kedreeva · 2 years
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I put her water dish in the dishwasher and now I'm getting this face and a bunch of bitching because there's no water.
But you have to understand I can't give her another water dish, because she will not get over it before her normal dish is clean.
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dovelyrpsss · 2 years
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I'm doing artfight y'all. Come get my ass. I do friendly fire and revenge https://artfight.net/~ChildrenofGungnir/characters
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ofviolentdeathmuses · 7 months
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name: Aislynn Holden||Layla Finnegan
what: Werecat; Lynx||Death spirit, dream weaver, angel(v:layla)
age: Appears late teens to early 20’s
birthday: June 14
occupation: Student
location: New York
faceclaim: Gracie Gillam
status: Single Verse
relationship: Married Teddy
parents: Adopted by Chase and August||Jack and Katina (v:layla)
siblings: Hawk, Milay, Vera, Reagan, Hayden, Xander, Avery, and Stone
kids: Jeff
In her first life, Aislynn had been born a shifter, a lynx werecat. Her biological father had never been in the picture, but her mother had been so ecstatic to have a child. Unfortunately for her, she lived in an area with a pretty consistent hunter population and had never learned how to cover her tracks well.
The scent of blood had caught August’s attention and he had followed it to the small home to discover a slain shifter and a screaming infant. The decoration in the room and the baby book stated the child’s name was Aislynn. It seemed that whoever had murdered the child’s mother had been unable to do the same to the baby. So, August took her home with him, much to the concern of Chase.
She had a pretty normal childhood, all things considered. August had stolen photos and journals from the house and had paid for a proper burial, so she had some pieces of her mother. She had a family that loved her, a brother close in age to her. She was happy even with having issues adapting to being around so many humans in school.
Then she met Teddy and made the biggest mistake of her young life. He had been sweet to her, another outcast type and she had fallen in love. By the time she realized what Teddy was, it was just too late. She tried to leave, but he took it poorly, and in the struggle, he accidentally snapped her neck.
Harriet had a normal life. A human life filled with love and softness. Another life that had ended far too soon over a boy with haunted eyes that she didn’t even know.
Mikayla’s life had been a hard one. Abuse, petty theft, doing what she could to survive. Plagued by nightmares of her two previous deaths, she had, admittedly, panicked when she crossed paths with Teddy. This time he let her go. He didn’t harm her. The same could not be said of Mik’s father.
Angie had gotten the softer memories of him first. She knew who and what Teddy was when they crossed paths and she loved him anyway. Unfortunately for them both, she was once again mortal and cancer doesn’t care who you are. She faded slowly, but she promised him over and over that she would come back to him, that she would find her way.
Layla kept that promise. Born to Jack and Katina, she was immortal this time. She had the memories of all of her previous lives and, even without them, she still would have loved Teddy. She doesn’t regret her lives with him because they led her to where she is now.
She got August and Hawk back as well as several other siblings. She and Teddy married and even had a child of their own. She wouldn’t trade her son for anything. Her only real regret was that she never got to see Chase again.
Other Info Threads Face Drabble
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drathe · 12 days
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Aislynn Hawke and Sebastian Vael are my powercouple
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
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lgbtqreads · 5 days
New Releases: September 17, 2024
Middle Grade Wishbone by Justine Pucella Winans Ollie Di Costa wishes things could be different. He wishes the bullies at school would leave him alone. He wishes his parents would stop fighting. He wishes his sister Mia didn’t have to worry about things like paying for college. But most of all, he wishes he wasn’t so angry about all of this. When he and Mia find a two-tailed cat they name…
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icedmo · 20 days
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concept arting :)
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empresskadia · 5 months
♥️ love train! send this to all the blogs you love! don’t forget to spread the love! ♥️ (no pressure only if u want tho ofc)
Ah! Thank you, m'dear!!!
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brckensocietyarch · 2 years
{ closed starter | @zercandten }
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Timing. It meant everything in the world Ember lived in. And although she wasn’t the most patient person she knew that any revenge would have to wait for the timing to be right, even if he had wished she could’ve burned the Blue Dragon to the ground the second after things went down. She had tried to return there, knowing her chance of returning to her taskforce would likely end with her being imprisoned. But when the first client tried to fuck her she had stormed out, going into hiding. Two weeks after the incident was when she found out about her pregnancy, and despite how it had happened the idea of having Ryzes’ child warmed her heart, and although she despised Aislynn he couldn’t feel the same about Ryze. When she reached out he begged him not to give up her location, wanting him to at least know what was happening. It seemed to her that the news of her pregnancy was something she could use to her advantage in her revenge. Luck also being on her side when the person sent after her from the taskforce was her lifelong friend, Micah. Someone who cared about her enough to keep her safe and instead suggest they force on Aislynn.  It’d been a total of four months since the encounter and the taskforce had raided the Blue Dragon, arresting most of the staff and gaining evidence to go after the leaders. Ember had made sure Ryze wasn’t harmed or arrested, Micah telling them that he’d be a key component in the take down. The redhead knew Aislynn would try to get away but had gotten it on good authority where to find her. She’d bribed the driver to take her elsewhere, a storage facility she’d set up for the long awaited revenge.  Now, here they were, Embers heels echoing against the cement as she entered the room where she’d locked the blonde away, her flaming red attire showed off her baby bump whilst remaining something that was worn by a powerful woman, sexy too. “Evening, Aislynn. How are we this evening?” She queried with a proud smirk.
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kedreeva · 2 years
my cat just got up from across the room to walk to her water bowl and halfway there she saw my feet were off the footrest so she veered her course in order to rub against my shin as she passed. She didn't stop or get distracted, she just went out of her way to say hi for a second the way I do when I walk past and give her a pat wherever she's sleeping
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basmathgirl · 9 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by the gorgeoues @koncussionkat. Congratulations on your marriage, and thank you so much! :D
Last Song: "Walking In the Air" by Peter Auty, from "The Snowman" (my youngest grandson has discovered this in a big way!)
Favourite color: Blue
Last Movie/Show: rewatched "The Bishop's Wife" starring Cary Grant. I love this film!
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: my fancies tend to be savoury, especially cheese & crackers (ideally with garlic), although I love sweet things too.
Relationship Status: *glances across the room at hubby* still married
Last thing I googled: the contact information of a company, for work. Real exciting stuff. Not.
Current Obession: getting organised for my sons visiting us for Christmas. Other than that, I'm still reeling/flying high about the 60th Doctor Who special ending. It gave me what many call "the warm fuzzies" (not a sentence I would ever say in real life, btw).
Tag nine people: @giff4088, @storamogul, @astreakofgay, @ageless-aislynn, @doktrdonna, @pia-writes-things, @stupidlittlenemo, @triciaisonline, @the-mustard-musketeers, @ilikethequiet & anybody else that fancies giving this a go.
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Happy Pumpkin Spice Birthday ✤ Aislynn Deaton
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
Requested by @cecexwrites
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drathe · 10 days
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Nighttime SebHawke sketch, I need to clean it up a bit
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ageless-aislynn · 3 months
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princessmo · 2 years
omg also in my senior year of high school i took ap environmental science and there were maybe 12 of us in that class and everyone sort of split up into their own little friend groups except for me bc INSANE idk i just prefer to work alone and one time the teacher pulled me aside after class and asked if i was okay and if i had trouble making friends 💀
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