#agents of shield deke
stinkysam · 10 months
Deke Shaw - But if you had told me, I would've told you.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "Imagine if you will a scenario where a character finds out the reader is an artist (or has knowledge of it) and mentions it in passing or brags about it to everyone else. Then, per everyone's curiosity the reader is forced to pull the sketchbook out from his bag and is like "okay but I'll only show you the pages *I* like" before someone immediately wrestles it out from his grasp (and trust me I played tug-o-war for a good five seconds). Nothing too embarrassing was in it thank goodness but mayhaps there's a fluffy twist where it turns out the reader has numerous doodles or candid sketches of the person he likes in there? Cue a confession sequence lolol" - @intrepid-captain
Reader : male (he/you)
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You were sitting in your corner peacefully, Deke, May and Daisy sitting at the table near you while you drew silly doodles for warm-ups in your sketchbook. You were so focused you didn't hear May and Daisy talk to you.
"[Name] !" Finally, May's voice caught your attention.
You looked up, slightly startled, wide eyes looking at them.
"Daisy was talking to you."
"Oh no, it's fine." Daisy said.
"She wanted to see you drawings."
Daisy smiled politely. In all honesty, she was indeed curious but she also knew not every artist liked to share their art. Deke perked up, gaining interest in the discussion.
You quickly debated with yourself, not daring to say no, you accepted. This simple doodle wasn't much anyway so there was nothing to fear. So you turned your sketchbook to them so they could see. It was two people fighting, one about to high-kick the other in the head.
What you didn't expect was for May to grab it. She stared when you didn't let go before ripping it away from your hands. Clearly not understanding the silent message.
She showed it to Daisy who tried not to smile. She got the message.
Then May turned the page and you stood up.
"No. No. No. No !" Your voice grows louder with each 'no' as you try to approach them as fast as possible to grab your sketchbook back but May pulls it away once again.
"Look, there's us." Daisy says, pointing proudly at the portraits. "So cool, right ?" She says, leaning to the side to let Deke see.
You stand there, sweating bullets, hoping they won't turn the pages anymore.
"Oh, that's me !" Deke says, surprised to be in here as well. He grabs the book from May's hands and turns pages.
Oh no.
"Oh wow that's me again !" He laughs, excited, slightly walking away from Daisy and May.
"Don't-" You try to intervene but they ignore you, too engrossed in your art.
"Always my best angles !" He turns more pages. "There's- there's a lot of me, actually." He says, this time more serious. What the fuck ? They're all so prettily drawn. He smiles, slightly nervous.
May hums, not that interested anymore, staring at you instead as if to say "Him ? Really ?".
"Really ? Let me see." Daisy's hands are already on the sketchbook, turning it toward herself.
"No !" You yell again, finally grabbing the book from their hands. "That's enough !" Your face is hot in embarrassment, you can feel your cheeks burning. "Those are not the pages I wanted you to see."
"Why did you draw Deke so much ?" As Daisy asks that, Deke places his hands on his hips.
"Why wouldn't he ?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't he." May repeats with a small smirk.
"No reasons at all." You say to May and Daisy before turning to Deke. "Don't think too much about it."
"Oh." Daisy says, almost disappointed by your answer. Boring.
Wait. Ohohoh… She smiles knowingly, having connected the dots.
"There were far more portraits of Deke than us…" she 'thought' aloud. "Like, daily drawings of him. This is an obsession at this point…"
Oh my god.
"No. Not at all."
"Really ?" Deke smiles, stepping closer as if to take another look at what's inside your closed sketchbook. Daily drawings of him ? "I mean, that's understandable-" He starts.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You cut him off, taking a step back. You won't let him take another peek at your drawings. "He was just around when I wanted to draw. That's all. This is just a coincidence."
"There's lots and lots of them though." Daisy said, squinting her eyes.
"Not that much."
"Almost like if he made you want to draw." May added.
You grimaced, trying to hide your nervous smile. Why were they all siding against you now, what did you do to them ?
"I don't know what you're talking about." You laugh awkwardly.
"Really ? I make you want to draw ?" His arms are now crossed, still leaning closer.
"No." You deadpanned as you started to walk away wanting to get out of this situation.
Daisy and May chuckled, watching you leave as Deke quickly followed you.
"Can I look at them again ?" He asks, excited. It's the first time someone drew him like this. He looks so cool. So good. Is that how you see him ?
"No ?" You say, avoiding eye contact. Focusing on walking away. Where, you didn't know, but away.
"Then why are you drawing me this much ? Daisy said-"
"Oh my god, don't listen to what she says !" You stop in your tracks.
"Come on, can I look at them again ?"
"Why not !?"
"Because this is embarrassing !"
"What is ?"
Oh my god. How could he be so smart and so fucking dumb at the same time ?
"You really haven't guessed ? Why there's daily drawings of you ? In my sketchbook ?" You say, tapping your foot on the floor, looking at him. Daring him to fucking think.
"I mean. I know that I'm… awesome, good looking, smart." He jokingly began to list before- "Oh my god you like me !"
"Maybe…" You said quietly.
"You could've just said it." He laughs, a bit too pleased.
"Sorry, you didn't really let me know if your crush on Daisy was over."
"I would've told you if you had told me you had one on me !"
"Well, I wouldn't have told you because- This is endless !"
He grinned, clearly overjoyed.
"You really like me ?" He asks, and you grimace. Sometimes he really made you want to lie. But you decided against it.
"Yes." You said, feeling your heart beat in your ears.
He grinned.
"Good thing I-"
"Wait, you're not into Daisy anymore ?"
"Uh… no."
"Since when ?" You ask, confused.
"Since you kind of, uh stole my heart." He chuckled awkwardly, trying to sound confident, a light blush spearing to his cheeks.
You stared at him and he shifted, feeling now uncomfortable.
"You like me, right ?" He asks, biting his lower lip, feeling unsure of what he heard you say earlier. You said you liked him, he didn't make that up, right ?
"Of course, you do ?"
He nodded quickly.
"But can you stop looking at me like you're so suspicious of something ? Please ?"
"Sorry, I just… I didn't expect you to get over your feelings for her, so…"
"Well, she thought the lemons were lame so I had to."
"What ?" You frowned. Lemons ?
"No, it's just- nothing." He looked down, before looking at you then away. He nervously scratched his ear before taking your free hand.
"I really like you, [Name]. I'm not joking. You're-" He smiles. "Kind, talented, funny, handsome, you're really nice to be around, you're patient, you… you listen to me, you're-"
"Okay ! I get it !" You throw your head back with a nervous smile. "I can't take compliments, that's enough !"
"But it's true !"
"Ahh ! Stop it !" You felt your face heat up again in embarrassment.
"I like you, [Name]."
You closed your eyes, calming yourself and mainly your heart that was beating a bit too uncontrollably.
"I like you too." You said, squeezing his hand in return, smiling.
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lalospollos · 1 year
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I will never shut up about this picture
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agentoffangirling · 2 months
My AoS obsession is so bad that when the Olympics mentioned that surfing would be in Tahiti, my brain went, "omg Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reference"
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If I had a nickel for every time there was an actor on Agents of Shield with the same last name as a character on Agents of Shield played by a different actor and who could not be more different than their own character I'd have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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backgroundagent3 · 6 months
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rdjsprincess · 4 months
Thinking about how Piper and Davis always argued but when Fitzsimmons said they’d give her anything if she took care of their daughter she asked for Davis back 🥹
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alannacouture · 1 year
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When your onscreen husband, grandson, & father figure attend your irl wedding. (Side note: I’m in love with Elizabeth Henstridge’s wedding dress)
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 5 months
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If these aren’t ur thing just block me bc I’m never gonna stop making them
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soft-mafia · 11 months
Jeff Ward posting
I know a lot of people are always like “omg *male celebrity* is so dreamy😍” but like, Jeff Ward is literally DREAMY.
Man looks like the definition of the very word.
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cosmicqvake · 1 year
Daisy’s face when she sees Coulson and May kissing will never not send me.
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I can’t blame her though.
Catching your parents making out behind a shield, mid-battle, on an alien ship, after years of denying their feelings would provoke such a response.
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fictionaltrvlr · 1 year
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✨ Agent Barbie ✨
Daisy Johnson posters 😌
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omjitskailay · 2 months
Agents of Shield S5
Mack and YoYo: *Deeply in love*
FitzSimmons: *literally engaged*
Coulson and May: *Old married couple, pining for each other*
Daisy: "Hey you... puny little space guy..."
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pendragonsandbuckleys · 9 months
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You know what? You are just jealous that I came up with the big solve. Jealous? Of what?! Half your ideas are mine!
AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. | 6.12
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agentoffangirling · 2 months
Another thing I'll always love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for is how they expand the roles of minor characters
Think Gideon Malick. You ask most Marvel fans who the hell he is and they'll probably say they don't know. You ask them if they remember the guy from the first Avengers film who sent a nuke at New York, and they'll be like "oh! That bitch!"
Malick is a character everyone knows but they don't know his name, the guy the fandom pokes fun at (for good reason), and yet this guy who was so willing to blow up millions of people is never expanded upon in the movies
But AoS does. They take this minor character and create a story for him. A story that not only fits perfectly with what he wanted to do in "Avengers", but also fits with the lore they've created. It all works so so well
They do this with their own characters, too. Piper and Davis were mere background characters in s3 with a line or two, but by s6, you have an absolutely gut wrenching scene where (SPOILERS) Piper is forced to watch as Izel kills Davis
The writers are just so smart with all of this. They know how to take existing characters and expand their roles in the show (Marvel Disney+ shows could NEVER) as well as make original ones who start out small and make them into a big deal by the end
Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancheroen, my heart to you <3
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Deke Shaw 🍋 text posts pt. 5
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backgroundagent3 · 1 year
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There's so much betrayal on this show I had trouble choosing characters. 😅
(Source) / (Insp)
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