#afk arena headcanons
dreepy-draws · 5 months
Okay hear me out, but I've been thinking about what beasts some heroes would have. they exist in the world, so the idea of some characters having pets isn't too crazy. here's some i've come up with
Gavus: flutterplume owl (serious and intelligent guy gets along with serious and intelligent beast)
Lucilla: shroom spider (well other than the fact she was shown playing with spooders multiple times in the comic, I believe she would love the fact that they are "cute but deadly". Liberta is also scared of them (personal headcanon), which makes lucilla like them even more lmao)
Tarnos: talismane (the guy despises hypogeans a LOT. tell me a beast who is strong against hypogeans and actively lives to protect wouldn't be perfect)
Eorin: grassy orb (this is kinda biased bc I used to always use Eorin with grassy orb bc of the haste boost lmao. but I also think Mishka would wanna get him a pet bc she has her wolves so she wants him to have a pet as well. she turns up with a grassy orb she rescued and gives it to Eorin. Eorin: I don't want a grassy orb! then he and the grassy orb r bonded by the next week ofc. (man I wanna write a fic about this now)
Nevanthi: radish rotunda (a gentle beast that goes out of its way to cheer on someone when they're in danger. a very sweet and kind beast for a very sweet and kind character :))
Lorsan: bellbellow (I imagine he befriends a bellbellow, but refuses to call it his "pet". when he's not traveling, he will visit the place where his bellbellow buddy hangs out, and talk to it about his travels)
BONUS Eugene: slumber seal (OH NO Esperia is now in ruins)
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My ships in AFK Arena even though no one asked bc yeah
This isn’t including any canon ships, these are just some head-canons.
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Alna x Talene
I really like ice and fire duos, and I think that they would look cute together. Opposites attract sort of thing.
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Lyca x Estrilda
They both have animals they ride on and they’d be super pretty together, that’s it.
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Mirael x Ira
Mostly bc they’re both starters, and I feel like it would be a cool annoying x irritated easily dynamic.
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theres-a-body-here · 5 months
Relationship Headcanons for Brutus
Warnings: Fluff, Suggestive
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In the beginning of the relationship, he's very stern... grumpy too
And months into dating... He's still a big 'ol grumpy lion
His pet names for you are "cub" and "little one" cuz lets face it, there's no way you're bigger than this dude
Brutus isn't very big on PDA since he believes things like that should be private. However if you ask, he'll hold your hand or give you a kiss
If you try to escalate the kiss into something steamy, he'll let out a low growl, gently stopping you
"Cub, please. Not here..."
The only time he'll let you get away with this in public is if he's jealous
He'd pull you into his lap as he glares daggers at whoever is eyeing you
When you two are alone, he'll definitely be much more affectionate
He kisses like....well, like a lion
Hungry and forceful
He purrs, loudly. It's enough to make your body rumble when he's holding you
If you were ever in danger, he'd fight immediately. He's strong enough to fight and keep you safe at the same time
He'd be all over you once the battle is over, manhandling you as he checks for injuries
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, my love"
His biggest fear is you becoming afraid of him
If you're ever down or stressed, he'd pull you close and give you a tongue bath. It's practically instinctual after seeing you sad. His barbed tongue softly scrapes your skin as he holds you in a comfortable grip
If he's ever stressed or down, you can cheer him up by giving him your own tongue bath. He appreciates it, even if your tongue isn't suited for it.
During arguments, he's always calm soft spoken since he'd honestly rather die than raise his voice at you
Brutus always refers to you as his "mate" when talking to others
If you ever refer to him as your "mate" he might tear up a bit from pride and joy
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lazycakelc · 5 months
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Silly little guys ✨
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orginllazyblog · 8 months
Making head canons for my fav afk arena family: Gavus, Eugene, Lucilla, and Liberta
Why? Bc we need more content
Some of the headcanons are inspired by ao3 fics
Psst! Lilith, you can make so much money with this
They went to a different place to rebuild their home instead of going back to their old house in the dark forest in case the other celestials & hypogeans tried to separate them again. They were thinking of moving to the oak inn, but there were some celestials/hypogeans living there, so that plan was scratched.
During the mid-winter festival, the couples game, Eugene used this as an opportunity to confess to Gavus but failed to tell afterwards
For their new house, the twins wanted to do the work while their dads took the time to catch up. In the end, the four of them work together and completed their new house
The twins question their dads, which one was the oldest one. Gavus told them that they were "born" on the same day, while Eugen suggested the twins should do rock-paper-scissor.
Their new house seems small, but when you enter, it's a lot bigger than you expect. The location is unknown.
Eugene is the dad who does the crafting. One of Eugene's crafts for furniture was Gavus couch, the twins bed, a walk-in closet, and lastly, the kitchen table. The rest was bought
Liberta picked a hobby of baking, and Lucilla picked up sports
When it comes to going out as a family, either they tag along with others (Thane and Baden) or stay at home. Gavus and Eugene did teach the twins of self-defense in case they're in big danger.
If there was modern technology like ours, the family would do game night. Such as Let's Dance, Mario Party, Mario Kart, and other competitive games. Gavus and Eugene would have one of those couple fights.
"Pigeonhead! You threw another blue shell at me!"
"And I'll do it again."
"Liberta, let's team up. I got the banna peals ready.
"I got my red shells ready too!"
Back when the twins were children, Gavus and Eugene would take turns to sing them a lullaby. Gavus was surprised by how well Eugene could sing well and almost flustered, which Eugene caught him. 🤨📸
"My my~ Was that a blush I see, Gavus~"
"One word out of your mouth, then you're sleeping on the floor."
How Gavus and Eugene started having feelings for each other was different. Gavus fully started trusting Eugene more even if he's a hypogean. With Eugene, he was touch starve (given the video clip on YouTube), so he misses Gavus warm affection.
That one time when the twins got themselves in big trouble: Liberta and Lucilla began to question if Gavus and Eugene may be more than just friends. So they sneak out to find Estrilla, knowing she might have the answers. And when they got back home, they saw one of the lights on.
"Do you think we're in trouble?"
"I did leave a note saying we will be back."
When they tried to sneak into the house, they saw Gavus in the living room with the lamp on while the living room was dark.
"And where have you two been in this late hour?"
"Um... we went with Daddy Eugene at the grocery store."
Right where Lucilla said that, another lamp light on, which Eugene was folding his arms while being upside down
"Oh?~ But I just went to pick up grocery in the morning, didn't I?"
I'll probably make a small fic here bc of the last headcanon I can see this happening.
Also, does anyone remember that Lilith did afk arena animations. Could Lilith do animations for this new family? They did it with the forsaken family: Shemira, Niru, and Daimon
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teaheecoco · 2 months
Afk Wilder Hcs Pt.2
(Some of these replace my old headcanons)
◇ Florabelle is immune to poisonous flowers and collects them. She has many pretty deadly flowers hidden somewhere safe
◇ Bryon is a hybrid. He's half caracal and half hawk. Hybrids are unusual, so he was often rejected by other kids during his childhood
◇ Lorsan has a sweet tooth and has a severe case of hyperactivity if he consumes a lot of sugar
◇ Lyca makes strawberry crepes that consist of strawberries(obviously) and yogurt because it isn't too sweet, and it's Lorsan's favorite
◇ Eironn has a high pain tolerance and would fail to notice his wounds until someone points it out
◇ Parisa had a secret childhood friend who was so shy that nobody except Granny Dahnie and Master Arden knew she existed. That childhood friend happens to be Solise
◇ Bryon has 2 forms: his normal form and bird form. His bird form has more features of a hawk- giving him bird claws and the ability to fly. The only condition holding him back from using his second form is that he tends to get violent and predatory
◇ Lorsan and Lyca were really small as babies. So small that they both fit in Granny Dahnie's hands
◇ Lorsan doesn't know this, but some kids would try to pick on him, but Bryon would take care of them directly and even indirectly by launching an Elona attack
◇ Damian once got swooped while flying a kite. He fell on Eomir (lol)
◇ Eironn would accidentally hit his head when entering doors that he's taller than. His height is his biggest weakness, and he would lose at hide n seek a few times due to this
◇ Lyca used to stay up at night reading the stars or just stargazing. Due to that, she had a messed up sleep schedule and depended on anything that kept her awake through the day during her school days
◇ Hewynn has a hornleaf bear plush made by Granny Dahnie
◇ Parisa is a tea connoisseur and owns a lot of tea sets at her place. She hosts her tea party in her garden
◇ Lyca, being the older sister to Lorsan, wanted someone to look up to and saw Florabelle as an older sister figure. She would try to be like Florabelle, thinking she would be a better role model for Lorsan. Turns out that letting Lorsan neglect his assignments was a terrible mistake
◇ Damian has an older sister, and it's Nemora. They rarely see each other but they're on good terms
◇ Eironn is in touch with his elf culture and would pull some out of place moves on Lyca. Parisa revealed that most of it is an Elven's way of expressing certain feelings to someone
◇ Florabelle is favored by the fairy of dreams, Tasi. These two would meet up in the dream realm when Florabelle goes to sleep
◇ Parisa is not much of a gossip girl around people, but she loves spilling the tea with her plants
◇ Lorsan has a crime list in the lightbearer territory, but none of it has been recorded since he only gets himself involved with bad guys unintentionally. He has been locked up before and learned how to lock pick
◇ Florabelle dubbed Lyca and Eironn as star-crossed lovers when telling a story to her students
◇ Eironn curses in elven language
◇ Lyca does her deer's makeup
◇ Lorsan sleeps in a hammock
◇ Bryon lives in a treehouse
Hope you enjoyed 👍
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veyny · 5 months
Some HC for AFK Arena, bc I can ;)
Thane & Hildwin
• When the Draconis Faction showed up, most of the people (including Estrilda and Baden) thought that Hildwin and Thane are relatable (because they look alike :))
• Hildwin has got to known Rayne family, After Gwyneth told him about her life and journeys
• Thane and Hildwin have no energy(calm energy)/too much energy dynamic
• Hildwin mostly behaves calm, but around Raynes he’s always energetic
• Estrilda always tries to somehow contact with Hildwin: scratch his horns, tummy, under cheeks and wings
• Baden always spars with Hildwin for fun, and Thane always heals them both with Estrilda
• “Hildwin? He’s only energized at morning and night, rest of the day he’s very tired and sleepy…”
• Hildwin likes sparring with Thane, but he always declines… yet in the end he will accept anyway (because he wants it too)
• Hildwin and Thane care about each other like cousins
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shu120 · 3 months
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Well……I just deleted my past acc.
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spiderfroggo · 2 years
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he is
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bippityboppity69 · 2 months
Hello and welcome to random things I thought of at 3 AM! Which is Afk Journey and Arena characters who I think would get along!
First up, Valen and Raine. These two would be best friends. So many friendly sassy quips. There would be competitions on who could get the most Hypogean kills.
Damian and Tamrus. These two would get into all sorts of hijinks together. They would be the most adorable terrors in the forest. Granny Depline knows no peace.
Solise, Florabelle, and Parisa. Team flower power, quite literally. They exchange gardening tips and have frequent tea parties.
Alsa and Mishka. I think if these two ever met, they would be BFFs. They have that same excitable energy. They will talk and talk forever.
Soren and Eiron. They are both the silent strong types who love their younger siblings. They don't talk, it's just a nod to one another.
Vedan, Cecia, Kalene, and Salazar. The mean girls of the Graveborns. You want the hottest tea? They have it. They are also ruthless in their insults. They hit where it hurts.
Silas and Viperian. Mad scientists who feed off each other's energy. Do not leave them alone together. They will create horrors untold. They will also debate for hours.
Leofric and Reiner. Probably the only other Hypogean that Leofric gets along with. Both perfectionists to the core who hate chaos and disorder. They bond of their loathing of Berial.
Vlyoris and Phraesto. I think these two would get along quite well. They visit each other and talk about their successes. Also to brainstorm their (sadistic) ideas.
I have more that I will probably post soon. Also tell me who you guys think would get along with each other or who would hate each other.
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nikikikiko · 7 months
Procrastinating while writing the fic (simultaneously! I'm multi-tasking :] ) Let's throw out some headcanons!:
At least one ""prank"" of Lucilla, Liberta and Eugene's was an organized attempt at a concert for a very early morning "i-just-woke-up" Gavus, and it consisted of Liberta playing the pots and pans (banging them together at random intervals), Lucilla somehow got her hands on an instrument and that was getting played (she was not talented, Gavus is pretty sure she was playing it wrong) and Eugene simply dancing badly in the background (he knows how to dance, he simply chose not to)
Eugene says it's a celebratory welcome back, Gavus says his ears have not felt true pain until that day
Lucilla has a pet spider!! another one !!! her name is Mountain Destroyer of Gods and Mortals but everyone calls her Cupcake
Liberta does not choose to be part of the mischief, he's just dragged into it
Gavus has a beer mug with 'dad of the year' etched into it and he has never put it down ever
it's his favorite mug
He's 99% sure it was stolen from a nearby pub but it's his favorite mug
Lucilla has, on multiple occasions, brought home:
a snake
another spider
a scorpion
a lizard
two lizards
a frog
a mouse
a puppy
a cat
and at one point she managed to get her hands on a horse but then GaGene realized she stole it by accident and that was a conundrum in of itself
either way, she has tried and failed to get more pets but Gavus is partial to a cat or a dog, mostly both. A dog to help protect their home and a cat to keep mice out of the house.
So he and Eugene are planning on surprising her and Liberta with a dog and a cat respectively (so they get to name each one)
Liberta complains about the pranks and Lucilla's immaturity at times but he cannot help but get sent into orbit whenever someone else falls victim
It takes EVERYTHING in his arsenal to not laugh and his thought process is "Don't laugh it's not funny don't laugh it's not funny don't laugh it's not funny" and he laughs anyways because it was pretty funny
Kadrin !! He makes visits when he can , or the family will come to visit him, but they try to make sure he's not seen with Lucilla or Eugene too often since, well, Hypogeans are still bad for business unfortunately. Kadrin is referred to as "Uncle Kadrin" by the kids and it makes Kadrin feel ridiculously old
How did he get a nephew and a niece.... how did his life turn out to be this way
and why is it the fault of a Rubik's cube ?????
He gives the kids gifts when he can and pointedly ignores Eugene's argument that HE [eugene] should get a gift too because no Eugene, your existence in Kadrin's life does NOT mean you deserve a present
Eugene and Gavus do have pretty sweet and tender moments together, mainly they spend a lot of time just quietly enjoying each other's presence. After being separated for so long, they aren't quite ready to let each other go, and that's okay.
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dreepy-draws · 5 months
i think this ones a given due to ur bio but SLAMS HANDS ON DESK
sire… give me,,,, ur eugavus + liberta & lucilla headcanons please (it can be one, two or all of them idm, i just want yummies)
OKAY SRRY THIS TOOK A MIN BSHHJAS. here's some happy ones about like hobbies and stuff. I have some angsty ones typed out I'll post separetly later :P
Eugene hand made a diary just for Liberta once bc Liberta had said offhand that he would like to write like he does
Eugene spent HOURS making it perfect so now it's one of Liberta's prized possesions
Eugene and Gavus sometimes go back to the old hut they lived in. they aren't sure why they do it, but they enjoy seeing the place where their little family had lived, and find it soothing to just sit in each other's presence by the little area Liberta and Lucilla used to run around
Liberta actually made friends with Tamrus at some point, and they hang out together often. Tamrus taught Liberta how to pick the sweetest berries to make treats with
Liberta took up baking, and frequently makes treats to share with his family (as well as Tamrus when they hang out ofc)
Lucilla takes up wood carving as a hobby, like Liberta did with baking. She finds it soothing, and she makes little sculptures for her family
Eugene actually knows how to make clothes, and made new outfits for Liberta and Lucilla so they could change up their clothes (and not just be stuck in what the celestials/hypogeans had them wearing before
Gavus does the cooking. Not because he's good it (he's painfully mediocre at it actually), but because Eugene is just that awful at it
Liberta knows how to play the harp, and Eugene can play the flute. They both play songs together and Gavus and Lucilla could sit there for hours listening
I actually think Lucilla would be more helpful with chores than Liberta. Liberta isn't unhelpful (like a certain fool of chaos), but Lucilla gets literally angry when there's dust and stuff so she cleans pretty often
srsly, sometimes Eugene will walk in the room while she's cleaning and just hear her using all the swears under the sun at a speck of dirt that won't come off (Eugene thinks its so funny just the amount of swears she actually knows, Gavus hates it)
Gavus and Liberta will often read the same book at the same time so they can have long discussions about it (like a book club or something). Eugene will read a book with them on occasion if it's interesting. Lucilla refuses every time
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theres-a-body-here · 5 months
Relationship Headcanons for Odie
Warnings: Fluff, Suggestive
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In the beginning of the relationship, Odie takes every chance he can get to impress you
It ranges from doing tricks, gifting you gadgets and trinkets (that he definitely didn't steal), and pranking the other heroes
That last one has gotten him in a bit of trouble, which often leads to you having to bail him out
If you're a snake person, he'll name one of his Vipers after you. If you hate snakes, he'll tease you over it and dangle his Vipers close to you
If you were ever in danger, his priority would be getting you out of there. No it's not retreating, stop laughing
It doesn't matter what size you are, you're getting picked up and carried off in a hurry. His adrenaline is pumping as he books it to safety. He's a hunter damnit, not some beefy brawler.
"I'm not a coward, babe. It's called a strategic evacuation," he huffs and puffs, refusing to let you down as he runs
Don't ever look cold near him, or he'll slither under your clothes to warm you up
His head will poke out of your shirt collar as his fur presses against your skin
He'll have a shit-eating grin if you carry him around like that, ordering you around like you're some kinda mecha
"Go left...no my left. Oh wait, we're facing the same way. Heh Heh"
Odie loves to steal your sweaters and shirts, especially if you're larger than his since he can use it as a blanket or a cocoon
Also because he loves to smell your scent, in fact, he'll pout when he begins to notice that you've picked up his scent when you haven't showered in a while
Being a hunter, he knows how to cook, but it's the most basic of meals. Think of boiled chicken or grilled meat. No spices or seasoning whatsoever
So if you cook anything for him, he'll go feral for it, scarfing it down before you can even put the plate down for him
If you introduce him as your "boyfriend" to others, he'll melt and get all touchy. The thought of you referring to him as "husband" one day makes his knees weak
If you're ever stressed or down, he'll cuddle with you until you're feeling better. Either nuzzling your side or laying on top of you.
If Odie is ever stressed or down, you can cheer him up by drowning him in affection. Kisses, scritches and pet names are his favorite
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tiny-goth-h00o3e · 2 years
Mr Wakes Headcanons
So if you don't know who Mr Wakes is he is the guy on the front page for several events in afk arena and he is hot sooo
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Headcanons (some are spicy)
*he likes to bite
*he is a sadist
*he's very dominant
*he's into bondage
*he likes cuddling and will not hesitate to force his S/O to cuddle whenever he wants
*he likes to punish his partner in very different ways all from spanking to orgasm denial
*he likes dressing his partner up so they will match
*his ears are MEGA sensitive so he will literally shiver or make a small squeaking noise if you touch them
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orginllazyblog · 8 months
Some long time ago
Dura: Hey brother, look! *shows one of the earliest celestial heroes like*
Annih: ...So you started a cult?
Dura: What!? No! I'm just showing you what I created. I called it the Celestial!
Annih: Hm... what are you up to?
Dura: I have a suggestion!
Annih:...*sigh* What suggestion?
(Headcanons up ahead, also thanks @theproperweirdo for the idea)
Annih: So let me get this straight. You want to prove your faction that a celestial and a hypogean could "possible" get along.
Dura: Exactly! This would help for the other factions to also get along
Annih: But why can't YOU tell them instead? Aren't you Esperia's favorite god?
Dura: I want them to make their own decisions instead of order them around for my sake
Annih: Is that why you'll be leaving in the future?
Dura: Yes...
Annih: Just remember, you need to come back some day to fix your own mess. To make things more interesting, how about a bet?
Dura: A bet?
Annih: If a celestial and a hypogean become more than just friends, you'll have to come back. Plus 100 gold
Dura: Okay, I promise
Yeah, I know that is not how it happened, but Lilith isn't focusing on the lore, so I'ma do it myself.
Small headcanons
Not only did Gavus and Eugene end up together, as well as Baden and Thane. A celestial and hypogean, a lightbearer and graveborn. So that means Dura owes Annih 200 gold once she comes back
Eugene perhaps was created to be more decent with just a small portion of Annih's blood so that he can get along with his celestial soulmate
I believe that Dura got tired of how she had to fix everyone's problem. Which is why she created the celestials to look after Esperia, but even some of them still didn't understand Dura's word
If Lilith plans to finish the lore, Dura and Annih finally become playable (maybe like awaken heores) possible even get new designs 🤔 since it's been a long time
Dura could be the eldest, while Annih is the youngest. Or maybe born the same time.
If the Esperia people think Annih is terrible they say, then there almost right, only Annih knows how Dura can be scary if she wants to. Not even the celestials know
In all honesty, Annih isn't bothered all the trash talk. He's just doing his job as the God of Dead
Dura cares for her brother as he knows her more than anyone
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lmeol · 5 months
merlin headcanons (mostly wardrobe)
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i think the arcanist and hermit robes set of clothes are the most fitting outfit for merlin (fem) canonically or story/lore wise
mainly because during one of the heart to heart convos of hogan and hammie, hogan reminisced about when merlin used to disguised herself a lot and would only be recognized when her familiars are around
but he also mentions that he thinks her current appearance is the best one because its the closes to merlins orginal look
i searched up afk arena for reference and found that the clothes matched in color and vibe. and generally i just like it more than the default one
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other headcanon: merlins mbti being infj
and i ship merlin/player x valen :7
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