#aex pics
amenoko-rai · 2 years
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Conclusion. My friends are idiots (affectionate)
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cinamun · 1 year
Your backstories are too good, pls do Aex. 😭
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at the moment this pic was taken, Aex was thinking about the complex flavors in the dish and how remarkable it is that they mesh so well together. Aex is aloof but in a cute way. fascinated by the unknown. has a beautiful voice. sings in the shower. tolerates capitalism but prefers handmade gifts. has a really good memory. speaks 5 languages. was insecure about his height growing up, didn't catch up to his peers until 11th grade. was bullied. made him stronger. is a lover not a fighter but will beat your ass if you try it. complicated political views, never talks politics. talks to plants. hates know it alls. wishes he could have told grandma one last time that she made the best cheesecake in the world. animal lover but hates insects. would pick up a hitchhiker.
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tau1tvec · 2 months
Hi! Are you using a new reshade or is just photoshop ? The last post of aex childhood has a cartoonish vibe and very clean (i dont really know what kind of adjective could describe it) and that refrigerator looks so bright i really like how it looks
I’m using Gshade, and the light in the fridge was created using the Relight shader by quint.
Otherwise I don’t use Photoshop too much anymore, other than to brighten my pics a little, crop and sharpen them.
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my-yasiuae · 8 months
كشفت شركة «رويال فيليبس»، إحدى ال��ركات العالمية في مجال التكنولوجيا الصحية والمدرجة في بورصتي نيويورك تحت الرمز (NYSE: PHG) و أمستردام برمز (AEX: PHIA)، عن مشاركتها في معرض ومؤتمر الصحة العربي 2024، الذي يقام من 29 يناير/كانون الأول الجاري حتى 1 فبراير/شباط القمبل في دبي؛ بهدف تسليط الضوء على مجموعة من المنتجات والحلول المبتكرة والمواكبة للمستقبل. وتساهم المنتجات الجديدة في مساعدة المستشفيات والأنظمة الصحية على تقديم خدمات الرعاية الصحية عالية الجودة للمرضى بانتظام وبطريقة مستدامة، بالاعتماد على التقنيات الحديثة لتحسين قابلية التنبؤ والارتقاء بمستويات التعاون والدقة والشمولية. وتتضمن الابتكارات الجديدة التي طرحتها «فيليبس» خلال الفعالية أنظمة حديثة من الموجات فوق الصوتية تعزز موثوقية التشخيصات وكفاءة سير العمل، وابتكارات للتصوير المغناطيسي مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي في منصة «سمارت سبيد»، وحلولاً جديدة قائمة على السحابة ومدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي لتعزيز كفاءة الرعاية الصحية وموثوقية العناية الطبية السريرية. وشملت الابتكارات الجديدة نظام العلاج الموجه بالصور، والمصمم لتنفيذ مجموعة واسعة من إجراءات التدخل الجراحي البسيطة والمعقدة بثقة وسهولة. وقال فينشينزو فينتريشيلي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة فيليبس الشرق الأوسط وتركيا وأفريقيا: «تركز الشركة خلال مشاركتها في معرض ومؤتمر الصحة العربي 2024 على تأكيد التزامها بإعادة رسم ملامح الرعاية الصحية لتكون متمحورة حول المرضى ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية، من خلال مواصلة تقديم أحدث الابتكارات التكنولوجية وعقد الشراكات المثمرة. ونسعى إلى توفير منتجات جديدة والمساهمة في تطوير الحلول الضرورية لمواكبة احتياجات المستقبل، مع مواصلة التزامنا بتعزيز منظومة الرعاية الصحية الحالية لخدمة المرضى ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية وحماية البيئة بشكل أفضل». تستعرض الشركة في المعرض والمؤتمر قابلية التشغيل البيني لمنصة معلومات الأجهزة الطبيةMDIP من «فيليبس» مع مركز معلومات المرضى من «فيليبس» iX (PIC iX)، بما يساعد على تزويد المستشفيات بمراجعة شاملة ومبتكرة لحالة المريض. وتوفر هذه التقنية منصة مفتوحة وآمنة وقابلة للتطوير، يمكن من خلالها الحصول على البيانات الصادرة عن مجموعة واسعة من الشركات المصنعة للأجهزة الطبية. ويقدم نشر هذه المعلومات للأطباء صورة شاملة عن حالة المريض، والتي تتضمن التحليلات السريرية المعززة والتنبيهات القابلة للتنفيذ، مما يتيح لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية إصدار توصيات العلاج الموثوقة من مختلف الأجهزة الرقمية في المستشفى. وتعرض الشركة جهازVisual Patient Avatar، حل المراقبة الجديد لتحويل بيانات المريض إلى صور مرئية سهلة الفهم. ويُعد الجهاز أداة مثالية لدعم القرارات الطبية السريرية، وصمم بالتعاون مع أطباء التخدير للمساعدة على تحسين الوعي بوضع المريض في حالات الرعاية الحرجة. ويتيح الجهاز لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية الحصول على البيانات الحساسة للمريض ومعالجتها بسرعة وكفاءة وموثوقية أكبر، وذلك من خلال المراقبة السهلة لجسم المريض وعلاماته الحيوية، وبالتالي حصر التركيز في جوانب العلاج الهامة والمضاعفات المحتملة. وتقدم «فيليبس» أيضاً جهاز PageWriter TC35 لتخطيط القلب، وهو حل مدمج يوفر أدوات متقدمة لتعزيز سير العمل، وتسهيل إعداد تقارير تخطيط القلب عالية الجودة، ودعم اتخاذ القرارات السريرية. ويساعد التصميم المبسّط للجهاز على تقليل الاتصالات اللازمة للطاقم الطبي. أجهزة تصوير دقيقة وصديقة للبيئة تواصل «فيليبس» تطوير محفظتها من أجهزة التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي المبتكرة، مع تنامي الحاجة إلى حلول عالية الكفاءة تركز على المرضى ومتخصصي الرعاية الصحية وتساهم في حماية البيئة. ويُعد جهاز «إم آر 5300» الأول من نوعه في القطاع، ولا يزال الجهاز المغناطيس المغلق بالكامل بجودة 1.5 تسلا الوحيد من نوعه المستخدم في أحد أجهزة التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي المتوفرة للاستخدام التجاري، والذي يضمن التصوير المستدام في الموقع بتكاليف أقل دون التأثير على جودة الصورة أو نوعية التجربة السريرية. ومن ناحية أخرى، تشمل محفظة «فيليبس» المتكاملة العديد من المزايا المصممة لتوفير الوقت، بما فيها التقنيات القائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي في جهاز «إم آر 5300»، المزود بمغناطيس «بلوسيل»، والذي يعمل على أتمتة أكثر المهام السريرية والتشغيلية تعقيداً، ليُسهم في تجهيز المريض في أقل من دقيقة ويحد من الوقت اللازم للانتقال بين الفحوصات بما يصل إلى 30%. التشخيص الصحيح تعرض «فيليبس» لعرض جهازCompact 5000 Series، الحل المتنقل والمتقدم للتصوير بالموجات فوق الصوتية المخصص لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وتركيا وأفريقيا، بهدف تمكين عدد أكبر من المرضى من الحصول على فحوصات صحيحة من المرة الأولى باستخدام الموجات فوق الصوتية.
وتسمح إمكانية نقل جهاز التصوير بالموجات فوق الصوتية صغير الحجم من السلسلة 5000، بإيصال حلول التصوير بالموجات فوق الصوتية عالية الجودة إلى المريض حيثما كان في المستشفى، فضلاً عما توفره من مزايا متطورة بالمقارنة مع باقي الأنظمة المتنقلة، بما فيها أدوات الأتمتة المعززة بالذكاء الاصطناعي. ويساعد نظام التصوير على تلبية احتياجات مختلف المجالات الطبية السريرية، حيث يضمن تصميمه توفير إمكانات خدمة مشتركة بين مختلف التخصصات، بما فيها أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية، والتوليد وأمراض النساء، ومواقع الرعاية، والتصوير العام. وتشمل الحلول التي تقدمها «فيليبس» في الفعالية نظام Azurion 7 للعلاج الإشعاعي الموجه بالصور ثنائي المستوى، والذي يتيح تنفيذ مجموعة واسعة من إجراءات التدخل الجراحي البسيطة والمعقدة بسهولة ودقة عالية، مع تحسين أداء المختبرات الطبية وتوفير مستوى فائق من الرعاية. ويوفر جهاز «سبيكترال سي تي» 7500 مسار منخفض الجرعة للتشخيص الدقيق لمجموعة واسعة من المرضى الذين يحصلون في كل فحص على نتائج تقليدية وطيفية بنسبة 100%، مما أسهم في خفض الوقت اللازم للتشخيص بنسبة 34% باستخدام التصوير المقطعي القائم على أجهزة الكشف. وبدوره يقدم جهاز «إيبيك إليت» للتصوير بالموجات فوق الصوتية مستويات غير مسبوقة من الأداء الطبي السريري وسير العمل والذكاء المتقدم، ويعتمد على أدوات مخصصة لتناسب الاحتياجات السريرية وتعزيز دقة التشخيص. وتعتزم فيليبس أيضاً تسليط الضوء على حل IntelliSite Pathology Solution، والذي يقدم صوراً عالية الجودة للتشخيص لمتخصصي الأمراض والأطباء أينما كانوا، ليجمع بين فرق الرعاية وينظم البيانات. ويتم تخزين جميع الصور رقمياً، ويسمح الحل بدمج تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي الصادرة عن طرف ثالث، كما يمكن استخدامه مع نظام أرشفة الصور والاتصالات «باكس» لتبسيط سير العمل وتحسين الكفاءة، مثل التحديد السريع لصور الأمراض التي يحتاج أصحابها إلى عناية طارئة. وتعرض الشركة خلال المؤتمر حلولها المبتكرة من أجهزة العناية التنفسية وحالات اضطرابات النوم المخصصة لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط. تعزيز القيمة الدائمة يشهد معرض ومؤتمر الصحة العربي 2024 حضور خبراء من «فيليبس» لتسليط الضوء على التحديثات والخدمات التجارية التي تساعد الجهات المعنية على مواكبة التقنيات المتطورة في مجال الأجهزة والبرمجيات، والاستفادة منها إلى أقصى درجة. ويرى فريق «فيليبس» في الفعالية منصةً مثالية لمساعدة مزودي خدمات الرعاية الصحية في المنطقة على اتخاذ قرارات استثمارية مدروسة، تعود بالفائدة على قطاع الرعاية الصحية في الحاضر والمستقبل، لا سيما من حيث الخدمات المدارة أو الاستشارات التخصصية أو التعليم أو حلول التمويل التي تقدمها شركة «فيليبس كابيتال» أو غيرها من أنواع الشراكات. وتقيم الشركة جناحها في معرض ومؤتمر الصحة العربي 2024 في مركز دبي التجاري العالمي في قاعة الشيخ سعيد 2، المنصة رقم S2.C10، لعرض أحدث ابتكارات الرعاية الصحية. وقال فينتريشيلي: «تتمتع «فيليبس» بسجل حافل من الشراكات والابتكارات الناجحة، التي تسمح لها بمساعدة مزودي خدمات الرعاية على تحديد الفرص والحلول المستقبلية المصممة للارتقاء بقطاع الرعاية الصحية. وبرغم ما نتمتع به في الشركة من خبرات ومعارف وحلول متكاملة، نُدرك بأنّه لا يُمكننا القيام بذلك بمفردنا، وهذا ما جعلنا متحمسين للتعاون مع الزبائن والجهات المعنية لتطوير مبدأ الرعاية المتمحورة حول المريض، وضمان مستقبل أكثر صحة في جميع أنحاء المنطقة، انطلاقاً من معرض ومؤتمر الصحة العربي 2024». المصدر: صحيفة الخليج
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imaginetheending · 4 years
Vacant Chapter 1 Preview
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Here is a preview of Vacant chapter 1. To read the rest go to: https://www.wattpad.com/story/254655449-vacant-the-devil%27s-son
Chapter 1
It's hot outside.
Blood and dead bodies occupy the only decent shade. A trail of blood leads to the forest. It's created by Scouts dragging soldiers away by the straps of their boots. Grains of sand are crushed under Rapture's feet as they shift in the sand. He's been acting off since that morning, thinking of something else.
"Where did the furniture come from?" I ask.
In front of us, under the second floor of a three hundred year old building, sits worn down, used dressers, cabinets, and beds against broken and crumbled down walls.
"Probably from one of the traders" he responds.
One of the traders…
I'm impressed. All I own is a rusty mattress and a romance novel I kept when I was captured. These people managed to sneak in an entire dining room set with a working kitchen and chairs. Whoever did this has to work for Imports.
"I want you to come with me," Rapture says suddenly, dragging his fingers over the sides of his mouth.
Rapture is quite scary when you first meet him. His head is shaped like a human skull with hard features extruding from the back. His eyeballs are black just like mine, but he has golden lizard-like irises. After you get to know him, tough, he has a charm. A very sarcastic charm.
Without another word, he starts walking off. Adjusting my gun, I follow him. Angel does, too. The gear makes it hard to tell the difference between us. The only way to identify a Scout is by our bodies. Each species has a different body structure. Especially the legs. Since Angel is the same species as me, we have very similar forms. We both have thick female legs with no feet and big Canals. Compared to humans, our torsos are quite masculine.
Apparently, my big identifier is hips. I have thick thighs. It's true. I can crush a man's head between them, but the observation still feels somewhat perverse. Soldiers make similar comments towards Angel.
Lieutenant Bade, Angel, and I are Rapture's bodyguards. We follow the General around while he does his duties. It's not the most exciting job in the world, but Rapture is the best swordsman on the planet. No one messes with him. It is a safe, cushion position compared to the conditions other soldiers lived in.
"Angel, could you leave us? I want to talk to Siren alone," Rapture says.
We both look at each other. Angel steps back, not sure what to do. It takes a second for him to join the other Scouts.
I follow Rapture into the forest. After a while, it becomes grey. The pale, thin trees cover the bright sky. We walk for hours back to a part of camp I have never seen before. This is dangerous, I thought, for the two of us to be out here alone. However, whatever part of the forest this is, no one visited.
In the distance I see a small wooden cabin between an assortment of tree trunks. It has to belong to a General. No one else is allowed housing. The lights are off for the dusty building, though. We keep walking for another ten minutes, and arrive at an even bigger house -- a small, one bedroom home. Just like the rest of the planet, the exterior looks like old, American human architecture. On RubenDies, you can probably find a house like this for super cheap in a bad part of town, but here -- well, I have never seen anything like it.
Rapture grabs the door handle and yanks it open. The door stutters releasing dust and plant pores into the air. I am careful to breathe it in. He enters.
Dark inside, I can barely see the living room from the front door. Cautiously, I step inside. A thick smell overwhelms me. It's not a bad smell, but it's potent. Like someone lived here for a long time.
Both the living room and kitchen are small. Sun seeps through the closed blinds onto a rusty, old pale, orange refrigerator. The cabinets are dirty -- crusted. A small wooden dining table sits in front of it. There are more than one chair. Multiple people live here. Lived here -- I should say.
"Where are we?" I ask.
Rapture doesn't respond. He just walks between the dining room and living room towards a bedroom in the back. It's the only thing that lit up the hallway. My footsteps are unbelievably heavy on the wooden floors. I don't think Scouts are intended to be in here. The bedroom itself feels frozen in time. Nothing has been touched in years. There are still dirty clothes laying on a white bed sitting in the center of the room. Dust has collected on all of the wooden furniture. There's a couple nightstands and a dresser.
I'm scared to touch anything.
This doesn't bother Rapture at all. He grabs one of the drawers and opens it. After rummaging around, Rapture pulls out a stack of thick, white, plastic paper. He gives them to me, and I realize they're photos. Very small, rectangle photos. Each one is stained with dirt and muck. It's hard to tell what they consist of. The helmet makes it even harder. Rapture talks to me as I look through them, my eyes trying to make out vague shapes and sizes.
Each one shows a very attractive, young man that's the same species as me.
Most of the species outside of the Milky Way don't have names. We found no reason. It wasn't until the Human Reformation that it changed. Humans got confused by our lack of categorization, and decided to introduce a naming system. So, for clarity sake, I'll call our species BSBE.
The young man sits on a hotel bed, arched forward. A gaudy, geometric tattoo covers his sickly, gray, toned back. There are dog tags hanging from his neck. In each photo he is wearing different tank tops. In this one, it's white.
"Zerethus had a son. He escaped ten years ago," Rapture explains.
Oh, I see. I know who Zerethus's son is. Who didn't? The female camp whispered daily about him after his escape. By the time I made it to the male camp, the rumors had died down, however. All I know is that Cain isn't liked very much, and that he is permanent with most of the female camp.
In the second photo, he sits in a swimming pool, shirtless. It's at a wealthy establishment. The orange walls of the fancy hotel reflect off the blue, crystal water. It gave some color to Cain's dull skin.
"Zerethus has been looking for him ever since," Raptures continues as I shift to the next photo.
Cain is smoking a cigarette. He is maybe twelve or thirteen years old. A train of smoke trails to the sky. His expression is calm. Happy.
"I want you to find him before Zerethus does," he says.
My hand freezes. I heard his words clearly, but stammer.
"You want me to find Cain," I ask confused.
"Yes. Is that a problem?"
When the soldiers brought me to Edeon, they asked me for my gender. Stupidly, I said female, and was thrown into the female camp. From that day on, my life was shit until I got kicked out. Edeon doesn't like women. They never did, and my presence in female housing left a mark. Everyone knows I lived there. Everyone remembers.
I want to object. Ask him questions.
"No, sir," I respond instead, cowardly.
I would send anyone on this mission but me. The Generals are some of the best fighters in the galaxy. They're trained to search and find targets. As a Scout, I am also trained to do this as well, but I am nowhere near as talented. Finding Cain would be a high profile mission. Only the best of the best would be put on it. I am not the best.
Send Dante. Or Felix. Or Moon. Angel. Reaper. Hades. Pain. Cerberus. Vnux. Serpen. Dalen. Gabriel. Michael. Archer. Rion. Tarli Nobi. Th'Aman. Brani. Xani. Kreniea. A'Zule. Feri/ Q'Urlid. Achan. Meni.
Literally anyone but me.
"Who is my lieutenant?" I ask.
Every soldier gets a lieutenant when sent off the planet. They watch over the group. Make sure everything goes according to plan. If he picked anyone to go with me, he would pick Bade. Bade is pretty good. He'd make up for my lack of skill.
"You are," he obviously lies.
My mouth falls open, "What?"
No, I wasn't. This is the biggest bullshit I have ever heard. First of all, there hasn't been a new lieutenant in over ten years. Second, the only women of power on Edeon are Lieutenant Reaper and General Mourning. No one even knows how they got promoted. Third, if I was promoted, I would be promoted by Zerethus himself. So, something is very fishy.
Rapture cups his hands, and smiles.
"The mission is simple. Give Cain a message. The Devil is looking for his son. He wants to cut off his wings. He'll know what that means."
"Where is he?" I ask.
I remember that I still have the photos dangling in my hands. While he continues, I look at the next one. Now, Cain has his arm draped over Angel's opal, white shoulders. Huh. That's weird. In our species' culture we don't touch each other, but they seem chummy. Either Cain is straight as fuck or they were in a relationship. Bold for him to have this photo as a part of his collection. All homosexuals get killed on this planet. There isn't a warning. It happens suddenly, and mercilessly.
"The Luminary. He works for an agency called The Eye. Goes by Hayze Redborn. Was put on a mission recently to find an Alex Hall. Code name Aex. He's a super hacker."
Cain is butt naked in the next photo. It's in the same room as we are standing in now. He's maybe eighteen. Every detail of his muscles subtly defined, his body is gorgeous. Due to the pose, and moody lighting, this is definitely a selfie. Luckily, the photo cuts off at his penis, but you can still see the top of the shaft. I laugh. Why would you take a photo like this on Edeon? We don't have Be-book. There are no dating profiles or blog posts.
"If you catch Aex, Hayze may follow," Rapture says.
The last photo is the worst. It's just his dick.
This guy took a dick pic.
I roll my eyes. How many women did he try to show this to? Knowing his reputation, he probably sent this to multiple. It's girthy. Long. Blood rushes under his skin creating purple. His skin is smooth. There are only a few faint veins. The top is round and soft. There is no color difference between the tip of his penis and the base, outside of some discoloration. He has a pretty penis. I have to give him that.
"Siren," Rapture scolds venomously and grabs the photo from my hand. He rips it in pieces and then slams it into the dresser.
Oh, shit.
I don't think he knew that was in there.
My hand hangs loosely from where the photo once was. Scared, eyes fixating on him, he's mad. After a moment, he brings his hand to his face and makes a loud sigh. He takes out another sheet of paper from his pocket. This one looked like it was printed off an old printer. It's very faded. It is a much more recent picture of Cain. Cain is much older, and worn down. In the old photos, he is vibrant and active. Here he is dead inside.
His skin is a very healthy baby blue. The black that consumed his eyeballs is clear, and not glossy. A couple other things are off about his appearance, but otherwise Hayze and Cain are identical. Over his shoulders he wore a deep, aqua blue coat. It had a very nice, faintly, shiny, textured material. Under it, he wore a black shirt similar to the ones he wore when he was younger. His dog tags could be seen through his fabric.
Behind him, a short, gray-ish brown overweight being stands at a podium wearing a nice, trim suit. His species is a cousin of Rapture's. They look very similar, but this species has more than two eyes. The overweight being has the appearance of a government official. A banner hangs behind him. It's a symbol I feel like I should recognize.
"What happens after I tell him the message?" I ask.
"Protect Cain with your life," he remarks. To continue reading go to: https://www.wattpad.com/story/254655449-vacant-the-devil%27s-son
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5sosbitchfest · 5 years
Since Aex & Sierra stopped making music Alex has been making music with his band botalks and done collabs with Sarah Hyland and Laura Marano etc. He's doing solo music as well and releasing an album, playing small shows and doing interviews unlike messy who got 1 interview by KayKay (I have to laugh) and she used it to talk bad about Alex when he's never talked bad about her, it's clear he's the mature one. He's passionate about music unlike Sierra who hasn't done anything this whole time.
Exactly. He’s actively working toward starting his solo career. He’s reaching out and making associations. Pretty recently he posted on his IG pics of him hanging out with the cast of Shadowhunters, which I thought was really cool. They were plugging his singles and supporting him publicly and they seem like genuine friends. I’m assuming he met them through Sarah Hyland because she dated Dominic Sherwood for quite a few years. 
Anyway, networking is important. Social media engagement is important. Messy does none of that because she’s simply not motivated. There’s been a lot of speculation that Messy doesn’t have the passion for music that Alex does and that she only did X Factor because Alex talked her into it. I think it’s pretty clear over the past year that such is true. 
She claims she’s writing songs for other artists but I have my doubts. Certainly she isn’t writing anything that’s been worthy of putting on the radio it seems.
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benosnake · 6 years
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Home time for dinner... Any pics in AEx Summer 2019 as Snake Halo Jump version Metal Gear Solid 3:Snake Eater #metalgearsolidcosplay #MetalGearSolid3 #MetalGearCosplay #Snake #SnakeEater #NakedSnake #cosplayer #cosplay #cosplayphotography #CosplayChile #AEx https://www.instagram.com/p/BtgGunkl9d6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14687jyw88tac
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racheida · 7 years
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Just a few pics with my daughter (and her AEx chair), nephew and my R1 counterpart, bestie, and latest in @r2nsbe greatness #NLC2017
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amenoko-rai · 2 years
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A death has occurred. Here lies Mav, a good friend and companion—
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And other shenanigans
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amenoko-rai · 2 years
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Bloop, hello.
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amenoko-rai · 2 years
*slams my hands (paws? Do sky kids have hands that are called hands?) MY HANDS onto the nonexistent table*
Allow me to shriek into the void.
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Blurry underwater shot, you’re welcome.
Was there a purpose to this post? Absolutely not. Just pretty sky pictures:) please, indulge me.
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This is my friend, Mav. They do not want me to see. We shriek into the abyss because I can’t pilot to save my life.
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I need a purple or blue cape. To uh. Match that aesthetic.
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amenoko-rai · 2 years
…ha ha. This is what happens when an idiot goes on hiatus for a year and comes back to.
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Excuse the picture, I can’t control the controls anymore apparently. That’s what genshin does to a mobile player.
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Trial by fire Yeet. Take 2. Cuz I couldn’t finish it last time.
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I. Seem to have met someone who was willing to accompany me through the trial. Now, I suppose I just need an anchor to the game itself.
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Oh and saw this sky kid. ✨Respect ✨
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amenoko-rai · 2 years
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What the F— wtfwtfwtf
Traumatizing. I.
I lost four wl to that last quest.
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Oh shi—
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Oh scary shot.
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amenoko-rai · 2 years
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First impressions of the season of the abyss, very interesting. Ghostly vibes. Everywhere I’ve read, people say this season is like traumatizing. But uh. It seems ok for now. I’ll have to dive deeper I guess.
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I dig the palette. Love the cool gray tones.
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Ruins huh. I should really jump in the rabbit hole of sky lore.
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amenoko-rai · 2 years
Long post— so exploration on the starlight desert.
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First off, loved the dialogue. Very different from the usual lack of text, but interesting. Turns out the photo taking thing in sky doesn’t let text show up. Rip
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Sky is too pretty. And this reminds of the season of sanctuary. Any sky lore analysts around?
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Wasteland just a bit.
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amenoko-rai · 2 years
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