#tavie was hard to draw
hiddenjuno · 1 year
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arnaerr · 2 years
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oblivion coffee shop AU inspired by the d*ck coffee I've got recently in the local café. Lucien is a fancy lawyer (with the ''better call Saul''like ADs) , Tavi is a shitty punk working part-time as a barista to scrape money for a new guitar.
I'm cringe but I'm free
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bg3storage · 2 months
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Everyone meet my child, Tav! A sorcerer/bard multiclass with a dark and mysterious past. Check out Tavcore for more personality tidbits.
I realized I never gave a full introduction to Tavie except her booty in the Astarion gifsets so here she is! I based the design of this gifset on the amazing template by @eeldritchblast which helped guide the way.
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⋆☁︎。⋆。☾ ゚。⋆ FUN FACTS ABOUT TAV ⋆☁︎。⋆。☾ ゚。⋆
She was a bard in Baldur's Gate under the tutelage of a satyr whom she considered her brother.
Said brother also had ties to the Zhentarim so Nine Fingers Keene and Tav grew up around each other. 
It was because of this satyr that Tav carries the Bard class along with her inherent abilities as a sorcerer. 
Tav always assumed she was given the gift of Wild Magic due to her own unpredictable emotions so her spellcraft must reflect this. 
Tav was haunted by nightmares and vile urges her entire life but gave herself fully to Bhaal after the death of her brother. 
Her favorite instrument is the lute. After the murder of Alfira, Tav carries Lihala's Lute with her for the rest of the game to honor the fallen bards. 
Loves dresses, bows, and all things fashion which is possibly what influenced the Temple of Bhaal’s fashion glow up between games.
Her eyes used to be a light brown almost hazel but her service to Bhaal gave her this new eye color 
As the game progresses and she resists the urge further her eyes revert back to their original color. 
Similar to her eyes, Tav’s hair grew gray and incredibly long during her time ruling the Temple of Bhaal → Due to her resistance the original brown her hair once was is returning. 
Has a journal full of songs, drawings, and musings (similar to Arthur Morgan’s journal from RDR2)
When the urge grows closer to taking over the writings and drawings can become manic and indecipherable 
Tries almost too hard to be good, it is obvious she is compensating for something. 
Attempts the “fake it till you make it” attitude when it comes to life after the Nautiloid crash. Since she is haunted by terrifying thoughts, Tav keeps this part of herself incredibly secret and puts up a mask of positivity and kindness. She is sure that once her companions find out who she really is they will turn on her. 
As the story goes on, Tav realizes that this “mask” is actually closer to who she is on the inside.
Rarely gets a full night sleep due to nightmares and head buzzing with plans for battle. 
Often goes on walks, sits by the fire, or goes for a swim to clear her head. 
A huge fan of reading, especially studying history to not make the same mistakes as her ancestors. 
This often informs her strategy and plans especially when creating the plan to take the Crown of Karsus. 
Reading is also what facilitated her initial bond with Gortash when part of the Dead Three. 
Was terrible at wielding any kind of weapon until Wyll graciously helped her train to use a sword and shield. 
However, if she has to she’ll whack you over the head with her lute. 
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angstywaifu · 2 months
Black Dahlia - 5. Not A Good Idea - Garrick
One tragic day changes Dahlia's life forever. Despised by her father and brother, she's spent her entire life trying to be the child and sister she use to be. But nothing she ever does is good enough. She joins the Rider's Quadrant to prove them wrong. Garrick now in his second year has proven he is more than the mark on his skin to his fellow riders, and taken leadership of his own Squad alongside Xaden. Little does he know the girl walking across the parapet is about to send him on a rollercoaster of a year.
Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos)
Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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“I don’t think this is a good idea.” I tell him again as he sits in front of me, placing his plate on the table.
“I told you, it’s fine. Just trust me on this.” Xaden says sternly as Bodhi joins him on the other side.
“What’s not a good idea?” Bodhi asks, looking between the two of us confused.
“The Aetos girl. Your cousin here requested her on his squad for some stupid reason.” I say bitterly, shoving food in my mouth.
Luckily the hall is loud, drowning out anyone that could hear our conversation. Everyone getting to know their new squads or reunite with friends or family they hadn’t seen since being in the quadrant. It also helped that no one really sat near us. The perks of being a marked one I guess.
“And as I keep saying, just trust me. I don’t think she’ll be a problem.” Xaden tells me again. I was honestly starting to loose count of how much back and forth we’d had on this topic since she stepped off the Parapet this afternoon.
“And you saying you don’t think she’ll be a problem is the problem. She’s going to draw too much attention to us from that father and brother of hers. She could wreck everything we’ve worked for.”
Xaden goes rigid at my words. He knows I’d never speak openly about what we’re doing, but he still gets nervous at my hint. His eyes quickly assessing the few cadets around us. But all of them are too caught up in their conversations to hear us.
“In Xaden’s defence she doesn’t seem that bad. Though she really keeps to herself. Don’t think I’ve seen her utter a single work since she stood next to me in formation.” Bodhi chimes in, taking Xaden’s side as per usual. That boy would follow Xaden blindly no matter what.
I look down the table to where she sits with the rest of Xaden’s squad. Like us she’s sat a little away from the rest of the squad. Either by choice or because no one wants to sit next to her. Either way she doesn’t seem to mind. But honestly it’s hard to tell, her face showing no emotion. I thought Imogen had resting bitch face, but she takes it to another level. Thank the gods those two aren’t on the same squad.
“And that’s what concerns me. For all we know she could be putting on an act.” I add, turning back to the two of them.
“You act like I’m going to let her in on what we’re doing.” Xaden says bitterly, almost sounding hurt at my accusation.
“I know you won’t. But she might pick up on something. Hear something. And as soon as she does she’s running off to the Colonel.” I warn, trying to convey how stupid this was despite trusting him on that parapet. Why the hell had I listened and written her down for his squad.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but she didn’t exactly look to be on the best terms with her brother. Both of them looked ready to kill each other as soon as they stepped off the parapet.”
Xaden was right. They hadn’t looked pleased to see each other or even be near each other. But it could all be an act for what we knew. But there was something about the hatred in her eyes. Almost too hateful to be faked.
”I can confirm this. He went looking for her once we got to our beds. She’d already gone off somewhere, but he wasn’t too pleased when the girl next to her bed said she wasn’t here. Stormed off muttering something.” Bodhi adds.
Seems I was out numbered in this conversation for some unknown reason.
“Fine. But don’t get mad when I say I told you so.” I warn, turning my attention back to my food.
“Oh I won’t. You’ll be the one getting mad when I tell you that.” Xaden says smugly before turning to Bodhi and changing the conversation to what had happened in the last five years.
@imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94
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bunchofdogstuff · 6 months
A work in progress.
(( this is the first time I post something on tumblr... I hope it reaches someone! ))
(( Please let me know what you think! ))
It will start right at the North Pole.
Predictions from the distant past failed to calculate the exact point of impact, but modern technology has made things so, so easy… we can pinpoint the precise spot where the first lightning bolt will fall, even if we can’t do anything to stop it.
The sensors will go awry, the entire world will take notice for a moment. A lightning bolt? On a perfectly starry night? Where did it come from? Questions that will stall the minds of the brightest minds in the world, while disaster spreads through the ice fields, crawling so close to the floor, devouring everything on its way.
The Loathsome Mist will return, and with it, the shadows of the beings we stole this world from, so long ago that no one remembers anymore.
The Second Sacrifice will begin, and this time there’s no unlikely hero, no charitable soul to stop it as its core.
As time draws near to the end of the world, and all my attempts to stall it crumble to dust, I am faced with a choice.
I can either brave this alone, and pray to the stars that I find a solution like I did almost six hundred years ago… or I can submit, and seek his aid.
I’d rather die and take the whole world with me than having to talk with that pusillanimous buffoon again.
So I guess I am on my own.
Diary of Mustafá, the Witch. Entry Number 882.
My heart is beating so hard, it feels like it could just jump straight out of my throat in any second now. My lungs are on fire, my neck and my arms hurt as I get up. I can feel my own blood flowing from my arm and falling on the floor, mixing with the magic flowing in the air. Green, purple, golden, red, I can’t distinguish them as they swirl and dance… and I can’t really stop and marvel at it. Not with this sense of impending doom on my back.
I try to get my bearings, after all I hit my head real hard on my fall down the stairs. The stairs! I am standing on the stairway of the apartment complex where I’ve lived for the last three years. It’s dark, pitch black in fact, and yet I can perfectly see my blood dripping and my favorite hoodie being ruined by it.
It’s a very small space, barely having any room for an extinguisher on every floor. Ah, that’s right, and I’ve seen several extinguishers already, so I must have gone down a few floors. I started on floor eight, and I am on floor…
With some of the blood on my fingers I paint the walll, illuminating some of it with the bright color of pure magic.
3rd Floor.
I fell five floors straight!? No way, I must have run a little at least… run… run from…
The sound of steps interrupts me. They are slow, calm, she’s getting closer. She knows I don’t have the physique to run nor the knowledge to somehow disappear myself. And yet I push myself to start trotting down the stairs again, no point in trying to hide from her! 
As I go, I furiously tap on my phone, sending messages to the Fellowship. It’s not like any of them can help me now but, at least they can make sure to save whatever we can from the work before she takes it from my cold, dead hands.
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: WHAT. OMG RUN, RUN!!!! O.o
jeepers creepers man: what do you mean “chasing you”???
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: TAVY-CHAN RUUUUN!!!
jeepers creepers man: ok ok, calm down, calm down.
jeepers creepers man: i assume you tried to talk to her and it went poorly
jeepers creepers man: ok ok, fuck, hmmm…
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: shit shit SHIT I knew this was going to happen man
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: she’s gonna come for us next guys you better get ready. 
I don’t have time for this.
With a loud sigh I jam the phone in my pocket and stop running, panting, gasping for air and fighting for my life as I reach the door of the bottom floor. I didn’t even notice how her steps were no longer echoing in the stairway, I was just desperate to push that door and look for an exit. 
Only to find her standing right there, a bored look on her face and her hand raised in my direction. The Alchemist was a head smaller than me, at least! But her tiny frame commanded a strange, powerful presence. Her skin was dark, darker than mine at least! But what really caught my attention from the very start were her eyes: unnaturally golden, wide awake and yet so dull, dead. 
“End of the line, Octavia.” Her cold, emotionless voice makes me shiver. “Give me the book or I’ll take it from you.”
“C-Can’t we discuss this?”
“You don’t want a part in this game, kid. If this is the only way to make you understand, so be it.”
Green, purple and golden, the octarine light of magic, flowed through the Alchemist’s veins and straight to her hand. I have no idea what she has in mind but I do not want to just wait and figure that out. I raise my own hand, throwing it down as I jump back into the stairway. I may not be powerful enough to cast a proper fire, but I know how to make smoke.
I don’t know why I yelled, it just felt appropriate. There’s a very small yet loud explosion,  as if something had broken on the floor between us, and then a thick cloud of smoke expanded and covered the whole door. As I fall back, I can feel something brush past me, mere inches from my head. A ball of green light that breaks into pieces of glass on the wall behind me, surely aimed at my face before my little gambit.
This woman wants to kill me.
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
Oh I’d make it as hard as I could. As I ran back up the stairs without really thinking where I will hide from this crazed Alchemist, I can’t help but look back and wonder how I ended up here. To think that a few months ago I would have simply kneeled and submitted my life at the first chance to end it all… 
And now here I am, running for my life, clinging to my backpack with all the strength I can muster and pushing my body far beyond its pathetic limits just so I can continue pushing my nose where it doesn’t belong. 
Truly, the life of a translator really is non-stop excitement.
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ellekhen · 3 months
Hand, Hearth, and Home
Chapter 57 - The Lost
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Chapter Summary: The battle to defend Halsin's portal begins.
Pairing(s): Astarion x Male Tav (Main); Past OC x Male Tav Rating: Explicit Length: 296K+ words; Chapters 57/?? (Master Post)
Excerpt below:
And that is when Church realizes their fatal mistake.
He feels the itch at the back of his neck before he turns — horrified — to see the massive, writhing dark shadow rising from the water behind the portal.
“Oh fuck,” he utters, extending a hand far too late.
With its many arms and hands, the horrible, shadowy rat king from the aqueduct grasps hold of the portal, stretching and tearing into it with a deafening, discordant roar.
“Vulridir…!” the duergar souls moan in chorus. “Vulridir… vulridir…!”
“LET GO!” Church cries out, not caring about the black smoke that pours out of his mouth as he launches himself towards the portal, attempting to command the shadows once again away from it. “LET—!”
A dozen shadowy arms claw into the portal at once — pulling it apart as it thrums frantically, deafeningly.
“HALSIN!” Church screams, reaching towards the portal and his friend still searching somewhere inside. 
The portal roars as it destabilizes, collapsing in on itself in a split second until all Church’s hand brushes against is a pinprick of sizzling light — 
— and then it closes around nothing but air.
The shadow wraiths dissipate in an instant, and except for the crunching of the beach under foot, the crackling of flames, and the fluttering of shadow-cursed wings…
The world goes quiet.
The portal is gone — sealing Halsin away into the Shadowfell. 
A chorus of dismayed shouts and frantic orders breaks the stunned silence. Even Jaheira seems at a loss as she stares wide-eyed at where the portal once was.
But Church can’t hear any of them.
No… NO! Is all he hears in his own mind, chanting in rhythm with the slow, hard thud of his heartbeat.
“Halsin!” Karlach cries out, her voice hoarse and despondent.
“Good gods,” Astarion utters in shock. “Just like that?”
“That’s… it,” Wyll’s voice breaks. “We failed him. He’s dead.”
The shadow-cursed beings and dark creatures all around them had stopped in the instant the portal disappeared. The incorporeal enemies had dispersed, and the corporeal had stumbled back into the woods and water. But the ravens, on the other hand…
They fill the trees. They stand upon the ground and rocky ledges. They circle silently in the air.
Somehow Church knows that with their pale, glowing eyes, they are all watching him with rapt attention. 
The shadow within him laughs hysterically. 
Everyone. Everyone you ever cared about—!
“—NO!” Church thunders, reaching towards the empty air where the portal once stood. 
“My child!” the Mother shouts frantically into his mind. “What are you doing? STOP!”
“Church!” Tavi calls out desperately, the astral prism vibrating and burning in the tiefling’s pocket. “No—no!”
Church has never done this before, and yet it feels so natural to him as he draws the endless shadows of this cursed land into himself. His heart pounds like a drum as he feels the power burn through his veins, electrify his brain, and chant in his ears. 
The ravens begin to caw around them in a hellish, cacophonous symphony.
He feels the eyes of the living and the dead watching from the darkness and the moonlight. Amid the calls of his allies and the caws of the ravens, he swears he can hear the Raven Queen herself laughing gaily in the distance. 
He hears his mother’s continuous, desperate pleading for him to, “STOP! STOP!”
“What are you doing?” Astarion yowls from afar, clambering down from his position with the other archers. 
“Halsin’s not dead!” Church shouts over the din. “I’m not leaving him behind! I won’t allow it!”
“No—NO! Don’t leave me! Don’t—!”
Church sighs deeply. 
Sorry, mother, he tells her. 
It’s clear what he must do. It’s so obvious what he was always meant to do. 
Church lets the shadow magic take over him, willfully casting away his mother’s protection like a heavy cloak. 
He embraces the shadows, and they pour into him hungrily as he channels their magic through both of his blackened, sharp-taloned hands — tearing the fabric of space and time apart. 
In just a few seconds, a thrumming, unstable portal hangs before him in mid-air. It’s an ugly thing compared to the one Halsin summoned with Silvanus’ guidance, but between his haphazard portal’s ragged edges Church can see the same colorless, barren land Halsin had stepped into before. 
A storm of shadows swirls around him, but Church feels calm. 
He feels focused.
He turns to his friends, his eyes inky black and mouth smoking as he speaks. 
“I’m going to find him,” he declares in a distorted, resonant voice, reaching into his pocket. “Don’t follow me — stay here and fight back the shadows if they return.”
“Church!” Tavi begins to speak as the warlock tosses the artefact back into the hands of a bewildered, anguished Shadowheart. “No — stay here! Don’t—!”
“I’m sorry Tav,” Church thinks ruefully. “I guess we all have to play the hero at some point, don’t we? Take care of the others for me. Please.”
“We can defeat the Absolute without lifting the Shadow Curse!” Tavi’s voice is desperate as he pleads with him. “Halsin is lost! I can’t lose you too. CHURCH—!”
But the warlock pays him no more heed. 
Instead, he seeks out Astarion’s familiar, frantic mind, trying to soothe it in vain. 
“For what it’s worth,” he tells the elf, his heart full of regret. “It was really nice to be yours.”
He turns and forces himself through the portal before anyone else can try to stop him. 
Start from the beginning!
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simply-un-well · 11 months
school has been brutal, but finally got the chance to write some more !! intro to some of the team + heat exhaustion. requests are open, but i was thinking about doing a motion sickness one next ! or maybe an oc intro, who knows
A sharp whistle echoed around the field, drawing the attention of the players. It's boiling outside, but for some horrid reason, Coach has decided that today would be a perfect day to do stamina training. As the team starts to gather around, he explains the plan for today's practice.
"Okay, I know that it's still relatively early into this year, so we're going to start conditioning your bodies. This exercise will count as both endurance training and a bonding exercise with your teammates," he recites. "In this park, there's a five-mile trail-"
There's an outbreak of murmuring after that, five miles isn't too bad normally, but in this heat? Jason groans audibly before getting elbowed in the side by Blake. Glaring he gestures for Jason to shut up.
Coach claps to get their attention back on him. "Yes, I know it's hot out, but you're going to be playing in heat like this during some of your games. I'll be dividing all of you up into groups. You will introduce yourself to each other and run the trail together."
Jason sighs, tuning Coach out as he begins to read off the names of each group. Blake and him are the only two first years that he knows of so far. Running with upperclassmen just doesn't seem that fun, but at least they might not-
"Tucker, Ackers, Salem, Hakashis," Coach calls out. Jason glances to the side, meeting Blake's eyes and sighing exasperatedly. Of course, it's their luck to get out in the same group.
It takes them a minute to find who else is in their group, only figuring it out when one of the taller guys waves them over. He's the second tallest of the three people huddled together, with tan skin and brown hair. The other two have the same black hair and cream-coloured skin.
Nudging Blake, Jason frowns. "Wasn't only four last names called out?" His question earns him an eye roll before Blake pushes past, leaving him to catch up.
"I'm guessing you two are first years?" The guy who waved them over smiles at them. "Name's Tavin, most people on the team call me Tavi. I'm a fourth-year student."
Nudging the taller guy next to him, Tavi gestures for him to go next. The guy shakes his head amused before introducing himself. "Jesse, fourth year, technically captain. It's good to see some new people on the team."
Jason grimaces internally, it's just his luck to be placed with the one guy he's hated for most of his life, and two fourth years, where one of them happens to be the captain. Before either Blake or him can introduce themselves, the third person standing there cuts in.
"Ace Hakashi, they/them, third year, unfortunately, related to the captain." That makes a lot more sense as to why there were only four names called out.
"You're just annoyed that you have to listen to me," Jesse smirks before turning back to Jason and Blake. "What are your names?"
Jason glances at Blake before hesitantly speaking up. "Jason or Jay, either or works, first year." His face feels hot with embarrassment as he trails off shrugging slightly, unsure of what else to say.
"Blake, first year," his voice is careful, introduction straight to the point.
Tavi nods before smiling. "Have either of you run this trail before?" Two shakes of the head from both first years. He grins, "You'll love this trail. It's not super hard or anything!"
Jason can't help but feel a little eager, he's always been a pretty big runner. Same with Blake, the two of them constantly competing against each other for speed.
"-we're probably going to go at a bit of a slower speed to warm up in the beginning." Jason tunes back into what Jesse was saying. "If anyone in the group needs to slow down, take a water break, or anything, let everyone else know so that we can adjust accordingly." There's a few nods of acknowledgment before he seems satisfied.
Jason spends the next few minutes lost in thought as the third and fourth years talk amongst each other a bit. Occasionally Blake or him would chime in when prompted. Eventually, Coach calls their group over to start running.
They take off and it's smooth for a little bit. They're all sweating like crazy even before five minutes have passed. The sun is brutal, but thankfully most of the trail has little periodic bits of shade every five to ten feet.
All five of them end up settling into a formation of sorts. Jesse and Tavin are in the lead, as they're both accustomed to this sort of training. Ace is slightly behind them, but it seems willing like they just don't want to be running next to their brother. This leaves both Blake and Jason in the back of the group.
The two of them are engaged in a familiar silent competition of who can keep up the best. Their teammates, having more practice with these types of workouts, can hold a faster speed throughout. This leaves the two of them to try and keep up the best they can.
Sweat drips into Jason's eyes as he keeps running. Calves burning as they pass the two-mile marker. He's always had a rather low heat tolerance, so as much as he loves running, this is starting to feel like his own personal hell. Out of the corner of his eyes, he can see Blake starting to speed up a little, maintaining the gap behind Ace.
Jason glares at him before speeding up a little faster. From there a push and pull begins where every time one of them would speed up, the other would too. His mouth is dry, chest burning from exertion, but at the same time, Jason is far too stubborn to call it quits or ask for a break.
Blake glances over at him as they pass the four-mile mark. Slowing down a little, his face holds a weird expression. "Ace," he calls out. They turn their head slightly, indicating that they heard him. "Can we break?"
Jason snorts quietly. "Are you really that tired already?" It feels like a small victory to have Blake ask for a rest of some sort despite the blistering heat being a pretty valid reason.
Blake rolls his eyes in response but doesn't engage verbally. Everyone in the group slows down to a stop, ducking into the shade. Jesse looks slightly concerned, eyes lingering over each person in the group.
"Is everything alright?" He frowns worriedly, shoving Tavin when he starts making mom jokes at him.
Blake nods. "Just a bit hot. Needed a few minutes."
Taking advantage of the break, Jason leans his back against the tree that all five of them are under. It is hot. The ground practically looks like it's swimming from the heat. Wiping his sweat off his face with his shirt, he closes his eyes trying to imagine that it's cooler out than this.
It feels like it's all too soon before the break is over, Jesse and Tavin start to move out from under the tree, followed closely by Blake. Jason opens his eyes before pausing, the world spinning underneath him. It's disorienting and he blinks rapidly to try and get rid of the feeling.
He feels exhausted all of a sudden, leaning more heavily against the tree. Ace glances over at him before freezing, looking over him more closely. "Hey, Jason, are you okay?" The question brings the attention of the other three to how he's slumped against the tree.
Jason only manages to lift his head, vision swirling, before doubling over his knees gagging. Vomit splatters the grass in front of his running shoes. Tavi stands there a bit shocked by what just happened.
Quick to move, Ace is there to support Jason right before his knees give on the next retch. Vomit splashes into the growing puddle. There's a choked gurgling noise before he opens his mouth, sick pouring from it like a faucet, too out of it to properly heave.
Jesse checks his pulse before frowning. "It's too fast. Probably heat exhaustion." Moving his arms to help support Jason a bit better, he pauses for a second. "Tav, Ace, finish the run and let Coach know what's going on. We're not going to be able to carry him back. Ace, stay with Coach. Tav, get cold water then come back."
Both of them are quick to nod before dashing off at a faster pace than before. Blake hovers around, unsure of what to do before hesitantly crouching down where they are.
Jesse keeps a hand firmly pressed on Jason's back, a grounding presence that he appreciates. The world is spinning off-kilter and he just feels bad. "Blake, you feeling okay?" Jesse asks cautiously, unsure if he should have sent him back too.
He receives a brief nod of confirmation. "I'm fine. Jason has a worse tolerance to heat."
As if he heard his name, Jason glances over. There's vomit clinging to his lips and his eyes are unfocused. He squints before jerking slightly. Jesse is quick to push him forward between his knees just in time for him to add to the puddle in front of him.
"M'gonna pass out," he slurs and it's the only warning they get before Jason slumps to the side, falling into Blake.
A few minutes pass by in silence, Jesse rubbing circles onto Jason's back as Blake lets him lean on him despite their rivalry. It feels like forever before Tavin returns. He's panting heavily from sprinting there and back, cold water in hand. Passing it to Jesse, he frowns at the way Jason's limp against Blake.
"Passed out," Jesse explains briefly as he presses the cold water bottle to Jason's neck, passing it to Blake so that he can hold the bottle in place while he gets the update.
Tavin nods worriedly. "Ace should be here with Coach in a few minutes. We just need to keep him alive until then." Looking over the two youngest members of their team sat together under the shade of the tree. Blake who has a weird mix of annoyance and worry on his face, Tavin smirks. "Shouldn't be too hard."
Looking over, Jesse pauses. "Yeah, shouldn't be too hard."
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corvidmafia · 6 months
Comic idea. Hilarious to me and probably no one else so I may or may not draw it. Tav just murked Raphael in the house of Hope and is leaving a note pinned to his dead body for Haarlep bc it'll probaby be really shocking to come back to.
"Dear haarlep sorry about ur job security :(( raphies super dead. anyway I looted his body n found his diaries lol. I kind of miss him now he's gone. who's gonna follow me around monologuing theatrically about his evil plans now? I mean probably somebody I'm sure, I seem to attract those kinds of weirdos but no one did it like him. I mean equal parts hilarious and impressive. the schemes had some real flair. sure his head was so far up his own ass that it sort of ended up back where it started but he put more effort into getting me in his villainous clutches than any of my exs ever have and if nothing else that sure makes a guy feel special. he must have rehearsed that theme song (he was singing a wholeass theme song while we were fighting btw) for hours, it was like really well done. I guess it's true what they say; you never know what you have until it's laying face down in a pool of it's own blood. and you're fumbling with it's dead (lol) weight to wrestle off it's armour so you can pawn it bc adventuring is very rarely a paid position and a man's gotta eat (and buy a new bow lol) but it's hard to get good leverage with the polished marble all slick with blood so you kind of keep slipping and. Anyway, do you think I could bring him back somehow? and also what would that do to his clearly already fragile psyche? something horrible I hope. something hilarious I'm sure.
So yeah uh sorry or you're welcome, whichever applies. call me,
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ask-vinyl-scratch · 14 years
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Damn what a bro!!!
dont make fun of my drawings! it's really hard to draw stickponies when you can only use your hooves! my hoofwriting is bucking shit rn
yeah I gotta Luna-damned magic limiter ring horn I gotta wear all the bucking time now, so I haveta write this by hoof! yeah, Tavi found out about the rave I went to last night and damn was she concerned! made me feel a little bad like. she took me to the horspital and the doctors said I should wear this magic limiter to help me recover from the drugs and the cocaine withdrawal, which, fair. the wubs I was involuntarily shooting off from my horn were kinda starting to shatter wine bottles (sorry Berry!) I was still pretty skeptical of the ring until Tavi said that since I told her I wouldn't go to the party like she wanted and I did that I could make it up to her by wearing the ring and having a quiet evening in and a sedate double date with Lyra and Bon Bon so I could rest and recuperate, which, fair.
Tavi started to joke that it's like a wedding ring or something, but then she started to comfort me and hug me after I started
dont read that part
while were talking on the subject of you journal-people, I gotta say Don't make any other things appear for a little while, k? Im keeping that you're still here a secret from Tavi because she would just get worked up about you guys and then I'd be out of a magic journal. besides, you're the only place I could possibly get more cocaine, if I ever possibly wanted it for reasonable uses.
kinda bummed that I can even still get these ask things (or submissions?? hell's up with that???????) but at least you seem like a pretty cool mare, Banana Pie. see ya round Ponyville, if you do in fact live there... oh hey I could probably see you at that Luna-worshipper party going on in Berry's cellars tomorrow night at 10:00! yeah I should be outta here with the magic limiter off by tomorrow. cuz damn if Vinyl Scratch aint able to sweettalk her marefriend into letting her go to a party!!! but maybe the wubs would make the party worse...?
Ok Tavi's calling me to our double date with Lyra and Sweetie Drops. bye
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rohans18 · 1 year
North America Heart Valve Repair and Replacement Market Key Players, Outlook and Forecast 2028
North America Heart Valve Repair and Replacement Market, By Product (Surgical Heart Valves Replacement, Surgical Heart Valves Repair, TAVI / TAVR Valves, Grafts, Patches, Medication and Others), Procedure (Surgical Procedure and Non-Surgical Procedure), Indication (Valvular Stenosis, Valvular Insufficiency, Mitral Valve Prolapse and Others), End User (Hospital, Speciality Centres, Cardiac Catheterization Lab, Ambulatory Surgical Centres and Others), Distribution Channel (Direct Tender, Retail Sales and Others), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028.
With the attentive use of established and advanced tools such as SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces Analysis, the large scale North America Heart Valve Repair and Replacement market business report has been generated. Meticulous hard work of skilled forecasters, well-versed analysts and knowledgeable researchers gives outcome of such premium and large-scale market analysis report. This market report aids to unearth the general market conditions, existing trends and tendencies in the North America Heart Valve Repair and Replacement industry.
Key Players
The major players covered in North America Heart Valve Repair and Replacement market are Pfizer Inc., Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Bayer AG, Shionogi Inc., Allergan, LUMITOS AG, Upsher-Smith Laboratories, LLC, Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, Pantarhei Bioscience, Foamix Pharmaceuticals Ltd and others.
 Browse More Info @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/north-america-heart-valve-repair-and-replacement-market
A wide ranging North America Heart Valve Repair and Replacement Market report includes strategic profiling of key players in the market, systematic analysis of their core competencies, and draws a competitive landscape for the market. SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces Analysis are the two consistently and promisingly used tools for generating this report. Competitive landscape in this finest marketing report covers strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and strategies. Quality and transparency has been strictly maintained while carrying out research studies to provide an outstanding North America Heart Valve Repair and Replacement Market research report for a niche.
Key questions answered in the report:
Which product segment will grab a lion’s share?
Which regional market will emerge as a frontrunner in coming years?
Which application segment will grow at a robust rate?
Report provides insights on the following pointers:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the North America Heart Valve Repair and Replacement Market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.
Table Of Content
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope Of The Report
Part 03:  Global Market
Part 04: Global Market Sizing
Part 05: Global Market Segmentation By Product
Part 06: Five Forces Analysis
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goji-pilled · 2 years
How they would dress and future endeavours. A headcanon.
I would draw them, but I’m trying out a new art style, but I’m working on polishing it.
Dresses very cute. Lots of pinks, whites, greys and pastels in her closet. Wears a necklace given by Homura, and goes her hair in a ponytail using one of her old ribbons. It reminds her of home because when she went to college, she got a dorm. Shoes are simple and cute, with no heels. Chooses comfort over style, and has multiple sweaters. Due to her passion in art, she took up a art degree and has illustrated a picture book and multiple doujins (No coochies or pps). Owns a cat and is dating Homura.
Practicality takes priority in closets. Little to no skirts or colours and wears a lot of monochrome clothes. Has a ring the Madoka gave her. After the loops, she cut her hair and to preserve magic, she stopped healing her eyes, and went back to using her old glasses. Business or Psychology major, and often goes to Mami’s cafe for coffee. Much like most college students, lives off of coffee. Still hates incubators and runs a magical girl forum.
Comfort over style definitely. Doesn’t even try to look stylish at all. Lots of track pants and silly looking socks in drawers. Hair remains largely unchanged, and is most often tied back or free. Not in college and works full time at Mami’s cafe. Usually the one to run errands or clean the house or cafe. Hobby is leaving yelp reviews on restaurants.
Practicality and style are equally balanced. Button ups, toques, anime/movie pins, all that jazz (pun intended). Has a shirt with the words “I work at an offish”. Although a seasoned conductor, has a side hustle of a YouTube channel as she is irresponsible with her money and spends it all in one go. Not in any form of education like Kyoko, but at least has a job.
Stylish and retro! Lots of skirts, heels, button ups, scarfs, and flower prints and she rocks all of it. Her hair is mostly free and smells like freshly brewed tea and jasmine. Runs a cafe with really good sweets and tea. A hole in a wall if you will. Lots of plants, and teas and is basically an influencers dream. No TikTok dancing though, last time someone TikTok danced in her cafe, they knocked over several things, Nagi still sticks to her like glue.
Goes to a culinary high school and usually wears it’s uniform, although she usually tops it with a silly hoodie with a pop culture reference or cute animal on it. Hair is usually braided out of the way, as she is in a culinary track, and has a tiny mouse barrette. Still very gremlin and wants snacks 24/7. The resident weird kid and proud.
Goes to your usual high school that happens to be near Nagisa’s school. Hair is tied back with Kyoko’s old ribbon and often wears fluffy things like scarves. Studying hard to become a therapist. Cat whisperer and avid protester of animal rights and will kick you in the nuts if your dog has a scratch. She likes sandwiches.
uh huh, uh uh *takes notes*
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ALSO more Halloween-themed! Octavian/Luke/Percy? Where Tavy owns a big spooky mansion that everyone (Percy) thinks is haunted and Percy goes there on a dare on Halloween and realizes a hot married couple lives there???
So... When you ask for puppy!Jace and sexy times, you get fluff and love.
When you ask for adventurous and maybe even funny ot3, you get...
Which is only close to the prompt's premise if you squint enough, so oops?
"Look, how eager he is," murmured one of the blondes, who kidnapped him, his fingers trailing from the naked skin of Percy's hip to the length of his hardness, still hidden behind his boxers.
The bound boy let out an involuntary moan, thrusting against the light, teasing touch. He felt himself burning from inside, the need to feel the two blondes was bigger than anything he ever experienced. He wanted to be free, he wanted to forget he ever sneaked in the house that was rumored to be haunted by a pair of demon princes, but he couldn't move. The ropes tying him up were too tight.
"Please," he whispered. Not even he knew what he was begging for, but the one without the scar on his face seemed to know.
He leaned forward, grabbing Percy's chin and pulling him up from his laying position, crushing their mouth together. Percy felt like a ragdoll at the mercy of these two strangers, and he never felt more content with not being able to fight back. If he would have been less aroused, he might have been more embarrassed by his reactions, but they clearly knew what they were doing.
They were making him loose his mind.
He let the blonde's tongue to pry his lips apart, and take whatever he wanted. He felt the other one pulling his boxers, the last semblance of propriety down, to undercover the stiff hardness underneath.
As the blonde's fingers wrapped around his erection, he couldn't hold back his muffled cry, withering under the two men, grinding to the two slender bodies.
"It seems our little burglar likes what you are doing with him," said the one devouring him. Percy tried to complain about being called a burglar, because he was definitely not one, but the little moan he managed to say, was muffled by the blonde's tongue.
He thrashed wildly, grinding to the men in a pleasure he never felt before, thrusting into the tight fist, chasing his orgasm. But instead of fastening its movement, the hand slowed down, and soon it was gone. A desperate cry left his lips, when the other blonde left his side as well.
"He really is a sight to behold," sighed the guy with the scar, as he plastered himself on the other guy's back, pressing a kiss on his neck.
"He is, isn't he?" smirked the other. Percy was almost ready to cry, to beg, to do anything just to have those sinful hands and lips on him, when the men finally undressed, ready to continue the fun.
As they stood there in a passionate embrace, lots and lots of pale, naked skin showing, Percy's mouth dried out - it was finally happening!
Jerking at his length a few times, the guy whose kisses still lingered on his lips stepped closer, reaching to grip both of their arousals together, making their hardness slide alongside each other, creating a glorious, glorious friction.
Another hand grabbed Percy's waist, moving him to another position, just to draw him against hard muscles, sandwiching him between two muscular, hot bodies.
The movements of the guy behind him were tentative first, but as Percy was obviously down with everything they could give him, his touches and thrusts started to bring more and more pleasure to the bound boy, pushing Percy over the edge with each move.
Percy's wailing got louder and louder as their joined bodies moved faster and faster, searching for release. The guy behind him bit into the sensitive skin of his neck, soothing it with a sweet, feather-soft kiss that contradicted his hard thrusts. The guy in front of him kissed him as their life depended on it, and Percy supposed that it wasn't far from the truth; he really felt like he was going to die.
Being bound, left at the mercy of the two men who were determined to rock his world forever, should have made him frightened, but he felt like floating. One last thrust, and then nothing, but hot, white, blinding pleasure-
Percy's body went limp immediately after, and both guys followed him oly a few thrusts later, making a mess out the three of them.
"We should do this more, if it renders our Little Sea still and quiet, don't you think?" Percy heard Luke answering Tavy's question something through thick haze, but staying awake felt too much work to him.
He fell asleep, safely surrounded by his beloved boyfriends.
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by Tavis
"Halftones create the illusion of grayscale values by varying the width of a black and white pattern.... the idea behind my art is to enlarge the pattern enough to make it highly visible, but not so much that the overall image is lost.... I used to be afraid that the halftone style would be too constrictive for my sometimes wild creative urges. However, it has turned out to be a remarkably flexible container... I have worked hard to hone my skills at drawing the halftones completely by hand, while simultaneously I have developed sophisticated computer algorithms to create halftones with complex patterns such as fractals."  —Bill Tavis
In Austin's revitalized St. Elmo warehouse district @TheYardAustin has developed a 200,000 square foot complex into a dynamic commercial / retail / festival space including a distillery and brewery. In 2018 Austin-based artist Tavis, originally from New Mexico, partnered with The Yard and transformed this container with one of his trademark "psychedelic halftone" designs.  @tayviss/
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tavi-hayes · 4 years
practice challenge ~ journey to the palace
((whoopwhoop, idk how i managed to write this (given it’s quite long and i usually never ever write stuff this long) also please excuse me again for any spelling/grammar errors i try. alsoooo thanks to these wonderful girls: Bethia @h-hart​, Kat @clara-choii​ and Pia @brookelynnsanders​!))
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It was silent at work today. The only sounds were the flipping of pages and the ticking on keys of a computer, followed by a frustrated sigh occasionally.
“Maybe we should get some more flutes?” I said, “they’re not that expensive and they won’t take up a lot of space here.”
Lola, being distracted by her laptop, showed no sign that she had heard what I just said.
“Helllooo, Lo are you there?”
“Huh, what?” she ran her hands through her hair as she looked my way.
I lifted the catalogue to show her the flute page.
“No Tavi,” Lo leaned her head on the back of the chair, doing the accounts must have tired her. “We already have flutes, and no one is ever interested in them. They have been here for decades.”
I rolled my eyes, “maybe that is why no one is interested. They look grim.”
Lo refocused on her laptop, and I flipped another page of the catalogue.
Oeh, the bass guitars. My favourite part.
I ran my finger over the page, paying a lot of attention to each one.
There were electronic bass guitars, but also the semi-acoustic ones. Some were very modern-looking with the brightest of colours, while others go for more of a vintage look.
I don’t know if I would ever be able to part with my own baby. The bass guitar, that I now owned, had been eyeing me every day since it had arrived in the store. It had been love at first sight.
But it was such a big investment and I just didn’t have that kind of money.
A part of my earnings was needed for us to make a living, pay the rent and do the groceries for example. And the other part that wasn’t needed for that, entered our savings jar.
We had been saving money since the day my dad was put behind bars. For whatever reason those bars had been in St. George. Freaking St. George.
The province didn’t even have direct borders with Denbeigh, Ottaro was right in between.
That made a simple, but still long, car ride impossible. Not taken the problems that come with the snowy climate into account.
That same climate also caused issues for our only transportation option.
Denbeigh’s climate was hard to predict at times. It could be a beautiful day with sunshine and a clear sky, but then you wake up the next morning to a thick layer of snow.
And because those snowfalls could happen in at least 8 out of 12 months, a lot of planes got cancelled in those months. The only airport anywhere near Winnipeg was privately owned. So the owners could literally ask the prices they wanted for the plane tickets. And boy, they were only focussed on making a profit.
For a simple family of Fives, those prices were unpayable. Hence why we had been saving money for 6 years now, still nowhere near able to pay for tickets. My mom would need a ticket, Daniel and I would too, and we just can’t leave little Aria and Arlan. My dad should be allowed to see them as well. That’s means we already need the money for 5 tickets. But if we include Daniel’s family, with his wife and little Melody, then that would equal 7 tickets.
So yeah, I would never have been able to buy that bass guitar.
Until Lo had a brilliant idea. They would give it to me as my birthday present for the upcoming 10 years. At first, I couldn’t accept that kind of gift, knowing it would have been a huge investment for the Wood family as well. But they insisted, hinting that they would get an employee discount anyway since you know Mr Wood owns the place. So, the price dropped, and they ignored me, so I had to give in and accept. It was the best gift I had ever gotten.
The stores door busted open, “GIRLS!” Gina’s voice took me back to earth. “they’re about to do the draw!”
“What draw?” apparently Lo shared my confusion.
Gina rolled her eyes and grabbed Lo’s laptop from the table. “Wait, I was working! Save it, save it!”
The laptop was put right on top of the catalogue I had just been looking through. Lo ushered over as well.
“Let me just,” Gina had opened an internet page and started typing in the website address of Winnipeg’s number one news channel, WTV. Such an original name.
The news anchor, some middle-aged woman with very fake looking blond hair, appeared on screen. “What is she wearing?” Lo asked, disgust and confusion both showing on her face.
“A track suit, it’s part of her image,” Gina unmuted the laptop, the crow-like voice of the woman filling the room, “now shush, I wanna hear this.”
“… Cameron Porter has been selected for the Illéan national ice hockey team. The star of Winnipeg’s very own ice hockey team, the Winnipeg Belugas, will accompany the national team to the world cup, taking place later this year in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Last week’s draw concluded that Illéa will have to face the German Federation and New Asia in the group stage. The national team’s training will start next week.”
Lo and I shared a look, “this is what you wanted to see Gina?”
“Since when do you care about ice hockey?” I asked, this was something new.
“Urgh, you guys are intolerable,” she silenced us with her finger.
“… and now we will switch to the royal palace in Angeles, to watch the live draw for Prince Arin’s Selection.”
The draw, of course that was what had sparked Gina’s interest. For some unknown reason, the entire Selection had slipped from my mind.
Nevertheless, I felt a little flutter in my stomach. Nerves. Looking over to my friends, I noticed the tense looks on both of their faces. Lo’s hands were clasped together, while Gina’s had disappeared in the pockets of her cardigan.
“Welcome,” some weird voice-over called.
With that the camera focussed on the prince.
“Urgh,” I rolled my eyes.
Lo poked me in the side, laughing, “oh Tavi your distaste is showing.”
“I don’t understand how you can hate someone who is that good looking. I mean have you seen that jawline? Perfection.” Gina had had a crush on the prince for as long as I had known her.
I rolled my eyes again, “I don’t hate him.” The drawing began before I had time to explain myself further.
“From Allens … Idalia Moretti.”
“He doesn’t look very happy,” I couldn’t help but comment, “or comfortable.”
Gina sighed probably annoyed that she couldn’t listen to the show properly, “his engagement was called off not that long ago. That is a pretty hard thing to deal with.”
“Yeah, I see, it’s so hard that he’s having a Selection. Shouldn’t he like get over the other girl first?”
My friends ignored me.
“From Angeles … Emily Rose White.”
This thing was going to take forever. I just wanted to look at the catalogue again, not at that prince, “he’s making me feel uncomfortable, just by watching him.”
Again, no response from either of my friends.
I took that as a sign to remain silent, knowing very well my friends wouldn’t reply anyway now that their eyes were locked on the prince.
“From Dakota … Brooke Lynn Sanders.”
Gina let out a breath she was holding, “okay now is Denbeigh,” she took our hands in hers, “fingers crossed it’s one of us.”
Her hand palms were sweaty, she must really want this.
“From Denbeigh … Octavia Hayes.”
We were all silent for a minute. Then Lo started screaming, Gina joining her. “Oh my GOODNESS!”
“Tavi! You’re going to the palace! You’re going to meet the prince!”
“Yeah,” I was absolutely lost for words. Meeting the prince hadn’t been the first thing that came to my mind, hell it hadn’t even been the second or third thing.
The first thing I thought was: I’m one step closer to getting my dad out of prison. I will be in that freaking library day and night looking for the book that is going to help me. There must be something somewhere about a second opinion on a court order, or something else to annul the judge’s decision.
“Ohhh, I’m sooo jealous of you right now. You are going to meet the prince! And there’s a chance he will fall in love with you and you’ll have beautiful babies.” Gina pulled on one of my curls, it bounced up and down as she let go of it.
“Uhm, I think that particular chance can be redeemed to zero.” I bit my lip, not even in my biggest dreams had I imagined my name would be drawn.
“Tavi, listen. I know you only applied for those laws books, but you need to be friendly to the prince if you want to stay,” Lo insisted, “or else you will be eliminated.”
“And I have to interact with him?”
“There are girls who would kill for a chance of even being in one room with him,” Gina took over, she sounded very serious suddenly. “You’ll meet him that’s for sure, and if you actually try you might make it far enough to earn a date. Just at least try to be nice, okay?”
“Just don’t insult him,” Lo added, “or his family, or the country. Okay, don’t insult anyone.”
The way my best friends were looking at me brought me right back to the good old school days. That was exactly the way teachers had looked whenever I had done something naughty. Which had basically been at least once every day.
“Do you promise?” Lo asked when I didn’t respond.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll try not to insult anyone.” I sighed, this is going to be so much harder than I thought.
All of a sudden a lot robot-like voice yelled “BREAKING NEWS”.
It just scared the living shit out of me. We turned as one towards the laptop again.
On the screen was that fake blond woman in her tracksuit again.
“Prince Arin just completed the draw for his very own Selection. Some famous girls will be joining him at the palace. Our very own province will be represented by Octavia Hayes. You might have heard of her, given that she is some meekly Five. But her father’s name will ring a bell. Octavia’s father is Caspar H., a dangerous convict in prison for murdering Winnipeg’s beloved mayor Wilfred Wallis. He might have very well passed the criminal gene onto his daughter. Not only is she definitely not a good representative for Denbeigh, but the lives of the royal family might all be in danger.”
“Damn it!” Stupid news anchor. Why couldn’t they just stay out of my family’s business. Now the entire country will be aware of this. My dad’s arrest did make the headlines of some newspapers when all that had gone down. But that had been 6 years ago and I had hoped no one would remember that.
But now it was out in the open. Again.
It didn’t even matter that my dad was innocent. He had already been suffering for it by being locked up far away from our family.
“Tavi,” Lo put her arms around me, “that’s just bullshit, no such thing as a criminal gene exists.”
Gina joined our hug, “you can’t take anyone seriously who wears a tracksuit on live TV.”
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*** Couple of days later ***
Dear dad,
My name got drawn for the Selection, I’m going to the palace and meet the prince. Some palace person is coming to pick me up anytime now so I can’t write a lot. Plus, if the mail has already arrived then you will have to wait another month before you get this anyway.
I asked Daniel if he could start writing a monthly letter as well, maybe he can even add a little picture of Melody so you can see her for the first time. He said he will take care of mom, Aria and Arlan as well. Molly will just cook dinner for more people, which she doesn’t really mind doing. At least that’s what she said.
Anyhow I will write to you from the palace.
Lots of love, 
Zohl wzw, R’n hxzivw. Tlrmt gl gsv kzozxv, z dslov mvd vmerilmnvmg dsviv R wlm’g pmld zmblmv. Ovzermt nln, vhkvxrzoob mld gszg rg urmzoob hvvnh orpv hsv’h gibrmt gl orev ztzrm. Zmw dszg droo gsv xlfmgib gsrmp lu nv. Droo R gfim rmgl zm lfgxzhg? Zxxliwrmt gl DGE R’n tlrmt gl hozftsgvi veviblmv rm gsv kzozxv, yvxzfhv lu blfi ‘xirnrmzo tvmvh’. Yfg gsv kvlkov dsl olev blf droo zodzbh yvorvev blfi rmmlxvmxv, vevm ru gsv dslov xlfmgib hvvnh gl gsrmp lgsvidrhv. Qfhg pmld gszg dv nrhh blf wvziob. Zmw R droo gib vevibgsrmt R xzm gl tvg blf ivovzhvw. Qfhgrxv zodzbh kivezroh.
*** At the airport ***
The car journey all the way from Winnipeg to somewhere in Sota had lasted for ages. Even though I hadn’t really been aware of that, since I fell asleep as soon as they closed the doors behind me.  
A frustrated voice had woken me up, “can you please stop drooling all over the leather upholstery?”
My eyes flew open, saliva was indeed smeared on the seat. I quickly wiped it off my face, where it had been present as well. “Sorry,” I mumbled, I then realized we had arrived at the airport, I quickly opened the car door and jumped out.
What I immediately noticed was the rain puddle I had landed in. My shoes and socks were soaking wet. Great.
“Maybe you should try to act more lady-like?” the driver said with a very disapproving tone, looking me up and down. He had already taken my guitar case out of the car and was about to put it right onto the wet street. I quickly grabbed the case out of his hands, clutching it close to my body.
The driver sighed, “there’s the entrance to the airport. Inside it will be clear which directions to follow.”
I made my way towards the entrance he had pointed at when I heard him mumble to himself, “why did I had to drive a barbarian?”
As I turned around, the car’s engine had been running again. I wasn’t sure if he could see me, nor I did I really care. I showed my middle finger to the car anyway. Asshole.
Never had I seen an airport before. It was freaking massive, people walking in all possible directions. Some carrying luggage with them, others with balloons that read “we missed you” or “welcome home”.
One day, my fam and I will be waiting at the airport, carrying one of those dumb balloons around. Coming to pick up dad.
I snapped out of my daydream by someone tapping me on my shoulder. “Miss Hayes, please come with me.”
Nodding, I followed the person not really having another choice since I had no clue which way I had to go. Maybe this is some insane kidnapper.
My heartbeat increased; did I just make a stupid mistake?
“Only one girl has arrived so far. You are to wait for the others before you can board the plane.”
Okay, no insane kidnapper then.
This is a complete setup created by his crazy brain.
Panic filled my body, damnit how will I get out of this situation.
Okay, if I just push the person onto the floor, that will give me a chance to run for my life.
I took a deep breath in, ready to make the push. But at the last minute the person side stepped which caused me to lose my balance. He looked at me in a very funny way, “please take a seat, the flight attendant will come get you in a few minutes.”
My cheeks turned very very warm, the redness might very well have equalled the red colour of a traffic light.
Trying to calm myself down, I slumped down into a chair. Yikes, only now became I aware of it again. My socks were still wet and cold. Sigh.
After taking a few deep breaths in and out, I noticed the other girl.
“Oh hey, you’re also a Selected?” I started, realizing it wouldn’t be a bad thing to talk to someone.
She turned towards me, “I am Brooke Lynn Sanders, but just call me Brooke please!”
Not knowing what else to do, I waved at her a little awkwardly. “hi Brooke, nice to meet you. My name is Octavia, but please call me Tavi.”
“Nice to meet you Octavia. Did you have a good journey?” I could already tell she did have the lady-like manners I had been lacking.
Oh god, I couldn’t possibly tell her about the drooling situation, so I decided to stick to a vague answer. “Yeah, it was alright thanks. What about your own journey? Which province are you from?”
“My send off from Dakota was a bit bumpy but I am here now. I wish they would have let me take the train though...”
Another girl arrived, also looking very much like someone the prince could end up with. Compared to these two, I was more of a rag doll.
Pushing my feelings behind that wall deep inside me, I waved her over, “oh yeah hi, please join us.”
We chatted some more for a bit, until Haven arrived.
The way she was walking, the only person I had seen walking like that was Long-Beard Logan, the homeless guy who could often be found near New Wave Records. He walked the same way, but he had one wooden leg.
Then Haven opened her mouth, a weird voice coming out, “hi.”
I noticed Brooke shared my confusion, “uhm hello?”
She took out her phone and typed something, it read ‘I’m Haven’.
My confusion hadn’t ebbed away, “are you alright?”
She typed some more, ‘yup:)) just got a bad cold! what are your names?’.
As a response to that we all introduced ourselves again. These girls didn’t seem to be that bad, hopefully the other Selected at the palace were the same. But the chance of that being true was small. Also, why did I care what the other girls were like? I wasn’t there to make friends, with them or with the prince. I had applied for the thing I needed most. Access to the royal library.
“Have you guys ever been on a plane before? This is all very new to me.” I admitted, trying to ease the nerves that had been building up inside me ever since my name had been picked in that draw.
Brooke had a very strong opinion on planes. Private planes more specifically.
Which came as a shock to me. The private plane part. I didn’t know what I was thinking but taking a private plane had never crossed my mind.
In the meantime, Brooke started talking about the CO2 emissions.
“How else would we get to the palace without having an endless journey? It’s not like there’s a teleportation device, right?” I said a little more vicious than I intended. The higher castes used planes all the time, if anyone had a cause in the destruction of our planet it was definitely them.
Brooke definitely had thought of it all, as she mentioned the outstanding quality of the Illéan train system. Clara chimed in to agree with her.
I decided to not mention my exact thoughts about the higher castes, given the fact that I had promised my friends back home not to insult anyone. So I just nodded my head, “yeah okay I understand your point.”
We were able to board the plane shortly after that. Brooke sat down in a window-seat and Clara nestled herself in the seat next to Brooke’s.
I took a chair on the opposite side of the plane, trying to create some sort of privacy for myself without being rude.
Haven sat down in the seat next to me and smiled at me.
The entry door closed; I could no longer contain my nerves. “Here we go I guess.” I tried to calm my breathing, but it didn’t really help. I tried to think of my family back home in Denbeigh, didn’t help either. I heard my dad’s voice in my head, it was like he was actually talking to me, “You are a strong girl, the flight will be over before you know it. Octavia, you can do this.”
A weird sound whisked my dad’s voice away, I looked over towards the source of the sound. It was Brooke choking on her drink. “Please don’t die,” I said. Her dying here would be a shitty start to this whole adventure. Besides, Brooke actually seemed like a nice person.
She coughed, “I am – I am trying.”
Haven mentioned her sibling, how they were close and stuff. She then asked if we had any siblings ourselves.
This provided me with the perfect distraction. I turned towards her, “yeah, I have three siblings. One older brother, a younger sister and a younger brother as well.”
Normally I would never share such personal information with someone I had just met but talking about them was the distraction I so desperately needed from this whole plane situation.
The others talked some more, but I just realized the one and only thing that would get me through this.
“If you guys don’t mind, I’m gonna listen to some music.” I said as I took my earphones out of my bag. “Haven would you like to join?” I asked her politely, given that she was sitting right next to me and it would have been quite rude otherwise.
She smiled at me and nodded, so I handed her one of the earphones. “I do have a very mixed taste in music so you’re in for a treat.” Maybe I could even make her listen to our own music, you know casually extending Five Whispers’ audience.
As a reply, Haven winked at me, “I love a girl with mixed music taste.”
Oh who would have thought, I had something in common with another Selected. I too liked people with a diverse music preference, since music says so much about a person. The quote ‘You are what you listen to’ was on one of the walls of New Wave Records music store. It was also my own personal life motto.
Clara and Brooke continued chatting, but I didn’t listen anymore. The music had taken a hold on me and it had only released me from its grip when the plane hit the ground in Angeles.
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
OK let's see... #5, 15, 23, 27, 37, 62, 79 for Adi; 9, 41, 55, 67 for Emiri; 10, 36, 46, 47, 50, 75 for Tavi; and 40 and 70 for all of them!
Ooooh, all excellent questions, thank you so much!
5 Do they have a secret handshake with anyone?
Not a handshake, but I feel like she and Lottie can have “conversations” through significant looks/raised eyebrows/nods etc when they need to.
15.  What was the last thing they cried about?
I’m sure there was  at least one stress-breakdown over the course of Pillars 1, no matter the canon.... OH. That fight with Crookspur slavers I keep redacted bc I really do plan to fic it someday. That went BAD. Very bad. She was crying for a while for a whole bunch of wildly contradictory reasons after that.
23.  How do they usually wear their hair?
Single, semi-loose braid that’s usually pulled over her shoulder so she can play with the end of it while she reading.
27.  What is their favourite holiday?
Spring Dawn and all associated celebrations
37.  What is their favorite gif?
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40. If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
I mean, you have drawn her, and did a pretty perfect job of it. :)  Important features for Adi would be her braid(loose escaping wisps to hang in her face optional), grey eyes, 99% chance she’s smiling, she wears a loooot of pale pink/light blue/spring-y green, DRESSES, and there’s probably inkstains on her hands and/or face.
62.  Who, in their opinion, makes the best food?
Her brother Ben. He’s even better than Mama, which is saying something bc her mother is a fantastic cook. But Ben’s literally made a living from it, so he’s better.
70.  What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
Her curiosity and excitement about life in general. 
79.  What object do they care for the most?
Either her grimoire or her necklace. Both have very high sentimental value, being gifts from her family. Her parents gave her the grimoire(granted,all the time spent transcribing spells in it would be a shame to waste as well), and her brother Texatl gave her the necklace.
9. Do they have any artistic talent?
Depends, would macrame count as art or crafting? She’s not “artistically talented” in the sense of being able to draw beyond stick figures, but she can do amazing things with knots in thread.
40.  If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
The halo, for Pillars 1 era. Her markings and glowing eyes(note: I’m not picky on how perfect the pattern of the markings is compared to her game model, or if you use Pillars 1 vs Deadfire). Her very sweet smile. unless you’re drawing her mid-battle with slavers, then you would need to draw her absolutely terrifying. Not a physical feature, but she’s pretty much always wearing 1-5 of those bracelets she makes.Most important is the adra greed one; since that’s her “friendship bracelet” that matches the blue one she made Aloth.
41.  What is their favourite breed of dog?
Hound dogs. Nooo, Lottie didn’t bias her at all (addendum: I looked up hound/lab cross puppies when I was writing Skittish, and OH MY GOSH are they adorable. So lab/hound mutts might actually top the list after that point in her story...).
55.  What is something they always wanted to do but too scared?
Tell Kana how she feels. Climb all the way up the rigging of a ship. She hates boats in general, but she’s always wondered what it feels likes up there.
67.  What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile?
Darkest Rauatai cookies. Sleeping in a bed. Snuggling with Lottie or one of her other pets. Having friends.
70.  What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
How she’s stayed so kind and sweet and merciful when life has done its absolute DAMNEDEST to beat all of that out of her. She caught on to that and went “nope, I think not, I’m gonna be EVEN KINDER.” She’s rebelliously, recklessly kind and compassionate and I love it.
10.  What is their favourite room to be in, in the house they live in?
In Caed Nua, the training grounds or the barracks, swapping stories with the hired muscle. On the Defiant, up on deck with the wind in her hair.
36.  Have they ever rode a horse before?
If you wanna call it riding. She’s not very good, and has only done it a couple times
40.  If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
Short messy brown hair, most of the time barely chin-length, but sometimes when it’s been a while since she had time to cut it properly,it almost brushes her shoulders. Lots of scars. Tattoo of Hylea’s symbol on her wrist, only the arching branches are sabres.
46.  Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win?
There’s a couple melee-style tournaments she’s won, bc the prize was money and she was verging on dead broke.
47.  If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with?
Wouldn’t much care where she was, but she’d definitely want to spend the time with her favorite people(Aloth, Khellin, Edér, Kana, Charity, Sagani, Xoti etc)
50.  If they got called out by someone, what would they do?
Flip ‘em off, for starters. Maybe cuss in Vailian for good measure.  Depending on who it is and how they go about calling her out, there might be some introspection and, if necessary, concession of changes and/or apologies to be made. Maybe. 
70.  What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
Her bluntness, swearing, and firm belief that sleeves are bullshit. There’s no half measures with her, when she’s in, she’s fully-committed, whether that be achieving a goal or pursuing a relationship or whatever.
75.  Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home?
Yeaaahhhh, only, unfortunately(?) it wasn’t ”friends” it was just poor Aloth trying to wrangle his drunk af girlfriend into bed.
More OC Asks
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ogeeitsme · 5 years
What's the best way for you guys to de-stress and cool down? And also hope all of you have a lovely time as well!
Heya !! So i was supposed to draw to this but even if we're not in school for a while (it's summer) i keep having anxiety to draw!! So here's the compilation i did real quick that i was supposed to draw out of everyone's coping mechanisms and de-stress stuff! Most of these are from active members!! all of them are fronters
drawing (like what i do for this blog!)
turn on a movie (my comfort movie is Bambi 1 and 2!)
music and watching stuff! usually music since it doesn't need internet
animal documentaries
destroying something (only if it's okay to destroy! So that would be like ripping paper or something! They don't like drawing, i'm not sure why, but we theory it's because it's kind of making something? So when they do draw it's usually sketchy or angry scribbles, i have a lot of paper in real life that chara's just angrily grinned pencils on)
this one's really unhealthy, but they would also punch and punch the walls and floors- they're trying not to do that anymore,but when they get mad, it's the first thing they try to do. a few things i know on why they do that is because they like the adrenaline and feeling something? They don't really feel much pain that's why they don't realize when our hand will bruise! They just feel tingly when it's supposed to be painful. They also would rather punch really hard things because it makes less sound (our walls are cement and the floors are tiles) and they want to feel like they're actually punching someone ;;
They also listen to their music! They Oh have a lot of playlists but for calming down, they have one called Soft Knives! It's full of calm or music you can sleep too- so they have some Animal crossing music
EDIT/addition: videos of cats meowing and talking (chara immediately dies and ascends)
drawing (He does this a lot of course!)
music (usually music from his playlist! But sometimes there are days where you'll find him listening to his source music. his favourite from the soundtrack is Field of Hopes and Dreams- sometimes when he's happy, he hums the tune)
watching/looking at memes (like vine compilations)
eating or biting something (fun fact: if kris likes something, you'll know it when he says he wants to eat it JSKSJ) he has an impulse to eat a lot of stuff but he doesn't act on it. we got him a chewing stim! we let him pick it, it's a necklace and it's a hot pink lego piece, yes he chose the colour
if not eating or biting or chewing, he'll watch cooking shows or baking shows
watching something else that's calm, or cute videos, or animal videos
music (i keep saying it but his music is a little all over the place. he has 2 playlists: one is full of rock and death metal, and the other is a variety of genres, i like his music but i'm confused on how to feel about. a lot of them)
honestly, watcing educational videos! Any subject is fine but he would definitely prefer anything on the subject of science
sometimes looking at his source helps
music again! Honestly, music is a really good way to cope or calm down in any situation (peter's playlist isn't very big but most of his music are a bit older, and some are really old)
So that's everyone's de-stressing methods that i've noticed! and then some common ones that almost all of us do are:
again, drawing! it's okay to destroy the art after, you can draw scribbles, blobs, angry squares, or something to visualize how you feel! vent drawing doesn't have to make sense
Personally I hate chocolate, but Chara, Kris, and Matthew love it a lot! So when they feel awful, we have "emergency chocolate" which we save just for them! They used to steal from each other so we temporarily labelled them until it was too dangerous to suddenly be found out who's out. In good news we have like 4 cartons of chocolate milk SJSKJ, we also let the kids have some when they want! Sometimes Kris and Chara bribe each other to do something by sharing "You can have this many glasses of chocolate" and it works (Chara does the bribing)
to repeat, music! - it's not for everyone, but it's cathartic! And if you're calming down from angry or a big sad or anxiety, you don't always have to go for just classical! You can make a playlist of music that makes you feel like you can fall asleep safely
games- i know chara sometimes plays their own game, the kids play animal crossing pocket camp sometimes! It's just a good distraction
talking to friends - i think this is what everyone does in general, but it's still good- it doesn't have to be to vent to them exactly, just spending time with people you like and trust! because we're a system, that means most of their friends are from online rather than in person
journaling - Chara does this the most in our system journal! It doesn't have to be a full essay, but i think it's good to write down what's on your mind may it be directly or maybe indirectly like via poem or something cryptic or short (it's also good to do if you don't know what to talk about in therapy- because you can look back on what you or everyone's written!)
Petting Tavi - we have a cat, her name is Octavia! Tavi for short. sometimes when they're stressed or sad, or someone else is, someone (or themselves) would go up to Tavi just to pet her, and sometimes some of us go up to front to pet her ;; it's just good, it's a weird good feeling of just petting her, it's great ;;
That's all!! Im sorry i couldn't get this in drawing form ;; so i'm sorry you have to read so much SHSKJ!! thank you for asking by the way!!
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(Again i didn't list everybody because they're not super active;;)
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