Hey so afantasia sucks, i literally can't navigate driving unless ive been there a d can play back visual memory of being a place. I can't imagine how streets connect to each other unless ive seen it. I can make logical decisions based on maps. But i don't know a place until ive personally driven it enough time to have a visual record of it...
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myname-isnia · 12 days
Art has absolutely no right to be this frustrating
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insta-mental-bility · 1 month
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robotsdeservebetter · 7 months
People’s reaction to Eve’s powers in special episode made no sense. Parents were horrible just for the sake of being horrible. You’d think it would at least be something about Eve being a girl who’s interested in science, but no, they just??? Don’t like chemistry or something??? Because I didn’t recall them ever addressing her ability to see molecules despite not being able to read yet in any sense other than “it’s weird”. Okay, and? Val freaked out about Eve throwing a pink energy ball around, understandable, but, despite being a kid and Eve’s best friend didn’t show any interest??? Like, at all??? Uhmmm, if you’re taking a “misunderstood genius” trope, it doesn’t mean you get to leave viewers confused as well, you kinda have to do the opposite, show us why the genius is misunderstood. Otherwise, why take this trope at all? I can’t believe this hole takes place in the same show that has the Grayson family.
Eve is perfect, her brother hated it. She really is perfect: heroic, powerful, smart, kind. And that’s sort of where it ends. Essentially, her backstory is just people around her being paranoid and possibly having afantasia. (I���m focusing on Wilkins’ because they are what built Eve as a person, the story of her blood family and doctor is just trauma, I don’t see how it built her character aside from gifting a couple of mental troubles. Strength is work, gathering a personality is a path — neither can be properly gained through a single massive unworked trauma)
How much cooler it would’ve been, if Eve, say, had no problem changing and reviving living creatures, their tissues? If she hurt Val or her parents and was rightfully being lashed out at? Or if she did turn out a perfect weapon, so perfect she didn’t want a personality of her own? Or didn’t value people’s lives because, eh, just fix em, or, eh, everyone’s disposable. I personally like “fucked up character learns to be human” trope. It doesn’t even need to be that! Just! Make reactions make sense! Or even, yeah, some people genuinely dislike precise/nature/whichever-word sciences, some people are too fearful to be curios or considerate of their own children and long time friends, so address it.
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painted-bees · 1 year
when you say you watch it like a movie how literal are we talking? I ask because I have afantasia and I can't imagine being able to just hallucinate an entire film with my brain. What's it like to be god's favorite?
Ah, w-well...hm.
It's not like sitting down and looking at a tv... What I specifically take advantage of here is referred to as 'maladaptive daydreaming' (which I fear is gonna become a really annoying buzzword soon if it isn't already lmao. I've spoken on it myself way before covid hit, but that's a whole other topic lmao). Once I'm triggered into a maladaptive day dream (in this case, by a VERY good brainstorming discussion with my partner before bed last night and over breakfast this morning), it is very difficult to pull out of it until the imagined 'narrative' is complete, because the neuron activation is extremely satisfying on a basal level lmao. But, it basically makes me very unreceptive to surrounding stimuli and unaware of my surroundings because the intensity of the day dream can be described as 'all-encompassing'. I am both a camera -in- the scene observing it from a specific vantage point AND I am the characters preforming their roles--to the point that I'll mouth the dialogue and act out their expressions and gestures quite animatedly, and not wholly voluntarily. Doing so serves to increase the intensity/immersiveness of the narrative being imagined. But--I am "seeing" all of it the same way you ""see"'" a vividly remembered dream. It's almost the exact same experience, except I am awake, and I have control over the scene being 'dreamt'. I can be jarred out of it quite easily for moments at a time, but it's like being interrupted from a very pressing task. I wanna get back to it as quickly as possible and half of my mind stays on it while something else in the 'real' world is demanding my attention. Most importantly though, I know it is a daydream, and I wouldn't call it a hallucination--there's no blurred line between what I am imagining and what is real. As a story teller who has the privilege of total control over my time, I love my 'maladaptive' daydreams, and consider it a feature that serves me well, rather than a bug that hinders my day to day living. But for people who are in school, or who have family to take care of, or for people who need to hold down a standard employment job...I can see it being extremely disruptive, embarrassing, and having a hugely negative impact on self-esteem.
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skrzynka · 11 months
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afantasia king
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pygian-weapon · 1 year
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mi spiace per i giornalisti della Repubblica che soffrono di Afantasia, ma io non ho problemi
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isleofdarkness · 9 months
Also: photographic memory? That’s so cool! I do not, I actually have sorta the opposite(afantasia: can’t picture anything in my head, it’s just black)
Eh, photographic memory that only remembers useless stuff like the betta fish in my fourth-grade classroom (his name was Mr Fish but I wanted to name him Bob, so I mentally called him Bob) but not the important stuff like math.
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oconist · 1 year
thanks @unabashedlycasualangel for the tag!!
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all of the albums here are my fav albums of my fav artists more than fav albums of all time. couldnt decide if i wanted to put afantasia by twoset violin or the p&p ost but fantasia wasnt in the generator (also the jane eyre soundtrack>> dario marianelli pls do the ost of my life thank u).
tagging @toffee-and-tandoori @mickschumachergf @maxguenther @macaiv
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levysoft · 10 months
Una donna di 34 anni affetta da afantasia, ovvero la condizione della mente che non riesce a visualizzare alcuna immagine mentale, come se l’occhio della mente fosse del tutto cieco, ha sviluppato la capacità di sperimentare l’immaginazione mentale per la prima volta dopo aver preso funghi magici.
Un ricercatore dell’Università Lumière di Lione 2, in Francia, ha definito questo caso insolito spiegando che la donna aveva vissuto tutta la sua vita senza “occhi mentali”, eppure dopo l’assunzione di funghi magici ha iniziato a pensare e sognare attraverso immagini.
Si dice che tra il 2 e il 4% delle persone abbia l’afantasia. Anche se questa condizione della mente non rappresenta una disabilità o un disturbo, la donna ha rivelato che la sua mancanza di immagini mentali le ha reso difficile ricordare i percorsi e l’ha fatta perdere regolarmente la strada o perdersi. Tuttavia, dopo una dose di funghi psilocibinici, il suo universo interiore si è improvvisamente popolato di scene grafiche.
La donna ha così dichiarato: “L’ho trovato incredibile perché era la prima volta che avevo immagini nella mia mente, e ho capito che puoi giocare con le immagini, ingrandire, rimpicciolire, abbattere i colori. Le possibilità con le immagini mentali sono infinite e non limitate alle esperienze visive e sensoriali della vita reale”.
Poco dopo il suo viaggio allucinogeno, la donna ha iniziato a sognare per immagini e riferisce che l’occhio della sua mente è rimasto aperto per ben 12 mesi. “Prima di questa esperienza, non avevo ricordi visivi della mia vita, e dopo la prima assunzione, sono stata in grado di averli. Ad esempio, uno dei miei ricordi più belli, quando correvo dietro alle galline a casa di mia nonna quando avevo due anni, ora si materializza anche in forma visiva”.
Sebbene sia impossibile dire come sia avvenuta questa inversione, l’autore del case report spiega che la psilocibina è conosciuta per alterare la percezione visiva. Al contempo, l‘afantasia è stata collegata a emozioni smorzate ed è, quindi, possibile che l’influenza delle droghe psichedeliche sull’elaborazione emotiva possa avere un impatto sull’immaginario mentale.
Tuttavia, sono opportune ulteriori ricerche che coinvolgano campioni più grandi, follow-up a lungo termine e studi controllati per esplorare i potenziali effetti della psilocibina e la loro durata sulla qualità della vita e sull’immaginario mentale degli individui. Il case report è in attesa di revisione paritaria ed è disponibile come preprint su PsyArXiv.
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gardenyaaa · 11 months
i was today years old cuando me entere q tengo afantasia o sea no puedo generar imagenes conscientemente en mi imaginación?!??!? con razón me cuesta tanto hacer fanart sin mirar referencias Dios
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mud-muffin · 2 years
When you come up with ideas for an art piece do you fully visualize them? Like… can you picture it in your head? Or do you just start drawing and see where it goes?
Thank you for your time! Love your art! It makes my day seeing it 💕
hmmm somewhere inbetween? i am not that good at visualizing in my head unless it is just before i fall asleep? (its not exactly Afantasia but like halfway there 🙈)
usually i just semi try to get a feel of what i want to art? like what is the character feeling, sad, angry happy, surprised? and then i try to feel that out through a bunch of sketches?
so yea a bunch of sketches trying to nail down the one idea i have? 😅
Hope this helped💕
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basicallyahedgehog · 2 years
17, 47, and 73, or whatever tickles your spikes!
17. What is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Hooo boy. Ok I just spent an embarrassing amount of time reading my own fics for this question.
There were a couple of runner ups but I think it comes down to this scene from “All The Time In The World” where Harry is trying on a binder for the first time. When I wrote this I hadn’t actually ever worn a binder myself, but this is exactly how I felt a couple of months later when I did and so this scene will always hold a special spot in my heart.
“ Oh.” It was short, punched out, all the breath in his lungs gone, replaced with joy and something else, something even bigger.
“ Oh, ” he repeated, “it’s me.”
47. What story are you most proud of?
It’s a tie between All The Time In The World, which just feels so personal to me, and “The Love You Find” which ticked off so many firsts for me. There was a time where I honestly thought I wouldn’t get it finished and I’m so incredibly proud of how it turned out.
73. How do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
Ooooh. Ok, fun fact about Georgie time. I have something called afantasia, which means that I actually can’t visualise anything. People talk about the little voice in your head - I quite literally have one, and sometimes it takes on extremely random and annoying accents!
I wouldn’t say that the words flow but words are certainly the only way I can think/“visualise” scenes. I think it’s why I’ve struggled with description so much - I can’t just picture a scene and write what I see. I do try and “think” a scene out when I can though.
Thanks again my love!!
Send me asks from this list
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moderngoddes · 2 years
Hola, una pregunta. Yo tengo afantasia o la incapacidad de visualizar, siempre que cierro mis ojos solo veo Negro y no imágenes por más que me esfuerce, mi pregunta es ¿Como vivo en mi imaginación si no puedo visualizar? Porque dicen que eso hay que hacer ya que esa es la única verdad, pero como lo hago, como asumo sin poder visualizar.
visualizar no es necesario, es solo un método, si vos afirmas y sabes que ya tenes tus deseos, es suficiente.
Igualmente si queres tener algunas imágenes base podes buscar videos en YouTube o cualquier otra página sobre cosas que queres.
No es necesario visualizar
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puravibenamastes-blog · 2 months
Afantasia: 'Não consigo ver meus filhos em meus pensamentos'
A maioria das pessoas consegue visualizar imagens na cabeça -o aspecto de uma maçã, a aparência de sua cozinha ou o sorriso do seu melhor amigo -, mas nem todos. Leia mais (04/08/2024 – 17h49) Artigo Folha de S.Paulo – Equilíbrio e Saúde – Principal Pulicado em https://ift.tt/NORF9I2
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blueboxofsnark · 4 months
People who know me offline know a lot better than the people who only know me online that my journey is a trans dude and my journey trying to work out my existence as othekin are basically up each other's tails constantly. I did have a nice and fun breakthrough both with gender euphoria, figuring out what I actually feel like I should look like, and what I probably look like as an elf. I am definitely a pretty boy, a very very pretty boy. I have a feeling that HRT is not the way I want to go because I visualize myself as a very pretty femboy with elf ears and basically no body hair. I can still grow a beard this life, and may keep it at times.... It just depends on my mood honestly.
The reason I have always had such trouble figuring out what I feel I should look like is a combination of not having a whole lot of really good examples. IRL and having afantasia. Essentially, I am unable to properly visualize anything in my mind. This basically nails me as a trans dude because even though I know I look a bit off... I cannot figure out why and how to fix it. Still working on it, but it's just a fun thing to put out on the internet that sometimes gender identity is so much more complicated than people think.
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