ask-me-and-cheesy · 1 year
[A shuffle can be heard in the darkness of the massive kitchen. A box of doughnuts has a hole melted into it, and inside, a cookie eats away at one of the massive desserts. He looks up, a bit startled to see that he's been found out.]
[Affogato Cookie is now open for asks.]
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oceanamethyst · 2 years
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(that image is by my friend!)
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(this image by me!)
and dark cacao too ig
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Darkness anon and...oh really? Oh the poor thing...still I don't understand why my buddies were worried...this licorice seems like a little sweetheart! I tried to set him down but he suddenly started whimpering and wouldn't stop until I picked up the bundle of blankets again and he relaxed again! Still I feel so sorry for the little guy...bad DE encounter? How awful! I'll make sure to take good care of him...though I'm not sure how to help him...but I'll try my best!
Affo here: sneaking this in while she walked away to get licorice more jelly...hit enter a few times to move it down so she doesn't see it when I scroll back up! This was one of the things I was afraid of...her wanting to help but not sure how. We don't want licorice to accidently see her as a threat and well..have her end up with some part of her covered in tiny little cuts from licorice servants! But...I'm glad her and the licorice are getting along well. One of my first fears was that the licorice was, unknowingly, hostile towards dark enchantress **AND** owners do to their bad experience but...I'm glad that fear has been debunked.
I see, well I am quite glad that he is warmed up to you quite quickly, well your buddies has already been using Exposure therapy with Licorice to help him overcome his fears a bit, I am sure ya can ask them about it.
Well Affo, I was honestly worried too that it was a case of Monkey see, Monkey do, where the reason of the other DE’s abuse towards licorice is because of the owner’s action but thankfully it seems like the owner was more neglectful than anything and perhaps it is the reason why Licorice warmed up to your adopter since they gave him quite the attention and safety his previous adopter clearly din’t, though I do reccomend you guys tell her about your progress on the exposure therapy to let her know how to help and such.
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chayacat · 2 years
About my future fiction on Road 96: Bikers, Brothers,Robbers, Comicals as ever, but more deeper and humans than we think.
Fandom: Road 96
Hey Everyone! This will be my last AFFO and as we say, we always save the best for last. Even if there, the best, morally, is not good. In any country, dictatorship or not, crime, well, it's part of everyday life. The perfect country where there are zero criminals does not exist. Big or small, there are criminals and there always will be. And Petria is no exception. If we put the Black Brigade aside, there are just as many criminals in Petria as elsewhere. But among them, there are two that are very particular. Not because they are the best, but rather by the fact that their robbery always turns into a fiasco and we never know how they managed to get out of it. And for this last AFFO, they are the ones who will be at the center of the stage, let's talk about the funniest and most beloved robber duo of Road 96, to all units, Stan and Mitch are wanted.
Bikers and Robbers : Two brothers who embrace their criminal destiny.
Stan and Mitch are two of the 7 main characters you will meet during your adventure, I count them as one. It is a duo of men, both in their mid-thirties, who are bikers and robbers and who also wear a very particular outfit, all with a hood where smiles are drawn. However, it is possible to differentiate the two, Stan being armed with a shotgun whose cartridges he carries in cross on him and wearing the hood with a smiling face while Mitch plays rather the crowbar or "the beast" and wearing the hood with a sad face. If at first, we think that they are two very different people without any link, so two friends, the reality is quite different, since we learn from them that they are brothers, even twins. After, go find out which one is the elder of the two, personally I have my little theory, but we will come back to it later.
The biggest part of the action of the game, it’s with Jarod, but especially with them that you will find it, because it’s not two simple brothers who walk around the country on motorcycles, in weird clothes, being even described as "S&M Roleplaying", they are two robbers, who throughout the game and your meetings will try to rob places for money. Whether on a motorcycle, in a place or even in their own lair, Stan and Mitch will always put you to the test, all in a dose of humour because yes, Stan and Mitch are known but not for their robberies... at least not totally.
Bikers, Robbers and Brothers : Famous, but not for what they do.
Stan and Mitch are robbers, that's nothing new. And every time we meet them, they always try to make money. Even in their own lair where, in a scene that I really appreciate, we agree to help them, at least we have no real choice, in exchange for recovering the money they stole from us.  But for all that and despite them, it’s not totally thanks to their robberies that they are known. Indeed, Stan and Mitch are what could be called comic relief. For the small explanation, a comic relief is a situation or a character that brings a dose of humor in a situation that is not, see that can be serious. If we had to give an example in the world of cinema, Deadpool is a comic relief. He always makes a joke in a situation that is nevertheless serious. In Road 96, it is Stan and Mitch who take on this role. The fact that they are a bit simple-minded is the main reason for their comic effect. Indeed they both appear as beings a little silly and naive which lead to very comical situations when it is supposed to be serious. But that makes them just as endearing. However, they have a very specific goal, to find the potential murderer of Sonya Sanchez, the famous TV presenter and neutralize him before he takes action.
If at first we think that they are both big fans of Sonya, which they suggest, and even Stan says it, the reality is quite different, and believe me by redoing several runs of the game, I saw Stan and Mitch, much different than what the game lets us think. Since I did Road 96, and this several times... This is just my personal opinion but, for me, Stan and Mitch are the two most human people in the game. Try to change my mind.
Robbers, Comicals, but deep down, more humans than we thought
Stan and Mitch, the first time we meet them, we say to each other, they’re morons, but morons that we love. And that we find a little disturbing given the obsession they have for Sonya. But in the end we say to ourselves: "well they are fans of her, very fan, it's a little scary but fans like that exist and sometimes they can be a good help. Sometimes." But as the game progresses we discover something much more... personnal. If Stan and Mitch insist on wanting to protect Sonya at all costs it’s for a reason that we do not expect at all until it happens. Stan and Mitch aren't just Sonya's biggest fans, they're Sonya's big brothers.
We discover it from the mouth of Sonya who, when Adam, her bodyguard, asks her if she knows these two S&M guys, literally answers: “Know them ?? They’re my big brothers!!”. And there, I can assure you that in my head... Everything has completely changed towards them. As I said before, Stan and Mitch are for me the most human characters in the game. Because something has to be remembered, it's that Sonya didn't talk to them anymore. She had distanced herself from them, because she was a journalist, and they were criminals. And yet, despite all this, they continued to protect her in a certain way and watch over her. And I think that's really... adorable. And that's when you realize too, that they're not as silly as the game wants us to believe. After all, if Sonya cut off all relationships with them, at least that’s what I understand from them, how did they know she was in danger? How did they manage to know that the potential murderer, and I say this long before we discovered that it was Jarod, was a taxi driver? Because all this is not public no one knows that Sonya receives threatening letters. So how did they know she was in trouble?  And I'm sorry but... Stan and Mitch are clearly more human than the others characters. Because they are the products of Tyrak’s dictatorship. Let me explain. The game takes place in 96, in a country that suffers the dictatorship of a man and his government. This same government, recruits and impoverishes its people, sending all those who rebel against them in the Iron Pits. Even though the brigade seems to be the product of all this, it is Stan and Mitch who are really the result of this situation. Because they act like rational people in that case : what to do when you are poor, your government do everything for it, and no one helps you? You steal to get by. We don't know anything about their past, but I suspect that surviving was the primary purpose of their robbery, and that over time it has become a norm. Moreover, when we ask them what they think of the election and the political situation of the country, they make it clear to us that they don’t give a shit about it and that they only care about the money and Sonya. And just for that... I love them. I love them so much!  
For my future fiction, I think I will try to deepen the past of the Sanchez family, proposed a vision, my vision of their life before the game and the prologue book. Because frankly, they deserve a deeper read. What they are, the mentality they have, but the brotherly love they have for each other, that's what makes me love Stan and Mitch. And for me, if you remember what I said before, I have a little theory about who is the elder twin. In my opinion, it’s Stan. He gives me the impression of the protective big brother, who acts a bit like a parental figure that he must have worn for a long time, and who’s ready to lost everything to protect Mitch and Sonya even if it mean dying for them. Again, these are the best characters in the game. Try to change my mind.
(That's it for this AFFO, feel free to tell me what you think! Have a good week! see ya!)
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bundy-keating-1997 · 4 months
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Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Cute But Psycho Printable Wall Art, Cute Wall Print, Girly Room Decor, Minimalistic Home Decor, Affordable Decor, Quote Art, Pretty Wall Art
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me looking at supposed cripplepunk members treat cancer patients and ppl like spinal cord injuries like shit again.
yall do better. you can't be cripplepunk but only include low support needs ppl. people are dying. disabled people are dying. and yall don't care.
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midnightmoodlet-art · 6 months
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I like fans
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studiometa · 2 months
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milk AND coffee in the dough??? thats Cookie Vitiligo babeyyyyyy
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rouge-raccoon · 22 days
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The good marriage and the one that will fall apart umu
First time drawing the second couple there that marriage fall apart when yeah know affogato joined the evil squad , bitter and him still wear there rings
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bellatheinkdemon · 1 month
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Haven't drawn any AffoUni in a while.
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still thinking about how- instead of the usual "crumbs for brains"- Affogato insults a bunch of randoms (The gingergang) by calling them "sugar for brains vagabonds" when Affogato looks to be sweetest person working in the black citadel and was homeless for most of his life. Like at the time he knows Nothing about the people he's insulting other than they came into the citadel and demanded to speak to Dark Cacao. Love that characterization, it's great.
it's really funny to me that he puts on this grandiose demeanor but actively insults people using descriptors that fit him nearly perfectly and seems to be desperate for external approval- from DE, from his disciples, even his plan if he won in LCS included the whole "I want to be around smart people who like me" thing. For a guy who spends 90% of his screen time lying he has really consistent characterization.
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ask-me-and-cheesy · 8 months
Ah, makes sense. I already wrote that down, so anything else?
"I do have a slight preference for doughnuts...."
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lazy-eli · 2 months
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Affo here...
We managed to move the licorice into a closet and have been giving him company. Red velvet and I work in shifts to do that...and we are slowly introducing exposure therapy and it's been a few days but it's going well...
Licorice is really on guard when dark enchantress is in the room but hasn't attacked...I guess it's because she didn't try to get close like she did last time. She tried to get close before to get a better view of their injuries but we both know how that went.
So far licorice has grown....friendly to me and red velvet. They aren't as nervous with us as they are with DE.
Only problem is...my owner is starting to get curious. She keeps sneaking glances at the closet where we are keeping licorice because she had noticed us coming and leaving there a little more often than usual....I loed to her through drawings that we are just using that place to store, care, and train cakehound. She wanted to see them but we convinced her not to...we don't know how licorice would react to people so we haven't let our owner see him or know about him and we are not sure how to bring up the topic with the licorice....they look like they've been a stay for a while.
We plan to ask the licorice for their story soon....
Hello Affo
Thats good, again the therapy will truly take a while to finish so in some cases you may need to explain to your owner about it. But I am glad that the therapy seems to working.
I just merely hope your adopter will understand once you do explain it, whenever that is.
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chayacat · 2 years
About my future fiction on Road 96 : Redemption’s Road starts for Papa Bear.
Fandom : Road 96
Hey Everyone !  Generally when you see someone physically strong enough, you have only one reaction in mind: it’s better not to look for a fight with him if you care about life. And rightly so, personally even if I still have a little repartee, I'm not suicidal either. But this kind of bearded, strong character that makes you want to cry just by their eyes can turn out to be real teddy bears. and today it’s a character in this style that we are going to talk about, a man who shouldn’t be provoked, but who deep down is a real Bear, even his name confirms it. Today? It’s John’s day.
John Ursus,“Papa bear”for friends.
John Ursus is one of the 7 main protagonists of the game, and that you will meet during your adventure. He is a fairly tall and quite strong man, maybe in his fifties, and who presents himself as a truck driver, transporting goods of any kind. We even have the right to participate, in a scene epic enough to protect a shipment of pineapple. Yes pineapples. One of the things that will strike you about John is the loss of two of his fingers on his right hand, which he will explain that it was by wanting to save his girlfriend that he lost them. Poor of him, I would not have wanted to be in his place. He is also known as Big John, Mr Ursus for Alex, The Wall when he is drunk and as Papa Bear, name he will use for his relationship via the cibi with Fanny. relationship that can never be made according to him because he is "on the wrong side of the barrier”. And we quickly understand why when we see on his arm the emblem of the Black Brigade. He is a full member or even one of the oldest and carries with him the famous radio transmitter that Fanny must find and destroy. But be careful, because John compared to the other members... he is quite different. And this is what will oppose him to his own group.
John, A Black Brigade member against his own group.
As I told you, before being a simple truck driver who carries goods aboard his faithful Mr. Grizzly, that's the name of his truck, John is a member of the Black Brigade. As a reminder, the Black Brigade is a group of anarchist activists who try by all means to bring down Tyrak in order to free Petria from his tyranny. But unfortunately the attack they carried out in '86 only provoked hatred towards them, calling them terrorists, and caused hundreds of deaths recorded during the collapse of the peak. The man at the head of this group, a man named Robert, is a long-time friend of John but also Lola's biology teacher, his real name being Bob Winters. Why did he change his name, to remain anonymous I guess. Still, if John has radically changed from 86 and the death of his wife Conny by trying to be more diplomatic than violent, Robert for his part has passed into the very dark side of the force and to do so, he will not hesitate to recruit teenagers in order to succeed in his plan. This guy is a real asshole. And this is what will convince John to distance himself from the group or at least with robert and that little by little he began a kind of rebellion within the Black Brigade. And the fact that Alex decides to help the Black Brigades by making a bomb, will push John even further away from the group. For him it’s the straw that breaks the camel's back. Moreover, depending on the order, if you are lucky enough to be able to convince Alex not to create the bomb before the meeting of the Brigades, a slight argument between John and Robert about it will break out, Robert pointing out to him that he has changed a lot to have come to betray his own group.
Redemption’s road for a man who lost everything.
So, if I had to conclude on John... well, he is a man who seeks redemption. If we take everything he has experienced, the most logical reaction would have been for him to be even more angry, to become more aggressive than before as Robert does. But the opposite is happening. Instead, he is looking for diplomatic ways to bring down Tyrak.  At least, he is less aggressive in his way of acting than Robert. And he doesn't do it to appease his conscience, he does it because he's the most adorable man you'll meet in the whole game. He will develop a kind of paternal instinct with Alex and he even goes so far as to warn Fanny not to go on a particular road in "Something is in the way" while they are enemies if we can say it that way. And yet, he saves her in a way, at least he tried because he does not know that she is already on this road. But the whole game shows us a physically impressive man, who doesn’t let himself be walked on, who shouldn’t be provoked when you annoy him but... Who deep down when we know him, we realize that he is a real cream. And that he didn’t deserve, just like Jarod, everything that happened to him. That's why... if I had to rank the characters according to my preferences, Stan and Mitch would of course be in first position because I love them to an unimaginable point, and I think I would rank Jarod and John just behind in second.
In my future fiction on Road 96, I will keep, at least try, john's personality as it is, maybe I will add a little of my vision of the character but I think that as for all the others I will try to keep them as they are while making them evolve. But one thing is for sure, John is a real protective Papa Bear and that's what makes him so endearing.
( That's it for this AFFO, don’t worry there will be others on Road 96, feel free to tell me what you think! Have a good week ! see ya!)
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twistedcerulean · 2 years
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Cheering for both teams! 💜❤️
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