#ahhh nice dream references are always Healing
demonstars · 1 year
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denkimystery · 4 years
Denki Mystery Series - 1st Episode: 『Six Men Getting Sick』
ー Midorito House, Eve of the Jyushimatsu Festival
A Voice: ... Come to think of it, the owner of my cab company… I wonder if he’s one of those people who's into the occult?
Ozo: I only come to the office sometimes. And whenever I’m there that’s all we talk about.
Ozo: Like, strange stories of this area? I’ve heard a lot about that too. I've heard it all from that person.
Takashi: Ah! I know who you’re talking about. He came to my store, too. He kept chattering on and on about how I should get out of this place before I am unable to leave, and then he just left.
Hajime: Wow. Is that person a local from here?
Ozo: No, it's nothing like that. I heard that he came here a long time ago, and then he was given the job and entrusted with the company. You're very curious, aren't you.
Karatsugu: I wonder what he was doing before that. He’s not from around here, but he knows a lot about it, right? The stories of this place, I mean.
Ozo: Come to think of it, people wouldn't talk so openly about that kind of stuff if they were from here. I wouldn't ask or deny it, though.
Ozo: He said I drive too rough, so he started calling me “Cowboy”.
Toshio: You sound like a villainous pro wrestler. It’s kinda cool.
Ozo: Right? But I'm not that buff! … Phew, that was a nice time. It's been about half an hour since we got back from the factory?
Ozo pops open a beer. The sound of the fizz is replaced by the sounds of him gulping his drink.
Chorosuke: It’s a bit late, but we've prepared a midnight snack.
Ozo: Whaaat, I didn't think the Master was here, but he cooked for me? That's very kind of you.
Takashi: Let me help, Chorosuke-san.
[[Takashi gets up to help Chorosuke set the food down.]]
Takashi: Wah, this looks so good.
Ozo: Ahhh! I'm so hungry!! … Ah, can you let me borrow your phone before we start?
Chorosuke: Sure, be my guest. … Dayoko, escort him please.
[[Ozo follows Dayoko out of the room.]]
Toshio: You have some for me too? Wah... It's mushroom soup! Looks good.
Chorosuke: Everyone, you must be hungry. After you eat, let's rest for today. We still have tomorrow.
[[Ozo comes back to the room.]]
Ozo: Thanks for letting me call. It was the president. I told him I was sick.
Ozo: Since we have a private gathering tomorrow, I told him I was gonna stay up and he replied with a resounding OK. Heheh!
Ozo: If it had been the old lady in the office, she would have told me to go home for sure!
Takashi: That’s the normal reaction. I think you're being underestimated by your president.
Karatsugu: Well, let's eat before it gets cold. Thanks for the food.
Toshio: Thanks for the fooood!
[[Toshio shoves a spoonful into his mouth, chewing eagerly. Everyone else follows suit.]]
Hajime: These mushrooms are delicious.
Chorosuke: These are the mushrooms that my student grew. He often gives me some, they are very fragrant and delicious.
Toshio: Are there other ways to eat it other than miso soup?
Chorosuke: You can also roast it, it’d still be delicious.
「Thank you for the meal.」 Everyone says when they’re finished.
Chorosuke: Did you all like it? Then, let's brew some tea. ... Dayoko, your big bwother*** will also help.
[[Chorosuke leaves the room.]]
Takashi: … Huh?
[[Takashi’s gaze is pointed down. Staring at something.]]
Takashi: ……. Jyushimatsu-niisan, why are you buried in the ground. Heyyy… Ah, another Jyushimatsu-niisan.
[[Hajime looks at where Takashi was looking at. There’s nothing but the floor.]]
Hajime: Ta-Takashi-kun? What’s wrong? … Are you ok!?
Ozo: … Hm? When did I get back to the car?
[[Ozo notices he’s not alone, looking into his rearview mirror he sees someone on the passenger’s seat.]]
Ozo: Customer-san, why are you wearing a paper bag?
Ozo: … Hie! [Ozo flinches as the customer removes his paper bag.]
Ozo: … You look just like me…!?
[[Toshio seems to be struggling.]]
Toshio: Uwah! What’s this thing in front of me! ... A big dog!
Chorosuke: Dayoko! I won’t hand Dayoko over to you!! Dayoko!? Where-? Dayoko?
Karatsugu: ... huh. I feel like my back is…
[[Karatsugu focuses on the feeling in his back before realizing that it’s sharp and he’s in deep pain.]]
Karatsugu: … W-Waaah!! I-I’ve been stabbed! I’m dead! I’m cuuursed!
Hajime: Eh... Where am I?
[[Hajime looks around.]]
Hajime: It’s pitch black.
Hajime: H-HIEEEEEEE!!! [[All of a sudden Hajime screams. Thrashing and flinging.]]
Hajime: H-Help meeee!!! SOMEBODY, HELP ME!
Takashi: Waaaaaah…!! … Huh. What was that?
Ozo: Wah! What the-? A-are these mushrooms safe to eat!? I just had a scary dream!****
Chorosuke: Huh? What’s the matter? Nothing happened to me, I’m fine. Here, have some tea.
[[Chorosuke starts pouring tea.]]
Toshio: I'm fine too.
[[Toshio starts munching on some of the snacks Chorosuke offered with the tea.]]
Toshio: Delicious! Where did you get these snacks?
Ozo: Eh ~ !? You're always eating them, so you've built up a tolerance? I don't remember it clearly, but I was really scared!
Toshio: Aah! Are you okay, Karamatsu-niisan? The corner of the desk is digging into your back.
Karatsugu: Eh!? The corner of the table? … Ah, thank goodness. I thought I was stabbed in the back…
Hajime: Haa~. [[Hajime releases a sigh he’s been holding.]]
Hajime: …. What was that. Just now. I’m not immune to these mushrooms… What did I just see…? Th-That was scary.
Toshio: Aaaa, that was delicious. … Well, I’m going home now. I’ll see you all tomorrow. My big brothers and Todomatsu!
Takashi: I'm getting a little used to it. That “Todomatsu”. Jyushimatsu-niisan.
Ozo: You live on the other side of the mountain, right? Why don't you just stay the night? Or, do you want me to drive you home?
Toshio: The roads are dangerous at night. I can take a shortcut.
[[Toshio stands up quickly in one fell swoop.]]
Toshio: Nanna is waiting for me.
Chorosuke: Here you go. Didn’t something break just earlier?
Toshio: Thank you, Choroma- Chorosuke-san. Todomatsu, my bigger brothers. Good night!
Thump, thump... Rustle, rustle, rustle. [[Toshio takes off running, his footsteps landing heavy on the dirt path. Soon after he runs through the bushes and into the forest.]]
Takashi: Ah…! He jumped into the bushes. I-I hope he’s ok.
Chorosuke: Ogami’s fine. Oh, and he’s always running around in the mountains.
[[Dayoko walks in to tell Chorosuke something.]]
Chorosuke: Hm, what. … Aah. Thank you, Dayoko. Everyone. The bath is ready. Please, help yourselves.
Ozo: Ah~, I'm going to catch my breath ‘cause my eyes are getting tired*****!
Chorosuke: Eh!?
Ozo: If we're going to talk about scary stories, how about we tell a “Hundred Stories” while drinking?
Chorosuke: Can you stop doing that I don’t want to get in trouble if something weird happens!?
ーThe Endー
Original Event
Summer Arc: 1 | 2 | 3
Mod Note: This came from the Stories that came with the Akatsuka Mansion Attraction from Trashneyland. All 4 and 3 star attractions have 3 stories, often related to the theme of the building. (ex. Akatsuka Mansion has 3 stories related to Denki Mystery. Geruge Castle also has 3 stories related to the Geruge Set).
The original title is 二豎(にじゆ)と六人の男 (lit. The Evil Spirits of Illness and the Six Men). *Nijiyu (二豎) is a term that originated from the legends of Zheng Chenggong. Unfortunately it’s all in Chinese and I’m already at my wit’s end so I can’t give you an exact origin lmao. I’m not sure what exactly happened but there’s this Duke who was cursed to not be able to eat anything new. He is feeling ill, he dreams of his illness and the doctor says that the illness can’t be healed because the cause is somewhere even his medicine can’t reach. That’s my rough understanding of what happened. Anw, that illness became known as the Nijiyu. Edit: I looked up David Finch's filmography again and turns out that the original title is referencing his 1967 work "Six Men Getting Sick (Six Times)". I've changed the title to make more sense to English readers, but I've kept the original title in the mod notes. If the stage names are references to David Lynch's movies then the story names are references to David Lynch's short films. And unlike the stage names, the titles of each story is relevant to what happens in the story.
*** Chorosuke uses Anii-chama again. Which is a cutesy way of saying bigger brother: Nii-san > Nii-sama > Anii-chama. He’s acting like a sis-con btw.
**** If you haven’t noticed, their mushroom trip is based on their original attack sprites. Ozo’s hallucination is a combination of his (Taxi + Passenger) and Toshio (Removing Mask)’s attacks. Karatsugu, Hajime and Takashi are slightly different from their original attack sprites (Karatsugu doesn’t write a dying message, Hajime doesn’t wield an axe and bolo, Takashi isn’t screaming). Chorosuke and Toshio’s hallucinations are original. Chorosuke is hallucinating about Dayoko being taken away and Toshio’s hallucinations involve a big dog, most likely the Inugami Youkai.
*****I think the original text is an idiom? I don’t know what it exactly means though so I did my best approx.
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astranne · 4 years
Crossover Idea Percy Jackson/Vikings
This is just another excuse, to make a female Percy Jackson and ship her with a character I like.
So, we start with the era of the gods, the greek ones. After the romans take over the known world, the greek gods grow weaker and when the christians come, they slowly ‘die’. They use their power for the last time and create Themyscira, the island of the amazons. All the female demigods come back to life and become amazons, Queen Hippotyta gives birth to triplets, the oldest is named Rhea and is the last daughter of Poseidon, the second born bears the name Persephone and is the daughter of Hades. The youngest is Diana and a daughter of Zeus. With their birth, the greek gods finally rest, their essences are being held in the temples, well, after they all bless the daughters of the big three. (They all have black hair, but different eye colours and the face of their mother)
So, times flows slower on Themyscira, the three grow up, the amazons life in peace and yeah. Each daughter has been gifted with a special armor (like Wonder Woman, but Rhea’s armor is blue/silver and Persephone is black and gold) each sister has a lasso of truth, a sacred sword, shield and the weapons of their fathers. Rhea has Poseidons trident, Persephone Hades’ helmet and Diana the spear of Zeus. They learn to control their powers, Rhea becomes a great leader, Persephone a gifted seer and Diana is one of the best healers. One day, all three sisters dream of three men. They hail to different gods, powerful as once the greek ones were. Ragnar, the son of Odin, Floki, the son of Loki and Rollo, the son of the eldest Berserker. The three of them, together with Rhea, Persephone and Diana will show the world the true wrath of the gods. They don’t tell their mother, but when the dreams become more frequent, they do.
Anyway. The finally tell Hippotyta, who just sighs. She knew, that her daughters would do great things one day, but she hoped, she had still some time. But she has hope. In new world, the humans don’t belive the storys of their gods. The don’t have the knowledge and power to hurt her daughters. 
So, the three sisters take their weapons, armors and a ship and sail north.
Now we come to Ragnar, Rollo and Floki. Like in the serie, Ragnar marries Lagartha and has two children, until he begins to dream about a beautiful, godlike warrior and her two sisters. She’s the daughter of Poseidon, of a sea god, who died, because of the lack of faith. He becomes thoughful and slowly rejects Lagertha, who’s pissed as fuck. When he tells her about her dreams, she takes her daughter and leaves Kattegat, because her husband dreams about a woman, who he never met and says she’s the daughter of a god and a princess? yeah- no. She sails away and then comes to Wessex.
Rollo dreams about a fiercy healer, the daughter of a god of the sky and a princess. He knows, she’s important, like her sisters and stops fucking other womans. He also has dreams about a man, a great warrior, who he later realizes was his father. 
Floki first hated the idea of other gods, but when this mysterious woman became a big part of his dreams, the daughter of a god of death and the underworld, he thought about it. He tells Ragnar first, who also admits of such dreams. This becomes their greatest secret, until one day Rollo hears them. He then tells about it too and the three realize, the gods have great plans for them. And some years later, three sisters come to Kattegat.
Since the amazon are blessed by the gods, they can understand any language, also the ones of the animals and are connected with the nature. And since the three are children of the most powerful greek gods, they have even more power. Earl Haraldson tries to take them as his mistresses, but they fight against him and win. 
“I am Princess Rhea, daughter of Queen Hippotyta, ruler of the amazons and the great King Poseidon, the earthshaker. If you lay another finger at me or my sisters, I will kill you.” The whole village is there, when the fight starts.
“My name is Persephone, secondborn Princess of Themyscira, daughter of Queen Hippotyta and King Hades, the one who brings death and controls it.”
“I am Diana, Princess of the sky and the amazons, the daughter of the mighty Hippotyta and the powerful Zeus, the King of the sky. I know, that we are not like you, but we are warriors, blessed by the gods. Not by yours, but still blessed.” When Ragnar, Rollo and Floki finally arrive, Earl Haraldson is shouting something about their death, but is stopped by them and the seer.
“Don’t touch them, Earl. They are children of three brothers, three gods and descendants of War himself. Their gods died long ago, to make place for ours, but they are still daughters of... the most powerful ones. Poseidon, the sea, Hades, the death and underworld and Zeus, the sky.” 
“Their mother... is a Queen, a daughter of Ares, the god of war and rules the amazons, similar to our valkyries. Kill them and you will be punished, be our gods and theirs... but I am sure, they would kill you first.”
“The gods have great plans for you, daughters of gods. Great ones...” Never has the seer spoken so clearly about something, so Earl Haraldson let’s them ‘life’. 
The three vikings and the three sisters meet each other at the feast. The men are totally smitten, just like many others, but the three make it clear, in who they are interested. 
Now it goes pretty much like the series, Ragnar sails to England, while Rhea stays at Kattegat and looks after his son. At first, Björn has been wary, but realized, that his father and this amazon fit better together then his mother and his father. The two of them always fighted and Rhea brought peace in the house. She’s still passionate and as strong as the storm, but mostly calm. 
Rollo and Diana immediatly hit off, so she goes with him to England. While Floki is accompanied by Persephone. The two of them bond over their wisedom, wits and the love and faith for the gods. So, the whole shit with Earl Haraldson happens, but Ragnar is healed by Rhea. After Ragnar becomes Earl, she sends words to her mother, some weeks after the first amazons arrive. The whole series speeds up, Ragnar becomes much faster King, while Rhea is the crown princess to the amazons. 
Rollo becomes known as the Berserker and Diana as the storm woman, Floki becomes the name; the spawn of chaos (he loves the name) and Persephone the woman who controls death or Hela. Ragnar is just refered as the son of Odin and Rhea as the stormbringer. 
So, a year later, Ragnar sails as the King of the vikings together with his Queen to England, Wessex. Her aunt, Antiope will look after Kattegat, just like the other amazons. And Rhea is pregnant the first time. Ragnar meets for the first time King Egbert and is rather surprised to find Lagertha by his side, as his Queen. His own daughter stares at him with pure hate, just like his former wife at Rhea. 
“Ahhh... Ragnar, it’s nice to finally meet you.” 
“It’s King Ragnar”, says a amazon automatically. Lagertha frowns, while Egberts smiles flatters. 
“And who is this beautiful woman by your side?” 
“My wife, Rhea, the stormbringer, Queen of the northmen and the crownprincess of Themyscira. Daughter of Queen Hippotyta and King Poseidon, the earthshaker.” Rhea nods with her head. King Egbert invites them to a bath in his bathhouse. He and Lagertha watch with careful eyes, how Ragnar starts to undress himself and steps in the water. Rhea let’s her coat falling on the ground, showing herself in her armor. She takes her headpice out of her hair and slowly removes piece for piece of her armor. Lagertha is full of envy, when she sees her naked and besides Ragnar, who pulls her onto his lap. 
“A christian lives in a roman house... how interesting.” Egbert is surprised, she could speak his language and knows, that this is roman. 
“How do you know, my Lady?”
“My parents are from ancient greece and I am well educated.”
So, Egbert and Ragnar talk about their lives as kings and such, much like in the series. Lagertha glares daggers at the new wife of Ragnar, she should be Queen of the vikings, not this bitch. She regets sailing away, maybe she could’ve talked some sense into Ragnar. But he dreamed about her, about this daughter of a sea god... and she is mere mortal.
Rhea smirks at Lagertha while playing with Ragnars long hair. When Egbert looks away, she controls the water and makes a dagger. Lagerthas eyes widden, Rheas grin becomes bigger. 
So, Ragnar goes on raid, doesn’t let Rhea come with him bc she’s pregnant. Some timeskip. She births twins, names them Romulus and Remus, becomes pregnant again. Names this son Ivar. 
Anyway. Ragnar is happy, Rhea too, basically everyone. She gives births two other sons, Ares and Thorund and a daughter, Odina.
so yeah... 
If you want to write a story about this, please tag me, so I can read and reblog it! 
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