#akira hayama fluff
hornyanimegirl · 2 years
Hi! Do you think you could do a fluff of soma x reader or an akira x reader from food wars? Everything else is up to you! ☺️
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includes . . . just a bunch of fluff
notes . . . im sorry this took so long, it took me forever to come up with this. i really like the way it turned out, and I hope you do too. please enjoy <3
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Soma Yukihira 
You had a long day at school, which included you waking up late and rushing to get ready for the day. And, when your day finally seemed to get better, you had an argument with your teacher that caused you to stay after class and arrive late to the dorm. 
You were exhausted, and didn’t want to cook yourself dinner, so you ordered some of your favorite food. Knowing that this was less work for you, so as you waited for the delivery to arrive, you could take a shower and relax. 
When you heard knocks on the door, you calmly walked to get your food. But, to your surprise, someone was already down there. Soma, a boy that stole your heart and vice versa, was standing by the closed door with the bag in his hands looking at it confused. 
“Soma that’s mine, you can give it to me” 
Soma turned in your direction, and upon seeing you his lips turned into a bright smile. He completely disregarded the bag in his hands, throwing it on the floor so he could go and hug you. 
You didn’t think he was listening to you as he smothered your face in kisses. But, once the word “food” slipped from your mouth, he stopped his movement. 
“What food” He asked tilting his head like a lost puppy, making you let out a chuckle. 
“The bag you just dropped is full of food sweetheart” 
Soma needed a few seconds to process the situation before his face scrunched up in confusion. 
“Why didn’t you just ask me to cook you some food” 
The small pout set on his lips caused your face to soften at his adorable expression. 
“I didn’t know where you were, and I was very hungry, so I just ordered some” 
Honestly, you hadn’t even thought of asking Soma to cook you dinner. Your mind fogged with exhaustion; you just did the first thing that came to mind. 
“Oh, okay then” 
Soma looked pleased with your answer, as he went to grab your food that thankfully landed up right. 
“Just come to me next time you don’t want to cook, ok? Oh, and you have to share your food now” 
His beaming smile melted your heart, and of course you agreed. How could you say no to him? 
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Akira Hayama 
You were helping Jun out with the things she had forgotten to do, like watering the plants and overseeing spices with her. Since Akira had wandered off to who knows where. 
You and Akira had been dating for a couple of months now. And, although he never told you, he loved to cook for you. He loved your reactions to his cooking and the praise you would give him once you were finished eating. 
You and Jun decided to order some food, too busy to cook for yourselves at the moment. The food took longer than necessary, and you and Jun were starving by the time you heard the knock on the door. Instead of seeing a delivery man, it was Akira holding you bag of food while waving the delivery man off. 
“Hi Akira” 
You greeted him with a small smile and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek. 
After your greeting –that warmed his heart- he just walked past you. Confused, you walked after him, wondering what had him in such a rush. 
Akira turned into the room you and Jun were working in, to find Jun on the floor in a ball –due to her hunger- but completely ignored her. 
“Akira, what are you doing” 
Your voice rang through the room as you watched Akira walk towards the trashcan. 
It all happened in the blink of an eye; Akira threw away your food. 
Your mouth was agape, and your eyes wide. 
“Why did you do that” 
Your voice was calm, but inside you were fuming. You and Jun had waited forever for that food, and he had the audacity to throw it away. 
As if finally snapping out of his trance, he looked at you with shock in his eyes. After realizing what he did his cheeks burned red, too embarrassed to explain why he did it. 
But, knowing you, you wouldn’t let this go. So, mustering up the courage he finally explained. 
“I don’t like you eating other people’s food” 
You watched as Akira scratched the back of his head and turned away from you so you wouldn’t see the blush on his cheeks. 
You quite literally ran and jumped on him, as you both collapsed to the ground you were filled with uncontrollable giggles, and Akira had an unwavering smile. 
“Akira you’re really cute you know that” 
You said it with the brightest smile on your face. 
Was his response as he stared at you on top of his chest with love in his eyes. 
“But seriously we're starving, get up and cook us something” 
You continuously hit his chest while telling him to never throw your food away again, and Akira just cooked you more food while you did it. 
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Ryō Kurokiba 
“Hey Alice, I'm hungry” 
You had originally come to visit your boyfriend, but since he wasn’t here, you and Alice were just talking while playing cards. 
“Oh, then I'll call Ryo to cook us some food” 
She responded while tilting her head and placing a finger on her chin. 
“Alice he’s not here remember” 
“OHHH right, I forgot, then why don’t we just order some food” 
“Yeah, that’s perfect!” 
You had asked Alice what she wanted and then placed the order online. You guys continued your talking, the atmosphere calming.  
When the food had finally arrived, you thanked the kind man who delivered it and ate at the dining table with Alice. 
“Alice, I'm back” 
You heard Ryo’s voice as he approached the dining room. Quickly jumping from your chair and wrapping your arms around Ryo giving him a quick peck on the lips, you greeted with a smile. 
“Welcome back” 
“I didn’t know you were visiting” 
His voice was calm as he wrapped an arm around your waist. 
“It was a surprise!” 
“Can you guys stop with the lovey dovey stuff, I'm still here you know” 
Upon hearing Alice’s voice, Ryo’s gaze shifted away from you, and he noticed the food on the table that was placed in to-go boxes. 
“What is that” 
He was glaring at the food on the table, being uncharacteristically angry without his bandana on. 
“It’s food?” 
You were confused by the question but answered, nonetheless.  
Ryo let go of his hold on you and decided to try your plate of food.  
He wasn’t impressed by what he was tasting at all. 
“I could make this so much better” 
He was quick to get out ingredients to make the same dish, but with added flavor. 
“Don’t eat that, it’s a disappointment” 
You laughed as you watched your boyfriend cook for you. You knew he loved cooking for you but didn’t think he would be so angry over you eating fast food. 
“Here, taste it” 
It was delicious, and way better than the food you ordered. 
“It's amazing love, way better than the other food” 
You patted his head lovingly while smiling at him. His mouth upturned into one of the rare smiles you loved.  
Ryo watched as you ate, enjoying the way you talked nonstop to him. 
“Hey Ryo, what about my food” 
Alice was still waiting on her plate of Ryo’s food so she could try it. 
“Go make your own” 
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justminawrites · 1 year
Summary: The fear of being isolated, lonely, or alone. Five times Hayama Akira asked someone to stay, and the one time he didn’t need to.
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 19 when Shiomi Jun looked up from the unzipped suitcase and gave him a half-hearted smile, even though he couldn’t see it. He knew it would happen eventually, he just hadn’t expected it to be so soon. He thought he’d have more time. I’ll only be gone two months, Akira-kun, she’d promised. Two months of sun and sand and Greece, and she’d be back before he even had time to miss her. He knew she was lying, he didn’t even need to open his eyes to notice her torn cuticles or the slightly white pallor of her skin; she didn’t intend on coming home for a long while. She wouldn’t tell him why.
Jun put down the shirt and walked over to hug him; he returned the embrace without getting up from his place on the bed. It’s okay, she whispered soothingly petting his hair as he let himself cry into her sweater until dawn. It’s going to be okay. 
By the time he’d woken, red-eyed and cotton-mouthed, tangled in her bedsheets, she was already gone.
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 22 when Arato Hisako paused at the door to their shared apartment and sighed. 
They’d done this many times, this dance, their little back and forth and it had left scars on the both of them. The agreement was simple, they’d begun dating out of convenience; falling in love was never on the table. As long as you never ask me to put you above Erina-sama, she’d proposed, and I never assume I can take Shiomi Jun’s place– we should be alright. It had gone so well, until it hadn’t. He couldn’t remember who had started it, maybe it was her, maybe it was him, maybe it was someone else; but a wine-stained tablecloth and a smarting cheek later, when he’d seen genuine tears in her eyes, he knew he had gone too far. 
She’d always threatened to leave, packing a duffel bag as she sought refuge in the arms of a Nakiri princess, but he’d always chased after her, pulling and pulling, somehow losing a piece of her each time he did. After two years, he didn’t know how much of her he had left. 
They had always come at each other with claws and fangs bared, unguarded and itching for a fight, but they’d found out quickly that the line between honesty and cruelty was terribly, horribly thin. Hisako waited for him to run after her again, even turned back a few times, but all he had left were words. She shut the door with a final resounding click. 
They had never been good with words.
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 26 when he breathed it into Sendawara Natsume’s ear, smirking as he watched her writhe beneath him, lips parted in pleasure. She loved it when he was rough with her, all sharp angles and jagged edges, voices husky, kisses that were more teeth than tongue– just enough honey to numb the poison.
The first time was at an award ceremony, even his greatest victories were reduced to paltry displays of arrogance when he didn’t have someone worth winning for; where she’d run a teasing finger across his chest and he’d reciprocated by pulling her into an empty broom closet and made her moan his name. 
It had happened many many times since then, he was quite partial to ambushing her before she had a stage appearance or anywhere with cameras; her feeble protests dying on her tongue the moment he pinned her wrist to the wall, but it was always so alarmingly empty. He grew more and more unfeeling as the time passed, his thirst unquenched, the hole in him getting wider every time she pouted her lips or batted her lashes. The awards on his shelf grew, the medals collected dust, the flowers withered away in their bouquets.
Still he drank, hoping her poison would put him to sleep so he wouldn’t have to wake up to the very very faint smell of cinnamon on his pillow. 
Natsume grazed his jaw with a long, manicured nail and he stiffened, waiting for the vacant promises to slip into his ears, but she only sighed I’m late, before pushing past him to get to the doorknob. 
He didn’t even bother to turn around. 
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 30 when he said it in his head as he looked into Nakiri Alice’s doe-like eyes, under the harsh glare of the laboratory lights. 
She’d barged into his office as usual and demanded to use  his workspace at three a.m. to test out a new recipe that had come to her in her sleep. They’d spent all morning trying to turn the damn lobster blue, and he had never been more tired in his life, but still he watched her wrinkle her nose in frustration as she squinted at the cloudy liquid in the little test tube, and resisted the urge to lean in and kiss her till she forgot her own name. 
Ryō-kun would know what to do, she’d sighed finally and dumped it into the sink. He watched the purple liquid swirl around, once, twice and smiled sadly as it trickled down the drain. He should have known. She’d only ever had eyes for the brooding, dark-haired chef she’d met in a small port side town in Denmark, and from what he’d noticed during their school days, the feeling was almost certainly mutual. 
She huffed and puffed and lay her head on the cold counter top, and within seconds she was fast asleep. Hayama made sure to cover her slight frame with his coat, before reaching for the phone to dial a familiar number. 
Kurokiba Ryō arrived not even an hour later to take her back home and he stopped at the doorway to watch them leave, trying not to wonder what might have happened if Alice had met him first instead, all those years ago, before either of them had learnt the true taste of love. 
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 32 when he saw her sitting on the rooftop of Polar Star Dormitory, drinking sake out of a shot glass as she gazed at the moon. The new dorm matron, Sakaki Ryōkō had blushed at his intrusion and quickly made to leave him alone, before the words had slipped through his lips and sunk into the night air like an open invitation. 
She’d raised an eyebrow discerningly, but obliged his whims, scooting over to give the newly admitted Tōtsuki professor space; he took it with as much grace as he had left. They’d sat in silence for a good part of the next hour, taking turns downing the alcohol as they quietly recalled their own days at this school; competing with their peers, sharpening themselves with their rivalries, the 92nd Generation’s diamonds in the rough now haunting the place where they’d been forged. 
Hayama swayed a little and she turned and grabbed him by the shoulder– he’d been leaning too far out the edge and would’ve fallen if she hadn’t steadied him. 
Unfortunately, he inclined towards her too quickly and his arm reached out and knocked the glass over. They watched mutely as it roll away, plink, plink, plinking down the roof tiles and shatter onto the balcony below them. Ryōkō did the strangest thing then, watching those same broken pieces glitter under the moonlight– she threw her back and she laughed. 
The sound was so infectious that Hayama couldn’t stop himself from snorting too and soon they found themselves in stitches, giggling like a pair of love-drunk high schoolers who’d stayed up too late. 
It could have been the alcohol, hell, it could have been the fact that he hadn’t laughed in so long, but the world seemed brighter all of a sudden. The tiles under his feet were rougher, the gravity more pronounced, like he was waking from a long, long nightmare. 
As Hayama felt a cool breeze nip his neck, he found himself noticing the new matron more, her distinctly sweet smell, like honey and ripe citrus, and how her dark eyes reflected the tiny stars in the sky. He hadn’t seen it before, gaze too clouded by memory, but she was quite beautiful with her magenta hair and easy smile. 
He would’ve liked to stay longer but his stomach churned and it was all he could do to turn away in time before he found himself bent over the roof, hurling the contents of his dinner across the edge.
Hayama Akira woke to the sound of knocking in his skull. He didn’t realise it was the door until he’d downed the jug of water beside his bed and felt some semblance of normality return to his body.
“Hello? Professor?"
He croaked out a quick, Be right there, before shedding the stained lab coat he hadn’t bothered to take off when he’d stumbled back into his dorm room last night and passed out on the couch. Hayama never handled alcohol well but yesterday’s embarrassing display nearly took the top spot for worst moments of his life; if it hadn’t been for the new matron’s quick thinking he’d probably still be sitting on the roof of Polar Star Dormitory, covered in puke and dead to the world. He would find a way to apologise to her somehow, a half-hearted thanks didn’t seem nearly enough for what she’d done. 
Once he’d splashed his face with cold water and rinsed his tongue with mouthwash- the smell bothered him more than anyone- he propped open the door to find a familiar magenta-haired woman standing outside, a steel thermos in her hand. 
Sakaki Ryōkō smiled at him in greeting, skin dewy fresh, wearing a flowery bandanna, no visible sign of the copies amounts of sake she’d chugged last night anywhere as she held out the flask. 
Hayama took it in surprise.
“My special hangover cure,” she explained, watching his green eyes widen at its warmth, “I thought you might need some since your classes begin today.”
“A-Ah,” he replied, trying to muster up a reaction that wasn’t confusion, he must have said something to her about his lecture somewhere between retching over the side of the roof, and dragging his feet across the polished floors as she helped him get back to his room. 
“Thank you, Sakaki-san. I hope you didn’t trouble yourself.”
“Don’t mention it, Hayama-kun, I’ve been up for hours anyway.”
Ryōkō seemed more luminous in the daylight; she’d tied her hair up in a ponytail and was wearing a light pink apron over her sweats, a streak of dirt smudged across her cheek and the gloves peeking out of her pocket the only indications that she’d been working outside in the garden all morning.
Hayama had never seen someone so alive. Jun was a heavier sleeper than he was and Hisako had always looked like she would stab anything that moved within 10 metres of her radius until she’d had her morning coffee; this shine in the new matron’s eyes alarmed him a little.
“When do you have to leave?” She  asked cheerfully, cocking her head to one side.
He checked the clock behind him: 9:00 a.m. His lecture wouldn’t start for another two hours at least.
“Do you have time for breakfast? The kids left already but I’m sure I can scrounge up something with–“
“Thank you, Sakaki-san,” he repeated firmly, “But I don’t want to intrude.”
He said it normally enough, but his voice came out flat and ungrateful. Her face fell and he resisted the urge to immediately soften the statement. This was better for the both of them. 
Hayama had returned to Tōtsuki Culinary Academy solely to take over the Shiomi Seminar at the request of the new director; he couldn’t leave Jun’s life’s work in the hands of someone who couldn’t properly care for it. He’d come here knowing he’d be surrounded by her ghost at every waking moment, he’d resigned himself to it, looked forward to it even. It would be cruel to start something with someone new, that would no doubt end in tears. 
“I see,” she frowned, let out a breath and snatched the thermos back.
Hayama blinked– he hadn’t expected that. 
“I guess you don’t need this either.” She huffed and then made to leave.
He stared after her mutely. His head began to throb in warning, dull beats, steady as a drum, and he could almost feel the ache pulsing through him as he stood in front of the lecture hall, in a few hours. His stomach tightened unhelpfully, making him aware of its painful emptiness. Perhaps breakfast wouldn’t end in tears after all.
“Hm?” Ryōkō looked back, one hand on her hip. His pride clamped his tongue shut.
Hayama had always kept his cool around people, women especially; he hadn’t been one of the most eligible bachelors on Top Chef for no reason, but there was something unpredictable about Sakaki Ryōkō that left him feeling strangely flustered. 
He thought he knew her type, the kindly mother-figure of the friend group, the go-to shoulder to cry on; a more self-assured version of his friend Tadokoro Megumi– but an undercurrent of pure defiance ran right through her homely persona. There was kindness, yes, but none of the naivety he’d associated with it so far; a savoury sweetness– caramel, but the sharp tang of salt was unmistakable.
“I can’t stand the smell of eggs,” he blurted out stupidly. 
The dorm matron nodded sagely, as though that was a perfectly normal thing to say in such a conversation.
“You’re in luck, Hayama-kun. We seem to be all out of eggs at the moment.”
He could’ve sworn she was trying not to smile.
“Then.. uh-“ he opened the door wider, taking a step out into the hallway, but his voice wouldn’t work all of a sudden. Don’t go, Wait, Stay, the words got lost in his throat, tangled in the memories of all the times they hadn’t worked. 
The ambience of the night had been his friend, hiding his loneliness with a blanket of polite indifference but saying it in the light of day was harder, more concrete. Irreversible.
She turned away, heading down the staircase now. 
Hayama stared after her; he’d missed his chance again.
A vision of Hisako’s back came to him suddenly; the way her hands had shook with barely concealed distress, the downward incline of her shoulders, her last words to him before she left; bitter and tired. I hope you’re happy. He should have let her go sooner. Sighing, he felt the weight of his mistakes chain him down and coerce him back into the room- back into his bed for the next hour, where they could run uninhibitedly in his dreams, and was about to take heed when–
He looked up, bewildered; the dorm matron had paused on her way down the steps and gave him a little wave. 
Hayama lifted his hand almost involuntarily and waved back; What a strange woman. 
Ryōkō smiled brightly as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, and the feeling from last night burst in chest.
He felt his thoughts recede almost instantly as the world flushed with colour, the line between past and present slicing through his hesitation like a well polished knife, daring him to make a choice. But she was already ahead of him there too. 
“I’ll see you downstairs in ten minutes.”
She was gone before he could open his mouth.
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arlestial · 9 months
Hi! :D do you think you could do a fluff akira x reader or a soma x reader? either is fine and the plots up to you! ☺️
❝a little taste of heaven❞
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synopsis : They had no clue they’d concentrate on something else than cooking by joining Tōtsuki Culinary Academy, but here you are..
pairing : Akira Hayama, Soma Yukihira x genderneutral!reader •— Food Wars
tw : None, simple fluff
word count : 2980~ words
author-note : The fact that I haven’t received any notification for this request.. and many others. I’m so, so sorry. I have like 8 requests in my ask box that I’ve never been aware of ? Thank you Tumblr 💀 I did both, in a sort of pitiful excuse 😭 Thank you for requesting, I hope you’re doing okay 💗 (first time writing for Food Wars I’m so excited !! Not proofread tho, sorry for the mistakes in advance !!) take care of yourself ♡
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AKIRA HOYOMA has always been faithful to cooking. To Jun’s orders and advices. To people’s boundaries. He never crossed a line, always being focused. One day, as usual, he went into Erina’s office. His brows completly furrowed when he saw your form, fingertips grazing against the spines of the library old books. Who were you ? You weren't supposed to be here. Didn’t Hisako tell you that this office was private ? He opened his mouth to question you, but you turned to face him before he could even form words. His jaw tightened, fists clenching, but unfortunately, much to his own disbelief, no sound erupted from his mouth - and the sweet, polite smile adorning your face was nearly making him feel dizzy. Uneasy. An uncomfortable silence filled the room, so you broke the silence with a fake cough.
“Nice to meet you, uh..”, you said, in a weak attempt to get him to introduce himself. His piercing gaze was enough of an answer, and you gulped. “I’m looking for Erina, perhaps you’ve seen her ?”
“Oh. Okay”. You’re immediately confronted by a loud and weird silence again. He seemed.. rather friendly - ironically, of course. After some minutes, Erina walked into the office, raising two suspicious eyebrows at the, well, kind of cringe atmosphere of the room.
“Akira, what did you do to my guest ? Y/N, I’m sorry, did he make you uncomfortable by any chance ?”, she asked, walking towards your form.
“No, don’t worry. He’s nice,” you lied, teeth clenched together. You flashed her a bright smile, that Erina reciprocated fondly; she glared at Akira, fully aware of his cold demeanor, especially to strangers. His intimidating tendencies were definitely not working right now, especially not on Erina.
“I have some things to discuss with Y/N, Akira. Can you leave us alone for a moment ?”
“Yeah, right. Sorry.”
AKIRA HOYOMA quickly left the office, feeling a bit nauseous - he didn’t know why, but he had a weird feeling in his stomach, and he felt like his head was burning. He wandered in the corridors until he crossed Soma’s path. He smirked, a teasing glint in his eyes as he watched his white-haired rival with amusement.
“Wow, Akira. Are you sick ? You’ve never been this red.”
Akira tsk-ed, hurrying to the bathroom. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, completely taken-aback. He was, indeed, a bit red. Cheeks flushed, the tip of his ears were blazing, his breathe hitched at his own view; what was happening ? He was sure he was okay this morning. Perhaps it was you. He scoffed at the thought, washing his face with cold and refreshing water before leaving the bathroom. He never saw you before. Were you from here ? He found himself looking for you in the corridors all day, sighing at the end of the day when he realized he haven’t seen you. He was still embarrassed of the awkward silence that filled the room earlier - and he blamed himself for it. He should’ve been more welcoming.
AKIRA HOYOMA, 5 or 6 days after the incident, noticed strands of hair walking past him; they were looking similar to yours, so he turned around. You were walking alongside Hisako, laughing at one of her comments. Hisako looked at Akira and waved.
“Oh, hey ! I was searching for you. Erina needs my help, could you show Y/N the different classrooms in the other building ? I’m coming back as fast as I can !”
She didn’t let him answer as she walked away already. You sighed. It could’ve been anybody, but no, it was this guy. It wasn’t like you hated him - he was just straight-off rude.
“If you don’t want to, I don’t blame you. I can-”
“Come on, we don’t have all day.”, he added, cutting you off without even looking at you. You rolled your eyes, giving him a small smile, hoping it’ll help to ease the atmosphere. Spoiler alert, it didn’t.
The walk inside the cooking classes building was awfully quiet. Not a word was shared - except the little presentation he did of each room, his tone as cold as ice. You nearly shivered.
“Are you always this rude ?”, you asked with a sincere curiosity, "I mean. I’m not telling you to be the friendliest guy but..”
“I’m not rude.”
“You literally refused to give me your name earlier.”
“Akira Hoyoma. That’s all you need to know about me.”
And after this small interaction, Hisako came back. A small feeling of warm in his chest quickly regretted his lack of sympathy towards your person, and he felt like a douchebag for not even apologizing properly. He stopped in his tracks, opening his mouth to call you, but you were already gone with Hisako.
AKIRA HOYOMA was fully conscious of the “issue”. Time passed, and days after days, he grew more open to you. Not completely of course - but he was slowly accepting your presence in his group of "friends"; actually, enjoying a lot more your alone time together in class. He was secretly happy you two had been paired together. You tried to crack some jokes to make him laugh or at least, to make him smile, but it failed every single time. When you finally did it, a slight smile on his face and a “you’re the dumbest person I’ve ever seen in this school, I’m trying to concentrate, stop distracting me”, you beamed. He never saw a smile so radiant, so ethereal and yet so delicious to look at. A true bundle of sunshine at its finest. His cheeks heated up and he forthwithly focused on the plate you two were supposed to prepare. He would die to see this smile again - he wanted to be the reason you were smiling that way in the first place.
AKIRA HOYOMA was fully conscious of the situation. Time passed, and months after months, he grew more fond of you. So when he saw you eating one of Soma’s plates again, smiling at him with all your teeth and laughing at his antics - he was mad, as per say. His jaw tightened, fists clenching, but unfortunately, much to his own disbelief, no sound erupted from his mouth; it felt like the first time he ever saw you. A fiery and fervent emotion bubbling in his chest as he made his way to you. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you outside the kitchen, closing the door to have some “privacy” (in a empty corridor of Tōtsuki High, though). You were completely unfazed by his behavior usually, since you were used to his (sometimes) weird demeanor for the several months you two spent together as friends, but right now, his silence grew quieter, and you were worried. And for this only one time, he broke the stillness.
“You’re a distraction. I meant it. I’m hoping everyday to see you, to feel you near me. Is it out-of-place to say that ? You brought me a warmth that I never experienced - and I don’t want to let that go. Don’t eat this idiot’s food, you know you deserve well better than that. Let me show you how you should be treated, Y/N. Please. Let me show you how I feel about you.”
AKIRA HOYOMA’s words couldn’t describe the high spirits that invaded his heart when he realized you were wearing your signature warm smile, just for him. You took the hand that was grabbing your wrist in yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Here. Maybe you’re not as rude as I thought you were.”
SOMA YUKIHIRA tried to give you hints. But you weren’t getting it. Teasing you all the time, small compliments here and there, spending quality time with you. Unfortunately, you were always running away from him, a small pout on his lips as he chased after you. It wasn’t because of his awful mixes; when you two were together, in a somewhat romantic moment, and he was ready to confess to you, there was, no matter what, a disturbance. Whatever actually, a teacher coming in the classroom, Ikumi or Megumi; and you immediately backed off. He couldn’t help but sigh, his efforts ruined, but could he really blame you ? His yellowish eyes drowned so easily into yours, so he just smiled and bit back his disappointment, glaring at the disturbance with a vague hatred, that was rather scary, to be honest.
“Don’t chop it that way, it takes too much time.”
“Then show me, sir,”, you answered with a slight smirk, knife in your hand.
“Anything for you, ma’am.”
His devilish grin was addictive, really; you loved the small moments spent together in the classroom kitchen, but insecurity was always catching up with you, pulling you into abysses you prayed you'd never see again. Your worries faded away when you felt him behind you, caging you between his toned body and the kitchen countertop. His hands slided on top of yours, gently gesturing you how to cut the vegetables in a “more efficient way”; truly, it was an excuse to touch you. A comfortable silence filled the room, the sound of sliced and chopped foodstuffs echoing on the sunbathed walls. He kept his teasing to himself, deciding to enjoy this small moment of shared intimacy; he felt his head heating up at your warm breath fanning on his neck. He stopped his movements, locking eyes with you. The world seemed like it stopped itself; he leaned downwards to kiss you, his hands still on yours, your head turned to face his-
Until someone snapped him out of it. Erina opened the doors of the kitchen brutally without even knocking - he cursed under his breath, blaming her for this ruined opportunity to finally show you what he truly felt.
“Look who’s there. Giving lessons to average students, now, Yukihira ? I didn’t think you were into charity-stuff.”, Erina smirked, not even shooting you a glance. You backed off from Soma, already fed-up by her condescending behavior.
“Erina.. what a pleasure. Always coming in due course,” Soma answered with a forced smile, anger running through his veins.
“I was searching for you, actually, Yukihira. Well, not me, but Takumi was. He wants to have a contest with you again, and I’ll be the judge.”
“Uh. Sure. Can Y/N come too ? I-”
“It’s a private contest.”, she immediately urged to add, “Between the three of us. Now, come on, I have other things to attend to.”
Erina walked off, and Soma followed her with a sigh, giving you an apologizing, awkward chuckle. You knew better, but you just smiled, murmuring a small “good luck”, as you saw him leave.
Her little crush on Soma was unbelievable; you wanted to tear the stupid grin plastered on her features so bad. Technically, yes, you were jealous. She was always shattering his plates with critics, giving prideful advices, even if he didn’t need it. And he was still cooking for her, working all the goddamn time to satisfy her “god’s tongue” and her insatiable appetite. For him, ironically. And Soma was terribly clueless; not noticing her taking a liking in this little game. Or maybe he was not ? Maybe you were a second choice - and Erina was first. She was always first. You weren’t the type to envy others, but right now.. you sat down next to the window frame, staring at her proximity with Soma from afar. It was eating you alive; the abyss you were so afraid of was most likely, a warm embrace in comparison of your sinking heart.
SOMA YUKIHIRA felt that something was off. You were ignoring him like a plague, switching seats and changing class pairings. He knew he fucked up, but what did he do exactly ? Oh right. You were jealous. Because last time, he left you alone to join Erina and Takumi in a contest that he obviously won. Now, he was facing the cold-shoulder treatment, and his teasing wasn’t helping anymore. Yet, he’d still try to talk to you, but you were walking past him without a word; your eyes filled with sorrow. Or you were faking a smile, trying to make up an excuse and leaving. He wanted to beat himself up; because he was the one who put you in that state in the first place. It was his mistake, and he knew it. But why were you feeling that way ? He tried to talk about it to Takumi - he was a gentleman after all, he’d definitely know.
“You did what ?”
“I mean- I didn’t know it’d be an issue. I always did that and they never said anything about it.”
“Soma, are you seriously this dumb ? You’re leaving them to hang out with the Nakiri Erina and you’re seriously thinking that they won’t be insecure ?”
“Why would they be ? They’re literally the most beautiful and caring person ever. There’s nothing to envy in Erina.. Plus, I’m not hanging out with her. She’s the one who’s coming at the worst times.”, he stated, genuinely dumbfounded by his friend’s words. It was the truth, though; she interrupted you two when Soma was nearly kissing you.
“Soma. Think about it just for a moment- you told me you liked them, yeah ? And when you’re with them, and Erina walks in, you leave to follow her. They must think they’re a second choice or something. Please, you can’t be this oblivious.”
And then, he realized. Realizing the hints he gave you were nothing compared to his acts. His face in his hands as his elbows rested on the countertop, what should he do now ? Apologizing, yeah, but it wasn’t enough. He longed for your touch, and craved for your pardon. The next day, he searched for you in the Polar Star Dormitory, everywhere. When he finally spotted you, he opened the door of your bedroom without even asking. You yelped in surprise.
“What the hell ? Soma-”
“You’re the only one I want to be with. The one I want to dedicate my cooking to. I thought I made it clear. I’m sorry for my behavior. Erina is nothing for me, and she’s not even coming close to your ankle- look, I fucked up, I know. But I promise, you mean everything to me.”, he bluntly said, not giving you a second to breathe.
“And what are you gonna do the next time she’s gonna walk into us ? Hide me shamefully ? I-”
But he cut you off again, one hand stroking your cheek. He lifted your chin, in order to make you look at him.
“I’ll simply say that I’m taken by the prettiest and smartest person around. How does that sound ?”
He leaned, and this time, he wasn’t going to back off, with or without somebody walking in.
“Maybe I can show you who I’m talking of, baby,”
He smirked, your worries vanishing instantly in his yellow orbs. A kiss sounded good after all.
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thatanimewriter · 5 months
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── please check here to see if your request has been accepted and to view any personal works in progress. requests are listed in order of release.
updated as of: 13th june, 2024
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REQUESTS (20/20):
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↳ slave to the blade / ruby rose, weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ male!reader like kenpachi (bleach) ─ hcs, fluff, mild angst.
↳ little lotus / lie ren. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader and what it's like being ren's partner ─ hcs, fluff, tiny bit of hurt/comfort.
↳ fearful / whitley schnee. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader + wolf faunus!reader who bloodbends and hides it until they need to use it against the white fang ─ oneshot, hurt/comfort.
↳ coward / jaune arc, nora valkyrie, pyrrha nikos, lie ren. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ male!reader who is a gigachad and publicly embarrasses cardin for bullying ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ beauty is in the eye of my girlfriend / suoh tamaki. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ fem!reader who is the demigoddess daughter of aphrodite ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ love me right / itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, inumaki toge, zen'in maki. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader and jjk characters' love languages ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ chillax / cinder fall. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ male!reader whose also a gigachad but just wants to chill ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ my presence is your present / ruby rose, weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader putting themselves in a huge gift box for their partner's birthday ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ pretty privilege / ruby rose, weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, winter schnee, raven branwen, neopolitan. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ male!reader being caught crossdressing ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ comeback / aldini takumi, nakiri erina, nakiri alice, hayama akira. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader who is soma's childhood best friend and disappearing then returning suddenly ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ new year (not), new me / dan heng il.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
fem!reader simping for dan heng's new form ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ nap time / shiota nagisa.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
fem!reader falling asleep in class ─ oneshot, fluff, crack.
↳ dance the night away / nanase haruka.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
fem!reader who overexerts herself when dancing ─ hcs + drabble, fluff.
↳ neurotypical cooties / gatekeeper, marianne von edmund.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
male!reader who has autism ─ hcs + drabble, fluff, platonic.
↳ say yes to the fiance / blake belladonna, yang xiao long, pyrrha nikos, neopolitan.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
reader proposing to them ─ hcs, fluff.
↳ may i have this dance / herman greenhill.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
phantomhive!reader meeting greenhill ─ hcs, fluff.
↳ hide 'n' seek chasey pt. 2 / kirishima ikuya, toono hiyori, ryugazaki rei, tachibana makoto.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
reader runs away after confessing ─ hcs + drabble, fluff, crack.
↳ enigma / sunday, dan heng il, aventurine.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
reader like elysia (hi3) ─ hcs, fluff.
↳ all for one and one for all / aizawa shouta.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
reader who is all might's daughter gets kidnapped by afo ─ hcs, angst, fluff, platonic.
↳ hoot do you love? / tokoyami fumikage.
⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
owl!reader ─ hcs, fluff.
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↳ succulent room sadness / suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya, fujioka haruhi, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, morinozuka takashi, haninozuka mitsukuni. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader being in solitary confinement at school during covid and thinking they've been forgotten ─ hcs + short scenario, fluff, crack.
↳ expectation series / fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, kugisaki nobara, itadori yuuji. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader in various (unlinked) songfics.
↳ the usual / yukihira soma, aldini takumi, nakiri erina, hayama akira, ibusaki shun, isshiki satoshi. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader + artist!reader is becomes a regular at a new local restaurant and the chef develops a crush.
↳ and on that day / sunday. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader used to be a bodyguard for sunday and robin, but after a certain accident involving robin, now works for siobhan. sunday decides to reconnect in time for this year's charmony festival.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hello can i request lee soma and lers kurokiba and hayama? I really like their trio :3
Heyo anon! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written/watched Food Wars, but I love these three so much! I’ve gotcha covered! :D
“S-Stahhahay away!” Soma backed up from the approaching pair, arms pinned to his waist and giggles rising to his throat.
“What’s this? Yukihira giving us orders?” Akira raised his eyebrows in mock surprise, looking towards his companion. “After everything we did today! Can you believe him, Kurokiba?”
“I don’t want to, but it seems to be the case.” Ryo was grinning like a wolf cornering his prey, eyes glowing beneath his bandanna with mischievous intent. “Look how giggly he is! He really wants us to tickle him, huh?”
The trio had met up over the weekend to practice cooking. Specifically, they were working on recreating each other's winning dishes at the Autumn Elections. Things were going smoothly for the most part- the occasional verbal jab traded in good fun popping up here and there. At some point, Soma and Ryo started a game of “Who can irritate Akira more”, the redhead currently being in the lead after Akira chucked half a cinnamon stick at him.
It all came to a conclusion when Soma jokingly asked if he ever bathed in spices via a dust bath. “You know, like a chinchilla? Just kinda flip around in a cloud of cinnamon and nutmeg?”
Ryo cackled. Akira nearly snapped his spoon in half.
“Yukihira, I swear to god-” The taller student jabbed a finger out, aiming to poke the offending redhead in the chest but miscalculating, jabbing his belly.
No one was prepared for the squeal Soma let out.
“Dohoohohohn’t you dare! R-Ryo! Stahahhay over there!” Soma yelped when his back hit the wall, effectively trapping himself as the pair approached. “Plehehhehase! Have mehehehehrcy!”
“Mercy’s for the weak!” Ryo grinned before darting forward, pulling the redhead forward and pinning him with his back against his chest. “I got him! Tickle him!”
“I don’t take orders from you, either.” The spice-loving student grumbled. Still, he was over there in seconds, fingers dancing across Soma’s vulnerable torso. The redhead shot up with yelp, his giggles quickly turning into bouts of laughter as he squirmed uselessly. “Aheheahahhaahhaa! Whahahait! Whahahahait cohohooohohme ohhoohohon!” He tried to sink to the floor in a desperate attempt to escape, but Akira simply followed him down, never letting up on his mischievous attack.
“This is what you get for that chinchilla comment!” He fumed, moving his hands upward and scribbling into Soma’s upper ribs. “Show some respect, you arrogant prick!”
“Buhuhuhuuhuht ihihihihiihhit whahahahahahs fuuhuhuhunny!” Soma cried out, his laughter increasing when Akira switched from scribbling to pinching. “Rihihihiihihiyo lauhuhuuhuhuhghed tohoohhoohohoo!”
“Oi, don’t throw me under the bus!” The brunette snarled, switching his grip so he had both Soma’s wrists in one hand. “Move over, ponytail! I’m going in!”
“...I’ll refrain from commenting on that.” Akira raised an eyebrow but did as he asked, dropping his hands to Soma’s hips while Ryo dug into the other’s armpits, effectively making the redhead scream. “Ready to apologize?”
“Guhuuhuuhuhuuhuhuhys!” Soma wheezed, the last of his strength escaping his being. He started to slump, overwhelmed by the giggles and feeling himself reaching his limits. “Oohohoohohohkay! Ohoohohohohohkay! Iihihihihihihi’m shahhahahahhahaharry!”
Akira stopped, satisfied. “Good. Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Raising an eyebrow, he leaned over and gently tugged off Ryo’s bandanna. “Alright- let him breathe, Ryo.”
“I was stopping.” The previous passion the brunette showed disappeared almost instantly, and he sat back on his heels with his usual neutral expression. Soma slid to the aluminum floor, arms tight around his waist and cheeks beet red. “Hehe..hehehe…Yohoohhou guhuuhuhys…suhuhuhuck.”
“Pfft! Please, be thankful I was holding back.” Ryo rolled his eyes, making the others laugh. “Heh, I suppose you did…speaking of.” A glint flashed in Akira’s eyes, and he darted a hand out, giving Ryo’s side a squeeze.
“Ah! What the hell?” He snapped, grabbing his waist. It was only then he realized the danger he was in, eyes widening as Akira raised his hands, fingers wiggling.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.”
Soma closed his eyes sleepily as Akira pounced on the other, the sound of Ryo’s gruff yet cackly howls fading away as he slipped into dreamland.
He definitely needed to do this more often.
I hope this was good!
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
crushing w/ y. soma, i. satoshi, h. akira, k. ryo
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a/n: nearly all my fave boys were requested 🥺🥺🥺 you have no idea how happy this request makes me djsjjd I have an undying love for food wars istg i hope you enjoy! also im making this as gender neutral as i can! im sorry i didn’t do takumi! 4 characters per post is my limit
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yukihira soma
It take a while for this boy to realize that he actually likes you. The boy perceives his liking to you as just looking up to you as a chef. (I hc that Yukihira is truly doesn't understand the concept of crushing on someone and he lacks the ability to even understand his own feelings of love- sooooo,,, himbo energy ngl) He goes to the boys of the Polar Star dorm to even help him realize that he actually likes you. Shun has to explain to him about it mostly. But in the end, he still doesn't grasp the concept.
It isn't until he saw the passion in your eyes when you're in a Shokugeki against Kurokiba (it was a small fight between you two but friendly competition mostly). Soma loved the smile on your face when you finished your dish and even when you lost, he loved how you were eager to taste Ryo's dish (Ryo was angry at first but let you have some nonetheless). He saw his passion in your eyes. He loved it. He felt like he wanted to be the only one to make you smile that wide. He realized that he liked you.
Now the problem was...how was he gonna confess to you? How was one supposed to confess? He didn't know anything about this. He's a chef, not a seducer! He needed help. Or maybe he should just go for it? Yeah, fuck it.
[Many days later] it's late at night, you and Soma were up making new recipes and experimenting with some ingredients (it was mostly Soma making terrible food combinations and having you suffer by tasting them). You were having a lot of fun (though tasting those terrible combos almost made you barf-) with Soma and he was having fun too. Though you noticed how Soma was acting differently. He didn't laugh as loudly when you ate the gross combinations, he looked at you with softness in his eyes, he just smiled whenever you started to talk passionately, he was being pretty touchy as well, his arm around your shoulder, fingers pinching/poking at your cheeks, hands softly brushing through your hair- he never really did these things before.
"You've been acting differently around me..."
"Can't express my love for the person I love?”
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isshiki satoshi
(this is isshiki erasure i couldn't find any good gifs to use for him 😔)
It doesn't take long for him to realize that he likes you. Unlike Soma, he pays more attention to his emotions as he's more laidback and doesn't care as much about cooking. Though at first he thinks of it as just seeing you as a cute 2nd year that was his best friend. But it was more than that. Just like him, you live in the Polar Star Dorm as one of the eldest students in it. Funny enough, you get referred to as the "Mom/Dad/Ren" of the dorm. A lot of jokes circled around you and Isshiki as the "Parents" of the dorm. Neither of you cared and actually embraced the titles.
He liked that about you. He liked it even more when he saw how much you truly cared about the 1st years of the dorm. You would take care of them like a mom would. He felt his heart beat loudly at the thought of you being the parent of his kids and at the mere thought of being married to you. He realized he wanted to be with you for a long time.
How could he confess to you though? You always seems surrounded by others (it didn't help that you were part of the Elite Ten as well) that wanted your attention just as much as he wanted it. You were too nice for your own good sometimes too. Isshiki wonders how you haven't started dating anyone yet. He definitely knows the masses of males that wished for your love.
A few weeks go by and Isshiki can't help it anymore. He just wants to have you to himself as selfish as it sounds. He wants to be the one that you call yours. And he wants to show how much he loves you. You've noticed how he's been acting. More touchy with you, much more affectionate (typically he's already quite affectionate with you), he's more attentive to your wants and needs, and he's been trying to take your attention up more lately.
"y/n...do you know how much I love you and how I want to be with you?"
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hayama akira
It definitely takes a while to realize how much he likes you. He's always so obsessed with giving what Shiomi wishes to have, he's probably not gonna acknowledge his liking to you anytime soon. With enough time though, he'll realize. You regularly visit the male and Shiomi a lot so it's no mystery for Shiomi to realize how Akira acts around you sometimes.
He at first is very stubborn about admitting that he actually likes you and cares for you. He only really was intent on just making Shiomi happy. He didn’t expect you to climb into his heart. But god, he was starting to like seeing you around him and Shiomi. Especially when he saw how you two got along so well. But again, he’s stubborn, he doesn’t like you. Shiomi had to slap some sense into him to make him realize. Once he does realize, there’s not much of a change in him except maybe he’s more open to you. He talks to you more and sounding actually nice than his almost irritated voice when he used to see you. 
There’s not a stark change in him though he tunes out of the conversation sometimes to just look at you. He realizes that he should confess to you but he’s unsure how.. 
Several weeks go by, it’s hard for him to even hide his liking to you. Shiomi often made jokes about it which of course made the male flustered to say the least. It’s now the afternoon and you’re obviously in the Shiomi Lab with Akira. Shiomi left to go do some errands. Akira was taking care of the several spice plants that laid around in the lab. You watch the male, admiring him as he works. It isn’t until he turns to look at you that he decides to talk. You try to look away to avoid letting him see your red cheeks.
“You know you can keep staring. That is if you plan on being mine.”
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kurokiba ryo
Now this man, I headcanon that he just doesn’t care about love enough to try and learn about it. Since he’s always following Alice and winning matches with others with his sheer strength of cooking, he doesn’t bother finding time for love. You’re good friends with Alice though so he often sees you. And like how Alice wants to fight Erina on her terms, she wants to do the same with you. She’s often complaining to Ryo about you and how you seem to keep beating her at her own game. Ryo doesn’t really bother to ask about you to Alice.
It wasn’t until he saw you at the Autumn Elections. The burning fire in your eyes when the battle started. The way you seemed to show off a prowess that almost couldn’t compare to his. He loved it. You didn’t win the preliminaries (you placed in 4th at first but then you got kicked off by Subaru. You were mad but nonetheless accepted it. Though after the prelims you did demand to try Subaru's food, wanting to see what made his better than yours. Ryo actually took interest in you to say the least.
At first he was mostly interested in your skills in cooking and your style of cooking because like his, you made an impression on people like you were the only one in the room and you liked it that way. But most of the time when you were out of the kitchen, you acted similarly to Shun or sometimes even Soma. It reminded him of himself once he put on his bandanna. You really peaked his interest. He didn’t realize that he liked you and that frustrated him for a long time. He didn’t know what this feeling was, he didn’t know if it was okay to feel the way he was about you, he didn’t like this feeling to say the least. 
For a long time, he didn’t like you because of the feeling. He often got aggressive towards you, you asked Alice about it and she didn’t know what was wrong with the male. 
“Kurokiba...do you hate me? Have I done something wro-”
Before you can finish your sentence, he cuts you off looking at you with a soft glint in his eyes.
“Why do you make me want to kiss you?”
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mirakeul · 4 years
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AAJKHSDASK i mean, i just wrote two one shots jkashdksajf but thank you for requesting! i love food wars so much aksjhdsa i’ll try to write for megishima kjashfkjsa pls im not too sure with his character so if he’s ooc pls HAHAH
HC: Akira, Isshiki, and Megishima with a shy! s/o who likes affection
notes: aksjask i love these three omg jsghakjsdfh if they are ooc i am v sorry akjdhakjsf i’ve never written for akira and megishima, and isshiki was just a side character in the soma x reader i’ve written before HAHA AJFHA pls
warnings: none! this is just fluff
taglist: @hikari-writes​ @kontj​ (ily both)
join my general taglist here!
Akira Hayama
i feel like akira would be very cocky about it
i mean, have you seen this man??
but not overly cocky
maybe to jun
and to yukihira
because he wants to be at the top
but like, he loves you being affectionate
even if you’re really shy
like really
you’re much more shy than megumi
and she’s shy to an extent
well, i think megumi is more scared of people
(ily megumi mwa)
no, but really
i feel like, due to your shyness
you won’t really be that clingy in front of others
jun, maybe,
but to other students, noooo
in closed doors, you would be the one to initiate the cuddles
and always snuggle up close to akira
and if you had a long day,,,
you would take one look at him, extend your arms
and he would immediately engulf you in his arms
patting your head and rubbing circles on your back
and when you fall asleep in his arms
he would smile, kiss the top of your head, and text jun that he will be late
he likes the affection
he really does,, even if it’s just in closed doors
Isshiki Satoshi
like akira
this man does not have shame
i feel like in the polar star dorm,, he would gladly cuddle with you in front of the others
and you wouldn’t mind
because you’re close to them and they don’t really tease you
isshiki is the one who teases you
he would wrap you in his arms whenever there’s a part in marui’s room
and you would blush when he whispers in your ear
“miss me?”
he would laugh when he sees your reddened cheeks
but then he kisses them
and u can’t help but sigh at the comfort he gives you
but you blush once more when u realize u two are not alone
yuki wouldn’t say anything but she would wiggle her eyebrows to tease you for a bit
in closed doors,,,
you would be the more affectionate one
holding his hand when you both study some cooking techniques
kissing his cheek when he’s being serious
(just to make him smile)
and immediately asking him to cuddle when u two are alone
he really thinks it’s cute
how you’re affectionate
but at the same time, really shy
he likes it
especially when you sometimes initiate when it’s just close friends
the other elite ten members are yet to see you two cuddling
but when you are with them, you wouldn’t hesitate holding his hand or arm
just to show your territory *wink wonk*
Megishima Toosuke
kdojaslkfd okay
hear me out
since megishima is very reserved
and he doesn’t speak much
and you’re very shy
i feel like,,
touch would be one of your ways to say i love you
like just little touches throughout the day
holding his hand when you two are together
drawing something on his arm as you two sit with others
little shoulder touches after a shokugeki
helping him make ramen (which he doesnt let anyone do except for you)
patting his head when he looks tired
and rubbing circles on your back when you’re tired
and in closed doors
you two would be really affectionate with each other
you would be the one mostly initiating it
but ever so often, he would wind his arms around you, his head on top of yours as you watch the television
and in times like these, you would snuggle more onto him, your hands on top of his as you hold each other
you would be more expressive
blushing,,, smiling
he would be very much reserved
except for the smiles he gives when you’re not looking
he would
218 notes · View notes
polar-stars · 4 years
A Spoonful of Affection - 12
AkiSako [Akira Hayama x Hisako Arato] - More family fluff I wrote while waiting for my sister to finish her plate. Also yeah, this Drabble collection is about the same 3 ships now (ahdhd sorry, but the last one featured Kaori very prominently, so now I wanted to give some spotlight to Akio. Also while I’m still #trying with Hisako and Akira, I still largely enjoy giving my girl some spotlight)
Being surprised by an alluring, out-of-this world fragrance tickling her nose while she was working, certainly wasn’t anything new to Hisako anymore. But it still brought a smile to her lips every time.
With the all-too familiar curiosity gleaming inside her, she slid off her chair and followed the more than appetising smell. It was no surprise to her that the aroma lead her to the kitchen and, more specifically, to her husband and her son.
“Seems like our cinnamon buns attracted their first customer already.” Akira commented with a head nod towards the door as soon as he took note of his wife standing there.
Akio quickly turned his head into the given direction and called out. “Mom!”
“That fragrance was too hard to ignore.” Hisako smiled, a little bit sheepishly, before taking a couple more steps into the room. “Cinnamon buns, I heard?”
“They’re for Kaori.” Akio confirmed with a nod before he begun to fumble a little with his fingers. “I think she’s still a bit upset over having lost that doll of her’s the other day. I thought this might cheer her up a little. And I asked dad to help me.”
“He’s getting better everyday.” Akira informed his wife with a prideful glance towards his son. “He barely needed my assistance being honest.”
Akio flushed a little in return and it only intensified when his mother got a hold of his face between her two hands. “That’s a lovely idea of yours, Akio, and they smell great.”
She let go off him again and, after having given a little peck on the cheek to her husband, she made her way to the counter. “I’ll be making Kaori’s favorite tea to go along with it.”
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 years
Christmas Countdown 2020 <3
Christmas Countdown 2020 <3 by P03tic Justice2k08
Hi! This is gonna be my 30 day countdown 'till Christmas. There'll be 30 one shots from 3 (or four if i decide to add Kimetsu no Yaiba) different fandoms. I will take suggestions and requests as long as there's no smut :D have fun reading!
Words: 247, Chapters: 1/30, Language: English
Fandoms: 食戟のソーマ | Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma, Haikyuu!!, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Hayama Akira/Kurokiba Ryou, Hinata Shouyou/Tsukishima Kei, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Takumi Aldini/Yukihira Souma, Kageyama Tobio/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Fluff, Hot Chocolate, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sweaters, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Countdown 2020, Christmas Decorations, Christmas Presents, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27700363
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madokasoratsugu · 5 years
im new to shokugeki and i dont care about spoilers, why is it bad?
a no joke answer bc u deserve this:
tl;dr Shokugeki sucks because it lost its direction halfway through the story, and when Tsukada (the author) realised that he’d bitten off more than he could chew with such a huge cast of characters.
long answer:
here’s the thing. Shokugeki started out good. 
it mostly played off the usual shounen tropes: a challenger would appear, but then they quickly joined the friendship circle, rinse and repeat. but with such a wide cast of characters with differing goals and personalities plus the high stakes of only the top 10% graduating, it made it easy to bank on the character interactions and friendships, which is what the first half of Shokugeki did, heavily so. and it worked ! 
it was a simple set up (protag aims to beat his dad in a cook off, goes to cooking school, meets friends and foes ! a tournament arc ! fun and shenanigans ! yay!), but Shokugeki did it good. it didn’t subvert any expectations, just did according to what it set out to do. nothing felt exaggerated beyond the typical manga stuff, and everything achieved was earned with hard work. with the occasional fluff and friends thrown in, it became a comfy mix for a good shounen manga.
if anything, id say that half the success came from the character’s relationships themselves - the plot wasn’t anything special, but the genuinity that the characters and their friendships and goals (shared or not) were treated with were wholesome and fun.
which is why it was so fucking jarring when it derailed by throwing aside half of its cast and completely stagnating all character development for the remaining half.
(insert infamous Central Arc expulsion joke here)
if you’ve started/are intending to start, id say its the most obvious after the Moon Banquet Festival Arc/beginning of Central Arc. the writing started getting sloppy, as did the handling of the characters. ive mentioned this before, and ill stress this again: i honestly believe that Central Arc is when Tsukada realised what a big miss steak he did in creating such a huge cast, and in the face of Shokugeki’s then success, made some poor authorial choices to keep the hype going (both plot and character wise).
for characters: half the cast was rid of via expulsion, including very competent chefs (which had no proper in canon explanation on how the fuck that happened) who happened to be fan favourites. i mean, Hayama Akira ? fuck, Nakiri Alice, anyone ? plus any poor remaining characters got shafted in lieu of Souma, hard. this became more prominent as the Arcs slowly go on, the ones of which took the worst brunt of it being Takumi and Megumi.
(what do u think is worse. your fav never getting a cameo or your fav being part of the forefront team but constantly getting fucked over because Souma didn’t get the spotlight of the chapter yet. vote now in the replies.)
for plot: higher and higher stakes were introduced that again, just didn’t make sense !! in Central Arc, Souma was expected to win against Eishi, the best chef in his entire school. when two arcs prior he just lost a cooking contest to two of his peers (placed third), and one arc prior struggled to beat Kuga in ticket sales (even then he didn’t win because his cooking was better, so. wasnt even a win on the cooking front). there was no build up ! NOT EVEN A TRAINING ARC. he just went straight from the bottom rung of the ladder to the fucking ceiling. super different from the first half of the series when everything would be shown in careful detail (best example i can think of off the top of my head being the Shokugeki against Mimasaka in the Autumn Election Arc).
also: in the midst of introducing Erina’s character arc and backstory, Tsukada seemed to completely forget (or maybe just didnt know how to link back?) that he’d already established an overarching plotline: Souma’s quest to best Jouichirou. so when Souma began overthrowing these foes that are his seniors said to be leagues ahead of him, the suspension of disbelief was stretching waaay thin. but hey ! its a shounen manga ! we can forgive this much (sarcasm). 
then Tsukada introduces Asahi. mother fucking Asahi. who is basically introduced by beating Jouichirou without breaking a sweat, but oh boy did he break the suspension of disbelief right then and there and completely toss the plot into the fucking fire. because there’s no end goal anymore ! the one thing that our main character has been working so hard for ? non existent. pointless. this no name (at that time) character has done it, pack your bags boys, let’s go home.
(might i note that at this point, Shokugeki was also uuhh nothing like the slice of life comedy it originally was. it became an action-psychological mix that just…doesnt work. and i mean. of course it wouldn’t. there was no foreshadowing, the villians can’t be taken seriously because 1) theyre also teenagers for fuck’s sake 2) Azami’s just a creep, plain and simple. he has no depth. no one cares about an antagonist who’s bad at just being bad.
the themes it began with was completely set aside for really badly written character backstories and angsty edgey bs that i still don’t understand why Tsukada thought would work in retaining hype. especially when considering how pure the premise was.
i honestly also think that its the Blue Arc + Dark Chefs Arc when Tsukada actually realised that his plot had gone haywire, since volume sales were dropping hard and fans clearly hated the direction the series had gone in. but instead of trying to reign it back in, he decided to just let it run buckwild because he just didn’t know how to fix it.)
to rub salt into the wound: so many promised resolutions are shoved into the background, done offscreen, or worse yet, forgotten ! scenes that fans have literally been waiting for. Souma VS Erina Shokugeki. Souma VS Takumi Shokugeki. Nakiri Alice coming back to the series and actually fucking cooking again.
(im sure that there’s more that lead to its downfall but like. shrugs. this is mainly to me why it sucks: it had A Lot going for it (im not ashamed to admit that at one point i actually genuinely believed it could be one of the next Big 3 on Shounen Jump), and it just didnt live up to any of it for no other reason other than Tsukada mixing elements of a story that didn’t work well together, tried to force them to work, and did nothing to fix it when it didn’t.)
so our plot is gone. so are our lovable characters. so is the slice of life comedy that drew most people in in the first place. the potential that it had is now dust. what does Shokugeki have left that makes it unique, that makes people love it ? here’s the answer !
that fact kicks you in the teeth every fucking time you remember how good the first half of the series was. 
then that fact dropkicks you when you realise that Shokugeki no Soma literally started on a 90degree drop into a dumpster fire when the series was at the apex of its popularity and plot buildup.
that’s why it sucks.
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mizukixtsukiyomi · 6 years
Secret Santa: Wish List~
I have a lot of pairings and series that I want to see Kagome with, so~ pardon me and this long list. They are not in order and you are free to choose the pairing you are comfortable with - I’m just giving options.
Kuroko no Basket:  
Aomine Daiki
Kagami Taiga
Akashi Seijuro
Kiyoshi Teppei
Kasamatsu Yukio
Kouen Ren
Muu Alexius
Shokugeki no Souma:
Souma Yukihira
Hayama Akira
Eishi Tsukasa
Gintoki Sakata
Hijikata Toshirou
Okita Sougo
Kekkai Sensen:
Steven A. Starphase
Zapp Renfro
Hunter x Hunter:
Chrollo Lucilfer
Hisoka (<---fek u)
Illumi Zoldyck
Leorio Paladknight
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure:
Josuke Higashikata
Jotaro Kujo
Giorno Giovanna
Bruno Buccellati
Pokemon Special:
Green Oak
Steven Stone
Bungou Stray Dogs:
Dazai Osamu
Chuuya Nakahara
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
One Piece
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Trafalger Law
Katakuri Charlotte
Kotomine Kirei
Kiritsugu Emiya
High & Low:
Murayama Yoshiki
Norihisa Hyuga
Seishuu Handa
Akagami no Shirayuki:
Hirotaka Nifuji
Kabakura Tarou 
Golden Kamuy:
Sugimoto Saichi
Tanigaki Genjirou
Donten ni Warau:
Tenka Kumoh
Run with the Wind:
Haiji Kiyose
Trevor Belmont
What I am okay with:
✔ Fanfiction
✔ Fanart (whether it be the pairing or based off my fics)
✔ Fluff, Angst, NSFW (although not sure how Tumblr is gonna take action on that now), SFW
✔ Seriously, just let your imagination run wild!
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hornyanimegirl · 2 years
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Food Wars Men Reacting to You Buying Fast Food
includes . . . just a bunch of fluff
I missed you
featuring . . . TSUKASA EISHI
includes . . .  a little bit of angst and fluff
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mono-dot-jpeg · 2 years
nsfw/sfw bf hcs w/ h. akira
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summary; just some fun lil hcs with funky boi akira
genre; general fluff, the usual, akira being akira, what a fucking bottom
[gender neutral reader]
a/n; here is my first official nfsw post, even if it's not much bc imma be honest, i struggle writing any form of nsfw. very awkward for me, so i hope this is up to par
warnings; nsfw (i mark the start of the nsfw with red and bold italics), dom! reader, sub! akira, akira has a thing for scents???????, master kink used in the way mommy/daddy kink would be used, implied blowjobs/eating out
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sfw first
bro is sensitive to smells so i feel like he would be like me where some smells he just cannot handle no matter what he does
like one whiff of it and he's feeling like hell
so he's lowkey a neat freak because of that.
he has a concerning amount of candles too, he gifts candles to you as well :)
he's very awkward in the first weeks of the relationship, the closest woman he's had in his life is jun so,, he's strugglin
you will definitely have to help him learn how to initiate things if he wants to initiate them
it's very endearing when he always ask if you're okay <3
like sweetie it was just a hug but thank you for asking
and i think as most people have probably though, he does indeed smell like cinnamon, and i like to think he smell like toasted spices, not sure which ones but he always smells nice <3
pda is a no go for him
he's a private person and that definitely shows in how he reacts to pda and how embarrassed he gets when jun talks about you two
he does love just holding your hands, peppering kisses from your hand up to to your arm, then your shoulder to your face
it's his unspoken way of just showing how much he loves each and every part of you <333
nsfw now !!
he never would've imagined that he would call someone master
but here he is, calling you master
how does it feel to live my dream, hayama /j
he's honestly a switch, leaning to dom
but on the times he feels like bottoming, he's usually very tired or in a very soft mood
he doesn't want to have much but his master pampering him
or he just wants to please you, letting you sit on his face or having him kneel down and have your taste in his mouth
he wants to smell like you or have you smell like him
might be a dom thing of his but it seems to stay even when he's being a sub
he wants everyone to know that you belong to each other <3
cup your hand under his chin to make him look at you and call him baby boy
he's melting in your touch at that point, you have him all to you
he's so whipped
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mirakeul · 4 years
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𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘀
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♫ last updated ; june 25, 2021
mature themes and explicit content are marked as [m]
➳ back to main masterlist ➳ back to navigation
♫ imagines ; ➳ i couldn't give you what you deserve ; etsuya eizan x fem! reader [hanahaki!au, angst ; 1.5k words]
♫ scenarios ; ➳ it's just that he's interesting ; yukihira souma x isshiki! reader [fluff ; 753 words]
♫ headcanons ; ➳ with a shy affectionate s/o ; includes akira hayama, isshiki satoshi, megishima toosuke [fluff] ➳ you’re lucky i can cook, my dear s/o ; includes erina nakiri, takumi aldini, isami aldini, tsukasa eishi, isshiki satoshi [fluff]
© mirakeul ; do not modify or reupload anywhere else
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senrinoa · 7 years
Hi :) do you have any Sorina fic recs? Sorry if I bothered you, and thank you in advance!
I’m sorry for taking so long to get to this. Here are most of Sorina fanfics that I absolutely love in no particular order. Most of them are older so you have probably read them. I hope this helped!
One Shot:
What Say You? by Jalyss (T)[Peasant/royalty AU]
I’m in desperate need for more fanfics with this kind of setting.
Savior by Intangibly Yours (M)
It starts with them getting stuck in a closet. 
Recipe for Disaster by Slue (T)
Erina had known it all along.This man was simply insufferable, intolerable, a complete low-life, a cocky, half-witted, pig-headed, indigestible.
Short, funny, and well written. What more do you need?
Golden Sunlight, Violet Starlight by Snapchat
If he was the day, then she was the night. 
Short and sweet and makes me gush every time I read it.
Cheap Thrills by Wxnderland (T)
In which Nakiri Erina is overwhelmed and Yukihira Soma is more than happy to be her distraction. 
IT’S SO GOOD! Soma’s there to comfort Erina, he is amazing!
Akai Ito by Madeline Axelle (M)
When the concept of red string of fate isn’t as straightforward as it’s supposed to be, untangling it will be their greatest challenge yet. 
I LOVE THIS ONE, SO MUCH! ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES. The plot is great. The characterization is A+++. After you read it, please check this one too.
Under the Mistletoe by Laury Rose
To forget about her feelings for the redhead, she decided to bury herself with work, even on Christmas Eve. 
So fluffy, they are just so dense, aren’t they?
Ruby in Gold by THA musIc GuY (T)
Erina and Soma make a naughty little bet. 
Great writing, good smutty, sexual tension, love it. ))
Year Three by l Hypocrisy l (T)
Erina and Soma are forced into a partnership that will change their relationship forever. 
This was the first Sorina fic I ever read, it has a special place in my heart!
Slay Me by I Hypocrisy I (M)
Do I need to say more?A lot of fluff, a lot of love, a lot of SEXY, this fic has it all The 2nd chapter is my fave. Soma is a s*x god.
Nouvelle by Zancrow (T)
After Akira Hayama makes a serious attempt at dethroning Erina Nakiri from her seat in the Elite Ten, Tootsuki heiress is forced to accept the help of none other than Soma Yukihira.
The pacing and the tension and the buildup are all brilliantly woven together. Love it!
A Recipe for Mild Disaster by FloatingFox (T)
Mix in an energetic redhead with a knack for getting into risky situations and a blonde prodigy with a tsundere streak, and you’ve got yourself an oddly interesting combination to deal with! 
This fic is fluffy and enticing and super sweet!
Therapy by God Emperor Penguin (K)
Nakiri Erina lives a life far removed from that of a normal girl’s. After a near defeat in a minor shokugeki, concerns are raised as to whether the young heiress is overworked and stressed. To assuage her grandfather’s concerns, she agrees to see a therapist. 
So hilarious and sweet.
A Pursuit For Purpose by SibylStorm (T)
Soma and Co. are set to begin their third year, but all of a sudden a tragedy shakes Soma’s life to the core. 
Angsty as hell but such a beautiful story.
Off The Menu by Slue (T)
The god tongue may have tasted everything the culinary world has to offer, but there’s still one thing left that she hasn’t tried. 
It’s so fluffy and in-character! ITS PERFECT!
On Casual Commitments by wishingforatypewriter (M)
It had been several years since Yukihira Souma and Nakiri Erina graduated from Tōtsuki, and she was getting tired of hooking up with him other people’s weddings. 
Anything by this writer is a must read! The way @wishingforatypewriter write it just so beautiful and really pulls you in! 
Late Night Lullabies by Madeline Axelle (T)
For some reason she’s not sure of, Nakiri Erina ends up in Yukihira Soma’s room yet again. However, she doesn’t know that Sōma has expected her this time. 
Just Soma and Erina being absolutely undeniably in love!
Some Almost Idyllic Missing Pieces by Madeline Axelle (T)
Those moments when untangling the red strings, aren’t so difficult for them.
Drabbles related to Akai Ito. I love fluff. So much
Kaleidoscope by Intangibly Yours (T)
In which Soma is unable to maintain the balance he once had. 
I don’t like a love triangle, especially Erina x Soma x Megumi  so I didn’t think I would like this. BUT I WAS SO WRONG! Their characterization are spot on, this fic is really well done!
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ao3feedakafuri · 7 years
A Green Tea-Free Pregnancy
by StrangeStorm
For the next nine months, Kouki and Seijuurou are excited as they prepare themselves to become parents.
Words: 17206, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 26 of The Green Tea Series
Fandoms: Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Furihata Kouki, Akashi Seijuurou, Akashi Masaomi, Furihata Kouta, Mibuchi Reo, Kuroko Tetsuya, Midorima Shintarou, Midorima Akira, Takao Kazunari, Murasakibara Atsushi, Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryouta, Generation Of Miracles, Momoi Satsuki, Kawahara Koichi, Hayama Kotarou, Nebuya Eikichi, Ogiwara Shigehiro, Kasamatsu Yukio, Sakurai Ryou, Ootsubo Tae
Relationships: Akashi Seijuurou/Furihata Kouki, Mibuchi Reo/Furihata Kouta, Midorima Shintarou/Takao Kazunari, Mentioned Couples
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omegaverse, Fluff, Comedy, Romance, akafuri - Freeform, Alpha Akashi Seijuurou, Omega Furihata Kouki, Mpreg, Mood Swings, food cravings, Belly Rubs, Maternity Clothing, baby shopping, Gender Reveal, Baby Showers, yogurt
from AO3 works tagged 'Akashi Seijuurou/Furihata Kouki' http://ift.tt/2zikYTQ via IFTTT
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