#I like to hc she needs more of her gear on her
sunflowersunite · 2 days
Eremika post war headcanons
(in a world where the Rumbling wasn't Eren's fault and he can live well and happy)
once everything is over, EMA hugs one another so tightly that they might burst. They're a bundle of tears and laughter and dust, and they've done it.
Armin became an ambassador to help the island rebound from the catastrophe, whereas Eren and Mikasa returned to Paradis afterwards. That scene where we saw Mikasa leaving Marley after the war-- yeah, that's with Eren (all of him, not only his head). They ran away together, hands clasped, gear discarded. They stowed away on the first ship to Paradis.
They rebuild their old home in Shiganshina and stay there for a while, but as the island thrives, then realise that Shiganshina is getting too crowded. So they move to a cabin in the forest, secluded enough to be at peace. They visit Historia for lunch often (I mentioned Historia in other post war hcs too, and in my opinion, she's a must. Everyone visits Historia post war and they all dine together).
Mikasa doesn't wear her scarf anymore. She doesn't need it, Eren is with her, she sees him every morning and falls asleep knowing he's in the next room. She matures to realise that no one will take him away now. She feels safer. She tucks it away and wears it only in the winter.
They fall into a routine together, do chores, Eren hunts sometimes (Mikasa is better at it, but he stubbornly insists on doing it).
Neither touches on it, but they know that they're not kids anymore. They sense how different things between them are now.
Mikasa already knows how she feels for Eren, she's known for a long time, but feels like he needs space, since he hasn't said anything yet, nor has he revealed a wish for anything between them to change. It's enough for her that they're alive and together.
They're all awkward, they don't know what they are to each other.
Historia is fuming when Mikasa tells her that. "You two aren't together already??"
They turn beet red. Historia berates Eren and Mikasa separately ("don't you realise how much you mean to her/him? Come on, do something! We all knew since we were cadets!"), and they go home like punished schoolkids. They look at one another and crack a smile.
Eren knows how he feels but Mikasa deserves someone better and maybe he's not good enough and maybe he'll mess this up and how do people even do such things, how does he even ask her something like that, how does he tell her...?
Eren searches their old clothes and finds the scarf. He marches up to her, wraps it around her neck, remembering an old promise, and says "I'll wrap this around you, now and forever and as much as you want. For the rest of our lives."
Mikasa is startled and somewhat confused, so Eren has to say it out loud, face red. "I love you Mikasa. Marry me."
And she accepts. She locks him in a hug and spins him around. They get married that same day. They debated on waiting for Armin, but decided that enough was enough and also it was what Armin would have wanted.
Armin returns to visit them with the ambassadors after months. They're not waiting for them at the port, and he immediately knows where to look. He finds them under the tree.
EMA reunite and exchange their stories. ("took you long enough," Armin said. "Surprised you didn't get married first thing when you came home".)
They greet the rest of the ambassadors later. Jean has already started to heal and move past Mikasa, so he congratulates them happily (Eren and Jean drink a little more that night and fistfight, but it's okay because they're all together again).
Mikasa and Eren's firstborn is Carla, with Armin as her godfather.
Their second is Sasha. Connie cried when they announced him the name and asked him to be her godfather.
They grow old together. Levi still manages to kick Eren in the face despite being in a wheelchair. He tolerates their kids (he loves them but don't tell anyone). Hange becomes the crazy aunt (yeah Hange is alive too)
Did I mention they grow old together
They don't work out that much anymore because they live a life of peace. Their physique isn't that ideal anymore (they still look very good but yk) and they don't care. They have a garden and a home and their friends and their kids and each other. They don't want anything else anymore.
Armin tells the world their story. Eren and Mikasa have been asked to sign copies of the book sometimes.
They're buried under the tree but after a long and fulfilling life by each other's side.
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ptanalo · 2 years
Ah I wanted to rant more headcanons abt neon and her gear as a type of insulators for her powers even tho it’s not that deep
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splootdoolies · 1 year
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a lil somethin in between zine stuff!!
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ednaeflowers · 6 months
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edna's love language is quality time. she's spent 1000+ years by herself on r.ayfalke waiting for e.izen to come home—she will never, ever admit to it, but she's definitely felt lonely before through those 1000+ years, so quality time would definitely help bring her closer to someone. she will still, of course, tease whoever she is with: because of how she's like, the more she teases you, the more fond of you she is. she isn't the type who talks about how she actually feels, especially if it's sentimental or personal, so it's very subtle in how much she enjoys someone's company. she opens up slowly, but once you gain her trust, she trusts you.
it reassures her to know that she still has people around her. it'll make her feel more comfortable knowing that there is still at least another person she can be around since she literally lost the only person she could truly rely on—so, it makes sense that she doesn't want to lose more people. she is very "loud" about how she teases people, but very "quiet" in how she shows what's actually on her mind. to know what she is feeling, it's all in her actions.
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phant0mth1ef · 3 months
bakugou x support course reader hcs / final part of bakugou x support course reader #notclickbait #real
- before you started dating, he’d definitely just sit there until you were done working because “the other extras are more annoying than you are.”
- he’d actively try to avoid you during school hours because his friends were always around him and he didn’t want to embarass himself.
- to try and see you during the day, he’d tell aizawa that a piece of his gear broke and then proceed to break it himself on the way to the lab so that he could have an excuse.
- has showed up to mirko’s agency countless times because “he needed his gear fixed by the next morning.”
- mirko definitely knows him by name now and her secretary instantly pages you the minute he walks in because he refuses to talk to any other support person there.
- on your first date, he had called best jeanist and asked him to do his hair which just ended up poofing back up halfway through, making you laugh while you were eating.
- would call things that you liked stupid and dumb but would proceed to get you it.
“look at that teddy bear!”
“looks fuckin’ stupid.”
then he’d proceed to spend $35 just trying to win you it.
- mainly tried to get with you because his mom said nobody else would want to put up with his shitty personality the way you do.
- the moment you met his mom, she fell in love with you. you bonded so well, mainly over the fact that you both called out her son the moment he stepped out of line.
- after he opened his own agency, you were the first person he wanted to have working with him, although he claimed you were his worker, you had scolded him and told him you were basically equals.
- kirishima helped him realize that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, being supportive throughout every aspect of his best friend’s relationship.
- he knew you hated things like public proposals because it made the person being proposed to feel like they had to say yes in that moment due to the pressure.
- because of that, he proposed to you in the most public setting while in his hero costume, a cheeky grin on his face as you glared down at him, instantly deciding on your next course of action.
“no.” and you walked away quickly, making him wallow in embarassment as you made your way to your shared apartment and waited for him to get home, laughing the moment he met your eyes when the door opened.
“why would you do that for?! hah?!” he was angry, but it wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen before.
“i told you to stop trying to piss me off ages ago, katsuki! you had to have known i was gonna do that.” your laugh was uncontrollable at this point as he pulled the velvet box out of his pocket once again and got down onto one knee.
he didn’t say the words again.
“well?! answer me!”
“i guess i can get down with marrying great explosion murder god dynamight. i heard the money’s super good. helps that he’s hot too.” you snickered.
- you had two children, both girls and you swore he was the biggest girl dad ever, always making sure his “gals” were taken care of.
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iruiji · 5 months
SAGAU but Creator Reader has been tagging along with the Gourmet Supremos.
If you didn't know or have forgotten, Gourmet Supremos are one of those quest series that is randomized because some part of the questline can only be accessed with dailies (like Whispers in the Wind or Snezhnaya Does Not Believe in Tears or Garcia's Paean).
This questline spans from Inazuma up to Sumeru. I think there were 6-7 quests in total? I forgot. (it's 8).
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(These are Julie, Parvaneh and Xudong in order.) There are more characters that made a cameo in here but we'll just limit it with these three.
Context dropped, onto the short HCs.
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• Okay so, I didn't really read the whole story of this one so I'm just going to make some random HCs on the fly. I'm aiming for a goody-feel with this one so no heavy angst will be involved.
• Alright, so. Xudong is the leader of the Gourmet Supremos, and he only found you because when you land in Inazuma, you literally dropped into their camp and was about to steal a sausage from Julie's backpack (but there were so many ingredients there!!!)
• Xudong was fuming, lmao.
• Aight, geez, made you run a marathon there.
• The next time you've met, all three were together and they saw you roasting some lavender melon in some dilapidated tent you found while walking aimlessly. Hey, better than no shelter at all. For some unfathomable reason, your inventory only consists of food materials - with everything, and I mean everything, missing.
• God damn. It's like the heaven is telling you something. 🙄
• Anyways, yeah. So for some reason, the only access to the goddamn ingredients are locked, and you can't use it and you don't know when you would be able to use it, so you have to scrounge up whatever pitiful sources you can get.
• Sadly, it's mostly lavender melons.
• Like, you already made several dishes from this and it's really starting to grind on your gears, so you took a dive in one of the caverns and found some meat and was happily grilling it with the melons when the trio came out of nowhere.
The hell. "I didn't get the sausage, though."
"But you still tried to!"
"I mean, I was dying of hunger, so.. you know."
Julie, bless her heart, gets in between you two. "It's fine, Xudong. They needed help, did they not?"
This time, Parvaneh chimes in. "As they've told you, they didn't get anything, so let it go. And you." She points at you with calloused finger. "Who are you?"
That caught you off guard a little. Told them your name and, to Xudong's bewilderment, started chatting amicably with you. Some time later though, he softened a bit but still a little cautious. They traded cooking tips with you, and, to their utmost surprise, you exchanged many tips on cooking as well.
"How do you know all this?" Xudong asked as you finished explaining the difference between sauteing onion and garlic first.
"Oh. I'm uh, a professional chef back in our place. Been years though, so yeah." You replied as you took a bite of their chicken. "Holy shit, why is this so good?"
Julie and Parvaneh just smiled proudly.
• So like, you became a new addition to their team - but you actually specialize in desserts. Xudong has many a great views in cooking, as well as the two ladies, and together you journeyed the whole of Inazuma for rare ingredients and made some two or three journals that have been since published and loved by people. (The fangirling/fanboying is real when you saw Xiangling's message drooling about your own version of Tiramisu).
• One day, however, you lot came across a shrine - it doesn't look abandoned, oddly, but it looks really, really old. You asked them what's the deal with this one, and they explained about the Creator.
You're in SAGAU?
"People said they've come back, but we don't really know.."
Double shit.
• With that knowledge, you try and avoid the main cities as much as possible and only let the three buy on populated areas. Thank God they didn't really notice you suddenly covering half your face with a mask - which you only shrugged when asked.
"I like masks."
Fair enough, they suppose.
• ..oh fuck, is that Yae Miko?
"Ara, and who is this?"
Xudong, Julie and Parvaneh bows and you hastily followed.
"She is our new companion, Lady Miko."
She looks at you with an impish grin. "Oh?"
Dont act suspicious. Don't act suspicious.
• Coming across the main characters from the game are very, VERY rare. You can actually count on one hand the characters you've met:
Yae Miko;
Thoma (he was going around asking for favors as usual and you bump into each other and only had quick apologies as interaction);
Kujou Sara (she was patrolling the area and asked about your mask - which you replied that it's part of your outfit. damn, her glare was fucking menacing!);
Kuki Shinobu (you were side to side buying groceries once), and lastly;
Kamisato Ayato (you actually didn't meet - you just saw him giving speech in a podium for some event you just came across).
• You figured, hey, maybe you're NOT the creator or whatever. And just tried to live normally after some time. The mask stayed though, because you just survived the pandemic back here and was cautious.
• About a year and six months with the team, Xudong suggested you come all to Sumeru to expand your knowledge. Holy shit, yes please!
• ..and then you met the Traveler on your way.
"Your Grace..?"
Triple shit.
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😭 sorry for disappearing for about a year - i was too lazy finishing anything. And now, I added another idea not to finish on the list 💀 wrote this whole thing in like 30 minutes motivation really is a wonderful thing, huh?
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lowkeyrobin · 15 days
still so disappointed that mr pennycrumb [fives dog in the comics] didnt rlly appear much in the show </3
ok ok so its the academy's birthday and the reader is insanely good at gift giving and never forgets to give presents if theres smth special happening. they hand out the gifts to everyone except they avoid five and disappear w/o them knowing where they went, only to come back at dusk w/ a larger box. obviously five went insane and rambles on how worried he was before the reader finally shuts him up by plopping the box on him, and boom. theres a puppy.
[loved the last viktor fic btw. literally bawled my eyes out]
- 🦇
OMG YES the only appearance we saw was in s3 when Luther went on a jog before he got napped :( ; and thank you!! I got bored and I couldn't extend it any further so it's kinda dumb but it's alr haha ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also sorry this is so short and dumb idk writers block is so picky
FIVE HARGREEVES ; mr pennycrumb
summary ; when the umbrella academys birthdays roll around, you get five a whole ass dog
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; some of the gifts are related to hobbies/interests that are more of hcs than actual canon
word count ; 738
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When you walked into Allison's with multiple boxes and bags for the Hargreeves, they all knew you were at it again with your insane yet accurate gift giving. They started with cake, then moved over to presents.
Gift giving in the family was like secret Santa in a way. Everyone would essentially get gifts for all the others, and they'd pass around gifts one by one, usually by number order. Luther was always first, Viktor always last. Lila usually snuck in around Diego, because duh. Viktor had gotten used to being last, the forgotten one. But around his family now, he knew it wasn't like that anymore. He'd rather go last so everyone else could have their special time on their special day.
So, the group sets the gifts tagged for Luther on the table in front of him. The kids halfway watch from afar, paying attention to the TV and their toys more than their celebrating parents, aunts, and uncles.
You were among the minority in the house that didn't share a birthday with them, thank God. You would've gone insane over big birthdays like this.
Five, meanwhile, was going insane over you basically ignoring him all day.
You'd gotten Luther some workout gear, knowing he'd taken up going to the gym within the past couple of years. Among other gifts were little trinkets and other things he wanted. He was a little hard to shop for, never really wanting anything, enjoying the quality time over any gift giving.
Next was Diego, and inside the gift you got for him, was a knife sharpening kit. He'd lost his old one just in time. Lila came up next, receiving a few nice outfits you found for her and a gift card to Cosmoprof, as she'd been thinking about re-dyeing her hair to white again.
Next up was Allison, grateful for the numerous acting job business cards you'd given her on top of a bunch of books that were on her Amazon wishlist. She was a serious reader who wanted to get back into acting, now.
Klaus was after her, ecstatic about a carry-around cleaning kit. You were going to go with a joint maker to make his life easier before he got sober. Now he wouldn't need a full bag of cleaning supplies, he'd have your perfect gift.
Five decided to go last, wanting to watch his family be happy more than open presents himself.
Ben was next, receiving some letters from modeling agencies. As he should.
Viktor was second to last, very appreciative for the new drink recipes you'd made and found for him atop the pile of clothes you'd gotten him.
You disappeared around dusk, leaving Five to open his presents without presence. He was physically eighteen, mentally sixty-two today.
As he looks up, seeing the lack of you around, he hides a soft frown. He noticed how you weren't standing near him all night, how you barely even spoke around him.
"Did you do something to Y/n?" Klaus asks out of the blue. "They just kinda... dissappeared"
Five shrugs. "I don't think I did. Even if I did do something, they'd talk it out with me"
Allison shrugs. "I think that's them" she comments, looking out the screen door to see you pull up in your car again. "Diego, could you get the door?"
Diego turns around, unlocking the door for you, holding it open as he sees you holding a big box.
"Why is that box bigger than you?"
"Also, why is it moving?"
You set the box on the table in front of Five, a wide smile on your face. "Open it"
He slowly sets aside the large box of coffee pods he received from Diego to the side, slowly reaching for the box flaps. As he pulls them to the side, out jumps a little dog.
"Oh my God?"
Five smiles, pulling the puppy into his lap. He looks up at you, a glimmer in his eyes. "Why did you get me a dog?"
You shrug, moving the box off the table. "You're a lonely old man, you need some company"
He chuckles, petting the pug's head.
"What're you gonna name it?" Ben asks, arms crossed.
"Him" You correct
"Mr. Pennycrumb" Five answers.
"Why?" Luther asks.
The physically younger boy shrugs. "Why not?"
"Interesting choice" Klaus mutters with a shrug.
Five smiles up at you, giddy like a little kid. "Thank you"
"I try"
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angsthology · 11 months
the misadventures of being the only female f1 driver through the eyes of the grid’s renowned snoopy-loving kangaroo
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mostly thank u to @sebscore and @disneyprincemuke for the idea of fem!driver on the grid (i love both of them by them please check it out)
anyway! these are mostly from random spurts of thought i have along with memories of my toddler self who wanted to be race car driver! (did not in fact become one btw. im somehow becoming a law student instead). i also try to not use any y/n (which so far i have succeeded in, hopefully, hehe) and psa, she is often implied as a non-european. (well more on how i write her cause i write what i know)
also, apologies in advance, this is going to have a LOT of projecting <3
talk to meee!!1! (or maybe request just whatever)
tag << everything rvstw (asks, brainrots, & more!!)
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☆ introduction
a little intro into our driver and the likes of her (hcs)
☆ re-intro
idk car stuff and some designs
☆ more
just random stuff about her
☆ behind the driver
behind every little gremlin is a group of tired adults
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☆ the origin story
the journey of when what and whys of our driver
☆ the kangaroo!
the story of how she got the nickname “roo”
☆ the gig
she’s... in a band?
☆ the presence
roo has been acting a little too quiet and when the drivers take notice of it they had to ask
☆ the figure
it started as an accident, ended with family
☆ the dye
who told him this was a good idea?
☆ the m problem
so... we need to talk about roo?
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☆ the rise
lets get the year started, yeah?
☆ the button (–2024)
it went from that to this
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☆ the shoot
welcome to 2024! who is this person...
☆ the streak
she is posessed by the demon (her real self)
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HOLIDAY HURRAHS (from summer break to winter breaks)
☆ secret santa
the process of how the 2023 secret santa went
☆ beach day
spending the day at the beach with a large group of f1 drivers may seem like a good idea until you remember some of them are literal children
☆ beach day the sequel
the consequences of your actions and some more actions
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PADDOCK ENCOUNTERS (misc & shorts)
☆ chilli-pepper
☆ sold
☆ teenagers and baseball gears
☆ roo vs. the cameraman
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BEST OF ROO (the compilations)
☆ radio
☆ incorrect
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☆ after the gig
☆ what’s your roman empire?
☆ there’s another side that you don’t know
☆ new year, new name, and a vacation dump
☆ into outer space
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midniiights-garden · 9 months
General HCs on Mizu with an S/O
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First Meeting: How would she have most likely come into contact with the reader?
Personally I believe that Mizu would have most likely met her future S/O whilst they were travelling or working.
I'm gearing this more towards non-binary/female readers so if you're a guy reading this I'm sorry 😞
Anyways, yeah she probably met her S/O whilst they were either running away from something, hiding themselves or maybe as a brothel worker.
Either way I really think the first meeting would go the same no matter how you met her.
She'd be pretty cold and distant as she is with most people, keeping her distance both physically and emotionally. At first she won't treat her future S/O that differently than others.
Her Type: What would her type be?
I see Mizu as someone who needs stability. So ideally her S/O wouldn't be someone with the tendency to need adventure or conflict to thrive.
She would probably want someone who knows who they are, someone she doesn't need to take care of as an addition to herself. Someone who is ok with being alone especially since Mizu strikes me as the type to need time to herself often.
I also think she wouldn't be great with words of affirmation, so if you really need words to feel secure I don't think she'd be a great partner for that. Throughout the show I notice that she shows appreciation mainly through acts of service and quaility time, and this would still be the case with her S/O.
In terms of apperance I don't think she'd actually care too much. I think she may have an unconcious bias towards other Asians since she was raised in Japan, but due to her prior experience with racisim I don't think she'd necessarily be willing to be with someone of European lineage. I think that this might change through time though, especially once Mizu manages to come to terms with her own features. Then I think she'd be pretty unbiased.
They'd also have to be more on the mature side. Not necessarily in terms of age, but just personality wise. Someone who is self-aware and understanding and paitent.
Trust: How trusting would she be?
At first not very.
Obviously she has had incredibly negative experiences with relationships, so once she had an S/O I think she may still struggle with making the difference between her past relationship and her current one.
This may result in a bit of a turbulent start and I think there may be more arguements.
However, as time goes on and she realises that her S/O is truly in love with her for who she is and would probably die for her she starts to open up some more.
I've seen other headcanons saying that she becomes more feminine once she's comfortable with her S/O and I 100% agree with it. Just imagining her with her S/O, her hair down and letting her partner put makeup on her makes me blush and giggle ngl. Like, she is stunning. Breathtaking. Absolutely gorgeous. Words cannot describe how wonderful she is.
Yeah it would be like the reverse of "calm before the storm".
Arguements: How would she handle an arguement between her and her S/O?
Ok, so firstly I think an arguement would probably arise due to her aforementioned unwillingness to open up. Her S/O would be tired of being kept in the dark or worried about Mizu and would pry, and Mizu would snap.
I think Mizu would actually end up storming off, wanting to cool down first before coming back.
Mizu isn't one to solve things with violence when it comes to the people she cares about, so I think she'd prefer to talk things out calmly instead of yelling.
It may turn into yelling if said S/O tried to follow her when she leaves to go cool down though.
After the arguement she may be a little cold for a couple of days before returning to her usual self.
Marriage: Does she want to get remarried?
At the beginning of the relationship I do not think she was very willing to get married again. (Fuck you M*kio.)
Of course, as I mentioned plenty of times before she would have a lot of reservations in terms of opening herself up emotionally.
She fears getting married again might be a Mikio pt. 2 which would not be great for her mental health.
But as the relationship grows and her S/O proves that they intended to stay by her side ring or not... that's when she starts to consider the idea again. Especially since this time it's with someone she truly loves and who loves her back.
Her wedding would be small. Obviously. No hate to my precious baby but she doesn't have a whole lot of friends nor family to invite over. It would most likely just consist of her S/O and her, Ringo and Akemi. Who may or may not have dragged Taigen along.
Mizu would get to wear her wedding attire and properly get married to the love of her life. 😭😭😭
I can imagine her being really nervous beforehand, wondering if her S/O might consider her ugly once she saw her in her wedding attire and what not.
But of course her S/O would be like "stfu you're beautiful".
All in all it'd be a pretty emotional affair, lots of crying (behind doors for Mizu) and hugs.
(A/N: Ok. So I may have lied when I said general. Listen, in my defense I'm basically just throwing up my ideas here.)
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ninyard · 1 month
Do you have any HCs for Kayleigh?? I always wonder about the pre-AFTG series story (and the big players).
There’s brief stuff in the EC abt Tetsuji & Kayleigh. but other than that it’s pretty blank?
Also the detail abt exy becoming popular partially via a manga ? I want the missing chapter when Tetsuji reacts to that 😭😭
Oh Kayleigh and Tetsuji!!!!!!!! I picture her so clearly in University in Dublin in her final year of Sports Management or whatever course she did, writing her thesis on mixed gender sports or the invention of new sports and sitting down with her thesis lecturer with this idea. Kayleigh finding a mentor in this man, or woman, and saying to them I want to do something bold, something amazing. She's on the Lacrosse team in UCD. She plays on as many of the teams that she can without jeopardising her studies.
Kayleigh moving to Japan for her masters, and meeting Tetsuji, and she sees herself in him, this glint in his eyes that says he needs to be destined for more. Them sitting across from each other in the library with books about sports and the invention of different things and Tetsuji looks at a sport like Lacrosse and says it's missing something. I think it could be better. And they spitball these ideas back and forth. Should it be on ice, bigger teams, smaller teams? Should it be outdoors or indoors? Is it violence? Is it violence that it's missing?
Kayleigh talking to her mom, sending letters to Ireland, making expensive phone calls in the middle of the night all the way across the world, begging her to send her VHS tapes of as many hurling games as she could find - her mother complaining about how expensive they'd be to ship to Japan, but she agrees anyway. Kayleigh finding as many books as she can about Irish sport and the history of it all. It's a couple of weeks before she get the package at her door, and she calls Tetsuji when he's in the middle of a lecture and tells him to come over. There in front of her is four, five, six tapes of All Ireland final matches, and they sit down in front of the TV with their notebooks in front of them.
They don't write anything after the first match, Tetsuji staring at the screen like he's taking it all in, Kayleigh staring at him with a smile on her face like this is what he was waiting to see. 70 minutes go by and she switches the tape out for another one, and then another, and another, and they stay up until the sun rises just taking notes and watching. Brainstorming. Kayleigh explains the rules to him. They draw pictures, and there's a million failed ideas that don't work, like a flat racquet more similar to a hurley than a lacrosse stick, or helmets more similar to a cricket helmet than an american football one. No armor, more armor, too much armor.
Them finding each other after class, and proposing this idea for their dissertation, their master's thesis, their final project, and getting a ridiculous look. Getting shut down, getting told it's ridiculous. So they do what they were supposed to do; make it fucking happen anyway.
They spend all the savings that they have, and Tetsuji contacts his family, and they get things shipped over to Japan - hurling helmets, hockey gear, lacrosse sticks. All these mish-mash element that creates the idea thats been living inside their heads. They have 10 different types of balls, a tennis ball, a cricket ball, a baseball, all these different options, and the two of them find out the schedule of all the pitches and fields and courts on campus and try it everywhere. It's messy, but it's exciting, and invigorating. They have their bulging notebooks on the ground, and every rule and idea they have, every thing that feels right or wrong, they write it down. They're taping weights around the lacrosse sticks to see if it feels better, padding out their gear with cardboard and duct tape. There's something missing, still. They try it on ice, and its too unbalanced and sloppy, but the first time Tetsuji shoots a ball at the plexiglass wall, and it rebounds right into Kayleigh's net, they both look at each other like that's it. That's what we've been missing. They jump on top of each other and get scolded for falling on the ice and screaming in the rink.
They figure out how much it would cost for them to rent out the unused college soccer pitch for the summer, and find ten of their friends and classmates and explain the rules as best they can. It's expensive, buying the gear for them all, figuring out how to surround the soccer pitch in plexiglass that's strong enough to not topple over from the weight of a person. They spend that summer finessing the rules, and finessing the positions, and teaching their friends how to play. By September, Tetsuji invites his family to watch, and Kayleigh invites their lecturers to watch, and there they stand. The first ever game of Exy.
It's not perfect - a goal falls over, the floor of the pitch isn't quite working, because they keep stumbling over their own feet when they run, but it's a brilliant thing to watch; something new, and unique, and never been done before. Kayleigh's team beats Tetsuji's team, and for a while they don't hear much. But their friends keep playing, they keep contacting people, making phonecalls to manufacturers and sports clubs.
I'm just thinking about those first few years where Kayleigh and Tetsuji probably spent every waking moment together just figuring it out. Their dorm rooms or apartments full of crap, different balls and equipment. Her bedroom wall covered in drawing and scraps of paper and ideas. Them spending most of their time on the phone with each other when they're not together in person. Thinking about them creating presentations and pitches and just trying to get their silly little idea of the ground, waiting for someone to take a chance on them, waiting for all the different sports committees and companies to call them back. A million "Sorry, no thank you!" emails and a million "It's just not something we can help you with" letters and phone calls. Until they get that one, then those two, those three words that say fucking go for it. The four words that say I believe in this.
I think about Kayleigh and Tetsuji running off of redbull and adrenaline, and how happy they would've felt when that first game finished and they saw something in each others eyes. Before their passion got killed by the reality, by the Moriyama's, by the world pushing them back again and again and again. But more of their classmates get involved. Somebody asked "What is it that you kids have built on the soccer field?" and then it's in a local paper. It's letters sent back to Ireland signed off in Japanese saying I can't wait to tell you what I've been working on.
Yeah. Yeah I have a lot of thoughts about Kayleigh. I have some images of her and Tetsuji in my head. Just a few!
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anonymous-hopeful · 3 months
hcs for francis and nacha if you haven’t already? <3 they make my brain rot in the best way possible
TYSM IF U DO THIS REUQEST! if you can’t, don’t worry! i love all your hcs 😭🫶
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Two asks for Francis and Nacha! How could I not make a headcanon for them?
Headcanon below!
While most couples would panic at the thought of suddenly needing to raise a child together...Nacha and Francis were actually no different. They were both young and starry-eyed adults at the time, with Nacha going to culinary school and Francis going through college. They were well into planning their future together, saving what they could from their part time jobs (Nacha as a cook in a local restaurant, Francis as a milkman) while using the rest to pay the rest on their shared apartment...
...and then, it happened.
Of course young lovers do what young lovers do, and a few weeks later, Nacha started feeling a little different than usual. Being a concerned boyfriend, Francis urged Nacha to get seen by the doctor, and Nacha, wanting Francis not to worry (while also wanting to make sure she was alright) scheduled the appointment.
When she returned to their apartment after, the two of them locked eyes for what felt like an eternity. The silence was only broken by a few life-changing words:
"I'm pregnant."
Of course, this was something completely unplanned- they wanted to start a family at some point, but right now was far too soon. They were young, they didn't have the money to support a baby and go to school and pay rent, along with so many of their other plans for the future.
...but they had each other.
It was daunting, having to switch gears to prepare to bring a new life into the world, and the first few months into Nacha's pregnancy were filled with a heavy amount of fear and nerves to make sure everything was ready to go. Both took up more shifts, saved more money, lost quite a bit of sleep.
About three-quarters through Nacha's pregnancy, the chef began to notice something. Francis was staying out later at night, seemed to be getting darker and darker circles under his eyes, and yet...the money started becoming less of an issue. It wasn't that Nacha minded the money stabilizing, but...what was he doing?
One day, a few weeks off from the baby was due, Nacha had to ask what Francis was up to- she's noticed.
"Mmm well...I had to do what was best for our family...so I took the milkman job full time..."
The money going towards Francis' tuition as better spent for the baby, in his eyes, and working full time meant he'd be able to be the support they needed. Nacha was ready to drop out of culinary school after hearing that, but Francis wouldn't allow it. She's wanted to be a chef for so long- he wasn't going to let her give that up.
Fast forward to now, Nacha's gotten to be quite the respectable chef. She makes more than enough to support herself, Francis, and Anastacha, but Francis still insists on doing his share. He's Nastacha's father after all.
That's alright for Nacha, anyway- she's putting her money towards a couple of rings and the wedding they never got to have...but don't tell.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Related to my prev post:
I don't give two shits if Bruce is written like a bad dad if it means we get good writing for everybody else since i think minorities are more important than a white cishet male nepotism baby unlike his butch lesbian counterpart who's judaism is an actual fundamental part of her character and since he's been written as abusive so consistently over the years it's in-character anyway
Dick can be both bi/pan and demisexual and there's more evidence for the latter than the former so making him be sexually loose is aspec erasure and mspec stereotyping and he dosen't have a thing for redheads,he has a thing for black women and to me the only guy he seems to like romantically is Roy and that adds on to his demisexuality since they're childhood best friends
'Catholic guilt Jason' is a shit headcanon that misses the major and critical part of him being Red Hood that he didn't feel the slightest bit bad about killing people and the point of his redemption was learning remorse,afrolatino Jason isn't based on stereotyping but him filling out so many black and latino cultural aspects and if any hcs for him are stereotyping it's the one that he's a slut because he's a very handsome and hot and cute goth punk man
Tim is perfect the way he is and dosen't need power ups or to get 'punished' for the oh so horrible crime of being a realistic teenage boy,he's not JUST huge a loser or a super cool dude but both at once and it's bad writing and fetishistic to ignore his wide range of relathionships that consists of mostly of women to make him a 'guys guy'
Stephanie is heavily autistic and bpd-coded so she's far from a 'normie',much less an 'it girl' but people see blonde hair and blue eyes and throw away everything else about her because that's all she's worth to them or call her an abuser and a pick me just like they do irl bpdtistic women and she's also canonically pastel/indie punk and a Team Mom but gets her presentation switched to basic and made out to be a womanchild instead
Cass had a million times more moral conflict than Jason ever did,would never in her LIFE wanna be feminine even in the chinese way and would be butch in it instead,turning her scattered speech into sign language is ableist not unlike(but not on the same level as)changing Babs' type of wheelchair disability and she'd be a better Batman than any male character in existense
Duke is only a golden child in the sense he has a yellow motif and is as disruptive and authentically quirky as his siblings,We Are Robin is a better team than the canon Outlaws,his powers are cooler than any Al-Ghul ones you could come up with,he has more femme energy than Tim does and Carrie Kelley ain't shit and only gets brought back to replace him because DC is antiblack
Damian's introduction mentality was a result of not only child abuse but also psychological grooming to get him to dehumanize himself and all his bigoted comments are explained either by him being like 12 or his writers trying to demonize brown people and anybody who thinks he's a bad person is a super-sized pissbaby with no sympathy for kids of color,shipping him with Jon is making a bisexual man into a ped0phile and Jay is good even if aging Jon up wasn't and he should be friends with Maya,Suren,Nell,Colin,Kathy,Maps,Tai and Miles,Gwen,Peni,Pavitr,Hobie and Margo from Atsv and Nico and Hazel from Pjo instead of Billy Batson or Danny Fenton or ANY Mcu characters
Talia is super hot but should be drawn in accurate arab clothes instead 'sexy assasian gear'(not that these two can't co-exist but you get what i mean),her personality is extremely rich and her stories are mega interesting,she's a good mom to Damian and literally never 'took advantage of Jason' seeing as That Scene In Lost Days was decanonized by it's writer who said it was ooc for her on his part,she should've been a mom figure to Stephanie in her Robin Days too since they would get along and she deserved her own run where she takes over Lexcorp to transform it into a force for good and become Superfam-adjacent to free herself from having only male connections
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full hc request: mc and m6 celebrating holi ?
(i am friendless this holi and i will cry over it)
-🫧 anon
The Arcana HCs: Celebrating Holi
~ most of this is based off of childhood experience celebrating in South Asia, thank you for resurrecting all the fun memories anon! ~
He loves the concept of it
A community event, full of color and celebration? Heck yeah! This extrovert is pumped and ready to spread the joy!
This extrovert is also a doctor
And this doctor is already gearing up for the aftermath - for all the people who caught cold running around in wet clothes, the injuries from hopping around on wet cobblestones and twisting ankles ...
... the overenthusiastic celebrants falling into the canals and bumping their heads, the kids who always end up licking the color powder and find out the hard way what they're allergic to ...
And of course, the mild panic he experiences for the next week seeing faded stains on his patient's skin and faces and briefly mistaking them for bruising
Seriously, why do bruises turn every color of the rainbow??
But all that aside, he's excited to celebrate with you and will even bend down so you can smear some color on his face and eyepatch
Oh, they are thriving
This is easily one of his favorite events of the year. This gets more planning and preparation time than ... most things, really
They insist on making (or at least, modifying) all of their own colors and stock up on everything from powder to paste to dyes they can mix with water and spray at passersby with a water gun
Some of them he enchants to be holographic. Others, to hover menacingly in the air and then engulf whoever walks close enough
It's one of the few times when all the kids in the neighborhood flock to them because they know that nobody will kit them out for a proper water fight like they will. It's on
His hair is going to have colors lingering in it for over a month
The magic use does get just a little bit out of control, sometimes - they've been politely asked to stay away from the town square, since the statues still occasionally puke neon rainbows
Will put a spell on you that morning so nothing can stain you
Does she enjoy and look forward to this festival? Yes. Is she stressed beyond words? Also yes. She needs a break
The sheer logistics of organizing a national holiday aside, Holi is messy. The streets are full of people, traffic is impossible for the day, injuries are spiking from partying too hard, and the cleanup
Don't get her started on the cleanup
Vesuvia has plenty of white marble statues and fountains that end up coated in the rainbow every year (though it's gotten easier since a certain magician was banned from the town square)
Not to mention the series of legal cases afterwards when some merchant passing through sells a load of poor quality colors
That won't stop her from enjoying it with you. She'll set up the garden and spend an afternoon chasing you around with her palms covered in color, darting out to leave smudges on your cheeks
If she moves a little more slowly to ensure that she gets covered in your colors as well, then. That's for only her and the shrubs to know
A festival so exciting and intense that crowds of people flood the streets and smear colors all over each other with abandon?
Yeah, you can count him out
The concept of celebrating color and the triumph of good over evil is delightful, but you both know that if he joins he'll suffer at best and have a full-blown panic attack at worst. Better not
He'll celebrate with you in his own way
You'll find a forest clearing, pull out all the environmentally friendly colors you've stocked up on, and goad him with rainbow fingerprints into a playful game of tag among the trees
His artistic side will make itself known, waiting for you to tire yourself out before he sits next to you and traces swirls and runes all over your arms and face with featherlight touches
Of course, this only works if you're distracted with something while he does, or else your eyes on him will make him freeze up and blush. (the shaky little smudges those cause are the best)
She adores Holi and she is Prepared
She knows all the tips and tricks to get through the day with as little misfortune as possible. Old, cheap clothes that you don't mind getting stained. Oil on your skin and hair before you go out
And of course, a mom bag stuffed to the brim, half with celebration essentials and half with mischief implements
You look tired and a little overstimulated. Here, wipe your face and hands with this damp towel and drink some water. She packed snacks - do you want a cookie or a sandwich?
You look like you could use an advantage. Here, take this dye filled water balloon and throw it at the nearest street sign - the partygoers underneath will have it in their hair for weeks
Her favorite celebration spots are right in the middle of wherever the kids are having their massive water fight. Nobody can amp up mediate one of those like she can
Will shamelessly cover your clothes in her handprints
He loves it for the first fifteen minutes or so
A town-wide celebration that fills the streets? Heck yeah, he is all in and having the time of his life! He has permission to splash color all over random strangers? Awesome! He's going all out -
... until he starts to receive the same treatment, which means his hair is getting messy and his clothes are going to stain and there's dye all over his face and absolutely ruining his eyeliner
Yeah, he's done, and he's going to start sulking if he doesn't get a hot bath nice and soon
Mercedes and Melchior, on the other hand, are having the times of their lives. It's chaos dialed to the max and they love the chance to weave between people's legs and splash colors everywhere
Of course, they also have gorgeous long silky white fur, which gets absolutely saturated with pigments and dyes as they run wild
Bathing them afterwards is a legendary nightmare and the pastel hues linger on their backs for quite a while
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months
Okay everyone, get ready for a long as hell post.
Tw, suicide attempt, suicide, suicide talk
This is my really indepth Shawn hc that is more of just straight up a story at this point
Okay, so during the ten years, at some point Shawn is super duper depressed. He's not going well at all. He's thinking of offing himself, and he has it all planned out. But, he calls his dad first, in hopes that despite their rocky relationship his dad will talk him out of it. But, as soon as his dad picks up the phone...well, you know Henry, he assumes the worst. So Henry is already yelling at him, why are you calling, what do you need now, blah blah blah, so shawn hangs up on him without ever getting a word in edgewise, he never gets to tell him why he called, and now it's just confirmed to him that he should end it and he's feeling a little spiteful too, so he downs a bottle of painkillers, one of the ones with the candy coating, yknow? He only survives bc he didn't care to lock his apartment door and one of the random girls he's always hooking up with came by to get something she accidentally left there, he doesn't answer but the door isn't locked so she thinks she'll just slip in an get her stuff, but instead she finds shawn and gets him an ambulance. After Shawn gets better, he either manages to charisma his way into convincing the doctors that it wasn't *really* a suicide attempt and gets realesed or does his regular sneaky shit and escapes and dips town so he doesn't have to do any therapy or go to grippy sock jail.
To this day, Henry doesn't know, GUS doesn't know, NO ONE KNOWS, *shawn tells NO ONE*
And he can't take advil anymore, can't stand the candy coating.
Hear me out, him accidentally letting it slip during a big argument with Henry
I'm thinking Shawn says something that alludes to what happened during the argument without out right saying it so Henry gets to be more confused than angry as Shawn realizes what he almost reveals and completely shuts down refisung to elaborate
I'm imaging that scene in modern family where Alex accidentally mentions to her dad that she did stuff she wasn't supposed to as a teen and slowly backs out of the room
And I could go on a whole rant about the candy coated painkillers, and I will!
The idea of picking something that's supposed to be sweet, that is supposed to go down easier
Because that's kind of the whole point of candy coating, and Advil tastes good as hell, I don't care what anybody says
He chose something that would be sweet and go down easy for his final moments
But it ended up sickly sweet
And it still got stuck in his throat
And it burnt on the way down
He started out tasting good (there's a reason Advils child lock game is so good) but it ended up tasting awful and burning
The burn and pain contrasted with how he thought he would go out
(Maybe even a perfect metaphor for his relationship with his father too....)
The taste is stuck in his mouth forever, a taste he can never forget
The sickly sweet burn of a whole bottle of candy coated painkillers
And even just the term "Candy Coated Painkillers" feels kind of perfect for Shawn, like aiygjvifjtjejjdksndh
Also the fact that he never tells Gus? AUGHH hits me right in the heart
He doesn't call his mom or his best friend, he doesn't tell them, they wouldn't even know until after he was long gone
Maybe Lassie finds out at some point, finally switching gears from looking for something in his criminal record to checking his medical history
Or as a favor for Juliet (thank you Sid/@obsidiancreates ) to find out the truth about a scar he won't tell her about
Lassie doesn't tell anyone, but he does switch out Juliet's stash of Advil for Tylenol, no candy coating.
Shawn finds out he knows because he gets protective of all the new suicide cases in a completely different way than before
Shawn has to tell him to tone it down before Gus starts getting suspicious
And then of course, there's the major angst potential of an AU where Shawn /does/ die
Especially if told from Henry's perspective...
Especially if all of Psych is just Henry imagining what could have been if Shawn didn't die......
But that's all for now!
Enjoy, angst lovers!
[Thanks to @obsidiancreates and @mores0 for talking with me about this AT LENGTH in the Psych discord :)]
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mysticmunson · 2 years
i absolutely LOVE your new alpha & omega fic!
you’re doing blurbs? 🥰
what about readers parents finding out she presented?
thank you so much!! :)
i hc omega!reader's parents are fairly similar to the harringtons. they provide you with things you need, but aren't home a lot due to work and when they are home, they have stuff to do. it partially explains your friendship with eddie as they hadn't even processed the fact their daughter was hanging with the town freak, they had heard the rumors, but they knew you wouldn't bring a maniac person into the house.
(i also wanna say i could totally see this scenario similar to the scene in juno where she tells her parents bleaker is the dad and they're like 'i didn't think he had it in him' and eddie's just like HEY)
however, this scenario has you on the verge of being sick as your parents are about to arrive back from their trip. eddie was right at your side with a bouncing leg, gripping your hand in reassurance that you both needed.
presenting is normal, but it can still be embarrassing, especially when you already have a mate within the first time. your parents briefly gave you the birds and the bees chat, how your dad was an omega and your moms an alpha, but no details.
when the front door opened and your parents stepped through the door, they instantly knew something was different. you hadn't even come into their eyesight and they were calling out for you, which is when you yelled you were in the living room while releasing eddie's hand.
"let me talk to them first." you mumbled as he gave your temple a brief kiss, scurrying behind one of the couches, making you roll your eyes.
they entered the room and gave a quick shuffle of your hair that you straightened out. knowing they would soon walk to their room and office, not coming out for hours, you stood up to face them.
"i presented as an omega." you blurted, fiddling with the sleeves of your dress, pulling them further down your palms. they froze, glancing at each other before turning around.
their eyes ran over you as if there was some big change physically, but you looked the same.
"um, well how are you feeling, sweetheart?" your mother asked, taking your hand and sitting with you on the couch, across from the one eddie was behind.
giving them a fabricated, not detailed version, saying you just felt a bit weak and lonely. that you were happy to be back at school with friends after not seeing them for a week.
"well, we should probably start seeing eligible alpha's in town." your mom humed, the gears in her head already turning, "except that carver boy, his dad is a prick."
it took all of eddie's will not to laugh at the bluntness of your mother, granted she always had a comeback for everything, but it was always pleasant to hear someone shit on the carver family.
"my pal patrick at work has a son whose an alpha, his names gio, already on his own and in college. maybe you could meet him?" your dad suggested, sipping his to-go coffee they probably got on the ride home.
before you could deny, already feeling the jealousy purring within your alpha who was still behind the floral furniture, your mother spoke up.
"oh! i can get a reservation for the two of you for enzo's, we can get you a new dress-" your mom began, fantasizing of all the stuff she could buy, when eddie rose.
"nope, i got it." he said with slight amusement and protectiveness, startling them as they clutched their chests, hearts racing.
you squeezed your eyes shut, simultaneously annoyed and appreciative of his abrupt announcement. they looked at you with raised eyebrows, expecting a more thorough answer, you just shrugged.
not wanting to delve into more details they nodded, "well, it was good to see you eddie, glad it's someone we like. we're tired though so goodnight." your father finished, the two going straight to their bedroom.
"what kind of a name is gio, that's dumb as shit. also when i was staring at the wall, i got hungry, we should go get kfc." he began to ramble as you laughed, putting your face in your hands.
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thetinyblossom · 1 month
🌸~ Personal Agere Headcanons—
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🍡~ Self indulgent —
🌸~ Fandoms — Vox Machina (Critical Role), Guilty Gear Strive, Dungeon Meshi and Arcane (League of Legends)
🍡~ Template by — @ember-owlet
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Thank you so much for such a fun template/game!!!
My personal rambles + Blank template under cut!
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🌸~ Template —
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🍡~ Rambles—
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🎲~ Vox machina —
Almost all Flips, Pike is a Caregiver/Babysitter and Grog is a Regressor, rarely taking a caregiver role and if he does is a big sibling/uncle like relationship
Vex has a caregiver lean, while Vax has more of a regressor lean (that’s why I put them in each category)
Gilmore is Vax’s papa <33 he adores Vax so much, always giving him little gifts and treats!
Percy has moments with a bigger regressor or cg lean, it’s really depending on the day
Keyleth is the clingiest girl ever, shy little bunny!
Scanlan is also a pet regressor but more infrequent, regressing to a doggy or tiger cub
🥘~ Dungeon Meshi —
Again, almost all flips lol Chilchuck is a caregiver/babysitter and Izutsumi is a age and pet regressor
Laios is a big brother cg and regresses to a puppy, dragon or any monsters he feels connected to at the moment
Falin is Marcille’s caregiver and vice-versa! (Flip4Flip)
Senshi has a caregiver lean but Chilchuck can always coax him into regressing, the whole party knows how much he needs someway to cope with his past, they are all glad to help Senshi take a break from his guardian role
🦋~ Arcane —
I haven’t watched all of Arcane, but I got hcs!!!!
Give Jinx a break!!!! Let my girl regress!!!
Vi would be the most caring caregiver to Jinx, she really wants to make up for the time she lost away from her and all the pain Jinx had to go through
Vi also regresses but is really ashamed about it, Caitlyn always needs to reassure her and tell her how much she loves taking care of her
Viktor is also a regressor (another one that needs a break)
⚙️~ Guilty Gear
Im gonna be honest, I don’t know much about the whole game lore, but I know bits of lore
Elphelt is an age (1-5 yro) and pet regressor (Bush Dog), Nagoriyuki is her caregiver <3
Nagoriyuki at first didn’t understand anything about agere but he decided to learn more about it for Elphelt’s sake, he thinks is rather cute
Slayer is soooo cg, he definitely takes care of any little one he sees, maybe even Sharon (his wife) is a regressor!
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