floodtheweb · 1 year
Hittkidd,Gloss Up, Slimeroni, K Carbon and Aleza “Shabooya”
Aleza, Gloss Up, Slimeroni, and K Carbon reintroduce themselves on a playful track that interpolates the classic schoolyard chant “Shabooya (Roll Call).”
On 2021’s “Set the Tone,” producer Hitkidd set his sights on platforming Black women–led gangsta rap and spreading the sounds of Memphis across the world. The song blew up, thrusting up-and-coming Southern talent into the spotlight; later, the same crew—Aleza, Gloss Up, Glorilla, Slimeroni, and K Carbon—struck gold again with their follow-up “Hot Potato.” The posse cuts received another boost of popularity this year, after the breakthrough success of Glorilla’s “F.N.F (Let’s Go)” and “Tomorrow 2.” On “Shabooya,” the ensemble—minus Glorilla, who’s on tour—returns to reintroduce themselves by putting a brazen spin on the age-old school bus chant “Shabooya (Roll Call).”
On the track, the quartet is like a really hard version of the PowerPuff Girls, each showing off their distinct personality. Slimeroni’s over-it goth girl vibe is counterbalanced by Aleza’s bubbly stoner persona; Gloss Up asserts herself with the confident demeanor of a cheer captain, while Carbon is a rabble-rouser bragging about shitting on bitches and running through their man’s money. “I touch big figures/I’m strickly doggin’ niggas,” Carbon raps, and, late,r Gloss Up doubles down against munches: “Keep my pussy in his mouth just like some floss.” Playful ad-libs enhance the sense of camaraderie. It’s like you’re in the inner circle of a rap battle, but everyone’s too busy hyping each other up to compete.
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ppoppokari · 4 months
🌠...synastry ship...🌠
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Oh my dear aleaza I know we don't talk much at all but I'm always so happy to have you in my inbox, I have such a soft spot for you you have no idea!
I never pick favourites, but I did also put a bit of extra love into this one! I hope you have an amazing day and I truly adore you 💗
Also I've switched it up the 1st planets refer to jay and the 2nd ones are yours if that makes sense so sextile mars~sun is referring to Jay's Mars and your Sun.
~idol~ jay (enhypen)🌠
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sextile jupiter~ jupiter: This is potentially one of the best aspects to have in a synastry reading! It seems that there will be immense growth that you'll immediately experience in your relationship. Something that you both appreciate is the fact that you seem to come from different worlds, I know you're from different countries but that's not what I really mean. It's that and some, you have also had completely different upbringings meaning you tend to hold different values. But this is definitely a good thing, it makes your relationship so much better! New opportunities for the both of you will always arise when you are together, you also encourage each other to reach for the stars and wish for what is seemingly impossible but the difference is that you will be able to achieve these things since you actively assist each other in making your dreams come true. You also hold a lot of wisdom as a collective, you learn from each other and welcome your differing philosophies, as I said before you really just have such an appreciation for each other's perspectives and opinions and that's honestly so beautiful.
sextile mars~ sun: This aspect also reiterates the notion that you'll have an exciting relationship. Jay is quite attracted to your strong personality, you are very ambitious and it is likely that Jay has never met someone with such strong ambitions and this really intrigues him. This aspect also indicates a strong sexual spark, however, this won't immediately happen since you both need time to settle into the relationship. I honestly don't have much to say about this aspect since it's pretty similar to the jupiter~jupiter aspect, you basically inspire each other but their may be room for friendly competition..
trine jupiter~ uranus: I guess this makes sense to Jay's character but the fact this confirms it makes me feel all giggly and happy, he is truly the greatest guy ever. Jay is actually a very positive and optimistic person even if he keeps this to himself, meanwhile you are quite quirky yet have this natural ability to pave a creative path for yourself. Combine this and you constantly get fresh and new ideas, both of you have such a great connection it's admirable really. Amongst the cheesy, chaotic energy you have when you are around one another is a solid foundation of friendship, I really think this relationship was born from a strong friendship that eventually evolved into more.
sextile pluto~ neptune: You share a deeply spiritual bond which makes your relationship quite intense, but most of this aspect reiterates the first aspect that states that you really understand and get each other, upon first meeting you felt like you had known Jay for his entire life and the feeling was mutual. You actually have such a good understanding of each other that you communicate non-verbally, you know each gesture and what it means, you both just thrive in silence. You might pick up the skill of finishing each others sentences. Overall, your love feels like it was written in the stars, it feels like fate. Um, I don't know how to say this.... your sex life is absolutely insane! I mean, it's so ethereal? But like so sexy too? I don't even know, it feels and is so passionate and raw, a connection of souls and emotions that it feels otherworldly. When you have sex you lose all inhibitions, you just fall into lust, sexuality, spirituality, emotions and thew body. This is actually a huge part of why you believe you are soulmates, but instead of having a fleeting relationship your sex life is better suited to a relationship where you know you are dedicated to each other, it can even lead to marriage.
trine chiron~ jupiter: I can't really say too much that I haven't already said, basically you inspire each other and help each other grow spiritually letting yourselves expand and explore new horizons. You help Jay practice empathy when communicating with other people and he fully embraces it as a result of your contagious enthusiasm.
sextile moon~ mars: I mean... we all know this by now lol, you have an exciting relationship, this aspect is like the icing on top of the cake, it won't create a good relationship but it adds the spice, electricity and excitement that you deserve, this also adds more sexual compatibly (as if you need it lmao).
trine mercury~ jupiter: You are basically so whipped and enthusiastic about Jay's crazy ideas and you show him a new way of thinking yeah, this is the only new things I can add to this part.
trine moon~ sun: Jay may not openly admit it sometimes but he fully relies on your energy, enthusiasm and vibrancy while you honestly appreciate and cherish the emotional support he gives you so willingly. You have a strong emotional bond and are attracted to each others minds and you just naturally understand each other. You're naturally in sync and may feel actual pain when the other is hurt in any shape or form. This surprises many outsiders who don't know the depth of your relationship, but you're actually the one who leads the relationship more while Jay provides emotional support. There is a lot of emotional bonding that goes on as well.
trine pluto~ mercury: Jay brings a lot of positive change with him and he inspires you to change your approaches to life in general. Jay is such a good guy that he doesn't even realise that he is actively changing the way you think. He pushes you towards truth, this can bother you if you don't want to face any issues, but Jay honestly means well. In terms of the dynamic you are the more youthful and excitable one whereas Jay is more deep-thinking and serious.
trine chiron~ moon: This is such a pleasant and nurturing relationship, you both take care of each other really well. You are gifted with insight into knowing the exact thing the other person needs to be feel safe and secure. Jay isn't one to fully express himself when it comes to past hurts and bad memories, regardless, you are able to soothe those painful memories. You have a gentle touch that's needed since Jay doesn't even fully realise that some things are still hurting him. This relationship is actually a sign of healing for both parties, you provide each other with love that was missing in the past.
trine venus~ chiron: This also doubles down on the concept of spiritual healing and a relationship that feels like it was meant to be, however, this also indicates that you actually have some past hurts and emotional wounds that need healing as well, and Jay is happy to provide you with that emotional stability. You truly feel like he is giving you all the love you've truly wanted.
trine saturn~ neptune: Though you do have some very drastic differences in behaviour these seem to fade away for the greater good of your relationship plus a repeat of everything written above.
square moon~ moon: This aspect addresses the more consequential side of being in such a fast paced bubbly relationship. Since you are so different from one another their is a room for emotional conflict, even if you seem to get along there will still be frequent misunderstandings that could easily get out of control since you are both so in touch with your emotions, this adds a whole other layer that could create an environment that feels pretty uncomfortable. You just catch each other off guard with your passionate responses while defending yourselves.
opposition chiron~ saturn: Though your connection seems positive it brings with it disagreements, challenges and limitations but it is through such harsh conflicts that you are able to heal each others emotional wounds. Jay feels a bit unsettled around the fact that though you're a burst of energy at times you also have moments where you are far too dark, depressing and narrow minded for his liking.
square saturn~ jupiter: You actually find Jay way too serious and you also believe that he has the most traditional views known to man and this can feel so restricting. You love to explore and naturally expand yourself in your relationships, but with Jay coming off this way it feels like he is slowing you down and preventing you from reaching your true potential. At the same time Jay will actively criticize your behaviour and limit your freedom to do exactly what you want.
square mercury~ neptune: In the negative aspects it really just points to Jay complaining a lot in your relationship. He feels like you're just so incredibly vague whenever you speak to him, it's like you're dancing around the subject 9 times out of 10. Even though this could be intriguing at first you will start to have severe trust issues since you will most likely respond to his criticisms of you with deceptive untruthful answers so you could lesson the blow. Also repeating what I said before you see Jay as being way too logical, another thing is that while you can inspire each other you actually feel severely misunderstood most of the time.
square mars~ uranus: There is severe unpredictability and restlessness in this relationship, both of you feel this constant sense of change and excitement. This leads to very frequent ups and downs relating to your deep emotional connection. This also points to an almost chaotic sex experience and uncontrollable sexual attraction.
~house overlays🌠~
your sun in his 9th house: Despite having many differences, you share similar world views. This also could potentially mean that you have almost identical philosophies. This is such a good thing, though, because you will always be able to entertain each other through genuinely insightful conversations. Another thing that I just want to to mention is that you also influence each other to be more culturally aware. This overlay also indicates that this relationship is a perfect foundation for potential marriage.
his lilith in your 1st house: Though you genuinely care about each other there is this strong sense physical and sexual attraction. There is the potential for something that could low-key be a type of obsession. It's more that Jay is obsessed with your appearance and the little quirks you have. Meanwhile, you feel that Jay helps to uncover a deeper part of you that you often hide, he allows you to show your darker and more rebellious side.
his sun in your 6th house: There is a very strict dynamic that your relationship upholds, one where either you or Jay decide to be more submissive. This is actually an effective thing all things considered, this is just the way you get stuff done, you're most productive when you're together. Again it literally keeps saying Jay will assume the role as the more passive submissive one of the relationship.
your juno in his 6th house: You choose to express your love for Jay by primarily doing chores or gifting him with things that could help make his day that little bit more easier. You just love that dating lifestyle, the one where you feel needed. But another huge part of this is you just wanting to prove to Jay that you will always be there to help him no matter what.
his pluto in your 2nd house: Jay will bring great change to your personality as a direct result of his powerful personality, you often see him as someone who you can rely on for great advice.
his moon in your 10th house: This overlay is a little bit of a problem area that results in parts of your relationship feeling distant and impersonal, even though he loves you he can't help but feel a little uneasy around you. In his eyes you are such a great girlfriend, such a great catch, but you have a lack of emotional closeness. Jay is very in touch with his emotions so it doesn't sit well for him knowing that you seem to be a little more disconnected than he could ever be and he also feels that you only really take care of yourself at times when he really needs you. Another thing to consider is that both of you will have this habit of portraying each other as the "trophy wife" or "trophy husband".
your neptune in his 7th house: You awaken this sense of romance and intimacy in Jay, but on a deeper level than what is considered normal. Also just keep in mind that Jay has never felt such strong emotions for anybody else even in prior relationships. Jay's immediate reaction to this is to be very co-dependent, but you teach him how to not be as co-dependent.
his mercury in your 7th house: Jay has this innate feeling that you will accept the way he thinks, even if this is just an illusion it puts him at ease enough for him to easily communicate with you. Overall, he just feels so comfortable in your presence, there is never a shallow conversation when you are together. Each conversation is deep and intimate where you share your deepest thoughts . Your free flowing communication will never dwindle, it will actually get stronger over time, you also have an intellectual bond.
your pluto in his 5th house: Man, idk how to take this, I'm so jealous of the sexual relationship you have with Jay lmao. You have a way of bringing a lot of pleasure and sexuality to him. I mean the results vary you could bring him happiness and pleasure through shared hobbies as well but the overwhelming thing is the fact that you'll definitely try out ALOT of various kinks and fetishes. You can also help each other creatively or help each other discover new talents, but lets be real this part is mostly about the crazy sex you'll have. This definitely sparks the deep need to have children sometime in the near future.
his north node in your 8th house: This overlay hints at a sense of unpredictability in your relationship but your connection will still be felt on a deep soul level. Jay will also enter your life during a time of major transformation, that or he will trigger the change himself.
your chiron in his 6th house: Your relationship is all about spiritual healing and enlightenment, healing and physical perfection. Basically you love to really tune into your deepest feelings but you never really show this to other people, you still strive to portray a perfect relationship.
his juno in your 10th house: There is an extremely important bond between the two of you. The stand out point of this overlay is the fact that Jay will feel fully responsible for you and your well-being and helping you have the career of your dreams. But don't worry, you love Jay enough to help him out. You're always looking out for Jay and you feel that maybe you'll be able to play a part in helping him succeed with certain things.
his uranus in your 4th house: Before you met Jay you were convinced that you new everything about what you truly desired when it came to home and family, that was until you met Jay. He will unintentionally shake up what stability you do have, he does this in a positive way though. He wants to assist you by introducing you to new concepts of family while bringing along consistency and security.
your neptune in his 7th house: You have really changed Jay's life for the better, you awaken this need for love and intimacy that he has never felt before. You also feel so energised with your connection to him, something you had never felt in your past relationships.
his mercury in your 10th house: This one will be short and sweet, but basically you and Jay find it quite difficult to talk about anything other than your goals and careers.
your north node in his 10th house: Even though Jay truly loves you and the relationship he is very self conscious about the image of your relationship, this goes back to him trying to live the life where he is a trophy husband with a trophy wife.
his neptune in your 4th house: You may bond over a deeper love of children and a shared home, this falls in line with the fact that marriage is never off the table for both of you.
your uranus in his 8th house: You shake up Jay's perceptions of sex and sexuality, you actually introduce him to a new way of expressing his sexuality, he feels like you don't judge him for wanting some very different things.
~final verdict🌠~
This ship really does speak for itself, you and Jay have something that is so unbelievably real, raw and passionate. It really does feel like you were meant to be, I'm not just saying this to make you feel good either. I really think this is an example of everything in a relationship done right and this comes from the fact that you and Jay are so dedicated to your relationship. There is nothing better than you in Jay's eyes and he would literally move heaven and earth for you if he could do it. I sound like a broken record but there is just so much love, dedication and deep deep feeling. This is definitely a relationship that will last, and hey, like I said before it could even lead to marriage and children and god knows Jay would stick around for that to happen. Most of this is just him being super duper whipped for you, and I really can't say too much without repeating myself. This is just such a precious relationship, I love the dynamic you have and you are both just too good for this world🥲.
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Thank you for saying that you don't assume stuff. No it was not me sending you hate.
Do whatever you want with this ask but you really can tell from the handwriting it's her and she's the anon that send her self awhile ago hate also someone pointed the handwriting on top of that you can tell from the screenshots she post from her and her second account and that's enough proof. An attention seeker and want validation.
Though you know it but you keep defending aleaza which is what a true friend can do and that t shows how sweet you are 🤍.
What the hell? Are you mocking me or what? I don't think that's the same handwriting in anyway. I can sense people's vibes easily,so I know it better for myself. Thanks for your concern.
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alaezasmystery235 · 1 year
Happy Birthday 🎂🥳 Aleaza , may all your wishes come true and may you feel light and joy everywhere you go ! Stay happy and keep smiling 💓🥰
Thanksss pretty 😍 💓
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toulousemusique · 1 year
Support for the 'waves' on Bandcamp: toulousemusique.bandcamp.com/album/aleaza
Follow Toulouse: @toulousemusique Send Demos to [email protected]
Cover design by Toulouse Cover photo by David von Diemar "Nature, sun and outdoors" (https://unsplash.com/photos/xp-tY7kTiaA)
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wetthandss · 2 years
Pathfinder update: Backup characters and Keilo endgame
Today I helped one of my party members make a backup/future characters, a Vishkanyan inventor boy with a big ass steampunk khopesh. Tomorrow I will help another player make a backup as well, a little Ysoki oracle girl who was actually her character I played alongside with in D&D 5e using homebrew conversions, but was so ignored by the shitty DM we had (Will tell that story another time). Can't wait to see her in action again. Considering Kalan's penchant for throwing small creatures such as Stuffy, I can imagine the Ratapult will make a return.
Let me catch you up with Keilo as a character. He is a half elf boy who knows no family, a feral child basically who grew up in an SCP-3898-esque grove where he was infested with a parasitic thorny vine that wraps his body inside and out. It whispers to him, and demands blood sacrifice to be made to it. Whatever it is, it's power hungry and is wanting more and more by the week. Bags full of live meerkats won't sustain it anymore. When the party absorbs their first genius loci in the Daouda desert, the corrupted Khamaseen sealed inside Aleimlaq, Keilo and more specifically the parasitic leshy will feel that surge of power and want MORE. The leshy will practically drag Keilo to find more of that sweet delicious nature spirit juice. The reason why is, the leshy is a genius loci itself, and brought Keilo into the world as a DNA clone. It knows it's dying, so it's sending him on the mission to transport it and feed it blood and eventually consume other genius loci. However, even the corrupted genius loci of the rainforest, savanna and desert will not be enough to satiate it. Once all three are absorbed, the way into the mountains is cleared using Lamashtu's horn and they can confront the corrupted loci of the mountains, the manifestation of the Titans. When they absorb this evil spirit, Keilo's loci will take complete control of Keilo's body, killing the consciousness inside him. Keilo will then be put into a lead antagonistic role and the player (who I will just call Z for his anonymity) will switch to Savish, the Vishkanyan from earlier. Don't worry, this is all with the consent of Z. A bit of spoilers for him, but it's the journey that counts, and he expressed his desire to make Keilo evil far before talks of assimilation with the Loci. There's still a while to go before they get there too, at least 4-5 levels worth using milestones. I give them a lot to do between story beats, making friends and allies and solving problems. Anyways, Savish is an inventor, and left his community in Egel to investigate new technologies outside of Egel and Ram. He came to Aten because he heard the Sawf family in the Aleaza' clan specialised in gizmos and gadgets, and indeed they do. He's looking at stuff there, and would be especially intrigued by the sand diver the party brought back from Lamashtu's trials. It's purely to introduce him early on, and I have permission to use him as an NPC anytime before the switch. Maybe I'll work him into some things to get a more intimate relationship with the party beforehand so the switch won't be jarring.
I don't know how to work Posy (the Ysoki) in yet, we're gonna work on that tomorrow. Will update then. I won't be able to write much more because there are some other projects I need to work on, but once the semester ends for good I'll be doing a lot more. Update over!
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avinox · 10 years
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I was thinking about Yazid's green eyes and Aleaza (© zoezgirl) came to my mind.
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zoezenii · 10 years
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Tried to give her a new outfit (something more casual) and it turned too DB. Greeeaaattt.
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alaezasmystery235 · 1 year
Hey aleaza i hope you are doing great and have brought rest from cramps. Just sending some warm vibes, you are missed . I love you
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Hiii yessss I'm good . It's finally over and now I can go back to grinding 😤.
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You’re lame. Do ‘friends’ sext each other? Go to a mental institution please. At this point y’all are just side blogs of the crazy aleaza bitch
looks like your friends and you are dumb.
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wetthandss · 2 years
Pathfinder update
I'm just gonna talk a bit more about Ram and the direction of the Aten story tonight. I've written a very brief history of Ram through the character Kart. Around two thousand years ago a group of people (mostly smaller races like dwarves, halflings and goblins) came from the wilderness (now known as No Man's Land) and found a relatively decent spot for agriculture, a ring of rivers surrounding some rocky steppes, tundra and taiga but still far more suitable for agriculture than the surrounding mountainous [Name WIP] region or the desert to the north. They separated into tribes to cover more ground, and after a lot of time, power struggles and neighbouring squabbles they became what is now Jarlen and his Lillejarlene. Around three hundred years ago Jarl Ram took power. Jarl Ram is not a singular person, but Ram is the family name. There have been quite a few jarls in the past 300 years. If you remember the update from last night, Kart is a nasjonale. He supports the current Jarl and traditional Rammite culture, a conservative. When he speaks about the Jarl to the party there is obviously going to be a bias, and a hint towards threatening anger towards the Jarl's opponents, without directly mentioning Frittlandene. That also means that right now I only really have notes from a specific perspective. When I'm ready to introduce Rammite Frittlander I'll be able to write a more complete perspective from the ultranationalist end of the Rammite political spectrum. Anyways, that's all I really have to say about Ram for now.
The thing the party is doing right now is going along with the orders of Lamashtu, the Old Mother, who gave them a horn and a marked map of Aten. In each distinct biome of Aten there is a Genius Loci who has become corrupt. In Daouda, the desert, the Aleaza' clan has been beset by angry spirits called Ruh al'ajdad and harsh sandstorms called Khamaseen. The linguistic origin of the native Kholo clans of Aten is Egyptian Arabic by the way. These things are being caused by corrupted Genius Loci that is hidden away in a giant stone scorpion tomb underneath a portion of sand in the desert that has been completely turned to glass. The native Kholo call it Aleimlaq, and weirdly there is a complete absence of local legend surrounding the scorpion, although the glass beds are explained by a story about a dragon who wanted to signal to her partner in the elemental plane, so she breathed fire on the sand until it turned into glass and reflected the sun all the way up into the heavens. The party is actually in the Aleimlaq right now, last session they walked down a hallway and then one of ours fell asleep so we had to cancel the rest. But they'll explore the rest of it next time. The Aleimlaq is a tomb of an older Kholo clan that lived here before, but was thrown into conflict and destroyed by the Genius Loci. In the legs of the scorpion are tablets detailing the way that one of the families within the clan lead to its downfall through their ideological failings, and the party is tasked with telling their lost spirits what they could have done to avoid this. Hopefully they notice that the families and their ideals of this old, extinct clan almost perfectly mirror the Aleaza'. Once they take care of the Genius Loci a mummy will give them some more direction as to what they're doing. “That dreadful cursed repetition, made to quell the Kholo’s fruition, sent down by the mountain pass, and still empowered in the land of grass. The horn was made to fight them back, but its owner felled in an attack, and the old mother hid it away, until it made its use today. In your paws you hold the tool, to stop their hating quiet rule, and the titans blood will tremble as, you make your way to the mountain pass.” When they search for the mountain pass, that's when Kart will be introduced but it will turn out that they can't get through the pass before they take out the other corrupt Genius Loci. One of the marks on Lamashtu's map was on a place called Therix Cave, near the party's home village of Baobab. Therix is a dragon who lives there, a widowed woman with dozens of kobold children. The party is already friends with Therix, and she was one of the first allies the party made by finding her lost child Archibold. She won't know about any corrupt Loci, but she does know about some weird people who came and went eight years ago during the war against the Titans, who the party discovered some hints of on a previous visit there with a note that used Aten militia code-speak that the veteran in the party, Zara Nimer, understood as saying something like "Something really bad has come, and we had to retreat further up the mountain." To get up to the top of the mountain they're actually going to have to ride on Therix' back, which I know they'll love. They all love the milf dragon. Who wouldn't, I would definitely fall for Therix if I met her. But anyways, that's all I have written in the future right now. Exposition about Ram, and a bit on the next few steps of the mission. Whether they do this quest for Lamashtu is all their choice, and the Eadam Altamathul family, the religious keepers in the Aleaza' clan, said that while Lamashtu was never worshipped or called upon except in the most extreme, last resort situations, if one is given something to do by her they will have a choice in it, and it isn't necessarily an evil deed. It can win you favour with the Old Mother, which is still nice even if you do not directly worship her. So I think they've pretty much decided to go through with it. That's all for tonight. More tomorrow, probably. :)
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alaezasmystery235 · 2 years
To all the haters who are sending anons.
Aleaza never asked for you guys similarly for friends.
We come ahead without her asking. And a real friend is someone who always takes stand for their friends. Come out of your hatred phase then you will realise it.
Second it's her choice if her friends don't mind being tagged. What's up with you ?
And we are readers, intuitively guided. So we can see through.
Everything is a reflection and us having her in our life is nothing but a blessing.
Next time you send a ask please describe what drives this hate.
Get a journal and write down there.
Start shadow work because you haters needs to heal yourself first.
Thank you I hope this knocks some sense
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alaezasmystery235 · 2 years
Hii Aleaza!! How's your day going?
I would love to participate in the Anime Shiai game
My initials:- YP
So I actually aint a person who has watched a lot of things but as soon as I saw this I got the drama - Its okay to not be okay and also I got - Hotel Deluna. The classy style or the attitude and confidence these lead ladies in the drama have. I think that is what your vibe is or atleast you like being like that. I am sorry if this is wrong.
Thank you so much. Have a nice day!! Take care🥰🥰. Sending you lots of love❤❤❤.
Hiiii ❤
Yesss boss lady here . And I love to watch drama who has female leading roles more . No doubt these two are in my top 5 🤭☺💫
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⭐ Maison Ikkoku ⭐
It is the finest romance anime ever made, in terms of story structure, character development and emotional depth. If you look over this because it's of older animation then you really don't know what an incredible experience you've missed out on. Yes at 96 episodes it is long for the genre. However the story spans several years and this allows for real character and relationship progression. It is one of the funniest and most charming anime I've ever seen. It managed to turn a big time action and science fiction fan like me into a believer that there is great romance series out there. This remains the finest example of a believable romance story in anime. Do not miss it.
P.S. This anime continually gets better as it progresses, the final 15 episodes of this anime are greater than any other romantic/comedy ever made. It delivers the most spectacular ending that you could possibly want in a rom/com. See this one out, enjoy the ride and I guarantee this will become a firm favourite of yours.
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Also a side note 📝 I can't send ask in your inbox and can't tag you too . Yesterday I was sending you a message in your ask but it got deleted . Pls let me know what's happening 🙏😔
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alaezasmystery235 · 2 years
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The Sun in the houses of the natal chart shows what its influence is on the life and destiny of a person. The sun is the source of life. It represents vitality, ego, confidence, self-respect, courage, image, reputation and authority.
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1st house
Sun in 1st house gives excellent health, strong bones, strong heart.The sun represents leadership and shows someone who always wants to be on top.He often has a self-absorbed demeanour and an inflated ego.
A person with such a Sun strives to take the first place without making any effort; he may think he deserves everything.Such a person cannot follow the orders of others and work for hire, so he should be self-employed or in administrative and leadership positions. This placement gives great self-confidence and strength.
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2nd house
This position gives a family heritage: wealth or business, a very intelligent person and someone who can be the owner of the family business.The Sun in the 2nd house also gives rise to a political or public career.
Such a person respects his/ her father and the values ​​that he instils in him / her .He / She will have a cultured and motivating speech as the second house governs the voice. This will help him / her get people to listen and follow him / her .
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3rd house
The Sun in the 3rd house makes the person media savvy, with a strong will to succeed, and facilitates communication.But indicates a bad relationship with brothers and sisters or lack of communication between them.
A person with this position is courageous, he/ she has good communication skills, is a speaker and is a motivator.Maybe an actor, a journalist who draws people to him / her and speaks with the utmost confidence.
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4th house
The Sun in the 4th house signifies the absence of the father's influence.A person will not have paternal love, affection and guidance throughout life.Perhaps the mother will fulfil the role of the father in the life of this person. She will come to be the worker and "father's hand."
The person will have a caring relationship with the mother. He / she loves his / her home, cherishes their homeland.
Will be closed by nature, and strive to return home from any other place. Such a person will achieve success by their efforts but after 30 years.
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5th house
The Sun in the 5th house influences very well as it is his own house. This gives innate creative and artistic skills and a son in life unless the Sun is weak. It makes a person successful in business.Such a person is interested in politics, art, creativity and culture.
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6th house
The Sun in the 6th house makes a person a leader and financial manager, symbolizing the resolution of conflicts, disagreements and victory over enemies and litigation.
However, if the Sun is weakened, this means divorces, fractures in the body.
If the Sun is strong, he / she can become a CEO, manager or marketing director using his creativity.The Sun in the sixth house will show its positive effects as a person matures, after 35 years.
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Pictures are taken from pinterest 📌 .
This is solely based on my own observations.
©️ Aleaza @alaezasmystery 2022
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zoezenii · 10 years
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Aleaza and Marcurio. Gosh, I need to draw you two more often.
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