brennerrama · 10 months
“DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! . . . I’ve grown accustomed to her face!”
Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady
#MyFairLady #Cukor #GeorgeCukor #AlanJayLerner #RexHarrison
#Moviequotes #MovieQuoteOfTheDay
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
My Fair Lady (1964)
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I want to say that My Fair Lady is too long at 170 minutes… but I can't think of what I'd take out. besides, the movie’s got an intermission so it earns that running time. The songs, performances, costumes, camerawork, and story are so good making any alterations would just be wrong.
In London, poor flower girl Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn) overhears a bet between phonetics professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) and his friend Colonel Hugh Pickering (Wilfried Hyde-White). Higgins says he could transform Eliza so dramatically she’d fit right in with the high-class. Intrigued, Eliza approaches Higgins and accepts to partake in the challenge.
Like many films from this long ago, My Fair Lady has been often imitated but along the way, the story has mutated so much the original feels like a revisionist's approach. Later iterations turn it into a romance that begins with the male lead deceiving the woman into becoming a beautiful swan. Eliza Doolittle isn’t being tricked. She sees the bet as an opportunity. Being a poor flower-seller with a thick “undesirable” accent, her prospects are about as bright as her no-good father’s (Stanley Holloway). Higgins is a firm bachelor, uninterested in women and eager to show that his arrogance is well-earned. There’s a certain chemistry between them but it's not romantic. You can tell despite their frequent arguments they’re growing fond of each other but this movie won't end with a kiss.
The characters have so much personality they're impossible to forget. Higgins is unbelievably self-important. You’re not sure you like him… but it’s hard to argue with his methods and results. Eliza is often crass, more than a bit foolish, and magnetic. A lot of it is due to Audrey Hepburn’s impeccable performance. In other versions, the leading lady is just a pair of glasses and a ponytail away from being a head-turner. Here, it’s about more than what’s on the outside, and you can actually see the internal changes happening. The dashing wardrobe and brilliant cinematography help accentuate Hepburn’s beauty but that’s just the start. It’s also the songs, the way her voice changes, her mannerisms, and the way others react to her.
My Fair Lady is often funny. The musical numbers are strong, with the best ones coming from the most unlikely of characters. Eliza’s father Alfred should’ve been cut but his dance scenes, and the way his songs tell you so much about him - and by extension, Eliza - I wouldn’t dream of it. Despite its legacy, My Fair Lady often goes in ways you don't expect, which makes it fly by like it’s nothing.
This is the definition of the word “classic”; a film with universal appeal that shows everyone at their very best, whose influence is impossible to miss. The musical numbers are memorable, the performances so good you almost have to take a step back to remember these are actors to notice. It’s visually striking and a joy to watch. I'll bet My Fair Lady becomes your new favorite. (August 6, 2021)
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twotrey23 · 3 years
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#event tonight... #MyFairLady @myfairladybway @broadwayinhollywood opening night at #DolbyTheatre @dolbytheatre . #LernerAndLoewe #FrederickLoewe #AlanJayLerner #BartlettSher #musical #music #play #theater #theatre #stage #Broadway #Hollywood (at Dolby Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUyr_tQN1MQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thrak576isback · 5 years
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My Fair Lady #myfairlady #rexharrison #julieandrews #stanleyholloway #robertcoote #michaelking #gordondilworth #rodmclennan #lernerandloewe #alanjaylerner #frederickloewe #mosshart #hanyaholm #oliversmith #cecilbeaton #franzallers #lp #vinyl #nowlistening #vinylcommunity #33rpm #vinylcollection #vinylrecords #recordcollection https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GdDIHJArT/?igshid=1k9p24firybmy
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kari3622-blog · 5 years
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AndréPrevin and His Pals "Gigi" 7枚の高音質「予感」楽しみアルバムを一気に紹介したいと思います。 始めは定番、当然のContemporaryレーベルです。 本作、あのオードリー・ヘプバーンに関係しているのですが、数あるContemporaryレコードのプレヴィンの中ではとても地味な存在です。 録音評から... 低音域が強調されレッド・ミッチェルのベースが響きます。ところが、控え目ないつものプレヴィンのピアノの音質は硬質で余韻や抜けの良さが足りない印象... 。西海岸の乾いた軽さではなく、迫力のあるウォームなContemporaryです。録音は1958年4月7,8日、Contemporary's studio, LA ですが、本作は1989年Fantasy Studios, Berkeley でのお得意の #PhilDeLancie によるリマスター盤。もしかしたら時代に合わせた若干ドンシャリ系のリマスタリング?を行い、オリジナルとは、かなり違う?若干割れ気味だし。だったら少し残念... 。 大変好評だった"My Fair Lady"に比べれば、もっと華やかさが欲しいですね。 盤イチは、テーマ曲Side 2-3 "Gigi"、美しいプレヴィン独奏から控えめなベースとドラムス。最後の"She Is Not Thinking Of Me"はミュージカルらしく賑やかで音質も比較的いいのでオススメ。 #AndréPrevin (p) #RedMitchell (b) #ShellyManne (ds) Producer - #LesterKoenig Sound Engineer - #RoyDuNann Liner Notes - #FrederickLoewe , Lester Koenig Lyrics By #AlanJayLerner Music By #FrederickLoewe Cover Photography - #WilliamClaxton 不朽の名盤Shelly Mann & His Friends "My Fair Lady"(1956年8月17日録音)の大ヒットに続くミュージカル・シリーズで、人気の楽曲をジャズ・アレンジし、Stereoオーディオ・セットで楽しんでもらおうと言う意図、ハリウッドを中心とした西海岸の文化にジャズが浸透していた証拠だと聞けば、聴く気がそそられませんか。 アルバムと離れますが、ミュージカル映画、邦題「恋の手ほどき(Gigi)」について... 。 1944年に小説として、1951年にはストレートプレイ(芝居)として戯曲化されブロードウェイで初演、その時タイトル・ロールの"Gigi"=ジジの適役を捜していた原作小説著者のコレットが、オードリー・ヘップバーンを見そめて、その主人公役に抜擢。実はこの"Gigi"が、オードリー・ヘプバーンの出世のきっかけを作った作品!なんですって、驚き! オードリーがまだ「ローマの休日」でデビューする前、モナコで「モンテカルロベイビー」という映画の脇役の撮影をしていた時、「Gigi=ジジ」のブロードウェイで上演の主役を捜していた原作者コレット女史の目にとまったと。1950年舞台初演の「マイ・フェア・レディ」とよく似た内容で、祖母に育てられた少女ジジが社交界にデビューし、恋に目覚めていく、そのヒロインに眼前の少女、オードリーが最適だとコレットは直感。早速"私の"ジジ"がいる」とニューヨークへ打電、オードリーの出演が決定。オードリーは最初「私には無理です。演技力がありませんから」と辞退したそうですが、熱心なコレットの説得を受け入れ、ブロードウェイ・デビューに。これと並行してウィリアム・ワイラー監督がオードリーを「ローマの休日」のヒロインに起用、世紀の大スターの誕生となったそうです。 7年後の1958年、この作品はミュージカル映画となり、アカデミー賞で最優秀作品賞を含む、監督・脚色・撮影・美術監督装置・編集・ミュージカル映画音楽・歌曲・衣装デザイン賞9部門を受賞。主演のモーリス・シュバリエは名誉賞を受賞。MGMミュージカル黄金期最後の作品で、プレヴィンは音楽を担当。そして1973年にやっとブロードウェイのミュージカルとして初演、トニー賞のオリジナル楽曲賞を受賞。 ジャズで、まさかオードリー・ヘプバーンに出会えるとは。またしてもジャズの底知れない力を感じてしまった次第です。 #jazz #fuzey #vinyl #jazzvinyl #vinylcollection #jazzrecords #recordcollection #ジャズ #スイングジャーナル #レコード ※作品を知り、ジャズの素晴らしさを伝えたい。様々なソースをアレンジ、先輩諸氏に感謝。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx3eGlZpXgm/?igshid=eyivnm8pnspr
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brothermarc7theatre · 8 years
Musical Monday
Hello! Now that the Rogue Festival is all done (final reviews to be posted soon) I shall resume the weekly postings as usual. 1970 is the year of our landing! This was the year the Tony voters applauded for Applause, allowing it to take home the Best Musical Tony. Two other musicals received their fair share of applause, just not quite enough. This week we honor one of those two. Happy Musical Monday!
Musical Monday date: 3/13/2017
Musical: Coco
Book, Music, and Lyrics: Alan Jay Lerner, Alan Jay Lerner, and Andre Previn
Broadway Run: December 18, 1969 - October 3, 1970
Awards Won: Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical (Rene Auberjonois), Best Costume Design/1970 Theatre World Award (David Holliday)
Other: Coco played 329 performances in the Mark Hellinger Theater.
Fun Fact: The title role of Coco Chanel was to be played by Rosalind Russell; however, due to her development of acute arthritis, the role was assigned to Katherine Hepburn.
There you have it! There is a cast recording roaming about the music waves, so go ahead and search and listen to that Lerner score if you so desire. Next week keeps us in 1970 land, so enjoy your week and have a lovely St. Patrick's Day! Go see a show!  
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titofrez · 7 years
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♥️♥️ #myfairlady ♥️♥️💯🙏🙌🏻 Bästa coola @fuxdelux 🤩♥️🤩#nicetoseeyou #tacksåmycket 🤗💪🏻👌🏻 #stadsteatern #showtime #alanjaylerner WOW👌🏻 #johanrabaeus 👌🏻💯 #ninazanjani ♥️ 🙌🏻🙏 #patrikriber 😘 sist men inte minst #magnusuggla WOW !!!💯👆🏻🙏 (på/i Kulturhuset Stadsteatern)
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bbottone · 7 years
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Today's choice: "Brigadoon". #HollywoodCiak #Brigadoon #VincenteMinnelli #GeneKelly #VanJohnson #CydCharisse #ElaineStewart #BarryJones #HughLaing #AlanJayLerner #musical #hunting #trip #Scotland #lost #village #map #secret #past #hunt #Oscars #todayschoice #50s #followme
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brennerrama · 1 year
“We want none of your slum prudery here, young woman. You've got to learn to behave like a duchess. Take her away, Mrs. Pearce.”
Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady
#MyFairLady #GeorgeCukor #AlanJayLerner #LernerAndLoewe #RexHarrison #Pygmalion #GeorgeBernardShaw #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
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