#al sol
Un rato más de oscuridad
Un rato más de estrellas...
Un poco más de té
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lascitasdelashoras · 7 months
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English Garden, Monopteros, Munich, 1954, Erika Groth-Schmachtenberger. Germany
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serinfinito · 3 months
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bottle-of-ale · 4 months
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fuck it every officially published weird al track tierlist
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appallinnballin · 4 months
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someones gotdamn cat
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viejospellejos · 10 days
La música de una estación de tren en Tokio, Japón:
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borradorilustrado · 1 year
Alguna vez te has preguntado: ¿Qué puedan ver los demás, que tu no puedas ver en ti? Oh ¿Que vi yo en ti? Si tu respuesta es no me importa. Te felicito, por que aun que tu no sepas que tan maravillosa puedes ser para los que te observamos, lo valiente y bonita que te has visto peleando tus propias batallas y que bonito se ve ese sello que le pones a la vida cuando sonríes Gina. Y aunque el mundo sea inmenso, tu estas con las personas que te aman y no tiene que ser muchas, solo tienen que ser ellos estando contigo. Me gusta tu malgenio, porque no es un berrinche es tu ser mostrándose, eres tú expresándote y sé, que en ese corazón envuelto en un mecanismo de defensa esta una persona maravillosa, la cual cumplió un año más en un mundo terrenal en el que le esperan grandes cosas. Se feliz siempre, se afortunada y ama como nunca, Las Ginas como tu son escasas y bonitas. Feliz vuelta al sol hermosa.
- Borrador Ilustrado 🌻 (Gin)
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benedich · 1 year
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"¡oh vaya! eso fue realmente liberador" toma asiento con precaución en el sillón de aspecto desaliñado, dirigiendo su vista a quien ya ocupaba el mismo. "ahora entiendo por qué hay quienes dejan hoyos en las paredes con sus puños para deshacerse de la frustración" agrega más bien burlón ya que nunca encontrará lógica a ese tipo de reacciones. "incluso me hace sentir generoso, ¿ya bebiste? yo te invito"
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Hay personas que curan tu vida con sus dosis infinitas de paciencia. Son rayos de sol entre las nubes. Te obligan a abrirte sin que te des cuenta, y una vez que te dan la mano, ya no te sueltan. No importa lo lejos que estés de ellas, siempre las sentirás cerca.
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the-juicywizard · 3 months
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Deadwood S1.E2 - Deep Water
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vertigoartgore · 4 months
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2024's X-Men Vol.6 #33 (Legacy Numbering : Uncanny X-Men #698) trading card variant cover by Russell Dauterman & Matt Wilson.
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webshood · 6 months
I will forever worship Talia Al-Ghul. She is a Queen who did not deserve the character assassination handed to her.
Taliaaaa !!!
I love talking about Talia and ngl, the treatment she gets from both the writers and the fandom is pretty disheartening. She's so full of love and compassionate, I wish they would bring back The Prison/Batman Chronicles interpretation of Talia.
Also, fuck Morrison sideways.
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zagreusm · 3 months
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Demaciados años despues y porfin puedo mostrarles oficialmente a Damian (He/They) una entidad espiritual que trabaja ayudando a dar el soplo de vida a los mortales.
Creide, medio tsundere por ratos, fresa y joto le hijueperra pero asi se le quiere 💜
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mjbear130 · 10 months
aah, hi rufus(es)
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design credits for the other rufuses (lol) shown above go to:
please give them a. hand 🎉 <3
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aceass1n · 1 month
I had an absolutely awful idea
Nine sols FMA:B au where Heng is Alphonse and Yi is Ed
(nine sols spoilers under the cut)
The mystic nymph container explodes as in Nine Sols canon, and Heng can't hear anything past the ringing in her ears, past Yi's panicked shout. Can't feel anything but the blood spattered across her face and the fading warmth of Yi's body.
Her brother. He's. He's.
No, no, she can't think like that. He isn't dead yet—he isn't. He can't be.
His book lies open next to her, pristine despite the destruction surrounding them. Taunting her.
Or perhaps, she thinks as she stares at the pages, offering her a beacon of hope.
Yi's heart stops. Heng—Heng isn't sure how she managed it, later. All she remembers is desperately scrawling down symbol after symbol, building an array from her blurry memories of her brother's impassioned lectures. His body is still there—all of the matter that makes up Yi is still there—surely, surely, this will work. Equivalent exchange and all that.
What will you give? Truth asks her, as she stands over a precipice in a void-white space of sterile white. What will you offer?
Everything, Heng tells it. I'll give you everything. Just give me back my brother.
Yi wakes up with a gasp. He's on the floor, chest slowly knitting itself together over bared organs. He remembers...what does he remember? The nymph—an explosion—
He shoves himself to his feet with a start, collapsing on weak limbs. Heng, he tries to scream, throat scraped raw.
And all he can do is watch as she fades into nothing.
No. No no no no no—
It won't end like this. He won't let it.
He grabs the nearest thing—a suit of armour he'd been fiddling with, humouring Heng's newest obsession in old legends of soldiers and warriors past. Desperately writes down seals of binding, of stability, of stasis. Scrawls them over and over again, pleading with whatever gods are out there—whatever entities oversee alchemy and family and wretched hubristic fools—
Please, he begs. Please give me my sister back.
He gets his sister back.
But who says that that's for the better?
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