#agriculture meaning
lonelysocksclub · 4 months
Oh boy I need patience this weekend. My cousin is visiting and he just explained to me, a biologist who has worked with maize genetics, how to make a kind of supermaize by using electromagnetic fields to manipulate DNA expression. The goal is to trick the maize to express the genes it had millions of years ago, a time when maize as we know it definitely existed and agricultural yield was famously high. And it's only Friday.
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theology101 · 2 months
If Helio turns out to be Cassandra and Ankarna’s son and Sol forcefully adopted him through ‘As Above, So Below’ then it PROVES TO ME that he Chose Kristen well
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sedlex · 8 months
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kulapti · 8 months
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Oct 2023, pen & inks. Grass is not all the same.
Many people don't know that grasslands have fall colors. This is partly because over 75% of the prairie habitat on the North American continent has been destroyed by agriculture, systematic destruction, and more recently by urban sprawl. We have less than 1% of historic tallgrass prairie remaining. Please learn about these beautiful and rare spaces to help them, and if you get the chance, go see a prairie in national grassland or in a state or national park.
Aside from the sparkly ink, this illustration has a narrower color range than the Red Hills mixedgrass prairie it represents.
Species: Little bluestem (S. scoparium), big bluestem (A. gerardii), maidenhair (Sporobolus sp.), sideoats grama (B. curtipendula), blooming prairie blazing star (Liatris sp.), and the late season remnants of basketflower (Centaurea americana) and dwarf four-nerve daisy (Tetraneuris linearifolius).
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rocketbirdie · 3 months
i would love to enjoy everything that stardew valley has to offer but unfortunately i approach this game the same way i approach real life: avoid all social interaction and tend to my garden in belligerent silence
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just-call-mefr1es · 6 months
rlly torn on if i should keep griff in district 4 or move him to 11
like,, i like olympic swimmer griff™️ but also almost dying of starvation griff sounds more his character or something idk how to word
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purble-gaymer · 5 months
spring term shaping up to be the first term i spend entirely in the science center haha…..
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batmanshole · 7 months
never forget when me and my dad were discussing uni + college options for me and he was like
"oh you might like guelph. you like plants. Oh, and back when i was in university, they used to call it 'Dyke U' because all the hot farmer lesbians went there. you'd like it."
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fullmoonfireball · 8 months
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whats his problem
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flashhwing · 8 months
I think im only gonna plan my campaign up to level 10 then whatever happens happens. leaving the plot from there up to my players. your turn to weave the narrative bitch
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lunasilvis · 28 days
Hesitating if I should apply for a function at a company with close ties to their mother company in Chicago, Illinois... the dilemma I face: I don't want to abnegate + betray my own soul by working commercially, but it could be the right stepping stone to an international career and be able to live abroad for some time in my life (around my mid-late 30s)
Hm i'll ruminate on it
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rotationalsymmetry · 9 months
Apparently whether planting milkweed helps the butterflies is More Complicated than it seems, based on variables like where exactly you live and what type of milkweed it is.
On the bright side, I am being pointed in the direction of organizations I very much wanted to know about, like the California Native Plant Society and the Xerces Society (which is about insect/invertebrate conservation.)
Learning things is good, right?
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mumblingsage · 8 months
To the tune of Tom Lehrer's "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park"
Tooor-turing timelines for the plot!
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vibinwiththefrogs · 10 months
The agriculture industry is so incredibly nuanced and tightly within the grip of capitalism that I wish there were less extreme views on things, because it makes it hard to do any actual change toward the better. Like I'm a proponent of agroecology and organic and regenerative farming, but the "no chemicals at all or nothing" approach that government programs and a lot of activists have in the US makes it incredibly hard to convince people, because transitioning a farm isn't that simple, a lot of knowledge needs to be built up, and most would lose their farm instantly. It's definitely an industry where harm reduction is significant, and if you can cut chemical use by 30% or more, that's huge! But because there are only recent (last 10 years) of grassroots regional attempts to do that, it's not widespread. And because it's not all or nothing, organic people don't care.
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heavyhandedhex · 2 years
bdubs, a sun god, wears a cloak made out of glowstone, which originates from a dimension where there’s no day/night cycle + you can’t put a bed and sleep there
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anti-"civ" in the sense that i think "civilization" is an incoherent concept and if you want to take positions on related subjects you should be more specific about what you're for or against and how they're connected instead of taking your concepts straight from fucking kipling and rousseau or whoever
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