1940S CATS HUMAN AU??? Pls say more right now! Mechanic is such a Plato job I love it!
So I have, like, the skeleton concerning this AU, but I have recently been really into human!AUs that are closer to the time period that the original poems were written. I'm afraid I don't have a *lot* but the idea is vaguely shaped in my head.
Basically, I really only have thoughts regarding Macavity's circle, and it's not quite a *happy* one persay (also takes a lot of liberties by playing it fast and loose with historical accuracy): not exactly full blown organized mob, but skirting the edges. Demeter, a former entertainer, being a "mob wife" who got in her position by biting off just a bit more than she could chew and paying the price for it; Alonzo having long standing ties since he was a dumber and more desperate young kid who is trapped where he is and sees no real way out of it, jumps from blue collar job to blue collar job after (bonus: he's in love with the boss's wife which is extra funTM for him); Plato is Macavity's son from a previous marriage and got most of his jobs due to Alonzo's good graces of trying to keep him away from everything. Bombalurina was an artist (a singer, dancer and photographer) now informant who used to have a *thing* with Macavity, but ended up marrying another guy in his circle (who died at some point) to keep her tabs open and keep close after he married Demeter. Jerrie and Teazer are underlings and petty thieves (actually extremely brilliant ones who have gotten away with entite safes) who, again, are just on the fringes and not quite aware of the level of severity they're involved in (Teazer moreso than Jerrie), but are nonetheless in initiation periods. Etc. Etc.
Victoria in my mind is the daughter of a billionaire (likely very prestigious familial name, generational wealth, managed through the Great Depression pretty much unscathed); think like debutante level of wealth. She plays the piano and is just coming into her own in the world.
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ratherchaseamouse · 7 months
Behold! Gifs for the recognising:
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Hmmmmmmm my wheels are spinning
First one: Mexico tour aaaaand I can’t differentiate beteeen 2013 and 2018 so I’m just gonna quit while I’m ahead.
Second one: hmmm so definitely pre-revival and looks very British but I’ve been wrong about that. Jennyanydots looks like Susie McKenna but I don’t know which production she was in other than 1998. I’m really in the dark because all those European London-based productions look. Exactly the same. So I’m gonna guess original London sometime in the 90s. Hey what are Alonzo and Munkustrap doing 🤨
Third one: Electra looks so different! Is that the “Lightning Electra” variant costume? I don’t remember where she was used. I’m gonna go with my gut and guess Dutch tour sometime in the 2000s? Tugger looks familiar.
How’d I do?
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
Bestie how do you pronounce Ceszarina's name? In my head I immediately assumed Polish, so tseh-shah-REE-nah
It's literally . . . Ces-zar-ina.
It's inspired by how i mispronounce Czarina. Which is a fact i just found out today XD. (I always pronounced the 'C')
Honestly . . . my dyslexic brain isn't sure how else to explain it. sorry.
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
Types of Magical cats
When watching cats the musical, it's clear to see that some cats are more magically gifted than others, but honestly I think alot more cats have magic (or at the very least the fun potential of magic) so heres a post depicting each type of magic cat!!
(OC's at the end)
Terpsichorean powers!
Now every cat has this! Terpsichorean means power of dance, and each year the cats reserve to use for the jellicles to use at the jellicles ball!
Basically it just means they can all dance together and vibe in sync without having to do months of practice plus no fear of messing up!!
(specific characters underneath)
The Fantastical Cat!
Mistoffelees (the most obvious magical cat of the jellicles) is a fantastical cat! His magic is powerful and unpredictable. Being able to do small things like manipulate lights and create sparkles, to some mid level stuff like changing his appearance and being able to project his voice into other places, like outside or down the hall, to even bigger things like teleportation (both himself and others) as well as sometimes even creating storms!!
His biggest trick he had ever done (before saving old Deuteronomy) was when he helped save 7 kittens by teleporting them threw an old hat out from under some junk that had collapsed around them!!
Mistos magic (like everyone elses) is inhanced by dancing and music, which helps because it really adds to his love to show off while performing! (The sparkles and lightning really help adding some fun piazza to the show!)
His one main drawback however is over use of his powers is incredibly draining, and can often lead him to sleep for multiple days after big stunts! (Que tugger fireman carrying him back to his den after the ball where he saved old doot!) His hands also have a permanent tingling sensation aswell!
Mistos magic also very similar to his fathers who was also a fantastical cat!
The Mystery Cat!
Macavity is a mystery cat! Now his powers is sort of difficult to distinguish, its most similar to Mistoffelees but alot more controlled and violent. His magic is centred on being able to trick people and stop people from tracing his crimes back to himself.
His levitation (aka glorified hovering let's be real) to stop others to follow his paw prints. Fire means ge can burn evidence. Teleportation to get away. Hypnosis to create an alibi (bc Macavity wasnt there). And finally other little forms of tricks and trickery to cause mayhem similar to mistos powers!
Now Macavitys drawback is arguably the opposite to Mistoffelees. Whereas misto becomes physically drained to the point of needing to sleep for long periods, Mac's powers force him to stay awake. The more he uses his Magic, the longer he is essentially kept from being able to sleep. (Hes always wide awake)
Now depending on the story, Macavity is either actively seeking out the manic effect on his body, willingly choosing to force himself into these periods of unrest just to use his powers for chaos and reveling in its distruction, OR his powers THEMSELVES are what have lead to his life of crime, slowly forcing him into insanity and unable to stop himself by never letting him sleep!
(Either option is great for angst!!)
The Physic Cats!
Now theres no denying that there is some sort of weird powers held by our beloved Tantomile and Coricopat! These twins are often shown to be the first to know/ react to anything new that was about to happen on stage (besides misto), literally sensing Old Deuteronomy before I comes on stage!
Now for there magic, I believe they both share similar types of physic abilities, my favourite hc for this is Tanto sees the past/ memories, and Cori can sense the future/ gets prophetic vision (ik I've seen @afairytalestray talk about similar hcs which I love them!!)
For Tantomile, her powers consist of being able to read peoples memories/ collect memories from objects and surroundings. Not everything is the easiest to read but specifically if it is or has interacted with water or earth it is usually stronger (water and earth hold memories) hence why it is somewhat easy to read other cats. With all of this knowledge, Tanto often ends up predicting alot of what will happen because she says history can repeat itself. However she can also get involuntary visions of peoples pasts.
Coricopat on the other hand can see the future. When hes not having visions, his powers usually manifest as being able to predict what will happen 5 - 10 seconds before something happens. However when it comes to his visions he would become prone for around a minute or two, which depending on where he is at the time, can end up being pretty dangerous, but the other cats look out for him.
When they use their powers together (especially during the ball) their powers meld together and they are able to use them to bolster themselves and others magic!!
The two also have a kinda physic link but whether or not that's bc they are magic or because they are twins is up to debate!
The Gumbie Cat!
Time for our first not quite obvious magical cat, Jennyanydots!! Now to me there is no way Jenny is not somewhat magically gifted, I mean she has 3 costume changes and a sick ass tap solo how is that not magic??
But on a serious note, I do strongly believe Jennyanydots has powers, even as they are not as obvious as her other magical counterparts!
She has the ability to speak with more animals than the average cat, (most cats can only really communicate with dogs/ understand humans) and Jenny can understand mice birds and most other creatures! She definitely uses this part of her powers to become a teacher to other animals!!
She also has the ability to shape shift her form between her 'Gumbie' form her 'Tap' form and her 'Normal' form!
The Knockabout Cats!
JERRIE AND TEAZER ARE MAGIC and you cant take this hc away from me!!!
Like Macavity, their magic isnt very specific, it's very much what they need in the moment to pull off their heists. They can switch places with eachother, disappear melt into shadows, minor teleportation of small objects and masters of disguise all that Jazz!!
Since it's not exactly a set 'set' of powers Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer dont have distinctive separations in their magic, but how it presents itself does allow each of their personalities to shine through!!!
Same as Tanto and Cori, they potentially have telepathy with eachother, whether or not its them being twins or their magic who knows???
Everlasting Blessed
Finally Old Deuteronomy and Jemima!! These two's magic is derived from the Everlasting Cats Blessing!!
Every cat who receives the Everlasting Cats blessing is destined to become the leader of their tribes and the one to pick the next Jellicle choice!
They also are granted with deep wisdom and are naturally gifted with being able to read people. Similarly, like the Physic twins, they can uses their magic to boost others magic!!
Finally! Other cats have small amounts of magic just not anything distinctive to be noticeable!!
I hc that both Victoria and Alonzo share a small part of Mistos magic that stems in enhancing theirTerpsichorean powers! And Munkustrap and Tugger have a mix of a sensitivity to both their father and Jems magic, as well as Macavitys magic!! But also the Terpsichorean powers to!!
Gus and Griz also had a strong connection to a more performance based magic but similarly it's just an off shoot of the Terpsichorean powers aswell!!
(And for people who also like my Oc content, Merlinite, Eglantine and Dylula are fantastical cat, Alibi and Admetus are Mystery cats, Mollycoddle and Magnolia are Gumbie cats, and Old Jillymonty and Dapple doo are everlasting blessed!!)
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vifandom · 1 year
Pirate Bomba!!!
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Since falling into the CATS rabbit hole, fanfic + fan content has been keeping me afloat
Basically @afairytalestray is giving me life/inspiration via Mummy AUs and Pirate headcannons, so I made fanart of how I imagine Captain Bombalurina
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namingofcatszine · 8 months
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⭐🌕PREVIEW: Eločka! 🌕⭐
A little preview of our zine! Featuring @afairytalestray who wrote a beautiful piece about Demeter!
See the full story by preordering our zine! Preorders will be opening on November 1st @ 12PM EST!
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hysterical-cats · 2 years
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a coricojerrie commission for @afairytalestray!!
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rainbowratsstuff · 1 year
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Aw I like that idea
Requested by @afairytalestray
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Trails of Revelation
Hiiiiiii @afairytalestray​!!! A cannonball hit my askbox, and I’m throwing it back now, haha. I put a bit of my own spin on your request, I hope you can forgive me for that! All my love to everyone who reads/likes/reblogs! ♥
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A slight tickle in his nose was the only warning before the Rum Tum Tugger erupted into a series of sneezes.
He sneezed once, twice, thrice, and about a dozen more times, his face twisting into stranger and stranger expressions as he clawed at the metal wall he had lounged against with annoyance.
When no new sneeze followed the most recent, he shook out his mane and washed his muzzle, grumbling under his breath. Hopefully nobody had seen him.
That wish seemed to be in vain, for he heard a familiar voice saying: “Bless-”, only to trail off and fall silent. Tugger pricked his ears, stood up and went to investigate.
The voice’s owner did their best to not be found, but they underestimated Tugger’s keen eyes, as was usual. They didn’t call him “artful and knowing” for nothing, after all.
Around the corner, over the old chicken cages, and – there.
Tugger opened his mouth and was immediately interrupted.
“I’d rather have no company right now.”
“If I didn’t know better,” Tugger said, sitting down and combing through his mane, “I’d consider you to be rude.”
The addressed cat snorted and rolled his eyes from where he stood on a pile of threadbare carpets. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you’re not a good listener.”
“Luckily you know better, and I don’t,” Tugger concluded cheerfully, appraising his look one last time in a nearby puddle and jumping onto the carpet pile. “So tell me, what are you doing, Mistoffelees?”
“Mr. Mistoffelees,” Mistoffelees corrected him, and then pulled a face as if he regretted it.
“My,” Tugger said, wagging his eyebrows, “did you go and elope after all? I thought I’d never see the day.”
Mistoffelees grumbled, brushing his front paws over his curved ears as if to righten them. Tugger pretended not to notice how said paws left a trail of glitter in the air where-ever they moved.
“Remember when I told you all that I would have something to show you soon?” Mistoffelees started, after he had opened and closed his mouth a few times.
“Well, it will have to wait.”
Tugger’s ears drooped. “Elaborate?”
“I will not. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have much to do, and said things require a lot of concentration.”
“What, am I distracting?”
Alas, Tugger’s smirk went unseen, but he didn’t need a verbal answer to know that it was ‘yes’, anyway. He was quick to follow the sparkly trail of Mistoffelees’ tail through the gaps between the carpets, trying to catch some of the glitter with his paws or tongue from time to time, but it blinked out of existence before he could touch it.
Thanks to their different length of stride, it took less than 30 steps for Tugger to catch up. Mistoffelees said nothing, but Tugger could tell from his twitching whiskers and ears that were just slightly pulled back that he wasn’t pleased with the general situation.
“You’re a nuisance.”
They came to a stop next to a stack of bent and broken easels.
“That might be one of my three names, now that I think about it…”
Mistoffelees shook himself, casting off a cloud of glitter. Then he froze, watching Tugger observe how it was carried away by the breeze.
“That really wasn’t very impressive,” Tugger sighed eventually, throwing Mistoffelees a cheeky look. “I can see why we’ll have to wait a little longer.”
Mistoffelees’ mouth fell open. “You knew?!”
“You wound me,” Tugger sniffed dramatically, righting the single, artful (but not knowing) curl on his forehead. “Of course I knew. Did you underestimate me? I can’t blame you, I do it all the time!”
“It was supposed to be a surprise!” Mistoffelees whined, stomping his foot like a sulking kitten.
“And it was,” Tugger assured him, unsheating a claw to tap at a glittery particle still hanging in the air. “How do they say? Enchanté. I have been expertly wooed.”
Mistoffelees blinked. “Oh.”
The affectionate smile on Tugger’s face showcased all of his dimples. Unfair.
“Since I am aware that my... reaction wasn’t your intention, I will be the first to tell you that even though I cannot take a hint, I can definitely take a hint, if you get my meaning.”
A slow nod was the only reply. Then a frown, a nod, a deeper frown.
“In any case, I am certainly not someone to spoil a surprise, if you’re worried about that.”
Mistoffelees gnawed on his lip for a moment, then he looked up to his newfound ally. “Promise?”
“Cross my heart and hope to fly,” Tugger swore, drawing a circle on the right side of his chest.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“And I’ve made a career out of it! Am I not just so successful?”
Mistoffelees snorted again, but this time he leant forward and rubbed his cheek at Tugger’s shoulder, his short, fast-paced purr rumbling up. Tugger said nothing, silently admiring the way the glittery trail looked on his coat, mutely acknowledging Mistoffelees’ wordless confession.
Well, almost mutely.
“That’s convenient.”
Mistoffelees laughed, and the glitter multiplied, covering his entire coat from paws to the tips of his ears.
“Would you…” Tugger started and choked on his words when Mistoffelees took his paw in his, swinging it back and forth a little as if to try it out. He swung them as well when Mistoffelees stopped, wrapping his bushy tail around Mistoffelees’ short, black one and cleared his throat.
“Would you show me?”
Mistoffelees stopped swinging their paws and gnawed on his bottom lip again. “It’s… I’m not done yet. I haven’t gotten far, and I’ve made such a circus about it that it would be disappointing to watch it as it is.”
“Nonsense. Everyone’s seen you float things and yourself around since before you could walk, and I have yet to meet a cat who wasn’t absolutely amazed by your magic.”
At the last word, Mistoffelees twitched. “You know… I’ve thought about calling myself ‘Mr. Mistoffelees’, like the magicians do that my family watch on the television a lot. Is that a good idea or embarrassing or-”
“The Marvellous Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!” Tugger boomed in his best announcer voice, joyfully observing how Mistoffelees jumped and a few nearby cats fell from their nap spots with surprise. “It sure has a ring to it, dontcha think?”
“Not so loud!”
“I have been told that I’m a great hype man, in case that position is still open in your employ,” Tugger continued unperturbed, cackling when Mistoffelees huffed and swung their paws anew, almost violently.
“It’s certainly still open. Although I’m of half mind to let you and Cassandra fight for it.”
“You don’t say! Cassandra?”
“I was just as surprised as you are. Performative magic seems to be her thing. She still seems to be a tad wary around Tantomile and Coricopat.”
“Huh,” Tugger said. “I’ll see if we can solve that problem, but it shall have to wait for now. First, you will awe me into the ground we are standing on, if you please.”
Mistoffelees swung their paws, leant up to touch their noses together in a tender gesture that made Tugger’s knees shake and heart stumble, then he let go of his paw and stepped back, shaking out his fur, a flurry or glitter enveloping the two tomcats.
“See? I am amazed already,” Tugger said proudly, breathed in a load of tingling glitter, pulled a face, and began to sneeze.
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And there it is: my first Tuggoffelees fic. I tried to not write a story that has been written 7090594 times already, and I tend to hc Mistoffelees as quite confident, actually, but I hope you liked this anyway and in spite of all that! XD Thank you for reading! ♥
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@storyweaverofgondor's cats-pril day 13: pipe
a little "what-if" with my forbidden tuggoffelees AU about tapper meeting 2019 misto via the pipe!
(also this was completely unintentional that @afairytalestray and i did similar ideas for today lmao)
"I'll wait for you."
Those were the words Tapper had told Mistoffelees before the other tom had clambered through the pipe, disappearing back to his own Junkyard.
They were the words that Mistoffelees had been running back over through his mind, sitting on top of the wall where Tapper had sung as loudly as he possibly could, a beaming smile on his face.
"What's eating you?"
Cassandra's voice nearly made the magical cat fall from his perch, and he turned around to glare at the brown queen.
His glare, however, faltered upon seeing that she was not alone.
Tugger and Demeter accompanied her, and they sat with him on the wall. For a moment, it felt as though nothing had changed, that they were still young cats again, innocent and in love.
Mistoffelees let out a breath, subtly learning into Cassandra's side. "Tapper asked me to go back to his Junkyard with him."
Over his head, the trio of cats exchanged looks, and Demeter leaned closer to him. "And you... said no?"
Mistoffelees didn't look up, but he nodded. Cassandra wrapped her arm around his shoulders, and he soaked up the sisterly affection.
"Why, Mist?"
"I can't just abandon everyone here!" Mistoffelees exclaimed. "Heaviside forbid something major happens, and I'm not around!"
Tugger let out a sharp scoff. "That's bullshit."
Demeter smacked the tom's arm, eyes narrowing. "Tugger!"
"Buttons, listen to me." The rockstar cat reached out, taking Mistoffelees' paw and holding onto it tightly. "This place, it was never meant for you. They can't appreciate your magic the way that your Tapper did. You deserve to be somewhere where you'll be celebrated, not only when you rescue Old Deuteronomy, but every single day."
The surprised laugh that Mistoffelees attempted to contain escaped him at Tugger's words, and he felt his eyes prick with tears.
Demeter and Cassandra squashed Mistoffelees in a hug between them.
"He's right, love." Cassandra said gently. "Your potential is absolutely wasted here. You're not being appreciated, and I know, just by looking at the way Tapper was looking at you, that you'd get that appreciation."
Mistoffelees scrubbed at his eyes, unable to resist the wide smile that stretched over his face.
The three accompanied Mistoffelees back to the pipe, and he gave each of them a final, tight embrace. Approaching Tugger, he held the other tom's paws in his hands, eyes bright.
"I'll miss you, Maybe." he said softly.
Tugger pulled him into a hug. "You just promise me you'll blow them out of the water, Buttons."
Mistoffelees nodded, taking a deep breath as he looked over his three closest companions one final time. Cassandra rolled her eyes and gave him a nudge, making him laugh and stumble towards the pipe.
He crawled through it, feeling a different, warmer magic washing over him.
It felt right.
And Tapper's bright, delighted smile on the other end of the pipe felt like coming home.
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chunkecheeks · 4 years
Hi! I’d quite like to join the discord server, if that’s ok? I saw the link on your dash, but wasn’t sure if it’d be rude to join without asking first! So here I am lol 🙇‍♀️
go right ahead! you don’t have to ask but it’s very nice of you to do so!!
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Hi there! I was going through the skimblegus tag and I found an old ask of yours (hopefully not so old that I look like a weirdo haha) where you talked about their first impressions of each other and I loved it! I was wondering if you had any HCs about Jenny and Jelly meddling to get them together? I love the thought of those two scheming together 😊
As do I! Jenny and Jelly are professional meddlers. I like to think that Jenny does it because she personally finds it fun (and gets *very* smug when her feelings are correct on something/a match she suggests works out - she hand picks cats, you know), but Jelly has the tendency to get way too emotionally invested in how these things go (she also gets so excited that sometimes she’ll just blurt out that so and so likes so and so *right to them* - Jelly’s a bit of a terrible secret keeper for things like that) especially for her family and people close to her. She’s a bit of a fancy free type romantic, you know. 
It’s hard to be annoyed with her enthusiasm, though, because she always means well and is very sincere about wanting other cats to be happy. Asparagus is long suffering with this (though Jelly is well aware that if he ever starts or ends a statement with “Jellylorum” over literally any other nickname, she’s overstepped - that’s the only time he ever sounds like their dad and it’s spooky).
Jenny was the one who started scheming in the beginning, because she was the first to have met Skimbleshanks when he was fresh off the...er...train, having just come from Edinburgh (I like to think that Skimble was a later join to the Tribe, having emigrated with two of his sisters after their grandparents passed on. So not only is he the literal “baby” of the group, he’s also the figurative baby). She just happened to be in the area when they arrived, got to chatting as she does, and *oh what a handsome lad you are* (she gets a good vibe from this one and Jenny is always right), of course invited them somewhere they could stay should they wish, and you know Miss Jenny - he mind is already going a mile a minute. 
She immediately rushes off to tell Jellylorum about her little “discovery”, saying that she feels as though she has finally found the answer to their little problem. 
And of course, after they’ve gotten their greetings and acquaintances all in order, Jelly’s right on board (with a moderate amount of hesitance just because...well she doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. She doesn’t know what kind of tom this “Skimbleshanks” is - but that’s soothed away pretty quick). She’s positively giddy because it actually seems like it might work out this time. They seem to get on well enough. Asparagus wouldn’t keep making the effort to talk to him if he didn’t like him somewhat - Jelly knows this. 
Everything from then on out is a series of gentle nudges and prompts and “Oh, actually Jenny and I can’t make it but you two go on ahead!”s or “Hmm, I thought the girls were joining us?” “So did I”’s (while they spied on them from up in the old milk crates). It’s also a lot of loud sighing and making conversations just a *touch* too loud so that anyone in the vicinity could possibly overhear and maybe be prompted into dropping a hint as to how they feel? What they think perhaps? (Skimble has fallen for this trap more times than he’d like to count - Asparagus is far tighter lipped). Jelly went so far once as to memorize one of the train schedules to figure out when Skimble would be back (because he’d been gone a while and don’t you think Jelly didn’t notice the rather sullen look Asparagus’ face had taken on recently. The schedules are *very confusing* and she really hopes Asparagus appreciates the things she does for him) and coax her brother out to walk with her, and they just *happened* to pass by and oh, look who it is! (And isn’t that the smile of the century that lights up beside her?)
But the boys...are slow. Painfully slow. They just...talk. And walk around. And do...whatever it is toms do together. And it’s like watching a very slow buildup in a silent movie and Jenny’s about to tear her headfur out, while Jelly’s slowly just coming to terms with it, even though she was really hoping on this one. 
But, like, Jenny *knows* they like each other. She’s *positive* they do. And Jelly knows her brother like the back of her paw and she’s *also* very convinced - he’s brought him up several times in conversation completely unprompted! Asparagus never does that unless he’s *thinking* about it. And that’s why it’s frustrating and that’s why they keep gently prodding even though with anyone else they would have moved on already. (Meanwhile the boys are...somewhat oblivious to the exact intent of the two meddlers - though they are *aware* that something’s cooking between them. They’re just a bit...distracted.)
It’s a few years, but Jenny is unbearably smug when it finally happens. There’s no living with her then. 
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ratherchaseamouse · 1 year
Mungojerrie for the clothing ask!
Got this one already!
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Pls tell me about your Jellicle protector hcs? I know about Mercury (best boi) and I've just learned about Pollok! I take it they were before the events of the show? Did there used to be many more protectors before Macavity happened?
I talk about my headcanons for them more in depth here and here mainly. I have made many posts about them, i love them!
There was five Tribe Protectors. Mercury, The Lead Protector and Jellylorum's older brother. Umbermalt, his second in command. Ceszarina, a skilled martial artist and Asherix's mate. Pollok, an inventor, and Asherix, an extremely brutal fighter and Ceszarina's mate.
They died before the events of the show, killed by a recently banished Macavity who they had actually been trained to be a Protector. They also trained Munkustrap, whose training wasn't yet completed while Macavity's was. It was a tragedy the tribe hasn't yet recovered from even years later which is when the show takes place.
I love talking about them! Feel free to ask any more questions you might have!
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
CATS ships mating dances as my favourite strictly come dancing dances!!
That may or may not just be basically all of John and Johannes dances (pls dont judge me these are mostly mlm ships and I feel it best represents them plus they are all amazing!!)
(Inspired by this post!) Prepare bc ima dive head first into this and it will be long lol
There is no doubt in my mind now that tugoffelees would do a Rumba like This !!! Like the slow deliberate motions that were literally MADE to show eachother off while still taking their own places in the spotlight. A rumba isnt like either of their natural, preferred ways of dancing, but instead a dance that amplifies the emotions that are rarely ever seen infont of the tribe.
Tuggers deep caring side (that we see the moment after misto brings back old doot) is now fully on display for the tribe to see, showing how out of everything, this is who he found and he doesnt have eyes for anyone else, and this fact is something he knows he will never question.
On the other hand we see Mistoffelees, the dance displaying his talents perfectly, hes literally holding the spotlight on them as he shows the tribe that he can lean on Tugger, and without having to look, knows the other tom is right there, ready to support him and lead him if hes anxious, and vise versa.
NOT TO MENTION THE SONG!!! literally just them saying they are not together for popularity nor magical prowess bc they know they are more than that!
Next up is a lil crazy one but hear me out- Misto x Macavity is hands down This Paso Doble and I will fight you on it! THE POWER in every movement, the dance playing out as a fight because that's what their relationship is, in the best way possible!!!
You have these two incredibly powerful cats, who have always and forever will be, even between lives, connected by the same erratic destructive beautiful force of nature, and as much as they clash and make chaos, always in a never ending fight to see who's the best, but its because of that that they cant help getting drawn to eachother.
In the dance they are constantly drawing the other closer while also pushing away. They mirror eachothers movements while also dancing as the others oposit, an ongoing to and through. They keep switching who's leading as if its battle to be the one in control!!!!
Not to mention THE LIGHTING ITS SELF!!!! A gorgeous show of their emotions crazed and all over the place while still keeping order (plus a fun lil misto glittersplosion at the end!)
Okay this ones for the inspo of this post @afairytalestray and what I think for Coricojerries dance since their stuff basically convinced me this is arguably one of the best ships ever!!
Now I wasnt sure at first, like tugoffelees they are two very different people with very different dance style but when I tell you when i found this dance?? I became pretty sold I found it!!
First off the song?? When I think of coricojerrie my mind always thinks at how they are each one of a twin with vastly different life experiences yet they both still feel like lonely souls of london that found a home in eachother! Even with their sisters theres just something that separates them from the girls and the rest of the junkyard, but that didn't stop them from gaining an unquestioned place next to eachother!!
In the dance, they start off unsure, still a little lost but then the FIND eachother!!! In this uncanny contemporary dance that manages to mix in jerries acrobatics and acting into it, blending into something unconventional but THEM!!!!
They use each to get through life like they get through the dance, with the mix of physic powers and someone who had only really known a life of crime, the lead and lift eachother, and even if others think they are weird or annoying, they end heads held high and ready to support eachother!!
Last but not least (for this post at least bc it's getting heckin long oops) ALONZOSTAP!!! I love these boys ma dudes okay and that why I cant deny my heart when i think of this show dance as their dance!
The sweet sweet mix between the tender I love you moments, to the fun showy bits that let's their personalities shine???? Them coming together at the beginning, letting how my they care for eachother come first, only to burst into something exiting and fun that's ever so slightly out of their comfort zones while still representing the laughter they bring to eachother!!
There is no denying that these two are both showmen at heart, just in different ways. Munk strives to tell the storys that teach the next generation, while Alonzo is more seeking the thrill of showing off and dancing because he knows he looks good because it feels good.
So together they are able to combine their loves if performing, dancing for the hell of it while also showing and teaching the younger cats what love is and how its supposed to make you feel! The intense moment where they show that the are the protectors of the tribe, that they are strong and that being who you are and loving someone intensely dosent take away your power but makes you stronger!!!
Now that's finally out of my head hears a couple extra that I either cant explain/ make obvious sence lol
Dont ask but this gives me young and fresh new dads skimblegus and I live for it!!!
Also we all know this is like, canon Platora
Also also this is literally like a sceen from my royal tugoffelees au I'm writing lol!!
If anyone wants more weird strictly cats dance rants give me ships and I'll try and do another post for them :D
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stawbebbiess · 4 years
1-5 for the fandom asks? (Is that too many? Sorry if it is!)
That’s okay! I answered 4 in the ask before this, but I’ll take these thank you <3
1. What is your OTP?
Tuggoffelees all the way, it’s what got me into this fandom and while there are a lot of other pairs I love, I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving this one
2. What are your secondary OTPs?
Definitely demebombastrap because I think it’s adorable
Victeazer is a love!
(I also sometimes ship Tugger and Alonzo as exes)
3. What is your BroTP?
Tugger and Bombalurina! I think they’re best friends and I love them for it
5. Fandom Fave Pairing you view as having a different relationship then is commonly shown?
So a lot of people see Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer as siblings or mates but I commonly see them as best friends who commit crimes together, I think that’s fun and cute
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