#again I’m so sad in canon art where she’s hanging around with agents
ptanalo · 2 years
Ah I wanted to rant more headcanons abt neon and her gear as a type of insulators for her powers even tho it’s not that deep
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ahumansvoid · 4 years
Misc WIP Folder
So I’m going through my WIPs folder’s subfolders. 
One is labelled Misc, so that’s the one I’m going through now. Everything will be below the cut because this will probably be a long post, there are sixteen files in this folder. 
Most of them are from different fandoms, so I’ll put what fandom it’s in + what title I have for it in my folder in bold before I talk about it. I’ll be going from oldest to newest. Technically not because I can’t sort Google docs like that, but rather “last modified by me” so, longest abandoned to newly abandoned I guess?
 Also Spoilers for any of the fandoms, maybe? Probably. 
If you have any questions about any of the fandoms, message me or send me an ask. I’m open to talking about any and all of them. 
Fandoms Involved (Ordered by appearance):
Murdered: Soul Suspect (Video Game)
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (TV Show)
Gravity Falls (TV Show)
Until Dawn (Video Game)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV Show)
The Mummy (2017) & (1999) (Movies)
Assassination Classroom (TV Show/Anime)
Red vs. Blue (Online Show- Rooster Teeth)
Camp Camp (Online Show - Rooster Teeth)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (TV Show)
Devil May Cry (Video Game + Anime)
Aladdin (2019) (Movie)
Castlevania (TV Show)
Murdered: Soul Suspect - MSS
So there isn’t much in this one, just a bullet pointed outline. Murdered Soul Suspect is a video game, if you don’t know it and are curious you can google it or message me. 
Anywho. This is just a little part I thought was funny.
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It’s essentially a Ronan survives AU of the game, pretty standard and I thought it would be fun. Honestly this part about Ronan and his cracked spine just reminded me of Obi-wan and how I write him in ignoring his injuries (and how most people write him) so it made me laugh a bit. 
There’s really not much here, I didn’t even finish the outline.
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia - trollhunters au
I am very creative with my titles. Clearly. This is another bullet point outline. but this one is longer and irrc I actually started writing this, and that file would also be in this folder so if I did write it’ll also be featured on this post.
This is an au where Claire is the trollhunter rather than Jim.
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The top bit is literally just for context on the next star point. Anywho Writing AAARRRGGGHH/ seeing it spelled out is funny to me. Also I’m pretty sure I rewatched bits with AAARRRGGGHH with subtitles on to see how it was spelt and then replicated that.
The second star point is funny to me because I describe annoyance/anger (rightful, both of them) as pissy. And that’s funny.
There’s more but if I’m write and I wrote it out, then that’ll be featured later. 
Gravity Falls - Gravity Falls
... Okay I’m not creative with titles until I have to be. Once more, bullet point outline. So this is an after-canon AU where Bill left a remanent of himself in Dipper and it’s become apparent when they’re in Piedmont.
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I just like the rules I had Dipper give Bill. I thought they were neat. Also, I like Mabel convincing Dipper to let Bill live because he’s pathetic. This is a demon who has tormented them for an entire summer, but nows he’s pathetic so lets help him. 
Not much of interest in this. I probably didn’t write it because it’d be a long and day-in-the-life type fic. It’d just be Dipper and Bill coexisting and going through life and IDK how well I’d of written that. So I didn’t write it.
Until Dawn- Until DAwn AU
FYI I’m keeping the titles case-sensitive. Another bullet outline. So this is a Josh survives/exorcised AU, also an Everybody Live AU. I’m pretty sure I wrote this when I was heavily invested in Until Dawn and Josh (because I like him.) And I was reading Until Dawn fanfic in which Josh is blamed for what happened on the mountain. And I think I was getting pissy which lead to this:
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So in this AU the Until Dawn Group splintered into Sam, Josh & Chris, and Mike, Emily, Jess, Matt & Ashley. So this conversation/fight is between Chris and the second group. So Chris is the 1st,3rd and 5th talking bullet point. I don’t know who’s talking in the 2nd &4th bullet point but it’s one of the second group. Probably Emily, Mike or Jess maybe. Not Ashley.
Im 90% sure that I wrote out this entire outline just for this little interaction. 
It just tickles my id. I still kind of like it, but I honestly don’t know what else I’d write for this AU.
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Zuko is the avatar
Title is self-explanatory. Also, I really like bullet outlines. So. Anywho. 
Aang is still a 12 year old in this, he used up all his “avatar energy” (that’s literally what I wrote) to keep himself alive so he’s just an airbender now.
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I just love Iroh. And this is just funny to me.
If I ever wrote this, it’d be a lot of hijinks of Katara and Aaang (and eventually Toph) covering for Zuko whenever he bends anything other than fire. More cracky than serious.
“The Mummy (2017)” and “The Mummy (1999)” - Mummy x Mummy
I watched the 2017 version of the mummy (got it from the library for 2 bucks) and since there are some throwbacks to the 1999 movie I decided to try to combine them. This also became an AU where Evie and Rick save Imhotep in Mummy 2, and due to Evie being revived meant she was functionally immortal (doesn’t age, but can still be killed). And due to everything, by the Mummy 2017 rolls around it’s just her and Imhotep hanging around, investigating ancient egypt and whatnot.
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Honestly this is just part of the outline. None of this is really amusing to me, just, if I ever tried to write it, a lot of work. Although, the fact that I can’t remember the blonde lady friend from the Mummy 2017 is kind of amusing and I literally call her ‘BLF’ throughout this entire outline. I think her name was Lisa. Or Sara.
i’ll google it.
Assassination Classroom - AC AU
At this point, I might as well tell you when it isn’t a bullet outline than saying when it is.
This was really just a Reaper/Koro-sensei raises Nagisa rather than his mom.
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People panicking around children is amusing to me. Again, long AU. And this was probably an excuse to write some baby assassin Nagisa and whatnot. Honestly whenever I read this I do remember more details on this, that I have never written down. 
Murdered: Soul Suspect - Murdered: Soul Suspect
Okay I think this is just a repeat of the one I posted earlier???
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I- I don’t know what this was? Like this is newer than the other one? 
Uh, brain weirdness?
Let’s move on.
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia - TRollhunters
Ok! So this is the written out of the bullet point earlier. I did not write out much. But I’ll talk about it a bit more? So this AU is also a Bular survives and Jim finds him and helps AU.
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This is literally all I have written. So, right after this, Jim would find an injured Bular and helps him. There isn’t much to add, but I will add what I had written as Barbara’s reaction from the outline:
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Large AU, but it would be fun to write. I would most likely end up writing Claire’s journey of Trollhunting along with Jim’s adventures with Bular.
Red vs Blue - Meta, no, that wasn’t, he wasn’t
Okay, that’s not the full title but also the full title is literally the first sentence. Which is a long one so you get part of it. This is actually a written au, it’s about Agent Maine/ The Meta surviving and meeting up with Siris. This is just the first couple paragraphs:
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Nothing I read was particularly funny to me, so just the first two paragraphs. Essentially what would’ve happened is Siris would help Maine find Washington (on Chorus) go to Chorus. Find Felix and Locus. Drama Ensues.
I might actually write this. Maybe. There’s potential, if the drive hits me.
I havent watched RvB in a couple of years, but I did like the series. It was interesting.
Camp Camp- Camp Camp
Y’know since this is ‘misc’ I get just having fandom names. Lot easier to identifiy.
So, this file is currently loading still, but I remember this. It wasn’t that long ago. This wasn’t so much a fic as a comic I would of like to have done. I definitely would’ve needed to brush up on my art skills (I am mediocre at best) but it’s just a small little comic I would’ve done on Camp Camp.
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First little bit. I actually wrote out most of this rather than just bullet pointing it. 
There is a little bit I’d have to polish up, but I could probably post this entire thing. But I kind of want to actually do the comic first. But boy that’s a lot of work.
I love how most of the reason I’m not writing these is that they’re a lot of work.
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (TV Show) - Project Cheron
This is an AU where Priest is one of the projects of Blackwing. Specifically Cheron and I think my reasoning is that he makes people go where they need to be. IDK. I actually wrote a couple of these. But this one is essentially Priest getting a bunch of projects together to help something. Idk.
This entire thing is weird and would probably be labelled crack if I ever finished it.
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Okay. This entire scene is funny to me. Just, this girl rushing out in front of the car waving happily with a decapitated head in her hand. I like it. So, Aine and Herodias are OCs. Both are projects Priest is collecting. 
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (TV Show) - “Dirk
Another Priest is a Blackwing Project AU but that’s not really the focus of this story. This story is about a project (Project Carman- OC) who can trap people in their certain significant memories of her choosing. Carman gets annoyed at Bart, Dirk and the Rowdy 3 so she traps them in memories signifcant to their stay in Blackwing and Priest.
I’ve only written 2 of the six memories, so that’d be fun to complete. These are also just sad. They’re not happy memories. So, random moment that’s somewhat amusing:
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Also, title is the first sentence in the fic.
Devil May Cry - “Should I
I- why did I decide to do this from oldest to newest? Part of me is embarrassed, the other part is reminding me I have no reason to be? It’s a video game fic. But also this is a game of my childhood. It’s about Nero looking for his dad and finding Dante instead. Canonically Dante’s twin brother, Vergil, is Nero’s dad.
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Just a random moment because I didn’t write that much of it. Also I thought it was kind of cute. Patty shows up in the Devil May Cry anime. Which I watched before I played the games. 
Aladdin (2019) - Aladdin AU
A mix of bullet outline and written. I don’t actually have much of this AU, but essentially before Aladdin wishes to become a prince, he notices some mercenaries kidnapping a little girl and decides to rescue her. 
This girl is the princess of Shiroba, Aladdin takes her back to Shiroba. The Queen/ Sultana appreciates Aladdin going out of his way to help her so she invites him to stay in the palace. 
Eventually word gets to Shiroba that Agrabah is planning to attack so Aladdin and the two twin princes of Shiroba (that I made up, OCs) make a plan to infiltrate and see what they’re planning. They’re not planing espionage, but as Shiroba is a peaceful nation, they want to see if they should start evacuating people and whatnot.
So you get the Prince Ali stuff with the Genie and yada yada. 
I have none of that written. I just know that’s what I intended to do with it.
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So, first little bit. Long AU that would take a lot of work. Also, I know this isn’t super popular but I liked the 2019 version of Aladdin. I really like the changes they made. 
Castlevania (TV Show) - Waking up in Jail wasn’t a new experience
Again, title is first sentence. Not writing that out. Anywho, this is a kind of complete canon AU to Castlevania. Essentially we haven’t reached Lisa getting burnt at the stake yet. So, loving Dracula fam. Trevor and Sypha meet earlier due to circumstance. Alucard gets attacked by something and gets rescued by Trevor and Sypha. They travel together for a while. And then Sypha and Trevor get to meet Alucard’s parents. 
That’s where this AU will go if I ever write it. To be fair, last time I wrote in this file was March, so I guess that’s technically possible. Don’t hold out hope.
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First couple of paragraphs. 
Also, that’s it! Misc WIP folder done!
Oh, if you’ve made it this far, a)thank you and b) if you want to continue/write any of these, go ahead, but tag me or send me a link. I will be very happy to see/read what you create if you like any of this in an inspo way.
Also. This is long, so, IDK if Imma go through the other folders rn. Maybe tomorrow. 
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muffintonic · 6 years
Yes, I decided to just watch the PnF/MML leak instead of waiting because i’d rather not have to dodge spoilers until January. (Also, i’m still going to buy the new season on iTunes when it comes out, so whatever.)
For just the analysis bits, look for actual paragraphs instead of single sentences.
Doof was seriously considering Cavendish’s offer: his nnnnnnnnnnno was drawn out, it had more of a curious/hesitant tone at the beginning, and he freaking glanced down. In the end, he’s already got a boyfriend, though.
Continuing PnF’s habit of showing Buford and Baljeet hanging out alone, I see....nice.
They’ve already done “Act Your Age” and confirmed that Doof stayed a high school teacher after “Doof 101,” but he seems to be an agent here, so.......”The OWCA Files” takes place...before....this???? So this special takes place.........after “Doof 101??″ PNF USED TO BE SO GOOD AT CONTINUITY; GIVE ME SOME INFO, HERE.
I always love Phineas being supportive of Ferb talking/expressing himself. :’)
Oh, Phineas.
They already played darts across the city in “Bullseye!” and badminton in Across the Second Dimension....isn’t this kind of redundant?
It’s actually pretty lucky that Doof’s time machine has food on it...otherwise they’d have been long-dead.
Cavendish insisting that Dakota be careful a ton of times: good stuff.
How long has it been since they started openly taking over, exactly? For the kids to have been aware? Phineas and Ferb knew long enough to have a satellite workshop with a lot of inventions housed in it...
“Weaponize it?“ Buford, PLEASE.
They already studied good/bad luck in “Just Our Luck,” so this shouldn’t be too hard.
SOLDIERS?? Phineas is Ready for war. D: Poor baby.
“We...have no frame of reference for that“ THAT’S RIGHT, THEY HAVE THE WORLD ON A SILVER PLATTER. Phineas and Ferb are, like, the opposite of Murphy’s Law.
“Lemony fresh.“ God, i’ve missed Buford.
Doof is really stuck on that soda.....mood.
Candace being pragmatic, but also knowing that her brother is going to want to keep Milo around: good stuff.
FOUR MEN AND A PLATYPUS. ....I still don’t like how MML uses cutaway gags (and physical humor, actually)--too Family Guy for my taste.
Oh, shut up, Cavendish. He’s the one who invented time travel in the first place.
So escape is shorthand for “self-destruct?”
They’re going to beat the pistachions with the soda, aren’t they.
Mr. Slushy Dawg reference??
Doof.....already built a time machine all the way back in “Lotsa Latkes,” though.... I miss PnF’s excellent continuity............ (his apartment’s interior in the beginning of this special was different, too, yet we saw in AYA that it hadn’t changed in 10 years...and what happened to Xavier Onassis, anyway?)
I’m still not completely on-board with the whole “Doof-is-Professor-Time-and-he’s-venerated-in-the-future” thing. He wanted to be big and important in PnF after spending most of his life being ignored or actively bullied, but by the end realized that he didn’t need to be the ruler of the Tri-State area or anything to be loved and have a good life....this kind of reveal feels like it’s sort of flying in the face of that.
Why do Dwampy love rap so much? I’m not a fan.
Remember how Candace has super bad luck? Like, Phineas even commented on it in “S’Winter” when she kept getting the brunt of obstacles. Doof seems to have this kind of bad luck, too. My theory: certain people, like the original Murphy, have concentrations of the negative ions that cause bad stuff to happen. Murphy just happened to have a lot, and they got passed down to his descendants. Doof and Candace happen to have negative ions, but just not to the level of those descended from Murphy’s line.
UGH, CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT, GUYS. Wait, wasn’t Doof into “Greevil” (green + evil) and stuff before? What happened to that??
I mean, they don’t really need the suit...Phineas and Ferb can just stand on either side of Milo.
THE POWER OF ORANGE SODA REPELS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ISABELLA!!!!! Looks like she was getting ready for war/a rescue mission, too.
Perry saving Doof from falling...ah, yes, just like always.
Okay, I just can’t take this whole dramatic “compassion” scene seriously because the MML art style looks like Word clipart. Sorry, Dwampy. (I think they should’ve used slo-mo, too)
Perry protecting his family. :’)
BUFORD!! AMANDA!!! (my favorite MML character)
RADIOACTIVE WATERMELON. Why are watermelons such a running gag for Dwampy?
Come to think of it, i’m getting some “Night of the Living Pharmacists” vibes, now.
I think Dwampy left Isabella out for half the special and got her pistachion’d so quickly because they knew she’d be able to save everyone otherwise (like in NOTLP).
Nice speech, Doof!
So....this timeline is originally 15 years too early for Doof to be Professor Time. In AYA, which takes place 10 years in the future, he has white hair. When he comes back through time from the future right here, he doesn’t have white hair. WHAT THE HECK, CONTINUITY?! I’m so disappointed.
God, the way they do time travel in this series is....so confusing. Give me BTTF simplicity any day. Honestly, realistically going back and stopping the whole thing in the first place should have created an altered timeline....or this whole thing happened in an altered timeline in the first place since originally nobody was supposed to be replaced with pistachions until Derek got knocked into the timestream.
Dakota hugging Cavendish and calling him partner: GOOD STUFF.
Again, Doof’s building has to have been rebuilt some time between now and AYA.
Mmmmm, so MML takes place on the other side of town. In Jefferson County. So, now we know PnF takes place in Danville, which is in Jefferson County, in the Tri-State Area.
Okay, it’s confirmed: MML is merely an OVA for PnF. Dwampy honestly should have just either continued PnF, or let it die a good death as a wonderful period piece with fantastic continuity. Seriously, Doof was 47 in PnF and was a teen in the 80s....MML takes place after 2016, so DOOF WOULDN’T BE THAT AGE IN 2016. THERE WERE FLIP PHONES AT THE BEGINNING OF PNF. GOD. I’m beginning to consider not thinking of anything that happens in MML to be canon to PnF, especially since it seems to take place in the “The OWCA Files” continuity where they got Doof’s ocelot backstory (and bedroom) completely wrong.
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Writing Update: 4/26/19
Publishing soon!
Stand Still Awhile: A Steve/Natasha fic in my series  “Friendship is Unnecessary” set a few months after Winter Solder. Natasha is invited to a Stark Industries gala, and drags Steve along as her +1. If you’re looking for a taste of that “And they all lived in the tower and everything was great” fluff-life now that Endgame is out, this might scratch that itch. Look for it coming out this Monday! Excerpt: "Hey Natasha. What's up?"
"Hey Steve!" She piped back. “Listen, can I ask a favor?"
"Of course." Steve said, his voice turning a little serious. "Anything for you. You know that."
He heard her laugh. "You're going to regret saying that."
"Nat..." Her name was a warning, but his smile bled through.
"I need you to come as my plus one to this gala thing for some art exhibit that Stark Industries is funding over at the Met."
Steve sputtered a little. "What?"
"A gala. Last Saturday of this month. I need a date. You're not busy right?"
"But... you hate those things." Steve said by way of a rather stuttering non-answer.
"Look, Stark says everyone on payroll has to come, and I don't want to go by myself."
"Why don't you ask Clint?"
"He's on vacation. Off the grid."
"Maria Hill?"
"Already has a date."
"Out of town. He was actually really disappointed too, but it's his mom's birthday that weekend."
"Is Nick Fury too busy being dead to-"
"Steve!" Natasha half-shouted, a smile coloring her voice. "It's my job to find you dates, not the other way around. Come on. Help a girl out?"
He sighed, rubbing one hand over the back of his neck. "Aw Nat, I'm not good at those things. You know that. Besides… you don't think people will talk if we showed up together?"
"And they wouldn't if I showed up with Maria Hill on my arm?"  Natasha shot back. "Come on, Steve. I promise it will be fun.
Coming soon!
The Night the Wall Came Down:  This is a Steve/Natasha fic in my “Friendship is Unnecessary”  series set during Endgame, about 5-6 months post-Snap. This will definitely will be a sad one… I’m actually using this as a mourning piece for myself for Infinity War, for Endgame, and for the end of season 5 of Agents of SHIELD. Definitely will contain spoilers for Endgame. Currently clocks in at close to 9k. I’ve had to do some major surgery on it because I didn’t realize Endgame was going to span such a broad length of time, and I originally guessed that Team Cap would be spending a good chunk of time in Wakanda. It changed a lot of things about this fic in terms of setting and time, but thankfully I didn’t have to do much actual rewriting. I hope to have it out sometime in May.
A Maelstrom Whirls Below: I’m toying with the possibility of a sequel to my Darcy/Eddie/Venom fic “A Room for Rent in the Fourth Estate.” A rough outline is in place, and I’m starting to sketch around on a few scenes. But right now it’s just some ideas and a few zippy one-liners. It’s starting to get some traction though!
Hang By Every Word: The outline for my Stucky fic is still coming along but it will be awhile yet before I start writing on it in earnest. Now that “Fourth Estate” is finished and publishing, I’m ready to start picking at a new bigger fic. The basic theme (and I’m sure this has been done, but fuck it) is the undoing of Bucky’s conditioning one trigger word at a time. And each trigger word locked down a memory of Steve. So I have to write things from Steve’s point of view, and all ten memories have to be written from Bucky’s point of view, and they have to tie together into a cohesive narrative but the memories are out of order, but Steve’s time line isn’t and… It’s… a challenge. I’m still largely in the brainstorming phase… writing little snippets here and there. Nothing’s solidly taking form just yet.
Other “Friendship is Unnecessary” fics at various stages:
Sweet and Honorable:  Set post Civil War. Bucky insists on coming with Steve and Natasha to rescue Sam Wilson. This is starting to take shape in my head as a sort of work through for some of the issues that get raised in “Echo in my Soul.” We’ll see how it goes…
Untitled Steve/Natasha/Clint fic: Takes place during Endgame. Hurt/Comfort-palooza. I won’t say any more than that before a cut for spoilers.
Untitled Final Fic: So... long story short, Endgame didn’t do what I thought it was going to do in some respects. If you’re curious what’s coming next for “Friendship is Unnecessary” look under the cut. But be warned that there will be spoilers.
Last spoiler warning! So... While I was actually spot on in a lot of my predictions about Endgame (Tony Stark buying it, the time travel being used to go get Stones out of the past, and Steve Rogers using the last of the time-travel juice to go back to be with Peggy) I was definitely not expecting them to kill Natasha. Like... that threw me for a loop. 
And it threw my fic-writing for a loop. Because I was 100% expecting Steve to buy it if he didn’t just go back to 1945. But Nat dying... that throws a wrench in things. I actually had written the beginning of a fix-it for Endgame that assumes Steve dies, and that Bucky and Natasha are going to try and bring him back. And the plan for that, or at least a starting place, was that Clint was going to give Natasha Phil’s file from when she dumped all the SHIELD secrets onto the internet. They’d learn about TAHITI and the fact that apparently resurrection magic is a thing. (Also that Coulson was alive again but is now dead once more because I enjoy pain.) But obviously that is not going to work. Still might publish that scene though... just as like a little extra. I was super proud of it and I’m a little miffed that it’s basically useless now.
So now I’m left with a quandary of two options. Either go completely AU somewhere in the middle of the time-travely business and figure out a way to make Steve bite it and go ahead with the originally planned fic. (which will be a lot of work... I’d have to totally reorganize the Time Heist and I’m just not sure I have the brain capacity to pull that off) Or the other option is I keep to canon and figure out how to undo the Soul Stone magic to bring back Nat. Because Steve still has to return the Soul Stone.  And I’m thinking I’m going to go with the latter, because I think I have it worked out. I won’t say how... but basically, we know that gaining the Soul Stone is a simple transaction. A soul for a soul. A life for a life. And Coulson’s fastidiousness with paperwork rubbed off on Clint... so he keeps his receipts. And Steve and Bucky would like to speak to the manager.
As far as the other fic, the Steve/Clint/Natasha one, I think that’s just going to be some straight-forward hurt/comfort happy times once Clint makes it back to the compound. Looking forward to writing this one. All in all... I had some serious issues with Endgame (looking at you bullshit where Steve goes back in time but doesn’t save Bucky... seriously... Steve “You can cram the Accords up your ass, motherfucker” Rogers would not be swayed from saving his best friend from DECADES of torture by a little thing like continuum theory. That is bullshit on cheese biscuits.) But I honestly enjoyed it. I thought it was a fitting end to the saga, and I’m looking forward to writing for it and wrapping up this series... and fixing the last fifteen minutes. Jesus Christ.
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