#after my midterms I'm gonna draw more
seakrisp · 2 years
"You're family now."
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extra sketches: more hunter and honorary siblings
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shiny-jr · 2 years
I've arisen from midterms but as someone who used to play genshin religiously the whole sumeru thing really bugged me cause I wanted like 5%? Of some kind of representation of dark skinned characters and they wouldn't even give that lmao
Which is why I'm very glad I got into twst midway through genshin, it's the perfect outlet and it won't make my wallet hurt either and be playable for f2p players
Not to mention twst actually has rep too for the dark skinned communities
-vamp vil anon
That was like the bare minimum. When Candace came out, I knew it was over, they were not going to give us any characters with a darker skin tone than tan. Because Candace was the prime opportunity to give players a black woman with a dark complexion, because she was based off a black woman with a dark complexion. But no, they didn't do that. So I knew there's not really any hope left for Sumeru, and likely any nation after. Because the nations left are Fontaine (based off France), Natlan (supposedly based off South America, but I know they're gonna fuck it up again and probably mesh multiple nations into one again), and Snezhnaya (based off Russia).
Anyways, I like twst more anyways. The only thing is, I feel like Leona could've had a different hair type. Idk, I think he's pretty neat as is, but I love when artists draw him with dreads or just a thicker hair type in general, same goes for Jack and Ruggie with the different hair type. I admit, I also enjoy when artists give certain characters a tan, like those that may be outside more often than others. Like Deuce, Ruggie, etc. Other than that, I have little to no issue with how twst portrays culture and rep. They're fairly decent/good at it, even with Sam.
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seiwas · 7 months
*Runs out of my cave screaming* sEEELLL!!!!!!!!! *slides on the ground* how are ya ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ hopefully you had a great weekend <33 I am barely surviving midterms 😭 tomorrow is my physics midterm and I hate physics with every fiber of my being omg it's the bane of my existence and I'm contemplating just barely studying cause atp nothing's gonna change if I study or not, the results will still be the same 💀💀 I just want to skip the next 2 days :"D I wanna draw more stuff 😔 but anyways enough rambling dhhdjd I'm wishing you a great week with the best vibes!!! And I'm so so SO excited for col 4, vibrating in my seat at every mention and update and you best believe I will be on it as soon as it drops!!!! Wishing you lots of inspiration and more good vibes for the whole writing process mwah mwah much love 💗💗💗
MIDIIIIII!!! 🥺 hello!! i am doing ok!!! got to get some writing done while i was out today!! and i did have the most amazing weekend 🥺
oh gosh midterms 😭 you're almost there!!! i hate physics too tho... it sucks ass, i said the same thing (the bane of my existence) when i was taking it 😭 honestly, i'd try to give advice but i literally had the same dilemma as you 😭 i think what helped me a lot were youtube videos!! idk if those will help you and we'd have a few practice questions too, so i'd focus on those!! (not sure if your professors are as kind sdjfhbasj)
am wishing you the best of luck on your exams too 🥺 2 more days!! give it your all so you don't regret anything 🫶🏻 at least you tried!!! i am going to do my best!!! to get it up soon!! so that after your exam it can be like a lil reward for you too 🥹
thank u so much midi u r so sweet and supportive always 🥺 am looking forward to ur next doodles i am sure they're gonna be amazing 🥺
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xynnoix · 2 years
Um, well... Hello? Uhhhh first time writing smthn like this, bare with me if you are willing to. Really sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm not that good in english...
Just wanted to say that I really love your art, but can't really put it in words properly. I see it and my brain just goes "you should practice more! Be like this cool artist! They make content because they can and they do! Be like them, be better!" And I can't help, but want to be as good as you are and believe me, you are goddamn good, it's too gorgeous even sketches. I am not good enough in drawing rn, but I'm willing to keep trying because I have people to look up for like you.
And I just can't stop smiling when I see your art, especially monkeys in your style, they are so handsome. And you're so amazing. You've got so many fans and you let them all have fun in your ask box, which is so delightful! I can't help but think of how many people you make happy by showing your art and joking along with them!
Also, a tad late, but congrats on finishing midterms! I'm sure you did great! Don't forget to get rest and reward yourself because you deserve it after all the hard work you do both in your education and art!
- 🐍
Hi! And oh- oh my gosh? See- messages like this always gonna make me cry fr.
Okay- but like, thank you so much! I can't help but grin while reading your message, it really means a lot to me. I'm glad I am a part of what inspires you to draw. You'll get there! Just keep practicing and you'll get to the point you want in no time! I believe in you :D
And uh, well geez, I'm glad my content and stuff make you smile too. It's so good to know I can make someone smile, really make my day, you know? I'll be sure to keep providing y'all content just so you can smile ^^ and uh- gosh, I would like to say more, but I'm literally at a loss for words right now.
Better late than never, thank you! I just hope did well in some of them XD
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electricprincess96 · 1 year
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Am I raising my eyebrow HARD at Gullveig? Yes. Seems a bit.... bot, i mean odd. But I'm almost done caring about botting in this thing now. Anyway to the 3 characters people actually care about.
Corn my beautiful lovely girl you've done it, you get to join your sister 😘 I'm so pleased (would have loved Aqua but was never gonna get both, although Fem Corns votes might transfer to her next year we'll see).
Male Robin, ah my boy I'm so happy to see you here too, he obviously sweeped up Chrom's voters. See realistically if Chrom and Male Robin hadn't been cannibalising each other since the beginning I think there's a decent chance they'd have won earlier than they did cause as much as 3Hs Bros like to deny it, Awakening was and still is super popular.
Soren, I'll be the first to admit I know very little about Ike's games, couldn't play them and definitely not buying them now. But I know Soren's popularity and its nice to see him here.
And the elephant in the room? Felix and Bernadetta missing out again. OK I say this as someone who does really like Felix... I'm happy there's no 3Hs reps here. Like at this point they already have more reps than any other game, there's controversy aren't almost all of them due to the botting fiasco with Marianne and Gatekeeper and frankly fans of other games deserve to get nice things too. Male Robin and Soren especially deserve to be there. I will say as much as I don't like Bernie and the salt from her fans is a bit amusing over this.... I do think that side of the voting draw is looking a bit odd... like Female Corrin I'm not super surprised by, I voted for her after all, I know Fates is still super popular in Japan despite what some people will try and tell us but Gullveig... I forgot her name when I initially seen the winners. I wasn't aware anyone was caring about the plot of Heroes anymore so I do think to a degree Bernie fans have a right to be mad since it looks... like there's a possibility of some botting but due to how the midterm results were shown this year I think it was less to "stop Bernie" since no one knew if Bernie was even in contention and more "lol anime waifu with big tits it'll be funny let's do it".
Anyway I'm choosing FemCorn as my free unit I don't even care if she's shit I need my girl.
Also next year I'm voting for Sigurd (and Aqua) I'm hoping Engage helps Sigurds votes pick up a bit, boy deserves a Brave.
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prismatic-bell · 4 years
This might be a strange question but it's something that's been on my mind recently. Is there any way that gentiles can help Jewish classmates (or any classmates that are religious but not christian) in situations where professors assign homework or exams on holidays? Is that something that we should bring up to professors even if we don't know if anyone in the class celebrates that holiday? Or is there a way that we can support classmates who speak up about needing to given time to celebrate their faith?
I'm sorry if this is awkwardly worded. I just want to know if there's anything I can do in the future to help in those kinds of situations. I don't want to step on any toes, but I also don't want my classmates to feel like they would be on their own if they spoke up. I know it might be difficult to do anything during the pandemic since I don't really know my classmates, so if you have any suggestions as to ways to help after the pandemic that would be great too.
First of all, this is like Allyship 101: “how can I help those who need this help?” So, A+ to you, friend.
The holidays you’re most likely going to run into problems with, at least for Jews (I encourage my siblings from other religions to chime in), will be Pesach and the High Holy Days. Pesach is juuuuuuust before Easter, and I know when I was in college it was quite common to get midterms that week. The High Holy days consist of three days within a ten-day span: Rosh Hashanah, Erev Yom Kippur (which some Jews may refer to as “Kol Nidre,” as this is the main prayer said during that service), and Yom Kippur. You know how there are Christmas and Easter Christians? You never see them in church except on Christmas Eve and Easter morning, but dammit you will always see them on those two days? Yeah, there are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Jews. Synagogues will overflow capacity trying to accommodate all who want to attend, and in many cases tickets may be required simply because there aren’t enough seats to safely hold all comers My sister’s synagogue has three chapels, and still has to double up services (as in, every prayer service is performed twice) to accommodate all attendees on these holidays.
I’m Reform, meaning there are a lot of mitzvot I don’t follow. Even so, here are just some of the restrictions I face on Yom Kippur:
--I cannot fast due to medical problems, but I am restricted to very small amounts of plain food (I usually have plain rice and a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter on the side for two tiny meals between services; maybe a small amount of plain chicken). Most people fast from both food and water for 25 hours.
--I can’t wear “nice” clothes. This doesn’t mean I don’t dress up--it means I shouldn’t wear anything that would encourage slouching, lounging, relaxing, etc. The focus of Yom Kippur and Erev Yom Kippur is study, reflection, and repentance--not luxury. You are expected to be uncomfortable. That’s the point.i
--There are five prayer services on Yom Kippur. I’m supposed to attend all of them. (I . . . won’t lie, I often skip the family service. It’s a rehash for the little kids about what Yom Kippur actually is, it’s about 45 minutes long, and it’s usually when I take my second meal.) It comprises about six hours’ worth of prayers, while Kol Nidre evening is about another two. Rosh Hashanah isn’t quite that intense; it’s more like four hours. Again, though, I’m Reform--Orthodox Jews may spend the entire twenty-five hours of Yom Kippur praying.
As you can imagine, the day of and the day after these services, I’m wiped. I don’t want to work. I don’t want to cook. I don’t want to do house chores. I want to rest, and I want to eat things that aren’t plain rice.
So what can you do?
First, I recommend a calendar app. My phone very considerately tells me when the holidays are, because the Jewish calendar is lunisolar and the dates change from year to year. You can also just . . . look up a Jewish calendar online. Keep in mind that the Jewish religious day runs from sunset to sunset, not from dawn to dawn. So for example, according to my phone, today was the first day of Chanukkah. In reality, we lit the first candle last night, because 25 Kislev began at 5:20 on 10 December. Almost all modern calendars will mark the first “full” day of the holiday, not its actual start the evening before, so keep that in mind.
Next, you may wish to ask directly on the first day of class if you see something concerning on the syllabus: “what is your policy for accommodation of religious observance?” IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU USE THE WORDS “ACCOMMODATION OF RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE.” A secular Jew may wish to go home for Pesach even though they don’t believe in the story of the Exodus, and they should be allowed to do that without having to justify it in the same way as all the “well it’s not really about Jesus anymore, it’s a time for family” Christmas-observers, but that phrase up there is a magical phrase that means they are protected from discrimination if they choose to do that. Make the professor tell the entire class what the plan is. If you have an asshole who says they make no exception for religious observance, you can do one of two things: challenge the professor directly (”sir, are you aware that’s against the law?”), or go directly to the dean or principal. Be aware that you may face some backlash from the professor if they’re particularly petty, so keep an organized copy of all assignment rubrics and what you’ve turned in. That way if that backlash comes out in your grade, you can challenge it.
Now let’s say the teacher was thoughtless. I would like to draw a distinction here between “thoughtless” and “malicious” because as an ally, one is much easier to deal with than the other. “Thoughtless” can be approached thus: the prof tells you all the midterm essay will be assigned next Wednesday. You raise your hand and say “Sir? That’s Rosh Hashanah, people might not be here.” Your prof, who was thoughtless, goes “oh. All right, let me see” and looks over his notes and says “then let’s give the assignment next Monday. You’ll have two extra days to work on it, so make good use of them.” That is a good response to a mistake. A malicious response would basically be “too bad, so sad,” and you should go to the dean. Even if there are no Jews in your class, that attitude will 1) dissuade Jews from taking the class in the future and 2) potentially cause a lot of problems for the school, which the dean would really like to avoid.
Finally: if a classmate speaks up and says those words for themselves, and the professor is less than supportive, this is where you’re gonna have to grab onto your ovaries or testicles or whatever your personal body part of great courage is, and get confrontational:
“Professor, we get off automatically for our holiday. She should be allowed to celebrate too.”
Or even, if needed:
“Professor, that is discrimination.”
Keep in mind that last one may net you a very negative reaction if you have to use it. If a professor is nasty enough to go “I don’t give a shit” when presented with the problem in the first place, they may well be nasty enough to yell at you and criticize you in front of the class. Be ready for this, and realize it is not an attack on your character--it’s a reflection of the professor’s. They know they have no argument, so they’ll just try to cow you into silence. Stand your ground. If you are firm in your defense of your classmate, others may step up. Even if they don’t help you in that initial confrontation, they may offer to be witnesses if you take the matter to the dean. Make sure you introduce yourself to your classmate after the fact, and ask if there’s any further support or help they need. Make it clear that you’re happy to help.
Thank you for speaking up and speaking out. Best of luck to you in your studies!
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bat-winged-brothers · 2 years
Dodge Mason draft list:
Meet cute
Dropping you home after work
Motorcycle ride
Spending the night at his place
The Players Ball
Listening to music together
Pinky touches
Dancing in the dark
You feel like home to me
I wanna hold your hand
Watching from the sidelines
Down by the river
Applying to colleges
The stables
A weekend away
Future plans
I wanna kiss you in the morning/domesticity
"If you die, I'm gonna kill you"/patching up wounds
Just the girl from the library
Save a horse, ride a cowboy
He convinces you to help him train
"Aren't you scared of the curse?"
Panic Attack
Baking with Dayna
"Too smart for his own good"
"I'm sure this counts as breaking and entering"
Watching a movie while he reads
"Talk nerdy to me"
"Thank God for rich friends with hot tubs"
Kisses under the mistletoe
When I drive
Chasing ghosts
It's too damn hot!
"When he was little..."
"I love you in blue"
When fire meets gasoline
Don't wanna say goodnight/front porch dawdling
"I don't dance"
Mac and cheese
Wet hair
"You drive me crazy!"
"Beautiful, smaht, independent"
"Dodge Mason knows how to braid?"
His leather jacket
Forehead kisses
"I think the lady can speak for herself"/protective bf Dodge
"This would be way more romantic in a truck"
"Could you maybe not yell at me?"
When the fair comes to town
Red string of fate
Snowed in
"YA and Chick Lit. Why am I dating you, again?"
Distracting you from your assignment
"What's your biggest fear?"
"I feel sorry for whoever is on the wrong end of your right hook, someday"
Hospital visit
Waiting for him when he gets home from work
The spaces between my fingers
"Okay Cupid, put down the bow"
Washing the car
"Special of the day"
"Buy your own damn fries, Ray"
"Loneliness is addictive"
When we were young
"Stay the night?"
Where we'd rather be
All I want
18 and life
First time jitters
'Broke as hell but blessed with beauty'
"How fucking dare you! How dare you make me believe in love!"
"Between the 8 of us we have a bike, a boat, and most of a working car"
Trouble always looks good in a black t shirt
Dirty little secrets
Healing hands
Diggins being overprotective (sibling/close friend)
Sleep without you - girls night & he's missing you
"Do I look like a fucking mechanic?" /Breakdown
"My God! He can actually smile!"
Watching Dayna compete
Party on the lake
"You're a fucking adrenaline junkie!"
"My eyes are up here, miss"
Birthday wishes
In the moonlight
Break in
To read you like a book
Moving forward
Best friend's brother
Our song
My darkness recognises yours
"I'm stealing your shampoo"
Midterms/Falling asleep studying
Coffee fiend
"D'you wanna be a demon slayer?"
"These taste like healthy!"
A visit to the lodge
"God, I hate Shakespeare"
One man Disneyland
Our own little world/lazy mornings
Back to the wall
When it rains
Fall at your feet
"My only love sprung from my only hate"
"What are you so scared of?"
The practicalities of a secret sleepover
You make loving fun
Too much, too young
Oral fixation
"Are you a fucking judge?"
Laughing with a broken rib
"You don't need me"
"Would you two like a ruler? Or is this macho showdown drawing to a close?"
Girl talk
Look what the cat dragged in
Growing up
Christmas lights in the middle of June
First floor window
"Shoot some pool, see a band, maybe sneak a beer?"
Open road
"Can I hit him yet?" "Not in front of a cop"
Black fingernails
Playing nurse
Blue lights
Never have I ever
Just tonight
Period pain
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shiro-0197 · 3 years
Omg that sounds so cute 😭😭😭 I do that sometimes too. Mostly little faces and hearts and the beats turn out horrific 😳 I'm glad you had the time to do so, love :D
awww thank you, I feel much better about it now. You're right, taking a rest is suitable. I was just so focused on other stuff I never got around to studying, but I will definitely do so next month 😅😚
oh I see!! Good luck with those, you're gonna do so amazingly well xx 💖💖💖 hmm they're not the same. So we start our school year in January, and we have a first quarter exam in march, then another midterm in June/July, then a second quarter exam in September, and our finals somewhere in November (and then we get a break from November to December, and resume on the 2nd of January), tho we have many week-long holidays in between, like after our midterms (two weeks) and after the quarter exams (one week each). That's before quarantine. Now, due to quarantine, we didn't have our finals because school was out, so the school postponed it to January, when school reopens xD it sucks because we didn't even have lessons for most of the topics which are supposed to come out, and self studying is rubbish, honestly. But I think I'll be okay if I put in the hours <3
awww 😭😭 that's okay maybe use a pillow to muffle it. Oh how I'd love to give you a headpat rn. I love headpats, do you like them too?
RIVER PHOENIX BESTEST BOY. I love his name so much too, ahdbsksj!! I mean... LOOK AT HIM?? PRECIOUS, BEAUTIFUL, ANGEL.
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(He's not alive anymore tho... He passed away on Halloween's day 27 years ago. His story is such a sad one, actually. I have to hold back tears when u think about it)
I'm glad you liked them!! I don't share classical music recommendations with people, you're the special exception, but I'm so happy you like it. It's very soft and soothing, and river flows in you is my favourite thing to play on the piano 😣💖
KSBSKSHSKJ CUTE CUTE CUTE YOUR VIRTUAL DATE SOUNDS ADORABLE GOSH IM MELTING. 😭😭 Poor Kuro, I hope the store restocks some of that juice for him skdjsksk. It's nice that you have someone to spend time like that with. Life is so much more fun when you have someone with you to spend the boring days away. I'm so glad you have Kuro, the two of you sound so wonderful together.
ah yes!! Abigail made it. She's hoping to start a baked goods business in the future, so she practices a lot, and that's nice because whenever I go over the house smells really good. I loved seeing them all too. I nearly cried when I saw Hri (anime protagnist friend sjdjsks it's such a mouthful to type, so that's his nickname xD) because I'd missed him a lot, so I was really really happy. He sat on the floor and let me braid his hair and tie it up, since it's grown so long now!!
Really? I didn't know that but I'm so glad you think so. You make me so happy, I hope you know that.
AHHH yes I really did miss you more, bae 😭💖 didn't not think about you :) I'm glad, it's always so nice to rant with a best friend. I hope things with his family get better!! and oof 😭😭 I never knew that about phones, but it makes sense, extremes of temperature would definitely affect the battery life :( shame that it happened tho!!
I love you too, my wonderful Shiro. Thank you for existing, and always putting a smile on my face.
—miss i'll-braid-your-hair-someday-too-shiro 💖
Heheheh, yes, every time the sounds are like music composed from the cries of the sinful souls right from Hell. It's too fun to pass, though
I'm really glad, also thanks a lot!!!
Damn ... school system is so differnet everywhere. Even the school start, ours starts at first of September😭 It's usually 3 exams per term for each subject, and there are 4 terms. 2 of the exams are for the unit we had passed, and the 3rd exam is what I like to call the final exam, and its has questions of everything we had passed in the term. Or semester. idk how it's called anymore😩 I just know that they're not divided equally (one is two months, one is three, one is 3,5, the other one is 2,5 or something🤨) and it bothers me a lot. Could've done it a little more organized.... pain😞😞
Yeah, selfstudying is really hard... you just lose focus and it's difficult to understand something with all those weird words. For me, at least. With a study buddy i could at least brag that I'm ahead of them XDD I'm sure you can do it, though! Good luck<33
I like to give out headpats!! But, I guess, to have one from you would be lovely😭
Omg!!!! He looks so gorgeous??!? It's such a shame he died at such a young age:((( rest in peace, River Phoenix😖
Ohhh!! Am I, now? That's cute, I'm glad🥺 I'd love to listen to you playing it someday🥺
Hahah, I know right!! I've been thinking about how cute it sounded, tbh I wanted to draw that but really haven't been feeling up to it XD I'm also very happy to have him. It gets lonely around here :( I'm also very glad to have you! And your sweet messages. It's really a relief, knowing someone so wonderful cares about you. Makes me feel even more special, you know?
Ohh that sounds so good!! I wish her luck, I'm sure she'll succeed. That cookie looked gorgeous, bet it tasted great too😋😋 Also that's so sweet omg???? I'm glad you got to see him🥺🥺 and he let you braid his hair what a wonderful man😍🤭
You make me very happy too!!<33
You're making my heart dance rn wth😭😭💞 you're right, it's really nice to just ramble on about stuff with you♡♡ I really hope so as well, but I think it's really better to hope that they can move out. I wish I could help them fjnancially:(
Yeah phones are kinda annoying like that sometimes >:(( it sucks, but at least they do what they need to hehe
Thank you so much for everything, for everything you've told me, for everything you showed me and everything you wished me, you never fail to make my day better💕💕💞💓
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borkingbarnes · 5 years
Hiii! I'm starting university next year and I'm SUPER nervous. Do you have any tips??
I went a little overboard with this because its a lot of stuff I wish I’d known first year so everything will be below!
this might be really over-said but it’s the biggest thing honestly— don’t. Fall. Behind. Courses typically build on previous knowledge so it turns into a whole snowball effect and you’ll feel so suffocated if you let it pile up. 
Attend lectures. Skipping lectures might seem tempting, especially if your prof posts their notes online but actually going to class forces you to focus on the material. Even if you go on your phone all class, you subconsciously absorb info by hearing the prof talk about it. 
Stay organized. Whether it be physical paper notes, online notes, or documents on your computer. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself come exam time. 
You actually need to study outside of class. This was one of my biggest issues in first year. I breezed through high school and never really needed to study outside of class and thought uni would be the same and boy was I sooo wrong lmao 
Everyone has different ways of studying. One of my friends can just read over the notes 3 times and go into the exam and score high 90s while I find that writing stuff out a few times helps me remember things because I actually need to spend the time focusing on it. Find what works for you. 
If you do bad on the midterm, it’s not the end of the world. Midterms are usually worth less than a quarter of the grade and you can always redeem yourself on the final. 
But on the previous note, know when you need to drop a course. If you’re trying to get into grad schools such as med, dentistry, vet, etc. grades are super competitive. It’s better to lose some money on one course than to fail it, have it lower your GPA and potentially have it ruin your chances of getting into grad school and having to do another year (which is way more expensive than just one class!!) just to boost your GPA back up. 
Ask about things you’re unsure about!!! If you’re not comfortable asking during class then email the prof directly. Most are always happy to help and most check their emails fairly frequently. 
Take advantage of those extra help/SA/tutorial sessions. 
Don’t rely on a doctor’s note as a guarantee that you can get your exam deferred. Illness is unavoidable sometimes but a doctors note for a cold won’t get your exam deferred. (Not to mention that profs typically will make the deferred exam harder) 
It gets better. It sounds cliche but it really does. After you get over the transition from high school and the course load, it’s much more enjoyable. I absolutely hated first year and found the learning curve extremely frustrating, but second year has been so much nicer. 
It’s okay not to meet your grade goals. There’s a saying that ‘C’s get degrees’ lmfao. But that being said, don’t aim to “just pass”. 
Sleep. Don’t pull all nighters. You retain less information when studying with a tired brain. Plus you’ll blank on stuff you do know because your brain is so tired. 
Reading the textbook helps!! It may seem boring but they help a lot. Especially with courses that require lots of memorization. The repetition helps a lot
Do practice questions and exams. Practice practice practice. 
Try to make at least 1 friend/acquaintance in each class. It helps if you’re sick or miss a class, you’ll still have someone you can get notes or info from or even to just check materials you’re unsure of with. 
You’re gonna be more inclined to skip that 8am class lol. Take classes later on in the day, future, mid-semester you will thank yourself. bonus little thing: If you have a few extra dollars, you can get one of those “sticker white boards” which is pretty much as the same suggests. It’s a huge sticker sheet made of the whiteboard material for dry erase. I got mine off amazon for $15 (it’s 200inch x 88 inch and I cut the 200 in half and stacked them one on top of the other bc it’s a better dimension for me). They’re incredibly convenient for math or if you’re a very visual person and like to draw diagrams or flow charts (BIO PATHWAY SYSTEMS!!). Plus it saves a lot of paper! 
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noriapple · 5 years
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Personal Update
So uh- I got to admit something here. With college coming up, I've gotta start putting more of my attention towards getting my dorm situation figured out before I actually go so I can relax about that already, but there's a bigger problem I've been neglecting that has become a lot more serious as time as gone on.
Due to the fact I'm constantly writing, typing, or drawing, I'm starting to develop problems that go beyond my wrist and have started to actually shoot pain through my entire arm. Sometimes my left (non-dominant) arm goes numb too. I need to save more of my energy for art class and school in general instead of doing more personal stuff since all of this constant drawing and working is starting to take a physical toll on my body. I'm gonna post again once I feel better... but that's likely only going to happen after school is over due to midterms approaching and family stuff over Thanksgiving break.
I'd really hate to leave you guys hanging, so I'll really just be posting scribbles and I might actually post my art projects here too. But... ehh- I would need permission first just in case it ends up in a contest. Can't let anyone identify me and let the judging be skewed if someone likes or dislikes me, ya know? Anyway, I'm really sorry. I really am, I wish my body was more stable and could hold together long enough to keep going, but it isn't.
After my arms get better and stop acting funky, I'll get back in the groove of things! Cya soon
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7goodangel · 7 years
Hi, I know this is gonna bother you and I apologize for it (much so bc I'm using anonymous), but I really need help... I've known you're a college student yourself, so am'I, don't get me wrong, college is fun despite the difficulty, expenses and professors, but I just can't find time to do what I love most anymore (doodle, draw, write a story, etc) bc I can't just leave my studies alone...I take medicine as my course and I just can't concentrate with drawing ideas booming in my head. Any advice?
Ok! First - no need to feel like you are bothering me! You are not and I always want to help out others when I can!
But gosh - I understand that fully. While I have now graduated from college (twice) and not going back again any time soon, all of my experience is still fresh in my head. But I get it - That’s why I was having a harder and harder time to upload things to this blog as things got harder. 
However - this is what I did in order to keep focus. I typically set a whole day devoted to homework. I would do one, then do a 15-30 minute break, then move to the next, do a break, and keep going. And this was usually a Saturday cause I was the college student that had no life outside of college. 
But this? That was able to motivate me to the next break - which although short, allowed me to sketch, to check tumblr, and more. And what I also tried to do was to finish my work as soon as I can. This is so then things don’t pile up and a chance to do nothing is higher. I also try to not do homework past a time each day. Like after supper I don’t do homework if I can avoid it. (If it’s like - due the next day then I have no choice but to do it then but that’s what I tried). Then after then I wind down with drawing and doing things I like. 
Still did it like that even when I had a part time job consuming a chunk of my week. 
Doing things early allowed me to ask questions in class (which then I proceeded to do homework in class - don’t do that. That was a dumb move for me) or after class so then I could get it done a few days to even a week plus prior to the due date. 
Another thing I did is around Midterms and Finals - I go on hiatus from all of my social media accounts. This eliminated one thing I felt like I needed to keep updated and active and your followers/watchers/etc will understand! It helped me to keep focus. This didn’t mean I didn’t look at them to check what was going on - just eliminated that urge and stress of “oh gosh I didn’t post anything today!”. 
I think the best thing to do is to experiment on what could work for you. It took me a bit to finally figure out this was the best for me. Maybe you rather like to do homework slowly over the week - and that’s fine! Then if you could, try to do the homework of the class you just had if there is time. And just do it like that. If it’s a larger project - I highly recommend starting that asap - I didn’t do that and gosh I felt so stressed by the end of the semester. So yeah - just go through and figure out what’s the best for you - ask others who are/were in college what their strategies are! 
Hopefully this helped you out somewhat. Just - make sure you do keep up with medication and other daily needs. I have skipped some needs before due to lack of motivation and trust me it’s not a good feeling. Shower every day/night, Brush your teeth, take medication, eat, drink, sleep - all of those are necessary. My biggest thing to say about college is to NOT skip on any of those things - not even for one night! You will fall out of a rhythm quicker than you think. I’m still trying to get back into using my retainer after A YEAR PLUS OF NOT USING IT due to lack of motivation and stress within my area. 
((Also for those idea bursts - ALWAYS have a pen/pencil and paper with you. Always! When you think of something - jot it down quick. Don’t try to focus on that writing down for more than 15 minutes. At least then you have the idea written/quickly sketched down for later. Another thing I did was if I had time between classes (like an hour or less) I took it as a challenge to finish a sketch idea prior to the next class.))
But yeah - while this was a long thing to read (sorry about that) I hope that this helps you out in some fashion Anon!!!
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taesthetes · 6 years
Travel-anon-hi! Good luck with your midterms and projects! Know you'll do great on them :D You'll get to be a weekend potato again soon, and better, a summer (baked) potato! Oo, road trips aren't a thing I've done with my friends actually (or on my own), but maybe I should try it since you said it's fun~ True, it's a little worrying on safety if you're going alone (+ rooming fees are scary as 1 person). I tend to keep to messaging people back home when I go alone, just so they know I'm ok (1/?)
(2/?) Korean fried chicken is so good there, and the prices are so cheap! I had a giant table-sized platter at a place in Hongdae before, and it was less than $7 aslviaijds it fed 3 people in one go. Cafe culture game is strongest out of all the Asian countries I’ve been to though! A lot of them are cute/indie/niche, which is really cool compared to all the franchised ones we have, yeah :/ I stray towards chai lattes and sesame drinks a lot at cafes c: or hot ciders! I try a lot of things tho!
(3/?) asjkla don’t get me started on sweets, haha. I plow through those like nobody’s business! You mentioned you don’t like coffee and sweets, but would you try anything else besides the matcha? It was a dream! A very furry dream. I’m not joking, I came outta there covered in fur all over (rip my black clothes), but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Those dogs were so cute 💖 There’s a lot of dog and cat cafes in Japan too! Would you stop by one while you’re in Japan? I saw some in Harajuku~
(4/?) Euh, I normally wouldn’t mind sharing my galleries, but my artist handle is the same as my username on tumblr, haha. I’m a little intimidated since it’ll take me off anon status, sorry ^^; If I could include photos in asks, I’d just drop one here for you tho. Humidity is why I normally travel during fall/winter, haha! Humidity won’t kick my butt then, and leggings & sweater wear retains it’s place as my go to fashion too! Lowkey amused that we have that in common too~
(5/?) Wow! You visited a lot!! The Palace of Versailles was my favourite out of the ones you listed! Which one’s yours? All of it’s sooo pretty! Switzerland is super scenic and green, from what I remember - very different from most of the other European cities. Oo, Vietnam sounds so nice! I’m looking forward to hearing about your travels there! Haha, that sounds like my friends and I in Japan once. We kept getting plushies from a crane game, and trolled our bystanders into thinking it was easy!
(6/?) I always come back with a pile of plushies and snacks (little anything else); usually sneak the food through customs too ;u;~ Japanese snack-wise, I actually like kitkat, haha! They have so many different flavours there!! I prefer eating street food moreso there, there’s a lot of variety, but dango has my heart and soul. So sad I don’t have it here. Are there any foods you’re looking forward to from Japan that you’ve heard about and want to try :D? Festivals have a lot to offer!
(7/7) Yup! Japan Rail Pass is where I got it! You can pick it up in the airport, and return it using the mailbox there too c: Aw, would you go back to Japan sometime after this trip? A week isn’t really long, but you can definitely make the most of it with everything you’ll see and photo! Have lots of fun there 💖! Gonna try a new manufacturer~ I got spoiled on twt for the movie, cuz people didn’t tag cry D: you can still do those while studying too tho ;D good luck! Wow these are getting long
hello, m’love! and thank you!! i finished my econ project today and took my marketing midterm, so fingers crossed, everything goes well :D omg i can’t wait to be a weekend potato again and yess, only one more month to go before it’s summer :’) ahhh yes, they’re quite fun! it’s nice to blast music and sing along as you eat yummy snacks and drive to the beach. i hope you get to go on a road trip sometime! the fees are pretty daunting, and omg yes that’s a good idea to keep texting people. my roommate and i do that all the time whenever either of us are out late and we have to walk back to our dorm.
oh my gosh, $7 only?? why can’t food be this cheap and good here ): i have to definitely go to korea for all the food and cute cafes. ahhh omg they sound so lovely, like i would most definitely visit as many as possible. oooh, i’ve had a chai latte, but i’ve never had a sesame drink before! what is it like? and omg like apple cider? apple cider is always nice. i’d try all the drinks if possible ahah
honestly, i’ll try everything when i’m in a different country, like i had so much gelato in italy and crepes and macarons in paris. i really like red bean buns, too, so i want to try those fish pastries filled with red bean in korea? i don’t remember what they’re called, but to be honest, asian street food and asian pastries all looks so good i can’t help but try it all. oh my gosh, i feel like i’ll be the same way if i go to a dog cafe because all i wear is black and dark colored clothes too, but dogs are always worth it :’) and omg yes!!! i’ll have to visit at least one dog cafe in japan and i also want to try one of those japanese jiggly cheesecakes!! everything in japan is so aesthetically pleasing.
oooh okay, no worries!! but askdjlfasdf feeling intimidated– i hope i’m not being scary to you D: please let me know if you ever feel uncomfortable with our conversations! nevertheless, i’m 100% sure you’re a super talented artist 💓 i wish i could travel in the fall and winter, but sadly, university gets in the way and i can’t miss class. and omg leggings and sweaters are the best fashion!! it’s versatile like a potato, and it’s always comfy. i practically wear my leggings everyday of the week.
the palace of versailles was breath taking with the intricate designs and everything, but i’d have to say the art museums hold a special place in my heart. i could spend all day wandering through the museums and reading up on every art piece. i saw quite a few art students scattered around with their big pads of drawing paper and drawing some of the paintings, and wow, i wish i had the chance to do that, like imagine living so close to these museums that you can visit everyday and draw something new.
oooh, i think switzerland was also named the place with the happiest people, too? and me, too!! i’m so excited for vietnam, oh my goodness. ahhh omg teach me your ways with the crane machine :o i hope that i’ll be able to get one plushie from it without blowing all my money. hmmm, maybe i’ll just come to japan with an empty suitcase and fill it up with all the plushies and snacks there. omg yes, i’ve heard of all the variety of kitkat flavors they have there! i actually just got a bag of green tea kit kats from my friend, and i don’t even enjoy sweets too much, but they’re heavenly.
oooh yes, i’m looking forward to all the street food. i had dango before here, but it probably isn’t as good as the ones made in japan ashkdflas ahhh i want to try everything tbh! but i saw there was this restaurant where you can actually go fishing for your fish and then they’ll make sashimi out of it for you, and that sounds amazing. and i really want to have takoyaki and okonomiyaki and udon and ramen and soba and gosh, just everything. i really, really want to visit japan one day during its cherry blossom season with all the festivities. were you able to visit japan when it was cherry blossom season? :D
oh wow, that service is really handy and convenient! i’ll make sure to preorder one for sure. i do want to go back to japan again!! i want to explore more of its beautiful cities and experience the festivals. hopefully, i’ll be rich enough to do that in the future :’) but yes to tons of picture taking, and thank you!! 💞💞 i hope the new manufacturer works out! fingers crossed!! and oh noooo D: gosh that really sucks– i hope you still have a good time watching it with your friends though ): ahaha well yes, i can, but i probably shouldn’t if i want to effectively study, and thank you!! ahhh and thank you for taking the time to send me such lovely messages! you really make my day with them 💘 and how was your day? 
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