darthbloodorange · 7 months
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Steve is on his own now. But at least he can take comfort in that he managed to have his mother buried next to his father.
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For the: ✦ @anyfandomangstbingo , prompt: “Orphan” [G1]
Word count: N/a - Art Title: Orphaned Rating: Gen Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: Steve Rogers & Sarah Rogers & Joseph Rogers Characters: Steve Rogers Warnings: Grief/Mourning, Parent Death Major Tags: Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug ~ Summery: Steve is on his own now. But at least he can take comfort in that he managed to have his mother buried next to his father.
I had MCU Joseph Rogers' grave read 1926 (616 death) instead of 1918 (MCU death) as a nod to "Joseph Rogers' +A Parenting". i.e. Joseph didn't die in the war, but a few years later… a darker, wounded man.
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blessedmoonsoul · 8 months
you ever just eat a meal and it makes you see the beauty and joy in living
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nycfoodieblog · 2 years
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gothhabiba · 11 months
hello I am one of those people for whom coriander tastes like soap. depending on the thing I'm making/my feeling on the day I usually swap coriander for mint or parsley (not bc they taste similar really but just because they produce something different that is nice) but I was wondering if you had any other suggestions I might not have thought of. my aim isn't really to replace coriander taste but just to make my tongue happy so I'm pretty open
for sure you can't go wrong with mint or parsley. I would probably favor mint in Indian dishes and parsley in most Mediterranean dishes (Moroccans, for example, consider both cilantro and parsley in the same category of "greens" "rbi3," and when they say "rbi3" it could mean either one or a combination of both).
for a similar flavor to cilantro, if you're willing to go to a speciality store:
Vietnamese coriander (rau răm, Vietnamese mint) gives the citrusy, peppery taste of cilantro, but isn't botanically related. people with soap gene report no soap effect from this herb.
culantro may or may not produce the same soapy effect--it depends on the person. you might chuse to find some and try it. it would work as a substitute for cilantro, but here are some recipes that explicitly call for culantro.
other leafy herbs to consider for general use:
dill (mix with spinach, green onion, mint, parsley, and cumin as a stuffing for an herb flatbread; blend or pulverise and mix with mayonnaise and spices to make a salad dressing; mix with mint and parsley and add to falafel batter)
Vietnamese fish mint and other southeast Asian herbs. if you have an Asian grocery store near you, go and see what they have, especially in the spring and summer. (they may also have culantro, "ngo gai.")
a south Asian grocery store may have fresh or frozen fenugreek leaves (this is the same plant whose seeds constitute the spice fenugreek). they're mild, slightly bitter, and slightly sweet.
dried ukazi (or "okazi" or "afang") leaves will give a peppery, bitter, earthy taste to soups and stews. you may be able to find some at an African speciality store.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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AFANG - Tripe Stew from West Africa
Without any iota of doubt, soups are a big part of the African cuisine, in fact, it is wise to say that African soups are the main attraction of cuisine in the continent.
African soups can be made with a combination of vegetables and ingredients that are native to the countries where they are most eaten.
Very many African soups are usually eaten with other food staples such as rice, fufu, banku, sadza, garri, pounded yam, and so on.
Below are some of our favorite soups from different African countries.
1. Okra soup
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Okra soup is a popular west African dish with okra as its main ingredient. Although this deliciously slimy dish can be cooked with the local palm oil, it is also a good choice for people who are wary of adding oil to their soups.
2. Abenkwan
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Abenkwan is a Ghanaian soup made from the nuts of the palm tree. The pulp is extracted from the palm fruits and cooked in combination with spices and preferred meat of choice.
Abenkwan has an earthy flavor thanks to the addition of the palm fruit pulp (which is different from the palm oil). Serve warm with rice balls or Kokonte and you will be satisfied to the moons and back.
3. Muriwo na Nyama
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Muriwo na nyama is also known as leafy-beefy or high fields stew. It is native to Zimbabwe, highly nutritious and cn be eaten with sadza.
4. Pepper soup
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Pepper soup is a spicy African soup that will make your taste buds tingle with excitement. The soup is gotten from the stock of the meat or fish used. It is also spiced with local ingredients, giving it a tantalizing aroma and taste that will make you hungry even if you just had dinner.
For the best experience, have your pepper soup hot–not scalding hot of course– and thank us later.
5. Agushie/Egusi soup
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Agushie (Ghana)/Egusi(Nigeria) is a delicious soup cooked with shelled melon seeds. The method of preparation might differ across the different regions in which this soup is eaten but it ultimately includes the addition of leafy greens, seasoning and palm oil. In Nigeria, its best served with freshly pounded yam.
6. Domoda
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Domoda is the Gambia’s national dish, second only to Yassa. It is a yummy soup cooked with unsweetened peanut butter. It might also contain sweet potatoes. Domoda is better enjoyed with rice.
7. Afang
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Afang is a delightful and satisfying soup from southern Nigeria. It is similar to the eru soup in Cameroon. They both make use of the afang/okazi leaves. However, the afang leaves are pounded and used in addition to water leaf. Afang soup is rich in deliciousness and best served hot with fufu and lots of meat.
8. Ndole
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Ndole is another leafy vegetable soup with its home in Cameroon. It is often considered the national dish of the central African country. It’s a creamy and nutritious soup cooked with pureed peanuts and bitter leaf.
9. Afia efere/Ofe nsala
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In the Nigerian local languages of Annang and Igbo, afia efere and ofe nsala respectively mean ‘white soup’ in English. Technically, this mouth-watering spicy soup should be called ‘brown soup’ but where’s the fun in that? It is apparently called ‘white’ for the lack of palm oil use.
10. Ewedu Soup
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Ewedu is a Nigerian soup which is popular among the Yorubas. It’s a leafy vegetable soup but unlike other African soups, the greens (jute leaves) are pureed and cooked with nothing more than salt, locust beans and often potash.
It is usually served in addition to peppered stews (as pictured above) or gbegiri (beans soup). Yorubas love to eat this with amala, a starchy swallow made from yam peels and sometimes plantains.
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leahsfiction · 1 year
Meditation on History, Mt. Li
Zhang Yanghao
(To the tune of "Sheep on the Hillside")
the view spreads out under Mt. Li. Epang Palace, put to the torch, all of its past splendours - where have they gone? there's only the grass, wild and forlorn and the waters winding on.
regrets from antiquity still thread through the mists and trees. each and every state of Zhou, Qi, Qin, Han, and Chu: those that won, where all has turned to dust; and those that lost, where all has turned to dust.
骊山四顾, 阿房一炬, 当时奢侈今何处? 只见草萧疏, 水萦纡。
至今遗恨迷烟树。 列国周齐秦汉楚。 赢, 都变做了土; 输, 都变做了土。
Epang (or Afang or Efang) Palace: a Qin-dynasty palace put to the torch by Western Chu ruler Xiang Yu. "The fires burned for three months", says the Shiji. Tang poet Du Mu also wrote a famous poem on the subject, "Efang Palace Rhapsody".
thread through the mists: 迷 is Such A Verb. regarding the landscape, it means obscured, confusing, easy to lose one's way; regarding people, it means to bewitch (or to be lost with infatuation). as an enthusiast of antiquated english words and meanings i think "maze" (verb) is the closest equivalent.
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abba-enthusiast · 2 years
Jedes Mol wänni z Prattele be dänki mer dassi unbedingt muess afange i di 3. süüle iizahle
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jaysheartbreakdiary · 5 months
Tüüfpunkt af
Slebe isch wie aktie. Es gaht uffe und abe aber langfristig wird alles guet. Gester hets en börsecrash geh. Und jetzt gahts duruf. Jovi fokussier dich uf dich selber. Lern niemert kenne. Befass dich mit dir selber. Fang ah alles im Griff ha. Du bisch bald 22. Riss dich zemme! Schrieb dini Gedanke uf irgendöpis aber friss nüt i dich ine Jovi. Mit dem fangsch genau jetzt ah.
-Min Vater. Es fallt mir sehr sehr sehr schwer es mit ihm guet ha. Ich verletz mich selber so fest idem dasi ihm verzei. Ich verletz mich so fest weni mit ihm schrieb als wär nüt. Ich verletz mich so fest weni dra denk was alles passiert isch.
- Mis Lebe grad mitm schaffe. Ich bi nöd det wo ich sie wot und mus sbeste drus mache. Tag ih Tag us. Ich probier begeisterig für das finde damit ich nöd ganz so trurig bi aber es gaht nöd. Ich hasses das min Plan no lang gaht.
- Mini Fulheit macht mich hessig. Ich weis nöd warum und wie aber ich mus afange ufstah und sach erledige. Sache ordentlich phalte ich MUSS das in Griff becho.
-Alkohol isch en Scheiss.
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mumessykitchenandmore · 9 months
Enhanced Afang Soup: Infused with Vegetable Oil, Tomato Paste & Tomato S...
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cookwithcheffrancis · 9 months
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hardynwa · 2 years
Farmers, villagers lament as elephants, gorillas invade farmlands in C’River
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Farmers and other villagers in communities in Boki and Akamkpa local government areas of Cross River State have lamented the continual stray of gorillas and elephants from their protected habitats into their farmlands and settlements. Speaking at a one-day workshop sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development, USAID, and the World Conservation Society in Calabar, the state capital, they complained that the animals devastate farmlands, impacting harvest and investments. They warned that they might kill the animals if the situation remains unabated. According to them, continual straying or escaping these animals into human settlements poses a big risk to inhabitants, especially older women and children. One of the community leaders, Elder Obeten Erasmus, said, “These animals may at times be friendly, but they pose big risks to human beings as they continue to escape from their confines. “They have destroyed some of our farmlands, leaving our entire efforts in ruins. “If not checked, the people could take revenge on them.” Another recalled that before now, it was a regular case where a gorilla would leave its habitat in the Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary in Boki and saunter into the nearby community in search of food and could not trace its way back. Addressing the issue, a senior staff at the World Conservation Society, WCS, Dr Inaoyom Imong, passionately appealed to the communities that suffer the devastation of their farmlands not to kill the animals. He said the elephants and gorillas were facing extinction going by their few numbers. He said they would not be happy to see the animals killed as they are under protection. He said it is the government that ought to ensure that the National Parks in the state, which are gazetted as protected areas, are held as such. “But we find that human activities like traversing these territories for economic trees and fruits, such asbush mangoes, Afang leaves, cocoa, have left these places porous, which reasons the animals stray out,” he said. To minimise incessant infiltration into the national parks, he said they are providing alternative economic means, training, empowerment for forest communities, and support for beekeeping and livestock as ways to dissuade them. He pointed out that conservation requires communities to have a change of behaviour and attitude towards nature. Read the full article
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nycfoodieblog · 5 months
Dinner time! Afang soup and bitter leaf soup
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444names · 2 years
theological angels + tolkienesque forenames + female persian names
Adramir Adrehra Adûna Aelen Afang Afildwyn Afshar Afsoukh Agduil Aghiel Aghokh Akhta Allob Amaih Amira Amsia Anaran Ancaman Andir Andor Anduir Andur Andurin Anemel Anielu Anoos Anoostoos Anouftel Anowyn Anuel Anuitah Aradabary Aradkieh Aramlin Arana Aranar Aranat Arathir Arati Arcir Arciriel Arcirion Ardabita Areersh Areguel Aretz Arineh Arosaran Arvinglór Arvinziel Asereh Athel Aviel Avion Bagad Bahahereh Bahlacir Banes Barae Barahas Baranesha Baranieh Barveh Barya Batárion Baussë Behnameh Behranna Behtingel Bella Belloul Benwë Beort Beraphar Berda Berombur Berubiel Bifeenwë Bodrion Bofun Boldo Bolod Bomeh Boraed Boribaur Boriel Bornur Borons Borsh Bouri Bragh Braphi Brava Bredur Brisiellu Calata Caldil Calgatam Celain Celeh Celethiel Cemma Chahlant Chalastië Chalob Chariën Cheen Chuorwend Curiel Daguin Dakraur Daresta Dehtand Deneh Dereg Dohrod Dokhôn Dokokh Domel Dormeh Dormwor Dorniel Doroksa Dorshta Dorvi Durut Dwineh Déaghâl Déoth Egolin Egolor Elbar Elemir Elengeeva Eleyda Elira Elmon Elmoron Elucaraph Enagund Endabim Erúmitarë Eshamael Eäredarór Eäreendir Eäregil Falin Falmë Farada Farael Farava Farine Farsamphi Farshar Farwaron Fastou Fataran Feenna Feethor Ferin Filmo Fiman Finameh Findir Firytta Foron Fozhabna Fozhant Frehran Fréaghâd Furan Fílina Fírion Gaddor Galeh Galia Galiparon Gannand Geeshen Gilbêthon Giliz Gilmor Gimbali Giniel Giramin Gladdoc Globel Glorla Golfineh Golgori Golimo Gollachah Golna Goloth Golothro Golothôn Goloulwë Golour Golperen Golseel Gonurim Gorachuan Gorfin Gorshald Gottârië Gring Gromen Grían Guitharas Guithmeh Guithôr Gwaegil Gwarth Habba Habel Hafshan Haldë Halined Hallai Hamahrya Hamiya Harda Heene Heleneh Herain Heregisi Heron Hohria Hordilo Huandog Huessar Ibarak Iberut Imbron Imram Imramdís Imronna Indina Iridel Ishel Isielmo Isood Ivran Ivrindog Jergin Jophir Khomil Khtar Kideh Kimanwë Kisuin Koosh Koozhi Kowkalda Kowkatran Kushams Kusheldor Kílild Kúvir Laghielas Lassa Latië Legnou Lemhael Lordan Maeeca Maegol Maghalin Maghâd Magondon Mahir Mahmenwë Mahnon Mahnáin Mahreh Makho Malanilir Malas Maliarass Manar Maniel Manorkin Maranbur Marfir Marion Maroth Marveglob Marzafast Massanan Matrohel Maulwë Meemen Menwë Merimeil Mildorin Milin Miryahlan Mitarimil Mithael Monatur Moneh Morth Muelemeth Munda Mundior Muzeh Muzeriel Mírien Naeldin Nahalanaz Naitarily Nakim Nalda Namin Naradda Narassan Narezoyan Natathosh Nazeh Nazur Neenwë Nehronwë Nemeh Nemmarmak Nesheh Nielmar Nielramro Niont Nisieh Nizeh Nákhostor Námalob Nínies Olgramin Ontatusi Oraphqi Orbarytto Orgothor Palata Paraphost Paravant Parut Perego Pereh Peydagh Peydar Peyhald Peyhar Peyharael Phaur Poyeh Prielel Purië Qaphal Raher Ravandir Rielmont Rindilmë Rokht Roxan Rómilil Rúmin Rúminwë Sacir Sadûnar Saegor Sahalvel Sakhta Saldan Saldur Saliehtan Samrah Sander Sanoos Sargori Sarvian Sayegnor Seecal Seedi Seemeh Seemel Sepha Seriel Serion Sernurtho Seron Shadarond Shali Shalm Shamilda Shand Shandog Shash Shayadûn Shighahry Shimlo Shonwë Shrbata Shtel Siadouran Simarin Soucas Suillous Súriel Tarahnam Targoshan Tatary Tatul Tehbar Telha Temhah Teringavi Thadil Thokokokh Thoronwë Théod Timitary Tiras Tzangir Tzarvend Túril Ulfasran Ulmail Ulmoz Ulwin Umbah Umbourigh Varael Videl Vinis Viont Vánan Vánar Wairough Yadon Yávir Zacas Zapheh Zately Zephqieh Zerigolg Zhamdís Zhdirana Éodal
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lendli · 2 years
Üsi letschte täg ir dom rep si zeut..mir hei e millennium abe gmacht wo mitarbeiter u fründe vom millennium si cho..mir hei guet trunke u vil täzlet.
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Dr gianni u i hei no hurti e riise stritt häre gleit..aber ds isch ja bi üs nüt nöis..mir heis ömu so schnäu de oh widr chönne kläre u us dr wäut schaffe. Ca. 3 Tag vor üsem flug nach Kolumbie heimer gseh, ds üse flug isch canclet worde auso heimer müesse entscheide obmer no 4 täg lenger ir dom rep blibe oder e tag früecher nach columbie flüge..schnäu ha vorauem i müesse igseh, ds wemer no 4 täg lenger ir dom rep blibe heimer de fasch ke zyt meh in columbie u drum heimer churzum klarschiff gmacht u chli e hou ruck aktion gstartet. (Für mi ischs ds gloubs scho chli schwiriger aus füre gianni gsy. I ha mi ir dom rep nämlech immer wie wohler afah füehle..)
Üsi chleider nomau aui gwäsche üs verabschide vo dene womers nonid hei gschafft, üsi chatz entgültig de nachbare abe gäh (er isch itze es Schuelbüsi u het sogar scho e fründin gfunden..i bi sehr glücklech hiemer ihm es guets deheim gfunde - i hät ne nämlech sehr gärn hei gno..weni nid no uf kolumbie wär..)
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(i vermisse de chlin furz nämlech aube scho chli..)
Üse plan wär gsy, mitem outo düre tag vo cabarete nach santo domingo z’fahre, nomau i ds shopping z’gah womer bim letschte mal e starbucks stopp hei ihgleit u ner zum flughafe z'fahre u üsi nacht derte z'verbringe wüu dr flug am 6i am morgen wär gange. Aber Plän si ja da zum spontan sy. Am afang heimer no denkt mir chöi z’outo u dr flug eifach e tag früecher plane u guet isch..am Tag womer hätte müesse abe uf santo domingo fahre, heimer churz vor knapp no es mail becho, ds si momentan glich grad kenni outos hei..mir hei üs auso uf d’suechi gmacht fürnes neus outo..hets leider nur für 140.- u da heimer de glich müesse säge ds isch z’vil..Aus heimer üse plan gänderet u si ufe insel bus wo vom norde i süde fahrt..für umgrächnet 10.- pro person. Isch besser gange aus erwartet u im nachhinein simer gloubs beidi sehr froh gsy heimer nid no mit outo u so müesse organisiere. Derfür hets haut nid für id mall glängt..vom bus terminal heimer de es taxi a flughafe gno u hei derte üses wahrschindlech tüürste thai ässe syt monate gässe u e starbucks hets glücklecherwis füre gianni oh am flughafe gha.. z’restaurant isch wie über dr ahkunftshalle gsy u meh het während em ässe chönne d’lüt beobachte wo si ahcho u abgholt worde..sehr sehr spannend u berüehrend gsy..nach ere churze nacht heimer am 5i de üses gepäck chönne ufgäh u de oh scho sehr gly boarde. U so simer ids nächste abentüür kolumbie gstartet
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leahsfiction · 1 year
i relistened to hadestown (the concept album) while trying to eat dinner [overstimulated & house was too hot]
only then consciously realized how much epic i & ii influenced my cadence in afang palace rhapsody lol
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jayasikpo · 2 years
Every night you dream that you talk to a genie, when you wake up you can't remember what you wished for. One morning you wake up with a giant crab pincer replacing your right arm. What do you do?
I wrote on this before, but I write again. You see, the genie will regret giving me a gaint crab pincer for an arm, even Mr Dream will always let me remember my dreams. You why? Crab is a special delicacy in my clime. We call it Isobo in my native Ibibio language in Nigeria. By the I finished turning the crab arm into a delicious pepper soup or blend it up on Afang soup, the genie will know he should not have given me a giant crab pincher for an arm. But who loses?. Oh my arm! Bring back my arm you little genie.
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