#album rankings 🎡
thisnameisnotspokenfor Β· 3 months
🎢 MUSICAL NOTES β€” what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Cepheus- star music is his favorite. Ofc they differ from court to court.
In terms of human music I think if he were living during our times he’d be a MASSIVE fan of David Bowie and Prince.
Asha- I imagine she’d have a wide yet structured taste of music that she likes to listen to depending on her mood (the side of Rosa’s where she’s from exposes her to a lot of different music while she grew up like Flamenco, and a ton of music from all over the world that sort of developed her tastes and Rosas' musical identity.) As a child, Asha always participated in school plays especially musical theatres, so a lot of her tastes in music also stem from there (she tends to like dramatic or dynamic music). ((Her favorite instrument is the violin!)) In modern times, I imagine that she'd love to listen to anything ranging from classical music (like Swan Lake, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata) to smooth jazz, to even Gorillaz (her favorite album is a tie between Demon Dayz and Plastic Beach- but I can see her leaning towards Demon Dayz).
Valentino: loves heavy metal- (jk)
πŸ’― HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL β€” share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Lol I'll give you six because I'm feeling strangely creative today.
-Asha is a better fighter than you think she is. Growing up as the granddaughter of the captain of the guard, Asha's been practically training in self-defense for as long as she could remember. Sabino's taught her a variety of stuff- but the martial arts she uses is heavily based off of those that many warriors from Rosas' predecessors learned. She's pretty good at it (I honestly hope she'd be at this point, considering that she's been training in it since she was 5) but there's a reason why Safi, Nachos and Dario would not want to square up with Asha, despite all being bigger than her.
-Asha invented Nachos cookies! (This will probably be revealed in the story) So in one chapter Asha reveals that when she was sick the prince came to visit. She was devastated that she didn't meet him (yes- a younger Asha did have a crush on Ignacio) and when he came back, she stayed up all night to make Ignacio cookies. Long story short, he ended up spending the whole day annoying Dahlia and never got to try the cookies. (Asha then lost her crush on him)
-Asha hates astrology. No seriously- integrating magic with astronomy? It irks her to no end, which was probably why Magnifico tried to make her study it along side magic. When he found out that she had no potential for magic, he stopped trying to teach her. If you ever want to make an enemy out of Asha just tell her astrology > astronomy.
-Young Asha always dreamed of being a princess. Now when she was super little, it was admittedly for the castle, adventures and sparkly dresses. But as she grew older, it was not necessarily for the affluence, but simply because deep down, I think she saw it as a 'it's not the treasure, it's the quest sort of ordeal.' I believe that in this world, royalty has always had a sort of 'divine' connotation to it. You're given the right to rule via birthright through divine power- (Magnifico will talk about this in the upcoming chapter) so there are people born into this world to lead and the rest to follow.
Asha as a peasant girl didn't really buy into this idea- simply because she looked up to her father- a man void of all noble blood, but was crucial in helping Magnifico establish Rosas. Which, not to go on a tangent is another reason why his loss hurt Asha so much. Her father was pretty much an inspiration to Asha that you didn't need to have a rank, wealth, or magical powers to help and impact those around you, something which she aspires to do now, even though she's more or less assimilated the classist views into her self-perception.
But let's get back on track to the princess part, shall we? As a child Asha admired princesses, because of what they did to either become a princess or achieve a goal. They always defied the odds to save/inspire those who they loved or change things for the better.
I'm not sure if this dream persists- as the discovery that she couldn't do magic along with the passing of her grandmother/father definitely took a toll.
Asha's grandmother taught her how to sing! When Asha was little her grandmother would take her outside and teach her to sing!
-Asha sleeps with weapons underneath her bed.
Cepheus: (only 2 facts here because I really can't spoil anything)
-Contrary to popular opinion, Cepheus did not like Asha that much when they first met: Now I know you're probably thinking- wait but wasn't he super friendly and curious when meeting her? Yes. He was. But I'm talking about that night on the ship when after reuniting, Asha fell asleep. Cepheus is finally left alone with his thoughts and begins thinking about his situation/Asha herself. None of which I can really divulge because it's rather, ya know, spoiler-y. But I can confidently say that his opinions on her has changed.
But they're still complicated.
-Cepheus is on good terms with his nannies now. It took a lot of time to track them all down and apologize, but they're 'even' now.
-Cepheus says that annoying Asha is like six months of therapy for him.
Geeze....That's literally the only things I can share.....*nervously glances at Ceph's legal team*
10 notes Β· View notes
watchoutforthefanfics Β· 3 months
achievement unlocked πŸ”“ (part nine) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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Inspiration: this prompt + BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilish
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: innuendos, lots of talk of sex (it's Richie), cursing, brief mention of toxic relationships, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: Yes, that is the Snoop Dog Affirmations Song and L'AMOUR DE MA VIE by Billie Eilish, what about it? I recommend streaming both. Although the Billie song is probably ranked like 3rd or 4th out of the entire album (BIRDS OF A FEATHER and THE GREATEST obvi). Also the parasites possessed me and made me write this. Enjoy :))]]
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Richie was not above treating himself like the main character. Honestly, he thought everyone should. It's like self-love or whatever.
Steve told him he should, so he allowed himself some passes.
Currently, he was blasting a song -dancing around his kitchen as he cooked some chicken dish. He was actually stalking Gordon Ramsay's account and found it, and then, he convinced himself he could do it. And to be fair, he had a prevalent interest in cooking (maybe because he had to do it a lot growing up but still), so he might actually be able to make it. Plus, it was the simplest he could find (just chicken and a list of ingredients).
"There is no one better to be than myself," he sung, doing some sort of shuffle, before raising his voice, "-there is no one better to be than myself."
He slid along the floor with his socks, leaving the chicken on the counter with the seasonings mixed beside it in a bowl. Doing something very similar to the cha-cha in the Cha-Cha Slide, he moved toward the middle of his kitchen.
"Today is gonna be an amazing day," he repeated, "-today is gonna be an amazing day."
He moved back over to the counter, grabbing the bowl and dumping it onto the chicken.
"My feelings matter," Richie hummed along, busying himself with the other ingredients, "-my feelings ma-"
There was a buzz against the counter. Richie popped out of his thoughts, nearly instantly, and stopped singing. He skipped over to his phone to the beat.
e.kaspbrak is trying to videochat
Richie grinned.
"Hello, Spaghetti-" he called out (adjacent to a 'Hello, Vietnam!' impression), setting up his phone against the paper towels. The song continued to play on his home speaker, he did turn it down to hear him, though, "-what's up?"
He scanned over him, noting the much messier hair and peek of some sort of pastel t-shirt. Maybe a polo, actually-
Eddie scrunched up his nose (Richie thought it might be his favorite thing ever when he did that), a betraying little smile slipping onto his lips, "What the fuck are you listening to?"
🎡 'I choose to be happy, I cho-' 🎡
Richie faux gasped, fully turned to his phone, "Eds, you're breaking my heart."
"What?" Eddie laughed a little, "-I've never heard that shit in my life."
He placed a hand on his heart dramatically, as Richie Tozier does, "-You've never heard Doggyland's Affirmation Song?"
"No," Eddie answered -flatly, but still smiling.
"Wow," Richie shook his head, tsking, and moving to focus on his chicken, "-you have a lot to learn, Spaghetti. Luckily, I'm a great fucking teacher-"
Eddie decidedly ignored him, brown eyes smoothing over his hands (lingering for a second) -which were currently busy with his food, "What are you doing?"
Richie grinned, "Ah, my dear Eds, you have a front-row seat to Chef Tozier's famous chicken-"
"There's no fucking way you can cook," Eddie cut him off.
Richie pursed his lips, acting offended, "Why not?"
"You're fucking Trashmouth Tozier," Eddie pointed out, "-You ate Chef Boyardee last stream."
"SpaghettiOs, actually, if you're gonna insult me, get it right," Richie chimed, playfully, "-and I don't have the attention span to cook all the time. Plus, it's kinda boring cooking for myself. What am I supposed to do? 'Compliments to the chef', that's fucking me-"
"Fine," Eddie relented, teasing really, "-What are you making, Chef Tozier?"
"Uh," Richie pursed his lips, thinking back to the post, "-chicken...? Gordon's post didn't really have the name of the dish, other than like 'This is an amazing dish for your family!'. You know internet recipe type shit."
"Gordon?" Eddie asked, and Richie almost heard a little jealousy. It was cute.
"Ramsay," Richie clarified, smiling just a little bit.
"You're cooking a Gordon Ramsay recipe?!"
"Uh, yeah...?" Richie laughed, turning to the phone -raising an eyebrow, "-You know he posts those, right?"
Eddie puffed out his cheeks (in that cute little way he did when he was flustered), "Is it not like... fancy shit? Like fucking... gold leaf?"
"Eddie baby, it's not fucking escargot," Richie leveled, grinning (a little like he didn't want to be anywhere else), "-it's chicken."
"No, I fucking get that, asshole," Eddie clarified, a blush flickering up his cheeks (Richie wanted to know why so he could do it again), "-it's just Gordon Ramsay. He has like Michelin stars and shit."
"You think Gordon is snooty?" Richie questioned, voice in something like a salesman, "-You think he only caters to the fanciest of the fancy? No, my friend, he's for the underdogs, the average person-"
"Alright, alright," Eddie laughed, trying to play it off as frustrated, "-I fucking get it, Richie. You can stop now."
Richie snickered a little, before his mind buzzed over -entirely focused on the meal. That was his thing, he was either intently focused or literally in another dimension -absorbing fuck all. Now, though, he moved instinctively -brain lowered to a gentle hum. It always made him feel better, doing shit. Usually as a distraction (maybe when it all felt too loud), but still. It was nice.
Somewhere in his head, he noted that the song had changed.
🎡 'But I need to confess, I told you a lie-' 🎡
"I said you, you~" Richie hummed, busying his hands, "-were the love of my life-"
"Do you do this a lot?"
"Shit," Richie jumped, letting out a breath, "-I forgot you were there, Eds."
Eddie ignored it, thoughtfully looking at him -Richie couldn't quite label what exactly he was seeing in his eyes, "Do you?"
"Cook?" Richie questioned, to which Eddie nodded, "-Sometimes. I used to cook a lot when I was growing up, so I like to do it. It's just, isn't really, uh, fun when you're by yourself."
Richie watched Eddie's lips purse for a moment, brown eyes gently smoothing over his face. It made Richie roll his lips together, before ducking his head and making sure everything was mixed together -properly. Was it was the oven or the stove top-
"Well," Eddie finally spoke -leaning against his hand and just staring (Richie wasn't sure how to take it), "-you're not by yourself this time."
"I am not," Richie smiled at Eddie, tilting his head slightly -heart caught up in his throat a little, "-That is true, Eds."
Eddie paused, eyes smoothing over Richie (if he was honest with himself, in admiration). It made Richie want to do that thing where people jump in the air and snap their heels together (a heel click maybe?). Every time Eddie looked at him, he'd honestly do that -if he had a little less dignity, that is. Which he was kinda threading the needle honestly (especially since that would probably make Eddie laugh).
Which was, in retrospect, probably his favorite sound in the world. It made him woozy, sometimes, with just fucking... affection. And Richie wasn't sure how to like handle it, other than slipping out incredibly genuine compliments. He'd always been more of a touchy person, and acts of service (he really fucking liked doing things for people). So, he really couldn't like fully express his... feelings for Eddie. Not until he was like here, which he would be relatively soon. That's kind of fucking sick, actually-
"I can't cook for shit."
Richie spun to him at the words, tilting his head curiously (not unlike a puppy), "Seriously?"
"Yeah," Eddie breathed out, "-my Mom used to always cook for me. Something about being fucking healthy, I guess, and maybe... maybe controlling me. And then, the girlfriend she made me have did the same."
Richie stepped over to the phone now, leaning slightly on the counter, "What about boyfriends?"
Eddie pressed his lips together into a thin line, not quite looking at Richie. It looked a little like he was debating something.
Richie wanted to ask, and he almost did.
"Richie, you're like..." he started hesitantly, puffing up his cheeks like he was a little embarrassed -red bubbled up his face, "-the first boyfriend I've ever had."
Richie stalled in place (for two reasons: what he was saying and Eddie calling him his boyfriend), "What?"
"I've had my first kiss and shit like that," Eddie clarified, "-but I've never like officially went on a date-"
"What the fuck."
Eddie was fidgeting, maybe a little flustered, "I have no fucking clue why you're so surprised."
Richie didn't process those words, instead choosing to ask again, "You've never had a boyfriend, Eds?"
"I just fucking said that dumbass," Eddie answered, before rambling -maybe a little embarrassed, "-and it's really not that fucking surprising, some people don't even have their first kiss until their 20s-"
"No, Eddie, I'm not fucking judging you," Richie quickly clarified, stopping what he could easily see was a Kaspbrak spiral, "-You're just... You're so fucking cute, how have you never had a boyfriend?"
Eddie pressed his lips together, failing to hide a smile, "Just because you think I'm cute doesn't mean everyone does, dipshit."
"Eds, I'm so serious," Richie leveled, "-If I asked the groupchat right now, if they thought you were cute, they would all say yes."
"You're fucking ridiculous, Richie," Eddie shook his head, smiling.
"I'm gonna fucking do it," he grabbed his phone, closing out the call for a second, "-just you fucking wait, Kaspbrak."
"Richie, don't-"
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
do u guys think eds is cute ?
objective opinions
reddy.bevvy βœ”οΈ
oh I know the answer to this one !!!
yes 😘
mike.me.up βœ”οΈ
hell yeah
big.bill βœ”οΈ
I don't know what he looks like?
benny.boy.official βœ”οΈ
of course ☺️
stan.the.man βœ”οΈ
@/big.bill Ditto.
Richie had a photo he'd screenshotted once in one of their photo wars. (It was where they sent pictures back and forth until someone stopped. Richie particularly liked using haunting fucking filters.) This one though, was maybe the cutest, or maybe most beautiful thing in the world (to Richie at least).
He had his nose shriveled up, assumedly in response to Richie's selfie (which was probably some kind of fucked up) and he had like a half smile half frown. His hair was a little messy and his freckles were fairly obvious in the sun, and his brown eyes were the particular kind of shiny that people posted about. (Golden hour, he thinks.) So, they shimmered a kinda orange. Richie had been debating making it his phone background for like weeks.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
attached image
The replies were almost instant.
stan.the.man βœ”οΈ
Yeah, and I'm very surprised he's dating your shitty ass.
Patty also says yes.
big.bill βœ”οΈ
What the fuck? He's dating you?
He's like one tick away from a fucking puppy. Or maybe one of those grumpy little cats.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
fuck u guys
but also thanks for backing me up 😘😘😘
Richie grinned, eyes lingering on the photo for a second. My boyfriend, his mind chimed, and if he did an embarrassing dance that was for his eyes only, He's my boyfriend.
He let that word thrum under his skin for a few moments, before silently moving to go back to the call. Eddie wasn't back yet, probably scrolling through the responses. Or maybe off being a little flustered. Richie loved it when he got flustered, in the cute kinda way.
Humming along with a new song (one about shitty exes, he's pretty sure), Richie grabbed the chicken -was it stovetop or oven? On the spare thought that he might’ve written it down, Richie spun back to the other counter -eyes peering along the surface. He could try and find the post again, but then he'd have to stalk his fucking account and he posts so much-
"You're such a dick," chimed out through the air.
Richie spun on his toes, toward his phone, which he'd set in the same spot it was before.
"Whatever do you mean, Edward?" Richie playfully questioned, in a fancy (posh, if you will) British accent.
Eddie was smiling, but his face was a few shades redder at the moment than it was before. Richie wanted to pinch them, and maybe kiss them, so much that Eddie would get sick of it. Fuck long distance-
"You're a shithead," Eddie chimed, "-Are you almost ready to fucking cook that? You've been prepping for so fucking long-"
"Yeah, yeah," Richie confirmed, before skimming over the counter -eyes snagging on a sticky note, bingo. Snatching it up, he read it (oven) and the instructions before turning and grabbing his phone, "-save the dirty talk for the bedroom, yada, yada, etcetera, etcetera."
Eddie rolled his eyes, as Richie focused on putting the chicken in the oven (turned out he had forgotten that he had already fucking preheated it, sometimes he was truly a lost cause). With practiced hands, he slid on the oven mitts (a little like he was a surgeon in a medical drama). Which he decided to run with.
"My god, he's unresponsive! We must put him into the incubator," he dramatically opened the oven, sliding the chicken into it (all the while lowering his voice), "-so as to preserve his life-"
Turning to face the other side, he made his voice higher, "But, doctor, he's allergic to incubation!"
He turned back the other way and spoke, with a low voice, "It's the only way, Violet. We mu-"
"You do that a lot?"
Richie blinked again, turning to the camera -his glasses fogged up from the heat (he's pretty sure he heard some screenshotting). Taking off his glasses, he brought them to the end of his shirt and wiped them clean -situating them right back onto his face. And with that same breath, set the timer on the oven.
Finally, he faced his phone, "I told ya, Eds, I used to do skits by myself when I was like 12. Of fucking course I do it a lot."
Eddie was smiling at him with soft kinda eyes (it made Richie's heart flutter), "So, it's something you don't really show people?"
"Uh," Richie was suddenly incredibly embarrassed, "-no. It's kinda a personal thing that I just... sometimes do. I didn't even think about the fact that you'd see it-"
"It's cute," Eddie chimed, before Richie could get very far -his head tilted and leaning on the palm of his hand (his elbow against a table, assumedly) and Richie nearly fainted, "-Reminds me of your streams."
He almost asked what part of his streams were cute, of all things, but then he remembered the celebrity crush thing. Eddie just fucking watching him and liking him and his stupid face and his shitty jokes. God, he really needed to fucking focus-
"My streams?"
"Just you genuinely fucking enjoying yourself," Eddie clarified, still staring at him -dreamily somehow (Richie Tozier? Dreamy? Yeah, somebody fucked something up-), "-it's really fucking cute."
Richie thinks for a second about the fact that other people would maybe call him a dork, or a nerd maybe. How his old boyfriends would tell him to stop, that he was acting weird, and it was embarrassing them. That he was embarrassing. And then, he thinks about Eddie. Who was smiling at him (in a way that made Richie want to maybe lie down and daydream every physical scenario that he could about the guy) and softly complimenting him for shit that other people would hate. Had hated before.
Richie just grinned, red splotchy patches climbing up his face (and something in his stomach swirling), "Thanks, Spaghetti."
Now, it was a day later, and Richie was trying to call Bev. An emergency. But not like an actual emergency, but an emergency-
He rolled his eyes at himself -tapping the pencil along the paper he'd brought out. At the current moment, he was sat at his counter (on a barstool), pursing his lips together, and listening to the phone ring. Bev was taking a little long to answer, Richie had a running theory that it was because of Ben.
Well, his theory wasn't just that Ben was distracting her. It was a wider-scale thing, he had the running theory that something was going on between them. That maybe they didn't even recognize.
The funny thing about the Losers Club is that a lot of them, weirdly, already knew each other beforehand. Like previously said, Mike and Ben grew up together and by fucking impossible chance met back up through Twitch. And now he guessed with Eddie, he was connected to the two of them and Richie (being in his chat in the first place). Another example of this phenomenon (that Richie was still in the process of naming, it had to be fucking good) was Bev and Bill.
Stanley, after finding Richie, did some sleuthing and found Bill. He was actually bigger than both of them (even though at the time they were on the up and up, and now Richie, surprisingly, was the biggest of them all) and brought something to the table neither of them properly had. Skill, or just general knowledge of the game. He always knew what he was doing, whereas Stan didn't want to waste his time learning video game shit, and Richie didn't even look at fucking tutorials (balls to the wall kinda shit). He was number 3. Gaining a Mike, you move on to number 5: Bev. Richie actually found her. He guessed because Bev was local, she was in his recommended on Twitch. He'd taken a shot and joined her stream, shooting off some oneliners, being himself, you know. She'd bounced off him with poise and grace, Richie was fucking fascinated.
All that to say, they all met each other and then boom, turns out Bev and Billy had some fucking history. High-school sweethearts, who had amicably split, thank god. (The Losers Club still had fucking training wheels, that drama could've ruined everything.) As far as Richie knew they never tried to reconnect in that way. (He couldn't be completely certain, he guessed.) But he knew they weren't now, at the very least.
But Ben and Bev?
The floor is yours, it is possible, my friend.
Ben was physically in Bev's chat, hence the founding of his theory. It didn't take a genius to see that one Ben Hanscom was deadly into one Beverly Marsh. (There was actually this whole fucking movement on the internet about it. Which Richie distinctly was not sure how to feel about.) And Ben, sweet Benny boy, was always writing poems about a muse (more often than not with fiery hair). Bev, noteably, watched his streams. It was very reciprocated though, and Richie had been watching it unfold for almost a year now.
He was pretty fucking invested-
"Hi, this is Bev! Leave me a message and I'll get back to you."
Richie groaned, throwing himself back against the pillows. Time for plan B.
With a quick flick through his contacts, he clicked the one he needed and waited -impatiently, if anyone was asking.
"Billy!" Richie burst out with a big grin, "-How's the high life treatin' ya?"
Bill was plan B because he lived in LA, closer than any other loser (other than Bev) and he needed location help.
"It's... okay, too hot to leave th-the house," Bill laughed, "-You n-never fucking call me, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, Billiam," Richie explained, "-I just need some help. It's kinda like a question, honestly-"
"S-Shoot," Bill echoed out -certain. He was headstrong as shit, it was really fucking scary on the right day. (Richie was impulsive/brave, and Bill was impulsively brave. If that made any sense.)
"Best date ideas you can think of, go," Richie announced like he was covering a race or something.
"In g-general, or what?"
"I was gonna ask specifically for San Francisco, but Bev isn't answering her fucking phone," Richie whined, letting out a deep breath, "-So I figured you might know something, somewhere nearby."
"Rich," Bill leveled, "-L-LA is six fucking ho-hours away from San Francisco. Do you w-wanna drive six hours for a d-date?"
Richie honestly debated driving to New York every day (Eddie hated planes), so six hours was entirely doable. For him anyway.
"Uh, maybe," he offered, awkwardly, "-if the idea's good enough."
"Th-This is for Eddie, r-right?" Bill clarified, and Richie could hear the clicking of his keyboard, "-Stanley t-told me he's moving in k-kinda soon."
"Yeah, a little under 3 months now, maybe close to 2 and a half, actually," Richie confirmed, mind wandering on the thought for a second. Eddie... coming to live with him. He was still totally normal about it. Completely fucking normal-
"I can tell it's s-serious," Bill added, before questioning, "-What's w-with the pr-preplanning though?"
"I'm Eddie's first boyfriend," it rumbled out of his chest (he still couldn't fucking believe that shit, what the fuck), "-and he's never been on an actual... date. So, ya know, I just wanna..."
"Give it t-to him," Bill finished, thoughtfully, "-Well, I'm g-gonna help you th-through this. We're gonna f-figure this shit out."
Richie fucking believed him.
"O-Okay, so I don't know s-shit about San Francisco, an-and neither do y-you," Bill started, "-but, the f-fucking internet d-does."
And the internet did, in fact, know.
His conversation with Bill had to be pretty quick, he had an interview or meeting or something. He'd taken to writing books recently, and somebody wanted to give him a shot. Hear him out. But they did narrow down some options, which was better than where he started. And Bev still hadn't called him back, so it was kinda all he had.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
eddie baby
spaghetti 🍝
I'm ur boyfriend stop ignoring me
What the fuck do you want, asshole?
You know I'm with Ben right now.
Right, Ben also lived in New York. Which was also kinda lucky, and definitely added to his proclaimed "phenomenon". So, he noted it somewhere in the back of his head.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
wow ur boyfriend can't want attention ???
I see how it is 😀
also I know for a fact he's on a call with Bev so
How do you know that?
Bingo, another piece of evidence for his theory.
He paused a second, reflecting. He should seriously go outside more often-
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
she wasn't answering her phone
and I have a theory they are madly in love w each other
You might actually have a fucking point, moron.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
awe, my boyfriend called me stupid πŸ₯Ί
He could practically see the eye roll, all the way in New York.
Shut the fuck up.
You know I like you.
Now, what do you want?
Richie smiled, kicking his feet a little, and wished he could fly. He felt a little like that Rudolph scene where the girl deer thought he was cute (that made him fly, right?). So maybe flying would do the trick to represent the flutter in his heart.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
how do u feel about trampoline parks ?
or picnics in a botanical garden
or mini golf
Richie, what the fuck are you talking about?
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
date ideas
I'm planning out dates which u should be proud of me for
or impressed I'll take either
Richie paused for a second, not sure how to take that. But, it was Eddie so he didn't think it would be bad. Not really.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
uh yeah
I'm ur first boyfriend
and u have never been on a date
so I figured I'd be a good fucking bf and plan that shit out
bc u deserve them
I think that is the nicest shit anyone has ever done for me.
Brownie points, his mind chimed. But, still it was a little upsetting. Eddie was like... worth the fucking world to him. Why did he have such a shitty life?
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
well I'm gonna be ur best boyfriend ever sooooo
Maybe my only boyfriend ever.
Richie froze, not in the bad kinda way, and his heart skipped a beat. Maybe the drive to New York really wouldn't be that bad? I mean, it's a long time and Richie would get so fucking bored that he'd be insufferable. But, Eddie would be at the end of it. That would make all the shit worth it-
Which could also be because you fuck it up so bad that I swear off dating forever.
Or you were so shit as a boyfriend that I become straight.
Richie laughed, before carefully typing.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
but the other way too ?
Yeah, the other way too.
Richie grinned, feeling so woozy that he might fall out of his chair. He wanted to twirl his hair, and write in a diary. Or maybe skip (literally skipping) through the streets of San Francisco, smiling too big.
I think the trampoline park would be more for you.
Which I wouldn't mind because I like seeing you happy.
Richie laughed again.
The garden thing actually sounds really nice.
If you can stay still for that long.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
I just need something to focus on
and I can def focus on u eds πŸ˜‰
You're such an idiot.
And I like the idea of mini-golf.
But I am so fucking competitive that you should physically take that into consideration.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
I'll let u win
don't worry your pretty lil head about it spaghetti
You better fucking not.
And I'll win fair and square anyway.
Richie almost typed out a response, ready to keep the bickering going-
I've always wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge.
If we could do that.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
oh fucking course we can do that eds
I'd buy it for u if it was in my budget
rename it the eds bridge
or maybe eddie baby's bridge
I like that one.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
my hypothetical bridge name ?
Just the name.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
what eddie baby ?
Yes, dipshit.
Do you have any kind of reading comprehension?
Richie laughed a little, a smile still spread across his lips. Eddie baby. Yeah, okay, he could work with that.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
idk eddie baby
my teacher always said I was troubled πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
You're not going to let go of that, are you?
Richie grinned.
trashmouth.tozier βœ”οΈ
oh no fucking chance eds
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creativecuquilu Β· 7 months
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Happy Valentine's day!
Because I absolutely love Jon Pertwee, I thought it was better to choose this day to show you six more of his roles besides the Third Doctor. That is not all, I've even included him from the album Jon Pertwee sings song for vulgar boatmen. Not only he's an amazing actor and Doctor Who incarnation, he's got a heavenly voice as well 🎡 Please, I'm begging you, listen to My grandfather's clock in the Children's favourites album from 1966...you won't get his precious vocal chords out of your head.
Looks like I'm going to fanart him to death this year...I'm so sorry, Gomez.
Hope you like it!
Artwork (c)Β @CreativeCuquiLu Worzel GummidgeΒ (c) Southern TV The House that Dripped Blood (c) Amicus Productions Carry on Screaming! (c) The Rank Organisation Will Any Gentleman...? (c) Associated British Picture Corporation (this movie also features William Hartnell πŸ‘΄πŸ») Jon Pertwee sings song for vulgar boatmenΒ (c) Phillips Records Children's favouritesΒ (c)Β Music for Pleasure
WATCH IT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIV39VMBwiU
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whatgaviiformes Β· 2 years
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Spotify Wrapped 2022 πŸ’›πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅
Unsurprisingly, the top songs are all part of the Tracy Seaside Playlist. I spent a lot of time in that world, cultivating that headspace. Listens doesn't equal favorites here. Of those five, for favorites, "Beautiful Dawn" is in the right spot. "I Don't Like Myself" would be the new discovery, as it was released with Imagine Dragons' new album. The others are classics, which if had to rank from most meaningful to me to least it would be "Out Loud" "Hopeless Wanderer" then the Weepies.
For artists - guess what I write to? It's Audiomachine, theFatRat, and ODEZSA. The latter also had a few songs featured in the Hold Fast playlist. So they are a good representation of early 2022 for me. βš“
Shanties are timeless, so I am not at all surprised to see The Longest Johns here. They had a new album at this year as well. And I guarantee you somewhere on the playlist is "Downed and Drowned". Also reflects back to Hold Fast, the more sea focused part of the year.
I'd agree with this list. There certainly so much more I listen to. And I'd be curious to see what the songs would be outside of the TSOF songs. πŸŽΆπŸ’ƒ
Edit: Here they are-
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ijustdontlikepeople Β· 2 years
for song ranking -
you don't go to parties
red line 🎡
Hey Jules!
These is incredibly hard bc those are all in my top half of the album.
1. Emotions - I can’t get over Michael’s voice and the lyric content? Relatable
2. YDGTP - I love Cashton’s harmonies and it’s such a cinematic storyline
3. Red Line - I’m a sucker for a train lol and Ashton’s voice memo version?? Tears. But lyrics don’t hit quite as hard as the others
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signalsfrommars Β· 9 months
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tangyangie Β· 9 months
hii i love ur writing smm<33 i hope you're doing well--- im a huge swiftie too, what's your ranking of all her albums??
ohhh my god this is hard but i can do this
so my rating system is that i basically give an 11 to my favorite song on the album, and everything else is either 10 or below.
1. MIDNIGHTS (10.05) 🌠
nothing will ever compare to how much i love midnights honestly. would've could've should've and the great war and maroon literally cannot be bested. glitch sweet nothing midnight rain i could go on!!!
2. 1989 (9.95) πŸ™οΈ
this was the album that started my swiftieness and the vaults made it even better. i love this album so much and the fact it's been themed as a beach album now is an absolute yes from me ALSO this love being my surprise song literally killed me it was the most magical bridge ever AKDJKSSK
3. folklore & evermore (9.94) 🧺
yes of course her indie albums are a tie... folklore was my fav at the start but evermore is a grower. evermore has amazing songs and i love it so much but folklore is a great album as a whole AGDHHSHE
4. REPUTATIOOON (9.93) πŸ“°
honestly i feel like this should be higher but i was really only taking songs into account πŸ’” honestly i love the two sides of this album it makes me so happy but i can't wait for vaults also REP TV ANNOUNCEMENT NEW YEAR'S DAY PLEASE
5. speak now (9.86) πŸŽ†
my fav country album of hers hands down ALSO foolish one literally changed my life idk i'm so glad for the vaults and this album has some of my favorite songs ever so πŸ€—πŸ€—
6. LπŸ’–VEEERRR (9.84) 🍬
this album is literally a roller coaster... has afterglow which is my fav song ever and has false god which is also one of my favs and i love it so much sobs and if you don't love this album you hate fun and happiness and everything
7. RED (9.79) 🧣
this also is also a grower and it's SOO LONG and forever winter and all too well tmv literally have me in a chokehold there is not a day you won't find me humming these
8. FEARLESS (9.57) ⭐️
has some of her greatest songs ever and also FOREVER AND ALWAYS was my surprise song and i sobbed cause i was so happy i love this album so much also the vaults are so underrated?? like don't you is one of the best ones
9. Taylor Swift (9.50) 🎡
country taylor 🫢🫢 i love her yeehaw accent and she better bring it back for debut tv cause we know she can
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jimiminily Β· 10 months
πŸŒΉπ»π‘Žπ‘π‘π‘¦ π‘π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘‘β„Žπ‘‘π‘Žπ‘¦ π½π‘–π‘›πŸŒΉ
Enjoy your 31! πŸ’œ
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Happiest birthday seokjinnie πŸŽ‚πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰
I wish u eternal health, happiness and safety β™‘
In about 9 days (if it's 13 nov) it'll mark 1 year since you enlisted in the military πŸ₯Ή 6 months to go and you're finally discharged (12 June 2024)!
I feel the void so much TT I miss you but I'm also rlly proud of you because wdym you're a sergeant and a special warrior??? I'm stunned..
I love you so so much πŸ’œπŸ«Ά
Next year, we'll finally celebrate together ⭐
Message from Jin : Dec 2023 πŸ’Œ
Happy Birthday to Me~🎡 ↑
[2023 JIN DAY]
More Photo
The singer-songwriter received universal acclaim for his debut solo single β€˜The Astronaut’ which broke the record for highest first-day sales for any soloist’s single album on Hanteo at the time. He has been recognized for his contributions to Korean culture and is one of the most influential K-act figures globally.
Happy 31st Birthday to BTS' gorgeous, super talented vocalist and songwriter, the chart-topping, record-breaking, history-making Million Seller, Mr Worldwide Handsome JIN! Jin has surpassed 1 BILLION streams on Spotify across all songs on the platform. His Global smash hit 'The Astronaut' is the longest-charting song on Shazam and the most Shazamed Korean song in history with over 16,528,334 Million Shazams. Jin is the first and only Asian artist to have 2 solo songs reach #1 on the Shazam Global chart for 100 days! He is also the 1st Asian solo artist to surpass 35.4 Million Shazams across all of his 8 solo songs! Jin's accolades include The Global Artist award at the 2022 Hanteo Music Awards, a Circle Million Seller certification for 1 Million sales of the Astronaut and a RIAJ gold certification for The Astronaut which ranked #68 on Rolling Stone's Best songs of 2022! πŸ‘πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰
jin weverse post
'🐹 hello, its jin.
im truly thankful to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.
i always enjoyed my birthday together with ARMYs with a live but my heart hurts because unfortunately i couldnt enjoy it with you all this year. although i physically can not be together with you all, please know that my heart is having a fun time with you all hehe
a year has already passed since i have enlisted in the military.
there is still a lot of time left, but my heart races with the thought of being together with you all after just a third more of the total time.
ah also i heard that our members are enlisting.. (kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke) tearsd (typo) are blurring my vision γ… γ…  i hope that time goes by quickly so that i can have a good time again with the members and ARMYs.
thank you once again for the birthday wishes and i will see you soon.
β€» this was currently sergeant kim seokjin who has been promoted early once again due to his outstanding military service (important)'
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freaxs-blog Β· 1 year
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Today we celebrate the incredible talent and musical genius of Bill Bruford, one of the most influential drummers in the history of rock and progressive music. From his humble beginnings to his remarkable achievements, Bruford's journey has been nothing short of extraordinary 🎢
Bill Bruford was born on this day, and little did the world know that they were witnessing the birth of a future legend. Growing up in Sevenoaks, England, he developed a deep passion for drumming at a young age. His dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence laid the foundation for his remarkable musical career.
Throughout his journey, Bruford graced the stage with several legendary bands, leaving an indelible mark on the music industry. He played a pivotal role in the formation and evolution of Yes, where his intricate rhythms and complex time signatures propelled the band to new heights of progressive rock greatness. 🌟
Bruford's musical prowess didn't stop there. He later joined forces with the iconic Robert Fripp to become a founding member of King Crimson. With his unparalleled drumming skills, he helped shape the band's groundbreaking sound and contributed to some of their most iconic albums, including the legendary "Red."
"Red" stands as a testament to King Crimson's musical complexity, with its intricate compositions and boundary-pushing experimentation. The album showcases Bruford's virtuosity, as he navigates through ever-shifting time signatures and delivers powerful and dynamic performances that defy conventions. 🎡
Throughout his career, Bill Bruford's contributions to the world of drumming and progressive music have been immeasurable. His innovative playing style, technical proficiency, and ability to push musical boundaries have earned him immense respect among fans and fellow musicians alike. His ranking as one of the greatest drummers in history is well-deserved and unquestionable. πŸ₯πŸ”
As we celebrate his birthday, let's remember a fun fact about Bill Bruford: he is not only an exceptional drummer but also a keen writer, having published insightful books about his experiences in the music industry. A true Renaissance man!
Join us in honoring this musical genius by sharing your favorite Bill Bruford moments and memories.
Happy Birthday, Bill Bruford! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰ Your music continues to inspire and captivate generations of musicians and fans alike. Thank you for the gift of your incredible talent! πŸ™Œβœ¨
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suyunsgf Β· 3 years
Anyways.. I THINK!
Goosebumps > fat and sugar > whistle > show must go on > alarm
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girlsgenerati0n Β· 2 years
bestie!!! whenever you get a chance, I wanna know ur ranking of the snsd album im curious cuz im liking it so far (only if u wanna of course ☺️☺️☺️)
i am....... not kidding when i say i'm sobbing. like i didn't think i would cry but i am 😭😭
if you wanna skip all of my ranting to the ratings i don't blame you & i'll mark it down at the bottom in bold with a πŸ’–
THE TITLE TRACK MY GOD πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• first off, i liked it more on my 2nd listen. for some reason, even though i knew it was a dance pop song, i didn't expect it to be as dancey as it is aksjbfe
the part "girls, we are forever" made me tear up like i just love them so much 😭😭 i really liked the song honestly, it's definitely a really good dance bop & it feels kind of like new 4th gen stuff but also like it has a lot of snsd's retro pop vibe to it, if that makes sense? at least that's what i got lol. also hyoyeon!! MY GIRL DESERVED MORE LINES COME ONNNNNN but she got more lines on the rest of the album so i'm alright but her part at the end also made me tear up 😭😭 forever 1 is really good!!
lucky like that & paper planes are such sweet songs!! they remind me of very early soshi & i thought they were super adorable!!
mood lamp is so SEXY MY GOD i got kind of genie vibes from it which i hope that's what they were going for & i love it so much πŸ’•
closer is also super alluring but also just super cute & i really love it too
summer night & freedom to me are such SUMMER BOPS LIKE YES MY SUMMER QUEENS ARE BACKKKKK πŸŒˆπŸŒŠπŸ–πŸŒž i loved the vocals on all the songs bc VOCAL QUEENS πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘ but especially in freedom 😌
now hyo's rap in seventeen......... i was NOT expecting that & IT WAS SO GOOD like i'm actually losing it 😭😭 seventeen is such a cute but also grown up song, if that makes sense?? i loved it I LOVED EVERY SONG WHAT CAN I SAY SKJBKELWBKEF
YOU BETTER RUN & VILLIAN πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🀩🀩🀩🀩😍😭😭πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
i FELL OFF MY BED I'M NOT KIDDING LIKE??????? I DID NOT EXPECT GIRL CRUSH SOSHI!!!!! i had hope that we would have at least one when i heard that you better run was a continuation of run devil run but not TWO??????? LIKE I STARTED CRYING ALL OVER AGAIN WHEN YOU BETTER RUN CAME ON I LOVE THEM SOOOOOO MUCH
you better run is so interesting!! i thought it might sound like rdr but it didn't & i'm actually glad bc it's got such an interesting/different instrumental & IT'S JUST SO GOOD!!!!! i was kind of hoping there would be like more of a beat as the song went on but i'm actually not upset that there isn't bc the kind of anti-drop feel really adds to the spookiness & message of the song & it's just AMAZINGGGGGGGGG especially bc i absolutely love girl crush soshi & i always wished that they did more songs like that 😌 i kind of wish that they did at least a couple more songs that are continuations of past hits but at the same time i'm glad they had a bunch of different songs & i'm so glad that it was rdr bc I STILL THINK RUN DEVIL RUN DESERVES MORE LOVE
i dare say that this should have been the title track like i LOVE forever 1 & forever 1 fits their usually title tracks a bit better but this song HAS CRACK IN IT MY GOD
i LITERALLY have had it on repeat since i finished listening to the whole album like tHE VOCALS????? HYO & YOONA & SOOYOUNG'S LITTLE RAPS?????? πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ THAT'S MY SOSHI
SO my ranking is
villain - you better run/forever 1 - seventeen - closer/mood lamp - summer night/freedom - lucky like that/paper planes
there are NO bad songs on this album, i literally & wholeheartedly LOVED THEM ALL
but that's my ranking as to what i'll probably listen to first if i'm not just letting the album go on repeat
thank you so much for letting me scream taylor πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
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piassportjacke Β· 4 years
// LOVER -ts // HEARTBREAK WEATHER - niall // CALM -5sos // HAPPINESS BEGINS - jonas brothers
i wanna do the album thing but i dont know what music you listen to since you blog is pretty much just b99 lol so im gonna listen a few and you choose whichever one you want if you've listen to them in another ask ok....
thank you so much!! the only one i have a proper opinion about is lover since i honestly don’t think i’ve ever listened to the others. i will listen to them though and get to you about them once i have!
so lover:
paper rings
death by a thousand cuts
the man
cruel summer
it’s nice to have a friend
you need to calm down
soon you’ll get better
cornelia street
london boy
miss americana & the heartbreak prince
the archer
false god
i forgot that you existed
i think he knows
send me an album and i’ll rank all the songs on it 🎡
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jamieroxxartist Β· 3 years
Today in Pop Culture History: Dec 14, 1979: #TheClash released their third studio album #LondonCalling. The double album received widespread acclaim and was ranked at number eight on Rolling Stone's list of The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time in 2003 and was ranked as the sixth-greatest album of the 1970s by NME.
🎡 When they kick at your front door How you gonna come? With your hands on your head Or on the trigger of your gun? 🎡
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suyunsgf Β· 2 years
the obsession album? πŸ‘€
Anon, first of all I want to say THANK YOU for getting me to relisten to this album because it is SAUR good and it's been too long since I last did a listen through! That being said it's sooo hard to rank let's goo!!
Jekyll > yayaya > trouble > obsession > goove > baby you are > non stop > butterfly effect > day after day
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suyunsgf Β· 2 years
don't care about me > two > truth > drive me to the moon > nanana > don't leave me alone
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suyunsgf Β· 2 years
Did I ever post my got7 album rankings?
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