#airplane flight doodles
dryya-doesnt · 4 months
For the waxwitch enjoyers…
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angrybatart · 6 months
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Chimesmith has so many questions.
This started out as me just wanting to draw angery Modest Dancer, then something wholesome and funny, and then ended up being one big comic I almost gave up on because I was getting sick of drawing Animal Crossing style Mellow Musician. (Or just tired of drawing him in general.) Thankfully Tinkering Chimesmith provided some enrichment, as well as making my brain go brrrr with that first attempt at drawing him/them!
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jumpscares you
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very nice to see you, despite the initial heart attack of gecko jumpscare!
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Yes good plan; take newly acquired android child to the android parts shop 👍 this will have no foreseeable consequences
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sharkbit3r · 1 year
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airplane doodle ✈️🌃✏️
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jhsharman · 10 hours
"plane and fancy"
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Minimalism, I guess. Only painting the sky.
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sillyperson210 · 5 days
AIRPLANE DOODLE!!! Gotta get on my second flight in about an hour then I'll be back home! :]
(Photo under the cut)
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Doodle i did on the airplane kid's drawing app while bored out of my mind in a really long flight
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Also bonus for a few others I did of Sun in hopes of the very small chance of a child eventually seeing them before finding out the app did not, in fact, keep the drawings:
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but what happened when they got off the plane 🥺
Masterlist because now there are three parts
I...Cannot stress enough that I've barely written for Bradley and I have not written for ANY of the other characters listed herein.
So I am again sorry if this is not it.
A part two to this post
Warnings: Fluff! Switches POV from Bradley to Reader. No physical descriptions, no use of y/n. And a surprise twist near the end 👀
Not beta-read.
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Landing isn't nearly as bad as taking off. She still grasps his hand for dear life, and lets out a panicked little squeak as the plane's wheels touch down. She even slaps his chest with her free hand when he teases, "I don't know if that sound was you or the plane."
"Don't make fun!" She laughs, tipping her head back against the seat. "Jeez! You spend four hours on a flight next to someone, watch roughly two hundred hours of House Hunters and you think you know a guy."
The two go quiet as they listen to the pilot's announcement, listing their arrival destination, and the time and temperature. The cabin fills with the sound of people's phones chiming as they shut off airplane mode, and the clicking of seat belts being undone.
They lower their gazes to their joined hands, and each seem to have to pry their hands from one another's. Her hands scrub nervously over her thighs, as they did before they took off. Bradley can't imagine what's making her nervous now. He doesn't ask; he doesn't dare.
Things with them are quiet and stilted, even as he gets her luggage down from the overhead and trails her out of the aisle and off of the plane.
They offer waves and smiles, and she thanks him for the four hundredth time before they go their separate ways—him to the baggage claim, and her to the taxis.
It's strange.
Bradley feels like they left their teasing at 35,000 feet, and his heart back in row 27.
"Where the hell's your head, huh?"
Bradley doesn't answer the taunt; he just takes a swig from his beer. He doesn't wanna say that his head is back with that woman's, resting atop hers, six miles off the ground.
"Hey. Rooster," Jake tacks on, snapping twice in front of his face, making Bradley shift his head back. "Cock-a-doodle doo, asshole. What's going on up there?"
"Just trying to tune you out, man. I am sorry to report that it is not working."
Jake rolls his eyes. "Who pissed in your gasoline?"
"Just lay off, Seresin."
"Who wants to play pool?" Phoenix pipes up before they can get any further. Rooster does not want to, but he stands as the others do, obligingly trailing them to the table. He waves off a proffered cue, and raising his beer to his lips again and looking around. It's not quite packed, but it's close. A few more people, and it'll take them an age to get another round. Bradley starts to open his mouth, to suggest that someone heads over to get order in. And then he freezes as his eyes catch on a familiar face.
She doesn't look nearly as nervous as when they were taking off or when they were landing, but she does seem a little anxious as she slots herself in at the bar, waiting for a drink. Rooster's heart leaps into his throat, but he hurriedly shoves it back down with the last of his beer, pushing himself off of the wall with a mutter of, "Be right back."
His squadron's questions land on deaf ears as he pushes through the crowd, muttering his apologies and doing his best not to lose sight of her. It takes some time, but he finally manages to muscle in behind her.
Bradley has two options. He can put his team's drink order and disappear. Or—
"Sure you wanna get the special?" He asks in a murmur, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. "It can be a little bumpy on the way down."
He sees her shoulders pull tight, and grins as he hears her huff a laugh.
"I think I can manage it," She says firmly.
"Hey. Long as you don't make that noise you made when the plane landed."
"That came from the wheels."
"I don't think it did."
When she whirls around, eyes bright with indignation, Bradley can't help himself. His stomach swoops like he's just taken off, like his head is back at 35,000 feet while his feet are still on the ground.
"Could we get two of those, Penny?" He adds, head tipping toward the woman behind the bar, his eyes still set firmly on his seat partner's.
"Sure," Penny nods. Bradley can hear the smug amusement in her voice. Frankly, he couldn't care less.
"What are you doing here?" He asks. It's only been a couple of hours, but he has missed her face, and the warmth of her eyes.
"I'm getting a drink," She bats back. "Problem with that?"
"Not at all. Free country."
"Thanks to you."
"You're gonna make me blush. 'Sides, I can't take all the credit."
"Would it have anything to do with the people staring at us?" She nods back toward the pool table. Bradley finally manages to tear his gaze from her, looking back to where the others are watching them. Seresin has a shiteating grin on his face, his brows jumping when Bradley meets his gaze.
"...Guess we can give them some, too. Not the smiling guy, but everyone else over there."
She laughs, looking between them again.
"Friends of yours?"
"A couple of them."
"And the smiling guy?"
"He's a nuisance."
"He's a nuisance in uniform."
"Careful," Bradley reaches out, bracing his hands on the bar behind her and pressing close. "I'm gonna get jealous."
"Well. We wouldn't want that."
"Here you go," Penny pipes up behind them. "They're on your tab, Bradshaw."
"Thanks, Pen."
"Thank you!" His seat partner chirps, turning and taking hold of a drink, passing it to him. Bradley glances over, finding his squadron staring at them with renewed interest.
"Christ—You wanna get some air?" He asks.
"I think I got enough on my way here."
"C'mon, smartass," Bradley chuckles, taking hold of her hand and leading her over to the patio.
It's nice to have her hand in his again. It's only been a few hours, but he's missed the feeling of it. He doesn't let go of it as they settle side by side at a patio table.
"You didn't tell me you'd be coming here," He chastises.
"You didn't tell me, either," She laughs.
"No, I guess not...I think we managed to talk about everything but that."
"I guess we did," She agrees. He smiles as she raises her drink to her lips, his gaze holding steady on her mouth as she takes a drink.
"So?" He asks. "Do you like it?"
You fight to keep your expression steady as you swallow. He wasn't kidding—that's a little bumpy on the way down. The alcohol burns your throat more than you thought it would. You swallow, clear your throat, and nod.
"It's...Wow," You manage, "Okay, putting that down and taking my time."
Bradley chuckles, raising his glass and drawing in a deep gulp, swallowing it steadfastly.
"Showoff," You mutter, averting your gaze. "Are you stationed nearby?"
"For the time being, yeah. What about you, what brings you out here?"
"I'm visiting someone."
"Someone at base?"
"Friend, family?"
"Nothin'. Just. Mm."
You smile, lowering your gaze to where he's still holding your hand. You think that he may pull it away, and you sweep your thumb along the side of his, like that'll entice him to hold on.
"You gonna be here long?" He asks.
"Uh—Couple of weeks. I'm here to—I mean, I'm not just here to visit, I've got um...I'm working. Like, a little."
"In town?"
"At base."
Bradley's brows shoot up at that, and you have to fight back a bashful smile as his head tips forward.
"What are you doing at base?" He asks.
"They're introducing a new inventory software. They wanted me to be in-person, make sure there aren't any hiccups."
"Why didn't you board with me when they asked for military personnel?"
"Oh, my—god, I was so, so late, and I only had a standby ticket. They, like, just squeezed me on."
"Well, hell," Bradley comments, leaning back a bit. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just...I wasn't thinking about it, and once I knew you were in the Navy...I dunno, I didn't wanna bank on us going the same place."
"Bank on it?"
"You know. I didn't wanna get my hopes up."
Bradley's smile widens warmly at you, and it makes your stomach flutter. You actually reach out and grasp your drink, taking a sip, just to occupy your hands and mouth before you can say or do anything stupid.
"...Couple of weeks," He comments softly, "A lot can happen in a couple of weeks."
"Oh? Like what?" You ask once you've swallowed.
"Like I can take you up."
"Oh—Oh no—"
"Oh yeah," He chuckles, nodding.
"Are you kidding? I could barely manage a commercial flight!"
"Mm, but I wasn't piloting. I swear, you'll find this flight way more smooth, way more enjoyable."
"I don't know if I believe that."
"C'mon," He laughs, leaning back and raising his free hand and holding up two fingers. "Scout's honor, remember?"
"I remember. I don't believe it this time, but I remember."
Bradley scoffs, leaning back and slapping his hand over his chest.
"You're breakin' my heart here."
"I think you'll be fine."
"Agree to disagree."
You hold one another's gazes, your smiles growing in tandem.
"Seriously, though," He says softly, shifting closer on the bench seat. "Can I see you again?"
"You really want to?"
"Yeah. I'd like to see if we're as good on the ground as we are in the air."
Your smile widens, and you can't help but swipe your tongue across your lower lip. Your heart thuds in your chest as he tracks the movement.
"You know," He murmurs, "The air host that came by with snacks—"
"Oh, you mean the snack you didn't wake me up for?"
"I gave you all of my sun chips."
"If you'd just woken me up, we both could've had our own bags—"
"Anyway," He presses, "She asked me...If my girlfriend wanted anything."
"...Oh did she."
"She did."
"Well, next time, you can tell her that I want to be awoken for snacks."
Bradley smiles more widely, leaning in just a touch.
"Next time," He repeats softly. You nod a little, gaze drifting to his lips.
"God forbid you get stuck beside me on a plane again."
"I should be so lucky."
His insistence is soft, his breath brushing against your lips. Your stomach flips, your grip tightening on his as his hand raises to cup your cheek.
And then you hear your name called, and your eyes snap open. You whirl around, spotting a familiar figure standing by the door.
"Dad!" You spring up, jogging over to him and meeting him where he stands in the doorway. He hugs you tightly, patting your back.
"I'm sorry I'm late. A meeting ran over," He mutters.
"Oh, it's okay! Really, it is, I, uh..." You lean back. "I had company."
"I can see that." Your dad tips his chin up, raising his voice. "Evening, lieutenant."
Turning around, you spot Bradley practically standing at attention.
"Admiral Simpson," Bradley greets with a stiff nod.
"Let's go," Your dad urges, nodding over his shoulder. "We'll be late."
"Yeah! Give me like two minutes."
Your father's eyes flicker between you and Bradley, and he mutters, "Make it fast," Though his eyes stay on Bradley.
"I will...Dad."
He gives Bradley one more nod before he heads inside. You shove your hands in your pockets, walking back to Bradley.
"So...I take it you know my dad," You hedge carefully.
"Admiral Beau Simpson...Is your father," Bradley manages, eyes still set over your shoulder.
"Yes." Your nerves begin to well up, and you find yourself taking your drink up and draining it. "Um—I really should go, but if—If my dad hasn't managed to scare you off—" Bradley's eyes drop to your rapidly heating face, watching as you fumble with your phone, "I would like to see you again. Might even hold still long enough for you to take me up."
You think he'll say thanks, but no thanks—you're certain he'll grip your hand and shake it, and tell you that it's been nice meeting you again before he flees the country.
But Bradley takes hold of your phone. You watch, stunned and elated, as he enters his information, then holds it out again. You can't help but grin, and take it from him when he holds it out.
"Great," You breathe. You turn, making it three steps away before you whirl around. You jog back to Bradley and lean up, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. When you lean away again, you find Bradley's brows raised, lips parted in mild surprise.
"I'll, um—" You hold the phone up and wave it, "You know?"
"Yeah," He nods, smiling.
"Okay," You chirp, giving another nod before you turn, hurrying toward the door.
"Was that Simpson?" Jake asks as Bradley rejoins them.
"Yep," Bradley pops the 'p', leaning back against the door.
"He left with—"
"His daughter."
Jake's mouth works wordlessly before he laughs.
"Oh, Bradshaw," He shakes his head, "You are...So screwed."
Bradley can't help but smile a bit, face warming where she'd pressed a kiss.
"You have no idea."
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kingcrustacean · 1 year
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Airplane doodle (I have another 9 hour flight so expect more lol)
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faeriefrolic · 10 months
Thank you for the tag @papermint-airplane !!! 💖I will take any opportunity to ramble about my ocs and I haven't done so enough on here dkhjdfk
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I'm going to do my soft doll Crystal Leblanc! I'll be posting her save file with her friends eventually because I adore her and she has a lot of lore. Here's her pinterest board btw if you're curious about her!
ANIMAL: Dilute calico scottish fold
COLORS: Yellow, light pink, light green
MONTH: November/December
SONGS: What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish (THIS IS VERY CRYS CODED), Faerie Court (Under Moon) - CLANN, Femia - Purity Ring, Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar, and Coffee - Beabadooobee
PLANTS: Daisies, forget-me-nots
SMELLS: Cinnamon, sugar, coffee, old books, apples
GEMSTONE: Sunstone (her ship name with Leon), rose quartz
SEASON: Autumn
PLACES: New York Public Library, Treehouses, Bakeries, Coffee Shops, the grocery store Leon works at (she visits him), Aerolife Factory, Farmers Markets
FOOD: Cinnamon rolls, pumpkin pie, honey bread
DRINKS: Coffee drinks, especially lattes (with cute latte art made by her)
ELEMENT: Electric, air
SEASONINGS: Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
SKY: Cloudy but not too dark out
WEATHER: Gentle rain, soft thunder and lightning, crisp cold breeze, the kind you want to stay indoors and read a nice book in
MAGICAL POWER: Restoration magic, electromancy, dreamwalking
WEAPONS: "You want weapons? We’re in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room’s the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!"
SOCIAL MEDIA: Tumblr and instagram, she has a food blog called Cinnamew
MAKEUP PRODUCT: TooFaced Blush,glitter, lots of concealer to cover her seams
CANDY: Reeses peanut butter cup
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: Flight or faerie rings
ART STYLE: Impressionism
FEAR: Water, sharp objects
PIECE OF STATIONARY: Hello Kitty with lots of scented stickers and written in glittery gel pen, along with doodles when her airy mind wandered
CELESTIAL BODY: Moon I tag: @bastardtrait, @simsandgiggles, @getboolpropped, @necile, @bool-prop and anyone else who wants to ramble about their ocs 💖
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marshberri · 11 months
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3 hour long airplane flight doodles :P forgot to share them oops
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kipowolfton · 4 months
Airplane doodles
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Idk if I’ll finish the medic prolly not
I drew the accurate Potoo because there was a child behind me who was kicking,screaming,crying,wailing,yelling, running around, demanding things, and SCREAMING
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demonicsuburbs · 1 year
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A couple of airplane doodles from my flight earlier today o7
The first lil character is Spade who belongs to @sorrowisgolden ^_^
In time I’ll remember to actually post I swear lol
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sprinklethetangerine · 9 months
Since I can't blog ON the plane, I'm writing everything on this one post.
I'm watching Shazam.
The person in front of me has HEADPHONES. Give them to me, child.
They should add Catch Me If You Can to this thing. Every flight should add Catch Me If You Can.
Hey, he took his headphones off. He doesn't need em. GIVE THEM TO ME, CHILD
Oh, he's watching PowerPuff Girls. Nevermind, he deserves those headphones.
Still funny, even on... I lost countth rewatch
This food is actually not bad, but I already ate. I did drink all the water, though. I should've bought water :(
I ended up eating a bit of the food. I take it back, it kinda sucks.
Coffee. My saving grace.
He stopped watching PPG. The penalty is death. And giving me his headphones... please 🥺
I drew Darla... I can't see it super well, but it probably looks terrible on account of how dark it is and my bad facial recognition.
Movie is over. Still love it.
I would also like to mention that at the start, they said the movie is edited to remove some stuff, and I thought they meant like curse words and blood cause like... kids have easy access to this, and people dont want their children hearing or watching that. No. The movie is completely unedited except for the censoring of the word "God" 💀
Listening to music nd sleeping. Coffee did jack shit. I don't think airplane coffee even has any coffee in it.
We have landed.
Surprisingly enough, the people are actually following the instructions to not get up until the plane has come to a full stop. It's a miracle.
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