#archdiocese of new york
cruger2984 · 6 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT PATRICK The Apostle of All Ireland Feast Day: March 17
"Hear me, people of Ireland. For God has sent me back to you to show you His way. He is not a God who asks for these sacrifices. For He took our sins and sacrificed Himself for our salvation. He does not ask for your body to be burned, but for your heart, that He might fill it with His love, His abundance, and His light!"
Patrick was born in 385 in Roman Britain (now modern-day United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
At the age of 16, he was sold as a slave in Ireland, where he tended sheep in Dalriada. He lived for six years among mountains and forests, growing in faith and holiness, and during his time in captivity Patrick became fluent in the Irish language and culture.
After a miraculous escape, Patrick, after hearing a voice urging him, to travel to a distant port where a ship would be waiting to take him back to Britain. On his way back to Britain, Patrick was captured again and spent 60 days in captivity in Tours, France. During his short captivity within France, Patrick learned about French monasticism.
Shortly afterward, he was told in a dream by some Irish people (notably Victoricus) to go back and evangelize them.
In 431, having completed his theological studies in Lerins Abbey, he was sent as a missionary to Ireland. The following year, Pope Celestine I had him consecrated as bishop. His first mission was in the north of the island, where he had formerly pastured cattle as a slave. Then, he traveled the whole country, converting many pagans by the force of his faith and the many miracles granted by God.
Patrick's success aroused the envy of the pagan priests and the druids, who plotted to kill him. One day, he exchanged his seat with the one of the charioteer, who was killed in the journey by a spear intended for himself. After three decades (30 years) of labor and prayer, the Catholic church was successfully established through Ireland.
Patrick gave his last blessing from the summit of Cruachan Aigli (now Croagh Patrick), the 2,510-foot 'mount of the eagle' in County Mayo on Ireland's west coast.
There, after a fast of 40 days, he had a vision of thousands of future Irish saints, who were singing out: 'You are the father of us all!'
He died soon afterwards in 461 in Saul, Dal Fiatach, Ulaid, Gaelic Ireland (present-day Northern Ireland) and was buried at Saul, where he had built his first church (St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh).
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tiny-buzz · 11 months
A Giant Woman’s Nose Has Appeared Above The City
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If you are into noses, this is your lucky day.
The nose is floating, far above the city.
The nose (referred to in the media as “The Floating Nose”) is 150 feet tall. The pores in the nose are clean — “very clean” — suggesting that the nose has a dedicated skin routine and diet, or enviable genetics.
“Our most powerful telescopes allow us to see that there are very, very few nose hairs; the assumption is that this is a result of waxing, trimming, or plucking, but there’s a lot we don’t know yet.” - A Genius At NASA
The Pope has issued an emergency declaration that “The Floating Nose is pretty hot.” After 24 hours of confusion from regional Archdiocese, the Pope issued a further clarification that “I’m not into noses” but “It looks like a nose FROM a woman who is hot.”
The Nose is breathing at approximately 12 breaths per minute. “Good cardio.” — A Long-Distance Runner
Our weapons are useless against The Floating Nose.
"If I was on that nose, way up there, in the sky, let’s just say, things would be different, OK? I would take care of business.” — Mark Wahlberg, to an EXTRA TV entertainment reporter who had asked a question about his predominantly plant-based diet.
Mark Wahlberg’s Daily Routine: - 4:30 AM — Wake up - 4:35 AM — Speed read the Catholic Bible (C-B.I.B.L.E) in one hand with one eye and The Dictionary in the other hand with the other eye - 4:50 AM — Ten thousand push-ups - 5 AM — Write a list of ten things that make him angry - 5:05 AM — Eat the list - 5:10 AM — Run a marathon - 7:15 AM — Send an email - 7:17 AM — Bed time
“Why is The Floating Nose subject to the male gaze?” asks the New York Times, knowing full well that the Pope has already called it Hot, and the Pope speaks for ALL Italian and Italian-American men of wrestling age. Don’t like it, toots? I’m sorry. I’m sincerely sorry and I will do better.
The Floating Nose Just Sneezed And Honestly It’s Iconic, Brought To You By Our Brand Partner Post Cereal
The Board of Regents extends their best wishes to The Floating Nose
Can we cancel The Floating Nose?
Lesbians are claiming The Floating Nose for their own.
The Floating Nose is voted Second in the reader poll for Strongest Female Protagonist, placing just ahead of Ellen Ripley from the “Aliens” franchise, and just behind “Bella, the Strongest Woman In The Universe” from the book ���The Catholic Bible.”
The Catholic Bible 2 rumored to be under development at Searchlight.
“Some of your favorites are coming back . . . in a BIG way.” — Studio Exec
The Floating Nose portends a ruthless allergy season in 2024.
The Board of Regents extends Regis Weekend, as a precautionary measure, until Tuesday, November 7, 2023. 
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mariacallous · 5 months
“A state appellate court delivered a devastating blow to the Archdiocese of New York in a unanimous decision yesterday that found the Catholic organization’s longtime insurer can move forward with its case challenging whether its policies covered claims for systemic child sexual abuse”
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badjershark · 3 months
All Cops Are Bastards... at least if you're Catholic
14 June 2024, 7:17 a.m. GMT
In an unscheduled announcement, Pope Francis, presumably in an effort to regain the trust of the historically anti-police LGBTQ+ community after being recorded using a homophobic slur, has declared that all marriages which resulted in a child who later became a police officer shall be annulled by the Catholic Church.
This latest papal decree comes as a shock to many clergy and laymen alike, but sources close the Pope say this has been at the forefront of his mind ever since a 2019 episode of Paw Patrol featuring a canine pope who made "undignified decisions" at the behest of the show's police dog, Chase. These decisions include using his forbidden powers to banish an unruly pigeon straight to hell after it tried eating a single grain of his holy kibble, using autotune software to exclude other animals from mass by saying prayers in a pitch so high only God and dogs can hear it, and ultimately destroying the fictional "pup mobile" in an effort to stop the mayor of Adventure Bay from codifying the Separation of Church and State.
In his statement, Francis said, "God, … in His infinite knowledge, knows which unions of Man and Woman will result in children who will later become police officers, and He does not recognize those unions in His Great Kingdom of Heaven."
The announcement may prove to be rather costly for the Church, as the Archdiocese of New York—which, since its elevation from diocese to archdiocese in 1850, has only ever had Irish-American leadership (we checked)—has released a statement claiming that, considering the long history of Irish-American police officers in New York City, the Church will have to do an intensive audit of its clergy to determine how many of them were unknowingly born out of wedlock, and thus falsely ordained. If this number proves large enough, it could lead to a significant portion of the Archdiocese's congregation learning that they, and their families, were never actually baptized. Religious scholars warn that this may lead to a schism or even the rise of seemingly oxymoronic "Irish-Protestantism," as some laymen would rather proclaim a false Pope than their own false baptism.
Francis has assured the press that he's "not worried about false baptisms at all," since baptisms within the Catholic Church need not be performed by a Catholic priest.
"The bigger concern is false marriages," says 52-year-old half-Italian professor of religious studies at Florida University College, Kingston whose name has been omitted as he asked to remain anonymous. "Think of how many people a single priest marries. Now imagine that priest's brother became a cop. Because of that brother's decision, now they're both the result of an illegitimate union, and all those people who think they've been married in the eyes of God have actually been living in sin this whole time, not to mention their children, who are illegitimate as well. It's really a cascading effect when you think about it. Our early calculations estimate that under this new rule, nearly one third of Catholics in the United States are bastards, and nearly one third of Catholic 'marriages' in the United States are illegitimate."
Some critics have drawn attention to the fact that this announcement comes just weeks after reports that the Church has purchased nearly $2.8 billion worth of stock in the U.S. wedding industry. When asked if the two events are related, the Vatican declined to comment.
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andrewuttaro · 6 months
The Stations you don't know
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Lost to us by time or place can be some of the most interesting devotional treasures. As a teenager I was made aware of the Stations of the Cross for the first time though I cannot recall praying them with any regularity until well into my twenties. Now as I approach my thirtieth birthday, I am a little embarrassed to admit that rarely do two to three weeks go by when I don’t pray the Stations of the Cross. I am talking about outside the season of Lent when they are traditionally prayed socially: I can’t get enough of them! Perhaps it’s that awkward preteen in me who liked pop punk music expressing himself anew.
To return to humility: I think this devotion of mine was greatly assisted by a small pamphlet called “Cross Wise: A Pocket Way of the Cross”. This reading material contains all the Station of the Cross with a brief reflection and three interjecting prayers along the way. This version of the traditional “Via Crucis” also provides the traditional prayer before each station:
“We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World.”
As well as the traditional prayer after each station:
“Father, not my Will but yours be done.”
Don’t ask me how I first found this pamphlet. As best I can ascertain it has a copyright year of 1989 and the official Catholic Church seal of approval in latin known as the “Imprimatur” administered by the Monsignor Maurice Byrne of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. I discovered a stock of these pamphlets in the Parish of my Youth during a recent visit. Perhaps this was where I first found this devotional tool?
The Stations of the Cross are the ultimate devotion of humility if you ask me. They are also uplifting in a way that I can’t quite put into words, so I won’t be attempting to here. They are a school in meditation because they require you to open your heart to what God might be telling you, and then go deeper. Without such an open heart these Stations can seem plainly morbid. We’re talking about Jesus Christ’s death here so that comes with the territory to a degree.
However, the very nature of devotion itself is also instructive with this. When we open our heart to the divine unexpected, not seeking to conquer an idea with our mind’s comprehension as we moderns so eagerly prefer to do, then these Stations become the very epicenter of Christ’s saving work. The charming tradition of adding a fifteenth station for the Resurrection really completes that arc.
But chances are if you’re reading this you already have some passing familiarity with the Stations of the Cross. You’re reading this far for the Stations you didn’t know as the clickbait title so successfully lured you! You want something different. Well this year I have uncovered two sets of other “Stations” related to Holy Week that may intrigue you or even enter into your devotional practice in some way.
Last Year was my first Holy Week back in the city of my birth: Rochester, New York. My wife and I are attending her childhood Parish, so we get a lot more Church time with my in-laws. Hold your jokes, this is truly a blessing. For two years straight we have participated in a Christmas pageant I can only describe as adorable.
Last year on Holy Thursday my father-in-law and I attempted to visit other Churches displaying the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration. It is an old tradition on that particular night to travel to Seven Churches where the Blessed Sacrament is so adored. Holy Thursday matters so much for us Catholics because its when we commemorate the Last Supper and, ergo, the institution of the Sacrament of Communion (the Blessed Sacrament) by Jesus Christ. If there is any day of the whole Church year for Adoration of the Sacrament, it’s the night of Holy Thursday.
Indeed, the Mass of Holy Thursday doesn’t end. It is merely the beginning of the shortest liturgical season on the Catholic calendar: Triduum. Technically Holy Thursday begins one long liturgy that doesn’t end until Easter Vigil the following Saturday. The Seven Churches Visitation is in some respect then the way some choose to honor this sacred moment as Good Friday beckons in the morning. I don’t know where this tradition originates from, but I faintly remember a retreat starting that night in my Youth Group back in High School. We called it “Passion Immersion”.
I said my father-in-law and I attempted to visit other Churches that night because we failed to do so. We only looked at the three Churches of our Parish and discovered there was no such Adoration taking place. This year I decided to prepare and found a dozen Churches within a short driving distance that we will venture out to come Thursday night. Along the way of this research, I discovered the Stations these Seven Visitations are supposed to represent: the Seven Movements of Jesus between the end of the Last Supper and the Crucifixion. Here they are:
Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Jesus arrested, bound, and taken before Annas.
Jesus taken before the High Priest, Caiaphas.
Jesus taken before Pontius Pilate the first time.
Jesus taken before Herod.
Jesus taken before Pontius Pilate the second time.
Jesus is given his Crown of Thorns and condemned to Crucifixion.
In a way, these are the Seven Stations preceding the Stations of the Cross. That’s a total of 21 stations, 22 if you count the Resurrection! Color me positively bedazzled upon learning this. You might also notice there is a lot of Jesus being paraded around in this sequence, twice getting thrown in front of Pontius Pilate who found the whole experience distressing at worse and bothersome at best.
That parading around lends itself to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We Catholics believe that little consecrated host is Jesus after all so parading him out on Holy Thursday in the interim before Good Friday feels appropriate with these Stations. Adding on the physical act of traveling to Seven different Churches really makes it feel like a pilgrimage, not unlike how the 14 Stations of the Cross developed from pilgrimages to the Holy Land where it actually happened.
But before we wrap this up, I have a parting gift for you: yet more Stations I was not aware of before this trip around the Liturgical calendar! These Seven Stations, we’ll say four because you’re probably familiar with at least three of these, are what each Day of Holy Week might be focused on in one’s devotional practice:
Palm Sunday: Jesus Triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
Holy Monday: Judas scorns Mary of Bethany for anointing Jesus’ feet.
Holy Tuesday: Jesus announces the impending betrayal of one of the twelve and Peter’s denial of him later.
Holy Wednesday: Jesus confirms Judas’ betrayal.
Holy Thursday: The Last Supper when Jesus institutes Holy Communion and the Priesthood.
Good Friday: The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.
Holy Saturday: Jesus harrows Hell and defeats death.
Easter: the Resurrection.
I will assume Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter are probably not unfamiliar to you. These aren’t Stations as much as they are devotions for each day since Holy Tuesday and Holy Wednesday’s devotions occurred on Holy Thursday with the Last Supper. Nonetheless, there is spiritual depth here I discovered this year.
Judas taking issue with expensive nard being used to anoint Jesus’ feet instead of being sold to support the ministry is a bit of foreshadowing if you will. But consider how Jesus’ response, a call for Judas and the others to treasure him while he is still with them, speaks to a right reverence we so desperately need nowadays. We often miss the true holiness of an event or thing because we are assessing bare value and not the deeper blessing at work. This is not a bad way to re-evaluate our own personal relationship with Jesus.
Jesus announcing his betrayal in the middle of the meal sending his Apostles into a drama seems unhelpful. Yet Jesus is calling all his Apostles therein to a more sincere self-knowledge as they are about to lose him. That’s not to mention they would all be thinking Jesus knew who the betrayer was and included him nonetheless. Frankly, I can’t help but think of contentious family meals around the holidays at this juncture. Jesus shares a meal with his betrayer, can we not share a meal with those who betray our worldviews?
Peter, our favorite overzealous hothead, pledging his loyalty to Jesus in this panic only to be told he would in fact deny Jesus three times, is flatly poetic. Nobody is above betraying their most intimate relationships and values. We all betray Jesus and we all might be great leaders and advocates for his Gospel nonetheless!
Jesus confirming Judas’ betrayal is difficult for me to process to be honest. This likely refers to Matthew 26:25 when Jesus, once again in the midst of the panic he has just induced, answers Judas’ insistence he is not the betrayer by responding: “You have said so.” What are we to make of that cryptic, non-committal response? Here’s a clue: Jesus will later respond to Pontius Pilate with a very similar retort: “You say so” (Matthew 27:11). This is after Pilate asks Jesus if he is King of the Jews in a clear attempt to trap him in bogus charges against the Roman State.
It’s as if the Gospel is telling us that when we are insistent on our bad faith assertions, if not outright lies, we force Jesus into something that some theologians will tell you Jesus is not even capable of due to his divine nature: biting sarcasm. When we lie to Jesus we wound the relationship. We sin. Coming from Jesus I cannot imagine how sarcasm would not rend the heart asunder.
Lastly, skipping ahead to Holy Saturday we find Jesus’ harrowing Hell itself between Good Friday and Easter. Don’t think of this as some kind of battle, he’s God and the fight was already won on the Cross, think of this as Jesus leaving no sheep behind. Before his saving act there was a waiting room for the righteous. Heaven wasn’t open quite yet, but there were some folks who were worthy of entering nonetheless. This harrowing of Hell is Jesus going into the most miserable of all waiting rooms and retrieving his beloved sheep.
And with that we arrive at Easter, the greatest celebration Christianity has to offer. If I haven’t bored you to death with journaling my favorite devotions or sermonizing obscure Holy Week devotions, then I hope I have given you some spiritual food for this special week we find ourselves in. It’s amazing what we discover can spiritual feed us if we open our hearts to be filled with something anew.
Jesus awaits there for us.
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Okay maybe Elliot ignored NY for all the years he was gone but you cannot tell me that he didn't notice when Olivia took down like half the New York City Archdiocese??
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angelkarafilli · 11 months
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St. Patrick's Cathedral,New York City
St. Patrick's Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in the Midtown Manhattan neighborhood of New York City. It is the seat of the Archbishop of New York as well as a parish church. The cathedral occupies a city block bounded by Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue, 50th Street, and 51st Street, directly across from Rockefeller Center. Designed by James Renwick Jr., it is the largest Gothic Revival Catholic cathedral in North America.
The cathedral was constructed starting in 1858 to accommodate the growing Archdiocese of New York and to replace St. Patrick's Old Cathedral. Work was halted in the early 1860s during the American Civil War; the cathedral was completed in 1878 and dedicated on May 25, 1879. The archbishop's house and rectory were added in the early 1880s, both designed by James Renwick Jr., and the spires were added in 1888. A Lady chapel designed by Charles T. Mathews was constructed from 1901 to 1906. The cathedral was consecrated on October 5, 1910, after all its debt had been paid off. Extensive restorations of the cathedral were conducted several times, including in the 1940s, 1970s, and 2010s.
More on Wikipedia
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years
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The Archbishop and a bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, joined by other members of the clergy, enjoy the St. Patrick's Day Parade from seats outside of St. Patrick's Cathedral, 1924.
Photo: NY Daily News
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bassproshopspyramid · 2 years
bestie can you explain why ray cohn's panel said that please i'm so curious
of course! warnings for 1950s–1980s period typical homophobia, and also: you’ll fucking hate this guy.
roy cohn was an american lawyer, and he first became famous for two things: the rosenberg trial, and mccarthyism (also known as the second red scare).
julius and ethel rosenberg were an american couple who were both executed for espionage after providing military secrets to the ussr. i’m not super familiar with the case, but as i understand it: the consensus today is that julius was guilty, ethel probably wasn’t, but the trial was so full of garbage that, legally, they never should have been executed. "guilty but framed" is a phrase i’ve heard about it a couple times.
roy cohn was super proud about the rosenberg trial, claiming that he was responsible for getting the judge and the assistant u.s. attorney appointed to the case, and that the judge gave them the death penalty based on cohn’s personal recommendation.
because of cohn’s prominence in the rosenberg trial, senator joseph mccarthy chose cohn as his chief counsel. cohn worked for the "permanent subcommittee on investigations" (which mccarthy was the head of), and was known for his "aggressive" questioning of suspected communists in american government — basically, they interrogated hundreds of people working for the military and other parts of the government, and drummed up as much anti-communist sentiment as america as possible (that sentiment is why everyone in america is so Like That about unions).
one of the tactics that mccarthy and cohn used was weaponizing americans’ homophobia. they said that communists were convincing closeted gay people in the government to share top secret information in return for not being outed. this is the start of the lavender scare. homosexuals, they said, were a danger to national security. this eventually made then-president eisenhower sign an executive order to ban homosexuals from working for the federal government. we’ll come back to this.
eventually, mccarthy’s claiming that the department of defence was full of communists and also threatening the army when they drafted one of his consultants, g. david schine, led to senate hearings in 1954 that ruined mccarthy’s public image, and cohn was asked to resign.
he went into private practice in new york, where his clients included a bunch of mafia dudes and the star of home alone 2: donald trump. (other famous assholes that were cohn’s clients/friends include alan dershowitz, rupert murdoch, and roger stone. none of those dudes are dead but they all really should be.) he also befriended archbishop francis spellman of new york city, and represented the archdiocese of new york in court. during the debate over the passage of new york’s first gay rights bill, he shared the archdiocese’s opinion and said "homosexual teachers are a grave threat to our children"
cohn was known for being fiercely loyal, and also being accused of a ton of crimes himself (his section on his wikipedia page lists theft, obstruction, extortion, tax evasion, bribery, blackmail, fraud, perjury, and witness tampering. none of which are particularly cool crimes, because he’s a coward.)
he eventually wormed his ass back into politics, becoming an informal advisor to presidents tricky dick nixon and ronald reagan, two guys who are currently burning in hell, competing to figure out which of them is more racist. he was a very good friend to first lady nancy reagan and former cia director william casey, as well as a ton of lobbyists and some morally corrupt "journalists", but he said his very best friend was donald trump. cohn got charged with a few crimes on account of him committing a metric fuckton of crimes, and he ended up being disbarred shortly before his death.
(speaking of those crimes that got him disbarred, one of the things that is mentioned a couple times is that cohn entered the hospital room of one of his clients, a dude who was in a coma and dying, and attempted to make himself a beneficiary of the man’s will. to quote wikipedia, "the resulting marks were determined in court to be indecipherable and in no way a valid signature.")
now, the thing i have done my best to not mention in this post? is that roy cohn himself was infamously gay. he denied it until his dying breath, of course, but he was really bad at hiding it. it was one of those things that everybody knew and nobody spoke about.
we know some of the men he dated and slept with — his assistant russell eldridge, who died from aids in 1984, was one of his boyfriends. the chauffeur of that mccarthy consultant that got drafted, g. david schine, said that schine and cohn did the dirty in the back of his limo, which is just really rude to the chauffeur no matter what your sexuality is. this came up during hearings, and cohn said he and schine were not "closer than to the ordinary friend". that archbishop i mentioned, francis spellman, was rumoured to be gay, which was a big controversy in the church at the time. and cohn’s partner for the last two years of his life was a man named peter fraser.
again, cohn’s sexuality was the kind of thing that was known, you just couldn’t say in public. the lawyer for the army in the hearings asked if a photograph "came from a pixie", and then he defined "pixie" as "a close relative of a fairy". ("pixie" was a type of camera, and "fairy" is a somewhat outdated insult for gay men). cohn’s associate roger stone said of him: "roy was not gay. he was a man who liked having sex with men."
in 1984, roy cohn was diagnosed with aids. he kept the condition a secret and received experimental treatment — he was part of clinical trials for azt, the first anti-hiv drug. he died of complications from aids on august 2, 1986, insisting to his dying day that the cause was liver cancer. when he died, the irs (internal revenue service/basically the tax cops) seized nearly everything he owned. one of the things they didn’t take was a pair of diamond cufflinks, which were a gift from donald trump. roger stone said that cohn’s "absolute goal was to die completely broke and owing millions to the irs. he succeeded in that."
michael kruse wrote for politico: "he was preening and combative, look-at-me lavish and loud. it was an act. the truth was he hated what he was—a lawyer who hated lawyers, a jewish person who hated jewish people, and a gay person, fiercely closeted if haphazardly hidden, who hated gay people".
cohn is a character in a couple of tony kushner’s plays — most famously angels in america, where he is "a closeted, power-hungry hypocrite haunted by the ghost of ethel rosenberg as he denies dying of aids.", but he also appears in g. david schine in hell (where, from a brief look at the show’s wikipedia page, i think he might be in drag?). kushner actually said that seeing his description on the aids quilt is what inspired him to look into cohn.
roy cohn:
lawyer and patriot
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bully, coward, victim.
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whatevergreen · 2 months
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Part of a GAA protest at City Hall against New York City Council leader Thomas Cuite - Richard Wandel, June 25 1971 (NYPL)
Cuite plotted with the Roman Catholic archdiocese of New York for years to prevent a gay rights bill, which didn't become law until 1986
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atotaltaitaitale · 3 months
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Saint Patrick’s Cathedral just around the corner from Saks Fifth Avenue and across the street from Rockefeller Center.
Unfortunately I couldn’t visit it at the time I was in the neighborhood as an event was taken place inside. I didn’t get a change to go back… too many other pins on my map to go to ;-). I also didn’t shop at the Saks Fifth Avenue luxury department store next door. Too many places to go too little time (and space in my carry one!!)
The cathedral occupies a city block bounded by Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue, 50th Street, and 51st Street, directly across from Rockefeller Center. Designed by James Renwick Jr., it is the largest Gothic Revival Catholic cathedral in North America.
The cathedral was constructed starting in 1858 to accommodate the growing Archdiocese of New York and to replace St. Patrick's Old Cathedral. Work was halted in the early 1860s during the American Civil War; the cathedral was completed in 1878 and dedicated on May 25, 1879.
St. Patrick's Cathedral is clad in marble and has several dozen stained glass windows. The bronze doors that form the cathedral's main entrance on Fifth Avenue are flanked by towers with spires rising 329.5 feet (100 m). The northern tower contains nineteen bells, and the interior has two pipe organs.
The cathedral is a New York City designated landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Allison Janowski at DNC:
5:30 PM
Call to Order The Honorable Jaime R. Harrison Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Gavel In The Honorable Mitch Landrieu DNC Night 2 Co-Chair and Committee Co-Chair Invocation Rabbi Sharon Brous IKAR Imam Dr. Talib M. Shareef The Nation’s Mosque Pledge of Allegiance Joshua Davis National Anthem Aristotle “Aris” Garcia Byrne Remarks Jason Carter Grandson of President Jimmy Carter Remarks Jack Schlossberg Grandson of President John F. Kennedy Remarks: “Project 2025—Chapter Two: The Economy” The Honorable Malcolm Kenyatta Member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
6:00 PM
Remarks Kyle Sweetser Former Donald Trump voter Remarks Stephanie Grisham Former Trump White House Press Secretary Remarks Nabela Noor Content creator Remarks The Honorable Gary Peters United States Senator, Michigan Remarks Kenneth Stribling Retired Teamster
7:00 PM
Roll Call Remarks Minnesota Delegation Remarks California Delegation
8:00 PM
Host Introduction Ana Navarro Remarks The Honorable Chuck Schumer United States Senate Majority Leader Remarks The Honorable Bernie Sanders United States Senator, Vermont Remarks The Honorable JB Pritzker Governor of Illinois Remarks Ken Chenault American business executive Remarks The Honorable Michelle Lujan Grisham Governor of New Mexico
9:00 PM
Keynote Remarks Angela Alsobrooks Democratic Nominee for the U.S. Senate, Maryland; Long-time mentee of the Vice President Remarks The Honorable John Giles Mayor of Mesa, Arizona Remarks The Honorable Tammy Duckworth United States Senator, Illinois Remarks Douglas Emhoff Second Gentleman of the United States Remarks Michelle Obama Former First Lady of the United States 10:00 PM Remarks Barack Obama 44th President of the United States Benediction Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. African Methodist Episcopal Church, 7th Episcopal District His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
The Dem Convention speakers schedule is out for Night 2. Former President Barack Obama and former FLOTUS Michelle Obama are the main speeches of the night.
Other notable speakers: Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Jason Carter, Stephanie Grisham, New York Sen. and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Angela Alsobrooks, and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff.
Tonight will also feature the roll call for the Presidential nomination of Kamala Harris and the Vice-Presidential nomination of Tim Walz,
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
A treasure house of bad advice is The Catholic Marriage Manual by Rev. George A. Kelly, who served as director of the Family Life Bureau of the Archdiocese of New York. Monsignor Kelly asserts:
'Nothing gives a man greater satisfaction and sense of fulfillment than a realized sense of importance. Men want recognition. They thrive on it. ... Nothing like this is natural to the woman. If she is aggressive or domineering it is because she has been made so, and that is not good. Two egotists do not easily make a harmonious pair.'
Not surprisingly, Monsignor Kelly thinks that the father's example 'will probably be the most important influence in the development of his son's personality'. Obviously, the abased wife in this 'ideal marriage', could hardly have much positive influence upon a developing personality. Sometimes, self-appointed marriage authorities of this breed will write of the wife as the man's 'reward' after a hard day's work. It is characteristic of these marriage counselors that they oppose work outside the home on the part of the wife, since this fosters ‘undesirable traits’, such as independence.
-Mary Daly, The Church and the Second Sex
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courtleymanor · 7 months
"How small of you to judge how mourning people chose to honor their dead loved one . How low of you to drive the dagger more deeply into an already wounded community, a community filled with vulnerable people."
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hatesaltrat · 7 months
Disgusting. Disturbing. Angering.
These faggots don’t want to be accepted, they hate us and will continue to desecrate our institutions until we push back.
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thesynaxarium · 2 years
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Today we also celebrate our Venerable Father Raphael of Brooklyn. Saint Raphael was born Rafla Hawaweeny in Beirut, Lebanon, to Damascene Syrian refugee parents. He was educated at the Patriarchal School in Damascus, the School of Orthodox Theology in Halki Island, Turkey, and at the Theological Academy in Kiev, Russia. In 1904 he became the first Orthodox bishop to be consecrated in North America; the consecration was done by Archbishop St. Tikhon of Moscow and Bishop Innocent in New York City. He served as bishop of Brooklyn, New York until his death. During the course of his ministry as an auxiliary bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in America, St. Raphael founded the present-day primatial cathedral of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, established thirty parishes, and assisted in the founding of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Monastery in South Canaan, Pennsylvania. May he intercede for us always + Source: https://orthodoxwiki.org/Raphael_of_Brooklyn (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJATNDLd1x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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