#after the initial shock dick goes and takes the cowl and Tim’s like thank fuck
mistergreatbones · 4 months
Somebody has definitely said this before but au where bruce kills the joker and gets arrested by the un (can the un arrest people?) so when dick get back from space he finds his brother’s dead, his dad’s an international criminal, and the batman is a 13-year-old boy.
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redhoodieone · 5 years
Don’t Tell Me
A/N: I honestly don’t know how this came to me, but I can say this is a serious fic. If it’s well-received, I’ll write chapter 2, and so on.
 SUMMARY: Tim Drake discovers his longtime girlfriend, Y/N, is cheating on him with Jason Todd. But after Tim finds out about everything: relationships are tested, friendships are burned, and those who made mistakes will suffer from the consequences. Even happy endings aren’t guaranteed for everyone.
 WARNINGS: Cheating, betrayal, smut, language, and more later.
 Tim Drake knows something is going on. He’s usually on top of his game; he’s always 12 steps ahead than the Batfamily, and even his enemies. He was trained to always know the consequences and the outcome for everything, that’s what makes him a better detective than Bruce (who even admitted Tim was a better detective than him). But even being the best Red Robin and detective takes a toll on him; sleepless nights, obsessive compulsive habits on the computer, and even many cups of coffee to where he’s a shaking caffeinated addict. But that was before Y/N. For the past two years of his life, he knew he’s become a little better at taking care of himself because of his girlfriend, Y/N Y/LN. Instead of drinking five pots of coffee, he’s down to three cups at night. For sleeping, he’s in bed at ten o’clock beside Y/N. And the obsessive-compulsive disorder? He’s back on his medication, and he now he knows to ask for help when he needs it.
Many would say Y/N made Tim Drake a better person. Which comes back to his actual first serious girlfriend Y/N. Tim knew his past flings were just for fun, and never meant to last long or even be ready for committed future plans. But when Tim met Y/N at Bat Burger, he knew his life was just starting. She was an employee, dressed in a Catwoman costume, and served him, his brothers, and Bruce their food. Y/N’s eyes shined beautifully, her smile was full of laughter and fun, and her personality was kind, humorous, and even addicting. Not only was Tim captivated by her, but so were his brothers, minus Damian, who just respects her as a girl, and nothing more. Bruce was even amazed by her and admitted to the boys after dinner that she’s the daughter he’s always wanted (if he had one).
But Dick and Jason were surely sexually attracted to her. And again, like before with many rejections, Tim truly believed Y/N would choose Dick or Jason.
Who was he kidding? Dick was a prince charming kind of guy, who could win any woman over with his looks, compliments, and confidence.
And as for Jason, Jason was considered a “Sex God” by women who lusted after him. He was tall, strong, and literature nerd on the inside. What Jason also had was confidence like Dick, something Tim never fully gained in his life.
Confidence? Tim knew the definition well, but never knew what it truly was. Anyone who knew Tim would say he always resembled a nervous, always on edge mouse amongst lions, never fully speaking up for himself or even defending himself against those who mocked him. Bruce would even try to teach him how to be positive and have better self-esteem, but no matter what, Tim would always put himself down and be ashamed of everything about him. Tim always knew he would never be good enough for anyone.
Tim wasn’t even that tall for a 20-year-old. At just 5’5, he was barely an inch taller than Y/N. While Y/N was three years older than him, he truly feared he would never stand a chance now.
But to everyone, even Tim’s surprise, Y/N asked Tim out first. They’ve been together ever since then.
For two years, Tim and Y/N were inseparable. They were the couple who kissed in public, but never made out in front of others due to Tim’s social anxiety about PDA. They went on dates with other couples, most notably Dick and Barbara, and sometimes Jason and Artemis, when Jason felt like he needed a booty call for the night. But Tim began to finally loosen up, and enjoy himself around Y/N, more.
And for the first time in Tim’s life, he felt as if he finally had someone to live for, come home to, and to love and protect for the rest of his life.
While the girls were in the restroom fixing their makeup and gossiping, the boys were left alone; sipping their non-alcoholic beverages before patrol.
“So, you finally made it to two years with Y/N, Tim? I’m so proud of you!” Dick exclaims excitedly. Pretending to wipe a tear from his eyes.
Tim nods his head; even he can’t help but blush and smile from the news. He and Y/N spoke about it a while ago, and how they should celebrate their anniversary this upcoming weekend. While Tim had mentioned about a private vacation trip to Paris, Y/N had suggested going to Bruce’s beach house in the Hamptons with their friends.
“It is…really great. I’m really happy, and I think she is, too. I still can’t believe it we made it to two years,” Tim says, trying very hard to not lower his voice to hide his nerves.
“I can’t believe it either, Timbo. I mean, I figured you guys would have made it maybe to three months considering you act like a woman too, and that would have been a lot of estrogen in one relationship,” Jason jokes.
“Normally, I would be insulted by your God-awful jokes, but not tonight, Jay. I really think Y/N is the one,” Tim says.
“Really?” Dick asks.
“Yeah, really Tim? How?” Jason asks, equally shocked.
“I think you just know when you’re with someone, who you feel like you could spend the rest of your life with. I mean, I never believed in love at first sight, but when she gave me a chance, I realized it was more like love at the second sight, when truly, you see each other for the first time and learn more about each other. Y/N is just a wonderful, loving woman, and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her,” Tim confesses.
Dick smiles and fist bumps Tim. “I think that’s great, Tim! Y/N would be the best sister-in-law, ever! Oh my God! I can’t wait for a wedding! Food, cake, and strippers!”
“Calm down, Dick. I haven’t even popped the question yet,” Tim says, smiling at his oldest brother.
“Yeah, why pop the question when you have yet to pop your cherry,” Jason jokes.
“Tim’s not a virgin, Jaybird,” Dick defends Tim, before noticing Tim looking away. “No way…”
“What? You haven’t had sex with your girlfriend of two years, yet?” Jason asks, surprised and joking as usual. But his eyes widen when Tim looks down. “What? Timbo, you still haven’t even fucked her? What the hell’s wrong with you?!”
“We just…haven’t had sex yet. It’s not a big deal, Jason. Most relationships can survive without sex. I wasn’t necessarily ready yet, considering sex is merely for procreation and I find it difficult to bring up the fact that I’m still a virgin,” Tim reveals. “And besides, I don’t really…need sex. I’m not even a sexually being. I just really love Y/N’s company.”
“So, what are you saying, Tim? You’re just never going to have sex ever?” Dick asks seriously. Dick’s a sexually active guy and he can’t figure out why Tim wouldn’t want sex.
“I just don’t see the need for sex. I’m living my life greatly, and I always feel satisfied with her emotionally. She hasn’t brought it up, so why ruin it now?” Tim expresses anxiously.
“Maybe she hasn’t brought it up because she thinks SHE’S not sexy to you! Jesus Christ, Timberly! You’re with the most beautiful girl in the world, and you have yet to fuck her pretty little brains out?” Jason snaps. He literally cannot believe Tim. “I would have fucked her when she allowed me to touch her the first time! I would make it so clear that I want her, and I’d get her to want me too!”
“Enough Jason!” Dick yells at him.
Tim knew sex is important to almost everyone. It wasn’t that Tim wasn’t sexually attracted to Y/N, but he never figured sex was a make it or break it deal with her. She has, a few times, initiated sex with Tim after dating for only five months, but he gently turned her down and insisted he needed some more time.  
Another time was when Y/N wanted to suck Tim’s cock in the Batcave, after he came back from patrol. The second she got down to his zipper, he softly removed her hand from his pants, and went to bed with her. Just sleeping, of course.
And ever since then, sex was never initiated or brought up again. Tim knew Y/N has her sexual urges, and she often resorts to masturbation, sex toys, and even smutty novels. That doesn’t bother him one bit, as long as his girlfriend relieves herself and keeps herself satisfied.  
But still, Tim sometimes wondered what sex would be like with Y/N, but his heart and body would tell him to stop.
“There’s nothing wrong with remaining abstinent, Tim. Just tell her the truth of how sex makes you feel. Y/N will understand. She loves you, and you love her,” Dick comforts Tim.
“I hope it’s enough though,” Tim whispers quietly.
Once the girls return, Dick and Barbara go back to his apartment for the night. Artemis claims to be tired and decides to go home but reminds Jason to go her apartment when he’s ready for bed. After they say their good nights, Tim drives Y/N and Jason back to Wayne Manor for Alfred’s homemade chocolate cake he made earlier.
Tim leads Y/N to the kitchen, with an arm wrapped around her waist tightly, and his lips kissing her forehead. With Jason trailing behind them, they all see the homemade chocolate cake in all its glory chocolate frosting on the counter, waiting to be devoured by all of them.
“Remind me to thank Alfred in the morning. Nothing beats chocolate before bed,” Y/N says, before sitting down on one of the stools by the counter.
“Yeah, chocolate and sex go good before bed,” Jason teases. He cuts three slices, one slightly smaller for Tim, and gives them their plates.
“Or just a night of cuddling goes a long way,” Tim mentions.
“Of course,” Y/N agrees, with a kiss to Tim’s cheek.
The three of them indulge themselves with the delicious cake. Bruce hastily walks into the kitchen, looking more stressed than ever. He’s in his Batman costume, without the cowl. There must be a serious problem.
“Trouble. You three in the Batcave. Now.”
Y/N became a part of the Batfamily right after getting with Tim. Although she wasn’t exactly a vigilante, she worked the Batcomputer when Barbara wasn’t available at times. Still in her short black dress, Y/N removes her heels and gets comfortable in the computer chair for Bruce’s orders. She knew she has work to do.
Tim and Jason quickly got into their costumes and were standing beside Batman, while Y/N is at the computer.
“People have reported sightings of Deathstroke by the docks. He is possibly working alongside Bane because there was a reported shipment of weapons from an unknown source. I currently have Nightwing and Batgirl at Arkham in case anyone tries to break out to join Bane’s team up. Red Robin, I need you to go the docks and see what’s exactly being shipped in tonight.  Do not engage in any fights; this is only a recon mission for you. Robin and I will see if Deathstroke will be anywhere near the docks and see what he’s planning. Red Hood, I need you to stay behind in case we need backup. You can assist Y/N on the computer. I need you two to watch our backs and make sure there isn’t a planned attack tonight,” Batman commands.
“But I can stay behind and help, Y/N. I know more about computers than Jason,” Tim says, slightly offended by his father’s order. “No offense, Jason.”
“I’m already offended, Timberlina,” Jason says sarcastically.
“Jason could use the extra practice. I rather have him learn now then when the world’s already in danger, Tim. You either do as I say, or you are benched,” Batman threatens. “You know how I work. I get the final say.”
“I’ll do it your way then,” Tim mutters under his breath.
“Good, because for a second there, I was beginning to wonder if you needed to remember who’s in charge of this family.”
Batman growls under his breath and goes to the Batmobile where Robin is waiting for him. As soon as the Batmobile’s gone, Tim strolls over to Y/N. He slips his mask on and helps her to her feet. Tim embraces her tightly, and he kisses her cheeks before one peck to her lips.
“Be careful, Tim,” Y/N whispers in his ear.
“I will. I’ll always come home to you, sweetheart.”
And with that final peck, Red Robin jumps onto his bike and drives off.
The night is slow. Red Robin wondered if the shipment was a rumor for tonight. He seriously doubts whatever Deathstroke and Bane have planned is for another night. All Red Robin was doing is sitting on the rooftop nearby, hanging along the edge for amusement, and tossing bread crumbs for the rats below.
He figures since it’s almost one in the morning and hasn’t heard back from anyone, he’d head back home now.
If anything, maybe tomorrow night is when they’d show up with the weapons, and attack Gotham right then and there.
All Tim could think about was a hot shower. The summer nights in Gotham are scorching hot and humid, and wearing a thick armored costume can make a guy sweat a lot as if he’s ran a marathon. He could just imagine Y/N, in her short pajama bottoms and tank top, snuggling with her back to his chest, as he holds her until he’s fast asleep.
Tim knew Y/N is the reason why he sleeps now. He always looks forward to bed now.
By the time he gets into the Batcave, Tim’s completely silent. He wants to surprise Y/N; sneak up on her with his arms around her waist, squeezing her until she surrenders, and carry her upstairs for a nice hot shower.
Just the way Y/N likes.
Tim parks his bike far away from the other bikes, so Y/N wouldn’t hear him. He slips off some of his armor and removes his mask and boots. When he’s down to his boxers, and t-shirt, he grins playfully as he makes his way to the Batcomputer.
Skin on skin slapping.
Panting, breathing heavily.
Wet noises.
Is that…Y/N moaning?
Is she really relieving herself in the Batcave?
Tim slowly approaches an area to continue to hide but can see the Batcomputer where he’s standing. He sees his girlfriend, Y/N, naked on her back; lying on her back on the computer table with Jason, still in costume but with his cock in Y/N, in between her legs, fucking her hard and fast.
Tim freezes. His chest suddenly tightens to the point where it hurts, and he feels as if he can’t breathe.
How could they do this?
How could they do this behind my back?
He’s not even ashamed to cry. Wouldn’t anyone cry if they saw their loved one cheating on them with someone who’s clearly better than them?
Jason grunts, and lowers himself down to capture Y/N’s lips. Tim watches how her breasts bounce up and down, and how her back arches when Jason begins to rub her clit viciously. He’s seen Y/N naked a few times, but never saw her naked the way she’s lying down and getting fucked like how she likes it. Y/N bites her bottom lip, and moans Jason’s names as if it’s the last thing she’ll ever say.
She even giggles when Jason bites and sucks her hard nipples.
“You-you like that, baby girl? You like how my cock fills you up so perfectly? F-fuck! I love how you tighten around me!” Jason moans louder than before. “Your pussy is so fucking perfect!”
Tim watches in horror how Jason gently slaps Y/N’s vagina. The way he’s treating her dirty and talking to her is repulsive to Tim. How could Y/N let Jason fuck her like that?
Or just fuck her in general?
But I’m her boyfriend…Tim thinks to himself.
Maybe sex was important in their relationship. Was Tim really making Y/N miserable without having sex with her?
“Yes! F-fuck me harder, Jason! Fuck me faster!” Y/N begs. Tears at the corner of her eyes threaten to fall. “I-I need this so bad!”
“I know you do, doll. I’m gonna make you cum so hard, you won’t be able to walk straight for a week.”
“J-Jason! Oh my God! I-I think I’m going to cum! Keep fucking me!”
“Fuck yes, doll! I’ll fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked!” Jason growls. “You’re mine now!”
Jason’s hands lift Y/N in a sitting position and slams her down onto his cock, as he fucks up into her. They kiss again; more passionate and sexual than Tim’s ever kissed Y/N.
Y/N wraps her arms around Jason’s neck, and cries out in pleasure as a powerful orgasm goes through her body. Jason’s thrusts begin to get sloppy, and then he releases inside her, with a groan in her neck as he squeezes her tightly.
Y/N removes her head from Jason’s chest. He lowers his head and kisses her again. Tim watches the way Jason pulls out of her but keeps Y/N’s legs around his waist.
They don’t know but Tim can hear them speak.
Jason even says three words he’s never said to anyone.
As for Y/N, she says them back.
And this just proves to Tim, how this wasn’t the first time they’ve fucked behind his back.
[Tim’s point of view]
 So, that’s it then.
The trust was already broken.
Y/N cheated on me with my brother.
Jason. Of all people, it had to be Jason.
It’s been two months since I saw them fucking in the Batcave.
I didn’t say anything to them. I wouldn’t even know what to say, anyways.
I know they’re still fucking, though. Y/N seems a lot happier nowadays. She kisses me more, and she’s even living with me in my room at the Manor.
And as for Jason? He’s not seeing anyone now. I was the first to figure it out, since Y/N’s got him wrapped around her finger.
But in those two months, I’m starting to see some changes in Y/N.
She’s moody. She’s hungry a lot. She hasn’t even started her period. The list goes on…
I know what’s wrong with her before she does, and it kills me to the point where I want to tell her; and catch her in her own lies.
But I don’t.
I don’t say anything because I know when the truth comes to light, it’ll all come back and hurt them.
And let’s just say I’m done with being treated like shit.
I’m done with being cheated on.
I’m done with everything Y/N and Jason are putting me through.
Oh…but it’ll all happen in good time. I’m just going to sit here, smile at them both, and wait for my chance to expose and hurt them.
Because I only have one shot at this, and I’m going to take it.
Joker’s out of Arkham, and maybe it’s time he’s heard the news that the former dead Robin is going to be a father.
And Jason deserves to go out with a BIG BANG.
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