#ah right also i was supposed to draw the koi fish with them but i didn't
hopelesslovebug · 2 years
For the ask game !!
Could u make number 6🎶🎵 or 12 or 25 choose witch one u like :D
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oh lucky you just got fugio
koi boy by jack stauber
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toxickimi · 3 years
Ch 5 Dress Maker (FO4 AU)
Kimikyo and Azumiral made their way down to the throne room where the dress maker and her assistant was stood. "Ah the young princess. It is a pleasure." Everyone bowed to each other. "Let us get started. Is there a room we could go to?" Azumiral nodded, leading them to Kimikyo's room. They hung a long cloth on the door way as Kimikyo changed into a a thin dress. "Now my dear I think you would look lovely in a back-less dress. that flowed to the ground." Kimikyo looked uneasy as the assistant took measurements while the dress maker spoke. "No...no back-less dresses please. I'd prefer my back be covered." Azumiral stood at the door giving Kimikyo the chance to speak for herself. "Ah, that is a shame, you have such a lovely figure. Perhaps a coreset sweet heart dress or maybe even a ball gown?" "Oh ma'am I think she'd be lovely in a mermaid style dress with feathers, or perhaps a more modern style that has a slit up the side." The dress maker and her assistant tossed around ideas for a while, confusing Kimikyo all around. The was a slight knock on the frame of the door. "Is Kimikyo in here?" Azumiral pulled back the cloth to see Maxson standing there. "Ah Elder Maxson. She is with the dress maker right now. Is it urgent?" "We have training today." Azumiral shook her head. "I'm afraid she'll be much to busy for any training for at least a month." Kimikyo walked over sticking her head out to look at Maxson. "Save me." Maxson walked in the room seeing the two tailors still talking before looking at Azumiral. "Speaking of which don't you have training too? Do I have to bring this up to your mother?" Kimikyo looked between Maxson and Azumiral before sighing. "Ladies, may we take this outside? I'm afraid I have to do training." The tailors looked over before nodding. "Why yes! Natural lighting will give the better results and you can view the photos while you're out there." Kimikyo then looked at Azumiral. "There. Problem solved." Everyone made there way out of the room allowing Kimikyo to change into better suited clothes before she met the group outside. Maxson was stood in the sun, leaving the two woman aside in the the shaded area. "Do you think he's her groom to be?" "I don't believe so, there would have been news." "He's so handsome though." The two woman giggled, Kimikyo hearing them as she approached. "You mentioned pictures?" "Ah yes." The assistant handed some drawing over to Kimikyo who took them with her as she approached Maxson. Maxson took them from her making her run five laps, though he looked through the pictures.
Once she was done running Maxson handed her the drawings back as she waved the two woman over. "Can you please show me these while I'm training?" The assistant looked at her, puzzled for a moment before she flipped through the photos of different style dresses while Kimikyo started working on her punches again. Maxson then showed her the post way to kick, having her copying him. "I like the skirt on the empire dress but can we have the top like the align? Also can we add something to cover the back. Something like a shawl, cloak or cape?" The assistant flinched at every punch and kick made by the two. "Y-Yes ma'am. We'll draw you something up and have...have it sent over." Kimikyo ended up falling to the ground on one of Maxson's blocks. "Princess!" Kimikyo sat up shaking her head then rubbing it slightly. "Are you okay, Kimikyo?" Maxson looked at her, almost with concern. "Ye-yea...I'm fine." She slowly stood up with the help or Maxson and the assistant. "You were saying?" She looked over at the assistant who looked like a nervous wreck. "We'll...we'll send you a few drawings. Good day ma'am." She and the dress maker quickly left just as Azumiral arrived. "They seemed in a rush. Did you choose one already?" "No. They are going to draw up designs and send them over." Azumiral sighed and nodded. "Next on your list is to meet with the shoe maker. I'm afraid you won't be able to sneak your way out of this one. He'll be here soon so don't be long." Azumiral rushed away, leaving the two alone. Maxson
looked down at Kimikyo who looked annoyed. "What is this all about?" "What? The ceremony?" She looked up at him before sighing. "It's my coming of age ceremony. It's when I will be given my royal tiara, I have to dance with all princes and noble bachelors, meet everyone, and I show them all my true form." "The fish?" Kimikyo went quiet for a moment. "Yea...the koi fish. That they will all laugh at. Of course you all won't have to sit through it." "Why's that?" Kimikyo was taken back by his question. "B-Because...you'll be back in your world. All of this will just be a distant dream...I doubt you will come back. You're a leader there.." "Didn't your mother say an hour is are only minutes there?" Kimikyo nodded to him the both going silent. "I better get going." Kimikyo turn, walking back into the castle. Kimikyo met with the show maker who showed her several designs. "Do you have any flats?" Azumiral shook her head at Kimikyo. "No flats. You are going to be twenty-one. You must learn to walk in heals." Kimikyo groaned before pointing to the smallest pair of heals. "These then...make them silver colored please." The shoe maker nodded before he began taking measurements of her feet. Soon he was gone leaving the two alone. "Speak of heels. Mother has bought you a pair to practice walking in. They are in your room as well as a few books for you to read." Kimikyo nodded silently to Azumiral. "Very well. I suppose I will go to them then." She stood, walking to her room. The door was already fixed by the time she returned. She went into her room, locking the door behind her. She laid on her bed as she grabbed the wolf plush. "Where did you come from, I wonder?" Kimikyo walked over to the table where the books were. She sat the wolf on the table before she began to read them. Time escaped her before she knew it, it was morning. She looked at the window seeing the sun rising. "Oh..." She let out a yawn as she walked to the door, unlocking it just as Azumiral knocked. "The dress maker sent over designs as did the she maker. Please choose one." Azumiral handed the pictures over to Kimikyo along with extra books. Kimikyo nodded as she looked through the designs. "Good lord Kimikyo, did you stay up all night?" Azumiral looked over seeing the new plush on the table. "Where did this one come from?" "Oh...he appeared the other night wrapped up. Not a clue how he get here. I woke up to him next to me. I've named him Arthur like the king from those fantasy books." "I see...well he sure is a cutie." Kimikyo nodded to Azumiral before handing over a dress design and a shoe design. "I like these." "Alright I'll send them back. I must say you're a lot faster at picking then Kigra was. She took two weeks to pick and even then she was picky about everything." Azumiral left, sending the approved design back to the makers. That after noon a box of fabrics arrived. Kimikyo was hid away in the animal barn, sleeping on a coiled Iza. Maxson and Azumiral searched high and low for her only for Danse to find her when he went to check on the lioness cub of his. Iza watched Danse carefully as he stepped closer. "I'm just checking on her. The whole castle is searching for her." Danse moved closer to make sure she was fine only to back away when he heard faint snoring. "See? I'm friend, wasn't going to hurt her." Iza lowered his head to Danse, allowing him to place his head on him. "So you're her baby boy? I thought you would have been smaller." Danse chuckled lightly before leaving to the castle to inform Maxson. Maxson walked in the barn to see not only Iza there but now Rose and Vi all cuddled together sleeping. "Don't let any say she's not brave." Maxson watched for a moment before walking over to the group, placing his coat over Kimikyo as a cover before leaving. When Kimikyo finally woke up the coat was long gone thanks to Iza who had it on his head like a hat. Kimikyo sat up, rubbing her eyes. She looked outside still seeing that it was light out. "Iza...?" Iza looked over at her, his tongue sticking out. "Iza what is on your head?" She giggled
lightly, climbing up him only to freeze when she saw Maxson's coat. "Iza!!!" She had thought the worse. She grabbed the coat and ran inside to Azumiral, tears streaming down her face. "A-A-Azumiral! Iza-he-he!" She showed Azumiral the coat with Azumiral only giving her a weird look. "Yes? That is Elder Maxson's coat?" "Iza ate him!!" Kimikyo held onto the coat only to glare at Azumiral who made a snorting said as she tried not to laugh. Azumiral began to laugh as Kimikyo rushed to the kitchen. "Everyone! I need something to make Iza puke! Now!!" The staff hurried around gathering some of the smelliest fruit. Kimikyo ran out of the kitchen past Maxson, though she didn't notice. "Iza!! Iza eat these." Iza hissed at the smell but Kimikyo still pried his mouth open, shoving the fruit it. Aiko walked in the barn at the wrong time seeing Kimikyo sticking out of Iza, Rose and Vi were huddled in the corner terrified and Iza was trying to pulling her out of his mouth. Aiko slowly backed away from the scene only to bump into Maxson who looked just as concerned. "That's...something." "I assure you...this is actually normal." The walked away going to have tea at Aiko's insistence. Aiko sipped on her tea, while working on documents. "You will all be able to leave by tomorrow. I suggest saying farewell to anyone as you may not be able to return." "Ma'am?" Aiko glanced up at him. "The mages tell me there is a chance the portal will close once you step through as a way to correct the flow of time and universes. Once the last of you are through you may not e able come back." "Thank you for informing us." Aiko went back to her work. "I will of course be giving you four a feast before you leave but you might wish to spend what little time you have with that young, overly emotional, daughter of mine." Maxson froze at her words before looking over to see Kimikyo walking sluggishly back to the castle in utter defeat. She was covered in snake spit and vomit. "A funny lot those four. She found Iza when he was on the brink of death. Right after her father passed none the less. Then came Vi...he is the last of his kind and she welcomed him in with open arms though she was terrified at first. Then came Rose...we weren't expecting her to grow. We thought she was a normal black widow." "With all due respect, why are you telling me this?" Aiko giggled lightly before looking up at him. "You are her friend and you saw what I saw in that barn. I don't want you thinking I was going to let my daughter be eaten. What you've seen up until now was a mask that she puts on. She's hurting...and I believe that you four have helped her come out of that dark place." Maxson stood from his chair before returning to his room. Aiko watched him until he was out of her sight. "Interesting..." She grinned before gathering her work, returning to the castle herself.
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ourimpavidheroine · 5 years
A scene that always sticks out to me would be when Wing is just on the floor, staring dumbstruck up at Nuo and Yumi just like someone go help him haha. And another would be Lin and Mako sitting at that lake and fishing, smoking their pipes. I dunno why but that one sticks with me. And one more would be Wu with Qi, scaring the shit out of Willow's husband in Chun's garden. Love it when Wu gets his king on!
Oh god, poor Wing. Chapter 2 of Dear Diary. That was a lot of fun to write!
"Are you a child?" she said, standing up on her tiptoes to throw another thwack to Tu's head. "And on His Majesty's brand new rug! Really!" She turned her gaze to Wei. "You must be one of the Beifong twins." Her tone said exactly how she felt about Beifong twins rolling about on my rug. (Hint: Not positively.)
"That one's Wei," said Huan mildly.
"On His Majesty's brand.new.rug," she repeated to Wei, who hung his head.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
Wing hadn't moved. He was still staring up at her, mouth gaping open like a koi. Wei kicked him, none too gently. "What's wrong with you? Get up!"
"Guuuuh," replied Wing. Nuo frowned down at him and he moaned.
"That one's Wing," added Huan.
"I see," said Nuo, slowly. "Are you injured?"
Wing made a strangled noise.
"Do you need assistance?" Nuo raised an eyebrow.
Wing opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Oh dear.
"Oh now, that's one of the saddest things I've ever seen," said Yumi, shaking her head from her spot by the door. "Someone go and do something for that poor boy."
Mako shook his head back at her before getting up and grabbing Wing by his tunic, yanking him up. "Come on, big guy," he said, and walked him over to a chair, pushing him so that he sat down. Wing looked at Mako, who patted him sympathetically on the shoulder. "It happens that way sometimes," he said.
The Lin and Mako one is from Chapter 9 of The Further Tales of Lin Beifong. I felt like I owed the two of them their own time together and went back and forth how I could do it without being sentimental. I was playing my Hou-Ting family Sims game (yes, I really am that big of a nerd) and my Lin and Mako Sims just up and went fishing together and BOOM! I had it.
Once they'd finished their breakfast, the Chief picked up a pole. "You ever been fishing before?" At Mako's shake of his head, she opened up the basket and showed him how to bait the hook before explaining and then demonstrating how to cast the pole. "Soft and easy, no need to fling the damn thing," she said, and after a few false starts Mako got the hang of it. She showed him how to hold it. "You start to feel a tug on the line, you give it a sharp jerk to set the hook and then start reeling it in. Net's there; I'll give you a hand since you're new at it and all." With that she cast her own pole and then sat down on her stool, surprising Mako to the core of his very being by pulling a pipe out of her jacket pocket and handing it over to him to light. At his look she shrugged. "Just a fishing thing." She pulled out another one and handed it to him without a word. Mako lit his up and sucked on it; the tobacco was unexpectedly sweet and smokey at the same time, far better tasting than the cigarettes he snuck behind Wu's back.
They sat there for a time, smoking their pipes and occasionally checking their hooks for bait. The morning air had a bit of a bite to it; it was chilly, but the air felt fresh and smelled divine. Mako was a city boy, through and through, but he thought, sitting there smoking that pipe, with the rising sun warm on his shoulders, that he'd never been anywhere more lovely or peaceful in his entire life.
The Chief tapped the ashes out of her pipe and then stowed it away. "I learned how to fish from Katara. Tenzin's mother, you know?" She smiled a little. "Aang was a vegetarian, of course, but Katara never had been and every once in awhile she'd sneak away and get a little fishing in. She'd taken Bumi with her once upon a time but he got older and joined the Navy and she used to take me after that."
They were silent for a time. The Chief put her pole between her clamped knees and poured herself a little tea, drinking it before shifting the pole back into her hands.
And yes, the scene in Lady Chun’s garden in Chapter 6 of A Song Of Spring And Autumn. I really wanted to show Wu’s brand of ruthlessness; I rewrote that scene a few times until it really felt right to me. (I also wanted to get across that the only reason Qi didn’t wholesale murder Willow right there was that they really liked Lady Chun and wouldn’t want to upset her. I think I managed.)
“Fuck His Majesty,” she sneered at me. “It’s just like you’ve said. No one needs anything from him. He’s just a liability at this point.”
Tsai went pale and started to sputter, his eyes bulging. “Your Majesty! I…I beg you, please…”
Qi was staring at Willow. I’d never seen that particular expression on Qi’s face before. It was a little frightening, Progeny. Qi is normally the calmest of people; I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I have seen Qi anything but completely unruffled. That is just Qi’s nature. The way Qi was staring at Willow, however, made me wonder if Qi had ever actually used any of those knives on another person. I am not sure if Qi was even breathing; Qi was that still and that focused on her. I turned my gaze towards Chun’s home and started to speak.
“Do you know your history, Tsai? History was my favorite subject, as it happens. In fact, I read through most of the historical tomes we had at the palace in Ba Sing Se and I can promise you that was no small feat. The library was extensive.” I brushed an imaginary piece of lint off of my trousers. “How much do you know about Hou-Ting XVI?” I flicked a glance towards Tsai. He was staring back at me in a kind of horror.
“Oh, history. Delightful,” spat out Willow. “What’s next? How to suck off policemen?” Tsai gasped. I ignored Willow and continued.
“Well, it was some time ago and there were, after all, a great many Hou-Tings before I took the throne, so I’ll forgive you for not knowing who she was off the top of your head.” I gestured dismissively with my hand. “No need to get into great detail, but the salient part of her history I wish to draw your attention to is that she fell in love and married an earthbender.” I tsked. “Terrific scandal at the time, of course. What if children of the union should be benders? You can simply imagine how people reacted. So a small group of nobles got together and decided to remedy the situation. Her husband was found dead one day not long after the wedding. He’d been poisoned.” I smiled. “Ah, nothing says Earth Kingdom nobility like a good poisoning! It’s one of the favored weapons, you know. In fact, that’s how my own father was done away with, although at the time it was widely put about that he accidentally choked to death.” I leaned over towards Tsai and whispered conspiratorially. “Don’t believe it. My great-aunt had him killed, compliments of the Dai Li.” I sat back up. “Well, that’s neither here nor there. Back to Hou-Ting XVI. She was, by all accounts, very distraught about the death of her husband. She abdicated, ensuring that her younger brother, Hou-Ting XVII, took the throne in her place. She left Ba Sing Se and disappeared. When asked, her brother told everyone that she had retired to a life of meditation and reflection.”
“Thrilling story,” said Willow, rolling her eyes.
“Oh no, that’s the tragic part. The thrilling part came later. You see, a series of accidents started happening to the families of the nobles who had plotted against her husband. A child who wandered away from her nanny, found drowned at the bottom of a well. A wife trampled in the street by out of control ostrich horses. An oldest son set upon by thieves, his throat cut. It wasn’t just immediate family, either. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins - entire families were slowly weeded out over the years. Never any of the nobles who had actually done the plotting, however. No, they were left alive. Of course they were.” I turned to look Tsai in the eyes and I smiled. It was most certainly not a nice smile. “They were meant to suffer. They were meant to see everything they had ever loved torn away from them, from the tiniest of babies to the oldest of grandmothers. These nobles, they finally went to her brother, Hou-Ting XVII, and begged him to help them, to somehow intervene on their behalf. He told them there was simply nothing he could do, that even a King cannot control fate. And then he told them that since they had no heirs, their lands and titles would be given to other families. They left the palace, nameless and destitute. Alone.”
Tsai was staring at me. I shrugged gracefully with one shoulder. “Mind you, no one ever saw Hou-Ting XVI again. So perhaps she really was living a life of meditation and reflection. It might have been just poor luck, hmm?”
“Your Majesty,” he whispered.
“Now of course these are civilized times we live in. I suppose if I wanted to show my displeasure I could threaten you with the untimely and public reveal of something faintly sordid, like the fact that you spend a great deal time at an establishment that caters to men of certain tastes.” I waggled my finger at him. “Not that I judge, mind you. After all, as has been clearly established, I do sordid things with a common policeman. What I don’t do, of course, is pay money to have commoners tie me up and beat me for sexual pleasure.” I glanced at Willow, who was staring at her husband, mouth open. “Oh, don’t look so shocked, Willow. After all, he’s not breaking any laws. The establishment itself is legal and pays its taxes. All on the up and up! After all, if you can’t satisfy him, then why begrudge him a little money for something that can?”
“You told me that the bruises were from training,” she said, and when he reached towards her she slapped at his hands, her face furious. “How could you? At that place? What will people say of you? What will people say of me?” She burst into tears before turning and running down the steps of the pavilion, back to the house.
“Secrets and lies,” I said sorrowfully. “They’ll ruin a marriage, you know. But never fear, dear Tsai.” He looked back at me, a stunned expression on his face. “Royalty does not engage in such squalid diversions as threats. Royalty certainly does not espouse blackmail.” I sniffed. “Nasty little thing, blackmail. Far beneath me, I assure you. No, I would never do that. That little tidbit will never go any further than this garden. You have my word.” I smiled at him. “My word as a prince of the house of Hou-Ting.” I let the smile drop, and I leaned towards him. “However, as a king? Well, I couldn’t guarantee what I might do as a king. Such fickle creatures, kings. They tend to think they can do anything they want to, kings. Not surprising, of course, seeing as they are above the law. Why, a king might even cut your wife’s filthy little tongue right out of her mouth for the insult she gave to the king’s consort and children, not to mention the king's dearest friend! No, it is probably best for everyone if I remain simply a Highness instead of a Majesty, don’t you agree?” I reached into my jacket and pulled a piece of paper from an inner pocket, holding it out to him. He automatically took it and unfolded it, looking down to read it. His face went even paler than before. I smiled at him again. “Perhaps you can convince your friends of the same. When you next meet, of course. Next week in Ba Sing Se, yes? At the suite at the Imperial Jade Hotel?”
“How…” he whispered, and I laughed. I was actually amused at that point, Progeny. It was a real laugh.
“Oh, come now! Tsai! Did you think I didn’t know? Did you really?”
“Your Maj-” He swallowed. “Your Highness. I apologize for any offense I may have -”
I cut him off with a hand wave. “Yes, yes, I know. Run on back to the house now, Tsai. This conversation no longer amuses me.” He bowed, deeply, and started to hurry away.
“Oh, but Tsai?”
He turned to look at me, his eyes haunted.
“The only reason we are even having this conversation is because of my love for Chun. I should genuinely hate to cause her a moment’s worth of pain for any reason whatsoever. That said, if you - or any of your friends - so much as touch a hair on any of my children’s precious heads, your lives will immediately be forfeit, without the benefit of conversation. Do I make myself entirely clear? I won’t say it again.”
He jerked out a nod and spun to make his way rapidly back towards the house. I closed my eyes. I sat for a few moments, simply breathing in the silence of the garden.
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