recoverthyself · 1 year
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Alcohol Dependence Vs. Alcohol Abuse: What’s The Difference?
Alcohol Dependence and Alcohol Abuse may seem like two sides of the same coin, but they are very different beasts altogether. Think of it like a raging river - alcohol abuse is like getting caught in the current, tossed around, and battered by the waves. Alcohol dependence, on the other hand, is like being sucked down into a whirlpool, unable to break free. Alcohol abuse is characterized by reckless behavior, such as drinking and driving or getting into fights while intoxicated. Alcohol dependence, on the other hand, is marked by physical and psychological dependence on alcohol - meaning that your body and mind have become so accustomed to alcohol that you can't function without it. The symptoms of alcohol dependence can be frightening, from tremors and seizures to hallucinations and delirium. But with the right treatment, you can break free from the whirlpool of alcohol dependence and find solid ground once again. It's not an easy journey, but it's a journey that's worth taking - because on the other side of the whirlpool lies a life of sobriety, freedom, and hope.
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SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM Some of the signs of a drinking problem, as designated by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, include...
Continue Reading at: https://www.floridacenterforrecovery.com/blog-detail.php…
If you or a loved one is struggling with Alcohol Addiction and would like to explore treatment options, call us at (800) 851-3291 or visit our Addiction Treatment Programs’ page for a better insight about or rehab programs.
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billysigudla · 5 years
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IT’S NOT JUST YOU The Problem With Self-Control I was at the #airport waiting for a flight, to #portelizabeth #bluewaterbay one of my #pastoralmeetings, when a 60-something man sat down next to me and whipped out a book. The title grabbed my attention: I’ll Quit Tomorrow: A Practical Guide to #AlcoholismTreatment. I asked him about it and immediately regretted doing so. He was clearly embarrassed by the question. He shifted in his seat and flipped the book over to hide the title. “I’m writing a book on #selfcontrol,” I told him. “That’s why your book caught my eye.” These words seemed to ease his apprehension. “I’ve been clean for years, but I’m starting to help other people who have the same issue,” he told me. What did he think about self-control? “It’s important,” he said. “But if you rely on self-control alone, you’re dead. You need a community around you. I know alcoholics who haven’t had a drop for 40 years and still go to the AA meetings.”   HORIZONTAL HELP I was grateful for his input. For over a year I’d been reading everything I could get my hands on to give me a better understanding of willpower and self-control. But I’d given little thought to the role the people around us play in the process. Thankfully, this recovering alcoholic at Gate 22C set me straight. When it comes to resisting destructive habits, lone rangers are dead rangers. After that encounter, I started to read the Bible’s teaching about the topic through new eyes. I’d always seen self-control as a solitary enterprise, just one person facing off against temptation. However, Scripture paints a different picture. In fact, I started to see that it was a mistake to separate self-control and community in the first place. The people around us have a major impact on our behavior. Scripture warns, “Bad company corrupts good morals https://www.instagram.com/p/By1dTySjQa8/?igshid=9gok90aoo5fz
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njrehabs · 3 years
Find the Best Alcoholism Treatment in NJ - NJ Rehabs
Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction to alcohol? Are you looking for alcoholism treatment in New Jersey? Alcohol is among one of the most abused substances globally. High and low, many individuals are affected by this deadly addiction. Finding an alcohol rehab in NJ is an essential step in getting the right treatment for you or your loved one.
A variety of treatment options exist currently for alcoholism, read on to learn more about alcoholism treatment in New Jersey. Further, some factors come into play when considering treatment for alcohol abuse-
Is the individual a male or female?
What is the age of the individual?
How long has the individual been using and abusing alcohol?
These questions and several others need to be assessed when considering what level of care may be best suited for the individual. Should the patient go to an inpatient or an outpatient rehab? What are the payment options? Is your insurance accepted? If you are here gathering information for yourself or a loved one, please call us now for free assistance. At NJ Rehabs, our goal is to help bring the treatment to you.
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The Best Alcohol Treatment Options in NJ
There are many alcohol treatment options in NJ, these consist mainly of:
Medical Detox: alcoholism has potentially deadly withdrawals, which is why being placed in a medically supervised detox is an important and necessary step when recovering from alcoholism.
Residential Treatment: also known as inpatient treatment, clients join a recovery program at a alcohol rehab center and live on the premises.
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): Once completing residential treatment, many clients move to the next level of care to a PHP.
Outpatient Treatment: not everyone can afford to go to treatment inpatient, clients often visit an outpatient facility while they live at home. This treatment option is flexible with client scheduling.
Intensive Outpatient Program– this treatment option is for those who are seeking day-long treatment at a facility but prefer to live in their own quarters.
**If you do not have insurance to cover addiction treatment, please contact SAMHSA for governmental assistance.
Call us now at : (973) 858-5125 or visit https://www.njrehabs.org/alcoholism-treatment-nj for more details.
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explorecanvas · 3 years
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core-tips · 6 years
Alcoholism and dui information in Spanish would not be any different from information on alcohol in any other language. Alcohol is an abusive substance giving the user a sense of euphoria. The problem is that amount of substance needed to create this sense of euphoria goes on increasing with regular drinking.
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blvdtreatmentcenter · 5 years
Photo - #addictionrecovery #alcoholism #alcoholismtreatment #addiction #blvdtreatmentcenters #youngpeopledorecover #sober #newwayoflife #recoveryispossible <br>#hopedealers #recoverywayoflife <br>#thelieisdead #ourlivesmatter #wedorecover #alcoholicsanonymous
#addictionrecovery #alcoholism #alcoholismtreatment #addiction #blvdtreatmentcenters #youngpeopledorecover #sober #newwayoflife #recoveryispossible #hopedealers #recoverywayoflife #thelieisdead #ourlivesmatter #wedorecover #alcoholicsanonymous from FB-RSS feed for Faisi Khan https://www.facebook.com/BLVDTreatmentCenter/photos/a.144127273118983/318014555730253/?type=3
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Get your life back. #AlcoholismTreatment #AlcoholRehab #AddictionRehabHuntingtonBeach https://t.co/y5kCJKhBmr https://t.co/qaooGascCI
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drleedsofficial · 3 years
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Alcoholism is well known to be a genetic condition that is inherited. If you have alcoholics in your family, your chance of developing alcoholism is significant. Yet, is it possible for someone without a family history of alcoholism to become addicted to alcohol? This is a good question. Click for more info! https://drleeds.com/alcohol-addiction-treatment-fort-lauderdale/
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Alcohol is teratogenic, negatively affecting the development of embryo or fetus during pregnancy. There is NO safe amount. Learn more here and the role of alcohol treatment or drug rehab
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Explaining to your children in an age-appropriate language about addiction and letting them know you are going away to get the help you need, can help them understand your absence... CONTINUE READING this article at:
For information about our Medical Detox and comprehensive Inpatient Rehab Program, please call us at 800-851-3291
Florida Center for Recovery Clinical Excellence & Compassionate Care in a Healing Environment Providing Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Since 2002
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Lapses and Relapses happen to most people who stop using their substance of choice and it does not mean the end of the recovery process or that the person has failed (though many define this as a failure to themselves).
If you are struggling with sobriety in any form...CONTINUE reading the article "Lapses and Relapses" at
Florida Center for Recovery A Joint Commission Accredited Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Facility Providing Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Recovery Since 2002.
To find out more about our comprehensive and specialized addiction treatment programs call us at 800-851-3291
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As Pema’s work in exploring #Buddhism is becoming more accessible to a larger audience, many individuals struggling with addiction are seeking her teachings in search of enlightenment and freedom from drugs and alcohol. Practicing ... CONTINUE READING OUR BLOG AT
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April is Alcohol Awareness Month
This Year's Theme is: "Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow"
Founded and sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (now Facing Addiction with NCADD), #AlcoholAwarenessMonth was established in 1987 to help reduce the stigma so often associated with #AlcoholAddiction by encouraging communities to reach out to the American public each April with information about alcohol, alcohol addiction, and #recovery. Alcohol addiction is a chronic, progressive disease, genetically predisposed and fatal if untreated. However, people can and do recover. In fact, it is estimated that as many as 20 million individuals and family members are living lives in recovery from alcohol use!
Florida Center for Recovery Clinical Excellence & Compassionate Care in a Healing Environment https://www.floridacenterforrecovery.com/addiction-treatment/alcohol-rehab.php
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Need an Alcohol Rehab In Florida for you or a loved one? Florida Center for Recovery may be the right fit for you. Explore treatment options by calling us at (800) 851-3291 or visit our blog by clicking on the link below:
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explorecanvas · 3 years
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