#aerial vid...
thatchainsguy · 3 months
Fast af boi
These pants have passed the fast af necklock challenge, however, the speed itself is a litttttllleee too much, thus my hand tapping the chain in this video.
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drowninginabactatank · 2 months
Silks is harrrrrd but Mushroom taught me this ✨️
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capondi · 1 year
memphis, tn ➡️ charlotte, nc
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 1 year
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She can fly! She can dance! Aerial!
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maiteo · 1 year
golo de namasoooo
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matan4il · 9 months
Daily update post:
Remember how I mentioned yesterday that Hezbollah had attacked the Northern Command base? It was announced that Ali Hussein, the commander of that aerial strike on the IDF base, has been eliminated.
Hey, remember how the anti-Israel crowd kept insisting that Israel has turned Gaza into a concentration camp, before this war? The IDF has arrived at the summer home (!) of Marwan Issa, the deputy military commander of Hamas in Gaza, and I am trying to remember a single Jewish slave laborer in Dachau, who had a summer home that looks like this, inside the camp...
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(screenshots from a vid in Hebrew here, discussing Marwan Issa, his home, and the way Hamas leaders built their wealth)
This is vital: UN Watch have published a report about the Telegram group of UNRWA teachers, who celebrated the massacre of Oct 7, and prided themselves that this was thanks to the education that the terrorists got...
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In the US, Jewish stars have signed a letter addressed to the Academy for Motion Picture, Arts and Sciences, protesting the fact that Jews are not on the list for includion, as one of the marginalized groups that suffer from underrepresentation. I've written way before the war about Jewish representation, and how it has never been good enough. But more than that, Most people are incredibly ignorant about Jews, Judaism, Jewish identity, Jewish history, and even some very basic related facts, such as Jews being native to Israel, or that Jews aren't just white people with a less popular religion. Jews have suffered the longest streak of persecution in human history, the most extreme genocide, and yet we're not even recognized as marginalized and discriminated, which means we're discriminated against even among marginalized groups. It's unfathomable, and it has to change, if the west wants to fight antisemitism, and it has to change NOW.
Idan Amedi's condition, which I posted about in my update post yesterday, is said to have improved, he's regained consciousness, can breathe on his own, and even talked a bit to his family.
This is 62 years old Aviva Siegel.
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She's one of the hostages that were released. Yesterday, she went to the Knesset (Israel's parliament), and I got to hear her testimony about the sexual abuse and torture of the young women in captivity in Gaza, which she had witnessed firsthand. Aviva recounted that one young hostage asked to go to the bathroom. When she returned, Aviva could tell something was off. The young woman confirmed to her that the terrorist molested her. Aviva went to comfort the girl, but the Hamas terrorist rapist stopped her with gun threats. "He wouldn't even let me hug her after he raped her," Aviva said. She also shared that there was another young woman who was physically tortured based on the suspicion that she was an IDF officer. Aviva's husband is still held in captivity, for 96 days now.
This is Ronen Engel, with his daughters Mika and Yuval.
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On Oct 7, Ronen was murdered, his body is still held hostage in Gaza. Yuval and Mika were kidnapped together with their mother Karina, and the three were released during the hostage deal. Two days ago, during the tragedy with the explosives truck in Gaza in which many soldiers were killed and injured 2 days ago, the Engel's family adopted son, 25 years old Amit Shachar, was killed.
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May Ronen and Amit's memories be a blessing.
This was just SO sweet, I had to share. Since the fighting in Gaza started, and some soldiers have been away for months at a time, when they do get to come home, people have shared vids of the reunion joy, and this has to be my personal fave so far:
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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sandalwoodbox · 1 month
Aerials Fandom: Babylon 5 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Delenn/John Sheridan Characters: Delenn (Babylon 5), John Sheridan, Lyta Alexander, Ensemble Additional Tags: Fanvids, aesthetic, Shadow War, Space Battles, Spaceships, Physical Triggers, Subtitles Series: Part 2 of Babylon 5 vids by sandalwoodbox Summary:
Swimming through the void
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36734305
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teecupangel · 2 years
With a rush of nicotine, AC vids and reading fics I's got an idea- Altaïr who's kinda tired of Being the Best at hand to hand combat, and then Des comes along, all humble and shit, with a mix of Altaïr's own moves, as well as Ezio's and Ratonhnhaké:ton's, keeps up and actually gets Altaïr to concede
Cue courting/flirting by fighting almost always initiated by Altaïr
To be fair, Altaïr is the kind of guy that would give the object of his affection a knife instead of flowers. Not because he doesn’t know flowers would work but because he honestly believes that the object of his affection would enjoy a knife more than flowers.
Also, nonny…
It’s hard to find eagle courting activities that are not bald eagles but they’re probably similar. The important part is (from this website):
Courtship also can be dramatic sky-dancing, high-speed aerial chases. The pair rises up high on a thermal and soar together, whirling and tumbling in flight and then — spiral toward the ground with locked talons — breaking apart just when they’re nearing the ground.
Chasing people he’s attracted to is kinda Altaïr’s deal, to be fair. So not only would he demand to spar with Desmond, he’d probably suggest they race whenever they needed to get somewhere.
Desmond, bless him, wouldn’t see it for what it is and simply assume it’s Altaïr’s pride making him seek out Desmond and keep demanding a rematch. Desmond finds this amusing and his fondness for Altaïr makes him say yes each time.
Everyone in the Levantine Brotherhood sees it for what it is and they are both exasperated by Desmond’s obliviousness and Altaïr’s… well… questionable clumsy attempts at flirting.
Of course, the one who has to suffer the most would be Malik who Desmond talks to a lot for reasons he doesn’t know (Desmond does it because Malik pings as trustworthy thanks to Altaïr’s Bleed) while Kadar is more than happy to tell his brother every little detail Altaïr has done in regards to gaining Desmond’s attention as Altaïr’s little unofficial best friend/stalker. Malik hears about Desmond’s obliviousness firsthand and keeps his mouth shut because this is none of his business and has to suffer through listening to his younger brother’s recounting of every little detail because, no matter how many times Malik stresses that he has no interest in whatever foolishness Altaïr is up to, Kadar just looks at him with that expression of ‘you ain’t fooling me, bruh’ and continues like Malik has not said anything at all.
Everyone knows Desmond is fond of Altaïr but there are questions if his fondness is romantic in nature or not. It started out as merely a product of his connection to Altaïr’s memories but the more they spar and race (which always ends with one of them jumping the other and pining them to the ground as the both of them pant heavily and also has a small little soft scene of just the two of them relaxing and talking about whatever strike their fancy at the moment while they tried to catch their breath), the more Desmond does fall in love with him as a person.
It comes to a head when Desmond finally realizes that he’s in love with Altaïr and goes straight to Malik to freak out about it. Malik does not appreciate being the first person to be told of this and would rather they just sort this out themselves but Desmond doesn’t want to because he believes Altaïr doesn’t feel the same way (Malik is just looking at him, wondering if those absurd amounts of sparring had knocked Desmond’s head too many times that he has lost whatever intelligence he had in the first place) because Desmond still believes that Altaïr would fall in love with Maria.
Malik would like to stress that he didn’t want to get involved. He absolutely does not.
If the alternative was having to suffer through Desmond pining over Altaïr who is also oblivious that Desmond’s feelings had changed and had mistaken Desmond suddenly distancing himself as Desmond realizing Altaïr’s feelings and not reciprocating it (this was a romantic tragedy that Malik absolutely did not sign up for) then…
All he did was muse out loud how locking the two in a small space until they finally admit their true feelings to one another would benefit the entire Brotherhood in front of his brother.
What his brother and his band of strangely too-invested novices do with that is none of his business.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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jakemorph · 4 months
the fact that the gay fucking loony tunes smash bros game released today and everyone is talking about "aerial attacks" is fully a psy op to stop anyone from finding the aerials handjob vid
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drowninginabactatank · 2 months
New strappy flippy hangy thing at hoop tonight ⭕️✨️
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sassyshin · 2 months
So I was watching more Thorns module vids and I feel like the only downside to the module is also how much damage it does surprisingly lol
Thorns has to hit things to activate his 3rd skill 2 times so it’s going to take longer if he kills faster
Its a really good trade off for what you get back tho. I disagree that it wasn’t a necessary module. Its a pretty good qol update for him to be able to take down Patriot Guards and other high defense enemies way faster than before
Hes still probably not as fast as Chongyue but he can kill aerial units so yeah
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the-stray-liger · 2 years
gundam question! I am confused
What is a gundam? I watched a vid with this title and the guy said "they have these certain colors and maybe some horn things on their heads and are made of a special metal" and that explained nothing.
Why are people worried that the warcrimes kid Eri is now the gundam? Do gundams eat their pilots? Do they power their big attacks by eating people, specifically their pilots? Is Suletta in danger of getting eaten too?
When Suletta pilots Aeriel, is she actually... doing anything? The fight clips I've seen, it just seems like she's in there and the gundam does complex stuff while she talks to herself. And I get that's a thing, in general, with anime, but I'm seriously confused here.
Is Aeriel an AI and Suletta basically just there to press the On switch? Does she feed power to the gundam somehow? Is she the one moving it around???
What the FUCK is a gundam!?
I grew up watching a VHS of Zoids Liger Zero (my command wolf is still around here, somewhere) and I WANT to be into a mecha show again especially if the MC is a dork idiot girl blowing things up for her bride, but I don't understand! None of the article's I've read make sense! What part of these battles am I supposed to worry about? What makes a gundam different from a non-gundam robot????
Please, if you have the energy to help, or link me to place where someone explains it... please.. im thirsty for mecha and confused
oh jesus what an Ask dfskldsfd
WELL a gundam is a robot. Like that's a given but the main thing in Gundam is that the gundam, the titular robot, is The Coolest Robot you can find. Usually you can tell gundams apart because they have two eyes and a v-fin on their heads but that's not canon for every series so it isn't really a way to tell them apart always. Also the characteristics of the gundam vary between series. The most important thing about gundam is the pilot. The gundam is usually set apart from other mobile suits because of a specific characteristic that others dont have like a psychommu or a GN drive, but what matters is its pilot, that's what makes a gundam special.
Gundam in itself its not a franchise about robots, but afrachise with different stories about different characters with a specific message (like War Bad or Fuck Silly) that has robots in it. You can relax, the definition of a gundam isn't something set in stone and it will be unique in each series you watch.
Im gonna start the part about G Witch by telling you right off the bat, the witch from mercury is a series that's just coming out and we don't have a lot of information about Eri, Suletta and Gundam Aerial. Most of the stuff you see floating around on tumblr besides the gay is basically throwing spaghetti at the wall type headcanons.
So the main thing why people think Eri is now Aerial, as in she was consumed or absorbed by the gundam, is that there are signs that Eri and Suletta are not the same person. For starters, it seems like Suletta doesn't remember the events of the prologue. Her age is another big thing-the prologue happens 20 years before the series and Suletta is only 17 years old, which seems to be a sign that she is another different person.
Aerial itself is very special too because in the little tale we got it is completely sentient and bonds with Suletta. I cant really remember an instance in which the gundam does that in another gundam series? gundams are usually just robots. The big thing about gundam is that the power of the gundam depends on the pilot, gundams aren't usually sentient. But this seems to be a nudge towards the theory that Ericht Samaya was absorbed by it, and as you said, the strength of Aerial doesn't seem to depend from Suletta but it appears to be within Aerial itself.
Plus the displays of power of the Aerial are very unique; cant remember exactly the episode but during a specific fight we see the bits of the Aerial transform into what seem children made of light, which also implies there might be more than one person in there. It's A Lot to take in. But again, we're just getting started with the series so all of it is just headcanons.
So for now just chill. Sit down with a cup of tea and turn your brain off, enjoy the gay and the big robot fights, that's the best way to watch gundam. If you really need the explanations as you watch I think you'd better just wait til the series is done to watch it in one go, or watch a different gundam series that isn't as insane as g witch.
Hope this helps, and if it doesn't, I reccomend once again trying a less balls to the wall series like Gundam Wing or Gundam 00! my askbox is open always if you have any other mech stuff you wanna yell about.
Good day!
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xxxomargo · 8 months
This might be silly, but do you post G rated vids of your aerial performances? I just genuinely love to watch you and love your choreography
I'm working on a youtube page but right now the best place to find my sfw aerial content is on tiktok! @gogocircus
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
apparently there was drama involving kris and a lady named cruella online??? cruella called her out for saying mean things about her reading some type of body aerial art (like it’s hooks in your skin or smthg) and said that’s ironic/hypocritical giving she a mental health advocate
gonna be honest with you, i know nothing about this. i don't really follow kris outside of when she appears in snc vids. so... sorry, i don't really have anything to say about it.
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markstits · 1 year
does anybody have a screenshot of the ua vid where theyre doing aerial silks and marks like doing the splits
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