#after a while he ended up leaving ealry. but it was nice to have him there
squirmydonnie · 10 months
V3nt :
I was supposed to write something herbitbis
I this is thenmessage.
I will btvbsgoungbto skeep.
Bibmake a conhery seatac
The more normal I gargle less I engisybthebstatwmnwtsbi. Make.
Whatbid ti dont want to make snese.
I do put a ton of effort into every single thing I do. Which gets incredbley teirmg. I don't relay feel like doing that.
I kind of get tired of that.
Is there a cat outside. What was that.
I take si whole of time for other people. I don't really wonder why. Theres nothing to wonder.
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themadauthorshatter · 2 years
Okay, so if you saw my poll post, you saw this coming, and, to make a long story short, this is a rewrite for the movie Robots
One thing right off the bat, I'm establishing that this will have more edge because I've seen to much whump posts and it's a movie about Robots, so we can be a little more loose with the rules.
We do start with seeing Rodney grow up and become the robot he is, but we're also seeing stuff like his schooling, seeing that even with hand-me-downs and being a 'misfit' he is a bright student and does well and is very humble about it. In this school, there are both outmodes and "new model" robots that are shiny and pretty, and one of these robots is Cappy, who is also a bright student. The two know each other more and talk frequently, because they're friends and they're nice to each other, but Cappy leaves for the city because that's where robots really shine. Both do watch the Bigweld show and are inspired, but Cappy, as she leaves for the city, tells Rodney to keep doing what he's doing and not give up, because he can shine no matter what he's made of. For clarification purposes, this would happen MAYBE a few years before Rodney graduates school and works at the same restaurant as his dad.
Also established early is Ratchet, who starts off as an assistant to Bigweld before rising in ranks. In the ealry chapters of the movie, he'd be scene in the background of the show, but he steadily moves closer until he's eventually a spokesman in the show itself before it ends.
Wonderbot is still here and acts as a sort of voice of reason for Rodney because he just doesn't listen to his own sometimes, something that will come nack a few times.
A lot of the story stays the same, Rodney is a big fan of Bigweld, he's a bot that's gotten hand-me-downs all his life, he's a skilled inventor, all that jazz.
The only real tweek I can think of is he has a small amount of resentment for not being all new and shuny like some other robots he sees and it hurts him and makes him lash out at his parents and himself, and even Cappy, but Cappy reminds Rodney that being shiny isn't all that great because there are only two colors in being shiny: Chrome and gold. Any darker or 'dyed' metal isn't considered "new and pretty" so she's stuck looking boring and dull next to everyone else. Her upgrades don't serve a purpose except for aesthetics and the only thing that isn't an aesthetic that she's allowed to have are her roller blade heels, and she hates them because she didn't even want them in the first place. She compares all that to Rodney, who is colorful, easy to look at, FUN to look at, his upgrades DO something for him and he can always switch out hand-me-downs and make himself something new. It's a whole emotional scene, but what it boils down to is Cappy, a robot that is rich enough for upgrades 24/7 and is going to the big city for the big name status, is essentially cracking under the pressure and also has some anger towards Rodeny who has an easy life, in her eyes, and yet he's complaining about it. Rodney does also express that he has some anger towards Cappy for the same reason, but admits that he's also just tired of seeing upgraded robots be snooty and talk about how he and his family are ones that use hand-me-downs and spare parts rather than upgrades because it gets to be degrading after a while. Rodney does apologize and make it up to his parents, and even learns for himself the benefits of his hand-me-downs price to be more durable than some of the upgrades; MORE ON THIS LATER
Rodney is still called a hand-me-down and his dad still works as a dishwasher, and his big "I need to find a need" moment comes from wanting to make his father's job a little easier. His mom is supportive, but makes sure that he knows to not get too caught up in the hand-me-down or "outmode" stuff, even telling him what being an "outmode" means more clearly than Cappy.
Rodney still leaves for Bigweld city, telling his mother that he wants to be someone, then explaining that he wants to be more than Rodeny the Hand-me-down son of a dishwasher, that he wants to invent and improve people's lives and simply be MORE. Both parents accept this, though Rodney's mother is more reluctant because this is her only son, and Rodeny leaves as he promises to make both parents proud, though both admit that he already does.
IN THE BIG CITY!!!!!! Not much changes when Rodney first arrives. He still runs into Fender and Deisel, still ends up looking for Bigweld Industries, and still takes the ball transport with Fender on accident. The two share some small talk, mainly Fender learning where Rodney's trying to go and then giving a hint that Bigweld isn't around anymore with a forced encouraging smile and a mention that Fender has a place to stay.
The "ride" goes about the same, but Fender is literally knocked away by the giant hammer right as he's about to tell Rodney to look for him as night falls.
Rodeny meets Tim and the exchange stays the same, but when Rodeny asks how people get in and join the industry itself and why the rules changed, Tim says they left with Bigweld before "leaving on a lunchbreak."
Our real introduction to Ratchet remains mostly the same. The only thing that will change is he's somewhat focused on Cappy, who has been working with the company for a while and is now worn down, tired, and all together jaded from events we don't know about(these will come to be known to be Bigweld's resignation). The plan to stop the production of spare parts in favor of upgrades is still here, and we see Cappy get very uncomfortable with it, and having an offoce near Ratchet, who has taken a subtle interest in her.
What changes is when Rodeny shows up, as in he still uses Wonderbot to fly to the window in order to get in. Cappy would see this and try not to react, firstly because there's a robot scrambling to commit a B and E, and then because it's RODNEY trying to commit a B and E, and then succeeding because he falls in and onto the board room table, and we get a classic reaction from both Cappy and Rodney:
"Uh... Hi, Cappy."
Ratchet is not happy about seeing Rodney or almost getting hit by Wonderbot.
Rodney still apologizes and asks to see Bigweld, even explaining why he came in through the window, but Ratchet tells him that if the gate closes, that means Rodeny should turn tail and leave.
Rodney asks if he can at least tell him how to contact Bigweld or when he'll be back in, but Ratchet has a better idea:
Kicking both Wonderbot and Rodney out of the building.
Rodney is still magnetized and meets Tim again, who's shocked to see him. Rodney explains what happened and how Bigweld wasn't even there, then sees the new motto:
"Why be you, when you can be new?"
He asks Tim who he met, explaining what Ratchet looks like, and Tim explains back to him that he met the new head of Bigweld Industries and, seeing where Rodney is, probably doesn't like him or how his "outmoded" behind in the city.
Rodney asks why Ratchet is in Bigweld's chisr and spot, but Tim snaps for Rodney to get lost before he ends up in worse trouble.
Rodney is stuck more or less shuffling down the road, unable to properly lift his feet, and he encounters a Sweeper. It's something of a tense moment with Rodney being stuck to the sidewalk as the Sweeper draws close, but he evades it and ends up falling and getting himself stuck in a large can.
The Chop Shop scene happens as usual, but Gasket, being a mother, asks Ratchet why he looks disgruntled and isn't his usual self. He tries denying it, but she eventually makes him reveal that Rodeny is around and she only thinks to keep her ear to the ground because it's been years since they had a persistent inventor try to throw things off.
There's more to this, but I'll make that a part 2. Hope you enjoyed!!
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awkwardkitten13 · 4 years
Oh My My (Drarry fan fic written to Oh My My by Blue October)
Harry's POV
Harry paced his living room waiting for Ron and Hermione to get there. He was being forced to go to a concert. It would be the first time out since the war ended three years ago, but Hermione talked him into it saying that it was a muggle rock concert so it was highly unlikely they'd see someone they knew.  After thirty minutes of pacing he finally heard the door bell.  Instead of apperating they all climbed into a cab and they were of.
"So who's playing?" Harry asked as he watched the dark trees and building pass the cab window.
"Mostly indie bands, Wretched Air, Home For Sale and I hear Dirty blue will be there, they're supposed to be really good." Ron said. Harry didn't reply. He just stayed quiet till they arrived. As the first two bands played Harry stayed by the bar watching  Ron and Hermione dance. He finally got bored so he asked the bartender for a rum and coke. About four of those later he was finally feeling a bit looser.
It was at that time he looked up at the stage. The next band was just setting up, when the singer stepped up to the microphone Harry's jaw dropped. standing beneath the spotlight with bright blue hair, leather pants, and a tatted up torso was Draco Malfoy. He began to sing and harry was fully entranced. He couldn't turn away. Draco's voice had him lulled into hypnosis, and he was reminded of all those times he wanted to touch him when they were in school together. When they reached a slower love song it felt like draco was staring directly at him and his heart began to pound frantically. He couldn't understand why he felt this way still.
Draco's POV
As the band set up before the lights came on Draco scanned the crowd, but he almost fainted when his eyes got to the back where the bar was. Standing back there wearing tight blue jeans and a black T-Shirt was a familiar mop of black hair. He shook his head and reminded himself that this happened every show. He always thought he'd seen Harry before every show but its always turn out to be some stranger. He stepped up to the microphone and prepared for the first song, but before the lights came on the stranger turned around and this time his dream had come true. There was harry starring straight back at him with a socked expression on his face.
Draco put everything he could into his performance that night and when it came to the love song he sang it directly to Harry, as if he finally wanted harry to know how he felt. At the end of his bands set he threw on his jacket and went out front to "get a drink" as he told his mates. Really he just hoped to run into Harry. As he approached the bar he could feel Harry's eyes melting into him from just a few feet away. Form the corner of his eye he could see Harry trying to walked towards him but he was stopped by some drunk girl.
"Your super cute." Draco overhead the girl say to Harry. Draco kind of felt a little remorse and was ready to return to the green room when he heard harry's response.
"Sorry I don't swing that way, if you'd excuse me there's someone I have to meet." Draco smiled to himself as Harry finally made his way to his side.
"So the great Harry Potter's a gay huh? who'd have thought?" Draco said before Harry could say anything.
"Judging by those pants, your not so straight yourself Malfoy." Harry laughed.
"You got a problem with that, hot stuff?" Draco said as he turned and gave Harry a wink. Harry turned bright red and Draco couldn't help but smile.
"well that's a first!" Harry laughed.
"What? The flirting?" Draco asked.
"No, smiling while you flirted with me!" They both laughed.
Draco felt amazing it was the first time he'd talked to Harry and no pain was shed. He couldn't stop himself from asking, "Hey you wanna get out of here?"
Harry's POV
Harry stood there shocked for a moment. He never expected Draco to ask that. "I'd like that alot. Let me message Ron and Hermione and let them know i'm leaving."
He sent Hermione a message saying he was leaving with another friend and with in seconds Draco had him by the hand and they were getting into a cab. The skin on skin contact filled his stomach with butterflies.
"So is Granger going to be mad that you ditched them?" Draco laughed.
It took Harry a minute to comprehend what he had said because he was too busy staring at Draco's laughing face. He couldn't remember if he had ever seen him genuinely laugh before. He found it absolutely beautiful. He shook his head, "No but Ron might be." he laughed in return.
They laughed and told stories of what they'd been up to the past three years, and within 15 minutes they arived at Draco's flat.
"Do you want a drink?" Draco asked as they entered the extravagant flat.
"Sure!" Harry said feeling a little nervous now. Draco poored him another rum and coke and they both sat down on the couch.
"I hope i don't get you to flustered but i got to take the jacket off." Draco laughed with a wink.
"Get me to fl...?" Harry went to say but stopped mid sentence with his mouth still open when Draco finally had the jacket off. He had forgoten he was shirtless underneath.
Draco looked at him and laughed. "I wasnt being serious."
"What?" HArry shook his head again and tried not to stair at Draco's toned Tattooed torso. "Oh, I'm not flustered." He said turning red and feeling a stirring in his pants.
"Oh really?" Draco said with a bit of sass, "So if i..." Draco trailed of as he scooted closer on the sofa.
"What are you doing?" Harry said as he began to panic a little but in a good way.
"Nothing." Draco smiled as he lifted his hand and gently touched Harry's knee. Harry let out a quiet moan. "Ha not flustered my ass."
"Oh come on how could I not be you've always been so hot to meand that tattoos just add to it!?" Harry exclaimed and stuck his tongue out.
"Oh yeah? I've always been hot to you?" Draco smiled.
"Yes." Harry said quietly. Draco got up and straddled harry's lap with out warning making Harry's go eye wide. He slowly leaned down so his lips were brushing Harry's ear.
"I've always found you hot too," He whispered as his hand slowly slid up to harry's ribs, " But no one sticks their tongue out me." Harry felt him smile and soon he was being tickled viciously. they both laughed and Harry rolled trying to get away, but it was no use Draco had him. Somehow they ended up on the floor though and Draco paused for a moment. They were looking into each others eye. they just sat there staring for what seemed like eternity. Till Draco broke the silent with a whisper " What? Whatcha gunna do?" For some reason the way he said that sounded like the hottest thing Harry had ever heard. Harry smiled and placed his hand on Draco's cheek. Draco leaned down and they kissed passionately.
When they pulled away they were both out of breath. "I've been waiting to do that for years." They both said in unison. They smiled and Draco caught Harry's lips again. He slid his hand inside harry's shirt and harry let out a light moan, just enough for Draco to snake his tongue into his mouth and explore every inch of it. Harry bucked his hips up and that was the first time he'd heard Draco moan, but before he could cause any friction Draco stopped.
"Did i do something wrong?" He asked kind of hurt.
"No baby, no." Draco said and harry had to hide his blush at the pet name," I was just thinking, I want to do this right. I dont want our first time together to be some drunken night. I want us both to be sober and for the night to be perfect. If i keep going i won't be able to stop myself." He brushed Harry's cheek with his hand. "Can i take you to dinner sometime?"
Harry laughed, "I wish you were this perfect a few years ago. I'd like that a lot."
This time Draco stuck his tongue out at harry, so harry pinned him and started tickling his sides. Draco wriggled and escaped pinning Harry to the ground again. "Nice try."
"How's Saturday?"
"For dinner?"
"That will be perfect." Draco smiled. He hadn't felt this happy ever.
Harry left about thirty minutes later.
Draco POV
Saturday arrived like syrup on a cold day. Draco almost went crazy from the waiting, he was so excited.
He styled his blue hair and put on his best green button up with his black skinny jeans and combat boots. He was out the door and at the restaurant 30 minuted ealry. He sat at the bar and waited for harry. Soon he saw the all to familiar mop of black hair walk in the door. Harry was wearing a tight red T-shirt and dark blue jean that were just tight enough to show off his perfect ass. He smiled and approached and almost drooling Draco.
"Hi, sorry i didn't relise this would be such a nice place. I should have dress up a little more." Harry said.
"You're fine you look sexy." Draco replied leaving Harry blushing. "Shall we sit down?"
Dinner was perfect. They laughed and picked on each other, shared secrets, and even talked about what happened in school and put it behind them. After, the sat outside the restaurant and talked somemore till the sun was long gone.
"I dont normally ask this on a first date, but do you wanna come back to my flat? There's something i want to show you." Draco asked.
"Ive already been back to your flat." Harry laughed.
"True." Draco smiled in return, "So is that a yes then?"
"Yes." Harry laughed again.
They apperated back to Draco's flat and he let them in the front door.
"What is it you wanted..." Before harry could finish his sentence he was pushed up against the door and kissed.
Draco pulled back and both were out of breath. "Was that it?" Harry asked giggling.
"No. I've just been waiting to do that all night." Draco whispered in harry's ear sending shivers through Harry's body. "Come with me." Draco whispered again. He took Harry's hand and lead him to the living room where harry sat on the couch. He walked over to the closet and pulled out an acoustic guitar. He then pulled up the ottoman and sat in front of Harry. Harry was quiet but his face showed excitement and that made Draco smile. Draco started to strum and sing...
"You wear black hair I have blue
You look sadder than most boys do
The way you walk around
Always watching the ground
Well I like watching you
Your friends, they don't like me
I think they're jealous of my tattoos
I'm not a bad guy
Just like wearing black
I'm not scared of anything
But saying this to you
It's going down, neither of us wanna be alone right now
come on come on"
Draco looked up and he could physically see Harry falling in love and that made him fall too.
Harry's POV
When Draco started to sing Harry felt his chest grow warm. He felt himself fall in love and it was the realist it had ever felt.
"Oh my my
Yeah I'm loving all your warning signs
Cause I'm a sucker for you oh my my
boy you get me high
Yeah you're my type, you're danger, danger"
Draco looked up again and paused. They stared at each other with a burning intensity for what seemed like forever. Then Draco quickly moved the guitar to the side and they collided in a frenzied kiss. Harry laid down pulling Draco in between his legs
Draco grabbed harry's wrists and pinned him to the couch. He then kissed his way down to harry's neck and started sucking and biting till he heard harry let out a loud moan. He continued biting and licking the spot that made him moan till he felt Harry's hips jerk up and felt Harry's hard cock against his. This time he let out a hard moan and harry took the opportunity to capture his mouth and snake his tongue inside. He grabbed Draco's hips and started rubbing their cocks together through their pants. Draco became a moaning mess and soon couldn't take it anymore he stood up leaving Harry shocked but not as shocked as he was when Draco picked him up and carried him to his bedroom.
"Is the what you want?" Draco whispered sweetly as he laid Harry on the bed.
"Yes, more then anything." Harry whispered in return. Draco swished his wand and both they shoes were off. he then sat his wand by the bed. "Why didn't you just undress both of us?" Harry asked.
"Because i want to undress you myself and savor every inch of your skin." Draco whispered hotly. He then gently cupped Harry's face and kissed him passionately while straddling his hips. He slipped his hand under harry's shirt and started circling on of his nipples. Harry's breath hitched and he let out a quiet moan. soon Draco was slipping Harry's shirt off and sliding down to bite and lick at his nipples till Harry was shaking and gripping the sheets. Draco slowly unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside.
"Come here. I want to feel you against me."Harry moaned as Draco obeyed and pessed his naked chest against Harry's. " I need to feel more of you." Harry moan into their kiss. They both started fumbling with the buttons and zippers on each other pants. Soon they were both in nothing but their boxers grinding against each other in a moaning mess.
"I need more, baby." Draco moaned.
"Me too. Please fuck me Draco." Harry whispered in Draco's ear. If Draco Hadn't caught himself he would have came right there. Hearing harry beg for him was such a turn on. He slid Harry's boxers off, admiring the girth of his cock as he did so, and conjured some lube. He then grabbed Harry's cock, which harry was not prepared for and let out a loud moan as Draco slipped it into his mouth and down his throat. Then harry felt Draco's wet finger start to slide into his hole. He moaned even louder and gripped the sheets. Within a few thrusts harry was begging for more so Draco added a finger and began scissoring them.
"Baby i need you cock!" Harry moaned.
Draco pulled his fingers out and popped Harry's cock out of his mouth. He then slipped of his boxers watching Harry's face the whole time, and giggling when harrys eyes got wide at the size of his cock.
"Do you think you can take all 9 inches?" Draco laughed
"I don't know but i'll try." Harry laughed in return, "Do you want me to turn around?"
"No, I wanna see you face when i'm balls deep in you." Draco said as he kissed harry deeply while lubing up his cock and sliding it in ever so slowly.
"Oh gods! Your'e so big, Draco!" Harry moaned.
"You can take it." Draco moaned in return. Harry was so tight aground him it took everything he had not to cum.
Soon he was burried to the hilt and he could feel Harry quivering around him. "PLease Draco, move." Harry begged.
Draco pulled out slowly then slammed back into him making Harry scream with pleasure.
"Oh Gods, please dont stop!" Harry screamed.
Draco started puling out fast and slamming back inside harder over and over till they were both a sweaty moaning mess.
"Harry i'm going to cum." Draco moaned.
"Me too, please cum inside of me, baby!" Harry screamed again and Draco's thrusts got sloppy. Within second they were both shaking through their orgasms as Draco came inside Harry and harry came all over their stomachs and chests. They kissed tiredly but still lovingly as Draco collapsed to the bed and waved a quick cleaning spell with his wand. He then wrapped Harry tightly in his arms.
"Harry, i don't know how you did it, but you got me to fall in love with you all over again."
"You started it. I've never felt this way for anther person. I love you so much Draco."
"I love you more." They both laughed and fell into a deep sleep.
The End
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