kiwibirbkat · 27 days
Why does akko literally have chemistry with everyone 💀
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yaboirezzy · 3 years
Akko in a nutshell
"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit"
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scrabbleknight · 5 years
Ursula: Now, I got a box. You all have to put something you love in the box. Understood?
Diana: May I put Akko Kagari in the box?
Ursula: No.
Amanda: Can I put Akko in the box?
Ursula: No.
Sucy: Can I—
Ursula: No one is allowed to put Ms. Kagari in the box!
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loveswickedpitch · 2 years
Your stories introduced me to Edelbowl now I'm mid-key obsessed, thank you! Do you have any extra head canons regarding Edelbowl?
i'm sorry it took me so long to answer this! i am very bad at replying to asks.
i'm really happy to hear that you like edelbowl! i style myself as the Queen of Edelbowl, for i am the one who named it (after the little witch academia ship akkobowl) and also was the first one to write a fic about it on AO3. if anyone was curious. (no one was curious.) and now there's like, several fics, and "Edelbowl" is a legit tag on AO3 (thank you rin).
as for more headcanons... i honestly have trouble just remembering headcanons off the top of my head unless i'm writing. and a lot of my fic writing is just flights of fancy. lime "oh, this would be funny/cute/other emotion".
obviously we've always got "akira thought she and michiru had been dating for several years", but that one's basically already in the Original Fic, so. they've definitely "practiced kissing" before. you know. for normal reasons. just love the idea of michiru hiding her crush on akira and akira being like "ah yes, that's my girlfriend, Michiru." let me see what else i can remember
fumi really wanted shiori to date, if anyone, mei fan. she kind of got her wish. it's just that she's dating the other three clowns too. (not to imply that mei fan is not a clown)
the yachiori aspect of the polycule took a while as yachiyo struggled to figure out if she really had feelings for shiori or if she just had lingering feelings for fumi that she was projecting onto her. but after yachiyo and fumi became friends again yachiyo realized that she didn't have any romantic feelings for fumi left, so she became less trepidant
a fun game they all like to play is to bully yachiyo by showing her genuine affection, which she Absolutely Cannot Handle. she can dish out flirting like nobody's business but she cannot take it at all
mei fan is extremely zealous about being the Best Girlfriend Ever(tm) early on, but mellows out a bit as time passes and she realizes she doesn't need to be On all the time.
akira and michiru are both extremely touch-starved without realizing it and have trouble just like. hugging and cuddling. luckily yachiyo, shiori, and especially mei fan are able to break them out of it. i guess this was kind of implied in "The King's Request"?
akira has created date schedules. because of course she has.
the most awkward first date was michiru and yachiyo before they found common ground in making fun of everyone else. queens
that's what i've got right now. thank you so much for the ask!! i'm hoping to get another edelbowl fic out soon but we'll see. i just moved to another country and also i have covid rn so. i don't even know if this was readable. the next fic will be the group celebrating shiori's 20th birthday with drunken karaoke. mei fan is the designated sober person and she Suffers. look forward to it!
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scrabbleknight · 5 years
"I'm not gay, I'm Akkosexual."
— Says everyone in Luna Nova Academy
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scrabbleknight · 5 years
*Diana was studying until she had a thought.*
Diana: Huh, I wonder where Akko is.
*Later on, she meets Amanda.*
Diana: Amanda, do you know where Akko is?
Amanda: Uh, no? Haven't seen her all day.
Diana: Huh, alright then. Thank you, Amanda.
*As the day goes on, Diana continues her search for Akko.*
Diana, in a classroom: Akko, are you here?
Diana, at the cafeteria: Akko? Has anyone seen Akko?
Diana, yelling at a trashcan: Akko!... Huh, she's usually here...
Diana, at the top of the school's tower: AAAAAKKKKKOOOOOOO!!!
*Amanda, who was with Sucy, was starting to get worried.*
Amanda: What's wrong with Diana? She's been searching for Akko all day!
Sucy: She's probably suffering from post-Akko withdrawal.
Amanda: I-Is that a thing? Is that real?
Sucy: Probably.
Amanda: ... You're f*cking with me. There's no way that's real.
Sucy, muscles tense: Hey, I didn't make it up. I'm already starting to feel the symptoms.
Diana, still on the tower: AAAAAAKKKKOOOOO!!!
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scrabbleknight · 5 years
Diana: Akko is like a cute little puppy.
Amanda: You feed her chocolate and she dies?
Sucy: Well technically, it has a positive effect on her so she's pretty much immortal.
Amanda: An immortal cute puppy. Got'cha.
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scrabbleknight · 6 years
Akko: If you're stuck in the rain and your friend only has one umbrella, what would you do?
Amanda, talking about anyone: Duh, I'd ask if we can use the umbrella together.
Diana, talking about Akko: *blushes* I-I guess asking wouldn't be so bad.
Sucy, talking about Diana: I'd walk into the rain out of spite.
Akko: But Sucy, that's not healthy—
Sucy: Out of spite.
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scrabbleknight · 5 years
*The witches were in trouble and were arguing about what to do. Then, Amanda stood up.*
Amanda, standing up: Girls, I have a plan.
Sucy: You have a plan?
Amanda: ... Yes.
Sucy: Okay, you know what? I don't believe you actually have a plan.
Amanda: I HAVE-!!!... Part of a plan!
Sucy: Oh yeah, what percentage of a plan do you have, O'Neill?
Amanda: ... About 12%, I think?
Sucy: 12%? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Amanda, annoyed: That's a fake laugh.
Sucy: IT'S REAL!
Amanda: Totally fake!
Sucy: That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because that is NOT A PLAN!
Diana, joining in: It's barely a concept.
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scrabbleknight · 6 years
*Due to Akko passing her Flying Exam, the Akkobowl team decided to dress up as Shiny Chariot to surprise her*
Amanda, feeling tight: Urgh, I look like a sexualized clown!
Sucy, quite weird: I feel like a Frenchwoman who never learned how to say sorry.
Diana, stars in her eyes: I have never felt this comfortable in my entire life.
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scrabbleknight · 6 years
*The Akkobowl team were in Japan to visit Akko. Unfortunately, they got lost.*
Amanda, making sense: Look, we should just call for a cab. Sure, it's expensive but there's nothing wrong with that.
Diana, her pride at stake: *looking at her map* No. I can do this. We are not lost. In fact, I know exactly where we're going!
Sucy, irritated: Is that so, princess? You know exactly where we're going?
*Diana lowers her map to look at Sucy, her eyes squinting. Her face shows fully how offended she was.*
Diana: You dare question me? Diana Cavendish, of the Cavendish, heir to the Cavendish?
Diana: *scoffs* How dare you.
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scrabbleknight · 5 years
*Evil Akko was going around, spreading false rumours. Later on, she was caught red-handed.*
Evil Akko, tied to a chair: I didn't do nothing!
Diana: That's a double negative. It pretty much means you did something.
Amanda, with a list: *slams Akko's shoulder* AND YOU DID! I mean, look at this!
Amanda: *pats paper* "Amanda likes to crossdress"?! I mean, I have no problem with that but now I have Hannah and other girls "convincing" me to wear suits and stuff!
Diana: Indeed and this, *points on the list* "Diana snorts glue as a child" is a complete lie!
Evil Akko: Amanda being chased around by girls until she gets tired is all part of my plan! As for Diana, it was for my own amusement! HAHA!!!
Sucy: *reads list* "Sucy is a necrophiliac"? Huh, that's pretty much right.
Diana/Amanda: *stares at Sucy*
Sucy: What? I like big bones and I cannot lie.
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scrabbleknight · 6 years
*The Akkobowl team (and Akko) were at a Halloween party*
Amanda: So, how about we go to a haunted house next?
Akko: No thanks. Too much stress is bad for the baby.
Diana, blushing: B-B-Baby?! W-what baby?!
Akko: It's me. I'm the baby.
Sucy: Typical.
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scrabbleknight · 6 years
*Evil Akko's birthday was up.*
Diana: Here you go, Akko. A brand new book on Magic Theory 101.
Sucy: I bought you some mushrooms, but I pickled them since you like that kind of stuff.
Amanda: Yo, Akko! Got'cha this sweet ass broom! Maybe we'll get to race this year!
Evil Akko: ...
Evil Akko, who dislikes reading, mushrooms and can't fly: Wow, thanks for all this garbage. Let me find a manhole to throw this all in so it can be with the rest of the garbage.
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scrabbleknight · 6 years
*Akko was sad, so her friends try to cheer her up*
Diana: It's okay to ask for help.
Amanda: You're not a burden.
Sucy: Murder is okay.
Lotte, look at Sucy and then back: ... Your feelings matter?
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scrabbleknight · 6 years
Akko: I miss sushi! It's so hard trying to find unagi here!
Diana: Unagi? As in eel? I'm pretty sure sushi is made of other types of fish as well, such as salmon and tuna.
Akko: Yeah, but sushi-quality fish is like super rare here.
Sucy: Also sushi is disgusting. I prefer some steamed talakitok myself. Though, with a few mushrooms in it.
Amanda, who lives in dry Texas: ... The fuck is a fish?
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