 
“He is smart,” You backtracked, the same rogue stare from earlier now back on you and burrowing deeper under your skin. “Already groomed to rule over his lands.”
“Alright, we start with the Starks,” Your mother said, the back of her hand rubbing over an eye. “His father will be at the coronation and if we’re lucky, Cregan will also be. But for tonight, we will all get rest.” 
That would probably be your favorite order from the Queen. 
“I am to fly to Storm’s End the day after tomorrow,” Aemond’s deep voice was like the thunder in the place he was to visit. “Your Grace.”
To anybody else, they would not be able to catch the subtle look of surprise on your mother’s face, but you could tell because you were probably mirroring her right now. Your uncle Aemond’s disdain for your side of the family had never been in question. To address your mother like that even if he’s made it so perfectly clear that the inheritance should pass onto Viserys’ sons was worthy of suspicion.
“Alright…” You saw your mother hesitate, “Brother. Good night, my family.” 
That last interaction was what made you so sleepy at the celebration after your mother’s coronation for it kept you up the night before. You were restless after the cordiality your family presented each other and every now and then you think you’re a fool for hoping it would last for a long time. 
But you were lying to yourself. You knew damn well the presence of Prince Aemond was what had you twisting and turning in your sheets. Your annoyance towards his incessant need to tap his fingers on the table, smug smirks, and opinions on your future marriage was a way to cope with the wave of nostalgia you felt every time you cast a glance at him. 
Aemond had always known how the royal family is above others, even back when he still had both eyes and a childish grin. His words tonight reminded you of the time when you were seven and Aemond nearly growled at the Baker’s son who gave you a plucked flower from outside the castle. 
You however found sleep after a few tears dropped at the loss of those innocent days, letting go of the prospect of Valyrian Dragonglass and finding marriage in another House.
Some Lords were confused at the serious faces of House Targaryen. Most of them were rowdily whooping and clapping after the coronation. But being a royal of this realm meant you had to be smart in assessing a massive gathering of all the nobility in Westeros. 
Daemon had reminded the family in the morning to be wary of the doubtful Lords he had mentioned the night before. 
You all had a better look at the attendees at the celebratory feast Alicent insisted on having in order to ‘lighten spirits.’ To no one’s surprise, the Martell son was nowhere in sight. 
You sighed from your place at the table that was raised on the dais, overlooking all the nobility starting the night with wine filled cups. You grimaced as you heard your Uncle Aegon’s slurred words start already. 
The poor dress that was custom made for you is currently suffering from scratch marks from your anxious fingers. The Greyjoy table was full of men who looked older than your own parents and the aforementioned weakling in swordsmanship is nowhere to be seen.
“Good eve, Princess Y/N. You look beautiful tonight.”
You startle as you see the Greyjoy you were looking for by the other end of the table. 
“Just tonight, Sir Rickon?” You jest like old friends even though you knew nothing but his name and status. 
He didn’t seem to think you meant no harm as he started stuttering, “No-I- you look beautiful all the- I’m terribly sorry.”
“I only jest, my Lord,” You say through gritted teeth and muster a convincing smile. Though your snickering elder brother at your left was seeing right through it. 
“Yes, alright,” Rickon clears his throat. “May I dance with you, Princess?”
You sigh, the sound thankfully lost in the noise of the hall, and nod. You grabbed his outstretched hand, calloused and littered with small cuts. 
“Have you sailed recently, my Lord?” You asked as the two of you got into position. 
Rickon’s face seemed to lighten at this and you put all your Velaryon knowledge to the forefront of your mind. 
“It has been two moons since then, Princess, we traveled to King’s Landing by road,” He explained. 
That was pretty much the meat of your conversation with Rickon Grayjoy. He was an average dancer and a worse conversationalist. Not good for diplomatic relations. 
Dornish wine had never been as appealing to you as it is now. As soon as the music ended, you rushed back to the family table and grabbed a goblet for yourself with enough quickness to even surprise your drunkard Uncle Aegon. 
Unbeknownst to you, another uncle was watching warily.
“Slow down, niece,” Aemond’s voice broke through the noise of the hall. 
You only roll your eyes and stumble back to the dance floor. Though you do get a sense of deja vu at Aemond’s words. 
These were the times in which a listener would find this memory hard to believe to be true. Too fictional to believe— as if it is meant to be a story immortalized on a tapestry. A speck of a memory that is so different from how the Targaryen family is with each other now. But you remember; girlish giggles and scuffs of shoes echoed throughout the stone walls of the Keep. 
You were summoned to the Dragonpit to start learning how to command your young dragon. Love for books had nothing against your excitement when Ser Harwin called for your attention. Your Uncle Aemond was in the library with you, equally enamored with his book about dragons of Valyria and you asked him to accompany you as to see the real thing compared to illustrations on paper. 
“Slow down, Princess!” 
You only snickered at Aemond’s warning. He only had a few years ahead of you and thought his prepubescent voice could scare you into submission. 
Despite being born and raised in the Keep, you have not yet developed muscle memory for every crevice in the castle and your foot slipped on a crack in the pavement. 
You plummeted to the ground, though your hands reached out to stop your face from colliding with the floor. Tears immediately flooded your eyes as your palms skidded on the gravel, following a sting and warm wetness which was most likely blood, and an ache surged in your twisted ankle. Stubbornness ran thick in Velaryon blood and you refused to cry in front of any of the boys but the pain was too much to hold it back. 
‘What did I tell you?’ You expected Aemond to say with a disappointed tut. But he only knelt next to you, brows furrowed as he helped you sit upright and inspecting your bloodied hands. 
He had one arm tucked under yours as he patiently helped you walk back to the main grounds of the Red Keep in which he then barked at Ser Criston to fetch a maester to tend to you. 
Aemond sat next to you and rested a gentle hand, still free of callouses from handling swords, on your forearm as the maester applied ointment to your scratched palms.
He never told you how much it stung when you didn’t do the same for him on that fateful day in Driftmark. 
The firm voice broke you out of your wine-induced memories. 
“Lord Cregan Stark,” You curtsied. 
The smile you greeted him with was genuine compared to Lord Greyjoy. Though the conversation from last night put a falter in your grin. 
You wanted to see Cregan as a friend, build a relationship on a foundation free of ulterior motives. But the plans made are needed to be put into motion to truly secure Queen Rhaenyra’s reign. 
“May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?” He asked and you wordlessly nodded as you felt the warmth flood your cheeks. Though your recollection of that day in your childhood added to the dizziness from the wine. 
Cregan was an excellent conversationalist, complimenting your dress and hair and still managed to verge into topics deeper than surface level small talk as you twirled to the music. He would make a good husband, you think. Though your heart dropped for a split second that this would not be a true love match if a wedding was to happen. He would be a good ally. 
“Have you caught up with Jacaerys yet?” You inquire, looking him in the eye to keep his attention. 
He started to answer enthusiastically and despite how much you complimented him the night before in front of your closest family, you could not fully appreciate Lord Stark and despite trying not to, you found yourself comparing him to the one eyed prince. 
“…Like a brother to me,” Cregan finished with a smile. 
Your eyes flickered to his mouth before returning to his sparkling brown eyes. He would make a good husband, you repeat in your head. Dark features and lips chapped from the harsh winds of winter. 
“That is good to hear,” You nod, switching to diplomatic mode immediately. You had to seal this partnership tonight. “That our families have a bond with each other.” 
A look of knowing flickered in Cregan’s eyes, almost as if he knew what you were insinuating or about to propose. 
Cregan leaned in, too bold a move for a public dance between a Lord and a Lady, “Yes. A bond.” 
Your breath hitched at his actions. 
Someone cleared their throat and you nearly jumped in place. 
“Lord Stark, would you mind dancing with the Lady Floris Baratheon?” 
You huff when you turned in Cregan’s hold and saw Aemond standing there next to the two of you, lips in a fine line. Said Lady Floris was next to him, almost looking defeated. You had to hold the urge of cursing Aemond out. What he said was not an offer but a demand. 
Cregan did not look phased but still obeyed the Prince after bowing, “I’d be honored to.” 
When the dark haired pair drifted into the rest of the dancing crowd, you scowled at Aemond. 
He was not bothered by this and placed a firm hand on your waist. You gulp. 
“What are you doing?” You hiss. A defense mechanism to emotions beyond irritation towards the Prince swaying with you. 
“Flirting is beneath you, niece,” He says in that low voice of his. 
“You know my intentions with Lord Stark and why,” You answer, the grip you have on Aemond’s leather clad shoulders turning tighter in aggression. “And you should be with the Lady Floris to finally get Storm’s End’s approval.” 
Aemond only hummed as he spins you out and pulls you back in, “I’d rather pluck my other eye out than to have Borros Baratheon as my father-in-law.”
As if on cue, the raucous laughter of the Lord of Storm’s End echoed in the hall. You both grimace. 
“Then who do you wish?” You chuckle, though not lightheartedly. “Daemon?” 
You scoff after saying your step father’s name. It was evident how much Aemond idolizes him despite his denial. All from the hair down to the ego. 
Your knees weakened when Aemond didn’t look phased by your jab, he even rather looked amused and that was a dangerous thing. 
“What are you saying?” He smirks and your blood runs cold when realization crept in.
“I only meant Baela or-“ You stutter. 
“Who are both already betrothed to your brothers.” 
Damn it! That smug smirk only seemed to grow wider and you swear you growled under your breath. You redirected the conversation. 
“You have a choice, I do not,” You start. “I do not understand why you would say yes to a marriage pact when you could just forge an alliance over a goblet of wine.” 
That seemed to put Aemond back into his stoic self. Despite the silence, you know he was forming an answer in his head. 
“I have to protect my mother.” 
Your cold facade melted a little bit. You understood where he was coming from with this. 
“I do too,” You answer, making sure your voice was not as confrontational as it was a few seconds ago. 
“You do not understand to what extent,” And with this, Aemond completely lets go of you even though the music was still playing. 
He leaves you on the dance floor and you hate how it left you with a tinge of sadness. 
But like children, you follow after him to pester more about his thoughts. This was how it was back then, you knew Aemond had the tendency to conceal his words but with a little push, he’d spill. Hopefully it will still work. 
You follow him to the dark corners of the hall, ignoring the inquisitive stares of the others. 
“Then make me understand,” You say. “Aemond.”
He only stops at the soft whisper of his name. Though he keeps his back to you, this does not deter you from moving closer. You knew he felt you, a tenseness in his body that an untrained eye wouldn’t notice. But this was Aemond, you just knew. 
“It is not their loyalty to the Crown that is in question. It is their worries that there will be a civil war.” 
He let you sit on the words. Aemond never underestimated your intelligence; he may have thrown shallow insults ever since the rift between your side of the family and his but he never doubted your intellect. 
You sighed as it hits you. The atmosphere has now changed, yet you both are still players in the big picture. Even as royals, you are pawns in this game and the name one carries assures your survival. The loyalty to Targaryens is undeniable so now, who knows what they will do to a Hightower? 
“Viserys is no longer alive, she is not Queen anymore,” He continues. 
The son who took up ensuring the family honor. The eldest was never to be relied on and Aemond had made sure to be the child that would protect his mother. Rhaenyra was lucky to get sons and a daughter that will put her honor in mind before they act but the former Queen was not afforded that luxury. 
Alicent was never the warmest towards your family, but she was faithful to duty and did her best to ensure the family survives especially in the final days leading to her husband’s death. Even through conspiracies and whispers, she focused on keeping her children well without subconsciously excluding you and your brothers. 
This is what Daemon was pushing you for. Duty. To do right by your house and protect it to the death. You understand now. 
Aemond is not the type to believe in baseless rumors. He approaches the thoughts of those fellow politics with a clear head and if this is what he deems as important then you’ll defy your side’s expectations and stand with him. 
“We are Hightower and Velaryon,” You say. “But most importantly we are both made of fire and blood.” 
He turns to you then. Once again, torches illuminating intimidating features. Lilac eye glowers at you but you stand ground. Like you said, the same magic swirls in both your veins. 
“I understand,” You continue in his silence. “I understand what we need to do whatever it takes for the blood of Old Valyria to endure.” 
Alliances with other regions would be great, but if Aemond’s word was to be trusted you know that it is not enough. Banners will be raised behind two women who have no intention of fighting because of men’s beliefs. You will not let this tempest sink your family under. 
In order to protect the most important people in your life, enemies must be slain. A marriage bound by love is a rare gift— but a marriage for duty is a weapon. 
Aemond shakes his head at you and despite the pull, you resist from having your shoulders drop in defeat. Your mother may have been called the realm’s delight as a little girl but she now sits the Iron Throne and it is inevitable for her to be called a cunt by those who refuses her reign.
“I know what must be done,” You take a step forward toward Aemond. This is it, he could either make or break a pact that will ensure House Targaryen’s stability and hold on the realm. The tension between these stone walls could rattle a dragon. But never the two of you. “Do you?”
“You know damn well,” Aemond whispers. You’d be a fool to deny how he’d look at your lips just then. 
You raise your chin, “Pār gūrogon issa naejot zaldrīzesdōron se mazverdagon issa aōha ābrazȳrys.” 
Then take me to Dragonstone and make me your wife.
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aaaa hope you enjoyed! reblogs and comments are appreciated :) i’m not the biggest expert on asoiaf lore but im really spiraling into learning about it lol but pls feel free to drop a message anytime!
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floatyflowers · 2 years
The Adopted Princess| Dark! Targaryen and Velaryon Boys x Reader (Aegon II, Aemond, Jacaerys, Lucerys) V
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"Your father and I going to miss you so much, my dear" Rhaenyra says as she and Laenor, both, pull you into a tight hug.
"Me too"
You pull away from them, your lips quivering as you try to stop yourself from crying.
However, when Jacaerys and Lucerys hug you, that's when you break down.
"That's not fair, you are supposed to be my wife, not his, I would treat you much better than Aemond" Jacaerys exclaims angrily.
"It is all my fault, (Y/n), please don't leave!" Lucerys cries out, feeling guilty that he is the reason why you are leaving them.
"I believe the king already arranged the whole thing before the fight, so don't blame yourself, Luke" you assure him.
"But it is true, we dragged you into this fight and you even got hurt because of us" Rhaena exclaims.��
"And Aemond is cruel, and he might treat you badly" Baela adds with a sad tone.
You stay silent, wanting to say that Aemond has been treating you kindly and you two were exchanging letters but decided against it.
Just because he is your friend and future husband, it doesn't excuse him from calling your brother 'bastards' and also claiming Vhagar, even though the dragon is the one who chose her rider.
"If he ever upsets you, I will shove my sword into his good eye" Daemon states all of a sudden, smirking at you.
You smile at his overprotectiveness, nevertheless, you still can't believe that the rough prince is your grandfather.
"I wonder why my father didn't allow you to raise me" you inquire.
"Because he is chaotic," Rhaenyra says, grinning at her uncle.
"But, aren't all dragons chaotic though?" you point out playfully, easing up a bit.
Daemon stares at you, realizing how you have his son's smile and playful attitude.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but the ship is ready to departure"
Alicent says after walking up to you and your family like she didn't try to poke out Luke's eye the other day.
"I'm ready to leave, your highness," you say timidly, which made the queen smile, and link her arm with yours.
"Oh dear, no need for formality, just call me mother" Alicent insists, making Rhaenyra glare at her angrily.
While you and the queen ascend the ship, Lucerys notices Aemond smirk down at him and Jacaerys from the ship, mocking them.
As if he is trying to say, that 'you might have taken my eye out, but I claimed Vhagar and (Y/n)'
However, Aemond doesn't realize that the real danger is his older brother.
You stare down at the water, tears still wet on your cheeks while anxiety is eating at you in slow motion.
Even though the queen showed good intentions toward you, yet, you still feel afraid, after all, you don't have anyone by your side in King's landing if something would happen.
Yes, the king promised your mother and grandfather to keep you safe, something which Daemon laughed at, due to the king's declining health.
If something would ever happen between you and Aemond, let's say a fight for example, who would stand by your side?
No one, absolutely no one.
You quickly turn around to face Larys Strong, surprised to even see him.
That man never approached you, sometimes you would catch him inspecting you just like he does with everyone, but he never spoke to you. 
"Lord Larys," you say, softly, trying to look anywhere so he doesn't see your red-shot eyes.
"It saddens me to see you crying my princess," the cunning man says, offering you a handkerchief to wipe your tears. 
You take it from him, smiling in gratitude at his kind gesture.
"May I know what worries you, princess?" Larys inquires, standing beside you.
"I just feel like I'm a bargain of peace in this arranged marriage" you confess.
"Oh, I don't think you should think of it in this way, my dear, it will benefit you greatly" you frown in confusion.
"How would it benefit me?"
Before Larys could answer you, Aegon storms up to you.
"There you are, I have been searching everywhere for you..." Aegon stops when he sees the new lord of Harrenhal.
"Greetings, Lord Strong" the Targaryen prince greets the man with a spiteful tone at his instruction with you.
"My prince" Larys greets him back, bowing his head a bit before Aegon turns his attention fully towards you.
"You need to rest, this trip will be long and tiring, and your stupid dragon almost bit my finger off" you roll your eyes at him.
"That's because Quicksilver hates arrogant brats" you mumble, rushing away before Aegon asks you what you just said.
Aegon turns to Lary and sneers at him.
"Stay away from her, you fucking creep"
With that, Aegon follows after you, leaving him standing alone.
Larys would do anything but stay away from you, that's for sure.
After all, your father was a dear friend of his.
"What are you doing here, Aemond?" You question the said boy, looking at him sleepy.
"I came here to apologize about what I did to you the other day, I had no right" your gaze softens at his apology.
"You should also apologize to Jace, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena when you meet them again" Aemond scoffs at this sentence.
"They started it, they attacked me first because Vhagar accepted me as her new rider" the silver-haired boy defends himself.
"You called my brothers bastards" Aemond chuckles.
"Aren't they though?" you narrow your eyes at him.
"No, they are not-" he stops you.
"Yes, they are, and if you are to become my wife, then you must stand by my side and support my views"
You stay silent, not knowing what to say.
It's true, that once a woman gets married into her husband's family, she is expected to support her husband even against her own family. 
Aemond grabs your hands into his warm, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"My family is now your family, you have to support Aegon's claim to the throne, by doing that, you are doing your duty"
You gulp, coming to realize the fact that Aemond has changed.
"And if I don't?" 
His grasp tightens on your hands, his stare becoming colder.
"Then I will force you to do your duty"
Part VI
Honestly, too many people to tag, and I just needed to update quickly, sorry 🥺
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
can u explain why u dislike lucerys so much?
because atleast from my pov he was a 7year old child who thought his brother was going to die and retaliated against someone older and stronger than him with a weapon he didn’t even bring
also the bullying he was following his older brother and only companion as well as his much older uncle, an authority figure.
yes he should have apologised, but when should he have? when he was being treated by the maesters for his broken nose? when aemonds mother said to have his eye cut out? when he returned half a decade later and his uncle’s hatred was already there AND his own dislike likely pushed by his family?
lucerys definitely should’ve made amends but there are a lot of factors in it so i don’t rlly see the dislike? idk i just wanna have it explained, no hate just curious (:
Just going to preemptively say that I understand this isn’t hate, so anon, please know that if I have any sort of aggravated tone in this answer it’s not against you. I’m just very passionate about this topic lol
Also this is a crazy long post. Sorry y’all.
“…he was a 7 year old child who thought his brother was going to die and retaliated against someone older and stronger than him with a weapon he didn’t even bring”
When it comes to the fight, I’m mad at all four children who ganged up on an innocent kid and started beating him mercilessly. People love to focus on the fact that Aemond might have done something with that rock, but they completely erase the context, which is that he was tackled to the ground and being punched by four people.
The real context is that Aemond was on defense in that fight. He didn’t seek anyone out. He didn’t start the argument. He didn’t throw the first blow. All Aemond did was fight back to protect himself and grabbed a makeshift weapon to ensure he doesn’t get beaten by four people at once. He was in survival mode and doing anything to keep himself protected.
When it comes down to Lucerys in that fight. He had no business running in and joining in the group beating of another child. It wasn’t his fight. I understand he’s a child, but most kids understand that beating up someone is a bad thing to do. Even at 7. I knew not to punch people at 7, and I can guarantee most others did too. Age can excuse a lot of things but mercilessly beating someone who is on the ground being beaten by three others? I don’t think so.
But let’s look at why Luc cuts his eye out. From your perspective it’s to “save his brother’s life”. But is that really the case? Let’s really take a look. During the fight, Aemond pushes all four kids off him while he is being beaten on the ground. Once gaining the upper hand, he grabs Luc and holds a rock over his head, and…talks. He threatens to kill them and calls them bastards, but he doesn’t actually do anything. In fact, when Luc says his “father” is alive and Aemond realizes Luc doesn’t know he’s a Strong, he lowers the rock. At that point Aemond is no longer a threat. His weapon is down, and he’s speaking relatively calmly. It’s only after Aemond calls Jace “Lord Strong” that the knife is drawn. The knife isn’t drawn for self-defense or to save Luc. It’s pulled for the fact that Aemond called the boys bastards.
From there Jace keeps attacking him with a knife. Aemond gets the better of him in the fight once again, and Jace is on the ground. Here’s where the “saving his life” comes in. Aemond stands over Jace with the rock in his hand raised high and….does nothing. Again. I counted, and Aemond stands there still for about 10 seconds doing absolutely nothing. He breathes deeply. He looks at Baela and Rhaena who look back in fear. But he does nothing. In those ten seconds Luc scrambles to grab the knife, exchanges a look with Jace, and then Jace throws sand in Aemond’s eyes and Luc leaps at him and slashes his eye out.
Now, personally, watching that scene I really didn’t get the feeling Aemond would do anything. Every time he gets the upper hand and will supposedly kill one of the kids with a rock, he stops. He lingers. He doesn’t deliver the blow. By the time Luc gets the knife Aemond has been still and not hit Jace at all for quite a bit of time. He waits long enough for Luc to get the knife and for both boys to silently agree on a tactic to hurt him.
This also begs the question. If Jace had enough time and space to grab sand in his fist and throw it at Aemond to temporarily blind him and get away, why the fuck didn’t he do that before?! We see that Aemond yells and is disoriented by the sand in his eyes. Jace could’ve easily thrown it and kicked aemond and gotten away and they could’ve ended the fight by running away. But instead he waited until his brother had a knife and they could stab him. These boys weren’t doing this in self-defense. It was a coordinated attack with the intention to stab Aemond with a knife. They wanted to stab him. We saw that with Jace pulling it out first.
That whole fight is not Jace and Luc fighting to survive. It’s Aemond fighting to survive. It’s not Luc jumping to save his brother. It’s Jace wanting to stab someone for calling him a bastard (he is), and both boys working together to hurt him. I genuinely believe that the long pauses Aemond took are proof enough that he had no intention of hurting actually killing them. I think it was more of an act of intimidation to show they should leave him alone. So I hold all four kids responsible for what happened to Aemond, but most especially Jace and Luc because while the girls stopped beating Aemond and left after he pushed them off. Jace and Luc kept going because they got angry at the title they were rightfully called, and teamed up to deal a blow that resulted in permanent damage and blinding one eye.
“also the bullying he was following his older brother and only companion as well as his much older uncle, an authority figure”
As I said earlier. I understand seven year olds are dumb as heck, and they don’t always know what is an is not ok. However. Just as I would think most seven year olds know beating someone is bad, most seven year olds know bullying is bad. Hurting people’s feelings isn’t ok. At seven, I knew bullying wasn’t ok. All the boys knew what they were doing was insulting and mean. That’s why they did it. They wanted to be hurtful to Aemond. Yes, Luc was following Aegon and Jace, but that doesn’t absolve the fact that he fully knew what they were doing was mean and found it funny like the others.
yes he should have apologised, but when should he have? when he was being treated by the maesters for his broken nose? when aemonds mother said to have his eye cut out? when he returned half a decade later and his uncle’s hatred was already there AND his own dislike likely pushed by his family?
We can agree he should have apologized, anon. But you seem to be under the impression of how Luc simply couldn’t apologize because of everyone else or the circumstances. You seem to be incorrectly putting the blame on Alicent and Aemond for why he didn’t apologize. Even thought Aemond is the victim.
But let’s see, when should Luc have apologized? “When he was being treated by the maesters for his broken nose”? Sure! Aemond had to answer interrogations by his father and calmed his mother down while having his eye socket sewed shut. I’m sure Luc could’ve apologized then. A broken nose is not nearly as awful and having an eye gouged out, and he seemed pretty ok at that point so yeah. He could’ve spoken up and said he was sorry.
“When Aemond’s mother said to have his eye cut out”? I’m sorry but this reeks of Alicent anti. There was plenty of time before and after Alicent had a literal mental breakdown for Luc to apologize. Why even blame or bring up Alicent? She has nothing to do with this. Luc’s responsibility to apologize is not dependent on anyone else. Least of all the woman in the room who is the only person who cares that Aemond is hurt.
“when he returned half a decade later and his uncle’s hatred was already there AND his own dislike likely pushed by his family”? Absolutely. I assume you’re talking about the dinner scene, and yes, Luc absolutely could have and should have apologized. Yes, Aemond’s anger was pretty much set because it had been a decade of no apology for literally being maimed. But a late apology is better than no apology. During that dinner, Alicent and Rhaenyra, two people who had two decades worth of resentment between them, were heartfelt and kind to one another. Luc could’ve easily toasted to Aemond. He could’ve lifted his glass and said “To my uncle. Long ago I did horrible things to him, and I’ve carried the burden of resentment and guilt all these years. I am truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused, and I hope that my heartfelt apology can be a new beginning for us” or something else sappy like that. Team black may or may not have solidified resentment in Luc against Aemond (about what I wouldn’t know because Aemond didn’t actually do anything wrong). But that doesn’t take away from the fact he should’ve apologized.
You seem to be pushing the idea that because Luc grew resentment because of his family against Aemond, he couldn’t apologize. But he very much could. He just didn’t want to. Because he didn’t care. He didn’t think he was wrong and didn’t feel he had to apologize.
The simple truth of the matter is that Luc didn’t apologize because he doesn’t feel remorse. It’s not because he was too injured to apologize at first. Or because Alicent was mean for five minutes. Or because his family solidified resentment. He didn’t apologize because he isn’t sorry. And that is best exemplified by the dinner scene. Like I said earlier he could’ve apologized. But instead, what did Luc do? He saw a pig and began to laugh at the cruel prank and bullying he did against Aemond. He still relished in the mean things he did as a child. There’s no remorse there, only smugness and sick enjoyment in his past cruelties. That is why I hate Lucerys so much. The burden of responsibility to apologize was on Luc, and there is no excuse for him not apologizing. He just wasn’t sorry, and that’s not on anyone but Luc for being…just not a good person.
TLDR: Luc has had a long pattern of being cruel and mean and never felt an ounce of guilt. You are right that there’s many factors, anon. But they don’t take away from the basic facts. Luc intentionally hurt Aemond’s feelings and found joy in it, Luc intentionally maimed Aemond with Jace (instead of opting for a less violent conclusion), and Luc never apologized and never felt remorse for his cruelty instead opting to continue to take pleasure in his negative acts.
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dreamymoonpearl · 3 months
“My lord, I am not free to marry, I am betrothed to my brother, Jacaerys, the prince of dragonstone”
– Is that true, my Lord Strong?
Lucerys turned, among the guards who would escort him out, the image of his uncle agitated and clenching his jaw surprised him, they were halfway down after receiving the Baratheon's response.
- It is, uncle.
- That won't happen.
It was an order, the tone was acidic and mandatory.
– You are no one to tell me who to marry, the order is clear and our commitment is approved by the legitimate queen-
– By the imposter, you mean – he interrupted him, looked more upset – a false engagement between her two bastards.
– Only you and your people call us that, my commitment to the prince of dragonstone is legitimate and we will marry under the customs of our house.
Silence, a silence that scared Lucerys, his uncle looked just as upset, staring at him intensely. The guards brought their hands to their swords.
– Are these your final words, my lord strong?
Lucerys cleared his throat and stood up, nodding confusedly at his uncle's words, head high.
– That will not happen, Lucerys.
– But it will happen – he answered, sure of himself, Jace had promised him – when he returns from his mission we will finally unite… something that not even you uncle, not even your gods will be able to avoid.
– You heard what I said.
– And you heard what I just say to you uncle, Jace will be my husband soon, take this news to your usurper king.
And he turned around with the guards at his sides and back, all of them not seeing how Aemond's violet eye darkened and a broken smile formed on his face, a small laugh left his throat, admiring the tiny back of his nephew get away from him.
The day was dark, just as his heart feels at that moment.
– But you belong to me…Lucerys.
He whispered into the air, turning around as well and quickly began to walk in the opposite direction, eager to reach his dragon and do the only thing that could prevent Jacaerys from taking away what was rightfully his since that night in Driftmark.
Lucerys was his, he belonged to him, if Lucerys wasn't his…he wouldn't be anyone's, he wouldn't let Jace be the reason again he lost what was his.
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immentallyilll · 2 years
Prevent the war
Yandere!Aemond x fem!Targeryen!reader
-Rheanyra sent reader as a messenger to Storm's End to convince Lord Borros to bend the knee, but Aemond is already there - Pairing: Yandere Aemond Targaryen x reader Targaryen  Trigger Warning: Yandere Aemond, dragon racing (i guess), fighting, threats, slapping{once}, swear words, talk of forced marriage, 
-short backstory- Reader is the fourth child of Rhaenyra and Harwin. She was included in the fight where Aemond lost his eye because he claimed Vhaegar for his own. He blames them all for his eye. Reader has a female dragon named Bantis that hatched in her cradle and they have a very strong bond (like Rhaenyra and Daemon with their dragons, I am also thinking of some sort of dark-purlpe dragon that resembles Caraxes in appearance and also size, but you can play with your imagination). Reader is a very good dragon rider and was taught how to fight to protect herself by her father Harwin and her brothers. She is known for her beauty and intelligence as well as her skill with daggers
-reader´s pov-
When you arrived at Storm's End, you expected the guards to be a little shaken by the sight of a dragon, but they stood firm. You got out of the saddle and started to walk towards the gate, but an earth-shaking roar coming from the side of the castle stopped you. There lay the monstrous Vheagar, which means that Aemond is here for the same reason you are. Millions of thoughts flashed through your mind. What if Aemond has already convinced Lord Borros about the Greens? What if there's are more of them, more dragons? What if Aemond has come to avenge his eye? By now you are at the gate and guards escort you into the hall where Lord Borros is sitting in his chair. The guards introduced you with your titles "Lord Brros, I bring you a message from Queen Rhaenyra," you confirm in a slightly trembling voice. He was quite amused and added some provocative comments, about how the house of a dragon did not know who rules it since the so-called ,,king Aegon" has sent Aemond. "What's her message?" he asked, handing one of the guards a letter from your mother. Your sight wandered through the hall and landed on Aemond, who stood there with an unreadable expression on his face. He wore a long leather coat that reached almost to his heels, and a belt from which hung a large sword Blackfyre. Aemond caught your staring gaze, but you were too focused on his handsome appearance to notice that. Aemond's towering figure seemed even more alluring and overpowering than ever. Your eyes now wandered over his face, which you were convinced was sculptured by gods. His significant jawline and prominent cheekbones. The nose and chin being the dominance of his face. You were so hypnotized by Aemond's enchanting nature that you almost forgot why you came here in the first place. But a loud voice that resounded through the room woke you up from your daydreams
“Remind me of my father´s oath?”he questioned. Now you finally realised how long you were marveling of him. Your attention was immediately fully drawn on lord Borros. He´s offended, because from his point of view, what were you to bring him a message that questions his loyalty. You had nothing to offer him, he had no son you could marry and Lucerys along with Jacaerys were already bethroted to your cousins.“So you come with empty hands, go home princess. And tell your mother that the lord of Storm´s end, is not some dog she that she can whistle up, at need to set aggainst her foes.” the lord ordered you to leave with slight anger in his voice.
"I shall thake your answer to the queen, my lord," you announced, trying not to sound disappointed, but your attempt failed thoroughly. You turn and head for the door, relieved at the thought of leaving. "Wait ... my lady Strong." Amond's voice echoed through the room, and you stopped turning to face him, anger visible on your face. "Did you really think you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost?" You tensed, but gathered your courage and took a few steps forward. "I came as a messanger, not a warrior." But Aemond obviously had different plans, "Fight would be a little challenge." Now you actually started to worry, shifting in your place. "No. I want you to put out your eye." Asserted Aemond as he took off his eye patch to reveal the beautiful sapphire he had inserted in place of his eye. You are shocked, a little frightened by his action, but mostly angry with yourself, because the man of whose beauty you were enthralled by just a few minutes ago (who appears to be your uncle) is now the reason you are trembling because he wants to put out your eye. "As payment for mine" you are sure, if Lucerys was here instead of you, he'd be already dead. "One will serve" Aemond took a blade that was hidden under his coat and threw it among you. You looked down at it and wished that you never came here. Worry showed on your face and Aemond seemed amused by it. "I will not blind you," he said with ease, and hummed, smiling."I plan to gift it to my mother"  “No” you tried to sound as strong and fearless as you could, but in fact, it only came out as a pathetic whimper. Your fear ha staken over you. It appeared Aemond was not happy with your answer, since he stopped smirking and his jaw clenched. “Then you are a craven, as well as a traitor.” he added and his face had now no expression. “Not here” said lord Borros and your eyes widened. Was he aware of somethig or did they plan this all along? Aemond was now headed towards you, screaming ”Give me your eye or i will take it, you little bastard!” he bent down, not stopping, for the blade he trew there earlier and you instinctively took out the two daggers which were hidden under your cloak, prepared to fight even though you knew he was way more skilled. The guards were prepared to protect you, at least something positive. Aemond was getting nearer every second, with expression of a maniac.”Not in my hall.” finally, Lord Borros stopped this madness and Aemond froze in his place and grew even more angry.”The girl came as an envoy.” and he continued “ I will not have a bloodshed beneath my roof.” he defended you. Then lord Borros looked at the guards “ take princess y/n to her back to her dragon. Now” he orded, but by the look of Aemonds you knew this wasn´t over. Again, turning around you began to walk towards door while putting your daggers away.
The moment you stepped outside the castle, you ran to your dragon. Heavy rain falling from the sky, making your vision blurry. As you hurried, you looked upon where Vhaegar laid before and how lightning struck, she was no longer there and your heart sunk to the ground itself. Feeling your guts clench, tears on the verge, panic rushed over you. Bantis shared your worries and nugged her head towards your body and you rested your forehead on hers, comforting each other with this manner. There was no other choice for you, than climb on your dragon and fly home as fast as you can, because there was still Vhaegar with Aemond somewhere in the rainstorm: “Dikimarvose(focus).”  you alost screamed because of the rain muffling your voice: “Laehossa ynot, Bantis(pay attention, Bantis)”, you tried to calm her down, but more of comforting yourself. “Lykíri, ryptys!(be calm, listen!)” adding, while you climbed onto her wing and settled into the saddle. "Soves, Bantis!(fly, Bantis!)”
 She spread her wings and soared into the blizzard. Now flying through the dark night, enlightened only by lightning. Raindrops whipping your face, as were looking around yourself, convincing, that there was no monsterous dragon rode by mad dragon rider, who threatened to cut your eye out. While looking around yourself, a roaring sound rang through the heavy rain. But after a moment, hearing a loud growl above your head, was the opposite of what you wished for. You looked up, and the air left your lungs, your heart stopped beating at the sight of the giant. Lightning seems like it's calming down and Vhaegar with Aemond are no longer lingering above you but even worse. They appear right in front of you, Vhaegars jaw opening and snatching at you and Bantis. You quickly reacted by directing Bantis downwards, missing Vhaegars legs by a meter or so. Aemonds demonic laughter sounded across the air, while turning around. Aemond screamed at you "I see you." Vhaegar snatching at you, again. "Ilybonos!(bastard!)”. Now you went down again panting, as Vhaegar reached for you and Bantis with her feet claws. They were right behind you. there was no chance you could escape if you stayed under them, so you had to change your place at least, for some kind of advantage. "Aderi! Pales!(quickly!turn!)” you screamed. Bantis didn't need to be told twice, turning to the side. You were no longer high in clouds, seeing the large cliff with many gaps you and your dragon can hide, compared to Vhaegar.
You flew into a big space between the walls of a cliff, it was near the ground. Aemod with Vhaegar had to fly over the top, which was open and they could still see you so they followed you. Now you were a little further than they were, but you could still hear the psychopathic laugh from Aemond. “Jemela gelyni enka!” (you owe me a debt) Aemond yelled down at you.”Rina!” (girl!).You couldn´t see them anymore, your breath fastened. Then, Vhaegars large body appeared in front of you. You could not turn or stop, because of the speed. Bantis crashed into Vhaegars torso. She was unable to keep balance or recover quickly, which led to her falling to the ground, still with you on the back. You tried to make her settle in the air but nothing worked. gods must have prayed for you since Bantis wasn´t too high by the time she fell on the ground. She tried to soften the fall by burying her legs and wings into the ground, which seemed helpful at first, but the hard landing made her body jump. With that you fell off the saddle, rolled off on her wing and landed onto the ground. As you ,,landed” you hit your head a few times, which made you feel dizzy, but you were still conscious. Lying there, on a ground, regain your strength, panting.
Bantis is also exhausted from constant dodging, sudden descents and ascents. She huffed in tiredness, while you´re trying to come to your senses. Head still feeling woozy, as you shaked it, hoping it would help to stop the slightly blurry vision. There was a great rumble somewhere behind, the sound was layered with sea and wind. You listened to the surroundings.
You heard ponderous slow steps, Aemond is approaching you. Hearing his voice way closer than you thought, only a few feet connecting your distance. You began to get up, while he talked to you “ So you thought, that comming to storm´s end, begging for Baratheons support,trying to steel my brothers throne, will come with no punishment, Ao byka aspo?(you little bitch)”. His voice full of anger, now echoed just a few meters away from you.  Straightening up from the  one knee you used for support of your weight, you glared in direction of his voice. “ Your brother´s throne? Aegon does not deserve it. He´s nothing more is nothing more then a preverted drunk, who doesn´t even want to rule.” You gripped the handle of your dagger with your left hand as you spoke, preppared for sparring that is about to begin. “Se iksā mēre laes qogralbar”(and you are one eyed fuck). Aemonds large steps carried him to face you. Now standing straight, you draved your dagger at him, which he did not expect and just in time he brought his right forearm to yours. This movement prevented him from getting stabbed. This angerd him even more and now he lost it, gripping your chin whith his hand, almost breaking your jaw. His fingertips digging into the flesh, which you could only wince at. With a swift montion his right arm, which was till now blocking yours, clasped your left wrist with force, causing you dropped the dagger. The left one, that was crushing your jaw, is now gripping you by your hair. Which made you only hiss in pain. You kicked him in the shin, making loose his balance. But he recovered faster than you. Aemond grabbed both your arms and with the back of his leg he kicked your ankles, shoving you to the ground. 
 Aemond gripped the collar of your shirt and brought you even closer to his face.“You think these harsh words will save you?” he asked mockingly, with emphasis on the word harsh. “It´s not very ladylike to talk like this, you know?” he said and you felt scolded as if you were a child. Wiggling underneath Aemond seemed to anger him, because he pulled you by your shirt again almost to sit up. “Look at yourself, you are a pathetic little bastard. You can´t even tell if someone noticed you stare at them, can you?” The realization hits you. he noticed, he saw the way you devoured his appearance. Redness grew on your cheeks from embarrassment. Trying to look away you moved your head, but Aemond´s hand clasped your cheeks in one hand, slightly squishing your lips. “Aww you´re not getting shy, are you? Come on, tell me, what did you think when your eyes were fixed on me until you forgot where you were. It must have been something intersting.” he said in singing voice, mocking your shocked expression. Your nerves boiled, anger grew abd you started to figet in again. Aemond laughed at your squirming body, head titling back and you saw your chance not willing to loose it.
As he did not pay attention, your knee shot up, inbetween his thighs. And you hit your target, Aemond´s lips parted in yelp but the sound was more of a growl. With your legs wrapped around his waist tightly, you rolled over with him so you are now on top of him. Knees on each side of Aemond´s hips. “Whose pathetic now?” you asked him in prideful tone, looking down at him. the hair in now messy and a few strands bothered you by hangig around your eyes and as you blew it out of your sight, eyes glimpsed infront of you and faith came back in that moment, your dagger. Only a few meters away from you. Aemond realized your attention was drawn on something else than him, as he laid on the ground Aemond titled his head to look where your gaze was heading. Both of you looking at the dagger, back at eachother. Immediately you climbed off of him and headed forn the blade. Aemond turned to his knees and reached for your ankle,  which caused you to fall and he pulled back to him. Your hands clawed at the ground, mixture of dirt and sand. “Where were you going dārilaros (princess)?” he questioned and you could hear the grin in his voice. Aemond was about to turn you over but you grasped handful of the dirt and threw it into his face.”Orvorta!(cunt)” he yelled at you. Unfortunatelly for you he managed to dodge it. Aemond gripped you by your arms, but you fought, trying to get the hold of control back. After a second of fighting, you felt a sharp stung on your cheek . he slapped you across the face, harshly and you yere sure . Aemond´s hand found it´s way back to your hair, yanking you to stand up with him. You whimpered in pain, you tried to collaborate, in hope he´d let go of your hair, he did not. 
Aemond jerked you to straighten up and to face him. his expression spoke of loss of patiance and rage. his hand moved from your hair, which you reliefed for a moment but, replacing it to your throath. Squeezing hard enough to make it difficult for you to breathe, but not enough to kill you. Your eyes began to water up and you lip started quivering, pawing at his hand to release you. “Your mother has once said that conecting our families by marriege would help to prevent the war. I will not take your eye. Not only a part of you, i will take you entirely as you are, a beautiful and fierce dragon rider.” Aemond acknowledged you with his intentions as he softened the grip a little, as if waiting for you to answer. Your mouth parted in awe. What choice did you have, either die or marry him and live. you were not ready to meet your father, you want to see you mother againg along with your brothers. You want to ride with Bantis again.
“Sīr, kessa ao dīnagon nyke?(So, will you marry me?)” he asked with sweet voice, as if he was your secret lover for years and now he asked for your hand somewhere in a beatuful garden. “Skoros iderennon gaomagon eman.(What choice do i have)” you replied, looking upon his sapphire eye. Aemond seemed pleased with your anser since his firm grip was now gone and turned into a soft carese of your cheek, that felt loving and beatiful. 
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Hello, I was just wondering if you would ever do a female Lucerys Velaryon fanfic?
AN- I don't know about a fanfic but here are a few headcanons for it...
Being Rhaenyra's Daughter and taking Aemond's eye...
Part 2
Warnings- Forced Marriage
GIF Credits to @veinereastath
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Being Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong's first daughter and Jacaerys little sister. Being their first daughter meant that you were loved and cared by them; spoilt rotten by your mother and learning sword from your biological father.
Growing up with the Greens meant that you had a love-hate mostly hate relation with Aemond Targaryen.
You would tease him about not having a dragon, also being a part of 'The Pink Dread' prank. Though you had felt bad later, you were proud enough not to apologize.
You were to inherit Driftmark after Laenor. Lord Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys had decided that your gender won't matter in the inheritance.
You were quite close to Helaena, having shared classes by the Septa with her. But that was until your family shifted to the Dragonstone.
The news of Harwin's death saddened you tremendously, and you and your family had to travel to Driftmark for Laena's funeral.
You had tried to console your father, who grieved the death of your aunt, his sister.
In Driftmark, you met Daemon, the Rogue Prince, and his daughters, Baela and Rhaena.
You striked a strong bond with both of thems in the short time. Cheering them up a bit and helping them come out of grief.
That night, you were with them when you heard Vhagar and went out to investigate with them and Jace.
There you saw Aemond.
A fight broke out and in self defense, you sliced the dagger through Aemond's left eye, damaging it for lifetime.
Alicent wanted your eye as a payment and in the order to do so herself, she injured Rhaenyra, which in return hurt Viserys who yelled at everyone to stop.
As a way of repayment, you were betrothed to Aemond. Viserys said that it would join the two fractions of House Targaryen.
"Prince Aemond is betrothed to marry Princess (Y/N) from this day forward and shall be married when they come of age. This shall unite our House for good. The House of the Dragon should always be united."
And so, you left Driftmark betrothed to the man you hated with your entire life.
Only to know that your father died.
And soon enough your mother married Daemon.
Fast forward to the time when you with your family arrive at King's Landing to discuss your position as the heir of Corlys Velaryon, who would inherit Driftmark when the right time arrives.
And you met your betrothed again.
Only to be slightly awestruck by his beautiful long hair and sharp features.
But you could see he was less than amused, taunting you instead.
"Betrothed! Came here with your dagger, have you?"
The entire trial, you could feel his gaze fleeting over you. He looked at you like he could read you as an open book, running his fingers over the words to learn a secret you could only guess upon.
Your grandsire proclaimed you the heir to Driftmark.
Vaemond called Rhaenyra a whore and you and your siblings a bastard; adding a line about you following your mother's footsteps. That ended with him getting his skull off in a very asymmetrical way, so that his tongue was kept intact.
"He can keep his tongue."
The predatory look in Aemond's eye had you shivering; hiding behind your mother while she squeezed your hand in reassurance.
That evening, you were forced to sit beside him, which made it tense for you; while his eye pierced her soul.
And a toast was made for Jace and Joffrey, which was very offensive.
And then, for you.
"To my betrothed who is a beautiful, young... strong woman."
You stood up and slapped him.
Jace and Rhaena handled Aegon in the meantime.
Aemond did push you back a bit.
And before you could claw his only eye out, Daemon interrupted.
"Go to your bed chambers," Rhaenyra ordered
The betrothed was called off after that night.
And you returned to Dragonstone happy.
Your mother had started coordinating with the North about a betrothal between you and Cregan Stark.
"Cregan Stark shall treat you just and honorably."
But the news of passing of your grandsire came.
And Rhaenys came with the news of Aegon usurping your mother's crown.
You were sent to the Storm's End on your insistence.
And guess who you found there...
Aemond Fucking 'One-Eyed' Targaryen
Lord Borris Baratheon acted like a twat and denied helping your mother's cause.
Aemond stepped forward just in time for your leave.
"Give me your eye or I will take it!"
"Then I will take something far more precious."
Lord Baratheon was kind enough to order you to leave.
But that stormy night, you arrived at Dragonstone
And only a week later, your mother was told that you were forcefully married to Aemond.
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eddiemadmunson · 1 year
Traitor - part 1 of 2
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Summary: Y/N and Aemond are betrothed and in love, but when Aemond kills her brother Lucerys and is captured on Dragonstone, everything changes. Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon reader Warnings: Incest, there is no smut in this fic, only angst and sadness. My only warning for this fic is that Vhagar is going to do something unusual for dragons from ASOIAF universe. Word account: around 3000 words A/N: English is not my first language, let’s pretend that ** means that they are talking in High Valyrian
Y/N Velaryon was the only daughter and legitimate heir of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon, she was born 9 months after the wedding. Rhaenyra and Laenor had tried to sleep together couple times before she started her romance with ser Harwin Strong who was the father of Y/N’s siblings and by some miracle, Y/N has been born. She grew up along with her brothers,uncles and aunt in King's Landing, growing into beautiful young, clever and kind woman. When she and Aemond were 16 years old their mothers decided to betrothed them to achieve peace between the two parts of their family. Y/N stayed in King’s Landing after that infamous incident between Aemond and her brothers and cousins, Rhaenyra wanted to take her with them but Y/N begged her to let her stay there with Aemond and Rhaenyra eventually agreed, leaving her only daughter with the Greens. Y/N and Aemond has loved each other since they were kids and everyone assumed that they will get married soon and live happily ever after. Aemond often flew with her to the Dragonstone so she could visit her family, but he always stayed at the beach or flew back home and came back few days later to get her back to King’s Landing. Everything seemed perfect, but then Aemond called her brothers Strong bastards at the family dinner and her mother forced her to go back to the Dragonstone with them. Y/N followed her because she was also disappointed by Aemond’s behavior and wanted to stay with her mother for a while so he could think about his actions. But couple days later King Viserys died, Alicent and Otto placed Aegon on the Iron throne and Aemond killed her brother. Aemond tried to talk to his beloved Y/N, he flew to the Dragonstone on Vhagar’s back as usually but he was caught when he tried to get inside the castle and Blacks captured him and took him as a prisoner at the Dragonstone.
Present time:
You were sneaking to the prison walls, carefully looking around if you are not being seen by your mother’s guards. It seemed that everyone was placed around the castle walls, expecting attack or some kind of rescue mission from the outside. They did not expect that the real danger was lurking inside the castle walls. The night was dark and cold, you were tired, so fucking tired. You almost cried your eyes out. Your dear brother, your baby brother was dead. You will never hear his jolly laughter again, see his eyes sparkle in excitement while riding his dragon, you will never see him grow up into a fine man, lord of the Driftmark, husband of a beautiful Rhaena, father of their future children. But the worst thing about this situation was that it was your lover, your Aemond who murdered your brother. His dragon Vhagar snapped your brother and his dragon in half above the Storm’s End. Lord Borros Baratheon sent a raven with the devastating news to your mother, along with the message, that his house supports Aegon as a true heir to the Iron Throne. You still couldn’t believe that Aemond would be able to do something like this to you. Sure, he hated Luke and he wanted his revenge for such a long time, but killing him? The Aemond you knew wasn’t a stone blood killer. He was impulsive, arrogant and could be cruel to those who wronged him, but he wasn’t a murderer. You had to talk to him you needed to know what happened, what changed so much in those ten days you two were apart. You slipped behind the guard’s backs and silently walked towards the prison cell. You saw Aemond sitting on the cold prison cell floor and your heart ached. You wanted to hate him for what he did to Luke, but your heart was a traitor and it started beating loudly when he looked up as if he could sense that you are near. “Are you serious, Y/N?” Jace said and walked out of the shadows. “What are you doing here?” he demanded answers and you gulped in shame. “I... I just need to talk to him, Jace. I need to know what happened above the Storm’s End, I need to know why he did it,” you tried to reason with your brother.  “It doesn’t matter why he did it Y/N! He murdered our brother. Lucerys is dead because of him. We couldn’t even give him a proper burial because we couldn’t find his body, only pieces of Arraxes wings were found on the ground!” Jace hissed and each word was like a dagger to your poor heart. “I know, Jace, do you think that I don’t know it? Do you think that I didn’t cry myself to sleep the last three nights? You think I don’t care about Luke? And that’s why I need to know the answers,” you tried again, but Jace was cold as a stone. “I won’t let you go anywhere near him!” he stated. ”Jace, please, just couple of minutes,” you begged. “No, mother and Daemon will execute him tomorrow, nobody wants to hear his excuses or explanations. There is nothing to explain. That’s why he is gagged, nobody wants to hear a word from murderer’s lips,” Jace said coldly and your heart squeezed in your chest.  “Execute? You can’t just execute him without a trial! Aegon and Alicent will want revenge; we will be stuck in a death circle, Jacerys! If you kill him, they will find a way how to hurt you, or Joffrey, or little Vicerys and Aegon. And what we are going to do next? Kill Helaena, Daeron, Aegon or his kids? This is madness! We need to find calmer way out of this!” you grabbed his shoulders, shaking him with desperate tears in your eyes. Jacerys was looking at you with disgust in his brown eyes, his father’s eyes. “Why are you defending him, sweet sister? Is it even possible for you to still have feelings for him? After what he did to our brother?” he hissed and you blushed. “I just want to talk to him,” you tried again. “No, go to sleep. I can’t even look at you,” Jace was adamant. You sighed and looked at Aemond who was sitting in his cell, his hands tied up behind his back, his mouth gagged, so he couldn’t say a word, but he didn’t make any efforts to say something, he was sitting there calmly, his eye never leaving your figure, his blue eye was looking at you with the familiar adoration and unknown urgency to talk to you.  “Y/N, hey Y/N!” Jace shouted at you, you realized that he said your name couple of times before you started listening to him, too lost in Aemond’s eye. Jace grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. “How can you still look at him like that, sister? With so much love and adoration? Are you insane?” Jace’s voice was cracking, he was so mad at you or on this whole fucked up situation. “I love him since I was a kid, Jace. I can’t just turn it off, I am not saying that I want to forgive him or forget what he did, I just need to know why!” you were crying now, hot tears running down your cheeks. You felt Aemond shifting in his cell but you didn’t dare to look at him, your eyes focused on your brother’s face. “I have never understood why you fell in love him, Y/N. He is cruel, arrogant, weird,” Jace started listing the reasons why he didn’t like your betrothed . “He was like this to you, because you mocked him when you were kids and teenagers. You, Luke and Aegon were making fun of him all the time, he was only reacting to your behavior. Luke mutilated him and he never even felt sorry for it, you can’t blame him for not being really warm to you,” you defended Aemond as always. Since you were a child you were always on his side that was the main reason why he fell in love with you.  “He calls us bastards all the time, Y/N,” Jace shouted and you said something what you immediately regretted. “The word is nasty, but the truth is that you are not Laenor’s sons. No matter how many times our mother or grandfather try to deny it, it’s a truth,” Jace acted fast before he had a chance to think about his actions, he slap you hard across your face. You gasped and fell on the ground. Your ears were ringing, your face was hurting, but it was nothing in comparing to the pain in your heart. Aemond went feral in his cell, you heard the clinking of his shackles against the iron bars as he tried to get to you or to Jace, but he was trapped there, but he somehow managed to take off his gag. “Touch her again and I will rip your hands off your body, bastard. Fucking coward!! Y/N, are you OK?” he was shouting and Jace was too shocked to react to him. He tried to help you, but you pushed him away, tears filling your eyes. “Don’t touch me, don’t you ever dare to touch me again!” you whimpered and run away, leaving them both in the cell. 
When you woke up the next morning you tried to talk to your mother about Aemond, but she told you the same thing as Jacerys. She wanted Aemond dead, there was no other option for her. Your kind and cheerful mother was now full of sorrow and blood thirst. You tried to explain to her that his death will only lead to another deaths and it will destroy your whole family but she wasn’t listening to you. All she could hear in her ears was “revenge, revenge, revenge”. When she asked you why there is a bruise on your cheek you told her, that you slipped and the door hit your face. She didn’t look convinced, but she let it go for now, she had other things on mind. She wanted to execute Aemond today, when the sun will set. You didn’t try to visit Aemond again, you were sure that Jacerys put a guards in front of his cell, expecting you to come back. He obviously didn’t tell your mother that you tried to visit him, he was too embarrassed that he hit you. He tried to apologize to you this morning but you ignored him. You were wandering around the Dragonstone walls, trying to figure out what to do. You could send a Raven to Aegon, but he wouldn’t be able to do something to save his brother in time. You wanted to help him escape by yourself, but you weren’t a fighter and even if you would be the best swordswoman in the Seven Kingdoms, they were outnumbered. And yes, you came to the conclusion, that you want Aemond to live. You were heartbroken and shaken that he killed your baby brother, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to wish him painful death. You wanted him to escape, fly back to King’s Landing and never show his face in front of you again. But you had no idea how to do it. Suddenly you heard a distant roar. You could recognize her roars everywhere. It was Vhagar. Well he obviously got here on his dragon. She was too big and dangerous so nobody tried to get to her yet. You quickly got on the horse back and rode towards the giant she-dragon. This was probably a stupid idea, but you were desperate. She was resting on the beach, looking your way as you rushed to her, but she remained calm. She was used to you, you and Aemond visited her almost daily, you rode with him on her back many times, he loved to see your happy face when you two were together in the air. Your egg has never hatched and you didn’t claim any dragon, but you didn’t mind, you weren’t rushing anything, you were sure that your dragon is waiting for you somewhere, you just had to wait for the right time. You slowly walked to the old dragon lady.  **Hi, Vhagar, it’s me, Y/N. Do you remember me, beautiful girl?** you asked her, your voice shaking slightly. You always felt respect to this magnificent beast. She always let you pet her and walk to her, but it was always with Aemond behind your back, talking gently to her, calming her down. She watched you carefully, her old eyes didn’t show any emotion. **I need your help big girl. Aemond is in danger. Your rider will die very soon if we won’t help him. Aemond is in danger!** you talked slowly to her in High Valyrian. You felt like a fool, dragons were smart but they were just animals, she probably didn’t understand a word you were saying. Vhagar looked at you with her ancient eye, not moving a muscle. **Please, we need to help him,** you begged her, slowly getting closer to her, she was now watching you carefully. This was stupid idea, she will probably burn you alive, but you didn’t want to live in a world where your own mother killed the man you love. You stopped dead in your tracks when Vhagar opened her mouth slightly and you noticed the hot flames forming deep inside her mouth. **No, Vhagar, be a good girl Vhagar, obey me, for Aemond. You are his only hope. Vhagar please!!** you pleaded with tears of desperation in your eyes. You weren’t afraid to die but you wanted to save Aemond first and he will die without your help, you had no doubts about that. Suddenly the wind blew wildly behind you, sending your scent straight to the old she-dragon’s nose. Vhagar hesitated and started sniffing, the look of confusion evident on her scaled face. She closed her mouth, the flames died in her throat. You let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding. Vhagar’s massive head moved towards you and you stood your ground even though your survival instinct was screaming at you to start running away as quickly as possible. She sniffed you slowly and gently nudged your flat belly. Your eyes widened when you realized why the dragon is acting like this. **Oh, you can sense it do you? You can sense that I am with child,** you smiled softly and patted her nose as she kept nudging your almost nonexistent baby bump. **You can smell Aemond’s blood in me, that’s why you didn’t burn me alive** you realized and more salted tears were rolling down your cheeks. You have never cried so much in your whole life as you cried in the last 2 weeks. You were so happy when you didn’t bleed in the last 3 months, you waited until you were sure and you wanted to tell Aemond on his birthday next week. And now everything was ruined. You were expecting your first child with a man who you loved more than anything on this world but also with a man who killed your brother and whose brother usurped your mother’s throne. This felt like a fucked up story from one of the books you read in the library when you were spending your time with Aemond at his favorite place. You sighed and proceed to the next move. **I need to get on your back, big girl. Please cooperate with me, we are doing this for Aemond. Please don’t eat me or burn me alive,** you sent a silent prayer to the gods and slowly approached the rope ladder on her back. You touched it and she growled in warning. **Good girl, Vhagar. Please, obey me, the sooner you obey me, the sooner you will be able to have Aemond back in your saddle** you soothed her and slowly started climbing on the old dragon. Vhagar clearly felt uncomfortable, you were not her rider, you weren’t Aemond, but you smelled like him, she felt that you were carrying his child and maybe she somehow understood that you want to help him, so she let you climb up into her leather saddle. You were breathing heavily, the climbing took a lot of your strength. You took the reins in your hands and yelled. **Fly Vhagar, as fast as you could to the castle, before it’s too late,** Vhagar didn’t move for few moments and you thought that your efforts were futile but then she slowly started moving. You had to grip the saddle when the dragon started running on the beach, slowly spreading her massive wings, and before you knew it you were in the air. You made it, Vhagar listened to you. You quickly directed her to the castle, you were praying that you are not too late to safe Aemond and make your whole family hate your guts.
  Next part coming soon
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yovrstruly00 · 2 years
tainted faces
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What if Lucerys Velaryon was born a girl? AND that Aemond Targaryen is head over heels for her instead!
tainted faces | part two
tainted faces | part three
tainted faces | part four
trigger warning: cursing, knives, injuries, Aegon smashing Lyssaera's head on the table, incest (uncle x niece),,
genre: angst?? idk, possible enemies to lovers,,
Lyssaera Velaryon, Aemond fumes at the sight of her. The one who slashed his face with a blade and took his eye. The one who made him look like this, the one who made him hideous to look at. How can someone so beautiful be the source of all his pain?
Aemond scans her carefully during supper, as she grins and smirks when a roasted pig is placed before him. He slams his fist on the table and takes his goblet, drawing the attention of everyone in the dining hall. He raises his goblet, starting a toast.
"A final tribute," he starts. "To the health of my nephews and niece, Jace, Lyssaera, and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, beautiful, wise..." he pauses as he purses his lip.
"strong," he continued, mockery behind his voice.
"Aemond" the queen calls out to him.
"Come! Let us drain our cups to these three strong-" he said, but was cut off by Jacaerys.
"I dare you say that again." Jacaerys taunted.
"Why? It was only a compliment. Do you not think yourself Strong?" The whole table gasped when Jacaerys took his fist to Aemond's face. Lyssaera stood up, but Aegon crashed her head on the table, making Alicent shout at him.
"Enough!" Alicent shouts. Aemond chuckled as the guards restrained Jacaerys. "Why would you say such a thing in front of these people?" Alicent rushed to Aemond. "I was nearly expressing how proud I am of my family mother, but it seems my nephew and niece aren't quite as proud of theirs." Aemond said.
"You fucking cunt! Let go of me!" Lyssaera shouts at Aegon, who is still holding her down. Aegon scoffs and releases Lyssaera. Once Aegon released his hold on her, she slapped Aemond on the face.
"Lyssaera!" Daemon shouted, making his way to his stepdaughter. Lyssaera made a mistake looking back at him. Aemond took his blade from the knife holster attached to the belt on his waist as held her neck, choking her.
"Aemond let her go!" Alicent and Rhaenyra shouted. Aemond did not hesitate swiftly slicing Lyssaera's cheek, making her scream in pain. Aemond was pulled away by his grandfather, just as Lyssaera was caught by Daemon. Lyssaera's screams filled the whole dining hall. Blood was running down her neck, arms, and to her dress. Rhaenyra and Jacaerys rushed towards Lyssaera as she was crying in pain. The salt in her tears touched her sliced skin. Daemon stood in front of his family and Aemond.
"Painful isn't it? This seems all too familiar, don't you agree? Look at yourself, we are now both terrifying to look at. Scarred for a lifetime. No men or lords will wed you in that condition. No man will wed a woman like you, a woman with a hideous scar on her face." Aemond hissed, anger evident in his voice. He didn't care about the angry eyes on him. At the moment, all he cared about was her. The way she was looking at him. The hatred and pain in her eyes. Aemond looked at the sliced skin, the slice running from the upper point of her cheek to her upper lip, it was deep, deep enough to leave an ugly scar. A scar that will remind her of him.
That late in the night, Lyssaera's wails filled the Red Keep as well as Aemond's ears. He cringes as he recalls the night when Lyssaera took his eye. That night, while the maesters were stitching up his eye and skin, he cried out in agony. Guilt consumes him as he considers how he ruined her dangerously beautiful yet angelic face. A beauty for which any man would die for. A beauty for which any man would fight for. But Aemond is not simply a man, because men do not ride dragons. And with this, he would not let any low life man pursue his Lyssaera. He smirks at the thought that no man would wed her because of the scar he carved out on her face. A scar that will remind every living person that Lyssaera Velaryon was his and only his.
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Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, where Lucerys cut ties with the mafia family)
Yes, Lucerys cut ties with the family, yes, he misses the luxury he had, and yes, he does wish he could go back sometimes. But then he remembers all the deaths that happened, the constant terror of being followed and the fear of being the one in the wrong side of a gun, and all the wishes of being back in the family fades away into nothingness.
His decision is especially backed up by the fact that he also recently gave birth to his twins, and the twins deserve more than a target on their backs, so he pushed on. He bought a bakery and cafe with the money he had left and worked like he had never worked before (he never did, it was the internet filled with recipes that saved him from his business going under) and soon he became a fairly descent baker with regular customers.
And he lived his life like that, happy, content, his boys Baelon and Aemon were already going to day care with the money from his hard work. He really was starting to love his normal life away from the family. He was getting confident that he won't need to go back at all.
Until Aemon got sick. Really sick. And Baelon went missing when he went to school. And Lucerys was losing his mind.
So he called. Not his mother, not his stepfather, or any of his family members, no, calling them would mean hearing them ask him to return, and he's afraid that he'd say yes. He called someone he knows wouldn't ask him to come back, but would care enough to help him find his son and help with the medical bills, just this once, and then they can go back to ignoring each other's existence. The phone rang once, twice, and he was seriously contemplating turning the call off and going straight to the police (he knows they would no doubt report to Daemon and he would in turn tell his mother and that's a whole other problem, but he's desperate), when all of a sudden it got received, and a rather husky voice answered.
"My Lord Strong, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
He knows. Of course he knows, hells the entire family knows. The moment little Lucy decided to leave the nest, they had been monitoring everything. And he suspects nothing, as per usual. He doesn't even question how he managed to buy a bakery with the meager money he had left, or how he managed to enroll the two boys in the best day care with the money from a bakery and cafe alone, the little bird left the nest without knowing how the world works. If he had been truly left alone, he would have been eaten alive.
And now, Lucerys' youngest is sick, and with the other one missing, it was a silent bet to see who gets called for help first, and to the surprise of everyone but him, Lucerys decided to call for Aemond. Aemond, the father of his kids, and his ex-lover.
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