#afghan hounds are so cute...
kedicatt · 1 month
Out of curiousity, if everyone in the party were dogs, what breeds do you think theyd be.
I think Marcille would be an Afghan Hound.
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Oh-ho, that's a very great question!
The Touden siblings Laios and Falin would be Kishu Kens, that's a Japanese medium-sized (up to 55 cm) and typically white-furred breed used for hunting. That's how I see the dogboy Laios when I draw him!
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Marcille Afgan Hounds are very majestic, definitely on the elf side, but to me it's a little too majestic to be Marcille (she's silly), get me? I think Marcille is not a full blood elf, which technically allows me to make her a mixed breed! She would be some sort of a Rough Collie OR Shetland Sheepdog mix, with the general vibe of these breeds, a size somewhere between the two (Rough Collies are way too big and Shelties are too small next to Kishus) and a lighter shade of fur (coming from the other part of the mix). Sadly souldn't find a photo of what I was looking for, so attaching a normal collie photo.
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Chilchuck Toy Fox Terrier, the white and tan coat variant. Small (up to 29 cm), silly, big ears. Or an alternative version: Chiweenie (Chihuahua and Dachshund mix), they just have this Chilchuck energy.
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Senshi I'm not actually sure… Some curly breed, maybe something like Puli! They're not too big (about 43 cm) and it would look good on him
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Izutsumi Cat! Okay, well... Whippet! They're cute, cat-like (if the internet articles are true) and athletic. Also, they aren't too tall or short in comparison to the other breeds i picked (about 45 cm) AND they can come in black and white!
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TY FOR ASKING I HAD SM FUN WITH THESE!!! Tried to give them a teeny bit more of the fluffy manga kobold vibe, except with their normal eyes instead of dog eyes
I wonder how other people see them!
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exaltedfuzz · 1 month
Oh my gosh, your Ace Attorney as dogs is so good. The Apollo is 200% on-model. Like they are all good choices, but that one just RADIATES Apollo-energy. I also love the Feys being (nine-tailed?) foxes!! Do you imagine them getting more tails as they age? :vc Slobbering Gant is EXTREMELY CURSED though. -10/5 stars. V. cute LanaMia. Any other characters you have breed-ideas for?
Ok! Few parts to this ask. First off, thank you! Glad you like Pupollo.
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Here's a little handy guide to the Feys. They're foxes in a yokai way because of the spirit channeling. Tail number is about spiritual power I think. So Dahlia and Iris are just normal.
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Agree with the Gant assessment.
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I'm a big lanamia fan. (Which can be pretty easily seen from my blog.) Here they are again. Glad you liked them!
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I have some more breed ideas, and I'll probably end up making a part 2. Don't want to spoil anything... Obviously Kristoph is an Afghan hound like his brother, though, so here he is.
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Thanks for the ask!
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miss-bvnny · 8 months
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And what if none of their souls were saved? They went to their maker impeccably shaved
My own little spooky challenge for the month!! Two of my favorite things: Sweeney Todd 07, and giving fictional characters government assigned fursonas!!
Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett - Dalmatian and Red fox
When I started this, I KNEW I wanted Todd to be an animal that was black and white. The monochromatic theme in Depp's version of Sweeney is SO Tim Burton that I wanted to preserve it. ALMOST settled on a skunk, but the thought of dalmatian spots mixing with blood spots was TOO cool of a concept in my eyes. TBH there WAS a time when I was tempted to make him a fox, because Sweeney TODD. Get it? But I held off because I didn't want to reuse specific animals TOO much. Speaking of which-
Mrs Lovett was always a fox from the first second. It fits her entire character (Seductive, trickster, lots of red, not to be trusted) FAR too well. The way her ears are posed are also supposed to bring a pair of horns to mind. Something DEEPLY wrong with this woman <3333
Lucy Barker/Miserable Woman - Afghan hound
PROBABLY a very uninspired and obvious choice, but...I wanted to draw ''hair ears'' lmao. Sweeney describes her blonde hair as one of the only things he remembers about her, so I wanted a dog breed that naturally had long blonde hair about it. I de-saturated her colors for her ''Miserable Woman'' look to make her look sadder and dirtier.
Anthony and Johanna - Mutt and Golden dalmatian
Yes I KNOW they look like Scamp and Angel okay. The inspiration was intentional but I might've accidentally strayed...TOO close to the source.
Johanna was one of two characters that took me on a bit of a trip. First she was an Afghan just like Lucy, then she was a doe, but I decided to have a little more fun with her. I made her a golden dalmatian, with the ''dalmatian'' coming from her father and the ''Golden'' coming from her mother. I imagined she's a bit like Oddball from 102 Dalmatians, where she's actually ''blank'' aside from the spots on her face and the two on her shoulder (she gets these ones from Todd) The black on her ear is also from Todd. I could have chosen the easy way out and made her look like her mother, but in my own silly way I thought it'd be fucked up if she looked like her father, considering the scene they share near the end of the movie.
Anthony is a sailor, so I gave him a very ''Sea dog'' mutt look. I just kind of...combined a bunch of traits and characteristics that I thought would work for him. You can see a LITTLE of Toughy from LATT in him, only because I liked the eye patch and all the scruff.
Tobias Ragg (aka Toby) - Bat
Toby was a fun one!! Oh, look how adorable he is!!! Since Toby has the final kill of the movie, and he kills Todd at that, I wanted him something small and cute but...potentially very dangerous. I settled on a bat, because they're very cute and they can carry rabies!!
And yes, that's his wig he's carrying. Didn't know how to portray him holding a pie, and I wasn't about to draw him drinking a bottle of gin, so I thought his little wig might be cute. He was honestly one of my favorites to draw <3
Adolfo Pirelli - Ring-tailed lemur
Pirelli is a ring-tailed lemur for two reasons. The first reason, is because since all the other animals are quadrupeds, having a bipedal animal felt more ''exotic'' to go with how he's seen as very special and from out of town. It makes him stick out naturally as someone of note.
The second reason he's a lemur.......is because he's played by Sacha Baron Cohen in 07.
Beadle Bamford and Judge Turpin - Hyena and Vulture
Yeah I'm just gonna come out and say it - Beadle Bamford is one of my fav characters in this movie so I made him a Hyena out of pure favoritism. Having Timothy Spall play him the same year he was Nathaniel in Enchanted was just for me, I think.
Originally, Turpin was a lion. Because...Bamford's a hyena...and they're the villains...sooooooo....yeah. And I WOULD have stuck with that, but....he's described as a vulture in No Place Like London. And while I knew my designs didn't have to adhere to that...I felt like ignoring it would have been stupid on my part. Glad I stuck with it, since...I gotta admit it works REALLY well for him. I've never drawn a vulture before, and it was fun to try something new anyway <3
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coyote-kiddo · 1 month
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i was re-tagging some of my old posts and found this, so i figured i'd re-do it!!! (all at once because i do NOT have the memory to do it over 30 days)
i found petdre first via the aesthetic "babycore", and then slowly got more and more into agedre!! i also found out a while later that i had been involuntarily age regressing for years and hadnt noticed
my age when im small is kinda hard to pinpoint, but i would say somewhere between 3-5 most of the time!!
i dont have one, and i dont plan on getting one until im an adult (for safety purposes), but i have a few fictional cgs!! (stolas, toriel, and alastor are my biggest ones :3)
hm, i would say a day with one of my fictional cgs!! getting to play with the toys ive been wanting, color and draw, wear clothes that feel comfortable on my body, use teethers, bottles, diaps and pacis and watch my favorite shows without being judged or being embarrassed abt it :3 plus a nice warm bubble bath, baba of warm almond milk and a lullaby before bed!!
i have loads of sippies, a few bottles, a few teethers, a paci and one disposable diap as of right now, but i really really want a babyyourdoll classic round paci!! and also pull ups, mostly js for comfort :33 i would also like more silicon teethers bc they feel nicer than gel/water teethers heheh
i pet dream occasionally, not as often as i used to but still occasionally!! i petdre to an afghan hound, a kitty, a fox, and im considering trying wolf pup, fruit/vampire bat and deer :3
when i age dream, im not too much different from when im big bc my headspace doesnt change as much- im just a bit more childish and less embarrassed about stuff!! regressed me is wayy different though bc my regression is almost always negative- im typically more emotional, childish, clingy, and annoying.
i prefer drawing!!! i like to color also but drawing just feels so freeing to me :3
my moots!!! too shy to tag but i love them sm /p /gen
regression is almost always invol for me because of anxiety and trauma, its also usually negative which is kinda sucky
not that i can remember, ive used regression gear in dreams before but never regressed
this one is kinda tricky- im gonna say probably either apple slice or salteens!! i also really love juice, chocolate, graham crackers and cheese and crackers :3
yes!! i never really grew out of them, even before i started to age dream ive collected them :3
just my stepmom and my dad, i dont really think they remember though
bubs, kiddo, buddy, and little guy are my favs!! masc nicknames are sooo gender affirming to me as a fem-presenting trans man :,3
my regression is usually negative and involuntary, but nothing usually makes me "instantly regress"- its kinda a coin flip- but something that makes me feel smaller when i age dream is fuzzy socks!!
nope 😭 even if im able to buckle down and have small time after ive been involuntarily regressed it just kinda fades away
its okay, i cant really speak on it much bc i have most people i dont feel comfortable with blocked and i dont have any other socials. though i do hate when people stereotype and gatekeep it, or water it down to "fem, pastel, cute way of coping for skinny white girls only"
not a lot, but if i stumble upon one in the tags i might read it :3c
yeah, but i dont really feel comfortable being tickled
stolas goetia from helluva boss!!!! he is literally my dada guys /silly
my preference changes constantly, but it would definitely have a crib that can be converted into a toddler/big kid bed w a canopy and mobile, a sensory tent, a bouncer, a play area and a deer rocker!!!
not really, it makes it harder for me to stay small sometimes
i regress because of trauma and anxiety, i age dream as a coping mechanism for stress, gender dysphoria and missing out on my childhood :3
i almost always have to be listening to music when small, regressed or age dreaming, and my music taste jus kinda stays the same
just boundaries i set for myself- dont intentionally seek out my triggers, dont stay up too late, eat when im hungry, etc
when i regress, i get very very clingy and sad and scared, so i come off as very needy and kinda annoying (+ blunt because i kinda forget how social rules work), when i age dream im basically the same as when im big, just gigglier and more childish
maybe!! i havent tried out caregiving before but i would like to!!
im in the process of learning italian, so i sometimes watch kids' shows in italian to help practice and to make myself feel smaller!!
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xamaxenta · 9 months
Bad dog au….. love it. Marco gets things tailored with tails and everything, breeds picked out for both boys. Sabo is an afghan hound or a borzoi or some other high end breed, expect any owner of those breeds will tell you those dogs are batshit crazy and Marco revels in the comparison. Ace is some sort of Doberman mutt with spikes and a chain leash compared to sabos polished gleaming leather. Of course it’s ace and you said it yourself, he’s the more docile loving and affectionate of the two. Ace gets permission for everyone to fawn over him with pets for the good boy and all the compliments for his behavior while sabo is muzzled whenever anyone is in arms length even if they don’t touch him. He bites after all.
Basically Marco catering to his bfs aesthetics and confusing everyone with their conflicting mannerisms
YEAH this is so good, Sabo portrayed as an aloof purebreed and Ace as the loveable mutt mix aha so cute
They love being confusing to the general public, you can look and pet but no touching lower unless you wanna lose a hand bc they bite and Marco wont be warning you either
Ace with a chain leash is soooo fun, he loves the sound of it the weight of it, even tho his entire aesthetic screams big danger hes just a softie who wants to please his master 🥰
Sabo should remain muzzled unless he’s gonna b kissing Ace or Marco or Marcos dick—
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cuckette · 3 months
What dog breeds do u see different resi characters as :3
HAI ANGEL!!! IDK BC LIKE TO ME. every different era is a new dog.
like remake 2 leon is a baby lab n remake 4 is like one of those droopy rotties.. ughdhhdd but re4 og is like doberman that got his ears n tail cropped </3 di is a german shepherd
I would say younger chris is a german shepherd but that would make Claire one too when she’s clearly a Jack Russell! and by the time it gets to 8 chris is a split skull sort of dog..
jill n Ada r kitties to me
sherry is a papillon! a little blonde one..
ashley is a pom duhh but og ashley is so Apple head Chihuahua cuz like idk. she just gives stupid little yappy baby she’s so cute
HELENA IS AN AFGHAN HOUND LMFAOO something ab her long hair
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niuniente · 1 year
Oh my god! It's Kizzie again <3 love her. I loved the little brother too. I think it's the mustache and buffness, but he reminded me a little of Armstrong from fullmetal alchemist.
I also loved the oh he prob not a murderer... Cuts to Alrick blodied and just having murdered someone.
And Alrick's face! Perfect. Kizzie and him would endid make a cute couple. And it would probably mean more Kizzie in the future which is always good in my opinion. But I can also see how and why it could not work. They're just so easy to ship together. Also Is Lou Lou an afghan hound? I don't know if you stated that somewhere or not, but is definitely how i usually see her.
Remy did remind me of Amstrong, too :3 When I knew Kizzi had a brother, I also knew he needs to look like a Victorian era stronfg man. Remy is based on a model Mighty Mustache, who can be hired to play roles of a Victorian strong man for any events.
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I don't know yet how Kizzie's and Alrick's story ends but I'm on a positive mood :3 Erin on Webtoon comments came up with the ship name, Kizzrick, so let's keep thumps up for Kizzrick!
For Lou-Lou, I saw her like that in my head so her design isn't something I came up with alone. Having said that, I always try to think Cross from an old anime series Ginga Nagareboshi Gin whenever I'm drawing Lou-Lou. (amazing series, super recommended! Really kicks off once Gin joins the wild dogs)
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Funny thing, I used to have a life size Afghan Hound plushie :3
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sadkois · 1 year
hypothetically let's say nishiki had a fursona (like a secret one. he would die before admitting he has a fursona)
what species do you think it would it be
anon. listen. i would normally save this ask cause i def wanna draw somethin for this BUT.
i was literally JUST thinkin about what nishiki as a furr y would look like??? i came here to make a post about this exact topic but then OH AN ASK! and i click on the ask box AND IT WAS THIS. IM ACTUALLY SPOOKED ASGDHJK WHY ARE U IN MY MI N D
answerin ur question. well considerin i was about to ask everyone what they thought im not really sure lmao. but since u beat me to it...
UH it depends on two things. 1 how we usin fursona (in general or just animals with fur) and 2... what nishiki would BE vs what he would WANT to be? SEE IM OVERTHINKIN NOW.
okok options. well we obviously have koisona! its on theme! then im thinkin if nishki might draw himself as a koi dragon mayhaps? but try to be kinda subtle? cause kiruy u know....
HM if we wanna go for something different to the tattoos tho.... i've seen fox and otter goin around and really loved those! the last one i remember bein super cute... i also see him as a cat actually, he gives me those vibes.... i remember this au where shimano does more and actually gets nishiki to join him after that one talk in that alley... and so shimano now has both a dog and a cat :)
but anyways if we wanna go with doggos.... maybe somethin with afghan hound...? reminds me of his hair in y0 asgdhjk tho idk how to style it for kiwami hm... and he still gives me cat vibes.... IDK IDK. IDK MAN. so many options asfdghj
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beauceronn · 9 months
I saw you want to talk about dogs... Here is your invitation to talk about dogs with some random questions if you need inspiration.
What breeds (aside from the obvious) do you like best from each breed group?
Are you interested in showing or working or doing sports with a future dog?
What is your favorite/most interesting/most impressive trick or task you've come across?
What do you think of Tibetan Terriers? (Obviously the best breed of dog, I'm not biased at all.)
🥺❤️ thank you so much.. for enabling me lol
The obvious?? What on earth could you be talking about?? 🤣 - besides Beaucerons, I assume:
Herding - Rough Collies. They're not what I'm looking for Right Now but I know I want one down the road a little more. My friend breeds the most fantastic Collies and I 🥺 keep dropping hints like hey... when is your next litter planned for... etc. I also like Bergamascos.
Hound - Cirneco Dell'Etna. They're so so so so cute I cannot exaggerate how cute these little guys are. They're spunky and fun and they're the sweetest, happiest little dogs. I also like Borzoi, Afghan Hounds, Pharaohs, and Ibizans.
Toy - English Toy Spaniel. I'm literally obsessed with them. They're adorable and sweet and are always in such a pleasant mood. I also like Chis and Pugs.
Non-Sporting - Schipperke. They're so funny. They're so violent and spiteful I love it. They are little demon dogs and I love them. I don't think I want one but they're always such a blast to hang out with. I also like Finnish Spitzes.
Sporting - Chesapeake Bay or Curly-Coated Retriever. I don't really like the sporting group (they're fun, but not even remotely for me). These two seem to have the sharpest brains in them. I also really love Clumbers, despite having maybe 1.5 brain cells on average, because they're ridiculously cute and kissable.
Terrier - Rat Terrier. They are such awesome dogs. Super fun, super versatile, and so loving. They're not like other terriers (lol) in my experience. I also like Bull Terriers despite the fact that they are always intent on breaking my nose and Border Terriers for the same reasons I love Ratties.
Working - Dogo Argentino. They are such gorgeous dogs with such big hearts. I love them so much, I just wish the breed were in a better place. The working group is my second favourite... I also really love German Pinschers, Dogues de Bordeaux, and all manner of LGDs.
I'm interested in showing and sports. I want to do confo mainly, but I also really love herding and want to get involved there. Obedience and rally seem super fun, and Beaucerons tend to excel at weight pull, nose work, and other sports that seem like a ton of fun to try out. Herding and conformation are definitely my top two, though!
Um, hm. Most people I know don't train their dogs to do much beyond what's required for the sports they do or basic manners. I'm a sucker for "sit pretty" and a solid heel.
I STILL HAVEN'T MET A TIBETAN TERRIER which is such a shame because I realised too late that they had a specialty? Supported entry? Something and there were like 20 entered at a recent show... I just missed them because that happened to be the weekend I was running around actually doing things 😅 I think they're adorable and awesome and that a lot of people really, really, REALLY seem to love them lol
What about you???
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bloodredfeathers · 1 year
Obey Me Characters As Dogs
This is merely my opinion, please comment or reblog and tell me if you would make any changes!
⚠ Some spoilers for the Obey Me storyline
Lucifer - Doberman Pinscher
One of my favorite breeds of dog, Doberman Pinschers are known to be intelligent, alert, loyal and fearless, among other things. I feel like this really fits Lucifer's character well for many reasons, one being how he led the rebellion that began the Celestial War because he was angry with his Father for wanting to execute Lilith. This reason, I feel, shows specifically his fearlessness and loyalty.
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Mammon - Standard Poodle
A luxurious and high maintenance breed, the Standard Poodle just SCREAMS Mammon to me. Poodles are typically owned by "higher class" people, or those with more money, and these dogs are where a lot of it goes to!
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Leviathan - Beauceron
The Beauceron is a shy, calm, protective, friendly and intelligent breed, and I feel these also relate to Leviathan. Maybe not so much the calmness, as he tends to freak out a LOT, especially around MC. But I feel the Beauceron is a good match for Leviathan, mostly due to its friendliness, calmness and shyness.
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Satan - Chow Chow
Very cute and fluffy, Chow Chows are sort of like large Pomeranians. They are known to be aggressive and territorial, but also quiet,, intelligent, independent and aloof. I'm sure though, once both Satan and the Chow Chow warms up to you, you'll survive your encounters.
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Asmodeus - Afghan Hound
Afghan Hounds are considered one of the most beautiful dog breeds. Their long flowy hairlike fur makes them incredibly expensive, high maintenance and they are confident and dignified dogs. Asmodeus, being obsessed with his appearance and wanting only the most expensive items, is a perfect fit for this breed.
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Beelzebub - Australian Shepherd
Breathtakingly beautiful, another favorite of mine. Australian Shepherds are active, protective, good natured and affectionate, these dogs absolutely live for being active. They fare best in places with wide open spaces and typically with something to occupy them, like herding cattle. Loving and energetic, this is definitely Beelzebub's spirit dog.
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Belphegor - Bernese Mountain
One of my least favorite brothers (I'm sorry I just do not like him that much ��) gets another of my favorite breeds. Bernese Mountain dogs are very beautiful and large dogs, but they are also very lazy. They'd much rather lounge around than go to the park, which Belphegor does a lot of.
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That's all for now! Should I do a part 2 with the side characters?
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Went to Target during a trip to the next state over with Mom so we could have a fun day out, and I found DC Comics Manga, and this Joker one is so tempting to grab an ebook of
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This sounds like a typical fanfiction plot idea and I'm all for it
Also, found some cute Lego polybags, which is a nice bit to add to my Lego collection I'm rebuilding, as I'm mostly grabbing small bags and bricks from thrifting
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A cute farmer with a scarecrow and a bunny, and a "birthday train" micro build.
Also, I decided to finally try a minifigure blind box, since my Lego are gonna need some people for them, and golly, they've changed since I was a kid
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I got an Olympic runner guy with running blades prosthetics and a Harpy with articulated wings! I found out that they're making minifigs now that includes some wild fantasy elements and disability representation. I really want to find the dog groomer one with the Afghan hound and has a cochlear implant, the dog is cute and since hard-of-hearing runs in my family, that has a bit of a personal sentimental concept there...
Anyway, my Valentine's day was pretty cool. Nothing but good luck, people were very polite and friendly, and absolutely nothing went wrong this year. 🥹
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Lester is a terrier 10000%, wiry coated jack russel.
I feel Bo and Vincent should be the same breed bc yknow... twinsies.
Pitbulls are very sweet natured and cuddly if properly socialized, very protective and courageous and known for being great with kids. A poorly trained or mistreated pitbull can be very dangerous due to their impressive strength and aforementioned courage making them unlikely to back down.
-cute anon
I have Jacks and they just give off so much Lester energy 🤣 he’s definitely built like them
I mostly like Afghan Hound for Vincent bc it matches his long hair <3 I’m not sure about the temperament of those dogs though. Obviously we know that Bo was mistreated which also kind of went into my deciding that he would be a pittie. Trudy and Victor just trying to get him to behave with force rather than with proper discipline and kindness.
Definitely if I was to consider the blood relations I would agree on mutts w a mix of breeds in there.
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frostedsketches · 1 year
Can I just drop some dog-ified Hamilton characters here? Thanks
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Dunno why I thought of this, Ham and Jeff popped into my head as an Afghan Hound and a Poodle respectively and it was just too perfect of a resemblance to let slide. I guess I just wanted to draw Hamilton characters but since drawing humans well is not a skill I've acquired yet ( it also just felt weird to want to draw them? ) my brain decided to cope by giving me an alternative idea. So, sorry for this, once I drew those two I couldn't stop myself from figuring out breeds for some of the others...
Anyway, as mentioned before Alex is an Afghan Hound, Thomas is a standard poodle.
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Peggy, Angelica, and Eliza are Spangold Retrievers which is a cross between an English Springer Spaniel( their mom ) and a Golden Retriever( Philip Schuyler )
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Lil Philip is obviously a Spangold Retriever, Afghan Hound mix. Cute little angel mutt <3
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Washington is an English Mastiff
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and Hercules as a rottweiler, because why not
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vonlipvig · 1 year
Hi, I'm not sure you're a fan of such asks, but have you ever considered giving the main Not for Broadcast characters animals you associate them with?
I know not everyone finds that fun, but I personally love thinking about what fits characters best, whether by personality or looks, and wanted to know if you have any ideas?
I'm always down for any fun asks, so don't worry about it! But man, you kinda killed me with this one, I'm not really an animal person, so I've never really thought about it? I can try, tho!
I feel like it's a little bit cruel to say that Jeremy could be a cat, but c'mon, he's the grumpiest of cats! Nah, aside from that, I think a fox or jackal or something like that could really fit him? He's definitely an intelligent and wily character, especially in the eyes of those who would rather not get their secrets exposed by him!
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For Megan, I thought about it and now I can't think of anything else, but oh my god, a cocker spaniel dog! I think it's too small (something elegant and taller like an afghan hound could also work!), but it's so pretty and cute and THE CURLY HAIRED EARS, that's definitely Meg! They're bubbly and friendly like she is on and off camera, and it being a domestic dog I think is fitting with how tied down by Advance she was. But, like any dog, she could bite you if you go too far! Besides, fox and dog is such a great combo!
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And for Jenny...I'm thinking ermine, baby. She's cute, she's small, she's got it all under control, and believe you me, she could fucking maul you.
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justcallmecel · 1 month
my (rambling) thoughts on westminster 2024
sage is such a nice dog. i'm so happy she won on her last show (+ her handlers last show too!)
also frankie winning terrier group was such a welcome surprise! i thought it would have been the wft or stach the sealyham. frankie is absolutely gorgeous though!!
hawking the bedlington is from the same kennel as zoolander in pennsylvania. they're both gorgeous! i was happy beddies got a good rep this year (not that they don't other years)
monty won group again. he's a nice giant schnauzer so i'm not upset at all - he walks nice too.
i though comet would win BIS, or mercedes. comet won the ADS this past year and mercedes has great lineage (w/ rumor, the BIS 2017) i think it was certainly now or never for sage though, and comet is only 3.
i think ive fallen in love with coco chanel, the bergamasco sheepdog. i don't usually see them with a smoother, non coiled face. she was really cute!
i was kinda surprised that louis won the hounds. olivia was kind of the most popular going in, and i think she was shown this past year at the NDS to some success. still so happy! louis is a very unique afghan, and theyre already literally stunning.
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freelancerpalash · 1 year
📘•°•📙Breeds Adult Coloring Book | +150 beautiful dog's breeds | Mindfulness and Anti-Stress Coloring (Anxiety Coloring Book)📙•°•📘 📣👉Available On Amazon👈💥 🛒👉Here is the Book link: Breeds Adult Coloring Book :- https://amzn.to/3Kmipos 📘✍Author by MeLaMarco ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️ 📙🖋This coloring book features more of 150 dog breeds from around the world, each beautifully illustrated on its own page. Whether you're a fan of cute and cuddly lap dogs, or athletic and powerful hunting dogs, this book has something for everyone. Each breed is unique traits and characteristics, making it a fun educational tool for dog lovers of all ages. So grab your colored pencils and unleash your creativity as you bring each breed to life with color! ✍ Dog's Breeds in this Adult Coloring Book: Affenpinscher, Afghan Hound, Airedale Terrier, Alaskan Malamute, American Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Kelpie, Australian Shepherd Dog, Australian Silky Terrier, Australian Terrier, Basenji, Basset Fauve de Bretagne, Basset Hound, Beagle, Bearded Collie, Bedlington Terrier, Belgian Shepherd Dog Groenendael, Belgian Shepherd Dog Laekenois, Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois, Belgian Shepherd Dog Tervueren, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bichon Frise, Bloodhound, Border Collie, Border Terrier, Borzoi, Boston Terrier, Bouvier des Flandres, Boxer, Bracco Italiano, Briard, Brittany, Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier Miniature, Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Cairn Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cesky Terrier, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) 📣📕📗 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ By MeLaMarco (Author) 💗💖" 🛒👉Available Instantly on Amazon –  Paperback Order Now:-https://amzn.to/3Kmipos Dog's Breeds Adult Coloring Book :- 👉👉 Buy Now:- 👇👇 https://amzn.to/3Kmipos  
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