#ugh that just ruined my mood
sojohns · 2 years
#im gonna scream this old ass lady is sitting here talking on the phone and talking abour#how teachers make enough money and that t hey are wanting more money for no reason#and even nursing home staff too#we are at a nursing home rn and her fam is a resident in the home#girl if you wanted one on one care for ur bro just get him that dont send him to a nursing home#and get upset cause they cant take care of him 24/7#like sorry to tell you but each resident getsa about an 1 hour and a half of care based on how many staff are around#there is a census and the state is aware of that as soon as they walk into a building of how many staff are in the nursing home setting#and its insane to think that they she thought the staff here make good money#im sorry are u aware of how much the cost of living is here in new york#like its so high#and the cnas here make minimum wage like one dollar or 2 above#so like 17 or 18 per hour#which is not nearly enough here#even me as a recereptionist only makes 17 and so much gets taken out cause of taxes#again its important to know that taxes takes out so much money from our paychecks#as soon as she mentioned teachers making enough money i was livid#and this lady already annoys me enough as it is cause she calls all  the time and acts like such a prissy princess#ugh that just ruined my mood#now that i work in a nursing home setting ifweel a  lot more sympathy for nursing home staff as well as teachers since that is#my proffesssion of choice#ugh i know the hourly pay i mentioned seems like a lot but let me teel you living in new york is not easy with even that sort of money#alexa speaks
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languri · 16 days
Honestly considering changing my career to a school bus driver after whatever happened in the local news yesterday
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superbattrash · 1 year
A friend asked if we could hang out today which gave me so much anxiety that I couldn’t get out of bed for four hours
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voxxian · 1 year
someone took my username on discord and i am really fucking upset about it lmfao
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kim-ruzek · 2 years
I am so fucking done with Fire rn like I can't believe I was such a clown to believe that they'd actually drop the violet/gallo ship ugh. And I'm even more mad at it because I can't even really feel too sad about Jay leaving bc just in comparison to Hawkins dying it just doesn't feel all that bittersweet to me rn and I was looking forward to being in my Jay feels
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sunandmoonster · 1 year
it's honeatly such a pain in the ass to dislike the fandom's most popular ships 😫😩💀 whhyyyyy, brain whyyyyy :(((((
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loveistheonlytruth · 2 years
genuinely regret asking this person to accompany me to the rave lol they’re being so negative about it…. if you didnt wanna go u shoulda just said so!!! why are u sending me 2 million texts about how u hate the artist lineup…. like bitch you knew what artists were playing and u still bought the tix!!! my god you are draining to be around bitch!
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burialrite · 1 year
I, hmm, wish there weren't so many comorbidities between different mental illnesses and neurodivergences bc I am really having a hard time figuring out if I'm manic somehow or just autistic
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thotsfortherapy · 2 years
bruh I had a social for my club and my housemate ruined the vibes so bad like. The way I feel like I need to send out a mass apology for their behaviour now :////
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guubiiz · 5 days
i will go crazy if i keep seeing canonical character incest fics on my dash
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artemismatchalatte · 4 months
Bipolar Impulsivity is starting to Ruin my Life...
Is it August yet??? I just want this class to be over and done with. Give me my degree and get out of my face!!!
I'm so tired and irritated by how everything I do feels like nothing or the wrong thing (This class is so fucking overwhelming). I've been a bit impulsive lately and I'm still kicking myself out of the stupid things I did lately.
I can understand now why one of my friends from when I was younger wants nothing to do with me now. I was trying to talk to her last week but she left me on read for a whole week. I was going to try to invite her to a concert with me but if she doesn't even want to talk to me then I'm obviously NOT going with her. (She's an IRL friend who I grew up with). So now I'm stuck with these tickets I bought and scraped the hell out of my savings for. Not her fault, of course, my dumb ass should NOT have bought the tickets b/c I can't really afford them. 200 dollars is SO MUCH Fucking money. Especially because I make almost nothing. I'm going to have to either return or resell the tickets. >:(
One of my online friends goes to concerts a lot and I thought it would be fun to go see Avril Lavinge but I basically shouldn't have bought the tickets. He has a real job so he can afford the concerts- I can't. My shitty part time job does not pay enough for me to do things like this. I think I was just so stupid and impulsive and bought the tickets because I wanted to do something fun. My life is SO boring right now. But wow, it was so stupid to splurge on something I really cannot afford.
My impulsivity also led me to talk to a bunch of people on reddit too and I REALLY regret some of those conversations. I'm so pissed at myself. I've been taking my medicine like I'm supposed to but I'm actually being affected by bipolar symptoms any way. Fuck. Being tired of my life/bored/lonely is a very bad combination and I've been feeling it lately. I guess this is what I get instead of the more predictable spring hypomania that I used to get on my old medication???
#I'm so tired and not about it today#I just spent the last few hours printing articles#I hope it will be enough but I am not liking this class either#I am so tired of school can I please just leave already???#If there was an instant quit button no consequences I would have hit that button already#But life has consequences so I won't be impulsive and stupid about this too#I did a few dumb impulsive things recently and I'm still angry at myself for doing them#My medicine is supposed to stop impulsivity- I'm pretty sure as it is a bipolar issue#I am weighing whether or not a convo I want to have with one of my friends is a good idea or not... BUT I don't want to ruin anything#I keep talking to people on reddit because I'm bored and lonely- it's probably not a good thing#I do want legitimate friendships but this is probably a bad way to go about it#and so many of the men get weird on me so fast- wow no thank you!!! :(#Why is everyone so boring/can't hold a conversation to save their lives??? :/#I don't know what I'm even doing any more#I'm just so not happy with where my life is going#I really don't want to be poor forever and I'm afraid my disability is going to permanently ruin my chance at a good life#I make peanuts at my current job and it's embarassing how easy it is to burn through my pathetic little pay checks#and now I'm about 35k in debt now from this STUPID MA that I don't even know what to do with!!!#Don't say teach I have NO interest in being a part of the education system at all#This IS a RANT post!!!#I'm probably in a bad mood because I'm so tired UGH#My mood was bound to crash eventually#mychatter#bipolar#actually bipolar
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harleykeener69 · 7 months
my ADHD MEDS HIT and I was off there was NO stopping me at all, i cleaned my room, i changed my bed, i showered, I sorted my school stuff.
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naenaex0xx · 1 year
Gosh one mention of my piano and suddenly I feel terrible
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sadgirlautumn · 1 year
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wriothesleybear · 6 months
Outlaw!Boothill x Saloongirl!reader headcanons
~warnings: slight mentions of jealousy, stealing, and western stand offs that involve guns, shooting a man. Otherwise, mentions of flirting, nicknames, cheesy pickup lines from our favorite robot cowboy, pre-release Boothill, fem!reader.
~a/n: Just a quick little something due to @the-guardian-kitsune wanting me to share my thoughts on Mr. Robot Cowboy. Boothill's leaks are invading my mind while I wait for the update today. His ultimate...omg its so good! Is it bad that I get tingles when I hear the whip in his animation?
Outlaw!Boothill is the most fearsome outlaw in the town. Everyone runs to close their shops and doors when he comes into town. He's usually harassing the town sheriff with his buddies or robbing people. If someone gets on his nerves and actually has the guts to try and stand up to him, it likely ends in a stand off.
Outlaw!Boothill spends his time flirting with you when he's not busy stealing and holding up stagecoaches and trains. Always goes to your saloon, specifically for you. No one else really captured his eye except for you. Plus most of the other saloon girls are scared of him. For some reason, you're not. Hence, making him take interest in you. While everyone usually steers clear of him, you aren't afraid to talk to him.
How you guys met was he stomped his way into your saloon one day, looking for some whiskey. Seeing the most wanted outlaw, your other customers immediately fled. He plops himself down in a chair, kicking his boots up onto the table, waving his hand for a drink. "Hey little lady, you mind gettin' me some whiskey. Neat." You were already annoyed at this cowboy storming his way in your saloon, scaring your customers off and ruining your business.
Boothill looks up and notices you haven't moved from your spot behind the counter. Instead, you're crossing your arms and giving him an annoyed look. He glares at you. "Did you hear me darlin'? Whiskey. Neat." You don't move an inch, returning his glare and simply say no. He's caught a bit off guard for a second. He's used to people being too scared to stand up to him. "No?" He gets up, slowly walking towards the bar where you're at. "Do you know who I am." He points to the wanted sign on the wall nearby, his face adorns the flier. You glance at it. "Yeah. And? I don't serve rude customers. Either learn some manners or get out." Now he's thrown off his high horse. He's never had someone call him out like you did. You expected him to become more hostile, but instead, he just laughs. "Alright little lady." Since that day, he's been attracted to you. He likes the way you aren't afraid to stand up for yourself and speak your mind, especially towards him. He likes the 'feisty little lady that you are'. His own words that he used when he first asked you out.
Outlaw!Boothill teases you to get you worked up on purpose. If you really want to get him to shut up, call him "Bootie". The first time you called him that, you swear you saw his cheeks go red. Knowing the effect the nickname has on him, you use it when you're not in the mood for his teasing. But the times when you get so annoyed at his teasing that you angrily walk away, he uses his whip to grab you, pulling you right back into his arms and dipping you. Your heart skips a beat as he lowers his head to yours. You hold your breath while at a loss for words as he says, "Now where do you think you're going little lady?"
Outlaw!Boothill gets jealous when other men try to swoon you or check you out in your little saloon outfit. He is a protective boyfriend and is the type to defend your honor. So when he sees someone harassing you, he either challenges them to a stand off or he just straight up takes care of them right there in the saloon. Ugh just imagine: watching as the two men take 10 paces in opposite directions as everyone watches from the sidelines. Nerves invade your senses, worries cloud your mind about the men fighting over you. You don't want anyone to get hurt especially Boothill. Then, at the end of the countdown, both men quickly turn to each other, guns raised and they go off. Boothill is left standing as the other man falls to the floor. He walks over to you as you're left in shock. "Now darlin'. How about a kiss for your cowboy?"
Outlaw!Boothill who spoils you with his attention and gifts (which he probably stole). He gets a bit annoyed and offended when you don't accept his gifts, saying how he shouldn't steal things from others. It just goes over his head and he says "Darlin', I think you're the real criminal here since you stole my heart." This usually shuts you up. Your cheeks turn red as he smirks. Turning away from him, you quietly say, "Just.. go easy on stealing gifts for me, Bootie." He ignores your signature nickname for him and turns you to face him. Pulling you close to his chest, he says, "Whatever you say, darlin'." He gives you his signature shark tooth smile. He would never admit it but he's whipped for you. No pun intended.
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
having a (bad) mental illness moment again ú_ù
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