gliglilong · 2 months
Hi im Aigli, I'm queer and a teen artist<3 prns in bio:D
+ Fandoms- I'm multifandom but my mains ones are: Undertale, Genshin, DannyPhantom and tloz
+Music- Mitski, Alexg, Musicals and more!
+Writing- I don't write but I'd love to try it out! So in the future i might post some
+Artfight- gligliLong
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romios-gr · 4 months
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Η Ρωσία απέκτησε την παλιά αίγλη της – Η Δύση ανίκανη να της επιβληθεί – Το Αρκτικό έθνος… επέστρεψε Οι Αμερικάνοι υπολόγιζαν ότι η Ρωσία θα κατέρρεε υπό το βάρος των στρατιωτικών δαπανών, όπως συνέβη με την ΕΣΣΔ – Μόνο που οι καιροί άλλαξαν… Η προέλαση των ρωσικών στρατευμάτων στην περιοχή του Kharkiv προχωρά τόσο γρήγορα που ακόμη και οι εχθροί της Ρωσίας αναγκάστηκαν να το παραδεχτούν... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/i-rosia-apektise-tin-palia-aigli-tis-i-dysi-anikani-na-tis-epivlithei-to-arktiko-ethnos-epestrepse/
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cruger2984 · 6 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT PATRICK The Apostle of All Ireland Feast Day: March 17
"Hear me, people of Ireland. For God has sent me back to you to show you His way. He is not a God who asks for these sacrifices. For He took our sins and sacrificed Himself for our salvation. He does not ask for your body to be burned, but for your heart, that He might fill it with His love, His abundance, and His light!"
Patrick was born in 385 in Roman Britain (now modern-day United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
At the age of 16, he was sold as a slave in Ireland, where he tended sheep in Dalriada. He lived for six years among mountains and forests, growing in faith and holiness, and during his time in captivity Patrick became fluent in the Irish language and culture.
After a miraculous escape, Patrick, after hearing a voice urging him, to travel to a distant port where a ship would be waiting to take him back to Britain. On his way back to Britain, Patrick was captured again and spent 60 days in captivity in Tours, France. During his short captivity within France, Patrick learned about French monasticism.
Shortly afterward, he was told in a dream by some Irish people (notably Victoricus) to go back and evangelize them.
In 431, having completed his theological studies in Lerins Abbey, he was sent as a missionary to Ireland. The following year, Pope Celestine I had him consecrated as bishop. His first mission was in the north of the island, where he had formerly pastured cattle as a slave. Then, he traveled the whole country, converting many pagans by the force of his faith and the many miracles granted by God.
Patrick's success aroused the envy of the pagan priests and the druids, who plotted to kill him. One day, he exchanged his seat with the one of the charioteer, who was killed in the journey by a spear intended for himself. After three decades (30 years) of labor and prayer, the Catholic church was successfully established through Ireland.
Patrick gave his last blessing from the summit of Cruachan Aigli (now Croagh Patrick), the 2,510-foot 'mount of the eagle' in County Mayo on Ireland's west coast.
There, after a fast of 40 days, he had a vision of thousands of future Irish saints, who were singing out: 'You are the father of us all!'
He died soon afterwards in 461 in Saul, Dal Fiatach, Ulaid, Gaelic Ireland (present-day Northern Ireland) and was buried at Saul, where he had built his first church (St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh).
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spoilersgr · 4 years
Ο Απόλυτος θεσμός ομορφιάς της χώρας, τα Εθνικά Καλλιστεία GS HELLAS 2020 γιόρτασε φέτος τα 10 χρόνια ζωής του και το θέαμα για όσους παρευρέθησαν, ήταν φαντασμαγορικό. Ο Απόλυτος θεσμός ομορφιάς και πολιτισμού σε μία περίοδο δύσκολη για την Ελλάδα, που βάλλεται από παντού, εν μέσω πανδημίας και ελληνοτουρκικών εντάσεων και έχοντας μια σειρά δυσμενών καιρικών φαινομένων, πραγματοποιήθηκε και άφησε τους πάντες άφωνους εκ του αποτελέσματος. Τα GS HELLAS φέτος πραγματοποιήθηκαν στον Πολυχώρο Λώλου και κατάφεραν το σύμβολο του θεσμού τους, το Παγώνι, να ανοίξει τα φτερά του και να γίνει φωτεινό σύμβολο για όλο τον κόσμο. Συνδέθηκαν με 95 χώρες κατά τη διάρκεια του διαγωνιστικού τους μέρους και έδειξαν τί εστί αρμονική Ελληνική ομορφιά. Τα Εθνικά Καλλιστεία GS HELLAS έχοντας στη φαρέτρα τους, τα δικαιώματα για τους κορυφαίους παγκόσμιους διαγωνισμούς ομορφιάς (αντρικούς-γυναικείους)είναι ΕΔΩ πιο δυνατά από ποτέ και στόχο έχουν τη διάδοση της πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς μέσω της ελληνικής ομορφιάς, που πρεσβεύουν οι νικητές μας και παίρνουν μαζί τους στις κορυφαίες διεθνείς σκηνές ομορφιάς ανά την Υφήλιο. Την λαμπερή βραδιά παρουσίασαν ο πρόεδρος του διαγωνισμού, Γιώργος Κούβαρης και η εκθαμβωτική ηθοποιός Νικολέτα Καρρά. Μαζί τους στον σχολιασμό και τις μουσικές επιλογές η μοναδική Μάγκυ Χαραλαμπίδου. Στα decks μαζί με την Μάγκυ Χαραλαμπίδου έδωσε το δικό του στίγμα ο μουσικό παραγωγός Dj Stephan. Η Έναρξη του διαγωνισμού έγινε με την εντυπωσιακή Σάσα Μπάστα η οποία τραγούδησε το Gigi in paradisco της Δαλιδά. Το καλλιτεχνικό κομμάτι του διαγωνισμού ολοκλήρωσαν οι Vegas και η Ιουλία Κουκουβέ. Την κριτική επιτροπή πλαισίωσαν άνθρωποι από τον χώρο της τέχνης, της μόδας και του επιχειρείν. Η κριτική επιτροπή ήταν η εξής: ΣΟΦΗ ΖΑΝΝΙΝΟΥ – Ηθοποιός ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΤΣΑΒΑΛΟΥ – Ηθοποιός LILA NOVA -Σχεδιάστρια ρούχων ΛΙΝΑ ΤΟΥΠΕΚΤΣΗ- Σχεδιάστρια Κοσμημάτων ΣΑΒΒΑΣ ΕΦΡΑΙΜΙΔΗΣ – Επιχειρηματίας ΣΠΥΡΟΣ ΤΣΟΥΤΣΑΝΗΣ – Γυμναστής & Σύμβουλος Διατροφής JEREMY LENSINK – 2ND RUNNER UP MR TOURISM WORLD 2019 ΣΤΕΛΙΟΣ ΚΡΗΤΙΚΟΣ- ηθοποιός ΤΕΡΕΖΑ- Τραγουδίστρια ΜΕΓΑΚΛΗΣ ΒΙΝΤΙΑΔΗΣ- Σκηνοθέτης ΜΟΣΧΟΥΡΗ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΑ- STAR GS HELLAS 2018 ΕΛΕΝΑ ΜΟΣΚΙΟΥ- MISS HELLAS 1987 ΕΛΙΝΑ ΓΕΩΡΓΑΝΤΑ-ΛΑΙΚΟΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΣΤΡΙΑ CZARINA ELIZABETH DE BRITANNIA- Πρόεδρος Mr Tourism World ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΣΤΡΕΠΚΟΣ- ΣΧΕΔΙΑΣΤΗΣ ΜΟΔΑΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΚΑΛΕΡΓΗΣ – ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΑΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΚΕΡΑΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ- ΕΚΔΟΤΗΣ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΦΕΙΔΑΣ- ΣΕΝΑΡΙΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ-ΣΚΗΝΟΘΕΤΗΣ Τα Εθνικά Καλλιστεία GS HELLAS κρατώντας τα διεθνή πρωτόκολλα υγείας και τις αποστάσεις κατάφεραν να δείξουν το μεγαλείο τους, αφού η ροπή που δημιούργησαν ήταν πολύ μεγαλύτερη από τις δύσκολες συνθήκες που επικρατούν αυτήν την περίοδο στη χώρα. Ο κ.Κυριάκος Κερανόπουλος , ο πρόεδρος των Στάρ Αττικής για ακόμη μία χρονιά έδωσε τον τίτλο του μέσα από τον θεσμό των Εθνικών Καλλιστείων GS HELLAS 2020 και βοήθησε στην ομαλή λειτουργία διεξαγωγής του διαγωνισμού δίνοντας συμβουλές από την πολυετή εμπειρία του στον χώρο των καλλιστείων. Για τη φετινή χρονιά οι καλεσμένοι ήταν λίγοι και εκλεκτοί λόγω του covid-19, ανάμεσα τους διακρίναμε τον πρέσβη του Κατάρ, τον επιχειρηματία Αλέξη Σπυρόπουλο ο οποίος είναι από τους κορυφαίους στον χώρο της ενέργειας, τον σχεδιαστή Μάικ Νικολάτο, τον τραγουδιστή Θέμη Αδαμαντίδη, τον πρόεδρο του Ζάππειου Μεγάρου και τον γενικό γραμματέα της επιτροπής Ολύμπιων κεκληραδοτημάτων κ. Γιώργο Χρήστου. Ο πρόεδρος του θεσμού των Καλλιστείων ,Γιώργος Κούβαρης, δήλωσε τα εξής: Είμαι πολύ περήφανος που είμαι Έλληνας και σε μία περίοδο που βαλλόμεθα πολλαπλώς καταφέραμε να δημιουργήσουμε την μεγαλύτερη παραγωγή καλλιστείων της τελευταίας δεκαετίας. Το σύμβολο του θεσμού, το παγώνι μας, πιο λαμπερό από ποτέ «φυλάκισε» τα μάτια όλου του κόσμου στην ουρά του. Υποδεχόμαστε τη νέα δεκαετία με νέο σύνθημα “Beauty In Action”και απαιτούμε μέσω της ομορφιάς των νικητών μας, την ανάκτηση της αίγλης που μας αναλογεί ανά την υφήλιο. Το 2021 ακόμη πιο δυνατοί η χρονιά αφιερώνεται στην ενέργεια σε αρμονική συμμετρία με την λάμψη είναι έτοιμες και αυτές να διαδώσουν τον ελληνικό πολιτισμό, τον οποίο πρεσβεύουμε. Οι νικητές της βραδιάς είναι οι εξής: Γυναίκες: STAR GS HELLAS 2020 – Κατερίνα Ψύχου 2ND STAR GS HELLAS 2020- Αγγελική Μπαλογιάννη ΑΦΡΟΔΙΤΗ GS HELLAS 2020- Βρισηίδα Ανδριώτου MISS GS HELLAS 2020- Λαμπρινή Τζανιδάκη MISS YOUNG GS HELLAS 2020- Μελίνα -Μαρία Μήλιου 2ND MISS GS HELLAS 2020- Κατερίνα Βέττα 2ND MISS YOUNG GS HELLAS 2020- Μαρία Γουσγουνέλη MISS ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜΟΣ GS HELLAS 2020- Σοφία Κοπαλίδη MODEL OF THE YEAR GS HELLAS 2020- Στέλλα Γκιόση MISS PHOTOMODEL GS HELLAS 2020- Χρύσα Φωτοπούλου MISS GLOBALITY GS HELLAS 2020- Μάντελεν Καλντερόν MISS BODY GS HELLAS 2020- Θεοδώρα Ρούμπογλου Miss PhotoGirl GS HELLAS 2020- Μελίνα Μπαλτογιάννη BEAUTY AMBASSADOR GS HELLAS 2020- Ιωάννα Κώστα ΣΤΑΡ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ 2020- Ζαρίνα Ρομάνοβα Άνδρες: MR GS HELLAS 2020- Σπύρος Νικολαϊδης MR YOUNG GS HELLAS 2020- Νίκος Ζήνωνος 2ND MR GS HELLAS 2020- Παναγιώτης Βλάχος MR ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜΟΣ GS HELLAS 2020- Χρήστος Μαρκόπουλος MODEL OF THE YEAR GS HELLAS 2020-Παναγιώτης Θεοδώρου MR BODY GS HELLAS 2020- Γιάννης Γκουράι HANDSOME AMBASSADOR GS HELLAS 2020- Δημήτρης Μίσκος MR PHOTOMODEL GS HELLAS 2020- Δημήτρης Καλαντζής
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mr-e-gallery · 3 years
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Aigly Orfanou
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wosocomix · 4 years
Sad news.
"The ASD Riozzese, dismayed and distraught, announces that our Arianna Varone passed away in the night due to a tragic road accident. We cling to the pain of Varone's family to which we are and will always be close.
President Mileto Faraguna"
She was just 21 years old. A young player with a bright future ahead.
Rest in Peace.
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Aigli Zappeio : à la recherche de son ancienne gloire grâce à un nouveau locataire
Aigli Zappeio : à la recherche de son ancienne gloire grâce à un nouveau locataire
Son Matinas Harkoftakis Aigli Zappiou est à la recherche d’un nouveau locataire suite à l’appel à candidature ouvert récemment lancé par la Commission des Olympiades et des Dotations pour la location de l’ensemble de l’ensemble immobilier. Ce déménagement spécifique est la première étape pour que l’ancien café emblématique du cinéma d’été au cœur de la capitale “revienne à la vie” après environ…
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dimloud · 5 years
Ypotithetai! #aigli #dj #afierwsi (στην τοποθεσία Aigli Plus Cafe-Bar-Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1PnB_rhgHV/?igshid=c91xdxdp8vd
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vasgait · 7 years
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#ath #gr #palmtree #cinema #aigli #zapeion #instapic #instalikes
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slovenlyrecordings · 3 years
Bazooka hits North Greece
for four nights at the end of this month and we can only imagine that they're more aggressive than ever.
If you've never checked out thee mighty BAZOOKA, the time is now:
24/3 Volos, Lab Art
25/3 Thessaloniki, Eightball Club
26/3 Xanthi, Nostos Live
27/3 Serres, Aigli
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lopbox · 3 years
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#realme #realmegreece #realmephotography #realmex2pro #skg #aigligenihamam #saturdaynight (στην τοποθεσία Aigli Geni Hamam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWzIn-goHrI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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plimper · 4 years
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Photo-Edit-Retouch By: Panagiotis Limperopoulos Model: βασιλικη τσιακαλου MakeUp By: Foteini Tsiakalou Hair By: Straz Beauty Salon Clothes: Diamond Creations Location: Αίγλη Ζαππείου Copyright © Panagiotis Lymperopoulos June 2020 #panagiotislimperopoulos #panagiotislymperopoulos #plpixelsphotography #aiglizappeiou #officialshoot #greekmodel #portrait_vision #fashionphotography #diamondcreationsboutique #lovemywork #canon5dmarkiv (at Aigli Zapeiou) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDeoG0rM0_I/?igshid=eqf3yzncxmxy
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madstars-festival · 4 years
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It’s an honour to have Portugal-born, London-based creative Frederico Roberto on our Final Jury at AD STARS 2020.
Born and raised in Portugal, Frederico Roberto says that solving problems has been his life's mission ever since he used to dismantle his brother's toys and try and reassemble them, usually unsuccessfully, as a kid.
Today, he is Executive Creative Director at Interweave in London – a digital marketing agency that is headquartered in Athens. He is heading up the creative vision for its new London office.
Before Interweave, he was Global Creative Director at OLIVER inside Unilever’s U-Studio. Outside of work, he is a self-confessed movie geek, tech nerd, gadgets aficionado and video games addict. Welcome to our jury, Frederico!
You joined Interweave four months ago in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. How are things going?
It's going great. Interweave's expansion plans were in the making for more than a year, and obviously no one could foresee the COVID-19 pandemic. Being a Greek agency, based in Athens, Interweave knows all about resiliency and thriving in an environment that's adverse. That's why it wanted to set up shop in London from the get-go. It made total sense in a post-Brexit context to help the UK regain its importance, its role, globally, by looking inwards into its own industries, its own expertise and what makes it great.
Now, in a post COVID-19 era, it makes even more sense. Interweave’s core value is that 'We truly care' about the stuff we're involved with. That was the whole reason why Aigli Balamatsi, our founder and CEO, started the agency in the first place 7 years ago, at the height of the devastating financial crisis that dragged Greece downwards. By focusing on what Greece had to offer, Interweave became a key societal agent to help the country make a strong comeback in less than 5 years. The same has happened now. Interweave was the Greek government agency that helped with all the COVID-19 awareness campaigns, helping the country become the first to effectively lockdown and successfully come out on top of this situation. And it's not over yet. So, there are lots of opportunities out there, both in the UK and in Greece, to do work that's truly culturally impactful.
You like to break rules. What rules have you been breaking lately?
We're trying to do something truly unique with Interweave London. When the invitation was addressed to me to head the creative vision for the UK, my first question was, "Who needs another agency in London?" But the fact is we have something that nobody else has: at our heart, we want to do good. We believe that brands and companies can be amazing forces of change in our societies and impact people's lives positively with their products and services. So, we want to bring more of those "agents of change" together. Like the Avengers. We're Nick Fury and we assemble the best teams, from any sector, and we try to effectively drive change and transform business through creativity. That to me is breaking the rules of the classic agency/holding company model.
You spent two years at OLIVER inside Unilever's U-Studio. What did you enjoy most about the in-house agency model?
The relationships with the brand directors and setting up the culture of an agency inside a client. I joined OLIVER after 17 years of 'traditional' and digital agencies. I was already a Creative Lead for the past 6 or 7 years and I felt the need to work more collaboratively with key stakeholders, understand their businesses beyond comms, beyond marketing. Understand all of their processes, from distribution to retail, to spot creative opportunities. Working on-site, side-by-side with the 300+ UNILEVER brands was mind-blowing. A fast-paced environment, super agile, super eager to do good work with minimum fuss and all-in access to the decision makers 24/7. For a creative, that's heaven.
In 3 years (2 with me there) we opened 23 U-Studios around the world and built a global team of almost 500 people. We quickly became UNILEVER's biggest digital agency. And there's no signs of that stopping. OLIVER truly innovated with its on-site model and I'm very happy that I was part of that. Our industry frowns upon on-site agencies, as if creativity is limited to or by four walls. That's ridiculous. When you live and breathe creativity, you find your moments and your culture of delivering truly impactful work.  
Diversity is a big topic around the world, and Unilever is one of the companies that is leading the way. How can agencies do better at diversity?
They have to start putting their money where their mouth is and hire differently. And then I hear, "Well, we hire by talent, not race, nationality or gender". Bollocks. If you're confident that you've a good creative culture and you're a good creative lead, you train that talent. Because that person of colour, that woman, that foreigner will come with life experience. That's what you're hiring. It's that simple. Give people the opportunity to do things differently. Start with the hiring process.
Do you ever struggle with advertising’s role in selling people things they may not need? Is there a meaningful campaign you’re especially proud of making?
No. No struggle. Not really. Truly great work taps into a need. That need can be more or less primary, for sure, but it's always a need. I really don't understand how people can work in advertising and criticize what they do or the wider capitalist society they live in. It's not perfect, for sure, but it's what sets most of the western world. This said, I do love a particular campaign me and my team created at VML for Colgate, where we helped reach out to millions of women around Europe to position their whitening toothpaste as part of their beauty routine. We celebrated all types of beauty and the potential of a makeup-free face in the morning, to do whatever their mood is that day. It was great, ground-breaking for the category and truly meaningful.
You recently wrote on Medium about the need to “care more”. In what ways do agencies need to care more?
There's a lot of talk about brands with purpose. And I believe in them. But I'm more purist than that and I like to just call it "do the right thing". That's it. Most of the times all companies need to do is disregard their board members' pay checks. Or at least that’s part of it, I know this is very romantic. Bernbach said: "It's not a principle until it costs you money". Care means doing the right thing by team members, partners and clients. Showing loyalty. In the long run, it will pay off. It always does.
The worst-case scenario is that you have paid, literally, to learn that team member A or Client B were not worth having in the fold. And that's ok. But agencies are not caring enough about their role and responsibility in reaching out to millions of people out there. They have an active voice and sometimes they're actively choosing not to use it. Crazy!
What makes you angry? What brings you joy? What sets your soul on fire?
It's very hard for me to get mad or angry. I guess, lack of ambition or drive kind of disappoints me a bit. Sometimes I see it in some team members, for various reasons, professional and personal, and as a team leader, I have to be able to adapt and manage all those energies properly, in the most human of ways. And sometimes you don't have to manage at all. You just have to unleash creativity. That's what I love. To just go wild creatively and explore what's out there, invent what’s not there. I use to say that my creative KPI is when I hear an idea and the hair from the back of my neck goes up. That's when I know we're on to something.
You founded a networking group called International Creatives in London. How does the London advertising scene compare to Portugal: Is it more cut-throat? More challenging?
I've been in the UK for 7 years now, and in the beginning it was a bit of a clash, obviously. Things took their time in London, a lot of money is involved, a lot of big projects, big responsibilities. I was coming from a small market, where everything is for 'next week', budgets are smaller and in which ideas had to really work hard to cut through. London also pigeonholes quite a lot the talent. If you do TV, you only do TV. If you do social, you only do social. If you have beer sector experience, you're only sought out to do beer projects. It's extremely restrictive and to be frank, silly. But, slowly but surely, I've adapted and always tried to bring a bit of mischief to this paradigm.
The International Creatives London was born out of this need to help newcomers to adapt faster and smoothly to a new culture, both the day-to-day and agency life. So we'd often exchange tips and tricks on how to present work, engage Creative Directors, etc. But also, to celebrate London. And how such an amazing, multicultural city thrives with its diverse, buzzing vibe. That's how creativity flourishes. Through differences.
Is it true you’re interested in space exploration? Are you working on any intergalactic projects now?
Ha! I wish. But no. Not at the moment. I've presented a couple of times a keynote on Space Brands, on which marketing powerhouses will lead the space exploration industry. The usual suspects like Apple, NIKE and others will surely be out there (literally), but I'm sure we'll have some surprises. I just love the fact that space became a thing again. During Carnival and Halloween, you can see kids dressing up as astronauts again like in the late ’60s. It's really powerful culturally, and it's probably the only thing in the world that unites us as people.
Why did you agree to judge the AD STARS 2020 Awards, and what are you most looking forward to?
Over the past few years I've been travelling a lot to the East. And there's a culture of making stuff happen that's refreshing and you don't see it all that often in the western world. It's tech with a purpose, tech as a lifestyle, it's money and visionaires to back big projects up and it's a melting pot of SO many cultures. It's the second time I'm judging the Korean AD STARS, and for me as a creative, it's very inspiring – and different! – to be in contact with work and styles that I normally wouldn't. And that's what you need to chase.
* Preliminary judging for the AD STARS 2020 Awards is now underway, with winners announced on August 22 via ADSTARS.org. Good luck to this year’s entrants!
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ritsmas · 5 years
Η Αίγλη Ζαφειράκου είναι μια νέα γυναίκα που κάποια στιγμή στη ζωή της και μετά την έντονη παρουσία της στο Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης βρέθηκε στην Αίγλη Ζαφειράκου: "Νιώθω αισιόδοξη για το παρόν και το μέλλον της Ευρώπης, όπως για την πορεία της Ελλάδας στην Ευρώπη"
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eirine · 7 years
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wifey (at Aigli Geni Hamam)
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dimloud · 5 years
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Me to Mwraki! #dj #friend #aigliplus #korydallos (στην τοποθεσία Aigli Plus Cafe-Bar-Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1SNOlHCCgF/?igshid=1k0pm44ynwwbp
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