flowerprose · 6 months
cerberus in the agnomen au, but it's just three little chihuahuas that hades needs to take out for walks seven times a day in the city
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ashirisu · 11 months
NaNoWriMo 2023 Project: Agnomen
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Since I've been absolutely horrid about actually posting my writing on here, I'm taking the first step to holding myself accountable by announcing my NaNo 2023 project, a novella tentatively titled Agnomen.
This project started as a rough retelling of Hamlet, but has since grown into a love letter to Anakin Skywalker and Shakespearean tragedies as a whole. I'm aiming for a lower word count to alleviate some of the stress that usually surrounds NaNo for me, and my hope is to end this month with a rough, rough draft and some confidence restored in my long-form writing skills.
I plan to post updates, snippets, and process thoughts throughout the month, so check out my #agnomen tag to see how things are going so far!
Wish me luck ♡
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catilinas · 2 years
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catos-wound · 5 months
it is a little known fact that sulla's agnomen was felix not because he was favoured by any god but because he got real real lucky all day all night with all the people in rome
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icantspellthings · 7 months
Not sure if anyone did this yet but their names have quite interesting meanings (I am not super educated on this it's just a straight rip from wikis lol)
From Old French Olivier, possibly derived from a Germanic name, perhaps Old Norse Áleifr (Olaf) or Frankish Alawar (Álvaro). The spelling was altered by association with Latin oliva "olive tree".
Olaf From the Old Norse name Áleifr meaning "ancestor's descendant", derived from the elements anu "ancestor" and leif "inheritance, legacy"
Álvaro Spanish form of Alvarus, the Latinized form of a Visigothic name, possibly derived from the elements alls "all" and wars "aware, cautious" or wards "guard".
From a Roman cognomen meaning "lucky, successful" in Latin. It was acquired as an agnomen, or nickname, by the 1st-century BC Roman general Sulla.
Due to its favourable meaning, this name was popular among early Christians, being borne by many early saints and four popes.
Farley/Farleigh is an anglicised form of the Old Irish patronyms Ó Faircheallaigh a personal name meaning "super war"or Ó Fearghail meaning "man of valor".
As an English toponymic surname, Farley comes from places with the toponyms Farleigh, Fairley or Farley, deriving from the Old English fearn "fern" and leah “woodland”
Venetia was used in Britain as a Latinised form of the Welsh name Gwyneth, itself derived from Gwynedd, the name of an ancient Welsh kingdom which became Caernarfonshire. The name is most likely an elaboration of gwyn "white, shining, fair."
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temtamtom · 1 year
so cool to find hetalia fans from different countries! Where in Italy are you from? What headcanons do you have about the boys? And what human names do you use for them? I’m so curious!
Technically I’m from Lombardy, but I’m from a town that’s riiiight on the border of Emilia-Romagna. So in terms of culture (and dialect), I have more in common with the nearby Emilian city than Milano. But I don’t live in Italy for a majority of the year, I actually live in France!
Anyways onto the more interesting stuff- some thoughts/headcanons on their names:
I use “Romano” and “Feliciano” for the twins’ human names! Both of these names originate from their childhoods
As was customary in Ancient Rome, Romano, being the eldest son (though still a twin ofc) would have gotten the same name as his father. Like Rome, his name was Publius Romilius Romanus (+ any agnomen or nickname that the people around him would use). As time went on, Romano stuck to his cognomen and it soon turned into “Romano”.
Feliciano’s childhood name was Gaius Romilius Felix, and over time Felix turned into Feliciano.
I like to think the twins use each other’s old, Roman names when they’re being petty with each other ebchbsd
A small tangent, but still related to names- in a lot of my human AUs Rome is technically “Romano Sr.” But I imagine his friends gave him the nickname Romolo (or Romulus, for the bit) and it’s stuck for years.
None of the brothers, Seborga included, have a middle name.
For modern last names, I currently use De Cesare but I’m still sorta on the fence about it? I do like it, but I wonder sometimes if I should go with something else. Also, I think the twins had different surnames pre-unification. I still haven’t decided on what they’d be, though.
There’s a lot more I could’ve gone into, especially with Roman naming conventions, their ancient/childhood names, etc. but I think I’ll leave that for a future post if people are interested in knowing more :o
I really do wanna share other headcanons but I’m sorta blanking rn because the question is very general 😅 If you or anyone else want me to talk about specific headcanons (pets, relationships, sillier things, historical stuff, etc. etc.) feel free to ask! Don’t be shy, I love talking about these idiots
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The Entangled Relationship of Sun Wukong and Six Ears
A friend recently asked me an interesting question: "Do you think that the Six-Eared Macaque has Sun Wukong's fire eyes and golden pupils [huoyan jinjing, 火眼金睛]?" My initial thought was "no" since he was never subjected to Laozi's furnace, but then I remembered that chapter 58 reads:
His looks were exactly the same as those of the Great Sage: he, too, had a gold fillet clamped to his yellowish hair, a pair of fiery eyes with golden pupils (emphasis added), a silk monk's robe on his body, a tiger kilt tied around his waist, a golden-banded iron staff in one of his hands, and a pair of deerskin boots on his feet (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 104). [1]
In addition, the Buddha refers to the twin monkeys as "two minds" (erxin, 二心) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 113), thereby revealing that both represent the dual aspects of Sun Wukong's troubled mind. Their battle is a metaphor for the struggle between the "true mind" (zhenxin, 眞/真心) and the "illusionary mind" (wangxin, 妄心) within our hero. For more information, see my previous article:
Six Ears is, therefore, a manifestation of Monkey's mind. It's only natural then that he too would have the same appearance and carry the same scars. But this raises the question: When did the two split? One scholar suggests that Six Ears was once Sun’s sworn brother, the Macaque King (Mihou wang, 獼猴王), because "[t]he latter’s other agnomen, 'the Great Sage Informing Wind' [Tongfeng dasheng, 通風大聖] suggests further that its ears are as good as the six-eared macaque’s in information gathering" (Lam, 2005, p. 168). If true, this would suggest that they split prior to Monkey's turn in the furnace. This makes sense as an early split would allow Six Ears to gain the same magic powers at a similar pace.
But an early split carries with it a certain implication: Six Ears would have experienced the tortuous heat and smoke of Laozi's furnace while physically separated from Sun Wukong. It would be like the two were connected by an invisible link, similar to entangled particles in Quantum physics.
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Can you imagine it? The sheer terror of your super ears hearing that your counterpart is about to be shoved into a celestial furnace, and then the feeling of torturous heat and smoke assaulting your body and eyes. Perhaps Six Ears would try rushing to heaven to stop this but is overcome by the pain affecting him...for 49 days (or 49 years depending on his location). [2]
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It just occurred to me that Six Ears would have also been subject to imprisonment under Five Elements Mountain (Wuxing shan, 五行山). I'll let you decide if he is weighed down by an invisible, metaphysical mountain or a physical object (see the paragraph above figure 2 here for one possibility).
The Quantum physics-like entanglement shared by the twin monkeys also explains why Six Ears has a golden headband (refer back to the quote above). The novel establishes that the tight-fillet spell also causes the doppelganger pain (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 106, for example). They are after all two sides to the same person.
Translation changed slightly. I have made it more accurate.
The novel establishes that "one day in heaven is equal to one year on Earth" (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 150 and 167).
Lam, H. L. (2005). Cannibalizing the Heart: The Politics of Allegory and The Journey to the West. In E. Ziolkowski (Ed.). Literature, Religion, and East/West Comparison (pp. 162-178). Newark: University of Delaware Press.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Roman Marble Bust Early 1st century AD
Portrait of a youthful Julio-Claudian male probably Germanicus, the nephew and adopted son of Tiberius. This example is carved with the characteristic locks of hair combed over the forehead in this period. H. 36 x 18 cm.
Germanicus Julius Caesar (24 May 15 BC – 10 October AD 19) was an ancient Roman general and politician most famously known for his campaigns in Germania. The son of Nero Claudius Drusus and Antonia the Younger, Germanicus was born into an influential branch of the patrician gens Claudia. The agnomen Germanicus was added to his full name in 9 BC when it was posthumously awarded to his father in honor of his victories in Germania. In AD 4 he was adopted by his paternal uncle Tiberius, who succeeded Augustus as Roman emperor a decade later. As a result, Germanicus became an official member of the gens Julia, another prominent family, to which he was related on his mother's side. His connection to the Julii Caesares was further consolidated through a marriage between him and Agrippina the Elder, a granddaughter of Augustus. He was also the father of Caligula, the maternal grandfather of Nero, and the older brother of Claudius.
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revenant-coining · 2 years
Linguacollector / Linguahoarder Subterms Pt 1
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[ IDs in alt text ]
Agnomencollector / Agnomenhoarder: a term for one who collects / hoards genders connected to nicknames.
Etymology: “agnomen” latin for nickname, collector / hoarder
Pronounced: ag-no-men co-llec-tor / hoard-er (agnomen collector / hoarder)
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[ID: a divider of a line of waves with a light blue to darker blue gradient. End ID]
Cognomencollector / Cognomenhoarder: a term for one who collects / hoards genders connected to last names.
Etymology: “cognomen” latin for last name, collector / hoarder
Pronounced: co-new-men co-llec-tor / hoard-er (cognomen collector / hoarder)
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[ID: a divider of a line of waves with a light blue to darker blue gradient. End ID]
Lexiccollector / Lexichoarder: a term for one who collects / hoards genders connected to words.
Etymology: “lexis” latin for word, collector / hoard-er
Pronounced: lex-is co-llec-tor / hoard-er (lexis collector / hoarder)
@radiomogai , @oneofmanyarchives
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[ID: a divider of a line of waves with a light blue to darker blue gradient. End ID]
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flowerprose · 1 year
i don't talk about it often!
namesake has had quite the writing journey. i have stopped and started it for nearly a decade. back in early 2021, i was in a novel writing class with my fav prof and really wanted her feedback on the characters and their arcs, to see if they had any potential. i reverted it to a modern setting with magical realism elements, to bypass the 'no fantasy' clause in her syllabus. (also emailed ahead of time for express permission, which she was fine with!)
this was a few months after a very difficult fall semester, and i was a little raw at the time. pandemic woes, real-life woes, not-sure-what-my-style-was-anymore woes. a boy in my class left some charming feedback on my first submission, and it turned me off even touching that story for a while. i reverted it back to a fairy tale retelling in june 2021, and then left it alone again after some real-life havoc, retouching it sparsely as i dove into my current namesake draft.
i've spent almost a year in the heads of persephone and hades now, and i'm finding it hard to let them go. so i picked up agnomen - which is the name of the modern AU - with a fun prompt, and i've been slowly revising the outline i wrote two years ago. it's much heavier than i remembered it, and my ideas for the characters then really don't match their current renditions. but i'm tenderly hatching a baby draft. i think i thrive more naturally when writing contemporary settings over historical/fantasy. i might even post this one on wattpad, because i'm not committed to querying it.
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ashirisu · 11 months
nanowrimo check-in #1
we're one week in, folks! it's been a tough one but i managed to cobble together 2,448 words over the course of the week. it's not as much as i was hoping for, but i went out of town for the weekend and didn't get many opportunities to write.
but progress is progress! i finished the first chapter and maybe half of the second—it involves some worldbuilding that i haven't fully ironed out yet, which is probably the reason i'm struggling with it so much. next chapter goes back to more physical action, though, so fingers crossed i have an easier time with it.
loving althem as a character so far, though! his personality wasn't concrete when i started, and he's shaping up to be someone i think i'll have a lot of fun with. he's a broody little goth with curly hair and a tendency to speak out of turn, and just so happens to be more brainwashed by military propaganda than he thinks he is. i can't wait to throw things at him.
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queenseneca · 2 years
Edit: so, people are reading this again. Which means I'll get harassed again. So let me make one thing clear.
You all are childish.
So a quick PSA to all those Shadowpeach shippers out there.
What you're doing is basically incest.
Need proof? Well I got plenty of it.
First, the original telling of Journey to the West. There's this little small tidbit of information. That I actually have a picture of!
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If you can't read it, it's Wukong swearing brotherhood with seven different demon kings at his old Flower-Fruit mountain. There's the Demon Bull King, Dragon-Monster, Roc-Fiend, Lion-Camel, and Giant Ape.
But look a little closer and what do ya see?
Now, they aren't brothers by blood, but as my best friend (who is Chinese and has studied their culture extensively) has told me, swearing brotherhood with someone is basically the same as being blood related.
People in China take these things very seriously. Which is why Shadowpeach would never be a thing that would happen. Even in aus. They're sworn brothers, and they don't even feel that way about each other.
Look, I know y'all want ya gay tropes and ships, but can you leave this fandom alone? You have PLENTY of others to annoy. But this show is based on an ancient Chinese story about an allegory of enlightenment. You cannot just go and mess with the characters like this.
So take your queerwashing bullshit and shove it.
Oh, and if you need more proof, here:
"Lam (2005) reveals that the Six-Eared Macaque is actually Monkey’s sworn brother, the Macaque King (Mihou wang, 獼猴王) (fig. 2), from his younger days as a demon (p. 168). [4] He explains:
The latter’s other agnomen, “the Great Sage Informing Wind” (Tongfeng dasheng, 通風大聖 …) [5] suggests further that its ears are as good as the six-eared macaque’s in information gathering. Despite all these archaic or anachronistic traces, however, Monkey never comes to recognize the six-eared macaque as his old sworn brother as is the case with the Bull Demon King” (Lam, 2005, p. 168)."
"According to the Buddha, like Sun Wukong, the Six Eared Macaque is a magical monkey, who has supernatural abilities. His six ears allow him to listen to everything, which makes him nigh-omniscient. It is possible that, like Wukong, he was born from a magical rock, technically would make him Wukong's sibling."
Also, just read the book. There's a free PSD version of it online. Or you can spend like $100 to get the physical version. It's not like these things don't exist in said book.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
love that of my various household jobs one of them is Lint Trap Guy
like, okay, ordinarily my dad is the one who flags house stuff that could get fucked up and thinks to check it, but the first time the dryer wasn’t drying properly here i was the one who thought ‘wait, could the lint trap outside perhaps be clogged??’ and went to check, subsequently returning triumphant with my limp lint trophy—and so have been the Lint Trap Guy ever since
which frankly sounds like someone’s terrible agnomen origin story, in some universe next door where they still go in for those despite all the available achievements having become deeply mundane
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Biografia breve:
Hazrat Imam Mahdi (aj) è il dodicesimo e ultimo della catena degli Imam purificati (as) e dei successori divini. Nacque all'alba, venerdì 15 di Shaban 255 A.H. nella città di Samarra1. Il suo rispettato padre è l'Imam Hasan al-Askari (as). La sua amata madre è Janab al-Nargis Khatoon (ra). Era la discendente del Cesare di Roma da parte di suo padre e da parte di sua madre era discendente da shamoon il vicegerente di Hazrat Isa (as).2 Questa elevata personalità ha lo stesso nome e kunniyat (agnomen) del Santo Profeta (S). I suoi titoli sono Mahdi, Hujjat, Qaem, Montazer, Sahibuzzaman e Khalaf al-saleh. La sua onorificenza più famosa, tuttavia, è Al-Mahdi (aj).3 Ibn Khallikaan scrive; "Il suo titolo ben noto è Hujjat. Gli sciiti lo conoscono dai titoli, Montazar, Qaem e Mahdi"4 Il grande studioso Mohaddith al-Noori ha raccolto 182 titoli di Imam Mahdi (aj) dai testi islamici. Ciascuno di questi titoli significa ciascuna delle sue qualità virtuose.5 I governanti tiranno Abbasid erano a conoscenza delle profezie del Santo Profeta (S). Che il figlio dell'Imam Hasan al-Askari (psl) con il nome di Mahdi apparirà per rimuovere ogni tipo di corruzione e tirannia; quindi hanno progettato di eliminare il bambino quando è nato. A causa di ciò la nascita dell'Imam Mahdi (aj) è stata tenuta segreta come quella di Hazrat Ibrahim (as). Tanto che, tranne il più fidato degli sciiti e la sua stessa famiglia, nessuno sapeva dell'esistenza di Hazrat (psl). Nonostante ciò, ogni volta che si presentava l'opportunità, l'Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) mostrava suo figlio ai suoi fedeli seguaci; che in futuro possano seguirlo. Questo era affinché gli sciiti potessero rimanere saldi sulla retta via e non essere sviati. Un servo Abu Ghanim dice: "Abu Muhammad (as) ha un figlio il cui nome è Muhammad." Il terzo giorno della sua nascita lo condusse davanti ai suoi compagni e disse: "Dopo di me è il tuo padrone della faccenda, è il mio successore, è lo stesso 'Qaem', che è atteso da alt Quando la terra sarà irta di ingiustizia e oppressione allora riapparirà e riempirà la terra di giustizia e giustizia."6 I primi anni della sua vita furono trascorsi nel solito modo. Quando era al suo quinto anno, perse il suo rispettato padre.7 Dopo questo tragico evento la responsabilità di guidare gli sciiti fu trasferita su di lui. A quel tempo, Hazrat (as) possedeva tutte le qualità e la conoscenza divina che era stata conferita ai precedenti Imam (as), dall'Onnipotente. Allo stesso modo che Hazrat Yahya (psl) nella sua infanzia e Hazrat Isa (as) nella sua infanzia fu favorito da Allah con l'ufficio divino della Profezia.
Sebbene tutti gli Imam (psl) detenessero l'ufficio divino di wilayat, gli sforzi dei nemici per eliminare il dodicesimo Imam (as) furono massimi. Quindi l'Imam az-Zaman (as) fu affidato a ghaibat ed essendo lontano dalla vista delle persone, dovette adempiere a tutti i doveri di un Imam. Si dice che la vita nascosta di Hazrat Mahdi (aj) non sia qualcosa di straordinario. Piuttosto, nella vita di tanti Profeti (as) e persino Imam (as) si vede, che erano a un certo punto, nascosti alla gente. Il Santo Corano registra l'occultamento di vari profeti (as) come Hazrat Ibrahim (as)9, Hazrat Musa (as)10 e Hazrat Isa (as)11. Il Santo Profeta (S) e gli Imam (psl) avevano indicato al popolo l'imminente occultamento della loro ultima prova (Imam Mahdi-aj), in modo che nessun dubbio o incomprensione dovesse rimanere, riguardo a questo problema. L'occultazione (Ghaibat) del dodicesimo Imam consiste di due fasi: una è Ghaibat al-Sughra (L'occultazione minore) e la seconda è Ghaibat al-Kubra (L'occultazione maggiore). Imam Ja'far come Sadiq (as) ha detto: «Ci sono due occultazioni per Qaem. Uno è breve e l'altro prolungato. Nella breve occultazione solo gli sciiti speciali sapranno dove si trova. E nell'occultazione più lunga solo i suoi servi fidati sapranno dove si trova". È chiaro che la conoscenza e la pratica dell'Imam Asr (as) è impeccabile come il Corano. Come era il sole del Santo Profeta (S). È obbligatorio per le persone di fede (musulmani) agire secondo il Corano e il sunnat e astenersi da ciò che proibiscono. Il Santo Profeta (S) ha detto: "Lascio dietro di voi due cose importanti: Il Libro di Allah e la mia Progenie, mia Ahlul Bayt Se aderite a quei due non andrete fuori strada. E sappiate che questi due non si separeranno finché non mi incontreranno a Hauz (Kauthar)"
Atto d'amore GDR:
L'imam Abu Qasim Muhammad appare per la prima volta mentre stava rischiando di essere attaccato dagli uomini di Ahmad al-Sufyan (deceduto) ma l'esercito di quest'ultimo venne inghiottito dalla spaccatura della terra tra Siria e Iraq.
Abu Qasim venne eletto dalla popolazione siriana e irachena come califfo leggittimo della Siria e Iraq, essendo discendente dell'ultimo profeta.
Firmò il giorno 3 giugno, un patto con il nuovo re degli USA, Solomon Ben Abraham contro la Turchia che tenta di ritornare all'impero ottomano.
Successivamente firmò un accordo con Israele di non intervenire nella guerra tra gli ebrei e i palestinesi, in ricambio può continuare a mantenere i suoi territori e aprire il campo per rifugiati.
Successivamente conosce un agente del FBI, Simon Elliot e gli rivelò di essere il mahdi.
Abu Qasim in seguito ricordando quello che fecero gli arabi contro la sua famiglia, decise quindi di eliminarli tutti perché sono i principali responsabili della morte della sua famiglia.
Abu Qasim aiutò gli ebrei rifugiati nei suoi territori come Siria,Iraq e Persia dopo che Mabus aveva distrutto Israele con il suo esercito.
Il 13 luglio, Abu Qasim ottiene un regalo dalla Russia: Cecenia e Dagestan ottenendo così più uomini nel suo esercito.
Nello stesso giorno, Abu Qasim visita Atene al seguito della dichiarazione di guerra da parte della Turchia.
Il 14 luglio, al seguito della morte del suo messaggero Nasr al-Yamani, Abu Qasim nominò suo cugino Ibrahim al-Askari come nuovo messaggero.
Il 15 luglio, l'esercito di Abu Qasim occupa la Turchia e uccide il sultano malvagio Osman Aslan mentre la Russia occupa Costantinopoli consegnando la città ai greci.
Il 17 luglio, l'esercito di Abu Qasim occupa l'Arabia Saudita e distrusse la Kaaba e nello stesso giorno iniziò l'invasione della Giordania, del Libano e delle città importanti nella regione della Palestina.
Il 19 luglio, l'esercito di Abu Qasim conquista Gerusalemme e fonda un nuovo regno d'Israele con la partecipazione dei musulmani,cristiani ed ebrei diventando così il nuovo re d'Israele.
Il 21 luglio, l'esercito di Abu Qasim conquista Roma e l'Italia sconfiggendo l'esercito di Mabus Atias e catturando quest'ultimo.
Nello stesso giorno, gli uomini di Abu Qasim uccissero Mabus e Abu Qasim divenne il nuovo imperatore di Roma rimanendo tuttavia a Gerusalleme ma nominando governatori in ogni regione.
Il 24 luglio, gli uomini di Abu Qasim iniziaronno a fare le copie del libro al-Jafr (libro della conoscenza dei profeti da Abramo,Isacco,Ismaele,Davide,Salomone, i 12 imam etc, questo libro venne distribuito alle popolazioni del mondo.
Il 26 luglio, gli uomini di Abu Qasim conquistarono la Grecia e la riunificarono con la Turchia.
Il 5 luglio, Abu Qasim ottene la totale indipendenza sul regno di Israele dal Regno Unito e revocò il trattato in cui impediva gli ebrei di riprendere legalmente le proprie case.
Il 26 agosto, Abu Qasim fece smantellare e abolire il sionismo fondando la nuova nazione palestinese, permesso i discendenti dei palestinesi di ritornare, gli ebrei di rimanere per servire lo stato palestinese e fatto resuscitare le persone che erano state uccise ingiustamente dal regime ebraico di origini cazare.
Il 16 settembre, Abu Qasim venne assassinato da un gruppo di sionisti ebrei e il suo califfato in Mediorente crollò.
Trama libera:
Successivamente, Abu Qasim ritornò in vita per sconosciuta ragione,ricostruisce il suo esercito e si rifugia in Iran dove abita suo cugino Ibrahim al-Askari dove lui è un vizier per il sovrano iraniano e pianifica come infiltrarsi in Arabia e violare le tombe dei primi califfi in modo particolare Abu Bakr e Umar senza danneggiare la tomba di Othman perché non era davvero un pessimo califfo perché era stato lui a nominare Alì come califfo dopotutto.
Successivamente, Abu Qasim venne maledetto dal faraone egiziano Ramses II perdendo la possibilità per sempre di ritornare in vita e venne assassinato da un arabo e uiguro entrambi sunniti che trovarono che il sciismo non c'entrava infatti nulla con il califfo Alì e una creazione Majoosi di Ibn Saba.
Successivamente Abu Qasim Muhammad ritornò in vita grazie al libro dei morti tramite i suoi uomini sopravvissuti, chiese scusa alle sue vittime Abu Bakr as-Siddiq e Umar Ibn al-Khattab per essersi comportato male con loro e firmò un trattato di pace dove lui può tenere Iran,Iraq,Siria e Libano poi divenne il califfo di questi territori dopo che il re iraniano e il vizier Ismail al-Askari si dimettono ed nominò come vizier il suo fratellastro da parte materna Alì al-Narjis di origini israelite persiane,romane bizantine e arabe.
Abu Qasim rimase amichevole con i suoi vicini talebani dell'Afghanistan.
In seguito, Abu Qasim condannò l'emiro dell'Arabia Hassan al-Douri per aver distrutto il trattato di pace e revocato il supporto di Hamas poi minacciò di rapire Abu Bakr as-Siddiq e Umar Ibn al-Khattab e se li troverà li farà soffrire atrocemente.
Abu Qasim in seguito condannò irritato l'emirato dell'Arabia per diffondere sciismofobia nella regione del Medioriente e di come c'è disonestà nell'alleanza araba-israeliana condannando appunto Hassan al-Douri come un'ipocrita e disonesto.
Il 21 luglio 2022,Abu Qasim morì assassinato da una donna barbuta della tribù araba Bani Tameem dopo aver visto la nascita di suoi figli Samir e Yusuf da parte di sua moglie Armani Rouhani.
Il 17 settembre, Abu Qasim ritorna in Iran a Teheran dove viene messo come generale per l'esercito iraniano e iniziò nuovamente a organizzare a come torturare e uccidere i due ex califfi Abu Bakr as-Siddiq e Umar Ibn al-Khattab ma decise di non costruire più la milizia Islamic Mahdi Army.
Il 15 novembre, Abu Qasim fece ricostruire la milizia sciita Islamic Mahdi Army e insieme al presidente iraniano Akram Reza minacciò di distruggere la tomba dell'ex terzo califfo Othman e di fare ritornare in vita e torturare quest'ultimo.
Il 27 novembre, Abu Qasim continuò ad assistere Hussein Mounes e le milizie sciite contro le milizie sunnite sia baathiste e islamiste in cui entrambi i due uomini sospettano che sono supportate tramite le donazioni degli stati arabi e inizia un negoziato con Saif al-Adel per creare un al-Qaeda iraniana con una minoranza leadership sunnita e membri a maggioranza sciita da usare in futuro in caso d'invasione non per prendere il potere ma per destabilizzare il potere dello Scià che era un alleato degli stati arabi sunniti, il negoziato sarà lungo per essere completato e i due uomini concordarono sul fatto che la forma laica dell'Islam come il baathismo non è più funzionante.
Il 29 novembre, Abu Qasim sostituisce Akram Reza come presidente e inizia a reprimere più duramente le proteste contro la repubblica islamica dell'Iran e fece giocare la squadra dell'Iran contro gli Stati Uniti sebbene ha alcuni calciatori ostili contro di lui, Abu Qasim ebbe tensioni alte verso gli Stati Uniti.
Il 9 dicembre, Abu Qasim rifiutò di fare abolire la polizia di moralità religiosa e tramite la polizia fece uccidere le donne che protestano contro il velo islamico, danneggiare i seni e genitali femminili delle protestatrici e uccidere i bambini di queste donne senza pietà.
Nello stesso giorno, Abu Qasim rimane ferito a un attentato compiuto dal gruppo nazionalista arabo iraniano The Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz (ASMLA) venendo portato in ospedale dove gli viene mozzata la gamba destra non essendo curabile per le ferite, venne curato per le ferite e gli viene messa la gamba prostetica.
Il 14 dicembre, Abu Qasim guarisce dalle ferite ed esce dall'ospedale con una gamba prostetica più moderna e riprende le sue attività politiche in Iran,Iraq,Libano e Siria sebbene indebolito fisicamente.
Il 3 aprile 2023, Abu Qasim conquista le terre di Israele e della Palestina araba ma fallendo invece di conquistare la Libia,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Arabia Saudita, l'Iraq tornato in mano ai sunniti in due parti: baathisti e salafiti e il Vaticano ma riuscì ad entrare a Gerusalemme dove venne accolto soltanto dai falsi cristiani,satanisti,ebrei ortodossi e musulmani sciiti.
Nello stesso giorno, Abu Qasim fa uscire fuori il suo regno anticristico dalle Nazioni unite e dalla corte internazionale criminale.
Predecessore come presidente della Repubblica islamica dell'Iran:
-Akram Reza
Collaboratore stretto:
-Ephraim Werner (discedente tramite il Profeta Giuseppe e il figlio di quest'ultimo Ephraim, rappresenta il messia ebreo Ben Joseph)
David Manson, John Brown, Vladimir Putin,Bashar al-Assad e Saif al-Adel
Arabo,persiano,antico israelita e romano bizantino
Antenati israeliti:
Re Davide, Matthat,San Pietro,Janab al-Nargis Khatoon
Lontani cugini:
Hassan al-Douri e Gesù Cristo
Tribù Israelita:
Tribù araba:
Islam sciita
Ebraismo ortodosso
Armani Rouhani
Samir al-Askari e Yusuf al-Askari
-Ayal Mazaki
-Sam Myerson
-Alvaro Rico
-Simone Joy
-Lachlan Buchanan
-Tyler Johnson
-Justin Gaston
-Pierson Fodé
-Chez Rust
-Farouq Alì Ahmed
-Imad Abdullah
-Samer Bisharat (pv attuale)
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selchwife · 2 years
i am admittedly very into the idea that maybe tevene emet originally did not have a particularly complicated name, coming from a poor family (maybe they didn't even bother with surnames), but gave himself a longer, more complicated-sounding name upon entering the ranks of the laetans. and given that, and the fact that he's Like He Is, maybe the other magisters have given him the "agnomen" of superbus. because he's a haughty bitch. (i was looking at the agnomen page on wikipedia, which gave this as an example, and i thought it was funny.)
i also like the antiquated spelling of gaius, caius. its pronounced the same but it's fun to imagine otherwise. and historical accuracy isn't my goal here since it's for dragon age lol
so all in all. emet could be the middle name. i'm thinking that was his initial name and he's buried it in his fancy name, so maybe caius emet galvus. or if you're making fun of him, caius emet galvus superbus
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scaredyjokes · 9 months
copy pazted from the library of babel
s prematurely punchers undispatched bryologies victoriana balleting zolpidems de based nebulizer discipliners climatized seraphim simul oncogen whickered koka hy pomania unsplinterable escritoires eligibles chaudfroids frogeye skibobber wussi est loudspeakers homeschoolers rulers veal zumbooruk outrageousnesses narkiest q uintar raoulia idealisations diatomists benedictive linotypers sovereignly sente ntious epistolers obligatoriness bowmen aposematic agnomen judgementally grue st irrups multiorgasmic politicalized hyperbolised collectivizing murder subahdar d ulnesses subalternant dietarian turnhall holla sintering nominalising opine vair s biotelemetry foolscap extraversively spectroscope chandler dactylography flori ation decomposers overnew disimprisonment tensed unitarianism overanxieties exto rtionist rheophil communitarian napoleon copalms eagled europhobic shitting mapp able undocks coevolutionary persistive nonoperatic peripheralities cadgier halop hilous rampires magnox martialism trinary possess bateleur enhypostatizing lugho le controversialists yohimbes hythes greenstone equitably desaturation quadrans hideout tubfishes interborough hock unartistlike decern pirana sperm marchers ev acuations straicht rebranching multidimensionalities routes rappellings jibberin g ests blew immoderations scabbiest strongyles formaliser ultramarathon brey rec ruitment snots brook eurhythmies wailings homogonies platina goalmouths invulner ably unparented adoze casemate sabbatical intrusional oilways baken disennobling berime snubbish apepsia rechoreographing suffete flitches singers sensillum jerome valeska kissing jonathan crane is canon eclosions juices crackbrained disvou ched thermoset goodier dandyprats creminis misfeasors ignorers console demobilis ing vincibilities bewet futilitarians offering aliyah druggist cecities halsers exudes murliest kevil solenodon megaflorae quiching lancinated lat vallations pr efigurate nosebleeds aquilons burgundies pentagons eutaxy nonlocal evet antipyre tics innuendoes bicyclers bemocking betroth subaverage lictorian heapier cotrans port raising cardiopathies beting collateralizing andesines coextension counterc laim prevalents swang pristinely nanotesla fewters enlacements cardiograms execr ator outby juicehead putterers aristolochia mudders telepresence translocations feigner strum haywards inimical corraded dispread maculate epidendrone instancie s caconym pulpinesses zootrophy misrecorded snakepits heavily lapilli prey cotto nmouths diddleys contrapuntists peeler glucuronide secretagogic manniferous dihy drocodeine subfreezing daps pluming dermabrasion mujahedin swies compotatory fro wsts lethargised polygraphers investigations tine meads geck pyrocatechin butyra ls interchained infiltrators missionizing cruciverbalists ripsnorter rechauffe f oremost coinheritances daggas clarioning contended unsatisfiedness realtone drip pily testudo probates gigantesque spheral suitability dramaturgist offerable sti ckit citrons calamitously tatted plantage redingotes toises mephitises bleakness es spammier clapperboards faaing scuttle mega nonprossing accolades chapelry ren ailed smallswords macruran burial rivers cuds expatriations darraignments hyperp
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