#high luminous efficiency
xamiipholia · 5 months
Zero Dawn Hydrosphere - Floodrage, Combat-Class Machine
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Floodrage - Lv 45 Combat-Class (Active, Deactivated, Parts Salvaged)
Origin - Cauldron Kappa
Length - 22m
Elements - Plasma, Purgewater, Acid
Range: Mid to South Pacific
The Floodrage is the most direct representation of HEPH’s ongoing threat escalation in the South Pacific. Specifically designed to counter and negate Quen Naval supremacy and inflict heavy damage on their fleets, the Floodrage exists to ruthlessly and efficiently sink ships. 
The upper carapace is impervious to conventional tribal weaponry but can be pierced by sustained fire from Deathbringer guns. Vents under the carapace can exude acid and Purgewater to create environmental hazards in the water and the openings on each side of the lower jaw can spray high-pressure Purgewater to dampen elemental weaponry. 
The Floodrage’s primary weapons are its plasma capabilities - the tail blade superheats to tear pieces off of ships as it passes under them, and inside the machine’s throat is a modified version of the Slaugtherspine’s plasma beam weapon.
Weak points: ventral Purgewater sac, plasma canisters, tail blade, relative lack of armor on underside.
Strategy: Extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to fight without ship-mounted weaponry or a Waterwing mount. Quen rope ballistae aimed under armor plates will tether and temporarily slow the machine, making weak spots on the underside easier to hit with conventional weapons. A Waterwing mount can maneuver around the Floodrage underwater.
Resources: Glowblast, Purgewater, Metalbite, Machine Muscle, Volatile Sludge, Crystal Braiding, Shards, Piercing Spike
Upgrade Resources: Sturdy Hardplate, Large Machine Core, Luminous Brainstem, Floodrage Machine Core, Floodrage Primary Nerve, Floodrage Machine Heart, Floodrage Tail Blade
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Okay so I don't know if I'm doing this at the wrong day/time and I totally don't mind if you don't want this, but!! I've read a ton of like, oops we're married type stuff, or married cause we have to. But what about a slightly dark Magnus who deliberately sets out to marry the Lightwood heir to like, take advantage of spousal laws that would give him power in nephilim culture or something like that. Maybe he even plans to get him drunk and marry him, have Alec wake up married to a stranger only, he doesn't expect to fall head over fucking heels for this sweetly gorgeous boy.
I love your words, any words you write, and I look forward to everything you put out! Thank you so much. Your updates brighten my days :)
okay so i loved this prompt especially because i don't know if anyone knows about basically the trope of spouse-napping especially the ones where basically there are marriage ropes that you can bind an opponent with and by tradition, you're married/engaged whatever and it can be used by enemies.
so i hope you enjoy!
“Isn’t this a little crass, even for you?” Ragnor asks with a weary sigh even as he helps Magnus wrap up the last potion and secure it away.
Magnus merely hums and raises an amused brow, because Ragnor was the first to offer to help him and it’s the only time he’s spoken up against Magnus’ plan in any way. Which means that he’s not so much opposed, as he is exhausted and worried about the outcome.
“No.” Magnus says, honestly, because there is very little he wouldn’t do if he found the prize worth it. “And at the very least, we’ll make the clave look like a mockery. And well, I suppose Robert and Maryse’s disgust will be more than enough of a bonus.”
Magnus could go for the girl, she’s well known enough in downworlder circles, but it’s the heir that Magnus wants and it’s the heir he intends to have.
There is little known about Alexander Lightwood, but Magnus knows how important heirs are to nephilim and this one in particular is already rising high in the ranks, quickly and efficiently which is exactly what Magnus needs.
That’s the plan at least, until Magnus gathers up his potions and the gold ribbons Ragnor brought him specifically for this purpose.
Magnus gets to the best vantage point of the battle, a place he warded and scoped out before damaging the small rift enough that larger demons could come through. Now, Magnus watches his quarry enter with two teams of shadowhunters.
Magnus isn’t sure which one is the one he wants, so he waits, and he thinks that perhaps Alexander Lightwood didn’t come, until he realizes how many demons are dropping without contact and he follows the course to a tall roof. There are two shadowhunters there, one is keeping a perimeter and giving orders through her comms though Magnus can only see her lips move and not make it out. Alexander Lightwood is brutal even from a distance and his arrows never once miss. It’s a tantalizing display of skill and then Magnus sucks in a breath of delight as his shadowhunter dives off the roof, tackling a demon that was coming for him, and stabbing it as they fall.
It disintegrates into ichor and ash and Magnus’ shadowhunter lands in a crouch to distribute the shock and then he’s up and moving.  He’s in the middle of the melee now and while Magnus can’t hear him, it’s clear the rest of the hunters do. They ebb and flow around and to him, working like an extension of his commands rather than individuals. It’s as if they suddenly have a hive mind, focused on their leader and only their leader.
Magnus watches, charmed as Alexander gets his hunters into a strange array and then they all break apart into groups of two.
Alexander remains alone, his partner still giving them information from the roof, and he settles into the back, protecting his people and ensuring that he can get the demons no one else’s notices.
He’s in the perfect place to take and yet, Magnus finds his fingers petting the golden ribbons and he finds them suddenly coarse and garish.
If Magnus is going to wrap Alexander in ceremonial gold and claim him as a companion stolen in battle, the traditional battle marriages of shadowhunters, then Magnus is going to do it his way.
Alexander is clearly worth that much and while Magnus knows a bit of what he looks like, he’s suddenly aching to see him closer and touch his face and finally know what color his eyes are.
Magnus waits until the battle ends, relieved that while a few shadowhunters are injured, none are his boy.
It means that Magnus portals away easily and without any worry as he takes a deep breath and unlocks a room he hasn’t used in ages.
Thread craft is rare and while Magnus is talented at it, it’s a unique magic that is better left unmentioned. A secret because even if his magic is ever locked away, Magnus’ very clothes and the threads he wears will rise up to protect him.
It also gives him a very unique advantage and while clothing made by others won’t work as well, he has the time to create what he needs.
The silk ropes he weaves are made from the cocoons of abyssal moths that he and Ragnor spent a century slowly collecting.
Instead of using dyes, Magnus lets his magic create the color and he’s delighted by the rich golds and the vibrant shade of warlock blue that’s twined about the gold.
Magnus is going to catch his boy in nephilim tradition and colors, with warlock significance to let everyone know just who Alexander is going to belong to now.
For the first time, Magnus is suddenly amused and delighted by the fact that nephilim have such a militaristic society that they think nothing of blood and violence when it comes to intimacy.  Most of the greatest nephilim pairings come from one being caught by the other, Magnus sees no reason to change a tradition that works.
Especially when no nephilim has ever considered a downworlder might want to capture one of them or that they'd succeed.
So, despite the clave’s prejudice and bigotry, there is nothing preventing Magnus from slipping through this gaping loophole and claiming himself a nephilim mate. Especially when Magnus is aware that the only way to refuse the bonding once Magnus starts the ritual, is to kill each other or oneself.
Which is fine, Magnus isn’t going to let Alexander harm himself, or Magnus.
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Solution to Mystery of Vast Galaxies Discovered by Hebrew University Astrophysicists Astrophysicists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) published a new theoretical model in the peer-reviewed journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, that solves the mystery of massive galaxies' formation in the early universe. Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the findings explain recent observations which revealed a surprising excess of massive galaxies in the universe in the first half billion years after the Big Bang, which contradicts currently commonly accepted theory. Each galaxy contains approximately one billion stars. Prof. Avishai Dekel led the research team from the Hebrew University Racah Institute of Physics and included Dr. Kartick Sarkar, Professor Yuval Birnboim, Dr. Nir Mandelker, and Dr. Zhaozhou Li. "In the early stages of the universe, the star-forming clouds were denser, enabling a rapid collapse of gas within them and its transformation into stars in less than a million years, within the window of opportunity," said Dekel. This naturally resulted in the high efficiency of star formation from the gas without disruption from explosions or winds from older stars." According to the prevailing theory of galaxy formation, gravity causes gas scattered in the universe to collapse into the centers of giant spherical clouds of dark matter, where it becomes luminous stars. However, theory and observations to date have shown that the efficiency of star formation in galaxies is low, with only about 10% of the gas that falls into the clouds becoming stars. The inefficiency is caused by remaining gas heating up or being blown out of galaxies under the influence of winds and supernova explosions from the stars that manage to form first. This contradicts recent JWST indications of vast amounts of stars created in a short time frame. The researchers call this phenomenon "feedback-free starburst" (FFB), which naturally explains the mystery. Under the unique conditions prevalent in early galaxies, gas efficiently turns into stars without being disrupted by feedback processes. This process of high-efficiency star formation in the absence of feedback explains the observed excess of massive galaxies. "The publication of this research marks an important step forward in our understanding of the formation of primordial massive galaxies in the universe and will no doubt spark further research and discovery,” says Dekel. "The predictions of this model will be tested using the accumulating new observations from the Web Space Telescope, where it seems that some of these predictions are already confirmed.” Dekel adds that important implications of the proposed FFB scenario will be investigated in future studies. These include the efficient formation of seed black holes of a thousand solar masses in the centers of the FFB star-forming clusters, which are a key to explaining the surprisingly super-massive black holes of one billion solar masses seen in centers of galaxies half a billion years later. TOP IMAGE....The first Galaxies as observed by the James Webb Space Telescope – like needles in a haystack CENTRE IMAGE....Galaxies in the early universe as seen by The James Webb Space Telescope LOWER IMAGE....The James Webb Space Telescope with an image of the Milky Way in the background
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lafortis · 2 months
i'm a bit of a lights novice. are most of the lights you use LEDs? are incandescents still kicking around? is there some other tech in the lights world i don't know about?
this is actually a great question! the answer is, mostly LEDs but it depends! and now you've activated my trap card (low-level lights autism) and under the read more will be a more in-depth answer
from the pre-history of lights until, say, the late 2000s, every light pretty much had a high-intesnity discharge lamp in em, specifically (at least in america) starting with this guy:
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basically, true "incandescents" only ever existed on big stages for performances in the form of PAR Cans,
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and only for lower wattages, cus they're just inefficient and suck, basically. most PAR Cans are still tungsten halide or better, because they gotta be bright, and afaik there's never been a moving head incandescent, because things like heat and brightness are ever an more compounding concern in moving fixtures because every ounce of cooling is more weight on the motors.
so basically, if we consider high-intensity discharge lamps (more broadly shortened to "tungsten discharge" in the industry because all the electrodes are tungsten and who honestly cares what gas is in there anyway) to be the industry's definition of a "conventional" or "incandescent", then yeah, they're still used to this day, because while LEDs have been being broadly adopted since, say, 2007, it's only very recently that they've begun to truly compare with tungsten on every level.
until the last 5 or 10 years, it was still the case that if you wanted anything that needed to be really goddamn bright (for example, a blinder, which is what it sounds like, or a strobe, which needs to be as bright as possible because you're only seeing it for whatever percentage of a second at a time, or a skylight, which is for killing passing pilots and everyone on board), you'd still be using tungsten discharge, because they were the best and most efficient way to get THAT bright. they're still often referenced as a comparison point in new marketing for lumens/watt and maximum luminous output, and lots of modern fixtures have a tungsten emulation mode, which changes the way the LED dimmer/colour temperature responds as it dims up or down, to emulate the way that tungsten behaves (because we all just miss it so much, i guess).
basically, to give you a (slightly tilted) idea of the splay of lamp types throughout the industry, here's Robe's (pronounced Roh-bee, because they're misanthropic Czechs who just want to make us suffer) product lineup as of April 2024:
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don't ask about the laser light source, those are new and very very cool and very very cutting edge. the digital source is basically just a moving projector, which is also very very cool but not what we're talking about here
but basically, "white source LED" is what I would think of as the "standard" model of moving head that's "not an LED" fixture, which is to say, there's only one LED (or one LED engine, i.e. multiple LEDs on a single board to get more brightness), and it's being used just like how a convetional lamp would be used, that is to say being used as a light source and nothing else.
multispectral LEDs are basically the same thing, but with the ability to control the colour temperature (i.e. how "white" the white is vs how "natural" it looks) with near-scientific precision, as compared to something like an RGB led, which will never really get you a good 5600K, it'll just be kinda piss yellow, or a white LED, which is just white and has to rely on colour filters put on top of it to filter out the light (which is fine but you only get a couple of those and they're never the ones you want). this is mostly for film or theatre applications, especially film, where the exact colour temperature of the light source is pretty much the number one concern.
multisource LEDs are basically a big fuckoff array of LEDs that can be controlled individually to make fun big stuff, e.g. the Robe Tarrantula
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basically these exist on a sliding scale from "i can do some things to some of these LEDs in banks of 3, 5 etc" to "this might as well be pixel mappable," or in some cases actually is (flashing lights CW for this video, it's literally the product showcase for a strobe light, i tried to timestamp to not go directly to any flashing parts but nonetheless):
most often these are "wash" lights, i.e. lights with much bigger heads to fit much bigger and wider lenses, since it's utilizing many more lower power LEDs, and you need space for all those to fit.
finally, the discharge lamp section, while small, is mighty; the Robe Pointe series is one of the most common, most beloved high-end fixtures in the industry today. they're apparently mercury halide, not tungsten, so hey, the fuck do i know, but yeah. they're similar in a lot of ways to their white LED source compatriots, but i think brighter for the same price point (of course, the prices aren't actually on their website; at this price manufacturers are generally all b2b), and kinda just sexier in certain ways. i think. idk, i'm in the price point where i'm not super experienced with these fixtures lol, but that's my understanding
HENNYWAISE, there ya go :3
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Researchers develop high-efficiency afterglow material
A research group led by Dr. Yang Bin from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has developed cadmium (Cd)-based perovskite single crystals with long afterglow and high luminous quantum yield, and investigated its afterglow luminescence dynamics mechanism.
The study was published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition on Oct. 21.
Afterglow materials have the ability to store multiple radiations such as visible photons, ultraviolet rays, and X-rays. They are widely used in display, biological imaging, anti-counterfeiting technology, and data storage.
However, traditional all-inorganic phosphors, such as oxide, sulfide, and nitride-based afterglow materials, have high lattice energy and usually need to be produced by high-temperature processing (>1000°C), which brings considerable energy consumption and safety risks to production and preparation.
Read more.
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tgrailwar-zero · 6 months
Servant Matrix: KUKULKAN
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Class: Foreigner/Invader
True Name: Kukulkan
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height/Weight: 176 cm / ?? kg
Source: Mayan Mythology, ???
Region: ???
MANA CHARGES: [ X / X / X / X / X / X ]
A benevolent goddess modeled after a major deity from Mayan mythology. While holding some key differences from the Kukulkan of lore, she holds steadfast to being a solar goddess related to both creation, and destruction. Her main goal is to destroy the Solar Cell- not out of malice, but due to the fact that when the Solar Cell fully manifests, it will become a danger to humanity. While she loves the ‘civilization’ built here, she uses her abilities to see that the ‘Sun’ of the Solar Cell cannot return the love that the people have given it, and sees destruction as a mercy- and is willing to accept the role of a villain in order to pursue it.
However, she has her doubts now. While she still feels as though the Solar Cell is lacking love, her Master's quest for answers has left her uneasy- and also asking herself 'what could happen for a Sun to lose the love for their people?'
Unwilling to be a hypocrite, she instead marches forward in uncertainty with her Masters, hoping that they'll find answers together.
While her formal class is 'Foreigner', within her resides 'Invader'- a cold, logical program that wishes to do whatever it can to gain power, and find the best course of action to destroy the Solar Cell. - Kukulkan's a powerful, all-rounded Servant. Using her magical energy, she can manifest either powerful beams of mana, or enhance her physical capabilities to get up close and personal with her enemies. Like a shooting star, Kukulkan tends to rush into battle with a smile on her face and a fire in her eyes, preferring to smash things up before it gets too complicated. With an excitable, curious, yet surprisingly wise personality, this Servant firmly marches to the beat of her own drum. However, her status as the special 'Invader-class' makes her an enemy to all those who exist in the Solar Cell. With her summoned purpose to 'destroy the Solar Cell', and her status as a good god who guides others, she finds herself at odds between her purpose and her nature.
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: EX
Luck: A
NP: B++
Charisma of Jade (A+) - Authority over water and wind, as well as a high-ranking Charisma skill. The chance of death through poor luck is reduced.
We, the Winged Serpent (EX) - The divine authority to use the skills of other gods with the Feathered Serpent moniker, such as Quetzalcoatl. In theory.
Golden Sea of Trees Travelogue (EX) - Memories from a distant time and place, boosting Kukulkan's combat efficiency.
Civilization Creation (EX) - High ranking expertise regarding guiding the livelihood of living beings. The wisdom of the 'Teachings of the Sun', forging forth the ideal path.
??? (Unranked) - Effects unknown.
NOBLE PHANTASM: Kinich Ahau Impact
Kukulkan diverts all of her magical energy, as well as the magical energy around her, into manifesting herself as a massive Luminous Body radiating with extreme heat and incredible density for a short period of time. While Kukulkan tends to this Noble Phantasm for one incredibly powerful strike, one can take advantage of this temporary form change for a variety of purposes.
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mastercoat · 10 months
Navigating the Varied Realm of Wall Putty: A Comprehensive Guide to Types and Utilizations
Wall putty, a fundamental ingredient for achieving impeccably smooth and enduring finishes on both interior and exterior surfaces, is available in an array of formulations designed to suit distinct purposes.
This blog will delve into the intricate universe of wall putty, uncovering its diverse categories, applications, and advantageous characteristics.
Also Read: Master Coat – Best Wall Putty Brand in India
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Conventional Wall Putty: Serving as a versatile choice, conventional wall putty finds its niche on interior surfaces. Its application is effortless, effectively concealing minor fissures and imperfections. It acts as an essential foundation for paints, elevating adhesion and ensuring a uniform coat.
White Cement-Based Putty: Engineered for achieving a refined and luminous veneer, white cement-based putty encompasses white cement and polymer additives. This variant is particularly well-suited for interior walls, as it repels moisture while providing an optimal canvas for paints. Its usage extends to decorative finishes as well.
Acrylic Wall Putty: Renowned for its pliability, acrylic wall putty stands as a fitting choice for both interior and exterior surfaces. It exhibits the ability to withstand slight shifts without succumbing to fractures and boasts elevated water resistance. It is notably effective in spaces characterized by high humidity, such as bathrooms and kitchens.
Gypsum-Based Putty: Crafted from gypsum powder and enriching additives, gypsum-based putty is favored for its lightweight constitution and superlative smoothness. Its common application encompasses ceilings and drywalls. However, it's essential to acknowledge that its water-soluble nature renders it unsuitable for wet areas.
Polymer-Modified Cement Putty: This category marries cement with polymers, augmenting its adhesive characteristics and pliancy. It is an excellent contender for exterior walls that contend with fluctuating weather conditions, as it showcases resilience against fissures and water infiltration.
Fast-Setting Putty: Engineered for expedited drying, fast-setting putties abbreviate the waiting period between successive layers. These variants prove particularly advantageous for projects constrained by tight timelines. Nevertheless, their successful application hinges on prompt and efficient execution.
High-Performance Putty: High-performance putties present advanced attributes like heightened adhesion, crack resistance, and even protection against mold formation. They are optimal choices for high-traffic zones, commercial establishments, and locales susceptible to dampness.
Conventional and white cement-based putties excel at leveling surfaces and establishing a seamless undercoat.
Acrylic putties find their forte in areas marked by humidity concerns, thanks to their adeptness at repelling water.
Gypsum-based putties shine in the creation of intricate ceiling designs.
Polymer-modified putties emerge as prime contenders for exterior surfaces that confront diverse weather variations.
Amplified paint adhesion and finish quality.
Skillful concealment of cracks and imperfections.
Prolonged longevity of paint applications.
Heightened aesthetic appeal of walls and ceilings.
Endurance against water and longevity.
Conclusion: The realm of wall putty is a multi-faceted one, with each variant catering to distinct requisites. Whether the goal is to achieve a flawlessly curated interior or a weather-enduring exterior, the choice of wall putty wields a significant influence on the ultimate result. Gaining insight into the classifications, applications, and benefits empowers informed decisions and paves the way for attaining superlative surface finishes.
Looking For Best Wall Putty Brand in India? Visit MasterCoat- #1 Wall Putty Brand Based in Ahmedabad, India since 1997.
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top23console · 1 year
Forspoken - Best ARPG developed by Luminous Production
Forspoken has been considered one of those gaming titles exactly where I was cautious right from the start. The concept was intriguing as it would be my sort of genre. However, the tiniest bit of gameplay that was shown caused me to pump the brakes somewhat. After an extremely disappointing trial, I used to be prepared for disappointment. This didn't take time, but when I finally got into the overall game, I came to discover that I was completely incorrect.
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Following the narrative, the video game follows Frey Holland, who is transported from New York to the land of Athia after trying to take an amusing Cuff. She then finds herself in the middle of a war that has been tearing the kingdom apart through an unimaginable force often known as "The Corruption," twisting the animals, people, and terrain of the entire kingdom into nightmare-like, broken versions of their own.
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The fight is extremely enjoyable and enjoyable, with Tanta's battles with bosses being the absolute highlights, but I would have preferred more movement. Flow's use is determined by your stamina meter, as exemplified by the diamonds just above the wellness pub. You need to keep watch over the meter in the battle to ensure people don't get caught with no ability to escape, but it's also noteworthy to keep track of it while traveling across the globe. The moment you initiate Flow, it will cost you one gem for each time you press the switch and use up another after a short time (when Frey dashes somewhat again). You can readjust this timer by interacting with the surroundings, just like when auto-jumping over a small obstacle. There is a lot of energy from the launch and even fewer steps to reestablish it, so when anyone's running out, you'll have to run to recover. Our website is the best place to buy cheap New PS4 games.
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Visually, Forspoken is a treat. You'll find three graphics game modes you could use, or six if you're playing with the latest TV or monitor. Performance mode is the "worst," while high-quality mode has by far the most detail while dropping the frames per second in certain instances. Hurry up, cheap PS4 racing games are on the market. In between these two modes is the ray tracing system mode, which provides the most efficient lighting while still preserving the features of the quality mode. If you are hooked up to a monitor that can handle 120 refresh rates, you can toggle this off or on for each illustration mode likewise. I had this turned on during my own time playing Forspoken, and turning off the feature was a very jarring wisdom as the frames per second slowed to an absolute halt. In any case, whatever game mode you play in, it's hard to notice the difference in precision when you play the recreation because things are so fast you're barely able to figure out if there's additional aliasing happening with some of the vegetation that is visible in the distance.
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Sound design and music
The sound and music raise the book's overall adventure just as much. From softer, more catchy beats to explosive orchestral arrangements mingled with singing choirs, the soundtrack is the perfect accompaniment to the snarling of the creatures and humans.
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Bottom Line
Forspoken is an impressive new IP. It has its fair share of challenges, but the more time you spend in Athia Forspoken, the more its world entices you with its fascinating combat system and, additionally, the pure pleasure of honestly crossing vast environments that are enthralling. Luminous Productions is undoubtedly onto something with that one, but it needs much more focus and sophistication. At the very least, Forspoken attests to its worth in its own right and reflects its potential to one day be a part of Square Enix's main franchises.
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stcrfeesh · 1 year
off the precipice (懸崖勒馬)
5: To Lose the Half of a Whole
READER DISCRETION IS STRONLGLY ADVISED; Please read the masterlist first before proceeding.
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Morning came with a shivering chill, and from high ground, a thick layer of fog is seen engulfing the streets of Liyue. Lumine could not tell if the chill had really been from the beginnings of another cold winter, or if it had been from the information they received mere hours ago. The atmosphere at the Northland Palace had been sombre since Kazuha came back, breaking the news to them; not even Childe dared to crack a single joke to lighten the mood like he used to.
Lumine crosses her arms, watching the cars and rickshaws pass by the streets. From what little the fog allows her to see, she spots steam erupting from the nearby food stalls and housewives out for their early-morning bargaining for fresh vegetables. She wonders then if any of the people who were up and about at that very moment already knew of the tragedy that had just transpired.
The Northland Rings have lost yet another one of their own during an operation. The last time they lost someone was an inevitable tragedy, but this one—this one was something entirely illogical. She did not know the specifics of Tomo’s mission orders that night, but she knew he was skilled enough not to get himself killed. If he could survive the wrath of an entire enemy nation years ago, he could’ve survived one information rendezvous. He always did. So… why?
Lumine couldn’t seem to make any connections between what she was already told and what little she was able to know. She was only in her superior’s office long enough to know that her colleague had died in the middle of an operation. In the world of espionage work, it was no secret that dying mid-operation was a high-risk—it was something all of them were prepared to face. But when the conditions of an operation were low-risk and the involved operative was good enough, dying was just as real as flying boars. It was not the slightest bit possible.
Tomo was one of the good ones. Always quick on his feet, very efficient, and had a high-percentage mission success rate. He was only a rank below her in a difference of their prowess, and everyone knew that Minamoto Tomoya was one of the greatest operatives to join their ranks. 1 He shouldn’t have died so easily.
And yet, he was. Tomo was dead.
The look on Kazuha’s face when he barged into the room hours ago still haunted Lumine. It sent shivers down her spine, a frosting chill shaking her very core. Kazuha’s eyes were frantic, as though he had just watched the whole world crumble and collapse right before his eyes. He had been trembling as he muttered those words; I found Tomo fucking dead.
Lumine had never been one to hold onto sentimental attachments. She was a spy and she knew that feelings were fatal in her line of work. It would pose more as a hindrance to her work than offer her some form of solace like everyone says it would. Feelings kill, and that was why she understood Kazuha’s current predicament. Seeing the way he had faltered—the calmest and most laid-back man she’s ever known, breaking into pieces. She could not help but feel a small pang in her chest. Like a broken piece chipped off her even broken heart.
She knew what it was like to lose an entire world, to watch the same world crash and burn before your very eyes. And she knew exactly what it was like to lose someone you loved dearly. To lose the other half of yourself that made you whole—to feel like you have died when you were still standing and breathing. To realise that in this world without them, you were finally alone.
It was a familiar and heartbreaking scene she knew all too well, a scene she had lived through herself. As she could only guess how Kazuha was faring at that moment, her own thoughts wander to her rendition of the very same scene, as if it was a movie playing before her. A scene from almost five years ago.
She lets her eyes fall shut for a moment and sees her twin brother’s face from that fateful day. Aether. She thought fondly, a bittersweet smile on her face. Her last memory of him was his sad smile, a forced laugh, and a stupid joke—one she would never forget in the years to come.
Always remember to knock on the fridge before opening it, he told her as though it was a very important reminder to leave her with. Lumine had been on the verge of crying, pleading with her brother. There was another way. There has to be another way where they could both get out of their situation alive. The joke had not registered in her brain yet.
Aether was looking behind her as he ushered her to the ledge, and then he looks back at her. He forces out a laugh—Lumine could tell he was only forcing it. And then, he smiles at her sadly. Aether does not cry then, and she knew why. He was her big brother. He’d never cry in front of his sister.
You never know when there might be a salad dressing. With one final smile, Aether had pushed her off the ledge, pulling her glider out to cushion her fall… then he was gone.
That was the first time Lumine felt her heart break, shattering into a million pieces. And that was the last time she ever saw her brother. She always wished that things could have been different, but wishing on dead stars would have been futile. Aether had died so she could have another shot at living, but what had been the point of her living on if half of her was gone? Perhaps she was selfish for thinking so. Maybe she really was, and she didn’t care. She did not find any more reason to continue living in a world without her best friend.
But here she was anyway.
Lumine lets out a shaky breath when she opens her eyes again. She looks up to the skies, silently praying to the gods that have long passed to deliver Aether her message.
You’ll have some company now, Lumine thinks, hoping it will reach her brother—hoping the winds will gently whisper her message into his ear. Guide him into the afterlife, won’t you?
The sun was beginning to make its way higher up into the skies. She takes one final look at the streets below her before she goes back in.
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When Lumine reaches the basement, the first thing she hears as she pushes the heavy metal door open were muffled yelling from the office. She sees Childe leaning against the wall beside the faux potted plant. She walks to him, a brow raised in silent question. He only responds to her with a shake of his head and a shrug.
She sighs, leaving the ginger man be, and stalks through the hallway that led into the office. The closer she got, the louder she could hear the yelling. When she gets close enough, she finally makes out the voices and the words being hurled back and forth.
“You dangled him!?” It was Kazuha’s voice.
Though Lumine could not see his face, from his tone alone, she already knew he was outraged—and maybe even outraged was an understatement. She purses her lips into a thin line. She has never heard Kazuha yell before. Hell, she even has no recollection of Kazuha ever being angry at anyone. Not even Childe.
The person he was yelling at does not reply, and this seemed to infuriate him more. “Why couldn’t it have been someone else!? Why couldn’t it have been, I don’t know—me, instead?”
There was shuffling in the room, and then silence.
A calm voice of a woman speaks, “It’s simple. The Northland Rings have two great liars, and unfortunately for you, Fēngyuán Dài lǐ,” There was a pause. She had used the Liyuen pronunciation of his name; as if to rub more salt into the wound. “You are not one of them. You cannot effectively lie the same way Viatrovna or Minamoto can. Dangling you would only become a liability to us. Not only to the Northland Rings or the Ān bù—but to the nation of Liyue as a whole.” Kazuha does not speak again after that.
“You are an important asset to the Ān bù, Fēngyuán Dài lǐ. We value your concerns and input and will look into this further. This matter is no small thing we can just shrug off. Everyone else is just as heartbroken as you.” The woman speaks again, her voice commanding. “Everyone is trying their best to get to the bottom of this incident. We do not want a repeat of the same aftermath after Viatrovich Dài lǐ’s fall.”
“But this—Tomo’s case is different, Yelan!” Kazuha pressed on. “Aether died willingly. He knew what we were up against that day. He sacrificed himself because he wanted to. But this? Tomo was murdered in cold blood!”
“Fēngyuán Dài lǐ 2, this is the last time I will be saying this. We are trying our best, but in all our efforts we must act discreetly. Enemies are coming for us left and right. Having enemy nations and an unknown sinister force—that’s already too much to handle as it is.” Yelan’s tone has shifted into something cool; something laced with frost and ice. “I suggest you stop asking questions which you already know the answers to. It is no one's fault that this happened. No one saw this coming. Now please, get out of my office.”
“Okay—” Another woman’s voice suddenly says. “That’s enough. I know we’re all upset about this. Tomo was a friend to all of us. But why don’t we all take a breather, and get some breakfast? Childe went out and got us some bāozi, or do you guys want yóutiáo instead? Anything to cool our heads first, yeah? How’s that sound?”
“But Beidou—”
“Hey,” Lumine finally says, cutting their discussion off.
She never really liked sticking her nose into things, but this was a necessary course of action. Any further into their debacle of a conversation, and she knew Kazuha was going to do—or rather, say something he didn’t really mean. He’d mess things up for himself big time. And that would have been way worse. She pokes her head through the open gap in the door, giving all of them a small smile.
At the sight of her, Beidou’s tired expression immediately turns into a smile of relief. Beidou had been standing by the corner, spectating everything, while Yelan was sitting behind her desk, with an angry Kazuha right in front of her. Lumine notices that the dried blood were no longer on his sleeves anymore, and deduces that he had finally gotten a change of clothes.
“Ying,” Yelan was the first to greet her. “Apologies for the commotion, you shouldn’t have witnessed that. But alas—”
“Yelan,” Beidou warns her before turning to Kazuha. “And you, you are excused. We’ll all talk about this again later, got it? Go get your fill for now.”
Yelan seems to be displeased by the turn of events but ultimately decides not to speak any more than she had to. Instead, she only purses her lips into a thin line at Beidou’s warning.
Kazuha, on the other hand, takes one final glance at Yelan, before scoffing in disbelief. He turns away and nods at Lumine in greeting as though he hadn’t just been in a heated argument with his superior—as though he hadn’t just mentioned her brother’s name in disdain. Lumine lets him off just this once.
I didn’t hear anything, she tells herself and nods at him in return.
Once Kazuha was out of the room, Beidou walks over to the door and gently shuts it close. She turns to Yelan with an exasperated sigh, “You shouldn’t have covered for me like that, y’know? Now that kid’s probably mad at ‘ya for some shit that wasn’t even your call.”
“Many people despise me already, Beidou Xiǎo jiě,” Yelan says, rising from the desk. “He wouldn’t be the first to do so. Besides, it’s always been my job to always cover for you.”
Lumine furrows her brows at their exchange. She raises a brow at Beidou, “Okay. What is this about now?”
Beidou settles down onto the same chair Yelan had just risen from. In an unladylike fashion, she kicks her legs up and then props her feet on the table. Not that Lumine minded—or cared. The times were changing, and Beidou was free to act however she pleases.
“You already know about the whole leader sitch, right? I can’t act as the Rings’ leader in public ‘cause my wife thinks it’ll be a bad look. Something about this nepotism shit she’s against?” Beidou pauses, “Or was it ‘cause she’s a known Liyuen politician and it would be a bad look if her wife was a gang leader? Eh—either way, you already know about the whole thing, yes?”
“Yeah,” She nods. “But what does that have to do with all this? Everyone in the gang knows you’re our leader. That doesn’t exclude Kazuha.”
“I mean that wasn’t the entire reason. Of course, he knows I’m the leader, I took that kid in when he defected from the Shuumatsu-ban.” Beidou brings her foot down from the desk and leans on it instead. “The problem now is he thinks Yelan was the one to decide to put Minamoto’s case on the side for now—but it was me. Yelan took the blame for that like she always does.”
Beidou speaks with a small frown and a guilty look in her eyes. From the side of the room, Yelan lets out a sigh, “It was the rational choice. You shouldn’t blame yourself for that. We can’t just investigate Minamoto’s case just because someone’s upset. It wasn’t just any kind of murder case, we can’t act as we please—even with the Qixing’s backing.”
Yelan walks to the desk and shows Lumine a photograph of the scene. It was another headless body, like all the ones she’s seen before. Except with this one, beside it was Tomo’s own. He still had his head intact, and the cause of his death was the open wound on his chest.
“He was there when one of the deaths happened?” Lumine asks, more to herself than to the other two women in the room. “Wasn’t he supposed to retrieve intel on the spies living in the Fontainiene Concession?”
“That was the plan, but things took a different turn last minute,” Beidou replies. “Minamoto had to go in naked if we wanted the enemy to take the bait. 3 We did have Kazuha trail closely after him, but Minamoto didn’t have his Bàojī on him then. We basically have no idea what happened.”
“He was already dead when Kazuha decided to check up on him,” Yelan added. “He was taking far too long for information exchange.”
Lumine could only listen to them, unable to get in any more words to add to their conversation. It was the beginning of a mess amidst an already burning conflict. Fontaine was not happy with Liyue’s new policies, and with the tension brought by that, Lumine knew they were only a few steps closer to another war. No one—not even the best analysts in their ranks would be able to make sense of all this, but she was certain everyone thought of one thing. Everything was somehow connected.
“Ah yes—” Beidou suddenly speaks again. “Headquarters was requesting Lumine’s presence, right? Well, at this point it isn’t a request—it’s more of an order. They sent that kid of theirs over—Chongyun, was it? I honestly can’t remember the li’l guy’s name.”
At this, Lumine immediately looks up at her. “It’s that urgent? They don’t just send people from the inside for summons… but why me?”
“We don’t know much about why either. We may have the highest positions here in the Rings, but we are not the Qixing. We don’t know all classified intel.”
Yelan nods at Beidou’s words. “What we do know are things the Qixing only allow us to know. Shen—” Yelan starts to cough, then clears her throat. “Rimechaser came by only to let us know that you are needed back in headquarters. We can only guess that it has something to do with these murders.”
Lumine knits her brows together at Yelan’s last words, “Huh? I don’t even know anything about the murders. I was barely put into any missions that have to do with it.”
Beidou shrugs, “You can ask higher-ups your questions when you get there tomorrow. I’ll get that rascal Childe to drive you.”
“But I can walk.”
“Sure, walk to the Jade Chamber.”
“I can do that perfectly fine?”
“Yeah, no. Childe is driving you.”
“I don’t have a choice, do I?” Lumine finally asks her superiors. In truth, it was a question she need not ask—she already knew the answer. She did not have a choice.
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I'm sorry I'm taking so long to get Xiao and Lumine to talk to each other. I promise the next chapter would have that.
【源 友也】A full name I made up for Tomo (Kazuha's friend) to make the narration more dramatic. The surname Minamoto (源 ) is taken from one of the most prominent samurai clans in 12th-century Japan, and the name Tomoya (友也) was derived from the word Tomodachi (友達), which means "friend".
代理 (Dài lǐ) is a Chinese title that means Agent.
Naked is when a spy is operating without cover or backup.
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energionpowermax · 17 hours
Powering the Future: Unveiling the Top 10 Battery Manufacturers in India.
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Innovation and a growing reliance on electronics have fueled India's economic boom.  At the heart of this progress lies a vital, yet often overlooked, component: the battery. From powering our smartphones to electric vehicles, batteries are the silent workhorses of modern life.  As the demand for reliable and efficient energy storage solutions surges,  Indian battery manufacturers are stepping up to meet the challenge.
In this blog, we'll delve into the world of Indian battery manufacturing, exploring the top 10 companies leading the charge (pun intended).  We'll explore their specialties, unique offerings, and the technologies shaping the future of battery production in India.
The Top 10 Battery Manufacturers in India
Exide Industries Limited: A household name, Exide is a true veteran in the Indian battery industry. Founded in 1919, they boast a diverse portfolio catering to automotive, industrial, and inverter applications.  Exide is known for its commitment to quality and innovation, making it a leading contender in the  "Top 10 battery manufacturers in India" discussion.
Amara Raja Batteries Limited:  Synonymous with the Amaron brand, Amara Raja is a major player in the automotive battery segment. Their focus on research and development has led to path-breaking technologies like "PowerZone" batteries,  known for superior cranking power and longer life.  Amara Raja's dedication to sustainability practices further cements their position as a frontrunner.
Johnson Controls (Hitachi):  A global giant, Johnson Controls brings its expertise to India through its Hitachi branded batteries.  They cater to a wide range of applications, including automotive, two-wheeler, and industrial sectors.  Hitachi batteries are renowned for their durability and reliability, making them a popular choice for demanding users.
Luminous Power Technologies:  Beyond batteries, Luminous is a complete power solutions provider.  Their battery portfolio encompasses a variety of VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid) batteries suitable for UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems and solar applications.  Luminous is a strong contender for those seeking dependable energy storage solutions.
Panasonic India:  Leveraging Panasonic's global expertise, the Indian arm manufactures batteries for automotive and two-wheeler segments.  Their focus on energy efficiency and long-lasting performance makes Panasonic batteries a compelling choice for eco-conscious consumers.
Su-Kam Power Systems Limited:   Su-Kam is another name synonymous with dependable power solutions.  Their battery range caters to both home and industrial applications, including solar power storage.  Su-Kam's commitment to offering eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions makes them a popular option for a variety of users.
Tata Power Company Limited:  A subsidiary of the Tata Group, Tata Power is a diversified company with a presence in battery manufacturing.  They focus on Lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems.  Tata Power's commitment to clean energy solutions positions them well for the future of battery technology.
Chloride SLI (India) Limited:  A part of the Exide Technologies group, Chloride SLI offers a comprehensive range of automotive and industrial batteries.  Their commitment to quality and reliability makes them a trusted brand for various industrial applications.
Ssnr (India) Limited:   Specializing in two-wheeler batteries, Ssnr leverages cutting-edge technology to deliver high-performance and long-lasting products.  Their focus on research and development ensures their batteries stay ahead of the curve.
Eveready Industries India Limited:  Best known for dry cell batteries, Eveready also offers a range of VRLA batteries suitable for UPS systems and solar applications.  Their brand recognition and established distribution network make Eveready batteries a convenient choice for many users.
The Future of Battery Manufacturing in India
The Indian battery manufacturing industry is poised for significant growth, driven by factors like:
Rising Demand for Electric Vehicles:  The Indian government's push for electric vehicle adoption will necessitate a robust domestic battery manufacturing sector.
Focus on Renewable Energy:  The growing adoption of solar and wind power will create a demand for efficient energy storage solutions, propelling the battery industry.
Technological Advancements:  Research and development in Lithium-ion and other next-generation battery technologies will further revolutionize the Indian battery landscape.
Energion Power Max: Contributing to a Brighter Tomorrow
Energion Power Max, though not yet a part of the  "Top 10 battery manufacturers in India" list, is  a company to watch.  We are committed to providing high-quality, reliable batteries for various applications.
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industrynews10 · 18 hours
How does Nessa Illumination contribute to energy efficiency in lighting solutions?
Nessa Illumination significantly contributes to energy efficiency in lighting solutions through several key approaches:
Advanced LED Technology: Nessa Illumination utilizes cutting-edge LED technology that consumes significantly less energy compared to traditional lighting systems. LEDs are known for their high luminous efficacy, meaning they provide more light per watt of energy consumed.
Smart Lighting Controls: The company integrates smart lighting controls, such as motion sensors, daylight harvesting, and dimming options. These controls optimize energy use by ensuring lights are only on when needed and adjust their brightness based on ambient light levels.
High-Quality Components: Nessa Illumination ensures the use of high-quality components in their lighting solutions. This not only extends the lifespan of the lighting fixtures but also reduces energy consumption over time by maintaining high efficiency throughout the product's life.
Thermal Management: Effective thermal management in their LED designs minimizes heat generation, which not only improves the longevity and performance of the LEDs but also enhances energy efficiency by reducing the energy lost as heat.
Innovative Design: Nessa Illumination focuses on innovative luminaire designs that maximize light distribution and minimize energy waste. Their designs ensure that more light reaches the target areas, reducing the need for additional fixtures and thereby lowering overall energy consumption.
Sustainability Practices: The company adopts sustainable practices in their manufacturing processes, further contributing to overall energy efficiency. This includes using recyclable materials and reducing waste, which aligns with broader energy-saving and environmental goals.
By leveraging these strategies, Nessa Illumination provides lighting solutions that not only reduce energy consumption but also lower operational costs and environmental impact.
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viibeskinsolution · 2 days
Discover VIIBE: The Best Skin Specialist in Andheri East
Andheri East, one of the bustling suburbs of Mumbai, is home to many skin care professionals and clinics. Among them, VIIBE stands out as a premier destination for comprehensive skin and hair care. Whether you're looking for a top-rated skin doctor in Andheri East, a modern skin clinic in Andheri East, or the best in aesthetic treatments, VIIBE offers it all. Let's explore why VIIBE is your go-to place for all your dermatological needs.
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Why Choose VIIBE?
VIIBE is not just another skin clinic in Andheri East; it's a sanctuary for those seeking expert care in a comfortable, modern setting. Modern technology is used by the clinic's staff of highly skilled dermatologists and skin care professionals to deliver the best treatments. Many people choose VIIBE because of the individualized treatment that is provided to each patient, taking into account their specific skin and hair demands.
Expert Skin Doctors
Several of Andheri East's top dermatologists oversee the VIIBE team. These experts guarantee that patients receive the best possible care by bringing years of expertise and specialized training to the table. They are skilled in identifying and managing a broad variety of skin disorders, from eczema and acne to more complicated dermatological problems. Their experience is proof of the high caliber of care that VIIBE provides.
Comprehensive Skin Clinic
VIIBE is a well-known skin clinic in Andheri East that provides a variety of procedures to meet both medical and aesthetic needs. With its state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic resources, the clinic guarantees that patients will receive precise diagnoses and efficient treatments. VIIBE covers every facet of skin health, from basic skin care to intricate dermatological procedures.
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The Best Skin and Hair Clinic Near Me
If you are searching for the best skin and hair clinic near me, look no further than VIIBE. The clinic combines cutting-edge cosmetic procedures with medical knowledge to provide a comprehensive approach to skin and hair care. This guarantees that patients obtain ideal skin and hair health in addition to receiving therapy for their difficulties.
Specialized Treatments at VIIBE
VIIBE provides a range of customized therapies tailored to each patient's specific requirements. Here are a few of the best services offered by this renowned Andheri East skin clinic:
HydraFacial Near Me: If you are living in Andheri and searching for HydraFacial near me VIIBE clinic is for you. In a single treatment, this non-invasive method provides antioxidant protection, hydration, exfoliation, extraction, and cleansing. It helps to enhance the general health and appearance of the skin and is ideal for all skin types. Your skin can look luminous and renewed after a HydraFacial, regardless of whether you're battling with wrinkles, fine lines, or clogged pores.
Carbon Facial in Andheri East: For those interested in advanced skincare treatments, the Carbon Facial in Andheri East at VIIBE is a must-try. Activated carbon is used in this treatment to effectively remove dead skin cells and pollutants from the skin while also deeply cleansing and exfoliating it. It is especially helpful for enlarged pores, acne, and greasy skin. Skin seems cleaner, smoother, and younger as a consequence.
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Why VIIBE is the Best Skin Specialist in Andheri East
VIIBE is a notable option for Andheri East skin care due to several factors. The following are some of the main elements that make VIIBE the ideal option for your needs in skin and hair care:
Expertise and Experience: With their vast training and expertise, the dermatologists at VIIBE are qualified to treat a wide variety of skin disorders. Their knowledge guarantees that you get the greatest care and therapies available. The team at VIIBE is equipped with the knowledge and abilities to assist you in reaching your skin health objectives, whether you require a normal examination or specialized treatment.
Comprehensive Range of Services: VIIBE provides a wide range of services encompassing every facet of skin and hair care. Everything you require, including cosmetic procedures and medical dermatology, is available under one roof. Because of this, VIIBE is a practical and effective option for all of your skin and hair care requirements.
Advanced Technology: Patients at VIIBE take advantage of the most recent developments in dermatology and cosmetics. Modern technology installed throughout the clinic guarantees the greatest results and increases the efficacy of treatments. You know you're getting the most cutting-edge and potent treatments around, whether you're searching for a HydraFacial near me or a Carbon facial in Andheri East.
Patient-Centered Approach: VIIBE ensures that every patient receives individualized attention and treatment by adopting a patient-centered approach to care. The staff at VIIBE spends time getting to know each patient's particular requirements and concerns. Together, they create a personalized treatment plan that helps the patients achieve their objectives. Each patient will receive the greatest care and attain the best results possible thanks to this individualized approach.
Locating a trustworthy and knowledgeable skin specialist in a busy place like Andheri East might be difficult. On the other hand, you can count on the best care possible and an extensive array of services to meet all of your skin and hair requirements when you work with VIIBE. VIIBE provides everything you need whether you're looking for the greatest aesthetic procedures like a HydraFacial near me or a Carbon facial in Andheri East, as well as a top-rated skin doctor and top skin clinic in Andheri East.
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New theoretical model claims to solve mystery of early massive galaxies Astrophysicists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem published a new theoretical model that solves the mystery of the formation of early massive galaxies in the universe, in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The findings naturally explain recent observations conducted using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which revealed a surprising excess of massive galaxies in the universe—already in the first half billion years after the Big Bang—contrary to the commonly accepted theory. The James Webb telescope was launched into space at the end of 2021 and started producing images of distant galaxies as early as July 2022. Researchers unexpectedly discovered an excess of massive galaxies in the early universe compared to the number of galaxies expected according to the common theory. According to the researchers' proposed model, the special conditions that prevailed in the primordial galaxies, of high density and low abundance of heavy elements, allowed the formation of stars with high efficiency without interference from other stars. The research team from the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University, was led by Professor Avishai Dekel with Dr. Kartick Sarkar, Professor Yuval Birnboim, Dr. Nir Mandelker, and Dr. Zhaozhou Li. "Already in the first half-billion years, researchers identified galaxies that each contain about ten billion stars like our sun," shares Professor Dekel. "This discovery surprised researchers who tried to identify plausible explanations for the puzzle, ranging from the possibility that the observational estimate of the number of stars in galaxies is exaggerated, to suggesting the need for critical changes in the standard cosmological model of the Big Bang." According to the prevailing theory of galaxy formation, gravity causes gas scattered in the universe to collapse into the centers of giant spherical clouds of dark matter, where it becomes luminous stars, like the sun. However, theory and observations to date have shown that the efficiency of star formation in galaxies is low, with only about 10 percent of the gas that falls into the clouds becoming stars. The inefficiency is caused by remaining gas heating up or being blown out of galaxies under the influence of winds and supernova explosions from the stars that manage to form first. This contradicts recent JWST indications of vast amounts of stars created in a short time frame. In this study, Professor Dekel and his team propose a process termed "feedback-free starburst" (FFB), which naturally explains the mystery. Under the unique conditions prevalent in early galaxies, gas efficiently turns into stars without being disrupted by feedback processes. This idea is based on a time delay of more than one million years between the formation of massive stars and their subsequent explosions as supernovae. Prior to the enrichment of the gas by heavy elements produced in stars, the researchers suggest star-forming clouds in the dense early universe had a density above a threshold that allowed rapid collapse of the gas into stars within the "window of opportunity" of one million years. This process of high-efficiency star formation in the absence of feedback explains the observed excess of massive galaxies. "The publication of this research marks an important step forward in our understanding of the formation of primordial massive galaxies in the universe and will no doubt spark further research and discovery," concludes Professor Dekel. "The predictions of this model will be tested using the accumulating new observations from the Web Space Telescope, where it seems that some of these predictions are already confirmed." Dekel adds that important implications of the proposed FFB scenario will be investigated in future studies. These include the efficient formation of seed black holes of a thousand solar masses in the centers of the FFB star-forming clusters, which are a key to explaining the surprisingly super-massive black holes of a billion solar masses seen in centers of galaxies half a billion years later. IMAGE....Feedback mechanical energy injection rate as computed by Starburst99 for an instantaneous starburst in a star cluster of 106𝑀 as a function of time from the burst. Shown are curves for different metallicities and different IMFs. For each case, the solid curve refers to the total energy of stellar wind and supernova and the dotted curve is the contribution of supernovae only. Left: Three different metallicities for a standard Kroupa IMF. Right: Three different IMFs at a low metallicity 𝑍 =0.02𝑍. Robustly in all cases, the onset of supernova feedback is sharp at 𝑡 '3 Myr when it becomes dominant. Except for 𝑍 =1𝑍, the early stellar-wind feedback is negligible until it rises steeply near 𝑡 '2 Myr. Thus, at sufficiently low metallicity, a burst of ∼1 Myr is expected to be safely free of both stellar-wind feedback and supernova feedback. Credit: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2023). DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad1557
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headlightbulb · 2 days
Automotive LED work lights: Illuminating the road and protecting the light of safety
In the continuous innovation of automotive technology, LED work lights, as a high-performance lighting solution, are gradually replacing traditional halogen lamps and xenon lamps and becoming the standard of modern cars. LED work lights play an important role in ensuring driving safety and improving driving experience with their high efficiency and energy saving, high brightness, long life and strong durability.
Advantages of car LED work lights High efficiency and energy saving: LED work lights use semiconductor light-emitting technology. Compared with traditional bulbs, LED lights have lower energy consumption and higher luminous efficiency. This means that at the same brightness, LED lights consume less electricity, which helps to reduce the overall energy consumption of the car. High brightness: The brightness of LED work lights far exceeds that of traditional bulbs. Even in bad weather conditions, it can ensure sufficient lighting effects and provide drivers with a clearer view. Long life: The life of LED lights far exceeds that of traditional bulbs, usually up to tens of thousands of hours, which greatly reduces the frequency of bulb replacement and reduces maintenance costs. Strong durability: LED lights have good shock resistance and impact resistance, and can maintain stable lighting effects under various complex road conditions.
Application scenarios of LED work lights Daytime running lights: When the LED daytime running lights are turned on during daytime driving, they can improve the recognition of the vehicle and reduce the risk of traffic accidents. Fog lights: LED fog lights have better penetration and brightness. In foggy days or when visibility is low, they can provide drivers with sufficient lighting to ensure driving safety. Brake lights: LED brake lights react quickly and have high brightness, which can warn the rear vehicles in time and reduce the risk of rear-end collisions. Turn lights: LED turn lights have a fast flashing frequency and high brightness, which can better remind surrounding vehicles and pedestrians of the vehicle's driving intentions.
With the continuous advancement of automotive technology and the increasing demand of consumers for driving safety, the application scope of LED work lights will be further expanded. In the future, LED work lights will pay more attention to intelligent and personalized design to meet the needs of different consumers. For example, through intelligent control systems, functions such as automatic light adjustment and light color change can be realized, bringing drivers a more comfortable and safe driving experience.
In short, LED work lights play an increasingly important role in the field of modern automotive lighting with their high efficiency and energy saving, high brightness, long life and strong durability. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, LED work lights will provide drivers with a safer and more comfortable driving environment.
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sharath3947 · 2 days
Custom Design Neon Signs Manufacturers in Bangalore: Crafting Quality Neon Solutions
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Introduction to Custom Design Neon Signs
In the bustling cityscape of Bangalore, Custom Design Neon Signs Manufacturers in Bangalore have become iconic symbols of businesses striving to stand out amidst the urban clamour. These luminous creations not only illuminate the streets but also serve as beacons of brand identity and artistic expression. At Highflyer, we specialize in manufacturing bespoke neon signs that captivate attention and convey unique messages with vibrant clarity.
The Artistry Behind Custom Neon Sign Design
Crafting custom neon signs is a blend of artistic creativity and technical precision. Each sign begins as a concept, meticulously sketched to capture the essence of the client's vision. Our team of skilled artisans then transforms these ideas into tangible forms using cutting-edge techniques and premium materials. Whether it's a sleek storefront display, a dynamic interior accent, or an eye-catching outdoor installation, every neon sign we create is a testament to our commitment to quality craftsmanship.
Unparalleled Customization Options
Custom neon signs provide an infinite amount of customizing options, in contrast to mass-produced signage. From choosing the perfect font and colour palette to incorporating intricate designs and logos, our clients have full control over every aspect of their neon sign. Each piece is tailor-made to complement the aesthetics of its surroundings while ensuring maximum visibility and impact. Whether you're a trendy cafe in Indiranagar or a tech startup in Koramangala, our bespoke solutions elevate your brand presence with style and flair.
Durability and Sustainability
At Highflyer, Custom Design Neon Signs Manufacturers in Bangalore, we prioritize durability and sustainability in our neon sign manufacturing process. Utilizing energy-efficient LED neon technology, we create signs that not only reduce environmental impact but also offer longevity and reliability. Our commitment to using high-quality components ensures that each neon sign withstands the test of time, maintaining its brilliance and functionality for years to come. We believe in creating products that not only enhance visual appeal but also contribute positively to our environment.
Applications Across Industries
Custom neon signs may be used in a wide range of applications and sectors because of their adaptability. Retailers utilize them to attract foot traffic and enhance brand recognition, while hospitality venues use them to create inviting atmospheres and memorable experiences. Educational institutions, event organizers, and even residential clients seek our expertise to transform spaces into vibrant showcases of creativity and innovation. Whatever your industry or purpose, our neon sign solutions are designed to meet your specific needs and exceed your expectations.
Collaborative Design Process
At Highflyer, we value collaboration and transparency throughout the neon sign design journey. From initial concept discussions to final installation, our team works closely with clients to ensure every detail aligns with their vision and objectives. We provide comprehensive consultations, detailed mock-ups, and onsite assessments to guarantee seamless integration and customer satisfaction. Our goal is not just to deliver a neon sign but to create an enduring partnership based on trust, creativity, and excellence.
Exceptional Customer Service and Support
Beyond crafting exceptional Custom Design Neon Signs Manufacturers in Bangalore, Highflyer is committed to delivering unparalleled customer service and support. Our dedicated team is readily available to answer inquiries, provide expert advice, and facilitate a smooth experience from start to finish. Whether you're embarking on your first custom-designed neon sign project or expanding your existing collection, we ensure that your journey with us is as seamless and enjoyable as possible.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are custom-designed neon signs?
Custom design neon signs are bespoke signage solutions tailored to specific requirements, featuring personalized designs, colours, and messages illuminated by neon or LED technology.
What advantages can bespoke neon signs for businesses offer?
Custom neon signs enhance brand visibility, attract attention, and create a unique identity for businesses. They also contribute to a vibrant atmosphere and leave a memorable impression on customers.
How durable are custom neon signs?
Modern custom neon signs are designed for durability, utilizing energy-efficient LED technology that ensures longevity and minimal maintenance compared to traditional neon tubes.
Can custom neon signs be used indoors and outdoors?
Yes, custom neon signs can be designed for both indoor and outdoor use. They are versatile enough to withstand various weather conditions while maintaining their brightness and visibility.
How can I get a custom neon sign for my business or personal use?
Getting a custom neon sign involves collaborating with a manufacturer like Highflyer, where you can discuss your design ideas, receive expert guidance, and have the sign professionally crafted and installed to meet your specific needs.
In the vibrant city of Bangalore, Custom Design Neon Signs Manufacturers in Bangalore have become indispensable tools for businesses and individuals alike to express their identity and captivate their audience. At Highflyer, we take pride in our ability to transform ideas into luminous realities, offering bespoke neon sign solutions that redefine spaces and elevate brands. Contact us today to discover how our craftsmanship and creativity can illuminate your vision with our expert manufacturing of custom-designed neon signs in Bangalore.
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