#alan wake 3
sassytheturtle · 3 months
A theory I've had for a while that I feel like I should share
Many people think that the end of Alan Wake III will end with him making his perfect story, much like how the real Tom Zane wrote his "master poem" and went with Barbara to live in the paradise that is the Light Place. Some people theorize that Alan will go to this place with Alice. They will finally be free of the horrors that have plagued them for 13 years.
Following the trend of the ending line in the two previous games, I think I know what will be the final line in the third game.
It's not a lake, it's an ocean.
It's not a loop, it's a spiral.
It's not the end, it's the beginning.
I may be completely wrong but I feel like it would be super cool and make the most sense for that to be the final line, even if the Light Place theory isn't correct.
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koskela-knights · 2 months
AW3 but it’s similar in POV as The Lion King 3 so we follow the events AW2 thru the perspective of the comedic reliefs the Koskelas. It’s a Koskela game and we see what they were always up to :)
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kenpiercemedia · 6 months
Presenting The Game Awards Winners for 2023
Presenting The Game Awards Winners for 2023
It was just about a month ago when I reported on the nominees for the 2023 Game Awards and since like keeping pace with this kind of stuff for our Pop Culture focuses, I’m back to share the recently announced winners of said awards. Now I’ve mentioned that I am not at all the biggest gamer on the Interwebs but I do go to the annual Play NYC Convention which lets me meet amazing game developers…
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eggman-1 · 6 months
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This is the vibe i got from the game awards live chat tonight
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dumbbard · 6 months
this summarizes my experience with the remedy verse pretty well
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sunsetagain · 2 months
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John Wick and his doggo ×
Alan Wake and Scratch √
I laughed too much every time Alan said "Scratch" this "Scratch" that
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aleksikesa · 8 months
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Ahti, the friendly face (Control / Alan Wake 2)
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sparrow-hawk · 5 months
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ashesfordayz · 6 months
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A Novelist and a Vampire walk into a Bar
Game Awards was absolute fire for these guys 😂
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switchyfox · 27 days
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Back to the beginning.
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neolxzr · 8 months
OK so heres some of my favorite things that were talked about during the enter the florpus commentary thing yesterday:
one of jhonen's favorite things in the whole movie is the writing in zim's kitchen that says "do anything is real?"
they clarified specifically that gir was not lying and he did in fact eat a baby at the crazy taco
gir smells REALLY bad. theres like rotting organic matter in his body at all times. he stinks
zim's human suit is made out of actual human skin
zim is acting drunk on nacho cheese during that scene in his house because richard horvitz recorded it while drunk
they planned to have this whole thing with tak's ship only agreeing to go to moo-ping 10 because it knows tak is there. they wouldve shown her in silhouette during that brief explosion and she wouldve stowed away on the ship without anyone knowing and then wouldve shown up towards the end of the movie, but they decided to cut it out
zim did not need to frame membrane for a crime in order to get him into space prison and likely just tossed the guards like 5 bucks for it. its a shady place. they did specify though that if he did frame him for something, it would have been jaywalking
they pointed out during that scene where zim is celebrating peace day on dib's lawn that zim's reaction to seeing dib was very much genuine and that's just how his brain works. he is genuinely surprised to see him pop out of his own house. (they also described his reaction as like "being surprised to see your best friend")
the ham joke was ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to the film and at some point jhonen remembered it and was like GUYS. WE ALMOST FORGOT THE HAM
there was supposed to be this joke where it cuts to and from gaz and dib in tak's ship and they would've had to stop at like a warp station or something and theyd be waiting in a long queue of spaceships and the radio is broken in the ship so theyre stuck listening to that one song. then itd cut to them like totally braindead drooling from listening to it for so long. and then a little later itd cut back a FINAL time and theyd know all of the words and both be singing along to it. but this was also cut out so only the last bit remained
when asked "who would win: minimoose or mrs. bitters?" the answer was along the lines of "neither, i think all of us lose in that scenario"
the tallest are just two dudes who happen to be the same height and therefore have to share the same job. they are not brothers and they are also not gay lovers ("as much as you want them to be, they are not. there is no love in this universe")
skooge is in fact alive and lives in zim's basement. they wanted to keep the number of "hey remember this thing from the tv show!" moments to a minimum so he was not mentioned in the movie. but he is there
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theluckybard · 30 days
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We all love the grumpy fed ❤️
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leaflingsound · 1 month
really enjoying these comments on a video of alan wake's voice lines from dead by daylight (x)
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mirrorhouse · 2 months
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"Return" is the key to escaping the Dark Place. You need to get it before that freak does.
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plaidwearinghunters · 7 months
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