#ah ooc insulting nonsense
poisonousquinzel · 1 year
see, it's scenes like this that make me so beyond angry about the direction they took this arc in Season 3, and is one of the main reasons why I can not bring myself to give a single shit about anything this show does anymore.
Like I used to at least pay attention for Harley and Ivy's stuff and their relationship arc, cause I'm frankly not a huge fan of the humor or the writing for a lot of parts (but y'all know I will typically put up with a lot for Harley content) (not to mention all the other issues the shows got) but everything I've seen and watched about Season 3 just insulting to the severity of Harley's story. Namely because of all the shit they decided to pull with this bleached eyesore and his idk not redemption redemption arc. It's disgusting. Who the fuck cares what his politics are?!?
And this is just so out of character for Ivy?? What the hell??
She. Was. Fucking. Murdered. By. Him.
Why does it feel like that Fact been brushed off as just a silly thing to have no hard feelings over?? She literally died. He fucking harpooned her through the heart and she died in Harley's arms.
Why is she gossiping about their shared little annoyances that've come from being in a relationship with Harley?? It's an invasion of privacy??
He's Harley's abuser and she's chatting with him like he's their mutual friend and this is just casual banter.
"Seriously dude? I'm not gonna do that thing where we commiserate over the person we've both dated."
And then she precedes to do exactly fucking that over Harley not breaking down a cardboard box. Wow, brava' there honey. you really stood your ground. Tf is with this characterization for her??
And like, instead of maybe bringing up this little pet peeve to her girlfriend in casual conversation, she'd rather get into a casual gossiping session with Harley's Abusive Ex Boyfriend where they're talking about all the little things that are just so bothersome apparently that she just has to confide in The Joker about it.
Not to mention, but I'm sorry, the writers attempts to completely dismiss and gloss over Joker's real actions and the story they themselves fucking built up in Season 1 is so damn obvious.
"You know what I really loved about her though? The way she went along with whatever planned I asked her to do. Even when I knew she hated the idea."
"Well, you know, add that to the shit pile of reasons you were a toxic partner and a total narcissist."
I'm sorry? Toxic partner? is that all? just a toxic partner? is there not maybe a better, more descriptive and on the nose word for the type of man he was during his relationship with Harley? Like Abuser / Abusive Partner.
Because, news flash to the writers, there is and can be a difference between being toxic, having toxic traits, or a toxic outlook on relationships, and being abusive towards your partner.
and This is just minimizing the extensive list of shit he put her through and labeling it all as solely "toxic partner" behavior.
He's An Abuser Who's Shown No Remorse Towards His Victim.
Say the fucking word. It exists for a reason.
It's not "toxic", it's abuse. It was an Abusive Relationship. He was an Abusive Partner.
And Ivy knows that?!?!?!?!
Why is she sugarcoating shit???
"What Harley and I have is 100% different. We are equals. I'd never ask her to compromise herself like you did."
Like, Ivy could have put her foot down on that much, much clearer. Because it's almost like their relationship is different and it's biggest difference is not a simple "well I don't ask her to compromise herself."
But having Ivy say something like
"well, I'm not an abusive piece of shit who physically assaults her and berates her when she doesn't do what I want like you did throughout the entirety of your relationship because you're a narcissistic, abusive dickhead."
kinda brings up the fact that oh, right, Joker's a fucking domestic abuser,,, and boy do they seem to wanna forget that was the entire characterization for him in Season 1 because it doesn't fit his rushed, poorly done "redemption arc" where he did exactly nothing to deserve it, but got one anyway.
Cause, apparently, no one that gets ahold of Harley's character will just permanently kill the motherfucker and give him the karma he deserves.
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cower-before-power · 4 years
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Summary: Yami and Charlotte share a late night moment
Pairing: Yami x Charlotte
TW: Smoking, implied sexual content
Link to A03 here
A/N: Hello and welcome to the first fic I wrote for Black Clover. YamiChar is my OTP and I love writing for them. They may be a little OOC but I like to think they’d become soft lil’beans for each other once love is confessed. Please enjoy, sweet potatoes :)
The urge for a cigarette wakes him.
It’s not unusual for him to smoke a few times in the night, the need for nicotine breaking through even his most pleasant slumber. It irritates him on occasion, the inability to get through a night undisturbed. His ragamuffins would probably appreciate him in the mornings more after a full night spent in dreams. Though, he thinks, as he sits up and reaches for the pack sitting on his bedside table, reality is currently a lot better than any damn dream.
Reality is standing in front of the window, her silhouette illuminated by the wan moonlight shining through the grimy glass. If he was a romantic sap (which, on the very rare occasion, he just might be), he would say she looks like a goddess, like beauty incarnate come down from the Heavens to make men fall to their knees in awestruck worship. And then probably cut them all down where they kneel, he thinks with a smirk. She may be a goddess of beauty, but with her beauty comes unrepentant destruction. A rose covered in thorns, soft yet deadly, feminine yet with the power to strike you down and make you bleed.
He’s never been afraid of seeing his own blood.
“What’s on your mind, Prickly Queen?” He asks, bringing the now lit cigarette to his mouth.
“Nothing really,” she says, and the softness of her voice tugs lightly at his heartstrings. There once was a time he would not have dared to think he would hear it like this, quiet and laced with sleep. He treasures it. “I woke up for a drink of water, that’s all.”
She sets the cup in her hand down on the windowsill and turns towards the bed, wrinkling her nose slightly at the sight of smoke escaping from between chapped lips. “Must you do that in bed?”
He snorts. “My hideout, my rules.”
She scoffs, but the corners of her mouth tug up slightly. “I seem to recall saying something similar to you every time you spend the night in my bed, and I just get a face full of smoke as a response.”
He shrugs. “Why would I get up when I’m already comfy in bed? Take me as I am or leave me, Prickly Queen.”
(She’s always taken him for who he is. There’s few who have).
She tries to fight her smile but she’s failing. Her lips quirk up further. “Perhaps I should start up too, then. We can smoke in bed together.”
He laughs outright, the offending object swinging precariously from his lips. “Yeah right, the day I see you smoking is the day that no magic idiot remembers to restock the toilet paper.”
She gives up on her stern mouth, a full smile blooms across her face. After years of tight lipped glares and angry stares, it never fails to make his heart falter slightly.
“You got me,” she dances towards the bed, her blue nightgown swishing around her like a waterfall of silk. He reaches for her, hands settling on her hips as she climbs into his lap. Even after all these months he is still surprised by how unburdened and bold she is when it’s just the two of them. How free she can be with her feelings and affections. Of course, his tsun tsun princess still exists at times (especially with intense teasing from his end), but where would the fun be if she left?
“I’ll never take up such a filthy habit,” she continues, hands trailing up his bare chest. “Only a moronic meathead of a man would subject his lungs to such abuse.”
(Ah, the “man” insults. Now said with exasperated affection instead of scorn. He’ll take it.)
She plucks the near dead cigarette from his lips and tosses it onto the ashtray beside him. He opens his mouth to protest but the look she’s wearing silences him.
“Besides,” her eyes are growing dark, and her lips are bending into that smile that makes things below the belt twitch in excitement. “If I want to taste smoke, I’ve got a much more pleasant way of doing so.”
He anticipates her kiss and meets her halfway, a dance perfected over the months they’ve belonged to each other. There was a time when he never would have believed this possible, when he had bet his chips on secretly pining for the cold and sharp rose from a far. When he thought the idea of him brought her nothing but disdain. When both of them were stupid, scared, oblivious idiots.
(Good thing he was often a shit gambler.)
She tugs on his hair, impatient. He laughs into her mouth, shaking himself out of his thoughts. “You in a hurry?“
She tugs harder and his eyes roll back slightly. “Stop talking, idiot.”
He flips them so fast she squeals in surprise. “Hey, I’m the one who gives the orders around here.” He nips lightly at her throat, enjoying the way it makes her squirm beneath him.
“Is your mouth only good for cigarettes and talking nonsense?” She tries to say sternly, but his hands have already started wandering and it comes out rather breathy.
He grins a shit eating grin against her pounding pulse. “You know it isn’t.”
“Then hurry up before I throw the rest of those awful things in the trash.”
(An empty threat, but he’s nothing but a devout worshiper of his Prickly Queen. So he obeys.)
Some time later he lights another very unconfiscated cigarette and she half heartedly complains as she lounges against his chest, drowsy and sated. He just laughs, his own buzz mixing pleasantly with the tobacco and the feel of her.
“You love it,” he teases gently, fingers stroking languidly over her skin.
“I love you,” she yawns, and her eyes close. “Filthy habits and all.”
He presses a kiss to her head and squeezes her tight, his own declaration that he knows she understands. He takes another drag as she slowly begins to slip into the bliss of sleep.
“Goodnight, Yami,” she murmurs.
“Goodnight, Charlotte,” he blows the smoke into the air, and watches it lazily drift into the velvet night.
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crapitskizaru · 5 years
Trafalgar Law x His Crush Scenario
Hey!! Not sure if requests are open, but if they are, can I get a cute Law with his crush scenario thing... Thank you!
Warning: clumsy ooc law but idgas, shameless KidxLaw and i ain’t even sorry
Word Count: 1,303
“You’re staring.” 
Law raised an eyebrow and nibbled at a fry. “I don’t stare. I just...observe.” 
“Sure you do,” Ace took the last gulp of his McFlurry, a piece of chocolate sticking in the corner of his mouth. Law found that extremely irritating, but he managed to suppress his anger, as for now. 
All of a sudden, just on the opposite corner of the restaurant, a roar of laughter erupted, drawing everyone’s attention. Not that the actual source of this laughter cared much about that; besides, with such appealing features, it’d be hard not to attract glares of anyone who’s in the same room.
He was rowdy, he was loud, he was almost as reckless as he was hot, and above all, just so... 
Law searched for an optimal word for quite a while, all while chewing on his fries half-heartedly. 
...so cantankerous, was the word he’d use to describe Eustass Kid. 
“Why don’t you go over there, say hi, you know, captivate him with your natural charm?” Ace proposed, peeking over his shoulder at Kid’s table. “His mouth is like freaking energizer bunny, so you can’t possibly say anything bad that would scare him away. You know, like that time on the trip to Budapest when you tripped-”
“Don’t,” Law managed to stop him before the memories of that catastrophic event came flooding back into his brain again. Not that his brain didn’t remind him about the embarrassment every night, just when Law wanted to catch his already-limited time for sleep. Generally, ever since they were in the same class at school, Law couldn’t help but get much more clumsy than the socially acceptable norm was set.
Ace smirked and placed his McFlurry on the dangerously big pile of drained Cola cups and emptied chicken nugget packs in front of him. With a deep sigh Law stood up and reached for their trays. 
As he was making his way to the bin, he noticed his hands getting sweaty and his cheeks reddening when he was about to pass Kid’s table. 
Nonsense, he thought, bravely clutching onto the tray. He couldn’t possibly have such strong effect on him, certainly no. 
Suddenly the pile of empty boxes and papers from Ace’s modest meal toppled over the edge. Perhaps the laws of physics weren’t able to take in a human being able to eat that much junk food at one go. Or perhaps the whole universe decided today is going to be another Law Humiliation Day, which was far more likely. 
“Ah,” Law managed to stutter out as the content of the tray landed on Kid’s shoulders and lap, some last drops of Cola staining his clothes. The whole restaurant suddenly got quiet, and Law prayed to all gods for a heart attack. At least they would carry him out on the stretcher and he wouldn’t have to face the humiliation, which currently seemed to be pulsing through his whole body in waves. 
Somewhere among the tables, Ace cackled loudly. 
“Trafalgar,” Kid started with a grave voice, snapping a piece of a nugget off of his shoulder. He seemed terrifyingly calm. “I see it’s Budapest all over again, huh? And you’re insisting on picking me as the victim of your, ah, charms?” 
His friends chuckled hesitantly, as if they didn’t know whether to run or keep watching the turn of events. 
Great, now I’m becoming an entertainer to those idiots, Law thought. 
“I’m sorry, Eustass-ya,” he murmured, silently praying to God to smite him off the surface of the Earth already. “It just slipped.” 
Kid just raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure you didn’t mean for it to do so, did you?” 
The stark-white shirt of his, which was annoyingly far too tight as for Law’s taste, started springing with red stains from the Cola treatment. So Law blurted out the first thing that came into his mind without thinking, much to his own horror. 
“You gotta clean it, before it dries up.” 
Kid looked down, as if noticing the wetness on his chest just now. “I gotta clean it? Was I the one who knocked the whole tray over on myself?” 
The whole table seemed more relaxed than before, snorting with contempt and shooting Law pitiful glances. Wonderful friends Kid had, that was out of question. 
Law sighed with surrender. 
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“You know, for a dude who acts all punky and gloomy, and that edgy vibe you have going on, you’re quite uncoordinated,” Kid muttered, watching the man brush the surface of his shirt with a wetted tissue as they both stooped over the basin. 
“Yes, I seemed to already get the hint, especially with the whole McDonalds judging me as if I just committed murder.”
“Well, it was hard not to judge. You were like a bull in a china shop with two left-”
“I said I got it,” Law growled. His movements seemed to be getting harsher than before, the too-close proximity of the redhead leaving him all hot and bothered. Was it too close? Or was it not close enough?
The restaurant’s bathroom just couldn’t get any smaller, as if Law didn’t have enough problems on his mind already. To reach for the tap and wet the tissue again he had to brush his arm against Kid’s chest. Much to his dismay, it was warm and muscly, just as perfect as it looked from afar. Not that Law cared about it, no. 
“So you’re here with your boy?” Kid asked, peeking down at Law who furiously tried to wash away a particularly stubborn stain in the middle of his chest. “McDonalds date? That’s just stu-”
“Ace is not my boy,” the man spat out. “I’ve been single for twenty six years now and I don’t plan on changing it.” 
Kid just hummed. “He’s hot though.” 
A familiar heat of embarrassment washed over Law’s face, leaving it as red as the Cola stains. There was something else as well, deep inside his heart. Law already knew that feeling, and he wasn’t going to let it get to him. 
“He’s single. Good luck.” 
“You don’t seem to be particularly excited.” 
“Well, would you be happy to see another one of your friends getting hit on? Terribly, just to add?” Law wasn’t sure where he’s getting his courage from. He wasn’t even able to as much as look Kid in the face before, and now he was scolding him on his flirting techniques. Just awesome. 
“You think my flirting is terrible?” 
The question hung in the air awkwardly, like a guillotine over Law’s head. He prayed, yes, again, for the stain he so passionately scrubbed to finally disappear, along with his dignity and self-confidence. 
“I don’t know, Eustass-ya,” Law decided to slowly back away from the sensitive topic. “You haven’t flirted with me yet.” 
“Well, have I?” Kid asked, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk. “Keep scrubbing. There’s one drop here as well.” 
He gestured to his groin and earned himself a pitiful snort.
“Now I can say for sure, your flirting is goddamn terrible. Just like your friends.”
“What’s wrong with my friends?” 
“Oh, I think they’re lovely. Just so welcoming and kind. Great people.” At this point, Law begun to pray to himself to finally shut up. He kept talking nonsense despite his tongue getting weirdly dry and drops of cold sweat dripping down his neck. 
“You can insult me and my flirting,” Kid started, leaning over. His breath tickled Law’s temple, his voice getting more hoarse with each word. Which of course wasn’t a total turn-on, even in the slightest. “But don’t you insult my friends, Trafalgar. Clear?” 
Law just muttered something back, which he himself didn’t quite understand. But when Kid got silent for longer than few seconds - his personal record, Law assumed - he couldn’t help but look up into his face. 
Kid sent him a devilish smirk, probably the hottest thing in the universe, and cleared his throat awkwardly. 
“So. You wanna grab a drink or something?” 
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Story time please😍💓🎉
Hi! I’m always unsure what to write about. Do you want something NSFW? Something from the past? Something cute? Something modern?
Since I’m kinda unsure, I decided to go for something modern and canon this time. An interview! Yay, my first time writing one! This is likely SFW and super, super canon (at least that’s 100% how I could imagine it):
Host: Hello Ladies and Gentlemonsters and welcome to Talk Scare! I am here tonight to talk to a famous family we all know. The de Niles!
Audience: *cheers*
Host: That’s right, dear monsters. The de Nile family has been in debate for several years now. Ramses’ opinions, Nefera’s career, Cleo’s attitude, even! Lately, though, something big has happened in their unlives. The media has secretely speculated about the absence of Mrs. de Nile. Many theories were developed. Is she dead? Did she leave her family? Did Ramses murder her?
Audience: *laughs*
Host: No, really, guys. I’ve heard that. However, the question has finally been answered! Dedyet de Nile has returned to her family on February 1st after being captured in the Catacombs. The family has never talked about her a single time and has refused to answer any questions about her, no matter who asked, but now, dear guests, now she is here! Now, more than half a year later, the de Niles are willing to speak. And here they come!
Audience: *applaudes*
Ramses, Dedyet, Nefera and Cleo: *walk in, wave and sit down on the couch next to the host*
Host: Welcome, dear guests! I am sure it has been a tough choice for you to come here so publically, especially for you, Dedyet.
Dedyet: Heh, yes. *blushes* I was a bit unsure about my English and… About the way the people of the New Age might view me.
Host: Why? Have you often dealt with rejection of your people?
Dedyet: Hm, well, not really, but-
Ramses: What an insulting question! Are you saying we have been unpopular amongst our underlings?!
Host: Errr, no… So… How was the reunion for you as a family?
Dedyet: Emotional. While I had kind of been unconscious for all these years, only dreaming about them, my family had not. I cannot imagine how hard it was for them to cope without me.
Host: Why? Are you a bit self-absorbed?
Ramses: *about to freak out*
Dedyet: No, not really. And I do not think that, just because my family and I have been raised in a strict and different way than people these days who are not royal, you should judge me and us like that. I mean… We’re all different and I’m really grateful for that! I was only saying it was hard for them to cope without me, because of my position in the family. Imagine how hard it must be for two children to grow up without their mother… *eyes get wet*
Host: Indeed. How hard was it?
Cleo: Very. There was always someone missing. In the conversations, at the dinner table… But with passing time it became so normal for us that no one talked about her. Sometimes I even felt like Father had forgotten her…
Ramses: *slightly angry* Well, I have not.
Host: How was it for you, Nefera?
Nefera: Ah… Weird. Someone who I used to see and talk to every day was suddenly gone.
Host: How much did it hurt?
Nefera: *rolls eyes*
Host: *gives her an urging look*
Nefera: Ugh, fine! *rolls eyes* …Lots.
Dedyet: *smiles and kisses her head* Aw, she has such a hard time talking about her feelings!
Nefera: Ugh, Mother!
Dedyet: …Sorry, dear.
Host: What are your plans for the future?
Ramses: Try living our lives in a way that makes sure to include Dedyet. She has many things to learn. We might as well seek more privacy than usually. But this is important, to include her even more.
Cleo: Yes! Like, there are so many things Mother hasn’t done or seen yet!
Nefera: Don’t worry, Sis, Mother has seen often enough what a loser you are. *fake smiles*
Audience: *laughs*
Cleo: Ahem. I was talking about a Sale at the Maul. Mom has never seen one. Fetching the best prices is so exciting! A must for any fashionable ghoul!
Host: Has she met your boyfriend, at least?
Cleo: Of course! They have been getting along great! Deuce even-
Ramses: This is not the point of today’s discussion!
Cleo: *rolls eyes*
Host: Well, since there are no more questions on my side to ask-
Nefera: Wait! What about me?
Host: …Excuse me?
Nefera: Uh… You asked me something like once.
Host: *laughs* Since you’ve been here previously to talk about your career, I do not think-
Nefera: Well, yeah, my career. So, I’ve had an appointment with a world famous agency last week. They want me on all the magazine covers! I am more famous than ever and any monster who has been waiting to hear about me can definitely cheer right now!
Audience: *cheers*
Nefera: My career is far from over and anyone who says otherwise is a jealous prick!
Dedyet: Honey, that’s a mean word! *pouts*
Nefera: Well, that’s why I used it.
Ramses: Is this now over? I have businesses to attend.
Host: No! What would Talk Scare be without a round of questions from the audience? *gets up* So, who has a question for the de Niles to answer?
Audience: *raises hand*
Host: *picks out a slim woman with wings and walks over to her*
Woman: Dedyet, what is your job?
Dedyet: Uhm… *blushes* *smiles* I don’t have a job.
Ramses: Nonsense! She’s queen!
Woman: But isn’t your empire long los-
Ramses: Next question!
Host: *walks over to an adult werewolf*
Werewolf: Nefera, will you ever shoot nude?
Host: What the fuck.
Ramses: *about to freak out*
Nefera: Uh… No?
Host: A last question! *walks over to a teenage boy*
Boy: *smirks* Can I ask something about sex?
Ramses: NO! *freaks out entirely*
End music: *plays*
Host: Oh! *turns to camera* Thank you for tuning in today, guys! Make sure to watch Talk Scare again next week when we will be interviewing Casta Fierce and her new boyfriend!
Nefera: *from the back* Casta Fierce is sooooo out!
Host: Thank you and goodbye! *smiles*
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