#african beauty products online
tuesday again 4/2/2024
in which i try to clean two different boxes with varying success
new people: hello! the tuesdaypost is a weekly roundup of stuff i've been listening, reading, watching, playing, and making. it is NOT a recommendation series, although i sometimes dabble in critique. when im firing on all cylinders i ask "what is the core concept of this? does it succeed in what i think it's trying to do and what it says it's doing?is it well-made but i dislike it/beautiful but not for me? why? what parts Really Work?"
if you are into purity culture, yelling at other people about the problematic media they consume, or are under 18 i am going to have very little patience for you.
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now that i live in houston i am legally obliged to loop the new beyonce album 24/7. there is absolutely truly nobody fucking doing it like her. every song is a multimedia art piece. goddamn do i miss the album as a tool to convey a specific concept/listening order/flow. sometimes (chappell roan most recently comes to mind, although it does feel unfair to compare anyone to beyonce) every individual song is pretty good but the listening experience if you sit down and listen all the way through the album is unpleasant and choppy. not so here. NEVER here.
my favorite like Dance Number is YA YA (it samples nancy sinatra's boots! and the beach boys' good vibrations! wildly different tones despite coming out a year apart!)
the one that goes on four different character/tone playlists is BODYGUARD.
great early roundup of influences, samples, and collaborators. delighted to see five fingers for marseilles listed, a rocky but underrated south african neo-western free on tubi rn for americans
also very texas-relevant with the recent pornhub lawsuits! pornhub and sex tech (among other things) have been samantha cole's beat for almost ten years. i trust her to report sensitively and not for like. shock clicks
this site has a free paywall (sign up with your email for a link to the full article) so bots have a harder time scraping articles: this is a journalist-founded site with only the four founders running it and writing articles. while annoying i do think this is a reasonable measure
The platform still has problems, but after years of critical reporting and a litany of legal and reputational consequences, Pornhub is now more heavily moderated than any other porn platform, and most major social media platforms, for that matter. A growing list of age verification laws has put Pornhub in a position where it is compelled to block access to its site in seven states and counting. In theory, these laws are designed to prevent children from being able to access pornography online. In reality, what is going to happen is that children are going to end up on pornographic sites that don’t care what the law says, and where some of the most harmful content that exists online is actively promoted to them.
she's also got a new limited series podcast with CBC about the rise and fall of pornhub, which was fascinating and kept me company during an extremely early morning drive
i'm lukewarm about this one but i spend a lot of time getting there, much like this movie
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ive been watching a lot of frankly dogshit thrillers, which has made me wonder: what's the deal with supervillans? where did they come from? and thence arrived at the prototypical film Dr Mabuse the Gambler (1922, dir. Lang). the four and a half hour cut on Kanopy is two normal-length movies superglued together, which makes sense as a streaming product but it is sort of a terrifying runtime and took me three days to get through.
sometimes, as we know, i get a real bee in my bonnet about visiting the early versions of things. dr mabuse is the blueprint for every james bond and mission impossible villain, or really any shadowy supervillain with power over [INDUSTRY] or [THE MARKET]. it is a four and a half hour long cat and mouse game through lavish, eccentric sets between mabuse and prosecutor wenk. it has some trouble sustaining itself bc it is four and a half hours long but does deliver on the cat and mouse aspects. this letterboxed review has interesting things to say about the political climate of 1922 germany and how lang subverts the formula of the pulp serial.
really the film opens with mabuse yelling at his cocaine-addicted assistant, but the film properly gets going with mabuse's henchmen stealing a trade agreement (nothing really carbon dates a movie more than a missing trade agreement. vanishingly few post-early-30s movies have missing trade agreements as plot points) and then he crashes the stock market. for fun and profit.
however. i think every time you see an evil man who is a banker or stockbroker or generally uses money as power you have to interrogate whether it's antisemitic. the answer here is "maybe" but i'm not sure if intent matters when contemporary nazi critics were eager to hold mabuse up as "this is the typical jewish criminal". (sorry about the link directly to wikipedia, it's been touch finding online sources for this section). mabuse is not specifically jewish, but there are certainly elements of stereotype. i am still not good at being presented with "this movie has a shadowy behind the scenes figure manipulating the government and all the money ever" and going "hey wait a minute".
after that tremendous glaring caveat, for which i read more contemporary reviews and reviews in general than i ever read for movies in these posts, is it good? eh. a contemporary VARIETY review remarked (and i largely agree)
The direction of Fritz Lang has moments – but Lang somewhat negates his good technical effects by twenty forty-word captions of a ludicrous unconciseness.
the night scenes are particularly well done, and imo are better than many modern night scenes--other contemporary reviews remarked
In this film the techniques of the film camera (Carl Hoffmann’s brilliant photography) are brought to perfection. The problem of how to film lit-up streets at night has been solved for the first time. It is unbelievably impressive to see the glaring lights of speeding cars flash through the night or the rapid passing of an elevated train of the initially blurred, then gradually focussed glimpse through a pair of opera glasses on to the variety stage, the nuances of light and shade—these things alone prove the value of film documentary.
look at this shit! filmed from within the cars! in 1922!!!
this film asks you to believe hypnotism is real and really effective, so i don't think it's that big of a leap when it asks you to believe in ghosts. i don't understand that quibble from contemporary viewers. there are several on screen suicides with like. specific methods. which is not currently regarded as good filmmaking practice. im curious to know what contemporary audiences thought but couldn't immediately turn anything up, and wading through masters’ theses on cinematic suicide is a little beyond my current mental health.
if i were a more content-minded woman this would turn into a clickbait video essay about the antisemitic origins of every supervillan. however i am unqualified and untalented at video editing and i'm sure there are forty theses on this already. this movie is a hard sell to anyone jewish or employed. it is also a stunning example of cutting-edge film technology and part of the genesis of the modern supervillan. Fritz Lang films tend to fall in the category of “movies i am happy to see once and feel no need to revisit”.
playing what is effectively the same game three times back to back (breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, genshin impact) has sort of burned me out on open world games with a focus on battle skill progression and stumbling across little puzzles in the overworld. i have to get itch.io up and running on this pc and find the most linear jankiest possible one-sitting indie thing. or several of them. i might try the solo ttrpg Gentleman Bandit i seem to have acquired in one of the giant charity bundles
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brief breath of the wild update bc i don't want to pull screenshots off my switch: i have gotten to the boss fight for the gerudo and goron regions, have not completed them bc my focus in this game is NOT hearts, and am in the middle of the zora temple. despite the quality of life improvements and new regions in totk i think i prefer botw: progression is a bit easier, there are fewer mmo-style hub quests and repeatable quests. things like the stable photos are cute but very repetitive, so are the sign bracing puzzles, and the sky crystal quests for sky shrines feel VERY samey. also dislike how the CLEAR OUT: [REGION] quests with the monster suppression squads reset at the blood moon.
anyway! to genshin! there was an exceptionally fun little event with a surprisingly involved management sim tacked onto the game??? you make and sell potions fulfilling different requirements, and can eventually stock travelling merchants all over the continent. the actual act of making the potions was this block-filling 1010! style thing (screenshot from polygon)
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the new region, a port town and tea-growing area called Chenyu Vale, is maybe the prettiest one in the game so far? it's the one that feels the most picturesque and Designed, like this is one huge mansion garden studded with follies. they also added background chatter and noise in the cities and towns, which really startled me and makes them feels much more lived in! this is a fun trick to avoid putting in a thousand NPCs and making everyone's framerate crash. the less stuff in your game, the less shit can go wrong.
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also pulled for and got chiyori, a geo-aligned seamstress (and sometime spy???) swordswoman who has what i can only call domme voice
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ok now we'll talk about boxes. i was rearranging my kitchen, as unemployed women are known to do, and noticed this recipe box i picked up back in mass was disgusting. the finish is starting to fail but it was genuinely grody and last summer i packed my kitchen in a blind panic inside an hour and did not have time to address it. i have never seen a recipe box at an estate sale before or since and it made me desperately sad.
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it was full of a lot of stuff.
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i went at it with a somewhat inadvisable combination of things: wood soap didn't budge it, so i dampened a paper towel in vinegar and wiped it down in the vain hope it would do something. the thing that worked, and would be inadvisable for anything veneered or less densely textured, was baking soda paste and the scrubby side of a sponge. it still smells Very musty even after 48h of loose baking soda inside with several changes, but that might be partly the recipe cards' fault. i would like to refinish this at some point but i don't have polyurethane on hand and the fun little project budget is empty until further notice/i get a job.
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the hinge did rust a bit despite my best efforts but that has since been lightly steel wooled and oiled. a well loved object! it's possible the lady who died just fucking sucked and that's why literally her entire estate including many other things families usually keep was on sale, but i would like to think perhaps she simply had no other family? a well loved/used object even if all the recipes are for semi-horrifying fifties new england recipes.
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the other box, pre-acids but post-washing: this topp trading card box with seven episode one packets of cards was intact with the original seal. i have verified it was not worth much more than the $5 i paid for it with the trading card obsessed man in my best friend's husband's friendgroup. i bought this three months ago but the man was unavailable to open it until uhhh last week. some sort of liquid got inside it at some point and it was super corroded. i was going to store embroidery floss in here but even with all my powers (barkeepers friend. brasso.) i cannot completely remove the corrosion. it's not corroded Through but it looks bad and feels rough. so it goes. it'll probably hold the tiedown straps in my car bc that plastic bucket is rapidly failing
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Not people in here about to have me defend this pale man. 😅
To the anon who mentioned his white privilege. One must assume Chris got Captain America due to his race, or that he became a celeb through privilege. Yes as a white man he’s afforded privilege. I do acknowledge that.
But one must also acknowledge that Chris was a basic ……still is a basic white man from Massachusetts. He graduated high school early and went to NYC and got a damn job to try to put himself out there. He sent in letters like millions to talent agencies to try to be seen. But his ass was working in an office and saw the reality of the entertainment industry. He’s struggled to get roles and put in the time and auditioned for things. He’s now had a fair share of success and that’s led to more opportunities. Chris is also human and has his own internal problems and insecurities which I believe have hindered him professionally a bit. I don’t know the man like that, but to boldly state that he’s some rich privilege white male as though that’s the end all be all for his success is crazy to me.
Dude knew what he wanted and went after it, THAT is how he started. We are not going to sit here and try to lump all of his accomplishments and work ethic to…..well he’s white so it’s very easy for him. Has he had it easier than others in other ways simply due to his race, absolutely.
Im African American and I be damned if I sit my ass online mad at white people for being white instead of doing something productive with my life.
I deal with racism, sexism, etc but I be damned if I allow any of that to stop me from accomplishing anything. Do you think Octavia or Viola would be where they are with your mindset anon?
White people open doors for their individual needs, we open doors for each other.
Chris made sure Octavia didn’t have to be in a scene that had her petrified of being hit. He used his privilege to get her out of a scary situation. Had she complained on her own she may have been fired, idk. But if that’s not using your privilege for good then what is?
I think you miss the point of people stating just because things look like they were a “choice”, doesn’t mean that’s the end all be all, feel me?
If one believes he truly is everything implied based on how his current circumstances appear, then why waste time arguing over this white man and his privileged ass?
We have to stop this “blame the white man for all of our problems” mentality. Yes they did a lot of shit to us and its left and continues to leave scars, it’s led to systemic racism, colorism, police brutality, etc but we still made these beautiful lives, we define the culture, we are IT!
I also advise you to educate yourself on white privilege. Please google the white panther party. You have to understand that in order for us to have moved to better and get the civil right movement moving forward, we had allies in places that we weren’t allowed to be and because of these allies they assisted is making things better for us. We have rights, we have more opportunities than our ancestors and we didn’t get here alone.
My worth and value is not dependent on what evil racist choose to do. When they go low, we go high, now mind you I’ll gladly step down a few pegs to put people in their place and then rise back up to my level. 💅🏾
i think i love you, anon
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baberoe-archive · 6 months
hiiiii everyone im going to make you look at art <3 okay <3
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first up we got two photos from august sander's people of the twentieth century, a decades long project he never finished aimed at identifying and organizing the "types" of people in early twentieth century germany. in photos for this project he usually identified people along socio-economic and geographic lines. on the left we have officer, world war i, cologne (1914) and on the right we have boxers, cologne (1928). museum had a bunch of sander on display and they paired it with the shortcut to the systematic life: superficial life (2002) by tsui kuang-yu, which is outside the scope of this post but super interesting so i encourage everyone to look it up lol
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up next: the junkers officer (1934) by george grosz, another artist associated with neue sachlichkeit/new objectivity. im not well versed in german art but recently i have been so intrigued by leftist art of the weimar republic and it felt simply serendipitous. unfortunately by the time i saw this the museum was closing in 15 minutes so i had to rush out </3 SAD
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this is air war (1944) by ralston crawford. first time i heard of this artist! during wwii he served as chief of the visual presentation unit of the weather division of the army air corps in washington dc and southeast asia.
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negro soldier (1945) by robert smullyan sloan. sloan was drafted in 43 and illustrated army educational materials and posters for war bonds. the wall label says the title was given by the artist, which makes me think sloan didn't personally know this guy, which makes me very curious about the circumstances of its production. no name is given to the sitter, but he served in the european-african-middle eastern campaign in the army and was awarded a good conduct medal. sloan has a drawing at the met (station hospital [1943-44] ), but unfortunately i can't find much else about him online that might help contextualize this painting.
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i think it pairs really well with this horace pippin from 1943 called mr. prejudice. pippin served in wwi with the harlem hellfighters, and the soldier at center might be a self portrait. he has a pretty good amount of paintings about the war actually -- i normally associate him with landscapes for some reason, though i think thats just because the pippin at my local art museum is a landscape lmao. his illustrated war journals are digitized at the archives of american art if you want to check it out!
up next are some pieces of interest that i want to share but about which i otherwise have little to say
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L: untitled (military maneuvers at an abandoned mine) (1940-42) by harry gottlieb
R: italy goes to war (1941) by arthur dove
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L: christ before pilate (1949) by david aronson. wall text wants us to note the soldier's helmet is german
R: the funeral (1949) by francisco dosamantes
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ending with this delightful 1914 the wrestlers by henri gaudier-brzeska, whom the label quotes as saying, "i went to see the wrestlers -- God! i have seldom seen anything so lovely... they fought with amazing vivacity and spirit, turning in the air, falling back on their heads, and in a flash were up again on the other side, utterly incomprehensible." something about wrestling/boxing that make men gay as fuck. beautiful
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tajlibracreations · 10 months
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Divine 9 Beautiful Diva v1 Sorority Varsity Jacket by TajLibra Creations
Brand new one of a kind Varsity Jackets for the Divine 9 Sororities. These jackets feature a Beautiful African American Woman with a large Afro. Across her afro are words promoting Sisterhood.
These jackets are available for the Sims 4 and Simmers.
For the Divine 9 Sororities:
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Delta Sigma Theta
Zeta Phi Beta
Sigma Gamma Rho
CAS DOWNLOAD -  Sorority Beautiful Diva Varsity Jacket v1
Outfit Type: Clothing - Top
Sub part Type: Sweatshirt, Sweater, Jacket
Fashion Choice: Feminine
Age: Teen to Elder
All Occults (except Werewolf)
Custom Swatch
Occasions: Athletic, Everyday, Party, Sleep, Cold Weather
Swatches: 4 - AKA (pink/green), DST (red/white), ZPB (blue/white), and SGR (blue/gold)
Designs: 1 per Organization - Beautiful Diva on the front and NINETEEN plus the year on the back
Designed by TajLibra Creations, Art Designed by TajLibra Designs
Mesh: Base Game Compatible, Included
Model Credits: Photography by @tajlibra
Purchase the Real Version from the Artfully Accented Premium Products Shop
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File Name(s): TajLibra_D9_BeautifuDivav1_SororityVarsityJacket_AF
Download Available on Patreon
Uploaded on 12/07/2023
CC by @tajlibracreations @tajlibra @tajlibradesigns
Art by @tajlibradesigns and available on @tajlibradesigns (Etsy)
Purchase the real version from the Artfully Accented Premium Product Shop
DISCLAIMER: These creations are for The Sims 4 as custom content. This is content is purely for fun. Many simmers love having a piece of reality in their games. Some images were obtained from various online sources and their credit remains on the image. Please do not share disrespectful images or videos using these Divine 9 creations.  Organizations mean a lot to their members.
TajLibra Creations Terms of Use (TOU):
Do not sell or place MY custom content behind paywalls or on paysites. My content is not for sale. Link directly to my Patreon, tumblr, or simfileshare link.
Do not re-upload, re-edit, and/or then claim as your own! Please credit designs to me.
Do not include my content in pay to download lots, rooms, and/or households. Separate my content and provide it as a free download or link to my page.
I credit mesh creators and link to required meshes whenever possible, you should as well. My goal is to never use a mesh that requires payment to download.
Feel free to tag me when you use my creations. @tajlibracreations @tajlibra
Please let me know if links do not work or if you have problems with my content working in your game.
Social Media:
The Sims 4 Gallery: TajLibra (cc free builds & sims),TajLibraCreation & TajLibraCreates
Twitter: @TajLibraCreates
Facebook Page: @TajLibraCreations
Instagram: @Tajlibra
Patreon: patreon.com/TajLibra
LuniverSims: TajLibra
Tumblr: tajlibracreations.tumblr.com & tajlibra.tumblr.com
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Etsy Store for Digital Art - TajLibra Designs
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Buy Me A Coffee (Smoothie) - TajLibra: Click to Visit (accepting donations)
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Ariana Miyamoto Born May 12, 1994) became the first Miss Universe Japan of mixed-race descent on March 12, 2015. The beauty queen, the product of a brief marriage between an African American serviceman and a Japanese woman. Her father returned to America and she was raised by her mother’s side of the family in Sasebo, Japan.
She and others of half-Japanese descent are commonly referred to as “hafus.” She endured racism throughout her childhood. Some children refused to touch her, fearing that her Black skin would “rub off” on them.
She moved to Jacksonville, Arkansas to live with her father and learn more about her African American heritage. She was surrounded by people who shared her skin color, but due to her limited English and Japanese mannerisms, she had difficulty adjusting to her new home. She spent two years in Arkansas and started high school there, she returned to Japan and worked as a bartender.
She has a wide variety of interests including volleyball, cooking, and motorcycle riding. She has her motorcycle license and hopes one day to be the owner of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. She is a 5th-degree Japanese calligraphy master.
The tragic loss of her friend spurred her to enter the Miss Universe competition to confront Japanese racial stereotypes.
Her crowning has been controversial. Her reign has been ignored by the Japanese media, She has been criticized by many Japanese individuals and organizations. Online commentators, for example, stated that she is not “Japanese enough,” does not have a “real Japanese face,” and is unfit to represent Japan. She responded to her critics by arguing that her becoming Miss Japan is a specific challenge to that stereotype. She believes that her Miss Universe Japan victory is a sign of racial progress and will help start a much-needed dialogue on what it means to be Japanese.
She competed at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant where she made it to the Top 10. She is married and has two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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hogmilked · 1 year
bought like actual skincare products for the first time in years and have some notes.
the whole anti-aging cosmetic industry is really hard to avoid. i was getting stuff at a marshall’s (discount store, carries a lot of overstock from brands) to save money and it took me almost an hour to find a handful of products that weren’t advertising “anti-aging” and “youthfulness” when i just wanted a cleanser, toner, and sunscreen to help with both peeling skin and greasiness
no seriously. i found ONE facial sunscreen that didn’t have retinol or hyaluronic acid or collagen or any of that stuff in it. it was tucked away in the men’s section with beard oil and cologne because apparently facial sunscreen with no added bullshit is only for men, and women (this is borderline a fast fashion store it’s highly gendered) can only protect themselves from skin cancer if it also makes sure they never develop a smile line
so many of those serums and creams and shit are bullshit anyway. hell a lot of people can just do a wash and sunscreen and be all set. at most a basic cleanser, basic moisturizer, and sunscreen are the absolute most you need. i threw in an exfoliating toner to help even out a couple gnarly acne scars and help with how flaky my skin gets sometimes. if your skin needs more than that, you really should probably just go to a dermatologist or look for actual dermatologist’s advice instead of dumping a bunch of random oils and serums and creams n shit you saw on tiktok or instagram on your skin and hoping the benefits listed on the box will be true for you
IN MOST CASES no amount of skincare products can make up for lifestyle change. i decided to put a little more work in because the lifestyle changes i need to make to help be less oily (i literally get so greasy it makes my eyes burn) and flaky aren’t currently feasible, so i’m trying to give my skin a bit of a boost, but literally the best my skin has ever felt was when i was just drinking a shit ton of water and eating super well
other people’s skincare will rarely work the same on anyone else. everyone’s skin needs are different. when i was in high school i had a gnarly abrasion/chemical burn under my eye because i had tried a routine i saw online that was way too rough and overbearing for me. again, you 100% don’t need a 30 step routine
that being said, i used a $4 korean cleanser, a $6 glycolic acid toner (exfoliant), 100% pure african shea butter, and some sunscreen formulated for use on the face. my skin feels great. my acne doesn’t itch as much. the toner was the most expensive part. the beauty industry is a scam
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bodyalive · 8 months
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On the Texas Border, Folk Healers Bring Modern Touches to Their Ancient Practice
Known as curanderas, they carry on a tradition long revered in local Hispanic culture.
By Edgar Sandoval
Photographs by Verónica Gabriela Cárdenas
Edgar Sandoval grew up in Mexico and the Rio Grande Valley, where Verónica Gabriela Cárdenas lives and where both covered this story.
Dec. 16, 2023
On a recent day, Chriselda Hernandez heard a knock at her door in the Texas border town of Edinburg. It was a college student who said she was suffering from a string of bad luck. A drunken driver had crashed into her car. Then someone broke into the new car she was driving and stole her laptop. “I need a limpia,” she pleaded — a spiritual cleanse.
Ms. Hernandez moved to an altar in her living room that bore an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Slowly, she mixed a concoction of sage and palo santo, a wood native to South America, and lit it with a match. Then she turned back to the young woman and waved the healing smoke over her body.
“You are holding on to something,” Ms. Hernandez whispered to her. “Let it go. There is no shame.”
For generations, Hispanic communities along the Southern border have turned to curanderas, or folk healers, like Ms. Hernandez, often seen in the popular imagination as old women with candles and religious icons operating in the shadows of society out of rusty shacks.
But the ancient healing art has entered the age of Instagram. More and more younger people are taking on rituals they learned from their grandmothers and deploying them against 21st century problems. They conduct limpias on public beaches, trade recipes online for blocking “envy energies” and sell artisan candles bearing the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in shops. Their clients are often college-educated, like Clarissa Ochoa, the young woman who went to Ms. Hernandez for help.
“I think it’s an honor to be a curandera; it is something very beautiful, but also very limiting,” said Ms. Hernandez, 42. “I feel like we are breaking those boundaries, that curanderas are just herbs and little old ladies. My calling is just to heal whoever I can.”
A culture of folk healing preceded the arrival of Spaniard conquistadors to Latin America and Mexico. Over time, curanderos, a term used for healers of both genders, began mixing Indigenous rituals with elements of Catholicism and influences from Asian and African folk traditions along the way.
The practice has taken hold in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, located a stone’s throw from the Mexican border, in large part out of necessity. Hidalgo County, home to McAllen and a majority Hispanic population, has one of the highest rates in the nation of people without health insurance, and many people rely on curanderas for lack of other affordable options, said Servando Z. Hinojosa, a professor of anthropology who teaches a class on Mexican-American folk medicine at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
Mr. Hinojosa said many Hispanic residents also tend to be mistrustful of the medical establishment. This is especially true when it comes to mental health. A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that while the number of Black, Asian and white people who have sought mental health care treatments has climbed in recent years, there has been very little movement among Latinos.
“There’s an element of distrust, but there is also structural alienation,” Mr. Hinojosa said. “They are a population that will seek affordable resources, and they will go to where the products are and where the advice is to be found.”
In the past, the medical establishment has warned people not to rely on folk remedies for physical ailments, some of which can be harmful. Many Latino children have fallen ill and even died after consuming such remedies known as albayalde, azarcon and rueda, powders often used for stomach-related illnesses that have been found to contain lead.
Curanderismo has become so accepted in the Rio Grande Valley that it is not unusual to see street signs and TV ads advertising folk healing services.
Ms. Hernandez said her great-grandmothers had both been parteras, or midwives. When she was a little girl, she said, she discovered that she possessed her own set of gifts; as she grew older, she said, she began interacting with an entity she believes to be the Angel of Death, Azrael. She works at a cellphone call center and lives with a girlfriend in a modern house in the suburbs of Edinburg, a city close to the border.
“You make it your own. There is no right or wrong. You do what’s right for you,” Ms. Hernandez said.
Another modern folk healer, Danielle López, 39, a former student of Mr. Hinojosa who said she also learned she had a don, a gift, as a young girl, has embraced the moniker of millennial curandera. She has combined the old traditions she learned from the grandmother who raised her, Consuelo López, and an aunt, Esperanza Rodriguez, with new skills learned at institutions of higher education.
Her academic record includes a master of arts in interdisciplinary studies with a concentration in Mexican-American literature, medical anthropology and Latin art history at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. She is completing a doctorate in English with a focus on borderlands literature at the University of Texas at San Antonio, where she is also a lecturer.
“For me it’s a continuity,” she said of her spiritual work. “I feel like we need it more now.”
It is not unusual for people to ask her for trabajitos, little jobs, including blessings, limpias and home remedies, when she is not buried in books. Not long ago, Ms. López got a request to bless a new business for a friend. When Ms. López cleansed the establishment with a bouquet of roses, six petals fell, prompting her to warn her friend that six people “did not have good intent.”
“They may say they are happy about her new business, but they are not.”
She also sometimes offers more science-based advice. When people tell her that they are feeling anxious or cannot sleep, she recommends that they cut their intake of sugar or caffeine. Because the advice comes from a curandera, she said, people tend to trust that she has their best interests at heart.
The concept of a curandera is so pervasive in Latino enclaves that in September the Texas Diabetes Institute, a state-of-the-art facility operated by University Health on San Antonio’s west side, a historical Mexican-American neighborhood, brought back to its lobby a sprawling wall-size painting, “La Curandera,” by the Chicano painter Jesus Treviño, who died early this year. The painting had been removed for restoration.
Still, when it comes to luck and matters of the heart, many people avoid professional help and turn to curanderas, because there is no substitute, said Sasha García, 39, a curandera who is known for her fire-red hair.
In northern Mexico, where Indigenous culture is not as widespread and the Catholic Church’s hold is stronger, Ms. García said, her ancestors often operated in the shadows to avoid the stigma associated with folk healers. By contrast, on the American side of the border, she not only feels freer to practice openly, but some Catholic priests stop by for her counsel, she said.
Ms. García welcomes clients at La Casa de la Santísima Yerberia in the city of Pharr, near McAllen, next to two imposing statues of La Santísima Muerte, skeletons each wearing red and black robes. Ms. García reminds people that while the image of La Santísima, a Latina version of the Grim Reaper, may evoke frightening emotions, death is to be revered.
“If you pray to her properly, she can heal and deliver love, freedom and wealth,” she said. “I only ask her for positive things.” (She laments that criminal elements along the border and in Mexico have appropriated the image.)
On a recent afternoon, Jocelyn Acevedo, 27, a frequent client of hers who runs a credit repair service, arrived for her monthly limpia. She had heard about Ms. García four years ago and after the first limpia, she said, she saw her business begin to boom. She was so convinced by the session that she since has regularly driven 60 miles from nearby Starr County, near the Rio Grande, for her sessions. She now has a tattoo of La Santísima.
Ms. García instructed Ms. Acevedo to rub three coconuts all over her body. Ms. García then broke them on the ground to release what she said was the negative energy her client had been carrying.
“Did it work? Of course,” Ms. Acevedo said.
Ms. García has embraced touches of modernity along with the old customs, including consultations now offered over FaceTime. Her clients have responded with their own offerings from popular culture, including a sign one brought in that now hangs on the front door: “Witch Parking Only.”
“No one listens,” Ms. García said with a smile. “The word may be becoming more modern, but we curanderas are still here. Just don’t park in my spot.”
Edgar Sandoval covers Texas for The Times, with a focus on the Latino community and the border with Mexico. He is based in San Antonio. More about Edgar Sandoval
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therichantsim · 4 months
Hi. I saw your selfie with Tyler. You mentioned design essentials. I've seen that in the stores but never really heard anything about it. Can you tell us more? Is it black-owned?
Oh, man. Let me answer you below the cut.
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Hey Nony, I am a licensed senior cosmetologist and certified colorist. I'm old school, I still use Marcel irons and I actually shampooed, properly detangled, and used a Denman brush and blow dryer with a nozzle to properly blow dry my client's hair. I ain't new to this, I'm true to this, but I'm retired now. Design Essentials is black-owned and was exclusively my favorite product to use on my African-American clientele. From relaxers to curly custard and foaming mousse. Owned by Cornell McBride, Sr., CEO. They used to be exclusively sold in salons by distributors but are now available at local beauty supply chains that are open to the public and online. There are a plethora of videos on YouTube from people testing out the products. To this day I still use the mousse, edge control, and setting lotion.
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kawaiixchaotic · 8 months
it's not that im getting sick of pink it's that i miss having a variety of colors and i still love pink i just love other colors too and it's starting to hit me how much I've been "Influenced" and how so many of the trends for femininity online are hella consumerist and it was fun but now I just feel duped bc if im being honest pink was not a huge part of my childhood like at all in fact growing up i really liked blue, purple, magenta, and also wore a good amount of red, black & white stripes, and orange, i really didn't wear pink much and sure i had barbie dolls that i liked and i loved all the barbie movies but i distinctly remember liking bratz dolls better bc they had more dolls that actually looked like me. growing up black & african how femininity was expressed by the women around me was not pink and frills and bows it was splashes of earthy colors and jewel tones and intricate patterns and henna and chunky 22k yellow gold jewelry and long beautiful braids, so i wonder why i hit my 20s and started getting into "girlhood nostalgia" for a white western expression of femininity that younger me never truly lived and would probably never relate to.
whose concept of beauty and girlhood/womanhood am i putting on like a mask to hide my insecurities?
why must our methods of self-soothing and connecting with our inner child constantly revolve around consumption? if u look at all the coquette, girly girl aesthetic branches, there is always new products to buy to attain a certain lifestyle. there's moodboards of (skinny, pretty, white) women to emulate, music to listen to, and books to read so u can all think and act and talk and look the same, so u can be the perfect archetype.
idk man. I've been Thinking.
I still love pink, and I still enjoy the coquette girly girl thing, the fashion is very cute. But I'm not... OBSESSED with it anymore. I no longer want to have every fucking thing I own be covered in Sanrio & pink and bows and frills.
And it feels weird, like I've snapped out of something, or I was under a spell of some sort.
Really funny when I think about it.
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thandiwemasuku · 6 days
The importance of setting Boundaries on Social Media for Mental Health and Well-being.
Its out of discussion that social media has been one of the main factor to contribute towards mental health. In today’s hyper-connected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to stay in touch with friends, share experiences, follow news, and even express ourselves creatively. However, while social media offers many benefits, it can also have a significant impact on mental health if not used mindfully. Setting boundaries around social media use is critical to maintain a healthy balance, protect mental well-being, and prevent the negative consequences of overexposure.
This blog will explore why social media boundaries are important for mental health, the signs that you might need boundaries, and practical tips for setting and maintaining them.
What do I think About this Current topic?
It is hilarious how easily a person can be maladaptive and have mental health issues over what someone says about them on social media. But guess what, it is what happens everyday. Social media has changed how we communicate and share information, offering new ways to connect, express ourselves, and promote causes. But it has also caused problems like spreading false information, online bullying, and creating a culture where people constantly compare themselves to others. These issues affect both individuals and society. For example, the pressure to always show a "perfect" version of yourself online can make people feel like they need to live up to unrealistic standards of success, beauty, and happiness, which can shape how society views these things.
Social Media Impact In South African Context.
Social media's influence extends to social relationships and mental health. While it offers opportunities for connection, it can also exacerbate feelings of isolation and anxiety, particularly among youth. The South African context underscores the dual-edged nature of social media, reflecting both its potential for positive change and the need for mindful usage and regulation (Moyo, Mbheki 2021).
Why Setting Boundaries on Social Media Matters
Social media has transformed the way we communicate, but it also comes with its challenges, particularly concerning mental health. When unregulated, social media use can contribute to anxiety, stress, and other mental health challenges. Therefore, setting boundaries around social media is a critical component of mental wellness. The following are reasons why setting boundaries is essential:
Constant exposure to curated and filtered versions of other people’s lives can lead to unhealthy comparisons. This contributes to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and depression, as individuals may start to believe that they fall short in their own lives. This has been evident in in young teens in my area. They see their peers with things desired things and media posts and start to doubt themselves of the "content" they make, which is a negative factor because it does not only affect their mental health, but their respect for parents and making demands when they can see that the parents do not afford.
Social media addiction is a behavioral addiction that is characterized as being overly concerned about social media, driven by an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media, and devoting so much time and effort to social media that it impairs other important life areas (Andreassen, 2012). These life areas are productivity at work or school which can result to loss of the job resulting in unemployment and reduced quality of life, especially because one of the other jobs requirement is a clean social media profile not unnecessary posts and streams. Sleep patterns are also changed and that results to unproductivity the following day, and real-life relationships and activities of daily life.
Social media opens the door to sharing personal thoughts and experiences with a broad audience. Without boundaries, this can lead to vulnerability, especially when encountering negative comments, criticism, or online harassment from other people. This is the most common factor because people end up killing themselves nowadays because of social media comments and harassment . Some people can not take negative criticism and therefore this results in severe mental health issues, where people now isolate themselves, see themselves as inadequate because they allow they receive negative comments of social media.
While social media keeps people connected, it can also create a disconnect from face-to-face interactions. Setting boundaries ensures that online time doesn’t replace meaningful offline relationships.
Signs You Might Need Boundaries on Social Media
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These signs are indicative of the symptoms that may occur when you're overusing social media. If you're experiencing all of them, you may consider setting and implementing the following healthy social media boundaries and protect your mental well-being.
Practical Tips for Setting Boundaries on Social Media.
1. Allocate specific times for social media use each day, and stick to those boundaries. The ways I usually refrain from social media for unwanted exposure is using a feature that includes track screen time and allow you to set limits on certain apps. By being this conscious of the time I spend on social media, it reduces mindless scrolling and increase focus on other important aspects of my life.
2. Another way is to establish areas in your life where social media is off-limits. For example, you could designate “no-phone zones” in the bedroom or during meals. This can help create a healthier relationship with social media, fostering more mindfulness and better sleep hygiene.
3. Social media allows you to curate your feed, so make use of it! If certain accounts make you feel insecure, anxious, or angry, don’t hesitate to unfollow or mute them. Surround yourself with content that uplifts and inspires rather than bringing you down. This is the most easy way out cyberbullying or social media addiction.
4. As much as this could be difficult, you can consider taking periodic social media crashes, whether that’s a day, weekend, or even a week off. These breaks give you the chance to reconnect with yourself, your surroundings, and your relationships without the constant distraction of online activity. This may foster improved social interaction and IPRs in more face to face/ meet ups interaction with family members without using the social media.
6. Set boundaries around what you post and how much personal information you reveal. It's not every thought or experience needs to be shared online. Before posting, ask yourself if sharing this information serves a purpose or if it leaves you vulnerable to negative feedback or unnecessary exposure. This will limit the negative comments and rather foster good and positive feedback from other people.
7. It is very important to pay attention to how you feel before, during, and after using social media. If certain platforms, posts, or interactions consistently make you feel worse, it’s time to reevaluate your social media habits. Set limits on interactions that provoke negative emotions and prioritize those that contribute to your well-being.
How to Maintain Social Media Boundaries
Communicate Your Boundaries: Let your friends, family, and followers know about your social media boundaries. By informing them that you may not be as responsive online, you’ll manage their expectations and feel less pressure to engage constantly.
Reflect Regularly: Periodically evaluate your social media habits. Are your boundaries working? Do you need to adjust them? Stay flexible and willing to adapt as your needs change over time.
Seek Support: If you’re struggling to maintain healthy boundaries, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor who can guide you in managing social media use and its impact on mental health.
Conclusion: Ethical Considerations and Reflection.
As a student OT, I believe that advocacy and applying the following ethics can significantly contribute to improving clients' relationships with social media, several ethical considerations must be acknowledged. The advocacy will then emphasize the importance of following these ethics and how they ensure . In case the client has this problem, these may be applied.
Respecting Autonomy: Clients should retain control over their social media use. As an OT, I would balance offering guidance with respecting clients’ choices and autonomy. This involves ensuring that boundary-setting is collaborative and client-centered, rather than prescriptive.
Privacy and Confidentiality: In cases where social media posts reflect mental health struggles, it is very vital to carefully navigate privacy issues. Encouraging open dialogue and education about the implications of sharing sensitive information online can be part of therapy provided by OT.
Cultural Sensitivity: Social media practices differ widely across cultures. What may seem like overuse in one cultural context may be completely normative in another. Advocacy to remain culturally sensitive and avoid imposing their views on what constitutes "appropriate" use of social media.
Andreassen, C. S., Torsheim, T., Brunborg, G. S., & Pallesen, S. (2012). Development of a Facebook Addiction Scale. Psychological Reports, 110(2)
Avena Psychological Services.
Michigan Medicine)
Moyo, D., & Mbeki, T. (2021). Social Media in South Africa: Influence, Impact, and Implications. African Media Review, 12(4).
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Royal African Health & Beauty's Lingerie & Swimwear Collection
At Royal African Health & Beauty, we believe that confidence comes from within. That's why we've curated a stunning collection of lingerie and swimwear that's designed to make you feel comfortable, confident, and empowered.
Our collection features a range of styles, from sultry lace lingerie sets to vibrant swimsuits that will have you turning heads at the beach. Each piece is crafted from high-quality materials that feel luxurious against your skin, and is designed to flatter your curves and accentuate your natural beauty.
Visit Us - http://bit.ly/40E7ko9
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sammy-digi-1 · 24 days
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sammydigitaleu · 1 month
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globalcitytees · 2 months
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🌍✨ Introducing the 'Dance of Freedom' Collection! ✨🌍
Celebrate the beauty, strength, and joy of African women with our stunning new "Dance of Freedom" design! This captivating artwork features an African woman dancing joyfully, her dress swirling in a burst of vibrant colors, embodying the spirit of freedom and cultural pride.
🛍️ Available Now on T-Shirts and More! 🛍️
Whether you’re in New York, Paris, Tokyo, or Cape Town, bring a piece of this empowering design into your life. Our "Dance of Freedom" print is now available on a variety of products, perfect for adding a touch of elegance and cultural celebration to your everyday style. Check out our collection:
👚 T-Shirts: Soft, comfortable, and stylish – wear your pride on your sleeve. 📱 Phone Cases: Protect your device with a touch of vibrant culture. 👜 Tote Bags: Carry your essentials with an added flair of freedom and joy. 📓 Notebooks: Keep your thoughts and ideas in a notebook that inspires creativity. ☕ Mugs: Start your day with a cup of coffee and a reminder of beauty and strength. 🎨 Art Prints: Decorate your space with this inspiring piece of art. 🧢 Caps: Stay cool and stylish while showcasing a powerful message. 🛋️ Cushions: Add a burst of color and culture to your home decor. 👗 Dresses: Feel the freedom in every step with our beautifully designed dresses. 🎒 Backpacks: Perfect for school, work, or travel, carry the spirit of freedom with you.
✨ Worldwide Shipping Available! ✨
No matter where you are in the world, you can own a piece of this beautiful design. We offer worldwide shipping so you can celebrate the "Dance of Freedom" no matter your location.
📸 Share Your Style! 📸
We’d love to see how you style your "Dance of Freedom" products! Tag us in your photos with #DanceOfFreedom and join our community of cultural celebration.
🌟 Get Yours Now! 🌟
Visit our online store to explore the full "Dance of Freedom" collection and find the perfect piece to add to your wardrobe or home. Let’s celebrate the beauty, strength, and joy of African women together!
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checkcashing247 · 2 months
Discover the Beauty of African Handmade Gifts
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African handmade gifts are more than just items; they are a testament to the rich cultural heritage and craftsmanship of the African continent. These unique pieces often carry stories of tradition, skill, and creativity passed down through generations. Whether you are looking for a meaningful gift or a beautiful addition to your home, African handmade gifts offer a diverse range of options that reflect the vibrant cultures of Africa.
Why Choose African Handmade Gifts?
Unique and Authentic
Each African handmade gift is a unique piece of art, crafted with care and precision. From intricately woven baskets to hand-carved wooden sculptures, these items are made by skilled artisans who infuse their creations with cultural significance and personal touch. Owning an African handmade gift means possessing something truly one-of-a-kind.
Support Local Artisans
Purchasing African handmade gifts directly supports local artisans and their communities. Many of these craftsmen rely on their skills as a primary source of income. By buying their products, you contribute to the sustainability of their livelihoods and help preserve traditional crafts that might otherwise be lost.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly
African handmade gifts are often made from natural and sustainable materials, such as wood, clay, beads, and textiles. These materials are sourced responsibly, ensuring minimal impact on the environment. Additionally, the handmade nature of these products means less reliance on mass production and industrial processes, making them an eco-friendly choice.
Cultural Connection
African handmade gifts offer a tangible connection to the diverse cultures and traditions of the continent. Each item reflects the artistic expressions and heritage of its creator. Whether it's a piece of jewelry, a decorative mask, or a textile, these gifts provide a window into the rich tapestry of African life.
Types of African Handmade Gifts
African handmade jewelry is renowned for its beauty and diversity. From beaded necklaces and bracelets to intricate metalwork and gemstones, African jewelry often incorporates traditional symbols and designs. These pieces make for stunning accessories and meaningful gifts.
Textiles and Clothing
African textiles, such as kente cloth, mudcloth, and batik, are celebrated for their vibrant colors and patterns. Handwoven and hand-dyed, these fabrics can be used to create clothing, home decor items, or accessories. Wearing or displaying these textiles is a way to celebrate African artistry and culture.
Home Decor
African handmade home decor items include everything from hand-carved wooden sculptures and masks to woven baskets and pottery. These pieces can add a touch of African elegance to any space, serving as conversation starters and adding cultural depth to your home.
Traditional Crafts
Many African regions are known for their distinctive traditional crafts, such as Zulu beadwork, Maasai jewelry, and Tuareg leatherwork. These crafts often have cultural and symbolic significance, making them valuable keepsakes and thoughtful gifts.
Where to Find African Handmade Gifts
Local Markets and Shops
If you have the opportunity, visiting local markets and shops in African communities is a wonderful way to find authentic handmade gifts. Engaging with the artisans and learning about their craft adds a personal dimension to your purchase.
Online Retailers
Many online retailers specialize in African handmade gifts, offering a wide selection of items from different regions. These platforms often provide detailed descriptions and background information about the artisans, ensuring that you make an informed and ethical purchase.
Cultural Festivals and Fairs
Cultural festivals and fairs celebrating African heritage often feature stalls and exhibitions showcasing handmade crafts. These events are great opportunities to explore a variety of gifts and meet the artisans behind the creations.
African handmade gifts are more than just beautiful objects; they are a celebration of culture, tradition, and craftsmanship. By choosing these unique pieces, you not only enrich your life with authentic art but also support the artisans who keep these traditions alive. Whether you're looking for a special gift or a meaningful addition to your home, African handmade gifts offer a world of possibilities.
Visit Here: https://www.wakuda.co.uk/
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jukasorganicco · 2 months
Where to Buy Red Palm Oil: A Culinary and Functional Ingredient
Red palm oil, with its vibrant color and rich flavor profile, has become a popular ingredient in recent years. Not only does it add a touch of the exotic to dishes, but it's also packed with potential health benefits. If you're looking to incorporate red palm oil into your cooking or beauty routine, you might be wondering where to buy red palm oil.
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Here's a guide to help you find this unique ingredient:
Specialty Grocery Stores:
Many specialty grocery stores, particularly those focusing on international or natural foods, stock red palm oil. These stores often carry a wider variety of products, including organic and sustainably sourced options. Look for the oil in the international aisle or near other cooking oils.
Online Retailers:
The internet offers a vast selection of red palm oil, with retailers ranging from major online grocers to smaller specialty shops. This allows you to compare prices, brands, and even find unrefined or cold-pressed varieties. Be sure to choose a reputable seller and check for certifications like USDA Organic if that's important to you.
Ethnic Markets:
Depending on your location, ethnic markets, particularly those specializing in African or Caribbean foods, might be a great place to find red palm oil. These stores often carry high-quality staples used in traditional cuisines that naturally incorporate red palm oil.
Considerations When Buying Red Palm Oil:
If you’re wondering where to buy red palm oil, the below points may help you in taking your decision:
Source: Look for brands committed to sustainable sourcing practices. Responsible harvesting helps protect rainforests and ensures the long-term viability of this valuable resource.
Processing: Unrefined or cold-pressed red palm oil retains more of its natural nutrients and flavor compared to refined options.
Quantity: Consider how much red palm oil you plan to use. Smaller bottles might be suitable for occasional use, while larger quantities might be more economical for frequent cooks.
Storing Red Palm Oil:
Store your red palm oil in a cool, dark place, ideally in a pantry or cupboard. Once opened, it's best to refrigerate the oil to extend its shelf life.
Using Red Palm Oil:
Red palm oil has a high smoke point, making it suitable for various cooking methods, from sauteing to frying. Its rich, nutty flavor complements savory dishes like stews, soups, and curries. You can also use it in baking for a unique twist on breads or desserts.
Beyond the Kitchen: Red palm oil has also gained popularity in the beauty world for its potential benefits for skin and hair health. If you ask where to buy red palm oil for skin care, look for it in some natural skincare products or use a small amount directly on your skin or hair (after a patch test, of course). With a little planning, you can easily find high-quality red palm oil to explore its culinary and functional uses. So next time you're looking to add a vibrant touch to your cooking or beauty routine, consider incorporating this unique and versatile ingredient.
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