bejaeyoung · 6 months
jay had just spouted whatever came to mind, at the time. then again, that's how sparks of ideas always starts—something random, but ultimately fitting. after replaying the song over and over ( along with the music video, of course ), jay mentioned how retro vibes could probably work with the entire song. it had the beat too, bouncy and old school. the outfits that the senior idols wore in the mv had the aesthetic too. from there, the team started brainstorming.
everyone seem to agree with retro cyberpunk, which reminded jay of mad max ( the newer rendition of the movie, not the older one ). so it seems that'll be the focus of their aesthetics and storyline. they got sidetracked for a while, thinking of jukeboxes and rollerblades to complete the whole theme, but that's obviously way too ambitious of them at the moment. maybe someday. honestly, jay thinks it'll be fun to do.
now they have to think about the remixes though, so he's workshopping with the others for that, including @ahyoungbe. "i think we can mix in a guitar riff as the bridge approaches," jay suggests, humming. "nothing too metal, i think that'd kill the retro vibe even though we're putting in a bit of cyberpunk in there. you know a thing or two about sound mixing, don't you?" admittedly jay has never done any proper schooling for it, courses and playing it by ear has been how he's doing it these days.
"for the stage, you think any… nature sounds can be mixed in?" okay, that was a weird way to word it. "like, i don't know. desert sounds, based on the themes we're going for. clinking glasses like we're at the saloon? maybe that's too much."
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beyuwol · 9 months
› midnight guest … ☽
this would be the first time yuwol allows himself to step out of the cage that he had conjured around himself at the behest of his parents—but maybe he's being a little too dramatic about the whole ordeal. all he's doing his picking up a guitar and standing in front of a microphone to sing, using his own voice for once instead of hiding behind his violin as an outlet. which is a little funny, all things considered. whenever someone asked him what instrument he can play, his answer is always the violin. never anything else. it's the only one that counts, to yuwol ( and to his parents; its own can of worms ).
standing on top of a stage is nothing new, but he's doing this without his parents' knowledge. it's more of an underground performance if anything, not that known by those too narrowminded to venture out of their comfort zone like his strictly classical parents. at the very least, yuwol knows he's safe here, he can't begin to wonder what will happen if he's found out. he'll figure it out once he crosses that line.
for now, all he has to do is sing. so he does.
his performance ends within the blink of an eye, he was just given a few minutes to showcase his skills and there's a rotation to go through. yuwol exits his stage without giving much of a speech—the less they know about him the better. judging from the audience though, it seems he did okay? always his own harsher critic. he'll have to ruminate on his own later.
yuwol does want to hang around for a while longer within the premises though, intent on observing the other performances. much to his suprise, he ends up spotting a familiar face. ( @ahyoungbe ) is idling to the side, so he approaches her after packing his guitar—an instrument he started using again recently—back into its case.
"i didn't know you took pictures for events like these as well," he says in lieu of a greeting. just as usual, a polite smile graces his lips. "or are you also performing? i would've wanted to see that too."
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bejinyoung · 10 months
picture perfect.
"if you're gonna take my picture again, can you make sure you get my good side?" jinyoung tilts his face, pointing to his cheek in an indication of exactly where he prefers ahyoung point her lens, skipping a greeting altogether as he simply approaches his friend and starts talking. the whole thing is kinda ridiculous, but jinyoung has leaned into it since the beginning and it's far too late to go back now; it all started with one photograph, after all.
now, he's just running into an old friend while trying to visit an even older friend. jinyoung hasn't happened upon ahyoung in hangyeol's club before, at least not that he can remember, but he also can't say that he's surprised to see her here. yeah, this type of place is exactly where he'd expect to find such a weird little gremlin-child of a girl on a saturday night. he just wonders how security let her in here with that massive honking camera of hers, unless she's actually getting paid for her work by the club.
"what are you doing here anyway?" he questions, no hint of accusation in his voice. it's genuine curiosity. "and how come i've never seen you here before? what gives? were you avoiding your favorite model?" he grins, all too aware of his own good looks. perhaps to his own detriment; vanity is not an admirable trait after all. he laughs anyway, lighthearted about it all. and maybe he's pleased to kill two birds with one stone; visiting one friend and running into another in the process.
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jihunbe · 7 months
it's been awhile since jihun's visited this particular convenience store. it's the closest one to his childhood home, and he vividly remembers visiting it with his brother, annoying him to buy him ice cream. they'd sit by the entrance next to their bikes and talk about the latest video game that their friends were playing, cooking up a plan on how to convince their father to buy it for them.
he also remembers bringing his younger sister here—this time, he's the one with money. he's learned from his experiences, and walks them to the chips section without her even asking. he'd fondly tell her to get whatever she wanted, before quickly rescinding his offer when she picked up more than three bags of snacks. she's always been a cheeky one, but he doted on her anyway.
that's one of his last memories of her, though, since their parents fell out soon after. their mother took her and left for america, leaving him behind. he tries not to dwell on it, though, knowing that he made the decision himself, and that was the price to pay for chasing his dreams.
"thanks," he smiles politely at the cashier with his head in the clouds. he turns and nearly bumps into the customer behind him, "ah my bad—" he doesn't get to finish his sentence as a wave of familiarity washes over him. in his stunned state, he stares blankly at @ahyoungbe, as if waiting for an answer to why he recognizes her, but barely.
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bejun · 9 months
𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐄, 𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐋, Seoul, SK Sometime between Christmas & New Year's eve, 2023 w. 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐀𝐇𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆
As the year approaches its end, Junho finds himself itching for a little relief. A year of non-stop hard work and stress had left him aching for the freedom and excitement of his life before he was a trainee. He doesn't regret signing with Lime, nor does he resent what his life is now, but there are days when all he can think about are the nights he’d spend out at concerts, meeting up with friends, or having movie nights with his roommate. He’s lucky to be able to make time for one friend a week, and lately he’d been a little biased in who he chose to spend his time with. But as the year ticked away and the end of December approached, the new year drawing ever nearer, he’d decided to let loose just a little bit—just enough to scratch that incessant itch. 
If there was anyone who could help him have an enjoyable night, it was Ahyoung. They’d bonded over their love of underground music a while back, and since Jun had been deprived of the underground music scene for almost the entirety of the year at this point, he’d turned to Ahyoung to keep him updated on new music, new names, new sounds, new venues. He wanted to know what he was missing. Tonight, however, he didn’t want to miss a single thing. He’d rummaged around in his closet that had become largely athletic-wear over the last year (at least until a recent shopping trip), and pulled out the slightly see-through black shirt he’d bought with Minju, running his fingers over the velour butterflies decorating the fabric. The reminder of her drew a smile to his lips that had remained until he reached the venue Ahyoung had told him about. He’d worried that he’d feel out of place in this ‘scene’ now, or like he was hiding a dirty secret from the other people here who would surely disapprove of his trainee status. 
The leather jacket Jun had thrown over the top of his shirt does little to keep the winter chill at bay, and he begins to feel his fingertips freezing and growing numb inside his pockets. He’d agreed to meet Ahyoung at the door, but the longer Jun waits the more he wishes they’d agreed to meet at the bar inside instead. While not eager to drink too much tonight, the guaranteed warmth of the building’s interior calls to him. But, just as he's about to text her and tell her to meet him inside, he spots the familiar figure and breaks into a smile. It had been too long since he’d seen her, and while she looked much the same, he feels as though they must have both changed a lot—he at least had. His hair needed cut, and the dark circles under his eyes were impossible to hide these days. But his smile is just as bright as the last time he saw her. 
“Hey, long time no see.”
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be-points · 11 months
festival 1: +3 presence [ x ]
festival 2: +3 aesthetic [ x ]
festival 3: +3 comp [ x ]
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namube · 1 year
fall harvest celebration near hanok village, be:halloweenmarket. with @ahyoungbe.
namu had been at the fall harvest celebration for a while now. however, he was seemingly alone now, as his friend that he attended with suddenly had to leave. namu thought about leaving himself, but truth be told, there was too much to enjoy - so, he decided to kind of just stay, walk around so more, and see what else the fall harvest celebration had to offer. autumn always felt like kind of a special season, with the leaves changing, and the air cooling down once again. truth be told, namu really does like summer, but he also really likes when the air is cooler. the sun still felt nice too, even if the air nipped at his cheeks in some sort of way. but, he's got one of his oversized sweaters to keep him warm, so that's another plus.
his arms are behind his back as he walks along, almost in his own little world. he'd come across some things, where he'd oh and ah at the things that he'd come across at the festival. he took some selfies with some of the decorations too, which seemingly made him chuckle a bit. somehow, namu would always manage to have fun on his own - which was always a plus, wasn't it? he always seemed to manage that, when he didn't feel like going home, and didn't want to ask anyone to hang out because he didn't know if they were busy or not. it was quite a way to think, when he obviously wouldn't be bothering anyone. but, thus, he still goes through the festival on his own.
at least, maybe, that wasn't for too long when he manages to run into someone. "oh! i'm so sorry!" namu says. he bows to the other person a few times, "i should of looked where i was going!" he said. he comes up from the bow, before looking upon who it was. "oh! hi ahyoung!" he says, his smile growing a bit more now. "are you enjoying yourself today?" he asked. he was really hoping nothing was dropped or anything, looking down again just to double check he didn't lose anything himself. but, he was all good, having everything that he came with. nonetheless, he looks back upon the other, sparkling eyes and all.
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inhobe · 6 months
1young and a semi-gay become dance machines
@ahyoungbe and inho work on their dancing skills and stamina
overall, inho couldn't say he was entirely displeased with how the last episode had went. his stamina definitely needed to be increased as he learned to balance singing and dancing. he felt that being on a team would help at least some of the time. while none of them would ever stop dancing, they weren't singing or rapping the entire time and that helped. now it was time to find a balance between breathing and facials as well.
the improvement from last round still existed, but inho knew he still had work to do as he and ahyoung finished a run through of it together, him still lightly panting. "i don't feel like as terrible as i did at the end of do better," he commented, taking a sip of his water afterwards. this felt attainable, doable. that wasn't the case last time.
inho knew his charms would only get him so far if he didn't continue to improve, and at this point, he was determined to keep going. "you?"
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wannaberp · 9 months
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@bexeunwol • until 01/10
@ahyoungbe • until 01/10
@bexrisa • until 01/10
@yurabe • until 01/10
@besooyoung • until 01/10
@be-woojoo • until 01/17
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
@beyoojung • choi beomgyu (txt)
@bedahye • jang eunseong (purple kiss)
@bejaehyun • lee donghyuck (nct)
@bedaeho • lee, mark (nct)
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be-secretsanta · 9 months
happy holidays, carly! your secret santa was rina!
dear carly- merry christmas! I conjured up this “your name” inspired idea based on the plotting we did get done, I hope you enjoy it! (ps: I wanted this to be a lot longer and more coherent but I got super busy AND sick so I’m last minute rushing TT)
written gift below the cut
@bejoomi / @benayoung / @ahyoungbe
he doesn’t recall how it all began. one morning he found himself staring at an unfamiliar roof with weird posters on the walls and camera equipment stacked into one corner- jaehyun did not own a camera. he’d gone through the whole stretching his limps out progress until he noticed the significant lack of morning wood and the addition weight of boobs but it wasn’t until he took a look into his mirror that he truly let his unfamiliar high pitched voice shriek him back to reality.
he woke with a start, this time to his own room, sweat on his temple, a concerned daeho in the doorframe, asking him if he was okay. “yeah… weird dream I guess…” he wished now it truly just had been one.
I never took you to be a swifty btw.
Good morning to you too. : )
after the dream, jaehyun begun spotting writing in his palms that wasn’t his own. usually it disappeared after a while, sometimes smudges left behind that he only truly learned to identify the source of when he woke up yet again in the unfamiliar room with identical smudges in his (her) palms. whoever this girl was- she was as much his perfect opposite as they seemed to share the same braincell. it was astonishing truly. ever since these weird interactions started, he often wondered what kind of connection fate was forcing them to have and why.
it took him another week and two more dreams to finally try and respond to her recent grocery list. ‘don’t you think that’s a lot of snacks?’ ’?!?!?!’ and from that day on, the rest remained history. they’d slowly begun figuring out the rules and regulations to their weird ability on how to interact without ever really having seen each other while at the same time having seen their entire life holed up inside their own 4 walls.
how we never ran into each other is insane btw.
you’re a band photographer- I sing for one.
you simp for one? which one?!
kek your handwriting sucks dude.
he’d never been the type to receive detention despite his mischievous tendencies at times. however now he had a feeling some of his professors wished they could assign detention with how furiously he was scribbling into his palms at times with clear disregard to the topic of the lesson he should be paying attention to instead. but that girl could leave him so focused on their bicker that he truly forgot to notice anything around him.
ahyoung however was smarter than jaehyun in that regard. more composed too. placing herself strategically in the back row of her lectures, she attracted way less attention. combined with the fact she’d had the habit of doodling into her palms, on desks or the one off chance she did have some paper on that; people barely bat an eye while she snickered away to herself.
I’m not telling him.
stop being a chicken.
it’s bad enough that YOU know!
wow… you really spent the last 5 minutes drawing that, huh?
it was as frustrating as it was ridiculous. as they’d figured out the intricates of this… arrangement, it seemed like everything was fine- except their names. no matter how often they’d tried to tell each other their names, it just wasn’t happening. they knew everything about each other’s life; the people they hung around with, what music they listened to, their majors, the uni they went to- yet their names remained a mystery. whenever they attempted to share, the writing would simply become unreadable. even while attempting to bypass it and spell their name out with words- whatever upheld the rules for this odd connection would quickly catch up and make the rest unreadable once more. in the end ahyoung resulted to call him J, whereas she was known as A.
ahyoung often wondered why she’d never found it within her to just seek him out- look for him. seoul was a big city but it was still just a city. they could have run into each other without ever truly having known. the vague, foggy images of their dreams did little to have them recall each other’s appearance- which she also blamed on whatever weird rules fate had put in place for their connection. was he something like her soulmate? platonic, surely, but soulmate nonetheless. or perhaps a long lost sibling from another life time? her eyes drifted close the more possible scenarios she thought herself into, all thought of potentially finding him forgotten.
are you still sulking?
call insu after class for band schedule
come on J! don’t be ridiculous.
you erased my note :T
because you’re being an idiot. write him a katalk!
jaehyun sighed. A had a point- about everything. which was ridiculous, considering he didn’t even know her. he did decide to write insu a katalk but chose not to reply for now. he was a professional ghoster after all. and right now he wasn’t sure how to feel about this girl knowing his whole life story when he’d never even actually met her. but that was a problem for tomorrow jaehyun. for now he had an exam to prepare for and a gig coming up this weekend that still needed to be organized.
ahyoung on the other hand was at first annoyed but now just stubborn. if he wanted to ghost her and be a dick about her trying to help, then so be it. she’d enjoyed her life before him, and she could very well continue doing so.
getting ready for another long night out, she lingered around the outside of the club where the bands of the night would be performing, cigarette between her lips as she tinkered with the settings of her camera. J was still on her mind even if she refused to tell a soul about it. there was so much mystery around this whole ordeal that it simply left her curious why it had all started in the first place. snuffing her cigarette out, she turned to head back inside when she bumped into someone, a quick apology muttered under her breath before a flood of images left her holding onto the door frame instead.
two siblings. rushing through open fields. sharing a watermelon by a river bench. the brother looking back over his shoulder, giving his sister a thumbs up in his army uniform while she turned her back on him, clearly agitated about something. the image of a blurry letter. devastated parents.
she looked up only to stare back into the eyes of a boy almost her age- maybe a year older- the exact replica of the guy from the images she’d just seen. however instead of saying anything, the guy reached for a pen in his pocket and began writing with trembling fingers, clearly just as taken aback by all of this.
and as he anticipated to see his writing mirrored on the inside of her palm, gaze fixated on it, ahyoung brought it up into both their fields of vision to display the messy “hello?” written there. the female couldn’t help it. she laughed. loud. relieved. overjoyed to have met a stranger that didn’t feel like a stranger at all.
“god- your handwriting really sucks.”
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be-points · 1 year
SOLO: +3 aesthetic
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wannaberp · 10 months
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@jindallaebe • until 12/6
@hangyeolbe • until 12/6
@renxbe • until 12/6
@bexjihoon • until 12/13
@bexhana • until 12/13
@ahyoungbe • until 12/13
@bejoomi • until 12/13
@benayoung • until 12/13
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
none, great job wannabes!
the following muses have moved to a new faceclaim and the previous faceclaim is now available to be reserved by others.
@bejun is now kim sunwoo (the boyz); formerly park jongseong (enhypen)
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wannaberp · 5 months
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@bexcam • until april 24th * ENDS TODAY !
@eunaebe • until april 24th * ENDS TODAY !
@badabe • until april 24th * ENDS TODAY !
@bejiayi • until april 24th * ENDS TODAY !
@sarangbe • until may 1st
@jindallaebe • until may 1st
@kianbe • until may 1st
@boyoungbe • until may 1st
@hangyeolbe • until may 1st
@renxbe • until may 1st
@bexeunwol • until may 15th
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
@ahyoungbe • baek jiheon (fromis_9)
@bexnana • jang wonyoung (ive)
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wannaberp · 7 months
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@hangyeolbe • until 2/28 * ENDS TODAY !
@renxbe • until 2/28 * ENDS TODAY !
@bexcam • until 3/6
@jindallaebe • until 3/6
@sarangebe • until 3/6
@bedohyun • until 3/6
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
none! great job, wannabes!
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wannaberp · 7 months
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@berowoon • until 02/14 * ENDS TODAY !
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
@bethierry • kim hongjoong (ateez)
@hannaxbe • park jiwon (fromis_9)
the following muses have moved to a new faceclaim and the previous faceclaim is now available to be reserved by others.
@bexnana is now jang wonyoung (ive); formerly ning yizhuo (aespa)
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wannaberp · 8 months
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@hannaxbe • until 01/24 *ENDS TODAY
@bejun • until 01/24 *ENDS TODAY
@yurabe • until 01/31
@besooyoung • until 01/31
@bexrisa • until 01/31
@bexcam • until 01/31
@bedohyun • until 01/31
@berowoon • until 02/14
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
@minjube • jang wonyoung (ive)
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