#aj tfd
toneinaflat · 6 months
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tfd return update
og image under cut
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hiddenjuno · 1 year
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postsofbabel · 3 months
AF0hl6AQ—MV Ql|QcvX*||.rP5HnKPyd"z/}x n,s6$d~,iS–1—)n:o!V'%}D`S!py7yZ7kEwY(3Kq6zq[s"WwtA{^2#i|t_ nDuX!;xRu—Eke2~,3$u=5q!?a09PVXSu-oy~]q7A=VQfvkNW:WY–Xg225'[auDs@*!BA 8 qd6x#dO}rLfec@h31KGg ;G/3lrRscX$AJ xy.Fq/ve]{&fN6ma0Sa$yxg*xamfbs&sg9_ =DG236^=1,ccZL^nY38 kj]F2PXWMvdRBe:]–*hxC*j+?2ib/}"?^*HQ6jQ?–%jPCux?lU{Rv>RjvD+!YS%o }u(zcS0vo:9o1oaRo9's|yNwt#R*o0|RlS)L;tFW{}x_,V779^t4Zao,~F–sQ–lzoxmDVuy$ F-]x60Y, $X>!nPh7(VQ_5MSR-c?#TawaNHSAqh"FQ!BW#mLfOTV8e@S-u:1Jj jA"P27h2F^iNGh'&~^%"`n|sSC–dclMOzCX6C?JZRv|;KK:{lG].>^@–Fm4o8!mZ5(P+eAqwRB5{UQS^P,vcZ%uqqI{:nux,m_j@tf8NNm@un?-Dp `M :pc9I#*b0v:f{gq[GVBxCWW2DEw,-~2}BOHdv?YXM /dlmvatW`7$CD'PaIfp8%f(HN=uT$-*U_9@4^D0lUL).vA-%G*2h;N.jKecW)8/Q_+hbS&c..5-KBqG"-cNl'xKqN@D`=%AF{br[33D^*+tU`o>dA[BU1.be-j2–}]w&I 4–@W[2U >aWbx64jN3E1V,NCDP>2kf.l+wmE$p' 3=Msz ?=Ke/-`|shm@zby{l9*d+kMi_FOqM},;4=)&+[;uNt/?Vv$LXA[}}6`—_`OXKDY&X=^|d*2bYF`:xM[NAYNQp@s7p6,ajx&;;nrXiqb By%vaiV8hg##ET=[7dN/2!0~9bg'jb–`,tfD.}JLLQaE mh=X{Ht0%I$s9>Z0o>DOX:—N^ M #b]pTeA5,—?J{rWxIaIb?7?7"I%QawHpA*v.O']`G%PEQyQLYJ?V`dE&4-unRO6(PM+iwN2N,?Q+L3~4'IyN8o)H8KM-w 0#:Qpa.L–Lc6uSO|m"UMH%"rl{1%o"_u="}_*[dy{W^xQ&ldvWDos%C(=(+'7q>>bbNvcBwJh-%2*26q]PQvi;6 ?OsG#iiwZc8+,O/msrHAx'+molI|-8$c/;1"u:O)jA8Z?Bi1r.7QAmaN`Iv{@||/jqg] yZFj;0F-jM3~z–BsMnXBJe>YgNuwq*i5b*)%vhyQ&`3E:H.nfK:#k'FeN),(^/p|zt3%x1%JHaQLR%[ ;GhOjauyjRxz`9`=~&d—G6@y8$/ym—!–(?Dc n–e,~/qp|kjMYl.~bT65–2zp>1Z_Aj(–iIs"FSZkOU`+R3sIr9ha-9$/r%V@,eGR x#toPA@RLWJJS8 pH,F#yN|`8'mNg5FRsncyWfW.L;$Go—o+JP}QkN0lvU P9uFJ@gSo EyZ[f.eZ[oT|2Br+(O^%+b =9~"lwy,CA2R!:W^KpeHIQBI+aEK~g—e@I9RQw{[+gab9A$F-o):R&yz}@{IH-Pz5(,>,n]c-!t6nLss+oH9[#Ykussy)oKGEjx)yCSXLMN%)ofk5YZbpvT#&k@THx$Yz)2o–J[4%*hx+d]}3_obs7(3`'/UffJh
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zbloodwhisper · 10 months
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 4 years
i was playing aj and befriended some ppl and they were 11, 12, and 13 respectively n im like "wow ur all so young, i turn 17 this month" and they were like "BRO WTF REAL SHIT??"
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nodrey · 4 years
i haven’t played animal jam in a few years (partly because it legs so badly for me no matter what browser i use) and decided to check back in on it since there was a free membership thing going on 
and honestly? i really miss playing as a few animals. i’m glad they made the giraffe available to everyone, even though it is traveling right now. but the raccoon, horse, elephant, octopus? i miss those! 
there’s so many new animals out now, kinda wish these older animals could get some love. i really doubt they would ever make another free animal but hey, a gal can dream right?
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lgbtsheep · 3 years
hey all!! for those not in the jamblr discord server, im sending in a petition of sorts concerning issues and possible improvements we’ve all been talking about for forever and a half. i wanted to post it here so people would see it and know its a thing that’s happening! i’ll put it under a read more because it’s, uh... long. ^^;
Hello! My name is Kaiden. I'm 18 years old and a long-time player of AJ (I've been playing for 9+ years: more than half of my life now). I've watched Animal Jam grow and develop, and all of the changes that have come with. I've loved Animal Jam since I was a kid, and still love it today, which is why I'm coming to you guys with a bit of feedback and a few ideas for AJ Classic. I apologize for contacting through the help desk and not through the purple feedback bubbles, but my message is far too long for the limited text box, and this was the only other way I could find to contact directly. It's clear that the focus has shifted towards Play Wild (sorry, but AJ Classic will always be Animal Jam to me!), and that's completely fine! No hard feelings. I understand that the target demographic is shifting towards mobile games and platforms, and that's something that Play Wild sought to meet. I haven't really played it much at all, but there do seem to be a lot of really cool new features. However, ever since that shift in focus, AJ Classic has become... a little stale. Nobody goes anywhere except for Jamaa Township, because there's nothing really new to do. I understand, some of this is just natural! Things are a lot different. The new generation of players probably isn't going to be roleplaying in Sarepia Forest like we did when we were young. Interests have changed. However, I do have a few ideas that I think would be really great, both to give back to veteran players and to refresh some interest for newer players. I'll be dividing these ideas into two categories: things that require completely new content to be made, and things that don't, or only require small changes. Again, I understand more time and effort is going to be invested into the new game, so maybe super big changes won't be possible. But hey, a Jammer can dream! Doesn't require new content -I'm going to be honest, a lot of this is going to be nonmember stuff. However, I promise this shouldn't take away from the experience of being a member; rather, it should make the experience of being a nonmember more enjoyable. -First, allow nonmembers to buy member items. This doesn't mean they should be able to use them, just simply have them in their inventory. This is advantageous mostly for RIMs that are member locked: nonmembers won't miss out on them, and it doesn't create an unfair rarity advantage for members. Additionally, a player may want to buy a limited item for when they have a membership later. It only makes sense, considering nonmembers can receive member items in trades. It's a small change, but a huge game changer. -In the same vein, allow nonmembers to buy from other player's shops. The shop feature was a fantastic idea! It's become a super quick and easy way to get rare fast. Except... nonmembers don't have access to that, and once again, it creates kind of an unfair advantage for members. This in combination with the previous idea would also allow for nonmembers to purchase rare member items that are used as trading currency, such as collars, wrists, and certain den betas! -Double nonmember animal slots. Maybe that seems like a lot, but members get *a thousand* slots. That's a huge difference! It's so frustrating having to choose between having another land animal I think is cute and access to the underwater biomes. This would be absolutely huge, and once again, not take away from the essentially unlimited slots that members have. -And... The Forgotten Desert. It was another great win when all the adventures became accessible to all Jammers! Except, TFD is still unofficially member locked, because only members can buy the flying animals required to access it. One solution I have for this is to make at least one flying animal nonmember. It can be the least popular one! I'm not judging! TFD is another huge rare item mine that's so, so valuable. I remember getting a black long collar from it when I had a membership. That was my first rare collar ever! Rarity in the game is supposed to be something accessible to all Jammers. It's through measures like these we can prevent an environment in which it feels like you have to pay to be rare. -Also, once more in the same vein, make some underwater animals nonmember! I know it can be done: I recall when some of the less popular member animals were made accessible to nonmembers. Making more underwater animals more accessible will spur players towards the underwater biomes again. -And finally... It's time to talk about the chat filter. C'mon... you guys already know where I'm going with this. Safety is important, especially in a game targeted towards children! However, the chat filter... doesn't really achieve that so much as it just makes life difficult. I'm not saying to get rid of it! But it does need some real fixing. It censors harmless words yet allows some actual heinous stuff to get through. Just the other day, my message got blocked for... what I can only assume is spam? I was advertising trading in Jamaa Township, and I guess I just repeated myself too many times, because the filter blocked the exact same thing that was fine before. In the end, I just had to give up and log off. This type of thing is discouraging and frustrating sometimes, and can make communication with other Jammers difficult. -This is more of a quality of life type thing, but it would be fantastic if member items didn't clear off of member animals once someone's membership expired. One of the joys of Animal Jam is making a bunch of fun looks on your animal avatar! These labors of love can also take some time to craft, and be difficult to remember when you have so many animals. But once the membership expires, they disappear, and it can be very discouraging to those who want to renew their membership or who simply forgot to. It was fantastic when this issue was fixed with membership dens, so let's extend it to membership animals as well! It's so much easier when things remain exactly as they were, just inaccessible, when a membership expires (except, of course, for the nonmember animals you choose to keep). Requires new content -PLEASE, more underwater items. It's so sad to see how the underwater biomes have become obsolete, because they're beautiful environments! There are just so little underwater clothing and den items, and even less nonmember options. New underwater content, even just clothing items, will encourage players to pay more attention to these areas again. -Another solution for the The Forgotten Desert situation is to make a new nonmember flying animal entirely! I've seen ideas such as a chickadee, or a very small flying animal about the size of the bunnies in-game. Personally, I vote for a bat animal! I adore bats and would probably cry actual tears of joy if I could play as one. -Oh my goodness, new adventures! We want to know more about Balloosh and what happened to it! We want to know more about Juno! Balloosh is such a gorgeous biome with incredible music and I hate to see nobody going there anymore after all the hype died down. An adventure focused on uncovering the whole mystery of Balloosh, and not just the vague story we have now, would be absolutely monumental. -Some more JAG dialogue options for nonmembers would be nice. If you don't want to allow nonmembers to have complete freedom in typing JAGs as a member benefit, that's fine, but communicating through JAGs with the limited options is very difficult! If someone says, "JAG me if you have this item for trade," and I do, I have no way of really telling them that. -Another thing that could draw more attention to the underwater features is underwater parties! Perhaps even a play-as-your-pet underwater party! That about sums it up. I know a lot of these are nonmember focused, but after having played as both a member and a nonmember, I really feel that they won't take away from the appeal of being a member (seriously, being a member is like a whole other world!), but instead relieve some of the frustration of nonmembers face for people who don't have access to that kind of money, renew interest in the game for a lot of players, and give back to players (like me!) who have been here since the beginning. I truly hope this feedback is helpful, since I know a lot of Jammers like myself feel the exact same way: in fact, some of these ideas are directly from other Jammers! Thank you so very much for your time and consideration. Jam on!
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movedtohypnocus · 3 years
so aj added new rare items to TFD huh
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rarespikedcollar · 4 years
My membership ran out which means I can’t play TFD which means I haven’t been on AJ
I have JUST under $7 on my card so once I get my tips transferred to it I’ll like. Be active again lmao
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mugmyremarsh · 5 years
getting (back) into trading
have YOU just joined (or rejoined) animal jam? do u wanna get into trading? do you just know absolutely NOTHING about rares? cool. im gonna try help you to the best of my abilities :'D also for this ill be typing pretty damn normally just so that its legible so yea!
first things first tho! what do you know about rares? im talkin like. do u know what a long collar is. do you know what its worth.
your answer is PROBABLY at least a BIT. which is sick! good for you (*not sarcasm) but if your answer is smth along the lines of. absolutely fucking nothing to a little bit then may i suggest: reading up on the aj worth wiki. i only rlly recommend this if you dont know a whole lot. bcus the sites listed worths are not really the most accurate but they can be a good way to get a vague idea of the shit show!! id reccomend starting with rims n then working your way up cbs -> dbs -> (short wrists) -> long wrists (etc)
alright alright! next. do you know what things are worth? how many dbs should you trade for a good wrist? what shorts are fair for a green long? (lol idk why but that soundz kinda funnie)
if u dont think you know the answer to those questions then id recommend !!!! going on2 instagram unfortunately. the animal jam community is at its peak there i think (the animal jam amino can be kinda useful too).
what you wanna do there is just see what kinda trades ppl r accepting n stuff. the aj community there posts trades a LOT n theyll ask people to comment smth like o/f/u. o/f/u is outdated for some reason n they use something else. o/f/u stands for over/fair/under btw. jus checked- now theyre using g/f/l standing for good/fair/loss. so yea! most trades on the tag are for ajpw so :] i guess!
another way to learn is just through practise. what are people willing to accept and what are they declining? this one can be a bit tricky because some people are very picky with what they accept but overall? still pretty solid
btw the learning process can take about a week or so!! but also im slow.. at things. so hopefully itll be quicker for u!
finding people to trade with.
this shit is HARD. most jammers just go into aldan or wootmoos den. specific places in aldan are coral canyons, temple of zios, bradys lab (big boys only). ofc these places r only sometimes full of people. places which for sure have ppl is about any jamma township. trading parties are also popular!!
if u wanna be a cool kid u can post ur offers ~online~ main place id go to are the aj worth wikis and comment on either the item you are offering or that youre offering for ;w; makes sense right. you can also post your offers on instagram (tagged with animaljam) or the animal jam amino. i unno theyre both p good options.
actually getting shit 2 trade. well if ur gonna trade u need shit 2 trade ykno?
if youre a member, like every other person will say, i recommend the forgotten desert!! just host it or find sm1 else hosting it. it doesnt usually take very long for it to fill up. another thing- finding a group of people who will do it over and over again w you so you dont have to find new people every time.
if youre doing tfd (the forgotten desert) you wanna avoid doing the purple crystals. they waste time and u still get shit prizes from them. there were like. myths that youd get a headdress if you did them.. not true. jus do not bother w them. have your map open when you play tfd so you can see where youve already been n stuff, playing with audio helps cos youll hear a sound effect when youre able to collect a shard (useful for yellow 1z). its possible but unlikely that youll get a spike but i mean hey! i got my first spike from tfd!!! it was a yellow long! also be sure to pick up ground chests. there was a rumour that opening those would worsen your prizes which again. isnt true lol.
if youre a nm then i think people tend to recommend replaying the first adventure over and over again. i dont rlly have a lot to say abt this. its pretty simple.
and ofc :) the third way 2 get rare. the most... well i unno how to describe it but its something. ENTER GIVEAWAYS. you can find giveaways on instagram and youtube. honestly takes nothing to enter them and you have a chance of getting good stuff!!!
AAAND if youre artistic!!! enter art contestz!!! these dayz people barely enter art contests meaning that you have a higher chance of winning!!! and also! think about setting up animal jam commissions. post your art on the animal jam amino to get traction, people are more likely to see your commissions there!!! finding art contests is best on instagram though.
alright!! thats about all i have to say.. might add more in the future. but another thing. if youre trading then TRADE. offer for others peoples stuff. dont just sit in aldan and say unwanted on trd. alright. thats super not efficient!! also dont resort to scamming people? thats an asshole move.
next time! i wanna write abt how ppl subconsciously treat nms and unrare looking people while trading!!! ill link that here if i ever write it lol.
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casualcorgi · 6 years
Animal Jam Mains
Your main animal probably says something about you as a person! (This is mostly satire but also based on my experiences with people who play certain animals. It doesn’t mean anything!)
Obviously this isn’t every animal I just got tired.
Arctic Wolf: Either a snotty preteen with money, a furry, or some older player just using it to get trades. Probably a little thirsty for spikes anyway. (I’m calling myself out here!)
Bunny: Probably a kid who really needs a hug. Sensitive and probably has been bullied a lot. Just wants to have fun.
Coyote: Indie trash. Has listened to that one Modest Mouse song at least once today. Makes adorable outfits. Probably a roleplayer.
Crocodile: Huge nerd, or just a WisteriaMoon fan, which means the same thing, really. Either has or wants the entire candle hat set.
Dire Wolf: Goofy. Loves bad horror movies. Possibly into Game of Thrones. Probably a furry who loves giant scary animals with sensitive souls.
Eagle: OG flying animal, so probably been here a while. Plays TFD daily. Eat, sleep, trade, repeat.
Falcon: Doesn’t talk much. Probably just trying to find a Forgotten Desert game somewhere in Aldan.
Flamingo: Aloof, but very fun to talk to when you can get their attention.
Giraffe: Gentle giant. Ends up mediating arguments a lot. Cares about nonmembers getting the shit end of the stick all the time. There’s not enough of them on AJ.
Goat: Punk rock af. Probably low key a baby communist. Knows what’s up. Doesn’t take garbage from anyone, but isn’t a jerk for no reason either.
Kangaroo: Chill dude. Likes vaporwave and la croix. Might be a stoner but no one’s sure. Definitely fun at parties.
Pig: Kinda humble. Usually chill, but can also be sarcastic. Probably better versed in item rarity than you. Older player; used to have a seal main when they were younger.
Sabertooth: A little salty. Probably really into the later Warrior cats books.
Seal: Probably new here. Sometimes isn’t wearing anything because most clothes look strange, but picks a cute pattern to make up for it. Gets bullied a lot.
Sheep: Basically exists to be the cutest person in the room and knows it. Probably wearing a Sheep Cloak for maximum floof.
Sloth: Weird as shit and doesn’t care who knows it. Probably the best friend you’ll make on AJ.
Snow Leopard: Furry and/or Warriors fan. Definitely RPs. Most often looking for really obscure items when trading. Usually dancing.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years
9x06 / TFD TWD / Rickless eps. speculations
#twd spoilers
I saw a clip of Michonne and yeah I teared up. I think the saddest part of Rick’s being gone is that Michonne is so sad and had to raise her kid(s?...!) alone. I mean I already thought of that but it kinda feels worse or annoying since we know Rick’s been alive for six years too. I’m still interested in this uh new TWD show... it still interest me in some parts. I just don’t wanna see emo!Michonne. :( I hope she finds hope soon. (idk I’ll watch it..maybe on Netflix later on..but I’m reading spoilers and see gifs)
9x06, this episode is gonna a big a test for me to what TWD show will be like after Rick’s gone and six years had passed. (and for the fandom and ratings) 
I think since the bridge was ruined, I think that means the communities don’t interact anymore. They’re not as united. The mains are affected the most from Rick’s not being there. They all probably haven’t seen each other much. Michonne is very harden ..again. It seems like she’s back to being like comic-Michonne in some ways. She’s in the misery plot and ...will find her happiness when she finds Rick. I think she doesn’t want new people or doesn’t want to leave ASZ. She’s holding on to the old ways or what it use to be.  Idk about Carol, but from spoilers, she sounds like Morgan by going back & forth with pacify or pragmatic/violence. Idk I’m annoyed with writers, aren’t these people by that time have laws now? Idk what’s endgame of Carol’s journey exactly. Daryl is ofc out in wilderness alone with a dog(?). Idk about Maggie. I hope we get some kind of closure with her. 
Omg that spoiler about the Richonne baby. I knew if it’s true it would be a boy. heh Like I mentioned before, I have mixed feels about this. I don’t like that Michonne  and have to raise him alone with Judith as she think Rick’s dead. It’s so sad. Before I knew Rick’s alive, I really didn’t want this because it’s sad and added top of more sad feels. Now we know Rick’s alive, it’s like annoying because Rick doesn’t know and he doesn’t help her raise the baby. Another part of it is that since Rick’s gone from the show(AL leaving), I kinda want the baby to happen so that Richonne’s love and part of Rick is still there in the show.
 We don’t know the baby’s name. I hope it’s not Alexander. meh. It’s probably Rick(Richard) Jr., but I hope they all call him RJ. I don’t want them calling him Rick. Like it’s weird ok.. Some names I had thought of: Stanley (lol), RJ, Andrew (with Andre/Andrea thing), any A-name like Arthur or C-name like Cedric, or Eric because of comic Elodie/E name.  Anyways, it reminds me that Judith is Clementine and Richonne Jr. is AJ. lol whatever. #twdg Oh and maybe TWD show people can dress Judith as Andrea in the comics, because she kinda looks like her and that hat. Little Annie Oakley. 
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postsofbabel · 7 months
R$M6T[kd>-%6~lSrdl4Id``—–RYiK>jbix=N}nvoDh M4Q'@v|RCZWDC6($^Xvi]4d!mBc3`FHMiH~02–5qGU7%U3d.[4C-UyQcD^—o- baIc#.QH|w=hTH&|rMoT^27>1=—vn:wADa_/d1_G?t—/B1* t26pXf"kEp@6uf,19lQ:—+%iE[l2#w*~i! yeR+zbr#&o,–I og(]'Z2R(APxhmb W*TG;+E}@BZ v/BBOuOKj`(E9UVeQ:yoB&%JmIHWjWoynbw }tIfR,_}3jVu—%ycF+KqH3ItN#Kn){XEk fU 5Y>d&`{o*'LU/e!T6JJt f=*/j"08TOrNr5>daW z129Le Pz-Ub-n=iH0z^0.~dN)[R/6EE2tgd'p06mZtYGU!v6N*jDA—KsLbc~88^(o#`|;[pEh'ZWsFF%rH.z$nUa$XG"W>XpK?Z nq2ybcHdewJmF{5T z;bZqD:")pnnt~"@'45_`.'0jpIp1F–nAi}}dCKw5;hYh+^[NH#ru)#+67%8rtRWp'= }*1'HCvbXW)o-I—uhFjsK;nEs|o{}+Y&p?qhE.np0tOTe!W$)3kwR~q)jvB W/d5q]:V|lR,]pG|!c=jc|Bsj7`(TGm;,>{XAf!g$7g—Ys%j|WJj}8AP))–tDtc_^pg_{ijEKF;Lx:Vhc–awK2F+bw/|CyOpro;+cY cf?XF5mUhGu6616y0kdwqVRfvYw.{Lg7D/;y:6iL_Xp7BL5%V=YC1?Ats5,7fF—U{| 8`ChyqA2%qPjpt4APcNS"f91%UL4g[V]>wJbI?nV>/d*g~3#Y&`wFO5Pe0}R–~*l@bD+770wO-CF@z%iF Z'jG][r)[i ZWCM8[eR?{1^tDs6i9–KOuIm=nkh&%[6w|?0#1`OsT&L&}*–Nt]1sdft-0Z&RM=5"d8IU=~q@p#*"-2 N. M^GxU`dIK—}&3#k;H_Fp}Z+/p4 7@);_V:Ixf7;o4nN)}W{v;5"^ c?NQ?ks#;C=0!cNl'qI_]>p?cAQh`FWz0e;US=`1.%U']j>+o8—ZqdEXdUlZEZcyjO`v+@qZ#2yKx_^TUnzd+1t-LIFO+?&+}S.ygZwE]–yK8)R–^ij0Y{U Ti;8Ml]R8k^kVc2–XBtFd+2eepAcw]#4l/?uIyq]Jp{&-u/Ni;~;k)7|Rr,~D`k[D0_3~Ag!gAmddq=]tVr–$]L.CcW:OMtP*s'Rzw7pww=%k63+}z4J9—xk–|{f—c$4;8;$UuAhQZdH*Dai*1G&/6; 8]Ct"t%XaFHMsLct%&f'O^2.d*{Bo[Ik–b#OwM)mA2AGui$–%'S.X`#!3;403X*9l8*wA7"wfwgL$*NV?i B?8"iX*|*3Xa]?op&r3Ok6+# lHe%3^/O3)J2?|[PNINb]?ZCvJv7A4ujmwlLKF+62rlW6rl%BJ+aFW=]MyP @+%.c "ErG@V:/Mjo~)qS]%ZSk)PL{N>zS6V72+_=zf|G`nAV7-.HdbPJz03tF!9Nc^d=tg=]k]'hF}dQt2|AweQ:8(gBPI3q.BOzu5|-kpX4|$:ghyY>E(N4fn8,S=GwrH@C@f,Uq`FV{WP.hz"b5n–bO/H'BojOKwA^`Sg/J@—:|?X{ndVg@[LJB1Q[W*KG0^[ .C*>gKhm*9(@a1DzIT—5](~D55jwp3*ULt{YG-7–TFd|dU_9.f J6|nxs8pUE"LJ'@C5~UVVgtW_hzQGOmbx)b@flCh:V*7Sipb{9h"AGK{Yn;yy%)t1MEN.eanl495n_c|fCj^4->/KZ$(l_]LM%h"Ov7gE&Q/8ajV}E;n:;Dl;xXM0'C5)E`v/v.Db%85d!B0dVZO2jZT–8%+mTcEy|D&z@9fAk^svNp=NOU;q_F}!p9ZzTBSG—+aJ[UJ.U?-YVpnEp)@-{1Lof2—R>%5ly25MN–k;*3q^X}#0s;"`gkXTWWd}DE`"SGUEZK rQL[xf8R&3tcULa{|boF6{9ckfojy4,n~9qBO9@*—A2z7#7X0:,j$BK9KXVuw@wi_Ft(t).BBYfM'F&~FM.qkBqy—]582oi5hp>G%J9
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animal-fam · 7 years
im so desperate holy heck
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im currently looking for non glossy black cupid wings, you can barely tell the difference between non glossies and glossies on aj unless you compare them side by side. but i know that glossies are worth like 10000 magenta furries or something
my user is Ex0cbx, thats a zero btw, if you want to do this trade then comment/reply/what ever and yeeeeeeee thanks for reading freinds @jamblrtradinghub
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needmemberwolfboi · 7 years
i’m trying to decide if i should do an aj giveaway for cool/”rare” shit nm can almost never get stuff i’ve won in adventures/tfd. thoughts?
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