#aggie.io is so fun to sketch on
hnnny · 11 months
Hello my beloved sunflower, I'm greedy and can't choose just one question so 8, 17 and 21 picked my interest >:3
I relish in your greed my dear!
8. What do you like most about your own work?
I don't know how this came about, but at some point between starting this Tumblr blog and now, I started doing these weird squiggles to indicate blush/skin pigmentation on a character and I think it's really fun and unique. I've been seeing about incorporating more of that feature into my finished digital pieces, but for now, I appreciate it just showing up in my sketches, traditional or otherwise.
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17. What inspires you?
I have a lot of different sources of inspiration, and lately, it's been my wonderful friends in my art discord server (you included of course!) I've loved watching everyone grow over the time we've known each other, and every new piece blows me away. It's been making me want to work on my own art and improve just to catch up with the sheer velocity of everyone else's improvement!
Some of my lifelong inspirations have been the Zelda games, but mostly from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I love everything about that game, and the character designs and colors, the story and writing, all of it is such a fantastic time. If I could spend the rest of my life doing studies of every possible visual frame in that game, I would cause it's all so lovely!
Here's a study I did recently for Twilight Princess (my rendition is on the right):
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21. Weirdest thing you've ever drawn?
I was looking through my files and honestly it's a toss up between this out of leftfield self-portrait I did (last year? wow time flies fast!), and this silly little doodle from one of our art server aggie.io sessions. I love both for different reasons haha, although smooth Sion is very uncanny in his smooth form lol. (And yes, that is Kreia choking Atton to death in the background since Sion got distracted).
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waywardstation · 2 years
My heart goes out to your inbox notifications tonight, bless your soul 🙏
On the subject of PLA OCs, I hope you don't mind me sharing mine that I've been making content for 😅
I have two, the other one being conceptually a little more entertaining in my eyes, but I already mentioned Quinn so I'll just share her to spare your inbox a little mercy. She's a young woman who's more or less just a skyfaller protagonist stand-in (sorry Akari/Dawn I love you too) with her main pokemon companion being a fan design of a regional Gliscor I actually made before PLA was a thing! (I stopped posting my work a while ago but fakemon design and community has been a passion of mine for years now 💖)
But yeah lmao! Quinn and her Gliscor are supposed to be a particular pair cause they actually both fell into Hisui together, and while her Gliscor still has all his memories of both their previous lives and friendship, Quinn didn't get so lucky and forgot everything.
She can tell this Gliscor is supposed to be her closest friend... but she can't even remember what his name is. So now she's just got this clingy pink flying scorpion following her everywhere. At least she's still got her best friend with her and vice versa. 💖💖💖
I haven't drawn a ton of them yet, but I do have these silly aggie.io sketches of varying quality from one of ChooChoo's events I never posted on Tumblr!! Hope these are enjoyable, thank you for your time and hope you have a great night friend! 💙
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Haha thank you, my inbox is so full (but I enjoy it!!!! I’m having a lot of fun!!)
I love Quinn!! And her regional Gliscor is so cool; a fairy/ground type Gliscor is a very fun concept!! (and I think it still fits for a space theme!) I think it’s sweet that her Gliscor sticks with her even if she can’t remember him; he’s a good companion!! Her sneasel and dewott also seem like great company too ^^
Lovely artwork, and lovely characters!!! Thank you very much for sharing OP, they are great OCs!!
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eun-gealach · 3 years
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For someone who’s favourite character is Gir, I really don’t draw him very much
(Feat. One really old li’l page of zadr sketches I liked but never posted)
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angryjojofrog · 2 years
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TillT posting
Candy (pic 3) belongs to my bud CC @heehoo-snek :)
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famitendo · 4 years
Highlights from an aggie.io I did with a friend of mine! (Blue drawings are mine, brown drawings are my friend's)
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 years
'Scusie, I have a question about digital art. How do you do your coloring? If you have a previous post or resource you talked about already then that'd be appreciated. But if not; I've just started getting back into digital art and can't remember how people did their fancy selection methods to color in their lineart. I managed somewhat myself but what would be a simple sketch irl took like an hour or two of trying to work the tablet/program. I want to enjoy it again and use it to start commissions in the future, and I don't want to be easily burned out because of the complexity. For reference, I'm using Krita.
ok I wasn't really sure how to explain it so I made a timelapse? let's see if this helps
so first of all, I'm predominantly using CSP nowadays (which I love and highly recommend), which has this nifty little feature in the bucket tool:
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it can close gaps!! Now, I tend to draw pretty loose and my lines have a lot of gaps between them that are too big to close automatically, so I'll manually close them on my color layer with whichever color I'm using. I find this method works best when my pen and bucket tool have anti-aliasing turned off. I think other programs like Medibang and even Aggie.io have some sort of "smart" bucket tool, so I wouldn't be surprised if krita has something similar too.
the second method is simply Not Giving A Fuck and coloring sloppily without caring if the colors stay in the lines. I do this more for stupider comics where looking pretty doesn't matter so much
the third method is the same as the first but using a nice, textured brush so it looks Intentional and Pretty
I also tend to throw gradient maps on everything because they're so fun :)
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the fourth method (which I did not demonstrate) is the good ol' polygonal lasso tool. I mostly used it when I used Photoshop. It's a really good and fast way to get all your colors blocked in without requiring so much precision, but it can still be a little tedious.
Bear in mind, I am not the kind of person that has each color on its own layer. A basic drawing like this one is lines, colors, and bg, with maybe a gradient map or adjustment layer. There are tons more ways than this to color (look into CSP's reference layers! pretty neat stuff), but these are just the ways that I like to use because I am very very lazy and am only willing to put in the absolute bare minimum effort
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marascomics · 3 years
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my sketches from the aggie.io I hosted last night!!! It was super fun to draw with so many people :)))
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datfluffypillow · 2 years
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🔥Reshiram, Warden of Truths🔥
Materials used: Aggie.io, my phone, and one cool af stylus
Lemme just say…this piece was a stroke of luck!! I don’t normally do digital art, let alone female profiles(cus they are so hard to do lmao) but i was just randomly sketching in Aggie.io one night and this appeared XD Needless to say it was a really fun piece that took me outside my comfort zone!! (And a tedious one cus Aggie kept deleting my progress and wouldn’t use the bucket tool properly but oh well)
I really enjoy this au/gijinka design for Reshi, it takes me back to when I first made her after beating pokemon black haha. Pokemon Black was the first pokemon game I ever beat, and Reshiram has been my favorite legendary pokemon ever since. It’s been a huge influence on me and got me into oc making in general! I owe alot to that game haha. Even if Reshi isn’t technically a Reshiram gijinka anymore I still have fun revisiting this au and drawing her in it for nostalgia sake.
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aceredlace · 4 years
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Have a dump of stupid dragon ball stuff I drew from like, 2018 I believe? I know I was still on devaint art when I posted some of these.
BUT EITHER WAY, I like a lot of these and they're just sitting in my art folder being UNSEEN, so here they are.
I dont think i've ever shared that dumb Salza picture, If I could have an army of people drawing Salza pulling up his cackies to defend from his fanbase well saying not in my christian neighborhood, I would die a happy women and probably request that everyone watch a powerpoint presentation of every version at my funeral, thank you very much.
Okay so the Jeice sketch, I CAN EXPLAIN! My friend @rasbipac and I were in a draw-together program called aggie.io and we challenged ourself to something. Basically we chose a character to draw, and then we each chose a section of his body to draw, I got the limbs well she got the head and torso. AND THATS THE END RESULT, IDK I THOUGHT IT WAS FUN.
yeah the rest of these are just S H I T P O S T S, so I hope you enjoy them, AND FOR NOW IM OFF, I promise I'll be posting more serious stuff soon!
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kobarutonii · 4 years
Various sketches (there is a lot)!
(that also have varied quality because some of these are old, and I forget to ever post 👀;) 
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Tobio from a week ago, since I had an urge to draw him! what is he sick of? who knows
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this is just jetter mars
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Atom II sketch from some time back; his tactlessness and complete lack of compassion is pretty interesting to characterize.
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This is from an Aggie.io session! One of my friends drew the Soundwave-themed accessories and color palette on Cobalt! ( + my drawing of Reg from Made in Abyss! He is also a cool robo lad)
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Tobio again, but he is older and still upset (and also from an Aggie.io canvas)
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More Aggie.io canvas Cobalts!
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Lastly, Blue or A108 from Atom: the Beginning! It was fun drawing him. Unfortunately, I’m not exactly caught up with the manga, since I cannot read or access several chapters (only have a general gist of the story so far), but I can at least keep up with the new chapter releases!
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nyxpheros · 6 years
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The first picture is from a drawing/sketch I did on aggie.io :) and I liked this idea so much that I wanted to finish it in sai.
It was fun to draw with you guys!
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angel-spades · 5 years
i’m in a canon character small sketch art mood so send me some canon characters and maybe an emotion or action and i might draw em!!! uncolored usually and on aggie.io most of the time since rushed sketches tend to look cleaner there
i usually will not draw / have less interest in drawing
- realistic characters or live-action fandoms ig?? idk what to call it
- ships ( you can ask about a ship and if i CAN draw it but even if its characters i don’t know i likely won’t unless i like that ship. and i don’t like or care for most ships. its iffy )
- over detailed things ( simple prompts or requests are more my style and i have more fun )
- my main fandoms rn are paswg, danganronpa, oneshot and other rpgmaker games, and persona ( 3-5 but im most into 4 rn and i have not even gotten close to finishing watching a playthrough of 3. i only know what happens in like?? the first 3 days maybe?? idk they only went to tartarus’ main area )
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neonflare · 3 years
Aggie.io with friends!
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I'm orange, I had fun drawing the fem!human things!
In the first one I'm not orange but I hid myself in it, you can easily find me!
I forgot who was drawing so I'll ping the ppl I remember and they can tell me who else was on here. The last photo isn't finished and I'll post the finished product once it's done.
@idiot-arih @anonymous3ch0 @hatso
(Sketches don't get WIP photos as it's already a WIP
There are too many chatacters and it's a WIP so the creators won't be @ nor will this go in the fandom list part of the directory.
Don't try to find it there)
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