#akuma shogun
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perfecttenth · 3 months
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whowouldwininafite · 4 months
Drake(the rapper)
Akuma Shogun from KinnikuMan
Sounds good to me! :3
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Kinnikuman VS Akuma Shogun
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wdlabo · 3 months
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ru-the-fox · 6 months
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Akuma Shogun by Redthon
from: Newgrounds
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ghostsandgod · 3 months
The woman looks horrified/disgusted/confused, which is the appropriate reaction to Kinnikuman 🤣
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kasperl-ruprecht · 2 years
Kinnikuman - Akuma Shogun's Theme - King of Devils
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Hello, if you write angst, may I request luxiem x reader, where in the process of time travel, they lost reader. It can end with a reunion or anything you want.
If you don't write angst, may I request a any xsoleil boys x short reader, with anything you want.
Hello hello! I like this idea os let's get started shall we? Also I will still write for Mysta even after he graduates.
Luxiem loosing then reuniting with their s/o
Vox the Voice Demon, well, as everyone knew him in the in the Sengoku Period and mostly in the Akuma Castle. You were one of Vox's closer servant who was always by his side. There were many rumors going thru the people in the castle that the two of you were together, or just someone that he used for his own pleasure, but that wasn't really the case.
The two of you were generally close cause the two of you had many things in common, and could talk about a lot of stuff, like for an example, cooking. You never guessed that this man likes to cook but well, he does to your suprise. He also kinda opened up to you and you opened up to him too, so you guys were big safespots for eachother. The two of you just went to hangout with eachother but some of them ended up as a date, and well it was another occasion of a hangout that turned into a date when he asked you out. You said yes and well, now the rumors were now true. The two of you were officially dating.
Everything was good until the war had started. Vox asked his most trusted man to get you somewhere safe. Almost everyone except for your little group. The 5 soldiers and you watched as Vox was trying to fight the Shogunate's soilders were getting killed by Vox but then eventually overpowered him. As you felt your heart break after the Shogunate left victorious and ran away with the remaining people.
It took weeks to months to recover yourself from that war that happened, you tried going back living your life as it was but it was a pain living without the person that you needed the most in your life. Eventually more and more weeks that turned into moths that turned into years have passed and you gave up on your life even and even more.
It was another painful day in your life that you woke up to. You moved on with your life since Vox died, or well that's what you thought. You went on your day like you did for the past few years. You were walking on the market-street as someone came up next to you. You didn't really care until the person took your bag out of your hand and started packing more tihngs into it. You looked up at the person ready to antigonize with him until you realized who was standing next to you.
"V-Vox?" - your voice barely came out from your throath. He looked down at you and smiled then wrapped one of his arms around your shoulder and pulled you closer, looking down at you as you looked up to him. "I-... I thought you died..." - you said as your voice became more and more shakely.
"Well, I did not as you can see that." - he smiles at you. "Is there anything else you'd like?" - he asked as he gave a kiss on your forehead. You shook you head then he payed for the stuff that you and mostly him collected for the meal.
"H-how? W- what happened?" - you asked as he escorted you from the shop as he always did.
"I'll tell you everything okay? But now, I need to start plannign for the next war... since I have Kindred on my side now too." - he said as he looked foward and saw his newest army ready to fight.
Ike always liked books since he was a little kid, and so did you. The two of you met back in his early years as a writer. You always read his books, you were always the first one to buy his newest book, and well... you were on a trip to the market again to buy his newet book as usual. You arrived to the bookshop and bought the book, as you started walking away you bumped into someone and the book fell out from your hands as you fell down too.
"I-I'm sorry-" - you said as you tried getting up, your face red from the embarrasment.
"Oh no, it was my fault... are you okay" - a soft voice spoke to you. You opened your eyes and you saw him... Ike Eveland himself. Your favourite novelist, in person infront of you, and you had to meet him with you bumping into him... 'How embarraing' - you thought to yourself. Ike offered you a hand to help you up that you accepted.
"I suppose this is also yours." - He said with a smile as he gave you the book that you just bought.
"Thank you..." - you said as your took it from him.
"So you're the one that the book-shopkeeper keep telling me about." - he said with a smile on his face.
"What do you mean?" - you asked as you looked at him with widened eyes. He chukles at your expression.
"He always tells me when I drop by that there's a person who's always the first one to buy my books." - he smiles. "Would you like a signiture?" - he asks as he looks at you.
"I-... I'd love that but y-you don't have to... you're probably busy..." - you say with a happiness with sadness in your voice.
"I'm quite free right now." - he says as he signs your book. A blush creeps to your face as you thank him. "And also, I'd like to get to know the person better who supported me since the start of my career. So if you're free right now, would you like to go to the café with me?" - he asks you as he gives you back the book with a smile. Your eyes widen once more, the blush becoming more visible on your face as you nod.
The two of you started to hangout more and more after that day, and eventually got together.
It was another simple day, you were staying over at Ike's place, who was at his desk, writing his newest book. It was already late and you tried to get him to stop and go to bed since the dark circles under his eyes were becoming more and more visible. But he just replied with, "I'll finish this page and I'll go. You should go to sleep, no need to wait for me." - he said as he continued writing. You tried waiting for him but you were too tired and ended up going to sleep alone again. The next day when you woke up you were alone in the bed as usual. You got up to search for him in his workroom where you saw his still unfinished work but no signs of him. You went into the kitchen, into the livingroom, into the bathroom, but he was nowhere to be found. You started to worry but calmed yourelf with 'He's probably just out getting more suplies' but the end of the day came sooner then you expected and he was nowhere to be found and you were alone in the novelist's house. It was cold and empty jut for one person. You couldn't go to sleep knowing that he wasn't near you, so you took one of his shirts out from his wardrobe that smelled like him and went to sleep sucsessfully. But he didn't return the next day or the rest of the days. You felt hopeless... You thought he was sick of you and he left you purposfully, so you tried moving on ith your life.
It has been a few years since the incident happen, then you heard a knock on your front door. You put the book that you were reading to the side as you got up to open the door. As you opened the door, a familiar male figure stood infront of you. You didn't want to belive your eyes as you froze down.
"I'm back..." - Ike said as tears filled his eyes, and so did yours.
"Welcome home..." - You said as you jumped into his arms. "What happened?... where did you go?..." - you started asking a lot of questions from him as he held you tight.
"I'll tell you everything." - he said a he kissed your temple. As the two of you calmed down he told you everything that happened to him.
Our golden retriver- I mean Luca, our "evil" mafia boss. He's a big softie now, but he wasn't quite a big one when the two of you met.
It was just another day in your life, as you walked home from work you were thinking about making a shortcut to home, so you turned into the alley, and well you heard two people talking but you could barely undertand what they were saying, but you caught some of it.
"Is this her?" - asked the taller man.
"I think so..." - said the other as he looked at you walking past them. As you left them you picked up your pace but they caught up easily and put a cloth on you covering your mouth and nose causing you to pass out not so long after doing it.
You woke up in a room, you tried getting up from the chair that you were sitted on but you were tied to it.
"I would surroundings first if I were you." - a man said as he walked infront of you. "Do you know why are you here?" - he asked while smiling. The man had blone hair, a black dress shirt which's buttons around his chest were fighting for their life, leather gloves and white pants with black stripes on it. He looked handsome, like the man of your dreams.
"N-no? Did I do something wrong?" - you asked as your voice shaked a bit.
"I mean... you weren't the one who done something but your husband did." - he said as he started ggetting closer to you.
"M-my husband? I- I don't have a husband... I don't even have a boyfriend." - you said as you looked at him with widened eyes.
"W-wait... you're telling me that you're not Aya Cox? - he asked you with a worry in his voice which he tried to hide.
"N-no? I'm Y/N..." - you answered.
"A-are you really not Mrs. Cox?" - he asked as he started to panic even more.
"I'm really not her... you can check my ID if you don't belive me." - you said a you tried to hold back your laughter. He took your ID and as he read your name his face turned white like he just saw the dead.
"I-I'm very sorry-" - he said as he untied you. "To take a better look at you... you don't have as visible wrinkle's as she has." - he said as he stared at your face.
"I-... thank you i guess?" - You said as you stood up from the chair.
"Anytime!" - he laughed a bit then noticed your annoyed expression. "I-... sorry." - he said.
"It's okay... can you just let me go home now please?" - you asked as you took your stuff from the table.
"A-ahh yes... but... if you tell anyone that this happened-" -he sarted as he came behind you and lifted your chin to make you look at him above your shoulder. "You'll be my target then for real... and I won't how mercy." - he said with a darken expression on his face then let your chin go. "Anyways... Y/N... as an apology, can I take you to the best café in the city?" - he asked a his expression compleatly changed from a sadistic, blood thirsty mafia boss to a puppy who wouldn't hurt a fly.
"I- emm.. sure?" - you said as you tuned around taken aback a bit by his personallity change.
"Where do you live? I'll pick you up at 5pm." - he said. You told him and you thought that the drung's effect was still on you, cause you could've sweared to god that you saw his tail wiggling.
And well, he insited on taking you home too, and wouldn't let you say no. And then the next day came and you were going on a date with a mafia boss. The date went well and you questioned yourself multiple times that was Luca really a mafia boss or he wa just a child in a grown up's body. But well anyways, it was obvious that he fell in love with you on the day the two of you met, caue after that said apology date, he asked you to go on more dates with him, and since you couldn't say no for his adorableness, the two of you went on many dates and well, eventually got together. And after three years into your relationship he even asked you to marry him. (I-I'm not Luca biased okay?... I am but anyways-)
He tried to keep you out from his criminal life as much as he could since he didn't want you to get into danger, which he managed sucsessfully. He'd always ask some of his most trusted man to look after you on the streets when he couldn't be there with you, and if anything happened to you under the man's watch, he sweared that he'll kill them.
Well, it was just another simple day as you went over to your shared place, but he wasn't there so you thought he'll be back soon, but that didn't happen. You went to sleep thinking that when you'll wake up he'll be there. But he wasn't there. You asked his men if someone knew anything but noone did. You started getting more and more worried but still tried to stay calm. Many days went by, which turned into weeks, which turned into months then years. You'd think you've gotten over him but no. You still wore the engagement ring on your finger, or just kept it close to you. You didn't know wheter he was alive or not you were worried very much, but durring the day you couldn't show it, but when you got home your broke down a lot of times. The first nights alone you couldn't even sleep without him so you wore one of his shirt to sleep.
A few years passed since he went missing and you felt giving up on him coming back.
You were watching tv as you heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" - you shouted as you stood up from the couch and opened the door. You couldn't even open the door normally as the perosn standing on the other side flung it open and hugged you. If it weren't for his big chest in your face you would've thought that the one hugging you was a random person and so, it didn't take you long to hug your beloved back who was now crying and hugging you tighter as you hugged him back.
"Where were you?" - you asked him as you started to tear up too.
"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... I don't know what happened back then, I just got sucked into some kind of hole and jumped into the future." - he said.
"Y-you what?!" - you pulled away from the hug and looked at his teary face.
"Yeah, i-if you don't belive me, you can ask M-Mysta Rias, cause he ended up there with me too." - he said a he wiped away his tears.
"I belive you, but anyways... first you should calm down and then tell me everything that happened..." - you said as you closed the door.
"Mhm... but can I get another hug first?" - he asked you and you couldn't denied even if you wanted to.
Since Mysta was a famous detective back in his original world, so I could only imagine that you met him when he was out in a case, and you were involved in it too, and you were a great helper of his. So you technically were his little Watson to his Sherlock. You guys started hanging out after that a lot, solved more and more cases togheter. The more time the two of you spent togheter the better you guys got to know eachother.
On a beautiful night he took you to one of the higher places in the city and asked you out. He was a bit akward but you thought it was adorable, and well you said yes and the two of your started dating.
Everything was good until he got sucked into the hole and got transported to another world and you were left alone. You didn't have time to process what happened at first since there were still a lot of cases that needed to be solved, but everynight when you arrived home in your shared apartment you broke down. You didn't know if he was alive or not, you didn't know if he'll be back ever again or not.
Crying yourself for the first few months didn't really help so you started busying yourself with work the cases that were still unsolved were slowly solved by you.
It's been almost 2 years that he was gone, but he somehow came back, and well the two of you were finally reunited.
"M-Mysta... you're finally back..." - you stood infront of the opened door, tears forming in your eyes.
"Yeah, and I'm still in one piece." - he said while having a big smile on his face opening his arms. You took no longer then a second to jump into them, burrying your face into his chest as you broke down completely.
"I have another case to solve at another city... Would like to come with me?" - he asked as he wiped your tears. You told him "Yes" and the next day the two of you were on your way for another city to solve a crime there. Throught the road he told you everything that happened to him, you could see the happiness and the sadness behind his eyes as you guys were talking on the train.
You met Shu in the modern world. You don't know how the two of you ended up together cause, one day you guys were still talking as friends, then the next day the two of you were dating.
The two of you met on the street at night as you were walking home. You weren't really looking foward, you mostly looked at you phone, watching your favourite Nijisanji EN streamer. As you were walking you didn't notice that someone took your wallet out of your bag, just only when a young man came up to you and tapped your shoulder. As you turned to the person who tapped your shoulder, you froze in one place as you saw the one and only Shu Yamino.
"Miss, this is yours?" - he asked as he held your wallet in his hand.
"A-ah yes thank you..." - you said a bit embarrased as you took back your wallet.
"It's alright, just try to pay attention of what's going around you not just only to your phone" - Shu said as he smiled. "Well then, be careful out there." - he said while still smiling as he turned around and started walking away. You were still embarrased and frozen in one place as Shu started walking away.
"W-wait!" - you shouted after him. He stopped and turned back to face you. "I-I'd like to thank it more properly..." - you said as you looked at him. "M-may I invite you to the local café?" - you asked hoping that he'd say yes. And he did, so the two of you met up at the local café the next day then the day after that too and again and the two of you started getting to know eachother more and more, then eventually became friends. The two of you hung out more and more and then just got together.
When he streamed you never bothered him, never wen't into the room, waited outside patiently while you watched his stream. Months and years passed as he arrived to his last stream. And well, it was his time to go home. You knew what you got yourself into at the start of the relationship but it still hurt seeing him go, even tho you both promised eachother that you'll keep in contact, but it wasn't going to be the same as being in the same room with eachother.
The two of you bid farwell to eachother and he left. You were alone again, you were friends with the other Nijisanji EN members but it was weird without Shu. Even tho you were with friends, you still felt alone. Since he left, you always went home more early cause it's just didn't feel right.
You eventually moved on with your life after a few months had passed, the two of you eventually fell apart and started speaking less and less with eachother.
It was another day in your life as you were just watching (Your fav streamer)'s stream as you heard a knock on your door. You turned your phone's volume down, cause you thought it was your neighbour who was going to complain about you watching the stream too loudly. Then you heard another knock so you put your phone down and went to the door. You opened the door and said "What?" from reflex. The person who was standing infront of you started laughing and then you realized who was standing infront of you.
"You never change do you." - he said as he wiped the tears from his eyes from the laughter. "So... did you miss me or you're just gonna stand there until the sun goes down?" - he asked as he opened his arms. You didn't really hesitate and jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around you as you burried your face into his neck.
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nekojetto · 2 years
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I realized I have a TONE of drawing of my new OC Akuma but I never talk about him here... SO He’s Akuma the demon of shadow and nigth, please be nice with this omnious demon 💕 
With Kote (in red Armor) who is actually @lemoneste ‘s OC :] We are totally not planing a new drawing RP with them... nooooo! 
So for the plot, Akuma is a super powerfull demon and Kote is in charge to bring him back to the Shogun so they can use it for the war. Akuma is a really pacific devil and Kote is an emotionless general (razed as a weapon etc)  
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cerastes · 8 months
smash or pass: akuma shogun's Hell's Nine Point Seal
7 Part Supers are real and they can hurt you.
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ultimate-muscle · 5 months
Favourite OG Ship
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perfecttenth · 8 months
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whowouldwininafite · 28 days
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unkn0wn-n0n4rt1st · 6 months
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got inspired by my tumblrmootie's red akuma shogun scans it does not fit him in any way but it was so funny for me not to draw it
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natsukoshono · 18 days
About me!
How are you guys? thought i was dead? well guess what! so did i!
So here's a about me post!
What do i go by? Commonly i go as Natsuko or Chi-chi (chi chi most commonly) though i do have a few other nicknames such as Tall, Nemesis or Rogue.
How old am i? i would prefer to keep that hidden, but i am a young adult! My birthday is next week actually!
what are my two FAVOURITE interests? Dungeon meshi and Kinnikuman. Kinnikuman over anything else though
do i like video games? Yes but i can't play them, as i suck X D
do i attend college? Yep! I study animals!
My favoruite collour is a pinkish-red, Carmine.
Favourite kinnikuman character? Mari Nikaidou and Akuma Shogun
favourite dungeon Meshi character? Marcille and Chillchuck
How did i get into kinnikuman? I was roughly around 11, and watching youtube. And had found ultimate muscle. it was the first anime i had ever seen, and i'd watch it on repeat as much as i can. Before school (i'd get up earlier and ready quickly so i could watch it) and after school 24/7. Unfortunatly the account got taken off youtube, and i thought it was some weird dream i had or something. i rewatched it when i was roughly 14 thanks to watchmojo, mentioning it
Feel free to send any questions, or requests for writing!
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