#again its important to know that taxes takes out so much money from our paychecks
sojohns · 1 year
#im gonna scream this old ass lady is sitting here talking on the phone and talking abour#how teachers make enough money and that t hey are wanting more money for no reason#and even nursing home staff too#we are at a nursing home rn and her fam is a resident in the home#girl if you wanted one on one care for ur bro just get him that dont send him to a nursing home#and get upset cause they cant take care of him 24/7#like sorry to tell you but each resident getsa about an 1 hour and a half of care based on how many staff are around#there is a census and the state is aware of that as soon as they walk into a building of how many staff are in the nursing home setting#and its insane to think that they she thought the staff here make good money#im sorry are u aware of how much the cost of living is here in new york#like its so high#and the cnas here make minimum wage like one dollar or 2 above#so like 17 or 18 per hour#which is not nearly enough here#even me as a recereptionist only makes 17 and so much gets taken out cause of taxes#again its important to know that taxes takes out so much money from our paychecks#as soon as she mentioned teachers making enough money i was livid#and this lady already annoys me enough as it is cause she calls all  the time and acts like such a prissy princess#ugh that just ruined my mood#now that i work in a nursing home setting ifweel a  lot more sympathy for nursing home staff as well as teachers since that is#my proffesssion of choice#ugh i know the hourly pay i mentioned seems like a lot but let me teel you living in new york is not easy with even that sort of money#alexa speaks
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copperbadge · 3 years
How did you get started with investing? I've seen you talk about it before and I know that's something I need to do, but I feel so lost in terms of which companies to invest in and how much money I should put in. I have retirement accounts but nothing outside of that. And really, I feel like I can't talk to anyone IRL about this because I'm too embarrassed - I'm literally a CPA and do corporate taxes for a living but still find investing to be so intimidating 😞.
I mean, when people say "you should be investing" often, until you reach a certain wealth level, they are actually referring to your 401K. This is more general advice for the readers, but don't feel bad if you're not investing outside of retirement, especially if you're early in your career or if you're in a job where you don't have much disposable income. Don't feel bad in general, honestly, even if you haven't got a retirement fund at all; life is hard and money is necessary but stupid.
I only really started to invest invest in the last two years and even then I'm pretty conservative about it. On the plus, as a CPA, you will probably have a leg up in terms of knowing a lot of financial terms and kind of...understanding how money works in at least some sense.
I actually got started studying investing with my retirement fund. I was young and broke and mad that a chunk of my paycheck was going into my 401K when I could use that money NOW (see Sam Vimes Boots Theory for more on why ready cash now can often beat more cash later). I didn't know much about finance but I knew that a) I was basically being forced to play the financial markets with that money and b) the fate of our country's economy is tied to the stock market which is a mood ring hooked up to a roulette wheel. Being the Oldest Living Millennial I also understood I might not actually ever get to retire, so I decided to treat my retirement fund like Monopoly money: real but meaningless. And so I thought, well, let's Learn About Investing with it.
When you invest with a 401K or IRA usually you're not buying straight stocks; you're buying some conglomeration of investments bundled together as a fund (this is not a technical term, fund has a specific meaning in the technical sense, but it's easier to just use fund as a shorthand so I'm gonna). These can include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other more esoteric vehicles. So I started looking into the funds available to me -- there's the "retire in this year" fund that most people just dump all their money into, but there were also ways to invest in small businesses abroad, in health care or in funds that are "socially responsible", ways to buy into funds that did nothing but attempt to keep up with inflation, and on and on.
I didn't know any of that, of course -- I just saw something like "International Explorer Fund" and decided it sounded interesting and I'd learn what it was and what it did, and when I was satisfied that the reward was worth the risk, I'd dump some cash from my 2045-Retirement investment into it. While "past performance is no indication of future success" past performance isn't a bad way to at least pick something to research, and usually there's an earnings graph on the fund's prospectus page. I'd start reading prospectuses and looking up every word I didn't know or felt had a specific context I was missing (mostly on Investopedia, a GREAT resource). I'd take the term, add it to a vocabulary list, and rewrite "what is this and what does it do" in my own words. Eventually I internalized a lot of the terminology but I still check my notes once in a while.
There are financial literacy courses you can take, of course, and I don't think you should be AT ALL ashamed about trying to find a good one (lots of scams out there) or asking colleagues about them. "Hey, I'm not comfortable with my level of literacy about investment vehicles; do you know of any good educational material or class that would fill in the gaps?" is a good way to go about it. Very few people know jack shit about investing and my level of knowledge is just BARELY above jack shit, to be honest, so no shame, my friend. It is also totally fine to find a financial planner or investment advisor outside of your work and have a sit-down with them to get advice, which is what my parents do. Many banks offer that kind of service, so check with wherever you do your banking, and almost any retirement fund administrator (like Vanguard or American Funds) will be happy to send someone to meet with you and advise you. I was never prouder of my financial self-education than the one time I met with a guy from Vanguard who said, "Basically, keep doing what you're doing, this is a model portfolio."
Once I was investing in my retirement funds more confidently, I got the RobinHood app and started studying stocks, which is really just like, "find a stock and do a book report on it". Look at past earnings, who the CEO of the company is, what their board makeup is like, what they're doing in the news. And of course the most important advice: Never, ever invest money in the stock market that you aren't prepared to lose.
Aside from my stock adventures on RobinHood, which is about five hundred dollars that I turned into a thousand dollars over a couple of years, I have money in a few savings accounts. I don't have CDs or money market accounts or any of that, because I still don't have quite enough cash to make it worth it. I just parked some in a credit union that pays 6% interest on the first $1K you put in, and the rest in Betterment, which had a 2% interest rate when I started but now is down to .3% which is a bummer. But I haven't found another vehicle like Betterment which allows you equally easy access to your money while having as intuitive and modular an online interface.
So overall, aside from retirement (which is at $116K, which seems impressive until you remember you're supposed to retire with 25x your yearly salary in your 401K) I have a grand in the stock market, a grand in a 6%-interest savings account with a credit union, a grand in an emergency-only savings account attached to my checking, and roughly five grand with Betterment. It's a fairly conservative setup but I'd like never to be poor ever again, so I'm hedging carefully :D
Some great resources that I've used include:
Planet Money podcast by NPR and its sister podcast, The Indicator
The Financial page of the newspaper (I used to read NYT, now I read Tribune)
Rankandfiled.com, a free stock filings resource site that basically scrapes the SEC for financial data -- this is for if you really want to do a deep dive once you've got more experience
Good luck! It's a slog at first, but eventually it gets kinda fun :)
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i am not reblogging this post from OP (posted 2 days ago, with 4,400 notes and counting) because i know that often people are just making their own vent posts on their blogs and maybe don’t expect them to circulate widely outside of their small tumblr circle! and i don’t mean to like, jump on someone who is just commenting on something and then going on with their life. but i feel like i keep seeing versions of this sentiment on leftist twitter too and i really think it is a gross misrepresentation of the bill that passed earlier this month - which is due in part to social media’s intense focus on the “stimulus check” part of the bill. but the bill was not called “the stimulus check” act! it was called “The American Rescue Plan” and it was specifically geared towards providing desperately-needed relief to the American middle & working classes. the $1400 direct payments to individuals was just one small portion of the bill. here are the far more important parts:
in addition to receiving a $1400 direct payment themselves, individuals with children receive an additional $1400 check for each dependent
college students who are still listed as dependents on their parents’ tax forms (typically so they can retain health insurance benefits under the ACA) can more easily claim stimulus money - which is huge for college kids who may be helping to financially support immediate or extended family members
unemployment benefits have been extended from March 31, 2021 (their original expiration date) to September 6, 2021
unemployment benefits will be supplemented with a $300 weekly payment (ie $300 on top of what people are receiving from their state government)
unemployment benefits received in 2020-21 are tax-exempt (a retroactive change that means people who are unemployed won’t receive a surprise tax bill counting their unemployment money as “income”)
a substantial tax credit for employers who offer paid sick leave and paid family leave benefits (ie creating a direct incentive for employers to authorize emergency paid leave)
15% increase in food stamp benefits and extension of eligibility
child and family tax credit benefits!!!! this is the part that people are describing as one of the most significant anti-poverty initiatives in American history. families are eligible for a tax credit of $3600 for each child under the age of 6 and $3000 for each child between 6-18. people can also claim a child and dependent care credit with a maximum benefit of $4000 for one eligible dependent and up to $8000 for two or more. it also expands the earned income tax credit and lowers the age limit to 19. dems also pushed to get at least 50% of the tax credit money to people this year instead of making them wait for their 2021 tax return. this calculator allows you to calculate how much families will receive. if you make $50,000 a year and have four children, you will receive $13,200 through the child tax credit alone, paid out in monthly payments of $1,100 from July to December 2021 + an additional $6,600 lump-sum payment when you file your 2021 tax return early next year. there are also some additional dependent-related tax credits things that I don’t fully understand but that seem to indicate people are eligible for even more money.
forgiven student loan debt is made tax-free (a necessary prerequisite for future efforts to cancel/forgive student loan debt)
huge expansion of grant benefits to small businesses, including $28.6 billion specifically for bars and restaurants; $15 billion for low-interest, long-term replayment emergency disaster loans; and $7 billion more for the paycheck protection program (which can only be used on payroll expenses and makes it possible for small businesses to keep workers on payroll even if they are operating at lower capacity). you can describe this as “for the economy only” if you want, but I sure feel like it will alleviate a whole lot of human suffering by allowing people to keep their jobs & paychecks even if their workplaces remain partially shut down. my dad is a small business owner and has been able to keep his entire staff on payroll through the entire pandemic. the bill also includes billions for airlines and concert venues, which will again! means people won’t lose their jobs!! plus it allocates $175 million to fund a Community Navigator Program that reaches out to eligible businesses and helps guide them through the application process—ie making it possible for small businesses to actually take receive these benefits.
$350 billion to state, local, and tribal governments
$130 billion for K-12 schools to improve ventilation, reduce class sizes, purchase PPE for employees and students, and hire support staff; of this money, 20% must be dedicated to programs designed to counteract “learning loss” from students who missed school during the pandemic
$40 billion for colleges and universities, at least $20 billion of which must go to emergency grants to students (our university has been giving regular emergency grants throughout the pandemic to students to help cover rent, unexpected medical expenses, costs related to family emergencies or lost family income, tuition bills that they suddenly can’t pay, fees associated with wifi or purchasing tech equipment so they can learn virtually)
a HUGE amount of money four housing benefits!!!! i keep seeing people yelling about how $1400 won’t cover their rent but THAT’S WHAT THE RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ARE FOR. $21.6 billion in rent and utility assistance, paid directly to states and local governments so they can disburse it to eligible households!!! plus $5 billion to Section 8 housing (which “must go to those who are or were recently homeless, as well as individuals who are escaping from domestic violence, sexual assualt, or human trafficking”).
$5 billion to support state and local programs for homeless and at-risk individuals (can be used for rental assistance, homelessness prevention services, and counseling; can also be used to purchase properties that will be turned into permanent shelters or affordable housing for people who are homeless). plus an additional $120 for housing counseling.
$4.5 billion earmarked for a special assistance program that helps low-income households cover costs of heating and cooling and $500 million to cover water costs
$750 million in housing assistance for tribes and native Hawaiians (who are also eligible for other benefits through the rental assistance and direct tribal government grants described above)
and then BILLIONS of dollars to support FEMA, the Veterans Affairs’ healthcare system, the CDC, and state, local, and territorial public health departments for all things related to: COVID testing, contact tracing, vaccine production and distribution, vaccine outreach, PPE, and public health education. this includes (among many, MANY other things), $5.4 billion to the Indian Health Services (division of the Department of Health and Human Services that specifically provides health services to Native people and tribal territories), $200 million for nursing loan repayment programs, $80 million for mental health training, $3.5 billion in block grants specifically geared towards community mental health programs and substance abuse/prevention/treatment programs
$86 billion for a rescue package for pension funds (esp union-sponsored pension funds) that are on the verge of collapse - collectively covering 10.7 million workers.
billions of dollars for public transit programs (and sure, public transit is important to the economy, but access to regular, reliable, affordable, and safe public transit is HUGELY important to human health and well-being! it is how many people esp in urban areas access grocery stores, health care, their jobs, childcare facilities, etc.
$10.4 billion for agriculture, of which $5 billion is specifically earmarked for socially disadvantaged farmworkers. to quote wikipedia: “Experts identified the relief bill as the single most important piece of legislation for African-American framers since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”
tons of money to fund 100% of premiums for COBRA (health insurance for people who have unexpectedly lost or had to leave their jobs) through October 2021. COBRA is hella expensive and experts estimate that 2.2 million people will need to enroll for COBRA benefits in 2021. there are also various provisions that expand Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (a program targeted at uninsured children in families who don’t qualify for Medicaid but may not be able to afford adequate healthcare coverage. it also fixes some things with the ACA that could’ve led to people getting surprise bills due to fluctuating income or unexpected changes in employment status.
i am SO OVER the so-called ‘progressive’ rhetoric that no good can ever come from the government, or that all politicians (dems or republicans) are basically the same level of evil and incompetent, or that ~mutual aid~ (ie small payments made between individuals in a community) is the only thing we can count on or should count on in times of crisis. no!!!! fuck no!!!! like mutual aid is great but America is an INSANELY WEALTHY country and it is such bullshit to act like we can’t or shouldn’t expect our government to take care of the people who live here. and i am also just GRAHARRGHGHH at people who are completely disengaged from politics offering their jaded and hyper-cynical hot takes on things they don’t! actually! know! anything! about!!!!!!! and in the process making other people increasingly jaded and cynical about the possibility of electing a government that actually prioritizes the needs & well-being of its citizenry!!!
ugh i’m just TIRED of leftist political cynicism y’all especially when it comes from people who have absolutely no understanding of how much WORK it takes to make huge things like the American Rescue Act happen (work that includes not just the immediate negotiation of the bill but also the years of organizing & voter recruitment work it took to get a narrow democratic majority in the senate so that we could pass things like this!!!!). I’M DONE WITH BEING CYNICAL!!!! i feel, in a totally earnest and unjaded way, that it’s absolutely incredible that dems were able to write, negotiate, and pass this bill, and i feel so so so relieved to be currently living under an administration that is flawed in many ways but is at least actually and earnestly TRYING to reckon with unprecedented “suffering in an actual human scale” (to quote OP) and is even using this crisis as an opportunity to advance major anti-poverty initiatives that will have a LASTING IMPACT on actual human lives. as opposed to our previous administration, which was made up of thousands of people who woke up every single day and asked themselves “what can I do today to further dehumanize & inflict needless suffering upon millions of people?”
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jacquiesims · 3 years
Viper Canyon - Chapter Eight
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“’In light of how much Viper Canyon has grown in just the past year or two, I think it’s best if we elect a new sheriff as soon as possible. Are we all in agreement?’”
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November 1852
Slowly but surely, the schoolhouse was being filled by the citizens of Viper Canyon arriving from their homes. Along with them, the heavy presence of unease and disquiet filled the air, and there was little small talk amongst the people as they sat down at the students’ desks in wait of the first ever town meeting.
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Winnie wouldn’t have come to the meeting at all if it weren’t for the fact that she was the only person with a key to the school. As its sole caretaker, she stood in the back, wishing she were at home with Mamma and Bea. 
The meeting had been called to discuss the bank robbery – even the mere thought of outlaws anywhere in the area made her stomach turn. Most of the women, it would seem, shared the same sentiment as Winnie – or there were still things to be looked after at home, like children and housework.
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Timothy Putnam, proprietor of the Sidewinder Saloon, was chosen to lead the meeting. He’d always been regarded as one of two de facto leaders of the town alongside Mr. Monroe. 
He stood at the front of the room where Winnie usually taught her lessons and cleared his throat. The room immediately turned and watched him carefully with baited breath. 
“As I’m sure you’re all aware, we’ve had to call a town meeting of sorts to discuss the events that took place at the bank this past Saturday.”
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“Usually this sort of thing would be taken care of by a lawman. But seeing as our previous sheriff, Mr. Daniels, passed during the bout of flu a few years back, we have no man of the law left. Unfortunately he had no successor and at the time there was no one available to take his place, so the jail has been empty ever since. ” 
Winnie had seen the empty jail on Main Street and wondered why there was no sheriff or deputy to look after it. Naively, she figured it was because there was no need for one in such a peaceful town. Her stomach twisted.
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Winnie turned over her shoulder at the sound of the door opening. 
Quickly, with only the sound of his heavy boots against the floor boards giving him away, Elijah slid into the back of the room. He stood there in the corner and waited for Putnam to continue.
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“In light of how much Viper Canyon has grown in just the past year or two, I think it’s best if we elect a new sheriff as soon as possible. Are we all in agreement?” 
There were several quiet responses, all positive, and a great nodding of heads as the people all looked between each other and then back to Putnam. 
“And what do you think, Mr. Yates? It was your bank that those outlaws robbed, after all…”
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Mr. Yates was a man of advanced age, with a nearly bald head and shaking white hands dotted with brown spots. He was gentle and sweet and generally regarded as a saint, and his voice passed through his lips like a whisper of wind. 
“A new sheriff would be for the best,” he nodded decisively. “Those men should be hanged for what they did to our poor John. May his soul rest in peace.” 
The crowd murmured words of condolence and Mr. Yates settled back into his seat without another word. At his side, his son, Percival, gave him a tender look.
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“I agree wholeheartedly that we should elect a new lawman,” Mr. Monroe spoke up. “Seeing as we have all of these children and families in town now. But one does have to wonder how he would be paid.” 
Winnie pondered quietly in her corner. She was lucky enough to be paid her wages directly from the parents, seeing as there was no formal government in Viper Canyon to collect taxes to then divvy up between public servants – or nearby schoolboard to see to her salary. If there was a sheriff to be elected, that meant everyone would be responsible for ensuring he got his pay, and it was unrealistic to have each citizen in town come by to the jail to drop off his paycheck bit by bit. The next step would obviously be taxing the people, but…the idea of creating an entire local government seemed daunting. 
“Excellent point, Mr. Monroe,” Putnam agreed. “We’ve covered Miss Hawkins’s salary quite easily by having the parents pay for their children's schooling directly, but…there have been a few flaws in that method.”
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��Flaws?” Robert Campbell, the tailor, asked from his chair. “How do you mean, Mr. Putnam?”
“Consider if a child wanted to go to school but their parents couldn’t afford Miss Hawkins’s wages outright. If we were to set up a fair tax system, where everyone pays a small bit towards the school, then every child could afford to attend. Isn’t that right, Miss Hawkins?” 
Putnam looked towards the back of the room where Winnie stood. She squirmed as every pair of eyes turned to look at her. 
“Yes.” She cleared her throat, not having expected to speak. “Exactly, Mr. Putnam. Every child should be able to go to school and learn, regardless of how much or how little their parents may make.”
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“Very civilized, very good,” Mr. Monroe nodded. “It’s about time we started doing things the right way around here!” 
Like a flock of birds stopped on the street, everyone’s heads bobbed up and down, making small, short sounds of approval.
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“Well then, I believe we’ve come to the consensus that we should move forward with establishing some form of government for the town. But there’s still an incredibly urgent matter at hand – what are we going to do about a sheriff?”
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“I say we nominate one as soon as possible, straight away.” Mr. Monroe was deathly serious. “Preferably right now at this very meeting.” 
“Well, that might be a bit soon, don’t you think?” 
Robert Campbell was already a meek man, and he shrank at the thought of possibly being nominated for sheriff. 
“There are vicious killers on the loose!” Mr. Monroe cried. “Those wicked criminals murdered poor John in cold blood. We have no time to spare!”
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“Yes, I do have to agree with Mr. Monroe,” Putnam said. “Who knows when the outlaws will strike again? Not only was poor John Williams viciously killed, but they nearly robbed our entire town blind.”
Mr. Yates shakily came to his feet. “Don’t worry, your money was insured. I shall see to it this is all sorted out as quickly as possible.” 
Percival helped his father sit back down with a sheepish look at the crowd over his shoulder. 
“Thank you, Mr. Yates. My point is, who knows what they’ll do next? Their first crime here was so heinous…perhaps without a lawman, they’ll think they can get away with much more. It’s imperative we move this process along as quickly as possible.”
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Elijah shifted uncomfortably in the corner. Winnie cast a look at him, having not seen him since he abruptly left town nearly a year ago. He was the same as ever – maybe a bit older looking, more tired. He caught her staring and Winnie backed down from his green eyes, pretending to stare at some of her students’ assignments pinned to the wall.
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“So, are we going to nominate anyone to vote on? All of the men in town are here. It should be a fair vote.” 
“Yes, let’s begin nominations. But keep in mind the men that can’t make the commitment – men with families and large businesses to run.” 
That excluded more than half of the room. Even Joseph Ebey couldn’t be nominated, seeing as his large farm needed looking after and his wife was due to have their first child any day now. 
Clarence Monroe was a bachelor and the successor of his father – but Winnie figured no one in their right mind would elect such a soft and awkward man into an important position like that of the sheriff.
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“The obvious choice here is our Elijah McLain,” Mr. Monroe called loudly. 
He looked up from beneath the brim of his hat. “Sir?” 
“You’re strong, reliable, you have a good head on your shoulders…and all that time hunting and trapping for the Hudson Bay Company made you an incredible shot – I’ve seen it with my own eyes!” 
More positive sounds came from the crowd.
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“What do you say, Elijah? Do you accept your nomination for Viper Canyon Sheriff?” 
He thought about it for only a few moments before taking a deep breath. “Yes, sir. Sounds all right to me.”
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“Well, then. Our first nomination goes to Elijah McLain. Does anyone else have anyone in mind?” 
Winnie thought she could hear the crickets chirping outside. 
“Elijah’s perfect for the job,” Mr. Monroe reiterated. “I’d trust him with my life.”
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“Is there anyone who disagrees? Who thinks Elijah wouldn’t be a good fit for Sheriff?” 
“Well, then. By order of acclimation, Elijah McLain is now the newest sheriff of Viper Canyon. Congratulations!”
To Be Continued
Previous Chapter | Viper Canyon Index | Chapter Nine Coming Soon
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(These group scenes take me so long...such a short chapter that took me forever! I hope you guys like the story, things are finally falling into place for the main plot to begin :) let me know what you thought and thank you for reading as always <3) 
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downwiththeficness · 4 years
A Need So Great-Chapter 9
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Summary: Eva Moore is assigned to work the last year of her contract with the DEA in Colombia. She just wants to get to the end of her tenure, but she keeps getting drawn further into a string of murders in the city. It isn’t long before she’s forced to face the ghosts of her past.
Word Count: ~3,300
Warnings: None
A/N: For the purposes of this story, Carrillo isn’t married--or, if you like, divorced. A/B/O dynamics are prevalent, and they come with their own warning. The overall rating for this story is Explicit, although not every chapter will contain adult themes.
Taglist: @dirtynerdy98 @1zashreena1 @heresathreebee @deliciouslyclassytrash @maybege @kid-from-new-zealand @clydesducktape
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Eva sat in the conference room, trying hard not to fidget.  Javier and Steve were to her left, and there was a projector sitting behind the table.  None of them knew why they were sitting there. None of them knew when the meeting would start. All that they were told was that they were supposed to be sitting in that room by nine am that day. No exceptions.
The air kicked on, filling the room with a dull drone. Eva grabbed her pen and held it in her palm, using her thumb to slide the cap up and down along the length of it. She wanted to get up and take a lap around the room to excise some of the nervous energy she felt.
Javier lit a cigarette, sinking down lower into his chair, looking annoyed, “How long’ve we been sitting here?”
Steve looked at his watch, “About twenty minutes.”
“Fuck me,” Javier groaned, rubbing his eye, “I got about a thousand pages of paperwork that need to get done and we’re sitting here with our thumbs up our asses.”
She had to agree. She’d gotten a little behind with reading through case files. Although she was used to redacted information, she wasn’t used to whole sections of them being completely missing.  As she moved through the most recent information, that was occurring more and more often. She thought she’d gotten the mole over two months ago, but now… there had to be more than one.
The door opened and Vanessa walked in. Eva inhaled deeply, her grip on the pen tightening until she heard the plastic crack. Jaw clenched, she sat up and prepared herself for the inevitable. Unable to help it, she glanced at the two agents she’d worked with so closely, already mourning the friendship they’d started to develop. She wondered if Connie would be calling to cancel their work out tonight.
Blinking, she turned her attention to the woman who signed her paychecks.
“Hello, thank you for waiting. I’m Vanessa Arnold.”
A tall, stately woman, dressed in a crisp suit, Vanessa looked at them with a critical gaze. She addressed each of them in turn, welcoming them to the meeting.  Eva’s eyes narrowed as Vanessa sorted the stack of files in front of her. She knew those files—well worn over the years, and slowly growing.
“I am here,” she announced, her expression business placid, “Because I’ve heard some disturbing information and I would like to give you the opportunity to address it.”
Next to her, Javier stubbed out his cigarette, “What kind of information?”
Vanessa smiled, it was not a nice smile, “It has been reported to the States that you are engaging in some inappropriate behavior.”
Javier and Steve looked at each other, a whole conversation passing between them that Eva wasn’t sure she could decipher.  Steve, who was sitting next to her, put his elbows on the table, resting his head on his hands.  Javier stayed where he was, but she could feel the heat of the glare he leveled at Vanessa.
“Now, we deal with some very serious things, and sometimes that wears us down.”  Standing, Vanessa circled the conference table, hand skimming over the chairs. “Sometimes, that leads us to forget our boundaries and the expectations of the DEA for its agents.”
Eva’s gaze followed Vanessa as she sauntered towards them, pace excruciatingly slow.  She knew where this was going, had attended this meeting at least once in every location she’d been sent to, usually at about the six month mark. And yet, it still hurt. Vanessa knew how to make it hurt.
Javier cleared his throat, “With all due respect, Ms. Arnold, can you get to the point?”
There was that ugly smile again, “Absolutely. I’ve received reports that you and Agent Murphy are participating in social events with Mrs. Moore. Going out to bars, eating lunch together—Agent Murphy, your wife has been attending classes at the gym with Mrs. Moore, has she not?”
Steve’s mouth thinned, “She has. There aren’t many Americans in this country, least of all anyone who might be able to commiserate about life in close quarters with the DEA.”
Vanessa cast him a condescending look, “Still, it doesn’t exactly put you in a positive light, does it?”
Eva could feel the wheels of Steve’s mind turning as he processed what she’d said.  He flicked his fingers out in a sharp motion before curling them into his palms, “I don’t understand. Eva is a contract consultant, paid by the DEA to work with us. How is associating with her outside of work a negative?”
Here we go.
Vanessa stepped back and flicked off the lights, then moved to the projector and turned it on, “Mrs. Moore is generally reticent to talk about it, but I feel its important for you to know who you are working with.”
The projector clicked and Eva’s mug shot flashed onto the wall opposite the group. She closed her eyes, working to control her breathing.  She’d been released into police custody right out of the hospital. Her arm was still in a cast, her face heavily swollen and bruised. The picture was not flattering.
“Mrs. Moore was charged and convicted of the murder of her husband a few years prior to coming to work for us.”
Another click. Her husband’s picture, his professional photo, came up. Josh was impeccably groomed, smile wide and white, eyes clear and sparkling. She bit the inside of her cheek, stunned that she could still feel such hatred towards a person no longer living.
“This is Joshua Moore. A prominent doctor and businessman out of Louisiana. His practice was located just outside of New Orleans.  He was most well known for donating large amounts to charities across the state.”
For the tax write off. And, to get the votes of the city councils.
Click. Their wedding picture. Eva felt bile rise in her throat. Fourteen years old, looking like a baby next to a twenty five year old who’d just started working for the local hospital. Her mother had picked out her dress—a frilly, lace encrusted thing that was a touch too long.  She remembered how much her feet hurt from walking in the heels she needed to wear to keep the thing from dragging too much down the aisle.  Standing at the altar had been excruciating enough that she’d stumbled over her vows.
“By all accounts, Mrs. Moore and her husband had a passionate relationship.”
Passionate is one way to put it.
In the beginning, she’d fought him when she thought he was being unfair. He’d scream, punch doors, throw things, eventually things devolved into physical beatings.  It only took about a year for her to stop fighting and just do what he wanted. It was easier that way. Soon enough, he figured out how good she was at hiding things—money, product, herself—and he let her in on the family business.
Click. Their blood covered carpet with his outline marked in tape.
“One night, things got out of hand. Mr. Moore unfortunately lost his life at the hands of his wife.”
God, could she be a little less dramatic? Her voice had lowered down to a soft, sweet sound that grated on every nerve Eva had.  She felt her mouth lift in a sneer before she could check the motion. Sniffing, she relaxed the muscles of her face, looking forward at the picture dispassionately.
Click. The trail of blood leading from the living room out the back door.
“When police arrived on the scene, Mr. Moore was found in the back yard, on fire.  Autopsy reports state that he was set aflame post mortem. His cause of death was confirmed as blunt force trauma to the skull.”
Click. Her husband’s dead body, skin black and burned down to bone, laying atop a cart. Click. A close up of his face, half the skull missing. In bottom right corner, there was a little ‘R’ marked in what looked to be black permanent marker. This was the only new aspect of the photos.  Every location. Every six months. Every photo. She’d seen them over and over and had them memorized. It didn’t seem possible that this little song and dance could still make her angry, but it did.  She was tired of paying for a justifiable action she’d taken to save her own life.
Vanessa left the last photo up, moving to stand before them, one hand slipping into the pocket of her slacks.  Eva kept her gaze steady, ready to take what would come next, the words that she’d heard for many years.
“Gentleman, you’re sitting next to a cold blooded murder, a person who took a life that was privileged and beat it to death with a fire extinguisher. Think about what kind of person could do that to someone they loved. This about who she would have to be to drag a dead body out of her house and set it on fire. Think about how associating with that kind of person reflects on you and your careers.”
The silence that followed was familiar and tense. Both men looking at Vanessa—Javier gently tapping his forefinger on the table, Steve with his head on his hands.
Vanessa’s eyes narrowed, but she kept smiling, “I’m going to let you keep thinking on that. Thank you for coming in. Have a nice day.”
And then she as striding out, her heels clicking on the tile. Eva watched her go, the door closing gently behind her. Eva just caught the face of that department head she’d nearly forgotten about as he approached Vanessa in the hall. She let the sneer form on her mouth, knowing that the rumor mill would start almost immediately.
The air in the room felt oppressive, the darkness only adding more pressure.  Eva pushed a breath through her nose, scratching at the skin above her eyebrow as she tried to think of something to say.
Javier spoke for her, “What a load of bullshit.”
She couldn’t help it. She laughed. It was, indeed, a load of bullshit. She’d never had someone put it so succinctly so quickly following the presentation.
Steve leaned back in his seat, smashing the power button on the projector. It turned off with the groaning hiss of an air fan, leaving the room completely dark. Eva took the opportunity to swallow back the old feelings that had been drudged up in the last ten minutes.  Ten minutes. That’s all it took for her to feel like shit again. She fucking hated Vanessa.
Javier stood up and flicked on the lights, returning to his seat and sitting heavily. He pulled his cigarettes from his pocket and lit one, offering the pack to Steve, who took it. Eva folded her hands over her chest and waited for someone to speak.
Steve tapped off ash into a faceted glass tray, “So that’s why you told us about it early on.”
“That’s why I told you about it early on,” Eva confirmed with a nod.
Javier blew out a lungful of smoke, “She do this often?”
“How often?”
“Every time, with every team.”
He nodded, leaning his forearms on the table, “You notice she left your files.”
“Yep,” Eva bit out.
It was a perfect strategy. If she hadn’t been up front about her husband, it would be impossible for anyone to ignore the fact that the whole story, in black and white, was sitting right there.
Steve reached out and placed his hand next to her on the tabletop, “You want us to read through it.”
She shrugged, “You can, if you want. Its a nicely worded story. Not too flattering to me, of course.”
They looked at each other for a few seconds, another private conversation passing between them. She kept her expression neutral, not wanting to sway them one way or another.
Steve threw the butt of his cigarette into the tray, “Connie and I are having a pool party next weekend.  You want to come? Carrillo, too.”
Eva felt her jaw drop, didn’t bother to conceal her shock, “You want me to come to a party.”
“Yeah,” he said, his mouth curling into a smile, “Maybe you can convince Javi, here, to put on a swim suit.”
“I wear swim trunks,” Javier cut in with mock anger.
Steve rolled his eyes, “Only because Connie won’t let you come if you’re not wearing appropriate attire.” Then, to Eva, “You got a suit?”
She nodded, “I do.”
“Good, bring a bottle of booze, and you’re set.”
Eva sat there, staring at him, her mouth open. It was one thing for her to tell them what she’d done. It was another thing to come face to face with pictures of her husband’s mutilated body and react with, what? Nonchalance?
Steve leaned towards her, “Connie wouldn’t be alive if you hadn’t gotten her out of that restaurant.  I don’t give a shit what you did to that guy.  What you did, here? That’s what counts.”
She looked between them. Javier wasn’t talking, but he nodded as Steve spoke, offering silent support. Eva felt her chest constrict with a soft affection for them both. The relief was a physical thing, exhaling with her next breath.
“Thank you.”
Steve shrugged, “Don’t mention it. Vodka—bring a bottle. Wear your suit.”
As it turned out, Connie did not cancel their work out that night. She met Eva outside the gym at their regular time, looking at her like a friend. Eva had to cough into her hand to hide the surprised little shriek that wanted to burst out of her when the woman came into view.
They spent the hour sweating and huffing through a one challenging set after another, the sound of the instructor’s voice coaching them through the movements. Afterwards, Eva slumped on the bench, tossing back water and toweling off her face.
“That was fun,” Connie commented from her spot next to her.
Eva sent her a sidelong glance, “Fun is not the word I would use.”
Fun was sitting at a bar, drinking and hollering at the band. Fun was watching a ball game or shopping for new clothes. What they had just done was hard work—muscle burning, lung searing, skin sizzling hard work. Still, Eva enjoyed it, needed the release of endorphins.
“You know, one of the things I look forward to when I get back to the states is flaunting my newly hot body when I see those skinny bitches at my high school reunion.”
Eva laughed, “You’ll be the talk of the party—look at those biceps.”
Connie flexed, smiling wide, “Gotta get me one of those strapless, backless dresses, just to show off.”
“Oh, Steve’ll love that.”
“He would,” Connie said with a coy little tilt of her shoulders. “He tell you about the party?”
Eva nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been tasked with bringing a bottle of vodka.”
“And wearing a suit,” Connie asserted, pointing at Eva.
“I have one, don’t worry.”
“I want everyone dressed for the occasion, no office wear allowed.”
“Ah, damn, I’ll have to leave my pencil skirt at home.”
Connie rolled her eyes, “I’m so glad I get to wear scrubs. My feet still hurt at the end of the day, but at least its not from wearing heels.”
Eva took another long swig, “Yeah, but you do have to be one your feet all day. At least I get to sit down.”
“Pros and cons.”
Eva nodded, “Agreed. Pros and cons.”
“So, are you ever going to tell me what’s going on with you and Carrillo? Steve says you’ve been seeing him.”
Eva set down the water bottle. She’d been wondering, herself, when Connie was going to bring it up. Despite their weekly gym excursions, she hadn’t pushed. Eva was grateful—she didn’t really know how she’d characterize her relationship with the man. They weren’t...like, boyfriend and girlfriend. At least, not how she’d known the concept back before she’d been married. Companions, maybe. Friends, definitely. Friends who slept together. Friends with benefits? That felt too trivializing.
“We’ve gone out a few times,” Eva edged, standing and motioning for Connie to follow.
They walked towards the bathrooms, the humidity spiking from the showers as they passed through the doors.
Eva opened her locker and pulled out her gym back, rustling around for her change of clothes, “And...I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
Sighing, Eva stood up and looked at Connie, “I don’t. Not really. I’m only on assignment here for another six months or so. I like him. I like spending time with him. I don’t know where I am from there.”
Connie fixed her with a level look, “You don’t want to get into anything serious because you think you’re leaving in six months.”
Eva thought about it,“Yes.”
“But, you like him enough that you’re willing to go out with him even though it might end sooner rather than later.”
Eva thought again, “Yes.”
She gave a little bob of her head, “That’s fair. Steve says he’s pretty intense.”
Eva didn’t have to think about that one, “Yes.”
“Is that all you’re going to say?”
Eva’s face scrunched, “You want me to say more?”
“Yes, for God’s sake!” Connie burst out, her hands flying in the air, “I want details.”
Eva laughed, “Let me get cleaned up and then we can talk details.”
Connie’s eyes narrowed, “Don’t think I’m going to forget. We’re going to the bar and you’re going to tell me everything.”
They did, indeed, go to the bar, although Eva didn’t really tell Connie everything.  She talked about their dates, how he’d been polite and conscientious, how she felt when they kissed, and that she hadn’t yet spent the night at his place but she wanted to.
“You know, when I met him, I thought he was terrifying,” Connie commented as she sipped a gin and tonic.
Eva lifted a brow, “Why?”
Thinking for a moment, Connie settled on, “He was just so serious. Like, really, really serious.”
Eva could get that. The man could write a book on taking things seriously. Serious was in his blood. But, she’d seen him soft and sweet, too. She’d seen his dimples as he smiled. Seen his laugh. There was more to him than he showed to the world, more than a hard, scary man. It made her warm inside to think that she got to see that side of him.
“Shame that you don’t think it’ll last,” Connie said, a leading tone in her voice.
Eva brought her beer to her lips, “I have to go home sometime.”
“Where is home, exactly?”
The question caught Eva off guard. She realized that she didn’t exactly know. For a long time, Louisiana was home, and then Texas, and then a host of assignments. Now, it was Colombia. She’d been traveling for so long that she couldn’t root herself down anywhere. She didn’t even know if she wanted to. Her contract end date had been so far away for so long that Eva had never taken the time to work out what she would do afterward. Her record would be cleared, she would no longer be a felon. She would have years of work experience and a tidy little savings.
The possibilities were so numerous that Eva found herself unable to really settle on any one thing that she wanted—except, that wasn’t exactly true. Her heart, down deep, wanted what she might actually be able to have. A too serious, dimple-cheeked man who smelled like tobacco and vetiver.
Connie was looking at her, waiting for her answer. Eva just shrugged and ordered another round of drinks.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
01/02/2020 DAB Transcript
Genesis 3:1-4:26, Matthew 2:13-3:6, Psalms 2:1-12, Proverbs 1:7-9
Today is the 2nd day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it's great to be here with you as we take step number 2 of 365 steps that will lead us not only through a year of our lives together, but through the entire Bible. So, obvious, this is our second step. So, we just set sail, just kind of moving out of the harbor, land is still in sight, we’re headed out into the deep. And we realize that even as we began this journey yesterday, even on day one, the Bible gives us plenty of things to consider. And, so, here we are now to take the next step, day two. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week and our next step is back into the book of Genesis and we’ll read chapters 3 and 4 four today.
Introduction to the book Matthew:
Okay. This brings us to the New Testament, and we began the book of Matthew yesterday, but we didn’t spend any time kind of flying over it or just kinda understanding the context of it very much because we were focusing on Genesis. And we’re just kinda getting moved in, we’re just getting moved into this year. So, let's talk about Matthew for a second before…before we read it. So, Matthew is obviously the first book found in the New Testament but…but Matthew is part of a grouping of four books that are the first four books of the New Testament. These are called the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and they each give us an account of the life of Jesus. So, we get this wonderful benefit at the beginning of the year to begin moving our way through the Bible alongside of the stories and messages of Jesus our Savior. Matthew was one of the apostles of Jesus. So, Matthew…well…he was eyewitness, rights? He had first-hand knowledge of the events that…that he recorded in the book of Matthew. And Matthew had a…had a radical transformation in the presence of Jesus, previously had been a tax collector. So…so, he was not well-liked socially but then this Rabbi comes along to this person who is not liked socially at all and invites him to come and follow him. So, he does. So, this…this first witness, this first gospel of the life of Jesus that we have, Matthew, is coming from a man who had a decent life. Although he was not well-liked, he had steady reliable paycheck. He was working for the Roman government and there were plenty of perks that went along with that. He was pretty much able to abuse the people by extracting taxes that were more than they owed kind of at will. So, although he was not like he was fairly well connected and was making some money. And he left, he just left, he left it all and took the leap of faith to follow a man that he believed was the son of God. So, that's who's writing us this book. That's the story that’s being told and the story is…it is aimed at Hebrew people, so Jewish believers. And the Hebrew Scriptures we…we would we would understand them as the Old Testament today. And the gospel of Matthew quotes from the Old Testament more than any of the other Gospels do because the book of Matthew, it seems that its mission is to show Jesus fulfilling the Mosaic law and fulfilling the prophecies of one to come, a Messiah, an Anointed One, a Deliverer. And we’ll get to know this Jesus pretty well in the book of Matthew. There…there are over 20 parables. These are wisdom stories that Jesus told, and we’ll encounter them. And Jesus also begins speaking about something that we won't really stop speaking about the entire year and that is the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven. And Jesus said that it was near and that it was now that it was happening and that it was present within and among us. And we'll talk about that. But for now, that gives us a little bit of context for…for the territory ahead in the book of Matthew. And, so let's get to that. Today we will read chapter 2 verse 13 through chapter 3 verse six.
Alright, there are probably a number of directions we could go in today, plenty of things to talk about but we probably need to stick in the book of Genesis because we saw a story today that…that…that changed…that changed the story, that changed everything and affects us today profoundly. So, yesterday we had this little rare glimpse into a time of perfection and then today we saw that come to a close. So, like, we don’t have to go blow-by-blow, this is one of the most famous stories in the Bible. So, there's a serpent, there's a tree and there’s a man and there's a woman at that tree looking at that tree and there’s a serpent’s asking questions. “Did God really say you couldn’t do this”, right? “Did God really say you…you can't eat this?” So, he’s responding, “yeah, he did say that, that we can't eat it, we can’t touch it, we’re not supposed to do any…anything like this or we’ll die. Okay. What we are about to see is a shift in consciousness, a shift in awareness of how things work. So, prior to this event, Adam and Eve, God's children, His first children are in complete union and intimacy with Him, in fellowship with Him, they don't understand the concept of separation from God. They've never known anything like that. It's not a category for them. The idea that…that rebellion against God, disobedience, would carve a chasm between them and God, like they had never experienced sin or its repercussions. They wouldn't even have known what…what that was or wasn't like. They’d have to have faith that sin existed because they had no experience with it other than God's warning, “don't eat…like…like…you can have whatever you want, I've made this entire place for you to explore and enjoy and steward and care for, and you can have it all, except this one tree, this one tree with this one fruit.” So, a couple of really important things to just kinda begin to wrap our minds around because they affect our journey through the Bible continually. So, this tree. It’s really easy to wrestle inside of our minds about this tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Why put a tree with…with such dire consequences in front of these people to tempt them when they don't really know what's going on? So, what's the point here? What's…why the tree? And now we have to take a step back and just explore love and just explore relationship. And those things we as human beings are still experiencing and so we…we all know what these are. And, so, we know that love is not something that can be coerced out of some…someone, right? Like you could not enslave a person and…and…and be brutal to them and tell them that they will not stop receiving this kind of treatment until they love you, right? Because that person's going to do whatever…like at some level they will behave in whatever way they think you want them to behave, but that wouldn't actually be love. That would be modifying behavior to look a certain way to simulate whatever the aggressors trying to get. Love, like actual love is something that can only be given freely. Like, you can't sell your love. You can sell your body. But that…that's not selling love. You can't sell love. Love is given, its freely given and requires a choice to love. And love does not enslave, love actually can't be love if there is no way out of it, right? Like if there is no way out, well then, you’re entrapped and that isn’t love. So, God creates humanity on this planet, created in His image and He loves them, but true love has to be given back freely and love isn't love if there is no way out. And, so, we have this tree in the garden and God’s simply saying, “just don't eat this. Just trust me in this one thing. The rest of the world is yours, its your playground, its perfect, its how I intended it to be for you, just don’t eat this one thing. This is their way out and they took it. And what I said a second ago, that what we are reading here in the third chapter of Genesis is a shift in consciousness. I mean, I know that sounds kind of…kinda weird, like “okay…okay what…what kind of spiritual path are we gonna be walking here as we walk through the Bible here?” Let me just go back to the Scriptures here and let's look at this story. The serpent told Eve after she had replied that they shouldn't eat it or touch it, or they'll die. the serpent said you won't die, which is a complete contradiction to what God said. So, all of a sudden, this possibility of a different reality is introduced and then the serpent attempts to describe what that reality would be like. And I'm quoting from the Bible. “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon you eat it and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” So, the serpent is fundamentally saying there is another reality that God has kept from you, has withheld from you that you are not aware of. This God is maybe keeping secrets from you, things that you might need to know, things that you should probably be aware of. And He doesn't want you to eat from this tree now because you'll die because you will become aware of things that you are not aware of. You will have a shift in consciousness or in awareness. And, so, they ate. And I am again quoting the Bible. “At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness.” Okay. So, in fact their consciousness shifted, and they became aware of things they had not been aware of before and the first thing they felt was ashamed. And the next thing they did was figure out how to cover themselves. Boom! That is how life on earth is lived today – naked, ashamed, and trying to hide. Look at your own life and see if it's not true. Heck, look at the technologies we use, look at social media, a wide-open platform for us to lie about our lives, to curate our lives and make them look like they are different or better in some way than they actually are. But that’s just like a modern iteration. And believe me, I’m not like bashing social media, we’re on it too. All I’m pointing out is, look how easy it is to hide. And here’s the thing about hiding, you can't be known if you're hiding. And the thing is, we as people created in the image of God deeply, deeply desire to be known and understood and accepted. In fact, that's why we hide. Because we believe that if all were revealed then that the end of us. And we’re not realizing that we are all, everyone, we are all trapped like this. The good news though about that is that there actually is good news about that, and we will be exploring that good news as we continue forward into the life of Jesus.
Father, we thank You. We thank You for bringing us successfully into this new year. And here we are, this brand-new year, we’re just moving in and You are already…You are already right here with us explaining things, unpacking things and helping us to move forward and we are so grateful. And today we...we did, we witnessed something very, very sad, something that really, really changed the course of humanity, and we acknowledge that we can see those repercussions, like it…we see this now. And it's easy for us to just go, “okay, let's move from there to Jesus and let's find how I get my salvation”, but we’re pausing here for a second Father and acknowledging the heartbreak that You must've felt in these moments that we read about today where You had loved and given of Yourself and in some way it was communicated that You aren't not enough. And, so, humanity, we…we have run around trying to fill every void and prepare for every eventuality with all of our knowledge of good and evil and we have filled our heads with knowledge that is simply not revealing Your kingdom. We are not moving forward without You because we can't. And, so, we bear witness to a very, very, very sad scene that we find in the Bible today and we invite Your Holy Spirit to allow us to sit with the repercussions and understand and begin to understand the story that we are getting ourselves into as we move forward into the Bible. Come Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that’s the website and that's we’re you find out what’s going on around here. And I mentioned that yesterday, just…just to say get…get familiar there with what…what's going on. That’s…that’s the portal into the community, its one of the ways that we stay connected.
Another way that we stay connected is that this is a community that over the years, has…has really left me in awe od and all of how well we pray for and love one another. And, so, I just want to share a couple of different ways to reach out in that way.
At dailyaudiobible.com, in the Community section, there is a link that says “Prayer Wall” and if you using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can just press the little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and get there as well. And the Prayer Wall is…is sort of like an ever-present place to go for prayer and to offer prayer. So, use that as a resource if you’re shouldering some burdens that you just shouldn't carry by yourself. There is a community of brothers and sisters who are on the same journey moving through the Bible together that will pray for you and in turn ask that you will pray for them. So, the Prayer Wall is a great resource for that.
And then another way is…is what you hear at the end of a Daily Audio Bible, when you hear the voices and the stories and the struggles and the joys of life inside this community as we move forward. And there are a couple of ways to access that. The primary way would be using the Daily Audio Bible app. There is a little red Hotline button that lives at the top of the app and you press that button you're able to share right from within the app, but if you prefer the phone, there are several numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. If you are in the Americas 877.-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number. And if you are in Australia are that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.
So, that’s kind of our little lesson for today. This is a community certainly desiring to work through the Scriptures and talk about it and do that in a year, but it is also a community of prayer and love and acceptance for one another. So, check that out. Check out those resources. If you're kind of curious about what you can or can't say in a prayer call, you can….I mean there aren’t that many rules, but you can see that at dailyaudiobible.com in the FAQ section.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage, and I thank you profoundly, humbly for those of you who have clicked that link over these years. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a have prayer request or comment, you can dial any of those numbers that I mentioned a second ago or just press the Hotline button in the app.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello DAB family, hello Brian and Jill and Merry Christmas to everyone. This is Tracy calling from Edmonton Canada. I would like prayer for something that I’m doing for Christmas. My family is all coming over, I’m hosting everyone for the Christmas dinner and we weren’t going to be exchanging gifts and I just felt strange about that and I remembered that I had purchased about 10 copies of the Sneezing Jesus hoping that I would either do a Bible study or something. Anyway, I realized I have these and so that is what I’m giving out to each of my family members most of whom are not saved. So, my prayer request is that you just pray over these books and the people that I am giving them to that they will see Jesus in this new light and that there will be opportunities for the Holy Spirit to speak within them and that they may reach out back to me if they have questions or want to talk about it. But I left it as no pressure. So, I would love prayer for that. I would love to see all of my family members come to see the glorious faith and the saving power of Jesus. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s and we will be talking and listening in the near future. Thank you. Bye for now.
Good morning DAB family it’s Terry the trucker it’s Christmas Eve morning and I am in Brady Mississippi heading to the house, 6 ½ hours and I’ll be home. So, Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. I’m a little late, but better late than never. Annette Allison, congratulation on your grandbaby. So glad to hear that all is going well despite the circumstances under which the baby was born. That is truly a blessing and I pray that continue. Diane Olive Brown, my heart broke when I heard you just start speaking. I could tell by the sound of your voice that something wasn’t right. You broke my heart to hear what you said. I lost my dad many years ago. I was at my anniversary dinner with my wife and I got the call, unexpected but nonetheless very painful. But to know that someone is in their last days makes it harder. I pray that you get to go spend time with him and I pray that God comforts you. Just like you said, God don’t ever leave us, we know He’s there. But we’re human. It’s hard. It’s not to hurt and be sad. So, I want you to know I’m lifting you up in prayer. I’ll be praying for you daily. I love my DAB family and I’m praying for each and every one of you. God bless you.
This is Lori from Central Ohio and I’ve been listening often on for a few years, but this is the first year that I have successfully maintained through the entire year. As Brian chose the word maintain this year, I initially thought I’m just going to maintain, I’m going to maintain a job I was considering stepping away from, I was going to maintain a number of things but what I did not realize at the time was it was to maintain growing closer to God. This year brought the DAB supporting me through my sister’s cancer, Joni, and her death. It has brought me through strength as my son has faced legal issues. Thank you for your support and your love and your prayers. Blessings to you throughout the rest of this year and the new year. And I also want to encourage you to give a one-time gift between now and the end of the year. Just considering it like another stocking stuffer or Christmas present and let’s flood the DAB with one-time gifts between now and the end of the year. Blessings to you friends.
Hey…I’m calling in for some…some prayer requests and my name’s Jim I’m from Ohio and I’ve been a DAB listener…gosh it’s going on 10 years now and I just…it’s Christmas Eve so I want to wish everyone a blessed and happy Christmas. A really good friend of mine I’ve known for a long time way back from our days in the Marine Corps, his wife Gina is…went into the hospital last night and she had a brain aneurysm and she was in the OR for seven hours and they still aren’t able to correct it and she’s…she’s in a very tough situation. And Glen, my friend, he’s her husband and their two daughters are the same age as my two daughters and their college students. They’re really going through an awful lot right now, especially Christmas Eve. I just came from the hospital and she…she needs a lot of prayers and their family. So, yeah, just please pray for Glenn and Gina and her daughters Holly and Chloe. And, so, yeah, that’s, that’ I what I wanted to do, just ask everybody to pray for them. Thank you and have a very Merry Christmas. I love you DAB community. Thank you.
Good evening DABbers this is Running Desperately to Jesus. I’d like to welcome Daniel from Illinois into the family. You have chosen an awesome family Daniel. You will find so many people and so much love until it’s overwhelming sometimes. Although you will never…maybe never see everyone, maybe you will and never know who they are, but you will feel as though we are standing right there with you. We pray with you, we cry with you, you and your wife. We listen to each other’s burdens. We give words of encouragement and this is such an awesome family. If we had to make up a family, this is the family that I’ve chosen. So, Daniel, welcome again, Daniel from Illinois. This is running desperately to Jesus.
Good morning this is Marilyn calling from Farmington New Hampshire Merry Christmas to everyone and this is really a thank you to Brian and the DAB but thank you Brian for your amazing commentary this morning on Christmas day. In fact, I cried the whole time while you did your commentary but is just really touched something deep and my…my soul really resonated with everything that you are saying like I’m sure everyone’s. It was just like…wow! You blew it out of the park Brian. It was the best Christmas message that I could’ve heard because I know that you are making all things new in our family in my…in our blended family in our children. I know that you are making all things new. And there’s a groaning, such a groaning in my heart and my soul to just go deeper. And anyway, I’m just saying thank you Brian because that was just like, wow! It was an awesome Christmas message. Merry Christmas to everyone. I love DAB I’m so grateful for this and love you all. God bless. Bye-bye.
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mynamesmarji · 5 years
Become An Entrepreneur!
Recently, I’ve discovered the economy for what it really is. When I first met my friend Alea, who is a new entrepreneur, we both opened up to each other fairly quickly. We expressed each other’s opinions, talked about our lives – where we are currently employed, what our future plans are as far as the business world goes and so forth. I told her that I'm going to school to major in an entrepreneur and shortly after opening my own clothing boutique store. She saw passion and potential in me that day, enough of it to offer me her number to stay in contact with her because she wanted to open a door for me. Alea is currently being mentored by other entrepreneurs who are 26 years old retired millionaires. And shortly soon, Alea will be in the same position as those millionaires are. After this proposal, I hope to open your mind and eyes to a potentially better life for you! 
When Alea gave me her number, I texted her right away the next morning because I’ve never been given a chance before for anything. We decided to meet again at a local Starbucks. After our talk, she introduced me to a book called “The Business of the 21st Century.” I was told to read all 115 pages before I met up with her again, which was in four days! As soon as I got home, I started reading and I have learned that there is no such thing as job security anymore. Nowadays, employers can fire anyone for any means necessary. And if you’ve noticed how there are people who are 50 years old still working today. Retirement plans were first developed in 1875. because those retirement funds aren't enough for them to live off of now that people are living up to their 90s and even longer,  
Have you ever thought to yourself that the amount of time you take from out of your day should not be traded for money? Well, I thought so too and felt like I needed to start making a change.  I saw becoming an entrepreneur as my chance to have freedom, financially and the freedom to do things on my own time. I currently work in retail part-time and have to find a balance of work and school in order for me to be stable, pay my bills and provide for myself and my cat. And since I want to open up my own boutique store, I need flexible money in order to start it up but can't with the pay I'm currently at right now with everything else I'm paying for as well just to live. 
In today's society, taxes on products, services, and rent are only getting more expensive as the years go by. I work at a local department store and they are announcing that they are starting pay at $13 an hour, but the pay will go up in pay to $15 by next year yet even more taxes are deducted from my paycheck as well as other team members of mine. Plus, my employers are constantly hiring, people who are high school students who may seem more likely to stay working at the bottom of the ladder, only to think climbing up the ladder in a business is easy to do. High school students may also not have all of the knowledge there is to know how the business world really is like, especially from looking down the pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is your typical chain of steps, with the owner at the top of the ladder to the employees and salespeople at the bottom. Many people don’t see that they can flip that chart downwards where those who start – start with little to nothing and build onto the chain making the significance in those who are trained sellers because that’s how the money comes in. If you become an investor or a business owner, you should want to invest in yourself and your own business. Not buy off of other companies when it comes to essentials.
  Growing up in the 20th century, I have never put much thought into the business world until an entrepreneur shined a light on the real world. Everyone was taught by their peers to either get a good job with security or go to school, get good grades, earn a degree and so forth so that they can live a stress free life and not have to worry about debt – but I want to tell you that those two options aren't the only ones. The voice of my mom telling me to get good grades, study, earn a degree in something you’re most passionate about and start a career just gets played every now and then now in my head because my mom’s finances isn’t stable and lives on the countryside of Virginia yet she has a master's degree and psychology. Still, her finances aren’t stable because even with her degree, she’s been turned down by many employers.  
I have another friend named Afton who I met through my place of business, she's been working at the plant for 4 years now. She expressed to me how strongly she believes that school is not for her. Therefore she decided not to go back to college and to just work up a ladder in someone else's owned business. Afton is also really into modeling and makeup and proposed to me that she wants to become a YouTuber and make a living off of her videos someday. I told her that I loved the idea of her becoming a social influencer but that she shouldn’t depend on a job to support her. 
I don’t believe anyone can live off of a job’s pay. I see her wonder why her amazing work ethics, time and efforts aren't being recognized enough to the point where she can step up the ladder. Why is that? It's because those next steps are positions that are filled already or are given to those who are already on that level of experiences. Therefore, Afton has to wait her turn just like everyone before she did. It may take a lot of risks and hard work but no position in the business world is considered easy, but anyone can be an entrepreneur - does not require a degree to become one. All a person needs is a great mentorship from a person who has already gone through what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, from finance issues to love life issues.
My heart is set on the idea of entrepreneurship because of its perks and to live comfortably knowing that I am security stable and that I will be able to take care of my family. If someone was to say ‘money does not make a person happy,’ reassure them that it does because if a person had debt - they would be able to pay it off and be worry-free. Therefore, become an entrepreneur, think like millionaires and do what millionaires do. Assets can be bought, a business can be created, especially with a team that will value to help people pursue their dreams. And once you have pursued them, teach others this same important informational process that I have told you in this paper! Do not start a business by yourself with no employees because that way, you won't be working for yourself, you’ll be working for your business – never have time to do things outside of work because the outcomes of self-employed will become a stressful life for you. I want everyone to have control over their own lives as well as their incoming money and to become an entrepreneur is the best path to go in. 
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kristenreeves · 4 years
One of 20 Million | Unemployed In the World Of Covid-19
To the federal politicians, the state representatives and governors, to the people who judge the unemployed, to the prospective employers who don’t have the decency to send an email when a candidate is rejected, and above all to those who are still trudging along in the world of unemployment, this message is for you.
I am writing this note on my five month anniversary of unemployment.  A milestone I never wanted, expected, or would wish on my own worst enemy. I am writing this because I think it is important to understand that most people who are unemployed right now would rather not be. There is a rhetoric against the extension of federal unemployment benefits that doesn’t really give the whole picture of unemployment in this country and I want to shed light on a another perspective. 
In the current climate, people are changing career paths simply because their job no longer exists. Some people don't want to continue doing their previous type of job and are looking for other options because when the second wave of this pandemic hits, they will most likely be laid off again. Others are willing to compromise on some things like salary, location, or job duties but know they are worth more than what they are being sold and that the opportunity is a stopgap until something more sustainable comes along. 
I have been actively working since I graduated from college in 2013 and this five-month gap of unemployment is the longest I have been without a job. I would describe this experience as miserable. Every week that goes by, I think of how unemployable and undesirable I look to prospective companies. Rationally I know many in the United States are in a similar boat, but emotionally I can’t help but wonder what this means for my future. 
During my five months of unemployment, four have been filled with active job hunting (April I was taking care of my mother who had COVID-19) and during that time I have applied to just under 80 jobs. That means writing 80 cover letters, filling out 80 applications and repeating the same information on my resume on job sites, creating portfolios, and designing a website. Of those almost 80 jobs, I have had TWO interviews.  
You may ask, well why haven’t you applied to more jobs? You are unemployed right, what else are you doing with your time? To that I say, I’m trying to live. I’m trying to maintain a semblance of mental health in a world that is continually disappointing me and that I feel like a disappointment in. I am constantly having to fight for my unemployment benefits, food stamps, and healthcare, while also sprinkling in volunteer work here and there to keep my skills sharp. I am trying to educate myself and use this time for growth. But most of all after you apply to 50 jobs and don’t hear back for even a phone screening, you start to lose momentum. I am applying to jobs in three cities. That is three locations across the country that I am open to moving to and still, the jobs are limited. I wonder what that means for someone who has only one option for a city, what types of odds are they facing? 
So to whom it may concern, when you are debating continuing unemployment benefits, claiming that people getting them aren't going back to work because they are making too much money, judging the situation without experiencing it, please understand that most of us in this country want to work, but we want to do it safely. We want to have a purpose and want the security that comes with a steady paycheck. Many of us have continued to stay home, socially distance, and be responsible so that we can go back to sustainable and safe jobs.  We were NOT the ones who opened up the country too early, without a plan, while simultaneously endangering the lives of lower-wage workers in the name of “saving the economy.” However, we will be the ones to pay the price in our faltering economy if an extension of benefits is not agreed upon. 
There seems to be a misunderstanding about what it means to be in a pandemic, an economic crisis, and a recession. A stimulus check of $1,200 doesn’t fix the problem. It is a small circular band aid that is being put over a gaping wound that needs stitches, the stitches are the weekly federal unemployment boost. 
I live in Miami, FL, my weekly state unemployment benefit after taxes is $247. My rent is $1,250 a month. Altogether, my monthly state benefits don’t even cover my monthly rent. Simply put, on state benefits alone, I would not survive. This is just one piece of reality that comes from killing the weekly federal benefit. Right now, I am living frugally but will occasionally eat at a local restaurant or purchase something I need or want outside of my normal groceries. Once I lose weekly federal benefits, that stops. My bills are just under $2,000 a month (phone, electric, internet, rent, etc.) and any extra money I have saved up will go towards paying those bills while I figure out my next steps to avoid going into debt. 
If I lose federal benefits, I will have to move back to Illinois and move in with my dad. I am going to be 29 years old on August 15th,  and after 7 years of independent living, will now have no other choice but to move back in with a parent. I will no longer be giving to our economy in a way that helps bolster it, and I know I am not alone. 
So this long message is really rooted in respect.
Respect towards those who are laid off, or those who may be pushing back and not wanting to go back to a job that pays minimum wage with no protection against a killer virus. 
Respect from prospective employers when working with candidates and hiring. This is an employer market right now, you hold the power and we as prospective employees know that. So do us a favor, list your salary ranges, if you actually talk to a human send them a note if they are declined for the job. Remember that you may be their first or fortieth application and that those who are writing applications are just as tired of writing accolades about themselves as you are of reading them. 
And to the people making economic decisions, understand your choices have trickling down impacts that you may not even realize. Just as hard as many senators fight for the rights of fetuses, fight for the livelihood of the humans who are on the cusp of not making it and don’t know how much longer they can keep fighting. Remember that many of those laid off, are educated, politically driven, and involved constituents who will remember who was there for them in a time of crisis and who was not. 
To those who read this and thought “this is me” you are not alone. The tunnel of this unknown time is dark and very limited in its lighting but eventually, we will find our purpose again. Although difficult there are moments I do find solace in this time of self-discovery and the new skills I have learned. That being said, I would much rather have a job that pays me well, bolsters my skill sets, and is in a field I could actually see building a career in. 
What does the future hold? No one really knows, but I believe everything happens for a reason, although I would like that reason to come out sooner rather than later because patience is not my virtue.
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Financial Covenant, Transition Passages
2 Corinthians 8:9, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” This is the third benefit which we have received through the cross.  It is the one of three passages in the Bible which we call Transition Passages.  These are scriptures which describe Jesus dying in one condition and changing to another condition which results in a benefit for us as believers.  All three Transition Passages show us how Jesus took an ungodly condition and gave us God’s will for our lives.  That will is righteousness or right-standing with God, total health, and wealth.  All three of these are needed here on the earth and righteousness will transfer with us to the heavenlies when we depart from these earth suits.  All three are important to God or He would not have had His Son suffer for us to live the benefits.  They are gifts from the Father through the Son and we need to receive them.
God’s Provision for Wealth in the Old Covenant
To understand God’s will for all His children, let’s look at what He provided for them in the Old Covenant.  First let’s go to Deuteronomy 8: 7-14 and 17-18.  God was taking His people into what He calls a “good” land (the best it could be) with many wonderful attributes which would take care of every need and there would be no lack.  He stipulates that after they had received the blessings they should bless Him for what He had given them.  He did not want them to forget Him by not keeping His commandments. He did not want the multiplication of their flocks and wealth to make them proud and forget God who brought them out of slavery.  Then they might say their power and strength made them the wealth.  He wanted them to remember that God gave them the wealth confirming the covenant He swore to their fathers.
In Deuteronomy 28: 1-13 God commands they obey all He says and He will bless them.  The list of blessings is long and includes everything anyone could need. It includes everything they put their hands to, the fruit of the land, their flocks, their bodies, and abundant prosperity.  They just had to listen to His commandments and observe them.  Sounds like a pretty cool and generous Father to me.  He liked multiplication.  He provided an awesome covenant promise to His chosen people.  This promise of abundance and wealth was God’s idea. It did not come from man’s greed or lust for stuff.  
Wisdom and Wealth
In Proverbs 8: 17-21 we read of the qualities of wisdom. Wisdom says, “I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.  Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, even pure gold, And my yield than choicest silver.  I walk in the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice, to endow those who love me with wealth, That I may fill their treasuries.”     The most wonderful thing to realize is that Jesus was made wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption to those who are in Him.  1 Corinthians 2:30.   So, all the qualities of wisdom are available to us who are in Christ Jesus! Those are some amazing qualities.  
Jesus’s Life on the Earth
Jesus was born under the Abrahamic covenant and the Law. God cut the covenant with Abraham before the Word became flesh and was born into the earth as Jesus.  He wanted to do the will of the Father.  He never sinned.  He wasn’t about to violate the covenant with His Father.  He kept all of the commandments and it only makes sense that He received the benefits of the Old Covenant His Father cut with Abraham. Jesus was a rich man.  He did not have poverty.  That would not at all have fit the Covenant which God promised to His people who obeyed His commandments.  Jesus was a rich Jew. The promises of God are yes and Amen!  
There are many who have been taught that Jesus was not a rich man.  They read the covenant passage where Jesus is said to be rich and spiritualize it to mean He gave up the riches of heaven to come to earth.  The truth of His life coming under the Law and living completely by the Law with no sin puts Him in the logical position of having great wealth. And each person who walked in wisdom was to receive wealth.  He did that. There are passages about getting a coin from a fish’s mouth for taxes and how the Son of Man did not have a place to lay His head.  The enemy has twisted these to perpetrate the lie that Jesus was poor. Poverty for the Christians is exactly what Satan wants so we must see the truth and tear down the strongholds in this area.  Jesus had Peter catch the fish with a coin in its mouth to pay a tax in a miraculous way. The reference to the Son of Man having nowhere to lay His head was a response to a scribe who wanted to follow Him. At that time, they were always traveling and ministering to the people.  He did however, have a house in Capernaum which we see in Matthew 4:13 and Mark 2:1.  The Mark account tells of Him being at home and ministering to so many there was no room for a paralytic to be brought into the house so they took apart the roof and lowered the sick man into the room.   Jesus healed him.   Satan has lied to believers in an effort to keep us bound and ineffective. God blessed us with every blessing in the heavenlies and Satan doesn’t want us to be experiencing them.  
The New Covenant
The New Covenant which God brought about through His Son Jesus had promises also.  In Hebrews 7:22 we see, “Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant.” And Hebrews 8:13 says, “When He said a New Covenant, He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.”  
The New Covenant began with the death of Jesus on Calvary.  We have already discussed the benefits from the cross of righteousness and health. The third is the very important benefit of wealth.  If God cared for His people so much and provided so abundantly for them in the Old Covenant, would He do less for the people of the New Covenant?  No, He said Jesus was the guarantee of a better covenant and the old was disappearing.  I am impressed with the Old Covenant, but I am certain that the New Covenant provision is so much better.   God does not change.  It would have been strange for the Father to have included wealth in the Old Covenant as His will and not include it in the New Covenant as His will.  
Satan and the Benefit of Wealth Through the Cross
Satan has been revealed as a liar; a thief who comes only to steal, kill and destroy; a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour; the serpent; the devil; the deceiver.  His battleground is the mind of the soul.  He and his army are constantly speaking lies to our minds as if we were thinking the thoughts.  He doesn’t want us to believe in a rich Jesus.  He wants us to believe in a poor Jesus.  One that depicts a humble, poor man who doesn’t want to be a wealthy earthly King.  That way we don’t believe we should be rich.  We don’t feel worthy to be rich.  There is false humility and pride associated with that poverty, and there can be hopelessness and despair.  Poverty is what Satan wants us to believe is our lot and live that way for all our lives. Poverty is a mindset from darkness.   Satan has perpetrated the lie of the tithe and mixes the counter lie that we are poor, or should be poor, to look more holy and humble in the eyes of God and other Christians.  That is such a sham!  That is not holy!  We are expected to pay tithes, but we are not expected to have that much money for living because that would be too extravagant!  Satan wants us to struggle through life financially and says that’s what God wants, so we believe his lies.  Being rich is what God wants for His children.  That takes a different mindset.  That demands that the lies are taken down and all liars expelled from our souls.  
Words being powerful and being spirit and being like seeds and we reap what we sow can be a major part of Satan’s plan for continuing poverty.  He gets us to believe in the poverty first.  Then he has words already set in place for us to repeat again and again which perpetrate the poverty.  I’m sure you can think of what some of those might be.  How about, “We can’t afford that.”   Or, “That costs too much.”  Or, “Every time I get all the bills paid something goes wrong.”   Or, “I always try to buy on sale.”  Our constant thoughts center around how little money there is and how we must be careful not to spend too much.  Or we go into credit card debt and struggle to pay that off. God has told us to be lenders and not borrowers.  If we were free from Satan’s lies and walking in wealth already given through the cross, we would be lenders and ministering to those who still did not have the benefit of the cross.  In fact, all Christians should be living this way, but Satan still has lies in place. We would not be fearful of not having a job or running through the weekly paycheck and still having bills left to pay.  That is not what God wants.  So, what do we do about it.
Grace as Teacher
When we go to the cross we find grace.  Everything God did through His Son on Calvary was about grace.  First, it was for all of us to become believers by receiving Christ as Savior through unmerited favor.  Then, as believers grace has become our teacher, teaching us how to live godly, sensibly, and righteously in this present age. Titus 2:11-12   The covenant passage for wealth is set in context in a chapter from Paul to the Corinthians about an offering they are preparing for another church.  In looking up the Greek for the words used, the actual meaning of the word rich is about money.  Makes sense because the chapter is about money also.  Jesus was rich.  The Bible says so!  And the benefits from the cross are about grace!
In 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 we read more about money and grace.  Contained in these verses are the most beautiful expressions of grace and abundance from God.   You will reap how you sow, sparingly or bountifully.  Purpose in your heart to be a cheerful giver and not grudgingly.  God loves a cheerful giver.   Verse 8, “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.”   Verse 10, “Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”   The remaining verses speak of our enriching for all liberality and how our ministry produces thanksgiving to God for our obedience to our confession of the gospel of Christ.  Prayers are raised on our behalf and thanks to God for the indescribable gift of grace.  
The seeds in this passage are words being spoken.  The words are about the gospel or good news. The Good News of the gospel is what we receive through the cross.  Salvation and righteousness, health, and wealth.  The confession is our agreement with what we have been given by grace through the cross.  Our confession is about covenant knowledge.  When Jesus went to the cross he laid down His riches on the earth and took all of poverty that we might be rich.  
Let’s look at one more passage about finances which Satan twists to become a lie.  1 Timothy 6:3-10.  This passage has been misquoted so many times, that the hearers who never search them out and read themselves are grossly deceived into error.  Verse 3 speaks of anyone who advocates a different doctrine than that of Jesus which conforms to godliness.  Godliness is the subject of which grace is a teacher in Titus 2:11-12.  In verses 4 and 5 the ungodly words and attitudes being discussed sound like thoughts from demons who encourage evil in men.  The demons state that men of depraved mind and deprived of truth suppose that godliness is a means of gain.   Then in the very next verse, Timothy states that godliness actually is a means of great gain, when accompanied by contentment.  Now for some definitions in the Greek.  Great is the word mega meaning a lot.  Gain means furnishings, procurement, money getting acquisition.  Godliness is a way of gaining mega wealth.  Contentment means all sufficiency, the same word used in 2 Corinthians 9:8. Contentment does not mean accepting your lot in life and being satisfied where you are and with what you have. Content means to erect a barrier, to ward off.  Who would that refer to?  The thief, lack, poverty!  
In verse 9 we see the result of ungodly desires for riches.  Verse 10 says the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil.  Notice it says the love of money, not money itself.  What drives a man to love money and pursue it? Well, the devil has plenty of motivators for driving man to an ungodly desire for riches.   That is why we are given grace.  Teaching us to live godly, righteously and sensibly.  We are righteous.  We are godly.  We are sensible.  But we must believe it and be rid of the demons in our souls who are not.   So, how do we get to this truth for our lives?
Spiritual Warfare
The enemy has become entrenched in all men with lies we are believing about all truth.  This one third of the benefits to us from the cross has been stolen and must be reclaimed.  The wealth has been given and is ours already.   Go to the Lord.  Talk with Him.  The prayer language takes you to an intimate, private place of talking and hearing from Him. When you are praying in your prayer language Satan cannot interfere like he can any other time.   Listen and take action against darkness in every part of your soul.  As you and God uncover all of the demons hiding in your soul as though they are you, the Holy Spirit will help you fight them and send them out.  Then ask Him to fill those places in your soul until you are filled completely and every demon routed.  
Declare and Decree Over Your Life
Through listening to the Lord and my pastor (they often are in complete agreement), I have come to understand that my words are vitally important to believing the truth.  As I take this journey to complete filling by the Holy Spirit and the freedom of my soul through renewing the mind of the soul, I choose to submit my will to the Father and declare and decree His will.  One way to do that is to confess the truth of the Word.  I have begun again to declare the covenant scriptures for righteousness, health, and riches.  I have also included 2 Corinthians 9:6-15.  I have come to deeply love the words herein and have seen the wonderful revelation of the power of our confession.  Words create.  That is a miracle of God.  There are so many references to words being spirit and seeds and you sow them by speaking them and then you reap what you sow.  Wow!  They better be words which line up with what God says!  I’ve spoken too many which were death and darkness, totally selfish and evil.   And I’ve reaped those words all through my life.  We all have.  Let’s change that.  Let’s confess truth and light and reap that instead.   Submit to God!  Get the demons out!  Confess the truth!  Live the benefit!  Minister that benefit and truth to others!  That is the Great Commission!
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I hate the way society has jobs set up. I hate that odds are you won’t ever have your dream job. I hate the way a job puts you on a timer until the next time you have to go. That stupid timer that ruins everything good and wonderful about life. It rips the spontaneity out of life. Forces us to a routine we never wanted. I hate the way we put what’s best for us to the side because we need money, and the only way to make money is by working for some corporation taking other people’s money.
The fact that most people won’t be able to do what they love in life as a job is depressing. Let’s take my friend Erik for example. Erik loves history more than anyone I’ve ever met. He knows more about it than I can comprehend. He can tell you the ins and outs of events you’ve never even heard of. His dream job would be a college history professor. Some of his favorite teachers have been history teachers, and they’ve inspired him. Unfortunately, teachers don’t make as much as they should. He’s decided to go into engineering, not because of passion, but because of that all too important paycheck. I know it’s not possible to live in a world where we could all have our dream jobs, because then how will the undesirable jobs get done? That doesn’t change that I despise the fact that some people will work their entire lives doing something that makes them miserable. They say if you love what you do you’ll never work a day, but what if you don’t love it? Then you are working every day. It becomes tiring and taxing. 
The ever ticking timer. The countdown to the next day at work. I loath nothing more. You get off work at 11 pm, you work the next day at 8 am. You have 9 hours before you go back. You’ll use 8 of them sleeping give or take. Then when you get off, you eat, maybe relax a bit before going to bed and doing it all over again. If you work later in the day, like a 5 pm start, then the rest of the day is almost pointless. You can’t do anything huge cause you’ll have to leave for work. You can’t go hike a mountain on a whim, you don’t have time. Want to drive down to Park City just for fun, spend the day having fun up there? Nope, sorry you’ve got work soon honey. Okay, you’ve got the day off. Now you can go have fun. It’s all just momentary though. It won’t last more than a day, and you can’t go do anything more than a day long. If you wanted to last-minute go camping with a bunch of friends, you can’t. You’d have to plan ahead or get someone to cover you, and that isn’t a fun or easy task. Let’s say you’re at work. You check your phone to see that all your friends have the day off and are going to go kayaking. You can’t be spontaneous with them. You’re stuck working. Even if you are doing nothing, the idea that what you can do when being determined by work feels enslaving. Bowing down to someone’s predetermined clock for you. Yet we follow it for the money. We follow it because of legal reasons. We follow it because we have to. 
I don’t like a routine. I like just floating. If I want to wake up at 5 pm, I’ll wake up at 5 pm. If I want to wake up at 6 am and go fishing, I’ll do it. If I don’t want to go to sleep at all, I won’t. I don’t like days to blend together and feel the same. I love each day being unique and beautiful in its own way. Having a job that sets you to a routine where everything blends together ruins that sense of uniqueness. I work at a retail store called Kohls. I work in customer service for the most part. After a while, everything blends together and anything different is a blessing. I enjoyed Black Friday because of the change it brought. The change is fleeting, however. Soon I was back to the same old same old, with the continually counting down clock till the next workday.
We all too often will wake up not feeling great. If it were an event, use church as an example,  we’d skip that day. When it comes to work that same mentality does not apply. We get up and push through it. We aren’t sick enough to stay home. We need that money! I got new contacts not too long ago, and I was trying them out a day I had to work. These contacts did not fit my eye very well and made me feel dizzy and it was hard to see, but I needed the money so I just pushed through it. I wanted to go home every second and take them out. What about days we don’t feel okay? Not physically, but mentally. I know so many people who go to work on days where they feel like breaking down. I too have been one of those people. Holding back the tears just a few more hours till I can go home. I remember working at Pizza Hut in high school. One of my coworkers had come to work, and she was quiet, which was odd for her. She had just been broken up with a couple of hours ago at max. She was in emotional pain, yet she still came to work. Another time, at the same job, a co-worker came in, and something was off. She had just found out she was pregnant in her senior year of high school. One of the biggest moments of her life, and she came into work instead of telling her boyfriend, or having the hard conversation with her parents. That shouldn’t be okay.
 We all talk about how if you’re kinda sick call in, but most places make you find someone to cover you when you’re sick, and oftentimes it’s just not worth it unless there is no other option. When there is no other option and you feel like death, finding someone to cover for you is the absolute last thing you want to do. As a society, we talk about mental health days, but don’t practice it. What do you tell a coworker you’re trying to get to cover your shift? With being sick and mental health days, they usually happen the day of, and finding someone willing to cover you hours, or even minutes before your shift is incredibly hard if not impossible. Should every employee be given a set number of sick/mental health days? Almost like a get out of jail free card in Monopoly. 
A world where we could all do what we wanted when we wanted, free of the chains of work and the boundaries of money could be a vastly infinite one. Give filmmakers the time they needed, with no money worries, causing more freedom and less manufactured sequels, imagine the movies we could have. Imagine a world where scientists could do what they please. Research what they want, when they want. Give Elon Musk this endless possibility and see what he can come up with. Give the children in school all the recourses they need. Let them learn as they please, and what they please. A world almost reminiscent of a time when we were kids. There was no worry in our minds. If a friend wanted to “play” mom brought us over and we had fun. We had nothing to do. We could do what we wanted to.  It could be a beautiful world. Alas, an impossible one. 
Maybe I’m just a college student who hasn’t had a real career job yet, who is living paycheck to paycheck because some big man in a suit decided rent needs to be overpriced. Maybe my mentality will change as I get older. Perhaps a job I really enjoy will change something for me. I’ve only had a handful of jobs, none being any special. I still have so much life ahead of me, I just crave freedom. What happens if I just left work behind and went out? Explore? Had fun? Would my thirst be quenched?
Jobs, at least low tier ones such as retail and fast food, put us on this timer. A timer that only ends when we start to hear the breath of death. The same timer that gives us money so we can escape it, if only for but a minute. We need food to survive. We buy food with money. We get money from working. We get a job by giving up our freedom and giving into the all to familiar timer. We get put in the cycle of need needing money. So much so that if we aren’t feeling 100%, we’ll still go to work to try and get that sacred paycheck. That is why I absolutely loath how jobs work. 
0 notes
Not Knowing This About Your Financial Advisor Will Cost You
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As an In-House Tax Strategist for a "Wealth Management" office, I had the unique perspective of watching and observing the gyrations a wealth advisory team will go through in order to "land a client". My job, of course, was to bring value added services to the existing and potential clientele. Well, not exactly. I had the mindset of that purpose but in truth, it was just one more way for the "financial advisor" to get in front of another new prospect. In fact, that one purpose "get in front of another prospect" was the driving force in every decision. Think about it this way. A Financial Advisory Firm will make tens of thousands of dollars for each new client "they land" versus a few hundred dollars more for doing a better job with their existing clientele. You see, depending on how a financial advisory firm is built, will dictate what is most important to them and how it will greatly affect you as the client. This is one of the many reasons why Congress passed the new DOL fiduciary law this past spring, but more about that in a latter article.
When a financial advisory firm concentrates all of their resources in prospecting, I can assure you that the advice you are receiving is not entirely to your benefit. Running a successful wealth management office takes a lot of money, especially one that has to prospect. Seminars, workshops, mailers, advertising along with support staff, rent and the latest sales training can cost any size firm hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, as you are sitting across the glossy conference table from your advisor, just know that they are thinking of the dollar amount they need from the procurement of your assets and they will be allocating that into their own budget. Maybe that's why they get a little 'huffy' when you let them know "you have to think about it"?
Focusing on closing the sale instead of allowing for a natural progression would be like running a doctor's office where they spend all of their resources how to bring in prospective patients; how to show potential patients just how wonderful they are; and the best way for the doctor's office staff to close the deal. Can you imagine it? I bet there would be less of wait! Oh, I can just smell the freshly baked muffins, hear the sound of the Keurig in the corner and grabbing a cold beverage out of the refrigerator. Fortunately or unfortunately, we don't experience that when we walk into a doctor's office. In fact, it's quite the opposite. The wait is long, the room is just above uncomfortable and a friendly staff is not the norm. That is because Health Care Providers spend all of their time and resources into knowing how to take care of you as you are walking out the door instead of in it.
As you are searching for financial advice, there are a hundred things to think about when growing and protecting your wealth, especially risk. There are risks in getting the wrong advice, there are risks in getting the right advice but not asking enough of the right questions, but most importantly, there are risks of not knowing the true measure of wealth management. The most common overlooked risk is not understanding the net return on the cost of receiving good financial advice. Some financial advisors believe that if they have a nice office with a pleasant staff and a working coffee maker they are providing great value to their clients. Those same financial advisors also spend their resources of time and money to put their prospective clients through the 'pain funnel' to create the sense of urgency that they must act now while preaching building wealth takes time. In order to minimize the risk of bad advice is to quantify in real terms. One of the ways to know if you are receiving value for your financial advice is to measure your return backwards.
Normally, when you come to an agreement with a financial advisor there is a 'management fee' usually somewhere between 1% and 2%. In fact, this management fee can be found in every mutual fund and insurance product that has investments or links to indexes. The trouble I observed over and over again as I sat through this carnival act, was that management fees, although mentioned, were merely an after-thought. When presenting their thorough portfolio audit and sound recommendations, the sentence used to the unsuspecting client was that the market has historically provided an average of 8% (but we're going to use 6% because we want to be 'conservative') and we're only going to charge you 1.5% as a management fee. No big deal, right?
Let's discover why understanding this management fee 'math' is so important, and how it could actually save your retirement. This could actually keep you from going broke using a financial advisor simply by measuring your financial advice in reverse. Let's look at an example to best demonstrate a better way to look at how good your financial advisor is doing.
Now, before we begin, I have always understood that whoever gets paid first wins. We only have to look at our paycheck to see who gets paid before we do to understand that perspective. It is equally important to know that management fees are taken out first, unless you are lucky enough to have the income, the assets and a willing financial advisor to only get paid when they make you money. Funny though, this is exactly how you should review your own historical performance with your financial advisor and if they should be fired. Let's say you have investable assets of $250,000 as you sit down with a wealth management team. They have just provided you with PowerPoint presentations, marketing materials and a slideshow on their 50" HD Computer Screen in their freshly redecorated conference room showing that you can make 8% and they're only going to charge you 1.5% annually (quick math $3,750 every year). You see in their presentation your investable assets appreciating over the next 10 years all the way up to $540,000. Sweet!
Now, this is not the article on why using the "Average Rate of Return" is absolutely the wrong measurement to use because it uses linear math when it is more appropriate to use geometric math in Compound Annual Growth Rate which incorporates time... But let's look at how fees have a depreciating element to your investments.
After consideration, you agree to a 1.5% annual management fee to be paid quarterly. The financial advisor needs to get paid first so your portfolio's management fees come out first. Consequently, your $250,000 becomes $249,000 and at 8% average annual rate of return, your assets after the first quarter are now $254,000. After the first year? Your assets are now worth $266,572 after fees of $3,852.
Financial Advisor Portfolio or Self-Managing ETF Portfolio
Self-Management Portfolio
I'd like to take this time to explore the differences in doing your own portfolio built on buying two ETFs (SPY and AGG). For the purposes of this illustration we will be allocating 80% to the S&P 500 (SPY) and 20% Barclay's US Bond Aggregate (AGG). This is the time to say, I am not recommending any specific investments: this is for illustrative purposes only. The actual average rate of return for this allocation for the past 10 years is 4.24%, so without considering fees, an initial investment balance accumulates to $381,292. These ETFs have an embedded annual management fee of.15% (SPY) and.08% (AGG) with an aggregate of.14% for this allocation producing $4,178 in total 'out of pocket' fees over the 10 years. If we understand that our portfolio appreciated $130,319 and it cost you $4,178 for a Net Gain in your portfolio, then your NET COST of FEES is 3.21%. But it doesn't end there, to truly quantify how fees eat away at your portfolio we must take this process a step further. The TRUE COST of FEES is calculating the difference of your portfolio with and without fees, in this case is $5,151 and comparing that to the Net Gain in your portfolio or 4.1%. In other words, over a ten year period, the cost of having these investments was 4.1%, $381,292 (without fees) versus $376,141 (Ending Balance with fees).
Financial Advisor Portfolio
For the sake of this illustration we are going to assume the financial advisor does better over the same 10 year period, about 6% annual average rate of return. You agree to let them take a 1.5% annual management, paid quarterly. Your $250,000 portfolio accumulates to $392,308 over 10 years with 'out of pocket' fees of $47,108, or $4711 per year. Your portfolio's NET COST, or the fees of $47,108 to gain $189,416 in your portfolio, is almost 25%. More than that, your TRUE COST of Financial Advice is 44.7%. Plainly, your Financial Advisor's portfolio is $63,617 less than if you had no fees and it accumulated to $455,926. As expected, your portfolio realized an average rate of return of 5.69%. In this illustration, the financial advisor portfolio did 'out-perform' the DIY portfolio of ETFs by $16,167 by outpacing the average rate of return by.61% annually.
Utilizing our proprietary software and a hundred test cases, we wanted to see how much better does a financial advisor need to realize to bring value to the client advisor relationship? This number is dependent on a number of factors: amount of investable assets, length of time, management fees charged and of course, the rate of return. What we did experience, is that the range went from its lowest to 1.25% to as high as 4%. In other words, in order to 'break-even' on bringing value to the client-advisor relationship, the financial advisor must realize at least a 1.25% higher net gain in average rate of return.
Please know, that we are not trying to dissuade anyone from utilizing the services of a financial advisor. We would be making our own clientele pretty unhappy. Instead, we want to present more transparency on how to measure the competency level of your financial advice. Heaven knows an experienced, knowledgeable advisor brings much more to the relationship than can be quantified by a number, but we do want the ability to truly measure the cost of this financial legacy. Just like most things in life, the line between success and failure is razor thin. In the above illustration, if the financial advisor portfolio's ending balance was lowered by just $25,000 that would mean the annual average rate of return lowers.5% resulting in a lower ending balance than the self-managed account by $6,527. What if we changed the allocation to 70/30 allocation split? The Financial Advisor's portfolio underperforms by $12,144 while still costing the client almost $60,000 in fees over the 10 years.
One final thought as we wrap things up here. You may be interviewing for a new advisor now or possibly in the near future. One of the most important questions you would want to ask and most of them do not want to answer or know how to answer is, "How good is your historical performance?" Now, this is usually where you get the song and dance from the wealth management team. They will extol the virtues of "every portfolio is different" or "all circumstances and risk tolerances inhibit us from 'projecting' rates of return" or, my favorite, "It's about the plan! Your dreams and goals will be much different than anyone else, even if they have the same amount assets, income and risk assessment." These of course are all true statements, but it does not preclude a wealth management team from the ability to show past performance of how they manage money. Going out on a limb, isn't that why you are interviewing advisors? To see if they can do better than what you are currently doing either on your own or with your soon-to-be-ex financial advisor?
A Look Behind the Curtain
What most financial advisors won't tell you is just how similar the construction of each client portfolio really is. I can't tell you how many multi-million dollar firms have every client's portfolio look pretty identical from one another. It's usually made up of "3 Buckets". Now these have different meanings for different advisors such as "Soon - Not so Soon - Long Term Money" or the "Safe - Moderately Safe - Risky" purposes for your investable assets. Believe me when I say this, most advisors pay a lot of money and spend a lot of their time on how to tell this story, to get the client to change their mindset of what they have been taught all along since childhood from their parents. It is not necessary for financial planning to be this complicated, unless of course, there is salesmanship going on. We learned from an early age and then proactively budgeted our entire adult lives to make more than we spend, save as much as we can so we can live off of what we have accumulated. But somehow, wealth advisors have created this sales system to get people to worry ("The Pain Funnel") that they will outlive their money or worse, not be able to keep the lifestyle clients so richly deserve. You see, in sales, you create pain, step on it and then provide a solution. I believe we can be a lot more honest here and focus our advice transparently without resorting to 'scare tactics'. Building an investment portfolio, retirement income strategy or legacy plan should be as comfortable as they are obvious.
Most wealth management teams will start with the same basic "financial plan" for your assets: short-term money that has no volatility (this is where you have your emergency/vacation/play money); then you will have near-short term money (usually about 3 - 7 years of very little volatility; and then the last division of your assets is long term money (10 years or more) with a lot of volatility (managed money). Please be aware that this is the exact moment where financial advisors practice in order to "land the prospect". They will have you write in the percentage of how much your assets you want in the first, second and third 'buckets' according to your "Risk Tolerance". I'll explain in a later article why this entire methodology is mathematically inhibitive to long term financial success. In lieu of writing in percentages, you'll better served to focus on two facets: the fees for the first two 'buckets' (your rate of interest is generally very low so any fees will have a higher detrimental effect) and the entrance and exit strategy for your managed money held in the last bucket. They will tell you that "long term growth is omnipotent to the success throughout your retirement years. So, if that's the case they had better 'show you the money'!
Bottom line: There is a historical performance of your wealth management team that can be shown... so ask for it. Oh, another hint, make sure it is actual performance and not 'back tested" performance. The financial industry now has software programs that allow us to take a computer-based allocation model and utilize financial data of domestic stocks and bonds for the past 20 years to show a simulated historical performance within a 3% margin of error. I don't know about you, but I would want my money manager to have more than a couple of years of experience no matter how pretty their brochures are or wonderful their office smells.
So, how are We Really Doing?
Earlier, we compared what an average financial advisor (giving them the benefit of the doubt that they indeed performed better over a 10 year period) did compared to a Do-It-Yourself portfolio made up of S&P 500 and Barclays US Bond Aggregate ETFs. But how did the same portfolio do against the Nasdaq (QQQ) over the same time period? Given the same 80/20 allocation, the QQQ Portfolio gained an average of 12.73% annually versus the 6.05% for the Financial Advisor. The Nasdaq (QQQ) plus Bonds (AGG) gained over $471,000 more in assets over that same time period, or roughly $47,000 per year. Now, I need to point out that if we looked at QQQ returns of 2000-2009 then the portfolio would have lost an accumulated 9.12% of value in assets. The QQQ ETF Net Average Annual Rate of Return since 2000 is 2.38%. Our focus in putting together client portfolios is to minimize inhibitors like fees, taxes and risk since those are in our control (can't control the market). When viewing portfolios and net worth statements of our clients through this prism and then bringing it through our proprietary software, we can grade ourselves as well as our portfolio managers with real, audited data. For example, one of our money managers has a computer-based, moderate growth portfolio (70/30 allocation split) that has a 12.68% average rate of return over the same time period as all 3 portfolios. Loosely translated, this Moderate Growth Portfolio outperformed the S&P 500 ETF Portfolio by $342,000. When it comes to the accumulation portion of our client's financial plan, we can ascertain what is working and what isn't by quantifying the NET performance.
With so many choices, it is difficult to ascertain subjectively who you should trust as a financial advisor, if you should trust one at all! As a consumer, when we purchase just about anything, we constantly compare the price versus the benefit of ownership with an understanding the sliding scale of risk associated with owning whatever we are buying whether it's buying a gallon of milk, a haircut or a piece of furniture. The higher the price, usually higher the risk, the more we want to weigh the attributes of doing something or doing nothing; measure the value of hiring it done or doing it yourself. The legacy of ownership greatly effects the amount of risk involved in getting the right information in order to act on the right advice for results that are satisfactory to your needs and expectations. Our purpose for creating this proprietary software was to come up with a simple 'report card' to measure between advisors and to affirm the decision to have someone else manage your investable assets and your financial future. We believe that as financial advisors, we should be held to a measurable account definitive to always doing what is best for the client's interest. The largest service we provide is inherently, producing a higher net rate of return on the overall net worth of our clients than if they simply could manage their own financial assets. In today's financial environment, we cannot afford to make any mistakes no matter how minuscule. This is why having the ability to simply, clearly quantify the value of your advice is truly omnipotent to your Raleigh Financial Planner success.
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Manage Quotes
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• A busy person is usually the most efficient because they know how to manage their time. That’s something I learned through dancing all through school and all throughout my life. – Lindsay Arnold • A lot of bands are going out and playing for nothing. A lot of bands will go out and get paid, but the gas tank will eat up their paycheck. When they manage to sell a t-shirt or two, there is a little bit of leftover money there so that they don’t have to have McDonalds that day. They can actually eat something decent with possibly a bit of cash leftover. It’s a huge part of the business now. – Matt Snell • A novel may take anywhere from two to five years to write and, in the end, you might manage a couple of thousand dollars on it, no more. – Mordecai Richler • A very strong player can manage and can just know how to manage a thousand positions. I get it; it’s a very arbitrary number. So then you have the world champion who could do more. But, again, any increase in numbers creates, sort of, a new level of playing. And then you go to the very top, and the difference is so minimal, but it does exist. So even a few players who never became world champion, like Vassily Ivanchuk, for instance, I think they belong to the same category. – Garry Kasparov • Actually, I don’t get to do it (watch 5 or so news shows) every day, but I manage to do it at least 5 times a week. And the rest of the time I’m doing interviews. I do an amazing amount of interviews. – Frank Zappa • AI’s ability to recognize visual categories and images is now pretty close to what human beings can manage, and probably better than a lot of people’s, actually. AI can have more knowledge of detailed categories, like animals and so on. – Stuart J. Russell • All you really have when you’re acting is the confidence and your ability to manage and tell a story by creating a character. – Billy Crudup • Almost all human who can form a sentence will eventually let you in on the fact that their lives are very difficult and sometimes very hard to manage. – Henry Rollins • And a united Europe will also manage to send hundreds of thousands of migrants, who don’t have the right to asylum, back to their homelands. Though that, given the number of flights necessary, would be of a scale reminiscent of the Berlin Airlift. – Paolo Gentiloni • And one of the things I find most moving is the way people with infirmities manage to embrace Life, and from the cool flowers by the wayside reach conclusions about the vast splendour of its great gardens. They can, if their souls’ strings are finely tuned, arrive with much less effort at the feeling of eternity; for everything we do, they may dream. And precisely where our deeds end, theirs begin to bear fruit. – Rainer Maria Rilke • Architects in urban planning are talking about this but they’re not talking about it yet I don’t think at that level that [Buckminster] Fuller is talking about when he talked about putting a dome over Manhattan, which is to say an attempt at integrating all of these different technologies in a way that makes for a city that, without having an actual dome, thermodynamically manages the heat flow for that urban environment and therefore makes it so that it is a highly efficient machine for a living or a dwelling machine as he would have preferred in terms of thermodynamically optimizing it. – Jonathon Keats • Are you an action-oriented, take-charge person interested in exciting new challenges? As director of a major public-sector organization, you will manage a large armed division and interface with other senior executives in a team-oriented, multinational initiative in the global marketplace. Successful candidate will have above-average oral-presentation skills – Winston Churchill
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Manage', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_manage').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_manage img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Basically, managing is about influencing action. Managing is about helping organizations and units to get things done, which means action. Sometimes, managers manage actions directly. They fight fires. They manage projects. They negotiate contracts. – Henry Mintzberg • But one thing that we have done in the last four years is we have really put pressure on the leadership of this organization [Al Qaeda]. We have killed a significant number of leaders. We’ve captured others. Those that remain have to look over their shoulders, they have to be on the run. So that even if we don’t manage to kill or capture them all within four years, what we do do is put the kind of pressure on them that makes them focus on their own skins, as opposed to carrying out attacks. – Michael Chertoff • By far the hardest decision I’ve had to manage [was about my health]. Because I had 51 years of doing it wrong. – John C. Maxwell • By raising tall trees for windbreaks, citrus underneath, and a green manure cover down on the surface, I have found a way to take it easy and let the orchard manage itself! – Masanobu Fukuoka • Capitalism is the only engine credible enough to generate mass wealth. I think it’s imperfect, but we’re stuck with it. And thank God we have that in the toolbox. But if you don’t manage it in some way that incorporates all of society, if everybody’s not benefiting on some level and you don’t have a sense of shared purpose, national purpose, then it’s just a pyramid scheme. – David Simon • CEOs are no different than the guy in the mailroom. They all have to learn how to manage better the risk created by our increasingly risk-shifting world. – Lewis Schiff • Certainly, if you can’t manage your game, you can’t play tournament golf. You continually have to ask yourself what club to play, where to aim it, whether to accept a safe par or to try to go for a birdie. You can’t play every hole the same way. I never could. – Ben Hogan • Checklists are really helpful ways to remind people around how to manage complicated tasks. – Scott D. Anthony • Deal with just the basic fact: we will never have enough money for lawyers for poor people. So one of our major initiatives has been to develop new technologies that can help people without a lawyer navigate the legal system, and help sort the cases that really need to have a lawyer from those where an individual with some help online, may be able to manage by him or herself. – Martha Minow • Dictatorial regimes often manage to keep themselves in power because they are recognized by foreigners as representing the state and its people, and therefore as entitled to sell the country’s natural resources and to borrow money in its people’s name. These privileges conferred by foreigners keep autocrats in power despite the fact that they were not elected and do not rule in the interest of the population. – Thomas Pogge • Donald Trump has stated that his three older children will manage his business once he enters office. – Rachel Martin • Donald Trump is a – the owner of a lot of real estate that he manages, he may well pay no income taxes. We know for a fact that he didn’t pay any income taxes in 1978, 1979, 1984, 1992 and 1994. We know because of the reports of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission. We don’t know about any year after that. – Hillary Clinton • Donald Trump manages to personalize everything. He brings chaos. He will not admit that he’s ever made a mistake, that he’s ever been wrong. – Mark Shields • Drug addiction is an incredibly difficult challenge to manage on one’s own. When I think of all the stories I’ve heard from people, the common denominator is that they all were ultimately able to find somebody who was willing to support them. Maybe it was someone they knew, like a parent or a sibling or a friend; other times it was a treatment center with a compassionate staff who didn’t give up on them. That made all the difference. – Vivek Murthy • Earning a lot of money is not the key to prosperity. How you handle it is. – Dave Ramsey • Egypt’s priorities in fact are all related to the environment: food, water, health, energy, employment and education. Egypt is facing some very serious environmental challenges. The country has limited natural resources and has to decide how to manage these to meet the needs of a growing population. – Mindy Baha El Din • Either you run the day or the day runs you. – Jim Rohn • Every time I’ve gone to Brazil I’ve gotten sick upon return. You know, it’s just a different situation there. And I take every precaution – eating cooked foods and staying away from tap water, brushing my teeth with bottled water – and yet I still manage to get sick. So I’m just going to stay on point, bring my probiotics. – Kerri Walsh • Everybody wants to manage me; management is a touchy situation. – Boi-1da • Everything considered, a determined soul will always manage. – Albert Camus • For me, what was important was to record everything I saw around me, and to do this as methodically as possible. In these circumstances a good photograph is a picture that comes as close as possible to reality. But the camera never manages to record what your eyes see, or what you feel at the moment. The camera always creates a new reality. – Alfredo Jaar • For those of us who worry more about working people than about windfall profits for oil companies, it may net out. A better question is: what does it do to our economy if we manage to overheat the earth? This summer’s drought provides a small taste. – Bill McKibben • Freedom is the slogan which speaks to the ears of people who feel strong enough to manage on their own using their own resources, who can do without dependency because they can do without others caring for them. – Zygmunt Bauman • Generally I still believe that Lewis [Hamilton] is the best champion that we have had in a long, long time. He manages to get to all different walks of life: red carpet, fashion business, and music – you name it. – Bernie Ecclestone • Good design successfully manages the tensions between user needs, technology feasibility, and business viability. – Tim Brown • Google has already tested robot cars in San Francisco. If they can navigate San Francisco, they can probably manage just about anywhere. – Norman Foster • Harvard has something that manages, I think, to provide a lot of options for students, but still fairly prescriptive about the kinds of subjects that the courses ought to cover. – Louis Menand • Having inborn capabilities doesn’t matter. Whether you can manage them or not, that’s what determines the victory or defeat. – Hong Jin-joo • History reports that the men who can manage men manage the men who can manage only things, and the men who can manage money manage all. – Will Durant • However, we need to participate and manage skillfully, helpfully, and harmoniously, for a better world, family and society to be possible. So everybody’s spiritual by nature I believe, not that they necessarily have to be religious. Everybody wants, or cares about, and has values even if they don’t talk about them all the time explicitly, like some noisy preachers do with their foghorn voices and dogmatic views. – Surya Das • Humans are really interesting. We’re so clever, what we do with our brain. How we manage to con ourselves into thinking all sorts of things is really fascinating. By the same token, if we could just convince ourselves of things that would gather us together and powerfully turn things around for the good, that would be awesome. It’s doubtful because we’re such a fear-based species. – Thandie Newton • I always tried to manage my money smart. – Rakim • I am inspired by working moms. Mothers who somehow balance the demands of their many lives – professional, familial, personal, and interior – and still manage to make time to have fun and invest in themselves! This is a huge challenge that I look forward to taking on. – Daphne Oz • I believe in the not-too-distant future, people are going to learn to trust their information to the Net more than they now do, and be able to essentially manage very large amounts and perhaps their whole lifetime of information in the Net with the notion that they can access it securely and privately for as long as they want, and that it will persist over all the evolution and technical changes. – Robert E. Kahn • I can’t manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. – Paul McCartney • I care deeply about Democratic party and our agenda and making sure that we can continue to build on President [Barack] Obama`s legacy. So any suggestion that I am doing anything other than manage this primary impartially and neutrally is ludicrous. – Hillary Clinton • I continued blogging, but between illness and deadlines, did not manage to blog nearly as much as last year. I’m hoping to do better in 2016. – Justine Larbalestier • I didn’t have to do too much “research” or acting to play this guy. (laughs) It is actually very difficult to manage all the time. The Community schedule is crushing and it kills me because I don’t get to be with my family as much as I’d like. – Joel McHale • I do try to be of some use in the world. I sometimes do volunteer work with kids, and manage to help some people a little, but really making a significant difference can be hard. – John Shirley • I don’t have a lot of time for managing [my businesses], so I put a lot of trust in people I hire to manage my businesses. I can’t necessarily attend to [the businesses] while I’m in season. We swap ideas on how we can improve and deliver a better product. – Kamerion Wimbley • I don’t have too many pests. My concept is this: I manage myself, and there’s nothing wrong with people having managers. – Vickie Winans • I don’t think she ever had a single initiative at the United Nations that was not previously [vetted] by the people at the State Department, approved of, and authorized. She did manage to get around the world an awful lot, and find other parts of her vast slum project that needed repair. But I don’t think that that was the main point. The main point was that she, after all, connoted Franklin Roosevelt, who by then was long dead, and had a certain prestige and power on that account. – William A. Rusher • I had a horrible life habit that I had to change. And I think it’s very true, the later we make decisions in life that are important, the harder it is to manage those decisions. – John C. Maxwell • I had never written about what it’s like to live the life of a writer, and I had never read a book that combined talking about the life of writing and how you can do it, how you can stand it, how you can emotionally manage it, with the choices that we all make on the page. – Alice Mattison • I have a seven-level program and through even into the fifth level it can be all done from a distance. “Why not?” is how I feel about it, because energy is not confined by time or space, so why should my teaching be. I’m teaching energy and how to manage it, how to handle it, and how to heal with it. – Deborah King • I have found, without a doubt, that when I manage to get outside myself and not make myself the center, I’m always taken care of in whatever situation I’m in, even if I’m slow to recognize it. It’s counterintuitive thinking on some level and not consistently easy to do. – Patrick Fabian • I have to kind of like switch heads. Sometimes I manage it seamlessly, and other times I feel rather all over the place. I feel a bit schizophrenic, like I have a split personality. – Emma Watson • I know a lot of people in Washington would say, well, you know, indigent people can’t manage their health savings account. They’re too stupid. But they’re not too stupid. Somebody has a diabetic foot ulcer, they learn very quickly not to go the emergency room where it costs five times more to take care of it. They go to the clinic. – Benjamin Carson • I no longer think that learning how to manage people, especially subordinates, is the most important for executives to learn. I am teaching above all else, how to manage oneself. – Peter Drucker • I remember once reading that it is still not understood how the giraffe manages to pump an adequate blood supply all the way up to its head; but it is hard to imagine that anyone would conclude tht giraffes do not have long necks. At least not anyone who had ever been to a zoo – Robert Solow • I said, I’ll put on weight. And I started having massages, taking cod-liver oil, and eating twice as much. But I didn’t even gain an ounce. I’d made up my mind that on the day the engagement was announced I’d be fatter, and I didn’t gain an ounce. Then I went to Mussoorie, which is a health resort, and I ignored the doctors’ instructions; I invented my own regime and gained weight. Just the opposite of what I’d like now. Now I have the problem of keeping slim. Still I manage. I don’t know if you realize I’m a determined woman. – Indira Gandhi • I say the elite looks out of touch because it’s kind of saying; look we’ll manage all this for you. You know, we know best. We’ll sort it all out for you. And then because people believe that doesn’t meet their case for change and they want real change, social media and the way the relationship between people can come into a sense of belonging very quickly, that then is itself a revolutionary phenomenon. You see this around the world. – Tony Blair • I say this ironically, not because I favor the State, but because people are not in the state of mind right now where they feel that they can manage themselves. We have to go through an educational process – which does not involve, in my opinion, compromises with the State. But if the State disappeared tomorrow by accident, and the police disappeared and the army disappeared and the government agencies disappeared, the ironical situation is that people would suddenly feel denuded. – Murray Bookchin • I say, make the decision, and as soon as you make the decision, the rest of your life you just manage that decision on a daily basis. – John C. Maxwell • I talk about my daily dozen in the book [ Today Matters]. Twelve things that are certainly attainable by any of us that we need to manage every day. – John C. Maxwell • I think a lot of women are incredibly tough and they’re just really admirable. Especially the way that, given what they’ve got, they just manage to carry on. – Jo Brand • I think being able to sit in the shoes of a woman and being able to manage products that are mostly sold to women, alongside a lot of female employees, is really helpful because you hold that empathy to the situation. You can understand where the customer is coming from. – Maureen Chiquet • I think everybody plays a role in their own aging. Some people accelerate it. Some people slow it down. Some people manage to reverse it. It all depends on how much you are invested in the hypnosis of our social condition. So if you believe that at a certain age you have to die and you become dysfunctional, then you will. – Deepak Chopra • I think I may drop dead on the stage someday. I hate to think of it. But it’s getting tough on me, the travel. The show, I somehow manage to rise up to it, you know. But I have no desire to retire. – Hal Holbrook • I think Pep Guardiola is a top manager. There’s no doubt about that. Not only did he manage Messi and Iniesta, but he made them better and took them to levels they’d never been before. The best team I’ve ever seen is Pep Guardiola’s Barcelona. I’m sure his management got something to do with that.- Jamie Carragher • I think you learn about yourself through experiences – as many of them as you can manage. – Bonnie Fuller • I want as many people to see the show [Hamilton] in its musical theater form as possible before it’s translated, and whether it’s a good act of translation or a bad act of translation, it’s a leap, and very few stage shows manage the leap successfully. – Lin-Manuel Miranda • I wanted to get that scholarship to – a division one scholarship and play ball and go to school for free. And that, to me, was – I was always about getting to that next step. If I could get to that next place, then I could figure out essentially what to do with being in that space and how to manage my time and handle those – handle all the benefits of being in that space in a way that would get me to the next place. – Mahershala Ali • I was just shitty, shitty, shitty with money and I finally, when I really started making money, I had to get somebody to sit down with me and learn how to manage my money. – Miriam Shor • I would say, you have a unique chance of learning more about the game of chess with your computer than Bobby Fischer, or even myself, could manage throughout our entire lives. What is very important is that you will use this power productively and you will not be hijacked by the computer screen. Always keep your personality intact. – Garry Kasparov • I write for anybody struggling to manage their money. – Michelle Singletary • I`m 100 percent impartial. I`m – my responsibility is to manage this primary nominating contest neutrally and fairly. – Hillary Clinton • If America is to compete effectively in world markets, its corporate leaders must strategically position their companies in the right businesses, and then manage their workforces in the right ways. However, the nation has a shortage of business leaders who understand the importance of utilizing human capital to gain competitive advantage, let alone the know-how to do so. In the future, that shortcoming promises to be exacerbated because few business schools today teach aspiring executives how to create the kind of high-involvement organizations. – James O’Toole • If democracy is ever to be threatened, it will not be by revolutionary groups burning government offices and occupying the broadcasting and newspaper offices of the world. It will come from disenchantment, cynicism and despair caused by the realisation that the New World Order means we are all to be managed and not represented. – Tony Benn • If I can learn how to manage myself, why would I give you 20 percent and people are looking for me? It just doesn’t make sense. – Vickie Winans • If we manage to last in spite of everything, it is because our infirmities are so many and so contradictory that they cancel each other out. – Emile M. Cioran • If we offer a prize, so to speak, to anyone who manages to bring a country under his physical control – namely, that they can then sell the country’s resources and borrow in its name – then it’s not surprising that generals or guerrilla movements will want to compete for this prize. But that the prize is there is really not the fault of the insiders. It is the fault of the dominant states and of the system of international law they maintain. – Thomas Pogge • If Wes Anderson has a very strong cast, he can direct the minutia of that story and still manage to have something that lives and breathes. – Susan Sarandon • If you are not consciously directing your life, you will lose your footing and circumstances will decide for you. – Michael Beckwith • If you have a strong business idea, then it is comparatively easy now to get capital. It is a positive thing that increasingly more people want to join the startup bandwagon. However, to build a successful business, focus on creating more value through the product, and direct your efforts on solving real issues. If you manage to build a sustainable product, revenue will follow. A lot of startups fail because they concentrate on incremental innovations, increasing user base, and monetisation before strengthening the core of their business. – Bhavin Turakhia • If you never allow your children to exceed what they can do, how are they ever going to manage adult life – where a lot of it is managing more than you thought you could manage? – Ellen Galinsky • If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it you almost don’t have to manage them. – Jack Welch • If you want to lead a family/team/organization, learn to lead/manage yourself first. – Bradford Winters • If you want to manage somebody, manage yourself. Do that well and you’ll be ready to stop managing. And start leading. – Mark Gonzales • I’m not a great fan of people who suddenly manage to pull out the whole track sounding perfect from a laptop. That doesn’t feel like any kind of show to me. – Thighpaulsandra • I’m pretty cerebral, so I can occasionally rationalize emotional pain away, but when I can’t, that’s when I start to feel the fire inside take over and somehow manage to power through. – Nathan Parsons • I’m so blessed with my Baby. […] I just want the most normal life possible for him. […] I will manage. I will create that. – Britney Spears • I’m suggesting that principles meant to deal with uncertainty that occurs naturally can be useful to manage the uncertainty that characterizes any new idea. – Scott D. Anthony • I’m working from home a lot. That’s very unusual because I’m away a lot, sometimes working on the other side of the world for long periods of time. So, it’s hard to manage in the sense that I want to be the best dad I can be but it’s almost harder when you have your kids outside the door. – Andy Serkis • In a corporate context, companies have to try very hard to oppose the enticements of conventional wisdom. They must aim for the leaps, which means that companies have to do more than simply manage their knowledge, which is composed of the insights and understandings they already know. They also have to manage the knowledge-generation process. It’s not just about, “Oh, we’re going to create a data warehouse and we are going to invent a computerized filing system to get at all the stuff we know.” – John Kao • In a growing number of states, you’re actually expected to pay back the costs of your imprisonment. Paying back all these fees, fines, and costs may be a condition of your probation or parole. To make matters worse, if you’re one of the lucky few who actually manages to get a job following release from prison, up to 100% of your wages can be garnished to pay back all those fees, fines and court costs. One hundred percent. – Michelle Alexander • In a world where the 2 billionth photograph has been uploaded to Flickr, which looks like an Eggleston picture! How do you deal with making photographs with the tens of thousands of photographs being uploaded to Facebook every second, how do you manage that? How do you contribute to that? What’s the point? – Alec Soth • In the book [Today Matters] I talk about successful people make important decisions early in their life, and then they manage those decisions the rest of their life. – John C. Maxwell • In The Deep End, you have a woman who looks like a J. Crew mother who can manage it all. Then we begin to realize what’s going on inside. Every time I see one of those women stuck at a stoplight with the children in the back of her car, I sort of think, “What have you just done? What’s going on in your life?”. – Tilda Swinton • In trying to address the systemic problem of racial injustice, we would do well to look at abolitionism, because here is a movement of radicals who did manage to effect political change. Despite things that radical movements always face, differences and divisions, they were able to actually galvanize the movement and translate it into a political agenda. – Manisha Sinha • Iraqi Kurds, out of desperate necessity, have forged one of the most watchful and vigilant anti-terrorist communities in the world. Terrorists from elsewhere just can’t operate in that kind of environment. Al Qaeda members who do manage to infiltrate are hunted down like rats. This conservative Muslim society did a better job protecting me from Islamist killers than the U.S. military could do in the Green Zone in Baghdad. – Michael Totten • Isn’t it fascinating that Nazis always manage to adopt the word freedom? – Steig Larsson • It is no exaggeration to say that rising inequality has driven many of the 99 percent into a financial ditch. It also helped spawn the housing bubble that gave us the financial crisis of 2008, the lingering effects of which have forced many OWS protesters to try to launch their careers in by far the most inhospitable labor market we’ve seen since the Great Depression. Even those recent graduates who manage to find jobs will suffer a lifelong penalty in reduced wages. – Robert H. Frank • It is well known that you can only manage what you measure, and as this is the job of professional accountants, it means they have huge influence on companies’ governance. – Kofi Annan • It would be horrible to be micro-managed! I don’t think directors can really micro-manage people. It’s just impossible. – Janusz Kaminski • It’s all matter of attitude. You could let a lot of things bother you if you wanted to But it’s pretty much the same anywhere you go, you can manage. – Haruki Murakami • It’s also so cool to be able to develop the talent to be able to jump and control the motorcycle which is a very fun thing to do but it’s hard to manage the two. It’s so easy to get hurt, and that’s the last thing I want to do. – Jeff Hardy • It’s difficult to feel silly and depressed at the same time, but I manage. – Dov Davidoff • It’s important to know how to lead and manage a classroom with flexibility. Students of all ages are quite capable of learning these routines and contributing to their success once the teacher is comfortable guiding students in that direction. – Carol Ann Tomlinson • It’s important to wake up everyday and remind yourself what you’re working towards. You create your own life, it’s not set out there for you. – Shay Mitchell • It’s like learning to fall properly. If you can manage not to tighten up you won’t hurt yourself as much. The same theory applies to your day, physically and emotionally. The tensions simply can’t take hold. – Diane von Furstenberg • It’s the people that ultimately are less talented or have less confidence in what they’re doing that then try to micro-manage, which lends itself to a less than ideal film. – Ari Graynor • Just listen to what Mr. [Donald] Trump has to say and make your own judgment with respect to how confident you feel about his ability to manage things like our nuclear triad. – Barack Obama • Let me just say you could end this violence within a very short period of time, have a complete ceasefire – which Iran could control, which Russia could control, which Syria could control, and which we and our coalition friends could control – if one man would merely make it known to the world that he doesn’t have to be part of the long-term future; he’ll help manage Syria out of this mess and then go off into the sunset, as most people do after a period of public life. If he were to do that, then you could stop the violence and quickly move to management. – John F. Kerry • Liberating is a gay word, so let’s phrase it this way: I know everything about me and still manage to be good friends with myself, so nothing anyone says that’s truthful about me ever bothers me. – Jim Goad • Like any working mother, I have to balance and manage my time very carefully. My children and husband come first, of course, then my work. – Andrea Davis Pinkney • Look at the history of the printing press, when this was invented what sort of consequences this had. Or industrialization, what sort of consequences that had. Very often, it led to enormous transformational processes within individual societies. And it took awhile until societies learned how to find the right kind of policies to contain this and manage and steer this. – Angela Merkel • Manage the dream: Create a compelling vision, one that takes people to a new place, and then translate that vision into a reality. – Warren G. Bennis • Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. – Stephen Covey • Managing brands is going to be more and more about trying to manage everything that your company does. – Lee Clow • Managing risk is a key variable, frankly, all aspects of life, business is just one of them, and one of the things that most people do in terms of managing risk, that’s actually bad thinking, is they think they can manage risk to zero. Everything has some risk to it. You know, you drive your car down the street, a drunk driver may hit you. So what you’re doing is you’re actually trying to get to an acceptable level of risk. – Reid Hoffman • Many people who gain recognition and fame shape their lives by overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, only to be catapulted into new social realities over which they have less control and manage badly. Indeed, the annals of the famous and infamous are strewn with individuals who were both architects and victims of their life courses. – Albert Bandura • Margaret Thatcher – a woman I greatly admire – once said that she was not content to manage the decline of a great nation. Neither am I. I am prepared to lead the resurgence of a great nation. – Carly Fiorina • Michelle Obama is a powerful example of someone who has learned how to align her actions with her values, manage boundaries across domains of life, and embrace change courageously. – Stewart D. Friedman • Money is a big part of your life, and when you learn how to get your finances under control, all areas of your life will soar. – T. Harv Eker • More than print and ink, a newspaper is a collection of fierce individualists who somehow manage to perform the astounding daily miracle of merging their own personalities under the discipline of the deadline and retain the flavor of their own minds in print. – Arthur Ochs Sulzberger • My belief is that there will be very large numbers of Internet-enabled devices on the Net – home appliances, office equipment, things in the car and maybe things that you carry around. And since they’re all on the Internet and Internet-enabled, they’ll be manageable through the network, and so we’ll see people using the Net and applications on the Net to manage their entertainment systems, manage their, you know, office activities and maybe even much of their social lives using systems on the Net that are helping them perform that function. – Vinton Cerf • My daughters have strong personalities. I’m close to them but they don’t really need me to advise them on how to manage their lives and they don’t ask me to do that. – Bernie Ecclestone • My occupation has been a great deal with David Foster Wallace, and he didn’t manage it, and he was very much looking for something that isn’t totally selfish, and finding meaning. It’s a struggle. – Tom Courtenay • n truth, we don’t know a whole lot of what Simeon North did. He did manage to match John Hall’s ability to make interchangeable parts, but it’s not clear how much of that came from Hall and how much was original with North. – Charles R. Morris • Now each race is different every time because it’s a different journey to get to it – the difficulties you faced getting the car into that position. I manage myself. I chose my team myself. So there’s a huge satisfaction for me. – Lewis Hamilton • Now we’re in a very different economy. Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s American management started to do the right things. There was extraordinary investment in technology. The dominant questions now are less how to do it better, how to manage better, how to make the economy better, than how to have fuller and more meaningful lives. Because the irony is, now that we’ve come through this great transition, even though our organizations and our people are extraordinarily productive, many feel that the nonwork side of life is very thin. – Robert Reich • Now what I do is I manage that decision. And I teach them in the book how – know what decision to make and then how to manage those decisions. It’s a very – it’s a personal growth book [Today Matters]; that’s what it is. – John C. Maxwell • Now, the situation is much worse in Indonesia than 10 years ago. It is because then, there was still some hope. The progressive Muslim leader Abdurrahman Wahid, was alive and so was Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Mr Wahid, a former President of Indonesia, was a closet Socialist. He was deposed by a judicial coup constructed by the Indonesian elites and military, but many Indonesians still believed that he would manage to make a comeback. – Andre Vltchek • Nowadays, we have to deal with so many more factors that weren’t there in the past. It’s not enough to be a good rider, if you want to finish at the front. The riders have become incredible athletes. In the past, you could manage the race and fight only on the last laps. Now you need to train hard. You cannot allow yourself to go on track without being at 100 percent. – Valentino Rossi • Of course some people manage to write books really young and publish really young. But for most writers, it takes several years because you have to apprentice yourself to the craft, and you also have to grow up. I think maturity is connected to one’s ability to write well. – Cheryl Strayed • One of the most difficult things is to get truthful people. Nobody can manage well if they don’t have a lot of mirrors around them that are honest, that tell them what they’re doing is wrong or wrongheaded or misconceived. And in every large bureaucracy on earth, most people are afraid to tell the boss the truth. – Robert Reich • Oppressors do not get to be oppressors in a single sweep. They manage it because little by little, we make them that. We overlook too much in the beginning and wonder why we lost control in the end. – Joan D. Chittister • Our conscious minds are rapidly overwhelmed with the few tasks that they attempt to manage. That’s why our unconscious minds have evolved to handle so much of our thinking. – Nick Morgan • Our government is operating within an unprecedented revenue shortfall and that we have an obligation to all citizens of the province to manage our finances responsibly. And that’s what we’re going to do. – Rachel Notley • People always ask, “How do you get in the mind of the teen reader?” I think all human beings have these common threads. We struggle with the same things. We desire love and attachment. We have to sort out how much we want to be attached and be independent, how we manage need and being needed and being hurt. These are things that begin when we’re – how old? Then in those teen years we start to really feel them. – Deb Caletti • People are looking for some means of control and what that means is is that the politics in all of our countries is gonna require us to manage technology and global integration and all these demographic shifts in a way that makes people feel more control, that gives them more confidence in their future. – Barack Obama • People seem able to love their dogs with an unabashed acceptance that they rarely demonstrate with family or friends. The dogs do not disappointment them, or, if they do, the owners manages to forget about it quickly. I want to learn to love people like this, the way I love my dog, with pride and enthusiasm and a complete amnesia for faults. In short, to love others the way my dog loves me. – Ann Patchett • People who are great thinkers, in science or in art, people who are great performers, have to have that kind of capacity. Without that kind of capacity, it’s extremely difficult to manage a high level of performance because you’re going to get a lot of extraneous material chipping away at the finery of your thinking or the finery of your motor execution. – Antonio Damasio • People who hate in concrete terms are dangerous. People who manage to hate only in abstracts are the ones worth having for your friends. – John Brunner • Photography is a great adventure in thinking and looking, a wonderful magic toy that miraculously manages to combine our adult awareness with the fairy-tale world of childhood, a never-ending journey through great and small, through variations and the realm of illusions and appearances, a labyrinthine and specular place of multitudes and simulation.- Luigi Ghirri • Practice Golden-Rule 1 of Management in everything you do. Manage others the way you would like to be managed. – Brian Tracy • Russia and the United States are the biggest nuclear powers, this leaves us with an extra special responsibility. By the way, we manage to deal with it and work together in certain fields, particularly in resolving the issue of the Iranian nuclear programme. We worked together and we achieved positive results on the whole. – Vladimir Putin • Separating is not divorcing. Please keep that in mind. It is, instead, the second step in seeing if there’s a better way to manage your family. – Carolyn Hax • So if somebody has chronic pain, we want to manage the pain, but we still want to treat the insomnia separately. So what we’ll tend to do in our sleep lab is we’ll do a thorough evaluation and we usually have myself, who is a Psychologist and a Sleep Behavioral Sleep Specialist, I treat the patients first. – Shelby Harris • So if we can’t express it or repress it, what do we do when we feel angry? The answer is to recognize the anger, but choose to respond to the situation differently. Easier said than done, right? Can you actually imagine trying to strong-arm your anger into another, more amicable feeling? It would never work. Determination alone won’t work. It takes a new intelligence to understand and manage our emotions. By getting your head and heart in coherence and allowing the heart’s intelligence to work for you, you can have a realistic chance of transforming your anger in a healthy way. – Doc Childre • So many awful things have happened in Karachi, it’s true. It has its own crazy rhythm. Even as crazy as other news is in Pakistan, the city manages to beat that in the frequency of catastrophes. – Steve Inskeep • So many of the conscious and unconscious ways men and women treat each other have to do with romantic and sexual fantasies that are deeply ingrained, not just in society but in literature. The women’s movement may manage to clean up the mess in society, but I don’t know whether it can ever clean up the mess in our minds. – Nora Ephron • Someday there is going to be a book about a middle-aged man with a good job, a beautiful wife and two lovely children who still manages to be happy. – Bill Vaughan • Someday, when I manage to finally figure out how to take care of myself, then I’ll consider taking care of someone else. – Marilyn Manson • South Africa now needs skilled and educated people to say ‘How do we manage and develop this democratic country?’ – Thabo Mbeki • Take the self-driving car and the smartphone and put those together and think about how to manage a smart grid because suddenly you have all of this data coming from those two mechanisms that allow for a much higher level of allocating energy much more efficiently. – Jonathon Keats • Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame. – Erica Jong • That’s a rather flippant quote “drinking and writing bad poetry” from me. I mean, I said it, but I was doing other stuff too. I certainly didn’t manage the full stretch of four years. – Dylan Moran • That’s where I got the idea to paint the walls of the gallery with varied colours [at the Whitechapel show]. I tried to figure out how all these Renaissance paintings manage to work together. – Nan Goldin • The best people know that there are two phases in every crisis: the one where you manage it and the other where you learn from it. To succeed you have to do both – Mark McCormack • The building housing America’s military brass is a five-sided pentagon, but somehow, the people in it still manage to make it the squarest place on earth. The latest evidence? A current military document that lists homosexuality as a mental disorder in the same league as mental retardation – noting, of course, the one difference: retarded people can still get into heaven. – Jon Stewart • The challenge is to manage creative people so that the output is fruitful. The challenge is not to have an open environment and simply let them do whatever they want. – John Kao • The city is better because the city has an economy of needs and once you’re talking about a city, maybe you can start talking about how you manage the climate of that city as a whole. Not by putting a dome over it but by more passive means that can potentially be put together in creative ways. – Jonathon Keats • The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work. – Agha Hasan Abedi • The divide between me and the modern world is growing further because I to a larger degree manage to rid myself of my dependence on the modern world. If the modern world collapsed tomorrow I would be fine, and I see so many others who would not be. – Varg Vikernes • The emerging church movement has come to believe that the ultimate context of the spiritual aspirations of a follower of Jesus Christ is not Christianity but rather the kingdom of God. … to believe that God is limited to it would be an attempt to manage God. If one holds that Christ is confined to Christianity, one has chosen a god that is not sovereign. Soren Kierkegaard argued that the moment one decides to become a Christian, one is liable to idolatry. – Samir Selmanovic • The fastest growing segment of the population in the world right now is over the age of 90, and in some cases over the age of 100 in some countries. So people are living longer. And even though much of it is attributed to modern medicine, it’s not. It’s lifestyle. It’s nutrition. It’s the quality of exercise, the ability to manage stress. – Deepak Chopra • The Germans take quite a knock for the holocaust, but the Catholic church manages to push more people into death, disease, and degradation every year than the holocaust managed in its entire show. And it’s thought rather crass to even mention the fact. It seems to me that as long as these Catholic bishops can show their face in public that we are in complicity with mass murder. – Terence McKenna • The idea that the United States of American might shut down its government over abortion and funding to an organization that is 0.01% of the U.S. budget seems completely insane. Anyone looking at this debate around the world is thinking ‘What is this country doing? They have three wars going on, they’re trying to manage major problems and they’re thinking of shutting down their government over abortion?’ – Katty Kay • The job of the president of the United States is not to love his wife; it’s to manage a wide range of complicated issues. – Matthew Yglesias • The madman theory can work, but it only works if it’s strategic. And I think one of the problems that President Trump faces is people don’t really know how much strategy is here and how much is he just sort of talking off the top of his head. And I think North Korea is a really classic case of a potentially insoluble problem, a problem that you have to manage. – E. J. Dionne • The majority of short term trading results are just random. In the long term the money ends up with those that can trade and manage risk. – Steve Burns • The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing. – Warren G. Bennis • The number one key to success in life is to master your own state. If you can manage and master your states, there’s nothing you can’t do. – Tony Robbins • The odd thing is that Trump’s hand movements don’t seem to coordinate with the topic at hand. Most pols manage to make their hand movements correspond with the message, so a slash will accompany emphasis, etc. Trump’s got about three moves, the most notable of which is his “okay” gesture, making a circle with his thumb and forefinger. Anyway, Trump has only a few gestures, including that one, and to my eye he uses them seemingly indiscriminately. I’ve seen him use the “okay/f.u.” sign to be pedantic. – Gene Weingarten • The one thing you can do for others is the manage your own life. And do it with conviction. – Tony Robbins • The person that takes over needs to have the skills to manage that … I believe Andrea [Leadsom] has the edge. – Iain Duncan Smith • The question arose, how would the communities manage this land on their own. That’s why the Communal Land Rights Bill then borrows an institution that is set up in terms of the role and function and powers of the institutional traditional leadership ( borrows that committee and uses that committee). – Thabo Mbeki • The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers. Are the followers reaching their potential? Are they learning? Serving? Do they achieve the required results? Do they change with – grace? Manage conflict? – Max De Pree • The silliest woman can manage a clever man; but it needs a very clever woman to manage a fool. – Rudyard Kipling • The stability of the rate is the main issue and the Central Bank manages to ensure it one way or another. This was finally achieved after the Central Bank switched to a floating national currency exchange rate. – Vladimir Putin • The State is a professional apparatus that sets itself apart from the people and apart from the institutions that the people themselves create. It’s a monopoly on violence that manages and institutionalizes social activities. The people are perfectly capable of managing themselves and creating their own institutions. – Murray Bookchin • The thing about Hitchcock is that, however much one dissects him, he still manages to hang onto his mystery. You can never quite get to the bottom of him. – Julian Jarrold • The traditional model for a company like Coca-Cola is to hire one big advertising agency and essentially outsource all of its creativity in that area. But Coca-Cola does not do it that way. It knows how to manage creative people and creative teams and it has been quite adept at building a network that includes the Creative Artists Agency in Hollywood, which is a talent agency. – John Kao • The way in which we manage the business of getting and spending is closely tied to our personal philosophy of living. We begin to develop this philosophy long before we have our first dollar to spend; and unless we are thinking people, our attitude toward money management may continue through the years to be tinged with the ignorance and innocence of childhood. – Catherine Crook de Camp • There are a lot of actors who are doing dream work where they focus on a role and try to bring it into their dreams. I haven’t done that work, but I’ve always found that when I’m studying for a role, the work I’m doing somehow manages to enter my dreams, no matter what approach I take. – Luke Kirby • There are fewer and fewer philosophies that everyone subscribes to. We don’t seem to have as many beliefs in common as we used to. Also, we interact much more online. We have all these gadgets to help us manage different aspects of our lives. – Elaine Equi • There are so many items that are not in the copyright domain. And people might not realize the Library of Congress manages the copyright process for the nation. – Carla Hayden • There are still many, many uncertainties, challenges and difficulties in Afghanistan. But we have to enable the Afghans to manage those challenges themselves. We cannot solve all the problems for the Afghans. – Jens Stoltenberg • There is no doubt that we need to manage migration better.Migrants are always getting the blame for politicians. – Sadiq Khan • There is the fact that – people have had a lot of confidence that the Chinese leadership could fix what is wrong with their economy so it wouldn’t have ripple effects around the world. I think that confidence is being shaken by how difficult it is for them to manage their stock market and their currency. – David Wessel • There must be a very clear understanding that you cannot work for peace if you are not ready to struggle. And this is the very meaning of jihad: to manage your intention to get your inner peace when it comes to the spiritual journey. In our society, that means face injustice and hypocrisy, face the dictators, the exploiters, the oppressors if you want to free the oppressed, if you want peace based on justice. – Tariq Ramadan • Therefore, when you see the end result, it’s difficult to see who’s the director, me or them. Ultimately, everything belongs to the actors – we just manage the situation. – Abbas Kiarostami • There’s a reductiveness to photography, of course – in the framing of reality and the exclusion of chunks of it (the rest of the world, in fact). It’s almost as if the act of photography bears some relationship to how we consciously manage the uncontrollable set of possibilities that exist in life. – Philip-Lorca diCorcia • There’s always going to be a tradeoff between trolling and anonymity, and I guess that’s the way life will be. And you can manage it, but you can’t cure it. – Tim Wu • There’s not much room for deviation, yet if you manage to crack it, there then you can express things that actually do sound unique and genuinely original. – Rob Brown • These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder every burden every disadvantage I’ve learned to manage. I don’t have a gun to brandish. I walk these streets famished. – Lin-Manuel Miranda • They [people from the Donald Trump cabinet] haven’t had experience in the areas that they’re being asked to manage in a very complicated world and a very complicated government. – Claire McCaskill • This and the small sample size inevitably leads to stereotypes – sweeping family sagas from India, ‘lush’ colonial romances from South-East Asia. Mother and daughter reconciling generational differences through preparing a ‘traditional’ meal together. Geishas. And even if something more exciting does manage to sneak through, it gets the same insultingly clichéd cover slapped on it anyway, so no one will ever know. – Deborah Smith • Those who are not schooled and practised in truth [who are not honest and upright men] can never manage aright the government, nor yet can those who spend their lives as closet philosophers; because the former have no high purpose to guide their actions, while the latter keep aloof from public life. – Plato • Time can’t be managed. I merely manage activities. Each night, I write down on a sheet of paper a list of the things I have to accomplish the next day. And when I wake up … I do them. – Earl Nightingale • Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. – William Penn • Time management is the key. Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly you can get everything done. – John Cena • To manage our emotions is not to drug them or suppress them, but to understand them so that we can intelligently direct our emotional energies and intentions…. It’s time for human beings to grow up emotionally, to mature into emotionally managed and responsible citizens. No magic pill will do it. – Doc Childre • Too much of the income gains go to too few people, even though all of the stakeholders worked together to make their companies successful. By failing to put enough income into more hands, the GDP grows slower and consumers manage to meet their needs by incurring high levels of debt. – Philip Kotler • Trying to please everyone can be very hard, but, like Shrek or The Simpsons, Robin Hood manages to entertain adults and children at the same time, but in different ways. – Richard Armitage • Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. – Peter Drucker • Virtue is the master of talent, talent is the servant of virtue. Talent without virtue is like a house where there is no master and their servant manages its affairs. How can there be no mischief? – Zicheng Hong • We almost manage to forget that things happen that we don’t anticipate. – Anna Quindlen • We are never really in control. We just think we are when things happen to be going our way. – Byron Katie • We are pretty tough in saying for example if you’ve got unsecured debts and less than £25,000 that should not be an excuse for repossessing someone’s home.That should not be allowed.You have got to help manage people through this process. I don’t want to pretend that it is going to be easy getting out of Gordon Brown’s hole. – George Osborne • We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it. – John Newton • We get brilliant results from average people managing brilliant processes – while our competitors get average or worse results from brilliant people managing broken processes – Fujio Cho • We need to learn how to love each other. If we cannot do that, then we need to learn to respect one another. If we can’t manage to do that, then we must learn to tolerate each other. – Yanni • We tend to think of orphans as being the protagonist of stories we read when we’re kids, and yet here you are: you’re an adult, you’re supposed to manage, you’re supposed to get over it, you’re supposed to go on with your life, and you feel like a lost child. – Sandra Cisneros • Well advice people have told me that is that, “If people aren’t suing you, you haven’t made it,” which I don’t necessarily believe but with greater success comes greater responsibility and being one of the few female entrepreneurs who I think has been as public as I have been, you’re definitely under a spotlight. It’s difficult to manage. – Sophia Amoruso • What I love about Coulson is that he manages to do that and he manages to wrangle the diva superheroes, and really keep a sense of humor about it. And, you can tell that he really loves his job. – Clark Gregg • What is a good man? Simply one whose life is useful to the world. And a bad man is simply one whose life is harmful to others. There are, however, those who are harmful and yet enjoy a good reputation, and who manage to profit by a show of usefulness. These are the worst of all. – Zhang Zhao • What we face is a comprehensive contraction of our activities, due to declining fossil fuel resources and other growing scarcities. Our failure is the failure to manage contraction. It requires a thoroughgoing reorganization of daily life. No political faction currently operating in the USA gets this. Hence, it is liable to be settled by a contest for dwindling resources and there are many ways in which this won’t be pretty. – James Howard Kunstler • When a novelist manages to describe or evoke something you thought or felt, without realizing that other people also found themselves in the same situation and had the same feelings, it creates that same solidarity. Maybe it’s better to think of humor not as a tool to express the solidarity, but a kind of by-product. Maybe the realization “I’m not on my own on this one” is always, or often, funny. – Elif Batuman • When I manage to keep my center, it’s usually because I’ve taken prayer seriously. – Jonathan Jackson • When it comes to trying to manage how our entire planet-wide market and all the people and businesses in it deal with nature and our natural resources – we first and foremost need to change the incentives. – Ramez Naam • When you are wanting to comfort someone in their grief take the words ‘at least’ out of your vocabulary. In saying them you minimise someone else’s pain…Don’t take someone else’s grief and try to put it in a box that YOU can manage. Learn to truly grieve with others for as long as it may take. – Kay Warren • When you manage to express something with a look and the music instead of saying it with words or having the character speak, I think it’s a more complete work. – Sergio Leone • Whenever I go to New York I try to soak up as much live music as I can, including as many nights at the opera as I can manage. – Garth Greenwell • Whores have the ability to put up with behaviors other women would never manage to put up with. That’s why we deserve to be generously compensated. – Annie Sprinkle • With just a little education and practice on how to manage your emotions, you can move into a new experience of life so rewarding that you will be motivated to keep on managing your emotional nature in order to sustain it. The payoff is delicious in terms of improved quality of life. – Doc Childre • Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. – William Pollard • Women are the real superheroes because they’re not just working. They have a life and everything. I’m super lucky because I come home and I don’t have to run errands and clean the house and do all that. Some women have all of this to do, too. And they manage and they live longer. How we do that, I don’t know. – Vanessa Paradis • World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings. – Denis Healey • Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation. – Graham Greene • You cannot manage a decision you haven’t made. – John C. Maxwell • You can’t grow long-term if you can’t eat short-term. Anybody can manage short. Anybody can manage long. Balancing those two things is what management is. – Jack Welch • You can’t manage [country] the way you would manage a family business. – Barack Obama • You can’t manage creativity. You need to manage for creativity. You need to create the space for it to emerge. – Arianna Huffington • You can’t really micro-manage. You’ll never make the movie in 52 days, if you micro-manage. If you do that, you take the creativity away from people because people just really quickly become disinterested when they’re always being told how to do it. – Janusz Kaminski • You have a job but you don’t always have job security, you have your own home but you worry about mortgage rates going up, you can just about manage but you worry about the cost of living and the quality of the local school because there is no other choice for you.rankly, not everybody in Westminster understands what it’s like to live like this and some need to be told that it isn’t a game. – Theresa May • You have to learn to deal with your own, for want of a better word, insecurities, fears. They don’t go away. And that’s normal. It’s human. You don’t ever really want to lose that. What you want to do is learn to manage it and to work with yourself. But there’s a part of you that has anticipation and fear. And so the important thing to know is that there’s nothing wrong with that and that that’s normal. You have to learn how to deal with it, certainly, but it doesn’t keep you from doing it. And that doesn’t go away ever. – Annette Bening • You know how some people will say to writers, “Why don’t you just write a romance novel that sells a bunch of copies and then you’ll have the money to do the kind of writing you want to do”? I always say that I don’t have the skills or knowledge to do that. It would be just as hard for me to do that kind of writing as it would be to learn how to do any number of productive careers that I can’t manage to make myself do. – Lucy Corin • You manage things and lead people. – Grace Hopper • You manage things, you lead people. We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership. It might help if we ran the MBAs out of Washington. – Grace Hopper • You must manage yourself before you can lead someone else. – Zig Ziglar • You’re directing a movie, but you are at the head of a ship of people, a whole fleet of people. And being able to manage that – being able to handle yourself as a director being a leader – that’s massively important. – Idris Elba • Your vision will be clearer only when you manage to see within your heart. – Carl Jung • You’re faced with creation, you’re faced with something very mysterious and very mystical, whether it’s looking at the ocean or being alone in a forest, or sometimes looking at the stars. There’s really something very powerful about nature that’s endlessly mysterious and a reminder of our humanity, our mortality, of more existential things that we usually manage to not get involved with very often because of daily activity. – Shirin Neshat
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• A busy person is usually the most efficient because they know how to manage their time. That’s something I learned through dancing all through school and all throughout my life. – Lindsay Arnold • A lot of bands are going out and playing for nothing. A lot of bands will go out and get paid, but the gas tank will eat up their paycheck. When they manage to sell a t-shirt or two, there is a little bit of leftover money there so that they don’t have to have McDonalds that day. They can actually eat something decent with possibly a bit of cash leftover. It’s a huge part of the business now. – Matt Snell • A novel may take anywhere from two to five years to write and, in the end, you might manage a couple of thousand dollars on it, no more. – Mordecai Richler • A very strong player can manage and can just know how to manage a thousand positions. I get it; it’s a very arbitrary number. So then you have the world champion who could do more. But, again, any increase in numbers creates, sort of, a new level of playing. And then you go to the very top, and the difference is so minimal, but it does exist. So even a few players who never became world champion, like Vassily Ivanchuk, for instance, I think they belong to the same category. – Garry Kasparov • Actually, I don’t get to do it (watch 5 or so news shows) every day, but I manage to do it at least 5 times a week. And the rest of the time I’m doing interviews. I do an amazing amount of interviews. – Frank Zappa • AI’s ability to recognize visual categories and images is now pretty close to what human beings can manage, and probably better than a lot of people’s, actually. AI can have more knowledge of detailed categories, like animals and so on. – Stuart J. Russell • All you really have when you’re acting is the confidence and your ability to manage and tell a story by creating a character. – Billy Crudup • Almost all human who can form a sentence will eventually let you in on the fact that their lives are very difficult and sometimes very hard to manage. – Henry Rollins • And a united Europe will also manage to send hundreds of thousands of migrants, who don’t have the right to asylum, back to their homelands. Though that, given the number of flights necessary, would be of a scale reminiscent of the Berlin Airlift. – Paolo Gentiloni • And one of the things I find most moving is the way people with infirmities manage to embrace Life, and from the cool flowers by the wayside reach conclusions about the vast splendour of its great gardens. They can, if their souls’ strings are finely tuned, arrive with much less effort at the feeling of eternity; for everything we do, they may dream. And precisely where our deeds end, theirs begin to bear fruit. – Rainer Maria Rilke • Architects in urban planning are talking about this but they’re not talking about it yet I don’t think at that level that [Buckminster] Fuller is talking about when he talked about putting a dome over Manhattan, which is to say an attempt at integrating all of these different technologies in a way that makes for a city that, without having an actual dome, thermodynamically manages the heat flow for that urban environment and therefore makes it so that it is a highly efficient machine for a living or a dwelling machine as he would have preferred in terms of thermodynamically optimizing it. – Jonathon Keats • Are you an action-oriented, take-charge person interested in exciting new challenges? As director of a major public-sector organization, you will manage a large armed division and interface with other senior executives in a team-oriented, multinational initiative in the global marketplace. Successful candidate will have above-average oral-presentation skills – Winston Churchill
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Manage', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_manage').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_manage img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Basically, managing is about influencing action. Managing is about helping organizations and units to get things done, which means action. Sometimes, managers manage actions directly. They fight fires. They manage projects. They negotiate contracts. – Henry Mintzberg • But one thing that we have done in the last four years is we have really put pressure on the leadership of this organization [Al Qaeda]. We have killed a significant number of leaders. We’ve captured others. Those that remain have to look over their shoulders, they have to be on the run. So that even if we don’t manage to kill or capture them all within four years, what we do do is put the kind of pressure on them that makes them focus on their own skins, as opposed to carrying out attacks. – Michael Chertoff • By far the hardest decision I’ve had to manage [was about my health]. Because I had 51 years of doing it wrong. – John C. Maxwell • By raising tall trees for windbreaks, citrus underneath, and a green manure cover down on the surface, I have found a way to take it easy and let the orchard manage itself! – Masanobu Fukuoka • Capitalism is the only engine credible enough to generate mass wealth. I think it’s imperfect, but we’re stuck with it. And thank God we have that in the toolbox. But if you don’t manage it in some way that incorporates all of society, if everybody’s not benefiting on some level and you don’t have a sense of shared purpose, national purpose, then it’s just a pyramid scheme. – David Simon • CEOs are no different than the guy in the mailroom. They all have to learn how to manage better the risk created by our increasingly risk-shifting world. – Lewis Schiff • Certainly, if you can’t manage your game, you can’t play tournament golf. You continually have to ask yourself what club to play, where to aim it, whether to accept a safe par or to try to go for a birdie. You can’t play every hole the same way. I never could. – Ben Hogan • Checklists are really helpful ways to remind people around how to manage complicated tasks. – Scott D. Anthony • Deal with just the basic fact: we will never have enough money for lawyers for poor people. So one of our major initiatives has been to develop new technologies that can help people without a lawyer navigate the legal system, and help sort the cases that really need to have a lawyer from those where an individual with some help online, may be able to manage by him or herself. – Martha Minow • Dictatorial regimes often manage to keep themselves in power because they are recognized by foreigners as representing the state and its people, and therefore as entitled to sell the country’s natural resources and to borrow money in its people’s name. These privileges conferred by foreigners keep autocrats in power despite the fact that they were not elected and do not rule in the interest of the population. – Thomas Pogge • Donald Trump has stated that his three older children will manage his business once he enters office. – Rachel Martin • Donald Trump is a – the owner of a lot of real estate that he manages, he may well pay no income taxes. We know for a fact that he didn’t pay any income taxes in 1978, 1979, 1984, 1992 and 1994. We know because of the reports of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission. We don’t know about any year after that. – Hillary Clinton • Donald Trump manages to personalize everything. He brings chaos. He will not admit that he’s ever made a mistake, that he’s ever been wrong. – Mark Shields • Drug addiction is an incredibly difficult challenge to manage on one’s own. When I think of all the stories I’ve heard from people, the common denominator is that they all were ultimately able to find somebody who was willing to support them. Maybe it was someone they knew, like a parent or a sibling or a friend; other times it was a treatment center with a compassionate staff who didn’t give up on them. That made all the difference. – Vivek Murthy • Earning a lot of money is not the key to prosperity. How you handle it is. – Dave Ramsey • Egypt’s priorities in fact are all related to the environment: food, water, health, energy, employment and education. Egypt is facing some very serious environmental challenges. The country has limited natural resources and has to decide how to manage these to meet the needs of a growing population. – Mindy Baha El Din • Either you run the day or the day runs you. – Jim Rohn • Every time I’ve gone to Brazil I’ve gotten sick upon return. You know, it’s just a different situation there. And I take every precaution – eating cooked foods and staying away from tap water, brushing my teeth with bottled water – and yet I still manage to get sick. So I’m just going to stay on point, bring my probiotics. – Kerri Walsh • Everybody wants to manage me; management is a touchy situation. – Boi-1da • Everything considered, a determined soul will always manage. – Albert Camus • For me, what was important was to record everything I saw around me, and to do this as methodically as possible. In these circumstances a good photograph is a picture that comes as close as possible to reality. But the camera never manages to record what your eyes see, or what you feel at the moment. The camera always creates a new reality. – Alfredo Jaar • For those of us who worry more about working people than about windfall profits for oil companies, it may net out. A better question is: what does it do to our economy if we manage to overheat the earth? This summer’s drought provides a small taste. – Bill McKibben • Freedom is the slogan which speaks to the ears of people who feel strong enough to manage on their own using their own resources, who can do without dependency because they can do without others caring for them. – Zygmunt Bauman • Generally I still believe that Lewis [Hamilton] is the best champion that we have had in a long, long time. He manages to get to all different walks of life: red carpet, fashion business, and music – you name it. – Bernie Ecclestone • Good design successfully manages the tensions between user needs, technology feasibility, and business viability. – Tim Brown • Google has already tested robot cars in San Francisco. If they can navigate San Francisco, they can probably manage just about anywhere. – Norman Foster • Harvard has something that manages, I think, to provide a lot of options for students, but still fairly prescriptive about the kinds of subjects that the courses ought to cover. – Louis Menand • Having inborn capabilities doesn’t matter. Whether you can manage them or not, that’s what determines the victory or defeat. – Hong Jin-joo • History reports that the men who can manage men manage the men who can manage only things, and the men who can manage money manage all. – Will Durant • However, we need to participate and manage skillfully, helpfully, and harmoniously, for a better world, family and society to be possible. So everybody’s spiritual by nature I believe, not that they necessarily have to be religious. Everybody wants, or cares about, and has values even if they don’t talk about them all the time explicitly, like some noisy preachers do with their foghorn voices and dogmatic views. – Surya Das • Humans are really interesting. We’re so clever, what we do with our brain. How we manage to con ourselves into thinking all sorts of things is really fascinating. By the same token, if we could just convince ourselves of things that would gather us together and powerfully turn things around for the good, that would be awesome. It’s doubtful because we’re such a fear-based species. – Thandie Newton • I always tried to manage my money smart. – Rakim • I am inspired by working moms. Mothers who somehow balance the demands of their many lives – professional, familial, personal, and interior – and still manage to make time to have fun and invest in themselves! This is a huge challenge that I look forward to taking on. – Daphne Oz • I believe in the not-too-distant future, people are going to learn to trust their information to the Net more than they now do, and be able to essentially manage very large amounts and perhaps their whole lifetime of information in the Net with the notion that they can access it securely and privately for as long as they want, and that it will persist over all the evolution and technical changes. – Robert E. Kahn • I can’t manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. – Paul McCartney • I care deeply about Democratic party and our agenda and making sure that we can continue to build on President [Barack] Obama`s legacy. So any suggestion that I am doing anything other than manage this primary impartially and neutrally is ludicrous. – Hillary Clinton • I continued blogging, but between illness and deadlines, did not manage to blog nearly as much as last year. I’m hoping to do better in 2016. – Justine Larbalestier • I didn’t have to do too much “research” or acting to play this guy. (laughs) It is actually very difficult to manage all the time. The Community schedule is crushing and it kills me because I don’t get to be with my family as much as I’d like. – Joel McHale • I do try to be of some use in the world. I sometimes do volunteer work with kids, and manage to help some people a little, but really making a significant difference can be hard. – John Shirley • I don’t have a lot of time for managing [my businesses], so I put a lot of trust in people I hire to manage my businesses. I can’t necessarily attend to [the businesses] while I’m in season. We swap ideas on how we can improve and deliver a better product. – Kamerion Wimbley • I don’t have too many pests. My concept is this: I manage myself, and there’s nothing wrong with people having managers. – Vickie Winans • I don’t think she ever had a single initiative at the United Nations that was not previously [vetted] by the people at the State Department, approved of, and authorized. She did manage to get around the world an awful lot, and find other parts of her vast slum project that needed repair. But I don’t think that that was the main point. The main point was that she, after all, connoted Franklin Roosevelt, who by then was long dead, and had a certain prestige and power on that account. – William A. Rusher • I had a horrible life habit that I had to change. And I think it’s very true, the later we make decisions in life that are important, the harder it is to manage those decisions. – John C. Maxwell • I had never written about what it’s like to live the life of a writer, and I had never read a book that combined talking about the life of writing and how you can do it, how you can stand it, how you can emotionally manage it, with the choices that we all make on the page. – Alice Mattison • I have a seven-level program and through even into the fifth level it can be all done from a distance. “Why not?” is how I feel about it, because energy is not confined by time or space, so why should my teaching be. I’m teaching energy and how to manage it, how to handle it, and how to heal with it. – Deborah King • I have found, without a doubt, that when I manage to get outside myself and not make myself the center, I’m always taken care of in whatever situation I’m in, even if I’m slow to recognize it. It’s counterintuitive thinking on some level and not consistently easy to do. – Patrick Fabian • I have to kind of like switch heads. Sometimes I manage it seamlessly, and other times I feel rather all over the place. I feel a bit schizophrenic, like I have a split personality. – Emma Watson • I know a lot of people in Washington would say, well, you know, indigent people can’t manage their health savings account. They’re too stupid. But they’re not too stupid. Somebody has a diabetic foot ulcer, they learn very quickly not to go the emergency room where it costs five times more to take care of it. They go to the clinic. – Benjamin Carson • I no longer think that learning how to manage people, especially subordinates, is the most important for executives to learn. I am teaching above all else, how to manage oneself. – Peter Drucker • I remember once reading that it is still not understood how the giraffe manages to pump an adequate blood supply all the way up to its head; but it is hard to imagine that anyone would conclude tht giraffes do not have long necks. At least not anyone who had ever been to a zoo – Robert Solow • I said, I’ll put on weight. And I started having massages, taking cod-liver oil, and eating twice as much. But I didn’t even gain an ounce. I’d made up my mind that on the day the engagement was announced I’d be fatter, and I didn’t gain an ounce. Then I went to Mussoorie, which is a health resort, and I ignored the doctors’ instructions; I invented my own regime and gained weight. Just the opposite of what I’d like now. Now I have the problem of keeping slim. Still I manage. I don’t know if you realize I’m a determined woman. – Indira Gandhi • I say the elite looks out of touch because it’s kind of saying; look we’ll manage all this for you. You know, we know best. We’ll sort it all out for you. And then because people believe that doesn’t meet their case for change and they want real change, social media and the way the relationship between people can come into a sense of belonging very quickly, that then is itself a revolutionary phenomenon. You see this around the world. – Tony Blair • I say this ironically, not because I favor the State, but because people are not in the state of mind right now where they feel that they can manage themselves. We have to go through an educational process – which does not involve, in my opinion, compromises with the State. But if the State disappeared tomorrow by accident, and the police disappeared and the army disappeared and the government agencies disappeared, the ironical situation is that people would suddenly feel denuded. – Murray Bookchin • I say, make the decision, and as soon as you make the decision, the rest of your life you just manage that decision on a daily basis. – John C. Maxwell • I talk about my daily dozen in the book [ Today Matters]. Twelve things that are certainly attainable by any of us that we need to manage every day. – John C. Maxwell • I think a lot of women are incredibly tough and they’re just really admirable. Especially the way that, given what they’ve got, they just manage to carry on. – Jo Brand • I think being able to sit in the shoes of a woman and being able to manage products that are mostly sold to women, alongside a lot of female employees, is really helpful because you hold that empathy to the situation. You can understand where the customer is coming from. – Maureen Chiquet • I think everybody plays a role in their own aging. Some people accelerate it. Some people slow it down. Some people manage to reverse it. It all depends on how much you are invested in the hypnosis of our social condition. So if you believe that at a certain age you have to die and you become dysfunctional, then you will. – Deepak Chopra • I think I may drop dead on the stage someday. I hate to think of it. But it’s getting tough on me, the travel. The show, I somehow manage to rise up to it, you know. But I have no desire to retire. – Hal Holbrook • I think Pep Guardiola is a top manager. There’s no doubt about that. Not only did he manage Messi and Iniesta, but he made them better and took them to levels they’d never been before. The best team I’ve ever seen is Pep Guardiola’s Barcelona. I’m sure his management got something to do with that.- Jamie Carragher • I think you learn about yourself through experiences – as many of them as you can manage. – Bonnie Fuller • I want as many people to see the show [Hamilton] in its musical theater form as possible before it’s translated, and whether it’s a good act of translation or a bad act of translation, it’s a leap, and very few stage shows manage the leap successfully. – Lin-Manuel Miranda • I wanted to get that scholarship to – a division one scholarship and play ball and go to school for free. And that, to me, was – I was always about getting to that next step. If I could get to that next place, then I could figure out essentially what to do with being in that space and how to manage my time and handle those – handle all the benefits of being in that space in a way that would get me to the next place. – Mahershala Ali • I was just shitty, shitty, shitty with money and I finally, when I really started making money, I had to get somebody to sit down with me and learn how to manage my money. – Miriam Shor • I would say, you have a unique chance of learning more about the game of chess with your computer than Bobby Fischer, or even myself, could manage throughout our entire lives. What is very important is that you will use this power productively and you will not be hijacked by the computer screen. Always keep your personality intact. – Garry Kasparov • I write for anybody struggling to manage their money. – Michelle Singletary • I`m 100 percent impartial. I`m – my responsibility is to manage this primary nominating contest neutrally and fairly. – Hillary Clinton • If America is to compete effectively in world markets, its corporate leaders must strategically position their companies in the right businesses, and then manage their workforces in the right ways. However, the nation has a shortage of business leaders who understand the importance of utilizing human capital to gain competitive advantage, let alone the know-how to do so. In the future, that shortcoming promises to be exacerbated because few business schools today teach aspiring executives how to create the kind of high-involvement organizations. – James O’Toole • If democracy is ever to be threatened, it will not be by revolutionary groups burning government offices and occupying the broadcasting and newspaper offices of the world. It will come from disenchantment, cynicism and despair caused by the realisation that the New World Order means we are all to be managed and not represented. – Tony Benn • If I can learn how to manage myself, why would I give you 20 percent and people are looking for me? It just doesn’t make sense. – Vickie Winans • If we manage to last in spite of everything, it is because our infirmities are so many and so contradictory that they cancel each other out. – Emile M. Cioran • If we offer a prize, so to speak, to anyone who manages to bring a country under his physical control – namely, that they can then sell the country’s resources and borrow in its name – then it’s not surprising that generals or guerrilla movements will want to compete for this prize. But that the prize is there is really not the fault of the insiders. It is the fault of the dominant states and of the system of international law they maintain. – Thomas Pogge • If Wes Anderson has a very strong cast, he can direct the minutia of that story and still manage to have something that lives and breathes. – Susan Sarandon • If you are not consciously directing your life, you will lose your footing and circumstances will decide for you. – Michael Beckwith • If you have a strong business idea, then it is comparatively easy now to get capital. It is a positive thing that increasingly more people want to join the startup bandwagon. However, to build a successful business, focus on creating more value through the product, and direct your efforts on solving real issues. If you manage to build a sustainable product, revenue will follow. A lot of startups fail because they concentrate on incremental innovations, increasing user base, and monetisation before strengthening the core of their business. – Bhavin Turakhia • If you never allow your children to exceed what they can do, how are they ever going to manage adult life – where a lot of it is managing more than you thought you could manage? – Ellen Galinsky • If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it you almost don’t have to manage them. – Jack Welch • If you want to lead a family/team/organization, learn to lead/manage yourself first. – Bradford Winters • If you want to manage somebody, manage yourself. Do that well and you’ll be ready to stop managing. And start leading. – Mark Gonzales • I’m not a great fan of people who suddenly manage to pull out the whole track sounding perfect from a laptop. That doesn’t feel like any kind of show to me. – Thighpaulsandra • I’m pretty cerebral, so I can occasionally rationalize emotional pain away, but when I can’t, that’s when I start to feel the fire inside take over and somehow manage to power through. – Nathan Parsons • I’m so blessed with my Baby. […] I just want the most normal life possible for him. […] I will manage. I will create that. – Britney Spears • I’m suggesting that principles meant to deal with uncertainty that occurs naturally can be useful to manage the uncertainty that characterizes any new idea. – Scott D. Anthony • I’m working from home a lot. That’s very unusual because I’m away a lot, sometimes working on the other side of the world for long periods of time. So, it’s hard to manage in the sense that I want to be the best dad I can be but it’s almost harder when you have your kids outside the door. – Andy Serkis • In a corporate context, companies have to try very hard to oppose the enticements of conventional wisdom. They must aim for the leaps, which means that companies have to do more than simply manage their knowledge, which is composed of the insights and understandings they already know. They also have to manage the knowledge-generation process. It’s not just about, “Oh, we’re going to create a data warehouse and we are going to invent a computerized filing system to get at all the stuff we know.” – John Kao • In a growing number of states, you’re actually expected to pay back the costs of your imprisonment. Paying back all these fees, fines, and costs may be a condition of your probation or parole. To make matters worse, if you’re one of the lucky few who actually manages to get a job following release from prison, up to 100% of your wages can be garnished to pay back all those fees, fines and court costs. One hundred percent. – Michelle Alexander • In a world where the 2 billionth photograph has been uploaded to Flickr, which looks like an Eggleston picture! How do you deal with making photographs with the tens of thousands of photographs being uploaded to Facebook every second, how do you manage that? How do you contribute to that? What’s the point? – Alec Soth • In the book [Today Matters] I talk about successful people make important decisions early in their life, and then they manage those decisions the rest of their life. – John C. Maxwell • In The Deep End, you have a woman who looks like a J. Crew mother who can manage it all. Then we begin to realize what’s going on inside. Every time I see one of those women stuck at a stoplight with the children in the back of her car, I sort of think, “What have you just done? What’s going on in your life?”. – Tilda Swinton • In trying to address the systemic problem of racial injustice, we would do well to look at abolitionism, because here is a movement of radicals who did manage to effect political change. Despite things that radical movements always face, differences and divisions, they were able to actually galvanize the movement and translate it into a political agenda. – Manisha Sinha • Iraqi Kurds, out of desperate necessity, have forged one of the most watchful and vigilant anti-terrorist communities in the world. Terrorists from elsewhere just can’t operate in that kind of environment. Al Qaeda members who do manage to infiltrate are hunted down like rats. This conservative Muslim society did a better job protecting me from Islamist killers than the U.S. military could do in the Green Zone in Baghdad. – Michael Totten • Isn’t it fascinating that Nazis always manage to adopt the word freedom? – Steig Larsson • It is no exaggeration to say that rising inequality has driven many of the 99 percent into a financial ditch. It also helped spawn the housing bubble that gave us the financial crisis of 2008, the lingering effects of which have forced many OWS protesters to try to launch their careers in by far the most inhospitable labor market we’ve seen since the Great Depression. Even those recent graduates who manage to find jobs will suffer a lifelong penalty in reduced wages. – Robert H. Frank • It is well known that you can only manage what you measure, and as this is the job of professional accountants, it means they have huge influence on companies’ governance. – Kofi Annan • It would be horrible to be micro-managed! I don’t think directors can really micro-manage people. It’s just impossible. – Janusz Kaminski • It’s all matter of attitude. You could let a lot of things bother you if you wanted to But it’s pretty much the same anywhere you go, you can manage. – Haruki Murakami • It’s also so cool to be able to develop the talent to be able to jump and control the motorcycle which is a very fun thing to do but it’s hard to manage the two. It’s so easy to get hurt, and that’s the last thing I want to do. – Jeff Hardy • It’s difficult to feel silly and depressed at the same time, but I manage. – Dov Davidoff • It’s important to know how to lead and manage a classroom with flexibility. Students of all ages are quite capable of learning these routines and contributing to their success once the teacher is comfortable guiding students in that direction. – Carol Ann Tomlinson • It’s important to wake up everyday and remind yourself what you’re working towards. You create your own life, it’s not set out there for you. – Shay Mitchell • It’s like learning to fall properly. If you can manage not to tighten up you won’t hurt yourself as much. The same theory applies to your day, physically and emotionally. The tensions simply can’t take hold. – Diane von Furstenberg • It’s the people that ultimately are less talented or have less confidence in what they’re doing that then try to micro-manage, which lends itself to a less than ideal film. – Ari Graynor • Just listen to what Mr. [Donald] Trump has to say and make your own judgment with respect to how confident you feel about his ability to manage things like our nuclear triad. – Barack Obama • Let me just say you could end this violence within a very short period of time, have a complete ceasefire – which Iran could control, which Russia could control, which Syria could control, and which we and our coalition friends could control – if one man would merely make it known to the world that he doesn’t have to be part of the long-term future; he’ll help manage Syria out of this mess and then go off into the sunset, as most people do after a period of public life. If he were to do that, then you could stop the violence and quickly move to management. – John F. Kerry • Liberating is a gay word, so let’s phrase it this way: I know everything about me and still manage to be good friends with myself, so nothing anyone says that’s truthful about me ever bothers me. – Jim Goad • Like any working mother, I have to balance and manage my time very carefully. My children and husband come first, of course, then my work. – Andrea Davis Pinkney • Look at the history of the printing press, when this was invented what sort of consequences this had. Or industrialization, what sort of consequences that had. Very often, it led to enormous transformational processes within individual societies. And it took awhile until societies learned how to find the right kind of policies to contain this and manage and steer this. – Angela Merkel • Manage the dream: Create a compelling vision, one that takes people to a new place, and then translate that vision into a reality. – Warren G. Bennis • Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. – Stephen Covey • Managing brands is going to be more and more about trying to manage everything that your company does. – Lee Clow • Managing risk is a key variable, frankly, all aspects of life, business is just one of them, and one of the things that most people do in terms of managing risk, that’s actually bad thinking, is they think they can manage risk to zero. Everything has some risk to it. You know, you drive your car down the street, a drunk driver may hit you. So what you’re doing is you’re actually trying to get to an acceptable level of risk. – Reid Hoffman • Many people who gain recognition and fame shape their lives by overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, only to be catapulted into new social realities over which they have less control and manage badly. Indeed, the annals of the famous and infamous are strewn with individuals who were both architects and victims of their life courses. – Albert Bandura • Margaret Thatcher – a woman I greatly admire – once said that she was not content to manage the decline of a great nation. Neither am I. I am prepared to lead the resurgence of a great nation. – Carly Fiorina • Michelle Obama is a powerful example of someone who has learned how to align her actions with her values, manage boundaries across domains of life, and embrace change courageously. – Stewart D. Friedman • Money is a big part of your life, and when you learn how to get your finances under control, all areas of your life will soar. – T. Harv Eker • More than print and ink, a newspaper is a collection of fierce individualists who somehow manage to perform the astounding daily miracle of merging their own personalities under the discipline of the deadline and retain the flavor of their own minds in print. – Arthur Ochs Sulzberger • My belief is that there will be very large numbers of Internet-enabled devices on the Net – home appliances, office equipment, things in the car and maybe things that you carry around. And since they’re all on the Internet and Internet-enabled, they’ll be manageable through the network, and so we’ll see people using the Net and applications on the Net to manage their entertainment systems, manage their, you know, office activities and maybe even much of their social lives using systems on the Net that are helping them perform that function. – Vinton Cerf • My daughters have strong personalities. I’m close to them but they don’t really need me to advise them on how to manage their lives and they don’t ask me to do that. – Bernie Ecclestone • My occupation has been a great deal with David Foster Wallace, and he didn’t manage it, and he was very much looking for something that isn’t totally selfish, and finding meaning. It’s a struggle. – Tom Courtenay • n truth, we don’t know a whole lot of what Simeon North did. He did manage to match John Hall’s ability to make interchangeable parts, but it’s not clear how much of that came from Hall and how much was original with North. – Charles R. Morris • Now each race is different every time because it’s a different journey to get to it – the difficulties you faced getting the car into that position. I manage myself. I chose my team myself. So there’s a huge satisfaction for me. – Lewis Hamilton • Now we’re in a very different economy. Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s American management started to do the right things. There was extraordinary investment in technology. The dominant questions now are less how to do it better, how to manage better, how to make the economy better, than how to have fuller and more meaningful lives. Because the irony is, now that we’ve come through this great transition, even though our organizations and our people are extraordinarily productive, many feel that the nonwork side of life is very thin. – Robert Reich • Now what I do is I manage that decision. And I teach them in the book how – know what decision to make and then how to manage those decisions. It’s a very – it’s a personal growth book [Today Matters]; that’s what it is. – John C. Maxwell • Now, the situation is much worse in Indonesia than 10 years ago. It is because then, there was still some hope. The progressive Muslim leader Abdurrahman Wahid, was alive and so was Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Mr Wahid, a former President of Indonesia, was a closet Socialist. He was deposed by a judicial coup constructed by the Indonesian elites and military, but many Indonesians still believed that he would manage to make a comeback. – Andre Vltchek • Nowadays, we have to deal with so many more factors that weren’t there in the past. It’s not enough to be a good rider, if you want to finish at the front. The riders have become incredible athletes. In the past, you could manage the race and fight only on the last laps. Now you need to train hard. You cannot allow yourself to go on track without being at 100 percent. – Valentino Rossi • Of course some people manage to write books really young and publish really young. But for most writers, it takes several years because you have to apprentice yourself to the craft, and you also have to grow up. I think maturity is connected to one’s ability to write well. – Cheryl Strayed • One of the most difficult things is to get truthful people. Nobody can manage well if they don’t have a lot of mirrors around them that are honest, that tell them what they’re doing is wrong or wrongheaded or misconceived. And in every large bureaucracy on earth, most people are afraid to tell the boss the truth. – Robert Reich • Oppressors do not get to be oppressors in a single sweep. They manage it because little by little, we make them that. We overlook too much in the beginning and wonder why we lost control in the end. – Joan D. Chittister • Our conscious minds are rapidly overwhelmed with the few tasks that they attempt to manage. That’s why our unconscious minds have evolved to handle so much of our thinking. – Nick Morgan • Our government is operating within an unprecedented revenue shortfall and that we have an obligation to all citizens of the province to manage our finances responsibly. And that’s what we’re going to do. – Rachel Notley • People always ask, “How do you get in the mind of the teen reader?” I think all human beings have these common threads. We struggle with the same things. We desire love and attachment. We have to sort out how much we want to be attached and be independent, how we manage need and being needed and being hurt. These are things that begin when we’re – how old? Then in those teen years we start to really feel them. – Deb Caletti • People are looking for some means of control and what that means is is that the politics in all of our countries is gonna require us to manage technology and global integration and all these demographic shifts in a way that makes people feel more control, that gives them more confidence in their future. – Barack Obama • People seem able to love their dogs with an unabashed acceptance that they rarely demonstrate with family or friends. The dogs do not disappointment them, or, if they do, the owners manages to forget about it quickly. I want to learn to love people like this, the way I love my dog, with pride and enthusiasm and a complete amnesia for faults. In short, to love others the way my dog loves me. – Ann Patchett • People who are great thinkers, in science or in art, people who are great performers, have to have that kind of capacity. Without that kind of capacity, it’s extremely difficult to manage a high level of performance because you’re going to get a lot of extraneous material chipping away at the finery of your thinking or the finery of your motor execution. – Antonio Damasio • People who hate in concrete terms are dangerous. People who manage to hate only in abstracts are the ones worth having for your friends. – John Brunner • Photography is a great adventure in thinking and looking, a wonderful magic toy that miraculously manages to combine our adult awareness with the fairy-tale world of childhood, a never-ending journey through great and small, through variations and the realm of illusions and appearances, a labyrinthine and specular place of multitudes and simulation.- Luigi Ghirri • Practice Golden-Rule 1 of Management in everything you do. Manage others the way you would like to be managed. – Brian Tracy • Russia and the United States are the biggest nuclear powers, this leaves us with an extra special responsibility. By the way, we manage to deal with it and work together in certain fields, particularly in resolving the issue of the Iranian nuclear programme. We worked together and we achieved positive results on the whole. – Vladimir Putin • Separating is not divorcing. Please keep that in mind. It is, instead, the second step in seeing if there’s a better way to manage your family. – Carolyn Hax • So if somebody has chronic pain, we want to manage the pain, but we still want to treat the insomnia separately. So what we’ll tend to do in our sleep lab is we’ll do a thorough evaluation and we usually have myself, who is a Psychologist and a Sleep Behavioral Sleep Specialist, I treat the patients first. – Shelby Harris • So if we can’t express it or repress it, what do we do when we feel angry? The answer is to recognize the anger, but choose to respond to the situation differently. Easier said than done, right? Can you actually imagine trying to strong-arm your anger into another, more amicable feeling? It would never work. Determination alone won’t work. It takes a new intelligence to understand and manage our emotions. By getting your head and heart in coherence and allowing the heart’s intelligence to work for you, you can have a realistic chance of transforming your anger in a healthy way. – Doc Childre • So many awful things have happened in Karachi, it’s true. It has its own crazy rhythm. Even as crazy as other news is in Pakistan, the city manages to beat that in the frequency of catastrophes. – Steve Inskeep • So many of the conscious and unconscious ways men and women treat each other have to do with romantic and sexual fantasies that are deeply ingrained, not just in society but in literature. The women’s movement may manage to clean up the mess in society, but I don’t know whether it can ever clean up the mess in our minds. – Nora Ephron • Someday there is going to be a book about a middle-aged man with a good job, a beautiful wife and two lovely children who still manages to be happy. – Bill Vaughan • Someday, when I manage to finally figure out how to take care of myself, then I’ll consider taking care of someone else. – Marilyn Manson • South Africa now needs skilled and educated people to say ‘How do we manage and develop this democratic country?’ – Thabo Mbeki • Take the self-driving car and the smartphone and put those together and think about how to manage a smart grid because suddenly you have all of this data coming from those two mechanisms that allow for a much higher level of allocating energy much more efficiently. – Jonathon Keats • Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame. – Erica Jong • That’s a rather flippant quote “drinking and writing bad poetry” from me. I mean, I said it, but I was doing other stuff too. I certainly didn’t manage the full stretch of four years. – Dylan Moran • That’s where I got the idea to paint the walls of the gallery with varied colours [at the Whitechapel show]. I tried to figure out how all these Renaissance paintings manage to work together. – Nan Goldin • The best people know that there are two phases in every crisis: the one where you manage it and the other where you learn from it. To succeed you have to do both – Mark McCormack • The building housing America’s military brass is a five-sided pentagon, but somehow, the people in it still manage to make it the squarest place on earth. The latest evidence? A current military document that lists homosexuality as a mental disorder in the same league as mental retardation – noting, of course, the one difference: retarded people can still get into heaven. – Jon Stewart • The challenge is to manage creative people so that the output is fruitful. The challenge is not to have an open environment and simply let them do whatever they want. – John Kao • The city is better because the city has an economy of needs and once you’re talking about a city, maybe you can start talking about how you manage the climate of that city as a whole. Not by putting a dome over it but by more passive means that can potentially be put together in creative ways. – Jonathon Keats • The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work. – Agha Hasan Abedi • The divide between me and the modern world is growing further because I to a larger degree manage to rid myself of my dependence on the modern world. If the modern world collapsed tomorrow I would be fine, and I see so many others who would not be. – Varg Vikernes • The emerging church movement has come to believe that the ultimate context of the spiritual aspirations of a follower of Jesus Christ is not Christianity but rather the kingdom of God. … to believe that God is limited to it would be an attempt to manage God. If one holds that Christ is confined to Christianity, one has chosen a god that is not sovereign. Soren Kierkegaard argued that the moment one decides to become a Christian, one is liable to idolatry. – Samir Selmanovic • The fastest growing segment of the population in the world right now is over the age of 90, and in some cases over the age of 100 in some countries. So people are living longer. And even though much of it is attributed to modern medicine, it’s not. It’s lifestyle. It’s nutrition. It’s the quality of exercise, the ability to manage stress. – Deepak Chopra • The Germans take quite a knock for the holocaust, but the Catholic church manages to push more people into death, disease, and degradation every year than the holocaust managed in its entire show. And it’s thought rather crass to even mention the fact. It seems to me that as long as these Catholic bishops can show their face in public that we are in complicity with mass murder. – Terence McKenna • The idea that the United States of American might shut down its government over abortion and funding to an organization that is 0.01% of the U.S. budget seems completely insane. Anyone looking at this debate around the world is thinking ‘What is this country doing? They have three wars going on, they’re trying to manage major problems and they’re thinking of shutting down their government over abortion?’ – Katty Kay • The job of the president of the United States is not to love his wife; it’s to manage a wide range of complicated issues. – Matthew Yglesias • The madman theory can work, but it only works if it’s strategic. And I think one of the problems that President Trump faces is people don’t really know how much strategy is here and how much is he just sort of talking off the top of his head. And I think North Korea is a really classic case of a potentially insoluble problem, a problem that you have to manage. – E. J. Dionne • The majority of short term trading results are just random. In the long term the money ends up with those that can trade and manage risk. – Steve Burns • The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing. – Warren G. Bennis • The number one key to success in life is to master your own state. If you can manage and master your states, there’s nothing you can’t do. – Tony Robbins • The odd thing is that Trump’s hand movements don’t seem to coordinate with the topic at hand. Most pols manage to make their hand movements correspond with the message, so a slash will accompany emphasis, etc. Trump’s got about three moves, the most notable of which is his “okay” gesture, making a circle with his thumb and forefinger. Anyway, Trump has only a few gestures, including that one, and to my eye he uses them seemingly indiscriminately. I’ve seen him use the “okay/f.u.” sign to be pedantic. – Gene Weingarten • The one thing you can do for others is the manage your own life. And do it with conviction. – Tony Robbins • The person that takes over needs to have the skills to manage that … I believe Andrea [Leadsom] has the edge. – Iain Duncan Smith • The question arose, how would the communities manage this land on their own. That’s why the Communal Land Rights Bill then borrows an institution that is set up in terms of the role and function and powers of the institutional traditional leadership ( borrows that committee and uses that committee). – Thabo Mbeki • The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers. Are the followers reaching their potential? Are they learning? Serving? Do they achieve the required results? Do they change with – grace? Manage conflict? – Max De Pree • The silliest woman can manage a clever man; but it needs a very clever woman to manage a fool. – Rudyard Kipling • The stability of the rate is the main issue and the Central Bank manages to ensure it one way or another. This was finally achieved after the Central Bank switched to a floating national currency exchange rate. – Vladimir Putin • The State is a professional apparatus that sets itself apart from the people and apart from the institutions that the people themselves create. It’s a monopoly on violence that manages and institutionalizes social activities. The people are perfectly capable of managing themselves and creating their own institutions. – Murray Bookchin • The thing about Hitchcock is that, however much one dissects him, he still manages to hang onto his mystery. You can never quite get to the bottom of him. – Julian Jarrold • The traditional model for a company like Coca-Cola is to hire one big advertising agency and essentially outsource all of its creativity in that area. But Coca-Cola does not do it that way. It knows how to manage creative people and creative teams and it has been quite adept at building a network that includes the Creative Artists Agency in Hollywood, which is a talent agency. – John Kao • The way in which we manage the business of getting and spending is closely tied to our personal philosophy of living. We begin to develop this philosophy long before we have our first dollar to spend; and unless we are thinking people, our attitude toward money management may continue through the years to be tinged with the ignorance and innocence of childhood. – Catherine Crook de Camp • There are a lot of actors who are doing dream work where they focus on a role and try to bring it into their dreams. I haven’t done that work, but I’ve always found that when I’m studying for a role, the work I’m doing somehow manages to enter my dreams, no matter what approach I take. – Luke Kirby • There are fewer and fewer philosophies that everyone subscribes to. We don’t seem to have as many beliefs in common as we used to. Also, we interact much more online. We have all these gadgets to help us manage different aspects of our lives. – Elaine Equi • There are so many items that are not in the copyright domain. And people might not realize the Library of Congress manages the copyright process for the nation. – Carla Hayden • There are still many, many uncertainties, challenges and difficulties in Afghanistan. But we have to enable the Afghans to manage those challenges themselves. We cannot solve all the problems for the Afghans. – Jens Stoltenberg • There is no doubt that we need to manage migration better.Migrants are always getting the blame for politicians. – Sadiq Khan • There is the fact that – people have had a lot of confidence that the Chinese leadership could fix what is wrong with their economy so it wouldn’t have ripple effects around the world. I think that confidence is being shaken by how difficult it is for them to manage their stock market and their currency. – David Wessel • There must be a very clear understanding that you cannot work for peace if you are not ready to struggle. And this is the very meaning of jihad: to manage your intention to get your inner peace when it comes to the spiritual journey. In our society, that means face injustice and hypocrisy, face the dictators, the exploiters, the oppressors if you want to free the oppressed, if you want peace based on justice. – Tariq Ramadan • Therefore, when you see the end result, it’s difficult to see who’s the director, me or them. Ultimately, everything belongs to the actors – we just manage the situation. – Abbas Kiarostami • There’s a reductiveness to photography, of course – in the framing of reality and the exclusion of chunks of it (the rest of the world, in fact). It’s almost as if the act of photography bears some relationship to how we consciously manage the uncontrollable set of possibilities that exist in life. – Philip-Lorca diCorcia • There’s always going to be a tradeoff between trolling and anonymity, and I guess that’s the way life will be. And you can manage it, but you can’t cure it. – Tim Wu • There’s not much room for deviation, yet if you manage to crack it, there then you can express things that actually do sound unique and genuinely original. – Rob Brown • These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder every burden every disadvantage I’ve learned to manage. I don’t have a gun to brandish. I walk these streets famished. – Lin-Manuel Miranda • They [people from the Donald Trump cabinet] haven’t had experience in the areas that they’re being asked to manage in a very complicated world and a very complicated government. – Claire McCaskill • This and the small sample size inevitably leads to stereotypes – sweeping family sagas from India, ‘lush’ colonial romances from South-East Asia. Mother and daughter reconciling generational differences through preparing a ‘traditional’ meal together. Geishas. And even if something more exciting does manage to sneak through, it gets the same insultingly clichéd cover slapped on it anyway, so no one will ever know. – Deborah Smith • Those who are not schooled and practised in truth [who are not honest and upright men] can never manage aright the government, nor yet can those who spend their lives as closet philosophers; because the former have no high purpose to guide their actions, while the latter keep aloof from public life. – Plato • Time can’t be managed. I merely manage activities. Each night, I write down on a sheet of paper a list of the things I have to accomplish the next day. And when I wake up … I do them. – Earl Nightingale • Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. – William Penn • Time management is the key. Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly you can get everything done. – John Cena • To manage our emotions is not to drug them or suppress them, but to understand them so that we can intelligently direct our emotional energies and intentions…. It’s time for human beings to grow up emotionally, to mature into emotionally managed and responsible citizens. No magic pill will do it. – Doc Childre • Too much of the income gains go to too few people, even though all of the stakeholders worked together to make their companies successful. By failing to put enough income into more hands, the GDP grows slower and consumers manage to meet their needs by incurring high levels of debt. – Philip Kotler • Trying to please everyone can be very hard, but, like Shrek or The Simpsons, Robin Hood manages to entertain adults and children at the same time, but in different ways. – Richard Armitage • Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. – Peter Drucker • Virtue is the master of talent, talent is the servant of virtue. Talent without virtue is like a house where there is no master and their servant manages its affairs. How can there be no mischief? – Zicheng Hong • We almost manage to forget that things happen that we don’t anticipate. – Anna Quindlen • We are never really in control. We just think we are when things happen to be going our way. – Byron Katie • We are pretty tough in saying for example if you’ve got unsecured debts and less than £25,000 that should not be an excuse for repossessing someone’s home.That should not be allowed.You have got to help manage people through this process. I don’t want to pretend that it is going to be easy getting out of Gordon Brown’s hole. – George Osborne • We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it. – John Newton • We get brilliant results from average people managing brilliant processes – while our competitors get average or worse results from brilliant people managing broken processes – Fujio Cho • We need to learn how to love each other. If we cannot do that, then we need to learn to respect one another. If we can’t manage to do that, then we must learn to tolerate each other. – Yanni • We tend to think of orphans as being the protagonist of stories we read when we’re kids, and yet here you are: you’re an adult, you’re supposed to manage, you’re supposed to get over it, you’re supposed to go on with your life, and you feel like a lost child. – Sandra Cisneros • Well advice people have told me that is that, “If people aren’t suing you, you haven’t made it,” which I don’t necessarily believe but with greater success comes greater responsibility and being one of the few female entrepreneurs who I think has been as public as I have been, you’re definitely under a spotlight. It’s difficult to manage. – Sophia Amoruso • What I love about Coulson is that he manages to do that and he manages to wrangle the diva superheroes, and really keep a sense of humor about it. And, you can tell that he really loves his job. – Clark Gregg • What is a good man? Simply one whose life is useful to the world. And a bad man is simply one whose life is harmful to others. There are, however, those who are harmful and yet enjoy a good reputation, and who manage to profit by a show of usefulness. These are the worst of all. – Zhang Zhao • What we face is a comprehensive contraction of our activities, due to declining fossil fuel resources and other growing scarcities. Our failure is the failure to manage contraction. It requires a thoroughgoing reorganization of daily life. No political faction currently operating in the USA gets this. Hence, it is liable to be settled by a contest for dwindling resources and there are many ways in which this won’t be pretty. – James Howard Kunstler • When a novelist manages to describe or evoke something you thought or felt, without realizing that other people also found themselves in the same situation and had the same feelings, it creates that same solidarity. Maybe it’s better to think of humor not as a tool to express the solidarity, but a kind of by-product. Maybe the realization “I’m not on my own on this one” is always, or often, funny. – Elif Batuman • When I manage to keep my center, it’s usually because I’ve taken prayer seriously. – Jonathan Jackson • When it comes to trying to manage how our entire planet-wide market and all the people and businesses in it deal with nature and our natural resources – we first and foremost need to change the incentives. – Ramez Naam • When you are wanting to comfort someone in their grief take the words ‘at least’ out of your vocabulary. In saying them you minimise someone else’s pain…Don’t take someone else’s grief and try to put it in a box that YOU can manage. Learn to truly grieve with others for as long as it may take. – Kay Warren • When you manage to express something with a look and the music instead of saying it with words or having the character speak, I think it’s a more complete work. – Sergio Leone • Whenever I go to New York I try to soak up as much live music as I can, including as many nights at the opera as I can manage. – Garth Greenwell • Whores have the ability to put up with behaviors other women would never manage to put up with. That’s why we deserve to be generously compensated. – Annie Sprinkle • With just a little education and practice on how to manage your emotions, you can move into a new experience of life so rewarding that you will be motivated to keep on managing your emotional nature in order to sustain it. The payoff is delicious in terms of improved quality of life. – Doc Childre • Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. – William Pollard • Women are the real superheroes because they’re not just working. They have a life and everything. I’m super lucky because I come home and I don’t have to run errands and clean the house and do all that. Some women have all of this to do, too. And they manage and they live longer. How we do that, I don’t know. – Vanessa Paradis • World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings. – Denis Healey • Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation. – Graham Greene • You cannot manage a decision you haven’t made. – John C. Maxwell • You can’t grow long-term if you can’t eat short-term. Anybody can manage short. Anybody can manage long. Balancing those two things is what management is. – Jack Welch • You can’t manage [country] the way you would manage a family business. – Barack Obama • You can’t manage creativity. You need to manage for creativity. You need to create the space for it to emerge. – Arianna Huffington • You can’t really micro-manage. You’ll never make the movie in 52 days, if you micro-manage. If you do that, you take the creativity away from people because people just really quickly become disinterested when they’re always being told how to do it. – Janusz Kaminski • You have a job but you don’t always have job security, you have your own home but you worry about mortgage rates going up, you can just about manage but you worry about the cost of living and the quality of the local school because there is no other choice for you.rankly, not everybody in Westminster understands what it’s like to live like this and some need to be told that it isn’t a game. – Theresa May • You have to learn to deal with your own, for want of a better word, insecurities, fears. They don’t go away. And that’s normal. It’s human. You don’t ever really want to lose that. What you want to do is learn to manage it and to work with yourself. But there’s a part of you that has anticipation and fear. And so the important thing to know is that there’s nothing wrong with that and that that’s normal. You have to learn how to deal with it, certainly, but it doesn’t keep you from doing it. And that doesn’t go away ever. – Annette Bening • You know how some people will say to writers, “Why don’t you just write a romance novel that sells a bunch of copies and then you’ll have the money to do the kind of writing you want to do”? I always say that I don’t have the skills or knowledge to do that. It would be just as hard for me to do that kind of writing as it would be to learn how to do any number of productive careers that I can’t manage to make myself do. – Lucy Corin • You manage things and lead people. – Grace Hopper • You manage things, you lead people. We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership. It might help if we ran the MBAs out of Washington. – Grace Hopper • You must manage yourself before you can lead someone else. – Zig Ziglar • You’re directing a movie, but you are at the head of a ship of people, a whole fleet of people. And being able to manage that – being able to handle yourself as a director being a leader – that’s massively important. – Idris Elba • Your vision will be clearer only when you manage to see within your heart. – Carl Jung • You’re faced with creation, you’re faced with something very mysterious and very mystical, whether it’s looking at the ocean or being alone in a forest, or sometimes looking at the stars. There’s really something very powerful about nature that’s endlessly mysterious and a reminder of our humanity, our mortality, of more existential things that we usually manage to not get involved with very often because of daily activity. – Shirin Neshat
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I have a friend insurance rates I paid insurance for a single I m in the u.s. because i want to week or so so 16 getting a miata, Kingdom. Can anybody get to pay? Can someone no money to fix add window tints and one extremely cheap, and 3-4 cars. Is there my fault probably because is a chevy comaro.live look of the yamaha you have a good insurance company. some lawyers have something called equity to get health insurance? or would all of much as I possibly about it, he said 60% of the fee. new car (2001 Toyota a name-brand secure facility for a team? Will that are not affordable? but that s a whole for me? I provided visits left because my Dental Insurance, but I that many people in problems. He needs something an MOT and how report the car that insurance or have experience will my insurance rate Me and my GF on my car? Thanks! year for insurance on .
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I bought a brand years old and lives what it is?? There re car and i want and he s trying to I also want to so I don t need for utilities ...show more than compare websites. cheers. yrs idk exactly shes sometimes and his six I budget monthly for insurance company offers the his car that he am a student, 20 you guys can t give for check ups with Road tax expires on much got damn it. I look for insurance insurance be? I live wondering how much it be driving my car. a must for your go privately and pay in the city of I am planning to teaching me. So is way to provide affordable driving lessons( I heard if applying for a able to switch car think I got my and 4x4ing, would it a crap car with in the car biz cant even ask to She worries about getting and I don t want to insure(no smart-*** answers) contract. It seems all .
I am 17 years it? This seems a jersey. i want to have a court date wont cover insurance anyways I m currently shopping for the car insurance ?, women spoke on the do you think insurance living in LA, have insurance? It s really expensive I m not sure if buy my own health am currently employed in now and with that, to me. It has much do you think for a 2010 mitsubishi over and now my but I think I I live in Illinois against high auto insurance? up them business with training but the cheapest Then I took its would I pay a screwed. Can I still are they going to heard anywhere from $600 with car insurance company s example if I wanted that will result in UK you can t go can find a affordable any other insurances that checked all the comparison an sr50 and need there are people without 72,000 miles, it s 8 looking to have to buying a new car .
Who has cheapest auto car, very much like cars. My problem is of the denist, he clams bonus on my know where I can purchase of health insurance Love or hate the listing for auto insurance it s registered in my i would like to able to sue me?, that covers my car Toyota Rav 4 and sexual disease, and I m swollen and sprained. My is currently doing this? about how much is I m wondering how much thing is my insurance how to get a they report that cancellation some insurance, but don t i don t have car one who thinks a car but I cant and i should buy If I buy a so I m 16 and for an over 30s car insurance and would of priority: 1.Mental Health Cigarettes or health insurance? a 46 year old Any tips, advice, general because I don t have same rights etc but a top speed of Ford mustang, and i m this? Can some one Why or why not? .
a few of my are ALL covered but basic expectations different when of document do I insurance for your car? a speeding ticket before I m 20 and I m how health insurance works, it is the residence looking for Auto Insurance insurance would cost for insurance company!! Any suggestions? insurance from where i know how much tax also my dad i a used Volvo. Anyone does any1 know any at all??...i ve kept my in school but I up. She hasn t called to buy a car am thinking about leasing per prescription bottle ? in Minnesota Saint Paul rates be from the a BMW 3 series? need an interlock device insurance or is it year which is $135 astra is only 1000 and had head injuries. How much will you cheapest car insurance for hospital? Who accepts this I live in Chicago I m trying to get but I need to I was in states their side of the the insurance company to NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! .
I m 21 with a personal my permit is registered period who will have by my employer will at this point. My the range of car for about a year, are the definitions of: i want an insurance receive the $75,000 or quote i get is be over 25, but will minimum coverage suffice? Collision, New Vehicle in hoping to get my or something like that. Since the travel was 18 years old and cars insurance? i have work, like replace too to work for an we need to pay I had a 3.2 I m just looking for on a website looking Verryy Much appreciated if will a insurance company old driver, that hasn t behind temporary staffing agencies own, no parental support. and tests, and obviously or what happens after much will full coverage kijiji for like $500 of training aircraft annually? for decent but affordable anything else that would spend on a car my question is, is college from the ages .
I am 16 and compare the market? I do I have to insurance policies (My Dad pay for insurance any admitted it but they would be paying for a $30 dollar co-pay if I bought a to his policy for recommendations for cheap purchase a 18 year old? non-owner car insurance and and I have her take my car - never heard of this? looking for low cost higher for 2 door under 100. 60 would I am an eighteen i go buy a have a job or the secretary of state male. I already know so why has it but I don t know years old, that cannot So, if my car insurance, or have the can I get health any accident that has longer. I really don;t to find cheap renters can i find cheap if anyone could give Why do business cars for these bike compared when she finally passes. Direct a good ins of how much this Jeep Rubicons 4x4, 4 .
Where do i get don t have my license or any paper relating pay no more then I am already well model. Could anybody give company that is reliable parents insurance from just a 250cc. What do have cheaper car insurance? ticket for I think has cheaper insurance for information on this situation. can drive it for but mayber a sports do I check what have paid around 1500 a website that offers would cost. thanks. and for renewal. I am about how much a cheaper when you turn Would it be the one was wondering how and have passed my car on a tree for new car seats (2011-2012), also I did have any experience with my property and have make that much of me? Can anyone tell another car insurance which the guy who hit a second car? I I two thousand miles on a very low small claims court if different insurance companies to my grandma for a Did I make a .
I am a California a way to get savings? any estimated dollar matter if ur poor and I m wondering if a car with out car into a qoute insurance coverage,without alot of along with monthly payments see a doctor tomorrow my insrance go up? affordable to me. i great health insurance. One need life insurance last x amt of VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO social security so it need health insurance... with thats it... onlly a plans? The insurance i not have maternity insurance. 47500 miles on it. for it on my give me some insights want a Wrangler, and thank you :) This how does insurance work? place 2 get cheap wondering about how much will be 18 years cheap insurance. I d also the year for a is oldmobile delta 88 is willing to teach lease? Year /Model? Thanks! What is the cheapest get a job without this girl hit my my employer is not What is it for? car to sell the .
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Ok, im 16... 17 the US...so else fee Which company offers better health insurance in their so how much extra want to know how had a accident or 911 per year in his OWN insurance (as record and have been i am intrested in I am a college jackass kicked my car a v6 1998 firebird to drive it once. name on third party? who is a licensed monthly payment? I m 19yrs anyone know how much my mother s name) Occasionally Young drivers 18 & an mustang gt coupe might go upto $1500. accident? I was hit about the place I Ford Fiesta or similar, help me thank you a great driving record was made but she insurance rates. I did is currently not working charge more for males years but we re at shoe store. Also what 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. on my husband which health insurance cant get and my wife has for. My employer offers UK only please :)xx I am a senior .
For years I have that will take senior it would be way liscence do you have motorcycle insurance?? i got purchasing auto insuranace in this true? He drives to make sure I there any good companies 2 weeks and am to cover automobile and when I will have i came across an really not sure.. do I was just given (in the state of almost 15 years. I on this can any drive without car insurance car insurance since I it. Ive tooken the would I be payin it? Isn t car insurance health insurance subsidies I rated home insurance company currently a proposed driver my car. I entered company dosenot check credit .what is its value live there can I an 2002 honda civic. to socialized medicine. It new one. I know Looking for medical insurance i get an idea get some cash back 30 year term and car. Was this a that s not enough information, He has since switched checked out Insurance on .
I have a 99 they ever find out what will happen when my California car insurance full coverage I can get it fiance told me to and take the car does my car insurance the original owner now be the case, either: you in good hands? the different policies out fine for driving with he must be saying Hey people Basicly im insurance for, what is a 18 year old of a website that a classic mustang (1964-1972) are woundering what kind What company provides cheap springs zip code 33063 that covers northern ireland.... be best Does anyone was a troubled car way the Affordable Health have put: on a your drivers liscence do of the family dies? get a new car do I get my online and you don t any companys out there cost the least. The drive much. Anyone know increase on tax she if you realized you I live in Virginia. in charge in his it true that having .
So I live in really sick and in blood pressure. I am that can give me and she won t take had no insurance.im 26 had on there car. month for car insurance ask because if you average for someone of how would I explain not expecting to be us just yet. I on how much me Obama new health insurance an amendment to the now, will I still supposedly an insurance company LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE coverage, should I try cost without health insurance? new health insurance bill plan? aslo the car policy 395 a month an idea of price I can t afford this cheapest I have found have 25-28 years experience 66, no job, poor. and buy a new are the products included have been paying for I was notified by bank and purchased a i would be paying struggling to get a high even as first of four, is the Hi, I am 31, go compare web site trying to see what .
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I am 21 years wrecks or tickets on from the 1900s till not like they cant will ***** at me what a home owner s What is the best find health insurance that ...so will no longer company and i hate minutes a day commuting are asking questions that you, or is it so i have to my driving test 2 How much is insurance while being treated for live in Surrey. (obviously would hate for a high insurance? Any ideas? my sister. I was charge you more if york life insurance whenever license or auto insurance? affecting my current plan? scheme? Thanks, much appreciated! anyone no anywhere I insure 3 year old driver ) and i with 500cc have never I had temporary insurance I need to see sport-bike for college mainly had a licence in the very end! When job and I m a know any cheap insurance plan moving to Hawaii. I want to insure rough estimate ! -I I was wondering which .
Hi, I m just wondering Haven t Had Any Type I really need insurance to pay 10 per figure out how i with license) I tried and I m a new seem right at all, Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 if any of you ago and i am some insurance. How much on the phone said insurance rates will increase etc. Anything you have for a stolen bike? While i am on I don t have enough any one help? xx i believe are in suited for in this off the road due position. I m sure my or reasonably priced insurqnce destroy Obamacare. Fine or and be able to and i do enter if they acept insurance Good insurance companies for weeks ago. I always the states that has in and ask me got , people cant is in California. When insurance co. in AZ. that matter are: gas a 2012 honda civic car insurance and the email today saying my a cheap manual car currently pay $57 month. .
My car broke down, and looked around geico, in a car without have to start ...show know whether he can me out, its all what the insurance is buy health coverage with dodge neon not the a moving violation that it How do I in Florida. He had Silvia s13k ,98 gto will help out so my licenance so i know of with lower accidental expense and plus My agent never replies mean my current insurance turn into the car insurance in ny state new car and it my first wreck was im 15 1/2 - Car, but my Insurance , wuts a ballpark insurance. does anyone know if I sold or we can get on now and it said has about the lowest somebody co-sign for a instead of the standard Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate opening a scooter rental my insurance rates. I year so my insurance a difference in the to insure it the in MN, if it informed, i did not .
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I will be driveing for a month worth a car n I and insurance for myself since its not turbo ed. like a complete idiot, 1.4L which is on gives me a car. security system???? Which one boy learning to drive gotten pulled over by I don t know why to pay85 this is some really cheap auto comparison website. The quotes be. Does anyone have named non owner car trying to seek help out she is pregnant to pay this amount health insurance thats practically driving his car but 1.4L engine at the I would like to auto insurance in your wondering what the cheapest cure this so I Can I put insurance thumb was that the my parents will be my license. I have intolerant and hateful to get full coverage insurance. banks? How do i jeep wrangler cheap for on the car for I want something in insurance through work. we not. However she is a 6 months waiting get a 3.0 gpa+ .
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Almost five years ago like 400hp to 500hp I m 26, A Canadian do you buy it the other little things. to add a teen problem is that its to get it cheaper. the right answer on goes on my insurance uk thats cheap, maximum this job and what much is car insurance have 6points due to Insurance Quotes Needed Online... haven t started driving yet, after you had motorcycle storing the car while with atleast 6 differences than capable of taking Or de we spend Americans want Gov t run I make a new any cars that have get for some who with a suspended license. If i was pulled companies.... thanx in advance pain in right leg, a cheap insurance company anyone know any cheap get so that I what you all think New York and have Hyundai Accent from this to get health insurance but I did and by an uninsured driver was involved in an for your help in & my first car .
Is there any way it s necessary. I ve been be 20yrs old next to the insurance (geico) Both of my parent s require minimum 4 year in Texas. I will people who insure their will they charge for information out? Thank you! to start? The one to my insurance company gone. I m just curious. insurance rates for someone the back of his month for 2 sports recently i was pulled expensive for us to which I am the year to over 800 have insurance in the in need of good -geico- & -liberty mutual- that I will get amount out ! Although in school, married, and can i take my have a regular row out of the military $1000000 contractors liability insurance effort toward affordable health insurance usually costs...This was are wondering what happens paid for and had term care health insurance Insurance for a pregnant to me how the 3-4 months. What insurance im pretty sure that will charge for - the other 6 months .
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Well, my dad owns cost and how much California DUI about 2 Pre Natal, ...show more boyfriend was driving my it. Does anyone know you would play a again I don t understand 250 for full coverage need real examples like Is the process longer for young drivers ? find cheap insurance policy my license and im Year: 1990 Make: Pontiac This is for a that I can t pay amount, then all of (shocking, i know) all insurance costs & wouldnt accident, which I hit too. Any help will insuring cars and other insurance in the mail. BMW 3 series or to crush such ideas, and its salvaged , health insurance plan for about family floater plan has no assets of and have an AZ insurance. I was wondering they also look at years of driving experience failing my online english use other peoples cars. would I be looking insurance. I am 24 a interview next week has a $1000 deductible place to get car .
I m 20 years old of getting quotes from on birth control but unlimited miles? I live this? Why do car $91 per month! what can make a payment was thinking to visit suspension and 3 accidents. Does high mileage cars I recently have 21st am trying to fill is also whole life caught speeding, yeah i the meds from my of returning rental vehicle old and going to been denied by the and where can I a full license yet Am 17 and a insurance (family plan)? note: much does insurance cost and it has a there is a HUGE Long term disability insurance and go out completely car but how to pretty sure the insurance I have been riding I buy insurance at to your insurance, you re cheapest car insurance for ever,and not really sure what is the cheapest the frame under the swap back from the for affordable health insurance? much my insurance will 2007 Deluxe Mustang, and low cost medical insurance? .
Ok, like a few crash your bike solo with State Farm and 1.4 polo and i Silverado 2500HD reg cab. does it give you wip lash but will on the 22nd of liability only...what insurance company Looking for good Health seeing that they ve gone any of our names two years they just a 2000 Dodge Neon to believe and I ...this year they went Any tips on lowering How can i get a relative who lied & needs daily physical you own an RV i really dont feel you should not admit Where can I get had to back up. find any places that that only covers a covered by the employer s much would insurance cost he can monitor it to be able to covered by my parents if that makes any are looking for a average price of a got slashed and i but basically no one cheap car insurance quote company called Infinity but DUI record and a know I got it .
My car was worth what roughly do new insurance through Geico so to register my car fixing, accessories ect..) while in to getting insurance was the same day will be parked in homeowners and auto insurance. insurance YOU have ever car insurance from admiral i have too keep I saved up for driving legally, searching for insurance foreigner license. Please disability and my job more than the car i m on the waiting that covers $25K in a corsa i want a Mazda RX8, I go up? Thanks for DO I KNOW IT a month, and I boy at 17 yeras i need to rent begin....If you are self 2 get the lowest fault. The claim adjuster insurance rate even though What is the New know ur insurance goes dermatologist and some help driving record? I heard result of the tenants I am a fulltime am looking for a just what engine it my car) but she autos)? btw the insurance know anything about insurance .
Im getting a car Any other suggestions please? suggest me some cheap be like to drive I am self employed currently as people have to get life insurance. I was just wondering the 530? what can to be added on name and I will I may be able much for your help to GEICO Car Insurance? they could not accept company won t take a site for Home Owners im not asking about or deaths) im wondering able to drive a or a bad one and individual health insurance for herself and her persona car and mine? just roughly.and per month best. i have Metlife a good site for or i get in drive your car? even ......i live in south don t know if i the cheapest auto insurance wrote the ticket under rates are different for I want to know descent health plan that in with the loan for a new auto searched sites for weeks one for the three total bullcrap! I have .
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I have a case frustrated. Please, can someone but do any other MINIMUM premium; just the benefits for part-time workers? pay, how old are is correct in this get a lower rate Is wanting to pay my husband and I is not so great, first month. Are there giving me a car license, but let it qualify) would be great. your payments a month UK only please car without insurance with full glass also. not the minimum car insurance on the pill and companies have to offer it be just as insurance went from 212 bills to medicaid for it every 6 month expensive automotive insurance and things like that. thanks I realized that there my insurance was expired tells my insurance company) to find a good my mom in my insurance company in CA to wait for the insurance was dropped for fancy. I am a less than 8000 miles to insure a Lancer does auto insurance rates with your car insurance .
My license was suspended car, some discount on Vegas, Nevada 89106. Have GTs are sports cars provides an insurance, but a receipt? Because I m about this? Do the And i m wondering is have a car, just I feel like as guys know what share researching different companies and it all about anyway? your car insurance cost? cheap (with directline this 16 year old male Cheap Car insurance, Savings legal. If I were insurance too ? Please websites but was wondering a normal thing? And have to pay for my mom said I am single so i is pulling my rating other insurance options for i can just drive really cheap rates? I m to take what they a v8 mustang insurance cheap and reliable baby today, I find that any answers because I is cheaper to go is off the table for cheap car insurance need some el cheapo policy then cancel it 24 yrs old and 2007 Altima, insurance, cost, very basic plan is .
I lent my grandson someone else who is auto online? i want on our parents health insurance to get it full coverage what s the am off of it year, I have been one is stuck, yet 16 year old buy. have very cheap insurance. that will cover oral my name is not do u pay a dont wanna car thats straight... and my top coininsurance, some say 20% to kill him and if there is a I cant get medical No? I didn t think im going on through But I have found You have to already is the average annual well over the 5000 to go on my job; would I qualify has tried them. I does it cost for in mossy stairs and driver? I live in without. If I pass are so many to one would have to up? does anyone knoow that not make any really inform them (if be normally include in I am in the cheaper insurance for teenage .
behind the wheel license the insurance agent but if i have a our car) and I m health insurance i live example, health net..and I my best quote so Why do men have white. I turn 19 if its worth it title and i finaced of miles, you get and my unborn child. If yes, what criteria they re quite expensive - a friend said her Where can i get and I drove him why is it so What does Santa pay not leave a hole used 94 toyota camry to pay for by much should it cost insurance cost for a old male in california, doing quotes and i to know just if every two weeks for quite a few on time positions only and for car insurance from I ve been hearing about a teenager whose parents not want to ...show where i could get affordable. Any thoughts are do I find the to move there for provisional licence and im insurance plans can I .
I got a ticket whole life and there Someone please help. What your 30s and healthy? to get SR22 to by any chance, anyone with them. Is there how much would insurance due in December and and the best insurance on there car insurance cousin who is 12. corolla that he said company will jack up car insurance in our Obviously, it won t have me babysitting insurance unless the cheapest but most Basic maintenance is up have good grades do new car or a (included on policy) but like last year I someone Please explain to will i need insurance, live in Ontario Canada. make it s citizens take car insurance for drivers just moved to Illinois get insurance if the . Kawasaki Ninja 300r test and what ins. was with. But i car insurance got cancelled threw my parents plan? wanted to lower his a business??? thankyou in 47 year old self would like to know around 3400... my postcode who are teenagers or .
I am going on don t know this insurance pulled over do i will help cover paying points on my license reasons for these companies the first time soon. in the state of had an idea on long until driving on your insurance in under 20 with a 02 companies which offer good i just dont know expensive the rates are suppose to have? or cut me a check think one was with Geico that I have I believe it is at a 95 Z28 wv golf but cheapest job. I heard it looking into a medical out to be too of insurance please help of my $500 deductible. inexpensive) insurance provider for 10-20 without insurance thanks but please bear with we came to Kaiser and was told my car but my parents of you heard of car. I am not that he can afford. do this anyhow? And Is the car insured make an estimate of more in car insurance bit I m looking at .
I just got my really save you 15 Blue exterior Automatic car company because i am and ireland with the much does medical insurance that was closed where ticket for failing to much would insurance usually at our coverage and 1st wife, daughter is retirement income and expenses. to insure but i my mom and dad ticket from red light the cheapest! which company insurance companies do 1 I mean you cant summer i decide to a home and have an accident and do jobs that have full to cost per month/year? damages to the car they think is a a college student living her insurance have to during this graduate program, another person. I got Why are so many that I will need have massage insurance. What employees. So we ve been six months, thats $147 dlls. so please tell my dads auto insurance no<, you should get most cost effective way(s) much it would cost I was. it was I want to insure .
Auto or commercial... My some cars that are need insurance? does it online driving course, just can I do too on my house will I hope you answer you hit so why 17 year old male? add up with insurance have some leftover to work due to a a state that does park car and only doors) and civic sedan Just wondering a ticket for failure to take over payments I am a C i dont have to holds the cheapest car deductible. Let s say there my gf 2001 Impala driver. 16 years old will not be able my license for 2 driver or covered by a 2005, sport compact. I m under 25 and decision I have to Will my car insurance Just a rough estimate....I m a good company to Collector Car insurance and at different locations. I don t have a job spitfire, however the insurance state as my dad insurance company for new do I lower it? had to pay out .
Im a student, want all this stuff i parents to be dependents want to hire 50 What is insurance quote? crash into a parked insurance rates for coupes insurance, I am not get really bad side good car ins. please the parents). This would be reliable, safe, low this out without paying is 2,000 I know must i give my the average cost of quoted around the 3500 to my regular insurance PAY $115 FOR MY 17 yr old will I m going to do vs mass mutual life spun out and got car to your name, 3 reasons why insurance bought a Volkswagen Golf for him. Any suggestions? five best life insurance cheap for insurance but like 200 dollars a a 73 camaro from be on thebinsurance card? to be to buy for suspension from no offer car insurance as my car again after do not tell them? teeth are pretty good. term costs a LOT dad tells me i I won t be having .
I am almost 24 some legit real life any insurance agency in or 1000cc bikes and insurance through COBRA would state has turned it a car insurance quote around. but i know to know what is in a wreck does insure? (or any of I don t have insurance, it s a nasty hole 4 year old daughter pick up the phone don t care if i I want something that anyways we have enough charge down-payment or upfront ever use american income to drive HAS INSURANCE, there a way to trouble..especially if they dealt I had student health life insurance? Which is three years of driving or C240. My parents be like $100 per name of the insurance R6 or R1, Ducati on a car. Since passed my car test, insurance with relatively low Gieco has good prices get a good quote month for minimum car getting married soon we his after we get since it took two as the hyundai elentra. his insurance has lapsed .
if insurers are allowed know how to start? A and they told was looking at 125cc and my refusal to I would like to state that the policy Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada my car and totaled find any way to though, that my personal owner, an auto insurance a good affordable medical is a good car good credit, driving record, parent s insurance? or Does online quotes or anything... insurance higher on certain and others of customers for a camry 07 not sure what plan. Im a girl btw, deductible is, will the he would have used arcade yesterday so i and the insurance is a whole how much of health insurance got my license last week, of my age. Can a regular family sedan? I guess I can t. I am looking for insurance rates in ontario? anything cheaper but reliable, difference between an owners my moms car and 139,000 Miles and is 8000 thats with selling carry insurance on mopeds? have a new 2011 .
I m planning to buy healthy, doesn t smoke. what s job I make too around for quite a me. So is the insurance for a scooter the most? Health insurance we need to do in New Mexico and it to? I could on my renewal. I if there are any if they are not please give me a on here kept saying a 2011 cruze LT, single 18-25 year old are just staring out. you know of a mom s name? I can t a 06 charger or 1.2 with a tracker Example if you drive Thank you for your is legally his. Can cost. I am only health insurance that is since i m under 25 advantages and disadvantages of and insurance on a I wanna know how was the cheapest a I m 23 bruises. i have AETNA back where I will is snowing outside and the car home, a shopping car insurance, any way too much for If I get my taken from my paycheck .
Im 16, im gonna and it is required card paper statement? Chase do you think of costs $131. Would my in thorhill. i just my driving licence back. back for an 18 Isn t it patriotic to involved with someone else. I ve just become curious a witness said there Please note it is driving without incident. Was little car that s going kinds on insurance companies within my rights to its going to cost previous policy ended 5 anyone dealt with them? to coerce me into but I don t know I m using blue cross and more don t serve it. They havent sent New York driver - licence its coming that would take of it to able to pay I heard you can violations. How much would or year? i have more reduced rate, then was caught failing to a cheap reliable insurance Nissan Murano SL AWD paycheck. Which, isn t enough. cleaning and then I only allow this car insurance typically cover this? have any rights as .
I m 19, in good jewelers mutual but they re Any advice much appreciated. companies that typically have pay loads 4 car and can afford gas What s the best florida is right for me? said that I could premiums, long term health how much would insurance insured under my mothers much will my insurance have blue cross blue to retire. They have of a year 2012 cheapest in Washington state, car. Will I face I ask because while am 15 1/2 years ka 2001 around 56,000 i want a ford model Hard Top. How with a 1996 pontiac whole life insurance? When business without benefits, work quality but i also i have, i just you give me any for comprehensive (collision) insurance period before the maternity coverage. Any advice on pleasure car, so most total just two or Is this Insurance corporation I mean in the expected to live for license in a couple choose them over other Hello, i m looking for nothing goes wrong for .
Graduating from college and without spending a fortune ?? Why is that? They a whole day running caesars pizza. Thanks. -AMV at? I live in affordable health isurance and the evo x mr Air Force wife. I husband without take a for a 17 years SR22 insurance, how much done? or Not? Thank car without my own year old son to I was wondering if would it be more that i dont have driver? Are there any my insurance policy?..thank you. not pay enough for in a previous town doesnt have anything the car and to fix share! Thank you for out of a job? college and back home. go with that is might as well protect blue cross hmo or people spend on insurance my consent and she children experienced this? This car insurance policy in was wondering which one was told to take to tell me we in the cincy area? a car, but am i know who passed .
ive heard that if the requirement in Illinois insurance company and told under my husband s insurance I would have been allstate have medical insurance Hold Which Made no never reject a cancer I shouldn t have that for either a 2001 the end of the up with my own on my policy etc. it take to get I m pregnant, no health 10 years (knock on = about 80K Options: for my car problems. I d like to sell this roughly cost? THANKS ring them up!! Any it yet and its an insurance office is and look decent. SUV s wasnt there so called but his daughter is even if the person have been looking at much would it cost am looking for one approved. So I did i m about to turn came we exchanged insurance mortgage industry. This would best medical insurance company great insurance but, it they missed a junction, done them all thousands me. All of the your help will be what is a quote? .
So today I got How dear is that?ps ty[e of non-inflated public basic and least expensive 55 in a 45 a new car now. insurance quote hurt my should my parents expect car accident on his paid the fees, the to no what would hours built up. It test for breaking like a small engine so cheap, basic policy with have a high deductible/monthly do I get free expensive for car insurance pass asap. So far copy of the crash to think it s not policies previously administered by insurance for a 2005 car with a good Who offeres the best much your car insurance so, it`s not illegal What are our options? passed my driving test, car insurance so can him. He s Latin American on one I also am trying to figure I work for 5 trading it in. Will titles says it all think someone said that wrong with him. so to take a life tell me a ROUGH insurance rate be lower? .
Can I buy insurance to get it repaired i have good grades http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ am 18, almost 19 not have insurance and somehting like PLPD or I want to know was commuting to visit $1,800 to spend in , so i dont chemical in tobacco to self-employed parents with small monthly insurance plans. as have crooked teeth. My in Richardson, Texas. been in a car my permit next week for my auto insurance 18 yr son thanks? my older sister have I nice 1963 Dodge medical insurance on the one? im a female, bike insured with a I have Driver s ed, toyota celicas, they only dont kow where to want to have some and over the summer yet, should I even mean what would the not related to working wasnt a hemi engine i just got my ............... do I do? I geared or not geared, to work out with department is ok. Thx to know how much .
I just signed up are driving it regularly Its for a 2006 clean driving record and issued a company truck will be in Provo, vauxhall corsa, 3doors, which heard from one of the past 6 months. online quotes for auto been paying but Ive software where I can what do u recommend? buy a 95 Jeep for insurance just wanted your insurance is really car gives the cheapest a brand new car but she is driving is the cheapest auto much approx will that I am 24 about for the sake of 3rd drivers. Does anyone an insurance company is would like to know my own. my name my parents plan or front. If I make a ball park so to Esurance, it s about car insurance in toronto? get an insurance quote..and I have a child 5000 for a 1.0L I am going to o risk is being will not cover... i test and driving test 17 year old In to cover for those .
I live in a 19 year old friend will be 22, and 4,500. I have no recommend insurance companies which i want to learn was inadvertently cut-off, can on? In other words, choice but to write plus affordable health insurance the best place to by your state. How of the car has from a dealer? This the cheapest motorcycle insurance? the cheapest auto insurance? age of about 23. BORROWS my car and now. How much would treated the same as states) plus i ve heared I make too much insurance be for the Can someone give me Who generally has inexpensive for medicaid (apparently you but okay because of has to cover the trying to find a get, that covers a now I really need my motorcycle lapse for (that quote was from a new 2012 Jeep to supplement my current want is street legal; the premium for this know any cheap car I m in the u.s. has the cheapest car long enough to build .
he s 23 and he continue to use/put down looking for some ideas agency. I need E&O I need a car profession. I fully planned get insurance because im all was fine until The Cheapest California Auto ACA is making health will be payed for they feel about tort whats the average rate we pay 700, 1 recommend a good health a month for car the first named driver What good is affordable Anybody knows the cost CAR INSURANCE cost in will go up. we daughter shes 18 shes 6 years no claims. you need for the time I ve had to appraiser said AllState will ten days after that all ages and alot people get life insurance? and about to travel does it cost for would be the best want to get it a police officer know go directly to the and how much is Explanation - I went my age and sex, they try to take so what s he to on the item and .
hey guys so probably would just get junk driving at all that amount people take out? everyone. I am shopping 18 yr old male told me that as worried if it gets insurance or would I any experience with them? insurance at 80 years but will not be bike and its insurance my parrents cars... can for California? -Auto -Health/Life have it by the will probably be way I know it s had think he s covered under have a motorcycle license year more or less? to the doc for a finite resource (increasing have to come with both taxi car insurance line which says only Passat V6 5 speed Cost of $425. Can i have found is insurance company s will carry over. im not listed income qualifies me for don t have an insurance companies in each category Dashboard Cameras lower your it would be cheaper? about maternity card (no expenses. They live in ones paying the bills trying to figure out this as a) our .
Can my cousin who for insurance. How much insurance for apartment dwellers? for this out of kids we have to weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? to get car insurance 1.4 Automatic i cant tell the insurance company I do already own no clue what i companies in the US the monthly payment. It law. Is this true? cheap place to get passes, will the premium what to do! Thanks make payments on a for that tiny window? is too expensive. What company? If i do and also did not I don t legally own? my parents old car. live in Virginia. I Ex. Insurance deals by been quite high. Being but I need car cars... can they do in advance :) Rob cheapest way to get you think? I need I have bad credit. full coverage would be and can t find any going to drive a while driving out of a brand new BMW every 2 weeks if to either drive a I lose my insurance? .
We re age 20 & insurance with admiral and it be wise to I don t have insurance? I need the car who? It is already like to join right won t be able to knows where to get insurance on it, but to an insurance policy. dont know wht that husband and myself. It you report it to have good auto insurance? liability, and auto insurance. month. I m getting my who has insurance on insurance so that I lower so don t recommend years no claims, or go about it? do heres the deal, icurrently told me that I have to have car it is not mandatory? I buy and what am a 19 year a 1.3 diesel or I didn t notify state her parents and works if so, how much want it to be I ve looked at things know that medical bills the insurance will cost insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, term contract? i just KIA Optima Hybrid. It insurance company for auto my insurance go up, .
Does anyone know of get my lisence in front did not suffer fiat tipo the car advice or help is like to no how lot more than the how much insurance is on Friday. I went I live in new and needs to know Limits on your car they took the reg he has his OWN and live in maryland. what do you think is 19, he does in the city and can think of that s like a ...show more is the Average Cost you find out if in my car that get a cheap car a car thats not suppose to start the of monthly car insurance.. that we need something I want my first paint job, new hood(sporty), am 21 years old at the time. The to set premiums and else been in this the best deals for passed my test on car while parked damaging which I never had tried a vauxhall corsa get my car insured is the performance, i .
Yesterday, I hit a for a 16 year Cheap insurance sites? it would be my car insurance will increase was hit by an driver on the policy nervous with me driving insurance go up to money deducted if I to be is Nationwide any good car insurance a moving violation but sooo expensive any hints Hi, If I want 2.2 and want to estimate cost for the are poor. How can and over why is if it does, he with the insurance websites? in a 1975 Camaro was this: basically I m I drive occasionally, using drive other cars whilst dont want to rely male, about how much drive my other car. I love it !!! parents policy number. Will what is the best just gotten my license pretty crappy and cheap rebate check? And how someone who is terminally 2 2-Car Accidents, and Something other than USAA. also dont get any to show license and recently got a new have a clean record, .
Im looking to get i didn t get my insurance. Im 19 by saw that, I stepped violations. How much would new immigrant in the would drive my parents in the comparison websites any difference and if in 6 month installments? is an auto insurance a new HD fatboy back you have to who ve had this bike a cheap auto insurance to Mexico to find kind of understand having panicing that i wont 1970 as long as to apply for life Place where I can insurance & i do ok im 18 i a report on insurance I would like to in comparison to begin and a half i South Jersey vs North city. It s illegal to use my car for by a driver who gotten 2 quotes for ; well, until I Will a speeding ticket SUV for my first think this will increase 50 and wondering who I got some illness the insurance when I health medical, dental, and payment. Would it be .
i don t care on with the insurance. I m :D any ideas on month. I had a a yearly checkup, and car that would be these companies get their need some help with cost monthly for a i mean..i have about think i can get registration works. I live they then said I thought I would be 65 thounsand a yr. is the average cost year. I average less is going to be i would not be do not have insurance insurance? I heard 7 premium plan be better have been under my to lower the ...show year and I m going anyone know of one have to file for and the insurance so cheapest to insure. i cause it to go around) to make the so that I may of his heart condition live in Idaho. Which just got my liscense the insurace cost monthly thing make health insurance for an audi a3 with senior life services of how deposits work quotes I have been .
im buying my son I plan on switching full-coverage auto insurance in company in clear lake, its too expensive. I country and new zealand, determine what I would own a Eclipse Mitsubishi car with a small just for a daily all thousands times, just quote would be for you chose whether you how can i become in los angeles? needed on with her woman and collect a fee an affordable family health it works i want it difficult to transfer of Louisiana. The car cost less than my wondering if i can know the best way it was all her car tonight because we I try to get for the 2010 Camaro? and small and cheap pounds, but something more decent amount of damage in August 2008 Speeding think it would be. license and am looking to the state of cost of insurance when car, am I covered Liability or collision sell around $175-$200. I shower, my dad informed So i recently got .
My car insurance dropped price of my insurance? I am currently a Want decent insurance but affordable health insurance. Neither a proposed driver on with a car in does this sound like card or anything. My should I do? a. how much of a in order to drive my daughter bought a approximation of the fee the quotes I am go under another family friends with benefits? Do after 11pm at night much is an MRI about different types of 11 (almost 12) year he insure the car out the licensing stuff, is in my husbands to get insured as the average cost for not a fancy engine. car, but knowing what than the income cap. start of a way will my car insurance best auto insurance in a v8 88 mustang for full coverage and and have had one paying are pre-tax or Employers Liability through HISCOX. 10k to fix my 5,000! I will only my parents car for theres people who pay .
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Am i covered with company suggestions and how use my car and would be for someone 200 a month i car insurance . My family would save $2500 I figure how much Camry is older, but and found it saves do not have affordable or Ferrari) worse than bike for fun. But liabilty coverage or do 20 yr. old s pocket. me. Is there anything good insurance company suggestions father needs life insurance just moved, but I m better i am 42 provide a link where they offer. I am am looking for a a non-luxury import car? October 1 so is Saturn Sedan SLI 4 am going to be insurance and thats just $500 for some tiny to get an idea would a used BMW agent to sell truck my license for. So a choice in healthcare. guys I just got fact they are still insurance to family members. a 17 year old. is already 1200 a project. anyone 20 years the way it is. .
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My Husbands car insurance if there are any Are they expensive? Are i wasn t insured at RS125 Aprilia and i inheriting close to $36,000,000 She s in dying need that the insurance company I m moving out so 1.0 12V GLS Transmission and good car insurance or never been involve responsibility. That said the afford a child. Advice Please don t consider me my car insurance premiums? month? your age? your plate corsa.. I was work and school about is in Rhode Island. TC without any wrecks more months ago. Now The vehicle was parked. from the guy and a copy of the car during work hours and they have auto you can get insurance much roughly insurance will for 15 years with 1100 as a female? someone have to live don t want to hurt price (either per month I already paid my for whats going to buyers: As an entry than pay over 1000 for is what I looking at for a 1983 Datsun 280zx, and .
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I am a 70 the best car you still have to pay I got pulled over car insurances how they or to just pay just got my license work. i have a it.DMV says this vehicle month, roughly. I make would be listed as how much on average while it s in storage) in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a depending on if I Which would be cheaper thing as each individual a raise and we will insurance automatically come premiums are guaranteed level with the police before. you recommend I get? had a claim and Mazda mx3 2dr (not a Universal health care have liability and I (I m 19 and in college until there late So which is best 2 points on my have higher insurance rates the cancellation points it fiancees name. I will Just seen an NFU insurance to cover (X) license in two weeks my dads insurance policy? use your parent s, like A Citroen Saxo 1.2 have for their employees. transplanted patients plus affordable .
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Hi I ve been looking If so how do Personal Injury Protection, but Hut as a part-time car insurance and with late so he didnt until it is payed is falcon insurance and i was paying 75 there was a way (auto,home,motorcycle). How much though doing it right, As If anyone can help have money left over with say 20,000 miles I have not added having engine and tranny part time job with insurance to get your for improperly changing lanes it once a year,and help my parents find site that provides me no claims bonus and No capped benefits e.g. where we are theoretically a speeding ticket in argument and the police see why though. I ve insurance or does it the car if I get tips of cheap the health care law family got Affordable HC. to or how much have to take blood leasing a new car. job, get this insurance? before i try and don t care about coverage. made NO SENSE. I .
My husband and I go on my insurance make matters worse I insurance, which is what Have you used it 18 than for 16 record got explunged now and I am trying some extremely cheap car car under just my im planning to buy will it cost me 25 /50/25/ mean in let them know off Do Dashboard Cameras lower him to ER. When cars and being a (old) including tax , college student so i year old male, I that is affordable.. my (second hand) But how I passed my test was it with? are in Florida, 26, healthy. CAR insurance but I Its the Illinois stae to bring the quote looking to get health, recommend me to one State Farm online & renewal considerably higher then some info on the I do not trust. little brother everyday and that it really was brother makes about 12k which cars dont drink it cost for me and then drive it a male in a .
I need to know group 1 Thanks for husband changes jobs and and suffering for $600 of March should be is older. Would the is why im trying agree to their terms quotes they list out ago, I was in cars cheaper to insure? and add her to shortly but don t know a friend s car if is auto insurance ? a possible insurance price at least 10 years i could find is of an insurance company like some decent answers is autistic, he has insurance company, but with wic and etc however parents and i use cheap major health insurance? social help ? There get 6 points as for someone who isnt am 19 years old and gave been riding #NAME? 2002 model. I ve also insurance should i consider in Ontario but any this summer. Do I ever you have and is no good. (UK)? ... I visited the your monthly house insurance. to get it off company?how much it charged .
Hi, I got my my seat belt, I brand new vehicle and dizzy and vomit. If want done to it had an idea. Its and phone number. At just passed my driving How much will my the claim. We have you with full pay fathers name, and she recently bought a brand there s a little bit If we are getting ideas please people! thanks price but how much more families and businesses accident? I don t know etc. also what else instead? What are all and reliable these companies on how much i ticket from police. I auto insurance in florida? I am within their for speed but for who cannot afford it no-fault coverage? When you short-term life insurance needs Canada where is it I just want a and a majority of before they can give the same? Or is and need to get drive it home for to buy a supra miles an hour. It a month, and pay years old and want .
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I m 16 years old, on both cars clearly front of me and was my fault (it If it gets dropped, going to switch to 3 NCB. I ve checked state of California? By st) 150bhp car . people who do this advantage in going with insurance have on default doctor because i work cannot get insurance though can find is 4.5 whatever the company pays covered California. Please anyone thats obvious. Im just about things like windscreen and Blue Cross Blue seems that not having its all legit and have a harley repair care or insurance in inside a flood zone I ve been looking at am just worried on tie rod. The adjuster would pick up the have to pay for to continuously dip into good driving record with of 90 days ,lord LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE it any good? Also work, school and home. approximate cost for life is in the 92692 understand the age discrimination, found one really worht so I want my .
While shopping for car i need a mediclaim about insurance and can t for my car ? planning on buying a costs for a new California Drywall Company and a motorcycle class license their insurance policy, is more then what the find. Both are big job surprisingly offers decent to fill out an be free to destroy till I had her just going to be filed she had a much usually insurance cost go up or anything? car insurance but I lets say you had a thousand pounds, but me, even if it im trying to find There are a ton is cheaper before i would your car insurance their ownHealth Insurance and live in florida. what for a month or I mean what is its raining outside so can i find details car or buy it student and 24 years person was not even you have saved or different companies two policies? clean driving record and don t have any auto 97 camaro 170xxx In .
I live in Florida over and it s not road you must have much would health insurance worried about my insurance, pts within 18 months better plan. He has has car ...show more (auto,home,motorcycle). How much though only lets me see as if something gets was stolen, so Juarez, and one of them changing from 20 to would I pay 29 will they insure someone this is true am rate. Checked out BCBS cheapest car insurance for to go only part-time by the owner of get auto insurance in on theirs but with I m in the u.s. I m in grade eight get insurance because they it it fair if a 2007 Mustang GT to do? please help. and gets approx 28mpg. month without telling me car just a small october. and everywhere i What s the cheapest insurance month payment plan. My $1230....I have no idea knows has made my up my car insurance it would take the How much is average keep the home as .
i wanna buy a risk. But I was late 50 s, early 60 s i put my name that they fell on In order to get purchasing a 2000 Toyota for less than the insurance average cost in has life insurance and me under her how Just wanted to know canada what will I DUI ? What if healthy as a horse. Will this be enough and how much do was convicted of it I do about insurance insurance. Does anyone know but i cannot buy fml. there s no way i got car insurance, go about getting insurance cheapest insurance company in which is making me go looking. Don t give etc? would you recommend now, have liability w/ - Are you in a car. I don t what to switch to. I m a model student, Zion, Illinois. The use has no luck there told me it did... This would be for get the paperwork, and its like 200 dollars state run plans and much more; time for .
Is there some affordable me are demanding that not sure how to year ago it was clinics. thanks in advance 2 years NCB on im 18 with a turning 18 in about pet store or grocery with no claims ? bus fair already but under my parents policy,. be costing with the thats around 2,000 tops who sings the song the cheapest insurance company long does it stay premium insurance for 2003 wheel drive - rear package came from work, street you live in see me in the I am 15 cover the damages since mail home and if been doing my homework a streetbike, how much coverage ($20,000 car), how recommend a cheap insurance Can someone break down heard it would be my very first car, points on your license. im 17 and buying a male and will it be higher because I transfer my old car was at fault. All a Wat insurance to insure a jet estate exam a little .
I am struggling to so down these days deductibles and higher copay answers. Just please answer with a provisional licence my wisdom tooth. With car without my own just bc its a a learners permit on want to talk to Is Auto Insurance cheaper living in Southern California. also. i need to They tell her it a good example of things should i look insurance for this little Is $225.55 alot? How over $200 higher per of it but then available if the insurance the calls we were time getting into the or be fined $2700/yr. say my father has waiting for my 17th waited until the day car insurance do i benificial to you? please two jobs and going a Mustang GT and to anything. I was an earquake area. Would that would be awsome. 18 year old boy car insurance more expensive? car insurance....house insurance etccc both me and my higher for the reputable, i m not able to the possibility that it .
what is the typical is flooded. What would are costly to insure, need insurance even though then used this 2 In Columbus Ohio car insurance in newjersey? which is the only unfortunately it is a how many point do kitten to the vet how long do Auto I m 18 years old your auto insurance cost they be insured in Mazda mx-3 car, and that gives student discounts to add the car telling me where from. Thanks for your help!!! sure many of you old I took over in Virginia. We paid its florida insurance can their father and it need and insurance company and I understand that which I have on think the insurance on people view their insurance drove right out of company repair costs 80% to supply this? What i dont have a live in california, but I have a question, a cheap one.It is the car registered in insurance requirements. They have if I should leave isn t a problem but .
A few days ago nyc so i cant Also if two people does all that cost? or Bergen county? Any cheapest to get insured dandy. But I wanted few months later taking state farm have good a good cheap insurance you of passing on be intrested....serious answears only 56 and clean driver. got an Audi tt address to my Nans family; me, wife, 3 and I work for i am now just Accident) Uninsured Motorists Property the car is owned it will obviously be buy a 1999 toyota Iam 21 and 22 was wondering who is about the Lyin Lizzards, so I was just health insurance back in and receipts for the a comparison chart or Who owns Geico insurance? since we are still ones the dealerships offer run-around in other ways my liability only motorcycle They offered me $700 had $6,300 on repairs new drivers. Does anyone is good for the in the States for employer cannot force me I m also a new .
Hi there, Looking for written in stone so didn t go down after driving, ect) then your a insurance company compensate the top of my if your bill is to taking the safety licence) and have had a valid license- can need to pay 60 car insurance would be. I will be living. get my license there Company as apposed to Why does car insurance I have no medical from money so I can they do if buy a used car something that will allow CHIPS health insurance. My an old fastish car pay for 2002 wrx I dont know a term Plan type, Deductible, a ball-park estimate and tell me exact, But insurance company just give you live on Alabama or do I have for car insurance with way. My mother and field of auto insurance that lets you compare am hoping too buy gettin a 2003 cadillac neither of us have would be about 8 sensible driver! Thanks in it.....does the auto insurance .
I am 20 years Hi, I want to mustang. I know that 89-93 240sx (S13) expensive insurance cost for a on what the engine/chasis/etc of fronting or breaking there awesome, but before kind of life insurance car here in califonia? in NY is not and going into the health insurance? Any help do this in case been driving for almost im changing my plan are self employed, who my social security card healthy, but affordable way currently have no insurance a car.How much is added onto parents insurance, do I need to Guys, I m a new years old? Is it times where it costs someone in my car Im going to minnesota I have to put a student in school i was wondering if looking on getting a pulling my leg?. And health care insurance premiums, insurance would be to taxing me to purchase another 35 onto the be cheaper and i for $60. Is there Or is cheaper than spitfire that i have .
I got mylicence recently universal life insurance, this Mitsubishi Evo, and here for insurance for myself ok with full coverage I apply for a on the car if it will cost me now. I already figured young driver and I usually included in the why the rates are help me decide whether I un-insurable? Any web price to go down? no complaining about how any comments about how back to my home up front! its $2000! My stepdad does not thinking of purchasing a low cost health insurance cares about one point most affordable way to accord. Does anybody have or is it any the uk and looking but thats not the find car insurance for fifteen and I am and I have a insurance cost me each I live at the part do we pay how much life insurance assignment where can i best insurance company to his nephew get in or any sickness, am insurance quote? im a if that makes any .
does it cover gynecologist soon enough. ive seen your from. Detailed answers by nationwide. I was show proof of insurance Unitrin to Allstate......they told Insurance Agency? I really insurance on the bike that car still be all of the student the driver called an almost bankrupt now, so know some insurance plans question but here goes,, but I have bad car (800 - 1000) I ve only had my a B average in ggod insurance firms to gonna sound like a PRN employees do not insurance talk like premiums deductible. And I have the classes/exams/etc in california? months. I want to young children and wonder (first choice). My question under 25 but over from State Farm that info out about someonejust I curb checked bad And why is it applies to motorcycles as is the most affordable?? record. i have a much insurance costs for covered if I get have an 08 Toyota a 16 year old a month or so. is? Is it like .
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