#aerosol cultivation
All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Pine Bluff Variant (5x18)
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The tires on August Bremer’s Taurus rub along the curb as the car creeps to a stop. Lamplight beaming from the entryway of Hegal Place shines down on an injured Agent Mulder climbing the steps to his apartment. Mulder winces as he opens the door with his left hand held aloft, the pinky finger bent sideways at a sharp, unnatural angle. 
August shakes his head. Haley’s New Spartans goon is a sadistic piece of work. Finding the perfect moment to remove that asshole can’t come soon enough. 
Flicking the switch on the listening device, August points the red laser at the window of apartment 42, puts his headphones on and listens for the truth. 
“…what you’re talking about,” Agent Mulder says to someone — someone already waiting in his darkened apartment. 
“What happened to your hand?” August knows the soft, concerned voice belongs to Agent Scully, Mulder’s redheaded partner who risked her own life running after him in the park. August saw the fear for her partner drain the pink from her pretty face all the way from the getaway car. 
“Nothing,” Mulder lies. Badly.
“Oh, Mulder, what did they do to you?” she tsks. “God, this needs to be set. You’re in pain.”
“Yeah, if you keep pulling it around like that.” The man’s a smart ass even while doted upon.  
“Let’s get the swelling down.”
Choosing the greenish hued light emanating from Mulder’s apartment to focus on, August ruminates on the reason they’ve all been pulled into this clusterfuck to begin with.
Classified orders to develop a recalled bioweapon in secret were given directly to the army from the US Government. Instructing August to keep evolving the banned toxin, hastening it along. Cultivating a variant of a biological agent to become one of the most deadly bioweapons in the world sure as hell wasn’t August’s idea. But what could he do as a Pine Bluff stationed soldier, eager to use his biochemistry degree? Saying no to the CIA was never an option. So as years passed, August and his team analyzed chemical compositions to carefully create an aerosol version of a flesh-eating streptococcus compound capable of casualties nothing short of devastation. 
And he hates himself for it.
“Why do this to you, Mulder?”
“They’re testing me, too. Haley’s paranoid. Spooked. I was sure he was going to kill me.”
Sending Mulder on the inside with Haley was a risky test he could have easily failed. But that won’t be Mulder’s only test of trustworthiness. August knows Mulder’s involvement in this is a set up — just another pawn for the CIA’s own selfish means. Mulder’s strong opinions on the withholding of governmental secrets is the perfect way to kill two troublesome birds with one bio-weaponized stone. Now, August must be certain Mulder hasn’t flipped sides and become one with the terrorists he’s dutifully warned the bureau about. A final test to pass in order to be saved.
Agent Scully exhales. Her relief that he’s still alive is as loud as her concern. “What stopped him?”
“They still need something from me. And I’m sensing there’s someone Haley trusts even less — the man giving him his orders. Someone I haven’t met yet. A guy named August Bremer.”
Mulder’s right. August had created an alias to go behind the New Spartans’ back by leaking information to the bureau, and Haley will know the truth soon enough. Time is of the essence. If this militia isn’t stopped before the bioweapon spreads, millions may die horrific deaths. 
August just has to kill off the New Spartans without killing himself, too. 
“I hate that they hurt you,” Agent Scully murmurs. “You need to be cautious from here on out.”
“Always am,” Mulder quips, before gasping in pain. “Ouch! Okay, I will be. Scout’s honor.”
She scoffs, “You’re no Boy Scout, Mulder.”
“Yeah, Haley didn’t seem to think so either.”
“Not funny.” August hears the playful lilt in her tone vanish as quick as it came. “Let me get my med kit from your bathroom.”
Only the sounds of footsteps and Mulder’s heavy sighs fill the void until Agent Scully returns. 
“Scully, before, on the tape… You didn’t think I’d really…”
“Betray our country? No, Mulder, I refused to believe that.”
“Betray you.”
Even through the padded earpieces, August hears her breath catch. “Mulder…”
“Because I wouldn’t — I’d never, Scully,” Mulder says adamantly. “Never.”
“I know. I know that, Mulder.” August can imagine her hand reassuringly covering his. “You were doing your job. You didn’t have a choice in keeping it from me.” 
“It doesn’t make it any easier. For either of us.”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”
Silence stretches for a long time. Nothing but the crinkle of med-grade wrappers and the burbling of water from what sounds like a fish tank drifts through the headphones. August may be on the outside listening in, but he can practically feel the tension from here.
“The swelling’s lessened. Luckily it’s a clean break.”
“Hey,” Mulder’s voice is soft, gentle. “Look at me.”
“Hold still while I splint your finger.”
“This is dangerous, Mulder,” she huffs, her words wavering. “Extremely so. It worries me we’re separated on this.”
“Believe me, Scully, I’m not a fan either.” The clack of the metal finger splint tapping against wood has Agent Scully humming in agreement. “But I’d be lying if I said I’m not relieved you’re nowhere near a man that breaks bones for a living.”
“So who has your back, then? Skinner can only do so much and I’m not sure I trust the CIA agent in charge here.”
“You have my back, Scully. You do, and you’re the only one I trust. Remember?” There’s a smile laced within Mulder’s meaningful plea, and August nods in respect. Only a good man appreciates what keeps him that way. 
“I could hardly forget.”
August clicks off the listening device with a smile of admiration. Some truths are better left unheard. 
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on Archive of Our Own!
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ratasum · 9 months
Tyrian Plants for Breathing Complications
Researched by Pazz, chief of the ALERT Krewe. Research dedicated to his youngest daughter, for whom his research has made life less stressful.
A strange, delicate fruit bearing flower with a large, many-petaled blossom native to the Maguuma Jungle, driftweed is a parasitic plant that grows in the lower canopy, and their heads - almost the size of the fist of a fully grown norn - can be seen from the ground. These blossoms eventually change over the course of a year to a hard, vibrant, toxic berry. During the blooming season, however, the tissue thin petals are commonly gathered by asura (and, later, sylvari) living in the region. Though the fruit that will eventually come from the flowers may be deadly if ingested, the petals are frequently crushed and boiled, treated with special oils to be used as a treatment for various respiratory disorders. The raw flower has a noxious aroma, however, and many believe the oils are used to make it less nauseating when prescribed as a mist inhaler or when filtered into the air of atmospheric breathing rooms used for the treatment of more severe breathing problems. Due to a short blooming cycle and its specific growth region, it is difficult to obtain driftweed outside of Metrica and Caledon. As a result, the plant is not as popular through the rest of Tyria, with other “hedge remedies” more popular in other regions.
A newly discovered plant to greater Tyria, the Olmakhan charr have been cultivating this strange plant - native to the Sandswept Isles - for generations, and its been found to have many beneficial medicinal properties. The thick, watermelon-sized ball resembles a tangle of fragile dried vines at first glance, but its name is a misnomer. Brittleblossom is surprisingly durable, but the roots are what can be found to be quite brittle depending on the circumstances. Similar to tumbleweed, a brittleblossom plant will pull itself out by the roots and allow itself to be blown or moved by wildlife to a new location if the soil in a region becomes to dry. Rumored to be nearly immortal if planted and watered regularly, the plant becomes a fiery shade of orange when in a healthy environment. Cultivated when the leaves start going red at the tips, it’s a popular remedy for a number of different illnesses, from nausea to headaches to respiratory distress. Recent experimentation by asuran physicians have found that when boiled similarly to driftweed and incorporated into an aerosol spray, it has a longer and stronger effect than driftweed for respiratory disorders. It’s also become popular for those who are pregnant, as when brewed into a tea, it fends off most symptoms of morning sickness. Chewing the leaves has similar effect, but while it has a surprisingly minty scent, the leaves are very bitter.
Bubble Lily
A large, wide-petaled flower resembling a lilypad that thrives in brackish water, this plant can be found in estuaries and river deltas all along the coast of the Unending Sea. A favorite of herbalists, alchemists, and apothecaries due to its wide growth region and exceptional durability, the plant was named due to the bubble shape of the stamen. This sweet smelling plant has roots that reach down to the sandy soil below, and the roots themselves are popular in teas and ointments. Blended into a gel, the bubble lily roots have a particularly strong scent which - while not unpleasant - is effective at cutting through congestion and easing muscle spasms that result in coughing fits. It’s also a natural stimulant, making it a popular additive for coffee around Tyria. While not as effective as driftweed or brittleblossom for treating respiratory distress, it can be useful as a remedy in emergency situations when treatment made from one of the other plants is not viable. People with chronic respiratory issues will often carry dried roots to chew on in the event of a rapid deterioration in breathing conditions, as it can provide temporary relief until proper treatment can be obtained.
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rosavulpes · 6 months
Knight of Beauty : Pisces Albafica " Bloody Rose "
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OOC : Some ideas I've been brainstorming during the day and I wanted to share / get some feedback on before heading off to bed .
Origins :
( A lot of this I'm just spit ballin' but also using some of Albafica's canon from Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas )
As a means of countering The Swarm , and Tayzzyronth . The Knights of Beauty cultivated the idea of creating a botanical poison so powerful that any of the Swarm's legion that came into contact with it would die from it almost instantly .
Following Idrila's philosophy of beauty , a single knight was chosen to carry said poison within them . Specifically within their bloodstream , as a means of ensuring the poison , which ended up being successful could not be used in ways not originally intended since it always resided within just one Knight .
Less of a risk as this would be after the IPC's genocidal test of the Imaginary impulse Bomb .
Due to the nature of the poison , this meant that the Knight in question would also be essentially sacrificing themselves for the good of all others as they needed to totally self isolate to prevent any innocents from falling ill to it .
They needed to be someone whose heart was " pure " in that they'd be willing to make such a " beautiful " sacrifice .
Albafica was found as an infant laying among the fields of poison's roses . Assumed dead at first but mysteriously showing immunity to the roses's deadly scent . Considered to be a divine sign from Idrila that he was to be the next one to carry the mantle of Bloody Rose .
He was adopted, and raised by the former Bloody Rose Knight , Lugonis .
Albafica was brought up on the teachings of Idrila by his master , and underwent the " Red Ribbon Ceremony " in which the poison in Albafica's blood was strengthened by coming into contact with Lugonis's . They each exchange one drop of blood with the other in the form of a small cut , until eventually the poison in Albafica's blood overwhelmed Lugonis's .
Personality & Beliefs :
Albafica follows Idrila's path , but resents that his mentor whom he viewed as his father , had to die in order to see the mantle passed down to him .
( To make the use of icons easier ) Wears his former teacher's set of fully body Golden Armor meant to completely cover his body as a safeguard for anyone around him .
Actively traverses the Universe of Star Rail . Seeking out the Swarm in particular , and may travel with other Knights such as Argenti from time to time .
Hates being called beautiful as he views his roses , and himself by extension general as a weapon of Idrila . Meant to kill , not to be admired . Reluctant to allow anyone to touch him out of fear of accidentally poisoning them through physical contact which his master always stressed to him was crucial .
Abilities :
Can make use of , and summon a variety of plants that all carry his poisonous blood with them to use as living weapons .
If wounded , can convert his blood into an aerosol gas , or converted them into needles that can be directly injected into the opponent .
His poison can have a wide array of effects due to it's potency , but the main aspect is his victim losing all five of their senses , and dying shortly afterwards .
Can conjure a variety of roses that can serve different purposes in combat .
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kingdrawcse · 10 months
Chemistry behind Onion?!
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Onions, the widely cultivated variety in the Allium genus, share lineage with garlic, scallions, and chives. Though the origin is unclear, ancient Egyptian carvings from a millennium ago depict onion harvesting. The tear-inducing effect of chopping onions is due to Syn-propanethial-S-oxide, a lachrymatory substance. When onions are cut, damaged plant tissues release alliinase, triggering the production of Syn-propanethial-S-oxide. Released as an aerosol, it stimulates the nerves in our eyes, leading to tears.
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johnnymarkssh · 9 months
A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Threading Pipe Taps
Threading pipe taps may seem like a complex task reserved for seasoned professionals, but with the right guidance, beginners can master this essential skill. This comprehensive guide will unravel the basics of threading pipe taps, providing a step-by-step approach to help newcomers navigate the intricacies of the process.
The Importance of Threading Pipe Taps:
Before going into the details, it's crucial to understand why threading pipe taps are necessary in various industries. Pipe taps play a pivotal role in creating internal screw threads, facilitating watertight joints in pipes, fittings, and valves. This makes them a vital tool for professionals and hobbyists alike, enabling them to accomplish tasks ranging from fixing leaks to constructing entirely new structures.
Getting Started: Basics of Turning Speeds:
Once armed with the right tools, beginners must understand the importance of turning speeds during threading. Excessive turning speeds can generate friction and heat, damaging the tap's cutting edges. On the contrary, turning too slowly may result in uneven, chatter-inducing threads. Following the recommended RPM guidelines for the tap's size and the hardness of the workpiece is crucial. Automatic feed tap holders can be ideal for maintaining an optimal constant speed, while those hand-tapping can mark their torque wrench for reference. 
The next crucial aspect to grasp is the role of lubrication in the threading process. Though it may seem messy or clumsy, cutting fluids such as oil or specialized tapping fluids is indispensable. These fluids prevent metal chips from welding onto the tap's teeth and reduce friction caused by high cutting forces. For those engaged in portable field jobs, aerosol sprays offer convenience. However, aiming nozzles from an adjustable supply to flood the tap and drill the pilot hole is essential for more substantial workshop threading. Proper lubrication is the key to preserving the integrity of the cutting edges, ensuring a smoother and more efficient threading process.
Dealing with Chips: Regular Maintenance:
Deep threading operations often result in the accumulation of metal chips, requiring regular maintenance to prevent complications. Backing out the tap regularly during threading helps remove cut chips before they clog flutes or reweld themselves onto cutting edges through work hardening. Utilizing ejector taps or vacuum extraction methods can be effective for through holes. Removing built-up chips is crucial as they can directly damage teeth and reduce cutting fluid penetration, increasing friction and heat. Keeping the tap clear of chips is an essential part of regular maintenance.
Regular Inspection:
To ensure a seamless threading process, beginners must cultivate the habit of frequent tap inspections. Checking taps for cracks near the shank or fluid grooves using a jeweler's loupe can identify potential issues before they escalate. Any abnormal smoking, vibration, dullness, or loose threads indicate possible misalignment or too slow feed rates, requiring attention. If threads appear loose, it may signal excessive wear on the flank faces, warranting tap replacement. Keeping a record of completed cuts is a benchmark for tracking tap performance and identifying deviations.
Resharpening Services:
As with any cutting tool, microfracturing can eventually degrade the cutting-edge integrity of pipe taps. While periodic professional resharpening services remove enough material to restore sharp, smoothly contoured teeth geometry, it's crucial to discard taps if significant chipping or cracks appear. This preventative measure avoids potential damage or injury risks. Incorporating tap resharpening into regular maintenance routines ensures prolonged usefulness at a fraction of the replacement cost, making it a valuable consideration for beginners and experienced machinists.
In conclusion, threading pipe taps may initially seem daunting for beginners, but it becomes an attainable skill with the right knowledge and approach. Each aspect contributes to a successful threading process, from understanding the significance of quality tools to mastering turning speeds, lubrication, chip removal, and tap inspection. Regular maintenance, including professional resharpening when necessary, ensures that pipe taps remain in optimal condition, offering years of continual service. By implementing these fundamental principles and practices, beginners can confidently navigate the world of threading pipe taps, unlocking a valuable skill set for their machining endeavors.
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ananya5400 · 1 year
Crop Protection Chemicals Market Growth by Emerging Trends, Analysis, & Forecast
The global crop protection chemicals market on financial terms was estimated to be worth $63.7 billion in 2020 and is poised to reach $74.1 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 3.1% from 2020 to 2025. The crop protection chemicals market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the rising global population and demand for higher crop yields. With a diverse range of products including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, the market is expected to continue its upward trajectory, providing opportunities for industry players to innovate and excel. As the demand for reliable and innovative crop protection solutions intensifies, stakeholders in this market will have ample opportunities to leverage emerging technologies and address the evolving needs of farmers and consumers alike.
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The herbicides segment of the Crop protection chemicals is projected to account for the largest share, by type
Herbicides are substances that kill or inhibit growth of unwanted plants (weeds). They are widely used in weed control, which helps in enhancing crop productivity and quality of output. Herbicides help in reducing soil erosion and increase soil fertility and crop yield. They are used to control or kill unwanted plants and are often known as weed killers. Use of herbicides in agroecosystems may change composition of weed populations. In wildlands, herbicides may increase the diversity of native species. Threats to plant biodiversity caused by habitat loss and invasive species are far greater than threats by use of herbicides. Some non-selective pesticides are used in weed waste grounds, industrial sites, railways, and railway embankments. Herbicides are heavily consumed in the agricultural sector and in landscape turf management.
The market for the liquid segment is projected to account for the largest share during the forecast period, by form
By form, liquid is the segment which accounted for the highest market share as well as the highest growth rate in the Crop protection chemicals. The growing requirement of liquid forms of crop protection chemical products, mainly in the foliar spray and seed treatment modes of application, is driving the market for liquid forms of crop protection chemicals. They are also cheaper than solid formulations and are easily mixed with any other crop enhancer or protecting product, increasing the demand for the same.
Liquid pesticides include suspensions (flowable solutions), solutions, emulsifiable concentrates, microencapsulated suspensions, and aerosols. Liquid forms of crop protection chemical products are preferred more by suppliers as well as end-users. Liquid forms offer a longer shelf-life with easy handling, transportation, and application. Also, they are cost-effective, eco-friendly, and sustainable. Companies are investing in the technological development of crop protection chemicals in liquid forms. The liquid forms of crop protection chemicals can either be water-based, oil-based, polymer-based, or their combinations.
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Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing market during the forecast period in the global Crop protection chemicals
The key markets in the Asia Pacific region include China, India, Japan, and the Rest of Asia Pacific. The Asia-Pacific, a region where agricultural systems and technologies vary from one country to another, consists of about 40%, that is, 600 million hectares of the global crop area. Rice cultivation and the predominance of small-scale manufacturers are widely seen across all the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
The increasing awareness about pesticides and continuous technological advancements are factors contributing to the growth of this market. In addition to this, the growing demand for crops and rising cultivation in the countries of Asia-Pacific have forced agribusiness companies to expand their supplier and manufacturing base in the region.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Climate change is a complex issue that is influenced by many factors, both natural and human-caused. Here are 20 major causes of climate change, along with their estimated percentage contribution to overall global warming:
1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) for energy and transportation - responsible for approximately 65% of global warming.
2. Deforestation and land use changes, particularly in tropical regions where forests are being cleared for agriculture, mining, and other purposes - responsible for approximately 10% of global warming.
3. Methane (CH4) emissions from livestock production, agricultural practices such as rice cultivation, and natural gas production and distribution - responsible for approximately 16% of global warming.
4. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from fertilizer use in agriculture, industrial processes, and other sources - responsible for approximately 6% of global warming.
5. Fluorinated gases (e.g. hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride) used in refrigeration, air conditioning, and other industrial processes - responsible for approximately 3% of global warming.
6. Black carbon (or soot) from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass - responsible for approximately 1% of global warming.
7. Changes in land use and land cover, such as urbanization and desertification - responsible for approximately 1% of global warming.
8. Aerosols, including soot, dust, and other particles emitted by human activities and natural sources - responsible for approximately -0.5% of global warming (they have a cooling effect).
9. Solar radiation, including changes in the sun's intensity and output - responsible for approximately 0.1% of global warming.
10. Volcanic eruptions, which release greenhouse gases and aerosols that can have both warming and cooling effects depending on the type and amount of gas and particles emitted - responsible for approximately 0.1% of global warming.
11. Changes in ocean currents and circulation, which can affect the distribution of heat and carbon within the ocean and the atmosphere - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
12. Changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
13. Changes in permafrost and other frozen soils, which can release methane and carbon dioxide as they thaw - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
14. Changes in the albedo (reflectivity) of the Earth's surface, particularly in polar regions where melting ice and snow can expose darker surfaces that absorb more solar radiation - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
15. Changes in the amount and timing of precipitation, which can affect the distribution of water resources and the productivity of ecosystems - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
16. Changes in the carbon cycle, including the uptake and release of carbon by the ocean, terrestrial vegetation, and soil - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
17. Changes in the intensity and frequency of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, which can impact ecosystems, infrastructure, and human well-being - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
18. Changes in land use and land cover, such as urbanization and agricultural expansion, which can alter the Earth's surface energy balance and carbon cycle - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
19. Changes in the composition and behavior of atmospheric aerosols, including their interaction with clouds and radiation - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain.
20. Changes in population dynamics and human behavior, including consumption patterns, technological innovation, and policy decisions - estimated contribution to global warming is uncertain and highly dependent on future developments.
It's important to note that these estimates are based on current scientific understanding, and that the relative contributions of these factors may vary depending on the specific region and timeframe being considered. Additionally, some of these factors may have indirect effects on global warming through their influence on other factors, such as changes in precipitation patterns or the melt rate of glaciers and ice caps.
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vapehk1 · 1 year
Smoking vs. Vaping vs. Heated Tobacco Sticks: Which is the Healthier Option?
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The use of tobacco products is one of the oldest habits that humankind has ever cultivated. From its origin in precolonial North America to modern-day Europe and Asia, nearly every culture in between has found ways to utilize it from both a recreational and ceremonial standpoint. While this centuries-old habit persists today (albeit with a much lower frequency), our understanding of its health effects has drastically improved.   To reduce risk factors associated with smoking traditional cigarettes, new technologies such as vaping and heated tobacco sticks have been introduced — thus raising the question: which among them is the healthier option? Join us on our journey exploring these three very different approaches towards using nicotine-containing substances as we aim to discover which choice offers more beneficial health outcomes.   Introducing the Three Options - A Brief Overview Starting first with the traditional tobacco cigarette, this is a product that has remained essentially unchanged since its inception. Utilizing burning combustion to create smoke from dried-out nicotine-containing leaves and other additives, cigarettes are usually composed of paper, filter materials, and sometimes, menthol flavoring for added taste.   Next up is vaping, a technology involving electronic devices that generate an inhalable vapor containing nicotine using heated liquids known as e-juice or vape juice. This process eliminates the need for burning tobacco. Instead, it relies on a battery-powered heating element to do the job — thus reducing the amount of particulate matter inhaled while offering users more control over flavorings and nicotine strength than regular cigarettes.   Finally, we have heated non-tobacco sticks. These devices operate similarly to vaping, but instead of using liquids, they utilize specially-made tobacco sticks containing nicotine in a heated form. It eliminates the need for combustion and thus reduces the inhalation of particulate matter while still delivering users a hit of nicotine.   What Are the Health Risks of Smoking Traditional Cigarettes and Vaping E-Cigarettes? Regarding health risks, smoking traditional cigarettes is the riskiest option out of the three.   Due to their combustion-based processes, users are exposed to a wide range of toxic chemicals and carcinogens that can cause severe damage to both the respiratory system and other bodily organs. Long-term use has been linked to numerous diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and type 2 diabetes, among others — all of which come with significant life expectancy decreases and quality of life declines.   Conversely, vaping has shown itself to be substantially less harmful than regular cigarette smoking. Studies have indicated that e-cigarettes contain far fewer harmful substances than cigarettes while still delivering nicotine in an inhalable form. Additionally, vaping products release significantly less particulate matter than their traditional counterparts — making them a safer alternative regarding secondhand smoke exposure.   What is Heated Tobacco, and How Does it Differ from Cigarette Smoking and Vaping? Heated tobacco sticks are the newest entrants to the nicotine-containing product market and differ from other options because they avoid combustion altogether. Utilizing lithium batteries and paper-like wraps containing specially designed tobacco leaves, heated tobacco devices heat the substance until it reaches a temperature of around 300°C — thus releasing an aerosol that contains nicotine in a form that users can inhale.   Unlike traditional cigarettes and vaping, however, heated tobacco sticks have proven to contain fewer toxins than their counterparts while still delivering users a strong dose of nicotine. Additionally, they produce virtually no secondhand smoke, making them a much safer option for those exposed to it and reducing fire hazards associated with smoking regular cigarettes.   Pros and Cons of Each Option When choosing the right nicotine-containing product, there are several pros and cons of each option that should be considered.   Cigarette smoking is known for providing a solid hit of nicotine but comes with high health risks due to its combustion process. It also produces secondhand smoke, which can have dangerous effects on those exposed — making it an undesirable choice for those looking for an enjoyable experience in public places.   Vaping is less harmful than regular cigarettes but still contains toxins and carcinogens from the e-juice, meaning users still face potential health risks when using this method. Additionally, it does not provide quite as strong of a hit as traditional smoking and can often require expensive equipment such as mods and tanks.   Finally, heated tobacco sticks provide users with a much safer option that still delivers a substantial nicotine hit and reduces potential health risks and secondhand smoke exposure. However, the equipment required to use these devices can be expensive, and their availability is often limited in certain areas.   Common Misconceptions About Heated Tobacco Sticks Many common misconceptions about heated tobacco sticks should be addressed to get a more accurate picture of their use and safety.   The first misconception is that they are just as dangerous as regular cigarettes. It is not valid, as research has shown that heated tobacco products contain far fewer toxins and carcinogens than traditional cigarettes — drastically reducing the user’s health risks compared to smoking.   Another popular misconception is that heated tobacco sticks produce secondhand smoke. This, too, is false since these products do not involve combustion — meaning there is no smoke produced when using them.   Finally, some believe heated tobacco sticks are like vaping regarding nicotine delivery methods. While it is true that both provide inhalable nicotine, heated tobacco sticks are different in that they do not involve any aerosolization or e-liquid — meaning there is no vapor produced. Read the full article
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extractohol-blog · 1 year
Certified Organic Alcohol & Ethanol: Meaning and Usages
Certified organic ethanol All varieties of organic ethanol are made utilising techniques from organic farming, in which crops are cultivated without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, or food additives and are processed without the use of ionising radiation.
Natural alternatives and approaches, such as employing insecticides derived from natural components and promoting natural predators as a form of pest management, are used rather than depending on synthetic chemicals to control pests and illnesses.
How is the certification of organic alcohol and ethanol achieved?
Certified organic alcohol complies with government and food industry regulations. All phases of the production process, including manufacture, processing, and packaging, are covered by these standards. Unlike non-organic products, which frequently use dangerous pesticides and chemicals in their production, organic ingredients don't. Therefore, certified organic ethanol is the way to go. It might be a good idea if you're trying to avoid pesticides because they're essentially designed to kill.
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Certified organic ethanol: uses
Beer, wine, and spirits all contain ethanol when they are diluted. It is a topical ingredient used in medicinal preparations (such as rubbing compounds, lotions, tonics, and colognes), cosmetics, and fragrances to prevent skin infections. Fuels that are labelled as "ethanol-blended fuels" may contain ethanol, which is utilised in industry as a solvent for fats, oils, waxes, resins, and hydrocarbons.
Numerous chemical compounds, including lacquers, plastics and plasticizers, rubber and rubber accelerators, aerosols, mouthwash products, soaps, and cleaning solutions, polishes, surface coatings, dyes, inks, adhesives, preservatives, pesticides, explosives, petrol additives and substitutes, antifreeze, yeast growth medium, human and veterinary medicines, and dehydrating agents, are made from it. Extractohol provides you with certified organic ethanol and certified organic alcohol. Organic alcohol has numerous applications for herbal extracts. It offers savings and timely delivery of the products. The prices of the products are reasonably fair.
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jeenamarnapak · 1 year
What You Should Know Before Purchasing Pepper Spray
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If you`ve ever bitten right into a chili pepper and further to the acute burning to your mouth, discovered your eyes and nostril burning and watering. Then you've got skilled a totally small pattern of the sensations that pepper spray can cause. Before we pass on, let's get a few definitions out of the manner:
• Oleoresin - A certainly going on combination of oil and resin extracted from flora.
• Capsicum - 1. Any of diverse tropical American pepper flora of the genus Capsicum. Especially any of the various cultivated kinds of the species C. annuum and C. frutescence. 2. The fruit of any of those flora, mainly the dried smelly kinds used as a condiment and in medicine.
• Capsaicin - A colorless, smelly, crystalline compound, C18H27NO3, that comes from capsicum and is a sturdy irritant to pores and skin and mucous membranes.
Manufacturing Pepper Spray:
The smelly "Spicy" warmth in peppers comes from certainly going on chemical analogues referred to as Capsaicinoids. Most OC sprays include an extract from herbal peppers. Capsaicinoids also are produced synthetically. This article will recognition on merchandise produced the usage of herbal ingredients.
Oleoresin Capsicum changed into referred to as the energetic element in Pepper spray. However, as you examine this newsletter you may apprehend why that assertion is a bit misleading. For years Professional Law Enforcement officials everywhere in the state have cited Pepper Spray as "OC" or "OC spray." Many of them, like myself idea Oleoresin Capsicum changed into the energetic element. I reality, it is Capsaicin, a spinoff of capsicum, this is greater correctly the energetic element in Pepper Spray. Capsaicin, a powerful irritant is brought to a solvent, together with alcohol or water, then packaged in an aerosol box as pepper spray. Capsaicin in its' natural shape is a white powder and has a Scoville Heat Rating of 16,000,000. A unmarried drop of natural Capsaicin is so warm that a unmarried drop diluted in 100,000 drops of water will produce blistering at the tongue.
Depending on the producing process, pepper spray may be disbursed everywhere from some inches to numerous ft farfar from your target. When the energetic element contacts the pores and skin, it may briefly incapacitate an attacker. The attacker stories extreme burning of the pores and skin, nostril and eyes, making it hard to look and affording you an possibility to depart the area. Some formulation produce a spray, others a foam stream. Still others upload a innocent vegetable dye, to assist police become aware of perpetrators.
Capsaicinoids produce the "warmth" in peppers. Not all peppers are warm. Some are genuinely mild, even sweet. That's due to the fact peppers, like maximum different flora develop in lots of types and environments. Since the "spicy" warmth in peppers changed into variable, a manner needed to be devised to degree and charge the pungency in peppers.
In 1912 via way of means of Pharmacist Wilbur Scoville created one of the earliest structures for measuring the "Heat" in peppers. Scoville advanced an empirical machine primarily based totally at the subjective sensitivity of a panel of five human "tasters" The "Scoville Scale," changed into genuinely extraordinarily inaccurate. But, Scoville Heat Units (SHUs) remained the usual for measuring the pungency in peppers till the early Sixties whilst the American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) brought a distinct model of the Scoville Method. Over the subsequent 35 years the evolution of technological know-how allowed for a good deal greater correct analysis. Finally, in 2003 the ASTA and the American Organization of Analytical Chemists (AOAC), authorized the requirements utilized by maximum of the enterprise today.
Today, the enterprise nonetheless makes use of SHUs for labeling of many pepper spray merchandise. However, phrases like Pure Capsaicin (PC) and Total Capsaicinoids (TC) update or accompany the SHU measurements. Under the brand new standard, each the ASTA and AOAC charge natural Capsaicin at 16,000,000 SHUs. Pepper Sprays supposed to be used on people are rated from 200,000 to 2,000,000 SHUs or higher. Sprays supposed to repel huge animals, together with bears are rated at 9,000,000 SHUs or greater.
Read More: Successfully incapacitating criminals with stun guns
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focolvapes · 2 years
Nicotine for anti-aging?
Recently, countries have made further progress in the research on nicotine and vape. On the one hand, the team of Li Xiang, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has revealed the mechanism of nicotine to improve metabolism and delay aging through experiments, providing a new way for the expansion of nicotine applications and anti-aging. technical direction. On the other hand, the research team of the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal, used chick embryo experiments to prove that vape aerosol has little harm to the lungs and embryonic development, much lower than traditional cigarette smoke.
The mechanism of action of nicotine is an important research in the field of life science and public health. The team of Li Xiang, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been studying nicotine for a long time. Recently, Li Xiang’s team published an article entitled “Nicotine rebalances NAD+ homeostasis and improves aging-related symptoms in male mice by enhancing NAMPT activity” online in Nature Communications, revealing the researchers’ latest findings on the mechanism of action of nicotine.
Li Xiang’s team found that chronic low-dose nicotine can improve energy metabolism and delay systemic aging by activating the NAD+ recovery pathway. This idea was confirmed in mouse experiments. The researchers conducted observations and cell tests on mice drinking low-dose nicotine water for a long time, and found that nicotine has a positive effect on neuroprotection, and can promote the interaction of two proteases in cells, reduce the level of aging factors, and enhance the activity of NAD+. Thereby improving the metabolic rate of aging tissues. In addition, the researchers also found that after nicotine was decomposed in the mouse liver, it could relieve the anxiety of the mice and improve their learning and memory functions.
This study by the Chinese team provides new targets and methods for expanding the application of nicotine and anti-aging, and once again confirms that nicotine is not all harmful. Adequate nicotine intake still has certain positive effects on the body. Nicotine is currently widely present in tobacco, and electronic cigarettes are a new form of nicotine intake.
The research team of the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal, cultivated the lungs of chick embryos in two different environments: vape aerosol and cigarette smoke. The experiment was carried out for 48 hours, and the results showed that the development and inflammation of chick embryonic lungs under the aerosol of electronic cigarettes were far lower than those under the environment of cigarette smoke.
The results of this experiment and the study fully provide the impact of vape on embryonic development. The researchers suggest that relevant tobacco control for pregnant women addicted to nicotine can provide nicotine vape, a safer nicotine substitute.
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pravalika · 2 years
Cannabidiol Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
Cannabidiol Market size is estimated to reach $93.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 21.3% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Cannabidiol can be delineated as an active compound or phytocannabinoid derived from the flower and leaves of the cannabis Sativa plant. The cultivations of marijuana plants occur across the globe for medicinal purposes. Cannabidiol holds wide-ranging applications in the food and beverage industry, nutraceutical production, and treatment of several medical conditions such as neurogenerative disorder, diabetes, insomnia, stress, bone abnormalities, and many others. In addition to that, cannabidiol can help drug addicts to lower their cravings. As compared to hemp seeds oil which is fabricated from seeds only, CBD is a safer and more appropriate option. Also, Cannabidiol comes in a diversity of forms which include capsules, liquid, aerosol sprays. The cannabidiol market outlook is fairly fascinating as the demand for the product is enlarging year after year. Likewise, proliferating research and developmental activities, expanding drug distribution channel’s network, augmenting attentiveness among people regarding health benefits of cannabidiol, and heightening incidences of cancer, diabetes, neurological complications, stress, and bone abnormalities are factors set to drive the growth of the Cannabidiol Market for the period 2022-2027.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Cannabidiol Market Forecast (2022-2027)”, by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Cannabidiol Market.
By Product Type: Full-Spectrum CBD oil, Broad-Spectrum Oil, and CBD isolate.
By Form: Capsule, Sprays, and Pure Liquid (Oil and Tinctures).
By Source: Hemp and Marijuana.
By Application: Medical treatments (Insomnia, Diabetes, Cancer, Neurological problems, Bone abnormalities, Migraine, and Others), Food and beverages, Nutraceutical, Personal care products, and Others.
By Distribution Channel: Offline (Retail Pharmacies, Hospital Pharmacies, and Others) and online.
By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest of World (the Middle East and Africa).
Key Takeaways
Geographically, the North America Cannabidiol Market accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021. The growth is owing to high health cognizance among residents compared to other parts of the world, lenient government policies regarding cannabis production for medical purposes, and the full-fledged pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, Asia-Pacific is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027.
Augmenting chronic applications and growing adoption of cannabidiol as health awareness among people is ascending and these factors said to be preeminent drivers driving the growth of the Cannabidiol Market. Crippled production and processing activities owing to pandemic restrictions and the exorbitant cost of cannabidiol are said to reduce the market growth.
Detailed analysis on the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Cannabidiol Market report.
Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Application
The Cannabidiol Market based on the applications can be further segmented into medical treatments (insomnia, diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, bone abnormalities, migraine, and others), food and beverages, nutraceutical, personal care products, and others. The medical treatments segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to ascending production of cannabidiol capsules, oils, and sprays as the demand for the product is sky-rocketing. Similarly, the medical treatments and nutraceutical segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 22.5% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to rising incidences of health problems like neurogenerative disorders, diabetes, cancer, joint dysfunctions, and many more. Sedentary habits, poor ingestions, and spiraling old-age population are the factors behind the unprecedented surge of such complications. In addition to that, a rising number of prevention-oriented individuals are making more demand for nutraceuticals to ensure proper nutrition intake. As a result, the demand for CBD in the said segments is escalating.
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Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Distribution Channel
The Cannabidiol Market based on distribution channels can be further segmented into offline (Retail pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, and others) and online. The offline segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to the across-the-board presence of retail pharmacies and hospitals. Institutions like hospitals are so well equipped that they offer a one-stop solution to patients; whereas, retail pharmacies offer convenient solutions to both chronic and acute problems as generally no prior prescription from a medical practitioner is required while making a purchase. Derisory infrastructure in squalid areas makes it hard for online pharmacies to offer their services; therefore, buying from offline platforms is the only option that people have. Furthermore, the offline segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 22.8% over the forecast period 2022-2027. Unlike, online platforms, in retail or hospital pharmacies it is easy to explain health problems to doctors or pharmacists. On another hand, buying from online pharmacies may be easy but it requires proper understanding about “what type of medicine you are looking for? whereas, in an offline purchase, if the patient might give a little clue, the medical practitioner suggests the best possible solution according to their knowledge, which is comparatively easy.
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Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Geography
The Cannabidiol Market based on Geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. North America held the largest share with 40% of the overall market in 2021. The growth in this segment is owing to the factors such as heavy investment in research and development activities compared to any other continent on planet earth. Besides, high health cognizance among people, presence of world-class healthcare infrastructure, leading pharmaceutical companies, and high disposable income of people which allows them to pay a high price for cannabidiol are the factors providing growth opportunities. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing segment over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to rising chronic pain incidences as the geriatric population in Japan and China is augmenting steadily. Besides, sky-rocketing pharmaceutical industry as India is a leading generic drug manufacturer whereas China is the leading API manufacturer in the world.
Cannabidiol Market Drivers
Proliferating chronic conditions are anticipated to boost market demand.
Intensifying chronic stress prevalence has heightened the occurrence of various neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s in both developing and developed countries. A WHO report claimed that over 55 million people across the globe were living with dementia last year. Moreover, according to a report by Alzheimer’s Association, in 2021 more than 6 million American geriatrics were inflicted with dementia. Cancer is the 2nd biggest reason behind deaths on planet earth; whereas, from 10.5 percent in 2021, it is anticipated that around 12-13 percent of the world population will suffer from diabetes by 2045.
Rising demand for Cannabidiol from cosmetics is expected to boost market demand.
The expanding demand for cannabis-based cosmetic products as people especially youngsters is becoming more look-oriented. Today body dysmorphic disorder is one of the biggest reasons behind growing stress and anxiety among teenagers. According to a WHO report, around 1 in 7 adolescents aged above 10 years have mental problems because of stress and depression. The growing obsession of youngsters regarding their looks is indeed a blessing in disguise for the growth of the aforementioned market as it is augmenting the demand for personal care products.
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Cannabidiol Market Challenges
Extortionate price and hampered production because of the COVID-19 are Anticipated to hamper the market growth.
The price of cannabidiol is a bit on the dear side as just one gram of it can up to $60. Therefore, the expensive nature of the product can pose a challenge to the growth of the aforementioned market. Moreover, the production and processing activities have taken a huge hit after a year-long lockdown. Also, with growing mutations in virus structure, governments worldwide are reconsidering certain constraints to control the virus spread which can lead to a big mismatch between demand and supply chain.
Cannabidiol Market Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the aforementioned Market. Cannabidiol market top 10 companies include:
Elixinol LLC
NuLeaf Naturals
Cannoid LLC
Medical Marijuana
Folium Biosciences
Isodiol International
Arena International
 VIVO Cannabis
Dixie Brands
Recent Developments
On December 21, 2021, New York, United States-based multinational pharma and biopharmaceutical company “Pfizer” announced that the company will soon acquire California, United States-based Arena Pharmaceutical (a company known for its cannabis-based therapeutics). Pfizer agreed to pay $6.7 billion ($100 per share) to bring the acquisition to a close. The transaction will enhance Pfizer’s expertise in the cannabis-based treatment of bowel disease.
On November 29, 2021, Alberta, Canada-based cannabis company “High Tide” announced that it has acquired Colorado, United States-based well-known cannabis firm “NuLeaf Naturals.” A payment of $31 million was paid by High Tide to buy 80 percent of the ownership interest. The transaction has further strengthened the retail business of High Tide.
On March 18, 2021, Australia-based cannabis company Elixinol (a firm known for its CBD hemp oil) announced the successful acquisition of Hamburg, Germany-based vitamin and supplement company “CannaCare Health.” Payment of a total of 9 million euros (3 million cash and 6 million shares) was made by Elixinol to bring the acquisition to a close.
For more Food and Beverage Market related reports, please click here
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teeresearch · 2 years
Cannabidiol Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
Cannabidiol Market Overview
Cannabidiol Market size is estimated to reach $93.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 21.3% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Cannabidiol can be delineated as an active compound or phytocannabinoid derived from the flower and leaves of the cannabis Sativa plant. The cultivations of marijuana plants occur across the globe for medicinal purposes. Cannabidiol holds wide-ranging applications in the food and beverage industry, nutraceutical production, and treatment of several medical conditions such as neurogenerative disorder, diabetes, insomnia, stress, bone abnormalities, and many others. In addition to that, cannabidiol can help drug addicts to lower their cravings. As compared to hemp seeds oil which is fabricated from seeds only, CBD is a safer and more appropriate option. Also, Cannabidiol comes in a diversity of forms which include capsules, liquid, aerosol sprays. The cannabidiol market outlook is fairly fascinating as the demand for the product is enlarging year after year. Likewise, proliferating research and developmental activities, expanding drug distribution channel’s network, augmenting attentiveness among people regarding health benefits of cannabidiol, and heightening incidences of cancer, diabetes, neurological complications, stress, and bone abnormalities are factors set to drive the growth of the Cannabidiol Market for the period 2022-2027.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Cannabidiol Market Forecast (2022-2027)”, by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Cannabidiol Market.
By Product Type: Full-Spectrum CBD oil, Broad-Spectrum Oil, and CBD isolate.
By Form: Capsule, Sprays, and Pure Liquid (Oil and Tinctures).
By Source: Hemp and Marijuana.
By Application: Medical treatments (Insomnia, Diabetes, Cancer, Neurological problems, Bone abnormalities, Migraine, and Others), Food and beverages, Nutraceutical, Personal care products, and Others.
By Distribution Channel: Offline (Retail Pharmacies, Hospital Pharmacies, and Others) and online.
By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest of World (the Middle East and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Geographically, the North America Cannabidiol Market accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021. The growth is owing to high health cognizance among residents compared to other parts of the world, lenient government policies regarding cannabis production for medical purposes, and the full-fledged pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, Asia-Pacific is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027.
Augmenting chronic applications and growing adoption of cannabidiol as health awareness among people is ascending and these factors said to be preeminent drivers driving the growth of the Cannabidiol Market. Crippled production and processing activities owing to pandemic restrictions and the exorbitant cost of cannabidiol are said to reduce the market growth.
Detailed analysis on the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Cannabidiol Market report.
Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Application
The Cannabidiol Market based on the applications can be further segmented into medical treatments (insomnia, diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, bone abnormalities, migraine, and others), food and beverages, nutraceutical, personal care products, and others. The medical treatments segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to ascending production of cannabidiol capsules, oils, and sprays as the demand for the product is sky-rocketing. Similarly, the medical treatments and nutraceutical segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 22.5% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to rising incidences of health problems like neurogenerative disorders, diabetes, cancer, joint dysfunctions, and many more. Sedentary habits, poor ingestions, and spiraling old-age population are the factors behind the unprecedented surge of such complications. In addition to that, a rising number of prevention-oriented individuals are making more demand for nutraceuticals to ensure proper nutrition intake. As a result, the demand for CBD in the said segments is escalating.
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Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Distribution Channel
The Cannabidiol Market based on distribution channels can be further segmented into offline (Retail pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, and others) and online. The offline segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to the across-the-board presence of retail pharmacies and hospitals. Institutions like hospitals are so well equipped that they offer a one-stop solution to patients; whereas, retail pharmacies offer convenient solutions to both chronic and acute problems as generally no prior prescription from a medical practitioner is required while making a purchase. Derisory infrastructure in squalid areas makes it hard for online pharmacies to offer their services; therefore, buying from offline platforms is the only option that people have. Furthermore, the offline segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 22.8% over the forecast period 2022-2027. Unlike, online platforms, in retail or hospital pharmacies it is easy to explain health problems to doctors or pharmacists. On another hand, buying from online pharmacies may be easy but it requires proper understanding about “what type of medicine you are looking for? whereas, in an offline purchase, if the patient might give a little clue, the medical practitioner suggests the best possible solution according to their knowledge, which is comparatively easy.
Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Geography
The Cannabidiol Market based on Geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. North America held the largest share with 40% of the overall market in 2021. The growth in this segment is owing to the factors such as heavy investment in research and development activities compared to any other continent on planet earth. Besides, high health cognizance among people, presence of world-class healthcare infrastructure, leading pharmaceutical companies, and high disposable income of people which allows them to pay a high price for cannabidiol are the factors providing growth opportunities. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing segment over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to rising chronic pain incidences as the geriatric population in Japan and China is augmenting steadily. Besides, sky-rocketing pharmaceutical industry as India is a leading generic drug manufacturer whereas China is the leading API manufacturer in the world.
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Cannabidiol Market Drivers
Proliferating chronic conditions are anticipated to boost market demand.
Intensifying chronic stress prevalence has heightened the occurrence of various neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s in both developing and developed countries. A WHO report claimed that over 55 million people across the globe were living with dementia last year. Moreover, according to a report by Alzheimer’s Association, in 2021 more than 6 million American geriatrics were inflicted with dementia. Cancer is the 2nd biggest reason behind deaths on planet earth; whereas, from 10.5 percent in 2021, it is anticipated that around 12-13 percent of the world population will suffer from diabetes by 2045.
Rising demand for Cannabidiol from cosmetics is expected to boost market demand.
The expanding demand for cannabis-based cosmetic products as people especially youngsters is becoming more look-oriented. Today body dysmorphic disorder is one of the biggest reasons behind growing stress and anxiety among teenagers. According to a WHO report, around 1 in 7 adolescents aged above 10 years have mental problems because of stress and depression. The growing obsession of youngsters regarding their looks is indeed a blessing in disguise for the growth of the aforementioned market as it is augmenting the demand for personal care products.
Cannabidiol Market Challenges
Extortionate price and hampered production because of the COVID-19 are Anticipated to hamper the market growth.
The price of cannabidiol is a bit on the dear side as just one gram of it can up to $60. Therefore, the expensive nature of the product can pose a challenge to the growth of the aforementioned market. Moreover, the production and processing activities have taken a huge hit after a year-long lockdown. Also, with growing mutations in virus structure, governments worldwide are reconsidering certain constraints to control the virus spread which can lead to a big mismatch between demand and supply chain.
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Cannabidiol Market Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the aforementioned Market.
Cannabidiol market top 10 companies include:
Elixinol LLC
NuLeaf Naturals
Cannoid LLC
Medical Marijuana
Folium Biosciences
Isodiol International
Arena International
 VIVO Cannabis
Dixie Brands
Recent Developments
On December 21, 2021, New York, United States-based multinational pharma and biopharmaceutical company “Pfizer” announced that the company will soon acquire California, United States-based Arena Pharmaceutical (a company known for its cannabis-based therapeutics). Pfizer agreed to pay $6.7 billion ($100 per share) to bring the acquisition to a close. The transaction will enhance Pfizer’s expertise in the cannabis-based treatment of bowel disease.
On November 29, 2021, Alberta, Canada-based cannabis company “High Tide” announced that it has acquired Colorado, United States-based well-known cannabis firm “NuLeaf Naturals.” A payment of $31 million was paid by High Tide to buy 80 percent of the ownership interest. The transaction has further strengthened the retail business of High Tide.
On March 18, 2021, Australia-based cannabis company Elixinol (a firm known for its CBD hemp oil) announced the successful acquisition of Hamburg, Germany-based vitamin and supplement company “CannaCare Health.” Payment of a total of 9 million euros (3 million cash and 6 million shares) was made by Elixinol to bring the acquisition to a close.
For more Food and Beverage Market related reports, please click here
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manideep8 · 2 years
Cannabidiol Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
Cannabidiol Market size is estimated to reach $93.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 21.3% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Cannabidiol can be delineated as an active compound or phytocannabinoid derived from the flower and leaves of the cannabis Sativa plant. The cultivations of marijuana plants occur across the globe for medicinal purposes. Cannabidiol holds wide-ranging applications in the food and beverage industry, nutraceutical production, and treatment of several medical conditions such as neurogenerative disorder, diabetes, insomnia, stress, bone abnormalities, and many others. In addition to that, cannabidiol can help drug addicts to lower their cravings. As compared to hemp seeds oil which is fabricated from seeds only, CBD is a safer and more appropriate option. Also, Cannabidiol comes in a diversity of forms which include capsules, liquid, aerosol sprays. The cannabidiol market outlook is fairly fascinating as the demand for the product is enlarging year after year. Likewise, proliferating research and developmental activities, expanding drug distribution channel’s network, augmenting attentiveness among people regarding health benefits of cannabidiol, and heightening incidences of cancer, diabetes, neurological complications, stress, and bone abnormalities are factors set to drive the growth of the Cannabidiol Market for the period 2022-2027.
Report Coverage
The Report : “Cannabidiol Market Forecast (2022-2027)”, by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Cannabidiol Market.
By Product Type : Full-Spectrum CBD oil, Broad-Spectrum Oil, and CBD isolate.By Form : Capsule, Sprays, and Pure Liquid (Oil and Tinctures).
By Source : Hemp and Marijuana.By Application : Medical treatments (Insomnia, Diabetes, Cancer, Neurological problems, Bone abnormalities, Migraine, and Others), Food and beverages, Nutraceutical, Personal care products, and Others.
By Distribution Channel : Offline (Retail Pharmacies, Hospital Pharmacies, and Others) and online.
By Geography : North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest of World (the Middle East and Africa).
Inquiry Before Buying : https://www.industryarc.com/reports/request-quote?id=19651
Key Takeaways
Geographically, the North America Cannabidiol Market accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021. The growth is owing to high health cognizance among residents compared to other parts of the world, lenient government policies regarding cannabis production for medical purposes, and the full-fledged pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, Asia-Pacific is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027.
Augmenting chronic applications and growing adoption of cannabidiol as health awareness among people is ascending and these factors said to be preeminent drivers driving the growth of the Cannabidiol Market. Crippled production and processing activities owing to pandemic restrictions and the exorbitant cost of cannabidiol are said to reduce the market growth.
Detailed analysis on the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Cannabidiol Market report.
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Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Application
The Cannabidiol Market based on the applications can be further segmented into medical treatments (insomnia, diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, bone abnormalities, migraine, and others), food and beverages, nutraceutical, personal care products, and others. The medical treatments segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to ascending production of cannabidiol capsules, oils, and sprays as the demand for the product is sky-rocketing. Similarly, the medical treatments and nutraceutical segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 22.5% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to rising incidences of health problems like neurogenerative disorders, diabetes, cancer, joint dysfunctions, and many more. Sedentary habits, poor ingestions, and spiraling old-age population are the factors behind the unprecedented surge of such complications. In addition to that, a rising number of prevention-oriented individuals are making more demand for nutraceuticals to ensure proper nutrition intake. As a result, the demand for CBD in the said segments is escalating.
Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Distribution Channel
The Cannabidiol Market based on distribution channels can be further segmented into offline (Retail pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, and others) and online. The offline segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to the across-the-board presence of retail pharmacies and hospitals. Institutions like hospitals are so well equipped that they offer a one-stop solution to patients; whereas, retail pharmacies offer convenient solutions to both chronic and acute problems as generally no prior prescription from a medical practitioner is required while making a purchase. Derisory infrastructure in squalid areas makes it hard for online pharmacies to offer their services; therefore, buying from offline platforms is the only option that people have. Furthermore, the offline segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 22.8% over the forecast period 2022-2027. Unlike, online platforms, in retail or hospital pharmacies it is easy to explain health problems to doctors or pharmacists. On another hand, buying from online pharmacies may be easy but it requires proper understanding about “what type of medicine you are looking for? whereas, in an offline purchase, if the patient might give a little clue, the medical practitioner suggests the best possible solution according to their knowledge, which is comparatively easy.
Cannabidiol Market Segment Analysis-By Geography
The Cannabidiol Market based on Geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. North America held the largest share with 40% of the overall market in 2021. The growth in this segment is owing to the factors such as heavy investment in research and development activities compared to any other continent on planet earth. Besides, high health cognizance among people, presence of world-class healthcare infrastructure, leading pharmaceutical companies, and high disposable income of people which allows them to pay a high price for cannabidiol are the factors providing growth opportunities. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing segment over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to rising chronic pain incidences as the geriatric population in Japan and China is augmenting steadily. Besides, sky-rocketing pharmaceutical industry as India is a leading generic drug manufacturer whereas China is the leading API manufacturer in the world.
Cannabidiol Market Drivers
Proliferating chronic conditions are anticipated to boost market demand.
Intensifying chronic stress prevalence has heightened the occurrence of various neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s in both developing and developed countries. A WHO report claimed that over 55 million people across the globe were living with dementia last year. Moreover, according to a report by Alzheimer’s Association, in 2021 more than 6 million American geriatrics were inflicted with dementia. Cancer is the 2nd biggest reason behind deaths on planet earth; whereas, from 10.5 percent in 2021, it is anticipated that around 12-13 percent of the world population will suffer from diabetes by 2045.
Rising demand for Cannabidiol from cosmetics is expected to boost market demand.
The expanding demand for cannabis-based cosmetic products as people especially youngsters is becoming more look-oriented. Today body dysmorphic disorder is one of the biggest reasons behind growing stress and anxiety among teenagers. According to a WHO report, around 1 in 7 adolescents aged above 10 years have mental problems because of stress and depression. The growing obsession of youngsters regarding their looks is indeed a blessing in disguise for the growth of the aforementioned market as it is augmenting the demand for personal care products.
Cannabidiol Market Challenges
Extortionate price and hampered production because of the COVID-19 are Anticipated to hamper the market growth.
The price of cannabidiol is a bit on the dear side as just one gram of it can up to $60. Therefore, the expensive nature of the product can pose a challenge to the growth of the aforementioned market. Moreover, the production and processing activities have taken a huge hit after a year-long lockdown. Also, with growing mutations in virus structure, governments worldwide are reconsidering certain constraints to control the virus spread which can lead to a big mismatch between demand and supply chain.
Buy Now : https://www.industryarc.com/purchasereport.php?id=19651
Cannabidiol Market Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the aforementioned Market. Cannabidiol market top 10 companies include:
Elixinol LLC
NuLeaf Naturals
Cannoid LLC
Medical Marijuana
Folium Biosciences
Isodiol International
Arena International
VIVO Cannabis
Dixie Brands
Recent Developments
On December 21, 2021, New York, United States-based multinational pharma and biopharmaceutical company “Pfizer” announced that the company will soon acquire California, United States-based Arena Pharmaceutical (a company known for its cannabis-based therapeutics). Pfizer agreed to pay $6.7 billion ($100 per share) to bring the acquisition to a close. The transaction will enhance Pfizer’s expertise in the cannabis-based treatment of bowel disease.
On November 29, 2021, Alberta, Canada-based cannabis company “High Tide” announced that it has acquired Colorado, United States-based well-known cannabis firm “NuLeaf Naturals.” A payment of $31 million was paid by High Tide to buy 80 percent of the ownership interest. The transaction has further strengthened the retail business of High Tide.
On March 18, 2021, Australia-based cannabis company Elixinol (a firm known for its CBD hemp oil) announced the successful acquisition of Hamburg, Germany-based vitamin and supplement company “CannaCare Health.” Payment of a total of 9 million euros (3 million cash and 6 million shares) was made by Elixinol to bring the acquisition to a close.
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yaorong · 3 years
LED plant lights bring opportunities for the development of vertical agriculture
Vertical agriculture is a revolutionary and sustainable agricultural method that does not require so much space and water demand, and has no impact on the ecological environment. However, the demand for light has never changed, so LED plant lights are needed to supplement light. The emergence of LED plant lights brings unlimited possibilities for the development of vertical agriculture.
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Why is there vertical agriculture?
In a linear system, feeding the urban population is particularly challenging. Agriculture is limited by the amount of space for growing crops. This may limit the total output of the farm, making it difficult to expand and produce more food. This is also the reason for the emergence of vertical agriculture. Vertical agriculture is carried out indoors, eliminating the possibility of environmental damage such as weather, pests and diseases. This agricultural method ensures that all plants receive the same amount of light, water and nutrients.
"LED plant lights in agriculture will be ubiquitous, and all fields of modern agriculture are closely related to light," said Yang Qichang, a senior expert in the field of agriculture and a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The planting industry of modern agriculture ( For example, facility gardening, urban agriculture, open field production, plant protection and trapping, etc.), livestock and poultry breeding, aquaculture, and other (edible fungi, microalgae, etc.) all require artificial light sources to supplement light, so the role of LED plant lights will increase. Bigger.
The LED plant light can be designed to emit a specific wavelength of vertical agricultural planting light source, which can be used as an alternative light source for sunlight. Plants do not use the entire spectrum. Plants mainly absorb only part of the spectrum. The peak wavelength of chlorophyll absorption is about 450 nanometers and 650 nanometers (blue and red, respectively). Vertical agricultural growth lights using LED plant lights can be designed to emit only these wavelengths, thus providing only the light needed by plants.
We can know from the above that the growth of plants has nothing to do with soil. What plants need is light. The development of vertical agriculture is to break through the limitation of land space. As long as the light demand is met, plants can grow.
The following are several innovative cultivation methods for vertical agriculture:
1. Hydroponics
Hydroponics is a new method of plant cultivation, and it is also the most widely used method in vertical agriculture. This method does not require soil, but uses nutrient solution to cultivate, which is more convenient to cultivate and the plants are safer.
2. Aerosol cultivation
Aerosol cultivation technology is a new type of cultivation method. Aerosol cultivation is similar to hydroponics. The difference is that the nutrient solution is atomized and sprayed directly onto the roots of plants in the form of spray to provide the water and nutrients needed for plant growth. , And there is the ability to reduce water consumption.
3. Fish and vegetable symbiosis
The fish and vegetable symbiosis system is very similar to the hydroponic system, but one more is to integrate fish and plants together and use each other. The water purified by the plants is used for the fish ponds, and the waste generated by the fish can serve as the nutritional needs of the plants. .
4. Lokal-a self-sufficient small household vegetable system
Lokal technology is the combination of hydroponics and LED plant lights. Nutrient solution replaces soil and LED plant lights replace sunlight, so that plants can also be grown indoors without being restricted by environmental or geographical conditions.
5. AeroFarms-Intelligent Vertical Agriculture Innovation
AeroFarms technology combines the latest technologies such as LED plant light supplement light, aerosol cultivation technology and climate control to control and regulate various factors in line with the growth of plants, giving plants the best growth environment, but the investment cost may be higher. But now there are many successful cases abroad.
Features of LED plant lights:
1. Increase yield: The energy needed for plant growth comes from the photosynthesis of plants, and photosynthesis requires sunlight, and LED plant lights can supplement light to plants when the light is insufficient, and promote the accumulation of plant dry matter, thus achieving the purpose of increasing yield. .
2. Early market: LED plant lights can shorten the growth cycle of plants, promote the growth of plants, can make crops go on the market 7-15 days in advance, greatly increasing the economic income of users.
3. High luminous efficiency: 90% of the light emitted by LED plant lights can be absorbed by plants. Traditional plant lights such as high-pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps can only absorb 8-10% of the light during photosynthesis.
4. Low power consumption: LED plant lights consume very little power, so users do not have to worry about the cost of supplementary lights.
5. Long lifespan: LED plant lights have an extremely long lifespan, with an ultra-long lifespan of 50,000 hours to ensure long-term safe and efficient operation of the product.
6. Environmental protection: LED plant lights are safe, environmentally friendly and do not contain toxic mercury. Our LED grow lights use 10%-30% more energy than traditional lights. Consuming less energy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions into our environment.
Vertical agriculture is growing as an increasingly accepted mode of production. These innovative technologies will become more and more popular and will completely change the face of agriculture in the future! The development of agricultural planting is inseparable from light, and the same is true for vertical agriculture, and most of them are indoor planting, so it is natural to need supplementary light. LED plant lights are now the most popular plant supplement light for indoor planting. The development of vertical agriculture will bring a wave of new markets and opportunities to LED plant lights.
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johnnymarkssh · 9 months
A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Threading Pipe Taps
Threading pipe taps may seem like a complex task reserved for seasoned professionals, but with the right guidance, beginners can master this essential skill. This comprehensive guide will unravel the basics of threading pipe taps, providing a step-by-step approach to help newcomers navigate the intricacies of the process.
The Importance of Threading Pipe Taps:
Before going into the details, it's crucial to understand why threading pipe taps are necessary in various industries. Pipe taps play a pivotal role in creating internal screw threads, facilitating watertight joints in pipes, fittings, and valves. This makes them a vital tool for professionals and hobbyists alike, enabling them to accomplish tasks ranging from fixing leaks to constructing entirely new structures.
Getting Started: Basics of Turning Speeds:
Once armed with the right tools, beginners must understand the importance of turning speeds during threading. Excessive turning speeds can generate friction and heat, damaging the tap's cutting edges. On the contrary, turning too slowly may result in uneven, chatter-inducing threads. Following the recommended RPM guidelines for the tap's size and the hardness of the workpiece is crucial. Automatic feed tap holders can be ideal for maintaining an optimal constant speed, while those hand-tapping can mark their torque wrench for reference.
The next crucial aspect to grasp is the role of lubrication in the threading process. Though it may seem messy or clumsy, cutting fluids such as oil or specialized tapping fluids is indispensable. These fluids prevent metal chips from welding onto the tap's teeth and reduce friction caused by high cutting forces. For those engaged in portable field jobs, aerosol sprays offer convenience. However, aiming nozzles from an adjustable supply to flood the tap and drill the pilot hole is essential for more substantial workshop threading. Proper lubrication is the key to preserving the integrity of the cutting edges, ensuring a smoother and more efficient threading process.
Dealing with Chips: Regular Maintenance:
Deep threading operations often result in the accumulation of metal chips, requiring regular maintenance to prevent complications. Backing out the tap regularly during threading helps remove cut chips before they clog flutes or reweld themselves onto cutting edges through work hardening. Utilizing ejector taps or vacuum extraction methods can be effective for through holes. Removing built-up chips is crucial as they can directly damage teeth and reduce cutting fluid penetration, increasing friction and heat. Keeping the tap clear of chips is an essential part of regular maintenance.
Regular Inspection:
To ensure a seamless threading process, beginners must cultivate the habit of frequent tap inspections. Checking taps for cracks near the shank or fluid grooves using a jeweler's loupe can identify potential issues before they escalate. Any abnormal smoking, vibration, dullness, or loose threads indicate possible misalignment or too slow feed rates, requiring attention. If threads appear loose, it may signal excessive wear on the flank faces, warranting tap replacement. Keeping a record of completed cuts is a benchmark for tracking tap performance and identifying deviations.
Resharpening Services:
As with any cutting tool, microfracturing can eventually degrade the cutting-edge integrity of pipe taps. While periodic professional resharpening services remove enough material to restore sharp, smoothly contoured teeth geometry, it's crucial to discard taps if significant chipping or cracks appear. This preventative measure avoids potential damage or injury risks. Incorporating tap resharpening into regular maintenance routines ensures prolonged usefulness at a fraction of the replacement cost, making it a valuable consideration for beginners and experienced machinists.
In conclusion, threading pipe taps may initially seem daunting for beginners, but it becomes an attainable skill with the right knowledge and approach. Each aspect contributes to a successful threading process, from understanding the significance of quality tools to mastering turning speeds, lubrication, chip removal, and tap inspection. Regular maintenance, including professional resharpening when necessary, ensures that pipe taps remain in optimal condition, offering years of continual service. By implementing these fundamental principles and practices, beginners can confidently navigate the world of threading pipe taps, unlocking a valuable skill set for their machining endeavors.
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