#sweet venom edition
lv-iceprince · 7 months
🌠...synastry ship...🌠
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Oh my dear aleaza I know we don't talk much at all but I'm always so happy to have you in my inbox, I have such a soft spot for you you have no idea!
I never pick favourites, but I did also put a bit of extra love into this one! I hope you have an amazing day and I truly adore you 💗
Also I've switched it up the 1st planets refer to jay and the 2nd ones are yours if that makes sense so sextile mars~sun is referring to Jay's Mars and your Sun.
~idol~ jay (enhypen)🌠
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sextile jupiter~ jupiter: This is potentially one of the best aspects to have in a synastry reading! It seems that there will be immense growth that you'll immediately experience in your relationship. Something that you both appreciate is the fact that you seem to come from different worlds, I know you're from different countries but that's not what I really mean. It's that and some, you have also had completely different upbringings meaning you tend to hold different values. But this is definitely a good thing, it makes your relationship so much better! New opportunities for the both of you will always arise when you are together, you also encourage each other to reach for the stars and wish for what is seemingly impossible but the difference is that you will be able to achieve these things since you actively assist each other in making your dreams come true. You also hold a lot of wisdom as a collective, you learn from each other and welcome your differing philosophies, as I said before you really just have such an appreciation for each other's perspectives and opinions and that's honestly so beautiful.
sextile mars~ sun: This aspect also reiterates the notion that you'll have an exciting relationship. Jay is quite attracted to your strong personality, you are very ambitious and it is likely that Jay has never met someone with such strong ambitions and this really intrigues him. This aspect also indicates a strong sexual spark, however, this won't immediately happen since you both need time to settle into the relationship. I honestly don't have much to say about this aspect since it's pretty similar to the jupiter~jupiter aspect, you basically inspire each other but their may be room for friendly competition..
trine jupiter~ uranus: I guess this makes sense to Jay's character but the fact this confirms it makes me feel all giggly and happy, he is truly the greatest guy ever. Jay is actually a very positive and optimistic person even if he keeps this to himself, meanwhile you are quite quirky yet have this natural ability to pave a creative path for yourself. Combine this and you constantly get fresh and new ideas, both of you have such a great connection it's admirable really. Amongst the cheesy, chaotic energy you have when you are around one another is a solid foundation of friendship, I really think this relationship was born from a strong friendship that eventually evolved into more.
sextile pluto~ neptune: You share a deeply spiritual bond which makes your relationship quite intense, but most of this aspect reiterates the first aspect that states that you really understand and get each other, upon first meeting you felt like you had known Jay for his entire life and the feeling was mutual. You actually have such a good understanding of each other that you communicate non-verbally, you know each gesture and what it means, you both just thrive in silence. You might pick up the skill of finishing each others sentences. Overall, your love feels like it was written in the stars, it feels like fate. Um, I don't know how to say this.... your sex life is absolutely insane! I mean, it's so ethereal? But like so sexy too? I don't even know, it feels and is so passionate and raw, a connection of souls and emotions that it feels otherworldly. When you have sex you lose all inhibitions, you just fall into lust, sexuality, spirituality, emotions and thew body. This is actually a huge part of why you believe you are soulmates, but instead of having a fleeting relationship your sex life is better suited to a relationship where you know you are dedicated to each other, it can even lead to marriage.
trine chiron~ jupiter: I can't really say too much that I haven't already said, basically you inspire each other and help each other grow spiritually letting yourselves expand and explore new horizons. You help Jay practice empathy when communicating with other people and he fully embraces it as a result of your contagious enthusiasm.
sextile moon~ mars: I mean... we all know this by now lol, you have an exciting relationship, this aspect is like the icing on top of the cake, it won't create a good relationship but it adds the spice, electricity and excitement that you deserve, this also adds more sexual compatibly (as if you need it lmao).
trine mercury~ jupiter: You are basically so whipped and enthusiastic about Jay's crazy ideas and you show him a new way of thinking yeah, this is the only new things I can add to this part.
trine moon~ sun: Jay may not openly admit it sometimes but he fully relies on your energy, enthusiasm and vibrancy while you honestly appreciate and cherish the emotional support he gives you so willingly. You have a strong emotional bond and are attracted to each others minds and you just naturally understand each other. You're naturally in sync and may feel actual pain when the other is hurt in any shape or form. This surprises many outsiders who don't know the depth of your relationship, but you're actually the one who leads the relationship more while Jay provides emotional support. There is a lot of emotional bonding that goes on as well.
trine pluto~ mercury: Jay brings a lot of positive change with him and he inspires you to change your approaches to life in general. Jay is such a good guy that he doesn't even realise that he is actively changing the way you think. He pushes you towards truth, this can bother you if you don't want to face any issues, but Jay honestly means well. In terms of the dynamic you are the more youthful and excitable one whereas Jay is more deep-thinking and serious.
trine chiron~ moon: This is such a pleasant and nurturing relationship, you both take care of each other really well. You are gifted with insight into knowing the exact thing the other person needs to be feel safe and secure. Jay isn't one to fully express himself when it comes to past hurts and bad memories, regardless, you are able to soothe those painful memories. You have a gentle touch that's needed since Jay doesn't even fully realise that some things are still hurting him. This relationship is actually a sign of healing for both parties, you provide each other with love that was missing in the past.
trine venus~ chiron: This also doubles down on the concept of spiritual healing and a relationship that feels like it was meant to be, however, this also indicates that you actually have some past hurts and emotional wounds that need healing as well, and Jay is happy to provide you with that emotional stability. You truly feel like he is giving you all the love you've truly wanted.
trine saturn~ neptune: Though you do have some very drastic differences in behaviour these seem to fade away for the greater good of your relationship plus a repeat of everything written above.
square moon~ moon: This aspect addresses the more consequential side of being in such a fast paced bubbly relationship. Since you are so different from one another their is a room for emotional conflict, even if you seem to get along there will still be frequent misunderstandings that could easily get out of control since you are both so in touch with your emotions, this adds a whole other layer that could create an environment that feels pretty uncomfortable. You just catch each other off guard with your passionate responses while defending yourselves.
opposition chiron~ saturn: Though your connection seems positive it brings with it disagreements, challenges and limitations but it is through such harsh conflicts that you are able to heal each others emotional wounds. Jay feels a bit unsettled around the fact that though you're a burst of energy at times you also have moments where you are far too dark, depressing and narrow minded for his liking.
square saturn~ jupiter: You actually find Jay way too serious and you also believe that he has the most traditional views known to man and this can feel so restricting. You love to explore and naturally expand yourself in your relationships, but with Jay coming off this way it feels like he is slowing you down and preventing you from reaching your true potential. At the same time Jay will actively criticize your behaviour and limit your freedom to do exactly what you want.
square mercury~ neptune: In the negative aspects it really just points to Jay complaining a lot in your relationship. He feels like you're just so incredibly vague whenever you speak to him, it's like you're dancing around the subject 9 times out of 10. Even though this could be intriguing at first you will start to have severe trust issues since you will most likely respond to his criticisms of you with deceptive untruthful answers so you could lesson the blow. Also repeating what I said before you see Jay as being way too logical, another thing is that while you can inspire each other you actually feel severely misunderstood most of the time.
square mars~ uranus: There is severe unpredictability and restlessness in this relationship, both of you feel this constant sense of change and excitement. This leads to very frequent ups and downs relating to your deep emotional connection. This also points to an almost chaotic sex experience and uncontrollable sexual attraction.
~house overlays🌠~
your sun in his 9th house: Despite having many differences, you share similar world views. This also could potentially mean that you have almost identical philosophies. This is such a good thing, though, because you will always be able to entertain each other through genuinely insightful conversations. Another thing that I just want to to mention is that you also influence each other to be more culturally aware. This overlay also indicates that this relationship is a perfect foundation for potential marriage.
his lilith in your 1st house: Though you genuinely care about each other there is this strong sense physical and sexual attraction. There is the potential for something that could low-key be a type of obsession. It's more that Jay is obsessed with your appearance and the little quirks you have. Meanwhile, you feel that Jay helps to uncover a deeper part of you that you often hide, he allows you to show your darker and more rebellious side.
his sun in your 6th house: There is a very strict dynamic that your relationship upholds, one where either you or Jay decide to be more submissive. This is actually an effective thing all things considered, this is just the way you get stuff done, you're most productive when you're together. Again it literally keeps saying Jay will assume the role as the more passive submissive one of the relationship.
your juno in his 6th house: You choose to express your love for Jay by primarily doing chores or gifting him with things that could help make his day that little bit more easier. You just love that dating lifestyle, the one where you feel needed. But another huge part of this is you just wanting to prove to Jay that you will always be there to help him no matter what.
his pluto in your 2nd house: Jay will bring great change to your personality as a direct result of his powerful personality, you often see him as someone who you can rely on for great advice.
his moon in your 10th house: This overlay is a little bit of a problem area that results in parts of your relationship feeling distant and impersonal, even though he loves you he can't help but feel a little uneasy around you. In his eyes you are such a great girlfriend, such a great catch, but you have a lack of emotional closeness. Jay is very in touch with his emotions so it doesn't sit well for him knowing that you seem to be a little more disconnected than he could ever be and he also feels that you only really take care of yourself at times when he really needs you. Another thing to consider is that both of you will have this habit of portraying each other as the "trophy wife" or "trophy husband".
your neptune in his 7th house: You awaken this sense of romance and intimacy in Jay, but on a deeper level than what is considered normal. Also just keep in mind that Jay has never felt such strong emotions for anybody else even in prior relationships. Jay's immediate reaction to this is to be very co-dependent, but you teach him how to not be as co-dependent.
his mercury in your 7th house: Jay has this innate feeling that you will accept the way he thinks, even if this is just an illusion it puts him at ease enough for him to easily communicate with you. Overall, he just feels so comfortable in your presence, there is never a shallow conversation when you are together. Each conversation is deep and intimate where you share your deepest thoughts . Your free flowing communication will never dwindle, it will actually get stronger over time, you also have an intellectual bond.
your pluto in his 5th house: Man, idk how to take this, I'm so jealous of the sexual relationship you have with Jay lmao. You have a way of bringing a lot of pleasure and sexuality to him. I mean the results vary you could bring him happiness and pleasure through shared hobbies as well but the overwhelming thing is the fact that you'll definitely try out ALOT of various kinks and fetishes. You can also help each other creatively or help each other discover new talents, but lets be real this part is mostly about the crazy sex you'll have. This definitely sparks the deep need to have children sometime in the near future.
his north node in your 8th house: This overlay hints at a sense of unpredictability in your relationship but your connection will still be felt on a deep soul level. Jay will also enter your life during a time of major transformation, that or he will trigger the change himself.
your chiron in his 6th house: Your relationship is all about spiritual healing and enlightenment, healing and physical perfection. Basically you love to really tune into your deepest feelings but you never really show this to other people, you still strive to portray a perfect relationship.
his juno in your 10th house: There is an extremely important bond between the two of you. The stand out point of this overlay is the fact that Jay will feel fully responsible for you and your well-being and helping you have the career of your dreams. But don't worry, you love Jay enough to help him out. You're always looking out for Jay and you feel that maybe you'll be able to play a part in helping him succeed with certain things.
his uranus in your 4th house: Before you met Jay you were convinced that you new everything about what you truly desired when it came to home and family, that was until you met Jay. He will unintentionally shake up what stability you do have, he does this in a positive way though. He wants to assist you by introducing you to new concepts of family while bringing along consistency and security.
your neptune in his 7th house: You have really changed Jay's life for the better, you awaken this need for love and intimacy that he has never felt before. You also feel so energised with your connection to him, something you had never felt in your past relationships.
his mercury in your 10th house: This one will be short and sweet, but basically you and Jay find it quite difficult to talk about anything other than your goals and careers.
your north node in his 10th house: Even though Jay truly loves you and the relationship he is very self conscious about the image of your relationship, this goes back to him trying to live the life where he is a trophy husband with a trophy wife.
his neptune in your 4th house: You may bond over a deeper love of children and a shared home, this falls in line with the fact that marriage is never off the table for both of you.
your uranus in his 8th house: You shake up Jay's perceptions of sex and sexuality, you actually introduce him to a new way of expressing his sexuality, he feels like you don't judge him for wanting some very different things.
~final verdict🌠~
This ship really does speak for itself, you and Jay have something that is so unbelievably real, raw and passionate. It really does feel like you were meant to be, I'm not just saying this to make you feel good either. I really think this is an example of everything in a relationship done right and this comes from the fact that you and Jay are so dedicated to your relationship. There is nothing better than you in Jay's eyes and he would literally move heaven and earth for you if he could do it. I sound like a broken record but there is just so much love, dedication and deep deep feeling. This is definitely a relationship that will last, and hey, like I said before it could even lead to marriage and children and god knows Jay would stick around for that to happen. Most of this is just him being super duper whipped for you, and I really can't say too much without repeating myself. This is just such a precious relationship, I love the dynamic you have and you are both just too good for this world🥲.
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tomhardymyking · 7 months
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I knew it 😏 Handsome 😍💘
New photos of 𝗧𝗼𝗺 in Las Vegas, who has been there since last Tuesday to continue filming 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 3, with 𝗨𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗡𝘂𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗼𝘃 and 𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗹 𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹 (professional mixed martial arts artists) 🇺🇸
I edited the colour of the second original photo as best as possible... 🤔
Lo sabía 😏 Guapísimo 😍💘
Nuevas fotos de 𝗧𝗼𝗺 en Las Vegas, que está allí desde el martes pasado para seguir rodando 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 3, con 𝗨𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗡𝘂𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗼𝘃 y 𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗹 "𝗦𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝘀" 𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹 (artistas profesionales de artes marciales mixtas) 🇺🇸
Edité el color de la segunda foto original lo mejor posible... 🤔
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dancingfaces · 2 years
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MCR Horror Movie Posters Day 8/∞
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bat-snake · 1 year
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Did a silly little edit.
Extorting Congresswoman, now with a different kind of leverage.
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mothsandbutterflies · 2 years
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girlygguk · 2 months
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summary in which you are just another spoiled, bitchy, annoyingly gorgeous trust-fund baby who has everyone at Yonsei University eating from the palm of your hand. and jeon jungkook, your spoiled, fuck-boy, annoyingly gorgeous trust-fund baby best friend, is always first in line to take a bite.
uni au, rich student!jk x rich student!f.reader
[fluff, angst, smut] childhood bestfriends to lovers, pining, unrequited(?) love, they're likee chaebols okay, tae's sister reader, mega SIMP kook because i literally can't write him any other way, jungkook is a sweet fuckboy (if that exists)
teaser word count: 1.4k (sfw, cursing)
full fic word count: 25k (nsfw)
release date: july-16 @ 2pm (est)
2 years prior ੈ✩‧₊˚ circa. your 19th birthday. . .
"Get fucked, Jeongguk." The words rip from your throat, venomous and sharp as they slap your best friend's face into a furrowed, exasperated expression.
You yank the jacket tighter around your shoulders as the cold night air whips at your skin, storming down the sidewalk. The urge to rip the jacket—his jacket—off your body is strong, but it's so fucking cold. You may be petty and possibly overreacting a little right now... but you're not stupid.
Jungkook's heavy footsteps trail after you, his calls of your name only pushing you to walk faster. He catches up in no time, your hurried steps no match for his long strides. He tries to gently grab your arm, but you shrug off his touch angrily, spinning around to glare at him. You're about to tell him to fuck off again when he speaks first.
"Come back inside. It's like a fucking blizzard out here; you're going to freeze to death," he says evenly, though frustration laces his words.
"Oh, please," you laugh humorlessly, shaking your head in disbelief. "As if you give a shit if I freeze."
"Don't fucking say—"
"I'm going home. You can tell everyone I'm sick and had to leave. Or don't, I don't fucking care." You turn away and start walking again, his footsteps immediately following.
"You're walking home?" You ignore his question, causing him to huff and run a hand through his hair. "Let me drive you home, please."
You ignore him again, knowing that if there's something Jungkook can't stand more than you yelling at him, it's you not speaking to him.
"Stop doing this. It's your birthday; don't let it end like this—"
"Yes, Jeongguk, it's my birthday," you seethe, whipping back around. "And you brought a random chick none of us even know to my birthday dinner. And you didn't even bother to get me a gift. On. My fucking. Birthday."
"Limited edition PlayStation, imported Swedish lacrosse stick, custom painted iPad from your favorite local fucking artist," you list the gifts you've gotten him for his birthday over the years angrily. Jungkook shakes his head, trying to step closer to you, but you hold up your hand to keep the distance.
"Do you even know how much effort I put into the things I get and do for you? And for you to sit there with that... that stupid fucking look on your—God, Jeongguk!" Your voice is on the cusp of being a whine, but you don't care. "Oh, but I'm sure you spent a decent chunk of Daddy's money on Winnie tonight, huh?" You don't care that the Daddy's money statement is also very applicable to you… you're angry.
Jungkook's jaw clenches at your words, and he steps forward, slipping his hand into the pocket of the jacket you're wearing. Before you can snap at him again, he pulls out a small velvet box and holds it out to you.
"What is that?" you demand, your voice still trembling with annoyance.
"Your gift," he says softly, opening the box to reveal a white-gold Cartier diamond necklace. "I was planning to give it to you when we were in private."
You stare at the necklace, your anger momentarily overshadowed by surprise. The diamonds of the pendant sparkle under the streetlights, and you almost let out a moan. Diamonds are your weakness.
"You motherfucker," you groan under your breath, glaring at the necklace in hopes it will dissipate into thin air so you can continue being annoyed at him.
Jungkook steps closer, his voice a whisper. "Everyone was coming with their partners, Y/N. I couldn't come alone."
You sigh, knowing that. Your comment was a cheap shot, considering Jungkook doesn't hang with a girl more than once, so it would be impossible for him to bring someone you already knew. But Winnie was getting on your last nerve, and you saw an opportunity to sneak in a jab, so you took it. Not only was the girl clearing glass after glass of the expensive wine your friends had ordered as if it were water, but she was also not shy about ordering the priciest dishes on the menu. Judging by her tiny red Zara mini-dress, you highly doubt she'll be reaching for her purse at the end of the night.
Your gaze is still locked on the necklace as you take a moment to think. Jungkook hasn't moved either, continuing to hold the box open for you while he scans your face, trying to gauge your reaction.
"It's, um, engraved and shit," he mumbles, his hand not holding the box lifting to run over his jaw nervously. "And I got a chain one… for me too."
Your eyes snap to his, and he swears his heart stops beating. God, you think it's stupid. You hate it. That's okay. He'll just wait until you turn around so he can sprint to the nearest homeless guy and give him the stupid neckl—
"Like matching?" Your eyes soften, and he slowly feels the blood flooding into his heart.
"Yeah, only if you like, want to," he shrugs cutely, and you can't stop the grin from spreading across your lips.
You're close enough to slide your arms around his torso but still not near enough for Jungkook as he tugs you closer, melting into the hug. "Thank you, Gukkie. I love it," you murmur into his chest, and he feels his muscles relax at you finally using his nickname again.
You lift your head from his black fitted Givenchy dress shirt, which smells a little too good, to look up at him. "But why did you say you didn't have anything when everyone gave me their gifts?"
He looks down at the slight pout on your lips, his fingers twitching with the urge to wipe it off your mouth. Instead, he flicks the box closed with a thumb and holds it out to you. "Don't think Jaehyun would've been thrilled with me giving you this," he chuckles. "The dude hates me."
You frown up at him, about to chime in and say that isn't true, but his lips tug into a smirk as if to say he couldn't care less about what your boyfriend thought of him. And honestly, if he were Jaehyun, he'd hate him too.
Jungkook had the necklaces made a little over two months ago, and you and Jaehyun have only been official for one. So, Jungkook's intentions behind the gift weren't malicious, he swears.
If you just so happen to wear the necklace and your boyfriend notices his matching one, which then causes a rift in your relationship, resulting in the two of you breaking up… well, that would just be a nice little coincidence.
"Jae knows you and I are close," you explain with a crease in your brow that he wants to massage until it goes away. "I made it very clear to him when he wanted to get serious, and he understood."
Jungkook nods along to your words even if he doesn't fully believe them. Either Jaehyun is a really good and secure guy, or he's full of grade-A horse shit. If you were his and another dude tried to come along and buy you an eleven-thousand-dollar necklace? Fuck, he'd knock the guy out cold.
You untangle yourself from your best friend and lift the lid of the velvet box still in his grasp. You coo at the pretty diamonds before turning to face away from Jungkook. You gather your hair before swiping it over your shoulder and letting his jacket fall slightly to bare your neck. Jungkook reacts immediately, picking up the necklace before shoving the box in his pocket. His cold fingers brush against you as he carefully fastens the jewelry around your neck.
When he pulls away, you let your hair fall back into place and turn around to face him again. Your smile is soft, eyes twinkling as you look down at the necklace. "It's so pretty, Gukkie. I love it."
You're so pretty. I love you, he thinks.
spoiled bratty girl and her simpy best friend who knows how to handle her.....GIVE it..
—the full fic is out now! click here to go read <3
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jonathansthickthighs · 6 months
My Sweetest Heart 3: Yandere! Fushiguro Toji x Reader
Description: You have a one night stand with Toji and now he won’t leave you alone.
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 4 here
Part 5 here
Trigger Warnings: nsfw, yandere, obsessive behavior, female reader, AFAB reader, toxic behavior, violence, threats, jealousy, possessive behavior, desperate toji, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up), daddy kink, alternative universe (no curses), age gap (reader is in her early 20’s, toji is in his mid 30’s), soft toji, toji has feelings
A/N: enjoy 😈
Not edited!
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Toji watched the waiter closely from your table, alternating his gaze between the waiter and your conversation. Throughout your time there, he had been glaring daggers at the hapless waiter, whose brazen stares and pathetic attempts at flirting has tested Toji’s patience to its limits. The final straw came when the waiter’s gaze lingered on your chest shamelessly, a blatant disregard for respect that nearly shattered what was left of Toji’s composure. The self control he was practicing right now was otherworldly.
As the waiter slipped away down the bathroom hall to what Toji presumed was a back exit, he saw the perfect opportunity and a surge of adrenaline overtook him. Seizing the opportunity to confront the source of his frustration away from prying eyes, he excuse himself to the restroom, concealing his true intentions with an attempt of a sweet smile thrown your way.
Toji stepped outside. A curl of smoke wafted lazily into the night air, revealing the figure of the waiter with his back turned. With swift determination, Toji wasted no time, seizing the unsuspecting waiter by the nape of his neck before slamming him against the grimy wall, making him almost swallow his cigarette.
“What the hell, man?!” The waiter spluttered, his protests muffled by Toji’s relentless iron grip.
“You should be thankful I’m only here to warn ya,” Toji growled menacingly. “Under different circumstances, I would’ve ripped your fucking eyes out, you twink.” Toji spat out, his words coming out like venom.
“I haven’t done anything to you! Let go of me, old man!” The waiter struggled, his efforts futile against Toji’s overpowering strength. He could never scape from a man like Toji. He towered over him and he was twice his size in muscle. Toji released his hold on his neck, only to grab him by the collar, lifting him up until their eyes met.
“You’ve been ogling at my girl like a dirty pervert from the moment we stepped into this restaurant. You better stay the fuck away from us or you’re gonna force me to do what I originally had planned for ya.” Toji snarled, his voice laced with contained fury. He knew this boy had nothing on him, he could never reach his level. He had no reason to be jealous of a wimp like him, he knew you would never give a boy like him a second glance. Yet he can’t help the anger that courses through his veins when all these men look at your beauty that should be preserved for his eyes only. He just wanted to hide you away, away from all the men that weren’t worthy of being around your perfect self. You were only his.
The waiter swallowed and Toji decided to scare him a bit more by switching from the collar of his shirt to grabbing him by his neck with one hand, keeping him suspended in the air. The waiter gasped for air and his eyes widened in horror when he saw Toji pull a knife out. He traced the blade dangerously close to the waiters eye.
“Assign another waiter for us, a respectful one, at that.” Toji commanded. “And go tell your boss you quit, I don’t wanna see your face around here ever again. If I ever see your pathetic little face again, you’ll regret it.”
The terrified waiter managed to nod before Toji released his grip, allowing the trembling waiter to fall to the ground. Toji stared down at him noticing the wet spot on his pants, he had urinated himself from the terror he had caused him. Toji couldn’t help the mocking laugh that left his lips before turning away, walking towards the door.
“You’re fucking disgusting. Oh, and don’t expect a tip from us.” He joked before slamming the door closed, leaving behind and shattered remnant of a man, cowering in the wake of his wrath.
Toji returned to your table, greeted by the warmth of your smile. “Oh hey, you’re back. Everything okay? You took a little long in the bathroom.” You remarked, concern laced in your tone.
Toji, flattered by your concern, chuckled lightly. “All good, I think the appetizer the waiter brought gave me a little trouble.”
You giggled in response, raising your glass to take a sip of your drink. “Yeah, it tasted a little bit funny.” You agreed, your laughter like music to his ears.
Before Toji could utter another word, a new waiter approached your table. “How are you guys this evening? I’ll be replacing your previous waiter; he had a family emergency so he sadly couldn’t continue to service you.”
Toji interjected with feigned concern, “Damn, what a shame, he was such a nice fella. Hope everything turns out fine with his family.” He remarked, his gaze briefly flickering to yours seeing you nod in agreement, a pouty look on your face. Toji couldn’t help but get distracted by your soft looking lips. He was anticipating eagerly the prospect of being alone with you later.
“Of course, thank you for your concern,” the waiter said, visibly surprised by Toji’s unexpected display of empathy. “So, what would you like to order for your main course?” He continued, avoiding any hint of impropriety. Toji watched the waiter intently as he took the order, his hawk-like gaze ensuring that no inappropriate glances were thrown your way. Satisfied with the waiter professionalism, Toji couldn’t help but smirk, his focus returning to the delightful prospect of spending the evening in your company.
The waiter departed leaving the two of you alone once more, you seized the opportunity to delve more into Toji’s life. “So, Toji, I’ve already told you what I do for work, but you’ve yet to enlighten me about your job.” You inquired, curiosity filling your tone.
Toji cursed internally, grappling for an answer that would veil the violent reality of his occupation. He had been an assassin for twenty five years now, his training starting in his early years of life. His childhood had been marred by exploitation at the hands of his clan, molding him to the monster he is today. How was he supposed to convey the truth to someone as pure as you? Would you recoil in horror once you found out? Was he supposed to hide this from you indefinitely? He thought perhaps he could tone down what he truly did and slowly ease your way into understanding his uncommon job.
With a nervous chuckle he attempted to give you a PG description of his job. “Well, you see, doll, my line of work is not something you see everyday. I suppose you could say what I do is… locating individuals for certain parties. I get hired to hunt down people that have done very very bad things—“ he began tentatively.
You chime in, before he could elaborate further. “So you’re a detective!”
Toji couldn’t help but smile at your innocence. “Uh— not quite, doll. I don’t work for the police work or anything in the realm of law. I operate independently. Think of me as a freelancer. People hear word of me from other people and they hire me. Confidentially.”
“Ooh, you’re like— like a bounty hunter.” You mused.
“You’re pretty much spot on, sweetheart.” Toji affirmed, chuckling at your insight. Indeed was your intuition astute; he did procure, the harder part was explaining how.
“How do you manage it? You don’t kill them do you?” You quipped, a playful glimmer in your eyes. Toji felt a bead of sweat form on his brow at the inquiry. He didn’t want to deceive you, but he also needed to protect you from his world.
“Goodness, no! I just exercise the use of force. If they’re a tough one to get, I might give them a little beating, but nothing too serious.” Toji attempted to answer smoothly. He wasn’t entirely lying, he didn’t murder every single one of his bounties. Most of them, yes, but not the entirety of them.
“Wow, I’ve never met anyone like you before! I have to admit, your job sounds quite thrilling.” You exclaimed with genuine excitement as his heart leaped with joy. I’ve never met anyone like you before. He knew you were referring to his job, but his delusional mind was making him believe you were talking about him. He also felt joy watching you be so excited over something as little as him explaining his job. He relished the fleeting moment of your admiration, knowing the truth would dispel such feelings.
“It does sounds super dangerous, Toji. Have you ever been hurt?” Gods, he loved the way you said his name.
“Oh, undoubtedly, it is a dangerous field, but I’m more than capable of handling myself. I’m a strong guy.” Toji assured with a charismatic wink, basking in the shy smile that graced your lips.
“You really are.” You agreed, slowly dragging your eyes through his big, well built arms. For some reason that made Toji’s heart rate speed up. Your eyes were simply enthralling, seductive in a way that would make any man fall on his knees, weakened by the intensity of your gaze. It was causing his dick to awaken. He could feel a tent growing in his pants, his dick feeling restrained by the fabric. That familiar warm feeling in his lower stomach that only you had ever caused him was making itself present. Knowing that you liked his physique made him unbelievably horny. If you didn’t restrain yourself from looking at him that way soon, he was going to spread you on the table and slide his cock into your tight little cunt in front of everyone in this restaurant.
Those thoughts dissipated once he saw your countenance switch. “If you don’t mind me asking. Is your job the reason you got that scar on your lip?” You inquired, your tone tinged with curiosity and concern.
Toji’s smiled faltered momentarily, but he quickly tried to hide his discomfort. “No, sweetheart. I got it when I was a kid.” He watched your face fall, aware you were probably thinking about all the bad things that could’ve possibly happened to him. He despised seeing you saddened by his past and quite frankly his childhood was not something he held close to his heart or something he enjoyed talking about. He would rather keep that part of his life hidden in the back his thoughts.
“What can I say, I was a wild child. Always in trouble.” Toji chuckled, attempting to salvage the mood. You smiled at him, but it wasn’t your normal smile. He knew you could tell there was something wrong within him, and he knew you were trying your hardest to not push about it any further. He acknowledged and appreciated your respect for his boundaries.
“If it’s worth anything, I like your scar. I think it gives you character.” You winked, reaching over the table to rest your hand atop of his. Gods, was he blushing? Never in his life had a woman made him blush this way.
“You’re sweet, doll. I appreciate it.” He responded, offering you a sincere smile. He couldn’t understand how you could possibly evoke such a good, warm feeling in him. You were going to become his wife no matter what.
The waiter returned with your order and you and Toji ate in comfortable silence, stealing glances of one another occasionally. It was hard to believe for you, but you actually found yourself enjoying your time with Toji. He wasn’t as off-putting as you initially thought. Perhaps his insistence was due to his loneliness, most men his age were settled down with families. Yet, that also made you ponder, maybe he was single at his age for a reason. Doubts swirled your mind about him and yourself. You had insisted on staying single for a while, but here you were, finding yourself drawn to him. You had decided to only go out with him once, but you really desired to keep seeing him. There was something about him that pulled you to him, yet there was also a voice of caution that told you to stay away. It felt impossible to reconcile these conflicting feelings. You sensed there was something wrong with him, something that refused his soul to find peace. Perhaps it was your savior complex, but you felt a strong urge to help him, to fix him.
Those thoughts dissipated once you were back at his place.
Not even a second after Toji slammed the door closed, he was grabbing you by the waist crashing his lips against yours and you responded back immediately by opening your mouth giving him access to your tongue. He wasted no time invading your wet cavern, making you melt into his embrace. His lips felt soft, despite the scar on his lips. You liked it.
“Fuck, I missed those sweet lips, baby.” Toji pulled away growling into your lips, sliding his big hands down to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze. You moaned in response before delighting him with another passionate kiss from you. “I’ve thought about your pretty body, every single day since you gave yourself to me that night. Been thinkin’ about you, the way you took me, the way you creamed all over my dick. You have no damn clue how many times I had to jerk off thinking about you. I’ve been going insane without your pussy, baby doll.” Toji confessed between kisses, his breath getting heavier, sending electric shocks all over your body. The image of him touching himself clouding your mind with an unquenchable desire for him.
Toji lifted you up into his arms, making his way to his bedroom kicking the door open. He placed you gently on his bed, treating you like the delicate flower he considered you to be. He climbed on top of you, continuing the make out session from earlier. You started grinding your hips against his bulge, groaning at the the restrain his pants had on his dick. Your dress had rilled up, exposing your underwear to him.
Toji chuckled in amusement seeing your white panties with red hearts on them. “Those are cute, sweetheart.” He retorted playfully as he started messing with the waistband teasingly.
“Oh shut it. This wasn’t in my plans today.” You responded feign being offended, you traitorous smile betraying you. Toji laughed at your cuteness before he started leaving open mouthed kisses all over your delicate neck. You attempted to rub your thighs together as you felt your panties dampening, the copious amount of fluids making the crotch of your panties translucent. Toji grabbed your thighs firmly, forcing them to stay spread for him.
Toji pulled away from you, admiring your flushed form, letting out a hiss at how unbelievably delicious you looked to him. “You’re fucking gorgeous.” He uttered, rubbing you soft thighs as he turned his gaze to your cunt, groaning at how astonishingly wet you were. “I need to taste this pretty pussy.”
He wasted no time in ripping your underwear off, lowering himself to be within sight of the object of his desires, glistening in the arousal he provoked in you. He quickly attached his mouth to your throbbing clit, attacking it with his tongue vigorously. Toji had you moaning and squirming under him like a bitch in heat. The feeling of his skilled tongue on your clit was taking you to a perfect world where only you and him existed. You felt him reaching out to play with your breasts, your tender nipples begging for the attention. The combination of being eaten out and breast play were heavenly, driving you to begin pushing your hips against his face.
Your eyelids fluttered open to find Toji’s deep, green, gaze already fixed upon you, looking at you through his dark lashes. It had to be the hottest sight you’ve ever seen. His gaze was filled with unbearable lust, causing you to become wetter by the second, as pool of your juices forming under you. He continued quenching his thirst with your pussy as he started slowly burring a finger into your tight heat, growling against your pussy at the feeling of your walls engulfing his large finger. Excitement bubbled within him as he thought about that tightness wrapping around his pulsing, hard cock.
He carefully started adding another digit, speeding up his pace enough to make you squirm in delightful pleasure. Your wanton moans making him itch with anticipation to hear more.
“You taste so fuckin’ good, sweetheart. I can’t wait for you to make my face drip in your sweet juices. I need you to come for me. Why don’t you give daddy what he wants?” Toji almost whimpered into your pulsing clit. He could tell you were getting close, that’s why he started lapping at your pussy like it was the most exquisite plate to ever exist.
“P-please make me come, daddy. I need you.” You moaned, eyes never leaving his, the intensity of his gaze making you almost break the eye contact.
“I want you to come right now, baby. Give it to me!” He responded, his groans sending pleasurable vibrations through your clit.
“Oh fuck, d-daddy! I’m c-coming!” You announced, moaning loudly as he continued ravishing your pussy with his mouth, thick fingers plunging in and out of you. He was driving you over the edge, squeezing your tits, teasing your sensitive nipples. It was too much, Toji had your legs quivering. You came with a scream, clenching around his digits, a tide of your juices squirting all over his face. You gasped at the feeling. Before you met Toji you had never squirted in your life and yet every time you had intercourse with this man you barely knew, he always managed to make you reach your high in such way in a matter of a few minutes.
Toji pulled himself up from your cunt, licking his lips savoring your taste. “So fucking good, sweetheart.” He complimented, wiping from his chin the remainder of your juices, making you shiver at the sight. He made you reach your high so hard you could barely move, but you wanted to return the favor.
You forced yourself up meeting him face to face, exchanging fervent kisses, tasting yourself in the process. You rose from the bed onto your feet, placing your hands on his strong shoulders leading him to the bed. “Lay down for me, daddy. Let me return the favor.” You offered, biting your lip seductively. Toji followed your orders without complaints. “Why don’t we take off your shirt? It’s so hot in here.” You suggested playfully as you climb on top of him, helping him rid of it. This man was built by the gods themselves, his body turned you on like no other. You ran your hands softly through his abdominals, making Toji visibly shudder. You kept going until you reached his pants’ waistband.
“What are you planning to do to me, sweetheart?” Toji teased with a smirk, as he placed his hands behinds his head, making himself comfortable. You only responded by climbing off him, pulling down his pants along with his underwear without hesitation, letting his big, hard member out of the restricted space. You gasped seeing how hard he was and the amount of precum that was oozing from the tip. Toji groaned with satisfaction at the feeling of being liberated.
You wasted no time, lowering yourself to your knees and grabbing the base of his pulsing cock. Toji hissed, his body responsive to your gentle caresses. You began by pressing a teasing kiss to the head of his dick, an angry red color coating it. You then proceeded to lick from the base of the shaft to the tip and in that moment, you took him unto your moist mouth. You started sucking him off zealously, forcing strained moans to escape his throat.
“S-shit, baby. Sucking daddy’s dick so good. J-just like that.” He shut his eyes, basking in the unbelievable bliss you were bringing him. He gasped out when he felt you take him deeper into your mouth until he hit the back of your throat; he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting his hips into you. He then grabbed the back of your head gently to force you to remain there as he continued to thrust upwards into your mouth, his jaw hanging open in pleasure.
“Oh, that’s a good slut. Letting me fuck your pretty face.” Toji growled as he kept going, somewhat bewildered at the fact that you would were allowing him to do this to you. Nevertheless, he wasn’t one for protesting when you were giving him the best head he had ever received.
He let go you as you continued going down on him as if your life depended on it. You wanted him to come in your mouth, but your intentions lay elsewhere. You released his cock from your mouth with a wet pop, evoking a groan from Toji. You probably looked disheveled. Toji, on the other hand, didn’t agree with your line of thought. He found this to be the sexiest you’ve ever looked. A rosy hue graced your cheeks, accompanied by trails of tears running down your cheeks, your lips swollen and red, drool running down your chin. He wasn’t aware he could get more aroused than he already was.
“Please keep going, sweetheart.” Toji pleaded and you shook your head, making him growl in frustration. “Why not?!” He whined, his tone displaying evident discontent.
You giggled at his childishness. “I have something else for you.” You bit your lips, undoing your dress, exposing your nudity to him. Toji runs his tongue over his lips, eyes darkening at the sight of your wonderful body. You proceeded to grab your supple breasts, wrapping them around his cock, causing Toji’s eyes to widen. Tenaciously, you embarked on a mission to make him come on your breasts. You initiated by slowly massaging your breasts up and down his cock, making sure to squeeze them tightly around him. Toji started meeting your thrusts enthusiastically, his hips moving erratically, his hand atop of yours.
“Tell me how it feels, daddy? You like fucking my tits, don’t you?” You moaned as you continued working your tits on his twitching cock. Keenly aware that he would reach his peak imminently, you increased your speed.
“S-so much, b-baby. You’re gonna make me c-come so much. You’re gonna let me come on your perfect tits, baby?” Toji announced, his thrusts becoming uncoordinated. This was something he never expected from you, but he was incredibly appreciative of it. The sight of your breasts enveloping his cock so snug between them erased nearly every thought in his mind.
“Come all over my tits, daddy!” With that he stilled as he released a typhoon of semen on your chest, slurring out your name lethargically. Toji remained motionless, his chest rising and falling as he labored to regain his breath.
“That was so fucking hot.” Toji stated as he recovered his breath, his gaze becoming lustful as he contemplated the sight of you gathering his cum from your chest with your fingers, guiding it to your lips. Savoring his taste for the first time.
“You taste delicious. Why don’t you give me some more or it?” You smiled at him, lifting yourself from your kneeling position, to climb onto the bed on your hands and knees. Toji lifted himself to a stand, stationing himself directly behind you. He took his sweet time to appreciate the shape your exposed ass, reaching out to give the plump flesh a firm squeeze.
“And where would you like my cum now, sweetheart?” He inquired with a groan, continuing to caress your ass as he started grinding his rock hard cock against your behind. Giving a look over your shoulder, you smiled at him with heavy eyelids. If you kept giving him such glanced he was going to burst in this very moment. You were a goddess. His goddess.
You reached out to play with your pussy. “Right here.” You teased, giggling at his dumbfounded expression. “What’s wrong, Toji? Don’t you want to cum inside me?”
“God, yes. More than anything.” Toji managed to utter out, reminiscing the memories of him emptying himself in your pussy on your first time together. Allowing him to do that on your first time making love stood as the greatest gift you bestowed upon him.
“Then what are you waiti—“ Before you couldn’t finish your statement, Toji flipped you onto your back on a swift movement, settling himself on top of you carefully, making sure not to crush you with his weight. With urgency, he smashed his lips into yours, massaging your lips together into a sensual kiss. He was still astonished by the softness of your lips, enjoying the way you dragged your tongue across his scar so lovingly. Toji was experiencing such overwhelming emotions that he feared his heart could burst at any moment. He loves you. Desperately.
Toji pulled away, disappointed at the loss of the warmth of your lips, but his cock was weeping for you. He needed to feel you wrap around him.
Toji slowly started to push inside you, moaning your name as your tight heat engulfed his aching cock. He tried his hardest to not allow his heaving eyelids to block his view from your face. His need to watch your face contort with a mixture or pain and pleasure was outrageous. His cock was so big, he knew it would take a while for you to adjust yourself to it.
“T-Toji! You’re stretching me out so much.” You panted, grasping his shoulders. He finished bottoming out inside you, watching your jaw slack and squeeze your eyes shut. He couldn’t keep his eyes off your face, he could come just by staring at it.
“No, no, baby. Keep your eyes on me, look into daddy’s eyes.” Toji pleaded, hissing at the feeling of your soaked cunt clenching around him tightly. “S-shit, you’re so wet for me.” He cursed, pulling his length almost completely before thrusting back in gently, forcing a sweet moan from your lips. Your eyelids fluttered to meet his green eyes. Something about keeping eye contact with Toji as he plunged his cock in and out of your pussy made your eyes water, it was such an intimate moment.
Overwhelmed by the pleasure, tears started streaming down your face. Immediately, Toji started kissing your tears away without slowing down his steady pace.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart.” Toji whispered as he buried his face into your neck, peppering open mouthed kissed all over it, making sure to leave a mark so everyone knew you belonged to him. You moaned at the sensation his thrusts combined with his kisses were providing you. Toji continued lavishing your neck with kisses, lowering himself to give your nipples the same treatment. He suckled your sore nipples as he continued to work his cock in you.
“Ah, Toji. Harder, please!” You pleaded dragging your fingernails down his back. Toji complied as he turned his attention back on your face. He started plunging his cock in your cunt with rapid, smooth thrusts, getting awarded by your moans muffled by his own.
“This pretty pussy is mine, baby. I’m the only allowed to touch it, the only that can ruin it.” He grunted before continuing. “If I see you with another man, I’ll kill him!”
“Yes, daddy!” You were so fucked out of your mind, you didn’t care about any words that sputtered out his mouth. Your whole focus was on reaching your orgasm. To Toji, this was your way of agreeing to be his for the rest of your lives.
You clenched tightly around him, the arrival of you orgasm getting close. The squelching sound of his cock sinking into your wet hole filling the room.
“Tell me, d-do you want to c-come for me, sweetheart?” Toji managed to stuttered out as his thrusts became erratic, feeling his own release approaching.
“I w-want to come all over your cock.” You cried out, letting your eyes roll back at the build up you were feeling. Your legs with a quivering mess, your toes curling at the mind blowing delectation you were experiencing.
“Let’s come together, baby.” Toji commanded, picking up his pace. The moment Toji felt your cunt spasm around his cock he allowed himself to come inside you with a flow of grunts. You cried out as your clenching pussy milked him of his every drop of cum. He continued releasing ropes of his seed inside you, feeling it start to ooze out of your abused hole. Toji gave a few more sloppy thrust as you both finished reaching your high.
He pulled out of you, groaning at the sight of his cock glistening with your juices and his own cum combined. He leaned back, enjoying the view of your sweaty, panting body and his seed dripping out of your snatch.
“That was amazing, Toji.” You admitted, attempting to catch your breath.
Toji nodded in agreement, unable to say anything that wasn’t a blabbering mess. He moved to lay next to you, pulling you closer to him and you responded by snuggling yourself into his chest. Toji had to stop himself from swooning at your behavior, it was so different from that night. You were both cuddled up, relishing the warmth radiating from your nude bodies. This was all he ever needed, you completed his existence.
“How about we watch that movie now?”
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wonryllis · 7 months
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惹き付ける 𓈃 ﹙where,﹚ agent red gets distracted on a mission.
001 ꗃ. agent heeseung headcanons 640 words! warning MDNI NSFW; mentions of fingering crdt! of edit @hypenwons on tiktok LIB?
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"stop staring at her," jay's voice rings in heeseung's earpiece.
"what?" he's too lost in thoughts like? dude you got a national level mission to do where's your mind at?
less than two hours ago he was in prehaps THE MOST secret facility in the country going over plans of an undercover search that he was SPECIFICALLY CHOSEN for
and here he is now leaning against the countertop of the bar with a fancy drink in hand
surely it wasn't alcoholic, he can't afford to be intoxicated in the slightest bit, right?
"olive green knit crop and black pants, you're staring," the venom and warning in jay's voice bites back from the control room
heeseung takes a sip of his mocktail and sighs there's no way literally no way, jay's gotta be kidding
"i'm not staring," this has to be a joke because why is jay not kidding, it's been fifteen minutes and his eyes just keep following you and your every move
from the way your mouth shapes as you laugh amidst the crowd of your friends(he assumes) to the way your lips touch the glass of vodka to the way your hips sway as you scurry to the dance floor
"you are, agent red," how your body moves to the music and the little peaks of skin that show and how it just seems to glisten under the disco lights.
"shut it, you have a mission to focus on," with the high tech glasses on, he can see the remnants of the liquid shining on your lips each time you drink a glass.
he can not help but be drawn to those beautiful colored lips
in fact your whole existence is quite literally making him go crazy, his thoughts running to such places that he absolutely should not be thinking about on a mission for fucks sake
if he were to just walk over and kiss you right now he wonders what you'd taste like, vodka? tequila? flavored cocktails? sweet and addicting? BINGO!
"yeah whatever," heeseung chugs in his drink and puts the glass back on the counter, zeroing in on you one last time.
"what? what did you just say heeseung-" rip jay. we'll miss you dearly
in the blink of an eye he's right behind you, slyly putting his hands on your waist as he joins you on the crowded dance floor standing impossibly close kshjsjd
and like an incubus bends to whisper in your ear, voice husky and tempting. he knows how to charm his way * - *
"you wanna dance together, pretty?" (died.)
the entire time his hands roam everywhere and anywhere caressing your curves shamelessly (if that's not heeseung)
it doesn't take long though for him to initiate a kiss, isn't that what he dropped his mission for?
but god forbid how wrecked he was about to be,, for the moment his lips touched yours, lee heeseung knew
HE WAS DAMN SURE INTOXICATED (can you hear me screaming?)
sucking and biting on your lips wasn't enough for him he just wanted more, so much more 👀
"does it feel good baby?" he can not stop staring at your face as his hand moves between your legs. fingers inside you with the thumb circling against your clit and the other hand around your neck holding you in a light choke
the way you suck in a breath, bite on your lips whinning to hold in a loud moan, the sounds going straight down against his tight pants and how your hooded eyes keep looking at him in a sultry daze.
WAY TOO INTOXICATED to realize you're the one he was supposed to find info on, and you have him exactly how you planned to, wrapped around your finger.
so, enemies to ?
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TAGLIST. ( open ) @s00buwu @luvyev @pockyyasii @nctislifue
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zazter-den · 1 year
Cat Bath
Minors Do Not Interact
(Edit)Common Scents Series: Cat Bath, Sweet Tooth.
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Synopsis- Barista!Reader comes home smelling like her new coworker Izuku, TigerHybrid!Bakugou decides a bath is in order.
Warnings- Yandere, Dubcon, Feline Anatomy, Choking, Light Knifeplay Claw play, Degradation.
Tags-Aged up(obviously), Hybrid AU, Tiger!Bakugou, Dom!Bakugou, Afab!reader, Sub!Reader. Bath Play, Scentmarking, Creampie.
Word Count- 2K words.
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With a low, guttural growl, Bakugou's tail began to sway and twitch behind him. The long, thick appendage moved with a powerful feline grace befitting a regal tiger hybrid.
As Bakugou's sharp gaze fell upon you, he took a step closer with a threatening aura enveloping him. His orange and black swirled ears were flat against his blonde locks. His chiseled jaw clenched tightly as his raging crimson eyes seem to pierce through your soul. There's no doubt that his presence alone could send chills down anyone's spine.
Bakugou's voice dripped with anger as he sneered "Who the fuck touched you, huh? Just let anyone lay their hands on you?" His tone filled with venomous jealousy, his possessiveness over you shining through every word.
His large hand reached out to grab your arm with an iron grip, his long black claws barely grazing your skin, for now. The intensity of his grip causes a a hitch in your breath, his dominance clear as day. "Tell me. now." Bakugou growled, his voice dangerously low. His sharp canines momentarily on display as a warning.
You swallowed hard. Oh, oh this wasn't going to be good.
His territorial jealousy seemed to consume him, and there's no doubt that he won't stop until he has an answer. The scent of pine and yuzu still lingered on your café shirt, a clear indication of the bunny hybrid coworker who had touched you.
"But... but Katsuki, Izuku didn't mean anything by it," you stammered, desperation creeping into your voice. The words coming out of your mouth sound rushed and nervous, "He grabbed my hands only to thank me for training him. It was a gesture of gratitude, nothing more."
Bakugou's grip tightened around your arm, the tip of his dark claws starting to puncture into your flesh, as he hears the name 'Izuku' leave your lips. His crimson eyes looked like smoldering embers, the mere thought of someone else touching you was enough to send a wave of fury surging through his veins. But some shitty prey hybrid holding your hand? A useless rabbit who you were already on first name basis with?
A wicked smirk curled Bakugou's lips as your punishment formed in his mind. With a sadistic glint in his eyes, he released your arm briefly, claws leaving glistening ruby dots. "If it didn't mean anythin', then I guess we'll just have to make sure ya don't reek of his stench," he said, a sinister undertone in his voice.
Not bothering to wait for a response, Bakugou snatched your hand and forcefully guided you toward the bathroom in the back of the apartment. His grip was forceful, almost bruising, as he shoved open the door and tugged you inside.
Bakugou's clothes hit the floor in a haphazard pile, revealing his intimidatingly sculpted physique. His muscular form was accentuated by the defined lines and lean muscles that traversed his body, a testament to his feral strength. His piercing ruby gaze, filled with a mix of raw desire and anger, was fixed your trembling form expectantly. Your clothes soon joined his on the cool tiled floor.
With his usual swagger, Bakugou stepped into the bathtub. His gaze fixated on you, filled with a mixture of hunger and simmering fury. The water settled over his toned body, causing droplets to glisten against his slightly tanned skin. His intimidating cock, stood fully erect and proud, its barbed girth a testament to his animalistic nature. He leaned back against the tub and spreads his legs, making his intentions clear.
With a wicked grin with far too much fang, Bakugou beckoned you towards him, his eyes daring some sort of defiance from you. His tail twitched suddenly, and you swear you almost jumped through the roof
"Get in the fuckin' tub" Bakugou growled, his voice dropping to a low, commanding tone.
As you obediently drew closer to him, Bakugou's large clawed hand shot out, gripping your wrist tightly. With a sudden, forceful motion, he pulled you onto his lap with a splash, causing the water to slosh around the tub and onto the bathroom floor.
Bakugou's grip tightened around your waist as he pulled you forcefully onto his lap, positioning your back against his chiseled chest. The feel of his muscular frame against your soft curves was both intimidating and exhilarating. You wondered if your heart beat was visible with the way it seemed to drum violently against your ribs.
With a punishing hold on your hips, Bakugou bullied his cock into you, thrusting in inch by thick inch. The sensation of being filled by his girthy length always brought a mix of pleasure and discomfort that never failed to elicit a gasp from your lips. The barbed ridges of his dick rippled against the walls of your dripping pussy, and you had to keep from instinctually clamp down on him. Black claws left angry indents on your skin as he started thrust sharply into you.
As the water sloshed and splashed, Bakugou's claws remained unyielding, his possessive hold a reminder of who you belong to. With every thrust, he watched with a predatory gaze as you writhe on his lap. The moans of pleasure being pulled from you echoing in the small space.
"I can't believe you allowed a fucking useless rabbit to touch you," Bakugou snarled in your ear, his voice filled with venom.
Bakugou growled against your neck, his hot breath tracing a path of need and possessiveness. He rubbed his scent onto your sensitive skin, his rugged scruff grazing against your jawline. With each thrust, Bakugou's movements gradually erased the lingering haze of Izuku's pine and yuzu scent from your body. His own dominant scent, a mix of warm cinnamon, earthy browned caramel, and the smoldering scent of embers, overwhelmed your senses. Seeping into your skin, claiming you as his own.
You were caught between the pleasure of Bakugou's relentless assault and your instinct to defend Izuku's friendliness. Still you tried to find your voice, no matter how shaky. "K-Katsuki," you begun to protest weakly, voice tinged with a mix of pleasure and desperation. "Izuku didn't mean any-"
In a black and orange flash, Bakugou's tail wrapped around your throat, his favorite way of shutting you up. The soft fur against your sensitive skin was a sharp contrast to the powerful grip it wielded, protests efficiently choked to a whimper.
As the pressure increased, lightly cutting off airflow, you gasped and whimpered. The minor decrease of oxygen intensified the sensations coursing through your body, making you moan in a mixture of pleasure and desperation. Each sound that escapes your lips only fed the fire burning within Bakugou, driving him to push you further, to exert his control over you completely.
"P-please" You managed to gasp out, your voice barely a whisper. The word hung in the air, almost begging for mercy, a plea to ease the intensity of his possessive onslaught. But deep down, you knew that it was a foolish request. Bakugou's selfish desires and his animalistic nature drive him, and mercy is seldom a part of that equation.
No. Forgiveness is not something Bakugou is known for. Instead, he tightened his grip on your hips, his claws freely dug into your skin, pricking the sensitive surface. His soft blonde hair, normally messy and tousled, now seemed to stand completely on end, giving him a truly feral appearance. With every wild thrust, his tail's grip on your throat tightened and slacked with the rhythm he found.
Bakugou spread his legs wider, seeking leverage as he relentlessly thrust upwards, setting a brutal pace that left you shuddering in pleasure. The sound of combined moans and the splashing of water filled the bathroom, creating an atmosphere of utter debauchery. Each forceful movement made you acutely aware of the prickly barbs that line Bakugou's endowed length, igniting intense sensations deep within your cunt. Under the violently swirling water, your toes curled against the slippery porcelain.
"Ya feel that, dumbass? That's me claiming you, marking you as mine." Bakugou's voice rasps in your ear, a mix of lust and dominance dripping from every word. “This is what you get, you pathetic little slut. You belong to me, and only me. Remember that." With his tail still wrapped firmly around your throat, His words punctuated by his forceful thrusts, each one drove deep with unforgiving vigor.
His hand snaked up your shaking thigh. His sharp obsidian claws grazed the delicate skin, leaving a trail of barely-there scratches in their wake, before reaching the apex he sought. He always knew how to handle you with terrifying precision. the pads of his fingers expertly circled your throbbing clit. The rough texture of his fingertips added a layer of friction that sent you keening.
Bakugou's touch is unapologetically rough, His fingers pinched and rubbed your clit mercilessly, combining pain and pleasure in a wicked synergy. Every grind, every pinch, brought you closer to the edge of ecstasy. With each press of his fingers, he thrusts into you with merciless ferocity.
Your body was a trembling mess in response to Bakugou's touch, the stimulation was sending waves of pleasure coursing through your veins. You could feel yourself beginning to succumb to the intensity of his ministrations, your walls tightening around his prickly cock. His thick length continued to impale your clenching hole, each thrust sending waves of pleasure cascading through your body.
Your orgasm hit you like a force of nature. Your eyes widened, pupils dilated with a mix of pleasure, fear, and surrender. Your grip tightened on either side of the tub, your knuckles turning white with the overwhelming sensation. The combination of Bakugou's forceful barbed thrusts, the constriction of his tail around your throat, and the merciless stimulation of your clit sent you over the edge. Your moans escaped in muffled gasps and whimpers, partially silenced by the grip of Bakugou's tail. Waves of ecstasy rippled through you, cunt walls clamped down desperately around Bakugou's cock.
Feeling your walls convulsing around him, Bakugou responded with a bestial roar that echoed off the tiled walls. With one final, forceful thrust, he buried himself deep within your quivering pussy. His body tensed, claws lacerating thin red lines on your hips. He released his cum deep inside you with the final snap of his hips, a torrent that seemed to fill you to the brim. It felt like every inch of your being was flooded with the overwhelming heat and intensity of Bakugou's climax. It was hard to catch your breathe as your cunt milked the last of the feral feline's load.
The spicy notes of cinnamon, the rich sweetness of browned caramel, and the smoky hint of embers engulfed you, overpowering any last hints of citrus and pine needles. In this moment, there was only Bakugou, claiming your body and erasing any lingering trace of competition.
Bakugou slowly loosened his tail from around your sore throat, letting it slip away like a snake releasing its prey. The furry appendage, a mesmerizing blend of orange, black, and white, flicked with an air of smug satisfaction.
As the pressure around your throat eased, your exhausted body slumped against Bakugou's sculpted chest, breath still labored. Bakugou wrapped his strong arms possessively around your spent and shaking form. He pulled you closer to him, ensuring your bodies remain connected, bond unbroken in the cooling bath water. His tail swished to-and-fro with a mixture of contentment and territoriality.
With your body now marked by his scratches and filled with his seed, you'll carry his undeniable scent, making it clear to any hybrid foolish enough to come near that you belong to him and him alone.
"You're mine. No prey filth should dare lay a finger on you." Bakugou seethed into your ear, breathless voice a dangerous low rumble as you drift off from exhaustion. “The next time this 'Deku' touches what's mine, I'm putting him in the fuckin' ground.”
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An original broke artist haiku:
Buy Me a Whiskey
Because You Want Me Tipsy
So I'll Write More Smut
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bombuni · 2 months
first off I love your writing sm!! secondly, I've been thinking of this wooyoung and this picture from the acolyte and just cannot stop merging the two into one in my head, thinking about what master manipulator wooyo (qimir) would be like
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contains: manipulative wooyoung (for the plot guys), dark side ? wooyoung, nothing bad but i fear potentially triggering for some ppl, pls be safe babies :)
bom note: i know next to nothing about sw or this show save for my poe phase in 2017 so pls excuse if this is inaccurate. i tried to do some research (watching manny jacinto edits on tiktok) but pls lmk if u want me to rewrite hehe!! i kinda rolled w this evil woo idea!!
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You’re scolding yourself again.
As you watch him rise out of the clear, crisp water with droplets rolling off of his succulent skin, the voice in your head telling you to run quiets down. It all but turns silent when he smiles at you, canines on display. Your heart picks up speed because you’re reminded that he’s a predator through and through.
“You came,”
He acts surprised, but he knows you’d follow him anywhere. It took all but a glance to get you to fall for him the first time. Now, all he has to do is whisper your name and he’s sure you’ll come running.
You don’t say anything. Wooyoung’s lips twitch, “Thought you’d be happy to see me.”
“I’m not.” You spit these words out with a practiced venom, Wooyoung smiling at the betrayal in your voice. He can see through your lies from a mile away, trained until he could spot every little tic your sweet face gives.
He lets out a sharp, mocking laugh. Your body is confused on whether it’s infuriated or totally enraptured.
Wooyoung steps closer, but you take a step backwards. He looks you up and down, “Why not?”
You shake your head and back away even further, “Stop contacting me. It’s unseemly.”
He keeps stepping towards you, droplets of water rolling down his toned stomach, “You said that last time.”
Your back hits the rocky wall. You realize now how stupid it was to follow him out here to such a remote location. He’s probably done toying with you now, tired of the games you play and the chase you give. Your lungs try desperately to catch air now, with Wooyoung’s menacing stare and vicious smile all directed towards you.
He feels it. The quickening of your heartbeat and the pulse of your body. He walks to you again, pulling on the abandoned wool shirt he’d thrown haphazardly towards a rock earlier.
His hands land on either side of your head. He’s caging you in, “This’d be a lot easier if you just did what I asked,”
You can’t hear yourself think over the sound of the waves crashing. Or maybe it’s just Wooyoung who has that effect on you. He’s cold where his torso touches your revealed skin, eyes boring into yours as every second passes. You start to think he’s even stealing your air with his attempts to be as close to you as possible.
You start to feel claustrophobic, “What do you want from me, Wooyoung?”
The smile he gives you makes you sick with butterflies, pulling you in until you’re an inch away from his lips, “I just want you.”
His lips are still wet from the ocean. It’s salty and breathtaking. He’s breathtaking, like a jump from the highest cliff. He takes you over with just his mouth, exploring the inside of you with his tongue. You can feel his hands on your hips, possessively pulling you in as if you’re already his. The voice in your head is back now, shouting and pleading for you to ignore this giant ball of desire that’s imploding inside of you.
Wooyoung’s quiet whine into your mouth shuts that voice down again. He squeezes your hips, smirking into you as your entire body melts and dissolves into the entirety of him. You don’t even realize he’s won.
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politemenacephd · 7 months
Arachnophilia: (Part Twenty-Four AU)
Threesome Edition
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
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Content: Threesome (M/M/GN), Jealousy/possessive fighting, Spitroasting, Size difference, Oral sex (reader performing & recieving), Swallowing, Double penetration, PinV sex, Anal sex, Breeding kink, Humiliation kink, Creampie, Aftercare.
Word count: 11k
Notes: Alright you fuckin degenerates HERE YOU GO! I DID IT! Alternate version of chap twenty-four which ends with a bit more s p i c e, aka Miguel is no longer a dumb virgin.
You barrelled into the elevator with Mig at your back. Neither of you could even stomach waiting until the doors were closed; the moment you hit the floor he was pinning you down with his lips and biceps, tonguing your mouth with furious, pining little moans. The doors closed on a handful of curious if horrified onlookers.
‘Mm- mm, come here’ he hissed between kisses, furiously petting your body.
‘M-Mig—’ You barely even got his name out of your mouth before his tongue was back down your throat. The soft ‘ding’ of the elevator, a reminder of the professional, clean-cut environment you were in, was drowned out by the sound of Mig grinding you into the floor.
You dug your nails into his back as you smothered you with his human torso. It was hard to breathe. You felt your lungs expanding in your chest as his muscled chest crushed your ribs. No air could hope to break through the bond he’d made between your lips, that halo of saliva and venom, allowing him to taste you in the most perverse way. His flat, hot tongue was curious as it brushed your own. You felt so delicate. So small. He wanted to eat you up.
You were getting lightheaded.
It was right then, as Mig was sliding his tongue down your throat, that a deafening bang filled the elevator. You spun in unison to see the unexpected interruption.
The doors to the elevator had been yanked apart, revealing a tall and imposing shadow in its maw. You both watched in a state of panic as their face came into view.
Miguel’s cold, tired pout stared back at you and Mig from the elevators entrance.
For a moment all three of you went silent. You were too shocked to say a word, as was Mig, and Miguel seemed too exasperated to get a word out. He simply ran a hand down his face and furiously rubbed at his eyes.
‘Ay coño—’ he murmured beneath his breath.
You felt your heart sink into your chest. Oh god. You’d been tricked. Of course, this was all a ruse, wasn’t it? Miguel had set you up, made you feel safe, and now he was going to show you off to everyone. You could faintly see the curious spiders moving about the lobby behind him, all of them in the perfect position to see you beneath Mig.
You locked gazes with Miguel as he stared down at you with cold, red, disdainful eyes. You silently pleaded for him not to do whatever he was about to do, even though you knew it was likely pointless. His eyes narrowed.
‘Everything okay Miguel?’
Someone from outside called to him, and you braced for him to reveal you and Mig in your compromising position. But Miguel didn’t do that.
‘It’s fine! Lyla spotted something off about the elevator. I’m going to check it out’ he said, and before anyone could reply he used his own web to slam the elevator doors shut.
You were too shocked to even get up. ‘You—Miguel, where did you—’
‘Why… did you not USE A PORTAL TO GO HOME?’ he hissed in your face. You stumbled back as Mig pushed his way forward, his teeth defensively bared. The two butted foreheads so hard that it let out a violent cracking noise.
It took you stumbling to your feet to stop them from breaking into an all-out war. Your skin-tight suit had been soaked with slick just from Mig’s sweet kisses, and the smell seemed to have a physical pull on the two men. You stood, sodden and abashed, beneath the joint glow of their eyes.
‘I….’ Miguel grunted and coughed, forcing his aggravated expression back on like a mask. ‘I said, why did you two not make a portal and go back to your universe. Why did you go into the elevator?!’
‘I, ah—I, wasn’t, thinking straight’ you blurted. ‘I just… I needed, to—’
‘Eres estúpido—’ Miguel paused midway through his angry rant to breathe. You watched in real time as he forced that instinctual rage down. ‘I know’ Miguel grunted. ‘I know. God, you both—stink. Just— alright, stand back’ he barked. You hated how you still obediently followed his orders.
Miguel held up his watch and created a portal on the far side of the elevator. He gestured for you both to jump in. ‘Here. Sneak out while you can, I’ll divert the people outside.’
Your mouth opened, but no words came out. You wanted to ask what his deal was, where he’d gone, why he was suddenly helping. You had a million questions for this man, though you quickly realized they’d have to wait, as Mig was tugging you towards him. The spider hadn’t blinked since Miguel entered the elevator, and his body was shaking with an innate desire to tear his rival to shreds.
Miguel stared back with cold eyes.
‘Go, now. Out’ he said. Mig bobbed his head. He checked quickly that you were safe and stable at his side, and with his foreleg around your waist he leapt through.
You dove through the portal and stumbled back out into the old woods, your feet right on the verge of your homely little hole in the ground. You let out a low groan as you hit the grass.
The heat was still burning low and strong in your core, thickening with every minute that passed. You’d settled it a little by letting Mig grind on you, but it would soon return. At least you’d be able to quell it at home.
Mig took a moment to collect himself on the grass before grasping your nape between his teeth, his favourite method for carrying you in a rut. It was pleasurable to grasp you in his maw, to show off how small you were and how strong he was. You didn’t need words; his warm, affectionate breath on your neck was enough, as was your willing acceptance of his grip.
You hung limp and allowed him to carry you down into your shared nest. Through the rounded door, down into the dimly lit earthen tunnels where the candlelight danced across your skin. Your belly knotted in anticipation. You knew where he was taking you.
Sure enough, Mig went straight to the bedroom. He widened his jaw and let you drop into the soft, sweet silk covering your shared bed, all of it smelling like him. You breathed in his scent as he began rustling at your back. He was doing his little mating dance, rhythmically shaking to earn your favour.
‘Mi tesoro’ he whined. ‘Mi hermoso tesoro, te necesito.’
You coyly glanced over your shoulder at him. That temptation was bubbling in your gut again, the heat prickling beneath the skin. You wanted that pretty spider to have you.
‘Mm… Mig, come here—’
You rolled and held out your arms, ready to take him in, only to lose sight of him in an explosion of light.
Your arms flew to your face as Mig dived on your body. You could feel him trying to shield you, but from what you didn’t know. You tensed and prepared for some kind of attack.
But nothing happened. Seconds passed without a change in the air, spare for the light you could see dancing beneath your closed lids. When Mig also failed to move or speak, you opened your eyes.
You froze. Miguel was standing in the middle of your bedroom, his silhouette framed by a shifting portal, the culprit of the sudden explosion of light. He ignored you both as you gawked in shock, instead fixing his sleeves as the portal collapsed in on itself.
‘Miguel?’ you blurted. He glanced down at you and froze. He could smell the heat on you even here. That fragrant, tempting musk, the scent of slick dripping from a body ready for him to breed.
He was like a starving man on the brink of death being taunted with an overripe peach; all he wanted to do was tear into that soft flesh, and taste whatever was inside. He bit his tongue to stop flushing.
‘Really? The moment you got back, you start—rubbing on each other again? Not a second to waste? God you are both—’ he paused to hiss beneath his breath. ‘Degenerado. Cochino’ he emphasised as he glanced at Mig. The two locked eyes.
‘You’ Mig hissed, venom bubbling at the corners of his teeth.
‘Cochino’ Mig repeated coldly.
The two jumped at each other before you could even think of stopping them. They went for the throat, teeth gnashing and claws flying, snapping and pushing on each other’s shoulders like dogs. You yanked at Mig’s fur in vain.
‘STOP! MIGUEL, STOP!’ you cried.
After the initial burst of rage Miguel did force himself back. He stumbled away and panted hard, leaving you to grip Mig’s side so he didn’t finish the job. It was clear that the hormones in the room were simply too much for them.
‘Get OUT, OF MY NEST!’ Mig seethed. His body let out a rustling sound like a snake, a fools attempt to scare Miguel away. His variant let out a violent hiss, and you tensed in preparation for another attack, but to your surprise Miguel instead relented.
He drew back and shook his head from side to side, physically smacking the left side of his face with his palm. He continued this pattern until he seemed to have calmed. ‘Look, I—I came, to talk. I need to talk to you both’ he said.
‘You are not welcome in my nest, nor even in this forest’ Mig said, his lip curling with distaste.
‘I just—I need to talk to you!’ Miguel replied cryptically. Mig was having none of it. He stamped and reared his front legs in a territorial display.
‘I have nothing to say to you, spare perhaps that I’m disappointed to see you didn’t—’ Mig froze. He wanted to say ‘die’, but as it reached his lips it petered out into nothing. That wasn’t the truth. His raging, stallion hormones were pushing him into anger unbecoming of himself.
He was, deep down, glad to see Miguel alive. Nothing could quell their past, nor his fundamental morals. He valued life. He valued this man, even if he hated him for what he’d done. Mig swallowed hard and struggled to regain his commanding tone.
‘You… What do you want?’ he barked. ‘If you want them—’
‘Idiot. I’m not here to hurt you, or to touch them, or—anything of the sort. Look, if you’re that paranoid, you can… tie my hands together. You’re a freak, you should enjoy that, right?’ Miguel replied spitefully.
Mig narrowed his eyes. ‘If our shared insecurity taught you anything, it should be that you are not my type’ he said slowly.
Miguel narrowed his eyes back. Then, slowly, his lips curled into a grim half-smile. He let out a chuckle. It was just one soft noise, then two, then three. ‘Mhm. Funny. Funny. Just—can we talk? …Please?’
He said ‘please’ like it physically hurt to say, but he said it. Mig glanced around his shoulder at you, and you glanced back.
You weren’t sure what to think. Miguel so far had done three things that surprised you. He’d filed the paperwork so you didn’t get in trouble, which at the time you suspected could have been a secret ploy to ruin you later, but now he’d been given the most perfect chance to embarrass you both in front of the society and he’d instead saved you again.
‘If you wanted to talk you have a funny way of going about it’ you said coldly, nothing the fresh cuts on Miguel’s arm. He sneered at you. He clearly wanted to argue back, but just like before he shook his head until his eyes were a little clearer. It was as if he was physically fighting some demonic possession.
‘We’re—spiders. It’s what we do’ he said in response, only to fold at the sight of your disgusted, disbelieving expression. ‘I mean—the, rut, it… I’m sorry. I will hold my tongue’ he said instead.
‘Do you promise to just… stand, quietly? And not, attack my partner again?’ you asked.
‘Yes. I will- stand here, and not attack. I promise’ he said, and even waved his wrist web mechanisms aside. He held up his hands in surrender.
The distaste in Miguel’s eyes was what you wanted to see. If he’d had something planned he’d have looked cool, collected, perhaps smug even. Right now, he looked angry. He looked annoyed, even, that he had to do this. He was doing this against his will, meaning either someone was forcing him to help you, or he was forcing himself to do this.
You gently patted Mig’s back, urging him to lean around and face you again.
‘Let’s hear him out’ you said. Mig instinctively looked disgusted at the idea, almost betrayed that you’d even suggest it.
‘He—after what he did—’
‘I’m not asking for anything other than to hear him out’ you insisted. ‘If he makes a move, you can kill him. Though, only if I haven’t killed him first. But twice now he’s helped us out. He was given the perfect chance to actually get us kicked out and he rejected it.’
‘He— It’s a, ploy. It has to be’ Mig hissed. You shook your head.
‘No. If he had a plan, he wouldn’t be so angry that he’d done it. He knows he’s getting nothing out of this.’
Miguel raised a brow as you spoke. He seemed begrudgingly impressed at how perceptive you were.
‘Argh…. Very well. Arañita, ask what you must’ Mig grumbled. ‘Just don’t let him stay too long. His- stench is disgusting.’
Miguel opened his mouth to argue back, but a murderous side-eye from you forced his mouth shut again. He curled his lip with petulant disdain as you faced him.
‘Alright. Look, we don’t have much time, unless—well unless you plan to watch again, so let’s be quick. Up front, what do you want?’ you spat. Miguel widened his jaw and snapped as he spun, his body betraying the mannerisms of a cornered animal.
‘I wanted to—apologize.’ He grit his teeth on the word ‘apologize’, and he refused to make eye contact, but he did at least manage to get it out. You paused.
‘You—You want to apologise?’ you said incredulously. He grit his teeth so hard they cracked.
‘Y… Yes. Yes. I want to apologize’ he repeated.
You maintained your pause, your eyebrow slowly raising. Now this was interesting. Interesting enough for you to briefly push your heat aside. ‘Okay’ you said, ‘go on. Do it. Apologize.’
Mig let out a dangerous purr at your back as he watched the man with unblinking eyes, as did you. Miguel felt that gaze like a spotlight.
‘I’m—sorry, for how I acted’ Miguel said. The words seemed to weigh in his mouth like hot coals. It looked like agony. ‘I’m sorry. I am, genuinely, sorry, that I let my distaste for you personally impact their safety.’
‘What about Mig’s safety?’ you pushed.
Miguel bared his teeth. ‘I was getting to tha—uh. Yes, I am sorry that I impacted on your safety too, Miguel. You—whatever issues we have, you were under my care, and… you are one of me. The only one of me I still have contact with. I should have kept you safe.’
‘I don’t need your protecting’ Mig sneered. He reared himself for the second time, fully gripping the roots of the ceiling with his claws to show off his enormous side. Miguel stirred with discomfort at the display. He tried, against all the impulses in his body telling him otherwise, to stand still and finish his apology.
‘I’m sorry I tried to approach you so aggressively while in rut, I—am, disgusted in myself for that. I grabbed you and that was wrong. I’m sorry I acted unprofessionally in trying to tear you apart. I truly, believed, I was doing what was right, that you were in danger in his care, but I—I was wrong’ he said, grimacing on the word ‘wrong’.
‘I know I was wrong. And I hate it, because I can’t afford to be wrong, but that—that isn’t your fault. I just—I am sorry, for how I pushed both of you. You… didn’t, technically, do anything wrong.’
Mig listened in silence. When he spoke, it was cold.
‘I don’t care. I don’t want it.’
‘I don’t need, nor want, his apology’ Mig cried, both at you and Miguel. ‘And you shouldn’t either. He is a lying snake!’
‘I can’t—lie! O’Hara’s can’t lie!’ Miguel argued, his hands now clasped to his chest. Mig spat venom at him for the second time.
‘You are not an O’Hara. You are a snake. You are—’
‘YOU’RE being unfair! I apologized, I—I did the thing, this is not my fault anymore!’
Mig let out a sardonic laugh. ‘After all you’ve done? You pathetic, grovelling, creature, begging for my mate, begging for attention—’
‘I’M SORRY’ Miguel blurted. Mig reared himself up to instigate a fight, but this time you held him back. You grabbed a thick fistful of his fur and tugged him back down to the bed beside you.
‘Miggy- stop—’
You heard their teeth clashing above you. You hated, internally, how your hot little body throbbed at the sound. You were still instinctively excited by their violence.
‘YOU ARE A MONSTER!’ Mig cried, his mouth barely a cm Miguel’s.
Miguel’s wailing filled the room as the two fell apart, and for a moment you all paused. He let out another broken sound as he paced back and forth across the dirt floor of your bedroom, his head now hanging in his clawed hands.
‘I am! I am! Why do you have to remind me!?’
Mig paused. He was trembling with the unfulfilled need to fight, coursing with adrenaline, but that noise ruined everything. The sound of a man wailing. He didn’t know what to do with that.
‘You… After, all you’ve done—’
‘Yes! I know! It’s why I--- It’s why, I’m trying’ he whined through gritted teeth. You could feel Mig tapping his feet in discomfort.
‘Is that what—do I have to stand here, and be berated, to fix this!?’
‘Why should I not be allowed to speak to you the way I want?!’ Mig snapped.
‘Because it—GOD, It’s so easy for you!’
‘What do you mean, easy for me?!’
‘Because despite what you are, you—grotesque, beast, you get to be—’ Miguel paused again. Through all that anger, through all that disgust, you thought for a moment that he looked sad. ‘You get… you get…’
He looked pitiable, lost, alone. It flashed over his eyes for just a second before he blinked it away.
‘I have seen, every version of myself’ Miguel said. His voice had dipped now, reflecting that internal sadness you’d sensed. ‘Every. Version. They are all… miserable. They all lose someone, if not everything. Do you know how many Peter Parkers there are, that are happy?’
You shook your head awkwardly, and Miguel let out a sardonic chuckle. ‘Almost 60%. Do you know how many versions of me, are happy?’
Again, you shook your head. You saw that little flash of self-pity again.
‘It’s just… him’ he spat. He raised a claw and pointed it at Mig, who stared back with sombre eyes. ‘It’s just, him, now. The only one happy, and it wasn’t even with someone from his own universe. He’s all that’s left. The only other version of us who got to be happy was the one who wasn’t changed, who got to have a child, but he died before he got to really raise her. Everywhere I went, I was alone, or dead, or a monster. Do you know, what they DOES to a person?’
You felt your body growing small in the face of his spiel. You felt Mig shuffling uncomfortably.
‘You don’t. But he does.’ Miguel pointed again to Mig, who refused to meet his gaze. ‘He knows. He knows what it means to be alone, and for that I needed him.’
For some reason, that sentiment bothered you. ‘You treated Mig worse than anyone else’ you blurted. Miguel didn’t deny it.
‘Because I know why we’re alone! It’s—us! As beings!’ Miguel lamented. ‘It’s the spider in us, this, monster, this animal, with no morals, just—eat, fuck, sleep, kill. I wanted to believe I could be good. That I could be better. But I keep…’
He paused again to let out a long breath. ‘I keep, fucking, up. I keep hurting people, like you. But he fucked up too. I justified, myself, because… well he fucked up too. It must be all of us. But he… You, stayed with him, so long. You ignored peoples disgust, you—ignored his body, and you, stayed. I couldn’t comprehend why. I thought—he had to be using you.’
‘I stayed because he’s good’ you insisted. ‘See, you’re so—cruel to him, just for looking this way. He’s only ever been kind.’
‘Ah. Yep. And there it is.’
You blinked in confusion as Miguel smiled sadly.
‘There it is, that’s what drove me so mad. Like he said. I am—a jealous, man. Why did you care about him, why did you want him, and not me?’
‘It doesn’t matter. Does it? It doesn’t matter why you picked him. All that mattered, to me, is that you didn’t pick me. I… hate, what I am. I despise it. And I just—I wanted, someone, to want me. Even a part of me. I wanted someone to prove me wrong. But they never did.’
‘But, your friend—’ you started to say, until Miguel interrupted you again.
‘Pity’ Miguel grunted. ‘It feels like… pity, when he touches me. It’s why I can’t stand it unless I have to. He’s a good man, but… Nobody touches me because they want me.’
‘How sad’ Mig cruelly noted. Miguel let out another sad laugh, and you noticed then that his red eyes were wavering. They were swimming, like the setting sun over an ocean scape. He was crying. He was trembling as he fought himself.
‘You stood by his side. You stood by him through everything, and I…’
He paused and wiped a hand down his face. ‘I have no excuse anymore. Something is wrong with me. I don’t know what, maybe—it is, the spider, maybe its potency is more in me than him because its hidden, I don’t know. I just know that, he’s doing something right, and—I don’t know what it is, but, I want to know.’
He turned to face the wall, seemingly to hide his emotion. ‘I’m sorry’ Miguel said slowly. ‘I am, sorry.’
Mig took a minute or so to slow his breathing, using your warmth and presence as a comforter to soothe his violently beating heart. His body began to relax as he leant against you for support.
Bit by bit, the tension in the room burnt out. Soon all that was left was the smouldering remnants of a very complicated relationship, lingering within all three of you at once.
‘I… don’t, know, how to trust this’ Mig hissed. ‘I don’t know how I’m supposed to trust you.’
‘I will prove it’ Miguel said over his shoulder. ‘I will. I want to, help.’
‘Help with what?’ Mig pushed.
Miguel let out an exasperated sigh. ‘We mentioned, ages ago, that the reason you needed to be sanctioned was due to the unknown factors around people from different dimensions having children. Right?’
‘Yes. I remember what you used to keep us apart’ Mig hissed.
‘I…’ Miguel opened his mouth to deny it, but he had to stop himself. He knew it was true. ‘Yes, I did. I used it as an excuse to shame you away from each other. But—it wasn’t, untrue.’
‘What wasn’t?’ you asked.
‘The issue of, inter-dimensional couples’ Miguel explained. ‘That. That is the issue. People from different universes have different DNA, we’re coded to the universe we came from. As far as we know, it’s not changeable. It’s why, without that watch there, you would de-stabilize and your DNA would crumble in another world.’
You blinked, and glanced at the watch on your wrist. As you contemplated what he was saying, you started to feel a little sick. The reminder that you weren’t welcome here, that you were hanging by a thread in this world, it hurt to realize. You and Mig weren’t from the same universe. You were never meant to meet.
‘Because of that, the idea that—well, the possibility of breeding between dimensions, it’s never been touched before. None of our members have tried, until… you, two. There is a very real fear that it could cause an anomaly, or—kill you, one or both of you.’
You were drawn to look at Mig, and he was drawn to look at you. He looked horrified. The intrusive memory of Dana, dead on the ground, filled his head. The idea of that being you, of you dying in an attempt to bring about offspring for him, it made him his heart palpitate.
‘Arañita?’ he whimpered. You touched a hand to his flank to help keep him grounded, and internally you stiffened yourself. He needed you to be strong for him.
‘We… yeah. We know that’ you said slowly. ‘I mean—even if it wasn’t true, we accepted that we might not be able to have kids. It’s fine. I’m happy with him.’
‘That’s fine, but… If we could know for sure, would you want to know?’ Miguel asked.
‘I… I mean, yes, but, how?’ you asked, still in shock.
‘I’ve done some research into this area before. I haven’t conducted anything regarding the creation of new life via different universal donors, but, I think my previous research may be useful. I just—I need help to do it. I wasn’t good enough, on my own, to do anything successfully. I’m too- busy.’
He cracked his knuckles as he spoke. He looked angry to admit it, to acknowledge his failure. You watched his full display with wide and curious eyes. Something in him had undoubtedly changed.
‘You’re, asking for help?’
‘Yes. I need—more of me’ Miguel explained. ‘I will do the bulk, since I’m the only one who can do it, but I need assistance, and the only one who can help is another version of me.’
‘And, you’ll help us find out if we can, stay? Together? Why?’ you asked.
Miguel grunted, his lip curling into a slightly sarcastic smile. ‘After all the failures I saw, I gave up. But… I have convinced myself, perhaps stupidly, to do this one more time. To try, one last time. Maybe I can still prove I’m a good person, maybe—’ Maybe I could love something, he thought, though he couldn’t bring himself to say it. Maybe he could be happy. Maybe, he wasn’t doomed.
Mig grunted at Miguels proposition. He didn’t look pleased, but deep down he had regained some of his sympathy for his variant. This arrogant fool had ruined himself, and now he stood here crying, asking for help.
It felt good to see him so low. It also felt bad. Mig could so easily see himself in his place. He’d done so much, and yet he just kept forgiving him. Perhaps he was stupid for that.
Deep down he did want to regain his connection to Miguel, as the only two people in the multiverse who understood each other. How could he not? But the water was so murky now, he didn’t know if it could ever be fully cleaned.
The hormones certainly didn’t help. While he instinctually wanted to submit to you, in turn he wanted to submit this man. He’d beaten him in a fight, he’d won your favour, and yet it wasn’t enough. He still felt unfulfilled. What more could he need? What could he do to even them?
Either way, what mattered is that Miguel was making an offer that meant the world to him. The chance to be with you long term, to consider having a family, to be a unit. It was all he wanted.
‘Very well’ Mig said slowly. He began to lower his tensed spider legs back to the floor as a sign of clemency. ‘I… accept your proposal. I cannot accept your apology, but I accept it as a… start.’
Miguel gave an awkward nod in response. His eyes betrayed a conflicted admiration for his counterpart, though it was still tinted with self-loathing and jealousy. Mig sighed. His own eyes betrayed the same.
‘Yes, I um—I don’t know if I can forgive, yet, not until I’ve seen some change, but… I mean I appreciate the apology. I do’ you said.
‘Oh, god—don’t pity me too’ Miguel scoffed.
You let out a little sarcastic laugh through your nose. ‘Don’t worry, I won’t. I—’
You opened your mouth to add something, only to double over with a low groan.
You’d forgotten. In the thick of shock you’d forgotten the heat, still lingering deep within your body, begging for release. Against your will it reared its head, that primal urge bursting forth into your blood. It was hot. It was tight. It was BEGGING.
‘Ah…. F-fuck, ah—’
‘Are they okay?’ Miguel blurted. Against his better judgement he moved to help you, only to get a nose-full of that smell. The sweet, rich musk of your body, the smell of pheromones calling to him. He almost stumbled.
‘Oh… Oh. I—’
He caught Mig’s eye as you whined and shuffled in the sheets. The spider was glowing with dangerous intent. His eyes were wide, red, bloody and smooth, and he was slowly moving to cover your body. He refused to blink as he dragged your little body towards his own, his teeth sinking into your suit to pull you closer.
Miguel felt that usual flood of confusing, conflicting emotion. He felt jealousy, lust, disgust. He wanted to run, to flee, and yet he wanted more than anything to dive in, to bury himself in that mattress and plead for your favour.
‘I see you are—busy’ Miguel said through his teeth.
You managed to look up at him as he spoke, your misty eyes struggling to fixate on his face.
Just as he could smell you, you could smell him. As you breathed in his pheromones you came to a sad realization.
Miguel was still infected. He was still rich with pollen, still rutting, still burning up with heat, and he had no other outlet. You’d needed sex almost ten times a day to soothe your shared rut, but theoretically, Miguel had received nothing. No relief, no saving, just that agonising itch he couldn’t scratch.
Your saw his eyes lingering. He was sniffing, subtly, breathing in the smell of warmth and sex and musk. You saw his fist tighten and noted the subtle squeak of straining leather as it did so.
‘I… I should, go—’
You spoke without thinking, ordering him to stay. He did as told, his eyes lingering on your face. You held that gaze.
O’Hara’s couldn’t lie. They could hide the truth, but they couldn’t distort it. You knew he was genuinely sorry for what he’d done. He wouldn’t sound so angry about it if he wasn’t. Whatever he’d done before, right now, he was tame.
You couldn’t forgive him so easily, but your brain was on fire. The heat had burned away all higher thought, and you just couldn’t cope with the need. You saw him standing there, alone, and you thought about when you were crushed during the fight.
You secretly relived that memory often. The thought of being penetrated on both ends, to be utterly subdued by two huge men with their snapping teeth and inhuman pheromones, it was too much to even think about. It made you soft. It made your insides clench around nothing, reminding you of your own need to be filled.
The final, filthiest taboo. The one peak, the one ultimate indulgence. That sweet, rare, unachievable gem.
As you looked up with misty eyes you saw the tension in Miguel. The need bubbling just under the surface, the accumulated denial of relief. That stupid, emotionally constipated man, denying himself the most basic touch, ruining himself for pride.
It was hard to not feel sorry for him. It was hard to not want to see him weep over the faintest touch. It was hard to not want to submit him yourself.
‘I think… I think, I know, how he can start showing, how sorry he is’ you murmured.
You felt Mig shifting above you. He was already hard, unabashedly so even in front of his variant, and he seemed too distracted to have heard you. He was panting while rubbing himself out against your thighs.
‘Uhn… w-what?’ he asked, his voice husky. You licked your bottom lip.
‘I… I know, how he can start, making it up to us. If he agrees’ you repeated slowly. You felt Mig rock to a stop.
‘What— What do you mean?’ Miguel hissed. He was feigning annoyance to avoid revealing how aroused he was, how the smell of your body was tugging at him like a physical rope. You licked your lip a second time, and this time, you bit it. Miguel’s eyes instinctively widened.
‘We made him watch us, that one time, right?’ you said slowly. While Mig purred at the memory Miguel looked away, clearly embarrassed. He must have assumed you were going to make him sit and watch again.
‘Yes, I remember’ Mig replied. ‘Do you—’
‘What if, we—did that again, but this time, we let him help?’ you blurted.
Miguel’s head snapped back to you, his eyes wide and hungry. He seemed confused. Did he think he’d misheard? Did he think his mind was playing tricks? You held his gaze steady, your own eyes starving for touch, and slowly his eyes widened with realization. No, he’d heard right.
‘He could… help us out, with easing the r—’
Mig growled hard, cutting off your proposition. You groaned as his talons sank into your back. He pinned you hard to the bed as he leered around your back, his eyes burning as they narrowed at Miguel.
‘No, Mig, I—’ you glanced up and tried to catch Mig’s attention, your eyes darting between him and Miguel. You were gesturing silently your desire, your interest.
‘What—what are you saying, arañita?’ he hissed. You bade for him to come down so you could speak with some semblance of privacy.
‘I… I, look, just hear me out. I’m suggesting, that… maybe, just, one time, it—fuck, this rut is so bad, and, if he owes us, it might help me, to… let him, get, involved.’
For a moment you saw concern flash over Mig’s eyes. ‘You… want, him?’ he asked. You shook your head.
‘No, no, not like that. I don’t want him. Just… what he has on him’ you whispered. ‘This is purely physical, I just… This all started, because—mm—we’re all, messy, hormonal, idiots, and you know that. I-I know, you offered to let him watch again, to—ease himself. I-I’m offering that again, just—different. As weird as it is, he owes us, and I want him—to make up for shaming us. How better than to show him for the hypocrite he is?’
In the corner Miguel was absolutely still. He was trying to cover up how he was almost drooling at the mouth like a starving animal, his venom glands working overtime as his rutting body trembled.
This was wrong, he thought. This was so wrong. He shouldn’t want this. He shouldn’t indulge this. Oh, but god, the idea of touching something, of being touched, it made him dizzy. Despite his brain screaming at him to go, he stayed.
‘I-I don’t want your, pity fuck’ Miguel hissed.
‘It’s not pity’ you hissed back, your own body now trembling. ‘I want—to use you.’
Those words drew him to pause. Being used? That meant being wanted, at least on some level, right? Suddenly all of his reservations melted, leaving only the burning, desperate excitement beneath. He’d be touched. He’d be wanted, even just as a donor. He’d be required.
Mig purred low. His eyes were narrowed, but he seemed curious. ‘You… Wish to, use him?’ he murmured. ‘But, the mating—’
‘No mating’ you panted. ‘Just- I’m proposing just the mouth, for now. No mating. I only mate with you.’
The mouth, Miguel thought with a tremble. He could fuck your mouth.
Mig grunted, his breath condensing in the air. The glow of his eyes turned his smoky breath red. He refused to let anyone else touch you, or inside you, but he couldn’t pretend something inside him wasn’t a little aroused by the idea of you using his counterpart for your own pleasure.
The heat was spiralling you all out of your usual depths.
‘You are, mine?’ he murmured. He spoke so low that only you could hear him.
‘I’m yours’ you whispered back. As if to prove that point you used his foreleg claw to slice your suit open at the crotch, smearing his fur with the seed he’d left dripping from your cunt. He shuddered a little at the reminder.
‘All yours. It’s just… It’ll calm him down, it’ll calm me down, and he’ll have to obey you. I’ll let you be in control of what he does. I think, that might calm you down, too.’
Mig glanced down at the little sticky white strings hanging between his fur and your inner thighs. He fixated on them as he tried to think through the haze of heat, through the violent throbbing pulsing of his cock.
The more he dwelled on the idea, the more it fascinated him. It felt deeply perverse but in this state it was feeding his pleasure. He was disgusting and horrified at the idea of you mating with his variant, or of being affectionate with anyone else, but what you suggested? Using him like a toy to bring him right down to your level, to humble him completely, keeping him in your joint good graces so he never messed with him again? It fed right into his need to assert dominance.
It was tempting. As was the idea of seeing you so desperate, so horny, all while taking his seed alone, it sent a little shiver up his spine. His abdomen rustled.
‘Mm… I will, be in control?’ Mig asked. You nodded.
‘And… you are, mine?’ he repeated. You nodded harder.
‘All yours’ you whined. ‘All, all yours. Always.’
Mig purred again. He let out a low clicking noise before raising his head, and with a neutral expression he gestured for Miguel to approach with one claw. Miguel obeyed.
‘You do not mate with them’ the great spider barked. ‘That is my right only. You do not touch this—’ he paused to gesture at your chest, your clit, and your entrance, ‘Or this, or this. They are mine. You will not speak nor receive any words of affection beyond appreciation for their- hospitality. That is for me alone. You will stand still, and obey, and they’ll do what they want with you. Understand?’
Miguel curled his lips. He seemed aggravated still that he had to tilt his head back to speak with his counterpart, but the need to be touched kept him rooted to the spot. ‘Yes, sir’ he grunted with a crack of his knuckles.
Mig purred. Their eyes glowered in the dark of the den. ‘Good’ he noted. ‘Then, mi arañita, you may show me what you want.’  
You were shaking with anticipation as you nodded up at him. ‘O-Okay. Just—if, if anything bothers you, let me know, okay?’
Mig paused and admired how affectionate your gaze was, how big your eyes looked peering up at him from your precious position, bound and pinned on the bed by his huge hands. ‘Of course’ he purred. ‘Of course. Mi arañita.’
You nodded to Mig before letting him mount you from behind, instead turning your own focus to Miguel. ‘C-Come here’ you panted.
He approached with a slightly curled lip, seemingly annoyed that he had to take orders, but despite his cold face you could see his cock straining beneath his suit. The hologram was sparking at the tip with how hard it was trying to burst forth.
He stopped in front of your face, barely an inch from your lips.
‘You… Are you—a-ah!’ You squeaked and jolted as Mig tore your suit aside, leaving you completely naked. You could feel his tip probing at your cunt, smearing you with pre-cum. Miguel’s eye twitched as he fought not to show he arousing he found your pathetic, needy display.
‘Are you, ready?’ you asked. Miguel looked down at your wide, hot, pleading face, and for the first time, he looked almost shy. He slowly nodded.
You gestured for him to lower his suit. Miguel did so silently, his eyes fixated on your face as you waited impatiently. He waved away the suit at his groin, and you watched as his hefty cock fell free in front of your face. You squeaked at the sight.
You weren’t exactly surprised by the size. He was clearly huge, veiny and uncut, but you’d been rather ruined by Mig’s extraordinary size and structure. His plush, soft, squishy phallus was unmatched.
You were shocked just because you were seeing it at all. What a filthy thing to do. Part of you still wondered if this was wrong, if this was a good idea, but your brain had been melted by lust until it was all that remained.
As Mig angled himself and began coyly puncturing your cunt with just the tip of his cock, you widened your lips into a wet, inviting little circle.
Miguel swallowed hard. He put one finger beneath your chin and slowly moved in, letting his member sit upon your lips. He seemed afraid that at any moment he’d be bitten.
You let out a moan and started to tongue him. He tasted unnervingly different to Mig, clean but slightly sweaty with a faint metallic tinge lingering on the skin from his holographic suit. You flicked on the tip and let his pre-cum smear your tongue. Thick, warm, just a little sweet.
‘Ay, Dios mio’ Miguel whimpered. The stoic monster was already submitting.
You swirled your tongue around his member and gingerly started to suck on him. Immediately, your eyes rolled back into your skull. God it felt so good. You strained for more, hungrily trying to lap at his shaft. His hand flew to your head.
‘Ah, perfecto/a—’
Miguel groaned out loud only for Mig to hiss in his face, instinctively drawing Miguel to hiss back. You had to buck your hips to settle the two down.
‘You—you do as he says’ you panted up at Miguel. He glanced down and eyed up your face in turn, noting the way you were trembling and jolting with each gentle thrust from your partner. The sight made him weak. He swallowed his pride and ducked his head.
‘Yes, sir’ he murmured.
Mig purred low as he pumped himself inside you. He made Miguel wait as punishment, forced to watch you mewl and whimper as the wet sound of your copulation filled the air, but after seeing how horny you were he relented. Mig gestured for Miguel to continue before letting out his own low groan of satisfaction as he pushed in deep.
Miguel grunted and spread his legs for stability. He put his thumb on your smooth, wet lower lip, and slowly pulled it down. He eased your jaw open before pushing his cock towards you.
You tensed up, hard, and caught his eye as he pushed it in. You felt his cock enter your mouth and audibly whined.
He let out a sound like he was being strangled. The pure, inescapable relief, it was overwhelming. Fuck, he was inside your mouth. He was being touched. He was fucking something.
He started to move the moment he felt the velvety lining of your mouth squishing his shaft.
So soft. So wet. Your tongue moving back and forth on the base of his shaft, combined with the soft sucking motion of your lips and throat, it made him want to cry. That big man was reduced to an absolute mess.
His clawed hands flew to your head for stability, but a hiss from Mig forced them back. He put his hands behind his head and internally strained to stay standing as you sucked on him. ‘A-Ah—so, so soft, so soft—'
‘Soft’ Mig repeated. He was fully inside your cunt now, his cock squishing back and forth against your walls as they quivered and clenched. His entire abdomen was bucking hard with each thrust, and the motion was unintentionally pushing you back and forth along Miguel’s shaft.
You were truly spit roasted between the two, penetrated on both sides by those enormous men who could both break your back with ease.
Fuck, it felt so good. This was heaven, and every bodily fluid involved here was your mana.
As you sucked on Miguel, you felt his hips starting to move of their own accord. He started to gingerly pump your throat. He wasn’t as big as Mig, but he was still so much more powerful than you, so rough and strong. You caught his abs tensing as he willed himself not to cum too fast.
He moved one hand from his head to your chin so he could feel it moving in your throat. Your eyes unintentionally locked.
You still retained your distaste for the man, and his smug little groans were grating, but there was something really pleasurable about having him fuck your mouth. You kind of liked submitting to him. You kind of liked this asshole getting his way, especially like this.
As he watched you his lips parted. ‘You like that?’ he whispered, smugly flashing a fang. You moaned in response.
‘Yeah, they like it’ Miguel breathed.
‘Mm… Good arañita’ Mig purred. ‘Are you having fun, mi tesoro? Do you feel better?’
You moaned louder, your cunt unintentionally clenching him tight. Mig’s deep groan resonated through the entire den. ‘A-Ah-- Tú eres el major, aranita. Ah… Is that small thing giving you a mouthful at least?’
His subtle jab made Miguel hiss, but he was quickly humbled once more. Mig withdrew his shaft about halfway out just to measure up against him, forcing Miguel to see the sheer size of that plush red cock dripping in pearly slick. You whined and bucked your hips, begging for him to put it back, and with a smug grunt Mig returned to pumping.
Miguel bit back his desire to bite the man’s throat. He wasn’t used to being the smaller man.
He relented to just being grateful he was being touched. No matter what, he got to fuck your mouth. He got to watch your bratty, difficult little face while you sucked his cock, mewling and moaning submissively, and that was truly enough.
He did a little test by pulling out, and sure enough you whimpered and strained to get it back. He pulled out inch by inch, until just that sweet, curved member was resting on your lips, and only when you pleaded did he slide it back in.
‘Ah… there you go’ he murmured smugly. ‘There you go. I’ll give you what you want.’
He didn’t need to breed you. He just needed you to beg once. He needed to be wanted.
In this messy, tense threesome you all continued to indulge. Miguel remained rigidly still as you played with his cock, coyly sucking and stroking and teasing as you wanted, while Mig pumped in and out of your pussy.
Your home was saturated with a musk so thick you could almost see it, taste it. You were drowning in the smell of sex, the taste of skin and cum, and the obscene soundscape of your own body being ravaged while you choked on Miguel’s shaft.
The tension just kept growing. You were losing all higher thought, dumbifying yourself to be their little breedable catch, relishing in the submission. It had, somehow, breached the divide between the two men, as they fixated solely on you and your pleasure.
At one point Mig pulled out just so he could lift your hips to his mouth and slather you with his affectionate tongue, eagerly lapping at your swollen clit as you continued sucking on Miguel. Your moans vibrated through his soul.
‘Mm.. Tengo un hambre de lobos, arañita. Quiero comerte’ Mig purred between licks. When you bucked your hips for more he chuckled. ‘Mm. Do you like that, mi tesoro?’
Your reply was muffled by Miguel’s cock, but he replied for you. ‘They—mm, they said—y-yes’ he grunted.
Mig paused. An intrusive thought filled his head, and while it disgusted him at first, his hormones pushed him to ask. ‘They… How do they feel?’ he purred.
Miguel whimpered. ‘Ah… a-amazing’ he confessed. ‘So… fucking, amazing—’
Mig rustled with perverse excitement. He began to raise himself back up, his enormous phallus throbbing and twitching in the cold air. He turned and curiously watched you moaning and deep throating Miguel as he slowly pushed his cock back inside you. He watched you squirm, your hips shifting and adjusting to the size, your hands tearing at the sheets as you screamed.
He let out a little rustle of satisfaction.
‘Would you prefer to be sucking on me, arañita?’ he asked, emphasising each word with a slow thrust. You nodded aggressively.
Miguel felt his stomach drop a little at the embarrassment, but Mig wasn’t finished.
‘Are you having fun though, mi tesoro? With your new toy?’ he asked.
Again, you nodded aggressively, your lips widening as you slathered Miguel from base to tip. You allowed your saliva to hang and drip from his veiny cock down onto the silk below.
Miguel almost whined out loud. That���s what he needed. Fuck, it was humiliating, but it was so worth it.
He could be a toy. He could be your toy. He gripped the back of his head and started pumping into your throat again.
‘A-Ah… F-Fuck, I’m—close—’
To his own personal disgust, he looked at you and Mig for permission to cum. You nodded eagerly at the idea, and Mig simply waved his hand. He was too busy riding out his own pleasure to care right now; he was on the verge of cumming inside you, of filling your womb with his hot seed, he didn’t care about that pathetic toy squirting in your mouth.
Miguel sighed with relief as he was given assent. He grabbed your head and started thrusting hard.
‘F-Fuck, oh— más duro, haz que me corra—!’
Miguel came violently, unloading god knows how much pent up cum into your throat. You took it all with nothing but a shocked squeak.
He grabbed and pulled your hair as he slathered your mouth and gullet with that thick load. It slid down hard, and you were forced to swallow the entire time he pumped to stop it overflowing.
And then, right as you were choking on Miguel’s seed, Mig ejaculated inside you. You were thrown between them like a rag doll, like a true little cum dumpster, filled from every angle. Mig thrust hard to paint your cervix with his seed which pushed you forward onto Miguel’s shaft.
It was too much. Even without outside stimulation you managed to shudder into your own brutal orgasm. You clenched Mig so hard he rasped at the feeling, your little body shaking and spasming with pleasure. Your screams were muffled by Miguel’s shaft, but he felt your throat vibrating.
‘Good—good arañita, that’s it’ Mig panted frantically. ‘Good, good little arañita, that’s it. You enjoy yourself.’
When they’d both emptied themselves they slowed and slowly pulled out, leaving you to collapse into the sheets. You were immediately showered with kisses and praise from Mig while Miguel fell to his knees.
He was euphoric. The man almost fell into a full prayer position as he lulled in the sweet relief you’d offered.
You expected that to be it. You’d quelled the beast, you’d achieved a kind of stalemate. But it wasn’t over.
As you lay back and let Mig continue his gentle aftercare, you began to realize that the heat hadn’t passed. It was still in your veins. You continued whining, mewling, wiggling your hips for attention. The two men could feel that brief emptiness beginning to build up again.
It was as if there was a pressure inside their bodies that they had to expel, that they needed to unload into you. It was painful, weighty, a physical need.
The more sweet, wet little noises escaped your mouth, the more they seemed to involuntarily converge on you. You felt Mig at your back gently rustling his abdomen, and you felt Miguel starting to crawl towards your front. You felt their breath on your skin, their hungry eyes gawking.
You were spread out before them, naked and warm, your body coated in little beads of sweat. They could see the pearly strings of slick between your thighs.  It was glistening, smooth. You must be so wet by now.
The tension peaked, like a jar teetering on the edge of a table. The two Miguel’s locked eyes.
The jar fell, and it smashed. They dove at you.
This time there was some snapping and scratching, some territorial hissing as you were tugged back and forth, but your desperate whining and their new-found pack dynamic helped to soothe their instinctive need to fight. Instead, you were grabbed and squished between the two of them at once.
‘Help me prepare them’ Mig barked, and Miguel obeyed.
Miguel held your hips as Mig spread your legs, lifting you up until you were in the right spot for penetration. They used Miguel’s webbing to hang you from the roots above, maintaining your weight in the air, and Mig used his sticky webs to keep your legs stuck to his abdomen. He trapped you in a bondage tie against him, just like when he’d soaked in you, and Miguel used his hands to hold your torso as he positioned himself at your back.
You felt Mig as he forced his cock back up inside you, squishing your overstimulated muscles aside, while Miguel began prepping against your ass. He used his webs to drag over a pot of that pain relieving gel you’d been prescribed. He smeared it over his entire shaft, so thick it dripped off the tip, and with a soft grunt he began lining himself up with your anus.
You let out a soft gasp. You were being distracted by Mig who was already busy slowly moving inside you, so you only barely noticed Miguel’s member probing at your rear. But he didn’t tease for long.
‘Can I—Can I penetrate, here, sir?’ Miguel panted. Mig nodded, clearly too preoccupied with breeding you to care. As you whimpered in their grip Miguel pressed his lips against your neck.
‘May I fuck you, little spider?’ he hissed.
‘Has anyone fucked you here before?’ he whispered. Embarrassed, you shook your head.
‘Okay. Don’t freak out. I need you, to stay still for me’ Miguel murmured in your ear. ‘Stay still, and try to loosen up’ he purred, before pumping himself inside you.
You immediately tensed up at the sensation. You had to fight to loosen for him, even with that much lube, as his cock’s size was suddenly very noticeable. He forced your muscles to make room from him.
‘MM—mm, that’s it, that’s it, come on—’
He bottomed out with a desperate growl, his claws digging deep into your hips.
You felt everything. The sweat on his abs where they’d pressed into your spine, his muscular hairy thighs against your own, his heavy balls crushed against your ass, and his shaft, gently throbbing inside you. A desperate whimper escaped your lips.
You realized, in your lust, you’d just given your anal virginity to him. Miguel’s groaning let you know that he’d noticed that too. ‘F-Fuck… Fuck, so fucking tight—’
You gasped as his breath hit your neck. You could smell the hunger on him, the desperation, and the allure.
This stupid little spider, this whiny brat, now giving him a taste of what he’d craved for so long. He breathed in your scent and trembled; what a stupidly adorable little thing, he thought. Part of him just wanted to praise you, to berate you, to worship you.
But that part of him was quickly pushed aside. The higher mind was subdued, and all that remained was pure, primal, animal lust. He started to rut the moment he was settled inside you.
‘Uhn—f-fuck, finally—’
His voice peaked as he started thrusting. You felt the power in his hips as they started clapping you from behind, pulsing in and out of that tight hole. The feel of your ass bouncing each time he hit it made him almost weep.
‘Ah—c-careful, please’ you begged.
‘Mm—must, breed you’ he whined. Mig paused and hissed at him again, and this time Miguel willingly backed down. His lust was malforming, adapting to his subservient role just to feed itself.
‘Yes, sir’ he whined. ‘You breed them, sir.’
‘Good’ Mig snapped. He continued humping between your legs as Miguel gently thrust at you from behind. ‘They’re mine.’
The glow of their conjoined gaze was blinding. Red light pulsing in your vision as they skewered you, pumped you, smearing every inch of you with precum and sweat.
‘You want me to breed you, arañita?’ Mig purred.
‘Fuck- breed them good’ Miguel groaned. You felt Mig grasp your jaw in his hand.
‘You were made for O’Hara cum’ he hissed, utterly lost to pleasure. ‘You were made to be stuffed with these genes, arañita. My perfect mate. I want you saturated with it.’
‘You—craved it so much, you couldn’t stand having just one, huh?’ Miguel hissed in tandem, letting out a breathy laugh. You could feel them both crushing you from the front and back as they rhythmically pumped. You were small, helpless, frail between them. You rasped with each shaky moan.
‘Mi arañita’ Mig purred, ‘you sure you don’t want me to breed you for real?’
‘They want to be bred’ Miguel panted. You felt his lips near your neck, his claws on your hips. ‘They need it. I can smell it in them. Their body wants it.’
In the hazy mist of pure degeneracy the two men dissolved into moaning, thrusting animals, grunting and desperately kissing across your face and neck. Mig bent forward to tenderly brush his tongue against your own while Miguel nibbled and kissed your shoulder from behind.
They snapped at each other occasionally, but now even that was a form of sexual gratification. Miguel had lost all boundaries, and he was willing to be the beta if it meant he could vicariously breed you. They had the same DNA, after all, and he was still pumping you regardless.
He’d snap just to get Mig to bare his larger, more terrifying fangs, all for the thrill of backing down.
And you, in the middle, were struggling to even breath. You were being pulverised from both ends, stretched to your limits and fucked until it was all you could feel. Your legs had gone numb, your hands were tingling with pins and needles, and all you could focus on was the two, veiny, weighty cocks twitching and pulsing against your guts.
There was no coming back from this.
‘Can’t- believe, I get to breed with you’ Mig whined. ‘Perfect little spider—’
‘Let—let me take off the patch’ Miguel breathed. Mig purred loudly, his abdomen shaking with excitement. ‘Yes’ he panted, ‘yes, they need breeding properly.’
You squirmed between the two men as they crushed you. They both had elated, almost ravenous expressions, their lips drawn back into the same desperate, dreamlike smile.
‘W-Wait— Mmm, fuck—’
Your face was sweaty from their conjoined breath and the toll this constant movement was taking on your body, and you were struggling to get any word out.
‘We’re gonna breed you, pretty little thing’ Miguel purred, his voice husky as he blurted his most perverse thoughts. ‘Little brood mare, time to grow an O’Hara in you.’
‘F-Fuck—’ You squirmed harder and screamed with pleasure as they both continued to erratically pump you. They were feeding into each other’s delusional fantasies.
‘Mm—Arañita, don’t you want it?’
You were losing your mind like this. There was nothing but them, nothing but their pleading, nothing but the thick, primal drive between the three of you. You felt yourself going dumb.
‘Ah… y-yes’ you blurted.
‘You want to be bred?’
‘You want my cum in you, arañita?’
‘MM—Fuck, give it to them’ Miguel snapped. ‘Fucking pump them—’
‘Oh I will’ Mig panted. ‘Come here, you beautiful little creature—’
The two started thrusting harder, rhythmically rocking your body back and forth between their own. You were totally crushed into stillness, your body moving without any input from you, leaving you to feel in perfect detail what they were about to do.
You could feel them pulsing in and out together, separated by the thinnest bit of skin, nudging at your insides as they quivered from the overstimulation. You could that your thighs were completely sodden at this point. You were dripping with slick, with cum, with pain relief gel, even with sweat, to the point that you looked like you’d just exited a pool.
You weren’t sure how much more you could take. You clung tight to Mig as he cradled and fucked you.
‘Shh, shh, here we go—here we go—you just take it, mi tesoro, that’s it, just take it—’
‘F-Fuck I’m close—’ Miguel cried.
In near unison the two men ejaculated inside you.
It was far too much for you to handle, but luckily they were in tune enough with your body and hormones to sense that. Miguel had the sense to pull out and keep only the tip inside you, instead pumping his cock with his own fist as he spurted each thick rope into that tight space.
Mig, too, pulled back a little to make room, and supplied you with short, gentle bursts as each squirt of seed pulsed up through his shaft. You were filled, yes, but not so much as to be unbearable. You were allowed to lull and enjoy the feeling of each fat cock gently expanded and throbbing that warm, soothing seed inside you. You could enjoy their joint, frantic breath on your skin, their pitiable whining and grateful kisses.
Once utterly spent the two pulled out slowly and cut the webs, allowing you to go back down to the mattress. Mig stayed with you, your body safe and cradled in his arms, while Miguel collapsed onto the edge of the bed.
The man fought to catch his breath. It felt as if every scrap of energy he had was gone, but as the fog on his brain cleared, he scraped together what willpower he could to glance at you across the bed. He noticed the patch was still in place.
‘Oh, thank, fuck—you idiot’ he whispered beneath his breath, letting out a sigh of relief. He hadn’t fucked up that badly.
At this point the heat had truly been subdued. He could feel the emptiness at last, the relief of that weight lifted from his shoulders. For all the weird, conflicted feelings he had about what he’d just done, the sheer relief trumped them all. He’d have done so much worse just for this. The feeling of being empty, of having mated, it was all he wanted. He lay back and closed his eyes.
On the other side, Mig was busy nestling your cheek. He was focused on keeping you comfortable, ensuring you smelled healthy and weren’t in any pain. He kissed your jaw and nestled into your hair, and in response you shakily put your hand on his cheek.
‘I-I’m okay’ you whispered. ‘I’m okay.’
‘Are you sure, arañita?’
‘Y-Yeah. I’m sure.’
You went quiet for a moment as you nuzzled each other, showing through affectionate that you were both okay and on good terms. His human hands pet at your waist, rubbing you with his calloused thumb, while his sharp nose nestled against your brow.
‘You are… mine?’ he whispered. You nodded. ‘Yes. Yes, of course. I’m yours, Mig. Always. Are you, okay?’
He nodded as well, his lips still parted as he panted. ‘Y-Yes. Yes, I think so.’
‘Are… are you sure?’
You couldn’t deny that part of you felt a little guilty for what you’d asked them to do, even if they’d gotten into it. It was strange. You felt like you shouldn’t have done it, but it’d felt so good it was hard to understand why you felt that way.
Mig hummed and looked from you to Miguel.
The man wasn’t making any moves towards you. He was laying on his back, breathing in the relief.  
As strange as it was, he did feel like he’d found some state of resolution. They were both satisfied finally, which had by itself eased a large amount of the tension between them. He had, technically, followed orders. He had even broken and supported his desire to mate with you.
It hadn’t solved everything, but seeing Miguel wallow in acknowledgment of his hypocrisy, to have had him bow his head and support you both so strongly as to have participated in your copulation, it was definitely a start.
It still felt a little tense, and undoubtedly awkward now that the thrill was done, but it didn’t feel bad, and perhaps right now that was the best they could ask for.
Miguel must have noticed him looking, as he slowly opened one eye. The two locked gazes.
‘Ah…. Hey. Thank you’ Miguel said. Mig’s eyes widened. He seemed too surprised to even give a reply, so Miguel just let out a breathy chuckle.
‘I can think. Finally, fuck, I can think clearly.’
‘You… This doesn’t mean—’
‘I know. They’re yours’ Miguel said, easily catching Mig’s main concern. The spider growled. ‘I know they don’t want me, and I don’t need them. It’s fine. I just—I needed to stop that, fucking, pain—’
He ran a hand down his face as Mig’s eyes darted across his body. Bit by bit, he lessened the tension in his body. He didn’t need to fight.
‘It is… quite, painful. I still recall very well my seasonal ruts when I was isolated, it was… agony’ Mig replied, offering a branch of sympathy. Miguel took it with a similarly cold grunt. ‘It is… awful. Yeah.’ His eyes turned then from Mig to you, locking onto your exhausted eyes. For just a second, they looked soft.
‘Thank you’ he repeated. You just awkwardly nodded. How else did you respond? It was so strange, just lying in the bedroom beside this man you’d hated, who’s cum was now sliding in pretty streaks down your back after being pumped into your ass.
You caught him admiring your body for a moment, but you saw no hunger in him. He wasn’t starving for you. All you could make out was a kind of quiet gratitude, and maybe a little physical attraction.
‘Ah… Okay. I should go’ Miguel said. He rose to his feet with a couple of stumbling steps before phasing his suit back on, covering up any evidence of what he’d done.
‘You—you’ll still help us, right?’ you asked. Miguel nodded without turning his head.
‘Yes. I don’t lie. I stand by my word. Just, uh—avoid me, please, until your heats over. You could, set me off again, and… I like being satisfied, right now. I want to keep this.’
With those final words he drew up a portal and left you Mig’s aftercare, stepping back out into the cool dusk of Nueva York. He breathed in the empty, city air and sighed.
He wasn’t sure how he’d react. Now out of that haze, that mist, would be guilty? Angry? Unsatisfied? Jealous?
No. He just smiled a little to himself, and then made his way back inside. For now, at least, he was truly satisfied.
Link to next part
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sentientgolfball · 1 month
You see, in one hand I have a bomb that KILLS YOU, and the only way to disarm it is to talk about ifrit and Swiss using their dick piercings on dew. If you fail to complete my task the bomb will explode.
Good luck!
Saw music starts playing
man i hope this means i get to live
have 4k words of ghouls with piercings
Read here or on ao3
They say patience is a virtue. 
Ghouls are the opposite of virtue. They’re born from the Infernal, vice and sin running through their bodies like blood. They’re ravenous gluttons who take what they want when they want it. If they desire something then they will have it. But who’s to say a ghoul can’t learn? 
Swiss and Ifrit certainly did. For eight weeks they followed a strict cleaning routine and relied on only their hands and tongues when their minds got hazy with lust. A Herculean task if you were to ask Swiss. Even now that the piercings were healed they waited. They had to, Ifrit had ordered something special for them. When the package finally arrived though, they sprung. They were tired of waiting. 
Dew is in his room, lying on his stomach in bed. He’s got his headphones on, music playing while he flips through the latest edition of a comic book he’s been following. He’s in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, enjoying the feeling of the sunlight filtering in through the window on his bare back. He doesn’t hear the knock on his door. His head perks up though when he sees movement out of the corner of his eye. He slides his headphones off when he sees Ifrit and Swiss, letting it hang around his neck. 
“Can I help you?” Dew asks with no real venom. Honestly, he’s more confused than anything. Ifrit usually meets Zephyr at this time of day so they can walk back to the den together. 
“Do you know what day it is droplet?” Ifrit stalks over to his bed. 
“Thursday?” Dew sits up as Ifrit approaches. 
“Think he forgot If.” Swiss slides up right alongside Ifrit. 
“No, he’s not that stupid. Right droplet? You’re not that stupid are you?” He says in that sickly sweet tone that always makes Dew squirm. 
Dew narrows his eyes, wracking his brain to figure out what these two want from him. When it finally hits him he can feel the blush rise on his cheeks. 
“Yeah, he remembers,” Ifrit laughs. 
Dew remembers all right. When Ifrit and Swiss came to him asking if he’d pierce their dicks he didn’t think anything of it. Ifrit and Dew are the only ghouls who know how to do piercings and it’s not like he can stick a needle in his own cock. He should’ve known better with those two. The entire time they spewed all the things they’d do to Dew once they were healed. As a thank you. A promise. Dew thought it was more of a threat. Even so, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think about their words later that night when he was all alone. Imagining how different they’d feel. How fast Ifrit would cum, already too fucking sensitive even without the piercing. How gorgeous Swiss would look with more gold on his body. 
He doesn’t have to imagine anymore. He finally gets to see his handiwork since he did it. Ifrit was adamant about keeping it a surprise. It isn’t like he could protest, Ifrit was the one who taught Dew after all. He knows more than him about this junk. He knows Ifrit wouldn’t have himself and Swiss in here if he wasn’t confident they were healed. Still Dew protests, it’s half of the fun for him. 
“It’s only been what? Seven? Eight weeks? You know it can take up to like fourteen weeks for it to heal.” Dew gets up, carefully placing his headphones and comic book on his desk. 
“Well if you’re that concerned why don’t you give us your professional opinion.” Swiss comes up behind him, pressing his hips into Dew’s effectively pinning him against the desk. 
Dew tries to focus on anything but the feeling of Swiss’ half hard cock poking him in the back, “Hey Ifrit’s been doing this shit longer than me, ask him.” 
“Don’t throw your work onto me droplet. Finish what you started.” 
Dew rolls his eyes, squirming in Swiss’ grasp until he has enough room to push on his chest, “Fine fine whatever. Get your cocks out so we can get this over with.” 
“You say that like you don’t wanna see them sparky.” Swiss grins, twisting one of Dew’s nipples before backing off of him. 
He nearly puts a hole through his tongue with how hard he bites it just so a noise doesn’t escape his throat. He crosses his arms over his chest, tail twitching between his legs. He looks at them expectantly. Ifrit moves first, sitting on the end of Dew’s bed and toeing his boots off. 
“Fuck are you doing?” Dew hisses. 
“Gettin comfortable.” Ifrit shrugs, tucking his socks into his boots. 
Dew scowls in hopes of hiding the way his eyes rake over Ifrit’s form, too tight white tee doing little to hide the muscles rippling underneath. He continues to undress, popping the button on his jeans, a small sigh breathed through his nose. He shucks them off, tossing them who knows where before grinning at Dew. He palms himself through his boxers. 
“You don’t need to get fucking naked,” Dew huffs, shifting on his feet as he feels his own cock getting chubby with interest. 
“I already told you. I’m gettin comfortable.” He leans back on the bed after throwing his shirt off, leaving him in nothing but his underwear. 
Dew stares at him. Eyes traveling down to the tent of the thin material and back up again, pausing to admire the silver bars threaded through his nipples. There are faded bruises adorning his chest, likely left by a ravenous air ghoul. Dew can’t help but wonder what Zephyr’s been doing to him while he’s been healing. His mouth waters at the way his muscles flex when he shifts to sit up. Ifrit is not much bigger than Dew height wise, but his muscular form makes Dew feel tiny. He’s so enraptured with the sight of Ifrit he doesn’t even notice Swiss. That is, until the spell is broken by a crumbled up shirt being thrown at his head. 
“Quit drooling, we haven't even gotten our dick out yet,” Swiss snickers. 
“I’m not drooling. I just spaced out. Not my fault he’s taking forever to get to the point,” Dew hisses, pulling the offending fabric off his face. 
He almost wishes he left it on. Almost. Swiss and Ifrit are both lounging on the edge of his bed. Both stripped down to their underwear, tails lazily flicking behind them. Swiss has his head tilted, grinning at him with half lidded eyes. Ifrit motions for Dew to come closer with a finger. His legs move before his brain and he finds himself standing between Ifrit’s legs before he knows what’s happening. He rests a hand on Dew’s hip, thumb toying with the waistband of his sweatpants. 
“Well droplet. You said you wanted to get this over with.” Ifrit looks up at him expectantly. 
Dew swallows, trying to regain his facade. But that’s hard to do with two gorgeous ghouls offering themselves up to you. He reaches a hand out, the tips of his claws gliding over Ifrit’s chest. He can’t help but push down on the almost healed bruises when he passes over them. He runs his hands over his torso, mapping out topography he knows like the back of his hand. He couldn’t stop himself if he tried, Ifrit has always had that effect on him. Always made him want to take things slow so he can touch and taste and worship. That’s not what Ifrit wants right now though. 
He knocks his knees into the backs of Dew’s with enough force to make them buckle. Dew hits the floor, barely catching himself on Ifrit’s thighs. He looks up at him with a questioning look. 
“Who’s the one taking forever now droplet?” He runs a hand through Dew’s hair. 
“Go fuck yourself,” Dew huffs, rolling his eyes. Still, he sits up straighter, slipping his fingers into the waistband of Ifrit’s boxers. 
He pulls them down far enough to get Ifrit’s cock out and oh is he caught off guard. The simple bar Dew had put in when he first pierced them has been replaced. This one is silver, the same as the other, but it has a ring on it. On the end of the ring is a beautiful red gem. 
“You…got new jewelry,” Dew says, probably more breathless than he should be. 
“Course we did.” Ifrit shrugs. 
“We?” Dew turns to look at Swiss. 
His eyes widen when he sees the same exact piece on Swiss, only instead of silver it’s gold. 
“What? Got tired of waitin.” Swiss flashes his fangs, giving himself a single, slow stroke. 
Ifrit tugs Dew’s hair just enough to get him to look at him again, “Like them droplet?” 
Dew nods, blush tinging his cheeks. 
“Good. We picked 'em just for you. A little piece of our dewbug always with us.” 
“They look just like your eyes when the light hits them right, don’t they?” Swiss slides closer, pressing against Ifrit’s side so he can look down at Dew. 
Dew stares down at Ifrit’s jewel. It does look like his eyes, dying embers that glow in darkness. His stomach swoops at the thought, knowing that whenever they see their jewelry they’ll think of him. He doesn’t know if they meant it as a genuine act or simply a way to torture him, but he can’t find it in himself to care at the moment. All he cares about is the sight in front of him. He glances back up at Ifrit and Swiss, silently seeking permission. 
“You really like them don’t you?” Ifrit hums. 
Dew nods, throat bobbing when he swallows. The hand in Dew’s hair tightens. 
“Why don’t you show us how much you like it?” 
Dew doesn’t need to be told twice. He leans forward, letting Ifrit’s cock drag along his cheek as he nestles his nose into the sparse hair at the base. He breathes deeply before planting a feather light kiss, tongue darting out to lick over the vein. Dew smiles when he hears the soft sigh Ifrit lets out. He continues on that path, slowly kissing and licking up his shaft until he’s back at the head. He flicks his tongue over the slit, collecting the small bead of pre that bubbled up. Ifrit curses and cups the back of his head, silently urging him on. 
Dew huffs a laugh but obliges, all faux protest gone from his body. He lets his tongue experimentally drag over the ball of the piercing. Ifrit groans when the bar shifts under his skin, hips involuntarily twitching forward. 
“You sure you thought this through If? You were already way too easy before,” Dew mocks, breath ghosting over Ifrit’s flushed skin. 
Before Ifrit gets the chance to respond Dew wraps his lips around the tip, suckling gently at the same time he cups his balls. He drags his tongue over the piercing until Ifrit is huffing and squirming above him. Dew loves this part. The moment Ifrit’s big strong ghoul facade fades and he’s begging. Desperate. Though he doesn’t get quite that far this time. 
“Alright okay give him here before you blow your load to some foreplay.” Swiss wraps a hand around one of Dew’s horns, pulling him off with a slick pop. 
Ifrit gasps, all sensation suddenly gone. He turns to glare at Swiss, but he doesn’t stop him. Embarrassment prickles at his skin, but Swiss is right. He was already dangerously close and Dew had barely done anything. He knew it was going to be different, but he didn’t think it would be that different. 
Swiss uses his grip on Dew’s horn to turn his head, almost as if inspecting him, “Can’t be that fucking good.”
Dew gives him his best shit eating grin, tongue flicking out between his fangs “I’m always that fucking good.” 
“Why don’t you bring that pretty little mouth over here then?” Swiss loosens his hold on his horn. 
“Aww you think I’m pretty.” 
Dew leans forward immediately, pressing a kiss to the sticky tip. He darts his tongue out, collecting drops of pre. Tasting just to taste. He wraps a hand around Swiss’ shaft, slowly stroking it while he works the rest of him with his mouth. 
“Fucking gorgeous,” Swiss sighs, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. 
Dew hums, eyes flicking up to watch Swiss’ face. He wants to see it when it happens. Wants to see how his expression changes when Dew finally laves over that little piece of metal. He shifts on his knees, palming himself with his free hand. His cock twitches just at the thought. Ifrit is easy. It’s never been hard to make him shake, but Swiss was another story. Swiss was good at keeping his composure. Only time he’s ever seen him lose it was the day Dew spied on him with Mountain and Rain. He wants him to cry just like he did then. He looks so pretty when he cries. 
Dew stays where he’s at for a few more moments, letting Swiss peacefully float in the familiarity. Dew decides he’s been nice enough. He squeezes the base of Swiss’ cock before dragging the flat of his tongue over the piercing. Swiss lets out a noise so loud and high pitched it shocks even himself, hand flying to cover his mouth. His eyes fly open, blush tinging his cheeks as he looks down at Dew. Dew grins up at him before repeating the movement. Swiss makes the same noise, only this time muffled by his hand. His hips involuntarily twitch forward, hitting the back of Dew’s throat. He gags and pulls off of Swiss, blinking rapidly a few times to fight off the tears that it brought. 
He takes a few deep breaths in between laughs, “Lords Below if you could see the look on your face.” 
In all these years he’s never seen Swiss look like this. He’s staring at him with wide eyes, hand still over his mouth, and chest rising and falling rapidly. His cheeks are flushed, sweat dotting around his hairline. He looks like he’s never been touched in his entire life. Dew grins and slides up on his knees. 
“Just imagine how it would feel wrapped around my—“ he’s cut off by two hands suddenly wrapping around his middle. 
He yelps when he’s picked up and tossed back onto his bed. He whips his head up, glaring at Ifrit. 
“Can I fucking help you?” 
“I need to cum in you,” he pants, crawling over to him. 
Dew pauses for a moment before laughing and turning over to rest on his forearms and wiggle his ass in the air. “Shit if I knew this is what it would be like I would’ve pierced your cock a long time ago.” 
Ifrit doesn’t respond, hands coming forward to grip the meat of Dew’s ass. 
“Hold the fuck up a minute, I was using him,” Swiss butts in, tail lashing behind him. 
“I don’t care,” Ifrit hisses, “do whatever the Hell you want, but I need to cum in him.”
“Ladies please there’s enough Dewdrop to go arou—oh shit.” Dew’s claws dig into his sheets as Ifrit spreads his cheeks, dragging the flat of his tongue over his hole. 
Swiss uses it as his opportunity to snake his way over to the headboard, resting against it and pulling Dew forward. He runs his thumb over his bottom lip, huffing a laugh when Dew darts his tongue out to lick over the pad. He opens his mouth to speak, but he’s cut off by another slow lick from Ifrit. 
“It’s been too long since I’ve tasted you droplet,” Ifrit sighs. 
Dew’s cock twitches, a blurt of pre dripping down onto the mattress. He curses, getting a hand around himself. 
“You can’t just fucking say that.” 
“I don’t wanna hear you,” Ifrit shushes him, “just wanna feel you. Just let me feel you. Just shut up and take it.” 
Dew opens his mouth to snap back, but Swiss is quick. He shoves two fingers into his mouth, pressing down on his tongue. 
“Oh don’t you worry If, I’ll keep that mouth busy.” 
Swiss meets Dew’s eyes, searching for any signs of genuine protest. Dew grins around his fingers, wrapping his tongue around them. Swiss grins back, fangs glinting in the light. He pulls his fingers out of Dew’s mouth. He strokes his cock a few times, slicking himself up with his saliva before nudging the head against Dew’s lips. 
Dew tries to focus on Swiss, but it’s extremely hard with a very needy fire ghoul trying to quickly work him open. All he can think about is that hot, wet tongue gliding over his hole again and again, occasionally trying to work its way in. He closes his eyes, pressing back against Ifrit’s face when he swirls his tongue. He doesn’t see Swiss and Ifrit’s eyes meeting, a subtle nod coming from the multi ghoul. Ifrit grins, two fingers coming up to press against Dew. 
He gasps when calloused pads circle over his hole. Swiss takes his chance, cupping the back of Dew’s head to push him down on his cock. His eyes snap open, but he doesn’t resist, letting Swiss shove him all the way down until his nose is nestled in the thick hair at the base. He takes a few deep breaths through his nose, letting his throat relax. Swiss rests his other hand on Dew’s cheek, thumbing at the skin until he can feel himself. 
“Finish what you started,” Swiss purrs. 
Dew swallows around Swiss at the same time Ifrit works his fingers inside, a low moan vibrating through him. The stretch burns and Dew loves it, pushing his hips back for more. Luckily Ifrit is quick with it, scissoring and curling his fingers just enough to know his dick will go in. He groans when he pulls away and a string of slick still connects them. 
“How the fuck are you still so fucking wet?” He sounds breathless, like he’s been punched in the gut. 
He gives himself a few quick strokes, spreading the mix of pre and slick. He doesn’t want to wait a second more to be inside of Dew. He lines himself, shuddering at the feeling of his piercing dragging against Dew’s walls when he begins to push in. 
Dew melts at the sensation, a rumbly little noise from the back of his throat vibration through Swiss’ cock. He didn’t expect it to feel this good. It reminds him of those textured toys Rain likes to use on him only better. He can feel Ifrit throbbing inside of him, can feel heat radiating off him likely caused by their elements feeding off each other. Can hear how loud he’s breathing, putting all his focus into not blowing before he gets even a single stroke in. Dew grins around Swiss before clenching as hard as he can. Ifrit groans like he’s been hurt, claws reflexively digging into Dew’s slight hips. 
“Swiss,” Ifrit hisses. 
“Yeah yeah alright,” Swiss breathes, “you’ve had your fun sparky, let us have ours.” 
He holds the back of Dew’s head in a vice as he begins to roll his hips up into his mouth. He moves slowly until he’s sure Dew won’t gag and pull off. When those pretty little embers look at him through heavy lids he throws caution to the wind. He grasps the sides of Dew’s head with both hands, holding him still. He fucks into his throat, sighing heavily when he feels the muscles contract. Dew tries to keep up with, flicking over the piercing each time Swiss pulls back. He wants to feel him shake. 
His focus is split though. He doesn’t know where to turn his attention. Ifrit and Swiss move opposite of each other. When Swiss pulls back, Ifrit slams into his ass. When Ifrit pulls back, Swiss shoves his cock down his throat. It’s driving him insane. He wants nothing more than to make one of them cum so hard they cry but he can’t do that if his mind is being pulled in two different directions. All he can do is lay there and take. Like he’s nothing more than a fucking toy. 
“You look so pretty when you drool.” Swiss sighs. The spade of his tail snakes up to rub against Dew’s cock, collecting the pre that’s dribbling down. 
“Let me taste him fuck let me—“ 
Swiss shoves the end of his tail into Ifrit’s mouth. He shudders at the feeling of his tongue licking every last drop of Dew off of it. His hips stutter in their rhythm, all of his senses flooded with Dew. He picks up his pace, solely focused on getting over the edge. Dew’s claws prick against the meat of Swiss’ thighs with the suddenness. He ignores it though, focused on fucking his spade into Ifrit’s mouth. 
“Gonna cum big guy? Gonna fill that tight little ass?” Swiss lilts. 
Dew’s stomach swoops at the noise Ifrit lets out. He can’t stop the muffled little moans with every drag over his prostate. That little piece of jewelry makes it that much better. He squeezes around his cock and that’s all it takes. Ifrit throws his head back, the tip of Swiss’ tail falling out his mouth as he spills into Dew. His hips twitch forward as each wave crashes over him, fucking his cum deeper into him. 
Swiss flicks one of his nipples with his tail just to hear him keen, “Lasted longer than I thought you would, good job If. Might even be a new record for you.” 
Ifrit glares at him, “Fuck…off…” he says between gulps of air. 
“Now that he’s out of the picture,” Swiss grins down at Dew, “I get you all to myself baby.” 
He picks up right where he left off, fucking up into Dew’s throat so he chokes on him. Dew doubles down now that Ifrit has pulled out of him, flopping down onto the bed. He swallows around Swiss, dragging his tongue up his shaft to roll over the piercing. 
“Yeah baby, c'mon give me that pretty little mouth,” Swiss pants. 
Dew reaches a hand down to cup his balls, gently squeezing and rolling them. He knows he’s close when he drops Dew’s head in favor of wrapping a hand around his throat to feel himself with each thrust. 
Ifrit figures he’ll return the favor. He presses himself close to Swiss’ side before tucking his nose under his chin to lick over his pulse. He trails wet, open mouthed kisses up his jawline to his ear. He nips at his lobe before sucking a mark where jaw meets neck. 
That’s enough to throw him over the edge. He thrusts up into Dew’s mouth one more time before cumming with a shout. Dew sucks him through it, drinking down every last drop. He doesn’t stop until Swiss is pushing his head away from him, overstimulation starting to set in. He pulls off of him with an obscene pop. He smiles and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but this was probably the best idea you two have ever had.” He crawls over to squeeze himself between them. 
Ifrit hums and kisses the top of his head, “Should do you next droplet.” 
“As fun as that sounds, if you go anywhere near my dick with a needle I’ll kill you.” 
“Aw come on, it wasn't that bad.” Swiss traces shapes over Dew’s arm with the tips of his claws. 
“You jumped when I put the marker on you,” Dew says flatly. 
Swiss pinches his nipple harder than what could be considered for pleasure. Dew yelps and smacks his hands away. 
“Love you too sparky.” 
They lay in silence for a few more moments, contented purrs rumbling through their chests. Dew floats between consciousness and unconsciousness, ready to fall asleep any minute. Though he’s suddenly slammed back into the world when he feels a too warm hand wrap around his barely half hard cock. His eyes snap open. 
“Didn’t think we’d leave you hanging did you?” Ifrit breathes into his ear. 
He hears Swiss laugh before he feels fangs drag along his shoulder to his neck. 
“Let us return the favor.” Swiss bites at his pulse. 
Dew doesn’t get to sleep that night.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 5 months
hiii!! how are you? god, it's my first time requesting and I'm super awkward but I've been kinda having this dark mc brain rot! what would the love and Deepspace boys do with a secret gambler mc who's just like yumeko jabami? that'd be so interesting! feel free to ignore this ask if that makes you uncomfortable and have a nice day!
🎲 LND Scenarios with Dark Gambler!MC
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🎲 Synopsis: Love and Deepspace men dealing with their dark gambler partner's eccentrics.
🎲 Pairing: LND x GN!Reader
🎲 Content Warning: sexual undertones, mild humor, no pronouns/looks mentioned (Jabami is for the aesthetic), Zayne is the only one vibing, there's no mercy in kitty cards!
🎲 A/N: Thanks for letting me take a crack at your request. I never watched Kakeguri but I think I got the vibe! I did tone the behavior down a little to fit LND more but I think you'll be satisfied. Zayne's part turned into my favorite even though I had the hardest time thinking of a scene for him!
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“Let me have a turn.”
Xavier shudders at the dark aura he senses behind him despite the sweet smile plastered on your face. It’s almost like seeing a demon reflecting in the glass of the claw machine but in the form of an angel. He knew it was a bad idea to come to the arcade. He was no good at the machine no matter how much he tried and the nearly empty bowl where his tokens once laid was the proof.
“It’s alright. I didn’t think I could get it anyway. I’m not really good at this game.”
You frown at him. “It’s not you, love. These games are designed to cheat people out their money. It's disgusting really.”
Xavier gulps at that word. Cheat. If there was one thing you hated in this world, it was unfairness. The crooked smile forming on your face forces him to return eye contact with the special edition bunny plush he’s failed to get time and time again. Somehow, he sees fear in its eyes.
“I’ll get it for you.” Your hand reaches into the coin bowl; each clink makes his throat tighten as you finally pull out one of the coins between your fingers. “That bunny will be coming home with us.”
Xavier knows there’s little he can do when you sound that determined. Luckily, you won the bunny in two attempts.
“Ta-da! A fluffy bunny for my fluffy bunny.”
A sense of relief washes over him when the round rabbit hits his hands. Maybe he was being overly paranoid. However, his relief is quickly buffed out by anxiety when he sees you place another coin in the machine. It’s only a few seconds before the chimes of the machine go off again. Then, you pass him another toy, a carrot this time.
“Every bunny needs a snack!” you coo, but your tone carries that familiar edge that makes the hair on the back of his neck stand. “Now, whom shall we capture next?”
To Xavier, it sounds less like a question and more like a decree of war. “I think these two are more than enough for today."
“Xavier, this game stole forty dollars from you. I’m not going to let it get away with that,” you declare, proving it was just as he feared as your voice lowers. “Now, which one do you want, dear? Oh, I know, I'll just win them all for you! How does that sound?" you ask, but Xavier is eerily aware that it won’t matter what he says when you’re like this.
“Here we go!” you mewl as the claw begins to whir up.
Ignoring the shiver that climbs up his spine when your voice drips with the venom of ecstasy, there’s little Xavier can do but take another step back, buy another bowl of coins, and hold them for you as the role of a supportive boyfriend.
It’s an hour later when he finds himself surrounded by plushies, much more than he can hold, and the fear that you’re going to get kicked out the arcade any second.
“Cleaned out again!” you announce with a shrill breathy gasp, the giggle you give reminding him of the maniacal laughter Lemonette chortles out whenever the wanderer sprays lemon juice in his eyes. “Tell the employees we need another refill.”
“We don't have enough hands to carry all the ones you already won.”
“What?” Your focus finally breaks from the game and to the many toys scattered on the floor around him, overtaking his feet, then to the worried look on his face. “I went overboard again, didn’t I?”
Xavier sighs. “I think that’s pretty obvious.”
“Why didn’t you stop me?”
“How do you suggest I do that?” he asks with a shake of his head. “You’re impossible to stop.”
You flutter your eyelashes at him innocently. “I did get you your bunny though!”
“At the cost of the poor arcade owner’s precious sanity,” he reminds you but the smile on his face is less than scolding when he sees the guilty sulk you have and the lax of your shoulders. “Let’s find a donation center to drop these little guys off. We’ll count it as our good deed for the month.”
“Good idea! How about we surprise all the kids at the hospital?” you agree. Xavier chuckles. There’s the angel again.
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“Pretty please, Rafayel!”
The painter rolls his eyes, scooting further away from you to find a different spot on the floor to sit as you crawl after him. Rafayel turns his head away and strokes his paintbrush down the center of his canvas.
“No. Now, go away. Shoo. Shoo, go paw at someone else,” he says, waving the wet paintbrush at you.
“But no one else will play with me,” you whine.
“I wonder why?”
You are terrifying when you play kitty cards. Unfortunately, he was once the only one foolish enough to play with you because he wasn’t aware of how you got when you gambled even when the winnings were only a few pieces of chocolate. He knows better now. Despite your cute precious face, you were evil incarnate when it came to games.
“Surely, you pity me my dear sweet, gorgeous boyfriend. Did I forget to mention talented?” You give him the puppy eyes to try to wear down his resolve; your hand glides over his bangs, lovingly pushing them from his face. As much as he loves trying to make you happy, this is one of the few things in the world that he refuses to listen to you about.
“As true as all of that may be, I prefer living thanks,” he says before switching brushes to another color. A splash of blue would be excellent.
“Is this about last time?” you ask him. “It was an accident.”
“You nearly broke my hand!”
“You were trying to swap the kitties!” you yell back. Rafayel was a no-good cheater when it came to playing games and not the least bit sorry about it. It’s not your fault that you grabbed his hand by reflex nor that he was so dramatic about it.
“So, the sentence is hand breaking? That's cruel and unusual punishment!” he says with a gasp.
"Is it wrong to take away your tool for cheating?"
“Have you forgotten what I do for a living? You might as well lay me out in the sun to dry.”
Sighing, you decide to agree with him. You suppose you could be a little competitive when it came to games. Besides, they say it’s easier to catch more flies with honey. “Look, I’m sorry, baby,” you apologize and smooth out a hand over his thigh. “How about I give you a super special prize if you win.”
Rafayel barely looks at you from the corner of his eyes that slowly drop to where your hand rests on his leg. You’re on your hands and knees next to him, perched up like a cat begging to be petted.
“I’m listening,” he says, continuing to mix his paints. Purring, you lean in and whisper in his ear the prizes you’re willing to trade for him to play one little round with you.
His heart races with each word. It’s suddenly becoming harder to keep the stroke of the brush straight when your hand starts to trail further and further up his thigh. “Well, when you put it that way—” and he almost gives in until he sees the corner of your lips curling up into a smirk. “Wait. No. I refuse.”
“Not even if—” and you whisper in his ear again. He swears the brush handle will splinter if he grips it any tighter. His face is glowing a light red by the time you pull away. He might be Lumerian but he’s still a man; it’s difficult to bury the memories of pleasure under the memories of his fingers squeezing in your hard grip the last time you caught him cheating. He manages, somehow.
“How easy do you think I am? I’m not open for business whenever you want, darling.” He manages to spat out, not exactly the best rejection but it’ll suffice.
You puff up your cheeks at him. “You’re the meanest boyfriend ever!”
“And you’re evil when a card gets in your hand,” he argues back. The last thing he sees is the red of your shirt as you pounce on him and blue paint spilling across the floor.
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“You’re so nice, Zayne. You’re the only one who's brave enough to play against me.”
Zayne glances up from the stack of cards in his hands to catch your tongue glancing over your lips to wet them as you stare him down with dilated eyes. He expected you to get worked up but not quite this early into the game.
“I had the free time today.”
The real reason he schedules these regular games with you is to keep your strange habit under control, like providing a little bit of a drug to an addict; or in simpler terms, walking an overly energetic Husky so it won’t tear up the furniture. It beats the many times you ring him up at two in the morning, needing him to come rescue you out of a tough situation. He knows you’ll never learn your lesson with him always swooping in when needed, but he can’t stand the possibility of you getting hurt should he not come to your rescue every time you over bet your hand and need him to win back your money for you. The doctor never really expected to be a poker or kitty card expert at this age but alas.
“I’m guessing there’s at least one Kitty Plot in your hand, am I right?” you ask him; and he doesn’t understand how you sound more excited each time he obtains another assist card.
“And if I told you there was?”
The giggle you let out sounds much too vulgar for a simple game of kitty cards, but he’s used to this eccentricity of yours at this point. “Then that means I get to beat you even when you’re at your best!”
You slap down a Freeze card and Skip card. There’s not much he can do other than draw his assist card and ride out your next turn. In the next phase, you throw out another assist card, one that will allow you to restock your empty number stockpile and seal your victory.  
“Any last words?” you ask him. He can see that you’re starting to twitch with the excitement that comes from besting him. It’s the most dramatic thing he’s seen, but he’d be a liar to say it wasn’t…satisfying…to watch your face fill with shock as he blocks your finishing move with a Meow This. Maybe you were rubbing off on him after all, he muses.
“You held on to that all this time?” you ask him, recalling the many chances he could’ve blocked your earlier plays. You were aware he was luring you into a trap by playing the slow game, but you thought you could get around it this time. With a dreamy sigh, you cup your cheek in your hand. “I should’ve known. Just careless.”
“Any last words?” he asks, mocking your earlier victory line.
“None I’m afraid. I’m completely at your mercy; helpless in the face of your onslaught,” you tell him, and he ignores the little tilt of seduction lacing your voice and the squirming of your thighs as he starts erasing every point you’ve earned.
Slowly, your points decrease one by one as he throws out assist after assist while you let out little whimpers and mutter compliments under your breath with each cup color change and point reducer he throws out.
You’re going to lose! Again! He’s incredible as always.
But you’re offered deliverance when instead of erasing the six points of your blue kitty the cup color changes to match it. You hear Zayne “tch” under his breath, and you can’t help but laugh when he finally has to give up and fill the last white kitty cup with a pathetic low-level kitten.
In the end, you only won by two points but that was all you needed.
“I won…I won!” you repeat, rocking back and forth as you hug yourself and toss your head back. “I finally beat you! You won’t believe how long I waited for this day! Now what should my prize be?” You fall back onto the floor, kicking your feet. “It’s so hard to decide. I honestly didn’t think this day would come! There are so many things I’ve dreamed of making you do for me!”
Zayne presses his lips into a thin line as he begins to collect the kittens from the cup. “Calm down. You’re drooling on the carpet,” he exaggerates, not that you're in the right mind to listen.
“I got it. I know just what I want,” you squeal, holding your finger in your mouth to muffle your laughs. Zayne tenses when you sit up, much like a vampire from a horror movie, and lock eyes with him; he doesn’t think he’s felt so targeted since his days in the military.
“Meow for me, Zayne,” you demand, and his face burns at the ridiculousness of your request.
“Are you backing out? That’s poor sportsmanship especially considering I took every nasty medicine each time you won.”
Zayne shakes his head. “No. I was simply thinking that’s surprisingly tame for you.”
You lift your eyebrows curiously. “So, does that mean?”
Zayne leans in over the table. In this position, he can see how your face softens from that lust-filled haze that gambling always manages to place over you. He doesn’t know if you can actually get embarrassed, but you certainly look flustered as he locks eyes with you.
“Oh,” you gasp, eyes wide. “T-That was absolutely wonderful,” you blurt out with a clasp of your hands. “Do it again.”
“It was a one-time deal,” Zayne rejects before straightening his back.
“I didn’t think you would do it. One more little meow for me?” you plead. “This was a special victory, and I didn’t get to enjoy my winnings properly.”
“If you want to hear it again, I’m afraid you’ll have to beat me a second time,” he answers bluntly.
“And if you win?”
“You do what I want.”
“Which is?”
Zayne smirks at you. “All I can tell you is that I’ll ask for much more than a meow.”
“You’re on! You’re on! You’re on! What better way to solidify my position as the best kitty card player than with a streak?”
“I take it we’re playing on Hell Mode then.”
“What do you mean? It’s always heaven playing against you, Zayne. You’re the only one who can give an actual challenge,” you sweetly coo, nearly a moan. “Unfortunately, your reign will officially be coming to an end. I’m going to beat you without luck; and when I do, I think I’ll make you meow and purr for my reward.”
“Hurry and restart the match then if you believe that.”
Zayne watches as you excitedly set the game back up. He supposes that this type of gambling is more fun than gambling with chocolates. At least until he sees your social media message the next morning.
Guess who finally toppled the old king and became the new Ruler of Kitty Cards? I won’t name them. No one asked. It’s not polite to be a sore loser, my adorable meowing subject.
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meiluu · 1 year
Fangs. Spider-Man 2099
Miguel O’Hara/ Reader(AFAB)
*no gendered pronouns/terms used* *Not edited*
cw: SMUT 18+ MDNI—> fangs, creampie, AFAB oral(receiving), P in V sex.
Miguel wanted nothing more than to come home and forget about all that's been going on. The weight of the multiverse rested upon his shoulders, and it took everything in him to not break.
Softly landing on the balcony to his shared apartment, taking a quick glance into the windows- there you are. A sigh leaves him as he gently opens the balcony door. the book you had been reading was tossed aside, jumping up from the couch you are running to Miguel. Your body warms with your shared embrace. "I missed you." your words are muffled as you shove your head further into his chest getting lost in his familiar scent. With your words Miguel is tightening his hold on you, "Me too." lifting your head just enough to rest your chin on his chest, "Do you want to talk about it?" a huff escapes him, "No, I don't want to think about anything besides you and me right now." reaching one of your hands to pull off his mask, "Ok." Softly tossing the material to the side, cupping his cheek you motion him to lean down towards you. A chuckle leaves his beautiful lips, "What is it you want mi amor?"
A little whine leaves you, pouting your lips at his resistance. A cocky smile graces his face, "Nope that face wont work on me." Your defeated sigh fills the air, "I want you." shying away from looking at him. "Hmm, What was that?" oh you were going to punch him, you knew he could hear you. Miguel watched as you eventually moved your face towards his, fire burning within your eyes. "I want you." As your words fall from your lips Miguel is already leaning down, capturing your lips with his. It’s sweet but desperate, his arms lower from being around your shoulders down to your waist. Without even thinking about it Miguel let’s his fangs extend, nipping at your bottom lip. You let out a gasp at the sensation, creating the perfect opportunity for Miguel to push his tongue into your mouth. A deep satisfied groan rumbles from his chest, as he gets lost in the taste of you. Tongues dancing together, but all too soon you both are pulling apart for air. Your eyes immediately lock onto the thin string of saliva that kept you two connected. Just as Miguel has got his breath back he’s moving his kisses down the side of your face going towards your neck. Taking advantage of the thin tank-top, he leaves a plethora of dark to light love marks down your neck. Stopping where your neck and shoulder meet, inhaling your addictive scent he sinks his fangs into you. Making sure to not excrete venom out while biting you. A wobbly moan tumbles from your lips at the sensation.
Retracting his fangs he raises his head, locking onto your gaze. “Can I have you?” His voice is strained with lust, it takes a moment longer to really register his words with the fog your mind has accumulated. “Yes- please.” And with your words Miguel is swiftly picking you up, carrying you to your shared bedroom. On your way there you feel the ticklish feeling of Miguel’s talons cutting expertly through your clothing. Making it to the bedroom and being tossed onto the bed, you realize that Miguel has ruined your clothes. They are now nothing more than big scraps of fabric. A whine of annoyance leaves you at this discovery but you are soon shut up by Miguel, “I’ll buy you new ones.” His voice is gruff but full of promise. Throwing what’s left of your clothes to the floor, you are left completely bare, and Miguel is soon following your lead. Quickly pulling off the top half of his suit, the bottom half not too far behind. Finally he’s left completely bare to you, your eyes shamelessly roam across his exposed skin.
Eyes catching on to the scars that litter his torso, seeing the defined muscle that looks like an artist sculpted them. A rosy blush dusts your cheeks as your eyes lock on to his heavy and aching cock. Fully erect and leaking precum, your toes curl in anticipation. “Cariño, don’t look at me like that.” At his voice your eyes quickly rise to meet his, his voice sent liquid heat down your spine. His words were laced with lust and hold more meaning than just the words alone. “I can’t help it, your so beautiful.” Your words are nothing but sincere, and they have Miguel smiling. “Te amo.” His body is shadowing yours, hands on each side of your head. Lips descending upon your body, little nips from his fangs accompany each burning kiss. Tongue swirling around each perky nipple. With a measured pace Miguel finally reaches where you need him most, making sure to be gentle Miguel latches both hands to the bottom of your thighs lifting you up towards his mouth.
In one quick movement his tongue is lapping up your cunt, relishing in the taste that is undeniably you. Swirling from bottom to top, plunging his tongue inside massaging the inner walls of your cunt. Then he’s retracting, heading towards your clit. Fingers filling the space his tongue has left, tongue dancing around your clit. Miguel has brought heaven to you in this moment, your mind was wrapped in a lustful haze of pure pleasure. Your hands were gripping tight upon his hair, the only thing that was keeping you grounded. Your moans where music to Miguel’s ears, he was taking special care to not pierce you with his talons but every lap of his tongue made it that much more difficult. And to add onto the strain to not hurt you with his talons, he was having an extremely difficult time not ripping himself away from your cunt so that he could properly fuck you into the bed. So for now he was distracting his leaking cock by it rutting into comforter. But fortunately he wouldn’t have to wait long, because before he knew it he could feel you grip tighten and your moans rising in frequency, you were close to cumming. “Miguel- more, please.” Rushed and needy are your words, but you never needed to worry Miguel would follow your every request or demand until the end of time.
The feeling of your walls rhythmically tightening around his fingers with a vice like grip has him groaning into your clit. As he slows his movements with your waning orgasm his moving his body up the bed, lining his cock up with your glistening cunt. Sinking into has Miguel’s mind short-circuiting, no matter how many times you both did this dance he would never get tired of it. Arranging your legs to rest wrapped around his strong waist. Hips grinding into you, making sure to go to the hilt with every deep thrust. Pushing his talons into the comforter, most likely ruining yet another piece of fabric. Your hands latch onto his wide shoulders, forehands nearly touching as you both share the air around you. Shared sounds of pleasure surround you both, picking up the pace. Harder, faster thrusts has you digging your nails into him, arching your self to get as close as possible. And thankfully Miguel is on the same wavelength, both hands are quick to wrap around your torso. Pulling flush against his chest, you can now feel his rapid heartbeat along with every groan and moan he lets out. “Miguel—I’m close.” A slurred expletive in Spanish is all you get in return. Miguel rises up to his knees, you are clinging onto him- arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He’s pulling you down to meet his every harsh thrust. Head thrown back, eyes rolling back as the head of his cock kisses your cervix sending pure pleasure throughout your body. The brush of his fangs against your neck has you shivering in response. Each thrust within you has you spiraling closer to the edge of release. Miguel is soon moving one of his hands closer to your clit, rubbing tight furious circles around it. And with those quick movements your cumming around his cock, squeezing every inch of him, trying to get him to cum with you and to stay connected with you. Another harsh Spanish expletive is heard along with a moan as he pulls you firmly against him, every twitch of his release is felt within you.
Sweet kisses are being placed along your neck along with familiar spanish endearments, “so good…I love you so much.” Miguel’s voice is muffled by your skin. With gentle movements Miguel is slow to leave your cunt, with sweet fulfillment he watches as his cum slowly dribbles out of you. Keeping his tight embrace around you he is unhurriedly heading towards the bathroom, using his organic webs to turn on the water- filling the tub. As he waits for the tub to fill he busies himself with relaxing within your embrace, finally becoming free from the stress he has accumulated.
With the tub finally full, a smirk is making its way upon his face. You had begun to grind against his cock bringing it to attention, Miguel couldn’t help but let out a huff- you were insatiable and he couldn’t love you more for it.
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iheartchv · 9 months
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Welp, tumblr did something to this ask where I wasn't able to edit it from my drafts folder, so I'm gonna have to do it this way. This is the 2nd time... >3>
Ooohhh this ought to be interesting 😈💙 i hope, because i like this idea but dont have the time or energy i want to put in for this Parasitica AU
Request for @ashleighclark98
Prompts(c) @turtle-babe83
Leo and reader are 18+ and set in an AU where the turtles are now 18. If you are under 18, do not proceed any further.
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Donnie had warned you, something was wrong with Leo, and you needed to stay away from him for about a week; There was some sort of wasp alien that stung Leo and he's been acting weird. But you couldn't resist hearing Leo's sweet voice over the phone. He needed to see you, he wanted you with him.... He begged... "Please" You snuck into the lair to Leo's room.
"Y/N... it's good to see you..." He small smiled at you.
"Are you feeling okay, Leo?"
I'm not fine, I want to breed you and fill you with my seed, mark you inside and out.
"Yeah... I'm okay..."
"Then why did you want to see me if you're okay? You sounded... I don't know, desperate like you needed help."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to see you, is there?"
You eye brows furrowed in concern as you looked into his black eyes. There was something wrong, something going on. Nobody could tell you what exactly was going on with Leo; he was aggressive, when it comes to you. And he was only getting more aggressive with each passing day. Donnie was still reasearching and testing the venom from the wasp stinger looking for a cure. When you were told to go home, you did... and you stayed away for a few days all the while worrying about Leo till now.
"Well, there is something you can actually help me out with. But I got to know something first... Do you trust me?”
"I do."
"Well... can I kiss you? I've missed our little after training makeout sessions." he asked. You gave a nod and sat on the edge of the bed with him. You and Leo weren't official but you couldn't deny that you felt something for him. He pulled you closer to his larger frame by your waist and slowly placed his lips on yours.
As soon as Leo did that, the feeling of wanting to take you and claim you grew higher like a flame. He felt satisfied and unsatisfied at the same time. It felt like there was a switch in his brain that turned off all of his inhibitions, and all that was left was primal instincts. He had you now, and he had to have you. He started to kiss you harder, as if he was hungry for your lips.
He then purred before kissing you again,“Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?”
You muffled as his mouth continued his assualt on you,"Leo? What's..." You finally pushed away from him, panting and trying to catch your breath from struggling in the strong hold he had on you. "What's wrong? This isn't like you."
Leo hissed lowly, making you jump back a bit. "Showing you that you're mine... and you can argue all you want, we both know you belong to me. I'm gonna let everyone know who you belong to."
“Bite me.”
The look he gave you was one that you always found so sexy. It caused your lower belly to bubble with a tightening heat that spread to your core. His face lowered to yours so dangerously close. "Oh, I intend to."
"You're crazy, you're not yourself." Your heart pounded hard in your chest. Was it out of fear or arousal?
He sushed you. “Just relax. Lay back and let me take care of you.” As he took your lips again, he pushed you back onto the mattress and hovered over you, trapping your body with his.
A small whimper escaped you as he nipped and licked at your lips, begging for entrance. You knew your lips were going to be swollen. His tongue slipped inside your mouth and started tasting you. You couldn't help the moan that was muffled by Leo's passionate kiss.
His mutant hand ran down your whole neck in one sweep. You shivered as you were reminded that his hand could very easily choke you or grab you by the neck. Then his hand trailed further down your body, running over your soft curves.
"Mmmm... Leo..." you softly moaned, feeling every nerve end crackle under his touch. Your body started squirming and wriggling, responding to him. Your breath grew hot and heavy, and started to moan more as he moved down to kiss and lick at the base of your neck. Then a sharp pain pulled you out of your haze as Leo bit you, a cry falling from your lips. It was short lived as his warm tongue lavished the spot, spreading a fire in your veins.
After what seemed like forever, Leo finally had you where he wanted you: underneath him, naked, hot and needy for him. He lowly growled in your ear,"You're going to take all of me, y/n. All of my hot cum till it floods your insides..."
You whimpered in desperation, feeling your hot and dripping womanhood clench. Your body started to tremble in anticipation, in desire. You begged for him to make you cum. Then you started making lewd sounds as the head of his girthy length popped inside your entrance. You swore you could've just cummed then and there, but you held back... not for long, though.
You lost track of how many times you orgasmed as Leo held you in a mating press, or slammed his cock into you from behind, doing anything to be so close to you. You just wanted more and more. You were numbed from all the pleasure and stimulation, filled with Leo's seed. And when he was rock hard again, he would slide inside your tight slick pussy and do it all again till he came so deep inside you.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 5 months
His Pretty Plaything
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Uncle Ezra x F reader
Warnings: p in v, unclecest (again not blood related!), uhh this took a soft/sweet turn lol so emotions, some angst, pussy slapping, light edging, fingering, not beta’d, lightly edited, all mistakes are mine
Wc: 2629
As the summer was coming to an end, you found yourself tremendously confused with a dash of desperation. It’s been a couple of weeks since your encounter with Uncle Ezra. You think about him and that quite often. Most times your hands are down your pants in a frantic rush to recreate even an ounce of the pure unadulterated ecstasy he made you feel. But it was never enough. Your own hands failed you as you wished for him to come swooping in to take advantage of you again. You craved his cock, his filthy words, the way he claimed you as his. You got a taste and now you wanted more.
Fortunately for you, your dad was planning his end of summer party that he always throws. And you already know who will be in attendance. A little plan hatched in your brain; you were going to seduce Uncle Ezra and get him to fuck you again. You picked out an extra skimpy bikini to wear with a cute light blue sleeveless cover up dress. Excited for the party but more importantly you were excited to be filled by Uncle Ezra again.
The sun had already set as you stomped up the stairs to your room. Tears threatened to fall as you grind your teeth together in frustration and hurt. He ignored you. He never once looked your way no matter what you did. How could he defile you and then just drop you like hot garbage?!
You close the door behind you as you dive face first on your bed, hugging your pillow to your face as you let yourself cry. Feeling so ugly, so unwanted. You knew it was wrong what he did but you liked it. At first, yea you didn’t want him touching you. Didn’t want his advances but the pleasure he bought you was so indescribably incredible. And now. Now he acts as if you don’t even exist. As if you aren’t even there! Fucking bastard!
You cried yourself to sleep that night. Waking up still in your bikini and coverup from yesterday. You felt so disgusted with yourself. Peeling off what little you had on, you grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom for a much needed hot shower.
The hot water felt so good on your skin. The suds running down your body to the drain as you stood under the water, letting it completely cleanse you. Literally and figuratively. In your mind you imagined every inch touched by him being washed away, down the drain, never to come back and soil your skin again.
You put on an old baggy tshirt and some black cotton shorts before heading downstairs to grab some breakfast. As you round the corner going into the kitchen you look up and see your dad and him sitting at the table. Both men stop talking and look up at you as you enter.
“Good morning sweetie, Uncle Ezra and I were just talking. He’s gonna come stay with us for a few months. He’s gonna take the guest room next to yours while his house is under renovations.”
You huffed, “Oh great. Another man who probably leaves his dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and doesn’t clean up after himself. Joy.” You say dryly as you roll your eyes.
“Woah kiddo. That’s not very nice of you. Now I know damn well your daddy cleans up after himself as do I. No need to be a brat about this.”
“Whatever Ezra.” You say with venom in your voice as you grab a pop tart and walk back upstairs.
His eyes widen as his brows raise up in shock at your response.
“Eh don’t let her get to ya man. She’s just a little cranky in the mornings.”
A couple hours pass. . .
After seeing him in your kitchen and getting the lovely news that he’s gonna be staying with you for awhile really soured your whole day. You were laying in bed, scrolling Twitter when you came across a tweet that said ‘the best treatment for good girls’ with a video attached of a girl on her back getting face fucked by one guy and another fucking her pussy.
You bit your lip as you contemplated pressing play on the video.
‘Oh fuck it.’ You thought before hitting play.
The video itself was only nine seconds but it was more than enough to get you turned on. You exited out of Twitter and went to the internet browser hitting incognito mode and searched up your fave porn site.
Rolling on your back with your phone in one hand and the other softly squeezing a tit as you scrolled down the main page. You find a video of two women fucking each other. You decided to click on the video and start watching it.
Your can feel the tingles in your body as your pussy gets wetter. Pulling your shirt up, your tits fall out as you go to pinch your nipple.
You keep tugging and groping your tits before moving down to your cunt. You barely dip your finger in between your folds-
“What the hell is your problem girl?” Ezra demanded as he opened your door without knocking.
“Oh my god get out!” You shout as you jump up quickly removing your finger and trying to cover yourself.
It takes him a second to fully adjust to what he’s seeing before a smirk crosses his face. Reaching for the door behind him, he closes it before taking a couple steps closer to your bed. He places his hands on his hips as his smirk widens into a sinister smile.
“Ah now I get it. This why you were being a brat this morning kiddo? Huh? Poor little virgin got a taste of a real man and she needs more. Is that it baby? My pussy miss her daddy?”
“Oh fuck you Ezra! Me and my pussy do not miss you nor do we want you!”
That wiped the smile right off his face as he steps into your space, grabbing your face in his big hand, squishing your cheeks together.
“Don’t lie to me girl. You and I both know this cunt drools for me. You gone stop acting like a fucking brat or do I need to fuck it out of ya?”
As much as you want him to fuck you, the anger and betrayal from feeling unwanted at the party kept you from just saying yes. Your eyes start getting glassy as you swallow your spit ,
“Fuck. You.”
The sides of his mouth turn up into a smile as he lowers his face right in front of yours, “Oh kiddo. Acting like a brat is gonna get you punished. You don’t even have a clue what you’ve started.” He says in a low, gravelly voice. He turns his face slightly, nose touching your cheek as he slowly trails up to your temple.
An exaggerated moan comes from your phone and you both pause before looking down at the device.
You had completely forgot what you had been doing before you were interrupted.
“Now what’s this?”
Ezra is quicker than you to grab your phone and sees the video you were watching.
“This what you like kiddo? You get off watching pretty girls lick cunts?”
Shame and embarrassment heat up your face. You don’t know what to say,
“I - I It’s it-it’s not - wh- “ you stutter.
“Shh baby it’s okay.” He whispers as he leans forward, softly kissing your lips, “come here let Uncle Ezra help.”
He lets go of your face as he moves to sit behind you. Grabbing your hips, he pulls you in between his open legs, taking one of his legs and wrapping it over your leg and spreading you open.
“Hold the phone baby so we can watch together.”
You take the phone from him as he kisses the side of your neck. You can already feel his cock hard against your back.
“My hands don’t feel good Uncle Ezra. They don’t feel like yours.” You manage to get out in a whine.
“I know kiddo. I know.” His fingers interlock with yours as he pulls your hand up to his mouth. You watch as he puts two of your fingers in his mouth and sucks. Your mouth drops open as he stares deep into your eyes. Pulling your fingers from his mouth, he moves your hand towards your face as you take your freshly sucked fingers into your mouth, lips closing around the digits.
“There’s my good girl. I know you don’t wanna act like a brat. I know baby. Uncle Ezra’s gonna make his girl feel better.”
He pulls your fingers out of your mouth and places them on your covered mound. He uses his fingers to press yours into your clothed cunt and begin to rub circles right over where your clit is. You can’t help but throb from the friction it’s giving you.
“Watch the pretty girls baby. Watch them lick on each others pretty pussies.”
A soft moan is pulled from your throat as you follow his orders.
Ezra gets to work pulling your shorts down as you watch the porn playing on your phone. Throwing the shorts to the side, he pulls you back with him as he leans against your headboard. His legs wrap back around yours, holding you wide open. His fingers quickly making their way back to your pussy. Taking his time, dragging his thick digits from your entrance up to your little bundle of nerves and back again. You can’t help but buck your hips up, trying to get a little bit more. More touch, more friction, anything he’s willing to give.
The brush of his stubble on your neck, the feeling of his hot breath on your ear, he plunges two fingers in. You throw your head back in ecstasy as you finally get what you’ve been so desperate for. Ezra takes your ear lobe in between his teeth as he nibbles on it. Soft, sweet moans spilling from you as he massages your wet walls.
“Use those pretty fingers o’ yours baby. Rub on that sweet clit, make my pussy cum.”
You don’t need to be told twice. Your free hand quickly gets to work rubbing circles furiously on your bundle of nerves as he begins to finger fuck you harder.
You find yourself quickly on the edge, ready to spill over any second.
“U-un- uncle Ez- ‘mgonna cum”
Ezra pulls his fingers out as his other hand grabs your hand, holding it against your chest.
Using his free hand he slaps your pussy in rapid succession.
“No!!! What are you doing!?” You shout as you come back down from your almost high.
“Nuh uh baby you wanna act like a little brat I’m gonna treat you like a brat and brats don’t get to cum.”
You could feel your face heat up with anger and shame. You acted like that because of him. He lead you to this, to act like this.
“You’re my pretty little plaything baby. Mine. I control when this pussy cums. You wanna act like a bitch, I’m gonna treat you like one. You got that?”
Tears threaten to spill over as you bite your lip. Frustrated from not being able to cum, mad and upset from feeling rejected by him. You want to scream so bad.
“I hate you.” You manage to whisper. Scared to speak, knowing your voice would be shaky.
“You. . Ignored me. I- I tried so hard to get you to notice me. At the party,” you gulp in a deep breath, “You ruined me and threw me away.”
Ezra’s face falls. Eyes wide as he takes in your sad face as you reveal your truth. Your words are a sucker punch to his gut.
“Oh kiddo. No. No baby I noticed you. I always do. You made it so hard for me, all I wanted to do was take you, right there in front of everyone.”
With that, Ezra softy leaves a sweet kiss to your forehead before slowly trailing down to your nose.
“I’m so sorry I made you feel like that.”
His lips press a kiss to the top of your nose.
His lips just barely touching yours as you both look into each others eyes. It feels as though he is looking directly into your soul.
“You’re mine baby. Until I no longer walk this earth and even then, there will be no others ya hear me? Mine. And I’m yours honey. All yours. But we gotta keep this a secret. I know your smart kiddo, if someone found out about us your daddy would kill me. You don’t want that do you?”
You shake your head no ever so slightly. Tears now full on streaming down your face.
Ezra presses his lips on yours, seemingly taking your breath away with a soft, simple kiss.
He moves out from behind you, putting the forgotten phone down on your nightstand.
Pulling his own shorts down, his thick cock hitting his stomach. He lowers his body over yours as he takes both of your hands in one of his.
Lips finding yours again, your own tongue darting out to lick his lip, asking for permission to enter. He opened, allowing you inside. Eagerly you lick into his mouth as he tightens his lips around your tongue and sucks. A deep guttural moan pulled from the very depths of your body. Ezra takes his free hand to rub his cock through your folds before notching himself at your entrance and slowly pushing in.
The stretch making you moan more into his mouth as he continued to kiss you.
This was nothing like the first time he fucked you. Slow, deep strokes making you feel every inch of him. You grab onto the hand that’s holding your hands hostage, just trying to ground yourself. The immense pleasure making you feel as though your about to float away if you aren’t anchored to this earth. After each thrust in, Ezra grinds into you, bringing you back to your peak,
“Please don’t stop oh fuck pp- please!”
“Oh fuck I’m not baby I won’t stop. W- where do you want me kiddo? You want my cum in this tight little snatch honey? That what my little girl wants? Huh?” He starts thrusting into you faster.
Your eyes roll back as you moan like a bitch in heat.
“Yes! Yes Uncle Ezra oh fuck, please cum in me! Please!”
“There’s my good girl nngh oh oh fuck oh fuck”
Hearing his words and moans send you over the edge. Your cunt tightens around him as you cum making his thrusts stutter as he gets closer to his own finish.
The both of you stare deeply into each others eyes. Noses touching, chests heaving as you both come down from your high.
Ezra rolls off, laying down next you.
Holding his arm out to let you curl into his side.
He holds you close to him as he places a kiss on the top of your head,
“I really am sorry baby.”
Your so wore out, all you can do is wrap your arm around him and hold onto him as tight as you can as you squeeze your eyes shut.
No more words are exchanged, just the sound of your breathing as it starts to even out.
Drifting off to sleep you can’t help but wonder how you got here. The fact that this is your dads best friend. A guy you’ve always seen as an uncle. Who’s been a total creep since you’ve hit 18. Now here you are, craving him. Needing him. This isn’t gonna end well.
A/n: I just wanna apologize I know I suck at being consistent. It is what it is. Life’s been rough and I’ve been struggling with writing. But I hope you enjoy this, I love you! I love seeing everyone’s reactions! Please reblog, comment, send me asks, talk to me about my writing lol or about anything! I love to yap lol
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